r TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY JfXY 2, 190S ji.ik. Ilk TV3 II It II II II II L i II V i U W I I I Ml II VVJ o n Tl y An Extraordinary Opportunity for Every Reader of THE OMAHA BEE to Secure a COLUMBIA DISC GRAPHOPHONE Fully Equipped and Ready for Immediate Use. THIS IS THE COLUMBIA'S REGULAR $12.50 MACHINE IT CANNOT BE PURCHASED ANY WHERE FOR LESS THAN $12.50 Practically Free to 0 HI 31 ee Keaaer II THE CotamMa Is the Pioneer and also the Best Talking Machine. It is not a toy wiih a squeaking record, but is mechanically perfect and dura ble, II Tr.nrvelously reproduces every tc1 of the human voice and every tone of a musical instrument THE Are noted for their sweetness, power and brilliancy. CO ; v. . 3,000 DIFFERENT SELECTIONS EVoin Grand Opera to Rag-Time. Mail This Today, Not Tomorrow E IS OUR SPECIAL OFFER. TO NEW OR OLD SUBSCRIBERS: Place an order with us to have THE EVENING and SUNDAY BE J delivered to your address for one year by carrier. Pay th: carrier fo. ths paper at thj regular rate of 12 cents per we:k. Pay 25 cenfs when you give your crdcr for the paper, and $1.00 when you get your disc graphopone. For this $1.25 you will receive, in addition to a $12.50 disc graphophone fully equipped, one 50-cent 7 inch disc record and 103 needles, a book of ten 10 cent rebate coupons entitling you to a rebate of $1.00 in the purchase of disc records In excess of the first ten. The dis: graphophone is delivered to ' you instantly upon payment of th: small amount above mentioned. It is understood that you are no: compiled to purchase any further records to retain the graphophone during the term of your subscription. If at any time, however, and AT YOUR OWN OPTION, you do purchase ten records of th: Co'umbla Phonograph Company, 1621 Farnam St., Omaha, and have completed your subscription the machine becomes your exclusive property forever. Call at THE BEE office, hear this new disc graphophone py and avail yourself of this rare opportunity to secure a disc graphophone practica'ly free. Coupon of Inquiry Circulation Department, OMAIIA BEE, Omaha, Nebraska. Please send your representative to my addreca as given below to show the GKAPITOPIIONE you offer with one year's subscription to TI1E OMAHA BEE. Name. Addres3. Date. We have also made arrangements to supply mail subscribers with the Graphophone. For full par ticulars send us this coupon. Mail Subscriber's Coupon Circulatioa Department, OMAIIA BEE, Omaha, Nebraska. Please send me full particulars hov to obtain a $12.50 Columbia Graphophone practically free. Name. Address. Date.