THE OMAHA DAILY DEE: TUESDAY. MAY 2. 1005. GOVERNMENT NOTICES "V XI'lUJl'UHAl S KOR INDIAN StPPLItfl- ajf l.-epartrnent of the Interior, Ofnre of In- , 1. 8e)ei proposals. Indorsed " I'roposa IS , for biHiikets, woolen and cotton goods, I t clothing, etc.." ss the caw may be, and C to the Cnmmlinnfi' of Indian Af fair, Nob. H9-l"l Wooster street. New York City, will be received uiHH 1 o'clock p. m., of luesJay, May K, li. fur furnlsh Ina for the Indian scrvl.e blankets, woolen and cotton good, clothing, notion, hats and cups. Bl'li must be tnndo o'.it on gov -, eriiment blank. Schedules giving ill neees t sary Information for bidd'-rs will be fur nlwtied on application to the Indian Office, T Washington. 1. .'.: the I', fl. Indian ware- 1 . i if . k ii'Furtrn, Jl.-ll. wijtiti mn-r-t, i.-'w iiiik City: 26.V2K7 South Canal" street. Chicago. III.; 816 Howard street. Omaha. Neb.; r'2 Boutn Beventn street. i. iouis. tin.; ;'3 ashlngton street, Pan Francisco. Cat. the Commissaries of Subsistence. I'. 9. A., at Cheyenne. Wyo., and St. Paul, Minn.; the IjuaMer'nflSter, U. a. A., Peat tie. Wash.; and the postmasters at Bloux City. Tucson. Portland. Hnokane and Tacoma. lild will be opened at the hour and days above stated, and bidder ure Invited to tie pres rnt at tiia onenlna- The department re serves the right to determine the point of delivery and to reject any ana en dm -nr any raft of any bid. F. K. I.EUPP, Commissioner. Apr24-dlSt NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA COUNCIL BLUFFS CITY ID MULCT RAILROADS PROPOSALS FOR MT.TLKS AND CAV ALRY and artillery horses. Depot Quar termaster Ofllci!. Omaha. Nebraska. Arril 2S. 19V Sealod r.roiKisals. In triplicate, will be received here until 12 o'clock noon Miy I9i5, and tfK'n opened, for furnishing 2Qi mules and L5 cavalry and artillery norscs. '. 8. reserves the rieht to reject any or all bids, or . prtrts thereof. Information and specifications furnished oh. application. Kn vi'lope contalnlug bids to be marked "Proposal for Mule and Cavalry and Ar tillery Horses" and addressed to Captain .Trios. Swnbe, Quartermaster. A 28 HB.4I, FiSTATR TRA1SFERS. 25 S.ono 600 Deels filed for record May 1, ft furnished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust com pany, twinled abstracter, 114 Farnam street, for The Be: Benson Land company to P. J. Flynn. lots Y, and 24, block K. Benson.- $ 400 A. S. Johnson to Fannie Clarke, lots U to . block 14. Rose Hill J. Lemkc to R. JLernke,- nW4 nw4 sw 6-14-12 South Omaha Having bank to Catherine -McNulty, lot 9. block 4, Brown park H. A. Wefctcrfleld and wife to A. At kinson, lot 12. block 12. Park Forent.. Mabel C. Ogden to Mercantile com pany, tax lot 19 and other property In 3-15-13 O. M. Oien t H. M. ATplegren, lot 3, block S, and other property in Rose Hill Lydla Rice and husband to I.. P. Pyars. lot 10, Harrier's add to Val ley W. E. Weekly to A. J. Rice, lot 14, Weekly's add to Valley W. n. Weekly and wife to I.isile Hrlmbanh, lot IS, Weekly's add to Valley , W J. A. Graham and wife to H. E. FJch- Orn, lots 14 and 15, Bedford place.... 999 F. C. Welch and wife to H. A. Kron 'era, lp4. Morrison's add 1.000 Brown Pealtv and Investment com pany to J. D. Crelghrpn, lot 2, block "i, Plalnvlow , i J. D. Cre'Jtliton and -wife. to Brown Ren'ty ano Investment comnnny, undlv 1-9 of baft of swV. 3-15-13... Sew Tork Life Insurance company to Clara A. Gordon, lot, 130, Nelson add KM H. Mlckle and wife to H. and Freda fnfro.H li.til and 9. block 109. South Omahe 600 A 1 linah trv CI R Pettiarrew. lot 6. i.lncfc 4. Monmouth Park 1.250 TV V. Hhnle rumniiw to 8. T. BoUlne. ... part of lot S. Mmk 1. Campbell's add 100 O. T. Pflug '.o Interurban Land com pany, part "of swV 12-14-12 V. V. 8'noles company to P. B. Her, lot , Week lia, lty .......... Addle Jawton to Edith 8. Bonferd, One Thousand Dollars for Each Bridge Across Indian Creek. DEMAND THAT THE BUDGE BE RAISED Hoad jXanlfy llllnaness to Dear Portion of Kipense of DredKlna; the Creek, but Have Sot Stated Amonnt. The city council last night decided to de mand from each railroad as Its proportion of the expense of dredging Indian creek from Seventh street to Sixteenth avenue t!0i for each bridge It maintains across the stream. It will further demand that each railroad raise Its bridge to conform to the grade The matter was brought tip I by a communication from the Ort at West- j ern railroad. In which It asked how much . i i . . .. .1 , . . Ann.rlhiita tnK'Q V the work eclved from by the sheriff tinder attachment proceed- Inira hA,nn V.V 41, A RtatA hinlf nf KOlm.. which Is a creditor to the amount of 31.600. The Indebtedness of the paper la stated to be something over $2.0X. The Neola Re porter was a weekly publication, which ; claimed to be lndeepndent In politics, but had democratic tendencies. ASSWKR 1 TUB MAS AW" A CASF.S, Attorneys for Motor Company Appear for Coonty Board. Hart A Tlnley, local attorneys for the motor company, acting for the Board of County Supervisors, have filed an answer In the certiorari proceedings begun In the superior court by the property owners at Manawa In connection with the recent va cation by the county authorities of certain streets and avenues Intersecting the com pany'a resort at the lake. The answer contends that the part of the land claimed to be owned by the plaintiffs lies out In the lake and Is by right the property of the state; that Main street and the boulevard were formerly the old Wright consent road, along which was then the Missouri river: that there waa a conslder- A con.munlcation was aiso re- i able .trlD of larid r,etw.n tne 0yA Wright the Burlington railroad stating anA v. t,oni ik.i It wa. willing to raise Its brldgen to the therefore Main street and the boulevard do grade required by the city and thnt it was I not run t0 thp ,Bk.. that tne plaintiff. hftVe also willing to do Its share of the dredging as oon as the creek had been deepened below Its brldgea. The ordinance vacating the portion, of the street at the Intersection of Broadway and Oak street and dedicating ft for park pur poses was passed under a suspension of the R-eatta place were slmnlv nlatted a niece rules. The ordinance ptoridei that the . of ground In Pottawattamie eountr and 150 park henceforth shall be known and handed I WPre neVer parts of the former Incorporated down in the annals or the city as Macrae pUt of thfl lown of Manawa: that the ludg- access to the lake at other points as easy as by these streets, even If they did run to the lake front; that the plaintiffs do not own any . property abutting on these streets, al though they may own property In Manawa and Regatta places; that Manawa place and . was held up and robbed of a small sum of monej. Matters In the District Conrt. On the convening of the" district court yesterday mrrnlng announcement was made that the personal Injury damage suit of Miss Jeanette Brown against the motor company had been settled and the case was acoordlngly dismissed. Miss Brown sued for 110,000 for Injuries received In Omaha by being thrown from a car. The motor company had tho suit transferred to the United States court, but Judge Smith Mc Phorson remanded It to the district court. It Is stated that Miss Brown accepted I1.W0 in full settlement. There being no other case ready for trial yesterday Judge Wheeler excused tho Jury until this mornlns. A motion for a new trial has been filed by the defense In the personal Injury damage suit of J. M. Stevens, driver for Fire Chief Nicholson, against the Citizens Qas and Electric company, in which Stev ens secured a verdict last week for 31.026. A Twenty-five reasons are alleged why a new trial should be granted and the defendant company also asks that It be permitted to have a physical examination made of the plaintiff, as It contends that he over estimated his Injuries. soo 600 250 1,900 2.501 1,782 2,250 ,ljt 15. bloukT. PoDDleton Dark. Oi P. Ii-)m! Real Estate company to V. V. IlnnnenhonVh nart lota 13 and 14. -block 2..fteyrcour eOO Ltiris Oomstock and . husband to H. lnva nurt-lot 7. hlnclf 14. K. V. Smith's. add. ahd.other land ..v.-. 1,800 Brown Realty and Insurance company to Boulevard Park Improvement company, part of SwU 3-15-13 Mary J. C. Ryarl . and husband to Hi.rh rren. lot E. block 15. Corrl- tan b'.ace , . 300 J. M. tleorce to Mrv A. Trann. part lot Maloney's add to South Omaha 1) E. J. Sullivan .and wife,o.3lar(aret k MI1rrdv'tr?nr lal -S Knunltt l 2d "add 25 'Railway-Time card tMOsj tTATIOJf -I IlMTH AID MARCY 'I - -HHM Union Pacific. Leave.. Arrive. Overland Limited a 9:40 am a 8:lpra California Express ....... 1:10 pm a. 9:30 am California-A Oregon Ex. a 4:20 pm a 5:10 pm North Platte Local a 7:90 am a 6:20 pm Kast Aiall a 8:65 ant a 3:M pm folnrado Special .. ....... a 7:45 am . a 7:40 am Beatrice Local ...........b i:4s pm b 1:2"; pm Ssiliash. St. Louis Express... (:30pm :Uam tit. Louis Local (from Council Bluffs) 9:15 am - 10:30 pm Shenandoah Local (from t'oun-il Blufls) 3:45 pm 2:80 pn Ihlrsto urcat Western. St. Paul Si Minn. .....,... 8.30pra a 7:15 ami St. Paul Minn a : am a 7:55 pm Chicago Limited ....... ..a 6:00 pm al0:30am Chicago Express a 6:05 am a 3:30 pm Chicago, ftock. Island A Pacific. EAST. Chicago Limited ...a :55 am 7:10 am Chic jo Daylight, Local. b 7:t0am a :56pm Chicago Express -.. bll:15 am a 6:15 pro lies Moines Exprees a 4:30 pm bll:60am Chicago Kast Express.. ..a 6:40 pm a l:2u pm WEST. Rocky Mountain Limited 7:10 am a 3:50 pm Lincoln, Denver & West.a 1:30 pm a 5:05 pm Oklahoma A Texas Ex. .a 4:15 pm al2:40 pm Iklnio .Northwestern. Local' Chicago all JO am t aat Mall .,...... SM pm Payllght St. Paul a 7:50 am Layliht Chicago a It ou am park, in honor of the present chief execu tive of the municipality. The resolution providing for the laying of several miles of brick sidewalks In various parts of the city was adopted. It waa decided to construct a bridge across Indian creek at Marie avenue and East Broadway end the city clerk vas instructed to advertise for bids for the same. 8aloon licenses were granted as follows: Johnson & Ellwood. 2T9 South Main street; W. Q. Schneider, 600 South Main street; Charles Becker, 541 West Broadway. Street Ilsllnay Oblivions. City Marshal Richmond reported that he hnd notified the motor .company to relay the brick paving between Its tracks on East Pierce by May 1 and that the company had not paid the slightest attention to the notice. Major Richmond asked the council how he should proceed in the matter, whetherSJjie should use physical force and tear out the defective paving and remove the car mils or what. Tho aldermen de cided that peaceful methods might best ac complish the desired end, and the matter was referred to the city solicitor to wrestle with. - ' Mayor Macrae called attention to the dangerous condition of the heavily charged wires of the electric light company, which he said In many places were entirely unin sulated. City Electrician Atkins was In structed to Investigate and see that the light company complied with the ordinances regulating electric wiring. He was also In structed to examine tho- condition of the Hght.towcrs and report to the council. The question oJ compelling the street rail way. company to stop 4tc cars at Broadway and Oak street, instead of at' Pierce. and Oak streets, wasNagnln brought up by Alderman Gilbert and the city marshal was Instructed to notify the company to comply with the order previously Issued. Alderman Tlnley opposed the order and Insisted that the proper stopping place for the carsi on this line was Broadway and First street, near the Methodist church. Mayor Macrae announced that owing to unforeseen circumstances the automatlo combination street sweeper and sprinkler had not reached here as promised by May 1. but he had been advised the city might ex pect it by the end of this or the early part of next week. ment of the superior court and the affirma tion of the same by the supreme court merely established that the attempt of the motor company to vacate Third street and Lake avenue was not effective and did not In any way affect the right or authority of the Board of County Supervisors to vacate these thoroughfares If they so deemed fit and advisable. A date for the hearing before Judge Scott has yet to be fixed by the attorneys on both sides. Whist League Meeting;. A meeting of the Southwestern Iowa Whist league will be held In this clly today at the Grand hotel. In the after noon there will be a team play and a pair play for those nut engaged In the team contest. In the evening there will be a free-for-all pair play. Advices received by the local club are to the effect that teams from Avoca, Atlantic, Harlan, Red Oak and Shelby will be here. Invitations have been extended to the Omaha clubs to par ticipate In the play, so a number of the whist devotees from across the river are expected to attend. At the last meeting of the league, held at Harlan In March, there was an attendance of over fifty players. In regular session this evening. in Following be a social VACCINATION STORM PAME9 OVER All Poplls Are to Be Allowed to Bc . ' tarn to School. Despite the fact that Judge Green only modified his order so as to permit of the re-admlsslon of pupils who had been vacci nated Internally, a tacit agreement was entered Into yesterday between the Board of Health and Board of Education to allow all pupils back to school whether they had Been vaccinated or not. President Hess of the Board of Education, when asked as to this last evening, said he did not see how the school board could admit pupils nob vaccinated, In face of Judge Green's order. However, It is un derstood that no questions will be asked of any pupil who may apply for ' re admlssion today and all will be allowed back who want to go. Mayor Macrae said last night that this was the understanding of the situation. He and the other members of the Board of Health take exception to Judge Green's modification ' and take the position' " that pupils who have not been vaccinated might Just as well be allowed back In'the'acbools as those who have been vaccinated by. any method other than scarification. Thirty-five pupils who had been vac cinated by the Internal method were re admitted to the high school and this left only about ten absent. Finds His Bed on Fire. A negTO sleeping In the room over Charles Solomon's restaurant at Tenth avenue and Main street awoke yesterday morning about 9 o'clock to discover that his bed was on fire. The fire department was called and succeeded In confining the blase to the mattress, which was de stroyed. The man's shirt was badly scorched and he was burned about the chest, but not seriously. It is supposed the negTo was smoking a cigarette and fell asleep. - 3 46 pm : am 10:vl urn 11 :50 pin :15 am K.Aiaio 7:ua am sm 30 pm a I.Ju am J0:3o am 10:35 pm 5:15 pm bUb pm 5:15 pm Sheriff Takes Newspaper. The Neolu. Ia.', Reporter, published by Howard & Howard, was seized yesterday 750 8,800 23 900 .1 2,640 Prepare for a Teacter, Bookkeeping or Stenography at our Spring and Summer Term. ENTER HOW. " Limited ChlctuM ...... ...a i.'Ji put Local Carroll a 4:u0 pm I'-asl St. Paul a 8:28 pin Local Bl:ux C. ot. P..b 4:00 pm Kast Mail Chicago Express ...... ...a 6:50 pm Nortolk iloueateil ,...a,7:u am Lincoln & Long lin.....b 7:lvam Casper St Vyoraing. 2:50 pin Deadwood & Lincoln a 2:50 pin HatsUnas-Alblun b 2.50 pm Cbloano, NlinssKS m. at. fail. Chleao Daylight Ex. ...n 7:65 am all :00 pro CatifornU-UFegon Ex. ...a 6:46 pm a 3:10 pro Overland Limited a 1:20 pin a 7:36 am ! M. A Ofeoboji Ex. ...a 7:5a am a I.JOpm Chicago xpres Chicago Limited Minn. A St. Paul EC. Minn. A Si. Paul Ltd,. Msaonrl Facia. St. Lolls Exp.eas...... K..C, ft Bu U Ex.... a 7:26 am . .al0:36 pm .a i 60 p:u a 8:u5 am b 7:26 am blO.A pin .a 7.50 pm a6:06pm .a 9:00 am a 6:30 am a 11:15 pm a6;uopiu ) BURLINGTON STATION lOTH at MASON j ' . . Leave. Arrive. .Denver & California.. . .a 4.W pin a3.4pta Mortliwent Express.. ...all :10 pm ak.uspm Ntoruit ck.1i.cs ....a l ow am Lincoln Fast b 3.67 pm al2:u6 pm 't. Crook. 4a PlaUsni'th.b 3:5J pin alu:4ia iic-lUvue & Plattsm'tb..a 70 pm bk:lUam UeUevu. at J'ac. i:wwa Bullevue 4k Pac. Juac.a pm Denver Limited,. a (:60am CUKiagu bpeciul... .a 7:10 am Chicago Express a 4:00 pm a 3:56 pm Chicago Flyer a 8:u5 pm a 7:6 am lows Local a 1:15 am alu.W nia dt. LouU Express a 4.25 pin all :46 am Kansas Clly A bt, Jos. .al0:4 pm a 6:4 am Kansns City A tit. Joe. .a 9 16 am tl.uipm Kansas City fcu jos..a t at pm WEBSTEI DEPOT 1STU WEBSTER Mlssonrl Paelne. . Leave. Arrive. Nebraska Local, via Weeping Water b I JO pm bl2:30 pm Ckli St. Paal Minneapolis Omaha. Twin Clt Passenger.. . b i SOem b 9:10 pm Sioux City Passenger.. a 3:00 pm aJLkOan. Oakland Local b:6pm b?:10am A dally, b dally except Sunday, d dally except Saturday- dulv exocnt Monday. x f-M J Jl If J MMr.l I ti rn -fas r J a.!-' 'iri.r. .mm&" WESTERN I IOWA COLLEGE COUNCIL BLUFFS. Stolen Lend Recovered. Special Officer Smith of the Wabash railroad, who has been here for the last two weeks camping on the trail of the gang of car thieves, alleged to be re sponsible for the theft of over a hundred bars of lead shipped by the Omaha smelter, recovered yesterday, with the assistance of Sheriff Canning and his deputies, sev eral more of the stolen bars and caused the arrest of three more men alleged to be Implicated In the robbery. Harry, alias "Dutch" Hall, residing at Avenue B and Fifteenth street, was ar rested charged with breaking and entering , a car, and in default of ball . placed at (1600 was committed to the county. Jail. His j preliminary hearing is set for May 8 be i fore Justice Gardiner. Billy Saltxman. a young fellow engaged In the junk business, j was arrested and charged with concealing ; stolen property. He gave bond in the sum of ICOO. His preliminary hearing has not been set yet. George Lattimer was the third suspect arrested. He was recently arrested on the charge of stealing several sacks of sugar from an Illinois Central freight car and, after waiving examination of being bound over, the grand Jury secured his release on bonds furnished by E. A. Wickham and his two brothers, who reside In Kansas Lattimer on Saturday showed the police where one of the bars of lead was burled In a vacant lot, about a block from whero he lived. Grant Booten was the first suspect ar rested about two . weeks ago, and he is Real Estate Transfers. - These transfers were reported to The Bee May 1 by the Title Guaranty and Trust company of Council Bluffs: Bertha B. Shuman and husband to A. C. Wyland. part sw lt-76-42. w. d 3 Henry L. Bonnes and wife to M. Mendel, w nij, nw set, nes sw4 Su-77-42, w. d Richard James to Ervin H. Thompson et nl, part se'4 sei 6 and bwS nw4 20-77-44. q. c. d , , J. W. Squire and wife to George H. Mayne et al, part neV seVi, nw4 eeVi 2S-75-44, w. d. v. Jane Schultz and husband to F. S. Friend, sei se1 5-77-44.-q. c. d H. Mendel to James Delanty, neV4 ne4 16-77-42, w. d Executors estate of Janres Callannn to Anna E. Cook, part SU swVi 20-74-38, q. c. d .-. P. 8. Lrson and wife to Osker Ham merstrom, part lot "10, block 2, Ter wllltgeVs add., w. d Charles A. Utno et al -to, Charles E. HalL Jot. L. block 1. i'OOVhJa' adtj.. w. d .........iifj..,, C. D. Dillln and wife to Frank Lang strom, lots 1. 2. 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, block 8, Stutsman's 2d add., w. d Iowa Townslte company to J. W. Klrcher, lots 2, 3, 4 and 5, block 12, McClelland, w. d W. F. Heath and wife to F. J. Day, lot 11, block 35. Ferry add., w. d Mary L. Everett to F. J. Day, lot 8, block 45, Ferry add., q. 6. d A. O. Annls and wife to G. W. Moore, lots 7 and 8, block 2, Parkdule add., w. d W. A. Wiles to F. W. Hall, lot 4, block 12, Cochran's add., w. d Owen J. McManuB and wife to Charles T. Officer, part lots 14 and 15, block 2, Turley & White's subdiv., w. d.... Maggie T. Pratt and husband to Anna E. Fisher, eVi ee1 Be1 ne4 14-76-42, q. c. d ; the business meeting there wl session. The ladles' Aid socletv of the First Con gregational church will' meet this after noon at the residence of Mrs. F. J. Hunter, SI'S Mynster street. Mrs. A. M. Hutchinson snd daughter. Miss Myra. are In Ies Moines attending the meeting of the Women's Board of Pres byterian Home Missions. E. J. Walcott of Rockford township brought In the pelts of four wolf cubs yes terday to the county auditor and received a warrant for 3s bounty. W. J. Forbes arrived yesterday from Pav esport. Ia., to assume the management of the local office of the Postal Telegraph company, succeeding Miss J. G. Longe. The hearing of the case against Ole Me llng, charged with breaking and entering Milwaukee freight cars In the local yards, was continued In police court yesterday untu touay. Bev. James O'Msy. pastor of the Broad way Methodist church, has accepted an Invitation to deliver the baccalaureate ser mon at the graduating exercises of the Neola (Ia.) High school. Mrs. Lucy Jlowns of Atchison, Kan.. Is the guest of her nephew, L. N. Camvbell, 9nd family, 812 Sixteenth avenue. Mrs. Downs Is nearly 80 years of age and this Is her first visit to Council Bluffs. The ladles' Aid society of the Swedish Lutheran church will meet Thursday aft ernoon at the parsonage, 214 South Sev enth street. In the evening the Swea so ciety will meet In the church parlors. A defective chimney called the fire de. rnrtment at 8 o'clock last evening to the wo-story frame cottage at 1108 Avenue B, occupied by a colored family named Mc Chestiey. The damage was immaterial. Earl McDonald. 815H Mill street, waa re ported to the' Board of Health yesterday as suffering from smallpox. Clara, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Oorham, 819 Seventh avenue, was reported 111 with diphtheria, George F. McCoy has resigned as deputy T'nlted States marshal for this district and has been succeeded by W. Cole. Mr. Mc Coy's reason for resigning Is that the fees of the office are Insufficient remuneration. T T Whit f . .rriinr nrAiliint of t iA Inwt State Federation of Labor and at present national organiser of the Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners, arrived In the city yesterday and will remain here until the annual meeting of the State Federation next week. Why clean house and let those rusty gas fixtures mar Its appearance?- Let us re finish them. We make them look like new. Nickel and copper plating, brass finishing and polishing. Lindsay burners complete 75c. mantles 15c, globes 20c. New Specialty Mfg. Co.. 43 N. Main. Tel. 21. The case against A. W. Tyler, charged with assaulting John B. Watts, was par tially heard In police court yesterday morn ing and continued until today. The case against Watts, charged by Tyler with em bezzlement, in Justice Gardiner's court, was yesterday continued to May 8. Justice Gardiner performed the marriage' ceremony yesterday Itir Kdward J. Bnyder and Emilte Hllmes, both of Omaha. Justice Feld performed a similar service for Wil liam 8. Mohler and Katherine Wells, botn of Lincoln; Abe Redmond of St. Joseph, Mo., and Dora Ellis of Omaha, and H. A. Burkland and Llllle Anderson, both of Omaha. Undertaker Cutler yesterday received an addition to his equipment In the shape of an exceedingly handsome hearse, which Is said to be one or the nnest of Its kind In this section of The country. The interior Is of solid mahogany and Is equipped with the latest approved devices. All moving parts are equipped witn either rollers oi bnll bearings. It Is the product of an east ern factory. R. V. Battey. clerk of the district court, received a message yesterday afternoon over the telephone from Missouri Valley warnlna- him not to Issue a marriage license to a voung couple named Cunningham and Phillips, who were tnougnt to nave eloped, because the young woman was not of aire. The young couple had not put In an a p. peara'nee at Mr. Battey's office up to clos ing time last evening. 50 2,500 150 250 70 7 2,000 SOU 1,400 200 Seventeen transfers, total 320,548 Age ... 23 Marriage Licenses. Licenses to wed were issued yesterday to the following: Name and Residence. Daniel E. I'nthank, Council Bluffs.. Katherine McCarthy. Council Bluffs William S. Mohler, Lincoln, Neb. Katherine Wells, Lincoln, Neb Edmund J. Snyder, Omaha Emllle Hilmes, Omaha Abe Redmond. St. Joseph, Mo Dora Ellis, Omaha........ H. A. Burkland, Omaha Llllle Anderson, Omaha YELLOW STREAK IX THE Pll.PIT Minister Who Illustrates - Scmon Taken to Task. SIOUX CITY, Ia.. May l.-(Specla Tele gram-) "Yellow pulpltlsm" Is the charge against some of the Sioux City ministers. Recently a movement was started by woman's missionary society to ' Close the Sunday theaters. It was taken up In the churches, and a vote taken on the matter, the Sunday theater being completely over whelmed among the church people. It had no appreciable effect on the receipts of the Sunday theater, however, and Rev. Dr. J. W. Friszell, puator of the First Congre gational church, found a way to fill the church. He gave Illustrated lectures ou the passion play. Tlssot's pictures of the life of Christ and like subjects packing the church. This morning in the Ministerial association meeting .Kev. John Achison, pastor pf the United Presbyterian church, took exceptions to this method, using no names, but charging the ministers who resorted to such methods with "yellow pulpltism." This drew out much talk from the ministers, part taking; one side and part the other. 4- V Mm Cm your appetite conceive anything more toothsome than a sweet delicious choco late cake and a cup of creamy Ghlrardelli's Ground Choco late? A pantry without Ghirar defli's is like a garden without roses. Smoother nd more economical thin cake chocolate. GROUND O GOB-ATE' RAWFORD IN A NEW ROLE Paroled Btnk Bobber Decides to Go on Trail of Brother's Murderer. PHARMACY COMMISSION PAYS STATE Former t'nlted States Marshal Goes on Visit to His Brother Before Surrendering; Himself at Penitentiary. was made by A. K. Clark of Minneapolis, attorney for the company. A committee ol the Commercial club was present snd asked the council to grant the request of the Min neapolis & St. Iuls. Cummins Is Summoned. Governor Cummins tonight received telegram from Senator Klklns asking him to appear before the senate committee on Interstate commerce. The governor will represent the Iowa State Manufacturers' association. ORDKll C OXSTnt CTIO OF BIO DITCH (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES. May 1. (Special.) Jesse Crawford, who was paroled two weeks ago from the penitentiary, where he has been serving a twenty-two years' sentence for the Adel, Ia., bank robbery of March 8, 1836, Is about to ask the governor for per mission to leave the state. In the hope that he may be able to apprehend the man who murdered Crawford's half brother. Harry Collins, In St, Joseph, Mo., last Friday. The Adel bank robbery was one . of the most daring In the stae and at the time attracted wide attention. The bank was robbed by Orlando Wl'.kins and Jesse Crawford, but they were chased by a hundred men with guns and captured. Wllklns sought shelter In a barn and Craw ford was forced to set fire to the barn. Wllklns, In escaping from the barn, was shot and killed. In the chase the robbers shot 8. M. Leach and shot at George Clarke, the present speaker of the house. Vnlforms the Guard. Adjutant Qenernl Thrift today received notification from the government that the requisition for uniforms had been honored and that uniforms and equipment to the total value of $S,166.08 would be shipped at once to Des Moines. General Thrift ex perts to ship the material to the guard as soon as it arrives. Pharmacy Commission Report. The report of Expert Accountant C. C. Heer of the finances of the State Board of Pharmacy shows that the board has brought to the state the biggest revenue of any office In the state house, outside of the clerk of the supreme court, secre tary of state and auditor. The principle source of revenue Is Itinerary licenses at $100 each. These brought In 13.400. The total receipts durii.g the year were 129.372. a gain of $2,631.50 over the year before. The disbursements from the office tor the year were 83,977.83. Will Test State Law Again. Another case wherein a membt-r of the city counsll has been charged with being Interested In the contracts let by the coun cil Is to come before tne supreme court, SeventySIx Thousand Acres of 1 .as d to He Drained. ONAWA, Ia., May 1. (Special Telegram.) The Joint boards of supervisors of Harri son and Monona counties, sitting as a tribunal here today, ordered xthe letting of the contract for the big Monona-Harrison ditch or drainage canal. Sealed bids will be received at Onawa up to June 8, when the two boards will again meet In Joint session to let the contract. This will bo the largest ditch contract ever let In Iowa. The improvements are. estimated to cost over IDOO.O'X) and 76,000 acres of land now subject to overflow and too wet to cultivate is expected to be made good corn land. H. L. Wlngnte of Soldier, C. W. Hunt of Logan and Engineer R- S. Fessenden of Onawa were appointed com missioners to classify the land and assess the benellts. This work Is regarded as the most Important Improvement ever under taken In western Iowa and the 'people of Onawa and vicinity are Jubilant at the prospect of the big ditch being dug. Secretary Shaw Leaves for Home. WASHINGTON. May 1. Secretary and Mrs. Shaw have left -Washington for Boone, Ia., to attend the funeral of Rev. Dr. Harris, who was an old friend of the secretary's family. The secretary expects to return to Washington next Friday. MIXOR ME3TIOX. Davis sells drugs. . Leffert's glasses fit. Stockert sells carpets. Plumbing and heating. Blxby & Son. Drs. Woodbury, dentists, SO Pearl street. Morgan & Dickey tor paint, oil A glass. Rubber paint. Impervious to wster, Bor wick. 211 South Main. Telephone 683. Concordia lodge. Knights of Pythias, will meet tonight (or work in the first rank. Duncan, 23 Main St.. guarantees to do the best shoe repair work. Give him a trial. Hiawatha pictures In birch bark effect frames, lac and 35c. Alexander s, 333 B way MILWAIKEB EGIEEK IS KILLED Harry Dykes Loses Life and Fireman Warren Injured In Wreck. OTTUMWA, la., May l.-The Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul southwest limited train, westbound, was wrecked here to day. Engineer Harry T. Dykes was killed and Fireman Claude F. Warren waa injured. The engine climbed the rail on a curve and was ditched. Two sleeping cars were derailed, but no passenger was hurt. The same engine figured In a wreck of tho same kind near here two years ago. now In the county Jail, having waived a Star chapter No. 47, Royal Arch Masons, preliminary examination. At the time of ! ,wlU meet fn reulr convocation this even- CHATTEL LOANS -A. A. CLARK Sl CO. Br-mdwaf a Mils Ac tt ftiro8i CkM kKm Y ra borrow toy muat ctuu. hor fcuekol4 furaitur r mnj chttl cwruy. rmBtt c&ft fc d a principal at any lm la cult IxHTovar, n4 lataraat rsuc4 accordingly All buainaaa roniaauttal. Lowaat rata. Oftlra apaa Try UU T at; Saturday aanta till ( LEWIS CUTLER MORTICIAN 28 PEARL ST.0"' Jikir Lady Attenduwt If Dsslred. Booten's arrest the police and Special Offi cer Smith recovered seven of the stolen bars. Mr. Smith stated yesterday that he Intended to ramp In Council Bluffs until he has run the whole gang to earth, and broken lt up. The lead Is valued at 84.50 a bar. Sylvester Stucker. who conducts a' sa loon at Broadway and Sixteenth street, was arrested last night after the deputy sheriffs and Special Officer Smith had searched the premises under a warrant Issued from the court of Justice Gardiner. The officers failed to find sny of the stolen lead, but they discovered a suspicious looking hole recently dug In the cellar, which had the appoarance of having had something burled in It quite lately. Stucker was placed in the county Jail. OC.AMvsTEAMEHS. OCEAN ITElMEkH . ANCHOR LINE U. a KAIL STEAMEKd , NEW TORK. LONDONDERRY AND S QLA8K)W, ( NEW TORK. OIBRALTAa AND NAPLES. Superior accommodation. Excellent Cuisine. V l ) i he Comfort of Passengers Caret illy Con- 1 idered. Slngls'or Hound TrlD Tickets U- V ' betwdtm New "Vork and Scotch.' Kng- . h. Irish and all principal cntin, nial I i, ints ul attractive rates. 8md for Hook o. i Tours. For tickets or general information Sppiy tu ally local ag-1 vi luc Jtiitnui -iie " ItfcNDEKSON BROS!. General Agculs, Chicago ' 111. COHPAGlslE CEtiERALE TRANSATLANTiaug Trench Line, New Tork to Paris, 81a Days. naUlags Utery Thursday at 10 a. sa. L Toaralss Ml? It. Ls Lnrraln JuM 1. V Kyi Mr 1 Xa Taura:n Jua L Ls Bratsn kUr it. L avoU Jua It Kw, bMMtera, t.gAiJi.c iwls-scrvw sat iprM iwiim; natal uOU-aiV man-ul-war staclpllna. Compaaj'a rlbulrd iralns, Havre-Paris, 4 henra. Pmlluia! rlialrT oo boirJ tain-anw auamart. Harry K Moor, a. Arut W.baah M. R . raruam Stra.. Louia Aaaav. cara Kin Nallooal bank. I'. A Ruthartord. Arnl C. R 1. a V. K. K.. U!l rarsaa iinN. ... AbbuU, Aaaul luoa PacOa fc. K. ALLAN LIMB ROYAL Jf All - STKAJaF-9 MONTREAL to UVIKPOOU Waakljr lailiosa SL Uwiwi Roula. Shnrtaat. ' amoaxh-st ai4 mioal ictiiaagaa ftrw thtt TlKii:M TMIPUi SCHIi ia.AMP.l 'Vlciuriaa" au4 VlraiuU. U.w loua aa. . TV IM SA'Ka,W STEAamti - . .- , ., .. "Tmiavli'' aa luvartan" tv.Ja Cone acl Aff iff to say lot-l asul. at ALLAN A CO.. 1.4 JACA.ON ULVU.. CHICAGO Meeting of Retailers Called. ' A meeting to complete arrangements for the market days on May IS and U will be held this evening In the rooms of the Com mercial club. Chairman Beno Is deslrtous that there be a representative attendance of the retail merchants and to effect this has issued the following circular letter: Dear Sir: To complete arrangements for the proposed market days on May IS and 1 a meeting muet - be held In the Council Bluffs C.mrerclal elubrooms on Tuesday. May t st 8 n. m. Do not fall to be present snd brlnx all retailers with you.. Tours truly. C. A. BENO. Chairman. All members of the several subcommit tees sre urged to be present so that reports can be made to the meeting. Every retail merchant in the city Is Invited to attend this meting and offer any suggestion they may see fit. . Ing, Dr. Smith Bellinger has returned from Chicago, where he took A post-graduate course. Harmony chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, will hold a speciaj meeting Thurs day evening. Joppa council No. 15, Royal and Select Masters, will meet this evening In regular convocation. Park City lodge. Independent Order of Odd Fellows, will meet tonight for work In the first degree. Colonel C. O. Saunders was called to Manilla, Ia., last evening by the serious Illness of his mother. Mrs. J. A. Williams of Washington. D. C, Is visiting her mother, Mrs. -Wallace McFadden, Jlo Grace street. Chief of Police Richmond last night re lieved HVuce Ixuitler as night sergeant. The vacancy will probably be filled today. Fire Chief Nicholson left last night for Kansas City and St. Joseph, to boost the firemen's tournament to be held here In June. Palm grove. Woodmen circle, will meet Plumbing Co. Tel. 0. Night. FM7. Says Hall Held Hint t'n. Harry, alias "Dutch" UnlL. who was ar rested yesterday on suspicion of being Im plicated in the robbery of Wabash freight cr-. was Identified last night by Sidney lionham as the-man who held him up arid robbed htm Thursday nlfM. Bonham was going home from a dance, when he The Misery of Piles Thousands know it and thousands daily submit, through their ignorance, to the torture of the knife. They are ignorant of the fact that there is an internal remedy that will positively and painlessly care. Dr. Perrin's Pile Specific The Internal Remedy strikes at the prime causes of piles indi gestion, congestion of the liver and constii pation. These causes are removed and removed for good. Get a bottle today and see how well it prove the truth of this statement. ' Tor dyspepsia, IndifestJon, constipation, baGousnesa, catarrh of the stomach and kindred aakrnU It it the greatest remedy that has ever yet benefited mankind. When these troubles are taken care of and cured. Piles will be a thing of the past. Dr. Pctria Medical Co, Helen, Mont. Grabs Clothing; and Rnns. PERRY, la., May 1. (Special.) Tom Burns Is in Jull here on the charge of complicity In . stealing goods from the Robinson clothing store Saturday night Burns and several of his friends were In town on that date, and at i o'clock one of hit men walked into Robinson's store, picked up Ave pairs of pants and five vests from a table, rushed out and handed the goods to Burns. An eye witness acrous the street gave the alarm. The men were followed Into an alley so closely that they dropped the goods and were soon lost in the dark. Mayor O'Connor deputised John Mitchell to assist In making the arrest of Burns and an hour later he was landed in Jail. The remainder of the gang were successful In making their getaway. Burns is quite well known here. STOCK EXCHANGE IS NERVOUS After Decline In' Prices on Opening; Stocks Advance to Higher Level. . NEW YORK. May L-There wss a ner vous feeling In stock market circles at the opening of the Stock exchange today. At first the market held well on foreign buying on the belief that 'no' financial trouble has developed as a result of the decline, but later on heavy liquidating sales there was a sharp break. Leading stocks lost from 1 to 4 points, but the market steadied again apd prices In soroe Instances recovered to tne best of the day. All sheets went through the clearing house successfully. Indicating -that no Stock ex change house had succumbed, and there Three cltlsens of Grand River, in Decatur j waB no confirmation today of Saturday's county, bring suit against the city council r""10" of financial troubles. iic .i.u. n.i win, ui-nuvuiy strung in ma latter part of the day and the comprehen- Jnry Cases Near End, LOGAN, Ia., May 1. (Special.) At the Harrison county district court the jury rendered a verdict of guilty In the matter of the city of Missouri Valley against John Cullivan, but Judge Green has not yet passed upon the matter. Cullivan was first fined $100, but appealed to the district court. He was charged with assaulting a woman with an umbrella on a Missouri Valley street. The matter of Ella Brldgeman against Rev. J. M. Williams et al. the last Jury case of the term. Is now on trial. The plaintiff claims a large sum as damages for slander. Checking Connty Records. LOGAN. Ia.. May l.-(Speclal.)-8. B. Meyers, an expert accountant of Onawa, at noon today began checking up the books of the various county officers for 1901 and 1904. According to his contract with the county supervisors, hi compensation will be $10 per day, out of which one assistant must be hired. Work was begun on ths books of the county ' superintendent of schools and the recorder's books will next be gone over. chanrlns- that In June. 1903, the council ordered lumber for sidewalks from Wood Binning, a member of the council, and that the walk was to be laid In an unfrequented section and that the purpose was merely to. give Binning a chance to sell his lumber. It Is also claimed that he sold the council a lot of paint for a building that didn't need painting and also sold a lawnmower of large sire. The lower court granted an In junction and Binning appealed the case. Where Is Richards. W. A. Richards of Creston, the former deputy United States marshal, who was convicted of complicity In the robbery of the Sulllvans at the town of Hamilton, In Marlon county. Is still at liberty. He left Des Moines I'.st Saturday and up to a late hour today there was no word from him. He said he was going to the penitentiary to betfn serving his sentence of eighteen years, having abandoned hope of getting a rehearing. It was supposed he would go direct to the penitentiary, but It Is now learned that he has Informed Des Moines friends that he first would visit his brother In Illinois snd would be at Anamosa to sur render himlelf May t. The clerk of the su preme court today said he expected an order from the attorney general today to issue a procedendo to the eherlff of Warren county, where Richards was tried, and would Issue the order at once. Thomas to Penitentiary. Charles Thomas, convicted of the murder of Mabel Bcofletd and sentenced to life Im prlsonment. Is now In a cell at Fort Madi son. He was taken to the state prison yes terday by Deputy Sheriff Wesley Ash. Carpet Flraa Moves. The Colllns-Heasllp Carpet company of Ottumwa this afternoon closed a lease for a building on Court avenue, Des Moines, and will move its wholesale business to Des Moines at once, closing the Ottumwa Store. Bnlld from Oakalooaa. . A promise to build the Iowa Central rail way from Oskaloosa to Des Moines was offered as an inducement to the city to re llnqulsh Its rights In Market square to the Minneapolis A St. Louis railway In the council meeting this morning. The offer low Farmer Fonnd Dead. VAIL, Ia.. May 1. (special. -The lifeless body of James M. Walsh waa found by the roadside not fsr frcm Vail yesterday afternoon. Walsh Is a prominent farmer, living about five miles west of town, and waa stiirVen with heart failure wlille going home. . . slve advance resulted In general gains of from 1 to over 3 points compared with Saturday's closing. In some of the south ern stocks and Pacifies gains considerably exceeded these figures. When the declining tendency had been definitely arrested there provd to be a large uncovered short Inter est waiting for a chance to secure stock. They became alarmed at the strength of the market and covered their short con tracts with precipitation. The stock market was Influenced at one time by a report that an effort had "been made to take control pf the Union Pacific from the present management. This re port was denied and a statement was made seml-ofDclally that the Interests In control of the property will recommend to the shareholders that they ssnctlon the- pro posed $100,000,000 issue of new stock at. the meeting to be held at Salt Lake City oa Frlduy. RAILROAD TROUBLE AT AN END Great Northern sail I'nlo PselU Reach Baals of Agreement on stock. NEW TORK, May 1. Possibility of trouble between the Great Northern and Union Pacific Interests has been avoided according to Wall street accounts for the formation of a syndicate to take over the Union Pacific holdings of Northern Se curities stock. 1 According to the report the syndicate Is under the lesdenhip of the First Na tional bank of New York, and the price to be paid Is $150 per share. In addition to taking over the stock the syndicate la Ua guarantee that encroachments will not be made In Union Pacific territory by the Northern Pacific or the Great Northern- Secretary Hay Improving-. BAD NAUHEIM, May 1. Secretary Hay's course of thermal baths will require three or four weeks longer to finish. Mrs. Hay regards him as getting along well. The secretary drives dally, his appetite lis good aud he lives In extreme quiet. A HEW M THEORY No Need to Fear "Germs" if the Stomach Be Healthy The most recent theories of scientists is that the bodily, health depends upon the natural action of the stomach. This ex plains why those who use Ml-o-na tablets are rarely 111. Taken before each meal, Ml-o-na strengthens the stomach so that dlsesse germs are either neutralised or else driven from the system. You csn eat what you want and all you want without fear of Indigestion, If you take a Ml-o-na tablet before each meal. Thousands of people are wasting away, thinking that they have heart disease, live complaint, or some kidney disorder, and that the resulting headache, disxlntss, heart-burn, and general despondency and weakness Is a sign of serious Illness, when In reality there Is nothing the matter with them but a weak stomsch, which a fifty cent box of Ml-o-na tablets, will restore to health and strength. Ml-o-na Is a guaranteed cure for. all dis eases of the stomach,, excepting, cancer. Ask Sherman it McConnell to shew yotj. the guarantee they give with, every package.