Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 30, 1905, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 3, Image 13

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Great Men Dead and
Great Men Livin
Will talk to you through The Columbia Graphophone. Think of listening to the voice of 'a celebrated
man who is long dead and buried, to hear him as though he were right in the room with you, to almost
see his gestures, to listen to him delivering some great oration. IT'S A FACT, YOU CAN. Then think
of listening to the voice of someone who possibly at that moment is thousands of miles from you.
Yet it is all true if you possess a Columbia GraphopKoive
It is thf fctTatpst arbirvemrnt of the dar. Once yon own ouc, you will become more and more attached to it the longer you hare it.
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Under the Special Arrangement with the COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONE CO. at 1621 Farnam St., we are enabled to offer
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Circulation Department, OMAHA HLb, 1
Omaha. Nebraska. JVail Subscriber S CoUpOIl
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gt TTTT TTW. - -- -- - - -- -
County GoTjamissioDsrs Continue Efforts for
Economy and Efficiency.
County Clerk Ordered to Advertise
for e enty-Five Cars of Coal
lu Be Delivered In
Small Uuanttties.
In keeping up their tiip fur reforming
looso methods of doing tlio county busi
ness, the Board of County Commissioners,
on Huturdtiy morning: indulged In noma
more regulating. On motion of C m
mlssioner Trainor the contract with the
Omuha Coal, J lay and Builders' Supply
eoinpuny wan ordered terminated, because
of tho disiovcry of short weights on coal
delivered under order from County Agent
Ulussmun. At the same lime County
Clerk Diexcl was ordered to advertise for
seventy-five cars of coal, to bu delivered
In halt-ton and ton lotb, bids to bu opened
May 6.
A resolution was also adopted to have
tlio cleric of the county bonrd notify all
official and employes that all repairs and
labor of a mechanical kind must bo done
only on order from the superintendent ot
Hie county building. The superintendent
nuibt also get and keep all records relat
ing to such work about the court house,
.Mil and county hospital, and each piece ot
woik done by the carpenter and rluinber
Is to bo itemized as to time consumed and
Tfro Salaries Raised.
In recognition of (atthful and efficient
service, as It was uxplaincd by Connnis-lone-ia
Trainor, Biuning and McDonald,
the salaries of County Audil.n- Sm!ih tnd
Pepuly Solomon were raised to fl'Ji and UM),
respectively. These o:llci.ils have be en tl
tlng tlU&O and t&l.Xi. 'Hie vote on ine
raise was 4 to 1, Ccmm.sjioiKr Hol't.Ut
casting the negative vol a.
After some little Jocyl.ig with the -natter
a resolution was put through, appiaiit
Ing Dr. Louis tiwoboda. a. couin- p'tymcau,
the position now held by Jr. Dan l.-e.
The appoliumeut dated fi im May, as noes
also the appointment of l". A. KeKy u
druggist at the county Siospital.
Owing to the insertion thereli if chalets
for street car fare, ;Ue salary list of the
juvenile court was lefirrod to the .:om-
mil tea on court house fir lovu.'in. It
amounts to Ut4.$5 as handed in.
The World-Herald tiled a y..u-t aguin.t
the allowance of th bill ot 'Die IVe tor
advertising the scavenger tat list for Kay
sale. '
Jamos Taylor was clvori tlw contract for
grading a road over .t culvert In section 8,
the cost not to exceed I'M.
Robert Houghton and H 1 Kenny wer
awarded the contracts tor thl'ty unJ
twenty-four-inch pipe culvcrti to bo built
in section 15. The coun.y engineer reported
their bids as the lowest M'd bes.
April I'rouilses to He a Beeord
Breaker In Otllee of t oiinly
During the month of April the payment
of current taxes has been going on in a
most satisfactory fashion. It Is Impossible
yet to givo the exact receipts, but County
Treasurer Fink expects the total will be
larger than last year, which was jlCO.uOO.
Ha expects the total of this month's re
ceipt to reach close to JIWO.OOO.
Certificates resuVtlng from the scavenger
Bale have been aold for the account of
Omaha and South Omuha to the amount of
JSO.OUO during the month, nedeu.pticins have
been tnade in the same time to the amount
of JU000.
The number of separate receipts written
for current taxes during :hu year ciiuing
May l will total 7,000. For the business
done in tlm scavenger rit-pariment alone
during the month of it was l eces
sary to issue ii.OnO :ecei;).s. This was done
on a 'ale of 3,74 sep ira. j pieci'.
Real etlato taxes aro Icliniiucnt next
Monday, May I, when the penalty begins
to pile i p.
City taxes for 19ii5 will be due In the
treasurer's office at the city hall May :
and thereafter. The rolls have been com
pleted by Tax Commissioner Fleming and
will go to the treasury department In time
for baainess bright and early Monday
morning. Saturday 15,0n0 postal cards tell
ing personal properly owners how much
they owe the city were sent out. This will
be followed by another batch of 3,000 Mon
day and all will be notified. Those who
own real estate are expected to pay in
without having their attention called to
the matter. Indications point to the prompt
payment "f taxes, as the amounts are gen
erally less than lust ear, and prosperity
relgneth, according to common repute.
Two Omaha Institutions Wherein Misfor
tune's Burden is Lightened.
Extent of the Charitable Ministra
tions of &t. James Orphanage and
the Home of the Good
The opera "Pinafore," which was given
so cuccessfully last February, is to be re
peated May 11 under the uusplies of the
Knlghta of Columbus for tho joint benefit
of St. James' orphanage at Ilcnson and
the Home of thn Good Shepherd at For
tieth and Jackson streets." While b'ilh in
stitutions: are widely known for noble char
itable works, the extent of th'olr beneficence
and their present condition are matters of
deep public interest.
The orphanage Is in charge of the Siater
of Mercy, under whose direction it was
built and equipped in 1891. The institution
Is a. model of cleanliness and the children,
whoso number varies from eighty to 100
throughout the year,, reflect In their up-
pearance the care bestowed on them.
Thanks to the healthy location and the un
failing vigilance of the good nuns, sick
ness is rarely found among th children.
In connection with the orphanage Is u
school in which the little one receive an
education not only ot the mind, but the
Ilia Name DlilioiKirril.
W. J Bryan was before the bar of Jus
tico In the Omaha police court I lis morn
lug. The rase had iiotliiua to do with free
silver. Mr. Bryan was found braced nuuiiiHi
the front of a Farnam Mreet building, as
If to keep the wall from falling on the
sidewalk, and he was arrested as being in
toxicated. He entered a plea of guilty and
was nnea i una costs.
Every mother feels a
great dread of the pain
and danger attendant upon
the most critical period
of her life. . Becoming
a mother thould be a source of joy to all, but the suffering and
danger incident to the ordeal makes its anticipation one of misery.
Mother Friend is the only remedy which relieves women of the great
pain and danger of maternity ; this hour which is dreaded as woman's
severest trial is not only made painless, but all the danger is avoided
by its use. Thoe who use this remedy are no longer despondent or
gloomy; nervousnes. nausea and other distressing conditions aro
overcome, the system is made ready for the coming event, and the
serious accidents so common to the critical
hourare obviated by the use or Mother's
iTiend. 'It is worth it weight in gold."
nyj many who have used if. t-oo per
bottle at drug stores. Book containing-
valuable information of interest to all women, will
be sent to any address free upon application to
enADnCID RLQULA TOR CO., Atlantm. a.
l Friend
lives, a necessary condition, Indeed, for
any permanent improvement.
Protection for the Krrlng.
"The caro of homeless children Is a
charity thut cannot but touch the heart
of everyone, and this Is ns It should be.
There are those, however, who would re
fuse to extend a helping hand to erring
females, and yet there) Is no work dearer
to the heart of Him who Is rightly styled
the Good Shepherd, and who knew how
to throw the mantle of protection over
sinning woman, (jirnie have alleged that
the very existence of homes for this pur
pose Is an incentlvo to sin, whereus a
more unjust statement could scarcely be
made. As well might it be said that the
exlstenco of llfe-suvlng stations In their
vicinity would lead sea captains to bo less
watchful for the safety of their vessels.
But a small percentage of tho unfortunuta
women who enter these homes ever heard
of them until after their fall, and" none
are led Into sin by the hope of finding
shelter for their lost Innocence. The
gentler sex at least does not enter upon
a career of sin with the mime calm judg
ment that a man displays in starting a
business enterprise.
A l'ubllc Charity.
"The Good Shepherd home In this city Is
a public charity. It will receive within
lis walls all who are In need ot Its pro
tection. The courts frequently commit
wayward girls to this Institution, but makes
no provision for their support, so that
those In charge must needs look to the
generous-hearted citizens for assistance. It
is the only successful establishment In
the city having In view the reformation
of fallen women, and surely so deserving
Both Wholesalers and Retailers Aeport
Business Very Satisfactory.
Very KeiT Changes .Noted In Ruling;
Prices, but All Markets Consid
ered In t.oud Healthy
heart as well, so that they may be formed j a wolk t,f mercy wln not appCai to this
Into useful and law-abiding citizens. The
sisters bestow a mother's care on their
charges, and to know that It Is appreciated
one need only watch how the faces of the
children light up when their teachers movj
among them in the recreation hall or In
the spacious grounds surrounding the In
Work of the t.ood Shepherds.
The Home of the Good Shepherd is of a
different nature, but one that appeals with
equal force to the charity of the public. It
was established In South Omaha about
eleven years ago and has been growing
constantly since that time. Rev. P. A.
MeCJoveru of St. rhllomenu's cathedral and
chaplain of the home, in reply to questions
as to the character of the work carried on,
The sisterhood Ahlih conducts the in
stitution have a two-fold object the pres
ervation of girls who are in danger of be
ing led Into a life of shame and the refor
mation of fallen women. Owing to lack of
means, their work in Omaha has so far
been confined to the latter chins. While
the Home of the Oood .Shepherd Is in
charge of a Catholic sisterhood, it Is ab
solutely non-sectarian in Its scope, many
of its inmates as a matter of fact belong
ing lo other denominations. Its doors, are
open to all unfortunate women, the only
requisite for admission being a sincere de
sire to reform. When the home moved to
Its present location, nearly five years ago,
it had sixty-five inmates, but the work has
grown until at present there are ITS. a fact
that has made necessary the erection of
the large and beautiful structure just be
ing completed.
"The Misters of the Oood Shepherd form
the most powerful agency In he world for
the reformation of fallen women, and their
success Is due, under heaven, to two
causes, vis: they work upon the moral na
tin e of their charges, and keep them con
ktantly occupied. A first-class laundry I
geneially one of the features of a Uood
Hlieplicrd home; here many of the penitents
are employed, while others are taken up
with plain and fancy sewing, and thus
their minds aie directed from their former
community In vain.'
District Attorney Baxter Nays Grand
Jury la Going to Bottom of
Whole Affair.
United Slates IMstrici Attorney I. p.
Baxter has returned from Chicago, where
he was called to confer with District At
torney Morrison relative to the Beef trust
Investigations. lie says: "The inquiry is
being proceeded with vigorously and will be
made most thorough and complete. The
government is In earnest in the matter and
will prosecute the investigations to the
Judge Baxter declined to be quoted In
reference to the Omaha and South Omaha
ends of the Investigations other tlui.i that
the district attorney's ;(tlce ti re rvotk
ing In perfect harmony with l;;e Chicago In
vestigation and that the grand Jury in
quiry Into the methods of the'lo end
hog buyers of this sectio i, on M.iy k, will
be complete and searching.
Judge Kennedy Has Full
Cases, bat Handles
milk a Warning.
Judge Kennedy had ft very busy session
In the Juvenile rourt Saturday morning.
There were fully a doxen boys to be looked
over and talked to. cautioned and put on
probation. Incorrigibility or abuse of other
boys were the tbar,es against mott of the
culprits, and as the lads are mostly school
attendants and only bad after school, -the
court was not very severe with them.
Parents accompanied nearly every boy,
just to see how the court does business,
and they all went avny frying that better
things could he expei led of itielr offspring
after the judge hud talked to ttxm kindly,
but with unmistakable warning that they
must behave here or at Kearney la the
Industrial school.
Trade conditions in Omaha and surround
ing territory last week were very satisfac
tory to all concerned. The weather was
not very conductive to a rapid movement
of lightweight goods, but in spite, of that
fact both wholesalers and retailers enjoyed
a nice trade. The explanation generally
given is that crop conditions out throuan
the country are very satisfactory and con
sequently farmers are willing to spend
th. Ir money and retailers aro willing to
anticipate their want. There seems to be
no doulit In the minds of merchants hut
what this is to be the most successful
season ever experienced. Whllo the cool
weather has had a tendency to cut down
tlio sale of lightweight goods, it has caused
a corresponding increase in the Halo of me
dium weight goods, and when warmer
weather docs come t lie lightweights will
have to move, so that, taRlng everything
into consideration, there seems to be little
cause for complaint.
Wholesalers report advance business as
being exceptionally good. With practically
no exceptions, the amount of goods sold
so far this season for fall delivery exceeds
the sales of the corresponding period of any
former year. Traveling men report that
bv far the majority of retailers sold out
f heavv aoods In Rood shape.
so that they will have to be liberal buyers
this year. That being the case, Jobbers
consider the outlook for future business us
being better tliuu usual.
There have been comparatively few mar
ket changes during the werk under review,
liven groceries have remained unusually
atcadv, but there is a good healthy tone to
the markel on practically all classes of
goods, and those In position to know pre
dict good firm markets for some time to
Collections are said to be better than
usual at this time of year.
Keflned Sugar Abont Meady.
Wholesale grocers report the demand for
their line of good as being fully as good
as could reasonably be expected, all staple
and seasonable lines going into consump
tion at a rapid rate. Tho market is also
in good condition. So far ns refined grades
of sugar are concerned, there has been tig
change since last report, but raws are a
trifle easier. The demand, however, is rap
Idlv improving, wjtli every prospect of
there being u lively market in a short time.
The canned goods murket is reported us
being iro.rc active than It lias been for
some tin: past, but there has been no
change on either corn or tomatoes. I'resvnt
Indications are that the puck of tomatoes
this season will be less than it was a y.'ar
ago, but It Is thought that the pack will
be made at a lower cost, ns packers have
expieswed their determination not to pay
the prices for the raw material that tney
were forced to pay last year. Corn is mov
ing Into consumption rapidly, but the mar
ket Is without new' features.
i'rlcea on Columbia river salmon were
announced last week and are found to be
practically the same as thoee in force iust
season. Sardines have been marked up
again, this last advance being on three
quarter mustatdrt and amounting to 2 cents
per case, or to about 1 cent per tin. As the
supply of stock is now in small compass,
well controlled, and a there is llll a good
inaraiu for retailers, prices may go still
rto far as can be learned very little inter
est is being taken In future canned goods
in anv hi'ciioii or tne country, it is tnougnt
that this condition will prevail until Ihcre
it. some decided change in the market.
In the line of dried fruits prunes are at
tracting considerable attention, as recent
be expected at this season of the year and
prices are without change. The demand
for fancy goods Is very active and all such
lines as olives are moving out at a very
rapid rate.
Dry Goods Fairly Active.
Very few dry goods merchants urrlvcd In
the city last week, hut their orders both
direct and through traveling salesmen were
numerous and liberal considering the time
of year. Owing to the exceptionally fine
prospects for bountiful crops, retailors
seem to be Inclined to anticipate their re
quirement so as to be sure and have am
ple stock to meet the needs of their custo
mers. Stocks of lightweight goods In the
country have not been broken to any great
extent owing to tho continued cool weather,
but, on the other hand, medium weight
goods Jiave been selling very freely, ro tltHt
merchants are not doing any complaining.
Oil the contrary, they are looking forward
to an active demand for summer weight
goods as soon as the proper weather ar
rives. Traveling men are meeting with very
good success In landing orders for goods to
be delivered In the fall. In fact Jobbers all
ngree that the amount of goods sold so far
If. In excess of the amount sold .during thn
corresponding period of any former year.
The general 1 m pi (.41-lull in tile country
seems to be that the consumption of dry
poods during the next few months will lie
greater than ever before, which doubtless
explains why merchants are buying so
The markPt on cotton goods Is in a good
strong position, rind particularly is thHt
true of plain goods, such as sheetings and
drills. That Is owing In part to the heavy
export demand and to the light stock in
both manufacturers and jobbers' hands.
Hardware in Oood Demand.
The demand for all Btaple and seasonable
lines of hardware continues very brisk uud
far In excess of a year ago. The rainy
weather of last week cheeked the demand
to some extent, hut taking the week as u
whole jobbers hud plenty of biiHluehs. He
ports from the country all tend to show-
that there Is to be an Immense amount of
building throughout the territory tributary
to this market, whlcn means that there will
ra an enormous demand for such lines as
carpenters' tools, hulldeis' hardware, naiis
and that class of aoods. liesides that, all
such lines as poultry netting, wire cloth,
screen uoors. refrigerators, sluel goods and
in fact all seasonable lines are selling more
mpiaiy man ever nerore. Jobbers are hav
ing some trouble to secure the goods tap
Idly enough to inept the demnnd, but so
far hav taken good care of their custo
mers. There is no doubt In the minds of
v.-holealers but what they are aomg to
reak all previous records this vear as re
gards volume of business.
1 Here lias been practically no rhanue 111
the market during the week under review.
Prices are firm all along the line and
higher prices In many cases are being pre
dicted. Owing to the heavy demand in all
sections of the country and to the fact thut
manufacturers are uemnd with their or
ders there does not seem to be any room
for lower prices for muny months to come.
No ( hanae In Leather Moods.
The leather goods situation is much Hie
same bs it has been for the last few weeks.
Tiade. 111 the country cannot lie claimed bet
ter tnan fair, as the weather has been too
cool as yet to make people bay summer
weignt enoes. anil parilciilaiiy low shoes,
which are increasing in uonularltv every
season. Considering the we.ather, however,
t lie demand has been fully a good as could
he expected and retailers are looking for
ward to a brisk demand ns soon as conui-
cions ure rigni.
immediate business with local lubbers is
quiet, the same as usual at this time of the
year. Advance business Tor fall Is coming
In quite freely, but traveling men as a run
feel that they will meet with better success
after spring busine.a with retailers becomes
a little more active. The number of orders
landed so far. however, compare vei y
favorably with last year, so that wholesal
ers have no fault to find.
Commander Bichardson Will Visit Oman
to Inspect Looal Masons.
Masons Affiliated with the Rla im
Country Adjacent to Omaha
Intend to Make Visit
a otable One. , '
li,f,,ini.ition i eosidcied very bullish. In
dications are that speculators are taking
hold of the goods quite freely, with the
firm belief that opeiiirg pines will be
nearly a cent higher than present quota
lions While there has been no advance in
ih. market as vet. it looks as thouah there
w ill be In a compai stively short time. One
thing thHt is doubtless having s leurieiu y
tn hold the market dew n is the piesenre of
ci.nriderahls dMtrunteei tock which is seek
li a a market ai must any price off. red
li e rice market is quoted firm, particu
larly on desirable grades, but there has
been no particular change sinee lt report.
Th demand for ftcb la u good as could
The Scottish Rite Masonic bodies of Ne
braska and adjacent states are much inter
ested over the. approaching visit of the
grand commander of the supreme council,
Hon. James U. Richardson, to Omaha
during the coming week. Grand Com
mander Richardson will arrive in Omaha
Thursday afternoon, May 4, and will re
main until Friday morning, when ha will
go to Lincoln. During Thursday afternoon
he will be given an automobile ride about
the city and lu the evening he will b
tendered a grand reception at Masonia
teniplu by the Scottish Rite fraternity.
His lslt here Is of an official character,
being a tour of Inspection of Masonlo con
ditions of tho southern Jurisdiction, of
which lie is the supreme head. The south
ern Jurisdiction Is one of the largest In
the world, If not the largest. It com
prises all that territory of the United
Slates west of the Mississippi and south
of tho Ohio river and embraces the juris
diction of the Pacific coast states, Hawaii,
Japan and the Philippines. Porto Rico and
Gruint Comrnanderlllchardson Is a former
member of congress from Tennessee and
whs for a number of years the leader of
the democracy in the lower house ot
congress. His home is at present In Wash
ington, though his permanent home Is at
Murfreesboro, Tenn. Commander Richard
son will he accompanied on his tour by the
grand minister of state of the euprtme
council, Scottish Rite Masons, George T.
Moore of Montgomery, Ala.
Owing to the brevity of Commander
Richardson's visit, the only general function
that can be had In his honor will be the
reception in the evening. Refreshments will
be served, and the greater part of the
evening will be devoted to an executive
session and an exemplification of certain
features of the work, essential to the in
spection by the supreme officers.
It Is expected that a large number of
Scottish Rltn Masons from Iowa and Mis
souri will be present at the reception.
t'rals; to Be Reappointed.
It is stated unofficially at the city hall
that Acting Mayor Zlmninn will reappoint
J. W. Craig, as a member of the Park
board. Mayor Moore tele crabbed from
Phoenix. Arix., asking that Air. t'rsig Im 1
named again if possible. The only ob
jection to his reappointment has cine frmn
a fraction Inter, sled lu the iouih ejf the
North Central Isjiilevard. and which fears
that Comtnlsslejiier Craig will not favor Ps
desires. The term expires In May.
Mirriai I ieenses.
The following marriage Ih-enses
hec'ii issued :
Name and nesiiienee-.
Then Kawacki. Eolith Oinalia
Josie R.idora. p.iulh Om.iha
John Pteinbriiniiei , South iimaha ...
Anna I'. Kuwitzky Mouth Omaha...
William cosh. Omaha
fcllen O. Askwuh, Omaha ,
ha v
. . .. :;!
.... 11
.... Hi
. ... a.
.... a
No Knife Needed
Tiles cm be cured bv internal treatment.
To get at the cause thai is the secret, and
thai is why Dr. Perrin's Pile Specific is
o universally tucceeful In its results. It
increases the flow of digestive Juke in
the noma. h accelerates the action of the
liver. Willi rongeMion of the liver removed
and ronstipition relieved, the two thief and
distinct cauts of piles are reached and
Dr. Perrin's Pile Specific
The Internal Remedy
For dyspepMa, indigestion, caflatipation,
Miouenns, catarrh of the stomach and
kindred nilmrnU it it the greatest remedy
thai hdt ever yet benefited mankind.
Critain in its result, tji'is remedy will
cure the most obstinate case of Pilet.
Dr. Perria Medical Co HsiecA Mod