THE 0MAI1A DAILY REE: FKIDAY, APRIL 28. 1905. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Condition Similar to 8nllj Failure in Cot' 01. VALUES MAY SINK TO EXPORT BASIS Mllsbarr IH i'my for Mar Whtil ad l.rlod ll-llimor of Early Texas Mtrtrl-Mar tarn Oversold. 6f ... . , OMAHA. April 27. 1S5. There I golnfc on a erent H.iii.iiini values In in wilful market, lll.h prleea have been continuous for nearly a I if' ,hi,.rlit bnrm above II last Au- - , r h'Kici Khrat has been saved and the poor wheat used, and there has been a bi eak -of-. almost '.:6 cent In ten ' . . predicted thai the de line In wheat will he a thorniiiih and Ha preclni- . . R" w"" ln" advance, and that the enu is nor yei in sight and the wheat will nay to bo to an export basis before any rally can be e-xpected. Thla view of the case was strengthened thla morning h the action of lha market. The Ma opened at 90c, which was the high point uy. ana men aecnnen to m,c. 11 later rallied a little to 8c and at noon Mood at 8x4c. The ffltige Wedensduy waa between and 91c. The July before, noon reached the high and low point f M'iP and 824c. against 8fr4e and &t'c Wed nesday. In the first half hour of 'the session there Was full 1. 000,000 bushels ot the May tradd. In the July the hign point came about noon and waa due to i he covering of lacal shorts. Pi Ingle wan me i.-irgcst nuyer or juiy wneat. . Liver pool closed with a decline of 4e and 14-, Paris wm unchanged, Ruda Peat ad vanced 4c -and Berlin closed with a loss of 4c . . ' The beam have teen showing more fight ing strength Wednesday and today than they have shown through the long bull campaign. The general opinion Is that the situation, as It Is now changed, throws the bilimce in favor of the bears In all the gralna. The short crop Idea haa proved to have been without foundation and now the talk la for the export level. The present wheat conditions are much like those which ended Sully In cotton fireworks and unavoidable. In cotton there was good buying after the bustup on the Idea that prices were low enough, but this Idea waa wrong, for people had lost confidence In' the cotton. It Is thought l:v many that the same condition la now ruling llie wheat market. A message haa been received by n com mission house that harvesting will begin In Texas In three weeks. This would be from two to four Weeks earlier than normal. A'alntlne two months ago, It Is said, pre dicted the May wheat at this time would sell at almost 90c. The first Minneapolis patent flour In many months has been worked for export , It Is understood that the Plllsbury line, of May wheat, amount ing to about 4 000,000 bushels, will be taken In. and paid for, a the-best milling wheat Is considered desirable, ' as the old wheat will be needed for blending with the new In grinding for some weeks after the new cornea In. . , ... The Liverpool corn market closed with a decline of 4c The May corn on this aide ranged between 464o und 4fc before noon, us against 47c and 4S4c for high and low Wednesday. The May Is apparently sold to a standstill and the traders were very nervous early In the session at the opening being higher than the close of W ednesday. The corn clearances were 1.2,335 bushels The primary receipts of corn were l'.W.otJO bushels, agiilnot lnS.000 bushels last year, and th shipments were 39. .000 bushels, against 2B4,0tl bushels. Omaha Cnsli Sales. WHEAT-No. 4 hard. 1 car, l!0 lbs., 72c. CORN No. 8 white. 1 car, 43c. Omaha Cash Prices. WHKAT-No. 2 hard, Wr; No. J hard, 71 '6c; No. 4 hard. r(75c: No. 1 spring. 90c. CORN-Nn. 2. 4.1c; No. J. 424c; No. 4, 42c; no grade. Sialic; No. 2 yellow, 434": No. veTlow, 43c; No. 2 white, 434c; No. 3 white. 43c JaTB-No. I mixed. 284c: No. 3 mixed, 28c; No. 4 mixed, 2J4c, .No, i wli'te, 294c; No. 3 'Mte, 29c; No. white, 284c;' standard, 194c. ' Carlot Receipts. . . Wheat. Corn. Oats. May 4d s54d; July, s4d; September. 6 t'OHS Bn"t. oiitet: American mixed. new. 4s M; American mixed, old. 4 l'd. r utures, quiet; May. 4s 14d; July, 4s 2nd. CHIC4C.4) t.HAIt AMI PROVIIO V If r Featsres of th Trading asd f Instate Prleea on Hoard of Trade. CHICAGO. April 27-The price or wheat for May df-llveiy fell 4'C a bushel t'idsy f newed selling by discouraged polders. The lowest point of the day was touched at sti'itc. The weakness was due largely to a sharp decline at Liverpool and to con tinued excellent weather ill America. The maiket Ixcunie iune firm late In the ses sion on covering by shorts. At the close May wheat was oft ;)'. Julv wheat la down Sic. corn la up 4i4i,c, oala shows a gain ot '-. provisiona are unchanged to li'lc lewer. At the opening the wheat market mas decidedly weak. May waa off lVlc al J-ii!, while July was down VV- t 8-'y8:k'. , 1'ncler enormous ailes from ecat teied longs, the (irlce of May waa forced down to N.-V' before the end of the first hour. Millions of bushels of wheat are said to have changed hands during the break. July slumped off, In sympathy, to K.'Vitr'CHc. A number of Influences en tered into the situation and tended to create the prevailing bearish sentiment. One of the. leading elemcnta was a sharp break in wheat prices at Liverpool. Another promi nent factor was weakness al Minneapolis. Perhaps the most vital was the excellent Weather prevailing generally throughout the United Btatea Additional riin had fallen over the greater part of the winter wheat belt. Wllh predictions of higher temperature, prospects were favorable for rhe rapid development of the fall lown crop. Toward midday buying of May by a leading bull gave some support to the mar ket, but the effect of the buying was par tially offset by a rumor that the same operator was selling under cover. Later a firmer tone developed on quite general cov ering by shorts. One reason for the Im proved demand was a report from North Dakota to the effect that seed wheat was rotting fu the ground. Another reason was a report from Minneapolis telling of Im proved demand for Hour for export. The frlce of May hell firmly around c, dur ng the laat part of the session while July advanced to B.T.'a Mc. The close was mod erately firm, with final quotations on May at NSc. July closed at 83c. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 3ft,tfl bush els. Primary receipts were 4M.800 bushels, compared with IB4.(i00 bushels a year ago. Minneapolis, liuluth and Chicago reported receipts of 178 cars, against 18 cars last week and 73 cars a vehr aco. Lower cables and the break In wheat caused heavy selling of corn early In the session, resulting In considerable weakness. The selling, however, was general and was not from any Influential source. Seeing the leading bulls were not offering- freely, pit trsders gradually curtailed their sales, and with a good demand from shorts, the mar ket became quite strong. Small primary receipts had a bullish effect. July opened 'ifa'jc lower at 4fiSfi 4c, sold up to Vr. and closed at 4.'i'4fi'4c. Local receipts were 74 cars, with 4 of contract grade. Influenced by the weakness of wheat and corn, commission houses were active sell ers of oats early In the session, as a re sult the market had n weak undertone. Later the market rallied on buying by shorts and closing prices were practically at the highest point of the day. July opened a shade to Vic lower ai zkc io lisS1! 2xc, sold up to I!7"' and closed at the top. Ixical receipts were 3 cars. The feature of trading In provisions was renewed llqtudatlon of May holdings. The market was weak throughout the entire dav. Ixwer prices for live hogs had a depressing effect. The slump In grain also had a weakening Influence. Pork showed the greatest loss, the July option closing at a decline of 15W17V.C at $12.3. ljird was off .'H'uBc at $7.25. nibs were unchanged at . . . Estimate receipts ror lomonow: "mi, 71 cars; corn, 61 cars; oats, 81 cars; hogs, 18.000 head The leading futures ranged as follows: Article. Open. I High. I)W. Close. Tsfy. 25 6 Chicago ... i-v. . Kansas City. , .-..;.,,.'. . Minneapolis vw.,.. Duluth. .).,., .,.. i,, '. 8t. t k vie .v. ;v.,. Om h . .? , . , .....,t..;.v. Minneapolis. Wheat Market. i'tZ'.XfigF .or pttcell'-ta'itf tre Mttmeapollii. aa reported ; by-' the." fidwards-VVood . com pany 110-1U Board p Trade,, waa: 69 45 111 . 3 . 8 7 74 18 Article. I-Open. t High. I tow. Close.l Tst'y. May..! -3Vt WW Ml ' July. 4 : ' 1 "4 SI' 94 ' 91H .2W Bept..h 81 8t 81H 8 SEW YORK GKERAI, MARKET Various Wheat I Mv..884t'o " Julv... 82183 834 82'At(ii 8ept...7ViB'l 80 r-i.i n I I May.. wi hk iwo - tu46 July. Sept... OS'S May.. July... Sept... July... July... Sept... Ribs v May.. July... Seyt.'.. 46l 28 28'4 28S 11 92141 12 00 13 2i'4! 13 30 88 S3 45 na'4im 4SHi41)sHI 7 074 7 20 7 40 80 7 0741 7 274 7 07V4I 7 25 7 40 46 28U 28J 28 11 924 VI 26 1 7 024 7 20 7 874! 914 83 80 4W 4G1 484 46VB4 28 284 2841 24 28 2S4 1 11 92W' 12 10 12 25 I 12 424 824! 7 124i 7 074 7 324i 7 274! " 074' 7 25 1 7 40 824 7 124 7 3241 7 10 7 30 7 45 88 7 124 7 334 Qaotatloaa of the . Oar Commodities, NEW YORK. April 27. FLO! "R Receipts. 13.302 hbls.; exports. 2.9H1 bbls. r market dull and weak: winter patents. $4.9ftft5.2S: winter straights, 84.Sofa4.75; Minnesota rat ' ents. 8.V 255.50; winter extras, 83. 35 3. 75 1 Minnesota bakers, 83.4nfo3.85; winter low grades. 83 25365. Rye flour, quiet; fair to irood 14 lfK??4 tl5: choice to fancy. 84.7'S4.85. CORNMEAL Market quiet: fine white, 81.20; tine vellow l.2o; coaist, new, i.uniji 1.10; kiln dried, 83.7r.u2.0. RVE-Mrkct nominal; western. 80c hid. BARLEY-Market dull: feeding. 454c, c. 1. f.. New York; malting, 42$ 46c, c. 1 f.. Ituffnlo. WHEAT Receipts, 11.000 bu.; market rvv. No. irad. 914c. porilnnl, elevator; No. 2 red, tiomlnal, f. o. h. afloat; No. 1 northern lUiluth, P94i f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba. 954c f. o. h. afloat. Hi Hrs scored again In wheat today, forcing big declines In all Options and low records for the year:- Selling" waa hastened hy weak cables. fine, crop eondltlons ml weakness at outside points A final rally left the market steady at 4ii2r. net decline. May, WVfiV rinsed at l")"-: Jillv. 87VtTi8C. closed a8S4c; September. 83V844c, doted at83c. CORN Receipts, 87,015 bu.; exports, 42.H42 bu. Spot market Irregular: No. 2. 5'4o ele. valor, and. 614'' ll- afloat: No. 3 yellow. 624c; No. 2 white, 52c. Corn had a ahnrp early decline, due to weakness abroad and promises of better weather, but rallied nn covering and left off 4c net higher. May, 045140. closed at 514c; July. WiflSlc, closed at 51Ac. OATS 'Receipts, 25.500 bu.; exports, 630 bu. Spot maiket easy; mixed, a; to 32 lbs.. ?44f(35c: natural white. 30 to 13 lbs.. '16415 lW4c; clipped white, Sti to 40 lbs., io4fflc. HAY Market quiet; shipping, ttOftiMc; good 10 choice, 7iffi4c. HOPS Market' steady; Pselflo const, 1904. 2ti'm-- wet l24o: olds. Il'ol.k'. HIDES Market steady; Galveston. 30 to 25 lb. 2"c: California. 21 to in lbs.. ac. LEATHER Market firm: acid. 24fic. PROVISIONS Heef, strong; family, 81J fcxaH.OO; mess, Ill.OOfr'l.di; beef hams. 8J1 0vga2 .50; packet, 812.60'p 18.00; city extra India mess, 82o.OiVii23.00. Cut meats, mar ket steady; pickled bellies. 87.J4MH.00; Pickled shoulders, 8T.5tfS.0O: i-trkled hams, 89.hVa9.7l. I.srd, market quiet: western teamed, $7.50; refined, market, .quiet; conioound. d.l'.'465": continent.' ti.bk. South America, 88.23. Pork, market quiet; family. 8l4.5fail6.oo; short clear, tlS.tKXd 15.00; mess. $13 2Mil.).24. Rl TTER-Weak; " street price extra creamery, 29c; official prices, creamery, common to extra, 24ifj2ac; atate. dalr". common' to extra, 2J'a8c; renovated, com. nma to. extra. 17'if?7c;. western, imitation creamery, common to' extra, 24Hi27c. . CtlEKtlE Mi ; state, full cream, small colored and white, fancy, 144c: fine. 134c: state, late made, colored and white, poor 10 choice. UAlr134e: state, large, colored and wTilte. poor to chutee, 1044-13c. KtlOB Frrra; western atoraae aelec tlons.' lIStl8ui western firsts, K4c . POt'I.TRY Alive: quiet: western chick ens. 12c; fowls. 134c; old turkeys. 18c. Iiressed: Easy; western chickens, 10? lie; fowls. 106134c : turkeys. 140 18c. Kaasaa City Grata aad Provisions. KANSAS CITY, April 27. WHEAT lower; Ma 794c! July, 7S4fi73V ; Septem ber. 704fi71c; cauh. No. 2 hard, M'tjSOc; No. 3. 78ff7c: No. 4. 542c: No. 2 red. i4S90c; No. 3. 78tj7c; No. 4. fi6ff$2e CORN Steady; May, 424tj42"c: July, 4-c: September. 424c; cash. No. 2 mixed, 46c; No. 3. 44Vtf45c; No. J white, 454S-c; No. S. 4&44J454C. OATS Stead; No, I white, 32A3c; No. 2 mixed. 316A14C. HAY Steady; choice timothy, 83 50910.OO; choice prairie. 8S OiVuN.28. . ' HYE-8teady. 71i714c. BL'TTER Creumery, 22S3c: packing. l4c. KOf8 Steady; Missouri and Kansas, new Nn t whitewniMt caaes Included. 144c; cases returned, 4c Jssa - Receipts. Shipments. .rvhet. bu 42.4iO ' .IV0 Corn, bu... , 3,t MM Oats, bu 12.10 1000 Toledo feol Market. TOLEDO, April 27.-8EEDS -Clover, cash nd April. IS .W hid; October. 85 77V4. Prime alslke. 17 a Prime Timothy, $1,424. I.fVerpoo8 Grala Market. T.TvTRPOOL. April 27 -WHEAT-Soot. uhji ft California. 84. Fuiuret, dull, -No. J...'. -Cash quotations were aa followa: KLOl'R Easy; Winter patents, $4 504.80; 84 W((f5.3i: spring straights, 84.10.a-4.70; bak- r.' 1 R0. WHEAT No. 2 spring. 86(800c; No. S, 80 90c; No. 2 fed, W.4WWC. - -rftBN-Nn. t. 4iV4c: No. 2 yellow. 4,4c, OAT8-N0. 1. 25c: No. 2 white, 31S314c; No. 8 white, 29?i30e, BVE-Xn. . 73V4C. BARLEY Oood feeding, 87639c; fair to choice malting. 44g4iC. BEEPS Flax. $1.25: No. 1 northwestern, $1.40. Prime tiro' thy, 82.90. Clover, con irkrt irra fie 313.50. PROVISIONS Mess pork, pel bbl..- 311 80 (S11.95. Lard, per 100 lbs., $7.0f1?!7.O74. Short rib, sldea (loose). 8fl.75'8.874; horl clear sides ( boxed). $8.87417.00. ' Receipts and shipments were as follows today : NEWYURK STOCKS AND BONDS Wave of Liqnids.tion Sweeps Over Market and Decline is Violent. LEADERS ARE OFF TWO TO SIX POINTS Mllnankee llnnk F.plsoile and Kqnlt able I I fe Assurance gcamlal Hare a Depressing Influence oa Confidence. NEW YORK, April 27 -The lack of con fidence In the present level of prices was the only obvious cause for the wave or liquidation which swept over the stock market todav and curried 'lc',', compre hensively to a lower level. The liquidation was renewed again and Hgain and. the en tire lack of support and the failure to attract anv effective demand at the cheaper prices csuscrr progressive growth In tne feeling of distrust." The violence of the decline gave rise to a crop of sinister rumors of 'something hanging over the market." No riettcr foundation developed for these rumors while the trading was In progress than for the ninny brilliant stories which have regaled the speculative appetite while prices were being pushed upwards. Ihe stocks centering about the Northern ( curlties company shared fully In the day s weakness, but tbev were not so (tlnKiy conspicuous as hail been the case lately. Rumors regarding these properties having passed from the stage of wholesale con solidation to that of complete antagonism, followed by denials of the supposed hos tilities, the stock market Impression has settled down to the view that capitalists In control of these properties probably have been attending to the affairs of their own properties without contemplating any thing to give basis for the roseate stories regarding them which hnve obtained wide spread belief. The resulting state of mind on this topic Is fairly representative of that on the mnnv other subjects which have been made the object of Imaginative re ports of late. Yesterday's retention of the former dividend on Norfolk & Western seemed to shatter the hopes of spectators regarding a Inrge number of other stocks which have been heavily bought on almllfr expectations. The story 01 itie wiumuir lease to Allnntlc Coast IJne on a 7 pel cent dividend basis which was the latest production of this character obtained so little credit todav that those two stocks were among the principal sufferers by rea son of the violent reaction from yester day's Jump. Rumors of mergers among the tnetal Industrials which have lifted prleea extensively were open to suspi cion with consequent chimnge to the stocks concerned. Another break In the market served to renew anxiety regarding lnsxes In that speculation which would have to he made goo.l In the stock market. The opening influence on the selling- from forelcn financial centers was strong owing to the settlement there over the interna tional policy overlook. Paris m"."','",t.f2 decided uneasiness over the dispute wltn Germanv regarding conditions in Morocco. The report thnt the cnble to the Asian mainland from the island nearest to the Held of naval activity had been cut seemed to lnplre the circulation of sensational rumors tnat ine expecicu n.o. .,.. ... rendv had been fought with unexpected results. Rut It, Is doubtful whether any or nil of these matters had as much in fluence upon the selling as a vague feeling of suspicion and 11 fear of some unfavorable development yet to be announced. T he discussion of the Milwaukee bank episode and the Equitable Life Assurance scandal, with the rnlted States Shipbuilding in cident were believed to threaten a spread of distrust over a wide field and J re sulting loss of confidence was decided in Its results on credits. , , The sharpness of llie rally yesterday Had aroused hopes thut the most urgent liqui dation was over, although It was exP-';d that profit taking by those who supported the market on the break and b holdings at the low price would check the rallv. But a period of qu etude was expected to ensue in the normal course of the market. The character of today selling was a plain Intimation that Im portant liquidation remained to be com pleted. The volume of the selling gavs rise to some startling estimates nf the proportions of the speculative losses which have been suffered by reason of 111 Judged campaigns. Financial authorities of a sub stantial character expressed the opinion that the awakening to the lllualonary character of much of the recent gossip would make for the health of the market. aUhoiigh the' readjustment might . proVfe a Skinful process. The -tone at the close was aemi-deinorallaed and "owed losses from 2. -to over points for a 1 the prl n dpal active stocks . In the list. Bonds we7e weak. Total eales, par value. $J,- nlted States bonde were all unchanged PF0Uowing were the salea and range ot prleea on ?he Stock 'fcVci.N. do pfd , $ 1114 1104 0(V4 854 334 s.' 10:4 iiv4 I" DO 35 XMi S' 178 174 172 8 Steel TMk..) do pfd luO 7' V -t'aro. Chemical. J.3r do pfd Westliishouse Elec. Western Colon ...... P1 914 9S1 !' Total sales for the day, 1.831,i0 shares. few York weaer Market. NEW YORK. April !7.-MONEV-On call, firm, 2V1I.14 per cent: closrng bid, $4 per cent; time loans steady: sixty days, 34 per cent: ninety days. 34 per cent; six months. 34fi!l"4 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 4444c. STEHLINO RM'IIANOK - Firm. with actual business In bankers bills at $4 8K4Mr 4 81150 for demand and at $4 MVvu4 M65 for sixty dav bills. Posted rates. I4 86 and $4 87. Commercial bills, 84 8144.844- SILVER Bar, 54c. Mexican dollars, 444c BONDS Government steady; railroad, wenk. Closlns prices on bonds were: V. B. rf. Jk. res ...IMS Jin rtft W4 i.t4H U. s) N unl. 4)i i ..1"4 Vttnhstttn c. I i...lMsi ..V Hl. I'rntral t. Tt ..Ul 1o lot Ine 21 ..113 iMInn St. I. it MS ..10H M . K T. 4s 1I4 UHH do it, W R . R. of m. c. 4. 1H1 N. Y. C. t ! 300 It4 N. J C. I Si 14 No. Pd8r 4 1"H inl'f in T14 inj N. o W. e. ton, SH O I- rlit 4t nn IU14 Pens. conv. ' ine 4 n nidln sen. is toil 77H St. L,. . M. r. ft . Ill do co'iDon 1'. 8. 3r. res A roupos U. 8. sr 4, re do coupon P. S. 014 4. T't do coupon Am. Tobscco 4. ctf. 7.1 H N flo 6a. CI fa Ati hlen sen. 4. ... ' do adj. 4a Allantlr r. L. 4a ... Bal. Ohio 4a do 141 OMral of Oa. Is.... do tat inr do 24 Inr ChM. Ohio 4', . Chin o A. ln . C, B. ft Q n. 4i.. C . It. I. ft P. 4a.. do col. 8s Civ. ft Bl. I.. . 4 Chlrasn Ter 4a ... Colorado Mid. 4a... 'olo. ft go 4a rubs etfs n. ft R. O. 4a ... Diatlllera' 8ac. 6a .I07H 8t. L. ft 8. r. tf. 4a. rtt . ia .et. 1. a. w. . 4a ... s!ti . H seaboard A. L. 4a 84 . US 9o Padtlr 4a 5I" . 80. Rails? ta lit .104, Tnaa ft p. la I2J4 . iT.. St. L ft W. 4a... 4i4 . 7 ' llnlon PaciRc 4a IMS . M I do tonv. 4a lt4 ,l4ilP 8 8tfl Id la .liriiiiWabaah la 11H . m do deb. n Erla prior IMn 4....101'iWrirn M4. 4a. do gn. 4a M iW. ft I,. R. 4a. r W. ft D. r. la... .114 Wla. Cantral 4a Hooking Val. 4'4ja.,..U0'I' oftered. 'A MS 4H Doslon Rtocka nnd Bonds. ROSTON, April . 27.-Call loans, 34 per cen; time loans, 34tt44 per cent. Official closing or stocks and bonds: Atrhlann adl. 4a H do 4 1021, Mex. Central 4a 74 Atchison MX do pfd 101(4, P lon ft Albany M flnatnn A Maine 179 Hoaton Rlevated Ift7 Fin-hours P'd 145 Mea. Central 20a S. V., N. H ft H..IC44 Pere Marquatte tnton Pacific Amer. Arge. ("hem do pfd Amer. t'neu. Tube. Amer. Sugar do pfd Amer. T. ft T Amer, Woolen .... do pfd Dominion I. ft ft. . Rdlaon Klee. lllu. . General fclectric .. Meet. Klc trio do pfd Maaa. C,aa rnlted Fruit Vnlted Shoe Mach. do pfd V. 8. Steel do pfd Flour, bbls.. Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu Oats, bu Rye. bu Barley, bu.. R,.(.'e.lnt a. 'Shipments. .. 7.ono tt.m ..311.000 , . 13.1') .. 86.300 218.9O0 .. 91.300 ' '. M,W) .. 2.000 1.300 .. 47.300 15,600 Atchison do pfd ...... Atlantic Coaat Line Baltimore & Ohio... do . pfd A, Q Vanfn ... rentral of N. J " ' 4"0 1W4 Cheasapeake & Ohio 13,900 534 Chicago & Alton 1"0 3.4 do pfd Chicago O. W. Chicago N. W.... C. M. & St. P...... Chicago T. & T do pfd C C. C. & St. L 17 Srti 84' 7.400 1024 1" m 7,6110 lik4 111 l"4 17,mio iu8 I' 106W 9( e?U fiV4 95 18,2iiO 1S14 144 200 8 S,4t 24 HW 233 57,oOO 170 19! 1SM4 614-614 374 3 loO 410 800 3- 2i't On the Produce exchange today the but ter market waa steady: creamery.' 20Q'2Rc; dalrv. 20ft24c. Eggs, steady; at mark, cases Included. 144c; firsts, lC4o; prime firsts, 16c; extras, 174c Cheeae, steady, 14c. t. tools General Market. ST. LOUIS. April 27-WHEAT-Lower; No. 2 red. cash, elevator, 8fi41i84c; track, 98!S0flo; May, 864c; July. 78c; No. 2 hard. CORN-Steady; Ko. 1 cash. 4S4c; track, 47R'4S4c; May. 444c; July. 444W444c OATS-Ixiwer; No. 2 cash, 28c; track. 284 (8384c; May. 274c; July, 274c; No. 2 white. 314S14c. riiOI'R Dull: red winter patents. 4.fP4T 4 80: extra fancy and straight. $4.304.35; Cles 3.&0(n8HO. HEED Tlmothv. steadv. $2.002.50. CORNMEA I, Steadv, $2 JO. RRANDull:. sacked, east track. 73c. HAY Steady; timothy. $8.50Ji:.oO; prairie, $.(ff0.H. ?H(N COTTON TIES-86C. r4c-tINi"l TUc tfetn TW1NF-8Uc. PROVISIONS Pork. tower: Jobbing. 811 "24. Lard, unchanged; prime steam. (i so. Drv salt meats steadv; boxed extra shorts, $7 1?4: clear ribs. $7124: short clear. 87 874. Bacon, steady: boxed extra shorts, $7 78: clesr ribs. $7.75: short clear. $7.87Vt. POULTRY Steady; chickens. 10Uc; springs. $4.0Off.fiO rier doi ; turkeys, 13o; ducks 11c; geese. Sc. BLTTER Dull; creamery. 2S(J30c; dalrv, Rece'"t" Shlpme-- rtour. bbla S.ono ' (torn Wheat, bu 8ooo 31 om Corn, bu (V1 4' nnn Oata. bu.... 23,ono :$ 00) Philadelphia Prodoee Market. PHILADELPHIA. Anrll . $7. r''TTER lower; ertrs wtern creamery, 30c; extra norbv prints. S1e. EGC,8-Fl-n: fresh. '84e. at mark: west ern fVeh 17c at msrk. CHEKE Oulet : New York, full cream, fsncv. 134c; choice. 13',U',c; fair to good, I24'dl3c. . ; Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. April 27.-WHEAT sy. 9tVc- Jolv. 91Vc; September. 81tc; Vo. 1 bard. Tt--' No. t northern. !4c: Nn J ecrtbern. sl84e. FLOl'W Second ratents. $4.804j4 m; flr.r clears. t4.e4i41A: ec..-.rl clears, $2 7MS 2. 85. BRAN In bulk, U.7. Palath Grain Market. DVT.l'TH. April f! -WHEAT-To arrive: No 1 northern. 8o. On track: Vo northern. 89ft: No. i northern, 8ffS64c; Mar. He: Julv. 8940: September. 8'ifce. OATS To arrive. 28c; on track, 284c. Peoria Market. PEORIA. April J7.-CORN-T-ow.r I. 4&c: iso. 4. 44c; no grade, 4-lT43c. OATS Eav.. No. I white. ftVc; No. while, 2S4j2c. No. saca and Molasses. NEW YORK. Anrll n.SVO AR-Ran. steady: fair refining. 4c; centrtfusal. M, test. 44c; molasses sugar, 14c. Refined, steady; crushed, (86c; powdered, 26c, grnuated. .lfc. NEW ORLEAN8. Arr1 7.-8I'OAn Oulet: open kettle. j3Wb44c; open ket tle centrifugal. 4lH 15-lc: rentrifugs) whites. 84; yellows, 4464 6-l; seconds, 8 H-11j4We MOLASSES Nominal: open kettle. IS "; ceutrifugal, t14c. H)'rup, nominal, $00. Colorado & Southern 10.0) do 1st pro do 2d pfd Delaware Hudson. Delaware, L. & W... Denver & Rio Grande do pfd Hrle do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Hocking Valley no pia Illinois Central Iowa Central do nfd K. C. Southern do pro Louisville N Manhattan L Met. Securities 17 33 1014 ii'4 r94 3.4 80 214 233 176 17 34 i'84 2"4 5SVi 3 17 37ti i;4 5 424 774 K5 0 934 7.SO0 1624 lH ls zo 600 189 FO0 42.3UO 8.100 3.500 BOO 87 444 794 87 4 63 80 214- I3h 175 17 304 KM 274 9 874 187 Sh4 424 o5V, 63 ino (3 2.3110 3'4 4.8'iD 88 79. 300 lf34 1.20U I044 14,200 :i'- 63 l 34 118 Ki3 804 6 3-) . 1134 1484 163 814 Km 1594 27.800 loi4 1.200 904 2,400 85 31.400 1524 l.t',00 T)ti4. 804 2.80O 175 74.1'it) 1414 l.tniO 6ti.4() S0 19. 4S6 3.700 111 -4 784 947i 92 304 7H4 113 iru4 99 2!4 624 1484 f.3V 784 I7ii" 139 74 9:4 92 304 75 S4 34 7l 1174 i.flOO 33 1.000 . .. 39.2-1 Mi 1124 li'94 9f' i4 .'4 in 148 534 7b',, 170 1394 76 924 91 86 804 75 67 23 82 HI 4 Metropolitan St. Ry. 16.100 1194 llri 117 Mnv cull t entrai t.vw 6--- -"--a 1lnnennolls & St. L. M.. St. P. & 8. St. M. 1.9"0 1144 do pfd Missouri Pai-ltlc ... Missouri, K. A T.. do pfd N. R. R. of M. pW New York Central. N V O. A V.... .. Norfolk & Western. 2o.A) do pfd Northern Pacific . Pennsylvania P., C, C. & St. L. Reading do lat pfd do 2d pfd Rock Island Co do pfd St. L. & 8. F. 2d pfd St. L. Southwestern. do nfd Southern Pacific do pfd Southern Railway do pfd Texas A Pacific T.. St. U & W do pfd Vnlon Paclnc '. do pfd Wabash do pfd Wheeling A U K . . . . Wisconsin Central.... do pfd. Adams Express American Express..-.. IV S. Express Wells-Fargo Express Amnlga. Copper... American C. A F do pfd American Cotton Oil do pfd American Ice do pfd American Linseed Oil do pfd Amer. Locomotive... 22,800 6; 624 do pfd 9n 114 H5 American 8. & R 70.500 118 1164 do pfd l.l-M l-';4 1214 S.400 300 . 127.900 61 1.800 2.4(0 '.M0 7"0 400 3r4 38 69). 12i4 13 .454 174 4t"4 48M, 61 61 1174 H7'4 314 314 .... 97 334 334 S.'4 36 674- 674 1214 1H4 984 9N4 21 4 174 200 1264 12- ..118 600 844 7.700 SM4 1.6K1 1004 60 844 I in 1 la 64 Sf.4 19 go 4 374 ?4 134 19 1 434 174 214 48 246 220 128 24 814 811 694 a 54 384 18I 4.) n 112 1164 1114 Amer. Sugar Refln... 14.S"0 1424 134 1384 Amer. Tobacco p. c. Anaconda Mining Co. Brooklyn R. T Colorado V- A I Consolidated Gas .... Corn Products do pfd Distillers' Securities. General Electric International Paper. do pfd International Pump. do pfd National Ieal North American Pacific Mail Peoples Gas Pressed Steel Car.... do pfd Pullman Palace Car. Republic Steel do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd Teunessfe C. A I C. 8. Leather do prd V. 8. Realty V. S. RubtHT 1.400 97 6K0 115 ao.oo 60 4 13.660 624 4.100 206 Si") I64 100 82 424 1,100 179 1.600 224 96 114 634 44 124 61 414 96 113 31 2a4 124 60 600 luO 8t4 83 18.500 40s 4.9) P64 I014 I1C4 1764 17b4 214 214 so si 33 80 83 434 484 2.3iO 414 60 IU.4 lax 42 'i 242 " 6.6(0 214 37 .OiM 5U.I 10 27.40I 1.1') l.ww 78 3:4 107 9S4 114 36 144 404 242' 19 7.4 34 l'54 88 11 ii" 4 394 104 41 9 240 194 7b' 304 lOo Ml 10 10" 4 ss ...122 ... 25t ... 30 ... 6 ...1314. . ..lUSVj ...144 ... WJ, ...V ... 21' ...Ml ...17W ... 14 ...47 ...44 .1.10614 ... 2W ... aT( ? ... 344 .inoH Weatlng. common Adventure Allouet Amalgamated American Zinc .. Atlantic Bingham Cal. ft llefla Centennial Copper Range Paly Weet Dominion Coal .... Prsnklln Oranbv Iale Rotals Mae. Mining Michigan Mohawk Mont. 0. ft C Old Dominion .... Oarenla Qulncv Shannon Tamarack Trinity v. a. Mining P. S. (Ml ftah Victoria Winona Wolverine .. M .. 44 ... II ... Hi 4 ... 12 ... 144 ..32 ..( .. ICVi .. 7l .. 14 v "4 .. .. 64 .. 22 4 .. 12 ..41 ... H .. 24 ... .. M ... TH ..120 ... ... 31 ,.. (4 ... 4tH ... li'-t ... 114 ...11 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET 4ax-aB-BBB-a-BS-g rt Cattle Very Slow Sale and Tnllj Ten to "fifteen Ceota Lower. HOGS SOLD A BIG NICKEL LOWCR l.lsrht Raa of Mheep anal l.arnba aad wlth Fairly Liberal Uemaad Mar ket Rated Active aad strong oa All Desirable tirades. Receipts were: i'i. Hogs. Sbeep. Official Monday 2.443 4.nl6 10 86 Offlclal Tuesday 4,157 12.110 6, ml Official Wednesday 3.618 8,21 7,. Official Thursday 3,3k4 9.44 3.0M Four days this week.. 13.660 ai.ran 26 472 Four days last eek. .. .17.191 81.027 33.0x2 Same days week before. 17.922 31 M." 32..v.'0 Same tlire weeks ago... 13.0)3 22.2'IH 32.167 Same four weeks ago.... 14.062 29.769 33 M" Same days Inst year 23.311 492u il.406 RECEIPTS TOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following tablo ebowi trie receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year tu date, with comparison, with last year; 1906. U-14. Dec. Cattle JT..51S 319.078 47.668 II'1 767.645 8H3.274 46.629 oneep 566.9Z. !XS,:77 2,it The following table shows llie average Pflce of hogs at South Omaha lor the last eeveral daya. with comparisons: Aaked. "Ex-divldend and asked. London Stocks and Honda. IXINlJtJN, Anrll 27.-CloslnT ouatstlons on stocks and bonds: ConRola, money ... do account Anaconda Atrhleon do pfd .. 4 .. MH .. I . . 8S V .1Wi, Baltimore ft Ohio. .. 1I0V, Canadian Pacltlo Chee ft Ohio. . Chicago Ot. W C.. M ft 81. P DoBeera ....... D.-ft H. 0 do pfd Erie do lat pfd do 2d pfd Illlnola Central .... Loula. ft Kaah M., K. ft T .. 23 ..1434 .. 174 .. S.v .. W4 .. 4f4 .. S14 ..1S'4 16T 10 N. T. Ceutral Norfolk ft W Ae. pfd Ontario A W Pennavlvanla ...... Rand Mines Reading do lat pfd do td pfd Southern Railway , do pfd Southern Taclflc A. t'nlon Pacific . do pfd V, 8. Steel do pfd Wabaah .'. do pfd Spanlah 4a . .15il .. Ui .. 4'i .. .v,4 .. 721, .. 1014 .. 4o4 .. 41 .. 44 .. M .. truva .. lt . .I2K- ,.101H ..1044 ., 21 .. 47 . 8'J SILVER Rar, diill. 26 3-18d per ounce monci-iiB-Vi .per cent. l'he rate ot diaiH)int In the nnen market for short bills is 224 per cent; for three months' bills, 2424. per cent. Keir York Tllfnlntc . 'tocks. NEW YORK. Anrll 17 The following are the closing quotations: on mining stocks: Adanw Con ;.. 16 I Alice eo Breece 24 Brunawlck Con ....1.. B Comstock Tunnel ((.. t Con. Cal. Va.. ISO Horn Sllrer laX Iron Sllrer 110 (adriiia Con I Offered. Utile Chief Ontario PCrphlr i.v;.;-.... iftioenlx rotoal garage Sierra K4rada Small Hopes ,. Standard .. 8 .'.40S .1100 -. 4 .. IT .. 44 .. 4t .. U ..1U Foreign Financial. LONDON. ADrll 27.-(-Monev waa In eoocl demand In the market today In payment of the call for the Japanese loan, though me pressure am not equal expectations. Discounts were firm. Trading on the Stock Exchange generally waa affected by the dearneaa of money, besides the atti tude of Paris regarding the Moroccan sit uation, which restricted business. Prices weakened later on continental selling or ders. Consols were' easier and home rails were slower. Americans opened consider ably depressed, reflecting the feeling In jew iora, Illinois central oemg a notable exception. There were further marked de clines later In the afternoon In New York selling, especially I'nlted States Steel, and prices ciosea nai. roreigners necunea in Paris selling. Imperial Japanese govern ment 8s of 1904 were quoted at 1004. BERLIN. Arrll 27r-Prlces On the Bourse today opened firm, but became weaker and clewed In that condition. PARIS, April . 27.-The trading on the Bourse today was agitated and prices were weak, owing to renewed aPDienensions In regard to the Moroccan question. There was a slight improvement towards the close. Russian Imperial 4s were' quoted at 87.60 and Russian Donas 01 its at o.uo. gtatemeni Bank of England. TjONDON. Anrll 27. The weekly state ment of the Bank of England shows the fo low nsr cha naes: Total reserve, decrease. 193,000; circulation, decrease, 315.000; bul lion, decrease. 5i.290; other aecuritlea. In crease. 679.0110; other deposits, Increase, 736,000; public deposits, decrease, 204.000; notea reserve, aeerease, .tM.-n; govern ment securities, unchanged. The propor tion of the hank's) reserve to liability this week Is 60.79 per cent; last week It waa &1.01 per cent. statement Bank ef France. PARIS. April 27. The weekly statement of the Hank or trance snows tne ioiiow ing changes: Notes In circulation, de crease. francs; treasury account current. Increase. 66.100. OOO francs: gold In hand, ncrease. 14.436.000 francs: Dills 01s counted, increase. 89.100.000 francs; silver In hand, decrease, 2.326.000 francs. Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. April 27. Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold reserve In the division or rtaemnuon shows: Available cash balance, $133,860,' 2K2; gold, $63,133,514. Bank Clearings. OMAHA. April 27 Bank clearing today were $1.297.012 61. Fpr the corresponding day of 1904. the clearings were i.; Metal Market. NEW YORK. April 27 -METALS-The London tin market waa somewhat Irregular, with special supplies held higher at 139 2a 2d. while futures were lower at 0.1.14 las Ideally the-market was oulet so far aa ac tual business was concerned, but seemed a little steadier, with moat holders asking full outside prices. The range was from $30,174 to $30 60. Copper was unchanged In the lindon market at 66 6a for spot snd 68 8s 6d for futures. locally the market shows no fresh features. Lake is generally 3 noted from $1600 to $15.26. though some ealera are asking $11 374. and there are. on the other nnnd. rumors or metals ontain able for May shipments under $16.00: elec tro lytic is held even with lake at $16.0ntt 15 26. and casting at $14 "b 15.00. Lead was unchanged at $4.&oty4.c, In the local market but was lower at 13 Us 8d In London Spelter waa unchanged at 24 In London and at $8 90 In the local market. Iron closed at 54s Id In Glasgow snd -at lit 11 Ud In Middiesborough. The domeetlo market Is more or lees unsettled, iso. 1 foundry, northern. Is Quoted at f17 26fi)l.0O: No i foundry, northern. $1517.60; No. 1 south ern and No. 1 southern, soft. $17 25&17.7$; No. 1 foundry, southern. SI 2(317.29. ST. LOriS, April 27. M ET ALS Lead, steady, $4 50. Spelter, dull. $6.70. April April April April April April April April April April April April April April April July April April April April ADrll April April April April April April 1805. U8XH.loa.l02.l01.l(lO.ll9. i 1641 6 03: 7 8O1 661 t 7i , 4 164, u IS?' I so 1 264l 4 96 7 U, a Un I axi a bb. a uui I 001 ! ' .t ... ,' . . : m u I I Kl t V W J 2bj 63 , 23 $ K3 6 Vol I 30 1 M 7 24 I s 961 li 30 3 W 7 24 681 27 t 7I S3I 01 a M U25. W I 2 5 831 2 79 81 1 5 tM 8 8 a s b 11 9 eu e v( Ml 6 W8I 331 8 a 7 29 I 6 041 6 40 8 61 7 21 6 861 I 6 48 8 ( 7 li 6 96 01 I 8 73 t 91 6 9il 6 4b " 8 IXJi 5 921 6 661 3 (2 6 99. 5 M! 6 49 8 61 9 a 98, 6 46 8 71 I 1 S6 6 4&i 3 75 (88 I 6 421 8 77 I 80 I 3 73 6 eot 5 J6i 6 7l. I 8 32 8 67 6 77j 6 8u 8 66 6 77 6 39, 3 to 6 72. 0 34! 3 67 13l a 07 a oo 4 Ull a 264i 4 to I . " 4 24, 81 4 0 a )M4 4 86, I 6 8UVkl 4 88! I I 4 89i 7 07 1 ( 2241 17 0J J 6 27! 4 79 ! 7 141 I a W41 4 7 I 6 234) 4 Ml 7 in: I 6 29 SI 4 79! 7 10 ( 8241 4 81 7 06 IS 861 I i 4 fcl 7 01 6 86 1 I S54I I 7 oil Ml I ( 264 7 741 7 04 7 O81 I 6 2241 4 78. 6 98 . 5 164 4 74 921 M7 I is I or. 1 I 70 .i:o . MO 4 o 4 S 5 I IIOt'S-Tlie tenddicv of the beg mnrket wsa ilownwrirU at sd points this morning and the tlecl'"-e here amounted to a big nickel or to ,i(i;4c. The demand, however, was apparently In good shape, as the mar ket opened early and trading soon became active at the decline. So that everything was out of first h;inds In short order. Packers evident y needed everything offered, so that, all things considered, the market was In quite satisfactory condition. The long string of sales was at $5 16 and the bulk of nil Hie hogs) sold lit $6.15 and $0 174. with the choicer loads going up to $5.a. Some of the cnninron and trashy stuff went U'l'ler $5.15. The market la now about ISc lower than it was at the close of last week, but nbout 4oc higher than It was a year ago today. Representative sales Indicates Sunday. The offlclal number of cars of Block brought In by each road was: l 'lit tie lions. Sheen. Uses. C. M. St St. P. Ry. ., 7 1 1 .. ... .. . 1 . 44 4 abash Mo. P. Ry f . r. sysiem ... & N. W. Rv. K. E. AY M. V. R. R. 38 C St. P.. M. & O. Ry 11 ii. m. uy 30 l .. H. & U Ry 9 C, R. 1. & P. Ry., E. .. C. R. 1. &. P. Ry.. W . I 3h 2 39 13 26 13a 13 Total receipts 161 The disposition of the day s receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the nurn- ner ot neaa inaicateo; Cattle. Omaha Packing: Co. Swift and Company Cpdahy Packing Co. ... Armour A Co C'udahy Pkg. Co., K C. Bwlft & Co., 'country.. Vansant ft Co Carey & Benton , Lonman ft Co. Hill & Huntalnger Hamilton Rothschild.. L. F. Huss Mike Haggerty J. B. Root ft Co Bulla & Kline Morton & O Bwlft, St. Joseph Other buyers o 1,008 76 229 193 '"84 79 I 42 8 75 60 1 43 398 Hugs. Sheep. 1..24 J.e-4 2.63 2.614 2,795 " 155 10 1.269 341 WW 514 Totals 2,387 9,720 3.064 CATTLE The cattle market was in bad shape at all points thla morning, packers claiming that the beef market down east was very dull and weak, and as receipts were fairly liberal this morning packers started In to buy their supplies for consid erably less money. Salesmen could not see their way clear to accept the prices offered, so that the morning was well advanced be fore much business was transacted. The beer steer market could sareiy be quoted very slow and fully lOfilsc lower than yesterday. All kinds suffered In the decline, the good as well as the common, but naturally the less desirable kind showed the greatest loss. - It was late be fore the cattle began to move toward the scales, as buyers did not seem to be anxious for supplies even at tne aeciine, and aa there were quite a good many cattle on sale the day was well advanced before anything like a clearance was made. The market on cows ana neiters was also slow and fully lower. The better grades seemed to suffer fully as much as the common snd medium grsdes, and as salesmen could not make up their minds to take off as much aa packers demit tided It waa late Detore very mucn business was transacted. They finally had to cut loose, however, as there was no prospect of an Improvement. Bulls, veal calves and stags all felt the effecta of the decline on steers and cows and were slow sale ana unevenly lower. But very few stackers and feeders ar rived this morning and as the demand from the country yesterday was In fairly good shape the demand from speculators this morning was equal to the supply and conse quently the more desirable grades of cattle sold freely at steady prices. The commoner kinds were neglected to some extent and a trifle lower. Representative sales: Ui-.r.r" HIU.B.H&. Ar. ... 440 ... 700 ... IM ... 18 ... 74 ...10 ... f-t ... Mi ...1014 ... 10 ...1014 ... fas ...1161 ...1140 ...1110 ...1144 ...i:2l ...12!t ...1164 Ke. I. ... 4.... II. .. II..., 91... 14... 20..., II..., 11...; 11.... I..., 11... I .. 1... It .. 11... 41... 11... II... 11... II... 17... a... ta... 4... t... 1... 1... 1... 1... 1... I... 1... 1... 1... 1... I... I... I. .. ... ... I.. 1 it... 1... I... I .. 1... ( ... II. .. 1... $.. 1... 1... 1... Pr. Ko. Av. Pr. I It 1140 I 46 I II II 1147 I 10 4 St II 1144 I 10 4 40 II 1111 I lo 4 40 10 13t I H 4 40' 1 1244 I II 4 70 1 14BII I to 4 10 II 1400 I 40 4 U 1J 1!4I SO 4 10 1 1244 I 10 I 00 i(4 6 U I 06 1 1IM4 I 70 I 10 10 lti! 6 is I 10 111 1214 I II I 10 II 1114 I II I U 22 1421 I 71 I 40 10 12:) It I 40 II lll I o I 46 17 1601 I 86 I 46 II.' 1431 I 00 I 41 31 1110 06 I 41 1111 1141 BlElSKH AND CUYVB. Ill 4 10 II 1141 l .4 40 II M Ill 4 II 17.... 1164 BTfcfcRH AND HEIFERS. I II I 20 I II 404 .... 169 .... 410 .... 140 .... 146 .... 144 .... m ....llHO .... 4U 160 .... M0 .... 111 .... M4 .... I .... 141 ,...imi .... no .... 171 1000 ...1011 ....ll ....1010 a60 Ml ....1110 ....nit . . . . loio .... 70 .1060 176 14. COWS. .not I u 1 10 I 00 1 00 I 10 1 I 41 1 44 I 60 I 60 I M I 60 I it I 40 I 46 I 4 14 I M I 00 I I oe I 11 I M I 60 I 10 I 60 I 60 I 10 I 60 I .... Ill ... .1070 ....1210 140 ... .1191 .. ..1061 . . . . 1 ISO ....1030 .... 101 ....1061 .... Ml ....1160 . . .11144 ....1110 ....1240 ....1110 1IW 101T ....11M .... 177 ....10W ...1210 ....II. l ....11K .... 102(1 ...1224 ....1210 I 60 I 10 I 71 I 16 I 71 i II I II I 76 I 71 4 Do 4 10 4 10 4 16 4 11 4 16 4 16 4 M 4 II 4 10 4 60 4 in 4 10 4 60 4 10 4 41 4 70 4 II COWst AND HEIFERS. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. April 7. -COFFEE Market for futures opened steady at unchanged prices, or about in keeping with European cables. A few May notices Were In circula tion without, however, having any effect on the market, which ruled generally oulet. Small receipts at Braslllan points promoted a little buying, but offerings were Suffic ient to supply the demand and the market closed steady on the opening basis. Snlss were reported of (7.260 bags. Including May at 50c? June at (.Afvpe 7oe, September at 6 Bo'ntJ S"c. October at 7.00c. December at J.if;a7. fly. March at 7.30c. 6ptn, steady ; Jo. 1 Rio, "ic. U 141 4 II 7 114 4 u HEIFERS. 1 140 t 26 1 114 I , I M I 60 4 451 4 40 4J I M l 40 4 60 t HI $ 0t 1 ,,H) 4 o 10 Ill I II 176 4 10 1 171 I II t 440 4 l' 1 MS 8 li ' 16 Ml 4 IS 1 760 4 00 I Ml 4 7i I 7l 4 0 U (M 4 to u M 1Iauv. 1110 144 1 ill 8 00 1 IO0 I)) 1 410 I 0 1 100 I 10 I ID I l I t" I 71 II il 4 10 2 JH I H 1 14 4 16 1 170 I 00 i IM I 00 STOCK CALVES. 10 Ill I M . BULLA 4 I IB IM 1 1140 I 71 J 14W 8 00 1 167 4 00 1 10 I 00 1 10 4 OS t K'tO $ M 14U0 4 M 1 1170 I 16 1 1710 I If 1 , 1420 I 10 1 !o 4 I ( I VI I ll.te 4 t 1 i:w $ W 1 Uto 4 16 STAGS. 7 4 1427 I 60 ' BT0CKER8 AND FEEDERS. 1 , 24 I II I 110 I l 1 4)1 I m 1 luo 4 os Ml I 0 14 Ml 4 10 1 IN IU 1 170 4 2 I 14 I 24 81 tit I I A. Ml I M I IM 4 S 1 441 Is 1 e 4 ( , II 441 I S . I mm. IU) 1 No HI... 14... 12 . . . . M.... 72.... 62 ... 47.... 67... 6.... 41 ... 4 ... 14 . . . II... 17.... II.... 74.... I".... 4... 4t ... 70.... 12 ... 61.... 10.... 7J..., 13 ... . 0... !.... .... 71... .... 0.... 17..., 70 64... 47... IS . . . , 16... , 22..., 74 ... II... 2N 12 .. 7(1.... 67... 72... 71..., 63... KO... 14... 77.... 71... 61... 42... 77... 61... 73... 7... . .. 70..., It..., 44... IS... 69 A . H . IM 211 . 262 . .23 . .224 ..1"2 . .227 .214 ..!'.' .216 ..111 . . :t .,27 . 24 . .IM ..24 . 27 .224 .211 ..111 . .Ifil . .2.71 .271 ..2(4 . .261 ..261 . .2S ..261 . 210 .327 ..:. .2.11 . . 9(1,1 ..$ .247 ..!n7 ..161 ..207 .311 . . .261 ..251 . 24 .267 . 2I..1 ,..2:s ...217 . .174 ..24a ..220 . ?:tl ...244 ,..226 .. 231 .. .242 ...117 ...112 .247 .213 .A?t ...121 .145 8h. M0 lfr' 110 240 '4'"! 840 10 Pr No. Ar Sh Tr. I 10 In an m 111 6 13 71 141 lli i 16 6 IS 71 .14 ... 6 15 I 16 a Ill 110 6 II I 16 If 176 ... 6 16 I 16 61. 1l . . I li I II 10 IfJ 240 6 U 6 16 14 :l ... I 16 I 16 0 217 . 6 16 I 18 40 Ji3 14 I 114 I 16 64 : ... I If I II v o 7M . . 6 lit 6 16 73 ; 247 ... I lit I II 14 241 P'O I I7t I II 7; 221 ... I I7t 6 16 64 SM I" 6 I7"t I 16 70 .214 120 I lit 6 16 77 rl 10 I 17t I 16 10 214 ... I 174 I 16 at 7'2 120 I lit I 16 77 721 140 I I7t I 11 72 244 40 17t I 11 77 2K1 l0 I 17t I 16 79 267 60 I 17t I II 18 IM ... I lit I 15 14 HI 10 I lit I 16 70 211 ... 6 I7' I 16 72 194 ... b IT, 6 15 24 ... I lit I II It JT ... I 17'i 6 II 7 221 40 6 17', I 16 44 221 ... I lit I IS 74 156 10 6 17 I 16 12 !el ... I 17', I 15 6 271 ... I 17i, I II 131 244 ... I 17t I 16 II 211 ... I 11t I 16 40 tl ... 6 17t I 16 77 Ml ... 6 17t I 16 46 ...240 40 I 17i, 6 16 70 2M 40 6 17t I 16 17 216 ... 6 17t 6 16 15 IM 90 I t7t I 15 2 276 ta I I7t I 18 7" 255 90 I lit 6 16 74 261 l I 17t 6 15 7 232 180 I lit 6 15 49 170 ... 8 17t 6 15 71 249 10 6 I7t 6 15 241 ... I 17', I II 70 285 90 I 17', 6 IS II 244 80 8 17 v, 6 15 15 262 ... 6 lit A 15 12 247 40 8 lit I li 97 194 40 t l7t I 16 70 2"6 90 6 17t I 16 72 241 90 6 17', I 16 71 211 10 5 lit I 16 99 20 ... 6 20 I 16 65 2t ... I 20 6 15 It 207 ... 6 20 6 16 62 295 ... I 20 7 lc. nonr; shipments. f.tles. none: receipts, none: slock. 40i bales. SHKKI' There was a llarht run of sheen and lambs here this morning, and us all the buyers were anxious for supplies, the market ruled active and strong. Trading began at an early hour and ever thing was disposed of In short order. There was practically nothing but clipped stock on sale and the qualitv was fair. The clipped yearlings that sold yesterday for $6.3) biought $6.40 todav and another string cf clipped yearlings I rought $5.60. As high as $4.66 was paid for clipped ewes and 6.00 for clipped lumbs. Quotations for clipped stock: Good to choice lambs, 15.totju.2i; fair to good lambs, $5 Ofva 5.76 : good to choice Coloruilo wooled lumbs, $7.t9)'ij7.40; pood to choice yentlinge. $5. 2fif75. 60; fair to good yearlings. 6.tiojS.;6; good to choice wethers. t4.Witj5.O0; fair to good wethers, tf.rWf 1 80; good to choice ewes, $4 60f(i'4 85: fair to good ewes. $t.on'( 4.60. Wooled stock sells from 75e to $1.00 per hundred pounds Higher than clipped iock. xtepreseniaiive ernes; No. 7 clipped western cull ewes 114 clipped western cull ewes. 30 clipped western cull ewes. 8 clipped Western cull ewes. 16 western bucks 190 western clipped ewes 8 western clipped ewes 25 western clipped ewes and wethers 220 Western clipped ewes 174 western clipped cull ewes. 6 western clipped yearling ducks 36 western clipped yearlliij and wethers 117 western clipped cull wethei 196 clipped western yearlings,, 300 clipped western yearlings.. 3fi clipped western yearlings.. 84 clipped western yearlings.. 341 clipped lambs CHICAGO 1,1 VK ! STOCK MARKET Av. Pr. 70 2 7$ X 2 76 84 3 ( 94 3 60 121 8 60 ,81 4 15 97 4 15 .83 4 60 .97 4 65 .78 4 75 1 74 4 75 ,98 5 00 1 81 E 10 , 89 -6 40 ,89 S 40 ,89 8 40 ,84 5 50 6 00 OMHA WHOM!.!? MMKF.T. C nndltlon of Trade and Unnlalloni eta Maple nnd Fancy lriila,e. F.i JOS-Receipts, heavy; mnrket. steady; c.indl"(1 stock. 16c. LIVF rtU'1.1 RY-llens. ll lt..c: oung roosters, according 10 site. 8d9c; old roosters. ; tin sen Ufi.k. dm as. lie. Itl'TTKIt - 1'iH'KiiiK stock, lii.,11.1; 1I10I1 4) to fancy dairy, 2oy24c; creamery, 224V-'I,4'1 print", .(. FRK8M FROZKN FIPH-Kresh Irout. 12c: pickerel, 'jc: pike, s'tc perch. 7c; hluenxh. 11c; whltehsh. 10c, ssltnon. 11c; redsiuipper 9c: green halibut, l-: crspples, 11c; bttrfnlo. 7c. white buss, lie; herring. 34'': Spinlsh nnckerel, 1.V; lobsters, boiled. 46c; green. 4iV;.flnnnn huddles, 7c; roe shad, rnch. 7c ; fluid roe. per pall'. 3cc; flog legs, per dux , ,1ic; calllsh, 14c. HAY Trices (piotcd hy Omaha Whole, sale liny Peulers' nssoeliitlon : choice No. I upl.iiKl. $7.5o: No. L $7 ("4 medium. $16'; coarse, JtVio. Rye straw. $6.T.o These prices are for hav of good color and quality. BRAN 1'er ton. 17.6i. TROPICAL FR1IT. OR A NUT'S- Kxtrn ftinry Mediterranean sweels. all sixes. $'.'.7r.i3.00: fancv navels. sijscs 126 160, 17, ;'nii, ;is. L'.Vi, J3.25'036o; V. lii, $25oi2.75, seedlings, all sues, $2 76. LK.MONH-Callfnrnla, extra fancv, 270. 300 and 30 sixe. $.'""; firv.'i', T,;, arm nmt a' else. $2.76; choice. 240 and 270 sise. $2.36; 3"" and ,1w slse $2.60 PATES Per box of SO lb. pkgs... $2 00; Hallowe'en. In 7"-ll. boxes, per lb.. 6c FIOS California, per l-lb. carton. 76 Hoc; Imported Smyrna, 4-ctxiwn, 10c; ( crown. 12c. BANANAS Per medium sised bunch, tl.76fl2.In: Ititnbos, $260 3 00. ORAPKFRI'IT cabfnrnla, per box of M to 64, $4.(i; Florid ", r. Oi 'lifl.oo. FRI'ITS. CALIFORNIA CM KRRI FS-Rlsrk. per 8-lb . box, $1.75: w hite, per 8-lb. bog, $1.60. STRAWRKHHIFS Texas, per 24-tjt. case, $2 2R4i2..'iO. APPLKS New York Baldwins. $3 (T; Col o f'svls, per box. $1. 254)1. 30 TANG ERIN KS California, per half-box, $2.75. VE14KTABI.ES. tRANBERRIKS-Jerseys. per crste. $2.00. POTATO ICS - Home grown. In sacks, per hu , 30c; Colorado, per bu., 45c; new pota toes, per lb.. 8i9c. Tl'RNIPS-Old, per bu., 40c; new, pep dor.. 45c CARROTS Old, per bu., Joe; pew, per dox., 4'c. PARSNIPS -Old. per bu . ic. BKXNS -Niivv, per bu . $2.00. WAX REANS-Per 'j-bii.liox, tl.oOl string beans, per 4-hn. box. i.'c. CI t l 1MHKK8-Per ant., ll.'Ju'dl 50. PEAS New. per bu. box. 12. ("fa 2.50. . TOMATOES Florida, per tj-baakct crate, $1100. SPINACH Per bu.. 75c. ONIONS Colorado yellow or red, per lb., 24'', new southern, per dox . 4"'c. CAHHAUK Holland, seed, per lb.. 2c; California cabbnge, In crates, per lb., 2c. REKT8 old, per hu., 4itc: new, per dos. bunches. 45c. RADISHES Hot house or southern, per dox.. 3oij40c. LETTl'CK Hot house, per dos., 45c; head lettuce, per dox., $l.ixif(il.25. KTU'HARH Illinois, per box of (0 lbs., tl 00. PARSI.EY-Prr dos bunches, 45c. A 8 PAR At ICS Home grown, per dot. bunches, 90cnfl 00. MISCKI.LANEOrS. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, lo; Wisconsin Young America. 1Hc; block Swiss, new. 1Ho ; old. 17c; Wisconsin brick, 16c: Wisconsin limburger, 15c. Nl'TS Wnlnnts, No. 1, soft shells, new crop, per lb.. 15c; hard shells, per lb., 13c; No. 2. soft shells, per lb.. 12c; No. 2. hard shells, per lb., 12c; pecans, large, per lb.. 12c: small, per lb., 10c: peanuts, per lb., 7c; rousted peanuts, per lb.. 8c; Chill walnuts, per lb.. i;rrii34c; almonds, soft shell, per lb.. 17c; hard shell, per lb., 15c; chestnuts, pee b., I24ft13c; new black walnuts, per tut., 75ti9iic; shellbark hickory nuts, per bu., $1.75: large hickory nuts, per bu., $1.60. HIDES No. 1 green. 74c: No. 2 green, 64c; No. 1 salted. 84c: No. 2 stilled, 74c; No. 1 veal calf. 10c; No. 2 veal calf. 9c; dry salted, 7fi14c; sheep pelts, 25cj$1.00; hoist hides, $1.50(13.00. Cattle Steady to Ten Cents Loner Hoks Ten Cents Lower. CHICAGO, April 27.-CATTLE-Recelpls,' " wdXic" 8.000 head; market, steady to 10c lower; S'p.' Vi.. good to prime steers. $5.(5438.40: poor to 2, ' meniuni, A.atittft.eo; stockers and feeders, $2,754(6.40; cowt t2.TtVtf6.60; heifers. $2.60 5.75; canners. $1.60(&2.80; bulla, $2.40ia'5.0o; calves, $2.50(66.50. HOOS Receipts, 24.000 head; estimated tomorrow, 17,000 head; market, loc lower; mixed and butchers, $5.10fj5.374; good to choice heavy, $5. 26 'p. "1. 40; rough henvv, $4.76 tfi :6. 20; light, $5.105.35; bulk of sales, $5.25 t85. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 13.000 head; market, steady; good to choice weth ers, shorn, $4.75'&6.15, fair to choice mixed, shorn, $3.75(94.50; western sheep, t3.764(,5.15; native lambs, shorn, $4.00(86.50; western lumns, jt.Ln.!j i.i.i. Kansas 4 Ity Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Mo.. April 27. CATTLE Receipts, 4,700 head. Including 700 head southerns; market Iik&JOc lower; choice ex- Fort and di'essed beef steers, $5.5o.l0; air to good. $4.255.40; western fed steers, t4.50iAg.2n; stockers and feeders, $3.(IOri4 no; southern steers. S3.5tWa5.i6; southern i-nws, t2.26fj-4.7S; native cows, $2.6o5.oo; native heifers, $3.26o6.li0; bulls, 2.7fv4(4.75; calves, tS.OOtfin.TK. ' HOGS Receipts, 9,000 head; market 10c lower; top. $5,774: bulk of sales, $5.124rtf' 5.324; heavy, $6.2t)Q6.274; packers, $5,154 6.25; Pigs and lights. $4 .SjVrja 224- SHEEP AND LA.MHS-RecelpUt. 6.000 head; market for sheep wenk: lambs 15c lower;1 native lambs. tri.ft'Kiti .25 ; native wethers, t4.7n49S.7n; native fed ewes, $4.23 45.40; western fed lambs, $6tW37.25; west ern fed yearlings, $5.2.V&1.40: western fed sheep, $4.255.75; stockers and feeders, $3 50 456.60. St. I.ocls Lire stork Market. ST. LOI I8. April 27 CATTLE Receipts. 5 O110 head, including 1 500 Texnna. Mnrket for natives steady, Texans weak; native shipping and export steers, $5 0(uf(i;.60; dressed beef und butcher Steers. $4.P5'n56; steers under l.noo lbs , $4 00C(j6.J6, stockers snd feeders. $2.7rV64.90: cows and heifers. 34o'()6.50; canners. $2.O0rijj.5O; hulls. $l()-ijf t.26; ralvea $4 Ootrf.50. Texans and Indian steers, 13 61x15 fl. 00; cows and heifers, $2 001 4.60. HOOS-Recelpts. 5.600 head. Market was steady; pigs and lights $4.tKo6 .28. packers. $5.?5'a5.40; butchers' and best heavy, $o.25fj S.45. , SHEEP AND LAM R8 Receipts, 1.200 head. Market steady: native muttons, $3 51 fi560; lambs. $5.0118.00; culls and bucks. $2.75(63.50; stockers, $3.00113.25; Texans, $3.00 ti 5.1X1. Wool Market. liORTON. April -, WOO j-A period of active contracting . prevails In the wool market; prices firm. 80 marked has been the advance In the price that the prices In the early contracts seem reasonable by contrast. The. territory wools are quiet, owing to small offerings. Pulled wools jfra active. Foreign grades are In good de mand. Leading quotations follow: Ohio and Pennsylvania XX and above, WftMc; X. 803lc; No. 1. 6S37c: No. 2. 37fi38c; fine unwashed, 24825e; quarter-blood unwashed, 30c: three-eighths bjood. 304?31c: half blood. 29fi30c: unwashed delaine. 27fi28c; unmer chantable, 2St729e; fine washed delaine, 34 37c. Michigan, fine unwashed. 2223c; quarter blood unwashed, 29630c; three eighths blood. 30c; half blood, 28& 29c; un washed neiaine, znuzttc. jvenmcay, inniana, half Monti. 3t(?ic. 'i armory, heavy fine, K'ftlSe; fine me dium. 2otfi21c: medium. 22'523c: low medium, 24ti25c. Wvomlng, fine, 1v19c; heavy fine, Wa"c line medium. 19&20c; medium. 23'? 24c; low medium, 244J254e. Utah and Ne vada, fine. 18fJ19c; heavy fine. I4jl7c; fine medium. 18i6l9c: medium. 23624c: low me dium, 24Sr25e. Dakota, fine. 19j20c: fine medium. 20fa'21c; medium. U(p2&c low me dium. 24TS26c. Montana, fine choice. JlUJc: fine average. 19ff20c; fine medium choice, il 22e; average. 1920c; staple, 2223c; me dium choice, tTZfMe. ST. I.oi'IS, April 2".-:WOOlf-Steady: medium grades combing and clothing, 23 524c; light fine, 18fl224c; heavy fine, 14 jl5c; tub washed, 3038c. Oils and Rosin, NEW YORK. April Tt. OTI-Cotton seed, easy; prime yellow, 24f26'.e: petroleum, fjtiiet; turnetitlne. nomlnnl. SMiAYie. OIL CITY. Pn.. April 27. OIU Credit balances $1.29; certificates, no bid. Ship ments, 77 73 bhls.: average, 74.887 bbls.; runs, 103.743 bbls.; average. 64,928 bbls.; shlnments. .Llnul 68.2(17 bbls.; average, 65.773 bbls.; runs, Lima, 77,527 bbls.; average, 54.025 bbls. SAVANNAH. April 27.r-'OIIf-Tiirpentlne, firm. ".tic. ROSIN-FIrm: A. B. C. $2.90; p. I"?: K. t.1.024: F. $3,074; O $3,124:. H. $3.30; 1. $3.40: K. $3.70: M. $3.71; N, $3.80: W O, t3.R5; W W, $4.05. REAL KIT41K TR AXAEKRI. St. Joseph Live stork Market. ST. JOSEPH. April 27 CATTLE Re ceipts, 2.375 head. Market 15i26c lower; na tives. $4 25atl (i; corn s and heifers, t2 0)(tj 5.35; stockers and feeders. $3.004 4 90. HOGS Receipts. 8.294 head. Mnrket BtilOo lower: light. $6 Pki5.224: heavy. $5.155.;6. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recel.ts. 3 309 hesd. Market weak to 10c lower; lambs, $7.S0. Monx 4 Ity l ive Stork Market. SIOUX CITY. April 27.-(Speclal Tele gram.! CATTLE Receipts, son head; mar ket 10c lower, stockers slow; beeves, $4. offal 6.50; cows, bulls snd mixed, $3iK6.2o; stockers and feeders. fl.O(K&4.60; calves and yearlings. $.1 "OU4.l0. HOGS Receipts. $.500 head; market 5c lower, selling at $5 u6(5 .20; bulk of sales. $5.10Zj5.15. Stork In Sight. The following table shows the receipts of live stock of the six principal western markets yesterduy: Cattle. South Omaha , 1,824 Sioux City liO Kansas City 4, Too Bt. Joseph , .. 2, 17$ St. Louis Chicago t.000 Uogs. 9.445 t.tfo S.OnO 6.214 t.60 t4.lM Sheep. 3.1 t jrio t 899 I.' 17.000 Total .24.199 64,739 t0.S Cotton Market. NEW TORK, April K. COTTON Mar ket rlosed steady; middling ni'lands. 7.65c; middling gulf. 7.80o. Sales, none LIVERPOOL, April 27.-COTTON-Sp6t. moderate business done, prices 3 points higher; American middling fair, 458d; go:id mlddlltg 4 28d; middling. 4 10d: low mid (liny. $4d; jI ordinary, 8.76d; ' ' nai y, 1 ftod The sales of the day were 8 000 bales, of which 5t) were for speculation and ex port and Included 7.4o American; receipts, Id.ojjo bales Including 15.600 American. NEW ORLEANS. April 27.-COTTON-Firm; sales. 1.660 bales; ordinary. 44c; good ordinary, 6 1114c; low mlddllrg. 811-Uic; middling. 7l-lc: good middling. 74c; nrM dling fair 74c Receipts. 4.21 bales; Muck. 22 H14 bales. ST. Lot 18. April S.-COTTOX-gulot; DEEDS filed for record April 27. as fur nished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1SH Farnam street, te The Bee: T. C. Larson and .wife to A. P. Worn n vi 1st , 4 acre adjoining the 11H n'4 8-16-10 t 4X Cltv of Omnha to CharltV'Tf. MeCon nell, lots 3 and 4. block 48, city of Omaha I A M. Pleasants to A Hallenheic.lots 2 and 3. block 24. Boyd's add 2.000 Emma L. Prowltt and husband fo A. W. Johnson, lot 4. and part of lot 6, block 7. Dupont Place t Henrietta S Carter and husband to Addle Sulllvsil, kit 13' Mock; , Cllfr ton Mm ', CohirpblBn , ln'surahce conipAny,' fo Kate Llngomlcr. lot 13, ..block. I3 " ' West 8l1e rtc .. 160 H. J. Llndmler snd wife to G, j. Hem Is Real Estate company, part of , lot 4. block 6. Kendall s udd...... . .850 W. Lyon to F. A. Llndberg, lot 18, . block. 11. Halcyon. Heights ..a : 260 8. Vail and wife in J, Rocdustnes. lot 2. Sullivan's add $26 Emma P. Rates and husband to-' MarthA R. King, part lots 10 kud 11. block 8, Hanscom place 18,000 W. II. Gates and wlfn to F. Q. WlUe. lot t, block 10. North Omaha. lnf) Mary FJiegel to J. Wotowa. lot .S, hlock 9, if E. Rogers 2,300 EllialH'th .W. Patrick .to Commercial t 1 '.and company, lot 1. block 85, and other property In Dundee ... " J Ellsai y. Patrick, to Elmwood; park , Land company, se4 13-11-12. giul ., other property ...1 .....,..Pl.. , ,.,1 City of Omaha to F.. ArmhusL strips adjoining to lots 11, 12 and 13, Uock ' ' 2, Collage park n. ... .108 E. Kelpln and wife to A. W. Kelptni part tax lot 23. a.15 13 :.i ...... I . .360 J. R. Armutts and wife to J J Armatis. putt lut I. block ij Arbor. place 1 S. Lmdmler and wife to Anns II. .legman, part lot 4. block 6. Kendall 750 Sephrona Metcslf and huatianrt to J. Simon, part lot 7. block t, Ruth Ai Selby's 1 v.. 12$ P. W. Kuhns et si to A Z. Van Llew, lot li. block 4. Plsin View 1,260 O. M. Spurlnck and wife to same, lot 4. block t, Kllby's place 3,250 Edwards-Wood Co. Ilneorporsted rUin OIllco: Fifth tmi Robsrts Strssti ST. FAUL. niN.N. DEALERS IN Slocks, Grain, Provisions Ship Your Grnitt to Us Branch Office. 1 149-1 1 1 Roirl sf Trail Bldg., Omaha. . Telephsne Ml 4. 812-214 Exchani; Uldg . South (.Jnnhs ' Iilll Phone M. liepudul Tlwu t J