10 THE OMAHA DAILY PEE: FRIDAY, APniL 29. 1003. CURRENT' LITERATURE. , Gears;" ItajT Mr(,utcheon appreciates a 'rood Joke even thoiiKh he In the victim, an Ik hnwn In the following; from "Au thors letter Boxes" In the May Book man! "A cowboy living In Arizona, forty milrs ' from S postofTtre or a book More, was a ! Ormnstark convert. He learned my address I from a Chicago man who happened to be traveling In that rnnntry and wrote me a long Iftter, In which he said he was eager to rd my new book, The Sher rods, which hud Jut been published. He had ridden forty miles, going and com ing, twlre a week for a month, but had been unable to cecnre the book at the nearest town. He waa writing to BKk me If I would send him a copy by mall If he would acrid the price. I sent him a copy with my compliments and told him he need not mtnd the price, I was only too happy to give him the book. A month later he acknowledged receipt of the book. It required but little perception on my part to discover that he did not like the story. I have only to repeat what he said: " 'I don't wonder you are happy to give It away. You don't expect people to buy it, do you? I'm much obliged to you for giving It to me for nothing, but even at that 1 think there la some change coming to me.' "What criticism could be more caustic than that? It penetrated to the very quick of my pride, and I made the mistake of retaliating politely. I sent him $1.60 In strunps and asked If that made us square. He went me one better by responding that ho could use the stamps to great advnn l.ige In warning hla friends not to read tho book. I waa afraid to reply to this." "The Monk's Treasure," by George Mor ton (The Bobbs-Mrrrlll company, Indian apolis), Is a book for young men and women, perhaps who have time to kill. It tells of the Greek Isles In a way which does not Impress one with the par ticular knowledge of the iauthor, who at times shows evidences of ability which may some time produce a better book. The May Housekeeper Is a typical num ber of this high class magazine for the home. 'While the keynote of helpfulness Is emphasized, ns usunl. the stories, spe cial articles, verses and illustrations are exceptionally excellent. A number of charming storiettes by popular writers form a striking feature. The woman who meditates traveling this iimmer will be especially Interested In tho June designer, which pictures the latest Inventions which will ndd to her comfort. A well written article by Myra Emmons tells how tm may make a trip to Knrope, spend a montti on land and have a satisfy ing glimpse of six different countries for $150, exclusive of ocin steamer expenses. Thosei who want a breath of country air as reasonably as can be obtained will appre ciate) "the Summer Outing." which presents camp life of most novel character. There are, however, many women who Jt.st now are fnr more Interested in the planning of their wedding gowns than their traveling outfits, and for thse are given three pages of bridal costumes, with the addition of outfits for the flowr girls and pages. All mothers will prefer to any other pages In the magazine the two on which are given lullabies, with charming border of drowsy babies being sung to sleep by the crl"kets. The housekeeping article this month car ries the readers far away to Scandinavia, where the oddest of domestic methods pre vail, and of unusual Interest to those who have their own support to earn Is the new aeries by Bertha Hasbrook, "In the Inter est of Bread-Winning," the opening one treating most practically of "The Hand Laundry." In the Youth's Companion for April 27 appears the conclusion of Grace Rich mond's serial, "The Second Violin," one of the best stories the pnper has ever printed. The four complete stories Include one by Rev. Francis E. Clark. D. D., president of the Society of Christian Endeavor. It is called "In the Balance," and tells bf a boy's struggle between self-denying right and a small self-gratlfylng wrong. The striking cover design of the Reader Magazine for May is by Howard Chandler Christy and Is an excellent example of this famous Illustrator's work at lta beat. In this number Caleb Power brings the dra matic story of his trials to a close in the final installment of "My Own Story," tak ing the narrative down to the present time. Incidents In the last trial of Power on tho charge of complicity In the murder of Sen ator Ooehel of Kentucky are told In a plain, tralghtforward manner that convinces by Ha very simplicity. One of the leading opponents of the Rockefeller gift to the American Board of Missions has been Rev. Dr. Washington Gladden of Columbus, O., author of "Social Salvation" and the present presiding mod erator of the Congregational Church in America. In his latest book, entitled, "Where Dors the Sky Begin," Dr. Gladden has chapters on "Knowing How to Bo Rich" and "Who Can Forgive Sina" Among the pictorial features of the Na tional Magazine for May are full-page por traits of Mayor Dunne of Chicago, Senator Carmack of Tennessee, Theodore P. Shonts, head of the Panama Canal commission, and President Castro of Veneiuela. Fleming H. Revell company has pub lished a new revised and final edition of "The Twentieth Century New Testament," a translation into modern English from the original Greek, which la an attempt to render the New Testament Into readable modern English. This edition marks the completion of over thirteen years of la borious effort by a score of translators, representing the leading universities and' denominations, which makes it free from personal and sectarian views. The pre vious editions, although distinctly an nounced ua temporary, reached a sale of over JvO.oort copies. All criticism of the earlier edition has been carefully consid ered and the results embodied In the new revised and final edition. Alnnlee's for May has a new short story by Joseph C. Lincoln, who made a hit last year with hla book. "Cap'n Erl." The name of this tale Is "An Assisted Back slider," and in It Cap'n Erl makes his sec ond appearance, with a new installment of hla Irresistible humor and quaint philoso phy. It Is in Mr. Lincoln's best vein and is ure to make a hit. There Is a constant demand for Rudytrd Kipling's books. Eight large editions of "Captains Courageous" have appeared, and tho Century company reports that the Jungle books have been printed thirty two timn. The regular yearly sale of the Jungle books averages over 7,000 coplea Above books at lowest retail prices. Matthews, 122 South Fifteenth street. Loses Part of Brsla and Lire.. 8T. LOT.'IS. April I7.-Ph slcians at the City hospital are interested In the case of Charles Murtlnek. who shot a bullet Into bis brain March 14. but Is apparently none the worse for the wound, even though part of the brain which protruded through the opening wuo removed. Marlinrk has full possession of all his faculties and walks about the hospital apparently well, except ing the unhealed mound. He suffers no JA. 314 fcuiial iuta ilul llr-'l r-"ll"'. "1 V 1 I CVJ LZZJrZaE SOWS Grand Remnant Bargains Special Sale Friday REMNANTS OF Remnants and odd assortments of FINE LACES our finest wash laces, Torchons, Normandy and Plat Vals., Point de Paris, etc. in bands, galloons ami insert- ings worth regularly up to 25c yard at Odd Lots and Remnants of Embroideries Embroideries, inaertings and bands fine quality and new patterns tuese are lactory sample sirips iresn from a New York importer up to 17 inches wide- at, yard Special Bargains in Silk Remnants Fresh lots of Importer's sn mplo pieces, neckties, manufacturer's sample pieces, sample lengths embroidered sillt prenadiues and silk organ dies, brlirlit colors for fancy work ond trimming on sale, each, nt ,13., 1 Ulllb UC 1U11D, CLU. 111 ;2ic-5c-10c '-5c-10c-!5c " .11.I1.U1-l ItllU "III V , 2c-5c-10c-25c l.ono yards fine silks in 1 yard nnd Vi yard lengths, black and colored taf feta, bright chlmt silks, sl foulards and muny noV- I Jf g As1at2V city silks elty only . 29c 50 pieces fine 40 Inch wide pure silk white chiffon, worth tl(c on sale, 'a vnrd "(io fine black silk remnants In lengths from t yard to 0 yards, many pieces to match. Finest qualities of black taffeta, black peau de sole, Duchesse, Messaline. peau de sypne and French poplin, all on sale Friday at about half manufacturing cosl. Dress Goods Remnants Friday Each set contains from 7 to 10 lengths alike every style of weave and color at, each All shorter lengths, same assortment at, J , regular I Shirt waist and dress lengths of 1 I H nAaf rronrta V . cmlH ASP M each. All tilgh clans goods from stock, in 5, 7 and 10 yard pieces black and nil de sirable colors sweeping price reductions at, yd.. 69c hncst poods that sold T ! j up to $1.60 a yard J J ( 25c Organdies 6,000 yards of these fashionable goods, for party and street dresses each lot of remnants contains full dress pat- tern also smaller lots for children's dresses at, yard " In the Basement: Special Unbleached muslin, the Cc qual ity, as long as 4 bales last, yard iC 36-inch wide bleached muslin- worth up to 9c tomor row only Small lots of calico, voiles, ping hams, etc. tine bip bar pain center full, yard . B inch wide mercerized sateen, the regular 40e quality, tomorrow, a yard .... Seersucker Kinphams would be cheap at 12 1 -2c Friday, at .'. ...3ic ping- 2lc sateen, 7k 1 be 6ic I'lnln and dotted silk mull worth Hi) to oOc Friday Mohnlr lustre, which material Is so much in demand, this season, sold as high as thirty-nine niv . Fancy Percales, the very best qual ityregular price l-Vsc per yard Friday only Checked and corded Scotch Ginghams, the loo qual- . ity. at 36 and 4o-inch white lawn, these are extra line and would sell as hlKh as 25c a yard Friday, a yard Remnants of linen toweling in 1V to 2 yard lengthB, 15c-I9c 12!c quol- 5c 81c 10c 5c a remnant. Hemnants of linen toweling in 1 1-4 to 2 yard lenpths, 5c a remnant Kcmnants of fine and medium table damask iu table cloth lengths at about half repular price. .OW yards f sl'k mulls, regularly I All wool dress goods, eflshmere, serge, jniu-i, vones, lrunantine, etc voiles and etamlnes, at, yard...OW j many match up at, each 5c BIG SALE OF RUGS MONDAY, MAY 1 non- ni enure siock or Krnus, Benham, Butler Co., Columbus, O. Borne goods slightly damaged Wil ton, Axmlnster, Velvet and Smyrna rugs fax below their value. . On Tuesday, May 2, we sell all the Oil Cloth nnd Linoleum from tho stock. J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS, BOSTON STORE I BEGINS S) Choice of Entire Stock of Young Men's Boys' Clothing From C, LIPMAN & CO., 707-09 BROADWAY, N. Y., Who Re tired from Business. At the Most Astonishing Bargain Prices in the History of Omaha at SSL a m ii ihi u v"vi u ' v'zr kj ffm" I- 1 diamonds! What Is there that you can buy and wear for one year and then get your money back, less ten per cent. If you want It? We plve a contract to that effect on Diamonds. Solitaire Hlngs, $5.23 to $500. jrl Jll ltUi"'0' 15 -& DODGE. SWEET PEAS FREE We shall give to the FIRST &0 of our adult customers on NEXT SATUR DAY a free package of CALIFoRNA SWEET PEA SEED. These are furnished us hv the manu facturer of R1KUERS CALIFORNA yKUKUMKS The PERFUMES are the finest made rthe Peas the most BEAUTIFUL GROWN. A8K FOR THE FREE PEAS SATURDAY. 60c HIND'S HONEY and ALMOND CREAM Saturday 26c Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. Cor. 16th and Dodge. The Art of Teeth Making To the person outside rAPtl of the dental profession, Sr'Tj fho art nt rtiulHnir tooth la . w va. U'lip Willis, (i naturally a subject of 'll n,-VN,ery- While all den- II tlsts know how to make teeth, few have the nncen- sary experience to always turn out teeth that fit. It requires a skilled dentiKt one who ham made this his life work. We cheerfully ask you to Investigate our work. We make all kinds of good plates, from $5 up. Taff s Dental Rooms, 1517 DOUGLAS ST. DEPUTY STATE VETERINARIAN. H. L RAMACCIOTTI. 0. V. S. CITY VETERINARIAN. Office, snd Infirmary, iSth and Mason fits. CMA JklOi.' X4ubon 623, $12.80 The best gold filled Watch ever sold for $16.00 we offer for 6 days for 112.80. Genuine Dueber Oold Filled Hunting Case, warranted 20 years, with a gen uine Elgin or Walt ham movement. Either size, Gentlemen or Ladles. We will be "delighted" to show you. Brown & Borsheim, Jewelers. 220-222 S. 16th St 1MTM IT OMAHA. YVETIIKR REPORT. Friday Fair. Popular Priced Millinery Friday Omaha femininity has already enjoyed first innings of our new summer modes and pronounced all very good. Day by day larger supplies art brought out, Iht evolution from spring to summer Is gradual but sure. Friday we place some popular-priced millinery on the main tables Misses' Trimmed Hats More of them shown Friday tlinn by any two of the next largest millinery sections (next largest to IUunett's) In tho city. Fact! Misses' Trimmed Hats Medium and larger shapes, some two-tone effects of straw, others of solid tuscan with wreath and ribbon trimming, they are very smart, and they are exclusive, $3.50 A Q values, for Friday Ht J Ladles' Trimmed Hats The most elaborate ontlnp; In the west, tucked chiffon turbans, and draped straw turbans, mostly black, flowers or aigrette trlmminjr. creations that have no duplicates outside Omaha's leading millinery Ave dollar Qfi values for IU Ladles' Trimmed Hats In larger shapes of straw. In light colors, some with rolling brim, others In tho new flat shape, daintily QO and tastefully trimmed, $5.(H values for , JQ The Peerless Fovr-Nmety-Eiglvt "Sinclair" Hat Original nnd exclusive, a "Sini'luir" product, a hat without a rival In the whole realm of art-millinery. Kiubroidcred Hats, Polo-Turbaus, Flaring Itress Shapes and Tuscans, taken from close study of French models a combination of talent; the best of Tarls, for a basis, and the peerless decorative art of America (as voiced by our own artists) for their charasterlstlc finish. S'.t.OO values for Watch the Windows visit the department bring your friends Nobody urges you to buy. Second floor. ii i i 1 1 i 4.98 BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY Leaders In good things for the table -at money-saving prices. Thirty ($3.00) Green Trading stamps witn two-pound can Ben nett's Breakfast Coffee Se Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps with pound Tea BSc Ten ($1.00) Green Trad ing Stamps with pint bottle A. B. C. Catsup 23c Ten ($1.00) Green Trad wlth can Imported Sardines lf3 BENNETTS WffAffASTCOff! PROFIT DOSER9. Corn, two-pound can Be Potted Ham, can 4c Oil Sardines, can 4n Condensed Cream, caa 4c Table Syrup. 2-pound can Sc California Haisins, pound 5c Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with pound can Bennett's Capitol Bak ing Powder 24a Ten ($1.(10) Green Trading Stamps with three-pound can Omar Peaches 18c Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stnmps with three-pound can Omar Pears 18c PENNETT'S CANDY SECTION. SPECIAL New; Orleans MoIu-shcs Candy, large package Go Chocolate Crearrrs, pound 12o GAe General Offices of GAe Bennett Company Have been moved to the Third floor fronting Harney Street Take the elevator thereto. Telephones! These days when nearly every body has a 'phone In their house or your next door neighbor has one ring; np OXE-THHEE-SEVEJI, any department you wish If yon wish to deal directly with your favorite clerk. Or yon may order at the switch board. (Inr operators are sales people. They atndy the advertis ing,! they know the bargains, they know the stocks. They're your buyers. ISE' THE PHO$E. HARDWARE SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY. Ten ($1) Green Trading Stamps with box mo. is picture wire tin (25 yards) Ten ($1) Green Trading Stamps with box No. 3 picture wire ICln (25 yards) lu Ten ($1) Green Trading Stamps with dozen moulding hooks.. Ten ($1) Green Trading Stamps fc with dos. coat and hat hooks..'-'' Ten ($1) Green Trading Stumps t(n with 2-wlre coat hangers ,uw Twenty ($2) Green Trading Stamps with carpet beater, (won't 2c come off the handle) iw Thirty ($3) Green Trading bi Stamps with No.l bread box..OJC Thirty ($:! Green Trading jn Stamps with No. 2 bread box."" Thirty ($3) Green Trading 7- Stamps with No. 3 bread box.. Forty ($4) Green Trading Stamp'TJ,, with extra good spading fork.V Thirty ($3) Green Trading ftr Stamps with extra good spade"Ok Thirty ($3) Green Trading fxn Stamps with extra good shovel. BASEMENT. A Friday Gold Nine in China. The best snap this year -factory calls it a gold mine. Salads, plates, plat ters, cale plates, jugs, etc. , all in the very latest decorations and gold , treatment Friday A if I for. Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps. Cut glass for two more days at unheard of prices. Prices are 50 lower than before The Bennett Company DR. BRADBURY DENTIST 1506 FARNAM. Teeth Extracted 2Jc Porcelain Fillingi SI up Gold rilling $l up Silver Fillings sue up Crowns S2.50 up Plates $2.50 up 15 Years Sams Location 'Phons 1756. Bridge Work $2.50 up Nerves Removed Without Pain. Loose Teeth Made Solid. Work Guaranteed 10 Years TakeThe GHTbAD v 111 yrw v mi Chicago Great :stern Railway i $ we MAPLE LEAF ROUTE Uneaualled Eaawivenf on all trains makes trawling a pleasure on the GREAT WESTERN TWO TRAINS DAILY EACH WAY TO sST.FZAUL. AND MINNEAPOLIS TWO TRAINS DAILY EACH WAY TO DUBUQUE AND CHICAGO. CITY TICKET OFFICE 1512 FARNAM ST. Q UNION STATION OMAHA. Great Halt Price Sate of LADIES' SPRING SUITS. iili TUB It KM ABLE IIOHB. Surprising bar gains in Walk ing and Dress Skirts Saturday. Friday is Remnant Day in SILK REMNANTS The jrroatrKt Assortment of Plain and Taney High firnoV Pillc Jiemnauts. from to 5 .vnrds eaeli. worth up to $1.50 .yard YOUK CHOICi: IN THIS UK MA XT SALK A rt)K, YAHD 1C Big Sale of Wash Silks Friday 60 flcces of Color Wash Cords. 13 InrK wi.if, rPRinar vaiuo, sale 1S prim, yard OOC 26 pieces of Tlaln Naturnl Jap Wash Pllk. 19 Inches wide, regular D.r.c ri. value, for, yard AlC 20C EMBROIDERIES, PER YARD, 5C. CLFv.EI?rlrP AUj 0n 'KrS "' KMIIHOII.EMKS AMI INSKRT XiNUS lhe greatest snap o tho season, at, yard :.V pieces of I'laln Natiirs.1 Jap Wash Plllt. n inches wide, rrirular fOc value. 11 for, yurd ... OvC H.'ic pieces of I'laln Natural Jap Wa?h Silk, .I'l Inches wide, regular 8!'o B.f value, for DUG .5c In the Main Wash Goods Dept. int NNtbl bUNCn OF REMNANTS W ever placed on snlo ci.tffr.M Jacquards, this season's newest stvles. In lmiKlhs from :'4 to 4 yards, sold from ,o to Mr per yard; Linen Sultmtt. all colors, that sold from .Too to Tiio per yard, In 5-yard and 10-yard letiKths; Finest French Organdies, nearly all silk, that sold at !c and 6(ic per yard; Marseilles. l'i,ues, etc.; also Anderson's fine lmpoited M:tdra.es, for shirt waist and shirt waist suits, that sold at TOc to r.Hc per yard; Fancy Half Silk Wash Goods, etc., all will go In three id.8!: I0c-15c-i8c K'C AND 1.-.C DUF.SS OINOllAMS-All col. ors. from 3 to 0 yards, M-lnch I'ercales, worth luc yard, and a lamo quantity of Roods, in nil grades, up to Ific per yard, will go on said, at, yard........ OC ItK.MXAXTS OF HKHI CHAOE UNINCJS Sampson s Hilk, Yuma Mia Silk. Gloria Silk. Spun Glass Tleo Silk. Salines, and other goods, worth up to 40c yard,, will go lti bc-luc two lots, at. Domestic Room Bargains. Remnants of Sheeting, 2x.'4 yards wide, worm up to 3oc yard, all go at n 1LW one price Friday, per yard Remnants of Pillow Casing, 42x4fi Indies wide, worth up to ISc yard, nil go at one price Friday, per yard 'Uv Remnants of Soft Finished Iileached Mus lin and 40-Inch White Apron I.awn, "7 r worth up to 12Vc yard, at yard 100 Classic Dress Ginghams, in 6 to 10-yd. lengths, Friday, at yd 10c Quality Fine Printed Batlsto. from the bolt, at yard 15c quality 4-inch Lawn Katistes, In i7, long mill ('lids, at yard All kinds of White Goods, worth up to 3To yard, in three ot.s, at e l'H1, 7'j.c and OW RKMXANTS OF TARI.B L1NKN AND TOWELING HALF I'ltlCB. Hemnants of l st made Sllkolino at yd.SHa Remnants of L'llo Feather Ticking at vd. 14a jltemimiits of l.ic epuyr Ginghams at yd. bo Remnants of c Shaker Flannel at vd 4Uu iicmnains ot joc isiiiia tsiiK 1'rapety, 5c i at yi .6Vsa Hardware and Crockery Sale FRIDAY, APRIL 28, WILL BE THE BIGGEST SALE WE EV CONSIST OF THE VERY BEST WAKli ERS IN THE COUNTRY. SUCH AS Sterling Aluminum Enameled Ware. Ijovva and Volcanic Enuineled Ware. Imperial Enameled Ware. Flint Enameled Ware. Agate Nickel Steel Enameled Ware. Pearl Agate Enameled Ware. El-An-Ge Enameled Ware, All white Enameled Imported Ware, Regal State Enameled Ware. Granite Enameled Ware. Diamond Enameled Ware. Jewel Enameled Ware. Excelsior Enameled Ware. ER HAD IN THESE LINES. IT WILT. 1 FROM THE LEADING MANUFACTUR- FOR ANYTHING YOU NEED IN THH HARD WAKE LINE HAVDENS' LEAD THKM ALL. lo-qt. Galvanized Palls, sale price.. lflo 12-qt. Galvanized Palls, sale price 12a 14-qt. Galvanized Pails, sale price loo No. 1 (i.llv.ilil.r.l Wash Tub, sale price. ,3!'o No. 2 Galvanized Wash Tub, sale price. ,4Ho No. 3 Galvanized Wash Tub, sale price.. 6UO 12-tine Garden Rake, sale price.'. lOo Solid Steel Garden lloe, sale price, l&o AIop Sticks, with or without combina tion Bo Enameled Dish Pan, sale price 5o Ice Pick and Meat Pounder, sale price.. So Fancy Decorated Cuspidors, sale price. ,7'AQ Regular 2ic Iemon Squeezer, sale price. 5o Never Rust Tea and Coffee Pots, worth 75c, sule prico 2k3 Crockery Prices for ThisSale Regular 15c, 25c, 60c, T5c. up to S1.K0 values, consisting of both decorated ond white ware. In semi-porcelain, china and Hint blown crystals, cups and saucers. Individual butters, wine glasses, mustard Jars, crystal fruits, all sizes, plates, bowls, oatmeals. Jugs, pickle Jars, baking, serving and mixing bowls, teainits, butter dishes, platters, covered dishes, vegetable dishes, detachable water traffics and vlnegur crewets, trsys, sugar bowls, spoon holders, vases, tumblers. Jelly moulds, nappies, etc., etc. Over 1.0U0 other articles to choose from. FRIDAY MORNING. APRIL 28. MAVDERS BROS. NOT HOT CAKES, But they sell like them we mean our lino of souvenir and single spoons. The State Spoon with Auditorium or Post Office, or fancy lettered Bowls, from $1.25 to $2 00. These are handsome goods Buy two or three and send them to your friends In the East. Spend a few minutes and look them over. Look for the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, 1516 Douglas Street. BOY WANTED A In every iowi to sell our new Saturday Bee. .We will send any boy the first 10 C OPIES JBREE It contains 18 pages of special magazine features, inclndlng 10 colored pages with BUSTER BltOWN COMICS, altogether 30 pages, and is a big seller everywhere on Saturday OM EVERY CAPER YCU SELL YOU MAKE TWO CENTS PROFIT FOR FULL PARTICULARS APPLY TO Sfc OMAHA BEE hoti:ls. Hotel MARLBOROUGH BROADWAY, JoTH AND J7TH STS. Herald Square, New York. UNDER NOW MANAGEMENT. Completely renovated and refurnished. The Urg'-Ht and roost attractive LOUBT AND liiTl'NUA In New York has been newly opened up. Special inducements to COMMERCTAI, MEN with samples Thirty lurje and well lighted SAMPLE ROOMS, with or without Luth. Forty lurs front suites, with parlor, two bedrooms and private bath; suitable for families or parties traveling together. The Old English Grill Room is sn Innovation. Unique snd original. All exposed cookln. Sea food of all varieties a sperjalty. .' Our Combination breakfasts are a popular feature. The German Rathskeller la Broadway's greatest attraction for special food dlahes and popular Music. EURO rAN PLAN Q Rooms, 200 baths. Rates for Rooms. $1 M and upward: $? fle. and upward with bath tsrlor. bedroom snd buth. 13 'H. U ') and IVW pr day; I'arlor, two l1rooms au4 bath, ffi.OO, $6 00 and fa Go per day. $1 00 extra wio-re two persons occupy tlnglo room. Write fur tooklet. i WJ2i-Xl4WX UOTEi, CQU'ANy. , M. Ticrpty. Men