GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Tinning Up and May Adrasce for a Day or Two. CONTRACT WHEAT WILL NOW BE GROUND Corn fttocke la Chicago Small, Thai, Year Ao, Wb There Wa a Lake Tleup ana So Export Drnail, There ii OMAHA. April 2, 1901 nrmiriu im m ih.. i . . ket alter .pot ,na IS, Tn" "I."3 u an advance n a -jay or two. Not alt ot ilie longs have been soared out by the recent , mule ana some of them are holding out vei y stub fornly. There Is about luO,uuu bushels of .la oougnt in February ai i i ,,,.. reached the high and low point betore 'n .nrt y V "Uly rnB-u between n.-,,n and Mvc, against 8oc ana 6Uc 'lue .i. incre is Pkely to oe a ratner un eventful two or three day. n prospect. Liverpool cloaed with a decline otV tier. .,11 iohi -s ana Mima Pest named l Ccin. All of the weak holdera of the wheat have been shaken out by the panic and the market Iw low in atrong nana and a bet ter tone prevails. The little fellow have taken their losses, Uatea has unloaded and Armour Is thought to. be the most Im portant long now. The Armour house ha taken on mot of this line since the break came at good price. All of the longs in the market now are men who are reauy to take the cash Bluff. A large part ot the short Interest has been covered and the market is In more even and natural condi tion, apparently, than fop r.ix months. Ory good thing about the high prices which nave prevailed la that they have forced the use of the low-grade wheat. There Is a, much larger supply of good wheat now than had been expected and little contract a matter of fact has- been ground, as It has been saved for the speculators. There Is yet ten or. fifteen weeks of the old crop year and this high-grade wheat will now he ground. Kansas City reports No. S hard and No. 2 red wheat sold thore today at 4 cents over Tuesday. Minneapolis- cash mar ket Is also firmer. The stocks of corn in Chicago public and private houses are now 7,272,000 bushels aa against 8,811,000 bushels at this time last year. There was a strike among the grain shovellers, then which lasted until May 28, but notwithstanding this fact, the stocks of corn were decreased 6,0o0,00o bushels dur ing the month. This was all moved by rail and was all forv domestic consumption. The export then was only 896,000 bushels, while we are now exporting about 8,000,000 "l1 a wck- The clearances today were i.0W bushels The receipts are now under those of last year and It Is predicted, they will run under for thirty days. The primary corn receipts are 25fl.0ou bushels ain.",t'6'0"0 ,ast tfT "1 the shipments sre 343.0(K) against 126,000 bushels. The May corn market was stronger today running 4,c and 4S',o against a high and low of 4h-ic and 4.-hc for Tuesday. Liverpool closed with an advance of He Omaha Cash Pricea. ,-5'MK.ATrIO-Ja naro'-900 ; No-a hr,i. eL".-t1 na.rdl w&'ci No. 8 spring. 0c. CORN-NO. 2, 43c; No. f, 42c; No 4, 42o; no grade, 38(fjfrq41c; No. 2 yellow. 43V4c No! Jyellow, 43c; No. 2 white. 43Hc; No. 3 white, OATS-No. 2 mixed. 28Uc; No. 2 mixed, 28c: No. 4 mined, 27Vic; No. 2 white, 29ttc; No. i white, 29c; No. 4 white, iSftc; standard, y 74C. j Carlot Receipts. u r n.t. Chicago , Kansas City Minneapolis Duluth St. Louis Omaha 70 104 47 63 18 16 102 .. .. 7 .: 7 22 32 2 10 .4 Minneapolis Wheat Market. The range of prices paid In Minneapolis, as reported by the Edwards-Wood company,-110-111 Board of Trade, .was: Article. I Open. High. Low. Close. Ysfj. May... 96V 7H . WH 84V, M July..-. 94-V 9RVi 92V iVf, Mi Sept... 82T, 83V, 81 gig M SEW ,klfORK COERAL MARKET isolations of-the Day 01 Various N'BWtbRK. April 2S.-FLOUB-Recelpts, 8,764 bbl. ; exports, S.SsW bbls. Market dull and bftrslv steady;'- winter patents, 15.00 S.80: winter straight. 14.78fS6; Minnesota patent. 15.506.75,- winter extras, $3.35 8. 76; Minnesota bakers'j lS.Vxa4.00; -winter low grades, 13 .263,66. .Rye flour, quiet: fair to good, $4.108 4.66; cholca -to. fancy, 4.703 CORNMEAL Market steady; fine white, $1.20; fine yellow $1.20; coarse, new, 11.08 1.10- kiln dried, 12.76(32.90. RYE Market nominal: western, 80e bid, BARLEY Market dull: feeding. 45Vic, c. 1. f.. New York; malting, 42844c, c. 1 f., Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, 7,000 bu.: spot mar ket irregular; No. 2 red. 94c, nominal, ele vator; No. 2 red. 95V4c, nominal, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, 11.01 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard. Manitoba, 98c f. o. b. afloat. Bull features In wheat today were limited to a brief advance around the opening, occasioned by southwest support and rust talk from Texas. Otherwise the market wss extremely weak, touching new low records in the last hour. Heavy liquidation, Impelled by good weather news, helped the decline. Last prices showed lVe net loss. May, ai'naiVe, closed at 83V; July, 88 15-16f3!c, closed at 89c; September, 84yftRot,e, closed at 84c. CORN Receipts, 84,500 bu.; exports, 275, 207 bu.i spot- market, barely steady; No. 2, Uc . nominal, elevator, and 67ic f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow. 62',c: No. 2 white, 52c. Option market opened steady on rains west, but turned very weak under liquida tion and the wheat break, closing lc lower. May, 61S62f cloaed at 61c; July, 61H352HC closed at 51i,c. OATS Receipts, 64,500 bu.; spot market steady. Mixed oats, 2tS to 82 pounds, 3.Vrr 3.'. 4c, natural white, 80 to 32 pounds, 35Vvft 34e; clipped white, 36 to 40 pounds, ibWa 2i)c. HAY-Market quiet; shipping, 606c; guild to choice, 7, v't'Vk- HOI'S Market dull; Faclfln coast, 1904; i.'v.z.,-: !ma U'iu.'4-: olds. 111 13c. HIURS-Market steady; Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs.. flV: t'allforiiia. 21 to i.i Ihs., ttie. LEATHER Market firm: acid, 2482c. PROVISIONS Beef, market firm; family, '; mess. jn.rii-i mi- beef Imrns. 121. 00-1)22.50; packet, 212.0018.00; city extra India moss, lls.0ii''o'2o.ui. . ut meats, mar ket steadv; pickled bellies. 17.2464.00; nlckled shouldVrs."ff1.0i; nlckled hams, I9.50ti9.75. I.ard, market quiet; western steamed. $7.50; refined, market steady; our ound, m.12io.oo: continent. li.os: 8011th America, 18.26. Pork, market easy; family, $'.4.5ivft 18.00; short clear, $13.00lo.00; mesa, 13.25-lS.62Vi. Hi TifcK-fcan) ; street price, extra creamery. 3043wVa; official prices: cream ery, common to extra. 26Suc; state dairy, common to extra, 22fi2ac; renovated, com mon to extra. 17ft2o; western factory, common to extra, 1MJ-26C; western imita tion creanierv. common to extra, 26&-2XC. CHEESE Firm; state, full cream, small colored and white, fancy, 14V;c: flne,13Vc; state, late made, colored and white, poor to choice. otfU4e; state, large, colored aoj white, poor to choice. lOHtilSc. BOOS Irregulnr: western storage selec tions, 17ifil8c: western firsts. 17V4jC POTLTJOf Alive: quiet; western chirk ens, 12c; iwls, 13Sc; old turkeys. lc. Pressed: Atsv; western chickens, libUc; fowls. lrilic: turkeys, 144j18c. St. I, sals ieaeral Market. ST. LOtI April M -WHEAT-Lower; No 2 red cash.' elevator, c; track, $1 Oivj 1 02: May, 8V; July, 7c; No. 2 hard. 94Wc. Corn Lower; . No. t cash. 46c; track, 7fi4c; Msv. 44ri July, 44iO. OAlB-LoWer; No. S cssh. Vl track. May, 27V,c; July. 27Vc; No. 2 white, "-' S2Vc. FI.OTR Steady; red winter patens. $4.75 S4; extra fancy and straight, $4.6ivj4.70; clear. 3.fvh80. SKKD-Tlmothv. steadv. $2.01V9t75. t 'n N'MFAI, Steady, $2.50. KRAN Blow; sacked, east track. 73c. HAV-Su-ady; timothy, $4.00i 12.50; prairie, JS Oi'fl? On. IK. in COTTON TIE8-95C. T torsiNO 7V.c. hpmp irviNp.iii.c PROVISIONS-Pork. lower; Jobbing, 1? 07ftlM0. Lard, lower; prim slesm. $" flo. Irv salt meats steadv; boxed extra shorts, $7 12V,: clear ribs. $7.12t,; short clear. $7 37V4j. Baron. stead ; bcx-d extra nhorts, $7 7&: clear rib $7.75; ahort clear. $7.87V. J'OII.TRY 8teadv: chickens. loHc; springs. )4.uOi)65o per dosen; turkeys, 13c; ducks. He BI TTER-Slow; creamer)'', !530c; dairy. 19'ii-io. EtKJS Steady at 14Ve case count. , .Rcrl,a ghlpmen. Flour, bbl 6.W0 1.0M Wheat, bj 8 n $T0K Corn, bu 22 urn J2 0") Oata. bu.., Ji.Ouu .'0 0 I Iverpuel Grata Market. LIVERPOOL. April :.-WHEAT-Spot. quiet: No. 1 California, s d: futures, quiet: May. Cs 6d. July, i 7d. September, if f1 CorkX Bpvt, Amtricon mixed, new. quiet EIE OMAHA DAILY DEE: THURSDAY, APRIL 27. 1905. t CHICAGO KRAI AI PROVIMOM ef to. Traols, ... . fPes oa Hoard ot Traae. wh" fodL'v A,pr!' -Heavy llqtildatlnn of dehverle c5.,.!':'.' "I My "d J'' ."h . t' "thwr throughout the ror " the? rrSU SW'V w" nrly "-sponsll. e t almol? 'ih2 r,r"- Tn "i"' closed Corn shnl. ow""' polnt of "'e dsv. v rousinns are a shade to 10c lower w.Th "J'""' weakness In the wheat insr. Sr EX?;'Vhr.,': thr i ! VSftth- r,r H wF? -"-"'-"Vark-? eenerP "withstanding the wer' nr;rL"nn:M "f PI' traders who w'nTer ZZZ, i "?.y ""JUtl'-nsl rains In the for ?ra.h whl. I'.'1 .,An "Proved demand was ' "u'"1''- fsln centers tendl.r iP"sr"l" m""' 'nMuentlal factor In enr'n ff"" ,w'1 w"her. Weakness effect Sn'Il.0,"" exerted a depressing durTns- .h. w.h"t "n reused the market 2rnn.. tt lM nour to M1 to general was f..ciKl2ly; Th." Jowe,,t v"nt for Miy T ..ii l h'd H1 'efore the elose, when Mu"rrToa" -?l"de Rt J"c- J"l' dropped to finfM.-.The m"rk closed weak with final quotations on May at 81VC, a net loss Pwh eCJSn,f "l Mc- Clearances of liith nHti y,r Minneapolis. Lu cira iiiJl'wf0 rpP,,"'"d receipts of 179 2 year ago C" Week and 74 car' rrS-i'lS -ny. "'vr" ' Influential houses Sit r..fWi?knM." ,,n ,h cor" rnar Renewed liquidation of the Mav delivery T !.!"!! JuIy Tned unchanged to to 47Vig47ic and then declined to 46c. The r'.'li.V WC- I'WBl receipt were tot car, with 5 of contract grade. ooVl yDm".thy wltn "hw,t "f"1 corn t" n- iaT,, Tns we,k Uauidatlon of a th.? SieHi'iy bf', '"'n. house started iinw . Ju,y Penef Vc lower at 29V,c, sold between 2,e and 2sVf2n4c and- cirs LocaI recelPl wire 47 .rCv'?,on" were' weak, Influenced by a X-deS"5f ln ,h? Pr,ce of hogs. I.louida J?n.iTf M"y Cork wa ain In evidence. fi. - Lari WRS down 2V.?i5c at iT"l2V4 ' " Wer "hade '"wpr ' Estimated receipt for tomorrow: Wheat. 30.wrh,ead?rn 68 Car"; 0at8' 72 Cara: hoB8-.-The. ' Prtce paid In Chicago as 'fT0,rt'd by the Edwards-Wood company, 110-111 Board of Trade, was: Article. Open. High. Low. Close.l Ysfy. Wheat May Julv Sept. Corn May July 8ept. Oats May July Sept. Pork May July Lard May Julv Sept. Ribs Mav July Sept. 83WV4 80'li81 93 ! 91 81V4I 80 17 47!S-47v,!47H,4 'mi "T T 91V. 80 4fiW 4H,i 46H46V9V.I 47V, 93 8o 81 46 ii !29V.V4 29 Hi 28 12 07V, 12 40 7 10 7 274 I 46 85 7 12V, 7 JO (Ik 2 28 V4 12 15 12 07V, 12 47V, 12 40 7 12H 7 30 7 45 6 87V, 7 15 7 32V4I 7 10 7 27 7 46 2S 2S 28 12 10 12 42 7 10 ' 7 30 7 45 82 6 86 7 10 7 11 7 30 7 32; 29 29 28 12 20 12 50 7 15 7 32 7 47 85 7 J5 7 32 No. 2. Cash quotations were a follow: FLOUR Easy; winter patents, $4.6O4.80; $4.90iir6.80; spring straight. $4.10(54.70; bak ers'. $25053.60. WHEAT No. 2 spring, 9094c; No. 3. 83 83c; No. 2 red. 914c. CORN-No. 2, 4c; No. 2 yellow, 46c. OATS No. 2, 29c; No. 2 white, 31c; No. 3 whlte 29aic- BARLEY Good feeding, 87039c r fair to choice malting, 4g47c. SEEDS-Flax. $1.25; No. 1 northwestern, $1.40. Prime timothy, $2.90. Clover, con tract grade $13.60. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $12.06 4912.10. Irfird, per 100 lbs.. $7.0667.O7. Short rib' sides- (loose), $.76ig.87. Bhort clear sides (boxedt. $6.877.O0. Receipts and shipments were as follows today: . , Receipts. Shipment. Flour, bbls..... 23.900 16.900 Wheat, bu 239.300 20 no Corn, bu .164,000 191.700 Oats, bu 218.900 167,000 Rye, bu 3,000 1,000 Barley, bu 95,700 66,200 On the -Produce exchange today the but ter market was easy; creameries, 214ta5c: dairies, 20926c. Eggs, steady; at mark, cases Included, 14jjil4c; firsts, 16c: prime firsts, 16c; extra, Uo. Cheese, steady Kansas City Grata and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, April 26. WHEAT Higher; May, 81.; July, 74c; September. lc: caah: No. 2 hard, U&h'Mc; No. 3, 83ft) 83&90c; No. 4, 66g85c. Recelpta, wheat, 32 .i'ciRHI'hw: May- 42c; Ju'y. 42: September, 4JS42c; cash: No 2 46'&46c: No. $, 46c. OATS-Steady; No. 2 white. 3233c; No. 2 mixed, 81c. HAY Steady; c:m:ce timothy, $9.50iai0.00: choice prairie, $7.76B8.fl0. EOQS-Steatly; Mlasouri and Kansas, No. 2, whltewood cases included, 14c; case count. 13c; cases retun.ed, e less. BITTER Lower; creamery, 2233c packers, 18c. ' t Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 26,000 12 800 Corn, bu 2i).8iiO 31 000 Oats, bu 8,000 8,000 Minneapolis Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. April 28 FLOUR-Flrsl patents. $6.164:i6.25: second patents, $4.9f 5.08; first clears, U-iaQH-35; second clear. $2.86.90. ' BHAN-In bulk, $12.75. WHEAT May, 84c; July. 92tW2; September. 81e: No. 1 hard, 98c; No. 1 northern, 9c; No. 2 northern, 93e. ' Philadelphia Prod ace Market. PHILADELPHIA. April 26. BUTTER Steady; extra western creamery, 31c; ex tra nearby prints, 33c. ... EQGS Firm; nearby fresh. lc at mark; western fresh. 17c at msrk. CHEESE-Firm; New York cream, fancv, 13fel3c; choice, 13c; fair to good, 12 ' T" Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, April M.-WHEAT-Weak: No. 1 northern, $1.00; No. 2 north ern, 94fc98e; July. 83c hid. RYE Dull: No. 1, 7fj79C BARLEY Steady; Na.2, 61iffS2c; sample, 3'lc. CORN-Weak; No. 8. 45(946c; May, 46 t546o bid. Dalnth Grain Market. DVLt'TH. April M-WHEAT-To arrive, No. 1 northern. 90c; on track. No. 1 north ern, 80c;-No. 2 northern, 83S7c; May. 0c: July. lc; September, 81c. OAT8 To arrive and on track, 35c Peoria Market. PEORIA. 111., April 26.-CORN-Higher; No. 8 yellow. 46: No. $, 4e; No, 4. 46c; no grade, 41 'Jr44c. OATS Hicha nged : No. $ white,' 29 29n; No. 4 whlte 2962o. Toledo Bred Market. TOLEDO. April M SEED Clover, cash. $8 40, bid; April, $8.40, hid; October. $6 77; prime alslke. 17 60; prime timothy. $142. . Cottoa Market. NEW TORK, April 2.-COTTON-8pot closed quiet, 6 points lower; middling up lands, 7.65c; middling gulf, i0c; sales, none. LIVERPOOL. April 2.-COTTON-8pot, moderate business done; prices five points lower; American middling fair, 4.56c: good middling. 4.23c; middling. 407c; low mid dling, 3.91c; good ordinary. $.73c; ordinary, 3 67c. The sales of the day were 8,0"X) balea, of which l.&uO wer for speculation and export and included 7) American. Receipts, 28,000 balea, including 30.4'iO American. NbTW ORLEANS. April 28.-COTTON Firm; sales. 2.240 bales; ordinary, 4c; food ' ordinary, S 13-i6c; low middling, l-16c; middling. 7 8-16c; good middling. 7c; middling fair, 7c. Receipt. .it,2 bales; stock. 226.762 bales. ST. IAil'IS, April W.-COTTON-Qulet; Middling. 7 7-16c. Sales. 140 bales; re ceipts,, 860 bales; shipments, let balea; Block. 48,200 ualva. Oils and Rest a; NEW YORK. April M -Ol L-Cotton-seed, eay; prim yellow. fSt.c: petroleum, eaav; turpentine, nominal, 594r59c. OIL CITY. Pa. April K-OlL-tredit balance. $129: certlilcates. no bid. Ship ment. 94.796 bbl.. average 74.231 bbls.; rune. 86 179 bbls.. avers 471.477 bbls.; Lima, shipment. 60.369 bbl., average 68 071 bfcl .: Lima, run, 7,7SJ bbl., averag M.047 bbls. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS m mm Market ii Generally Lower Throughout the Session and Close ii Weak. MANY RUMOoS OF RAILWAY CHANGES Rumor that Proposed lasne of airto, OOOMMt Preferred Stock by the lolon Paelflc Will Be Abandoned, NEW YORK, Arrtl 2ii Speculative senti ment In the stock market seems to be swayed st present almost entirely bv the varying gossip regarding the relation be tween railroad capitalists who control the northweati-rn railroad systems. Today's rumors shitted to the side of prevailing harmony and a disposition to co-oprratlve for mutual advantage. Out of this subject there has been built up during the recent boom in stocks 11 complicated system of supposed projects for centralixation of con trol of the railroad systems of practically the whole country. The slump In Northern Hecurltlrs stock shook the confidence In the stories and during the break of this week and last opinion has veered to the other extreme. Instead of harmony whis pers of war and of plans of mutual de struction have pervaded the street. The reports of restored harmony today came after the movements of the stocks and there was suspicion that manipulative processes played a large part In the price movement. The downward plunge ln the price of Northern Securities was Tn a large part due to the feur that with the release of the stocks of Its constituent companies they would le freely liquidated 011 account of the hUh level to which the nominal quotations had been carried while the hold ings were tied up ln the Northern Securi ties company. This apprehension was kept alive by the violent declines In the quota tions for these stocks. But there was an awakening today to the fact that the vol ume of offerings In which these declines had been mnde wa almost purely nominal, in spite of the rapid distribution being ef fected of certificates of stock of these companies. It was rensoned from this that the concentrated holdings of Northern Pa cific and Oreat Northern were probably little changed and that they were not com ing on the market ln large quantity. A rumor wns set afloat in addition that an agreement had been reached as to the 1ls- Fosltlon to be made of Northern Pacific, t was alleged In addition that the con trolling Interests in I'nlon Pacl'lc had averted a danger which menaced them of losing control of their property and the proposed Issue of of preferred stock would be abandoned as it had been Intended only to preserve that control. There was a considerable outstanding short Interest which wus alarmed by these de velopments. The effect was clearly mani fest In the movements In Northern Securi ties, Oreat Northern preferred, Northern Pacific, Cnlon Pacific, St. Paul. North western, Illinois Central and New York Cmtral, all of which have been hound up together more or less In the speculation based on this topic. Very explicit declara tions were made also that the long rumored lease by a dividend guaranty of Louisville A Nashville to the Atlantic Coast Line had been definitely determined upon. Amalgamated Copper led a strong group of copper, lead and smelting stocks, a spe cial Influence being the Increase In the dividend rate on Anaconda.- a subsidiary compnnv of the Amalgamated. The fnlted States Steel stocks at first reflected disap pointment on the part of the speculators who had counted on larger net earnings fyr the quarter than were reported nt thi meeting after the market had closed yes terday. But these stocks showed a good recovery when the general strength devel oped. The vagaries of the price movement aroused growing suspicion, especially the feverish fluctuations In Ixiulsvllle & Nash ville and the sud ln subsidence at inter vals of the active buying movements. Tha market had already become snaicy wnen the news was rjuhli.shed of the declaration of only the regular dividend on Norfolk & Western. Bonds were firm. Total sales, par value. $2,480,000. I'nlted States bonds were all un changed on call. The duotations on the New York Stock exchange ranged as folows: Hales. Mlgn. low. Liose. AtchlKon 6.000 81 Vs ' i do preferred 200 103 vni lOi Atlantic Coast Line. 2,i00 lliX lwv, lb 3,000 l"y, iutt Baltimore & Ohio do preferred Canadian Pacific ...i 13,ft lf8 Central of N. J 100 li) Ches. Y Ohio 6.400 6Mt Chicago & Alton .... 300 38 do preferred ' 300 81 Chicago Q. W 2.60 23 Chicago A N. W... . 2.000 238 C, M. tt Bt. f w.auu isiyt Chicago T. A T .. .. do preferred i'w C, C. C. & St. L.... 300 102 Colo. Southern 15.WK) 30 do 1st preferred.... 1.700 01 do 2d preferred ... 3.2IK) 38 Del. & Hudson 1,100 191 Dol., Lack. & W Denver & R. O... do preferred . 300 81 Erie .4, 6" 1 45 do 1st preferred.... 4,n do 2d preferred 1.400 68 Hocking Valley do preferred Illinois Central 13.6-0 1M Iowa Central 100 do preferred 200 54 K. C. Southern 9.400 31 do preferred 6.&0 66 Txiulsville & Nash.. 86,fiou laO'i Manhattan L 400 lhu Met. Securities 18.400 85 Met. Street Ry 7.600 12" Mex. Central 3,400 23 Minn. & St. L M-. Bt. P. & 8. S. M. 18.000 110 do preferred 200 liil Missouri Paelflc 7.700 Hn Mo., Kan. & Tex.... 600 31 do nreferred 9"0 6v4 N. R. R. of Mex. pfd N. v. Central N. Y., Ont. & W... Norfolk & Western. do preferred Pennsylvania P.. C. C. & St. L Heading do 1st preferred do 2d preferred Rock Island Co do preferved St. L. & 8. F. 2d pfd St.- Iiouls B. W...... do preferred Southern Pacific do preferred Southern Railway ,. do nreferred 1. Texas & Pacific Toledo. St. U & W.. do preferred Union Pacific do preferred Wabash do preferred Wheeling & L. E . . . , Wisconsin Central.. do .preferred ... Northern Pacific .... Adams Express American Express... V. 8. Express Wells-Fargo Exp.. Amal. Copper Am. Car A Foun.. do preferred ' Am. Cotton Oil do preferred American Ice do preferred Am. Linseed Oil ... do preferred Am. Locomotive ... do preferred 151 199 63 37 80 22 236 179 'x2 102 29 60 3i 188 87 IB 67 161 29 64 30 63 153 161 83 119 2J iis" 1H1 12 30 66 Kf7 96 12 199 64 37 80 22i 236 179 17 82 101 29 eo 37 19) 376 32 87 442 79 67 -i 93 93 162 : -9 64 WV 6S .164 14 83 119 22 08 1.5 161 H'3 30 66 19.200 156 3.500 58 23,100 85 152 152' 57 67 81 81 91 36,100 142 141 141 ? 78 95 , 43,300 300 ! 18.206 800 200 .(n , 23..Vif 1I0 2,3"0 100 8'Y 100 4i0 1 196.900 MO 41 3o0 ... a son 6o 2.60ft 87 32 76 6S 24 61 M 117 33 9 35 38 f9 iro 9 21 45 17 -V 49 176 246 225 12ii 240 fs 30 100 35 91 5 39 19 4 57 Am. tsmeu R ig., 5,5no 1?" 118 n- 9 92 32 77'4 6 64 fir. 117 34 97 36 38 AO . 12S 9- 4B 22 k 50 178 94 92 ,32 6S 63 61 117 ,33 97 36 3'- 50 i2; 9S 21 45 22 4!' 170 Itie. decrease. U.Jfln.ono marks; notes 1 circulation, decrease, 44 sso.iwo marks. tew York Money Market. NEW YORK. April 28 MONEY On call firm at 2fl3 per cent; closing hid. 2 per cent: offered. 2 per cent. Time loans, steady; so days, 3 per cent: 90 day. 2 per cent; ( months. S43 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPEH4TH per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firm, with nc tual business in bankers' Mils at fh64a 4 45 for demand and st 4 84504 84fi6 for tso-nay bills; posted rstes, $48ij-4.87; com mercial hills. 44'li4.S4. PILVFR-Har. 57c; Mexican dollars. 44c. BONUS-Oovrnment, steady; railroad, firm. Closing prices on bonds wer: l S. ref. U. res... IMS Join . ftfs H. ....... 10 I, N. unl. 4n l".l ..14 Mnhiitn r. a 4i..l04H ..!" n. fentrsl 4t 77V ..ill I do 1st Inr ilt, Minn Pt L it ... tT . . 104 M , K. A T. 4 101 ,.04 dn ii U .. t4l4 N. R. R. of M c. 41 W ..1IH N. Y. C. I 3H 100 ..I0i, K. 1. r ( bt IH4, .. T No. Pacific 4l 106t ..lut I 4o ll I7 . l-'-'Vi N W. c. 4. l(llV4 .. O. 8. L. rfd 4 f Tfnn. conr. J'" 1"6 .. 9:1 Reaillng gen 4k 10 .. V714 St. I.. I. M. r. Si.JII4 St. L. It T. fs. 4l. ", .. 1 Pt. I. 8. W. c. 4.... 4 . . Ffabotrit A. I. 4.. .. M14 So. Pi-inr 40 Ml Sfl. Rlllr do coupon I". 8. UK. reg do roupon V. 8. new 4a, re. do coupon V. . old it. reg.. do roupon Am. Tobarf o 4. . . . do fti Atohtson en. 41... do nj 4n AUnllr i u 4i... Bal. A Ohio 4 ... do I renlml of Ga. hi.. do lt Inc do 2d Inc Cho. A Ohio 4'ki. rhii tgo A A. S. C, R. & Q n. 4l. C, K I. A. p. 4a do col. Aa CTC. A 8t t. a 4J. .M3, Tnaa A P. la. .10 fhuago Tr. 4a.. Colorado Mid. 4a... Colo. A So 4a Cut 6a. ctfs D. A H. O 4a ... Distillers' 8ei da.. Kris prior lien 4a.. do geii. 4a F. W. t). C. la. Hocking Val. 4a. .. .llflv. uuercu, M . .110 6 iT.. St. I.. A V. 4a... I4' 1I U nion Pacific 4s 105 ao conr. 4a. . . . . s. steal za aa inii( 79 .1011, 114 Wlbaih la do dab. R Waatern Md. 4a.. A U K 4a ... Ala. Central 4s.. .. ..nt .. 17 OMADA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Eeceipts Moderate, but Pricei Baled St adj to Ten Cents Lower. HOGS SOLD WEAK TO fIVE CENTS LOWER Liberal Rata of sheep and Lambs Re ported, hat Balk ot Them Were Billed Thronah and Few on Sale Commanded steady lrlre. SOUTH OMAHA. April 26. 1. .-.ERlp, Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. . UK ai 'Mn'y 2.443 4 ol5 a uesday 4.157 li 110 b.iA Offlclal W ednesday S.tlW o.21 7,;9i Three day thla -eek..lo.2M Three days last week 14.S7S Same day week before. 13 name three weeks 9 M13 game lour weeks aajo ll.tiJl hame davi lnat vnu 1- ? - . 4a 1 I . I I 1 H . . ' " . . . "Ktl' FOK THK EAh TO DATE. ...i r,"owlnit table shows the rc-ceipi uf cjttle, liogs and sheep at South Omaha for eary.'ar 10 te. alth comporlson with last 15. 1!o4. lec. J-.ttle 2.194 311.944 4S.7.iO J.1"1' 74N.2UO ;n7.4fK W -M Bh1,P ...563.846 67a.5i4 18.70 Price orl!OWln t.ble n0" ,ne veige b.- 7 . 1 ovum uinana or uiv iao setral days, with comparison: Boston Storks and Honda. PO8TON, April M. Tall loans, 3fr4 per cent; time loans, 3i?4 per cent. Offlclal closing- of stock and bonds Atchison adj. 4s Mi AdTenturs Allouea Amalaamatsd . Amerlrtn Zinc Atlantic ningham ral. A Heels.. .'entennial do 4a 102 Mex. central 4a 7 Atrhlaon do pfd 11214j Boaton A Albany.... Jo Rmlnn A Miln, ill Boston Elevated Fltchhorg pfd M. Central N T.. N. H AH I'nlon Pacific Atner. Arge. Chem do nM Aiser. Pneu. Tube.. Amar. Sugar .... - do pfd Amer. T. A T... Amer. Woolen .. do pfd Dominion 1. A 8 Edlann Elec. IHu General Electrlo Man. Electrlo .. do pfd Mass. Oas I nlled Fruit I'nlted Shoe Mac.. do pfd V. S. SI eel do pfd Westing, common . Asked. Bid. im 1 HIV Copper Range .4a .12S . . 0 . I ..HPi, ..137 ...144 .. 3 ..10(1 ... 11 ..!S4 ,.1714 .. 19U ... l ..44 '.. n .. ar ..10J .. SJ Dmly Weat Pomlninn Coal . , Franklin Qranby lftl Rnyale Mm. Mining ... Michigan Mohawk Mont. C. A C. ... Old Dominion ... Osceola Parrot Qitncy Fhannnn Tamarack Trinity V S. Mining !'. 8. on ftah Victoria Wlnonm Wolverine .... 4 .... Si .... .... 11 .... 14 .... ....". .... n .... 74 .... 1S4j 77 .... 8 .... a' .... 21 .... .... 12 6o .... .... W .... 7i .... mvi ....100 .... 7 ....IM .... .... t .... Vk .... 43 .... 3 12 ....ins London Stock and Bonds. LONDON. April 2.-Closing quotation on stocks and bonds: Conaola, money .. to 11-16 do account .... 0 1-ie Anaconda t1 Aichiaon sou do pfd lofi N. V. Central. Norfolk AW.. do pfd Ontario A W... Pennsylvania . Baltimore Ohio. .. .1124ft . Rand Mlnea . Canadian Pacific 1574 Ches. A Ohio 67 C hicago Ot. W 8J4 '.. M. A 61. P 1S5 DtBecrs Denver A R. O.. do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do Id pfd ... Illinois Central IK Umla. & Naah 16V M.. K. A T 114. 171 4 li 414 Ml 70 Reading do lt pfd.... do 2d pfd.... So. Railway do pfd 80. Pacific I'nlon Pacific. ... . do pfd I'. 8. Sleel do pfd Wahajih do pfd Spanish 4a ...IM ... S7H ...95 ... M ... 7.1 ... Ui ... 4 ... 47 ...46 . .. 34 1 ... Ml ... 66S ...1S1H ...10H, ... I7S ...1U6, ...23 47, SILVER Bar. quiet. 26 5-16d per ounce. i"4iji per cent. The rate ot discount In the open market for short bills Is 22 per cent; for three months' bills, 22 per cent. New York Mining; Stocks. NEW YORK. April 26.-The following; are i-ii'RtitB M""iiioiiw on mining blocks; Adama Con Allcs ;. Bresce ,' Brunawlck Con . Comatock Tunnel 'on. fa I. A Va.. Horn Silver Iron alilver ..w;. LtadTllle fan ... Offered. .. IS Itltll. Chief ... to OStsrlo Opblr (Phoenix ..1. iPioal j 1 . 170 ag ..1 ., ,i...ll.,lsitra Nerads .....32 I Hopes .. t intdani . 4u0 .1060 .. 4 .. IT .. 46 .. 40 .. ..116 Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, April 26. Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the H60.0nO.000 gold reserve in the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balance, $134,243,006' gold, $62,402,529. Bank Clearings. OMAHA. April 26.-Bank clearing today w f.45.W. For the corresponding day of 1904, the clearing were Jl,24,700.2. Wool Market. BOSTON. April 26. WOOL A period of active contracting prevail in the wool market-; price firm. Ho, marked has been the advance In the price that the price in the early contracts seem reasonable by contrast. The territory wools are quiet owing to small offerings. Pulled wools are active. Foreign grades are In good de mand. Leading quotations follow: Ohio and Pennsylvania XX and above, 33ft;44C; X, SOi&aic; No. 1, 36r8 37r: No. 2. 37r38c: line unwashed, 24i&2oc; quarter-blood unwashed 30c; three-eighths blood, 30&!c; half blond' 2930c; unwashed deialne, 27iff28c; unmer chantable, 2Kti2flc; fine washed deialne ati &37c. Michigan, fine unwashed. 2J(62,'!c; quarter blood unwashed, 29S30o; three eighth blood, 30c; half blood, 2S&29C;. un washed delaine. 25f-26e. Kentucky. Indiana etc., 38fi38c; half blood. 30.110. Territory fine 20r2lc; heavy tine. 17(jjl8c; fine me dium, aX(i21c.; medium, 22f23c; low medium. 24fi25-. Wyoming, flue, lSai9c; heavy fine, 16V17c: fine medium. 197J25c; medium, 233 24c; low medium, 245!fc. Utah and Ne vada, line. 181519c; heavy fine, lfi17c; fine medium, IHffilftc; medium, 23'524c; low me dium, 24fi26c. Dakota, fine. 19tj20c: fine medium. aKijIMc; medium. 24(635c; low me dium, 24 25c. Montana, fine choice. 21fi2:'c: , nne average, iimaoc; fine medium choice. 11 m , cinBr. iijic; erapie, j-'ajc; me dium choice, 2.1ig25c. 8T. LOnH, April 26.-W(Kjl-Steadv. medium gTade combing and clothing, -23 c; light iine. 1822c; heavy fine, 14 (&15c; tub washed, nge8c. .100 7o . 3,"0 10 S 4 1"1 11.900 400 RS I'M '4 S9 101 11K do preferred ........ 1 n0 ?. piu, tti. cuamr rv 1 i.'ai iiiu 140 . 11 Am. lonacro. prd. c. Anaconda Mln. Co. Prooklvn Raold T... CVio1Maled Oas ... Colo. Fuel A Iron... ( orn Products do nreferred Distillers' Secur cjereral Electr' Internationa! Taper. do preferred International Pump. do preerred Vatloii'il Lead North American .... Pacific MMI rnrle'j la Pressed Steel Car..., d" preferred Pullman Pal. Car... Renuhllc 8teel do preferred Rubber floods do preferred Ten. Coal A Iron.. tT. a. Leather do preferred !'. R Healtv I. 8. Rubber do prl'ferred V. S .Steel do nrefurred Va.-Car Chemical.. do nreferred Westlnhoiiso Elee.. Western I'nlon K-dlvldend. Total ele for the day,l,197,900 shares. 141 97 11-1 HX ;: ! 1" 1 4Si IS014 t: si 34 ft 47 104S, 1077,, 44 97 :7 S3 107 ' io 93 41U 113 5 RoO 77,iO pws.; oro 7 Tino ic 1.7m 17 400 9C! l.2'io 1.600 ?o0 20.S0O i lev) 9 YI l.soo BOO sen ? con l.ROrt goo .too 100 14.700 lOftro 1.IW1 7 ftno l.oon . 200 ;.vo 1 ftofl S.vm K00 2u0 4iVI .122 140 7 l?o W IH 6?H 11 t9 4"; 17s in 35 4 4 10t 42 lo i 4T 97 11 0 " 179 vn s; 4t 101 41 M, ir 43 wix 24 77 7 S? h 9R llWi ir 1014 w vz : 41 1'24 V, 10" ; in 175 93 41V, 111 M 1" s 107 17B 93 Metal Matrket. NEW YORK. April 26.-METAL8-A de cline wa reported In the London tin. mar ket, which closed at 1.19 for spot and Ht AIM for future. Ixcally the market was quiet and a shade lower on the bid price, the range being quoted at $3O.30tft30.W. Most hold-prs were said to he asking fully $30.45. Copper closed at 66 5s for spot and 66 ss 9d for futures In the Iindon market. lo cally the situation la unchanged. Borne pro ducer are still said to be asking $15.37 for lake, but husiness I being done under that ftffiire and small lot are anld to be avail able for delivery In Mav sa low a $14.87. Spot suppiie sre generally quoted a fol low: Lake, $16.00 15.25; electrolytic, $16.0ti 15.2fi, and casting nt $14.T6H5.0O. Lead was steady at $4.50'4.iW on a quiet trade In the New York market, but wa lower In Lon don, closing at 12 11 6d. Spelter was un changed at $S.0 locally and at 24 in Lon don. Iron closed at 64 d In Glasgow and st 61 3d in Mlddleshorough. Ixically the Iron market seems very unsettled and It is difficult to get any firm price that may be taken a fairly representing the market owing to the varioua rumors In circulation regnrdlng business at concessions. No. 1 foundry, northern. 1 held from $17 Jo to $1Kfl0. No. 2 foundry, ' northern, at $16.75fj. 17M. No. 1 foundry, southern, and No 1 foundry., southern, soft, at $17 2fvrj 17.75; No. I foundry, so-.ithern, at $16.7fy&17 25. ST. UH'IS. April 26 MET A LB Lead, quiet, nt $4.60. Spelter, weak, at $5.70. Kvaporalrd Applra and Dried Frnlt. NEW YORK. April !6 J-EVA POR ATEO APPLES Market Is quiet. Common to nearby prime arc quoteil at 4f6c. prime at t.$u4fi.40c, choice nt Wi6c and fancv at 7c. CALIFORNIA DRITCD KRI ITS-Prune are attracting Rome speculative demand ap parently and fhow an improved tone, though spot quotation remain unchanged at 2'Sfc, according to grade. Apricot are quiet a to future and foot an mov ing very slowly. Choice are quoted at lO'if lic. extra choice at 11c and fancy at 12 U15c. Peaches sell In a lobbing way with the range uuoted: Choice, lirti liH-c- ir Nchoice. li-itKc; fancy. llVulJc. Raisins are uncnungea wltn loose Muscatel quoted at 4fitiV,r; London layer, .$1.0u4yl. at; seeded ralBJna, 5tc. lagar aa Molasses, - NEW YORK. April -BrOAB-Hw, teady: fair refining. 4c; centrifugal. ts teat, 4c; moUase sugar, c. Refined, steady; crushed, 8oc; powdered. 6.2&C, imnuiaiFu, 10c Uaak of (iernaay Utatenaent. BERLIN. April it -The weeklv state men! nf the ImruiHil IJ, r. u . . I , ... ... , ....... . . . . . ... i, , in-iniany how the following change-. Cash In . increase, ec.osjijuu mark: treaaury nottw, decrea, 6.y(i0 mark, pthttr secur- NEW ORLKAN8. April tl-SCGAR- Quiet; open kettle. S'fc.314'iHc; open ket tle centrifugal. f4 l-14$o: centrifugal whites. 5U: i-aiiomi ivit'. k.ia. $ Il-lv84c7 MOLASSES Nominal; efien kettle. 1$ 2; centrifugal, frHg. aruo, tvominal, !,246 23.191 2(.732 2.b91 22.784 2!.tl7s lo.;Ss 2a. 942 23 f.W 20.232 April April April April April April April April April April 10. April 11. April April April April July Ap.-ll April April April 20. April 21. April 22. April 23. April 24. April 25. April 26. 1W6. 11904. U903. 11902. 11901. 19iX).:lc99. t 15! 03; 7 3o 6 65 6 97 ! J o4 $ 16 7 23 IV 68: It Mi its) $ 4 3 tH 3 60 8 bJ 8 04 $ i 0 6 WH, e 20 f 26 t 25 13 6 07 1 e 00 4 U.1 4 90 41 4 93 4 17, 4 tO 4 I 25 6 211 5 HI 28 6 mK 6 ouVftl 4 881 I 4 V9l 6J? 6 27, 4 79' 6 W 4 7 6 2.S, 4 Ml ! 6 29 I 4 79 5 82; 4 81 ' I 4 Ui S85 6 26; 7 74 6 22 4 78, 1 2l ' 7 23 8 68, M 4 JO 1 4i II 0S 0 KV, w U i 30 7 241 I & 9i 6 30 7 24 $ 68 6 27 7 27 tM 6 Oil 7 26 : 6 681 b 921 6 $3 7 M 8 79 6 8i i W S 68 7 ill b 89 6 H b W 67 6 83, 6 981 6 33 1 i W 7 29 I 041 6 40, 3 bl 7 21 $ 861 I 6 48 3 6 7 1 96 01 1 72 7 07, 91 6 93j 6 4b 7 03 6 Vti 6 9i 6 6o 8 72 7 141 6 99; 6 84 6 49 8 61 I 6 90 6 98, 6 4U 8 71 7 1(1 I 6 8b 6 41 8 76 7 10 6 8S I 6 42 3 77 7 06 6 8 B 80 I 8 72 7 01, 6 8&1 6 8o 6 86, 7 061 6 96 1 6 7t. 6 32, 3 67 7 04 7 03 6 77, 6 3 3 05 ) 6 98, 6 77, 6 39 3 no Indicates Sunday. The nfflnlnl n,,n.KAM n 1 . v...w.... ...iint.T'i 1,1 lIB KllltA brought in by each road was: ' Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Uses. C. M. &. 8t. P. Ry.. 2 1 . . 1 Mo. P. Bv a 5' ?y8tem 36 2" 23 F., E. & M. V. It, R. 38 22 .. 1 C, St. P., M. & O. Ry 30 3 B. & M. Hv. 11 11 d C, B. & Q. Hy 4 4 C R. 1. & P. Ry., E. 1 1 C, R. I. & P. Ry.. W. .. 4 Illinois Central fi l Chi. Great Western. .. 4 " " Total receipts ....163 80 29 2 The rllnnnfcltinn Ih. .1 . . ' . 1 . a rollows. each buyer purchasing the num- rAff I.f haq4 1 .1 1 .... . l. w. .... iiiuiaicu. rafM. II 13 1 V-ftllir. living. OllCtp. Omaha Packing Co. .... 441 816 1 r3wut ami t ompatiy .... 7W SJ.1 n'j Cudahy Packing Co 1,230 l.;M 775 Armour A f'n iuv i mi ,ib. Swift ct Co., country iil ..... vansant & In 23 Carey & Benton 89 Lobman & Co 28 . . . " Hill i) .." . Hamilton 81 L. F. Husx l "' Mike Haggerty 105 rtulla & Kline "15 Morton & U 3 Hoffman ;mh B . R a , c. ' " ' a 107 ..... Other buyers 105 Total 3.707 6,345 2.0S1 CATTLE There wa a moderate run of cattle In sight this morning, but puckers at this point were feeling rather bearish and as a result the market wa a little spotted. A a general thing, however, the desirable grades old in Just about the same, notches they did yesterday. The market on beef steer in Particular was Irregular. At the opening of the mar ket some of the buyer went around and picked out the loads they wanted and paid just about steady prices for them, but after that was done tne reeling seemed tn he rather weak and sale were made weak to dime lower. As a general thing it wa the commoner kind that had to sell as much a a dime lower, hut the market was very uneven on all kind so that some salesmen met with much better success than other. The market on cows and heifers ws fairly active and prices were but little dif ferent from those In force yesterday. The more desirable grades ln particular sold freely at steady price. The same a wa the case with steers, however, the market wa uneven, some salesmen being unable to do as well a they did yesterday. The bulk of the offerings was disposed of In good season, hut It. wns a little late before all the commoner kind were out of first hands, aa It wa that class of stuff which buyers were least anxious for. The close of the market was weak and fully a dime lower on the commoner kinds. The market on bulls, veal calves and stag did not show a great deal of change from yesterday. Very few stocker and feeder arrived In the yard thi morning and as all the spec ulators were anxious ior supplies an ac tive and steady to strong market was ex perienced on everything at all desirable. The commoner kinds were not particularly active, but still even those old without trouble at fully a good prices n were paid yesterday. Representative sale: BKEf STEERS. No. A. Pr. No. At. Pr. 1 ro I SO 11 17 I 40 g MS t :s 1100 I 40 10 .( em 1 to ion 5 40 1 710 4 00 (4 12" I 60 I BIO 4 2 11 1IW2 4 S5 1 717 4 16 It 1230 t 61 14 S4 4 4 86 1 160 t f5 tat 4 60 U 1101 i 0 12 40 4 14 Vil-t i to 8 7l 4 S U 1J:6 I S II W ill tl 11"2 6 45 J6 M7 4 70 II 1110 t 16 It 107 4 10 U 1275 t S5 14 ttt 4 76 14 1042 i 46 I Mt 4 15 0 1361 6 76 Kilt 4 0 14 Hit I 7.1 JO ss 4 66 16 1!0 i 76 4 '....100 4 16 23 1239 i 0 11 114 4 86 1 1460 t kO 2 176 4 to 43 1210 6 to m 4 0 1 13V I 60 . II till 4 0 it 1117 t 6 7 126 4 M t.. 12OT I 5 II 1140 4 6 0 1212 I 86 21 1061 I 00 20 1831 t 15 M 1117 I K) It .141 I 10 4 826 I 0 1 1283 I M 11 161 t 10 If 1272 I M tt 1141 I 10 7 14117 6 10 41 1117 6 15 21 1464 6 80 I 1088 6 16 22 1483 t 80 ID 1077 6 JO 1418 6 M 10 Utt 6 25 85 1382 6 86 15 81 6 25 1 1670 I 85 4 870 6 15 17 1370 6 15 1 1051 6 16 62 1016 I 85 61 1106 6 10 18 .' 134.1 I 00 1 1037 t SO 1 1216 t 00 II 12U0 I 10 84 1401 I 04 1 1140 6 it S2 isat I on 1 1180 i 16 4J 1361 I 06 (l 1241 I l 18 1262 I 06 SI 1114 I 85 3 1838 I l6 4 822 t S5 22 18H7 I 10 46 1"94 t 85 U 1236 I 10 14 10H4 ( 40 It 1271 I 15 6 1281 I 40 II 1371 t li 8TEEH8 AND STAGS. in 1463 6 16 STEKHS AND COW8. 11 0 4 46 11 1015 I 00 II Ill 4 76 11 1071 I II U ... 1314 I 16 18 1172 6 60 ts r.S 4 80 12 870 ii BTEKRS ANK HEIFERS. 1 880 4 80 81 1378 ( 10 I K.i 4 10 11 1S4I I SO 1 tti 4 70 COWS. 1 725 I 00 t 126 I 71 1 180 2 00 t 106 I 85 1 0 t 00 1 170 80 I 1O0 I 00 1 1030 4 00 1 130 I 15 1 880 4 00 1 1030 I 16 1 1044 4 00 4 141 t 85 1 870 4 at 1 Il I 15 1 80 4 00 1 710 I 40 10 844 4 00 1 87n 2 80 4 70 4 00 1 100 t 60 1 1080 4 10 1 1100 I 60 1 4.W 4 10 1 1210 I 60 t 104 4 26 1 1100 1 60 1 1130 4 15 t 704 I 60 t 841 4 36 1 870 I 60 I lilt 4 60 1 80 I 60 1 1310 4 60 1 880 1 60 1 llso 4 60 1 liJ 1 45 !... 104S 4 60 1 lHiO I 73 14 UKI 4 (4 t 180 I 111 1 1016 4 in 1 Km I 85 t KM) 4 60 4 486 I 86 S Hot 4 fcj 1 awi I 80 1 1110 4 60 t 875 I 00 1 Uf.0 4 60 1 1080 I tut 10 0M 4 65 1 830 I 00 I Im 4 0 1 1070 1 00 t 1111 4 eo 1 840 I UO i 81 4 10 1 725 I 10 1 1372 4 i) 1 1360 I 10 t j; N8 4 16 1 H47 I 10 . I n-74 4 (it 1 Win I 25 1 1135 4 5 1 1070 I 26 1 40 4 70 1 1044 I 86 I 1H74 4 Tl I 844 I 10 t ).i61 4 75 7 nl lit 44 loot I 44 4 I .. 1... I ... 1... 4 1 1 11 I 10 t 11 1 I t 1 1 I s 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 IS 1 1 I t 8 4 t 1 1 t 1 1 1 I 1 1 lino I as ., 1,04) 4 10 lin I 6" 1 tain t ( 875 t 70 1 116 I It IW I 75 COW AND HEIFERS. 7tt 4 15 . HE1FKS. 4JT t 00 I IM 1 on 610 1 25 8 40. I 00 4n 1 25 t 4 I 35 : I " 1 . I 73 S I 80 S 1MO 1 n HO I 60 7 711 IN 416 I 70 I 1 1 70 4 m 817 1 75 1 HO 4 S 4W4 1 80 I lc 4 y, 410 I 86 1. Ml) 4 71 405 1 80 CALVES. 1 to 1 11(1 R 51) lo 4 o 1 j?n 1 to 400 4 00 I 14c. 1 K 10 4 80 t 130 00 87 8 l I uo I 00 160 6 to BULLS. lino I on 1 lien 1 ;t 1170 s on 1 112a 1 rt Ii6n I in 1 t.un J an 1200 S 10 I IS70 4 00 1040 I 15 1 I no I 00 1"30 I 15 1 1 nno 4 on 186" S 25 1 tf,20 4 no 1?oO 1 16 1 14'i'l 4 10 W 1 26 1 17MI 4 10 106 t In 1 l:n 4 26 1340 I 66 1 1630 4 60 1685 I 76 STAGS. 810 I 26 1 1S7I t 25 830 60 STOCK KKH AND FEEDERS. Sn 1 no 1 630 t 60 800 I 35 11 .14 I 60 530 I 40 1 610 I 75 IS I 60 1 686 I In ...... 810 9 80 46 617 I 80 817 S 00 8 40I J 66 4:S I 00 47 424 1 15 4fit t ( I 4 I so 375 S On I n; ,i 620 1 On ( 6l 4 on 600 I 00 2 720 4 on 110 1 16 11 44! 4 on 720 I 25 1 4 785 4 tt O0 t 40 6 684 4 26 847 I 60 1 1186 4 45 810 8 60 47... 630 I to ... 847 4 41 HOC8 There wa a light run of hog here this morning, but reports from other points were very unfavorable to the selling interest. Chicago being rpmtcd 64fiOe lower and a a result packer wanted to buy their hogs for less money here. At tne opening a few of the more desirable grade sold to shippers at right around steaoy prices or at tn.kfl nnd 5.27H. After the shipper got the few load they wanted the market was 2 ti5c lower and kept getting worse until packers were only offering about 15.20 for the bulk of the last hogs. Salesmen would not accent the prices offered, so that It was a little lots before a clearance was made. The bulk of the earls wiles went around $V22i4, with the choicer load at 15.25 and 15.27 V,. The extreme close of the market was very slow and weak, the general price being $fi.0 or 6'q7He lower than yesterday. Packers refused to pay more than that, so that salesmen finally had to cut loose. This made the hulk of all sales $5.2060.26. Representative sales: No. A. Sh. Pr. Nn. Ar. Sh. Pr 80 191 160 6 20 72 217 40 I jjvj 74 207 120 6 20 6I 154 60 6 22V, 70 220 80 5 20 70 214 ... 6 22V, 87 ,.233 80 6 20 77 216 ... 6 22 V, 80 IM ... 6 to 61 211 160 t 2i, 41 it 160 6 20 II 217 10 I 2214, 61 268'. 0 6 20 70 27 ... 6 22v, 46 tl,2 60 5 20 18 110 1 20 6 13v, 72 228 40 6 80 48. 20 ... 6 22' 88 213 120 6 80 71 141 80 6 21V, 67 225 120 I 20 69 264 200 6 22V, K'l 245 120 6 20 71 231 200 6 22V, 70 227 80 6 20 66 270 240 I 22V, 66 234 80 5 20 II 248 40 1 22V, 62 806 ... 6 20 0 118 240 6 22V, 67 234 40 6 20 61 165 120 9 12V, 56 234 10 6 20 17 249 ... 6 22V, 66 249 40 6 20 48 SH 40 6 25 63 241 80 I to 73 232 ... I 25 68 246 ... 6 22V, 76 18 ... 5 25 73. ...... .240 ... 6 22i, 72 24 HO l !s 74 2H0 ... 6 82V, II inn ... 6 25 16 242 ... 6 22V, ( 179 80 I 25 57 217 160 5 22V,- 58 231 ... 6 25 73 218 80 6 221, 72 2ll 40 6 25 64 292 160 6 121 72 271 ... 6 25 66 271 140 6 12, 74 264 110 6 25 6? 220 ... 6 22', 64 24 ... 6 25 65 261 ... 6 22 V, 77 235 80 5 26 62 241 40 6 22V, 74 194 80 6 25 71... 267 160 6 22 V, 68 247 80 6 25 68 128 ... 6 12V, 61 807 40 I 25 71 238 ... 6 2 2 V, 77 289 80 III 68 237 120 6 22V, 85 202 IN 6 27 VJ 70 226 80 6 22V, SHEEP There were quite a few reported this morning, hut the big hulk of the re ceipts consisted of Colorado wooled Iamb which were billed through to be sheared. In fact there were only about six earn of sheep on sale and three cur of lambs. The demand wns In good shape, and trading ruled active on the nine cars, with prices fully steady with yesterday. As high as 15.35 was paid for four cars of clipped year ling and two car of clipped ewes pold for 145. The three car of lambs were Colo rado wooled lamb, which gold for $7.16. Everything offered changed . hands at an early hour. Quotation for clipped stock: Good to choice lambs. I5.751iH.26: fair to stood lambs. $5.(H65.75j ood to choice Colorado wooled minim, ti.iAHM l.ii', pii'iu lu Clioii-e em luisjn, $5.2fyijS.50; fair to good yearlings, $5.00&5.:6; good to choice wethers. $4 N0f5.00; fair to good wethers, $1.501 4.80; good to choice ewes, 4.foj-4).(5: fair to good ewei. $4.0015 4.50. Wooled stock sells from 75c to $1.00 per hundred pounds higher than clipped stock. Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. 3 western ewes 80 3 00 390 western clipped ewe 108 4 85 9ufi Wyoming clipped wethers.. 94 5 35 22 Colorado lamb M 7 25 654 Colorado Iambs 81 7 26 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET tattle Ten to Twenty-Fire Cent Lower Host Lower.- CHICAOO, April 2fl. CATTLE Receipts, 18.000 head. Market pva-.'Dc lower; good to prime steer. $6. 75'frfl. 76: poor to medium. $4.3(V(i5.ti; stockers and feeders, $2.75'ii5.30; rows, 2. i&i&o.hO; heifers, $2.60'&-. .5; canneis, $1.50(i2.30; bulls. $2.4Oit.00; calves. $2.5oCa5.50. HOGS Receipt. 2K.O0O head: estimated for tomorrow. 26,0O head. Market KxfjlRc lower; mixed ana nutencrs. tb.2nry6.46; good to choice heavy, $5.W(j5.52H; light, $5.205.40; bulk of sales, t5.3.Vii6.4r. SHEEP AND LAM BS Receipt. 15.000 head. Market for sheep, steady: for lambs, 10c lower; good to choice wethers, shorn. $4.75W5.16; fair to choice mixed, shorn. tS.75 ft 4.50; western shep, $3.75'S5.16; native lnmhs, shorn, $4.00iijtt.60; western lambs, $7.00 67-50. - Hanana City Live Stork Market. KANSAS CITY.. April 2S CATTLE Re ceipts. H.OUO head. Including 600 southerns. Market 10c lower;, choice export nnd dressed beef itettrs. $n.i''g4i.7(5; fair to g od, $4 dikI(jd.0; wesleui fed steers, $4.5Oafi.40; stockers and feeders. $3.8iyo6.eo; enuihern steers, p.&eti 6.90: fiiuthern cowa, $2.oO'i4.76; nattve'eowi, $2 60175.25; native heifers. $3.5(Kf5.75; bulls, $2.75fi4.7fi; calves, $.1.0nJiV25. lions Receipts, 11.700 head. Market 10c lower; top. $5 35: bulk of sales. $5. :ofi 5. 30 ; heavy. $fl.J0fi5 35; packer. $6.20(65 30; pigs and lights, $4 25f15.27Mi. SHE E V AND LA MB8 Receipts, "5,500 hfad. Market steady; native lamb. $5.50'r 7.25; native Wether. $4.75716.5: native fed ewes. $4.2R-ffB.60j western fed lamb. $o.5of 7.25; western fed yearlings, $3.00(j 0.50 ; west ern fed shcp, $4.25(66.80; stockers and feed ers. $3.50&4.60. . St. Loot Live "toek Market. ST. LOUIS. April 2.-C,ATTLE-Rclpt. 4.ii0 head, including 1.500 Texan. Market steady; native shipping and export steers, ISOOfll fjo; dressed beef nd buloher steers. $4.66't1n.2fi; st-er under 1.O00 lb., $t.(Vli&.oo; stock'rs and feeder, $2.76 4 90; cow and heifers, $2.2Vn5.25; canner, $2.0itT2.5fl; bulls, $2.60(1-4.60; calves. $3.&oj.76; Texas and In dian steers, $3.S.Va.26; cow and heifers, $: fv7r4.50.' . Ht HIS Receipts. 8.000 head. Market wa 5c lower; pigs and light. $4.OO0 5 46; packer, $6.304i5.45; butcher and beat heavy. $.'..8( 6.55. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.500 head. Market steady; native muttons. $3.50 fn.iyi; lambs. $6.0018011: cull and buck $2.50 &3.50; stockers, $2.753.50; Texan. $,'l.0oo75.0ii. II. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. April 2I.-CATTLE Re ceipts, 1.651 head. Msrket steady to 10c lower; native. $4.254141.40; cows and heifers, $2 (KVfiS 60; stockers and feeder. $3 OVfi6 O0. HOGS Receipts. 4.675 head. Market big hv lower; light. $5.iooj5.82l)4j; medium and heavy, $0. X4t 5 37H. BHEEP AND IA MBS Receipt. 4 it head. Market steady to wenk; Colorado lambs, $7.40. .... Sioux City live ftock Market. SIOUX CITY, !.. April 2.-(8peclal Tele, grsm.t CATTLE Ree'pt" 1 fort head. Market steady; beeve. $4.0ftfji.5O; row, bull and mixed, $3 00f((5.AO; stockers and feeder. $3.oy4.46; calve and yearlings, $3 0i4 00. Hh;S Receipt, 4.300 head. Market 5c lower, selling at $5.10tj5 25; bulk of sale, t6.15U6.20. Stock la Sight. The following table shows the receipts of live stork of tho six principal western market yeaterduy: Cattle. South Omaha 8 Sioux City I.60O Kansas City ; t.0 St. Joseph 1.551 bt. lul 4.WI Chicago 111,000 Hogs. Sheen. 6,?1 4 0 11.70M 4.575 ft. 01 28.000 7.390 2.6'l J. 500 15.000 Totals .34.687 62.196 31,9:9 offe Market, NEW TORK. April ? -COFFEE-Market for future opened Hteady nt unchanged fir ice on everything but March, which was nwer. in Wtxng with rather dlaapointing Europeait tablet). There wer heavy tender mode on May contract, estlmsted st shout 1.5.0)i lings, but these wre prrmpily sioppc'l. nnd while there was smne lime fnttl-er switching fnim'Miiv t later posi tions, leading trade interest bought all off ering mill thr market billowing the re) 1 1 gradually Improved, ruling iMrtlculnrlv firm in the I, He tr.ninig, tt -.n llierc whs good demand for both short 11ml long sccnunt. The close wns film st n net advance cf PHi 15 point ShIps of l.'7.2.-xl bag were re potted Including alvnit M.ioi switches, in cluding May at 3"h 40c. Julv st R .55nS R.c, September t 7V.i; d..c. December at ".05 j 7 lie. February at ? ami M.irc'i at i.:0a 7..1"c. Spot, steady: No. ; Rio. 7'Vc. OM AH A V) 111)1. t.S I K MARKET. Condition of Trade anil tinotatlo'n Staple nnil !" Produce. E?GS - Rec Ipts, heavy; market, steady; cunou-d siocK, l.x-. -Hens, lltf; young to else, .KkiHc; old I41M00. ducks. 11c. stock. I!til7e; choice, creamery, Jvfjvjc; sued bunch, per box of 64 LIVE Pol I.TKY- loosters, according roosters. V; tiirkeis Hl'TT EH-Packlue to fancy d.ilrv, 2(U'-'4c; print. -."Cc. I'llKSH FROZEN FIPH-Fresh trout. Mo: pickerel, Kiy; pike, K'-c; perch, 7c; blueflsh, lie; wbllefish, 10c; salmon. 11c; reilsnapper Mo; green halibut.' 1:1c; crappie, 11c; buffalo. 7c; white has, lie:- herring, SWc; Spanish mackerel, 12c; lobsters, .holleT. t:c: green, 4"c; tlnmin huddles, 7c; roe shad, each, 76c; shad roe. per pair, 30c; r(ig legs, per do. -; catfish, 14c. HAV-Piices uuntcd by Omaha Whole sole Hny Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 uplnnd. $7.50; No. 2. $7.n; medium, ; coarse. (,.. Rye straw, $6.60. These prices sre for hay of good color and quality. BRAN Per ton. I7.60. TROPICA L FRUIT. ORANGES-Fxtra rnncv Mediterranean sweets, all sixes. $-.'.7&(fr3.Ao; fancv navel, sixes 128. ISO, 17 eno. 216, 2M. $32,113.6'); ", m, 112, t2.5iVo2.75; seedlings, ull sizes, tf 75 LEMONS California, extra fancv, 270. joo and 300 slur. $J.0n: fancv. 270, 300 an 3 slxe. $2.76; choice, 240 and 270 Sute, $2.fc; ' and 300 lr.e $2.50. DATES-Per box of 30 lb. pkgs., $2.00J Hallowe'en, In TO-lb. boxes, per lb., 5c. FIGS California, per lO-lh. carton. 76j We; Imported Smyrna, 4-crown, 10c; a crown. 12c. BA N A N AS per medium $1.7M?2.?S: iunibos, $2.5vftS.iio. ORAPEFH I " IT Cn 11 tnrnlH. to 04, $4.00; Florida. $..0rtnt.00. FRUITS. CALIFORNIA CH ERHIES Rlnrk, per 8-lh., box. $1.75; white, .per K-lb. box. $1.60. STRAWBERRIES Texas, , per 21-qU case, $2.?5'&2.firt. . APPLES-New York Baldwins. $3.00; Cot O fcdo Let- Davis, per box. $1.2.Vji4 50 TANGERINES California, pcr half-box, VEGETABLES. . ' CRANBERRIES Jerseys, per crate, $2.00. POTATOES -Home grown. In sacks, per bu., 30c; Colorado, per bu., 4.1c; new pota toes, per lb., 8i 9c. TURN I PS Old, per bu., 4c; new, per tlox.. 45c. CARROTS Old, per bu., 40c; new. per do , 45c. PARSNIPS Old. per bu.. 4nc BKANS-Navv, per bu., $2 no. WAX BEANS Per -hu. box, $1.00; triSf beans, per 1-,-bu. box. 75c. CUCUMHKRS-Prr do.., J1.25lfl 60. PEAS New, per bu. box. $2.omM2 .50, 1 TOMATOES Florida, per -basket crate, $0.00. 8PINAC1I-Per bu.. 75c. ONIONS Colorado yellow or red, per lb., 2'dc; new southern, per line. 45c. CABBAGE Hoi land seeil, per lb., 2cj California cabbage, In crates, per lb., 2c. BEETS Old. per bu.. 40c; new, per do, bunches. 45c. RADISHES Hot house or southern, ' per do?... 3iVii40c. LETTUCE Hot house, per doi.. 45c; head lettuce, per doz., tl.iKKfil.Ill. RHUBARB Illinois, per lo of 60 Jbs.. tl.oo. . PARSLEY Per doz. bunches. 4fiC. ' ASPARAGUS Home grown, per dos. bunches, HOcfifUKV M ISCEL7.A NKOl'R ! ' CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream. Ific; Wisconsin Young America. 1iio; block Swiss, new. Hie; old. 17c; Wisconsin brick-, Ific: Wisconsin llmburger, 15c. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1. soft shells, new crop, per lh.. l.'c; hard shells, per lb., 13c; No. 2. soft shells, per lb.. 12c; No. 2, hard shells, per lb., 12c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c: small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 7c; rousted peanuts, per lb., 8c; Chill walnuts, per lh.. nra-l3Hc; rtlmonds, sort shell, per lb., 17c; hard shell, per lb., 15c: chestnuts, per Hi.. 12HU13C; new black walnuts, per hu., 75iflOc; ehellbark hickory nuts, per uu., $1.75: large hickory nuts, per bu., $1.W. HIDES No. 1 green, "He; No. 2 green, 6M;c; No. 1 salted, 8c; No. 2 salted. 7Ucj No. 1 veal calf, 10c; No. 2 veal calf, 9c dry salted. 7fJl4c; sheep pelts, 26c&$1.00; horst hides, ' fl.60ti3.00." REAL EST ATR TRANSFERS. DEEDS filed for record April 2 as fur nished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abslTacter, 1614 Fa mam atreet, for The Bee: C. E. Morgan to Annie C. RiHch, part lot 6, block 6. Reed s lirst add ...f2,2O0 Hurtsuff and wife to R. J2. Stein, lot 131. Key' ub... '....! ,7o0 W. A. Clapp et sfl to F. C: Plnult, lot 17, block 1. Madison square, 1 J. Sloshug to W. J. Kruse, part lot 3, block 45, Omaha.,...; 2,700 William K. Potter, receiver, to W. M. , Jlles, part lots 42 and 46. Fairmont Plnee : I Fannie Demodv and husband to F. V. Stack and wife, part lot 15. block 2, Park Place 1,600 Mabel P. Ogdcn to H. H. Beldridge. 1 lots 8 and 9. block 2, Jerome Park ' 1 O. F. King and wife to Myrtle Peck, lot 8, block 131, South Omaha.; S.100 J. A. Honnester and wife to H. Mar randll. part lot 4. block M, city 1.675 J. W. Moore and wife to N. I, .Nfjsen. lot 10, Marlon Place 1,600 E. Wlndheln to C. 8. Shcpard. lot 6, Patrick's Saratoga ; 260 Maria D. Wielton to Mary B. Wallace, lot 23. block 4. Hawthorne, and other property t Edwards-Wood ICo. ( Incorporated. 1 ;.'' ruin Ofilce: Fifth and RoWta St'rsstt ST. PAUL,, fllNN. , '- -8BaSMBX4B,,., 4,,. DEALERS IN ' Stocks, Grain Provisions Ship Your Grain to Us om. 114-lil aaa t Tra4te Bide.. Omaha, Neat. . Tele))' l4L $-(14 Exchange ldg Mouth Ottvaa. atall 'Paaa lu laasaaeait 'fhe GO VEKXMR Vl ROTICK . ' FOR RJ LEY, KAN.. APRIb '25, 1906 -SetiLed proposals in triplicate w,u)l be re ceived here until 11 a.-m. May-2fi, -1906, for cormtruotlng post hospital hulldUig'. Infor mation furnished upon application here; also at office of Depot (Juariermasters, Chi cago, 111.; St. Ixul. Mo; Omaha, Neb., and Kansas City, Mo. Bidders will tats In bids the time in which they will' com plete the work, a time will form an Im portant consideration In award. I,'. 8. re serve right to accept or reject any or all bids or any part therebf. Envelopes to bs endorsed '"Proposals for Hospital,'4-- ad dressed CAPTAIN LEON 8. ROUDIEZ, Q. M. A-26-27-28-29-M23-24 PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUPPLIES. Department of the Interior, Office of In dian Affair, Washington. I). C, March 1J, 19i(. Mealed proposals, indoraed "Proposal for blanket, woolen and cotton goods, clothing, etc.," aa the can may be and directed to the Commissioner of Indian Af faire, No. 119-121 Wooster street, New York City, will be received until 1 o'clock fi. m., of Tuesday, May 1, 1906, for furulsh ng for the Indian servlcs blanket, woolen and cotton good, clothing, notions, hat and cap. IlLls must be made out on gov ernment blank. Schedule giving all neces sary Information tor bidders will be fur nished on application to the Indian 'Office, Washington, 1 . .; the U. 8. Indian ware house. 119-121 Wouster street. NeW York City; 206-27 South Canal treet,' Chicago, III.; 816 Howard street. Omaha, Neb.; t2 South Seventh afreet, Bt. Ixiui. Mo.; 23 Washington street, San Francisco, f'al.; the Commissaries of Subsistence, U. ft. A., at Cheyenne, Wyo., and Bt Paul, Minn.; the Quartermaster ,- U, 8. A , Seattls, Wah.; and Ilia postmaster at SloUx City. Tucvon, Portland. Spoxane and Tocoma. Did svlil be opened at the hour and days above slated, and bidder aiw Invited to he pres ent at the opening;. The depitrtmenf r. acrvtn the right to determine the point of delivery and to reject any and all bids, or any part of any bid. V. K. LEI'l'P, Commissioner. Aprt4 dJM OtEA!t STCAMEIIS. ALLAN LINK ROT 4 L MAIL STEAMISHJ MOS'TRKAL to L1VKKHOOL. Wkly Salllcsa 81. Lawraura kouta. Shortea, aimoth-at and nicat plrturf aiiua. 4 KKW FAST Tl'HHINK TKIl'I.R 8CKKW 6li.AHrh$ "Victorian" an4 "Vlrlnian" 12 (hmi tona ac4). TWIN' SCKKW STEAMERS "TuQMfan" aut "bavarian" 10, 8i,u toua sacs. Apply to anr local agent, er ILLAN 4 CO , L4 jACk0M LVU.. tTJUCACa . ' .-' V '