TTTE OMATTA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, APRIL 27. 1005. BiqSjte j0l 1 Monday is he greaf Sae of Rugs Petticoat Sale A ffte mercerized petticoats from Mrs. Benson's stock at far below their value. Ladies $2 Petticoats 75c This great stock was bought by Mrs. Benson for shipment late this spring. Hather than take the goods bark the manufacturer sacrificed the entire lot to us. It was the greatest petticoat bargain we ever secured. Made of fine Italian cloth, mercerized like satin- made with ruffles, J ., tucks and "'''j rows 01 pieais many with ruffled under laysAll sites would sell in a regular war at $1.60 to (2 each Thursday at ; mm ? " PS r 7Fy Great Ribbon Sale From a Paterson, N. J., ribbon mill, we bought thousands of yards of rlbbona the samples and odd lots of ail silk taffeta ribbon they come tn variety of widths and In lengths from I to i yard all colors and whlto and black, also Roman stripes, checks, Persians, polka dote, floral designs, new and dainty spring patterns many picot edged, suitable for col lurs actually worth up to BOo yard at, par . yard Ladies $10 Spring CoaJs at $2.50 IN THE BASEMENT CLOAK DEPARTflENT. A" great bargain in stylish spring coats allk, covert, novelty cloths, cheviots, etc. blouse, eton and reefer styles fashionable for spring and summer to make our basement section popular- we offer these $8.00 and $10.00 light weight coats, at Embroidery Headings Also fancy galoons. In beautiful new styles, regular price Is 25c a yard, at, yard.... 8c Wash and Trimming Laces Torchons. Vals, etc., etc., big. new, fresh lots of fine laces at, yard, 6c and 2c I Remember Big Rug Sale Monday J. L. DRANDEIS a SONS, Boston Store. I BALDUFFS' is OWN BAKING" When you buy at Balduff's you get the best baked by experts and no adulterations used. You should re member this "for your stomach's sake. A very pleasing feature is that no matter what kind of a Cake, Pic or Bread you may decide upon it will always be found there wholesome and fresh baked every day. 1518-20 FARNAM. Phone 711 ZZZ3EZ S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, 118 Doug) 1 Strett. It Is Necessary To Plan Per the graduation time. Do you realize that It's almost here. Some Rift from our stock can be kept for years In memory of that day. Select your sifts now. while thA stock Is so complete. Evwry graduate ought to have some .A memento of this day. Come In and let us talk to you v uuui n. lAAjn. run -rum name. Ask for a QUALITY IS OUR MOTTO 1 Te art HOT paying for bill ords, (rare solatia, el oka, inm ada, eta, but for fimm HmmHty H rtiu Tobnceo, K4I AI. t Imported visjan. bom aireot t U nUU tf r.S, KICK 1LERO. CIGAB CO- rtm tmjrwra, . LOCI. TRUSSES A Elastic Stockings Batteries Supporters Rubber Goods Deformity Draees W bava our own factory and personal n- tlOD to FITTINQ TRUSSES For Men. Woman and Children. 6A II. J. Penfold Company UOI Parnsm St.. OMAHA. MEN AND WOMEN. JBUUV I Cm Kjlnsi Ctii hum 1 1 Ol. y- uasnjj Bis Si tor aanaiar&l .tcaris.iBSaimlloaa. trrltalioms ar uUrai;ot C laiaeaa a!nara. PkiulM. tod aui uirka gu or svlaoaout. ShM r DramlMa. a Ml la alata wraaa, T aaaraM, r..ii. Iu( SI M. r hattlx ,1 Ji. tliiiaaf eaa aa naaaaa LOWE BROS.' GLOSS PftlHT FOR LAWN AND PORCH FURNITURE It Is especially adapted for this uae as It givey a hard surface and will not rub off on the clothes, will withstand the ruin, etc., which outdoor furniture Is subject to. It gives a perfect gloss and does not require varnish for finish. Is very economical and can bo applied by anyone. PER HALF PINT J5o PKR PINT 4o PER gUART 76o We carry everything needed In the paint line for house cleaning time. MYERS-DILLON DRUG CO., Paint Department. 1416 HARNKY. 'PHONE 3425. Goods delivered free to all parts of the city. TROWBRIDGE'S CHOCOLATE CHIPS NEXT SATURDAY 25c LB, Tou never bought Trowbridge's Chocolate Chips for leas than 40c. You hav paid 60c or 60c per pound. Next Saturday we shall sell the N ICE, FRESH, CRISP CHIPS for 2Sc FOl'K (4) pounds only to one customer. WE SHALL. ALSO SELL 50c Hind' Honey and Almond SATURDAY 20c (one boule only to a customer). Sherman& McConnsIl DrugGo. Cor. 10th and Dodge He., Oaaatia. pod Peoplel Buying Good Pianos T II E HOSPE PLAN of selling gopd Pianos at the lowest possible ensh price ou easy pay ments brings the good trade. Musicians as well as pupils readi ly understand the high quality of the mnny leading Pianos the A. Ilospe Co. carry In stock end sell ing since the year 1874. Over 30 TPflrS of hltfli Hiiro pncccoa rrtth K n w o ' . j i. v . k J .1 . ,1 U UIC H best grades of Pianos Is something 1 that Interests the buyer who does not claim to have Piano knowledge, lie, however, gets the confidence, not only from the fact that the A. Ilospe Co. Is the only house which can boast of handling the products of Piuuo factories for 30 years, but from the further knowledge that these same Pianos are good today after 30 years use. (We speak of the Kimball Piano as well as the Hallet Davis Piano.) It don't require a well posted buyer to realize that either of these makes are srood. You can buv thpm I of Ilosne with vmir even chut. Our Bargains in Pianos and Organs have some most desirable good and cheap grade sellers. ' Some Pianos as low as $145; Some Organs for $20. Just call or write. A. HOSPE CO, 1513 DOUGLAS ST. MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SCHOOL SHOES A specially prepared school shoe plump kid or genuine box calf with roft pliable kid tops, heavy extension soles, made of the best oak tanned sole leather In either button or lace. Chillis' sizes, fl (Eft 84 to 11. aU "OU Mioses' sixes, O ft ft 11V4 to 2. at , .JJ Young Women's sizes, O (5ft 2H to 6, at t.JM These prlcea way seem high at first thought, but our customers say every day, "Another pair lust like these, they give me such good satisfaction." Ono pair of these shoes will outwear two pairs of the ordinary kind. Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Fartiam St. Omaha's l'p-to-Dat. Sao. Bostt. ASK FOR OUR FREE CATALOGUE. THE BELLE of the kitchen Is often blamed for neg lect In not answering the bell. She gets out of temper, spoils the dinner, breaks the crockery and says she will leave. She is not so much to blame. If that ELECTRIC BELL or buzzer had been in order, she would have heard It when you pressed the but ton. And perhaps the door bell needs some attention. Dont you think you bad better let us attend to things now? What's the good of a bell that doeaii't ring, anyway? Western Electrical Company, S. W. JOHNSTON, SlUf, 1212 Farnam St Tel. 488 OMAHA. o zomulsion Car. for Coaamaaptloa Trial Bortl. Pre. t Mall aatUtoi j. rM ic, lra iP.iMNinrrtc'l fYiCrv iv L Ni ! J J OMAHA WEATHFH ItEPOHT. fesf JLi-' Thursday Showers and Colder. d ' Dennetts Parrel Bi Grocery Headqunj-ters for the best there Is In the grtcery business AT LOWEST COST TO CONSUMER. Twenty ($2) Green 'irxdlnK St.imn wltlr pound pack- ng Uennett's Cspltol OOr. C'orfiT OI Twenty (JJ) Ureen Trading Stamp . with lb. Tea..rSc Fifty itr,) Oren Trading Stumps with hve pouniis Tapioca 35c MOX EY8 AVERS. C'HBtile Soap. pr cake .......i...2V4c Tyramld Wnehlng Powder, pkg.VHie Rex Lye, can... 5c Ahhmo, cake 5c Condensed Cream, rer can 4c Oil Sardines. per can 4o Potted Ham, can 4c Salmon, pound can 10c Ten (II) Qreon Trading Gtnmps with three packages Lemon Snaps 15c Ten ($1) Green Trading Stamps with pound can. Bennett's Capitol Bakin Powder 24c hfll BtHNETT C0HPA(Wal DEALEMKevrrrrTHIM6 0NAHAJ1EB. Green Trading Stamps The people's most popular meth od of discount earning. Popular because it's something yousee,and see all the time; better than a few cents earn ed or saved and soon for gotten about. . Green Trading: Stamps are strong In being; always before your eyes. The valuable premiums they earn are perpetual reminders to you of your shrewdness and your econ omy, and they are premiums in mnny caaes that money rannot buy, they have to be earned by ' collecting Green Trading Stamps. The thousands of books presented at. the booths Red Letter Day Is a testimony to the popularity and value of this great method of dis count earning. What pleaaes us most In this con nection Is that the-at-one-tlme- , elngle-book-eollector la now run ning two, three and four book together. How's your stamp book comlngT Bennett's Candy Section Special sale on little girl's Japanese Tea Pots, each 10c Stick Candy Special Large sticks, assorted flavors, each stick wrapped two for lc ten for 5c. Cut Glass Sale Is Still 0i Such prices as we have made . assure us of a great reduction in our stock. k $3.00 Bon Bon Trays 1 69 ff for 1 g ?4.00 Vases 2v r4 Berry and Fruit Bowl, 87 JJ'FI $6.00 value, for It W&Thr1 60c Tooth Tick Ilold- ers, for jCXT These snappy prices for balance of week, when we will discontinue sale. Move quick if you want a cut glass bar gain. Second Floor. Specials in Hardware Section Thursday forty (J4.00) Green Trading Stamps with set Mrs. Potts' Sad ou Irons VOC Twenty (2 00 Green Trading Stamps Set re8ulHf 250 Kitchen Qq Twenty " ($2.03) ' Green 'Trading' Stamps with Mrs. Jrooman's Sink r, Strainer . lfC Ten (11.00) Green Trading Stamps with pair Spring Hinges (with screws) for Scret'n Door IC Ten (11.00) Green Trading Stamps with pair all Stoel Spring Hinges e (wlth screws) for Screen Door... IOC Ten (H.00) Green Trading Stamps with LflOO best cut Carpet . Tucka....... 1UC Ten ($1.00) Green Trading' Stamps with 6 boxes Double Pointed .n Matting Tacks lUC Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with 10-Inch Forged Mixing r. Spoon OC T;1"'W en Trading" Stamps Spoon Forged Mixing gc Tflty, ) len TVadlng Stamps s!?.ForKel MlxlnK 10c BASEMENT. Metal Photo Frames Surplus stock from well-known New York house. Two lots extra Stickers with them.- LOT 1 All sizes and shapes in gold and black, to bang or J(k en sel back, choice tmJC Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps. LOT 2 Handsome gold frames, good variety of sizes, beautifully ornamented, values up ICs to $1.60, choice JfC Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps. DOUBLE GREEN TRADING STAMPS ON PICTURE FRAMING. Nobles of the Mystic Shrine! We'd be glad to have you visit us before you leave the city. We'd like you to see this big store. May be you can get some ideas out of it that will be of use to you. It's the biggest thing in a merchandising way on the trans-continental lines west of old, Mississip. Look for you Thursday? HsHBHs CAREY'S ROOFING 18 GUARANTEED FOR 10 YEARS. SUNDERLAND ROOFING & SUPPLY CO. 'Phone 871. 120S Farnam Ot. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? f IF IT DOI, IT It TIMS YOU WERI INVKSTIOATINQ A U OOOD HOOP. P 111 magnesia nnnrniA I FLEXIBLE CEMENT Get Our Prices on Wall Paper. They're Money Savers. mm THB MBL1ABLB STORK. Special Bargains in High Grade Pictures. Art Dept 3d Floor Unmakhable Bargains Thursday CI.EARINO d,Vr. OF PTRTNO SUITS-s f'ANl'KArTl'llKR'H STOCK OF I.N- MAM FACTI RKR S STOCK OP WAISTS 1 hr KrnmliKt oiMrtuiiliv f.r economical buying put oIW.mI In (ifnaha. 1XZKN WAISTS FROM MAX ROTJT, 41 WAI.KKIt SI RKKT. N . T , AT AHOIT UNK-TIIIIID VALVE, HAROA1N 1--;, I.t.Z. WAISTS. In lawns, mmlnis nn.l tliw sinalmins, all colors worth n-milarly J1.2.V- . c sale irlc 49C HA R IAIN" 283 DOZEN WAISTS Krcat vnrlcty of nmti-t'lnK all colors lure and rmhrvlilery trlintm-d, rH well worth $l.;iO-?alp prli-o OOC BARGAIN 3-2 IHJZF.N WAIST8-ln all thr newest styli-8 mid nmtprlals, trim med with tucks, fine Inces and embrol. di-ries-n Kular U W values CkSt sale price VOC HARUAIN 4-RFAl-TIFI I.' 'wAISTS-la cniliroldcrel Swiss, linens, lawns and ponne. s. regular H.00 values i A C sale price 1.49 HARUAIN 5-llnndsome Jap taffeta and I'cau de solo walfits. In all colors, gar-m-ni8 worth up to $t.0u o a E sale rrlco 4.49 Manufacturer's Stock of Underskirts ,,?8ALK AT ONE-THIRD TO ONK VbT I,Cfk.TILK ENTIKK STOCK OF $1,611 Black mercerized Cf underskirts, at f5VC UNDERSKIRTS. In moreens." "Italian cloth. Farmers satin, mercerised foul 5s5u!li finished sateens, wonh up to sale price 1.00 8II.K UNDERSKIRTS, made from best taffeta, tremendous O OR bargains, at .f3 S25 TAILOR SUITS AT HALF. We have Just 325 women tailor suits left-all newest spring styles and will offer them Thursday at J11Bt half marked pries. i .Vour opptit'ttiiilty. 7.50 ...10.00 ...12.50 ...15.00 .20.00 Women's $15.00 tailor suit at Women's $20.00 tailor suits nt Women's $J5.nO tailor suits nt , Women's JHO.oo tailor suits nt v Women's JIP.00 tailor suits ut Spring Covert Jackets at Half Woman's $20 covert Jackets j Q qq i Women's $10.00 covert Jackets Women's $15 covert Jackets " j gQ I ffonifii'i Iti.OO "covert" jackets- .5.00 2.95 Great Sale of Dress and Walking Skirts Saturday. Evening's Papers. 59c Center Pieces at 25c Special sale on fancy linen center pieces and sofa pillows to Introdues the Embroidery Floss, we will sell 8 skeinis of Floss worth 24o, one all linen, center piece worth 25c, one sample card worth 10c all for one price Thursday 5uc ORIENTAL PILLOW TOPS, 20c. Made from the remnants of high class Oriental tapestries, In all ths bright suitable for hammock, porch floor or sofa special price for Thursday .. OTHER THURSDAY SPECIALS. 76c corset cover embroidery 25c 10c pearl buttons- i per dozen 4jC $1.00 new hand bag jq- w at $1.00 silk girdles at 49c $1.50 skirt waist patterns (embroidered) at $2.00 shirt waist patterns (embroidered; at $2.50 shirt waist patterns (embroidered) at , 60c printed warp ribbons-yard Sec Friday Royal lS-lncli . 25c colors, 25c 49c r 69c 75c 25c GROCERY PRICES THAT WILL INTEREST YOU. THE BEST AND PUREST GOODS FOR THE LKAST MONEY. 10-lb. sacks best cornmeal 15c 7-lb. sacks, best Rolled Oatmeal loc 4-lb., best Hand-Picked Navy Beans 15c 4-lb. best Pearl Tapioca 15c 4-lb. Sago, Barley or Farina 15c 4-lb. good Japan Rice 16c 6-lb. palls pure fruit Jelly 15c 4-lb. best Bulk Laundry Starch 15c Xcello Breakfast Food, pkg 5t 2- lb. pkg. Nudavene Oatmeal 6c 10 bars best Laundry Soap 25c IS ounce can Condensed Cream 7&c On Time Yeast, per pkg 2c Fresh Crisp Ginger Snaps, per lb 3c Potted Ham, Potted Tongue or Deviled Tongue, per can aic Fancy large Italian Prunes, per lb 4c English Cleaned Currants, per lb 4c 3- crown Muscatel Raisins, lb 4c 4- crown muscatel Raisins, lb 6c 1-lb. Jars Pine Fruit Preserves 7c Large Bottles, Pure tomato Catsup 7ic FRUIT DEPT. PRICES. No. 1 Soft shell English Walnuts, per lb 124c Fancy Fard Dntes, lb lOo Large Juicy Sweet Oranges, do "o Large Juicy Lemons, per doa lOo Pure Colorado White Clover Honey, per Rack 10O Quart boxes. Fresh Picked Strawberries. 8Vio THE BUTTER MARKET BADLY BROKEN, Tomorrow we will sell the very finest creamery Butter made, per lb 26o ROLLER SKATE SPECIAL Boys' and Girls' adjustable skates. Maple Wheels, with counter straps, pair 46a Boys' and Girls' half and full clamp, with combination or Boxwood rollers, pair .$1.09 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Friday we will hold In the Big Basement annex, one of the greatest sales ever at tempted In hardware and crockery watch tomorrow evening papers for price. HAVDER3 BROS. ) UNION PACIFIC (( EVERY DAY to May 15, 1905. $25:22 I I SHORT LINE. FAST TRAINS. NO DELAYS. I I II Be ture your tickets read over this lino, t i V Inquire at J City Ticket Office, la 2-4 Farnam St. .f V. 'Phone 81. .S BOY WANTED) A in every town to sell ' our new Saturday Bee. We will send any boy the first 10 C OPIES FREE It contains 18 pages of special magazine features, Including 10 colored pages with BUSTER BROWN COMICS, altogether 30 pages, and Is a big seller everywhere on Saturday ON EVERY PAPER YOU SELL YOU MAKE TWO CENTS PROFIT FOR FULL PARTICULARS APPLY TO (3e OMAHA BEE v