THE OMATIA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. A Pit I L 2S. 100 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET barley, bushels, l.MJ.O'ti bushels; decrease, 345.f"0 May Wheat Drops Biz Centi More and it Down from Top Thirty Cents. JULY WEAKENS ON DUMPING OF MAY (tea Whnt Mar Be Polri la Lamp to Handlers fr Whfrr It la tared Cora Wrakraa l(lrr Shock. OMAHA, April 24. li. Liquidation continues in the Msy wheat tog-ether wltrr pressure by the shorts and assisted by mop long orders. The Moy st ths lowest point reached before noon to day was 4c below the npenlnsj of the ses sion or a decline In four days of :3c and a drop from the highest point of the May deal of about a bushi 1. The May opened today st fc.;o nnd twr, from thun point It rapidly rieullned to ttlio alter whlori It rallied to Mc. The July held up remarkably well, hut began to nhow the effects of (lit Gates route. The July ranged between Kc and 84o before noon and at that hour Blood nt Sue. 'I he hign and low Saturday were t,c and nc. It begins to be the opinion that the May has been liquidated. n much as it will be and that the market may turn a little. W. If. Hartlett aayg he can see Utile good In the July at present for with the shock which the market him received In the May liquidation and Hit excellent crop prospects he expects It to go lower. There wan a heavy selling of the Miiy today and Armour and Wreiin were th" prlnrlpnl buyer. listen continues to sell, but It Is aald the i a.h end of t he May deal has not been liquidated at all. There wax a good deal of liquidation In July iilxo and Armour wax thought to be a seller. It la suggested the moat economical way of marketing the Oaten wheat will be to sell it In a iump to tne grain namllera at the points when it la stored. There are plenty of men who would be glad to buy it In a lump, and wtuls the price would nei.m small to those Who have been accustomed to the high prices, it Is thought by some, the amount realized would be better than if the wheat were peddlrd out. The corn was affected by the weakness of the July wheat and opened weak on fears of liquidation of the Mav. 'I lie May before noon reached the high and low points Of 47'ao unci 4tV againxt 4iV and sic for Baturday. New nrk, late Satur day night, worked forty loads of corn tor export to the continent. The world's corn shipment were 3,o;,l.(H0 bushels, against S.iMi.imii bushels last week and l.mii.wm IiiimIi la last year. The on passage statement ahows a decrease In wlfVat of l.wo.tsio bush el 'and of coin of SI.'uki bushels. A small mount of flour buying would start tho millers Into full action, for Hie distributers have verv low stocks. The primary receipts of wheat are 477 ,Ha) bushels. agHlnst :'7,tlti0 . bushels, and the shipments are ;tM,in bush- el. against im.tictl liustieis. I no primary .eccints of corn, are :iM.H") bushels, against 't48.Hi bushels, and the shipments are t15,0l)0 bushels, against 'ki,oiiu bushels. Omaha Cash Sale. OATS-No. 3, 1 car, :'9c. Omaha lash Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard, c; No. A hard, WVrf 8jc; ino. 4 haru, bowtwi ; No. ft spring, S6c. I'OKN-No. i. 4,'lc: No 8. 4-V; No. 4, 4 no arade. :Mf'ntlr: No. 1' VeliOW. I'V: No, 8 yeiiow, 43c; No. '1 white, 4.l!ac; No. o white, tic. tiATR N'n. 1 mixed. "KV.e: No. ;1 mixed, iltc o. 4 mixed. L'i'ac; No. J white, 2iiUc; No. 3 m White, l!Sc; No. while, '4c; aiandard, arlnt Receipts. Wheat. Corn i l.Hi , MM 7 ia 4 Chicago Kansas (.'It .,... Minneapolis lluluth Bt. I.ouib Omaha 1f4 Mi SO 11 Oats Ml Minneapolis Wheat Market. The range of prices paid In Minneapolis. as reported by the fc,i!warda-Wood com pany, 110-111 Board of Trade, was: Articles. Open. Hlghl Uow. I Clone., Safy. May. ..I !41 MVI 944I M'il j74 July... !UVil M11 'H Sept... IW. S-'i 81 '4 1 ttl'-si 3 CHICAUO KRtlV n pnoviioT Peatare of the Trading and Closing 1'rlre on Board of Trade. fMlCAOO. April 24. Wheat for May dr- llverv aold down to :"c a bushel, a de cline of 7V' cnmparcif with Fbitimbiy s closing quotntlnn. At the rloe the market had rallied to Me. The sensational decline today following the hlg hreak of Isst week was the result of general liquidation par ticipated In bv John W. fiates, the erst while bull leader. Millions., of bushels of May wheat changed ownership during to- lavs exeiung sion. At tne close or trading It wn claimed by close observers that all of the enormous line held by the Wall street clique had been liquidated. The market became steady late in the day on an Improved demand. Armour A Co. being credited with heavy purchases of the Mav and July options. I he slump In .May created extreme weakness In distant de liveries, the July option closing at a net loss of 2c. Corn, oats and provisions like wise were Affected by the break in wheat, Mav corn being off Hi'qlSc at the close. July corn Is down IV'. July nuts show loss of USHo, rrovlsionsi are iHWJ'.e lower. The break In Mav wheat began with Ini tial transactions being 2c to 4c lower at 9ic to Bsc. Julv was off fiSe to ?i7tic at fWftMVfce. Imrlhg the first few minutes of business Armour I o. made an enon to give the market some aupnort, hut traders In general regarded th move merely as an attempt to create a higher market on which to dispose of additional dates wheat. The sclllnj was so general and so persistent that soon all errorts to stop the decline were nbandotied. Every body seemed to have May wheat for sale and few appeared willing to buy. Hefore the session was half ended the price or May had dropped to 92'4ji Meantime the Julv option had sold off to 4c. Many traders were of the opinion that during the heavv selling early in the session the remainder of the dates line of May wheat wns entirely sold out In addition to me slump In the price of May distant deliveries were arfecteo ny neavy rams ioioukm.mi. the winter wheat section and predictions of more rain to follow Increased the bear ishness. During the Inst part of the ses sion the market was comparatively steady. The July option given support ny Armour & Vet. and fresh rumors were nre that dates has associated himseir with Armour for a bull campaign In the more distant options. There was also a good general demand, buying being based on the theory that the price or .way nan reached a level consistent with so-called legitimate conditions. The fact that May wheat in this market was selling at a lower price than at Minneapolis helped to stimulate demand. Notwithstanding the Improved demand, prices made little re sponse, fluctuations in may ounng me oisi hour being confined within a cent's range. At the close May sold nt otc. a net loss oi 7c. Julv was down 2c at M-Mi84Tnc. '1i"' ances of wheat anil flour were equal to 139. fmo bushels. The amount on passage decreased l.SW.nnr) hit. and the visible sup ply decreased ftM.OnO bti. Prlmary receipts were 4iX.miii nil., compared wnn zn.vr uu. year nfpi. Minneapolis. Iinlnth and t in- cago reported receipts or a4 cars ngainsi 2 cars last week and 154 cars a year ago. The corn market was uname to resist the break In wheal values, heavy liquida tion causing extreme weakness. Profit taking wns especially heavy in the May delivery. July opened "s'Uisc tower hi 47''I7:1.c, sold off to 4ti,c and closed at 4t','4c. Mav sold between 4i7c anil 47'v, closing at 4Hc. Tical receipts were 154 cars with seven of contract grade. In sympathy with wheat and corn senti ment In the oat pit was bearish, but prices showed onlv n small loss. July opened a shade lower at VS 2"c, sold between 29'c and 2Vo and closed at 29V3'c. Local receipts were Rn cars. Notwithstanding higher prices ror live hogs, provisions were extremely weak. The break in the price of grain was the main Influence. Selling of May products was heavy, the volume of business being larger than for manv weeks. At the close Julv pork was off 3&32c at $12.45. Lard was down lo at 17.25. Ribs were "Urtfl'lc lower at $7.077.10. Kst mated receipts lor tomorrow, ii inni, 205 cars; corn, 193 cara; oats, 157 cars; hogs, 26.OH0 head. . . The range of price paid in Chicago us reported by the F.d wards-Wood company, 110-111 Hoard or iraae, was: SEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market Breads 8eyeral Point Uudtsr Coter ing of Short Contracts. UNION PACIFIC LEADS THE DECLINE Sena f Milwaukee Hank Defalcation Cause General I nset tlement nnd Close la Weak and Low est of the liar. NEW YORK, price of stocks corner dotted heavy tallied stocks Article. I Open. High., I Low. Close. Yst'y. KEW VOItK OKXKItAL MARKET Oaotatlons of the Tiny on Various Commodities. KEW YORK,. April 24-FLOUH-Reeelpts. 17 X90 hbls.: exports. 23.430 bbls. Market dull and weak: winter patents, t6.fttran.3ti; winter tralghts, 4.7iK7 4 W. Minnesota patents. tb.uO ti6.76; winter extras, S3..l6ft3.7&; Minnesota bakers. tl.51xB4.tKi: winter low grades, $:1.26ffi J.t. Hye flour, market quiet; fair to good,; choice to lancy, l4.iOS4.90. CORN MEAL Market barely steady; flno white, $1.20; tine yellow. $l.a; coarse, new, ll.nsfi'l.lo; kiln dried, 2.75fq2.90. n K Maraet nominal: western. HOc bid BARLEY Market steady; malting, 4-ttHtic, c. I. f.. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, 10.025 bu. Spot market weak: No. 2 red. MVtc. nominal. In elevator No. a red. 95ltc. nominal, f o. b . afloat No. 1 northern Ditlutli. tt.017., nominal, f o. b.. afloat: No. 1 hard Manitoba. 97c. f. o. b., afloat. May wheat was demoralized again today, losing 4c a bushel In the local market, liquidation, which was heavy, extended also to the new crop deliveries and thev broke IVic before affecfed In ad liltlon by fine crop and weather news. Last prices showed l(&2c net decline; May, 9c, closing at tttc; July, twVu'JlV. closing at W'c; Heptember, 474i hue, closing at M' CORN Receipts, lWi.HTo bu.; exports, 99,514 bu. Hnot market easv: No. 'A. titic. nominal S in elevator, and bl'MC, nominal, f. o. b 1 aUoat: No. 2 yellow. 62tc: No. 2 white. 52c Option market waa quiet here and consid erably lower, with wheat, closing lc below baturday; May, MViwe. closing ut 6IV40; July, unc OAT Receipts, its. mio on.; exports, 11.450 bu. Bpot market barely steady; mixed outs X to 32 lbs., 3b'tt3ic; natural white, 30 to 32 lbs., 36VjBtVc; clipped white, 36 to 40 lbs.. 35fer3c. HAY Market mile:: ahlDDlnir. 006i5c: eood HOl'8-MarKet dull; Pacific coast. 1904, . s.ajhji i' tun virri-'Ai'- iiii:i H11JE8 Market steady; Ualveston, 20 to sijo Iba., 20c; California, 21 to 25 lbs.. 25c. LEATHER Market ateady; acid, 2VvJ6o IILJi1t'IUIlt.!U I J . . . I. . . z IV. . id.w.k. rri. iiiai ..n 111111, imtiity, 13.0mo 13.50; mess, JU Oiv, n.60: beef hams, 21.&iKn;23.O0 packet, $12.0orii 13.110; city, extra India mess, 118 00f 20.00. Cut meats, mar ket firm; pickled bellies. S7.25Vh8.0u; pickled shoulders. S&.5ord6.0l; pickled hame, S9.50tf 8.76. lard, market easy; western steameu, 17.40; rerlned, market barely steady; com pound, t5.12Va6.50; continent, S7.55; South America, S8.25. Pork, market quiet; family SI 4 ourulu.OO; short clear, J13.0ayl5 .00; inebs. lJ.tKUU.R,'. TALLOW Market dull; city S2 per pkg.) 4Hc; country tpkga. free). 4iln7c. RICE Market quiet; domestic, fair to ex tra, 27i3tKC; Japanese, nominal. POrLTRY Nominal; dressed, easy; western chickens, lufgl2c; fowls, 10ai3Vic; lurkeyk, miuisc. BUTTER Easy; street price, extra creamery, SKu.loMii'; otnctal prices: cream. ery. con.mou to extra, 2&o3oc; state dairy, common to extra, 22'd -'!tc ; renovated, com mon to extra, 171i'.'kc; western factory, com ltion to extra, western imitation cremerv.' common to extra. 2&4i28c. CHEESE Firm; state, full cream, small colored and white, fancy, liy; tine, l.le; atat. late rmvde. colored and white, poor to choice. )0U134c; state, large, colored and white, noor to uhulce, lo'.ViulSc. EQO8 Irregular; western storage ' seletv Hons, 171c; western ttrsts, 1VC. St. Louis Ceneral Market. ST. LOCTS. April 24-WHEAT-Lower; No. 2 ted. cash, elevator, IsH-; track, 87c'ij tl 00; May. fete; July. tmSe; No. 2 hard, 9-U Wo. CORN Lower: No. I cash, 4iHc; track, 4Mi4nic; May, 4wt!1c; July, 44'u46c. OA'IS Lower; No. 2 cash. 2S,e; track, JliaiCjc: May. 27c; No. 2 white, 3J4c 'Ijll H Hull: red winter oalents 15 ftllfl 5.26; extra fancy and straight, $4.5otc4-70; clear, 4.t"lj4 40. BKEI Timothy, steadv; S2.0O42.50. CORN MEAU-Steady, $2.50. BRAN Hlow, sacked east track. 73c. HAY-Dull; timothy. S 50m 12. 50; prairie. es.us71v.Mi. IKON COTTON TlES-tec. BAGGINU-7e. HEMP TWINE Sc. PROVISIONS Pork. lower; Jobbing. 112.15; lard, lower; prune steam, X6.K1). Dry alt meats, steady: boxed extra shorts, IT 25: clear ribs. $7 25; short clear, $7 SO. b.oon steady: boxed extra short, IT.kTS; . 'Mr. : 7; short clear. SM. POCLTRY-IXill; chickens. lOUc; springs, 4 H'trt 00 i er dos.; turkeys, 14c; ducks, l.'c. liCTTEH Firm; creamery, 27ti:t5cL dairy, li20c. EUG3 Steady ; 14ic, cae count. Krceiius. Bnicments. Wheat May July , Sept . Corn- May . July . 8ept . Oats- May . July . Sept . Pork Mav . July . Lard- May . Julv . Sept . Ribs- May . July . Sept . 9fiw 9S 24 92-yfi93' 1 00 29S 294 2S-. 464,i 471 7VHI 49S; jffll4'SJsj "1 12 60 I 7 12h' 7 30 7 46 6 85 7 12V 7 35 45, 4V .4tiil 4 n:wfM 4m 4; 29 1 291.4 1 29V2Vsf 12 37Vjj 12 70 I I 7 124i 7 30 7 45 S5 7 15 7 35 I 12 07H 12 40 j 7 024 7 224 7 374 75 7 05 7 25 12 15 j 12 40 7 074' 7 25 7 40 6 80 7 10 7 30 471 4t 29- 29V, 24 12 45 12 724 '7 174 7 35 7 50 A 90 7 174 April 24. A break In the today seemed a foregone conclusion. The promise of such a move ment was so clear that professional opera tors sold enough stocks during the first hour to more than cover the requirements and they devoted a period of the day to covering their short contracts with the result of practically repairing the losses. It was evident that bargain hunters were also on hand and their willingness to take stocks at the break was a material factor In rnllylng the market. The technical sit uation pointed conclusively to considerable liquidation tndav. The heavy decline of Thursday Inst, since which time trading on the exchange has been suspended. In duced a great many calls for additional margin 011 the part of brokers and com mission houses. It wns known before the market opened that these calls had brought back many responses ordering the sell ing out of holdings. Speculative sentiment had been so far shaken by last week's de velopment that no effective support was to be anticipated unless at considerable concessions In prices. The events or Saturday's wheat market forced the conclusion that the attempt to the May option had been aban anil the obvious conclusion that speculative losses had been sus pointed to further liquidation In as a recuperative measure. The pressure centeretl upon the stocks which have been favorites in the speculation 011 account of merger stories. Union Pacific led the railroad list In point of activity and weakness. Northern Pacific's re-entry In the market was the signal for sales down to 1S5. compared with the recently pre vailing nominal price of 10 bid. The pre vailing discussion in stock nurket circles was of the danger of reopening of hostili ties nnd of competitive projects in the railroad world In strong contrast to the abiding faith In the mutual determination of all the great powers of the railroad world to come together nnd put into force projects for the common benefit. Thursday's flurry in the call money mar ket to 7 per cent had served to overthrow the conviction that the ease of the money market was Incapable of being disturbed The hank statement published on Satur day during the Interval of the trading showed that loans had continued to expand In spite of the liquidation In stocks. The offering today of of New York City bonds made heavy requirements of the money market. Next month the 1100.- Oftft.onft Pennsylvania bond subscription, an installment of all but 10 per cent of the Japanese loan and the withdrawal of an installment of government deposits are to be provided for. Faith In the nhlllty of the money market to meet all these require ments without disturbance Is decidedly less than during the nerlod of buoyant advance In' prices of stocks. The news of the Milwaukee hank de. flalcntlon caused Inevitable unsettlement again and gave force to the feeling of un easiness as to the effect of lossefc In the Wheat collnpse. The reaction In prices carried Union Pacific to the lowest of the clay and made a broad inroad on the re covery which had been established during the middle portion of the day and made the closing weak. The remarkable rise In the Louisville Nashville group at tracted attention to the published reports of plans for the formation of a great through trunk line from north to south by a combination of existing properties. Those stocks relapsed equally with the rest of the market In the late reaction. Great Northern preferred late in the day sold at a decline of 29 points from last week, which mav have helped to the late reac tion. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value, M.ftKB.ftftO. Unl'ed States bonds were 11" onohnnged on call. The prices on thp New York Stock ex change ranged as follows: Sales. High. Ixiw.Close. Atchison lH,2iio to t54 M do prd .' 300 102. li lii2'i Atlantic coast, unt.. ii.vt) Baltimore at Ohio y.onO do ptd luo Canaoian Pacific ... 15.200 Central of N. J 6"ft Chesapeake ar Ohio... 12.3U0 Chicago A Alton. No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Easy: winter patents. 4.50fi4 SO: winter Mtralchts. 4.4oi40ft; spring patents. $4.9(Hp5 30; spring straights, 4.KxM.7o; bak- APK I'J hO. Ml WHEAT No. 2. snnng, v.c; .-o. a, oi 5c; No. 2 red. 824(9w. CORN No. 2, 4c; No. z yeiiow, 4tv. OATS No. 2, 29V; No. 2 white, 30V.I&' 32c: No. S white. 2!i'i5(314c ;. RYE No. 2, 75C BARLEY Good feeding, 37039c; fair to choice malting, 4Y4ic. SEEDS Flax, J1.25; no. 1 northwestern, $1.40. Prime timothy, 13.00. PROVISIONS kicks pora, per nni., iz.iu 012.15. Ijrd, Per 100 lbs.. $7.ft0u'7.024. Short ribs, loose, w. itxiitt.Bi ; snori ciear siues. boxed. 0.874u'7.00. CIAJVER Contract grade. Jia.&u. Receipts and shipments were as follows today: ' fteceipis. onipiueiiis. Flour, bbls 20,000 11.200 Wheat, bu hi,ii n,a" Corn, bu 1E4,2ki 4.'!7,tnio Outs, bu lZS.tSHI 340.4IV Rve. bu.' Z.ouo 2.7110 Barley, bu 75.000 12.200 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market waa easy; creameries, 24't30c; dairies, 2J2c. Eggs eask at mark, cases Included, HWUSo; nrsts, 154c; prime firsts, 16c; extras. I.e. Cheese nrm; 14c. Kansas City raln and Provisions, KANSAS CITY. April ' 24. -AVHEAT Four cents lower; May, 24c; July, 74U 747c: September. TlVc; cash. No. 2 hard. 8fo93c; No. 3. 8W85c: No. 4. i&80e; No. 2 red. K5i33c: No. 3, SCt&S&c; No. 4. tixBSOc. Keceipts, 1J car. CORN Lower; May. 42Uc: July. "mc: rJeptemner. 4iwiMi,c: cash mixed, 4444,i-4C; No. 3, 43V1i44c; No. 2 white. 4441j45c; No. 3, 44c. OA i n steaay; no. z white, 32W33c; No. 3 mixed. 314c. RYE Steady. 70W73c. HAY Steady; choice timothy. S9.5Ofil0.00: choice prairie, $7 2o'n7.75. BUTTER Creamery. 231je7c: dairy. Pack ing. 18c. EGGS Ixiwer: Missouri and Kansa. new No. 2 whltewood cases Included. 141-.C Dir dox. ; case count, 13c; cases returned, 4c per do, less. Receipt Shipments. Wheat, bu 11.2ml lo,400 Corn, bu 52.8") 19.0u0 Oats, bu 20-OuO 2.0UU No! Philadelphia Prodare Market. PHILADELPHIA. April 24. BUTTER Weaker: extra western creamery, 31c: extra nearby prints, J3c. KOUH Easier; ncarny rresn, l.4c, at mark; western fresh. 17c. at mark. CHEESE Uuiet ; New York full cream. fancy, 134c; choice, 13'c; fair to good, 124 t13c. Milwaukee (iraln Market. MILWAUKEE. April 24. WHEAT No. I northern. 1 01 ; No. 2 northern, 934i 8Se: July. S4. bid. RYE Weak; No. 1. 5Tt594c. BARLEY Lower and steady; May, 45To, asked; sample, 4v&41c. eOO do pfd Chicago Ut. W 6.700 Chicago N. W 1,600 C. M. & St. P 62,700 Chicago T. & T bu do pfd 2W C C C. : St.L..,. 7uo Colorado & So 4,S"0 do 1st pfd J do 2d pfd MM Delaware & Hudson. 1.7u0 I'daware. L. & W Denver & H. U do pfd 3"0 Erie 36.21,0 do lt pfd 4,(JiH) do 2d pid 1.700 Hocking Valley lot) do pid Illinois Central . Iowa Central ... do pfd Kansas City 80. do pfd IouIh. & Nash.. Manhattan L Met. Securities Met. Street Ky Mexican Central .... Minn. & St. L M , St. P. & S. S. M. do pfd Missouri Pacific M.. K. & T do pfd , N. R. R. of M. pfd!. N. Y. Central N. Y.. O. & W Norfplk & W do pid Pennsylvania . p.. c. c. St. L... Reading do 1st pro do 2d pfd Rock Island Co do pfd St. L. ,v S. K. 2d pfd St. L. 8. W do pfd Southern Pacltlc .... do pfd Southern Railway .. do pfd Texas & Pacific T.. St. L. & W do pfd Union Pacific do pfd Wabash do pfd W. A L. E WIsconHn Central do pfd Northern Pacific . Adams Express American Express .. ion V. 8. Express 300 Wells-Fargo Express Amal. Copper lSl.oon American C. & F 9.4oO do pfd 1.7U0 Amer. Cotton Oil LOu do pfd American Ice lftO do pfd Amer. I.lnaeed Oil... 400 do pfd Amer. locomotive .. 24.400 do pfd 9 American B. R 74.(i" do pfd ISO Am Sugar Refining. 10.7"0 A. Tobacco pfd. ttfs 3.200 Anaconda Mln. Co.. S.imo 17o 9U4 lb 14 if Its; V 1491 197 Ja lit' 10V4 9o 197 044 shows: Available cafh balance, JlK.OlS 7M; gold. Sk2,!,07I. .ef lior Money Market, NEW YORK. April S4.-MONKY-On fall, firm at 3fi4 p"" eenti closing hid. S per cent: ffcred, S'j per cent .Time loans, sllghtlv firmer; 60 day. tH per rent; o days, '34 per cent; motiths. 343 f per cent ' - - PRIME MERCANTILE rAFER-4fl44 per cent. STERLING EXCHsNOE-Flrm. with ac tual business In bankers' hills at I4.M20W 46 for demand and at 14 Meu4 M4S for ft-dav bills: posted rates, S4.fc5fl4.S7; com mercial bills, 14 M4TJ4 M4- SILVER Bar. R7c; Mexican dollars. 444c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, Irregular. Closlns prices on bonds wrs: V. s. ef. ?, ret lH Jpn Hi, etti .104S4 u. a in. am. . . IH Manhattan r. (. 4t .in .Mex. istnl ill do lit Inc .a I Minn a St L, 4n. .1D4H St . K A T 41 .1044 4a It 7H N R. R. ef M da roupnn V. P. Sn. rei do coupon U. 8. nw do ronpos V. R. did 4s. re. do coupon Am. Toleo 4, ctfs. 4s, re. do M. rtfs. Atrhlron stn. 41 . do !). 4 Allintlp r. U. 4l Bil A Ohio 4 ... do S'i , Crntnl ot Oi. ht. do lM Inr do 2d Inc rtlM. A Ohio 4Sl Chl.'M.) A A. IW ( ., b. g n. 4i L'., R 1. A P. 4 do rot. hm rcc. (it L 1 hloxo Ter. 4. .. Colorado Mid. 4i... Polo. So. 4i runs (s. rtfs i). a r. a. Dl t 1 1 lers' Per. f, , Erie prior hen 4p . . do sn. 4 T W. A D 0. In; Horhln Vl. 41 Offered. tit N. T. r Hi.. ..io4 N J. r. (. t. . . . . No. PlrHIr 4 .1(114, do Si ,N. W. e. 4s ... . . K l ft. L. rM. 4. . ..lit lpnn. conv. Si.. . . fl igeidtns ften. it. . . . . 774 St. I, A I. M. e. . in7n at. L. A r. r .. IS St. I,. S W. c. In . . Soord A L 4s ... US ,So. PsriSr 4 .... J 'in. Rsllwsr (I.... Is Tfxss A r Is. . .. .... M4 T , St. L. W. 4i .... 76 Vnlon Psclnr 4t. ,. .... It's' do ronr 4s ... 1M P. S Stssl Sd 6s ....tniu Wslissh 1 71 I do deb. It loin Westrrn td 4s. . . SJH W. A 1, R 4s... 114V Wis. Ontrsl 4s s . 1114' to.t 1"4 774 U 1"1 m . 4S It ....KWV4 ...1H ....ISP, . ... 77 ... .11114 .... 7 ....iwm . . . .102 II.11P4 4s. 91 44 ot W nS 1Z34 M UK 1211 74 tin's, 7 m4 n OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipts Moderate sod Prires Baled Btesdj to Ten CVnts Higher. HOGS ALSO BETTER THAN LAST WEEK Boston Stocks anil Bonds. BOSTON. April 24 Call loans. 3(rM per loans, 3'n44 per cent. Official tock.t and bonds: H lAdvsnturs cent; time closing of Atchison in). 4s... do 4s . .. Mpx. central 4s Atrhtson do pfd Boston A Alhsny.. Pniton A Msins... Boston Elevated .. Fltrhbur ptd MflsicSD Csntral . . N. V., N. H A H. t'nlon Psrlflr. Amer. Argp. Them do pfd Anisr. Potu. Tube Atnsr. SuRsr Am.r. T. A T . Amer. Woolen do pfd Ponilnlon I. A 8.. Edison Else III11. . (Irnersl Electric .. Msss. Klsrtrle do pfd Msss Oss t'nited Fruit fnlted Shos Msch. do pfd V. S. Steel ds pfd Westing, i-nmmon Hid. ''Asked .. 7 .. SK4 ..l"is .. ..m ..1 .. 224 ..S04 . .124 .. M ., 90 .. 44 ..134 ...144 1 ... M . . . 101 ... II ...!4f,t, ...17H . 2(Hi ...47 ... 44 ...1MP4, ... 84 ... Mi ... .16 '-t ...I0I-, ... 6 AUouei Amslgsmstsd .... Amertrsn fine Atlsntk Hinghstn Csl. Heels Ostsnnlsl Copper Rings . . . Ilsly West Frsr.klln (Irsnhy Isle Rosle Msss. Mining ... Mlrhlgin Mohawk Mont C. A C ... Old nonunion .... osneola rsrroi Wulnry Phsnnnn Taminrk Trinity t'nlted Copper .. V. a. Mining V. 8. Oil rtah Vlotorls. Wlnons Wolverlns 4 1 14 12 )t 124 M0 174 724 14 ii 4 214 9 It 4 34 244 (64 254 5 7 120 H SI 4 424 34 114 lot Koir York Mlnlna Stocks. NEW YORK. April 24. The following; are the closing quotations on mining stocks: Adams Con to Alice 4! Breece 2f Brunswick Con 4 Comstock Tunnsl Con. Csl. A Vs... Horn Silver Iron Pllvr-r Ltfsdiole Con. .... Offered. ' . .17i .10 .S20 . I Little rhlsf S tlntsrlo : 400 Ophlr 11.10 Phoenix 3 Potosl It flsvsgs SO Smsll linpts 15 Sierra Nevsda to Stsndard HO rs 235 17., 17 V iZ 694 37 lfc 07 454 s"4 tw WVs -'S 234 17j4 1'4 it li',i 27 4 b9'x 35 Ifc74 fc4 43 74 8,200 11 li' Flour, hbls. Wriest, bu. .. Corn, nu. ... Oats, bu S.I'H) .. ls.") . ..ISj.JHI 1 ram 134.0110 b ii k.',ij Vlslbl NEW YOHK aaplr of firala. April 24.-The visible sup ply of irratii rturdav, April 71. as compiled bv ths Nw Vork Produce exchange, U ss fellows: Wheat. ftc.417,iY bushels: de crease, do.Vii' bushels, coin. ll.'iy.'.iM busn ls; Increase, TIS Ot bushels; Oats. 14.71." bushels; decreasa, 344.ti bushels, rye, l,l(,ow) bushels, decreass, II.uim builu-.i, Mlaaeapolls tiraln Market. MINNEAPOLIS, April 24.--WHEAT-My. M4c: July, 34c; September. glc No. 1 hard. i'4c; No. 1 northern. 74. FIl'R-Etrst patents, 516tf6'J6; Hrst clears. MlMjC'S. U KAN In bulk. $12 .26. Ilulatb Grain Market. nn.rTH. April 24 -WHEAT-To arrive No 1 northern, 92c. On track: No. 1 north ern. Sac: No. i northern. 64c; May, S2c; July. St'Jc: September. K.'c. OATS To arrive and on track, 2o4c. Pvorln Market. PEORIA. April S4.-CORN Iiwer; No. i. 4c; No 4. 4.V; no rrsde. 04j41c OAT8 Kasv; No. S white. :4f30c; Ko. 4 white. 2kc24e. Klein Wittier Market. ELGIN 111. April !4 -Butter msrket went down 24" on the Hoard of Trade toitay. seHlntt at 2e Hales In tha district fur the week were pound. 100 . 1.KI0 . 2.700 .142.5110 200 . 7.01KI . lO.nOO . i.m wo 2K1 17.U0O .1.800 100 27.3' ) . 8.2) . 5,0(10 '. 67 ! Boo I'") . 6.300 27.100 1,200 li 6.2(10 32.1KSI Mm) .o"0 i 2(i0 l,2l) no S.30I) 30t,rio 200 o"0 1.3(10 21 ) 1.2(10 1.4"0 900 64 304 154 104 4 S34 l:04 234 iii" 1W4 104 304 6i4 37 1W4 574 844 1414 79 t'4 61 294 2 14b4 104 4 8 14 llb-4 22', iii" Kit 102 30 &14 37 1494 65 824 140 ' ' 79 9-'4 Coloredo F. I. . Consolidated Gas Corn Products do pfd nistillers' Securities. General Electric .... International Paper. do pfd International Pump.. do pfd National Lead North American Pacific Mall f. . . People's Gas J... Pressed Steel Car do pfd Pullman Palace Car. Republic 8teel do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd Tennessee f ft I l. S. I-esthcr do pfd T. R Rmliy V. 8. Rubber flo pfd V. 8. Steel 1T0.7-D do pfd 117.4IO V. -Carolina Cliem . l."0 do lfd ?" Ve1 ioehouse Elec.. Western t'nton 7' Total sales for the dsy. 37.3(10 9LtVi0 1 rmo S.2"i0 4. 2-0 !.2o0 4'") ' aofi S.OlO IS 400 1 400 17 K'Vl 1.40 400 100 4.5'irt fiivi 7 70 ! bio 14.2C0 nl ; a 100 3.3 774 664 244 64 tw4 1177s 34 97 354 89 ' f.9 126, 99 214 45 Is 25 50 170 235 128 3 40 K"i4 34 '64 'in" '57 119 117 121 140 9-vS 119 K4 M'i "04 liH r4 424 1794 21 04 484 lf4 424 1014 41 97 140 74 ,1'V. b4 9t 30 764 244 62 624 1174 9t ;U4 38 084 12:14 94 214 44 18 21 49 165 235" 127 'si" StiU 9:4 34 "6i '26" -5o" 118 1114 jol 139 -.i4 117 WH 4f4 1W4 114 r- 41? 17 7?U SO 85" 444 101 41 1044 414 94 240 19 7; j l( 94. 9) 224 2. .3 176 17 32 114 a4 5U4 3u4 1x7-, 3,2 3.4 86 414 80 674 9.1 93 ltil 29 63 294 6: 1624 1644 yi 1184 22(4 6.1 115 ' 160 l(K-'4 80's 644 37 iBt'K. 564 83 2 143 78 91 92 87 324 76 '4 68 24H 6V1V4 63 1174 834 96 :'5 38 584 121. 984 214 444 17 224 484 166 245 230 128 240 81 4 394 1(41 344 3 S 4 194 44 ( t 4' 111T vu; 1024 u 10:4 1 401. pfi'-i 3'4 1"T 11 ; 56 119 1154 1224 i:94 9; 117H 65'4 R7S 2i2 11 5!)U 42 17 234 M 30 M 45 101 41 Jfrii, S 94 m 204 714 314 9S 11 lo4 894 404 11s 114 1"74 iTi 934 46c; new. new. new per per ket Is now shout W higher, but shout 51 7(1 lower thai It was two years so. Rep resentative sales: Receipts ot Sheen and lambs l iberal and with lafavnrahlr Reports from Other Points Market Was Iotv and Dime Lower. SOt'TH OMAHA, April 24. ir. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Offlolsl Monday 2.437 4 i.l5 10.81 Same day Isst week 3.76 4.49 s.H'.'l Same dsy week before... 4.020 3,f'30 U',7"9 Same three weeks ago... 3.8i2 3.'M 11. Rail Sams tour weeks ao 3.30. 3.990 1" Same day last year 4.280 fi.6 2,'.:2 KEit.'KlPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following tahle shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheen at South Omaha for the year to date with comnartsou with imbi year: 1906. 2o 1.3:16 730.4(i9 541.SU3 No. f. . 4 . ! . M ((.'. : j ?on Bank Clearings. OMAHA, April 20. Rank clearings today were $1,710,904.09. For the corresponding day of 1904 the clearings were Sl,83,728.48. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Condition of Trade and Quotations on Staple nnd Fancy Produce. EGOS Receipts heavy; market steady; candled stock, 15c. LIVE POL LTRY Hens, 114c; young roosters, according to size. 9'Sllc; old roosters, 6c; turkeys, I4iff15c; ducks, 11c. BUTTER Packing stock. 1819c; choice to fancy dairy, 214.23c; creamery, 2630e; prints, 30c. FRESH FROZEN FISH-Trout. 9c: pick erel, 64c; pike, 84c; perch. 7c; bluefish. lie: whlteftsh. 9c: salmon. 11c: redsnapijer. 9c; green halibut, 18c; crsnptes, 11c; buffalo. 7c; wnite nass. 11c: nernng, 34c: opanisn mackerel, 12c; lobsters, ,bolled. 45c: green, 40c; finnan baddies, 7c; r-w; shad, each, 75c; shad roe, per pair, 30c.. Frog legs, per dox., 30c. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole sale Hay Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 UDland. S6.60: No. t. 16 00. medium. So 50: coarse, 15.00. Rye straw, S5.60. These price are lor nay or goon color ana quality. BRAN Per ton, S17.50. . OYSTERS New York counts, per can, 46c; extra selects, per can, 35c; standards, per can. 30c. Bulk: Standards, per gal.. 11.40; extra selects, per gal., SI. 66; New York count, per gal , $1 SO. TROPiCAL FRUIT. ORANGES Extra fancy Mediterranean sweets, all sizes, $2 76&S.OO: fancy navels. large sizes, 12 502. ib; seedlings, all sizes, S2.50tr2.75. LEMONS California, extra fancy, 270 800 and 380 size. S3. 00; fancy. 270 size, S2.75: 300 and 360 size, $2.76; choice. 240 and 270 sizes. $2.25; 300 and 360 'sire. $2.60. DATES Per box of 30-lb. pkgs.. $2.00 Hallowe'en. In iO-lb. boxes, per lb.. 5c. FIGS California,- per 10-lb. carton, 755 00c, uiii'orcvu niui uu, i-viywii, crown. 12c. RAN AN A 9 Per medlum-slxed bunch. $1.75 E2 25: Jumbos. 2.50a3.0r. GRAPEFRUIT California, oer box of 64 to 64, $4.00; Florida, $5 .00 to $6.00. 1 FRUITS. STRAWBERRIES Texas, per i4-qt case, S2.75. APPLES New York Baldwins, f3.ti04fS.26; Colorado Bon Davis, per box, $1.25; Roman Beauty, per box, $2.00; Baldwin and Ureun lrias. tier box. i.60. TANGERINES California, per half-box, $2.76. VEGETABLES. CRANBERRIES Jersey, per crate. $200. I'ATOlib-Home nrown. in sacks, pr bu., 3ixa40c; Colorado, per bu., potatoes, per lb,, 7c. TLKNil S Old., cer bu.. 40c: do , 76c. CARROTS Old, per bu 40c; do., 60c. PARSNIPS Old, per bu.. 4fc. BEANS Nsvy. per bu., $2.00. WAX BEANS Per 4-bu. string beans, per 4-bU. box, 75c. CUCUMBERS-Per do., tl.26(l.t0. PEAS-New, per market basket. $1.00. TOMATOES Florida, per tf-baskel crate $0 O0'a6.00. Sf'INACH-Per bu., 75c. ONIONS Colorado yellow, per lb., 2c; new southern, per do., 46c. CABBAGE Holland seed, per lb.. California cabbage, !n crates, per lb., BEETS Old, per bu., 4uc; new, per bunches, 66c. RADISHES Hot house or southern, do.. SOti 40c. LETTUCE Hot house, per do., 45c; head lettuce, per doz., tl.onjfl.:S. RHUBARB Illinois, per box of 60 lb., $1.26. PARSLEY Per do, bunches. 45c. ASPARAGUS-IUlnols. per dor. bunches. IV 75. home grown, per doz. bunches. $1,003) MISCELLANEOT'S. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, 16c; Wisconsin Young America, 16c: block bwiss, new, lic: old, 17c; Wisconsin brick, 16c; Wisconsin llmburger. I60- NUTS Walnuts, No. 1. sort shells, new crop, per lb., 16c; herd shells, per lb., 13c; No. 3 soft shells, per lb., 12c; No. S hard shells, per lb. 12c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 7c; roasted peanuts, per lb., Sc; Chili walnuts. fer h., l'.'frl'ic; slmonds, soft shell, per b. 17c; hard shell, per lb., 15c; chestnuts, per lb., 124l:tc; new blsck walnuts, per bu., 76a90c; shellbark hickory nuts, per bu., $1.76: large hickory nuts, per bu., $1.60. HIDES No. 1 green. '4c; No. 2 green, 4c; No. 1 salted. 84c: No. i salted. 74c; No. 1 veal calf. 10c; No. 2 veal calf. 9o; dry salted, 7iUc; sheep pelt. 26c 11. 00; horse hides, $i,(Ku$ 00. box. $1.25; 19i'l 30:,. '79 7W.1io 666,072 Dec. 41. KM 37.717 24.769 Cattle Hogs Sheep Tha followlna tabla, shows the average price of bugs at ooum uui..ii ior l"" several days, with eomrjarlsoti: I 106. April April April April April April April April April W04.lOS.!lu2.:l!iol .jtton.H'W 6 1BT 6 03 7 90 86 6 87 64 ! 6 08 . 29 6 66 6 00 S I 15HI j J i3 8i 6 ! 6 16 6 Ai , 6 131 7 u, Mi U Stv, - -j. 3 6 At 6 13 6 iS t 07! SO 6 00 6 26 V 4 93 8... I 6 26l 9.1 ...! - 4 S4 April 10.. 1 S 25 j ' April 11.. 1 s z4, 4 90 12.. 1 1 31 14 s; 13.. 6 28 I 4 80 7 29 14.. I t 264 4 86 7 21 I.. I 0 304 4 SB I 1 16 April April Apr 1 April July April April April April April April a 63; 951 5 30 3 N 7 24 I 6 6 30 3 62 7 ?4 hSi 5 271 S 64 7 SV; 63, 6 01! I M 7 146! 6 68 5 921 6 S3 7 261 791 6 81 6 3 3 6S 7 ai 6 89 1 6 91 6 6 3 61 I 6 83i 6 98i 5 33 3 63 16.. I J.. tt 22 17.. I 6 27 19.. I 5 2t4 20.. I 6 234 21.. I b 2941 22 . 6 32 April 23.. I , April 24.. 1 5 354: 6 04 S 80 6 iw 6 01 I 4 89, 7 07; 6 91 1 5 93 I 1 US: 79 7 14, 4 4 4 Mi 4 79 4 81 i 4 81 1". ' 10! 06, ol o 6 96, 6 99 6 9iii I 6 88, 6 86. 6 8:1 j 6 96, 6 4d, 3 61 6 48 S 61 I 3 5 461 v 9-i b bii 3 (2 6 84 5 4'-' I 3 6 6 9i a 46 3 71 b N, 6 46 3 ib 1 i 4: 3 77 6 80; I 3 72 0 80, 5 36 5 "6, a 32 3 67 Indicate- Sunday. The official numbet or cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle, nogs, oneep. C, M. & St. P 2 3 Union Pacific System 2V 10 28 C. ft N. W 1 1 F., E. & M. V 11 31 4 C, St. P., M. & 0 6 4 B. & M 47 8 11 C, H. & Q 2 C, R. 1. & P., east 1 Illinois Central 1 Chicago Great Western 1 Total receipts 98 61 43 The disposition of the day'e receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated Buyer, Omaha Packing Co.., Swift and Company. Cudahy racking Co.. Armour & Co Swltt & Co., country Ynriaant ok to Carey ft Benton Lehman at It Hill Hamilton Mike Hasgerty J. B. Root At Co Bulla Morton & uregson .. Other buyeia Cattle. ... 343 ... 314 . . . 324 . . . 631 ... 181 46 ... 184 2(iH t.5 30 24 10 Hogs. Sheep. u24 (l! 19 1,276 1,196 76 720 1,28 ou6 184 12 Total 2,567 4.389 4,luo CATTLE There whh a moderate run of cattle In sight this morning at all ot the principal markets, and with a fairly good demand the tendency 01 prices was up ward. The advance, however, was confined largely to the more demrame graoes. Hr aleers hovers at this point all started out In good season and the market could bo quoted all the way trom steady to a alme higher. There was considerable difference of opinion regarding the exact condition of tne inarsei owioa miB-i? w ' - ...... from Wednesday to tne close of last week the market was uneven and consequently some salesmen met with better success than others, but as a general thing fne more desirable grades smu mis mumma strong to a dime nigner man inc. iam kinds brought at the close of lunt week, while the commoner kinds were only about steadv. Most everything was soul in good season and as high as 6 was paid for pretty good cattle. The market on cows and heifers also showed some Improvement as compared with the close ot lat week. The o.-tter grades, such as all the buyers were anx ious for, were 6"aloc higher, but the com mon and medium grades were, not quotably more than stead. Trading 011 the good stuff was ax-tive and a little alow on the others, but as receipts were mooeruie, mwi everything was dlsposea or 111 -... Bulls veal calves and stags cud not show a great deal of change Horn the cloae or lajit week. . . , Only a few stockers and feeders arrived this morning, and as speculators were all anxious for supplies, trading was active, with prices on anything at all desirable fully a dime higher. Some of the common stuff, of course, did not show that much Improvement. Representative sales: 14c; 2C. dua. per 1,7'6 60O shares Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, April 24. Today's state ment of the trMaury helancs in the gen eral fund, exclusive of -111 IIU.i.( Oul gold 1 carry in lh dlviaou ot rtdcinptloo. Metal Market. NEW YORK. April 24 -METALS-Owtng to the continuation of th Easter holidays abroad there were no London cables today and the local metal markets were generally quiet, but easier. Copper is more or less unsettled. Lesding producers are still said to be asking $15,374 for electrolytic, but It seems pretty well understood that the metal can be bought below that figure. Lake I quoted at $15.0al6.26; electrolytic, $15.0Oft 15 26. and casting at $14 7616 00. Tin Is quiet with the market dull: spot quoted at llouu3fJ. Iad. unchanged, at $4.504.60. Spelter continues In very quiet demand and shows a somewhat easier tone at $5 90 for spot. Iron was quiet with the market slightly In buyers favor as a general rule, while southern grades are remrted lower. No. 1 foundiy northen. $17 tiCra 18.2b: No. 2 foundry northern. $17.1i417.26; No. 1 foundry southern and No. 1 foundry southern soft, $17 ST. LOUIS. April 24 -M ETA I.S-Lesd. steady at $4.5o; spelter, dull at $j.75&5.774 Visible gnpply of t nttna. NEW ORLEANS. April 24 -Secretary Hosier's statement of the world a visible supply of cotton shows s totsl of 4 17.S b:.l,a. against 4.163.423 bales Isst week. Of this the toial of Am'Tican cotton is 2 943,S9 bales, against 2,947,413 balsa last week. No. At. .. f0 . . (30 . . 040 . . 976 .. 4 .. I0 ..1107 ..1124 .. S10 .. 110 ..1350 ..1170 .. 8(1 ..llil ..11(0 . .1OH0 . .10S .. t3 .1220 . .1126, Pr. 3 (0 t Ml 3 CO I (0 I 6.1 4 00 4 10 4 30 4 tO 4 (0 4 4 5 4 li t 00 e 00 ( 00 t 00 ( 16 t It S is No. a 1 14 12 It II 3 1 1 40 is. 21 1 60 16 17 17 Av. .1040 . SH0 .117 . i:j4 .1183 .l!l .Us .1200 .1070 ,1221 .12(1 .1445 .12:15 .Hue .133:1 .is:is . l:(TK ..13i4 Pr. 6 25 ( 25 5 15 5 45 6 (0 6 50 6 56 6 70 6 70 6 70 6 70 6 75 6 R 6 KS 6 85 6 KO 6 00 ( 00 6 U0 STEERS AND COWS. .1019 6 10 COWS. .. m 1 75 1 796 t 50 .1(0 I 00 1 950 8 60 . . (10 I 00 14 100 1 75 ..840 i 36 l 100 I 75 ..885 I 40 t 186 3 76 .M0 I 40 16 878 3 Hi ..1080 J 60 3 926 4 00 .. 875 I 60 14 1067 4 00 . . (00 1 50 1"(6 4 110 ..1130 I 60 1 60 4 10 .. 820 3 50 7 1M8 4 20 . . 0 2 60 1 1210 4 20 ..323 1 60 10 4 20 . . 310 3 76 K'3 4 20 ..300 I 75 7 71 4 25 .. 0 76 11 1061 4 So ..1125 3 80 1 840 4 35 ..1026 3 85 J ...12(11 4 35 ,.. 846 3 35 1 1165 4 40 . . 376 8 00 3 110 4 60 . . 980 8 00 IS 10(0 4 60 .. 356 3 00 1 , 1220 4 60 ... 860 8 00 1 .." 1110 4 76 ... Ml 8 00 10 IK'S 4 76 ,..8(0 3 00 6 874 4 75 ,..Hia0 8 36 1 1070 6 0(1 .10.17 3 25 7 113J 6 00 ..1200 I 46 13 1172 6 181 , . 360 3 60 2 1250 6 10 .10.17 3 60 12 12u0 5 lo . . U0 8 60 HEIFERS. ,.410 I 00 7 661 3 25 ,, . 480 8 50 ( 220 3 60 ..600 3 60 3 87( 4 Oil ..627 IN 1 410 4 76 ..316 8 06 1 820 4 7j .. U I 23 1 1100 6 Ut BULLS. ..1130 I 76 1 1780 3 U ..1426 8 00 8 195 8 so ..1220 8 00 1 ISoO 4 00 . .1150 3 00 1413 4 Oil . 1WI 8 20 4 1487 4 00 ...1110 1 25 1 1620 4 (n . . .150 8 26 1 1620 4 00 .1170 8 10 4 1612 4 10 ...1120 8 50 1 1(0 4 25 ...1410 3 76 1 1(10 4 60 ... 30 I 76 CALVES. . .. trO 4 00 1 130 ( 00 ...10 3 30 1 150 6 00 ... 1M I 00 8 220 6 0" ... 130 I 36 4 226 4 On . . . 360 S 7 1 160 6 00 'OCtvERS AND FEEDERS. .. . 366 8 36 tt 3 10 ...870 t 00 6 46 3 85 ... 370 8 00 4 , 716 3 35 ... 841 8 36 16 600 8 36 . . . (60 1 36 i 346 4 00 ... 816 8 16 6 loll 4 00 ... 810 3 40 1 480 4 00 ...820 3 40 3 (47 4 25 ...820 8 50 30 674 4 !5 . . 6u0 3 to 1 6ov 4 2." .. . 640 8 60 3 98) 4 25 ... Is 3 56 16 ..OS 4 5 ... 1:4 3 56 77 1071 4 60 ... 330 1 60 J(4 . ? 'S 197 :n .2.15 21 ;:;o ?07 21 210 ifl'l! J"4 '8 182 ?l !."( 2(l 8HKKI'- there was a In slsht thif morning at a result the tendency of ward. ChfriiKo va iiiixlt Pi No. Av Stl IT 3 .1:4 61 . . . . .'14 . . 6 .VI 6 . 21'. 240 6 J". 6 .1J 8' . ':. 1 10 j t; r;o r (2 . ..j.'s no 5 is .'4. 12" J :' S3 . ... 216 I M .81 . 6 S ! 241 210 i 45 r"7 w li. s . . . 1 5 v, 240 6 Ji 25; 40 5 , 2i 40 18 84 . .. ?' 160 I V1, ; li" 3 2 4 J'i7 (i I ..5 ; 0 5 ::. 53 .. . f. 4" i 85 i.'o i n 4 : ... I ., 5 87 2i . . 3 t 6 .If (1 274 40 6 .Hi, 6 J5 71 241 5 7, 6 li 74 . . !,t 11, 6 .46 M . . . 315 ( 3 3:4 6 3 Ill 8 ,6 Tt 6 227 40 5 37' 6 .15 87 2M . 5 37 , 6 J 70 .... , .260 80 6 7 6 V. 84 ."04 ... 6 371, 6 7" 227 30 6 S7, 6 5 811 las ... 6 JTi, 6 5 74 2.11 . . 6 7', 6 3;, H 2'8 40 6 17', 6 5 M 4 6 174 6 3:. 72 211 40 6 IT , 6 35 88 .77 . . 6 37', 6 35 13 :l:"l ... Ii 6 3 78 211 40 6 16 120 271 ltd 8 40 big run of sheep an points ami as p. Ices was uotAti d weak to a dime lower ami much the siitne erudition pie vailed at this point, and in fact iho m.iiket could probably best be described by call ing it generally n ilinic lower Trading as not partirularly uciivc nt the decline, as salesmen did not like the id. of taking off that much, but the more desirable g.ades changed hand." gradually, and the bulk of them wire disposed of In fairly good sea son. This was true of both sheen and Iambs. Common kinds were slow sale and It was late be f err a clearance was m:ide. Some cllpjicil sheep and yearlings, mixed, brought $...25, and clipped (aethers sold up to $4 PA while wooled lambs brought 17(81. Quotations for fed stoek: Ooott to choice yearlings. J60o,i65(t; fair to good year lings, .V7Mii.0o: good to choice wethers, $t'i.;i'(ii.;6: fair to good welhers, $5 00i5.n0; gonrl to choice ewes. $5.iVfi6.Mo: fair to good ewe.-", $1 ,7.Vi6.0O; common to fair ewes. $4(81 1i4.50; good to choice lambs, $7.onrrf7.6i; fair lo good lambs. $6 Jnti7.(0; feeder lambs, fcVOO-.Mi.OO. No. Aver. Price. 7.V) western lHmbs 83 7 00 western lambs S: 00 western cull ewes 77 8 60 Utah clipped stags 13n 3 6 Utah cull lambs 78 4 80 Ut,ih clipped wethers 1(2 4 HO western ewes 77 6 35 Mexican ewes 70 5 36 Mexican ew-es 80 5 35 Utah lumbs 1! 5 76 western lambs 74 7 10 western lambs 72 7 10 westi rn lambs 75 7 25 western spring lambs 45 7 50 433 western Clipped wethers 107 4 80 6 western clipped ewes 104 5 2o l!12 western clipped wethers loft 5' 26 450 western nipped wethers 113 4 KO 260 Colorado lambs 76 7 25 Uli'i Colorado himhs 75 7 26 ,8 Colorado lambs 75 7 25 4 lo in 213 4 2 136 21i 101 141 Jei 4 CIIICAt.O I.I 17 STOCK. MARKET Cattle Stronrr, llotts Steady to Five lllahcr, 8hrrp and l ambs Steady. CHICAtiO. April 24. CATTLE Receipts. 2,000 head; market stronger; good to prune wt.eis, Vi.iir'fiO.S.'i; poor to medium. $5(!r5.!i; stockers and (eiders, $..5(ni.10; cows, $2.5uotd.70; heifers. $,l.i8Ky5.i6; can 10 is. Ji.Miuj.lo; bulls, S2.50(i4.8o, calves. $3.Wl(i.l'0. I iOtiS Receipts, 33,000 head; estimated for tomorrow, 2I.0UO head; market steady to 5c higher; mixed nnd butchers, $5.H,'i 6.6J4: good to choice heavy, $.Vf.V .tio; rough heavy. $5.36'x5.46; light, $5.:Vti&.6.; bulk of sales. Si.4fin5.574. SHEEP AND LAM HS Receipts, 28.000 head; sheep and lamls steady; hilt to choice mixed shorn, 4.0O'q4.76; good to choice weathers, shorn. la.25'd i.uo; western sheep. $'(ii.5o: nntlve lambs, shorn, $4.50 4)6.60, western lambs, $4.&(Hti5.60. wits steady st an advance of l'Vif',5 points. Sales were 'epoited nf 119. 800 ba. inrlinilng .M.i st 3'. t.'.(i6 .5, ,(ul . $ 8 to; 8eplettil r. f ,' ,Vti7 o: I 'ecemerr ,.(; Slatrii. $7.1 o Ms.l. quiet; No. i ttio. ;Sc Evaporated (.pples naal lirlert Krnlts. NEW YORK. A'iiI .1 EVAPORATE!' API'LES- .Mi'tltet shows no material cliiinge. Common to nivirby prime are quot.d at 4"io;.'. pritue, $5 3 (fTV40; choice. MtO'jo sod fancv 1". I AI.H'ullMI HHIKD FRUITS Prunes show no material change with rtenianl still small, not w !! lit inoing the low lev l of prli cs. Quotatl -i s lange from 24 to 6:i'. ace rdiiig I-, grade. Apricots unsettled, buvcrs holding oft" In expect itlon that a huge crop win depress prices Chblce ar held at ot loue; extt.i el out 11c. fancv, I'.viil5c. Pc ncbes are strnd. with choice quoted at Miiri'; exila I10K e. l"4ilo4'': fancv. 114'Ol-c. Raslns quiet; loose mus catel, 4Vo0',, tendon layers. $1.061 1 2V; seidril raisins, 6411 4c. Cotton Market. NEW' YORK. Airll 2 -COTTON-Spot closed quiet, rive siln(s lower, mhldllut oplHtids. ;.;5c; middling guif, 8ic. Sales 73 txiks. NEW ORLEANS. April Steady; sales, 2.860 bales; good ordliuiiv, 5 13-16c; 6 U-lfic; ntiddlltig. 7 3-lhc; 14c; iiitiidltng tatr. I'c. bales; stock. il.4:'S bales. ST. LOUIS, April 24. -COTTON-Qulet : middling, 7,e. Sales. 233 bales; receipts. n(i hales, shi inents, 563 bales; stock. 4,.5u6 bales. Mnaar mill Molasses. NEW YORK. April 24. -SCO. A R - Rs wi Market quiet; fair refining. 44c; centvif. ubiiI. iW test. 4c; niolnssrs sugar, 8Tso. Refined: Market quiet; crushed, f H.So, powdered 6 2Tie; gt a nulated. ( 15c. NEW ORLEANS .April 24.-SUOAR tjiilet, open kettle. 34c; open kettle, cen trifugal. 441i4 1516c: centrifugal whites, 64c; cllows, ('iii5 7-1'ic; seconds. S U-1H I 4 ft-lSc. .MOLASSES Nominal: open kettle.l3fl2iic; centrifugal, 14c. Syrnp. nominal. 24 -COTTON-- ordliiirv. 44c; low middling. good middling. Receipts, .34'. Oils nnd SAVANNAH. April ; Hnsln. U.-Ol I-Turpentln, .l 10; S3 M; Urn,. 61' ROKl V Pit 111; A. M. C. ?. M.l... II. VI '': K. .;; s.3: W. O, J3 964.0R; W. W ' (-11. "'I I'l A 1 Mi 2 1 .11,1, I 31 ; c . ;i!h' 11 's no 1 Id I l ls., nvernge 72. 578 bids.; run i. 171. MT hi live rage K7..'S2 bbls. Shipments IJm.t, 115.. W7 bids , average (Ui.rtil .ildi . ; runs, Lima 113,86: bbls., average 54.082 bbls. 1'. J.' SO; K. M $3(81; N", , $4 055410. Shipments ;M.A12 NEW Market ,)'ercd t.omls April did not sooni today from the Dry YORK. Market. !4. DRY 4JOODS to have fully re- ffects of the holi days. Comparative few buyers were about. There is no weakening of values In any direction, however, and sellers are con fident that they hold a strong isisltlort. The .lubbers are preparing for an 1 11 rl t x of hiiyets lit view of their forthcoming special sales. Saturday they were rather quiet. Kvtv York Live 8tork Market. NEW YORK April 24. -REEVES Re ceipts, 4.901 bend. Market slow; steers, Itfi26e lower; fat bulls and good cows. lt!i!6e off; others steady. Steers, $4.2Sa fi.5o; bulls, $2.110074.90; tops, $6.(85.80; cows, Sl.7ofy4.tiO: heifers, $;i.8o. Exports tomor row, 1.430 cuttle; 1,020 Sheep, and 4,200 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 5.C94 head; ninrket active, but prices generally 25 to f0c lower; veals, $3.5r4j7.d0; few choice, $7.20; little calves ntKI culls. $2.5off3.(61; dressed calves weak; city cTrepscd veals 8c per pound; Country dressed, 7''t9o. HOGS Receipts, x.213 hend: market Arm: good to prlnte state hogs, $fi.00j 10.00. SHEEP AND LA M HS Receipts, 4,250 head; sheep slower; weak; lambs (Irmly held nnd wooled sheep $4.50rtt.00, clipped; clipped lulls, $3.00; unshorn lumbs,'g) 8.10; clipped lambs, $5.(Hiifj6.00. K mi sets City Live Mock Market. KANSAS CITY. April 24 CATTLE Rs celpts. 6.1(i bead. Including 1 . 1 ( 34 8 southerns. Market steady; choice export and dressed beef steers. $.'i.7ofn!.5(i; fair to good, $4:0u 5.60; western fed steers, $4.75116.26; stockers and feeders, f3.i81i5.10: southern steera. $3 30 i6.75; southern cows. $'.'.75Co4 75; native cows, $2 iVVy 4 75; native heifers. $3. 6041 5. 60; bulls, $2.7514.76: calves. S3.ryfi.23. HOC, 8 RecelptH, B.MSI head Market 2Vi'Sf 6c higher; top. $'i.6'.'4; hulk of sles, $54i'u 5 6o; heavv. o 456.64: packers, t6.4iiCq5.6o; pigs and light. $l.501i6 40 SHEEP AND LAM RS Receipts, 4.200 head. Market steady; lambs. $5.76c7.30; na tive wethers. $58V,i6.75; native fed ewes, $4.. Wis".. 50; western fed lambs. $5. 7517.30; western fed yearlings. S6.26ciitr.30; western fed sheep, $4.5V(i0.75; stockers and feeders, $3.S01i5.50. Toledo Meed .Market. TOLEDO. April "24. SEED- Clover.: cash, $8324 bid; April $s.S?4 bid; October, $5,774; prune, alslke, $7.70; prime timothy, $1.4u. SAVES A NEGRO PRISONER tlhln Deputy sheriff Takes Alleged Murderer to Capital In an Automobile. COLUMBUS. O.. April 24 -f!peer1lng from an angry mob of 100 while people at' Mount Vernon, Knox county, today, a deputy sheriff in an automobile rescued tleorge Copelnnd, a negro, aged 30, , who had been tracked to his hdmo by bloodhounds nnd arrested on the charge of killing Miss Mi randa Hrlcker, a white woman. REAL ESTATE TRANSFER St. I. mils Live Stock Market. ST. (jOUIS, April 24. CATTLE Receipts, 2.5(i head, including 1.6ik1 Texann. Market loc higher; native shipping and export steers, f5(1i60; dressed beef and butcher steers. S4.ool45.9o; steers under 1.000 lbs., $4 011 1l6 (8l; stockers and feeders. $2.76X14 75: cows nnd heifers. $3.751i5.10; canncrs, $2.(8Ki2.IO: bulls. $2.751i 4.(81; en I vest $:i.;,Vaft.76: Texss and Indian steel s. $3.60j5.75; cows and heif ers. $..(0Ti4.Wi. HOUS-llecTlpts, 5.500 head. Market was strong; pigs nnd lights. $4.(88ti5.45; packers, $.Y301i5.5o; butchers and best heavy, $5.401i 6 60. SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts. 1.700 bond. Market steady; native muttons. $3 50 (Ij5.6o; lambs. $5.0o1i7.60; uprltig lambs, $11.11: culls nnd bucks. $.7.(8Ko4.u0; stOikcrs, $2.i1j 8i; Tixans. $3.0O1,5... DEEDS (lied for record April 24 as fur nished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Earnam street, for The Hee: R. J. Atchison et al. to Union Fuel company, part of lots 24 and 26 and other property, Heauvnlr Place $3,600 A. lrsen et al. to Annie Larsen, lot 9. block 40, Renson 1 E. S. Jester to R. T. Jester, part of lot 118, Nelson's add Harriet N. Kilpatrlck to J. S. Rus sell, lot II. block 4!i, South Omaha.... J. N. Knrel to. T. Kosiol. lot 3, block 66, South Omaha J. Rlajtek to Mary Majewlss. lot B, block 9. Arbor Place II L. Krleder Hnd wife to H. N. Rob ertson, lot Jrt. Windsor Place A. Krummes and wife to M. J. Calla han and wife, lot 9, block 8. Mat thew mib .'...i... G. W. Smith to entirety H. McConnell, lots 3 and 4. block 48. South Omaha . National Ind company to City of Omaha, part of Thirteenth street United Real Estate and Trust com pany to Cltv of Omaha, part of ne4 of sec. 3-14-13 Mary J. Rancker and husband to Com mercial National bank, lot 14, block 3. Hoggs Hill's R. Lnrmer and wife to Mahel F. Can net t, lot 1. block 6, West Omaha.... Johanna Veil and hushand to J and Fanny Vogl, lot 1, block .24, Wilcox 2d Emma C. Johnston to F. O. Olson, lot 14, block fl. Spring Iike Park Wlnnett W. Mcllvalne to A. ' Westln, lot 9, block 4, Hawthorne Ellen J. Ware et al. lo R. A. Lenbart, strip adjoining lot 5, block 7149. City... Same to same, 4 lot 5. block 340. City. Clementine Hrown to Thora S. Mlchaelscn, lot 2, block 24, Kountie Place J. C. .Moore and wife 'to H. , Cfcrls- topherson, lot li. Moore's sub K. W. Schneider to Antnnle. X. Trisks, part lot 28. Kotintse 2d Vi-rn B. Musgrove and wife to A. King, part lot 3, Forbes' sub F. A. Harrison and wife to D. R. Abbott, part of lot 4, block 2. Park Place J. II. Puller and Wife to M. Anslyn, lot 8, block S. Lowe's add..'.., C. L. Sanders to Anna M. Hasew, lot 3, Mayne's R. & T St. Joseph Live Stoek Market. ST. JOSEPH. April 24. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1.266 hrad. Market strong to loc higher: natives. $3 60416.80; cows and heif ers. $2.001i 3.50; stockers and feeders, $3.0tK( 5.00. HOGS Receipts, 4,107 head. Market was strong to 5c higher; light, $j.40(?i6 474; me dium and heavy, $5 4Mti.nO. SHEEP AND LA M HS Receipts, 12,278 head. Market 101il5c lower; lambs, $7.30. Market. -(Special Tel- HOtSS The total number of hogs In sight this morning at tha different points was not excessive, and ss the demand was fairly liberal from all sources, the mat ket here advanced lust about 24c. Trading was fairly active at the auvame nul everything changed hands In g.iod season. The bulk of the ssles weni fiom $"..:. to $5 374. with the prime loads selling Imm $i 874 to $6. 40. The common stuff sold from $5.36 down. There was no particular chance In ths msrket from mart to finish, as the demand was sufficient la prevent any weakness on the close. Aa compared with a year ago the mar- Slonx City Live Stoek SIOUX CITY. I.i. . April 24. egrani. ) 'ATT LE Receipts. 4.(88) head market strong; beeves $4.OW600: cows, bulls and mixed. $3.l8i1i5.0O; stockers nnif feeders $3.0i 1.50; calves and yearlings, $2.76114.55. H'iOS Receipts. 1.6M head; market strong, selling at $5.20(6.36; bulk of miles, $5,2613.35. Stock In flight. The following table shows the receipts of live stock of the six principal western markets yesterday: cattle. 1 1 850 200 1.70O 1 X I 100 1 2.000 2T1 75 3-5 1 3,637 48) 1,700 6(10 3,000 2,700 300 South Omaha Sioux City .... Kansas City St. Joseph St. Louis Chicago Total 2.437 4.(81 l 1.; 2.5io 20.n Hogs. 4.515 1.6a0 6.500 . 4. Iii7 5. 5i 8) 33.O00 Sheep. 10.848 4.:'8i 12.278 1.7io 28.(881 .36.43 64.122 67.02 Wool Market. IloSTON. April 24. WOOI, The Commer cial Hulletln says of the wool market; In sympathy with operations In the west, this market is even n little stronger than a week ago, and this iKisitlnn Is sjstatlned by condition of goods mar ket. Foreign wools have sold freely, but not to the degree of last week s sales. Ths rew clips whi'h have arrived here have been quickly bought up and a fair busi ness has been transacted In pulled wools Contracting In the west continues vigor ously at fancy prices. The tone uf all the foreign markets has still further Im proved with fairly active trade. The ship ments of wool from Boston to date, from December 19, 1904, according to the samo authority, are 79.249,766 pounds. . against 71.37J.3ii8 pounds ut the same time last ear. The receipts to date are 89.378.373 pounds, against 59,99 ,3('l pounds for the same riariod lust year. ST LOUIS. April 21. WOOL -Firm medium grades combing and clothing. 23 trJiio; light line. is'.r.':4c: heavy hue, It tl '.."; tub washed. 3cU'Wc. toffee Msrket. NEW YOHK April L4 COFFEE Msr ket futures opined steady at unchanged prices to a decline of 6 points, the de pression being due to cemtinued liquida tions of the near months. Tnere was a good demand by shorts und trade Inter ims however, nnd wl'h the llrn'l n movement continuing light, prices de. veloped un advancing to -dency There were no cab!- from the nopean mar kets to eftrct s. ntliiient either way and the Impression that May liquidation was about over undoubtedly had a rexssurlng Influence on llioae long poslUons. Til close BELL WOKK and electrical supplleg our hiislnegg. Can we serve you In any way? Tim electric bell system Is a clever little device. Have you bucIi a gygteiri .In your office? if not. we will Install It for a very reasonable price. WE CAHKY ;; In stork at all times batteries, bells, push buttons, electric gharls, and other electric supplies. Also do a general line of work. The Installation of elec tric wiring for all purposes: Is also taken enre of by us. Let us liave your order for something in our Hue. Western Electrical Company, C. W. JOHSsTOX, Manager. 1X12 Farnam St. Ttl. 466;: OMAHA, NEB. Edwards-Wood Go. llncorpuiatad Halo Office: Fifth tad Roberta Strssti ST. PAUL. fUNN. DEALERS IN Stocks, Grain, Provisions Ship Your Grnltt to Us transit Ofllee. Il-ill heard af Traata Hlsa.. Otsiki, Nalv. Telepkeae ft'.veu fis 2U Kschsna Uldg.. Booth Omtka. Ball 'fraeas alaV laaUavsaaasiS 'fasaa . ,1