THE OMAHA DAILY REE: SATURDAY, APRIL 22. 1003. The variety and extent of Brandeis im metise stock allows for satisfying personal taste such as no other Western store offers. 1 . rD y kzj I 1 'j mm r n rn rr-mn fs Hi ;.M n b. r5) AftSIIX II III I f f I I I I ' I m I F . ' m I mm mm OV 1 I a 1 v0o STgN As furnishers of stylish apparel, Bran deis' stands supreme in the West. Fash ion's favorite creations seen here alw n y s. ATTRACTIVE BARGAINS s EASTE R W R AT BR ANDEIS' Saturday, the last day before Easter will witness the most extraordinary buying opportunities at Brandeis. its almost endless varieties of high-class merchandise and its thorough reliability for the selection of her make up the toilette for this dress occasion. Our departments are decked in Easter splendor for this most A Notable Presentation of Exquisite Easter Millinery Our Bumptuous display of Easter tillinery 6hows hundreds of entirely j, original designs which differ radically from the styles shown elsewhere. The later importations from Paris show a marked novity in shade blending and rimming that makes the Rrandeis mil linery display particularly noteworthy at Eastertide. Stunning Easter Hats, $5 We have just received from the workrooms of a well known New York designer several hundred extremely modish trimmed hats (artistic adapta tions of latest Paris ideas). They will be displayed Saturday for the first time and offered at Brandeis popular price Beautiful Easter Millinery at $10 New designs, cleverly wrought by expert milliners, the stunning tilted shapes, the Tommy Atkins turbans, C the abort front and bi?h trimmed bank hat nverv bat. is n. the short front and high trimmed back hats every hat is a millinery gem special A Trimmed Hat Special at $3.98 A stunning Easter hat at a very moderate price newest shapes and Z Cfi most favored trimming a special offer JZrO Smart Little SuW Hats Simplicity is the marked feature of these very stylish hats, designed for smart street wear the ideal modish street I PA J 1 TA hats, at 1.3U and Children's and Misses' Hats Brandeis' styles for missed and children are charming a hundred becoming de signs for Easter wear at prices C A a QQ PV IV LfJKJ In ranging from BASEMENT SECTION Street hats, made of soft braids trimmed in up-to-date fashion specials at 50c a 98c Big Sale of Flowers and Foliage Thousands of the season's most popular flowers, roses, for-get me riots, cow slips, moss roses, violets, buds, foliage, ! g 1 m p , etc., greatest showing of the season Q Brf"., I n& Jr Hk bargain tables, at VHU' s S Easter Belts Fancy Jewelry White silk girdle belts with silk medallion trim- TCa, miug shirred and pleated, at TJC Viola Allen Belt, deep pommeled girdle back with CIQ d IOC Colonial buckle, black and brown, at OC fit I.aCD Mamade Modjeska Belt, wide girdle effects, tailor QQ P stitching, will go at OC l6L ,JLO Fancy Changeable Belta Will match different n r Q shades, will go at DC JC Imported Belts, with deep back, some trimmed with IT QO A C cut steel ornaments, some leather strapped, at JJO 10 vpO Ask to see the new designs In brace lets, in Carmen, plain 14k gold tilled fancy seals, also heavy sterl ing silver and plain 1.25, 1.49, 2.98, 4.50 Solid gold stick pins, new and fancy designs Roman and rose gold tin- .?T15c to 4.98 Full line of Imported buckles also newest designs in Koyul buck priced from 59c to 6.98 UKADS All the new and strictly up-tu-dute French crystal beads all colors also modern little gold beads. Special Sale of Easter Ribbons Adapted for Easter trimmings and decorations and for the Easter costume. Wide silk and satin ribbons In plain and fancy colors Including the very latest spring shades- also the seven inch black moire heavy silk ribbon, actually worth up to 35c a yard at, a, yard The knowing shopper will immediately look to Brandeis' with Easter hat, her costume or the hundred accessories which go tc important style show of the season. Stunning Easter Modes Short and Lontf Silk Coats The pretty silk coats are very smart for Easter wear Ioobo and fitted backs Redingotes and Tourist effects taffeta, Shantung,, cloth of gold, rajah and Bur lingham silks, the popular coats for epriug and summer, at $35 Ladies' Covert Jackets The favorites for spring no more becom ing coat has been designed in ysars the tailored straps new sleeves, snugly fit ting specials, at $5-7-50-9.9M2.50 Newest Styles in Cravenette Coats Stylish for dress, perfect protection in the hardest rains late spring styles Oft very special bargain Saturday, at 0 Walking Skirt Special The new spring mode3 are very fetching Oft plain and mixed cloths right weight for out of door wear, at O 15c Thousands of yards of all silk and satin ribbon extra fine quality, Including heavy wash silk ribbonr a special at, per ' yard JiC CLOSING OUT ALL THE Easter Novelties & Basement All the novelty chicks, ducks, rabbits, rabbits with carts, animal groups have been selling up to 75c each at, Saturday. 10.000 beautiful hand deco- 25 c All the Easter novelties that have been F3 felling and 5l)o go at. . Sc-IOc iHl5c40c j DAINTY EASTER. WAISTS Stunnlnp new lawn waUts absolutely novel style features worth upftQ f Prt to $2 and i2.50-at JOC'i.DX) The. vory fashlonnble Jap 50 098 ''O silk and lawn waists, at - t - J" IN CHILDREN'S SECTION Children's and misses' skirts all tha leadiner style features of ladies' 1905 skli-ts 'ISO worth up to $5, at Children's 2-piece school skirts plain and ?ii?.ff?:2?!.3?!.4? "I Wl a P7 Ladies9 Silk Suits and Costumes Elaborately fashioned demi-costumes and suits for Easter wear all the dainty and fashionable spring i9-22L-24i! shades shirred and pleated ne west style tl n f n iac t r r iKIo an ann 1 at. Silk Suit Special As a Saturday bargain we offer hun dreds of tine new silk suits that are worth up to and $20 newest styles handsome colors at ; UCl LIU 11 90 Two Specials in Basement Section Choice of 300 fine Cloth, Covert and Silk J PA Jackets, worth ud to 8 each, at fO3 A. w " Corset Covers Made of fine muslin and worth 15c and 20c at 9c TkT 1l In our popular Japanese corner In the Arcade nnAtlACA IvinTTfiTIPQ A zrnt assortment of Jap ware Cups and cUdpallCaC lUVClllCOe Saucjr8, Sak Cups, Pate8 Hana UecoratcJ Ware-AT EXIRAORDINARILY LOW PRICES SATURDAY. SERVICES FOR GOOD FRIDAY Oatholio and Episoopal Chnrchts Hold Solemn Observance of Day, ALTARS DRAPED IN MOURNING COLORS Prleata Refer to Message from the C'rona and Call Humanity's Attention to the Di vine Lesson. Good Friday was solemnly observed In the Cathol'c and the Episcopal churches of Omaha. The anniversary of the cruci fixion of the Savior la the rrost solemn day of the enure 1$ calendar, and the sub dued tone nasi dominant In aJl the services. The altar hangings wore of deep color, the music was of the mcst solemn and the sermons dealt with the crucifixion and the last words of the Savior on the cross an 1 the lessons to be drawn Mhereform. In the Catholic churches the service conslstol Of the mass of the priest sanctified.. In the VJplscopal churches the services of the three hours was observed. This correspond with the time during which the Savior was nailed to the cross and lasted from noo;i until S o'clock. In Trinity cathedral and In some of the other churches there will b evening prayer and worship at 7:30 o'clock this evening. Dfn Ileeelier'a Hermon, In the Episcopal cathedral. Very Rev erend Dean lteecher prached. He told of the sayings from the rross and pointed out ths message and meaning of each for mankind, and the course the Savior pointed out for the people even during his dying moments. One thing which the dean felt C'hlrsl had emphasized was the sanctity of the home. He felt that God polntei out to all young men and young women on the point of marriage to make the step a matter of prsyer and communion with Qod. When it is considered how secular a thins marriage is now, said the dean, and how lightly and thoughtlessly it is entered, he could see a great need for tne message from the crosw. The home, he felt, is the center of Christian Influence and so Jesus even is his agony had pointed out the necessity of remembering the sacred ness and sanctity of it. He had taught that the church was one great family of which he, Chirst, was the older brother. Christ had said that the mother, which In the church, should not be alowed to suffer from lack of support and devotion. The dean considered that if the church people gave more consideration to this Ideal of relationship in Christ, they would become more jnselflsh and forgiving. Ho could not sec bow It was possible with the words of Christ ringing in their ears that any should fail to feel a glowing love for the Savior. Services at Mt. I'hllomena's, In St. rhllomena's cathedral and In St John's and other Catholic churches there were services at 9 o'clock In the morning and additional services In the even ing at 7:45 o'clock. The purple altar cloths of Len were retained in some cases and in others the dead black hangings of mournlnf, were displayed and the services were of a Bad and reverential nature. The morning services consisted of the mass of the priest sanctified. This began with the reading of the Passion of Our Lord from the version of St. John. There was the unveiling of the cross and the veneration. In the cathedral Father McGovern solemn ized the mass. There was the procession of the sacred host consecrated Thursday which was brought back in procession from the altar of repose to the main altar. In St. John's church a large congregation i assembled for the services which Father Bronsgeest conducted. Last evening's erv lce was the solemn way of the cross, with a sermon on the "Passion of Our Ixrd." In St. Philomena's Father O'Con nor of Crelghton preached. sums up the result of his observation: "If a man is put on probation for one, three or six months he feels as though he could go on a spree at the end of that time. My Idea is to reform drunkards by putting thom on good behavior for life, then they know that If they are arrested, say twenty years from now, the old sentence can be put in force." A Golden Wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Porter -. Butler of Orion, Mich., celebrated their golden wedding last week. Some unusual features char For Young and Old THKREare twenty years of shoe stuciy cac o every Crossett srioe Smaii woncethat they ex ce every pont "of style and iomfort. I V'. dtaltr not Urp Hen. af .ill ttii aH i.'y t : rid.i '.'tfn :r. rtt;pt :fP'M uitt i it aid'f.or.?, fo p:iy fs-jariing (Karjts. Wrf e for il!imrs:e-.' catalcf. LEWIS A CROSSETT, Incorporated. North ADington, Mass T'a'jI WARS' "MAKES LIFE'S WALK EASY DESERTED WIFE SEEKS DEATH Woman Walta for Husband's Com Inn and Tarns to Suicide In Despair. Alva Blenden left home Tuesday morn ing after a quarrel with his wife, saying to his neighbors that he thought life would be more peaceful for both of them if they lived apart. The deserted woman waited and prayed three day for hla re turn, and crazed with grief, tried to take her life Thursday evening by drinking carbolic acid. She was saved b the in tervention of her husband's father and Robert Furay, who came into the house in time to see her raising the bottle to her lips. Before leaving, Mr. Blenden told tho neighbors the cause of tho quarrel. It was that his wife had refused to cook a meal for him. When he tried to reason with her, she proved she possessed a very sharp tongue. They had had trouble Vie fore and Mr. Blenden decided to end 1L I'p to last Saturday he was employed as assistant pressman by the Omaha News, but quit with the expectation of going to work for the Talbot Ice company, for which bis neighbor, Mr. Furay, Is fore man. Tuesday he informed Mr. Furay that be did not wish employment. Although Blenden said he did not think his wife would miss him, It proved en tirely otherwise. She has called at the police station and asked the orllcers to find him; she has written to every place where she thinks he might go. Until Thursday she had some l'pe of his re turn, but that day she gave up, and when she went to town in the afternoon she purchased a bottle of acid. Her father-in-law suspected her purpose and came Into the house at an opportune time. yhen the bottle was taken from her she went Into -a state of nervous collapse and is now confined to her bed. Sht threatens to kill herself as soon as she Is given a chance. Her continual cry Is that she wants Alva to come back to her. She Is a woman In the early twen ties and has not been married long. Blenden has probably not gone very far. as he did not have enougli money to pay much railroad fare. The detectives of Omaha aro watching for him to acquaint him with his wife's condition. His home Is at Tenth street and Avenue II, Last Omaha. acterlzed the event. One was the fact that there has never boon a denth In the family of Mr. and Mrs. Butler, and another Is that every one of their twenty three descendants was present at the celebration. Another out of the ordinary thing was that Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Gibson, who were respectively best man and bridesmaid at the wedding fifty years ego, were present. Fifty guests wrre present, Including the children, grand children and great-grandchildren. At the same time he took up the law. He read Blackstone, Kent and Chitty, and made especial studies of contracts and cor porations. This knowledge has since proved of great advantage to him. Telephone as a fleformer. Congressman Bingham, at a dinner of the Philadelphia Clover club, spoke of modern life In the most optimistic way. "The world is growing better," he said. "Dally it becomes rleaner. kinder, and more upright. Nearly everything mokes for re form. Even the telephone has a tremen dous reforming influence. "Let me give you an example of the sur prising effect that the telephone exercises over our morals. "A certain man, at breakfast one morn ing, said to his wife: " 'My dear, I'll not be home to dinner to night and you had better not sit up for me, as I shall be detained very late at the office posting my books.' " 'Very well,' the lady answered. 'Before I g- to bed I'll say good night to you over the telephone.' "The man had forgotten, you see, that a telephone now connected his office and hit house.' Cincinnati Enquirer. ST" f If l i :' if rrrr aaatiui 21 enck ...LEADING HATTERS... Co Strange senteuce. Judge Samuel Phadley, who has been on the municipal bench lo Lowell, Mass., for twenty-four years, has adopted the plan of sentencing petty offenders to "good be havior for life." He has studied the pro bation uusatlvu for many yttura and thua 1504 FARNAM STREET. Open Evenings Until 9 o'clock '3 Swell Easter Styles in Men's Hats and Furnishings For correct drsserg wo offer the new and exclusive blocks In Stetson, Dnnlap and Imported Heath Hats. The completAv ness and variety of our Hues enables) you to And just the hat suited to you. The prices run $3.00, $4.00, $5.0u and $tl.O. THE NEW DUN LAP SILK HATS are ready for your selection. Easter Sale of Men's Shirts The most extensive anil attractive showing ever offered for your choosing. The latest Imported and domestic patterns, handsomely made up in the best styles. fabrics and the very best skill lu designing and workmanship are represented In our lines. The variety and beauty of the styles and patterns insure your finding: what you want in the shirt line, antee the finish and flttlnir of those shirts to be perfect IT IS A FLEASUUE TO SEE THESE GARMENTS AND A PLEASURE TO SHOW THEM. Only the highest qualities tn We guar- Easter Neckwear Sale Bright, new styles from tha world's best designers. A complete variety from the simplest bow tie to the most elab orate and exquisite dress creations. The most particular dressers will find this complete and we)l selected new stock equal to their most exacting requirements. Hosiery and Underwear Very few firms In America show a larger or better selected stock of Men's Fine Hosiery than we offer this spring All the bright new things are here. The best standard makers in the country supply us. All sizes, all styles, colors and patterns are here to choose fmm. We want you to examine the Dr. Delmcl Linen Mesh Underwear, the product of the American Hosiery t'o. and the Lewis Underwear. , We cater to and have prepared to meet the wants of men of fashion. Every approved style lu Men's Hats aud Furnishings can be found berw. You can rely upon the style and quality of eTery article we sell you. Our expedience and large business enables us to keep t prices down to a reasonable figure. OUR STRONGEST POINT: aZ MaUaVa. It