TI1E 0MAI1A DAILY REE: THURSDAY. ATRIL 20. 100.. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat We&k on Predictions of Rain and Water Would Put it Down. ARMOUR COVERS ON COCHIN CHINA NEWS Large Holders of Corn Will fMar, bat Little Felloara Drop Oat t. Loala Outbids Chicago fnr .Nebraska. Corn. OMAHA, April 19, If 6. The prospect of mln was used to weaken the. market this morning, the July having been kept up so fBr on dry condition stories A good general rain would send the July down a good deal. The May wheat acted In a rat Hit unusual way una miming. The) high and low points reached be for noon were $1 lu and l.Uvt. against $1.16 and II. H1 'lucf.day. Tuu Juiy ranged between hSz and 87c before lioon. against fMio mid 87c Tuesday. 1,1 ver pool wan He lower and : higher at the close of the session, Antwerp tin chanced mid Paris advanced 20 eenttmss Wrenn was a heavy wiler of the May wheat and Valentine bought looOHV) bush els of July wheat at Me. The talent has it figured that Valentine bought l.iuo.doo bush ela of July Tuesday and he was said to be buying and selling the September also Minneapolis says Armour has been sellin. the Juiy there, and Duluth reports the house has bought the May there for two days. The buying by Valentine Is said to be the covering of his great line of shorts on fear nf complications due to the callng or lluaMan shins in t reni n t ocnin i nina. The demand for CHh wheat Is a, little bet ter today, as the millers tire taking some of the samples now. The wheat clearances are 24 .urn) bushels. The primary receipts are HM.atirt bushels, against lH6.(io. and the Hhipments are 186.000 bushels, against 2)7,1 00. The wheat does not wem to get scarce, as has had been expected by Oatcs. It had been al hIso thut the millets of Iho noithwest would hold the wheat there for their milling needs, but they seem to be letting It come now to Chicago. Monday there was SOo.tioo atishels sold for Chicago and Tuesday Duluth worked sn.ooO bushels No. 1 norlhern to come by water. The lco is now out of the straits of Mackinac. ( lilt ago is coming on" second in the bidding for Nebraska corn. St. lyiuls evi dently wants the corn more than Chicago, for the former place is bidding higher In state markets t'.mn Is the latter. Nebraska corn has accumulated so much at sea ports awaiting loading for export that new business is being retarded until the old grain is got oft' hand. The clearances re ported for the day are 372.0UO bushels of corn. The May corn market ranged be tween 47V and 4$c. before noon against 47Se and 47Vc Tuesday. Liverpool closed with an advance of o. The demand for cash corn Is better and the market has advanced c, the elevators being the takers. Chicago sold 50.0uO bushels ot corn Tuesday and today chnrtered Paj.OOO bushels for lake transportation. Cash oats ad vanced ',( and 150.000 bushels were sold. "Nye-Jenks and Rosenb.nim were the lead ing buvers of corn. Uoston has worked 30,000 bushels of oats for Iondon. The large corn holders are staying in the mar ket, but the little fellows are getting out iiulokly now, fearing trouble as the first of the month approaches. The primary reeclpts of corn were .1X6,000 bushels against 3M.Oio last year, and 'the shipments were 46s,)H0 bushels against 2.16,000. Omaha Cash sales. WHEAT No 8 hard 1 car, 66H lbs., 93',c; 1 car, 65 lbs.. HOc. Omaba Cash Prices, Wl IK AT No. 2 hard. 1.0Wl.n2; No. 3 hard, 9flcifr$l.0O; No. 4 hard. 75'fWc; No. 3 spring. $l.(j; No. 4 spring, 92c. CORN No. 2. 4ivc; No. 3, ttr; No. 4, 4214c; no grade, ."toil 42c ; No. 2. 44c; No. 8 yellow. 44c; No. 2 white, 44Vc; No. 3 white, 44c. OATS No. 2 mixed, 2SUc; No. 2 mixed, JSWc; No. 4 mixed. 27Vc; No. 2 white. 2He; No. 2 white. 2!)c; No. 4 white, 2SVic; standard, 29V- C'arlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. $ ; July, $1.00,; Septem- and on track, ,12c. tlllt At. O (.It A I N ASI PRO l!ON9 ll.MS; Ma j. tn-r. S4c. OATS To arrive i NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS fr'eatares of the Trading and Closing Prices on Hoard of Trade. CHICAGO, April 19 Excellent weather for growth of fall-sown wheat was per haps the chief rause of weakness here to day In the wheat market. Heavy liquida tion of Mav wheat as another bearish influence. At the close May wheat was down IV1. July wheat was off V". Corn mid provisions were practically unchanged. Oats show dullness of 'iilVC. Weakness In wheat developed during the last half of the session, sentiment in the llrst half being quite bullish. At the open ing the market was Influenced by higher prices at Liverpool. July was unchanged to a shade higher, st Si to Sd1iic. May was 4c lower to Vi'" higher, at 11. In to $1.15'4j Kor a time July was in good demand from Influential traders, but offerings were light. The result was a moderate ad vance, the price rising to HSVaVV- before the end of the first half hour. Scattered buvlng of Mav sent the price of that option to $1.15. Reports of frost last night In various sections of the wheat belt had a strengthening Influence on the market early In the day. later a com plete reversal of sentiment occurred, the market becoming decidedlv weak Coin cident with the slump there was heavy liquidation In the May option. General belief In the pit was that the bull clique was endeavoring to dispose of a part of the clique holding. A factor decidedly Instrumental In causing the decline was a series of dispatches indicating favorable progress In the development of winter wheat. The Kentucky state report stated that the growing wheat was in excellent condition. The Iowa state report an nounced a satisfactory condition In gen eral. Predictions of rain, followed by warm weather In the southwest, gave additional encouragement to the bears, an unsual Increase In the primary aiding the sell ing. Several large commission houses were active sellers of July, which, as a result, declined to 87V4c. Meantime May sold off to SI. 13V J"Ht before the close part of the loss In July was regained on coverinc hv shorts, but May continued heavy. the market leu on weaa, wim Mav at I1.13S. and July at S7Sc Clear antes of wheut and Hour were equal to K.aoo bushels, primary reclnts were J52 ftliK bushels, romnared with 196,500 bushels a vear ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chi cago reported receipts of 14S cars, against 14:4 cars last week and 135 cars a year Notwithstanding tne weakness 01 wneai the corn market had a comparatively firm undertone. The chief factor of a bullish character was a continuation of small re reints. Trudlnir was exceedingly light Shorts were the principal buyers. July opened to ') Vac higher, at 47V41M7S to 47V. sold between 47. and 477c closed tit 47',-sc. Ixcal receipts were 103 cars, with live of contract trade. Weakness of wheat started liberal profit taking n oats, resulting in a general up dine. Predictions of rain also had a de pressing eftect on the market. July opened a shade higher, at 29vkc, sold he tween 29 and 30c and closed at 29V. Ixical receipts were 4i cars. Kxtreme dullness pervaded the provision market. Owing to the continued receipts of hogs sentiment In the pit was a trifle bearish. At the close all Jul products were off 2'c pork closing at $12.7iH; lard at S7.37V. and ribs at $7.22. Kstlmated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat 10" cars; corn, 15o cars; oats, 65 cars; hogs, 25.000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Renewed Causes Blnmp of Northern Securities a Flurry Among Speculator. reserve- In the division of redemption, shows: Availnble cash balance, S137.14K.8o7; gold, Stjti.0iS.7Wi. 103 34 Chicago .IS jvansas city trn Minneapolis 104 Duluth 6 St. Louia IB 21 14 Omaha S 7 1 Minneapolis C.rnln Market. Ths range of prices paid In Minneapolis as reported by the Edwards-Wood com (uny, 110-111 Hoard of trade, was: X .t ij --. ' Arttcle. Open. I Hlgh. Low. Cloe. Yes'y. Articles. Open. High. Low. Close.l Yesy. Wheat May July Sept. Corn May July Sept. Oats May July Sept. Pork May July Lard May July Sept. Rlhs May July Sept. I I I 11 15-fiH1 1 ir.i. BWGW,IS!i'ttV4i 1 13, 87VI 1 )3! 87S' 1 15i H8 9's 1 I 474 4"Hl 474,47Hfj'4 4i7l! 47.; 4.V.47VB 48 I 47-i 4747V'S SOt.i'aW.ti H29H'&ai'29'4(If'Ti 30 29 Ti,28VjHi2STi(ij'' 3M71 iS1 12 50 l i 80 7 22H 7 40 7 56 S 95 7 XIW 1 42V 52H 82H; t 7 22 7 40 7 56 6 95 7 25 7 42541 i 12 4714; 12 ib 7 17H! 7 37Vsi 7 52H, 6 92V4 7 2a ! 7 40 12 50 12 77V4 7 20 7 37V4 7 52'4 6 95 7 2L'H 7 40 I 12 52 7 22V4 i V) 7 55 6 95 7 25 7 4254 May July Sept 1 07UI 1 0B,i b4'. 1 07 1 (CVi 84l 1 C6 1 02! 83i 1 0li 1 02 S4 I 1 1)7 1 03 84 MOW IOIIK GENERAL MAHKKT on Various 1 Quotations of the Day Commodities. NEW YORK, April 19 -lT-OCR-Recelpts, lti.2o9 bbls. ; exports, 13.M3 bhls. Market barely steady; winter patents, S5.20 4io.f0; winter straight, S5.(KK!45.10; Minne sota patents. 35.801411.(10; winter extras. 13.50 fot.OO, Minnesota bakers", $3.9tWi4.30; winter low grades, J3.4'!i3.90. Rye Hour, slow; lair to good, 14 2ufj 4.j5 ; choice to fancy, 34.70454.90. CORN'MEAL Steady; fine white and yellow, S120; coarse, new, Sl.OSffll.lo; kiln dried, $2.75'(2.90. R YE Nominal ; western, Wic, bid. HARI.EY-Uull; feeding, 4.rc, c. I. f.. New York; malting, 4i;oo;c c. I. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Spot market asy; No. 2 red, 31.07; nominal, elevator. No. 2 red. $1.09, nominal, f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 northern, Iuluth. SLIP1 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard, Manitoba, $1.02 f. o. b. afloat. After it until of tlrninesa during the forenoon, the market turned weak, ltst prices were ii lc net lower. Closing: May, $1.07; July, H2c; September, 8!c. CORN Receipts. 1M.050 bu.: exports. 147. 3t bu. 'Wpot market steady; No. 2, wv, elevstor, and 52c f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow, 5.1c; No. 2 while, 52c. Op. tlon market, while quiet, was rather firm, closing steady at unchanged prices. Clos ing: May, 52Vjc: July, 52c. OATS Receipts. t.5i0 bu. : etiports. 7.34S nu. epot market tiarely steadv; mixed, 'M lo 32 pounds, ,15'ix35r; natural white, :ta to i' t.rt, 1 i.( ir.i.. . ..o..n.. L . - . .- ..- , , iiiifnru Willie, f V lti to 40 pounds, 3oyu3Se. H " HAY Steady; shipping, StvGSo; go(Kj t0 Choice. 77iiis2c. HOPS-Qulet: state, common to choice. 25 it-.-c; z.-tnL-v; oins. HfTlSc; I'acific coast, 1"4. 2Wt2Sct !14i24e; olds, Ufohle. HIIKS-Qulet: Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs 2ic; California. 21 to 23 lbs.. 19c; Texas drv. 24 to 30 lbs., lftc. r,EATHER Steady : acid, 24-a2tic. PROVI8IONS-Hef. Hrm; family, $1,100 Bi:.R0; mess, $11. 000 11 .50; beef hams, $21. Soft. 23KI; packet. SM.&iWi 12.00; city extra India mess. $18.00jJ20 00. Cut meats, steadv; pick led bellies. f7.25i'H.H0; pickled shoulders, S5.0fvfitl.00; pickled hams, $!.0u. Lard, nteady; western steamed, $7.50; retlned, eady; con tinent, S7.R0; South America, $ 26; com pound. $f.2V"6.3i. Pork, quiet; famllv $14 Wva 15.00: short elear, $1.1ivni5.00; mess $Kl.5iK'ni;i.H7. TALLOW Quiet: city ($2 per package), 4c: country (package free), 4iii4c. RtCE-Steady; domestic, fair to extra, 2"fii5c; Japanese, nomittal. BUTTER Strong :' street price, extra rteamery, 3.1'b.Cc; onicuil prices, creamery, common to extra. 2i1m:i1c; state dairy, com mon to extra. SaJSiUc; renovated, common to extra, 171i2Xe; western . fancy, common to extra, lMi27e; western imitation creamery, i-omninri to extra, 25lfi?Sc. t'll EESE-Krrm; state full creams, small, colored and white, fancy, 14e; state., fine, l.lc; state, late made, colored and white, poor to choice. 10Vul.1c; state, large, col ored and white, fancy. 14c; stute. fine, , li'nl.1c- state, late made, colored and white, poor 10 cnoice. ii'vy3c. EGGS steady: western storage packed western firsts. 17c. I'Ol'LTK Y Altve. nominal; dressed, firm; western chickens, JO'! us-; fowls, JOM tut keys. 14ll8c. No. 2. Cash Quotations were as follows: FLOUR Easy; winter patents, $4 90 frS.OO; winter straights. S4.40'a480: spring patents. $5.00075. 4n; spring straights, xi.dO'gi 4.80; bakers. i;.'JJ.I. WHEAT No. 2 spring, Sl.Oo'ai.14; No. 3, 31.OWil.14; No. 3 red, $1.131.15. CORN No. 2. 47c: No. 2 yellow, 4SV4C OATS No. 2, 30c; No. 3 white. 28i"a31c. RYE No. 2. 7c. UARLK Y Good feeding, 37i39c; fair to choice malting. 41a47c. SEED8 No. 1 tlax. $1.27; No. 1 northwest ern. $1.40. Clover, contract grade, $14.00, PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $12.45 0 12.50. Lard, per 100 lbs., $7.12i'fl7.15. ribs sides (loose), $'1.87 7. U0; short sides (boxed), $7.00fj7.12. following were tue receipts and ments of hour and grain: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbla 24.7oo 14.100 Wheat, bu 104,011 45.100 Corn, bu 254.4HO 343.8I0 Oat, bu 124.700 13i,4t Rye. bu 2,00" 1,200 Hurley, bu 120.100 5.5U0 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was Trm; creameries, 2offl.ilc dairies. 23HL8C. Eggs, easy; at mark, cases included. io'ililOc; ilrsts, He; prime (lists txtrus, 18c. Cheese, sttady, 13fol4e. DECLINE FOLLOWED BY PARTIAL RECOVERY Gossip About 4ireat Changes Con templated In Railroad World Keeps Market In Feer. lea Condition. NEW YORK Arrll 19. Speculative sen timent on the Stock exchange turned again tooay on technical market conditions rather thsn on Intrinsic conditions 01 values and the news bearing on them. There was another flutter amongst spec ulators In stocks, cnused by the renewed lump In Northern Securities on the curb. That stock did not touch yesterday's low price, however, and its downward course was effectually checked snd a substantial recovery effected, with corresponding effect on the market lor stocks wttmn lite siocs exchange. I he implications drawn irom tne move ments had to do largely with the market position of the large speculation committed to the high prices tor tne stocxs; out the causes for their advances have been purely within the realm of rumor and a great deal of doubt and apprehension of the reliability of these rumors is inuuceo by the feverish downward plunges In the stocks. The impenetrable mystery which has been maintained regarding the great projects alleged to b In contemplation In the railroad world lends Itself to sudden fears as well as buoyant hopes and to a sudden reversal from extreme confidence to full rejection of all flying reports. Thi was seen in the tendency of the current stock market rumors to face about from faith In the wholesale harmony In the com peting railroad Interests to fears of a re newed outbreak of all the old hostility of the period before the Northern Securities' formation. For Instance, doubts were urged of the legal light of Union Pacific to hold Northern Pacific or Great North ern stock, which would come to It ns the proceeds of the Northern Securities dis solution. 1 he opinion or the supreme court, pronounced Incidentally in the Northern Securities decision that the turn ing over of control of Northern Pacific to I nlon Pacific would contravene the Sher man law, was cited as authority for this view. Alleged Intention to preclude mi nority representation from the directorates of the two railroads were also discussed. With these suggestions of a spirit of hos tility rather than harmony prevailing In the railroad world the so-called "mystery stocks" In the market suffered most actuely from the liquidation, but rallied effectually on the late renewal of har mony reports. 'I here were no dealings in Northern Pacific, hut nominal quotations were made for the stocks "when realesed," and the hid and naked prices thus made showed the price range well sustained near tne recent high level. Great Northern pre ferred sold down 19 and rallied five points. This relieved some apprehension that the stocks wore likely to slump when the re distribution replenished the supply In the market. It was evident also that many of the brokers and commission houses, which were the largest sellers during the heavy decline yesterday, were busy buying to recover their holdings. The persistence of this demand helped to restore confidence and developed the strength of the latter part of the day. The aggressive rise in the southern group aroused some conjectures of Important financing projects. The promise of a record April tonnage of an thracite helped the coalers. Amalgamated Copper moved tip In connection with spec ulative rumors regarding tomorrow s .div idend meeting. Reports of the receipt of very heavy orders strengthened American Ixicoinotlve. I nited Slates Steel pre ferred responded on the recovery to con fidence in conditions In that trade. Re ports that the stock tax bill was not to become a law of the state were made effective upon sentiment. Traders who forgot the rally by selling slock short were forced to cover at the last and made the closing the strongest of the" day. Honds were irregular. Total sales, par value. $.1.400.0110. United States bonds were all unchanged on call Following were tne snles and range of prices on the Stock exchange todav: Sales.HlBh.Iiw.CIosc Atchison 9,7iiO 88 87 8 do pro ari iob1 lm 10.! Atlantic Coast Line. 1H..100 109 157 ltwu York Money Market. NEW YORK, April 19-MONEY On call, stesdv St 23 per rent; closing bid. 2 per cent; offered 3 per cent. Time loans, steady: tW days, so days and 8 months. 3 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE rAPER-4Tjl per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE- Firm, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4 Stijo-n 4 W2fi for demand and at $4.M.T.Vn 4 840 for tiO-dav bills; posted rates. $4.86'g4.87; com mercial bills. $4.841j4 . SILVER Rar. 56c; Mexican dollars, 44 c. RONDS Government, steady; railroad, Irregular. Closlnj prices on bonds were: V. S. rf. J, ret Jrn . -'f .... no roiipen 1M L- N unl. 4i... V. A. !. r o Manhattan r. 4i in cnuiwm Ontral 4a... V. 9. new 4a. ri 1X1 I 4o lat tm- do rnupn 1S Minn at b. 4n V, . eld 4a. rf .....IMVM.. K. T 4... do coilDon 104a dn 2f Am Tobsroo 4a ctfa. 74 IN. R R. ef M. 4a. dn aa. rtfa. Atrhlaon gn. dn adj. 4a Atlantic 0 I.. 4a ... Hal. A Ohio 4 do am Central nf Oa. (a dn lat Inr dn 2d Inr Chaa A Ohio 4'4a... t hlraa.0 A. '.. I'., R. A q n. 4. ., C. R. I. A P. 4a... dn rnl. Aa Ct'O A ftt. I. 4a fhlcarn Tar. 4a Colorado Mid. 4a .... I'oloradn A So. 4a. . Cuba 6a. ctfa P. A R. O. 4a maimers' See. 6a.. Erie prior Han 4a. . dn an. 4a P. W. A D. r. la.. Horkltif Val. t',a . Offered. ' l.i 104 . . . 74 ... SI ... W4 . . .mi ... Mi 4. 1 114 IN Y. c. ( 1,1 inn .102V4) N J. r. 1 fa l:)S . 1 .So. Pacific 4a W .tnival dn Ja 11 .10t IN. A W. r. 4a 1t . o p. S. L. rfdg 4a S'S .114 Pann. ron. lOf. . 4 Reading sen 4a m!S . 77 St. U A I. M r. 6a 117 .106 St. L. A S. r. fa;. 4. 0 I! 't St. Li. a. w . r. 4R M4 ' 9abord A. L. 4a.... 87 (4 So. Pacific 4a . M So. Railway ta. . . .insV'Ttiaa A P. la . MiT , St. U A W. . 7S Vnlnn raclflc 4a., . M'tl dn con. 4a. . . .. If l a steal 2d ta 101141 Wabaati la .an dn dab. B .lolValWealern Md. 4.. . M W. A I.. F.. 4a.. .114 Wig. Central 4a. . .110! .... M, ....Itai, ....123 4a.. 4 ....ioa.14 ....1M'4 .... ." 119 7 " 4 4 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Another Heavy Ron of Cattle Still Further Depresses Prices. BEEF STEERS DROP TEN TO FIFTEEN CENTS Hogs Lose Miabtly Result of More Liberal Receipts anil Trading Is Fairly Brisk al the Decline. SOUTH OMAHA. April 19, !! Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Mondav 3,076 Official Tuesday 7.114 Official Wednesday 4.4x9 9.S"0 8.W1 4.3)7 7.f' Three davs this week. .In.lSrt 23.511 20.7XX Three davs last week . . . .13.tU 22.7S4 i S7N Same dins week before.. .!C'J 15.7W 2. 942 Same three weeks ago. . 11.9LI 23.593 2B.232 Same four Weeks ago.... 13.231 1)0.152 1.7S1 Same days last year 35.991 27.302 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO PATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, with comparison with last Tt 11 0 I 26 u S (ft .11 2"n ... r.f. : :" 4n I' . . t 71 ... 2-4 an 1:1 M IS 4? ... :m 141 a? I d l I !l 2 riT ... IP S42 . . I " SOT ... Hi f.t S ..; . . S . . 2 ;: ... ?4? 4' I .i r 4" M t . . S T Ill fM 4f 1(W 6 ; jnl ... 4 ;jJ . . ?:. if mi in 71 IP" 120 I f 4 ?:t ... a: ti7 4 6 2 j:i ... 6 Iin 0 6 2fi 4 .244 to 1.4 217 ... S 7 t ... a.i ti It i!l 7n 2tl ... sr. t ... 6 7H 227 . . 71 20J ... S 274, 276 ll 42 132 40 t 2:14 4 20 year: ftttle Hogs Sheep 1 t.o following rice of hogs ut London Stocks and Bonds, IONDON, April 19. CJloslng quotations on storks and bonds: Short clear ship- 5.200 2.300 tiB.SioO 800 1.4O0 Si"! los 97 151 M 89 3 23-t 181 St. I.onla (iencrnl Market. ST. LOCIS, April 19 WHEAT Lower: No. 2 red, cash, elevator, $1.00; track, $l.01tl.09: May, 9Uc; July, tcJVotwVaC. No. i hard. $1.05. CORN Lower; No. 2 cash, 47c; track, 4MVii,9c: Mav. 4oc: July. 4fic. OATS lxwer; No. 2 cash, aift.1:'c; track, 32Vc: May. 28c; No. 2 white, ;SS1. FlAJl K IJUli; reu winter patents', tu.mnj 5.25; extra fancy and straight, $4.55'a4.i6; clear, $4.tHi4.40. SEED Timothy, steady, $-.(Ki2.75. CORNMEAL Stendy, $2.50. HRAN Hull; sscked. east track., 73c. HAY Steady; timothy, $7.00t(il3.5o; prairie, $t$.i'f! 10.00. IRON COTTON TIES-95C. HA(01Nfi-7c. HEMP TWINE-ic. PROVISIONS Pork, lower; Jobbing. $12.00. Lard, lower, prime steam, $6.7o. Drv salt meats steady; boxed extra shorts. $7.i5; clear ribs. $7.25; short clears, $,.60. Bacon, steady: Doxeo extra snon, i.iVi; clear ribs, $7.87; short clear, $8.00. lOl'LTRY Steady ; chickens. 11c; springs. $4 00tff5.5t per doi.; turkeys, 16c; duck., 13c. HI'TThR Firm; creamery, 2733c; dairy, l!Wf 2t;c. F.OOS Steady at 16c. case count. Iteceipte. snipments. Flour, bbls.. Wheat bu Corn, bu Oats, bu 4.000 12.000 21.000 15,0(10 10.000 K3.000 23.000 43.OH0 Milwaukee Uraln Market. M1LWAIKEE. April 19 WHEAT Steadv; No. 1 northern. $1.11(01 11; No. 2 northern. $1.04'&108; July, 87yrK7c bid. RYE Pull; No. 1. 80c. BARLEY Steady ; No. 2, 61c; sample, 40 Title. CORN Steady; No. S. 47!&48c; May 470 asked. Baltimore & Ohio.... ".soo do tfd UK) Canadian Pacific .... 17.800 Central of N. J Chesapeake & Ohlo.V. 4.20O cnicago Alton .... a.tno d pfd Chicago O. W... Chicago N. W C, M. & St. P... Chicago T. & T.. do pfd C. C, C. & St. L.... Colorado Southern do 1st pfd do 2t ptd Pelaware & Hudson. 1,800 191 U9 Pelaware, L. & W Denver A Rio Grande do pfd 200 B7rle 3.1.4oO do 1st pfd 2.800 do 2d pfd 5.00O Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central 7,500 165 lti2 Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern 3i do pfd fa 10 Iiouisvllle. & N 53.400 Manhattnn 1 700 Met. Securities l.rtM Metropolitan St. Ry. 2.'-'ii Mexican Central 2.900 Minneapolis & St. I M., St. P. & S. St. M. 800 117 110 do nfd Missouri raclflc 10.500 Missouri. K. & T 300 do pfd 2.3O0 N. R. R. of M. pfd... MO New York Central 25.9"0 N. Y.. O. & W 5.700 Norfolk & Western.. 4.900 do pfd Pennsylvania P., C, C. & St. L Reading do liit pfd do 2d pfd Rock Island Co do pfd St. L. & S. F. 2d pfd. St. L. Southwestern. do pfd Southern Pacific do pfd Southern Railway do pfd Texas & Pacific T.. St. L A W do pfd I'nlon Pacific do pfd W .thanh do pfd Wheeling L. E ... Wisconsin Central... do pfd Adams Express American Express... IK) 233 J3.1 V. S Express Wells-Fnrgo Express Amal. Copper 102,000 110 97 153 50 39 24 2.19 184 104 29 60 89 40 81 69', 29 02 14li 1SH 8'i l'-S 23 106 31 67 S8 157 60 85 l'M 28 59 (9 44 80 68 28 -' 141 ll'iti 8' Ll i3 105 30 66 38 154 r.8 84 Conaola. monay .. 0 11-11 N. Y. Ontral ISO's do account Norfolk ft W 7 Anaconda B14 dn pfd P6 Atchlton Pi'S Ontario A W 61 dn pfd 1n6S4 Pannaylvanlt ira Baltimore ft Ohio 112 Rand Mlnea l'a Canadian Pacific 1M.4 Readlns 49'4 Chaa. & Ohio 67, do lat pfd 47 Chicago Ot. W 24 14 do 2d pfd 4 C, M A St. P I7'4 80. Railway 31 PeBcara 1 7 t do pfd M D. A R O it So Pacific us do pfd 1 tnlon Pacific 13:1 Erie 4S dn pfd lo: do lat pfd H2S V. 8. Steel 3714 do 2d pfd 7n do pfd in.su, Illinois Ontral 164 Wabaah 23 lxula. A Naah 144 dn pfd 47 M. , K A T 31 .Spanish 4a S9H April April April April April April April April April April April April April April April July April April April Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought in today by each road Was: cattie itogs sneep.11 ses SILVER Bar, oulet, 26d per ounce. MONEY 1 per cent. The rate ot discount In the open market for short bills Is lifr2 per cent; for three months' bills, 2 per cent. !evr York Mining; Stocks. NEW YORK. April 19. The following are the closing quotations on mining stocks: Adama Con Alice Braaca Brunawtck Con .. Comatock Tunnal Con. Cal. A Va.. Horn Silver Iron Silver Leadvilla Con .... Offered. 25 48 26 a . II .105 .10 .510 . 4 Little. Chief Ontario Ophlr Phoenix Pntoal Favase Sierra Nevada Small Hope .. I Standard . 6 .400 . 10 . 4 . 13 . 32 . 3 C, M. & St. P 2 2 Missouri Pacilic .... 8 2 Union Pacilic System. 61 33 11 1 C. & N. W 1 1 1 F., E. & M. V 48 4 ! 3 C St. P.. M. 4i O.... 4o 14 H. & M. R 3X 30 .9 2 C. H. & Q 2 12 1 C, R. 1. & P.. east.. 5 2 C, R, 1. & P., west.. 1 2 4 Illinois Central 6 1 Chicu? Ot. West.... 1 3 Total receipts ....2o3 140 36 8 45.200 142 141 A 1l Kansas City lirala and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. April 19. WHEAT -Pull; May, 9!c; July. 77c; Seiiember, 751!l75Vc; cash. No. hHrd. $l.WiJl.ia; No S. saVtfil.OM; No 4. 7."iy7-; No. J red $102ij108; No. 3. 95cJil.lV.; No. 4. 75r!i7c CORN Steady: May. 4.'t4o'i,c: July, 4!S'?l3c, September. 43''4:ic; cash. No. 2 mixed. 4.'sri'45c; No. 3, 45c; No. J white 46L e6c: No. 3. 46c. OATS-Firm: No. 2 white. J-'flmjc: No. 1 mixed. 110 3it'. KilliS - Steady; Missouri and Kansas stok. new No. 3 white wood cases In tituled. 15c; caso count. 14c; cases Included. 14 we. 1 1 A Y-Steadv ; choice timothy, $10; choice lieavv ST . 5( laci . RYE- Stendy. $7.6i.00. HL'TTER Creamery. 24i2Sc; pac king. Isc. Receipts. Shipments. Wh -at. bu 14.4i X.2i Corn, bu , tl 6ii "2.n) Oats, bu . 2.'i"0 10.iM.ai rrorla Market. PEORIA 'April 19. CORN -I'nchnnged; No. S yellow. 47c; Nj. 1. 47c; No. 4, 46c; no grade. s.t i;r. OATS-Unchanged No. S while. Skc, No uhlte. 29', u 5 V. tiwlath tirala Market. DCLITH. April 19 -Wheat, to No 1 northern. $104: on frsck, Burlbtrn, H4, No. - t northertt. arrive. No I 7c V Minneapolis (iraln Market. MINNEAPOLIS. April 19.-WHF.AT-Mav. SVfs; July. $1.02'U1.02; September. K4c: No. 1 hard. SI. 12; No. 1 northern, $1 n'ff'l.l(i: No. 2 northern. $l.ufil.04. FLOUR First patents, S6.85H5.95; second patents. $5 tV.cJjG 75 ; first dears, $4.254.35; second clears, tl.Xifj'l 95. RRAN In bulk, $12.2fta 12.50. , 63.100 100 aoo 9.800 7'X 1.3IO :i Si 10 17.100 800 10.6" "I 2.500 4H p 133.300 '?.(') i.y LOOO 97 91 i .14 79 69 26 65 67 118 34 7 36 4o 61 131 S2 46 23 52 5 93 ! 3.1 78 68 16 ' fti 65 117 33 96 :t6 40 61 L8 22 457 23" 51 American C. & F 6.611O do pfd 300 American Cotton Oil 400 do pfd American Ice 100 do pfd American Linseed Oil l.ono do pfd American Ixcomotv 3?.He 8 4.' lo: 36 86 40 101 3, 5 5 Liverpool firailn ad Protlaiona. LIVERPOOU April 19. WHEAT Spot, quiet; No. 1 California. 6s 9d. Futures, quiet; May. s 7d ; July, (s7d; August, 6s 7d. CORN Spot. quiet; American mixed, new. 4s2d: American mixed, old. 4 lod. Futures, quiet; May. 4s3d; July, 4s 3d. tills and Rosin. NEW YORK, April 19. Oil Cottonseed. Arm; rrline crude, nominal; prime yel low, 26'V':5V.- Petrol-urn stesdv: refined. New York. $7.05; Philadelphia and Haiti more, $7.0V Philadelphia and Raltimore, In bulk. $4 10 'I in p. nunc dull. 6str00c. ROSIN Firm; strained common to good, $3. or.. SAVANNAH. Ga., April 19 OILS-Tur-pen". nrnt. 5.1c. ROSIN-Firm; A. R. C. $2 87: P. $2.90; R, $2 97; F, $3 i"2; u, $.1.12; H. S3 :0; I. $3.50; K. M, N. $.195; W. tl.; $4 00; W. W.. $4.05. OIL CITY, April IS OIL 'redlt bal ances, $1.31: certificates, no bid; shipments, 67.244 bids.; average, 70,797 bbls.; runs. 74. 0K4: average, V5i bbls. Shipments, Lima, 65.343 bhls.; average, f7.s24 bbls.: runs, Lima, 64. -'21 bbls.; average, 51.420 bbls. lira Goods Market. NEW YORK. April 19-PRY COOPS The market presents a good many reasons any the sellers should feel encoqrsged over the situation. Incressed desire to operate on the pari of certain buyers and the ex tent to which many lines are sold ahead makes the seller very Independent. Jobbers business hss been somewhat hindered by the cool weather, hut the outlook Is re garded as very, favorable In practically all sections, pr.rttcul.H)- In tne south. do pfd American 8. R do pfd Amer. Sugar Refill... Amer. Tobacco p. c. Anaconda Mining Co. Rrooklvn R. T Colorado F. A 1 Consolidated (las .... Corn Products do pfd Distillers' Securities. tieneral Electric International Paper.. do pfd International Pump.. do pfd National Lead North American I'acific Mall People's ( las Pressed Steel Car.... do pfd Pullman Palace Car. Republic Steel do pfd Rubber Hoods do pfd Tenntvsee C. & I V. S. Leather do pfd U. S Realty I'. 8. Rubber do pfd U. 8. Steel do pfd Va. -Carol. Chemical. do nfd Wetlngl ousw electric Western I nlon 1.4 28.9110 l.l'lO S 44I 5"0 9110 25,3 3 100 ?n0 1 l.7.1 S. 4kO 70 900 l'lato 9,) U.l'.i tarn 6 9ol 2.400 100 si 06 3. fell 4.900 3i 10.600 lilt) 1 (tot 2n0 68,liai M.7lJ 3. on 21 59 K0 119 123 124 69 57 201 11 60 44 183 23 81 87 49 106 41 111 44 91 H1 0 807, 11 lt7 lo 92 43 117 37 HH 37 l.s. 1747, s.v. 21 5') 12i 118 l'.'3 141 97 .1 67 54 199 11'4 t 41 2 81 S7 47 V6 42 109 4: 8 2i4 78 31 10,', 8 9' 43 11S 3ii 10'.', 3 Vf7 174 93 f9 Vn 153 199 5u, 39 8(1 24 5.18 184 17 3.", 104 :9 ftfl. 3 190 3S2 33 f9 46 80' 6 9.T, 94 i5 29 54 :9 62 146 J Mi 86 121 131, 60 117 161 101 31 67 38 150 697, 85 9- 142 80 96 90 34 79 69 25 65 .4 66 118 3t 97 ;6'4 40 61 111 99 2 46 18 240 130 127 240 87 4:.' 101 36 95 6 3 il 46 587, 130 119 113 34J Foreign Financial. LONDON, April 19. Supplies of money were more plentiful in- the market today owing to dividend disbursements. The de mand was fulr. Dlfuounts were easier. Huslness on the Slock exchange was dull throughout. All the departments were neg lected owing to the closing of the account prior to the holidays. There was a rather better tendency at the close of the day. Consols were easier. Home rails were heavy on the unfavorable weather. Amer icans opened weak. Northern Securities leading, and then rallied to a fraction over parity on British and continental buying Jn the afternoon Wall street advices de pressed prices sharply. A prompt recovery followed on renewed support, but the mar ket closed unsettled. Japanese wero de pressed on the announcement of the new Internal loan. Imperial Japaneoe govern ment 6s of 1904 were quoted al 101. PARIS. April 19.-Prices on the Rourse today opened ltregular and with trading dull. At the closing the market was firm. Russian imperial 4s were .noted at 87.1.0, and Russian bonds of 1904 t 508. The pri vate rate of discount was 2 per cent. BERLIN, April 19 Prices on the Rouiac today generally were lo(er. 1. 1 if". Stork Exchange Closes Tiro Dnys. NEW YORK, April 19. The board of governors of the New York Stock exchange today decided to close the- exchange on Good Friday, April 21, and on Saturday, April 22. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Condition of Trade and Quotations on Staple nnd Fancy Prodoce. EGGS Receipts heavy; market steady candled stock, 15c. LIVE POUL'i HY-Hens, llc; young roosters, according to size, H.'4i.llc; old roosters. 6c; turkeys, 14fil5c; ducks. 11c. BUTTER Packing stock, 18&19e; choice to fancy dairy, 21(tj23c; creamery, 2oV.3oc; prints, joc. FRESH FROZEN FISH-TrOut. 9c: pick erel, 6c; pike, 8e; perch, 7c; bluellsli, lie; wmtensn, c; salmon, Jic; reasnapper, 9c: green halibut. 13c: crappies. 11c: buffalo, 7c; whltu bass. 11c; herring, 3c; Spanish mackerel, lie; lobsters, boiled. 4dc: green 40c; finnan haddles, 7c; roe shad, each, 10c shad roe, per pair, 30c. Frog legs, per doz. sue. HAY' Prices quoted bv Omaha Whole sale Hay Dealers' association: Choice No 1 upland, $6.50; No. 2, $6.00; medium, $5.50 coarse, $5. On. Rye straw, $5. So. These prices are for hay or good color and quality BRAN Per ton, $17.50. OYSTERS New York counts, per can 45c; extra selects, per can. 35c; standards, per can, 30c. Bulk: Standards, per gal., tl 40; extra selects, per gal., $1.65; New York count, per gal., $1.80. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES California extra fancy Red fand navels, all sizes. $3.25; fancy navels, $3.00; large sizes. $:.50fi2.75. LEMONS California, extra fancy, 270 SO and 360 size, $3 00; fancy. 270 size, $2.75; 3i0 and 360 size, $2.75; choice, 24o and 270 sizes, $2.25; 800 and 360 size. $2.50. DATES Per box of 30-lb. pkgs., $2.00 Hallowe'en, In 70-lb. boxes, per lb., 5c. FIGS California, per 10-lb. carton, Ibtf goc; imported Smyrna, 4-crown, loc; crown, 12c. BANANAS Per medium-sized bunch, $1.75 2.25; jumbos, 2.50ft3.00. GRAPEFRUIT California, per box of to 64, $4.00; Florida. $5.00 to $6.00. FRUITS. STRAWBERRIES lexas, per 24-qt. case, S3. 25. APPLES New York uaidwins, .oonj4l.25; Colorado Ben Davis, per box, $1.25; Roman Beauty, per box, $2.00; Baldwins and Green ings, per box, v..aO. TANGERINES California. er half-box, $2 25. CRANBERRIES jerseys, per crate, $200. VEGETABLE!. POTATOES Home arown. la bu., 3(o-40c; Colorado, per bu., Dotatoes. uer lb.. 6c. TURNIPS Oio. uer bu.. doi . 75c. ' CARROTS Old, per bu., doz., ooc. paks.mps Old, per uu. BEANS Navy, per bu., WAX BEANS x'er Uu.. box. $4 00. CUCUMBERS Per do.. $1.2601.60. PEAS-New, per market basket, $1.00. TOMATOES Florida, uer b-uaakei crate. $5.00-06.00. sn.y Acn-i"pr du., .oc. ONIONS Colorado yeilow. uer lb.. 2c: new southern, per doz., 45c. CABBAGE Holland seed, per lb., lc; laumrnia caooage, in crates, per 10., BEETS Old. per bu., 40c; new, per bunches, 66c. RADISHES Hot house er southern. 124 ..8 '4 5i 21 11 59is 44 23 81 33 87 9 106 42 111 44 4 241 80 32 n; I'll 11 108 48 116 37'i 10374 37 107 174 93 Total sales for the day. 1.245,900 shares. Rank tlearlaga. OMAHA. Arril 19 Bank clearings today were $!. 163.23... 12. For ths corresponding aay or IW'4 me ciesrings were j..i,io i Treasnrr intenseat. WASHINGTON. April 19.-Torfy's state ment of the 4ressur balance in ths arrji Hal fund, exclusive of lilt Ib0,0u0,u00 gold table tsoui n 19A1. . 256.271 . 711.922 . 506,434 shows 1904 Pec. 292 "69 36.798 73l!o7 19.154 547,733 41.299 the average unikiia lor tns iat (veral days, with comparisons: I lSOi. I. .. 6 1574 2... ... 5 16 4... 6 I'd 5... 5 2S ... 5 30 7... 5 25 8... 5 20 9... 1 1 10.. 1 6 25 I II. . I 5 28, 12.. 6 31 1 13.. 6 28 I 14.. I 6 26 15.. 1 5 3i 16.. I I 17. 5 22 17.. 1 5 27 19..; 6 26 lla.llpTJS.IlWI.llisOl.jlJ.jlW 5 03! 7 301 6 5 5 7j l 6 091 7 2 6 66 6 fi S 08 7 V3 tl 681 6 "8 6 15 3 6a 6 13 7 16, 6 Ml j st-1 a -Jl 3 66 6 071 I 6 03j 6 5 & 301 3 fo 5 00 7 241 I 0 961 6 30 3 62 I Mi 7 24! 6 68! 5 271 3 64 4 9l 7 271 6 631 6 01! I 3 6t I 4 f4 7 25i 6 OS: 5 92i l 7 26i 6 79i 6 81 1 0 3i a on 4 95l 7 211 6 89, 5 ill 1 6 36, 3 6. 1 S7 i 6 83 i 5 98i 6 S3i 3 63 4 80. 7 29: 4 86; 7 21: 4 SS, 7 1i 6 86, 6 95. 6 911 3 6 96 1 4 6 99, I 6 96, 6 041 5 40, i 5 48; 6 01. 1 6 9l 5 46! 1 J 92 1 5 55 5 84 5 49, 5 98 5 46, 3 61 3 di 3 72 a 3 72 3 6 3 71 ' II r. s r i I !7L f :t, I i-'., 11 a i fT', S ifJ', f. f7tp S JO a Itn fl so II :tn s ,w n t .1" SHEEP TIk re was a fair run here today, thirty-one rars being reported In the yards. There was a fair local demand and desir able kinds of wooled stuff changed hands In very good season st prices that did not a" a rule sho anv material thnnge as com pared with yesterday, tin the other hand shorn rhcep and lambs were 10fi5c lower The decline noted wns due apparently to the fact that Chicago was lower, while prices here have been gradually crawling upward until they are so close to Chicago that any decline there would be felt here st once. Wool being so high naturally tends to hold up the market on wooled kinds and at the time causrs packers to discriminate against shorn stuff. Quotations for fed stock: Good to choice yearlings. $64mi(6.75; fair to good year ling". $6,0016.40; good to choice wethers S5.nOiA.75; fair to good wethers. 5 (mi5 50: good to choice ewes, $5 SSfjo 60: fair to good ewes. $4.7565 15; common to fair ews. $4 01 I&4 501 good to choice lambs, S7 26H7.60; fair to pood lambs, $6.907.15; feeder lambs, . tmrqs bu. No. 61 western cull ewes 25 western cull ewes 50 western , 'lipped Ismbs 14 western fleered ewes 2 western ewes 18J western ewes 35 western clipped wethers 126 western mixed 7 spring lambs 114 western ewes 7 western ewes KV. western wethers T07 western clipped lambs 213 western clipped lambs .16 western yearlings 2nl western lambs 114 western lambs 2 western lambs 134 western lambs 12 western lambs 15 western cull ewes 1 western cull ewe 24 western cull ewes 10 western cull yesrllngs 197 western clipped wethers 308 western ewes 5 western ewes 441 Mexican ewes 224 western lambs 84 western lambs 1 western wether .14 west, wethers and yearlings 4 western lambs 10 western spring lambs 34 western lambs No. 12. 5 lc: No 11. 5'V; No. 14. 5c; cut losf. S8"c; crushed. 6W; powdered, t ; granulated. 6 1V; cubes. av MOLASSES - Finn ; New Orleans, open kettle, s"'"l to choice. .IUiI'C. NEW ORLEANS. April W.-SUftAR- Muict: open kctt.c. :t - Mc . open ket tle centrifugal, 41M 1o-16c ; fentr1fug.il whites. 5c; vellow, 44)5 7 16c; seconds, S H-I6',i4 1 16c. MOLASSES--Nominal; oi'cn kettle, U.ff ?6c; centrifugal. 61 14c. Sirup, nominal. Sec. The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Buyer. Cuttle. Hogs. Sheep. Omnha Packing Co... . Swift and Compnny Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Co Switt, from country Swift, from St. Joe Vansunt Ai Co Corey & Benton Lohman & koiiihciiiki. lark Hill & Son H. F. Hamilton IIuhz Haggerty Root oi Co Rnlla Webb o3U L. F. Mike R. H. Parker & 8. S Other buyers . 6.16 1.257 779 .1,264 .'.61(1 1.908 . 682 2.29S 9.12 . 929 2,769 2,612 . 154 71 456 . 61 . 24 . 242 . 31 . 135 . 273 . 94 . 12 . 88 .. SI Av. Pr. 77 3 10 ,82 S 50 .56 4 00 90 4 5i) 75 4 50 92 4 50 , 122 . 6 00 , 71 6 o ,28 6 00 89 5 25 , Pal 5 40 , 93 5 05 73 5 75 ,72 5 75 8.1 6 35 ,69 6 75 , 69 6 75 , 75 6 75 ,76 7 00 So 7 25 , . 85 lit) . . 80 8 50 ..74 8 50 . . 67 4 50 ..123 S 00 . . 89 6 .15 . . M I 35 . . 86 6 50 . . 75 S 00 . . 76 00 . . 70 6 10 ..86 6 10 . . 86 6 75 . . 52 8 00 .75 S 00 Cnltnn Market. NEW YORK. April 19 -COTTON Spot closed nuiet; middling uplands. 7 sT.c; mid dllng gulf. 8 PV. Sales. :4 bales LIVERPOOL. Ajrll 19 - 'O I TON-Soot In moderate ilrnistiit. iiriocs '2 points lusher: I American middling fair. 4 67d . good m'd- Idling. 4V.d; middling. 4 19d. low mldding. 'good onllnarv. 3s.d; ordinary. 3 69d. Sale. j 7,ul bHles. of which 3i0 were for specula tion and export, and Included 5.9i Ameri can. Receipts. 12. not) hales. Including 7.10.1 American NEW ORLEANS. April 19 -COTTON Steady ; qui tall' n rei Ise I. P lies. S.'.So bales Onllnarv, 4c: good ordinary. 5 l.v-iso; low middling. 6 U-lOo. middling. 7 5-6c; good middling. 7c; middling fair, to Recdpis. 9.9o6 bales: stocks. 24U.178 bales ST. LOUIS. April 19 - I'OTTON-Qiliet ; middling. 7 9-16c. Sulen. 3S5 bales: receipts, rail bales; shipments, 256 bales; stock, 48.4a4 bales. Evaporated dpplea nnd Dried Frnlts. NEW YORK., April 19 -EVAPORATED A PPI.F.B Market about steady, with mod erate demand and holders not pressing for settlement; common, 4"p5o; prime, 5 3iiifi..15c; choice. 6fi6c; fancy. 7c. CALIFORNIA PRIEP FRI'ITS-Priines. unchanged. 2ii5c according to sue for California fruit . while Oregon ranged up to 7c. Apricots essv; choice. Iiyil0c; extra choice, lie: fancy, 12iil5c. Peaches stendy; choice. WWlil'v; extra choice. 10Vo"l"'ar: fsncv, Ilul2c. Raisins unchanged, looss muscatels. 4'ric; lmdon layers, $1ax1 I 26; seeded, iti6r. CHICA4JO MVF. STOCK MARKET P . 276 866 Total 5.041 9,539 553 CiTxi.v-.fr.wnrd of 200 cars of cattle arrived this mornlng-an excessive run fol lowing the big receipts 01 ia. oc market of a necessity was slow and un satisfactory at prices very much lower for the week. n.-f steer nrices declined ngaln this morning lupine and for the two days values are off around 25c on all grades. The sup ple exceeded nil expectations ana ouiers took advantage of the b g run to poaind tne market hard. It was late before buyers got Into the vardf. and the market through out was verv slow and weak at th prices. The market on cows anti lienors' was Jower. In sympathy with the trade 111 neer steers, sales were usuauy iiumru i'" under yesterday, cr in the neighborhood of a quarter ort tor xne ween. un.--. n,n.B---, etc.. are also considerably lower than ljit week. . In the feeder division tne traoe ie aisu at a stnndstiu. prices snow aruunu n. quarter lower than .Monaay on gooa grades, while common and light Inferior grades are almost unsaleable. The market all around Is most unsatisfactory to all concerned. .. Cnttle Ten lo Fifteen Cents Low Hoars Steady to Five Cents Lower. CHICAGO. April 19 CATTLE Receipts. 21.000 head; market. 10ifi5c lower; good to frlme steers. S6. draft ft. 76: jsinr to medium. I Stufifi .70: stockers anc' feeders. f2.ntKii4.9o; ciws. $2.505.70: heifers H.Onnja.90; cunners. Sl.iWt.l.lO; bulls, $2.5tva6.O0; calves, H.OiVrf .26. HOC.S Receipts, 28.000 head; estimated tomorrow, 2u,000; market steady to 5c lower; mlxetl and butchers. $5.4iaS.56: good to choice heavy, $5.60fi6 .60; rough henvv, S5.3?.6.45; light, $5.35X5.50; hulk of sales. $.-.40f5.45. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 20.000 head; sheep, steady: lambs, steady to 10c lower; good to choice wethers, shorn. $5.25 $16. 5ft: fair to choice mixed, shorn, $4 OOiT 4.75: western sheep. $4.5oii1.6ii; native lambs, shorn, S.I. SOU'S. 70; western limbs, $4.6iJfj7.76. '5ScO Live stock Market. April 19. CATTLE Re- Kansas City KANSAS CITY cclpts.. 8.0OO head, including 1.200 southerns market, lcwtne lower: top. Sb.60; choice ex port and dressed beef steers. $5.75'n6.60; fair to good, $4.75f(5.65; western-fed steers. $5.00 ififi.40; stockers and feeders. $3.00f&5.10; sjuthern steers. $4.0o,&6.75; southern cows, $2.75li4.75: native steers. $2. 506.00; native heifers. $3.25'ai6.85; bulls, $2. 76(6-4. 75; calves. $3.CKVf6.O0. HOGS Receipts, 9,4M head: market steadv to 5c lower; top, $5.45; hulk of sales, $5 aifi6.40; heavy, $5.37''i''..45: packers. $5.35 rn5.4fl: pigs and lights. $4. 406.35. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 6.200 head; market steady; spring lambs,- $8. 50; native lambs. $6.O(Vg7.50; native wethers, $5.flif6.flii; native-fed ewes. $4. 50-66. 75: western-fed lambs, $"j. 0017. 50; western-fed year lings, 5. 50(76.75; western-fed sheep. $4.509 6.00; stockers nnd feeders, $3. 5086.50. OI, I TIM K POWKlt lins lit'on HiiiiprsptU'tl ly t'loctrlclty for ninny inirjMifH'g. Tin imxlorn power Is quicker, Hienper, sitfor mitl nioro con V4n)pnt In pvf-ry way. If you nre tislnj," iinylliiiiK luit Kr.KUTHinry fnr power yoti nro not pottini; tlio best hppvU'P. liOt uh explain In person how the use of the new power will he t your mlvantaiie. Western Electrical Company, . W. JOH5iTO, Manager. 1212 Farnam St. Tal. 458 OMAHA. . 40o; tOc; 40c. I2H0. liitmper sacks, per 45c; new new, per new, per or bu. -'C. Uu. No. in. . 2.. 27. . a... 7.. k . 3. . 21.. li. . .. 23.. 2il.. 2.. . 1.. a. . 12. . b.. Av. . . HSO . . no . . iwl . .1IHI5 .. 674 .. S . . 1 l'rfl ..l'.S ..lie:. ..IP . into .ATM . .121', ..116 ..lidf. . . 11B3 . .121 . .IDS ..1174 Fr 4 40 4 :.') 4 f.O 4 3 4 75 6 (It Fi 00 6 6 If', 0 25 li SO & 35 6 3f. 6 4l a i f 50 1 50 6 20 C STEERS 91, 4 Ml Nn. 10 14. 14 17. 2li.. H. 22. lit... 23... 9... 11... 14.. . IS. . . SI... M... It... 23. . . AND 25... . . 800 .. 470 . . 740 .. M0 . . SCO . . few . . 770 .. 715 . . fUU ..HMO . . aio .. 12 . . frto .. 45 ..1100 .. 770 .. 740 .. 7H .. 1125 . .1012 2 no i on 2 nil 2 25 2 25 2 sn 1 50 2 n 2 50 1 cn 2 65 2 7l I on 9 on 3 00 I no 3 25 25 t :.. 3 4 COW'S. 1. . . . I. ... I. .. 6..., II. ... 4... 2 .... . II... 5... II. .. i ... 3... J... . . It... 12 .. ... 7... 1. At. 11(11 1126 1237 774 1247 1214 1 .126 12H0 1325 1370 1224 1204 114.4 W.H 1M4 13"3 1431 14K 1406 COWS. M 1S7 HEIFERS doz., 3O4j40c. jier LETTCCE Hot house, per do.. 45c. RHl'B ARB Illinois, per box of i0 lbs.. fl.25. RARSLET Per dot bunches. 4Cc ASfARAGl '8- Illinois, per dor. bunches. $1.75; home grown, per doz. bunches, Sl.uvu 1.25. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, 16c; Wisconsin Young America. 18c; block Swiss, new. 16c; old, 17c: Wisconsin brick. Mo; Wisconsin Umburger. 15c NL'TS Walnuts, No. 1, sort shells, new crop, per lb., le; hard shells, per lb., 13c; No. 2 soft shells, per lb., 12c; No. 2 hard shells, per ib., 12c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 10c; pesnuts. per lb., 7c; roasted peanuts, per lb.. Sc; Chili walnuts, per lb., 12Vfl;tc; almonds, soft shell, per lb.. 17c; hard ishell. per lb.. !S: chestnuts, per lb.. 12'i'fil3c; new black walnuts, per mi., 76610c; shellbark hickory nuts, per bu., $1.75: large hickory nuts, per bu.. $1 50. HIDES No. l green. 7'ic; No. 2 green, 6c; No. 1 sailed. 4c: No. 2 suited, 7v,c; No. 1 veal calf. lfc; No. 2 veal calf. c; dry sailed. 7'o'4c: sbeep pelts. 2oct;il.0); horse hides, tl.tiaQ3 00. . . Toledo Seed Market TOLEDO, Arril 1.. SEEDS-Clocer. 3:to .... 444 .... 570 ....6M .... ao .... 540 HEIEEKS .... 6: 2 I J 75 t so t a.i 3 nn 2. . . . a. . a... JU . II 0 mi an 90 S:t3 270 3"0 120 AND HUL1 4 76 CALVES. ..1030 ..1070 . . 1 0111) ..1032 . . 955 .1037 . . fiao .. 932 . . 6ao . . 1077 .. 9o6 .1101 . .1325 ..1113 . .1041 ..1075 .. 931 .. 4.-.0 .1134 . .1470 .. 230 .. 4.45 . . f,0 ... 671 . . . H34 S. Pr. 6 40 6 45 5 60 6 60 6 50 6 56 6 7n 6 70 6 70 6 70 5 75 5 75 5 75 5 40 6 an 6 DO 6 lis 5 85 l 4 90 i 30 3 60 3 .". 4 00 4 .00 4 05 4 16 4 25 4 25 4 36 4 40 4 4U 4 40 4 50 4 60 4 40 4 n 4 45 4 66 4 90 5 00 1 on I no 3 10 4 00 4 25 4 70 St. I.onla l ive Mock Market. ST. LOI'IS. April 19. CATTLE Receipts. 1.800 head. Including 800 Texans; market steady; native shipping and export steers. $4.00fi.65; dressed beef and butcher steers, S4.0Oifi6.76; steers under l.ooo lbs., $3.85'fi4.70: stockers and feeders. $2.75fi4.75; cows and hei'ers. $3.0000.60; canners. $2 Od'52.50; hulls, $1.26!&4.26; calves. S5.75iji6.7S; Texas and In dian steers, $3.50fc5.80; cows and heifers, $2.OOfi4.S0. H043S Receipts. 6.5T1 head: market. 5c lower: pigs and lights. $4.fl0'ae.0O; nnckers. $4.60: butchers and best heavy, $5.40-q5.55. SHEEP AN D I.A.M HH Meceipts. :i,!o head; market steady: native muttons. $3.0ii (i5.60; lambs, $5.008.00; sprln glumbs. $11; tills and bucks, la.ao'al.wi; stocKers, zj.oorr 3.00. 4 00 4 00 4 60 4 6l 6 on 5 (Ml 5 on 6 26 STOCK 4411 3 no 76 BULLS, 1. CALVES. 14 24D 150 170 126 130 216 200 5 75 4 00 4 nn 6 00 6 00 6 on 4 00 420 3 5u 2 0 S Hi 4 no 1400 inn 131 HI 14'KI bTOCKKRS 791 I 26 HM 7on 697 61 760 652 921 3 60 I 60 60 I 75 4 60 4 10 4 10 1 1640 1 man 2 lf, 2 IKU5 AND FEEDERS . . . t:.4 4 IS , ... a6 . .. 7l .... 74 ... 792 . . . .1090 9H7 2. . 140. 25 . . 6".. it. . 4.. 4 00 4 no 4 10 4 30 4 : 4 30 4 30 4 3(1 4 40 4 40 M. Joseph Live fMiirk Market. ST. JOSEPH. April 1ft. CATTLE Re ceipts. 2.155 head; market 6c lower: natives, S4. 6051 6.50; cows snd heifers. $2. '41114. 40; stockers and feeders. $2.3005.110. HOGS Receipts, 6.MW head: market weak to 6c lower: light, $5.2o'u5..T); medium and henvy. $5.3fV(fii.4o. SHEER AND l.A.M BM Receipts, s.,,:i head; lambs. 1'ic lower; sheep, steads" Cul oradt lambs, $7.46. Edwards-Wood Co- (Incorporated J nln Office: Fifth ! Roberta Straat ST. PAUL, niNN. DEALERS IN Stocks, Grain, Provisions Ship Your Grain" to Us Branch Offiea. lia-tll faroard of Trad BldaT.. Omaha, Mala. Teleskoaa MI4. 119-214 Kxchanga Bldg . South Omaba. Ball 'Paaae jl tadsaandsat 'Phena (, RAILWAY TIME CARD sloux City Live flock MarLf I. HIOl'X CITY. la.. April 19. (fpeclal Tel egram.) CATTLE Receipts, 2.Pi head; market weak: stockers dun; neeves. n.i 6.(0: cows, bulls and mixed. S4.00gja.0o: stockers and feeders. J.i.tNi4i4.4"; calves and yenrlings. $.1.0oU4.00. HO3S Keceipts. 4.(N) neaii: marKet do lower, selling at Sj.l.Vu'i.ai; bulk of sales, S5.2(i?i-26. Slo.U In Sight. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterday were: Catue. nogs, sneer South Omaha &.('' Sioux City 2.101 Kansas City S.nOO St. Joseph 2.155 St. Iyiuis Chicago 21.IW 9.800 4,(l 9.400 6.90 6.5im) 28 000 900 6.200 8.77M S.OiiO 20,000 Totals .41.555 63.6W 45,873 lAHW STATION lEMII AM) MARCV. I nlon raclflc. Lesve. Arrive. Overland Limited a 9:40 am n 8:18 pro California Express a 4:10 pm n 9:30 am California - Oregon Ex. a 4:20 pm a 5:10 pm North Platte Local a 7:50 am a 6:20 pm East Mall a 8:65 nm a 3:20 pm Colorado Special ...a 7:45 am a 7:40 am Reatrlce Local bS:48pm b 1:30 pm Wabash. St. Louis Express 6:30 pm 8:20am St. Louis Local (from Council Bluffs) 9:15 am 10:80pm isnenanuoan i.ocm iirom Council Uluffs) 6:45 pm 2 SO ptn Chicago Cirrat Western. St. Paul & Minn n S:pm a 7:15 am St. Paul A Minn a 7:45 am a 7:55 pm Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm al0:.10am Chicago Express a 5:05 am a 3:30 pm Chicago, Hock Island & Piaclnc. EAST. Chicago Limited a 3:55 am a 7:10 am Chicago Daylight Local. b 7:00 am a 9:55 pm Chicago Express bl 1:15 am 6:15 pm Lies Moines Express. .. ,..a 4:30 pm b11:50am Chicago East Express . ..a 6:40 pm a 1:20 put WEST. Rocky Mountain Limited 7:20 am a 3:50 pm Lincoln. Denver West. a 1:30 pm a 8:06 pm Oklahoma & Texas Ex.. a 4:15 pm al2:40pm Chicago A Xorlhwestern. .. all :30 am ...a 8:23 pm ...a 7:50 am ...a k:W sm ...a 8:38 pm ...a 4:00 pm . . .a 8:28 pm St. P..b 4:00 pm HOU8 Receipts were pretty liberal at all markets nnd prices were snaded slightly at all points. 1 lie traoe nefe oienel shade to '-'He lower, at which basis the bulk of the trading whs done. Rarring a weak spot in the middle of the day, there was no great change In the trade through out. Sales al $5.2;.&5.27,6 show only a tr.fle off. as the great bulk yesterday went at i'i.271. The market rul-d fairly nctlve at the prices and closed a tnlle firmer than the opening. Wool Mar.'.et. HOSTON. April 19.-WOOLHeavv sales of foreign wool arid the reports from the west as to the urgency In the making of contracts have been the feature of the wool market. Foreign wools of all kinds, but especially Australian grades. both crosshreda and flue merinos, have sold bel ter than for some time, the total being es timated as high as 10.000 pounds. Transac tions in territorial wools have been limited. Pulled wools are firm. Quotations in this mnrket on domestic wools ore about as follows: Ohio nnd Pennsylvania XX mid above. 33&34c; X, 30d31c; No. 1. H6ty37o; No. 2, 37iir3Sc; fine unwashed, 24vj2."ic; quarter blood unwashed. 30c; three-eighths blood, 34.o31c: half blood. 2!ir.i0e; unwashed de laine. 27it2c: unmerchantable, 2Hcr20c; tine washed tleliilne. 36yfj:t7c. Michigan, fine un washed, -2(aWr; quarter blood unwashed, atfi:)0c; three-eighths blood. 28c: half blood, aWJUo; unwashed delaine, 25fj26e. Ken tucky. Indiana, etc.. three-eighths and quarter blood. 31c; territory, Idaho, tine. lH'u20e: heavy fine. 16ijl7c; fine medium. IMi 2dc; medium, 21ii22c; low medium, 23fi24c. Wyoming, fine. 17'nl8e; heavy tine. 15t16e; fine medium. Isil9c; medium, 2?l2ri'; low medium, 23U24c. I'tah and Nevada, fine. 17 &18c; heavv fine. lfj'(il6o; fine medium. 17',j tjil 8c; medium. 22o'23c: low medium. 2:ttt24c; low medium, 23(4i24c. Montana, tine choice, 21ii22c: fine average. 19fi2oc: line medium choice. 21620; average. VJ'c; staple, 2:rtf 23c; medium choice. 2:io25c ST. LOl'18. April 19 WOOL Dull ; me dium grades combing and clothing. 238 25c; light fine. lSfr20V,o; heavy flne,r 14i(t5c; tub washed, Walte. Ix)cal Chicago .... East Mail Davllght St. Paul Davltght Chicago Limited Chicago . Local Carroll Fast St. Paul .... Local Sioux C. East Mall Chicago Express a 5:60 pm Norfolk Ronesteel a 7:40 am Lincoln & Long Pine b 7:10 am CasDer & Wyoming e 2:50 pm Deadwood AY Lincoln a 2:60 pm Hastings-Albion b 2:50 pm Chicago, Milwaukee ft. raol. Chicago Daylight Ex ... .a 7:63 am all :00 pm Culitornia-oregon r.x a o:4.t pm Overland Limited a 8:20pm Des M. & Okobojl Ex. . . .a- 7:55 am Illinois Central. Chicago Express ( hlcago Limited Minn. & St. Paul Kx. Minn. & Si. Paul Ltd... Mlasonrl Pacini", St. Louis Express n 9:30 am a 6:04 aa K. C. & St. L. Ex u 11:15 pm u 6.'i 3:45 pm 8:30 am 10:00 pm 11 :50 pm 9:15 am 9:30 am 7:o6 am e 9:30 sm 2:5(i pm a 7 :. am 10:35 am 10:36 pm e 5:15 pm 6:15 pm ii:lo pm a 3:10 pm a 7 .35 am a 3:20 pm a 7:25 am al0:35 pm a 7:50 pin a a .on am, b i :.'5 am blO:J pm a 7:50 pm afc.uipux. WEBSTER DEPOT 13TII t WEIISTKK' rash. $835: April Prime aUike. $7.70. $8 : October. $.,. Prime timothy. $1-40. Metal Market. ST. .LOt IS April 19. M ETA LS-l ead ted at S4.tx Spoiler, aeavk ail $ '.oV! 5 K. Na At. Si. PT. No. At. 8k. Pr IV 144 ... 6 20 MS ... 6 27t n 179 240 6 12 90 219 40 6 I7, 7 167 120 6 22i :.6 261 90 i 27', lu 170 ... 5 Z-" 245 ... 6 271a M 167 90 6 "1 323 Ho 6 27V 44 .147 ... I 26 0 11 ... 6 J-v, 51 26.3 10 ( 35 74 24H an 5 27', 17 (4 ... t 2 i. 294 an U 37S J7 211 f 26 63 2,4 ao 6 27 199 160 6 25 71 235 90 I 271, 7: 22 12n 6 25 64 216 4" 6 27 64 211 40 I 25 44 2r 7 90 6 211 U 294 240 6 26 71 224) ... 6 27' II ;. 2li3 ... 6 96 77 21 160 5 27' 60 222 tsi 6 26 44 246 120 i 7'4) 69 91 9n i 25 41 2"4 ... I T' nT 99 I 26 M J' n 6 27 4j 71 y.t ... 4 26 74 344 ... I 274) 71 243 SO 25 30 276 ... 6 r 231 ... 6 2f. 90 210 ... ( 27", It 214 4' 6 2i 64 2.11 ... I 27', .i j'i 10 t 25 43 156 40 I 31 t 272 ... 45 U 110 ... 27i, 10 237 40 6 !'. 1" 2'2 40 I 2"v 63 i ... i 15 44 251 4i 4 27 12 219 220 t 25 91 21 10 4 271 I 241 ... I 25 V !43 . . i 271, 67 269 . . 5 25 3S 2-.T ;0 J7 6 -T.7 6 2.. 42 2 1. 5 27', 41 ad 4 H i4 ilv 140 i 2i-, CofTre Market. NEW YORK. April 19.-COFKEE.1arkf t for futures opened steady st an advance of 6 points to a decline of 5 points, the loss being limited to March. The opening was about In line with steady French rtibles and while there was continued liquidation of the near months, roasting iiitcrctit were gisid buyers and the market showed a steadier unibrtone than recently. Toward the close prices ruled firm on predictions fnr a continued small Hniz'llnn movement and rumors of adverse crop news and the market closed firm at a net advance of Uu P) points. Sales were reported of 106, 7V bags. Including May st 6 10j6 ,V; July. ..Vri.45c: September. 6oii6 5nc ; October, 6 (nic; Dei-ember, .7M4t.Ur; March. fY. Spot Rio. firm; No. 7, Invoice, 7c; Cor dova, 10til2c. . Smear and Mcli"e. NEW YORK. April 13 31'HAR-Rsw. unsettled: fair refining, 4e; centrifugal, 94 test. 4 23-32e; molasa sugar. 3 17-32c; re flced quiet: So . 6 55": N". 7. 6.yc: No 1. 6 4'V: No . 6 15c: No. 10. .3ur ; No 11. i 7u ; cunfectluiieik A, IX; inuuld A, t5oc; Missouri Pacific. Nebraska I.oial. via Weeping Water Chicago, st. I'ai Dmahn, Twin City Hioux ( Ity Leave. Arriva. .b 4:5o pm bll:)am' Minneapolis V Ouklund l.ucul... Passenger. . .b 6:30am Passenger. .a '.' uopm . b 6:46 Jim b 9:10 pm' all .o am b 9:10 am DI HLI.N4.TU.4i gl'ATlOV lOTH av M4SOS- RnrlliiBtou, Leave, .a 4 .10 pm .all :l'i pm .a 6) 50 am . b 2:57 pm Denver & California. Northwest Express... .Nebraska points Lincoln East Mall... Ft. Crook & Plattsm Ih.b 2:5.' pm Rellevuo & pl.ittsm'th. .a 7.50 pm Hellevue Si Pac. J unc. .a 3 30 am Hellevue At Pac Denver Limited. Chicago bpedal Chicago Expicss.. Chicago Elv.-ir Iowa I." a) HI. Louis Express. Kh nsus 'Ity & St. Kansas City St. Kansas City Ar St. A dally, b dally ex"e;it Kotiircl.iy , June. a 12:15 pm a 7:lo am a 4:0" pm u 8:06 pm a 910 am u 4:25 pm Joe. .alO 4.'. pm Joe. .a 9:15 am Joe. .o 4:25 pm txcept Sunday Arrive. . a 3 pm a o.O pm a 7:4o pin al2.o6 pm. a 10:25 sm b 8:32 am a 6:50 ti t tl u 2 55 piu a 7.26 nrtr nl0:53 piu all :4.0 u in a 6.45 aru a 8:06 pni d dally d.'iilv excel,) Monday. Of BIN B IE AMER. UUN DM It O V A 1. ilAIL STEAUKKg MONTHKAL n LIVERPOOL,. Wkl galllnsi St. farrate-a Kniita. Shnitaa:. ainoothaal an4 nv at ptrturerojia. KKW KST TlKUlNt; TK1FI.L ti hK SlaAllIRI V.Ptorlan" au4 ' Vtri'nlan' 12. "00 tt,Da aacti, TWIN B'HtW ST K AM KHS ' Tuiiaaaan'' anl ''Haiarlan'"- li'.iuO tail saw. Apply o any l-.al agant, ar ALLAN tU, 1.4 JACkbU.N llUil., CHICAGO. 1 ta