TTIE OMAHA DAILY HE 12: WEDNESDAY. A PHIL 19. 1003. O A""-aU v I.RAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Grain Being Meod to Chicago Prpparator to May Delivery. LIQUIDATION IN CORN IS TO BE HEAVY Market In Wheat tsjtnre a Little Mrnng-er Today anil In lorn n Utile Weaker 4 nrn Mind. Inter on llrrnL. Vj. 1. notDiprn, M "S; May, $1.05; July, 1."1V ;ptember, 84l,c. ua I s 10 strive and mi truck. -8c. 4.1114 M.I) t,lt4l II rHOMMOX OMAH A. Apt.i .'.' Wheat was a mtli! stronger loduv and mm a little weaker. The May wheat be fore noon reached the high and low points of $1.15 and J1.141, against 11.15 and I! l.TS for Monday. The Julv wheat ranged be tween MS and against 8S'4 him 87, lor Monday. Liverpool closed from uu i 'hanged to i higher. Purls ui unchanged i.i 5 lower, Berlin gained u anri Buda I'ent (allied l'. At the opening today Wrenn bought 125,000 May wheat and Inter took a good amount of July. Armour was supposed to be buying July through Wrenn and Knecland. Then? wbh no sign of the Gates crowd In the market. IVuvy sold the May wheat and Love, Olllelt and l-Mndley-Barrrll were buyers. The volume r trade wan light and the market flue mated rather widely on small trades. The hrst of the wheat from M liiticapoli and Duluth to be moved to Chicago has arrived, ilfteeu cars, unrt wan graded us No. 1 northern. Minnenpnll houses have loaded out 't'i cars of wheat In the last forty eight hour, most of which wa for Chicago. Iuluth la nald to have loaded 4o,ooo bushels tor Minneapolis In two day a. The north western cam. Including Chicago, were 248 for today, against 167 a week ago and I'. I iast year. The primary receipts of wheat hi 3U.OU0 bushels, against 274.0UO last year, and the shipments -are 25o,0i bushels, ..gainst 279.00c. Bradstreet's makes the wheat visible east of the Hookies decreaae i .37,ura bushels and the afloat and European Mocks son. wo, making la total of 2.171.0UO huheln. The St. Ileitis crowd expected lltl-i-ii Hon there over tin" May deliveries for it I said the long will refuse to receive teel wneat mu(l with red Russian rrom Oregon. The stories of crop deterioration continue to come in from all aides, prln cipally the southwest. As an offset Charles Dalrymplo ot the Dull ymplea 4.000 acre farm north of Km go Hiiyn the soil condi tions for needing are the best in years throughout the Reu river valley. He says they do not need rain before May 1 be cause of th unusual amount of frost In the ground. i The big lolders of the May corn did not e any Monday, nut the leading shj.-ts are said to he covering during the present break. Corn has dropped 21,c from the high point of last Thursday. The high anil low points todav were ITS'" and 47'c, against 48c and 47o Monday. Heavy liqui dation Is lookeil 'or In the next two w ?ks from the. holders of corn anil oats. The Tospeet is for a uood delivery and It is inprobuhle that the average speculators v 1 11 care to take Hie cash grain. The irlmarv recelnts in corn were 433. ft Ml bush els, against TKI.OOO bushela, uhd the ship ments arc Sufi.ijo bushels, against Clst.ooO bushels. Bradstreet's shows an increase in the world's visible supply of corn of 1.030.(810 bushels. The oats visible de creases 1.012.000 bushels. The corn clear ances for the day are reported at 147.0(10 bushels. Omaba Cash Prices, WHEAT No. hard. ll.tXWtl.02; hard. (H'chi?l.O0; No. 4 hard., 75'rOc spring. 81.00; No. 4 spring. 112c. COUN-No. 2, 4.1V: No. 3. 43Vo; No. I. 42'ac; no grade. Sfcht.'c; No. 2. Il'ic: No I yellow. 44c; No. 3 white, 44c; No. a white, 44c. OATPNo. 2 m-xe.l, 2SH-o; No 3 mixed. ; No. 4 mixed. 2'W: No. 'i white, 29V No. 2 white, 2tv; No. 4 white, tnriarU, 2!i'o. . Carlo! Features of the Trading) anil I losing Prices on Bvaktl of Trade. CHICAGO. April IS.-vLiberal decreases In the worlds available stocks of wheat wa an Influential factor In making a strong msrket today. At the close wnat for May delivery showed a gain of pre cisely c. July wheal Is up . Corn Is practically unchanged, tints are up Vy V'. Provisions are tiuciianged to Sc lower A strong undertone uervaded the wheat market throughout the entire session not withstanding that several bearish factors I were In evidence at the start. Despite eas j ier catties and increased receipts, the ! iiiurkel opened firm with Julv up a shad? to "e, at rfr7V May was unchanged at 11.14V One cause of the firmness was a good demand for July from a prominent hull trader. Offerings were comparatively light. The weather throughout the greater part of the winter wheat belt was re torted unofficially as being still dry and cold. This helped to stimulate demand for the distant futures. Prices gradually worked up a trifle. Toward the noon hour the market became decided)) strong on active buying brought out bv a decrease of 2.1"0,ii bu. In the world's visible supply. A year ago there was a decrease of only H17. bu. i)n the bulge Julv advanced to RxVa &V Meanwhile May whs lifted to ll.lhH on small scattered trading. The weekly weather bureau report claiming generally favorable conditions for the growth of winter wheat caused considerable profit taking late In the day. As a result part of the gain was lost. Sentiment, however, continued quite bullish, the market closing rlrm, with Julv at 88c. Final quotations on May were at I1.1&V Clearances of wheat and flour Were equal to ltit).;)iil) bu. Trlmary receipts were Hi.Son bu., compared with 274.1110 bu. a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth ami Chicago reported receipts of 248 cars, against 187 cars last week and lfil a year ago. Influenced by smaller receipts than ex pected shorts "were quite active buyers of corn during the first half of the session. In consequence the market whs Inclined to bullishness. Later an easier tide de veloped on sellers brought Increased pri mary receipts. July opened unchanged to ' higher, at 47V4'&47V, sold between 4ihc and 47To .and closed at 47Vf47Vc. Local receipts were 205 curs, with 12 of contract grade. Reports of dry weather had a bullish effect on the oats market. Pit traders were good buyers during the entire session. July opened unchanged to a shade lower at 2H'4n29V. sold up to 30c and closed at fCSm'. Local receipts were 22 cars. Liquidation of May products had a weak ening effect on the provisions market. Early In the day the market was quite firm us a result of small receipts of hogs, but lack of any substantial support made possible the later slight decline. At the closo July pork was oft 5c at $12.80. Lard was unchanged at $7.40. Ribs were off 24c al $7.22Va'c(7.2o. Estimated receipts for tomorrow; Wheat, 40 cars; corn, !07 cars; oats, M cars; hogs, 32,000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: No. No. 2jVaCi Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. 157 255 122 102 li 10 81 10 ID 11 33 6 It 5 Market. in Minneapolis ss reported by the Krtwarus-wood com pany, 110-111 Board of Trade, wsa: Articles. Open. High. Low. Close Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. I Close. Yey. Wheat, I Chicago Kansas City .... Minneapolis Duluth HI. Louis Omaha Minneapolis tiraln The range of prices paid May. July. Sept. 1 OHM:' 1 0X I 1 0-1 1 04 I 84; 1 OX',, 1 03 84-V . Yes'y. 1 07',4j 1 0.i' 1 03 S 1 l'2T H4-V 84 V May July Sept. Corn May Julv Sept. Oats May July Sept. Pork May July La rd May ' July Sept. Itlhs May July Hept. I 1 XT I I I 14': t 15J 1 14i S3H S2 s: !82,Jft 47ii',V 47 V Hi 47i 'a, I I V 2WlS. ,287eH-! I 12 s7Vi 13 87141 I 1 7 224! 7 40 7 56 I 1 15 88 IV831 474 47' 4 WYa 474M4; 47 47Va 4,4 474 UU 1 14'; . 7 824 17V, 474 474 ,294l6'4,i94'64- 30 SO ,i!'14''0l'4l 2!)i284'il'2it; 1K4 HO 12 50 12 5241 12 HO :4 29, 284 12 K.4 12 80 , 12 974 7 i.5 7 45 I 7 25 ! 7 424 7 57 v, 7 no 7 2741 l 4a I I 7 224. 7 40 I 7 55 ' 9.1 I 7 224 7 424 80 I 12 . I I 4: i ' I 7 55 8 !5 I 7 2ft I 7 434l 7 r4 7 40 7 Bo 6 974 7 274 7 42Vi ino- to the KW YORK I4KAKHAI, MtllhKT tluntatlons of the Day on Aarloua t omniodltles. NKW YORK. April W.FLOm Receipts, bids.; exports, ti.ti.V bbla. Market dull but atcudv; winter patents, $5.20 KiVfiO: winter straights. .i 0(.,i5.lii; Minne sota patents. $5.6j.Hiti.0o; winter extras. $3.50 H4.00; Mlnnearita bakers'. 3.&o&4.30; winter low grades. $3.40ifi3.!iO. Rye flour, quiet; fair to good, $4 25'a4.05; choice to fancy, $4.70 4 90. CORNMF.ATj Steady ; fine white and vcllow, $l.a: coarse, new", tl.08fjfl,lfl; kiln dried. $2.76'"n2.9o. RYF. Nominal ; western, fn". bid. PAULEY Dull: feeding. 454c e. 1. t, New York; malting, 4i'.'i52c e. I. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts. 4.000 bu.: spot market rlrm: No. 2 red. $1.04. nominal, elevator: No. 2 red, $1.K4, nominal, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, $1,104 f. o. b. afloat : No. I hard. Manitoba. $1.02'4 f. o. b. afloat. Acting on the complaints of dry weather from winter wheat sections, steady cables, bull support and a decrease In world's stocks, wheat was generally nrra today and higher up to the last hulf hour, 1 hen realising destroyeo part or me au- t stxe. It. closed barely steady ana 'V(f 'c ret higher. May. $1,084 to 1.09, closed at $1,084; July, 24fifl34e, closed at !!c; Sep tember, 87'h874c, closed at 87c. CORN Receipts. 70,:50 bu.: exports. 102. 835 bu.: spot market firm; No. 2. wic, elevator, and 53c t. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow. 53c; No. 2 white, 52c. The option market was neglected all day In New York, but steady with wheat clos ing net unchanged. May. 524rt'S24e, closed at 5?4c; Julv closed at 524c. OATS Receipts. OO.OiiO bu.; exports. 22.- 748 bu.: snot market unlet; mixed oats. M to 83 pounds, 3Txi .1iS4e ; mi to ml white. 30 to 2 pound". &W3Vg ; clipped wnitc, m in w jiunos, ;ii"iisi'.y. 1 HA Y Slow : sliiiuiiiiK. t0(riwc; gixid to choice. 7"4'l824c. HOPS Hteadv ; state, common to choice. 25 'i29c: 1!I03. 2241 25c; olds. ll13c: Pacific, coast, 1M4. 2fcn38e:-19ia. iKo.4c; olds. Ilil3c. HIDKS Quiet; Ualveston. 20 to 2T. lbs., 2"c; California. 21 to M lbs.. IH40; Texas, dtv. 24 to 80 lbs., Uc. LKATHKR Firm: acid. :'44(2fic. PKOVIfllONS Hi'ef, steady; family. $13 OA (ol3..ri0; mess, $ir.'n,lill.50; beef hams. $21. im 2.1.ii; psckei. $11.504112.011: city extra India mess. $18.0091 20.txt. Cut meats, rlrm; pick led hellle. $7.2ffi8.0O. ilikle slmuldei-s. I'i.uOJiiI.OO; pli-kled hams, $9. no. Lard, steady; western steamed. $7.50: refined, firm; con tinent. $J7.M ; South America. $8 25; com pound. $0.124111 374. Pork, quiet; family, $14 .VrtilS.iO: short clear, $U.OU4il.'i.Oit; mess, 113 ,so 13 874. TALl.oW Dull: liv t$2 per package). 44c; counttv ipuckage freel 44"'l44e. 1!ICK-Stadv. domestic, fair to extra. 24iti'c: Japanese, nominal. Hl'TTKR Strong ; street price, extra creamery. S?i:t!4e; ofllcial prices, creamery, common to extra. 211 :'.V: state dalrr, com mon to exira. 23'ii;.''; renovated, common to cxiru, 17'u-'8c, western fancy, common to xtra, 19i 27c: western imitation creamery, cmmon to extra, 2M1280. I 'I I EESK--FI1 m . state full creams, small, colored and white, fancy. 144c; state, fine, 1:4e; stale, late made, colored and white, poor to choice. 10til34c; state, large, col ored and white, fancy, 14c; slate, fine. i:i 41134c; state, late made, colored and white, poor lo choice. 104'u I3e. l-XSOs Steady; western storage packed. J7i'c western firsts. lT1-. POI'LTIIY Alive, steady: western chick ens. l:V. fowls. 15c: old turkeys. li'.c; dressed, qule; western ehlckens. Iftj12c; fowls. He; turkeys. I4i18c. Kansas I it) t.rsln auil I'rniUloui. KANSAS CITY April IS. WHEAT -Dull; M. 92A.VIH24C; July. TT-e: cash. No. 2 hard, 81.liliiM.07U: No 3. 9V43$104; No. 4. T.vrmc; No red. $l.0."ri I 07; No. S. 5 II M; No. 4. 75y)9Tc. CORN- Firm: Mav. 44 ; July. 44'444c; cj,h. No. 2 mixed. 4.VSi4."4c; No. 3, 4ic; No. J wh'te. 4V.r; Xj. 3. !. OATS- Stetdv No. 2 white. 3144j324; N. pilxed fU ItYF-SiCHny. ,iifti,.,c. AA'-Steady; choice llimHliy, n.SogflO.OO; $7.2: 'if 1. 7.1. UCTTER Creainerv. 24fi28c: packing, 19c. v .-JUIiOS- J ow er; Missouri and Ksnsns, 'tew No. i whltewood cute iuc'uded. IV; cslsf ( omit, !4c: sees returned. Uc less. rtereiins. Nniiinieots 44 ') $12.50 Short clear ship' No. 2. Cash quotations were us follows: FLOUR Easy; winter patents, $4 90 ifi5.00; winter straights. $4.40i&4.8o; spring patents, $5.005 40; spring straights, H.'Jtnii 4 80; bakers, $3.408 80.. WHEAT No. 2 spring. $1.10451.144; No. J, $1,0041.14; No. 2 red. $1.14'V(M 15- CORN No. 2, 474c; No. I yellow. 484c. OATH No. 2. !,c: No. is white, S4c; No. 3 white, S0A4 4,314c. KYE No. 2, 7e. UARLEY-Good feeding, 37ii39c; fair to choice malting, 4ii474c SEEDS No. 1 flax, $1.27; No. 1 northwest ern. $1.40; clover, contract grade, jit.uu. PROVISIONS Mess pork? per hbl. (612.55. Lard, per loo lbs.. $7.154j7.1I4 ribs sides (loose;. SD.8744W.0o; short sides (boxed). $7.004j7 H4. - Following were me receipts and incuts 01 hour ana grain: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 22.30n 10,200 Wheat, bu H.3o 41, wu Com, bu i8'.',5iio 79U0 Oats, bu 13(l,yt 'i4,(k Rve. bu 4.200 2.1HK) Rarley, bu 71,tM 4;.'0) On the produce exchange today the but ter market was firm; creameries, 264jiilo; dairies, 23rg28c. Eggs, steady at mark, cases included, 16c; nrsts, lc; prime fitsls, 17c; uraa, lie. Cheese, tady, 134 He St. Louis General Market. ST. LOCI3, April 18. WHEAT Higher; No. 2 red cash, elevator, $1.02; track, St. 10; Mav. $1.01; July, 83',i83'.4c; No. 2 hard, $1.01. CORN Steady; No. 2 casn, 4i4c; track, 4l(4;t4c; May. 4fc; July, 4c. tiA'l S Steady ; No. 2 cash, 31c; track, 314c; May, 2x4c; No. 2 white, 3S',c. FLOL'R Dull; red winter patents', $5,004 5.25; extra fancy and straight, $4.55g4.7u; clear, $4.004t4.40. SEED Timothy, steady, $2.00Q2.75. IMRNMEAI Steady, 2.MI. BKAN Dull; sackeo. cast track,, 73c. HAY Steady; timothy, $1.U41 13.5a; prairie, 8 (! 10(h. I RON COTTON TIES UAOdINO 74c. UEMP TVINE4' PROVISIONS Pork, 112.10. Lard, lower: prime steamed, $tl.72w Dry salt meats, lower; boxed extra shorts, $7.25; clear ribs, $7.25; short clcirs, $7-3i4. Hucun, steadv; iKixed extra horti, $7,874; clear ribs, $7,874: short clear, 18.(0. POI'LTIIY Kany; chickens. 11c; springs, $4.0ot5.6o per doien; turkeys, liw; ducks, He. HI ITKR-Itigner; creamery, .(.uvic; dairies, 1941 2c. EtlCiS Steady, 154c, case count. rieceipis. nnipments SKIO 19,l 4I.0U0 NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Throwing of Long Holding on 'Maikot Causes Setere Inroad on Prices. BIG SLUMP IN NORTHERN SECURITIES Iroi of Mxleen Points nn nrl genils Down liilon Pacllle nnil f. I'anl lose Is Lowest of ls. NEW VtHtK. April lS.-Specululors long on stocks showed a great deal of trepida tion todav. which caused a free unload ing and rather severe Inrosds on prices. Tile news of the .lav contained nothing to Indicate ati Impairment of actual values, but the action of the market Itself served to create distrust and uncertainty over the many stories of brilliant nnanciai pio lects which have been tne principal live for the buving of stocks up recent high level ot prices. The Incident having the most direct in fluence was the sudaen and violent break of Northern Securities within the tirst ten minutes of the trading In the curb mar ket The first few sales of the stock were at a fraction higher than Inst night, up t 181. hut alter that there seemed absolutely no demand and the price was offered down precipitately sixteen points without unit ing buvers. 1 his news quickly reached the floor of the Stock exchange and induced a slump In the price of t nion Pacific and St. Paul. The quick recovery of 10 or 13 points In Nortnern Securities wjas to ported almost Immediately. The fever sh action left sentiment very much unsettled am. In the absence of actual news to ex plain the break them was a disposition to attribute it to the practical operating dif ficulties in the curb market where facil ities are restricted both In the matter of supplv and of the conveniences for buy ing, t'hils leaving the market narrow and unrepresentative for any stock of sticn nn enormous volume as that of the North ern Securities company. Itut the volume of the offerings of the related slocks on the exchange deprived this explanation of Its force. There was more p.aui.loll.1) in the contention than on Ihe eve of tne surrender of Northern Securities share certificates lo ba exchanged for Northern I'acille and Oreat Northern stock, there developed a certain apprehension that wun the return to the market of a great float ing supplv of these constituent stocks it would be found difficult to keep up their price to the level at which they have re cenilv sold. The tie-up in the Northern Securities company has left the actual floating supply ot Great Northern and Northern, Pacific very small, making it easv to mark up the price to figures moru than double those prevailing before the formation of the securities company. The reports current to account for these pruts and which have been ?J,"r.e'-ii sanction of official authority haxe all n dlcated financial readjustments rather than any actual change In the cqiilt es of .v.. The suimosed Plan to In corporate Great Northern's iron holdlna-s Into a sepnrate company The market position of Cnlon raclllc also lias been the subject of growing uP'p"" The enormous borrowing demand f"r stock, which has attracted marked atten tion, ban been generally attributed to the desire for Its use for proxies at the meet ing to niithortite the $100.0on.000 preferred stock increase. The books are to close for this meeting tomorrow and there seemed a sudden realisation that this in rnn release to the market of erj large amounts of thin borrowed stock. There was some dread enter lalned even that this enormous hort owing of stock .might represent quldatlng sales by insiders who were T borrowing for delivery to disguise the source of the selling. In fact there L.f. verv aeneral disposition to suspect the speculative conouion 01 ..i,ai. renis. which ....1 1., Vneiniiu mocks, unloaded to large extent. The supposition that there wa5 retrenchment by selling in the stock market against the necessities of the wheat deal also continued in foice. The weather bureau's weekly crop report re trieved some apprehension of damage from cold weather. Money continued eas A survev of the day's net changes, however. reveaTs a more decided setback In prices than has occurred In many weeks. The llcfsmg tone was the weakest of the day and prices were at about the lowest. Bonds were Irreaular. Total sales, par value $3.a5.K"0. I ii.ed Stales bonds were all unchanged on call. .,.. . The quotations on the New York Stock exchange ranged tU-;. shows the following cliang.f Cash In hand. Increased. SO.sw.Aft marks; treasury notes. Increased v.4.o" marks; other se curities decreased 77."0.n"' murks; notes in circulation, decreased 7.140,oi) marks. 1 land Is an the market have been 1.01 0 12.900 .6i -95c. lower; Jobbing, 5.100 1.3C1) 62.1100 100 400 41 10 2.3"0 000 W, lli "heat. b. Cum. bu. Oats. bu. 4 .29 ' . S.osa Flour, bbls.. Wheat, bu... Corn, bu Oats, bu ln.OOO Sn.tKXi 5i . t 41,1100 lino 2S..":"0 1.000 2,li00 40.l 16.9O0 no 100 3IHI Hilfl 15.200 200 2.700 4.201 2.600 1.7iiu Kl 17.4l) .Vki 900 33!fV'i 4. 811O 4.400 Available Hnpply of tiraln. NEW YORK, April 18.-Speciul cables and telegraphic cominunlcatlons received bv Hradstreets today show the following changes In available supplies. ;is compared with last account: Wheat, Cnlted States and Canada, east of the Rockies, decreased 1. 37I.O"0 hit.; afloat for and In Europe, de creased soo.ono bu.; total supply decreased 2.1"l.o"0 bu. Corn I'nlted States and Can ada, east of the R'ickles. Increased 1,03''. 000. Oats. I'nlted States and Canada, east of the Rockies, decreased l.U12,ona bu. Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA, April 18.-RCTTER-Scnrce; extra western creamery. Sue; extra nearby prints, 36c. EMUS Steady; nearby fresh, l"4c at mark; western fresh, 174c at mark. CHEESE Unchanged; New' York full cream fancy. 134'uljc; choice, 134c; fair to good, 1244 Uc. Alinorapolls (irala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. April 18 WHEAT Mav. $l.o;4; July. tl.034'Ul.0i14; September, M4H844c; No. 1 hard. 11.134; No. 1 north ern. $1.10'4: No. t northern, $l.u24. FLoI'R P'trst patents, $u.85'U5.9o: second patents. $5.6.ii5 7n; first If sis, $4.2u44.3i; second clears. $2.866 2. si. URAN-ln bulk. 12.uii 12 25. Mllwaakee tiraln Market. MILWAUKEE. April 18. WHEAT Mar ket steady; No. 1 northern. $1 . llq 1 . 11U; No. 2 northern. $l.o&UL10: July, 88c asked. It Y E Dull ; No. 1, hue. H A RLE Y Steady ; No. 2, 51c; sample, 40 6l5oc. CORN-Steady; No. 3. 4;4ii48v; May, 474c bid. 2.20 1 5.0"o KJ I lirrniKil t.rsla Market. I IVK.RPt'HiL. AoMl 1 -WIIEAT-Spot, oulei ; N'. I fr"f'irnfn. g'd. Futures, sre.idv: May, r.s 74a : July. 6 74d ; S'-ptem- s ST.d ennx - Spt ouiet; American mixed. Isi'.d; American mixed, old. 4 HUd. ores stesdv. Ms. 4s:l',d: July, 4s V d nulnilt Grata Alarket. DIM f t "1. M'nn'. Atoil l 'AVHFAT-To aatr. No, t . northti n, $105. on track. rrorla Markets. PEORIA. 111. April 18-CORN-Steady; No. 3 yellow, 47c; No. 3, 47c; No. 4, 46c; no grade. '42o41te. OATS Unchanged; No. 3 white, 304c; No. 4 white, 294c. t offee Market. NEW YORK. April 18 COFFEE The market (or future, opened steady at un changed prices to a decline of points on March, which was about in 1'ne with the European cables and Hraslllan news. There was further liquidation of near months, however, and shortly after i lie opening prtces began to work lower with the weak ness becoming more pronounced 111 the late Hading, when offerings increased juilh comparatively little demand In evidence. The market was finally weak at a net de cline of hula points, the greatest loss being on ihe near positions Sale, were reported of 14 bags, including Mav at .l"u6 2c: July. 1?4"c: September, (USGSSr; Pe cemher. iTa.1.'; Msreh. 7c. Spel easy; Nu. 1 K.u iutoit., 74c, Coiduva, i'-'.io Atehls6n ................ do pfd Atlantic (oast Line. Baltimore & Ohio r.. do pfd Canadian Pacific Cent, of N. J., ex-dlv Chevipeakc & '"lin.. ChL'turn Am A'iOII lf d . Chlcasro lit. Western. lfi.W'O Cl'lcago & N. W C. M. St. Paul.... Chicago T. T do pfd C. C. C. & St. 1 Colo. A Southern do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Delaware Hudson. Del.. L. & W Denver ft Rio (Jrande do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central do pfd K. C Southern do pfd I.011I1S. Nashville... Manhattan I Met. Street Ry Met. Securities Mexican central Minn. & St. Louis.... i M . 81. P. & S. S. M .. do pin Mo. Pacific Mo., Kan. & Texas. . . do nfd N. R. R. of M., pfd.. N. Y. Central N. Y.. Out. ft W Norfolk ft Western... do pfd Pennsylvania P . C C. ft St. L Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Rock Island Co do pfd IS. L. ft 8. F. 2d pfd.. St. L. Southwestern.. do pfd Southern Pacific do pfd Texas ft Paclflc T.. St. L. ft West.... do pfd ."nion Pacific do pfd Wabueh do pfd Wheeling ft L. E Wisconsin (Vnl1.1l ... do pfd Adams F.x. Co American Ex Co nlled' S'ates Ex. Co. . Wells-Fa rgo Ex. f'n. Amitl. Coppee . Am. Csr and Found. do pfd Am Cotton Oil do pfd American Ice An pfd Amer. Tnseed Oil... do pfd Amer. Locomotive ... do pfd A'"er. . ft Ref do pfil Amer Sugar Ref Am. Tob pfd. cert.. Anaconda Mn. Co.. Rn.oMvn P.. T Colo. Fuel and Iron., C'onsol'da'ed flas .... Corn Products do i.fd Distillers' Securities. Oeneral Electric Inter. Paper do pfd In'er. Pump do pfd . National Lead North American Pacific Mall People's I ls Pressed Stel Car do pfd Pullmnn Pa). Ca.. Reoublle Steel do pfd Rnldiee Goods do pfd Teen. Coal sod Iron U. 8 I aiher do pfd U. 8. Realtv I'. 8. Puhber do pf-l U. K Steel do nfd A's -Caro . ('hemic 1 1 do nfd Wesilne. F.l. rtrlc . Western Union . . . . Tofsl sales -for 8!"., 1034 I1K14 110 8; 103 158 1084 14.400 154 101 a 244 2404 1874 184 34 106 284 60 234 '37'.. 18:4 184 334 104 284 697s S.8"0 1924 190 8H 46 4 804 7" ! lii'i" 30 554 30 034 144' 1W14 123 87 244 lis" biiu 107 314 674 1574 6(1.4 86 8.600 143 44.7f ino 22 i') 111 m II 3.900 22.8KI 21 Ml 1.1'iO 3fo 2nfl 304.01 10 2.30(1 non 1.300 l'. fart Sf-il 3110 100 13Kio 7 e.i 7'V) 9K) ' joii nen Ton MO 24 "no 2.0111 57. m f,ni 1 iien i.ftoo fOO 13 ' , 53 TOO 5 :io 4"0 . 3.:Vni . l.'W . 2.7(10 . 1.600 'i'Vi . 8 5il , in . 1.8(10 . 1 . :on . 1 ii . ; too . L.'Ofl . 40 974 92 344 79 6!14 " 664 671, 97 374 404 -' 134 984 224 154 :t" 236 128 8K4 4"U 1024 :sii'.4 89 45 8a 6K4 934 1'Vl 30 5o' 294 lm.'-i 1214 854 234 liiU 161 4 106 31 14 66 156' 59 844 lii'. 96 : 334 784 R8i; 254 65-, 654 97 .V.U 4114 '.' 1"94 99' 8T4 103 1S7 in4 96 1514 198 56 80 -'34 238 is; K4 3:; 104 9l, 3. 1894 3824 .".3 8f 45 80 68 93 i 1H3Vi 29V, 544 294 624 1414 1664 1214 854 234 60 117 16"4 1054 3"4 66 :4 1"4 59 844 92 141.4 80 91: M-Oi 90 334 784 681. Aew fork Mor Alarkel. NKW YORK. April 18 . MoNEY-rn call stesv. 24'u.t per cent; closing bid, 2 ; offered at 3. Time loans, easy at dull; sixtv davs. ninety days and six months, per cent. RIME MERCANTILE PAPER-44,44 per cent, HTFJHI.INW KXCHANOK Steady, with sctual business in bankers bills at $4 86.:i"if $4 81; .1 for demand and at $1.84.35 fi$4 84 40 for sixtv dav bills. Posted rates. $4 V.4IH87. Commercial bills. $1 844. Rar silver. 674c Mexican dollars. 444c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad bonds. Irregular. on bonds were: .1044 Japan t; .'f M .104N, t.. X. toil 4 I".1 .1"4' Vlanhauan r. a 4...lo4 ins Mv Cnlral 4a ' dn Ha inr 24 ..US Minn A St. b 1044 M . K At T. At .4 in t. 741 N. R R. of M Closing prices t' f. rf. "a, ref.... do coupon t'. S at. rfg do coupon t'. 8. new 4a. rg.. do co'ipnn V. 8. old 4a. rr. do coupon Am. Toba,-co 4a. ctra. 4a. do 6a. rtfa. Atrhlann Kn. no atj. 4a Atlanttr r. U 4a. . . Hal. A Ohio 4 do ! t'antrat of fla. 5a. . . . do lt Inc do Jd Inc Ch.a Ohio 4'4 . . Chimin aV A. Jsja... C, H. it q. n. I.... T., R. 1 A P. I. . .. do rol. fla ccr sr. 1.. t. ii Chit'SRo Tar. 4a Colorado Mtd. 4a. . . . Colo. A 80. 4a l uha 5a. elf, p. A K. a. 4a Platlllara' Sac. 8,... Erie prior ban 4a... da can. 4a r. w a n. r ia... Hoehlns Val. IS" . N. V. r. a sia. 105 , N. J. f. g Sa. . . a. No Paelflr 4a tri . do Ss 11 S. ft W. r. 4a... Sn o. 8 I., rfds. 4a Pann. ronv. S'a M Raadtn, fan. 4a. 17 t. L. I M.. 1074 St. I., ft s V f ai si SI I.. S. w. r. 4a. . . 100 Saatoard A. I,. 4a... M" So. Partita 4a 1)114 8n. Railway Sa 102 tern A P. la 7 T.. St L. A W. 4a. 7 t nion Pacini- 4a . r, 1 do cona. 4a .106 i s aiaai ad r. lona, VabB.ti la 7SI do dab. B lolH Waalarn Md. 4a , 3 iV. ft I.. K. 4a .114 iWla. (antral 4a HuS1 .... nu . . . I"l' ... 4a 1 . . . :"os .... I M ....Mi 'a .... IT, ....itin, .... 7S . . . .in..1 ...I'l!1 Ha .117 4a. 11 44 9J't U8'l una . M. ion .1.13 . 9'i imti . 7H . w . tSj Hoston Stocks and Bonds. BOSTON.' April lS.-Call loans. ;Mi4 per cent; time loans, 3444 per cent. Offlclal closing of stocks and bonds: Atrhlann adj. 4a.... do 4a Mai. Ontral 4a Atrhlaon do pfd tlo.tnn & Albany.. Bnalon ft Maine.... "Hoalon Elfvalail . Fltrhhurg pfd Mcalran Onlral . . . N. V., N. H. H t'nlon Parlllc Amaf. Arsa. Cham. do pro A mar. Pneu. Tuba. Aniar. Susar do pfd A mar. T. A T "Amer. Woolen ... do pfd finmlnlon 1. ft 8... "Fdlann Kler, !hi Mass. Klnitrlr ado pfd Maaa. Uaa I nltad Fruit I'nltad Shoe Mac h. . do pfd l S. Staal do pfd Waatlng. common . Bid. "Asked. . S4 Advantura 4 .I1U4 Alleiiar IJVi . 76 Ainalfamaia.1 7 . 878. "Aniarlian Zinc U .ltr."t AtHntlc Ii'a . C0 nlnfchflin .14 .179 1 al His la Sdh .1oTa centennial t7' .144 ''upper Range 74'a . 'JSJi Paly Weat 11 .Ji'4-j Dominion foal Te1 .130 Oranrv ..: . J7' lale Royale it . u Maaa. Mlnlnr. 9'.i . 4 Mlahlsan U .iHa Mohaa-a it ,137 Mrtfit. ( ft f 14 .HH 01 Dominion 54 . J4 iHx-eola. 4 .in iParroi. - . JJ, Uulm y Ill .SSf-W Shaono'i 7 . .ft'.; Tafnafark ir. . t trinity 4 . 44 llnllfd Coppar 17 .lO'H t:. s. Mlnlni . at r. s. oil H . 4 ftah 43 . 84 "a Victoria 34 .103 Winona lji, , It WolTarine 104 Conaola. mnnay .. do account Anaconda Atchlaon do pfd Daltlmnre & llhln ranailtan PaciSr I'hca ft Ohio chlraao (It. tv... C. M. ft gt. P... IlcBaara . Ilanvar A do pfd Erla do in prd.. do tA pfd . . Illinois ('antral !,oula. A Naah M.. K. ft T... SILVER Bur. .IB'J'1 . 81 , Loudon Htocks and, Honda. LONDON, April 18. Closing iiuotatlons on stocks and bonds: SO 13-HiN. Y. ('antral. ... JiitalNorfolk ft tv. ... (Pi do pt1 .... ... fliilniilarlo ft W. . ..1'Ml ll'annayliania ...Ui": Maud Minaa . . . ir.TalRaadtn, ...... I do In pfd. . . . :'. do -d pfd . ...!' So. Railway . ITS 1 do pfd .... Rio (irande 3',So PaclHr ... .'12 t nton Psi lflc 47! do pfd . 3' 714 .171 US V. Steal do pfd Wabaah do pfd i2't8panlah 4a uncertain, 264d per ounce 7:iS 114 in 47 It. .1.', 100 .1.1 aj 10.' 3S 107 J t MONEY lV4(il4 per cent, The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 14'fi2 per cent; for three months' bills, 2''a2 l-)t! per cent. New York Mining Mocks. . NEW YORK. April 18.-The following are the closing quotations on mining stocks: Adama Con 25 l.utle 'rtiief ... Alice 4S Oalarlol Breere 2S .Oplitr,.., Brunawlck (.'on 8 'Hhoenlx ....... Comalork Tunnal .... 8 ; Potnel-'v. . .' Con. I'al. ft Va 16.1 ,Sava.'. Horn Silver 180 I Sierra Kerada Iron Silver 31" ISmall "Mosae ;'. Leadvllla Con I ,8iai;datd .400 . in . 4 . 01 . 36 .14 . M . IS.. Treasury Slatenient. ' WASHINGTON". April 18. -Today's state ment of the treasury balances in the gen eral fund, exclusive of $150 iaK),0i gold re serve In the division of redemption show.: Available cash balance '1 36.855,675; gold. 166.162.T27. Hunk Clear, . OMAHA. 'April 18. -'Bar, k clcgrlnga tocay were l..io6.(i'i.0S. Vnv tbi' coi-rcriioiiding day of 104 the clearings were $1,361,547.68. OMAHA WHOI.If iAi.r. MARKET. Condition of Trade nnd (tuotutioiia on Maple anil Fancy Produce, EGGS Receipts heavy; murkct steady; candled stock. 154c LIVE POI Li iv If Hens; 114c; young roosters, according to sizo, Italic; old roosters. 8c; turkeys, 14Sjjliic; ducks, 11c. BUTTER Packing stock. WlUe; choice to farcy dairy, 21'd23c; creamery, 2o'(,ioc; prints, 3"c. FRESH FROZEN FISH-Trout, 9c; pick erel, 4c; pike, 84c; perch, ic; hluetish, lie; whiteflsh, 8c; salmon. 11c; redsnappet, 9c; green halibut, 13e; crupples, lie; burfalo, 7c; white bass. 11c; herring, 34c; Spanish mackerel, 12c; lobsters, boiled. 45c: green, 40c; finnan baddies. 7c; roe shad, each, ioc; shad roe, per pair, 30c. Frog legs, per doz., 30c. , . HAY Prices quoted bv Oni.iha Whole sale Hay Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland. $6.50; No. 2, $6(4); medium, $5.50; coarse, $5.00. Rye ktraw, $5.59. These prices ore for hay of good color and quality. BRA N Per ton, $17.50. OYSTERS New York counts, per can, 45c; extra atlects, per can. 3oc; standards, per can, 30c Bulk: Standards, per al., 81.40; extra selects, per gul., $1.65; New York count-, per gal., $1.80. TROPICAL i KLlTS. ORANGES California, extra fancy Red- 1 land navels, nil wires. $.'1.26, funcv navels, t $1. im; large sizes. $2.50412.75. I LEMONS Caiuomia, extra fancj , 270 I 3 and 36n sise, $3.ti; fancy. 27i sise. $2.75; Sni and 300 sue, $2.1.1; lUrlce, 24j and 2ci 654 i sizes. $2.25; 4) and 360 size. $2.50. 54 a 474 60 l'U, VltT, 1244 je 98 V'4 70'., RT4 2n 12 44 183', 128 864 4114 354 7.4 304 204 4T' R4 1194 11NU, 1; 124 684 514 19" 114 124 81 4 81 14 8T4 49i, 1", 434 ,1,4 9ft 245li. 8-4 47 1f4 42 110 "4 89 2" '-'14 8,11, 22 . li l').i4 '."41 l.livi 4C-I till I'll V' Va 1.1 m. 1 rAi 1 .'"' mm the day In 93 4!T( 1'T :, ln4 1Jii 1"''- ' '4 4 . 87, Pi-l . 107U 4 97 I 3'r1, 40 61 l:io 99'i 451 , K n-i 5''4 24(1 2:r; 12" 240 K684 414 1114 354 94 ''l. 31 19 4n 567, 1194 It'll, 124 14' 97 123 68 U. 554 1M 114 594 4:4 18! ; Rl J(U 8" 474 1' .- 4 4? l'4 4X7, "'si 2 0 214 80 3"4 11 924 4-a li"4 :r l.W I11K4 I". ,",4 box of 54 40c; 4nc-; 4Cc. 4ic; new new, per new, per $2 Hamper or $l.:6?il 5 1. bu. 1.46.4rt shsres. Statement BERLIN ment ut of :. April the Impel Ul Hank of t.erioanr. 18. The wekl" stite- l-j. ut Germany DATr.ts Pe: box of 3u-1b. pkgs.. $2.00: Hallowe'en, In iO-lb. boxes, per lb., or. FIGS-Cal'foi ma, per -o-lo. carton, TaJ 85c; Imported Smyrna, 4-crown. lnc; j-c-rown, 12c. BANANAS Per medivm-slzed bunch, $1 75 2.25; jumbos, 82.5lK(V3.0o. GRAPEt- RUI J California, per t H, 4.oo; Florida. 85 .no to fu.ou. FRUITS. 8TltAWBKHRlt.11 Texas, per 24-q.l case. $3.25. APPLES-New York Baldwins, $3.0a32J; Colorado Ben Jjavis. per box, $1.25; Human Hcuuiy. per box. suO; Baldwins and Green ings, per box. -i.on. TANGEKlNEb California, er half-box, $2 25. CRANBERRIES .lei.aevs, per crate. $2 00. VEGEl Alii.Kk, POTATOES -t.oim- gioAli. In racks, pi 1 bu., S'vilOc. Liiloradu, per Uu potatoes, ir lb., 6c. 'J'l M.Ml S Oiu, per bu., dux , i5c. CARROTS-OId, per bu. dox, 60c. P.akKNIPH (Jld, per bu BEANS Navy, per bu.. VAA ilhA.Na-t'rr Oil , ! box. $4 00. I CUi I'M BERS Per do. I PEAS-New, per market basket. i.'i. j J 11.11A 1 I'ioiulu, pe; 0-u.tRi11.-1 crate, I $5.ino6.,iu. I SPINACH-Par bu., T5c. i ON IONS Colorado ya.iotv, per lb., 2c; new I southern, per doz., 45c. I CAMHAGE Houand seed, per lb., 14c; ' Caiitomla cabbage, in crates, per lb., 2'.,c I BEETS Old. per bu., 4w. new. per uui. i bunches. ic. I UAD1SI1ES Hot ho'.ise or soutiiem, I doz.. 5' (i4oi'. 1 r.ET'l I 'E Hot house, per do.. 45- I RHUBARB Illinois, rcr box of 60 ' $1.25. i-A H8LE Y Per dot bunches. V.c. ASPARAGUS-Illinois, per liui. uunchea. $1 15; home grown, per doa. bunches, $1.'J 1.25. MISCELLANEOUS. CH EESE lsconin twina. full cream, 16c; Wisconsin Young America. 16.-; block bwiss, new. joe: uid. I'ic. i islu:iiii irn.i, loc, w isconsiii iimburger, 15c NUTS Walnuts. No 1, son shells, new crop, per lb.. 15c; bard shells, per lb., 13c; No. 2 soft shells, per lb . 1U : No. 2 h.n J shells, per lb . 12c; pecans, large, per II... 12c; small, per lb., l"c; peuiuts. per lb., 7c. matted piunut. per lb.. 8c, Chili wulnuta. rier lb., l.'oi.i1'': almondr-. soft shell, per h. 17c; hard shell, per lb., !5c: chestnut, per lb, 1241 l'c: new bljck walnuis. per bu.. 757f(-; shellbark hickory nuts, per bu., $1.73: large hlckor-- nut;', per Im., $1 50. HIDES -No. 1 green. tVo; No. j greet. 64c; No 1 salie.-l. 84c: No. 2 sailed. 7',.". No. 1 veal cair. ice; .No catr. !'c; ,ri!4c; slieeu pelts, 2.'cu;.un, $1 5i iZ Ma OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Heavy Ron of Cattle Results in & 8baip Break in Prices. LIGHT RECEIPTS SEND HOGS HIGHER Demand (enerally (Oinil anil Iradlni Brisk at Flgnres a Pla F'lae tents 4 hove Mon day's Close. SOUTH OMAHA. April IS, If. Receipts were; Cattle. 1I,.K. Sheep. Official Mondav 3."76 I.IWl 8.621 Official Tuesday T,"47 J.209 4,000 Two il-iys this week. ...10.12.! 13. 'Six 12.621 Two day., last week 9.9'0 13.681 24.880 Same davs week before.. t.9'.'2 H.ov') 15.730 Rime three weeks ag 8.274 11.357 17.745 Same four wetks axo 8t77 11. "57 8.079 Same days last year 11,549 23.i59 17,821 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts ot cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year lo dale, with comparison with last year: pft 1904 Dec. Cattle 250,204 284.816 34.632 Hogs 7u2 l"i 714. 4'W 12, .VJ Sheep 498.267 53N.46I 40.197 Th following labia shows wit nemge price of Hug, t tjou.n iur u. aeveral davs, with comparisons. I 1905. 1MH. ;l.Ul . ;1H". llaul . 1 l0f. April April April April April Apiil April April April April April April April Vpnl April July April April 9... 10.. II.. 12.. 13. . 14.. 16.. 16.. 17. 18.. I 6 1541 I - 1541 I 0 2U I I 30 I I 6 25, I 6 254i 5 2j ; 0 284, 5 31 , 6 2K 1 6 2i'.4i 6 :!': 1 5 031 6 U81 b 13 6 07 1 6 00 I lilt I 4 'Ji'j 4 'Mi a 4 to 1 N7 4 80 4 86 5 2; 4 HS 7 4 89 7 'Hi 7 30 7 28, 7 23 M 7 24! 7 24! 7 27 1 25 7 20 7 21; 7 29, 7 21! 7 18; l'i 03 14 65 ( 116 08 tti 6 03 1 I i tS 6 6.) 6 t 6 7f 6 J9, 6 K.1, I 6 86, li !u 6 91, 6 la;, 6 99. 6 97i I 6 0u 5 08 t S8, i )5 J Vim v '-5; 5 96; 5 3D 1 It 6 30 6 01, 5 92, i 331 6 to 1 5 3a, 6 91; b 5 twi 6 33 1 6 04 1 6 40, I & 48, 6 01 1 , 5 93i 5 45; 5 92 6 55; 5 815 C.i 3 4 a 3 &5 i I'" S 65 3 62 3 64 3 6$ a 3 68 3 67 3 63 3 b. S 61 0 7a' a 3 72 3 68 Mndlcatei Sunday. brought in today by each road was: Cattle. I logs. Sheep. Uses. C, M. ft St. P. Ry.... 6 2 .. 1 Wabash 2 .. .. ,. Missouri Pacific 7 1 U. P. System 9s 43 7 C. ft N. W., cast 5 C. ft ' N. . west 82 51 C, St. P., M. ft O ... 29 9 X C, B. ft y., nest 75 20 7 1 C B. ft y., east 7 2 C R. 1. ft P., eat... 4.2 C, R. I. ft P., west.. 3 1 4 Chicago Gt. Western 2 40.. I Si l 27 10 I Jtt, ,b . . . itn 1 27 si SII V:EP Reeelpts this morning were small, there being only eighteen cars re ported in the yards. Some of them were on the common to medium order, but there were others that were good enough ti suit nv buyer. The demand on the part of ocsl packers was decidedly good, anything In the" way of desirable killers met with ready sale at good steady prices. Ki-nbs. if anything, might be quoled as strofiKi Gi od kinds were all disposed of esrie. Common to medium kliKle, whUe atsiiil steady, were slow, as has been the case for several days back Taken ss n whole. It was a very satlsfsc lory market. Two doubles of Colorado western lambs hrought $7.50. yuntntions for fed stock; Good to choirs yearlings. J6.40ii6 78; fair to good year ling'. $6.KiitT.4o; good to choice wet hi is $5 iVaii5.75; fair to good wethers, $fi.ooni5 5o; g'Od to choice ewes. $5.2Ml-5.t0: fair to good rwes. $4.7r.'ji5 15; common to fair ewes. $tf)l M.i : goon to cholre lsmbg, $7 26i7 60; fair to good lambs, $60(ii7.1o; feeder lambs, No. 1 western low medium. 23024. 21jJ22c; fine averngi choice. llliifcV; axer 2Ji': medium choice. ST. LOUIS. Apiil dlum grmles ccmbliic end light tine. iw.2"4c; heavy waahe.l, ;i-,i;t7'c M 'lit.ins. fine ehnlre, '. 1'.i'i2"i-, fine medium ige, ll'ti2"c; st lple, U4i :.WlPs- t WOOL- Dull; me- 1 lothlns. 2I12.-C; line. Iini:; lub ycai lings. ewe ewe lamb lamb Innihs lambs ewes, ewes. ewes. nil ewe ."a western i nil ewes 2 western clipped ewes . S western clipped bucks I western buck 6 western clipped 1 western clipped 26 western dipped 1 western ewe .., 1 western spring 1 western spring 68 western spring 1 western lamb .. 64 western cltptd 161 western hucks... 2 western aoats. . 2 western c lipped 9 western clipped 191 western wethers 262 western ewes... 12 western clipped 171 western wethers 1 Colorado cull lamb 99 Colorado lambs 4.'.2 Mexican ewes 345 western clipped lambs 1 western yearling 20 Colorado yearlings Colorado venrllngs 361 Colorado lambs 47 w estern lambs 151 western lambs 42 western lambs '. 10 western cull ewes 15 western bucks 2 western clipped ewes. 1"S western ewes 305 western cllpned lambs 111 western lambs 32 western limbs 244 western lambs 29 western Inmbs 117 western lamos , . 71 western lnmbs Av. Fr. 80 3 Oil 84 3 0" 811 3 50 17H 3 5 210 3 75 74 4 6n 70 4 75 1"U 4 75 130 5 8 30 5 5o ;m 5 60 34 $ M llo 6 85 77 5 85 .121 S 15 . 80 3 M . 85 4 00 .96 4 75 .110 4 80 . 97 0 15 . SO 5 15 .120 6 25 .70 6 50 . 56 6 60 . 88 5 5i . 63 6 75 ,n 8 00 .76 8 40 .73 40 .75 7 25 . 80 7 50 . 81 7 50 . 83 7 0 7 4 00 , 14 4 01 , 80-4 75 84 5 25 . 53 5 75 53 R 75 . 5 5 75 81 7 00 .74 7 00 , 60 7 'ft , mi 7 on Total receipts. 320 131 18 4 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of htud Indicated: Buyer. Cattle. Omaha Packing Co 928 Swift and Company 1,456 Cudahy Packing Co 935 Hogs. Sheep. Armour Co Swift nnd Co., country Van Sunt ft Co Carey ft Benton Lobman ft Co. McCreary ft Carey Hill Huston ft Co H. F. Hamilton L. F. Ilusz Mill" Maggerty J. B. Root ft Co Bulla & Kline V. II. Clark Cincinnati Packing Co. lloffmHii S. ft S Other buyers ..1,203 .. 177 41 .. Ink ,. 3'; , . 55 .. 37 44 . 212 . . 57 62 .. 103 2 14 182 591 1.362 1.8S2 2.021 2,707 874 J.H 1,11.9 1,588 111 236 21 1 7 (111(11,11 LIVE TM K MAHKET Cattle steady Hogs Flie Higher Sheep nnd I, a nibs Lower. CHICAGO. April 18 CATTLE - Receipts, 4. (i head; msrket. steady; good to prime steels. $6.tiii6,'.5; poor to medium, $4 60?i 5. 'i6: stockers and feeders, $2 .5'.ru6.on; cows, 2.6iiifi5.(;0; heifers, $3.mV(i .00; csnners. $1.00 (ttS.W; bulls, $2.6'K((4.9i; calves, $3.0iTi.30. HOGS Receipts. 15.H00 head; estimated for tomcrrow. 27.(8 head; maritet, 6c higher; mixed and butchers. $5 4516.55: good to cholcee heavy, $5.5241(6.60; rough heavy, $5 364(5.45; light, $6.3515.65; bulk of stiles. $5 .60 6.56. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 18.000 head; market for sheep, lnc lower; lnmbs, Ufa 16c lower; good to ihohe wetheis, shorn, $5,251(5.36; fair to choice mixed. $4,004(4 75; w stern sheen. $4.5'"i-5 40; native Inmbs. shorn, $4.5iV'i6 it); western lambs, $5.(J0(7.75, western lambs, shorn, $4.5iWi6.90. 254 I Total . C.v 1TLE- .- 6,293 9.132 4.033 lie lull was excess! M and 101- lovv:ug ti.e weaa trend 01 too naue yester day, u. oisasnous Iiicbk loliowcd tins morn ing. Kcieipls Here were upward 01 Sou cars, a 8'ittlrleiu number to emiole buyers to pound out a sharp decline. Beef steers were plentiful and buyers look occasion to lower prices udjluc all around. The muvement wus necessarily hlow at the prices and It was line before an trading ot erinseiitienco was done. Pos sibly u few of tile right choice lots did riot show so much oil, but as a rule sales were lully as low ss quoted. The cow market also suffered a sharp de cline In sympathy with the market on beef steers. '1 raue was slow 111 prices generally about 10c lower all around. The run of feeding slock was also In ex cess of the demand and vulues In that di rection also sutlered a setliack. Trading was sluggish and prices were usually quoted about a dime lower than yesterday. In ferior stun whs hard to move at any price. BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 6. ii 4 25 II 1 1 KM S Hi 1. . . 1018 4 liM 5 5 15 '.. .1010 6 (HI II Ilikz 5 6.4 15 UK.' .'.HI 2 im h 6 -.-1 1 lo t 17 11H ! 7" M lH'l 6 46 S6 !U57 8 til b IK'S 5 Mi It. 1414 1 " ..5 lOL'ii s .Mi it. 1412 r, H5 il ll4 i .Ml 2ii tlN'H ( S. 16 Hi,. ! oil a UK! 2'i l.".5(l f. 50 47 145s M COW'S. J 7T 2 K 10 811 4 20 1 910 a 6 21 H i I 5 f, I6 2 76 -i:l 4 46 4 Kfiil ! 75 Kl loo.-, 4 4o 2 1015 n -j;. .4 ii)3 4 5a 4 lirnO i th 1 4il 4 I'm 1 PM) 3 2 j 1 Il'i.'i 4 So r, 4 3 40 5 lot,, 4 o 1 17H 3 50 S 1228 4 75 4 1025 4 J ISO! 4 75 1 tin 4 00 21 1120 5 10 CIm AND H El FEUS. IS IOCS I 25 HE1FER8 1 sua !i "! 74.1 4 no 2 67U 8 75 U'jr. 4 ."i i 6.17 2 tl It r, 4 75 4 7lii S 00 24 Jim 4 a.) 17 SKI 4 10 1 1530 3 do 1 141(1 SO I 1155 S 25 1 146(1 8 XI 12'JO S 3u 1 I2ID J to CALVE8. 1 190 I 75 1 1,10 I 75 1 HO 4 "' 4 14! 15 3 11 4 7i", 2 r.'0 i 75 1 n 6 sr, 1 nr. on 7 101 5 25 1 25') 4 (10 ; 15 t ill 1 12(1 00 6 24 8 6'. 1 130 II 00 . . 150 I 50 1 14" i 00 STOCK ER8 AND FEEDERS. J 41'.' a 1 4 an 1 1140 : o a ; 4 no 4 701 3 00 2 turn 4 on It irio ) 12 u 4 no H 47.1 8 in 1 :,o 4 in 5 72 8 2'. :t 135 4 ID a n .1 an I nmo 4 15 900 3 50 7 S74 4 15 I 5115 S 7: 2 '.HI 4 2.". 14 4:i 3 7S ill DM 4 2? 4 tn S 1.1 24 7(15 4 44 '... 478 3 40 '2n7 7S7 4 16 17 3 HO SOUTH DAKOTA. 24 feeders.. lea: 4 8fi e lork Live Stock Market. NEW YORK, April 18 BEEVES-Receipts, one car direct; no trading; feeling firm; dressed beef steady, at 91 Mc per lb. Cables from London and Liverpool uiioled live cattle at 124r(Tl3c per pound, dressed weight; refrigrrator beef, 9?itt4c Exports, H.V.i beeves and 4.8'HI quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 450 head; feeling about steady; common to prime veals sold at $4.OOfr(7.70 per 100 lbs., n few extras at $8.00; city dressed veals steady, at kullisc per ib. HOGS Receipts, 3.631 head; market steady; prime state and Pennsylvania hogs sold at $5.iifurt.00. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 695 head; steady; sheep sold at 5.0KfS.H; lambs, $7.65fi.40; clipped lambs. $6.50; Vir ginia spring larnhs, im.60 per head; dressed mutton, dull at 7'ulOc per Ib; dressed lambs, lUullc. Exports, 110 sheep. M. Louis Live Stork Market. ST. LOUIS, Mo., April IS. CATTLE Re ceipts. 4,500 head,- Including ll.SOO Texans. Market: Natives steady; Texans strong; native shipping uhd export steers, $5.00'tf 850; dressed beef and butcher steers. $4.(i 4f5.9B: steers under pounds, $4.0()ti5.50; Blockers nnd feeders. $2.76fl-4.76; cows and heifers, $3.40475.10; canners, 12.00472.60; bulls. $U.6ba'.5"; calves, $4.0ti4.'25; Texas and Indian steers, H.50u5.75; cows and heifers, $2,001(4.50. HOGS Receipts s.oui) liana : maraei strong. Pigs and lights. $l.(8g5.25; pack ers. $3.2o4ii.aO; butchers and beet heavy. X5.4'Kfj6.''. BHEEP AND LAM BS -Receipts, 2.onn head; market steady. Native muttons, t.0i irjo.60; lambs. $VCOji8.00; aprlng Isnibs. $11; culls and bucks, $3.5ia?i4.00; stockcrs, $2.nOi3,Oii. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Mo.. April 18. CATTLE Receipts, I'V-loO heud. including 1.600 bend southerns. Market 5iiI0c lower. Top, $6 6n; choice export and dressed beef steers, $5.9oj6.Sn; fair to good, $4.65iu 5.85: western fed steers. $5.00t! 6. 40 : stockcrs and feed ers. 3.25J(5.25; southern fleers, $4.0tar4I.OO: southern cows. S2.7r.TfV10; native cows, $2.50'u5.1"; native helfeis. $3.2K'ri5.(i5; bulls, (2 .7f.0i4.7r: calves, $ HOGS Receipts, ll.o'H head; market 5c higher; top. $6.45; bulk of sales. $5.31 (5.40; heavv. $5.3741(0.45; packers, $o.35h6.424; pigs 'and lights, $4.4'a5.324. SHEEP AND LA.MHS Receipts. 5.0i8) head; market strcnu; spring lanihs, $8.50; native lambs. $6.0ii7.5O; native wethers, $5.004! 4.09; native fed ewes, $4.50fii4.65; west em red lambs. $6 .Otu7.b0; western f'-l year lings, $l.5'i'n6.'iO, Western fed sheep, $4.604: 6.1.1(1; sloikcis and feed. is. $3.50g6.50. gt. Joseph Live Slock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo., April 18. CAT TLE Receipts. 2.7i4 head; 10c lower. Natives, $4.6H4fil.40: cows ami heifers, $2.00 W5. 4o; Mockws and feeders. $3.('((6. o, HOGS Receipts 8.9611 head; strong to 5c higher. Light. $5.3oru6.424; medium and heavy. $5.';rn'n5,45. SHEEP Meeeipf. 1.700 head; market steady lo eusy. -t'olorudo lambs, $7.55. DlflOl City Live Stock Market SIOUX 411TV. April 18 (Sfieclal Tele gram.) CATTLE - Receipts. l."t heal: market weak; stockcrs, slow; beeves, $4 0OU 6.11; cows1, hulls and mixed. x.i.tVn; (n; stockcrs and feeders. $3.00'(4.40; calves and jearlings. $2.75U4.00. IK.KiS Receipts, 3.o(t head: mnrket 5c highei. selling at $0. lMr,.;i,'i; bulk of salos, $..22405.274. Stork tn Siaht. The following table e-hows the receipts of HOGS A big decrease In receipts 11 1 Chi cago tills morning proved a bull feature with trade that reversed conditions from vestcrday and prl es are again on the up ward move. I'lu- run here was slxiut normal, but the demand was sufficient to I force prices about 6c higher and causa Ian active tr:ide at the advance. It was ' lMigel.v a one-price r...irkn again, as the I ureal bulk went st $5,274. as against $6.22'- yesterday and f.i.3r Saturday. The market' ruled active at the prices nnd a clearance was made In good season. live stock al the six principal western markets yesterday: Cattle. I logs. Sheeep. South Omaha 7.047 H.20O 8.621 Sioux City I.S'iO 3.000 Kansan Citv 10.200 11i 5.'i St. Joseph 2.714 .96'.i 4 780 St. Louis 4.S0I) 8.i)0 2.0ih1 Chicago 4.000 15.i) 18,n') Total 29.961 53,478 28,4"1 per lbs., di'y salted, buise iiiUt-a,' No Av. Sk. Tr No. Av. Kk. Pr. JT ...171 U'll Ifi 7 321 lail b tv la ,.st ... 4 25 84... . .. . .-"I . SO 6 JJ4 I ..... -t'i 525 l J"t tn i 4 41 8l:i ' l0 8 25 7 215 HI o 211, 78 2-3 5al I -" ''-' 217 CI 5 27', 4 . ...;'2l ... 65 ". 217 an 5 -7', so ,,203 40 01 e:,. ...... 01 e 274 27 l ... ( V'i .19 IWI 5 27 4 ...217 ..' ! !V ' !...'.. :"!9 . . ( 2l'v I, '.1 k 5 25 71 2..I n 5 Si', 41 200 jn II 25 ' 7'! 203 1 5 27', Si .!i Mil I "1 14 4U b 'it' 77 !lu 40 5 72 Sl'9 , .. t 27', SI Id:: 12J 274 217 ... 5 27', Kl itt ... 6 K4 34 SS t'i 5 27', (1 240 t'i 5 ?7't : Ml an 5 27-, II 174 4.1 5 271, do : an 3 21', I l n7 IK' l '-7', 12 201 ii I 27', 75 22i I2'l 27', 77 2. . a" i til, 77. 24 ... 6 :'7, 24 Ut 127 , 78. 2S.1 ... 8 27 H 1 2f. i 27'-i 75 211 M 3 :V-t 74 2! ' m I si', 45 219 . . i IV, It 224 4" 8 t7', t 19'. t 8 27',, l . l'j ... i j;i, 71 212 ... i 24 l 242 ... r. 1.0 : ... a 27', :i4 2' . . I 27, if 2ii ... 27, in . i;j i i!', 4 211 ... ! 27, K 222 a i 2.', 1,7 229 ... 6 27', 21 .4 ... ( 2J4 III 22t 40 .1 i'7'.a 13 ...2(7 ... .'. 27', 7c 2'.i I1.11 ( .7', C 2. . . i .'t : 43 '" I" 3 27 '5 274 U'l 5 87'., 8. 2,2 t3l' ' 2; '-j 7! 27.'. v. ; !;:, 5a 2ul an 4 27 v !" ia7 . . 5 .:m C 2..0 V. i 27', 41 2?l 12(1 5 So 45 273 120 1271, ft 243 ... I Vi al ........ ,22u an I :i 72... 2 la ... a So 7:: 2".'. an I 27'., 75 . .. 2.1 . 5 3'i ; 2i . . i :t , :2 no . a i 14 2.9 4" 5 27', 74 2il 1" i 2" li 5 I S " 2"1 -' ' "' 5:- 244 . . t SI' . S'. Si: . . !. 3 . 7" 2M in 2T-, m . . . las an . 74 2ia . . .'. 2,'l, 17 243 .. I t'i M 27" 5 27 l, ' 4(- .'. ' ( I l'i US 4" It 27', M "; S i 77 t.t ::-i 5 2.V, 49 27 1 J Id .M Jla". .'. 27-, 71 22 l'i 5 In 7.1 17 an t J' v-.. .'... . : r., 7: ... $: . 27 ... i j:. Metal Mnrket. NKW YORK. Apr. I IV- M ETA I -4. - Thn lxuulon tin niarke't showed further rtai Voin'lless Willi prices lilgher flt Al', .'"S for spot and A'!.C. ,s 6.1 for futures The oes,l insiki-t .'(.iitinues nui.t, but shows Prni ness emong holdeis with spot ipioted st fclrt. gl' 5. Copi er w sa low er nhiond, closing at trW, Us fm spot niuT 7 2s 1 for futures l.ocallv the situation shows little iliiinge nnd ileniaml ia ipiict Sotn of the lnie produceis nie sllll s-iid to be askillK 1 hi' ont-.iie pri,'. ,H.,ed. tmt It Is probable that business can be transacted a shade under the Inside prices in some Instances. Lake Is unoled at $15.;!71..i 18 d; electrolvtle at 815 26415.374: custiug at 814 74T1.V25 l ead was iilichntigeil. at $4 5(i4 6i In Ihe local niaikct. but lower abroad, at 12. 15s. Shelter n a shn le higher In London, closing st J.24, buf re inaineil inilei in the market nt $11.00, Iron closed at els 3d in Glasgow and at 5oa 7',d In Mlddlesboro. The local Iron msr ket shows n steadier tone. Demand hat Improved somewhat and It Is reported that furnaces, which a few days ago seemed willing to some concessions, arl stiffening op. No. 1 foundry northern 11 quoted al $17 .0 ft IS. 25: No. 2 foundry north ern st $l7.10'(i17.75; No. 1 foundry southern and No. 1 foundry southern soft at $17. el 4J1S. ?5. lotion Market. NEW YORK. Anrll IS - COTTON-Spot. closed ii-.tlet : middling uplands. 7 85r; m id ling aulf. 810c; sales, none. LIVERPOOL. April 18 - COTTON -Spot, quiet: prices 12 points lower; American middling, fair. 4 65d; middling. 4 17d; low middling. 4 old: good ordinal y. 3 83d; op d'na-y. 3 i'.7d. The sales of the day wetv, .ii bnles. of which Sort hales were for speculation and Included 3.8 0 bales Attn--' tin lev. including . .M8 18. -COTTON ordinary. 4Tej low mlddl'ng. good mlddllna. rece'pts, 1u 201 lean; receipts American NEW ORLEANS. April Steady; sales. l.i bales; good ordinirv. 6 l-lc; 13-lis'; mldillltig. 7 5-16 ; 7 11-16.-; middling, fa'r. 84. be'es; stock 236.0O3 bales. ST. LOUIS. April IS ( 'OTTON Qu'et; middling. 7 9-16c; sales, none; recelp's. none; shipments. 44; hales: e-tock. ia.Oii bales Sugar anil Molasses. NEW VOPK. .4-."il market steadv; fair centrifugal. !1 test. losses sllg.r. 'tt'.-'lic. No. 6. 8.55i': No. 7. 5.5"e: 53fc: No 10. S.lilc: No. S.I5C No. 13. 8.05c: No 14 A. 6c; mould A, 6.6Hc: i.T'ished. 'i'ic: nowdoied. II.Iac: coles. 6.40c. MOLASSES- Steady kettle, n'lod to choice NEW OR LEA NS. -(fillet: niipii kct'le t 1 "I'llAR Hmw. refining. 4 S-18f; 4 13-IKc; mo Redneii. oiilet; No. 8. 6 4nc; No. , 11. 5.7iic: No. 11 , 5c: confectioners cut loaf. .; 6.2V-: granulated. New Orleans, operl '.All 35c. N mil 14. SUGAR 3". 11414c. : open ket- iiteifiiaal. 4i4i4 1."-1''e .: .'.-ntrlfnail winter l: yellow, 4"4fia 1 ihe; seconds. 3 11-1641 I I-I60. MOIAFSES-Noiiiinal; !c: 6'illc. 80r. open kettle 12 Syrup, nominal. Dry (iooils Mar'vet. NEW YORK. April 18.--DRY GOODS Comparatively little development In the local trade had occurred and orders are on a restricted ac-ilc. Everything Points to a continuance of llrni prices and sellers see warrsnt for maintenance of old iniotn tlons Ihough conipnratlvclv few sdyances have hen registered. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. O., April 18 $8 :io bid- April. JS.25 bid asked. Prime nlslke, $7.60 $1.4. SEEDS -Clover, ( lelobel . $5.77tf I'rlme timothyj HKtl, KSTVIF. IHASFKHS. fur .iiid 114 600 DEEDS tiled for .ecord April 18, as nliilied by the Midland Guuranteo 'tiinit company, bonded abstracter, cariuim su-ea-i, ror rue nee: Lucille p. Matthews tn D. E. Smith, lots 7. 8, 17 and IS, block 19. Halcyon Heights $ none u. 'myites to Benson Ijind com pany, lot 9, block 18, Benson 1 Almla C. Millard to S. Otis, part lot 17. block 2, Belvldei-e add 275 F. Williams and wife to J. Oaman xlnri. w'4 sw4 se4 of section 1-15-12.. 4,000 Saunders County National hank to Alois Syacl. lot 14. bloek 1. Mvnes' add S. W. Thompson to A. C. and Elisa beth Van Bant, part lot .2, block , sub of J. 1. Redlck's add Emma A. 8tarkey-Hn ens and hus band to Isaliel Linn, part lot II, Bar ker's allotment Mnrls Hellman. executor, to Annl" L. M. Kimball, part of lot 2, Johnson's add Anna Dwnrak tn C. Luck, part of lot 2. block 18. S. E. Rosters add H. 8. Thomas ami wife to J. B. Stas lot 12. block 90. Florence F. W. fVtemlchnel and wife tn l.evon, lots 17 and 18, bh uk 18. Halcyon Heights ,..,.......',.. J. G. Whiting, trustee, to C. I.ireh. lots 3 and 4. block 3, second add to Sot-th Omaha Mary .1. C Ryan and husband to Henry and Louise Vntidenbuger, lots 3 and 6. block 8. ('ongi.ii Place.. Storz Real Estate company to C. Ksel- ber. lot 6, block 15, Patrick's second add ....:...' :.,...:,,. City of Omaha to J. Griffon, strips iidjolnlng lot 107, (Use's add Civ Savings bank lo C, ocnvuura., part of lots 1 and MeCaiidllsh SltTtii and wife to Clara Clark, part 60 650 800 6M O.iaiO 175 400 I.OOO 2.600 4"0 1 tills and Rosin. NEW YORK. April '.. (II) I ' . 1 1 1 1 1 ( 1 1 . steady: prime' crude, nominal: prime yel low. 2f4',25'' Petei.lui. s I'adv: I 'lliied. New York. $7.05; I'hlluilelphla nnd Baltl. more. $7.00: Philadelphia and Baltimore, In bulK, l. 10. 1 ui")i lulne. dull. 6l4f:a'c. OIL CITY. Pa.. April Ik.-Credit balances, $1.81: certificates, no bid. Shipments, 74, 756 libit.; average. Tt.Kii bids. Runs. 47,-ilj bbls.; nyrrage, 65. 061 bbls. Shipments. I iniH. 64 419 bbls.: averav. ''.V'iCii bliis. Runs, 13tui. 9"9 bhls.; iivcriig 50615 bbs. SAVANNAH 111., April 18. ol L. Tur pentine, firm, K'e. ROSIN-Ir 1. in: A. R. 1 '. 1 '. $2.!2,: K 3.(': P". $.'""; H $115; II. $3,311; I, tx.:,i; K. $3.75: M. $!.; N. $4.10; W G,' $t W W, T 25. W iiol Ma rkel, BOSTON. Apr l IS. WOOL I icavv s(t!es of foreign wool ;icd the ri 'iorts fr en ihe wsi as to the utgeucy ill the mikiin i.f con'iacts have bn-ii Hi" require o: the wool market. Foreign wools uf i. K,.,u, but especially AiiNtrslla.i grades. b..ili 1 rossbrei'.s ai.d tine merinos, ha-.e n.ld i;et ter Ulan for some time. the. lotal bona -tiuiated as iilgh -ib pi,lVi pou.iils. Tl'.nis.ii--t ions In territorial wools have bun limited. Pulled wools are firm. Quota lions in this market on domci'lio wools are about us follows: Ohio and I'enn-.1 1 a nil XX and above. 2:fi'ii-j X. 3o''Jl(". No. I 3i:.l,c; No. 2. 2741 'JSi ; line 24'i2ic; iguarti t blood unwaslii-d. :i'a, -eighths bpm I. s tcili ; htlf 0)0014 '.'Sp '':; u.nv tsl ed ie lu'ne. 271'.'8o; u:imccha 111.1 nit. 2-'y.t).-; li;:. WMsoed ilil.niic. :'.6le''f31ei f tlugaii. itoe i.n washed, 22'(i-'li ; nuurier bo i.J unw i-h'-.l. , vi3"c; t hr e-e'ght lis blood. l",c; half, 2-4i'ii-i-; uu'JbHKlird da'aire, 25"fi?oV'. Ken tucky. Illdiari.l. I'tc.. I 111 ee-elh. ur1 il,iar'r hlr-cd, 3! ; territory . Idnh i. fln. I'ldl'lc; heavy lilic, ',61)17'' 'lie Mill. IVo ?"': me liuni. 21 ?': !"' .lln u. 2",''iii W'vominp. fine, lT'iylhi-; hen - ii..a. :,it 'v : fine nied um. 1SV'9''; inHiru, 22(221'': I w medium, :342lc. Ualt i,od N'cva-I.i. Hue. 17 jl6c; heavy fine. I'lTiir,.-: fine metMum. 17', t18i , nn-. i'.l:, 11, 220 2'V, low niedi i;-.i, 2'''i-'4c; of lot 107, Glse's add. and strips ad Joinilig . Clara -t Murk trr W.- J. Hunter, same W. Yi. Krattse to A. Sudenherg, lot 13, block l. Mayne's second add Tukev Land company to Kate Dutcher. lot 18, block 10. Clifton Hill Omalij Realty company to A. Dona hue, lots 1 nnd 2 and part of li4 i. King's add Marv P. Whiting to G. W. Crnlg, lot 12. block 1. Bedford Plain C. A. Kent nnd wile to city of Omaha, part lot 1. Preston ft Williams' add.. Mlenigan Alilllilil l.iie insinnoi-e i-i.iii- panv to citv of Oinnha, part lot 4. Preston ft Mllss" add '1.100 I'nlted Real Estate and Trust com-, panv to J. II. Vance, lot 14. block S3. Kar'tse Place 1.400 1 .500 1.500 loo l.ioo 8"0 70(1 ' WliWwWVVV'W 4-(nT A Fn.I. LINK a if I'lcciriciil siiinillcs 11I wii.vh on luiii'l. We cull suiiply yam wltti nii.vthdiK .vim need iii tin1 wny of elocii-icnl nintcriiil. Lili'i'tilc Li-lls, litixgcrg, lumps, socjiptg, rlc. cm lip luii'elinsi'd lioii". We iilso do I'li-ci i lcn I wiit-k. mill iusihII l-ll'I'll ll'lll Wil'lllj: K.VNtl-llIN ill 1 1)4 llolllC or nrlli'C. when i m;i:d of t'l'-l II I' ll I us. 11 ml we 1 inr win ' is rlgl 1. Slljljllil1 II nioi'i till' Ill'St iii- wui'U. 1-41 J 1 vn yimi- c(iiiilitiiiiis. II tn 1 olll' l'l'iir.4 Western Electrical - Company, G. . .IIIT(I. 1212 Farnsm St. Tel. 456 OMAHA. EuWards-Woo!l Co 1 1 lll'lll'iir.t led . ruin Oilier: l ifttt nJ ko tirtt StrJtU M I'AUL, TUNS. CEALtKSIM Stocks, (irain, Provisions Miip Your Cirniu to Us Ir.ieeli (llfler. Illi-il Irnnril sir Trl4i Oiuahs, 8tk Teleptauue :t'i ti-il4 Kx.-t..i,;, Bide South Omasa BU l'Sos aig. 4.assasl f tStvtf 4