Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 18, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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TVlr-phnn 004. Bee, April, 17, 1005. !
rrTVT 7ST 1
fnr Wnmfn
. I XTho Eastrr showing is large with
a now bat or a new gown, something new in tin; way of neck
dressing is one of the most important nccefsoripn. Many of the
styles we show are exclusive.
"Self-reverenc. aclf.
know)r4ar, self-control
these lhrf
lone lend life
t sovereign
yn rrrr."
In white nd colors made with short
and long tabs. Price 60c to $2.50 each.
White Embroidered Turn-Over Sets, made
with either white or colored embroidery.
Prices 60c. 75c and S1.0D each.
White Turn-Over Sets, hand-fnnde In
French and eyelet embroidery. Trice $2.00
to $4.50 each.
White Lace Sets, with straight and turn
ever collars, Valenciennes trimmed and
Iriuh crochet. Prices 50c to $4.50 each.
Chemisettes are very popular; we are
showing a beautiful line from the plain
ered snd lace trimmed. Price ranging from
50c to s.i.00 each.
Knitted Corset Covers
Women's Knitted Corset Covers. A gar
ment that Is Indispensable these cool days.
Women's medium weight cotton corset
covershigh ' heck, long sleeves or high
neck, no sleeves. All slies, 50c.
. Women's fine white mercerised Corset
Covers high neck, long sleeves. All siies,
Women's medium weight cotton Vests,
high neck, long sleeves also drawers ankle
pique and tucked to the dainty embrold-1 length, extra large sixes, 25a each.
if. M. C A. Building, Corner Sixteenth and Douglas Streets
east at ten knots. The ships appeared to
bo In good condition.
A report Is current here that a portion
of the Russian squadron has reached a
bay In Chinese waters northward of Hong
Cape Padaran, on the east const of
Cochin China, Is not far south of Kam
ranh bay, where It Is reported a number
of Russian warships are anchored 'and
Itnsslans In Tnran Bay.
LONDON, April 17. A special dispatch
from Hong Kong says that a portion of the
Russian .. squadron was seen Sunday at
Turan bay, about 360 miles north of Kam
ranh bay.
Turan bay is between latitude Id and
lattltudo 17 north. . According to advices
from HaJgfong to a Paris newspaper forty
Russian vessels were recently sighted In
that luttltudfl, steaming north.
British Lose Another Ship.
NAGASAKI, April 17, The appeal In the
case. of the British steamer Nlgretla, seized
by rbe Japanese cjrusor Tsushima Decem
ber 30 crfE'the' coast of Corc'a and condemned
as a prize' January &,' has been rejected.
The vessel and Its cargo have been con
fiscated. Knlelgh Off Borneo.
LABUAN, British Borneo. April 17.-The
"United States torpedo boat destroyers
Bafry and Chauncey arrived here this
morning from the Philippines to join the
United States cruiser Raleigh, which, how
ever, had already ' left. The destroyers did
not sight any Russian, or Japanese vessels.
The Raleigh left Labuan, beading north,
on the morning of April M.
French Admiral Joins Ship,
SAIGON, 7 April 17. Admiral De Jon
qulenes fcaa rejoined the French cruiser
Descartes In Kamranh bay, Cochln-Chlna,
about 200 miles northeast of Saigon.
SEBASTOPOL, April 17.-Several torpedo
boats which Lewis Nixon of New York
has been setting up here, have been com
pleted and shipped to Vladivostok.
Han Who. Pell Overboard and Was
Rescued Ilaa Reported.
SAIGON, April 17. The Russian sailor
who 'fell overboard In the ;StraIts, of Ma
lucca and who was rescued after floating
iwelve hours on a plank was brought to
Saigon, whence he has Joined the squadron.
, Admiral Bnyle has signed a contract with
a Kong Kong firm for the salvage of the
French armored cruiser Sully, which ran
on rocks in Allong bay early In February,
The firm will be paid $300,000 if It succeeds
in raising the cruiser. The Bully la still
fast upon the rocks.
Folk to Enforce Sunday Law.
ST. LOUIS. Anil 17.-A telegram was
received today from Governor Folk by
Sheriff Ilerpel of St. Louis county, t.uit
the Sunday closing law, which was ob
served In St. Louis yesterday closing
saloons, bnrber shops and cigar store
must be enforced In the county. The tele
gram advised Sheriff Iferpel that Governor
Folk had been Informed of wholesale
violations of the law In the county yester
day and directed that the sheriff take such
steps as may be found necessary to enforce
the. law and to call fur such aid as may bo
Committee Adopts Meaanre to Protect
Bnslaesa Men Against
At a meeting of the Charities Endorse
ment committee yesterday In the Commer
cial club rooms an endorsement card was
adopted for the use of persons soliciting
for benevolent enterprises. Samples are
being shown, so that the business men of
whom contributions are a-ked may become
familiar with It and may not be imposed
upon by bogus cards. It is blue-v about the
size of a postal card and has places for
the signature of the chairman and secre
tary of the endorsement committee. On
the obverse side are the numes of the -entire
A form of blank to be filled out by or
ganisations applying for endorsement was
also adopted. Questions are asked regard
ing the disposition of funds, whether they
are applied to the running expenses or
used for other purposes. The names of
the auditing committee of each institution
.are required.
Mrs. Joseph Hoyden and J. A. Sunder
land were elected members of the commit
tee In place of T. C. fl'yrne and C. C. Bel'
den, who announced themselves unablo to
serve. The application for endotsement of
the Salvation Army Rescue home was re
celved and endorsement given.
Plana May Be Complete Within Sixty
Days and Actual Construc
tion In Fall.
The time pet by the building committee
ana omcers lor the completion of the pre
llminary work on the new Ymm Mn',
Christian association building Is sixty days.
ii is proposed to be ready to let contracti
by that thne so that building may, bi
actually begun by September 1. It is proba
ble that the plans and elevations, Vgrthe
with the specifications cannot be finished li
sixty days. Much work has already been
done bv the architect, unci ih. KniM no-
committee on plans designed for the Six
teenth and Howard street corner, but some
of this will now have to be undone. No
final drawings had been reached, and some
of the principal details of construction, the
question of an auditorium among them,
have not been settled. Even if the associa
tion boards are able to agree at once on
all the dettails) of the building, the archi
tects will have to work very rapidly to
have, the building plans ready for bidders
In two months.
Heating and Ventilation Come in for a
Lengthy Discussion.
Members Ventilate Opinions and
Cause a Little Heat Without a
Definite Cnaeloslon on
That In addressing Mrs, Pinkhara you
are confiding your private ills to a woman
a woman wh'che experience 'with wo
man's diseases covers a great many years.
You can talk freely to a woman when it
is revolting to relate your private troubles
to a man besides a man does not under
stand simply because be is a man.
Many women suffer in silence and drift alongf
front bad to worse, knowing full wt.ll that, they
ought to have immediate assistance, but a natural
modesty impels them to shrink from exposing them
selves to the questions and probably examinations of
even their family physician. It is unnecessary.
Without money or price you can consult a woman
whose knowledge from actual experience is great.
Mrs. tMnkliam's Standing Invitation:
Women sufferinfr from any form of female weak
ness are invited to promptly communicate with Mrs.
I'inkhana at Lynn, Mas. All letters are received,
opened, read and answered by women only. A
woman can f-eely of her private Illness to a
woman; thus has been established the eternal
confidence between Mrs. Plukham and the women
of America which has never been broken. Out
of the vast volume of experience which she
has to draw from, it is more than passible
that she has gained the very knowledge
that will help your case. She asks noth
inffin return except your good-will, and her
advice has relieved thousands. Surely any
woman, rioh or poor, is very foolish If she
does not take advantage of this treneroua
offer of assistance. Lydia E. Pinkham
Medicine O., Lynn, Mass.
Following we publish two let
ter from woman who accejw
ted this invitation. Note the
reitult. .
First letter.
" Dear Mrs. Pinkham:
" For eight years 1 have suffered something
terrible every month with luy periods. The
pains are excruciating and I can hardly stand
tbeui. My doctor says I bsve ovarian and
womb trouble, and I must ko through an op
eration U 1 want to got wU. 1 do not want
to submit to It If 1 can pemibly help It.
l'leaaa toil me what to do. I houe vou can
relieve ma Mrs. Mary Pimtnick, Mf&and E.
Capitol fcti , Benuii g P.O., VVaahiugUm,U.C.
tveond letter.
Dear Mrs'. Knkhamy
" After foltowtnor carefully your advice.
and taking Lvli B. I'uikhain'a Vegetable
Cumpouikl, I am vary anxious to send you
inv testimonial, that others war know t&oir
T1immum1 what jun have done for cm.
iii -
As vou know. I wrote vou that mv doctor
said 1 must have an operation or I could not
live. I then wrote you, felling you my ail-
niema. i touowea your advice ana am en
tirely well I can walk mi lee without an
ache or a pain, and I owe my life to you and
to Lydia K ilukliam'i Vegetable Compound.
1 wish every suffering woman would read
this testimonial and realize the valu of writ
ing to you and your remedy." Mrs. Mary
Dirumick, JJi and E. Capitol (Streets, Ban
ning 1. O., Washington, D. C
When a medicine has been successful
in restoring to health so many women
whose testimony is so unquestionable,
you cannot well say, without trying it,
I do not believe it will help me." It
you are ill, don't hesitate to get a bot
tle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound at once, and write Mrs. Pink
ham. Lynn. Maaa., for special advice
it U free and always helpful.
Plscui'flon ss to whether or not the
Monmouth Park school building and Its
elaborate hrntlnn and ventilating; appara
tus are worth the 47,(iro Invested In them,
and whether It Is wipe to employ Archi
tect Thomas It. Kimball, who drew the
plans to make plana for the new slxteen
room Vinton building, enlivened things nt
the meeting of the Board of Education last
night. The result of the talk was to defer
action upon a resolution advocated by the
committee on buildings and property which
would authorize the oommlttee to hire an
architect to prepare the preliminary plan.
Member Knnis made the motion to thin
effect. Member Cole ankod how much the
building had cost and Member Rice told
him U7,0CO. Mr. Cole said he thought the
district should get considerable returns
from so much money, and Mr. Rice re
sponded that the ventilation was perfect,
and that some of the cost Is due to the
fact that the structure Is built so it can
be enlarged
Member Lindsay, who Is a member of
the buildings and property committee, said
he preferred to lot the whole board take
the "onus" of selecting an architect In
stead of unloading the burden on the com
mittee. Vance on the Ventilation.
Then Member Vance said some uncom
pll nentary things snout the new school
building. "I do not know how the heat
ing plant is working now," said he. "But
I was there In the winter and It was very
unsatisfactory. While I was there an ex
pert from Chicago was trying to get the
apparatus In working order and failed
utterly at that particular time. Tosslbly
he succeeded later, but he-was in anything
but a pleasant frame of mind that morn
ing. The heating people said the ven
tilating system was wrong, and the ven
tilating people said the heating system was
wrong, and I came to the conclusion that
everything wns wrong. I know that some
thing Is wrong. There has been much com
plaint concerning the outside appearance
of the building and against the amount
of money we put in It. It seems an un
necessary outlay of money. If the same
architect Is employed for other schools
some way should, be devised to curb his
power. Mr. Kimball Is a first class archi
tect, but he has the reputation of beins
expensive, and contractors say they figure
higher on Jobs that he supervises."
"That's because he Insists upon the spec
ifications being lived up to and the right
kind of work," asserted Mr. Rice.
Member Koenig said he understood the
heating and ventilating plants had beon
turned over to what was supposed to be
the best firms of their kind In Chicago,
und that the work had cost about one
third of the amount put in the building.
Defense of the Architect.
"The fact- that contractors object so
strenuously to the architect Is proof that
his work Is good," said Mr. MeCague.
"But as chairman of the finance commit
tee I wajit to call your attention to the
fact that we will have only about JtO.000
left In the building fund this year. This
will enable you to employ an architect
and perhaps get foundation In. The
building fund next year may be large
enough only for a twelve-room building,
and the remainder of the structure may
have to go up later."
Returning to the original subject, Mr.
Rice said the heating and ventilating
plants at the Monmouth Park school are
going to work satisfactorily on an econom
ical basis and declared that the building
Is the only one in the west equipped with
up-to-date apparatus of this kind. Chnir
man Christie said the architectural beauty
of the building had been lacriflced to keep
the expense down and this was admitted.
Cutting; Off Parker's Power.
Proceedings were started toward cur
tailing the power of Truant Officer Par
ker, which he has exercised up to the
present time without a check-gauge. An
amendment to the rules was Introduced
and acted upon favorably, which will
cause the truant officer to be under the
jurisdiction of the superintendent of in
struction and not authorized to undertake
pros -cutions under the compulsory educa
tion law without Instructions from the
latter. Secondly, a report adopted for
the purpose of paying $40 to Justice Bald
win and t-7 to his constable forbids the
truant officer from taking these cases
Into Justice courts, and directs him to
bring action ire the police court, which
will eliminate the charges. The money
was for the fifteen cases which Officer
Parker pulled off in Justice Baldwin's
Acting Chairman Balrd of the judiciary
committee said the truant officer informed
him that in police court he was forced
to lose several hours waiting for his cases
to be called, while the Justice arranged
hearings in the evening or at other times
so as not to Interfere with truant catching.
Member Cole stated that Officer Parker
told him lie could not "get results" In
the police court; that cases were dismissed
and he failed thereby to instil the proper
reverence for the law in delinquent par
Enlarging Clifton Hill School.
Authority was given for the construc
tion of two frame additions, each 25x23
feet In size, on either end of the. Clifton
Jllll school, the estimated cost being )4,7uo,
the work to be done under the supervi
sion of the superintendent of buildings
and the direction of the committee on
buildings and property. Four rooms will
be added to the school In this way. The
plans were drawn by Superintendent of
Buildings Flnluyson.
"The additional room la budly needed,"
said Superintendent Davidson. "At pres
ent no leas than fifty children from the
district are attending the Walnut Hill
school, overcrowding it und making one
or more rooms unsanitary. There is much
building going on in the territory and e.n
imperative demand for more room in the
Clifton 11111 school building."
A letter from Justice W. M. Eastman
asking that the board use Us -Influence
to have a gas lump on the alley near the
Long annex restored was referred to a
committee. The Justice said that the ah
sencs of the lamp causes rowdies to as
semble who are bad for the neighborhood
annoy three church congregations and da
face school property.
An offer from Frank W. Davie of I40U
for five lots at Forty-eighth and William
streets was accepted. The lota form an
old school site no longer used or wanted.
Proposals to sign petitions for grading
Twelfth street lrom Psclflo to Mason,
Park avenue from Farnam to Dodgs and
Douglas from Twenty-ninth to Thirtieth
were referred to the attorney for advice
so the board will not get financially In
volved. At his request permission was given
Member. Cole to be absent about two
months, during which time he and Iila
wife will visit his old hoi,: in Ireland.
Report of Secretary Borers.
Secretary Burgess submitted the follow
ing statement of the condition
school funds April 1, tVX:
Advertising . 1 30
Architect's Serv
ices .QP0
Books 10.ii
Cartage too
Census enumera- .
tors 1,000
Drawing, klndg.,
mutc supplies S.fX)
Elect'n expenses
Klfcirlc power... 2-
Examining com. I V)
Express and frt. B"0
Fuel 19.i0
Film. & fixfrs.. 6.K
Improvements ..
Insurance prem. 6"0
Interest and ex. BO.OiM
Janitors 36.i"0
Eight, fuel gas., 50
Maps, charts and
globes and ref
erence books. 1.7'")
Printing 20
Piano r nt A tun. 2.V)
Rent 2TO
Repairs 15.OU0
Binaries, officers
and clerks .... 12,530 9.70S.M
Special taxes.... , 2.71
Statn'ry and sup. .0f0 6,700 82
Teachers 31d,nii0 21, M-'. M
Miscellaneous .. 75.WIO 1.SW.40
t 42.00
17. HO 9S
7. 55
4.-.4 Sj
S3.S 40
6,9 19
1. iXi4. 85
39 . on
of the
ing. 4.00
1, too. (Vi
Ml. 39
2.774 01
1.371 45
26.311. SO
$571,350 $325,726.37 $246,307.30
For transfer to
other funds
Transferred Bond red. fund.$ 50,000 $ 47.000.00 $ 8,000.00
Insurance fund,
Building funds.. fc.OOO 40.0u0.00
Iyess am t ex-
pend'd In excess
of estimates...
$647,350 $413,726.37 $219,307.30
$647,300 $413,726.37 $233,623.63
A comparative statement of expenditures
for the first nine months of the fiscal year
1IMI3-19I4 and the first nine months of the
fiscal year 1904-1905:
1903-1904. 1904-1905.
Advertising $ 47.90 $ 42.00
Architects' services.... 60.00 601.00
Hooks 4,825.99 3,9X3.61
Cartuge 2o3.75 370.15
Census Enumerators.. 926.16 9J2.S9
Drawing kindg. ' and
music supplies 1. 307.73 8,396.81
Election expenses 1,774.75 1,773.31
Electric power 115.80 115.20
Examining committee. 1S2 50 175.00
Express and freight.... 266.31 338.76
Fuel 19,602.64 17.130.95
Furniture and fixtures 6.378.22 2.225.99
Improvements 4,6e9 S8 7.628.55
Insurance premiums... 93.75 454.85
Interest and exchange. 29.1o3.20 23,6X8.40
Janitors 26,318.50 26,833.62
Eight and fuel gas 620.04 679.19
Maps, charts, ref. b'ks 708.75 1,538.47
Prlntin 1,757.09 1,064.85
Piano rent and tuning 121.24 96.00
Rent 450.0U 890.00
Repairs 13.907.6S 13,301.97
Salaries, officers, clerks 9,258.89 9,708.33
Special taxes 4.454.67 2.71
Stationery and sun'ls.. 8,549.93 6,700.82
Sites 850.00
Teachers 186,081.82 200,632.54
MiscelluneoU8 14,120.92 1,899.40
Totals $336,658.14 $325,726.37
Transf'rd. Transf'rd.
Bond redemption fund.f 60.0o0.00 $ 47,000.00
Insurance fund 1,000.00 1,000.00
Building funds 25,0uo.O0 40,000.00
Totals $112,658.14 $413,726.37
Receipts for first nine months fis
cal year 1904-1905 $383,110.80
General fund warrants outstand
ing April 1, 1906 14,048.21
Balance in Beala building fund
April 1. 1905 6,677.93
Balance In Monmouth Park build
ing fund April 1, 1905 2,897.44
If your breathing Is difficult, or lungs
sore, Plso's Cure for immediate relief.
Fair and Warmer In Eastern
braska Today Showers In
West Portion.
WASHINGTON. April 17. Forecast of
the weather for Tuesday and Wednesday:
For ' Nebraska , and Kansas Warmer
Tuesday, with showers In west and fair
In east portions; Wednesday, showers.
For Iowa and Missouri Fair and some
what warmer Tuexday; Wednesday, fair.
For Colorado Showers Tuesday and
For Wyoming Fair Tuesday, except
warmer In southeast portion; Wednesday,
For Eouth Dakota Fair Tuesday, warmer
In west portion; Wednesday, fair.
Local Record.
OMAHA, April 17. Official record of tem
peialuie ana preuipuuuon, compared wnn
the corresponding day of ihe last three
years. 1H05. 1904. 1J3. l'AK.
Maximum temperature:.. 62 60 67 - 71
Aiimuium temperature.... 29 6 41 43
Mean temperature 40 4 6 64 67
I'rtclpitatlon 00 .00 .01 .00
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha since Marcn 1,
and comparison with the last two years:
Normal temperature 65
Deliciency lor the day 16
Total excess since March 1 301
Normal precipitation 11 Inch
Dertclency ror tne day li inch
Total rainfall since Aiarcli 1 ....1.03 Indies
Deficiency fince March 1 2.17 inches
Deticiuncy for cor. period, 1H 6 Inch
Deficiency for cor. period, 19J3... .2.38 Inches
Reports from Stations at 7 P. M.
Station and State Tern. Max. Raln-
of Weather. - 7 pm. Tern. fall.
Bismarck, clear 50 50 .00
Cheyenne, cloudy 34 Si .02
Chicago, cloudy 46 46 .00
Davenport, clouay ta 60 .w
Denver, cloudy 44 44 .(0
Havre, cloudy 44 44 .00
Helena, clear 46 46 .00
Huron, clear 48 52 .00
Kansas City, part cloudy.. 62 64 .10
North Platte, cloudy 36 86 ,T
Omaha, clear 60 62 . 00
Rapid City, cloudy 38 42 . 00
St. Louis, clear 62 64 .00
St. Paul, clear , 46 48 .00
Salt Lake City, clejtr 6) 62 .00
Valentine, part cloudy 44 4S .00
Willlston, clear 52 52 .08
T indicium iri' r precipitation.
L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster.
Chicago Executivs Concludes that Farther
Efforts to End Strike Will Be Frtitlesi.
Two Colored Rnnonlon Drivers
Roughlr Handled lie fore Police
Can Rescue Them Man
Fatally Beaten.
CHICAGO. April lt.-After a conference
held In his office late this afternoon with
representatives of the teamsters' union
Mayor Dunne announced that he had prac
tically given up hope of settling the Mont
gomery Ward & Co. strike.
"I will hold conferences tomorrow," said
the mayor, "with representatives of both
sides, but I have no Idea at the present
that anything will result."
There were numerous disturbances In
the streets during the day, and others
around the freight houses. Several non
union men on their way home were fol
lowed by strike sympathizers 'and budly
beaten, one of them, Henry Auten, being
beaten so badly with brass knuckles that
he may die.
Blar Riot on State Street.
The most snrious disturbance of the
day occurred late In the afternoon at the
Intersection of State and Madison streets.
A mob numbering fully 2,000 people gath
ered about a State street cable car on
which James Jackson und Moses Flood,
two colored men who had driven a wagon
to Montgomery Ward & Co.'s, were rid
ing. Stones and sticks were hurled at the
cur, and In a twinkling every window In
It was smashed. Two policemen rushed
into the car, and in order to protect the
colored men from the crowd placed them
under arrest. A riot call was sent to
the central station and it required the
twenty officers who responded and thirty
minutes time to drive away the crowd
and open the streets against the crowd.
Teamsters Working; Slowly.
Exasperating difficulties were ex
perienced at every turn today by
the wagons of Montgomery Ward
& Co., whose teamsters and garment work
ers are on strike. At the Michigan Central
freight house In South Water street the
police escorting the Ward caravan met
with stubborn opposition on the part of
the teamsters in sympathy with the strik
ers. The anti-Ward teamsters loaded or
unloaded their wagons with provoking
slowness and told the police, "We are not
pieces of machinery."
Many of the teamsters In the street lead
ing to the freight house lns.'sted that they
had been waiting for two hours, and when
the police made way for the Ward wagons
to be loaded earlier than other wagons
there was a loud complaint from each
teamster. Members of tho Freight Handlers'
union gave indications that unless the
police ceased to give the Ward wagons the
right to unload before teamsters who had
been waiting ahead, a strike among the
freight handlers would be ordered.
The crowd at the West Side warehouse
of Ward & Co. was so unyielding that
when a string of the Arm's wagons reached
the place tho police were forced to use
clubs to make a passageway.
D. R. Rundel Steps In Front of Slow
Moving; Machine and Is
Badly Hurt.
As Emll Brandeis of J. L. Brandeis A
Sons was being taken In his automobile
faam his place of business at 6 o'clock last
evening the machine, being driven by his
chauffeur, George Stevens, struck and
knocked down man named D. R. Rundel
at the Sixteenth street crossing of Doug
las street and Inflicted Injurled that may
prove fatal. Mr. Brandeis gave instruc
tions that the man .be taken first to police
headquarters, where Police Surgeons Wig
ton and Kennedy dressed the wounds, and
afterward directed that he be taken to the
Wise Memorial hospital.
Rundel was knocked unconscious and re
mained In that condition after he was
taken to the hospital. He had a cut over
the left eye, a cut on the back of his head
and apponred to be suffering from con
cussion of the brain. Mr. Brandeis gave
Instructions that everything possible be
done for Rundel. The surgeons were un
able to determine the full extent of his
Injuries, as the man has been suffering
from cancer of the stomach and was in a
very weak and emaciated condition.
At the time of the accident the auto
mobile was moving slowly. As it neared
the crossing Rundel had time to go past
the course of the automobile, but he sud
denly and unexpectedly hesitated and
stopped and before the machine could be
turned or stopped completely the man
was knocked down.
Rundel has been In the city only a short
tims and has been taken care of most of
the time at the police station, where he
said he was aided by charity to get to
Oman a from Minnesota. He said he was
run over by a wagon last October and In
jured In the abdomen, and has never since
been well. He is about 80 years old.
At a late hour last night Rundel was
resting easily, but was still unconscious
and the attendants said that the probable
result of the wounds could not be de
termined at that time.
Man is a millionaire many times over in
the possession of blood cells. Woman is
not quite so rich, for scientists hsve proven
that the normal number of red blood cells
in adult men is five million; in women four
end a half million, to the square millimeter.
The normal cell is not absolutely round
in health, but, in disease, becomes tx
tremely irregular in shape. Every one can
he in perfect health and possess the mil
lions of rich red blood corpuscles if thev
only know how to go about it. Dr. R. V.
Pierce, consulting physician to the Inva
lids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, at Buf
falo, N. Y., advises every man sad woman
to prepare for a long life by observing na
ture's laws. In the first place, if yonr
digestion is faulty, snd the food yon
eat is not taken up by. the blood and assim
ilated properly, you need s tonic snd diges
tive corrector, something tbst will increase
the red blood corpuscles; he believes in
going about this in nature's own wsy.
Years ago, in his active practice, be found
that sn alterative extract of certain herbs
sud roots, put up without the use of alco
hol, would put the liver, lungs snd heart
4nto fuller snd more complete action. This
medicine he called Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery. Ey assimilating the
food eaten, it nourishes the blood, snd, in
stead of the ill-shaped corpuscles, the per
son's blood tikes on a rich red color snd
the corpuscles are more nearly round.
Nervousness is only the cry of the starved
nerves for food, and when the nerves are
fed en rich trd blood the person loses
those irritable feelings, sleeps well at night
and feels refreshed in the morning.
If you want to know about your body,
read Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Ad viier, which can be had for the cost ol
mailing, fi cents in one-cent stamps for th
cloth-bound book, or 31 stamps for tbs
paper-covered volume. tooB pages. Ad
dress Dr. R. V. Pierce,: Buffalo, N. Y.
Dr. Pierce's Plesraot Pellets cleanse the
bowels sad stimulate the sluggish live
Especially the
R, Virginia?
For Bright's Disease, Albuminuria, Renal
Calculi, Gout, Rheumatism and All
Diseases Dependent Upon a
Uric Acid Diathesis.
Samuel O. L. Potter, A.M., M. D., M.R.C. P., London. Pro
tswr of the lttnaples and Practice of Medxctne and Clinical Medicine in the
College of J'hysicttins and Surgeons of San Francisco, Cat., in his " Ilaud
Eook of Materia Medica, rharinacv and Therapeutics," in the citation of
remedies under the head of "Chronic Bright' Disease," says: "Minersl
Jedafly the BUFFALO L.TIIIA YfVTER SaS"' A.'un'dVr
George Halsted Boyland, A. M., M.D., of Paris, Doctor of Medi
cine, of the Faculty of Farts, in the Aeiv York Medical Journal, August ai,
1896, says: "There is no remedy as absolutely specific ia all forms of
C!ShT.?.n??h?oS!er?; Burauo Litkia Water,
Spring No. a, accompsnied by a milk diet. In all cases of pregnancy, where
albumin is found in tuj urine, as late at the Inst week before confine'ttient. if
tki water and a milk diet are prescribed, the albumin disappears rapidly
from the urine and the patient has positive guarantee against puerperal
T. Grlswold Comstock, A.M., M.D., of St. Louis, Mo., says: "I
SLSH Buffalo litkia Water ctmns'adeRmean.c.
Calculi, accompanied by Renal Colic, snd always with the most satisfactory
results. In Renal Calculi, where there is en excess of Uric Acid, it fa
especially efficacious."
Medical testimony which defies all imputation or question mailed to any
Buffalo L ith i A Water igsgf
Hotel opens June 15th.
David Bispham was the offering of the
Omaha Concert promoters Inst evening nt
the First Baptist church and It proved
not only the most enjoyable event of the
series but also one of the most pleasant
song recitals ever given In the city. The
noted baritone was at his best and those
who have henrd him In the past know that
this means much. In addition to this the
program was a most satisfactory one.
The concert drew out a fashionable audi
ence as well as a large percentage of the
music lovers of the city, which was of it
self an incentive to conscientious effort.
The first on the program wan a group of
four songs so varied In character as to
demonstrate his versatility and In which
he cleurly proved himself a master. The
group comprised. "O, Ruddier Than tho
Cherry" (Handel), "The Monk," (Myer
beer), "I'm a Roamer" (Mendelssohn) ami
The Erlking" (Schufcert).
Next cam" selections from operas, "The
Evening Star" (Wagner), sung In German;
The Page's Song" from Falstaff (Verdi),
given In Italian, and "The Prologue."
With exquisite tenderness "Bongs My
Mother Tnught Me" brought back memo
ries of years long past to his auditors, and
the old favorite, "The Two Orenidlfrs,"
was appreciated. Instead of "Tho Sandn
o' Dee" (Clay), Mr. Bisphnm was henrd In
Drink to Me With Thine Eyes." followed
by "The Tretty Creature" (storancei. ine
beautifully' harmonious . "Who Knows?"
from "The Spanish Duel" (Max Hrlnrlch).
I.,ady Moon" (Bruhns) nnd the trag'c
Dannv Deever" (Walter Damrotch).
Harold A. Smith as accompanist was In
every way satisfactory.
Democrat lo Council Befnaes to Cos
firm Nominations of Repub
lican Mayor.
KANSAS CITT, April 17.-The city to
day was without a city clerk, a comptroller,
an assessor or a city physician, the result
of the deadlock In the council In which
the democrats, who are In the majority,
have refused to confirm the appointments
for those offices presented by Mayor Jumes
II. Ncff, republican.
The terms of the four principal officers
expired today. The office of theclty clerk
was locked and the key turned over to
the mayor. The offices of collector and
assessor wire closed to the transaction of
all new business, but the clerks continued
to work for the remainder of the day to
close up the books. The work of the city
physician was carried on by the Health
board. Other offices In the city government
were more or less affected by the shutting
down of the departments named and much
of the city's business was at a standstill.
The council deadlock was broken to
night and the mayor's nominees for sp
polntlve offt?ers were confirmed by the
upper house, the democratic members oh
talnlr- concessions.
Fight at Salt Ukr City Ended In
Twentieth Hound.
HALT LAKK CITY', April 17.-Mlke
Schreck of Cincinnati knocked out George
Gardner of Lowell. Alass.. In the latter
part of the twentieth round of a ferocious
twenty-round contest tonight. The knock
out blow was an overhand right swing to
the neck. Gardiner rose before the tenth
count, but was so weak that the referee
stopped the flght to save mm iuriner pun
'qhmpni. The fiKht was a sloshing, wal
loping contest from start to finish. Neither
man used any science and the battle be
came merely a test of endurance. Blood
flowed freely from coin ine ngniers ami
It was give and take In about equal dis
tribution until the final round, when
Schreck's superior staying qualities won
him the fight.
' ' IB'
Permit Taken Oat far the New Store
Building ob Douglas
The city building department has ieaued
a permit to Hayden Bros., for their new
$00,000, four-story, concrete-steel store
building at lil Douglas street. Other per
mits Issued are to Shlmer & Chase for a
?.0OO frsme store building at Twenty
fourth snd Kmmet streets; Il.tfXk frame
dwelling tit Twenty-fourth avenue and St.
Mary's avenue and two 11,000 frame dwell
ings at Forty-first and Emll streets;
Charles E. Williamson, fl WO frame dwell
ing at Firestone boulevard and Fort stieet.
BECACfE It U s bappjr comblnttlon of the
beat qualities of all, without th fault ol one.
BKCAl'flB it urpaaMB In mellowneM and
fiaror overythlng on the tnarkat.
BECAUSE It appeala tqually to tho fancy
of ttoa eonnolaaour and to tho taato of wuinvn
and Invalid.
BBCAA'SB Its aupcrlor quality, taato and
purity mak tt a unlvaraal favnrlto.
BUCAL8B It axcela all other whlakeri for
iiakiiia- a hot acoUh, a hit toddy or a higbball,
bKCAlSK It la tho only Malt Whlakay of
fortd by 1 1 bona fUa diailllar; la narar aold
Ic bulk, but only under toa dutillafe bottling
and labels.
BUCAL'SE It la dlatllled at ono of tho largt
dlstlllarica In tha country.
B EC A I BE It tt tha only whtrkry aold undnr
a aubatantlal guaranties of purity, offarlnj
tl.bOO to anroas who can dattvi la tha amt
any Impurities.
BKCALBE it Is properly dtsttlUd from tht
vary tholcoat ma tar la It and never sold until
fully matured.
BECACBH It Is sold entirely upon Its merits,
without the aid of fabulous turns for advar
tlalng, for vhlcb ihs consumer always pays to
tha and.
BECAVPE It Is offered not ss a patent nos
trum claiming to cure all Incurable diaeaeui,
but for what It Is worth first claas toole, a
rational stimulant and a concentrated food of
the highest poaaible value.
BECAUSE It la snIC at a email teglttmaU
profit, warranted by Its manufacture and sals
In extraordinary quantities by a dtatuiery pay
tng over threo million 4"Hers annually for la
sj ternai revenuo tax a ions. ftr
It It the Scasos Whcs Your System DeRiisdt Therseih
Rtnontion end Biridlsf tip. -.
All nature takes on new life In the spring.
Vegetable and animal life is imbued with
greater vitality and force, and activity of
uli .kinds Is increased.
This is the time of year when the human
system Is sluggish and run down and
needs complete renovation and repairing.
The whole body und all its organs need to
be In tho bent condition of health.
The greatest blood purttier and blood
builder Is AKO-A.N-IL'KN. It thoroughly
demises the blood Of all lmturltiea and
poisons which have accumulated during
tiiu winter months and rebuilds the blood
uinl mukes it clean, healthy and strong.
AKU-A.M-ll.'K.N insures perfect aigeHiion
and regularity of tiie bowels, it instills
new lile, Heal 1 h and vitality into the whole
"l liuvo taken only two bottles of your
Afc.Ll-AN-11 KN," writes a St. I.ouis "lady,
'Mild 1 led altogether like a different
woman. Kelore, 1 was pale and weak and
could hardly lift one tool before the other.
Now, 1 led like a young girl. .. It has
liengthened me and rested me ail over
and through and through. My friends are
uil axklng ine what It Is that makes me
look so well. 1 am praising AfcAi-AN-11
KN to ail of them."
if you are suffering from any orgnnlc
Weakness or dmeaxe or any run uown
weakened condition, dyspepsia, catarrh,
constipation, torpid liver, kidney or blad
der trouble, rheumatism, gout, female
complaint, nervousness, nervous prostra
tion, nervous or gtneral debility, neuras
thenia, or any wetness, get a buttle of
AKG-AN-H UN lrom your druggist, and
you will notice the' Improvement at" once.
A1CU-AN-11'HN is for sale by all drug
gists at tl.uu a bottle, and one bottle will
give you a new lease on life.
Every sufferer should write to our medi
cnl department for free medicinal advice.
We are oepeclully desirous to hear from,
those who are Buffering from those stub
born, unyielding troubles with which phy
sicians are unalilo to cope.
Btstn fully the nature of your trouble and
you will receive advice and medical book,
absolutely free. Address
Ilygelun Research Laboratory, Chicago, 111.
Tndiice restful sleep. Cure Nervousness, Stomach,
Kidney and Kladdr troubles, and produce. S iamp
aess, Strength snd Vitality.
Hold by OrairjrlHt.
By mfill,1.00; or three boxe,2.75,
J or minplo Tablets, enclose 10 eenti la
Tho Kcrvsm Tnblet Co.. Cincinnati. O.
For sale 1r flea ton Drosr Co., lBtta nnd
Karuani, Omaha, nnd nil druggists.
nani,in.eiae A f St ft I f Anfna
tNULISrl unANU urtnrt uu.
Thursday Lohengrin
Friday Carmen
Saturday Mat ...Tannhauser
Saturday Night ., Trovatore
Beats on Snlc, Prices SOc to $2.00.
Rabbi Leon Harrison Louis
Pimm sM.
Every Night-Matinees Thursday. Saturday
and Sunday.
Henri French, Delmore and Lee, Borage
and NevRTO. Ureen and Werner, Mabeltf
Adams. Harry and Halvera, Gallando an
the Klnodrome.
PHICKS 10c, 345c, BOe.
Prices, 16C. Zoc, turn. 100.
The Oreat Railroad Play-
Wednesday, "For Fame srid Fortune,"
with llughey McUovern.
Roller Rink
Eirept Sunday.
'Admission 10 Cents.
Ladle Free In the Afternoon. .
For inn best of everything eni.
' PHOMPT SEnVlt'B. j,