Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 15, 1905, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 13, Image 13

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    Tim OMAIIA DAILY IWE: BATUKDAY, A Tit I L 15. 1005,
Gates Oao Handle Cash Wheat from Maj
Deal and Dictate to Millers.
Enrope Takes Mock Wheal Corn Ad
, and Receipt Are
Light Guts Short
ioit oa cni.
fiUHII k ..M 1i t(W
The Majr wriest market has broadened
out a l.ikl. but it was also larking In
" uiuvning. ine May, heloie mmn,
reached the hign ana low points ol
ana 81.16, against ll.i, and 8i.1j tor
inursduy. 1 no July was practically the
name as Thursday. Liverpool closed wi.n
.n dvajice of and (,; Berlin went up .
Huda pesth ,ti purls advanced l'j cen
times and Antwerp 2o. 1 ne ball wheat
clique had a conference in C hicago "Inurs
duy and Uatea is reported to be very con
fident. It is figured he can merchandie
all the cash wheat he Is forced to take on
ttie May delivery and can dictate prices to
th millers for two months. It la said ho
c-n sell 75 per cent of his wheat and the
rst he can afford to dump. A feature of
the market which has helped to broaden It
Is the covering of UuO.uju bushels ot snort
wheat by Wrenn. who Is the largest short.
.Minneapolis has been besieged by Chicago
aah buyers tho last day or two. 1 hey
were after No. 1 northern and bid the mar
ket up from a premium of 4 cents over the
May delivery price to 6 cents. Armour was
ahead of the bunch by a week and cleaned
fftthe greater part of the wheat on tap.
The dry weather talk continues. Freeg
tng Is also thrown In. Hancock. Minn.,
nays the grain sown the last of March
nprouted during the warm weather theu
and there has since been freexing weather
every night. The seed used Is largely
light and needs warm weather to bring
it out. There. Is a lot of Nebraska new
In the markets. Chicago hears reports of
wheat turning yellow all over Nebraska
and of It being plowed up. Chicago also
tx-lieves -the Hessian fly is hatch. tig out
generally over the stat. Tne secretary
of the Nebraska Millers' association Is
quoted as saying there is lens than 3o per
cent tit the new corn crop left In the farm
ers' hands. Independent shippers In the
tale are reported sending wheat directly
t Chicago. This wheat is mostly low
rade. John T. Mllilken of St. Louis is
elleved to have covered a short line of
l.OOO.Ooo bushels in Chicago Thursday and
thlsi lends credence to the damage reports
from the southwest.
Broomhall sas Europe takes 2.000,000 of
the Argentina wheat shipments this week
direct, against NiO.OOO busoela lust w.ek.
Which shows a good demand. Cargoes are
mild as soon as they arrive. The Argentina
wheat Is arriving liberally from the in
terior and is ot good quality. The Ar
gentina wheal shipments are 4,4(i8,000
bushels aoulnst 3.5:'ci.irOo bushels last week
and t.SX.VM bushels last year. The north-western
cars today were 149, agulnst 265
eist wevk and 1S3 last year, and the Minne
apolis stocks have decreased busnels
in Vie week. The primary receipts are
227.9J0 bushels against 212. U00 bushels last
ytrf.r, and the shipments are 321,000 bushe s
ajatnst 292.000 bushels.
The Argentina corn shipments are 351,000
bushels, against 231,000 lust week and 437,
00 last year. The arrivals from the in
terior have Increased, oe has the export
demand. The American movement is light.
The primary receipts are 348.000 bushels.
against 234,000 last vear, and the shipments
are 678.000 bushels, against 186.000. The corn
clearances are 327,673 bushels. The corn
xnarket was somewhat stronger at the
opening and early In tho session than It
was later. The hlsrh tioint reached bv the
May was 49e, e better than Thursday.
In the May oats tho high and low points
ruached before noon were 30o and 30c, an
fidvance of c. The northwest Is supposed
to be short about 10,000,00) bunhels of May
oats In Chicago. Pt. Louis and Minneapolis
nought heavily Thursday and today on the
talk of drouth In parts of Kaunas. Ne
braska, Iowa and central Illinois. This
talk, with the light receipts, has frightened
the shorts.
Omaha Cash Prices,
"WHEAT No. 2 hard, 1.02ia 1.04; No. 3
hard. 92c; No. 4 hard, 75(goe; No. 3 spring,
CORN No. 2, 431ic ; No. 8. 43e; No. 4,
42e no grade, 38iaI1o; No. 2 yellow, 44u:
No. 3 yellow, 43c; No. 2 white, 44c; No. 3
white. 43e.
OATS No. 2 mixed, 28c; No. 8 mixed,
S8c; No. 4 mixed, 27o; No, 2 white, 29c;
No. J white. 2Uc; No. 4 white, c;
standard, 2c. -
Carlot necelpia.
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago 4a 2s 56
Kansas City 54 24
Minneapolis 93
Duluth 11
8t. Louis 22 21 14
Omaha 4 17 3
Minneapolis Grain Market,
The range of prices paid In Minneapolis
as reported by tho Lei wards-Wood com
pany, 110-111 Board of Trade, wsu:
'Articles. Open. I HIgh. Low. I Close. Yes'y.
Wheat I j i
May... 110s 1 1041 108 108 109
July... 105 1 0o 1 03 103 101-8
Sept... 84u 54-s 8U 84 8l4
4s 2d; American mixed, old, 4s 10d; fu
tures, quiet; May, 4s 4d; July, 4s 3cf.
Featnres of the Trading; and Closing
Prices on Board ol Trade.
CHICAOO. April H-Fresh reports of
favorable growth of fall sown wheat created
bearish sentiment In the wheat market here
today. At the close wheat for July delivery
was down o. May is off lc, corn shows a
los of 'uc, oats at So and provisions 6
Weakness In the wheat market developed
mn arter the opening. Considerable firm
ness, however, was manifested at the start,
July being up ,W at Vmw,c May was
unchanged, 'to higher at 81.16VU LIT1. The
initial strength was due primarily to higher
prices at Liverpool, but cold weather, ac
companied by snow in the northwest, had
considerable Influence. As an offset to un
favorable weather conditions In the north
west reports from the southwest told of
raina In sections of the winter wheat belt
where moisture whs greatly needed. An
other factor that helped to create bearish
sentiment was an increase in snipmenis
from Argentina. Soon after the opening a
leading long began to sell moderately. Pit
traders eagerly followed the lead. The re
sult was u general weakening of the mar
ket, as trading progressed prices con
tinued to decline. Fresh Impetus was given
the declining tendency by a sharp brcuk in
prices at Minneapolis. Advices regarding
the condition of winter wheat were con
llhtlng, but those of bearish character
seemed to predominate. A St. Louis trade
Journal In Its weekly report stated that the
condltlonsjtif the crop generally is sati.stac
tory and above the average for this time of
the year. The May delivery was under
moderate selling pressure the entire day,
and with little apparent support showed
more weakness than distant futures. The
closing price for May was at the lowest
point of the day, $1.14. July, after selling
down to 87c. closed easy at 87c. Clear
ances of wheat and flour were equal to 84.3))
bushels. Exports for the week, as shown
by Hradstreet's, were 1. 292,0ut bushels. Pri
mary receipts were 228.600 bushels, com
pared with 212,3 bushels a year ago. Mln
neapolls, Duluth and Chicago reported re
relpts of 119 cars, against 265 cars last wee
and 153 cars a year ago.
Liquidation by several local longs cause,
weakness In the corn market. The decline
in wheat was largely resiionsible for the
selling pressure. The market was quit
tlrm at the start as a result of small re
ceipts, but an easier tone soon developed.
Lower prices for cash corn had some In
fluence. July opened a shade to cc?(,
higher at 4 ' 4Sc, sold oft to 48(i48e
and closed at 4n-Sc. Local receipts were 89
cars, with 6 of contract grade.
Sentiment In the outs market was bearish
on crop predictions of an Increase In move
ment. Commission houses were persistent
sellers, and tho demand was light. Pit
traders were the chief buyers. July opened
unchanged to He higher at 30c to 30e,
sold down to 3oc and closed at the lowest
point of the day. Local receipts were 6ti
' provisions were Inclined to hold fairly
steady early in the day, but later conslder
iible weakness developed along with the
decline In grains. Packers were moderate
sellers. At the close July pork was off loc
at $13.07. lard was down Be at $7.47 and
ribs were SffTtyc lower at $7.32V4''tl7.35.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
G9 cars; corn, 97 cars; oats, 63 cars; hogs,
10,000 hend.
The leading futures ranged aa follows:
Articles. Open. I Hlgh.l Low. Close.l Yesy.
Wheat I
May July
May July
May July
May Julv
May July
1 16W
1 17 'i
1 174
83 V
1 144 1 14
87H! t'"''
1 16
48-T,4845iJS 4XH'4K4h4
48 48!48!Utt:4SWi
.in SON, 30(3 4 804
&rVfii SV'H 30 30 30
291 194 Sflts IS'-i
12 87V4 12 874' 12 !2V4 12 85 12 92V4
13 15 13 15 13 07V4 13 07 13 174
7 35 7 35 7 30 7 30 7 35
7 50 7 52H 7 47'4 7 47H 7 624
7 62 7 65 7 624 7 62V
7 12Vi 7 12i,i 7 07V4I 7 10 7 15
7 87 7 37M, 7 324 7 35 7 40
7 55 7 57Vii 7 HW, " 52 ? 6i
No. 2.
fuah nimtntlnni were fla follows:
FLOCK I'nchanged ; winter patcntB, $4.90
(fiG.OO; winter straights,; spring
patents, to.uocd5.40; spring straights, U.Sunp
4.80; bakers, t3.2tVa3.6t).
WHEAT No. 2 Bprlng. )1.06Til.lo; No. 3,
9ScC(tl,12; No. 2 red. 91.14fd.17Ss
CORN No. 2, 48"4c; No. 2 yellow, 49Hc.
OATS No. 2, 33c; No. 3 white, 31(fc32c.'
RYE No. 2, 7c. , A
H A RLE Y Good feeding. 37039c; fair to
choice malting, 4Ki47c.
8EF.rS-No. 1 flax, 91-25; No. 1 northwest-
ern $1 39
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per hbl., t12-S0g
12.85. Lurd, per 100 Ins., ji.iiW'--"-
ribs, sides (loose), 9i.0t.ft(f.l2Vfe
sides (boxed). 7.U0(U 7.124. J L1
Following were me receipts and ship
ments of flour and grain:
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 21.300 23,700
Wheat, bu 59.HHO 15.900
Corn, bu 22.KK) 003,7'iO
Oats, bu I06,8ii0 221,800 :
Hve. bu 5.() 1,200 I
Hurley, bu
On the produce
Group Affected by Northern Secnritiei Set
tlement Qoea Up by Bounds.
AetlTlty In These Few Specials Caases
an Advance ot One to Three
Foiota Little Sews to Ac
count for Doom.
NEW YORK, April 14.-A revival of the
Northern Securities settlement excitement
resulted in a speculative revel on the Stock
exchange which spread pretty generally
throughout the list, but the conspicuous
fact uoout the day s operations was their
enormous congestion 10 the few stocks
Immediately a flee ted by the current
rumors, especially Union Pacltic, St. Paul,
New York Central, and In the curb mar
ket Northern Securities Itself. The last
named stock bounded up to the neighbor
hood' of lho, thus Justifying predictions
which have been current among street
speculative operators for some time, but
without obtaining general credence.
The rumors to account for the advance
were many and various, and for the most
part exceedingly vague. That which was
most definitely formulated alleged an In
tention to doubt the present volume of
Great Northern preferred stock tor pur
poses which were very dimly Indicated in
the story as It circulated. The capitalisa
tion of enormous values discovered In iron
ore lands in the company's possession was
hinted at. Great Northern preferred closed
at 315&330, with no sales, the last sale
having been at 322. It was argued that
this development would greatly expand the
value of the Northern becurlties company
about to be distributed under the order
of dissolution of the supreme court. As a
Urge proportion ot this distribution will
fall to the I'nion Paciflc treasury, that
stock was held to be entitled to a corre
sponding advance, but with the excitement
started In the market, this explanation was
deemed inadequate and surmise fell buck
upon the supposed uses to which the I'nion
Pucltle preferred stock is to be put. This
line of conjecture led to the recovery In
various stocks pointed to as a desired
object of acquisition by Union Pacltic, but
which have been dropped out of considera
tion for a time with the growth ot skepti
cism over the stories current. These stories
were aa entirely without official authority
or admission today as at any timo. The
palpable fact, however, was that almost
unlimited amounts of the stocks most
nearly concerned passed constantly through
the market all day and the absorptive
power for them seemed Insatiable.
The volume of transactions and the
movement of prices In the general railroad
list was moderate and the extent of the
price movement was found on careful
scrutiny not to be very wide, but in the
industrial department there was an effec
tive supplement to the striking movements
in the transcontinental group. In this de
partment also the most prominent high
grade industrials, and especially United
States Steel preferred, were Inclined to
move narrowly, of industrials of a mlpor
class, however, there Is a long list which
made advances during the day of all the
way rrom l to a or 4 points, une brilliant
conditions shown to exist In the Iron and
steel trade by the statistics of production
nnd consumption have served to give great
authority to the Incoming reports of highly
prosperous conditions In all departments
of trade. The favor shown to the industrial
stocks increases accordingly, it Is found
easy to affect movements Dy the formation
of pools in many of these stocks and it is
not unusual for tho rise to be heralded by
some such announcement as that "arrange
ments have been made for a sharp upward
movement" In this or that stock. The
movement Is pretty sure to follow. Opera
tions of this class, however, do not tend
to fortify confidence In the market.
The currency movement for the week
gave promise of a good cash gain by the
banks and offered no obstacle to the main
tenance of the speculation. The irregular
closing left prices not fur below the best
of the day.
Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par
value, 84,475.000. I nlted States bonds were
all unchanged on call.
Following were the soles and range of
prices on the Stock exchange today:
sales. Hiirn.iyow.cicse.
short clear
Atchison ....
do pfd
Atlantic Coast Line
Baltimore & Ohio...
do pfd
Canadian Pacific...
Central of N. J
Chesapeake & Ohio,
Chicago & Alton ...
do pfd ,
Chicago G. W
Chicago & N. W....
C, M. 4 St. P
Chicago T. & T
do pfd...
C, C, C. & St. L....
Colorado & Southern
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
Pelawaie A Hudson.
Delaware, L. A W...
De:,ve.' A R o Grande
do pfd
do lt pfd
do 2d pfd
Hocking Valley
do pfd
40.2H0 (
900 llo-'
.0'nj 111'
23,300 111
900 9
14.900 154 154
49 149
11 110
97 97
811 f9"4
105 litis
Quotations of the liny on Various
NEW YORK, April 14. FLOUR-Receipts,
16,197 bbls.; exports, 11,020 bills. Mar
ket steady but slow; winter patents, Jo 2nC(f'
boo; winter attaignts, ja.iA.y.j.lU; Minne
sota patents, 95.6uut.uo; winter extrao, $3.60
434.00; Minnesota bakers, 9.1.9 ft4.3 1; winter
low grades, 43 4 dt8.W. Rye Hour, steady;
fair to good, t4.2ocu4.6u.
CORNMKAL bleady ; kiln dried, $2.75
RYE Nominal; western, 80c.
BARLEY Quiet; feeding, 45c, c. 1. f. New
WHEAT Receipts, 1,000 bu. ; exports, 31,
9t5 bu. Spot market steady; No. 2 red, tl.tS.
nominal, elevator, ti ll, nominal, f. o, b.
afloat: No. 1 northern. Duluth, 91.11, nom
inal. I. o. b. afloat: No. 1 bard. Manitoba.
91-02, f. o. b. afloat. Except right ut the
opening, when the market advanced on
steady cables, small receipts and coid
weather, wheat was weak and heavy ull
day, yielding to liquidation and depression
in outside markets, the close being c n.-t
lower, except May. wnicn was vc lijgmr.
May, 91 09 o l.lo. closed 1.(9; July. iCVii
3o, closed 92c; September, 86 U-ltifcSiWo,
closed KiiHo.
CORN Receipts, 109,650 bu.; exports, E9,
614 bu. Spot market steady; Nil. 2, b'ic,
nominal, elevator, and (;Mc, asked, f. o. b.
afloat; No. 2 yellow, fc3c; No. 2 while,
63c. Option market was quiet all day
and therein with wheat reflecting also good
weather and slop-loss swlllng. Last p. ices
showed uc net decline. Muy, u3-c1(,uj:tc1
closed 53e; July, b31tfi4c, closed 63c.
OATS Receipts, 64,btio bu. ; exports, 9.533
bu, Spot murket quiet; mixed, M to 32 lbs.,
85&33c; natural white, 30 to 32 lbs., 35u
96c; clipped white, 3 to 40 lbs., 3,n4,ie.
HAY Firm: good to choice, i(U8.c. ,
HOI'S- Firm; state, common to choice,
26040 ; 1903, 22(uJuc; olds, Hi' 13c; Pa
cific coast, 1904, 2i'28c; 1903, 21w.4e; olds,
HIDES Quiet; Galveston, 20 to 23 lbs..
20o; California, 21 to 26 lbs.. llic; Texas,
dry, 24 to 30 lbs., 15c.
LEATHER Steady : acid. 24126C.
PROVISIONS Beef firm; futility, $12 00
tTlS.OO; mesa, tlii.tXKii; beer hams, K1."U
23.00; packet, 9U.W4 12.00; . city, extra India
mesa. tlti-aUdi 19.00. Cut meats, steady: pick
led bellies. 17 ( mo 7.75; pickled shouldars, $h.i0
b.00; pickled hams, sy.uo. i.ard. steady;
western sum. 9760; rellned, steady; con
tinent, $7. torn 8 15; compound. 9 fMtfS.37.
Pork, firm; family, $13 i5c14 1' : short clear,
UI.VV u.w, . , . i ..... . b .
TALLOW Steady; city (2 per pkr). 4o;
country pkgs.lrw). 4Va4-0.
RICE Firm: domestic, fair to extra, 2
C-6e; Japanese, nominal.
Milwaukee Grain Market.
MILWAUKEE, April 14.-WHEAT-Dull,
No. 1 northern. 9l.U; No. 2 northern, $1.06
fi'1.09: July,
nYKYVeaker: No. 1. 81e.
BARLEY Steady; No. 3, 61c; sample, 40
CORN-Flrra; No. 9. 48349c; May, 48c
Minneapolis Grain Market.
91.01; September, k4c; No. 1 hard. 91.1uh;
No. 1 northern. 11.12; No. 2 northern,
FLOUR First patents, 9565.95: second
patent, 95 6Vu5 76; first clears, 94 &Q4.35;
second clears. $2 8ii!2 95.
U RAN in bulk. eW.txKBiJ.iB.
Philadelphia Produce Market.
Quiet; ex ( -rn creamery, $3c; extra
noarny prints, aoc. ,,,,
EGGS oie..wj .learby fresh, 17c, at
mark: western fresh. 175lso- " '"rk.
CHEESE Quiet : New lork full creams,
fancv. 13c; choice, 13c; fair to good,
Liverpool Grain nnd Provisions.
LIVERPOOL, April 14.-WHEAT-L8pol.
quiet; No. 1 California, 6s td: futures,
steady; May, 9s 7d, July, lis d; Septem
ber, es jZ , .
COKN-Spet, quiet i American mixed, new,
. 41,800 10,600 Illinois Central
xenana- i.idiiy the i. h- i Iowa Central ..
tn mnrkrt was firm: creameries. 24(fi30c: I do pfd
dairies. 2ic28c. Ekks, steady; at mark, K. C. Southern
cases Included, 10c; tiists. lti,c; prime firsts,
lic; extras, 18c. Cheese, firm, 13'ul4c.
St. I,onl General Market.
ST LOUIS, April 14. WHEAT Lower;
No. 2 red cash, elevator, $1.01; track, $1.08
fol.09; Mnv. tl.Oo: July. 83c83ic; No. 2
hard, $1.0uql.o,i.
CORN Lower: No. 2 ensh, 4ic; track,
48ti49c; May, 4ti-iti 46c ; July, 4o.
OATS Firm ; No. z cusn. ate; iraca, sic;
Mnv, :Sc; No. 2 white, 8te.
FI.OUR Moderate: red winter patents.
$5:01 ii6.25; extra fancy and straight, $4.6.Viji
4.80; char. 94.254.70.
RRAN Dull; sacked, east tracK, (scyiac.
HAY H'eadv; timothy, t6.0jfffl3.60; prai
rie, t.00SjlO.CO.
I K.i.s ,1 ,ONTIE3-95c.
PROVISIONS Pork, lower; Jobbing,
$12.35. Lard, lowe-; prime sream, t6 7,i.
Drv salted meats, steady; boxed extra
shorts, 97.37; clear ribs. $7.37; fhort
chars, $7.50. Paeon, steady; boxed xtra
shorts, $7.87; clear ribs, $7.87; short clear,
POL'LTRY Firm; chickens, llc;
springs, tt.COCtiS.&o dorcn; turkeys, 10c;
ducks. Uc.
BUTTER Steady; creamery, 25?30c;
dairy. l',Mi24c.
EGG8-Stcady at 15',fcc. case count:
Receipt!-. Shipments
Flour, bbls i.oiv) -,noo
Wheat, hu 22 0 0 31.0H)
Corn, bu 2l,r iR.ono
Oats, bu 15,000 S4,C00
Kansns City Grnln and Provisions.
Firm; May. 9c; July. 77c: cash, No. 2'
hard, 91.lWi1.fi7; No. 3. PScditl.OB; No. 4. 97C(f
.Sc; No. 2 red, 91.O2fcl.07; No, 3. 95ctitl.04;
No 4. H7criftSc.
CORN Firm; May, 45c: July, 44ic; cash.
No. 3 mixed. tfVj'ctle; No. 2, 45c; No. 2
white. 4Sc; No. 3. 45c.
OATS Steady; No. 2 white, 31i32c;,
No mixed 80A" Mc. ?
RTF.-Steady, 7Wi76c.
HAY Bte-ady: choice timothy, 99 SOjjlO.OO;
choice tiralrie, t7 258.00.
HI'TTKIt-Creameiv, 2:"i72flc; packing, ISc.
EGOS Steadv: Missouri and Kansas,
new No. 2 whltewood cases Included. 16c;
rase count, 15c; cases returned, 'c 1-ss.
Receipts. Shjpment.
Wheat, bu 40.8"0 33.600
Corn, bu s 25.610 2',.oO
Oats, bu 3.000 12,000
Ttnlnth Grain Market.
PULUTH. April 14 -WHEAT No. 1
northern, to arrive, 91.14; on track, No. 1
northern. 91-04V. No. 2 northern, SRVi'
$1.01; May, 1.06; July, $1.02; September,
84 .
OATS To arrive and on track, 29c.
3iHJ 101
6,7ot) 88
2.7.10 li3
9,100 24
M. 1,600 119
4i0 lS'i
12.300 108
4.300 32
2,300 68
Peorln Cirnin Market.
PEORIA. April' 14 CORN Firm ; No. 2
yellow. 4ac; No. 3, 4Sc; No. 4, 47c; no grade,
OATS Unchanged; No. 3 white, 30o; No.
4 white, 29c.
Toledo feed Market.
TOLEDO, April 14 SEEDS Clover, cash,
9815: April. $110. Prime alslke, $7.70. Prime
timothy, 91.40.
Coffee Mnrket.
tures opened steady, with December 10
points higher and other months 5 points
blither. In response to another advance In
the rate of rlrnslllan exchange, smaller
Braillian receipts and moderate gains in
the European markets, together with re
ports of an Improvement in the demand for
spot coffee. There was further liquidation
of near months, and the Idea that a large
number ot May contracts remained to be
liquidated probably curtailed general de
mand, leading bull Interests, however,
suppurted the market, which showed a
steady undertone. The close whs steady
at a net advance of 5'iiKI points. Sales were
reported of 91,750 tmas including May at
"$hc; July, 6 6tyi).f-6c; September, 6 7o,r
7V: October, .Suc; December, 6. 18 7. Wo,
March 7. loo.
do Dfd
Louisville A N
Manhattan L
Met. Securities
Metropolitan BU Ry
Mexican Central ....
Minneapolis A St
M.. St. P. A 8. St
do pfd
Missouri Pacific
MlMsourl, K. A T
do pfd
N. R. R. of M pfd..
New York Central...
N. Y.. O. A W
Norfolk A Western..
do pfd
P.. C. C. A St. L
Reading ,
do In. pfd
do 2d pfd
Rock Island Co
do pfd
St. L. A S. F. 2d pfd. 400
St. L. Southwestern. 1,400
do pfd
Southern Pacific ....
do pfd
Southern Railway ..
do pfd
Texas A Pnclflc ....
T.. St. U A W
do pfd
Union Pacific ........
do pfd
do pfd
Wheeling A L. E. ...
Wisconsin Central..
do pfd
Adams Express
American Express...
U. S. Express
Wells-Fargo Express
200 106 10, loti
6,700 30 29 29
300 60 00 60
2,100 38 37 37
1,000 195 196 194'
89 -l
169 1&S 168
30 29 29
66 64 55
81 31 30
63 63 63
7,700 143V. 142VI 142
M7 107
6Z il',
67 68
.... 38
168 159
60 60
86 86
66,200 144 143 144
. 81
Amalgamated Copper 92.600
American c Or r . .
do pfd...
American Cotton Oil.
do pfd
American Ice
do pfd
American Linseed Oil
do Dfd
Americ -n Locomotive 24 800
do pfd
American S. A R
do pfd
Amer. Sugar Renin..
Arner. Tobacco p. c.
Anaconda Mining Co.
Brooklyn R. T
Colorado F. A I
Consolidated Gas
Corn products
do pfd
Distillers' Securities.
General Electric
International Paper..
do pfd
International Pump.,
do pfd
National Lead
North American-
Pacific, Mail
Peoples Gas
Pressed Steel Car
do pfd
Pullman Palace Car.
Republic Steel
do pfd
Rubber Goods
do pfd
..105.0H0 99 98 WV.
600 93 9 92
30 91 9 90
59.300 35 34 35
1,400 80 79 .9',4
70 70 70
26 26 26
6,000 66 65 66
31,i0 68 67 68
l,3o0 118 118 118
1,2) 34 31 34'I
400 97 96 96
4,700 38 37 38
3o0 42 41 41
3n0 63 63 62
213,100 13i! 131 13j
5"0 99 99 99
1.0K) 22 i2 22
2,300 47 45 45
400 18 18 1S
SoO 23 23 2.'!
2.500 53 61 63
80O 238 236 23'i
8! 88 )9'-4
u lev 414 z
3,200 li8 102 103
1,700 37 36 86
600 6 5
3i0 41 40 40
4.100 21 2o il
1.700 46 45 45 H
60 69 69 i
i.M 122 121 121
60,000 12S 12.' 122
1,1(11) Y4iA lHi U4'4
4 144 143 14;P,
ik wi ran ri 1 "u
1.3JO 130 12H 128
17, Ml) 71 7(i 70
23.20 65 63 54
1,40 204 t 204
KO 12 11X4 11
60 69 ft
46 45 46
185 184 1-4
24 23 24
82 81 81
87 35 86
88 87 87
48 47 47
106 104 104
45 44 44 i.
8 V
26 100
61 10
110 0V 10i
4(; 42 45
99 97 8
Tennessee C. A 1 36,000
102 103 ,
11 11
28,otio 108 im ii3'4
in-. ai att
178 177 177
44 94 91
V. 8. leather
do prd
V. S. Realty 200
U. H. Rubber 7tKi
do pfd lu)
U. S. Steel 42,C(0
do rfd
Va -rViro. Chemical. !.
do pfd X
Westinghouae Elec... i)
Western Union 2,6o0
Total sales for the day, 1,661.000 shares.
Bank t'learlnaa.
OMAHA. Aurll 14 -Bank clearings today
were 91.337.982.71. For the corresponding
day of the clearings were 91. 279 651.11.
Treasury Dtatruient.
WASHINGTON, April 14 -Today' state
ment Of the treasury balance In the general
fund, exclusive of the 215o,0r0,0O0 gold re
serve In the division of redemption, shows:
Available cash balance, $137,273,351; gold,
tos, 986,13.
ewYork Money Mnrket.
NEW YORK. April 14-MONET-On call,
firm at 2'u3 per cent; closing bid, i
fer cent; oifered at 8 per cent; time loans,
easy and dull; sixty days. 3 per cent;
ninety days and six months, 3u3 per
'"sTtKUXO EXCHANGE Steady, with
actual business In bankers' bills at $4 H61ikt9
4 8615 for demand and at $4. M2T 4.84.(5 for
sixty-day bills; posted rates, $4.85 and $4.87;
commercial bills, $4 84.
SILVER Bar, &7c; Mexican dollars,
BONDS Government, steady; railroad,
Closing prices on bonds were:
f. 8. rf. Is. r....1MH Jpn . ctts
do coupon 104-8 L. A N. unl. 4i 103
V 8. . reg liMH Minhtttin e. t 4...1''4'4
4o coupon 1054 ilet. ontrml 4s
1 8. new 4a, ref ...Ml ilo 1M Inc I48
do coupon 133 Minn. A St L. 4s H
t'. 8. old 4s, rl lt U.. K. A T. 41 101
do coupon IC do Is
Am. Topsto 4s. ctfl. 741 N. H. R. of M. e. 4. 1
do 8s, rtfs US N. Y. C. g. Vs.
Atrhlnon ln. 4s lcrt N. J. t'. Ss...
8 do ad, 4s 7 No. Psi Ulc 4s.
- . Li. V IVIS
B.I. & Ohio 4
do S4
do it '
Central of Oa. 5l...
do 1st Inc
do ild Inc
Ches. A Ohio 4Wa..
t'hlrsgo & A. H," .
C, H. A Q. n. 4s..
C, R. I. A P. 4s...
(lo col. 6a
Crc. St. L. . 4s
Chloago Ter. 4a
Colorado Mid. 48....
Colo. A 80. 4a
Cub. ta, ctfs
8 D. A R. O. 4s
Matlllers' Sec. 5s...
trie prior lien 4a...
do sen. 4a
T. W. A D. C. U....114i(Wli
Horklni Vs.1. 4Sa tH'S1
Ex-Interest, a Offered
.... US'
ICS N. A W. c. 4a loTV
95 O 8. L. Hdg 4s 7H
115H Penn. conr. IHa I""-1
94 Reading gen. 4a 102
71 St. L. A 1. M. c. 6IU.1I7
107 St. L. A 8. F. ff. 4a. fHJ'a
I St. U 8. W. 4a M'8
1(K1 ISeaboard A. L 4a h
US 80. ranno 4 t,s
4'8 So. Rallvajr 5s.
. 7
Texas ft P. la
T. , St. L. A W.
tTnlon Pacific 4s.,
do conv. 4a
.Di(4 V. S. Steel id la.
.lOls.Wabaeh la
. ' do drb. B
.101TiWeatern Md. 4a..
. H W. A L. K. 4a...
Central 4s..
. 84
. .1J7V4,
.. 7'4
.. 7T
.. Kl'8
.. 4
.. 84
Roaton Stock and Bond
BOSTON. April 14 Call loans.
cent; time loans, 3c(f4 per cent
closing or stocks and ootids:
Atchison adj. 4a 97 Adventure
a do 4a lij ! Alloues
.. K9'8
. . IHK
" 8
Mex. Central 4s
a do pfd
Doftton A Albany
Poeton A Maine.,
Unfit on K leveled
Klti hburg prd ..
Mexican Central
N. Y., N. H. A
L'nlon FariCe ..
Amer. Arge. Chfrn
do pfd
Amer. Pneu. Tube.
Amer. Sugar
do pfd UK
Amer. T. A T 144(4
Amer. Woolen 37(
do pfd 107
Dominion I. & 8 23
Ediaon Klec. Illii. . . .t.,5
fleneral AUertrle ..,
Mass, Klectrio
do pfd
Mass. Uaa
Inked Krult
Inlted Shoe Mach..
do pfd
L 8. Hteel
do pfd
Weatlng. common .
Asked, a Bid
Amalgamated ..
American Ztne
Cel. & Hrcla...
CoDDer Kanna ..
J44 paly weat
H...23tt Dominion Coal .
14 rranmin
laie Hoyale
Mass. Mining .. ,
Mont. C. & C.
Old Dominion .,
1X3H Fhannnn
21 Vi Tamarack
9 .Trinity
. 44 a Vnlted Copper
.10HH tr, 8. Mining...
. Sf"H V. 8. Oil
. 3.IS t'tah
. 37': Victoria
. a7 iVt'olverln.
S-iTH per
London Stocka and Bonds.
LONDON. April 14.-Closliig- quotations
on ihocks ana Donas:
Consols, money ..90 15-14
do account
Anaconda ..
Atchlaon ...
An ntA
Baltimore A Ohio.
... 6S
... 2
,.113 '
Canadian Paclflo
Chen. & Ohio vi
Chicago Ot. W 244
C, M. A St. P 1N44
IieBeera 17
Denver A R. 0 3.',S
do ptd 921,
Krl 47
do lt pfd 3v
do 3d pfd 724
lllinoia Cer.trnl I7014
Loula. A Nash 14H4
M., K. A T 3S-
N Y. Central...
Norfolk A W....
do pfd
Ontario A W....
Penneylvanla ...
Rand Mlnea
Heading ,,
do lnt pfd....
da id ofd
So. Railway ....
do pfd
So Pacific
Union 1'aclflc ...
do prd
U. 8. Steel
do pfd
do pfd
.. 89
.. i
.. SJ'4
.. 74
.. 10',
.. il
.. 47
.. it
.. 994
.. 70
. .1.IKH
.. 3k
.. -'4
Rnonlah Am " ,,1
Hiivi-JK nar, nrm, 26d per ounce.
MONEY ley 1 per cent.
The rate of discount in the open market
for short bills Is 2 per cent; three months'
bills, 2jj2 1-16 per cent.
Sew York Mining- Mocks.
NEW YORK. April I4.-The following are
the closing quotations on mining stocks:
Adama Con
Dmnawlck Con ...
Comatock Tunnel
Con. tel. A Ye...
Horn Silver
Iron Sliver
beadvtlla Coo ....
.. 47
.. 2i
.. i
.. 1
Little Chief
Sierra Nevada
Small Hopea ..
. 8
. l.i
. 23
. 40
. 35
Foreign Financial.
LONDON, April 14. Money was plentiful
and the demand was moderate in the mar
ket today, the indebtedness to the Bank of
Lngllnd having been wiped out. Ditjcunta
were quiet. Kateo were suutalned owing
to tho uncertainty regarding short loans in
the near future. Trading on the Stock
exchange was inactive and prices were Arm.
Business was overshadowed by the coming
holidays and the uncertainty about far east
ern events. Consols eased, depi easing kin
dred securities. Americana opined lirm and
hardened to over parity on Wall street buy
ing. Philadelphia A Rending, Union Pa
cific and coal lines shared the most atten
tion, the first named on dividend receipts.
The advance continued throughout the aft
ernoon and nricea closed firm .fuounouu
after a tlrm opening, dropped, imperial
Japanese 6s of 1904 were quoted at 101.
Russians were heavy. Continentals werg
easy In sympathy with 1'nrls. Mexican
rails were recovering from yesterday's Into
sharp decline on tho dividend disappoint
BERLIN, April 14. The tone at the open
ing of the Bourse today was firm, but the
murket closed quiet.
PARIS, April 14. The tone at the open
ing of the Bourse today was tlrm, but at
the closing the market was dull. Imperial
Russhin 4s were quoted at 88.15, and Rus
sian bonds of 1901 at 507. '
Wool Market.
BOSTON. ADril 14. Tho Boston Com.
merclal Bulletin will say: The situation has
oecome stronger nere win Australian and
South American wools the feature of the
week. Business has been better and a
movement of 8,000 to 10,000 bales of foreign
wools is reported. Only about fjoO.Ooo pounds
of old territories which are of inferior
quality and heavy shrinkage now remain
on the market. Values are decidedly firm
on all wools and an upward tendency is
strongly apparent. Operations in the west
continue lu a strenuous manner and buy
ers are excitedly offering fancy prices. The
foreign markets are rapidly becoming
stronger and advanced prices are con
fidently expected. Shipments from Bos
ton since December 31 are 73.730,092 pounds,
against 68,477,866 pounds at the same time
last year. The receipts to date are 82,043,
W4 pounds, against 67,o20,8S6 for the same
period last year.
ST. LOUIS, April 14.-WOOL Dull ; me
dium grades combing and clothing, 23ftj25c;
light fine. 18fr20c; heavy tine, 14a16c; tub
washed, 3o4ji7c.
Cotton Market.
NEW YORK. April 14.-COTTON-Spot
closed quiet at 20 points lower; middling up
Inpds, 7.85c; middling gulf, 8.10c; sales, 500
ST. LOUIS, April 14-COTTON-Qulet and
lower; middling, 7 9-16e; sales, 212 balets; re
ceipts, 350 bales; shipments, 356 bales; stock,,
48.160 bales.
moderate business done, prices unchanged;
American middling, 4.24d. The sales of the
day were 8,(W hales, of which 1,000 bales
were for speculation and export and In
cluded 7,700 bales American. Receipts, 100
bales, all American.
Steady; sales, 2,200 bales; ordinary, 4 15-16c;
good ordinary, 6c; low middling, 6c;
middling, 7c; low middling, 7c; middling
fair, 8 3-16c; receipts, 7,071 bales; stock, 211.
891 bales.
Cattle Beoeipts Fairly Liberal, but Best
Grades Sold Fully Steady.
Hoes Sold a Shade Easier, iheen nasi
Lambs Conld Be Quoted Abont
Steady, bat Hardly Eaoigh Ar
rived to Make a Test.
SOUTH OMAHA. April 14. 1906.
Receipts were: Cattle.Hogs. Bheep.
Ofllcial Monday 4,02t 3,od0 12.J't
Official Tuesday 5,900 10,661 12.171
Orliclal Wednesday 3.9" 9.103 4. TIM
Official Thursday 4.094 8.261 2,842
Oltlclal Friday 2.196 7,439 943
88. 44
29 313
3". 157
Five days this week.... 20. 117
Five days last week 15.773
Same days week before. .16.663
Same three weeks ngo..,17.9S2
Same four weeks ego... .16,621
W .... a I.., '"J , k. ?
The following table shows the receipts ot
rattle, nogs sua sneep at nouin unmni
the year to date, with comparison with last
1905. 1904. Dee.
Cattle, 239.874 479.4CJ &.'f
Hogs 6S4.U3 62.6H 8.53
Sheep 486.26 524.992 89,70
The following table shows the average
price of hogs at houm omnia tor tne last
several days, with comparisons:
Mar. 19...
Mar. 17...
Mar. 18..
Mar. 19..
Mar. 20..
Mar. 21..
Mar. 22..
Mar. 23..
Mar. 24..
Mar 26..
Mar. 27...
Mar. 28..
Mar. 29..
Mar. 80..
Mar. 81..
April 1..
April 2..
April 9..
April 4..
April 6..
April 6..
April 7..
April 8..
April 9..
April 10.
April 11.
April 12.
April 13.
April 14.
I 1805. lDM. 11909.
4 94 I 8 161 T 26
4 87 i Ml T 11
t 0'( 6 04 7 06
a I 4 8H 7 l'l
8 08 7 33
6 1241 4 921 7 84
5 07l'4 95
6 01HI 4 961 7 45
g na I i mi t 3
6 141 6 06 7 25 88
U 7 ill
6 13VI I 7 26
6 09 6 171 7 30
6 09 J 14
6 09; 5 07
6 14
6 15
6 15
6 20
6 28
6 30
6 25
6 26
6 25
6 28
6 31
6 2.8
6 26
4 98,
6 03
6 09
6 13
6 07
5 00
4 93
7 22
7 27!
7 30
7 29
7 23
7 26
7 24
7 24
4 901 7 27 6 63
4 Ml 1 ). 6 68
7 L'U li iUI t Si
0 :i
6 981
6 041
8 84 8 8RJ X es
15 4 841 9
8 91 9 66 I 9 69
9 33 6 61 4 891
8 17 6 71 4 861 8 61
6 25 6 82 4 81 8 64
311 9, 80 4 S6 8 80
6 80 4 901 8 61
79 4 83 9 )
6 76 I 9 57
r tm A Ml
ABi D Pill v rw
9 4., 6 861 4 97 9 9)
9 69 6 80 6 06i 3 46
6 68 6 86 6 16 9 60
6 89 6 12 9 63
6 66 6 10 3 69
6 651 6 97 9 94
6 66 6 00 8 08
6 68 9 98 6 16 3 95
6 63 6 99 6 25 3 6
6 63 6 96 6 30 3 65
& 96 5 80 3 62
6 68 6 27 8 64
8 01 I 8 66
6 921
6 89
6 83
4 95
4 S7
4 kol 7 "9
4 S6 7 21 6 SGi
6 33(
6 SS S 98
6 36 8 67
6 33 3 63
6 40, 3 61
6 48 3 67
Indicate! Sunday.
The official number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was:
Road. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's.
C, M. & St. P. Ry.. 1
Wabash 1
Missouri Pacltic Ry.. 5 1 .. 1
Union Pac. System.. 22 21 ..
C. A N. W. Ry 1 2
F., E. A M. V. R. H.. 32 42
C, St. P.. M. & O.... 6 9
13. A M. Ry 18 22 4 1
C, B. A Q., east.... 2 8 .. ..
C R. 1. A P., east.. 3 4
C, R. I. A P., west.. 1
Illinois Central 3
Chicago O. W 1 .. ..
Total rfreclpts.... 96 106 4 2
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head indicated:
Buyer. Cattle, nogs, uneep
Omnha PackiliK Co 194
Swift and Compuny 421
C'udahy Packing Co 664
Armour A Co 465
Swift, from country
Vansant A Co 2
Carey A P,enton 39
Hill 126
Mike Haggerty 102
J. B. Root A Co 3
Bulla A Kline 6
S. A L 112
Other buyers 190
Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits.
APPLES Market phows a continued eaav
tone and It Is reported that prime fruit
nas soia as low as o.jic, tnougn some deal
ers are asking more than that figure. Com
men are quoted, average, 5c; prime, at
6 2 ,'ctfi 35c; choice at 6fific, and fancv at 7c.
DRIED FRUITS-Prunes show no Im-
fiovement with prices still ranging at he
ween 2c and 6c, according to grade.
Apricots were not being urged for sale so
freely, but demand continue" light. Cho'ce
8re quoted at l'ft l0e; extra choice. He, and
fancy at 12f15c. Peicheg are quiet at lOtf
lot4e for choice. 10i4,fj lnc for extra choice
and llcoio i r fancy. Xalslns are easy,
but seem to be attracting mre attention.
Muscatels are quoted at t'ictni'ic; London
I -yers at ii.o.u ana seeded raisins at
nils and Hoaln.
OIL CITY. April 14.-OI L-Credll bal
ances. 81. SS; certificate, no bid. Shipments,
68.037 bbls.; average, 73.217 bbls.; runs, 91,629
bbls.; average. 66,?nl bbls. Shipments Lima,
61.074 bbls.; average. 68 110 bbls.; runs, 67,96,1
bins ; MverHge. I,(.:4 Obis.
SAVANNAH, April 14.-OIL-Turpentlne
quiet. 68c.
ROSIN Finn; A. B, C, D, 32 90: E. 82 9714
F, 93.02; O, 93.12; H, 87; I, 83.55; K
84 W: M. 24.15; N, 14.29; WO, 94.95; WW,
Total 2,223 7,458 1,165
CATTLE There was quite a liberal run
of cattle here this morning for a Friday,
and as reports from other points were none
too favorable to the selling interests the
market was inclined to be a trltle weaker
except on the more desirable grades, which
sold readily at right around steady prices.
The beef steer market was very uneven
today, so that there was a wide difference
Of opinion as to the condition of the market
as compared with yesterday. As a general
thing, though, the more diserable grades,
or those that wilted buyers, sold very freely
at fullv steady prices, but something that
was not JiiHt to the liking of buyers or
that was not of very good fleah and quality
was ncclected to some extent with prices
not so ijooii as those paid yesterday and
the day before. Such a market, however,
would naturally be expected on a Friday
following the liberal receipts of the previous
days this week, nnd, all things considered,
salesmen were well satisfied with the prices
received. There were no strictly choice
cattle offered today and the top price was
not as good as yesterday.
The demand for the better grades of cows
and heifers was fully equal to the supply,
and ns a result the market on that class of
stuff wan active and Just nbout steady with
yesterday. When It came to the common
and medium stuff, however, the market was
slow nnd weak, some salesmen, in iaci,
called the market considerably lower. It
was simplv a case or wnere ouyers atu not
want anything but tho good stuff unless
they could get It for less money.
Good bulls sold at steady prices, with
enmmon kinds a little lower. Veal calves
showed no quotable change.
The market on stocKcrs anu itroeia was
elow todav and a little lower owing to the
fact that speculators nil have quite a few
cattle on hand and consequently did not
want to get loaded up with more unless
they could get them for considerably less
money. Common cattle in particular were
hnrd to move and showed the most decline.
Representative sales:
I. ..
II. ..
.... 723
.... 693
.... 710
.... 860
.... 820
.... 885
... .1(5
.... 890
.... 923
.... 860
.... 716
.... 9')
.... 865
.... 970
.... 930
8 7a
4 25
4 26
4 60
4 50
4 75
4 85
4 90
5 06
6 10
6 24
6 35
5 40
6 60
5 60
6 50
4 65
4 75
4 85
4 85
4 90
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 25
6 25
5 25
.687 4 25
.1(122 4 50
.856 4 75
. 89s 5 15
No. Av. Pr.
14 lt8 5 25
24 1087 S 30
85 1231 6 60
21.. i 1156 6 50
IS 1153 6 55
1 1150 6 80
30 1079 6 60
14 llo9 6 65
24 1144 6 70
20 1136 6 70
36 11140 6 75
20 1034 6 75
8 1341 6 80
13 123") 5 86
20 1172 6 85
41 1168 5 9 )
18 1363 6 90
27 12( 6 00
41 1310 6 05
13 1288 6 20
25 1144 6 20
35 1290 6 20
81 1555 8 20
12 1566 6 20
52 1161 6 30
4 1575 6 40
6 20
6 6
6 15
996 4 75
.... 810
.... 703
.... 810
.... 660
.... 850
.... 820
.... 910
.... 640
.... 748
.... 655
.... 783
.... 863
.... 940
.... 805
.... 991
.... MO
.... 980
. X .1273
.... 967
.... 1x6
.... 955
.. ..!)
.... KiO
.... 810
.... 30
.... 677
.... 380
.... 398
2 00 1 910 8 60
2 00 1 910 3 60
2 00 14 962 t 60
2 25 1 960 3 60
2 26 10 888 9 60
2 25 3 9"3 8 76
2 26 1 950 3 75
2 25 11 987 2 75
2 60 S 940 S 75
2 60 8 940 9 90
2 50 1 1120 8 90
2 TJO 1 950 4 00
2 50 2 910 4 00
2 56 21 893 4 00
2 65 1 1100 4 00
2 65 8 818 4 00
2 78 2 .. 880 4 00
2 75 2 !.. 855 4 00
2 75 1 1100 4 00
2 76 6 1133 4 00
2 86 9 9114 4 00
2 90 2 16 )5 4 10
2 90 4 962 4 20
2 90 1 1120 4 26
1 00 6 9V 4 86
8 00 6 9 K) 4 35
8 00 16 954 4 36
8 00 4 IK (6 4 40
3 00 4 '..lOQ 4 40
8 00 6 1HH3 4 60
3 05 19 111U 4 50
8 16 3 12.13 4 60
8 30 1 1260 4 60
8 35 1 880 4 60
8 35 1 I'M 4 65
2 60 1 1460 4 TO
3 50 10 POO 4 75
8 60 4 1062 4 75
8 50 1 1250 6 00
8 60 1 1620 6 00
8 50 3 1196 5 00
9 60 30 1196 5 00
2 60 1 600 9 25
2 65 1 390 3 60
2 60 3 533 4 25
II 60 19 746 4 60
2 745 2 65 6 rS6 4 K
4 ) 2 a 16 940 4 76
6 643 2 .j 10 'l 4 &
7 4J0 2 75 1 lot) 4 85
18 6 2 8 4 6 t"J
1 9) 8 (i0 2 8) 6 00
2 8i'o 8 to 26 83 6 00
8 8.U 3 00 l't 5 15
1 4) 8 00 10 69 8 19
4 612 8 10
1 810 I 95 1 ISO 9 78
1 110 2 65 1 8) 3 75
2 1455 2 85 1 11,0 2 75
1 920 85 2 1940 9 80
1 11 TO 9 00 1 1H40 8 90
2 680 9 10 1 1170 4 00
1 1570 9 26 1 490 4 00
1 13W 8 30 1 a0 4 00
1 1610 9 50 1 1750 4 00
1 1410 2 60 1 13-) 4 00
2 1545 8 60 1 1 4 10
1 1240 2 66 1 16 4 10
1 1510 8 76 1 1740 4 16
1 1.130 9 75 1 1740 4 16
1 1390 3 76
1 800 2 So 1 1S40 2 79
2 215 2 60 1 120 9 T9
1 20 4 25 1 170 5 75
3 16 5 25 7 1-M 9 75
1 90 6 60 1 180 9 00
1 130 6 50 1 1) 9 00
1 130 60 3 220 8 00
3 126 5 M 1 110 I 00
1 l:to R 75 1 270 6 00
27 824 2 16 10 467 9 80
4 420 2 80 1 100 9 85
2 660 8 2 656 8 90
1 890 3 25 4 670 4 00
4 527 8 40 10 520 4 05
8 1079 9 50 2 660 4 09
1 460 3 50 8 980 4 10
6 M 8 66 61 476 4 40
1 8HO 3 75 3 loot) 4 40
7 730 8 75 85 1M 4 48
9 306 8 80 1 740 4 60
19 feeders . 6 65 4 26 23 feeders. . 869 4 65
HOGS There was not a heavy run Of
hogs here this morning, but at Chicago
there were 23,000 head and the market there
was quoted about a nickel lower. That, of
course, made buyers rather bearish at this
point, and consequently It was a little late
before tm vers end sellers got together on
prices. When the hogs did begin to change
hands it was on a basis of Just a shade
lower market, sales going from steady to
2a lower. Trading wis fairly active after
the market got In motion, so that most
everything was disposed of at a reasonably
early hour. The extreme close, though, was
rather slow. The bulk of the sales went at
95.26 and 95 27. with a top at 95 .30. The
common stuff sold from 96.26 down. Rep
resentative sales:
No. Av. Sk. Pr. No. Av. Sk. Tr.
95 214 80 5 25 88 1!9 ... 27
28 214 ... 6 25 61 230 ... 9 27
76 253 ... 1 26 83 219 ... 8 27
74 234 120 S 25 64 21 .-- 6 27
67 336 80 6 25 69 247 40 6 27
67 251 280 5 25 70 260 120 6 27
81 233 40 6 25 74 246 40 9 27
49 199 ... 6 25 72 232 80 6 37
74 246 80 5 25 72 232 40 6 27
71 217 6S0 5 25 68 221 160 6 27
121 276 240 6 26 60 236 80 6 27
65 248 IMO 6 25 76 231 ... 5 27
59 263 1 00 5 25 72 24 ... 6
60 315 80 6 25 69 262 200 5 27
85 208 120 & 25 69 226 160 6 27
69 242 ... 6 25 69 268 ... 6 27
69 292 40 6 25 65 278 80 8 27
67 84 160 6 25 63 242 ... S 27
69 292 80 5 25 73 232 ... 6 27
6S 240 160 6 25 16 243 ... 6 27
65 249 40 6 25 42 205 ... 6 27
82 218 ... 6 26 79 217 120 6 27
70 223 ... 6 25 47 214 80 6 27
84 245 200 5 25 76 2l6 80 6 27
65 811 ... 5 25 60 271 80 6 27
76 216 ISO 6 25 66 224 80 6 27
63 255 40 6 25 68 280 ... 6 27
70 229 ... 6 25 64 274 ... 6 27
6o 286 80 6 26 63 233 ... 6 37H
,n ft.. en- . . .-.n rv r .
VP. .....- ... D CO I"4 JOO Wl B b i
74 233 80 5 25 71 243 40 6 2
74 206 ... 5 25 56 290 ... 5 27
60 272 2((0 5 26 71 262 180 6 27V
65 234 120 5 25 76 258 40 5 .V,
66 240 SO 5 25 71 242 1 60 6 27
65 23S 40 6 li 73 233 80 5 27V
47 247 40 6 to 58 203 ... 6 27V
6.1 2H5 80 6 25 75 221 ... 5 27;
04 227 ... 6 25 70 245 80 6 27
64 280 ... 6 25 77 226 80 6 27
33. .....219 ... 6 25 79 197 160 6 27
62 277 ... 6 25 80 251 80 6 27
76 232 ... 6 25 74 233 ... 6 27
73 214 1 60 6 25 60 255 ... 6 27
63 291 80 6 25 76 231 ... 8 27
68 244 160 6 26 93 199 ... 6 27
64 214 40 6 27 76 211 160 6 27
69 238 40 6 27 72 233 160 6 27
82. 190 80 5 27 '4 232 ... 5 30
67 234 40 6 27 61 265 ... 5 30
SHEEP There were only four cars of
sheep reported this morning, so there was
not much of a chance to test the market.
It could safely be quoted steady, though on
anything at all desirable, and one string of
clipped wethers sold for 84.96 from the same
lot as sold for 24.85 a few days ago. Clipped
wethers and yearlings mixed brought 3o.36,
which also looked like a good, steady price.
For the week there is not a great deal of
change in the situation. The better grades
are steady, with the common kinds a trine
There were no good lambs offered today
with which to test the market, but anything
at all desirable would undoubtedly have
commanded stendy prices. For the week
good stuff is steady, with others a little
Quotations for fed stock: Good to choice
yearlings, $8.406.76; fair to good year
lings. $d.oocfi6.40; good to choice wethers,
95.60cfj5.75; fair to good wethers. J5.0O&5.60;
good to choice ewes, 95.26ii5.60; fair to good
ewes, 94.755.15: common to fair ewes, 94.00
8 4.50; good to choice lambs, 87.25Ca7.50; fair
to good lumba, 16.9oca7.15; feeder lambs,
Jd.OOCu 8.50.
No- Av. Pr.
2 western ewes 95 4 76
3 western cull Iambs 46 4 76
12!) western ewes 91 4 75
8 western spring lambs 25 8 00
463 western clipped wethers 97 4 95
94 western ewes 84 800
132 western clipped yearlings
and wethers 96 6 85
132 western clipped yearlings
and wethers 95 6 35
12 western lambs 7 00
Cattle Stendy Hogs Five) Cents Lower
Sheep Stendy.
CHICAGO, April 14. CATTLE Receipts,
4.000 head. Market steady; good to prime
steers, $6.00cri6.75; poor to medium, 94.tiOr9
5 76; stockers and feeders, 82.51K&5.10; cows,
92.GOcjt5.60; heifers. 93.OOcfl6.00; canners, 81.60
4j3.(iO: hulls. 32.6oru-4 90: calves, 93.01X9,7.00.
HOGS Receipts, 23,000 head; estimated to
morrow, 15,000 head. Market 5c lower; mixed
and butchers'. 25.45c6.60; good to choice
heavy, 95.37ccj5.85; rough heavy, 5.35&5.50:
light, 86.855.67; bulk of sales, 96.22i
'SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8,000
head. Market for sheep steady, lambs un
changed; good to choice wethers, 96.60416.06;
fair m choice mixed. 24.60ca6.60: western
sheep, 24.6oc7i5.85; native lambs, 94.50(17.35;
western lambs, 84.60cUc7.85.
New York Live Stoek Market.
ceipts, 4,4(9 head; market for steers, fully
steady; for bulls, fhade lower; for cows,
lccfl25o lower; abeut all sold; steers, 94.64
S16.6J; bulls, 93.254(5.00; cows, 91.5084.60; ex
ports estimated for tomorrow, 1,310 cattle
and 6,450 quarters of beef.
CALVES-Recelpts, 272 head; market,
active and 25Q50c higher; all sold; no prime
veals hern of any account; quoted at 87.60i
little calves ana cutis, j.t( w; areseeq
culves, firm; city dressed veals, fcgilc per
pound; choice. llo; country dressed, 7w9c.
SHEEP AND LAMIIS-Receipts, 2,613
head; unshorn sheep, 25.00; clipped sheep,
24.75; culls. 93.50; good to choice unshorn
lambs. $8.0of(35.
HOGS Receipts, 3.793 head; market, 15cf!
25c lower; good to prime state hogs. 95.80
(&6.G0; few light pigs exceeded quotations.
Kansns City Live Stock Mnrket.
ceipts, 2,0o0 head, Including 4uo southerns:
market Bteady; choice export and dressed
beef steers, 95.75t!3.60; fair to good, 94.76(3
5.76; western fed steers. 95.00(840; stockers
and feeders, 93.50ijte.26: soutnern steers, .oo
Ji6 00; southern cows, 32 75y4.85; native Cows,
aZ.txrfr.o""; iuviivb iiriirin. eu.wtv.w, uuna,
92.7ncFi4.75; calves, 93.60(36 28.
HOGS Receipts, 7.0ii0 head: market.
271 UUO lower, lOO, J.", Uum wir., .f.6UllJf
6.37; heavy, 9i.3(51G.37; packers, 95.30cff6.4o;
pigs and lights, 94. 25-06 35.
head; market 5810e higher; native lambs,
95 7507.60; native wethers, 95.00cg6.00; native
leU -W'B, .......... . . . . ,
23.35f(6 60; western fed 8heer, 94.50ffl6.00;
stockers and feeders. 93.6CK&6.60.
St. I.onls Live Stork Mnrket.
ST. LOUIS. April 14 CATTLE Receipts.
LO11O head, Including 600 Texans; market,
steady; native shipping and export steers,
84.6066 60; dressed beef and butcher steers,
t4.6ocu6.25; steers under 1.00 lbs., 94. 006 76;
stockers and feeders, 22.75(84 60; cows and
heifers. 12. "SMS. 75; canners, 92 00'82.75; bulls,
82 75cy4.O0: calves. 94 0006.50; Texas and In
dian steer,; cows and heifers,
82.00C&4 60.
steady to 6c lower: pigs and lights, l3BCd)
heavy 9. 604 5 tw.
lower: Selling, 96.1005 SO; bulk of sales.
St. Joseph lire Stork Market.
ap inorrll a.,,-11 llCATTI P -Tic
relpts. 971 head: market steady to loc lower;
natives, 94t(Tk; stockers and feeders.
93 offtf 00; cows and heifers. 93.6nit.26.
tilK) rteceipts. 8. to neaa; marsei eirnay
to 6c lower; light, 95.3041 5.37; medium and
heavy, 94 324' 42; plus. 84 10Q4 50.
SHEEP AND LAM BS Receipts, 4.?!M
head; market slow and steady; lambs, t'.M.
Stork In Sight.
Receipts of live steck t the six principal
western markets yesterday:
Cottle. Hog. Sheep.
Pouth Omaha 2.I96 7.4 943
Ploux City ,7(10 J.soo ....
Kansas City 2,00 7.000 1.000
fit. Ixnils 1,( 4.5(io 4oi
pt. Joseph 971 4.8S3 4.290
Chicago 4.0OO 23.000 6.000
Total receipts 10.966 60,72 H.f33
Condition of Trade nnd Quotations on
Staple and Fancy Produce.
EGGS Receipts heavy; market steady;
candled stork, 15tJ16c.
LIVE FtH l.Ti,i -liens. llc; young
roosters, according to sige, 9flllc; old roos
ters, 6c: turkeys, 14ftl5c; ducks. 11c.
BUTTER Packing stock, ltiijiUc; choice
to fancy dairy, lD4j21c; creamery, 24m26c;
prints, 27c.
FRESH FROZEN FISH-Trout, 9c: pick
erel, 6c; pike, 8c; perch. 7c; bluetteh,
lie; whlteflsh, 9c; salmon. 11c; redsuupper,
8c; green halibut, 13c; c.rappie. 11c; buffalo,
7c; white bass. He; herring, 3c; Spanish
mackerel, I2c; lobsters, boiled. 45c: green,
40c; finnan baddies, 7c; me had. each, 75o;
shad roe, per pair, 30c Frog legs, pur dug.,
HAY Prices quoted bv Omaha Whole
sale Hay Dealers' association: Choice No.
1 upland, 86.50; No. 2, 86.00; medium, 95 50;
coarse, 95 00. Rye straw, 95.60, These prices
are for hay of good color and quality.
BRAN Per ton, 917.50.
OYSTERS New York counts, per can,
45c; extra selects, per can. 35c: standards,
Kr can, 30c. Bulk: Standards, per gal..
40; extra selects, per gal., 81-65; New
irk counts, per gal., 9180.
ORANGES California extra fancy Red
land navels, all sires, 9..ui4i3.26; fancy
navels, 1.'. 76.1.00; large slies, 9: fx Hi 2.75.
LEMONS California, exira tancy, 270
slse, 93.00; 300 and 360, 91. 26; fancy, 210, 92.76;
8t0 and 860, $3. do; choice, 240 and 270, 93.25;
300 and 860 32.50.
DATES Per box of 80-lb. pkgs., $2.00;
Hallowe'en, in iu-lb. boxes, per lb., 6c.
F1U8 California, per 10-lb. carton, 76
85c; imported Smyrna, 4-crown, Wo; 0
crown, 12c.
BANANAS Per medlum-sKed bunch, $1.75
(l2.26; Jumbos, 12. 604)3.00.
GRAPEFR LIT California, per box of 64
to 64, $4.00; Florida, $5.00 to $6.00.
STRAWBERRIES Texas, per 24-qt. case,
$4.00; Louisiana, per 24-qt. case, $2.00.
APPLES New York Baldwins, 93.004j'3.25;
Colorado Ben Davis, per box, $1.25; Roman
Beauty, per box, $2.00; Baldwins and Green
ings, per box, ...61.
TANUER1NE8 California, per half-box,
CRANBERRIES Jerseys, per crate, $2.25.
POTATOES Home grown, In sacks, per
bu., 3((fjj40c; Colorado, per bu., 46c; new
potatoes, per lb., 7c.
TURNIPS Old, per bu., 40c; now, per
dos , 75c.
CARROTS Old, per bu., 40c; now, per
dot., 60c.
PARSNIPS-Old, per bu.. 40c.
BEANS Navy, per bu.. $2.10.
WAX BEANS Per bu., hamper or bu.
box, 93 60413.00.
Cl'Cl iVi liKitS Per dog., $1.76?2.00.
PEAS New, per basket, $1.26(1.60.
TOMATOES rlorlda, per 6-basKul crate,
SPINACH Per bu., 76cfl$1.00.
ONION'S Colorado yellow, per lb., 2c; new
southern, per dox., 46c.
CABBAGE Holland seed, per lb., lo;
California cabbage, in irateB, per lb., 2c.
BEETS Old, per bu., 40c; new, per dui.
bunches, C5c.
RADISHES Hot house or southern, per
dox., 8(1(11 40c.
LETTUCE Hot house, per dog., 45c.
RHUBARB Illinois, per box of 60 lbs.,
PA KS LEY Per dox. bunches. 45c.
A6PARAGUS-llllnols, per dox. bunches,
$1.76; home grown, per dos. bunches, $1.00'fj)
I. 25.
CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full crertm.
16c: Wisconsin Young America, 16c; blooK
Swiss, new, 16c: old, 17c; Wisconsin- brick,1,
16c; Wisconsin limburger, 15c.
NUTS Walnuts, No. 1, sort shells, new
crop, per lb., 16c; hard sheila, per lb., 18c:
No. 2 soft shells, per lb., 12c; No. 2 hard
shells, per lb., 12c; pecans, large, per lb.,
12c; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 7c;
roasted peanuts, per lb., 8c; Chili walnuts,
per lb,, I2fj13c; almonds, soft shell, per
II. 17c- hard shell, tier Hi.. 15c: chestnuts,
per lb., 12c7llic; new black walnuts, per
bu., 76tf90c; shellbnrk hickory ntitn, per bu.,
er tin., i. uu.
2 green,
ted. 7Ac:
Kn 1 veal calf. 10c: No. 2 veal calf. 9c;
dry salted. 7((fl4c- sheep pelts, 25ctJfl.O0;
horse hides, $1.50co3.00.
6.65; packers 9'.. 4i.(8 5 5u , butchers and best
BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 400
head; market, steady; natives, $3 0036 .50
lambs. spring lamtis, 311: culls
and bucks, 92.5o4l4.oO; stockers, $2.0O4j3.O0.
Slonx Cllr Live ttoek Market.
BIOUX CITY. April 14.-Hpeclal Tele-
e rami CATTLE Receipts, 700 head; mar
et steady; beeves, $loici6 00; cows, bulls
and mixed, 93.(10416 25; stockers and feeders,
93(cn4 40: calves and yearlings. 12. 754 00.
HOGS Receipts, Z.kxj head; market to
bu.. 76tf90c; shellbnrk hickory ntitn, 1
$1.76; large hickory nuts, per bu., $1.1
HIDES No. 1 green, 7c; No. 2
6c; No. 1 salted, 8q; No. 2 saltei
Metal Market,
NEW YORK. April 14. M ETA LS There)
wuk a. severe break In snot tin in' London,
the price losing about C4 10s under specu
lative liquidation loiiowing tne rcceni ne
vere squeeze f shorts. The decline In
futures was comparatively slight. Spot
closed at 140 nnd futures at 135. The
local market has not sold tip to a parity
with the extreme advance abroad, but was
unsettled by the decline, and ruled wask
at the close nt $30.26'u3O.A2. Copper bIbo
was lower In the Ijimdon market closing
at 67 6s 8d for spot and at 67 12s lid for
futures. Locally the market was quiet
and unchanged, although there were some
reports of offers on a slightly lower basis
than recently. Liko Is quoted ut $15.37ii
15.60, electrolytic at $15.2 15.37 and cast
ing at 814.87Vi'iJ'15.26. Lend was unchanged
at $4,504(4.60 lu the local market and at
12 17s 6d In London. Shelter also was
unchanged In both markets, closing at
23 12s 6d In London and at $6.00 in New
York. Iron closed at 64 3d in Glasgow
and at 60s ld In Mlddleaborough. L6cally
Iron was unchanged, with No. 1 northern
foundry quuted at $17.50cjil8.25. No. 2 north
ern foundry at $17.0o!fl7.76 and No. 1 south
ern and NO. 1 southern soft foundry at,
$17.754j)18.25. .
ST. LOUIS, April 14.-METAL8-Jna,
Arm, $4.60. Spelter, dull, $5.80.
Sugar nnd Molnsses.
NEW YORK. Atirll 14 SUGAR- Raw.
nominal; fair refining, 4 6-16c; centrifugal,
96 test, 415-lOc; molasses sugar, 4 l-16c; ro
fined, dull; crushed, 6.85c; powrederd, 6.26c;
granulated, 6.16c.
Quiet; open kettle, tuie; open kettlo
centrifugal, 4'0 4 1 6-I80 ; contrlfugul white,
6c; yellows, 4cfl5 7-lCc; seconds, 3 ll-16fdi
4 9-16C.
MOLASSES Nominal; open Heme.
26c; centrifugal, 64il4c. Syrup, nominal, 30c.
Deeds filed for record April 14, as fur
nished by the Midland Guarantee and
Trust company, bonded abstracters, 1614
Farnam St., for The Bee:
J. J. O'Connor to J. L. Browne, lot
68, Rees Place 9 23
City Savings hank to C. R. Miller,
sublot 1, taxlot 32, 10-16-18 1,600
P. Uenkle to J. Johnson, lots 9 and 10,
George's subdlv 1,000
H. D. Reed and wife to E. P. Nelson
nnd Anna S. Nelson, lot 22, block 1,
Sheridan Place 675
J. Emerlck and wife to F. and K.
Meyers, lots 1, 2 and 9, Waterloo.... 150
F. J. Burkhard to L. A. Lovqulst, lot
19, block 8, Druid Hill 1)78
Helen R. Clark to Grace Baptist
church, strip adjoining block 6,
Bowery Hill and Arbor st 1
J. Bllolln and wife tr. W. Holng; part
lot 1. Hascall s subdiv 1,500
Margaret C. Ware and Bridget Cor
coran, lot 10, block 10, Corregan Place 800
J. Mrkvlcka and wife to Mrkvicka,
part lot 27. block 9, Kcuntge's 3d add. 2
C. L. Fitch and wife to F. S. Parker,
lot 4, Mock 181, South Omaha 1,500
United Real Estate and Trust com
pany to P. Zlnk, strips adjoining 8th
and Pine sts 850
Maria Tleke and husband to V. zro
nlekn, part lota 14 and 15, block 2,
Exchange Place , 1,000
Clara Srnlrbel and hushand to Anna
C. Erlckson. lots 9 and 10, block 2,
Monmouth park..., 1,700
Edwards-Wood Go-
(Incorporated )
rial a Of nee: Fifth sJ Robert Strssti
ST. HAUL, fllNN.
Slocks, Grain, Provisions
Ship Your Grain to Us
9)raneh Offlee, Bls-111 roars) at Trade
lata-.. Oanabn, . Telepknns !,
2)8-214 Exchange Sldg.. South Omaha,
BU '! 914 U4iM8888t Pbesx)