Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 12, 1905, Page 9, Image 9

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p. m. funds and until sallln of New
York limmfr, mull for Ctnami and
Csnal Zone In hMd, for the New Tor
H"-mr Hex alinvoi
RfcXilSTEKKD MAIL for overland dn-P-Uckra
closes at (:00 p. m. previous day.
Tvaaspaclfle Malta, Forwarded Over
laa natlr.
Tha schedule of cloning of transpacific
nails la arranged on the presumption 't
their uninterrupted ovenano transit t port
of sailing. The final cr.nnri-tli nu,i ,n
Jpt registered - transpacific malls dee-
nicnm via Vancouver, victoria, i aconia
or Seattle. wtilcM c oa d. m. Drevlmia rlavi
doss at tha ceneral Doatoffica. Now Ytiru
a ronowa:
AW All. via Han Frsnelsco, cloae at I
R. -m April 10 for despatch per a. a
A lame-la.
riiii.i'hiJiK ll,Aius, via San Fran
ciao, dote at p. m. April 13 for des
patcjh per a. a. Manrhurla.
HAW All, via Han t raucuco, clone at 6
P- fn. April IS for tl.spat.ti per a. a. Ne
vAnn. i
'Mo Francisco, close af 6 p. m. April II
r d"K;tcn per a. s. Mnnposa.
"WAII and specially addressed mall
for FIJI IHLANIjH. via Sun Francisco,
close at ft p. m. April 22 for despatch
per s. s. Wntura. (If the Cunard
steamer carrying the British mail for New
Zealand does not arrive in time to conneet
with this despatch, extra malls closing
St 6:30 a. m.. 9:30 a. m. and ( p. in.: Bun
days at 'M) a. m , 9am and li p. m
will be made up and forwarded until the
firrlvat of thn Cunard ateumer.)
VjJI J-LANW, and specially addressed
mall for Al'STTtALIA and NEW CALE
DONIA, via Vancouver and Victoria, U.
-'., close at p. nt. April i'i for despatch
per s. a. M lowers.
JAPAN. KOItEA, CHINA and speflally ad
dressed mail for PH 11,1 PFINE ISLANDS,
via Heattle, Close at . li. m. April .4 for
despatch pr a. a. Pleiades.
JAPAN (except Parcels-Pout Mnilsi,
KORKA, CHINA and specially addressed
mail lor me rn 1 1,1 I'i'iiN r. inuAioua, via
Vancouver and Victoria, II. (.'. close at .
Pi m. April 25 for dcsj-Uch per s. s. Km
wress of China.
fan Francisco, close at 6 p. m. April 26
Jor despatch per U. . Transport.
claco, close at 6 p. m. April 28 for des
patch per s. s. Korea.
MANCHUKIA (except Mukden, New
chwsng and Tort Arthur) and EASTERN
SIBERIA Is at present forwarded via
NOTIC Unless otherwise addressed, West
Australia la forwarded via Europe; New
. Zealand via Ban Francisco and certain
places In the Chinese Province of Yunnan,
lie British Indiathe quickest roiitea.
Philippines specially addressed "via Eu
rope' must be fully prepaid at the foreign
rates. Hawaii Is forwarded via San Fran
cisco exclusively.
Postofflce, New fork, N. V., April 7, 1905.
Rids will be received by the Hoard o.
Public Lands t1d Buildings of the state of
Nebraska at thn. office of secretary f state
to April 22, at 2:311 p. m., for furnishing
and complete Installation of one 14 by 14
automatic , entdne direct connects to one
7 . K, W, electric generator, at the Ne
braska Aylum for the Chronic Insane,
J.astitigs, vjeb'., and -for the furnishing and
complete Installation of two TiO-horse-power
Ixdlers, ono steam main and ono boiler
teed pump, at Nebraska Asylum for
"hrontc insane, .lashings, ien., ana live
llndrlcal nre escapes. Hpccincations tor
e above, can he had of the secretary of
Btate, Lincoln, Neb. , Aidlut
novenxMEvr sotices.
OFFICE. Omaha, Neb.. April in, 1906. Seal
ed, proposals, in tripllcnte. subject to the
usual conditions, wilt be received here until
10 o'clock a. m.,-Central Standard time,
AlHrll 20. 19W1," for buildliiK Macadam Roads
and C;ement Walks, etc., nt Fort Omaha,
.Neb. Full Information ftirnlshet on apt
plication to thla office, where plans and
specifications nniy be seen. Proposals to
le marked "Proposals for Roads, Walks,
etc.." and addressed to MAJOR M. GRAT
ZALINHKI, Constructing Quartermaster,
Army Uulldlng, . Omaha. Nebraska.
.. A10-11-12-13-18-19
V'nion raclOo.
.' - ' Leave. Arrive.
Overland Limited. ...... .a 9:40 am a 8:18 pm
California Express. ......a 4:10 pm a 9:30 am
California & Oregon Ex. a 4.20 pm a 5:10 pm
North Platto Local a 7:50 am a 6:20 pm
Fast Mall - a 8:55 am a 8:20 pm
Colorado BpecHl ........a 7:45 am a 7:40 am
Beatrice Local b 8:48 pm b 1:30 pra
St. Louis Express....... 6:30 pro 8:20 am
Bt. Louis Icnl (from
Council Rluffs) ....... 9:15 am 10:80 pm
Shenandoah Local (from
Council Bluffs) 6:45 pm 2:30 pm
C'blcaso Great Western.
fl Tanl V Minn ....... n. R '?
10 nm 71R am
St. Paul &. Minn a 7:45 am a 7:56 pm
r'lile-r. Limited ..A. R:IN) nm .AlO-Wt H m
o . Express ...a 5:06 am a 3:30 pm
t blcago. Rock Island raclflc.
v.ntcago iiiui-u .uu niu o , .iu rid
. hica-ro DavllKht Local b 7.00 am a 9:55 run
biChlcago Express Dl.:ia am a b:io pm
4ra Molnea xpress...a 4:30 pm bll.&O am
trust h:unrM H &:tl tim a 1 -vil nm
Rocky Mountain L t d. . 7:20 am a 3.50 pm
Lincoln, Den. & West.. a 1:30 pm a 6:05 pm
Oklah6ma & Tex. Kx..a 4:15 pm al2:40 pm
thlcaao -t Kort-wei.rn.
Lol-bI Chicago. ;..all.30 am 3.45 pm
Fust Mall ...a t:2 pm :au am
Dayllglit St. Paul...... .a 7:50 am 10:00 pm
Daylight CUicugo a 6:00 am 11:50 pm
Limited Clvtcugu ........a e- pm V:16 am
Local Carroll.- a 4:00 pm M am
Fast St. Paul a : pm i:uora
. . 1 j mp w r, IM1 litii . u (II am
r Mn. .... :nu nm
jriolK a I v i. .k i .-v an, w.w mil
Lincoln tt Long' Pin...b 7:10 am 10:-6 pin
CaKpr & Wyoming. .....a 2:50 pm a 6:16 pm
Deadwood & Llncwin....a 2:50 pm - 6:15 pin
Hastings-Albion ...b 2:60 pm 6:15 pm
Chicago, Mllwaul-ea A St. l'anl.
Chicago Daylight Ex. ..a 7:56 am all:00 pm
Calil'urnla-Oregun Ex. ..a 6:46 pm a 8:10 pm
Overland Ltmued .t:opm a 7:36 am
Dea M. 4k OkuUoJl Ex. -a T5 am a S.-O pin
Illluala Central.
Chicago Express.; a 7:25 am a!0:35 pm
Chicago Limited.. a 7:50 pm a (:0a am
Minn. & 8l. Paul 'Ex. ..b 7:26 am bl0:36 pm
MittU. & St. Paul L t d.. a 7:60 pm a 8:06 pm
Uaaoart 1'aclttc,
t. Louis Express... .....a 9:80 am a 6:00 am
K. V. Ac Bt. x. i-x all; 16 pm a 6:uu pui
Mlssuarl PaclUc.
L-ave. Arrive.
Nebraska Local, via
WoepLug Water b 440 pm bll:40 am
Chicago, ' St. . Paal, Uiaaeawulla Jt
omaha.' '
Twin City Passenger... b 6:30 am b 9:10 pro
fcloux Cuy Paiig.r..i 2:uw pm vli:0 am
Oakland Loca, o b.4a pin b V:10 am
A dally, b daily exevpt Buiiduy. d dully
except saturuay. e duuy jdouiluy.
Leave. ATrlve.
Denver & California. ...a 4:10 pm a 1:20 pm
Northweat Expresd all:10 pm a 6;0s put
Nebraska points ..a 8:50 am a 7:40 pm
Lincoln Fust Mull. o 2:67 pm al2:06 pm
H. Crook & Plaltsm'th.b 2:5. put alo:2 am
ilellevue A. Plaitsm'th..a 7:fo pm b : am
liellsvue 4 l'u June. a 3:30 am
lullevu. -c Puc. June. .al:16 put
Denver Limited a :50 uin
Chicago fpeclul .a 7:10 am
Chicago Express ;.a 4:tn pm a 8:55 pm
Chicago Flyer '.a :' pm a T::S m
Iowa Local a- 1:15 am ' a 10:53 pm
tit.- Li - Exprms...r.H 4... inn ua.i. am
Kansas City St. Joe..al0 45 pm a 6:45 am City tt "I. Joe. .a 9:15 am a :ub pro
ints City St. Joe. .a 4:25 m
-: ." . . i i'i ' . -
, 111HKCT rASMl iikHVl-i TO
' y -th !t l.tu ton lwU stranwra.
HKI.l.Kl ot.AV, troa Nw Torlt.
IMTtU STATgi,' " -ir M
OUC AH II. . ' - 4t I
llKl.l.Ul lil.AV ' - Jan it
rMTKUr KTATEt.- " Jnl
O-t'AH It. -ri July III
hCANUINAVlAN-AmeKtw-Am Lirt.
K I Hral--r Nw Vork
Attorney for Dolo Comptites What He
Thinks Due Bis Client.
Attorney llnahes Coiirlndea Ills Open
ing Araomrnt for the Plnlntllt
In the Kanauns Portland
Mlnlna (sir,
In concluding the opening argument for
the plaintiff in the Doyle-Burns suit yes
terday . afternoon. Attorney Hughes stated
to the Jury that Doyle asked a verdict for
157.454.92. This was the first definite state
ment made by counsel fur the plulntlff of
the amount thnt he sought to recover at
this trial of the now famous suit. At the
former trial IKiyle sued In all for 8!T6,l:jo,
and the Jury gave him 84tH.K22.73, finding
that he was entitled to an Interest In the
Ilohtall No. 2 and Tidal Wave, but not In
the Devil's Own. The amount asked for
In this trial, as stated by Mr. Hughes to
the Jury yesterday, includes all three claims
In controversy, as follows:
Devil's Own 22
Tidal Wave 1I5.1I6.H0
Bobtail No. 2 fi8,l;U0
by which the plaintiff traded to the
defendant a half Interest in the Portland
for a half interest In the Professor Orubbs'.'
3 If you find that the plaintiff Is en
titled to recover for the conversion by de
fendant of the stork derived from a sale
to the Portland Gold Mining company oi
the Tidal Wave, the Devil's Own or the
Bobtail No. 2 mining claims, or any of
them, then state the date on which you
iind the defendant converted the stock for
which the plaintiff Is thus entitled to re
cover. The remaining nine Interrogatories arr
for the purpose of allowing the Jury to
make separate findings as to the Interest
claimed by Doyle In the three mining
Court adjourned yesterday afternoon at
the close of the opening argument by Mr.
Hughes for the plaintiff, and this morning
former Governor C. S. Thomas will begin
the opening argument for the defense.
Total 85.J7.454.92
Itemized the claim Is as follows:
Devil's Own Of the 226,000 shares Issued
In iHiyinent for this claim by the Port
land company, Doyle demands three
eighths, or M..').'5 shares, leaving T. Harnau,
who had a quarter Interest In the claim,
M.250 chares and Hums 84.375 shares.
Tidal Wave Of the lOO.oofl shsres Issued
for his claim Doyle demands half, or 60,0o0
Hobtair No. 2. For the Bobtail No. 2,
279,000 shares was issued, of which Judge
Harrison received one-fourth, namely, 69.750
shares. Of tha remaining 209,250 shares,
Doyle demands one-half, namely, 104,b2a
At the former trial the Jury computed
Its verdict as follows:
Bobtail No. 2
69.750 shares In Burns' hands,
at 83 1209.2RO.00
Dividends on same, at 81. 30 90.775.00
39.875 shares In Peck's hands, at
"tf cents ' 2.E5.00
Dividends on same, at 45 cents.... 15,89rt."5
Interest on Perk stock and divi
dends from February 2, 1898 7,300.18
THal Wave
23.214 shares, at 83 $ 69.G42.00
Divldends on same, at 81.20 27.856.80
Total .$44C,92,73
Question for the Jory.
'From the thirty-seven special Interroga
tories submitted by the defense and the
two submitted by the plaintiff, Judge Thor
nell has framed twelve which he will subr
mlt to the Jury. The first three interroga
tories are as follows:
1. Dldf the plaintiff and the defendant on
or about February 1892, enter Into a
contract whereby It was agreed In sub
stance that each should have a one.-half
Interest and share and shore alike In any
and all mining claims then located by
either party, or In which either party then
had an interest and In any and all mining
claims which might thereafter be looated
by them or either of them, or In which
either might acquire an interest, and that
each should furnish labor and supplies for
the perfection of the location of said
2. Were the plaintiff's Interests In the
Professor Grubbs and the defendant's In
terests In the Portland acquired under an
agreement made on or about March 14,
Western Iowa
f 111 Hi. ,,(.'' .uTLlfc
sji -
Spring Term Opens March 27
Come If You Want a Position.
UbllahX 1IO.
fraa.wtr a Msres'i Ska stn
Tu hi txrrsw mnr amount o oatllt. .nw
seol4 foraiturs or soy chatui soc-rllr. .
f-ymoatl c-ti So au.o on principal nt on? tlmt
to suit borrovor, sn lotoroot roue4
All busin.H confldontlal. Lowaot ratoo. Odli-o opto
rr o'onlns till J Mi gnlurdor ovonlns till t
28 PEARL ST."10"""'
Lady Attondaut If Desired.
jLEfl 1
. Ros. 8 I
1 Offlaatsr 1
slrod. J
Address Wnaka, Kb.
Department of the Interior, Office of In
dian Affairs, Washington. D. C, March 13,
19(i5. healed proposals, Indorsed "Proposals
for beef, flour, etc.," OS the case may be,
and directed to the Commissioner of Indian
Affairs, 265-267 South Canal street, Chicago,
111., will be received until 1 o'clock p. 111.
of Tuesday, April 25, 1905, for furnishing
for the Indian Hervice, beef, Hour, bacon,
beans, coffee, sugar, rice, tea, and other
articles of subsistence; also for groceries,
soap, baking powder, crockery, agricultural
Implements, paints, oils, giant, tinware,
wagons, harness, leather, shoe findings,
saddlery, etc., school supplies, and a long
list of miscellaneous articles. Sealed pro
posals. Indorsed ' Proposuls for rubebr
goods, hardware, etc.," ss the case may
b. and directed to the Commissioner of
Indian Affairs, 602 South Seventh street.
6t. Ixniia. Mo., will be received until 1
o'clock p. m. of Thursday, April 37, 19"fi,
for furnishing for the Indian Service, rub
ber goods, boots and shuei, hardware, and
medical supplies. Boa led proposals. In
dorsed "Proposals for blankets, woolen and
cotton good, clothing, etc.." as the cae
may be. and directed to the Commissioner
of Indian Affairs, Nos. 11IM21 Wooster
street. New York City, will be received
until 1 o'clock p. 111. of Tuesday, May M.
1906, for furnishing for the Indian Service,
blankets, woolen and cotton goods, -clothing,
notions, hats and caps. Bids must b
made out on Uoverninent blnnks. Sched
ules giving sll neeKs.iry Information for
bidders will be furnished on application to
the Indian Otflce. Washington. D. C. ; the
IT. B. Indian warehouses. 119-121 Weoster
ptreet. New York' City; !5-M7 Booth Cannl
traet, Chicago, III.: 815 Howard street.
Omaha, Neb. ; Sll South Seventh s'reet.
M. Irfiula,' Mo. ;. 33 Wsenhigton sireet. 8m
Francisco, Cal. ; the Commissaries of Sub
pisl. nco. J. 8. A., at Cheyenne, Wye, stid
St. Paul, Minn. ; the Quartermaster. I". 8.
A., Seattle, Wash.; iind the postmasters at
Ploux City. rTucson. Portland. Spokane and
Taioma. Bids will be opened at the hour
and days above stated, and bidders are (n.
vlted to be present at the opening. The
Impertinent reserves the right to determine
th print of delivery and to reject any and
all tils, or nny nurt of any bid.
F. E. X-ECTF, Commissioner
Real Kstnte Transfers.
These transfers were reported to The Bee
April 11 by the Title Guaranty and Trust
company of Council Bluffs:
William Arnd and wife to J. P. Green
shields and F. F. Everest, swH 13-75-39.
w. d $ 8.0X1
W. A. Pope rind wife to Frank Pike,
part swi 31-7W-39, q. c. d 1
R. V. lnties and wife to K, M. Nichols,
lot 9, Auditor's eubdlv, se1 se1 24-75-41.
w. d 40
Edwin Clernlnson and wife to Linda
K. Drlskell. lot 104, part lot 103, orig
inal plat, w. d 8,100
Ada O. Sllchter and husband to Wal
lace Benjamin, lots 7 and 8, block 15,
Stutsman'' 2d add, w. d 80
James G. Megeath to A. O. Brumage.
lot 12, block 35, Central subdlv, w. d. 150
James I,. Drulen and wife to A. G.
Brumnge, lot 12, block 35, Central
subdiv, w. d 150
A. B. Carmen to J. P. Greenshlelds
and F. F. Everest, lots 3, 6 and 6,
Snpp place, w. d 1
Sarah M. Perry et at to Armlnda E.
Perry, lots 19. 20, 21 and 18. block 5,
Carson, w. d 1,500
Iowa Tnwnslte company to George
Peterson, lot 21, block li). McClelland,
w. d 42
Interstate Realty company of Council
Bluffs to C. V. Miller, lot 4, block E.
Perry's 2d add, w. d 100
L. G. Potter and wife to Joseph B.
Leslie, lot 10, block 9, Meredith rs add
to Avoca, w. d 325
Samuel D. Welser and wife to Mar
garet Schmaedecke, lot 8, block 3,
Fisher's 1st add to Underwood, w.d. 175
Sarah M. Perry and others to Iennra
Patrick, lots 1. 2, S, 4, S and 6, block
6, Carson, w. d 1,500
Armlnda E. Perry et al to Sarah M.
Perry, lots 11 and 12, block 8, Carson,
w. d 900
Total fifteen transfers 810,014
. Has Faith In Tabor Road.
H. C. Avery, former chief engineer of the
Council Bluffs, Tabor & Southern Electric
Railway company, was In the city yester
day renewing acquaintances. Mr. Avery is
now In the engineering department of the
Rock Island railroad In Chicago and has
been home for a few days visiting his
family In Tabor.
Mr. Avery stated that he still had full
faith in the Tabor line being built, but he
doubted If the company would be able to
construct the line from this city to the
School for the Deaf by July 1 of this year,
as Its charter provided. President Dobbs
and other promoters of the proposed rail
way, he said, were hard at work at the
other end of the line, and he had heard
that the company expected to be able to
finance the project In due time. It might
be necessary, however, Mr. Avery sug
gested, for the company to secure from thla
city an extension of time in which to build
the line to the School for the Deaf.
The Tabor line project, Mr, Ayery aaid,
was In his opinion a splendid proposition,
as It would- tap most valuable territory
and would undoubtedly be a paying one.
He Said the people In Tabor still had great
faith in the road ultimately being built.
Refused a Marriage License.
Glen Felix, giving his age as 21 and his
residence as Lafayette, Ind., and Bertha
Moore, giving her age as 18 and her homo
as In Kearney, Neb., applied for a mar
riage license yesterday afternoon. They
said they had come to Council Bluffs from
Strahan, la., where the young woman was
visiting a married sister and where the
prospective groom was working. They were
accompanied by some youthful looking
friends. R. V. Battey. olerk of the dis
trict court, wae not satisfied that the young
man was of legal age to contract a mar
riage without hla parents' consent and de
clined to Issue a license. The young man
was unable to give the year In which he
was born and the friends with, him could
only state that they knew he was past 21.
Clerk Battey suggested that they had bet
ter go to Glenwood and get a license there,
as it was nearer home. The party left the
court house, evidently very much dis
appointed and the would-be young bride
was almost In tears and she gave Mr.
Battey anything but a kindly look as she
Indignantly gathered her skirts and swept
out of his office.
Main Street hotel reading a newspaper and
hat he declined to give any explanation
-.0- the officer why he had failed to report
o headquarters.
Crafts was then called upon the carpet
the chief and is said to havw used lan
unge highly disrespectful to his commnnd
.ng officer. The records at police head
liarters recite that Crafts was discharged
ir neglect of duty and Insubordinate conduct.
Marriage Licenses.
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to
the following:
Name and Residence. Age.
(leorga 8. Glen. Denver 29
Fannie Cook, Council Bluffs 29
Frank O. Winkler, Kansas City, Mo 81
Mvrtle Mallory, Lincoln, Neb 21
Davis sells drugs.
Leffert's glasses fit.
Storkert sells enrpets.
Plumbing and heating. Blxby A Son.
Drs. Woodbury, dentists, 30 Prarl rtreet.
For rent, modern house, 723 Sixth avenue.
Dashing styles In wall pap-r. rrlces low.
Borwlck, 211 Main at. Tel. 683.
Duncan. 23 Main St., guarantees to do the
best shoe repair work. Give him a trial.
Hiawatha pictures In birch bark effect
frames, 15c and 36c. Alexander's, 333 Bway.
Property owners on Benton street have
filed a protest against the proposed paving
of that street.
Free lecture on Christian Science by Blck
nell Young of Chicago at the New thenter
Friday evening, April 14.
The regular meeting of the Women's aux
iliary of Grace Episcopal church will be
held this afternoon at the rectory.
The Sunday school of the Fifth Avenue
Methodist church will meet Thursday even
ing to rehearse the Easter'exerclses.
The Ladles' Aid society of St. John's
English Lutheran church will meet TliuiH
day afternoon at the church parsonage.
Rev. M. L. Mellck of Omaha will preach
this evening at St. John's English Lutheran
church. This will be the only service this
Mrs. W. L. Harris will entertain the
members of Palm grove. Woodmen circle,
and their friends at a kenslngton Friday
The Ladles' Aid society of the First
Christian church will meet Thursday
afternoon at the home of Mrs. Shugart, 332
Glen avenue.
Mrs. L. E. Renard will entertain the
members of Tlgredla temple, Rathbone Sla
ters, at her home in the Grand hotel annex
Friday afternoon.
The city council will meet Friday evening
In committee of the whole to take up the
ordinance providing for the creation of the
office of plumbing inspector.
At the recent convention of the Iowa con
ference of the German Evangelical associa
tion at Sumner, Rev. Louis Schcurer was
returned as pastor of the Salem Evangel
ical church of this city.
Frank G. Winkler of Kansas City and
Myrtle Mallory of Lincoln, Neb., were mar
ried last evening In this city by Justice
Field. William Haveln and Martha Evans,
both of Omaha, were also married yester
day by Justice Field.
The suit of Etna Mensliiger against Roy
and Joe Carroll, In which the plaintiff nnk
83,000 for alleged assault, was yesterday
ordered transturred to Harrl.son county by
Judge Thornell on motion of one of tho de
fendants and by consent of the plaintiff.
The annual inspection of Council Bluffs
dlvlaon, uniform rank of the Maccabees,
will be held tonight by Colonel E. J. Bun
yard of Traer, la. At the close of the in
spection Colonel Banyard will be the guest
of honor at a banquet at the Vienna res
taurant. ' The Ladies' Missionary" society of the
Second Presbyterian church will meet Fri
day afternoon at the residence of Mrs. If.
O. Davis. 118 Grace street. The young peo
ple of the church will give a spelling con
test social Friday evening a,t the parsonage,
212 East Pierce street. ' '
Why clear house and let. those rusty gas
fixtures mar Its appearance? Let us re
flnlsh them. We make them look like new.
Nickel and copper plating, brass finishing
and poliahlng. Lindsay burners complete
75c, mantles 15c, globes '20q. New Specialty
Mfg. Co., 43 N. Main. Tel 21.
The health authorities discovered last
evening that members of the Culbertson
family, living at 357 North First street, had
been suffering from smallpox for the last
month and that no report had been made
of the fact. Culbertson, who Is an employe
of the gas company, is said to have gone
to work every day. The family was quar-
! antined last evening. Mrs. Harry Snyder,
! 1035 Avenue IS, was reported to nave small
pox. The commissioners on Insanity did not do
anything yesterday In the case of W. A.
t'ourtrlght, the supposed Insane man found
, Monday morning in the barn of G. D. Whlt-
inim u A VJ 1 1 .ircn. Vjitrin uni irj nap
written to the cashier of the' First State
bank of Green, on which a certificate of
deposit for 3500 was found In the possession
of Courtwrlght, for Information concerning
the man. Pending word from Green, Court
wrlght will be detained at St. Burnard't
Council camp No. 14, Woodmen of the
World, will be honored Friday night by a
visit from State Manager J. W. Gelger of
Cedar Rapids, Head Consul Winn White of
Sioux City and Head Consul of the Pacific
Jurisdiction B. W. Jewell of Denver. Dele
gations from Neola, Mlnden, Avoca,. Walnut
and Red Oak will be present, and It Is ex
pected that several officers of the sovereign
jurisdiction from Omaha will be In attendance.
Mnch of the Eoad in Iowa to Be Bebnilt
This Season.
Rooms and cafe, ogsen, rote!.
Mortgage on Great Western. .
There was filed for record yesterday in
this city a mortgage given by the Mason
City & Fort Dodge Railroad company to
the Central Trust company of New York,
trustee, to secure an issue of 812,000,000 of
4 per cent fifty-year gold bonds In de
nominations of 81,000. The mortgage and
bonds are dated June 1, 1905, and mature
June 1, 1955. The mortgage, which is a first
one, covers the line of the railroad com
pany from Its Junction at Hayfteld, Minn.,
to Omaha, .from Oelweln to Clarion and
the branches from Fort Dodge to Lehigh
and Coalville, also the stock In the Web
ster County Coal and Land company and
the 8100,000 stock In the Omaha grain terminals.
N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. 3. Night, FK7.
Policeman Crafts Let Ont.
Patrolmun J. A. Crafts whs summarily
given his walking papers yesterday after
noon by Chief of Police Richmond. Crafts
failed to report at the proper hour on his
beat, and fearing that he might have been
taken ill, an officer was sent to Investigate.
It is said that Crafts was discovered com
fortably esconced In an arm chair in a
"Begin Taking Ozoteralslon Today
and Tour Cure Begin Today
fto CM w Ml aiM "fit ,."
Its Vitalised Medicinal Food Proper
ties f re Very Quickly Realised.
In Bringing Healthy Color to tha
Cheeks of the Pale ard Sallow.
In Producing Strength to the Weak, to
the Feeble and the Invalid.
In Toning up the System of Convales
cents from Exhausting Diseases.
In Cleansing the Entire System.
In Nourishing the Wornout.
In Bounding Out the Thin, Peaked
Faces of Children.
In Building up on their Little Bodies
the Desirable Pink and White Flesh, and
In Dotting their cheeks with the Pretty
Color and Dimples that make Mother's
Heart Glad.
Is aa Aatldete for all Diseases Caused by
Ssposare to Cold and Wet.
To prove Its Medicinal Food Merits a
Trial Dottle Free by Mall
Will be sent on request Writs by letter
or postal card to
O.omnlsloQ Co., 98 Pine St., If ew York.
Ail Druggist-Two sUes 60a and 11. M,
Omaha Man Refuses to Plend to the
Charge of Robbery.-
LOGAN, la., April 11. (Special Telegram.)
Tom Dennison came to Logan this morn
ing at 8 o'clock, and at 11, through his
attorneys, Cochran and Egan, he pleaded
not guilty in the first caae against him,
that of receiving and aiding In concealing
stolen goods. He refused to plead In tho
second case, in which he Is charged with
complicity In robbery, and the court en
tered the statutory plea of not guilty.
Cochran and Egan agreed to file a peti
tion for change of venue tomorrow at 1
o'clock. J urge Green Bald that Dennison
need not appear in person to file the peti
tion, which does not state where the trial
is wanted. About fifty persons have signed
the petition.
Windfall for Iowa City.
IOWA CITY. la., April ll.-(Speclal.)-The
home, of the State university of Iowa
has found Itself to be the possessor of
some 82,218.88 that It was not aware be
longed to the civic corporation. The money
has been lying unclaimed In the hands of
the Johnsoa county officials since 1895,
when the fund began to accumulate. Since
that time, whenever the county road fund
tax haa been levied It has been added to,
and now amounts to the sum mentioned!
The statutes of the state provided that the
fund arising frem this tax, though levied
by the county supervisors, shall be turned
Over to the city when collected from prop
erty lying within the corporate limits. The
fund thus discovered will probably be em
ployed In the improvement of roads abut
ting the cemetery.
Vonnir Man Passes Worthless Checks.
CRESTON, la., April ll.-(Speclal.)-J. H.
Sherrod, a young man whose place of resi
dence is Qulncy, III., pajued two spurious
checks on couple of Creston merchants
Saturday evening and realised $40 in cash
for his trouble. Sherrod has been here
some weeks visiting with his grandfather,
William Stobbart, by whom he has been
introduced to business men and others.
This . morning It was learned that the
young man had no money on deposit In any
of the Creston banks. He left the city
early Sunday morning, having bought a
ticket for Kansas City. Efforts are being
made to locate Sherrod and he will 110
doubt be apprehended and prosecuted."
.Odd Fellows to Celebrate." "
MARSHALLTOWN, la., April-II. (Sne
clulit Arrangements aie being completed
by 4he general commute, of the' Independ
ent Order of Odd Fellows of this use) ad
Joining counties for the eighty-sixth an
niversary ceirbratlon, to be held In tills
city April .
Kniilnrrr Who Assisted In Krectlos
of llailtllna- Resigns to Take a
Position with the Federal
fFrom a Staff Ccrresponnent.)
DES MOINES, April 11. tSperial.l Re
cent wrecks on the Rock Island In this
state are said to have resulted In a deci
sion of the road officials to entirely re
build the system In the state. The Initial
contract In the extensive improvements was
let today In a $.17,000 contract to a Phila
delphia firm for extensive machinery for
the Valley Junction shops. The new rond
nnsters have also been appointed to take
charge of the work of rebuilding. . J. K.
C. Kink will remain in charge of the Valley
division, with headquarters here, and will
have supervision over the three new men.
W. 1 Ie takes charge of the line from
here to WoshlnKton. la., John Singleton
has charge of the Gowrle division and J.
Dulln has the eastern division from Knox
villn to Keokuk. On'.ers have been Issued
to advertise for 5.5OO,0on brick, to be de
livered in Des Moines.
Takes tiovernment Position.
Srott Goodrell, the eiiRineor nt the state
house, who nssMed In the erection of the
building, hns resigned his position to ac
cept a place under the civil aervlce of the
federal government and will leave Des
Moines, with his family. He will go west
to superintend the erection of government
buildings. It Is expected there will at once
be a host of applicants for tho position.
The vacancy will bo filled by appointment
by the custodian, who, however, will likely
be Influenced In his appointment by .the
Demands Explanation.
In two petitions filed with Clerk Mc
Arthur today Referee in Bankruptcy Sted
man asks that the State bank of Maxwell
be subpoenaed to appear and explain the
acceptance and transfer of property from
L. B. Adams, nn Insolvent merchant at
Maxwell. In one petition G. W. Noltnott
Is made defendant for alleged fraudulent
transfer of land In Appanoose county.
Lnke Bed Hearing.
At the next meeting of the executive
council the Pocahontas lake bed hearings
are to be given. The council was to have
met tomorrow, but the governor is attend
ing an Important meeting of the regents
of the State university at Iowa City and
will not likely be home till Thursday.
Master Ont Jifir Hampton.
An order was prepared In the office of
the adjutant general today to muster out
the company of the National Guard at New
Hampton. There Is n strong rivalry among
the cities of the state for guard compnnies,
as there are about half enough companies
to go around. The company at New Hamp
ton fell below the mark of efficiency. Com
pany F of Dea Moines was given a special
Inspection last night and there Is a report
that It also will be mustered out.
Dea Moines In Doubt.
The controversy over the date of the
200th anniversary of the general assembly
of the Presbyterian church In America Is
casting doubt on whether Des Molnea will
get the assembly meeting in 1906 or 1907.
Philadelphia Is to have the assembly for
that anniversary, and Des Moines will have
it for the other year.
Name Field Secretary.
At a meeting of the sub-executive com
mittee of the Iowa Christian Endeavor
union at tho Savery today Rev. A. E. Kep
ford of Ida Grove was tendered the ap
pointment of field secretary. Dr. Kepford
Is now president of the organization. The
last state convention, which elected him
president, made Rev. L. G. Kent of Le
Mars field secretary. Dr. Kent resigned a
month ago on account of 111 health. Be
tween state conventions the affairs of the
rganlzatlon are in the hands of the com
mittee which met today. It Includes Dr.
Kepford, D. Bnlleau of Arlington, state
treasurer; Mabel Gunn of Red Oak, state
secretary; Mabel Stroman of Independence,
superintendent of Junior work, and Rev.
C. K. Shotto of New Hampton, superin
tendent for educational work.
Rlnker Asks Reinstatement.
IOWA CITY, la., April 11. (Special Tel
egram.) Purley Rlnker of Seymour, la.,
former student of Iowa university, who
was expelled last January for alleged
plagiarism In the Hamilton club oratorical
contest In Chicago, will tomorrow petition
the board of regents, who are now In ses
sion, to reinstate him. He will be repre
sented before the board by Hon. Milton
Remley, former attorney general of the
state. It Is charged that the university
faculty acted hastily in the matter. Since
William Stobbart, by whim he has been
In the University of Nebraska. ,
Spotted Fever In Iowa.
CLINTON, la., April H. (Special.) Eva
Lambrlth. aged 9, died yesterday of cerebro
spinal meningitis, or "spotted fever,"
which Is attracting so much attention in
medical circles. Word has been received
from Sac City of the death of Gladys Wil
son, aged 13, the daughter of Postmaster
Wilson, from the same , disease. She was
ill a week.
Iowa Student Wins Scholarship.
IOWA CITY. Ia., April 11. (Special Tel
egramsJoseph Weihr, graduate student
In Iowa university, has been awarded a
scholarship In German in Columbia uni
versity which pays him $600 per year. He
will begin work there next fall.
Carnegie Helps Iowa College.
MARSHALLTOWN, la.. April 11. An
drew Carnegie has offered to give $50,000 to
The whiskey with a repu
tation combining purity.
quality and age.
Kansas City, Mo.
the Western college of Toledo, la., pro
vided an additional $lon.000 is raised. Major
U Clark, a capitalist of Tsma county, will
give $5rt,000 of the latter amount and the
trustees and cltitens of Toledo will make
a campaign to raise the remainder. ,
Anion of Trnatees the Ocraalon of
Prolonged Debate.
LAMONI. Ia.. April II (Special Tele
gram.) The agitating question which was
before the Latter Day Saints' conference
at the close of yesterday's session was
acted upon today Immediately iier ,.h'
opening exercises and reading of minutes.
F. M. Smith presided. The question will
not affect the future of Oraceland college,
owing to the fact that on Saturday the
conference pa-seed a resolution providing
for Its continuance and establishing of a
manner of sustenance, and the setting apart
of a certain day each year when special off
erings shall be made throughout the church
for the running expenses of the college.
The nature of the question under such
earnest discussion yesterday and today par
takes more cf an expression of the con
ference as to whether the board of trus
tees should be commended or censured for
keeping the college open last year con
trary to the resolution of the conference
of 19i4 at Klrkland, favoring the supen
sion of the college until the debt should
be paid or until some gesVral conference
cf the church should order 1t reopened. The
board cf trustees and bishopric contend
that under the code of Iowa they could not
close the college, and nre firm In their
contention that the resolution was simply
an expression of the sentiment of those
present at that conference, and not beln
couched In the form of an order was not
mandatory or binding upon them. Be
cause of the general knowledge of the
fact that this discussion would be con
tinued today there was only standing room
left ,ln the Immense auditorium, people
standing in the hall, aisles and galleries
gave evidence of the Intense Interest taken
In the topic. The time for argument was
unlimited and speakers were listened 1.1
with silent attention, each member weigh
ing In his own mind the arguments pro
and con concerning the legality of the ac
tion of the committee under consideration.
Debate upon this Important question was
prolonged until 4:30 p. m., when a motion
prevailed that further discussion be de
ferred until tomorrow afternoon.
There was preaching tonight by Hiram E.
Moler of Holdfn, Mo.
New Feature Added to I.ltlttat Ion
Over the F.qnltable Life
Society's Affairs.
NEW YORK, April 11. A new feature
was added to the Equitable Life Assurance
society litigation today when a stockholder,
CharlcB W. Morse, organiser of the Ameri
can Ice company, obtained permission to
Intervene in the suit brought by Franklin
B. Lord to restrain the putting into effect
of the mutuallzatlon plan agreed upon by
the society's directors.
Mr. Untermeyer, representing Vice Presi
dent James H. Hyde, gave notice that he
woud present a formal petition of Interven
tion, and said: "Mr. Hydo Is most anxious
for mutuallsatlon, In fact, desires the
amended charter put Into effect at tho
earliest possible moment, but he wants
mutuallsatlon on terms that will preserve
the legal rights jf his stock."
William B. Hornblower, for the society,
then concluded his argument, begun yes
terday, in favor of the mutuallzatlon plan.
Mr. Untermeyer then presented Mr.
Hyde's case. He said that If the mutuallza
tlon plan favored by Mr. Hornblower pre
vailed it would In the end not only deprive
Mr. Hyde of his property rights, but that
Mr. Hyde would be "humbled."
Counsel for Mr. Morse declared that the
stockholders had not been consulted aa to
the adoption of the mutuallzatlon plan and
that therefore he questioned the legality of
the plan.
This ended the argument of counsel and
Judge Maddox gave them until Friday to
file briefs. In the meantime he gave no
ALBANY, N. Y., April li.-Senator
Brackett today Introduced In the senate a
bill enabling any stockholder of the Equi
table Life Assurance society to bring an
action to retire Its capital stock and pro
vide for Its mutuallzatlon.
John G. Wenke.
STURGIS, S. D., April ll.-(Speclal.)-The
funeral of the late John G. Wenke,
who died here Friday, took place under
the auspices of Olive Branch lodge No. 47,
Ancient Free and Accepted Masons. Da
kota commandery No. 1, Knights Templar,
of Deadwood, of which deceased was a
member, came down on a special train,
accompanied by a large number of clti
gens from the Upper Hills country, to at
tend the funeral. Mr. Wenke came to the
Black Hills In the early days of its set
tlement. Mrs. James B. Hutchinson.
PHILADELPHIA. April ll.-Mrs. James
P. Hutchinson, wife of Dr. James P. Hut
chinson, and eldest daughter of A. J. Cas
sat, president of the Pennsylvania railroad,
Is dead at her home here after an illness
of several weeks. Death was due to a
complication of diseases. Mrs. Hutchinson
was a grand niece of President Buchanan.
, Solomon Darst.
SIDNEY, Ia., April ll.-(Bpeelal.)-Whlle
hauling a load of hay last Wednesday
Solomon Darst, an old resident, 49 years
of age, was seized with a violent fit of
coughing which caused rupture, from which
he died Saturday.
Residence at Grand Island.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., April ll.-(Spe-claL)
The home of Mrs. Fred Roby, a
widow, was burned last night, only about
$50 worth of furniture being saved. Mrs.
Itoby was staying ov'er night at the home
of her son, only a few rods away. At 9:45
she was awakened by the glare against her
window and found the kitchen of her own
home to be one huge muss of fire. The loss
amounts to $1,400, with 8250 insurance on
contents and 8700 on the building. The
cause of the fire is a mystery.
Business Houses In West Virginia.'
HUNTINGTON, W. Va., April 11. Fire
today destroyed the five story wholesale
grocery of Blake Brothers & Co., and the
seven-story building occupied by the
American Stogie company. Several smaller
buildings In the immediate vicinity of the
fire were crushed by falling walls. No one
was injured. The total loss will exceed
$130,000. The principal Individual losses are
Blake Bros.' & Co., $75,000, American
Stogie company, $47,C00.
SIDNEY, la.. April 11. (Speclal.)-On last
Saturday, at the pleasant country home of
B. C. Babbitt and wife, near Sidney, oc
curred the marriage of their daughter,
Laura Vesta Babbitt, arid Samuel Willis
Brown of Deadwood, S. D. The ceremony
was performed by Rev. Enoch Kill, pastor
of tho Methodist Epls'opal church.
Weils ladnrted Into Ottlce.
BT'. 1AVIH April 11 The ceremonies 1n
augurstlng Holla Wells Into office for bis
second trim as mayor of St. Loula, were
held today In the chamber of the houxe. of
delegates at a Joint meeting of the rnunl
cIl1 assembly. Circuit Ju'lge Douglas.
j who four y ears ago the oath
of office for Mayor Wells' first term. tN
Wells made a brief rapacity today. Mayo
Wells made a brief inaugural address, lla
Is the first executive of St. Iuls to suc
ceed himself.
schooner In Itlstrvsa. - -
NORFOLK. Vs.. April 11 An unidenti
fied New York fishing schmrur Is reported
In distress off Thimble llghtbiis. In lower
Chesapeake hay. with its m.tyn sail., fore
sail and boom gone. A Norfolk wrecking
tug has left to lend assistance.
Boston Business Man Cured ByCuti
cura of Awful Humor Covering
Head, Neck, and Shoulders After
Hospital and Doctors Failed
Under date of Septctb.r 9, 1904,
XT- Q T V.',.a - well.Vnnwn hum
ncss rnan I No. 149 Congress Street,
. r
iisj 10 n , ,u ass,
ays : " Cuticur
did wonders for
tne. For twenty
five years I suf
fered SRony from
a terrible humour,
completely cover
ing my head, neck,
and shoulders,
discharging mat
ter of snch offen
olveneas to siffht
and smell, that to my friends, and
even to my wife, I became an object
of dread. At large expense I consuls
ed the most able doctors and near.
Their treatment was of no avail, nor
was that of the hospital, during
six months' efforts. 1 suffered on and
concluded there was no help for mj
this side of the grae- Then I beard
of some one who had been cured by
Cuticura, and thought that a trial
could do no harm. In a surprisingly
short time I was completely cured."
Complete Treatment for Every
Humour from Pimples
to Scrofula
Bathe the affected parts with hot
water and Cuticura Soap, to cleans
the surface of crusts and scales and
soften the thickened cuticle dry,
without hard rubbing, and apply
Cuticura Ointment freely, to allay
itching, irritation, and inflammation,
and soothe and heal ; and, lastly, take
Cuticura Resolvent Pills to cool and
cleanse the blood. A single set is
often sufficient to cure the most tor.
turing, disfiguring skin, scalp, and
blood humours, with loss of hair,
when all else fails.
Cutleiiro 80-p, Olntmont, and Pllli or mM Muuuftioel
tha world, t'oiw I ituf Chun. Corp., Solj Proprietor
BoMod. -8ii lor " U-w ts C -r .ir .
First Box Free
0111 onrl Hid tonr.Chsoo, nf N.IOth
St., Philadelphia, Pa., for 50c. bos Ire.
My dliesoo ii 7- aa
I have never uioo ir. ----- .......-
Nerve Food.out prom ie 10 gi
I My ditto
I 1 hove tie
ft Nerve Fo
m Name
Sold and unaronlted by Myers-UII. ,
Ion Drag Co., Omaha, .Nab. . ,
A positive
guarantee that
Uri csol will
cure your
rheum at is m
g 0 e s
8hrman & MeOonnetl Drug Co., JCth
ind Dodgo 6ts., Omaha, are aathorlc-!
to jrire to every purchaser of six bottle
of Uricnol at $.1.00, a positive gnar-ntM
that Urlesol will cure your Rheumatism.
TJricsol Is the (treat California remedy
that dissolves the uric acid deposits n
removes the cense of rheumatism sod
TJrlcfiol will not harm or Injure sny
part of yonr body, on the contrary It wQl
tone up the stomach, create an appetite,
stimulate the liver and kidneys, rermre.
injr the entrees of uric add that causes
so many ailments, chief of which is rhen.
taatlsm. Write for booklet and diet list
The Uricaol Chemical Co
Vom Ancslsa, CaL
TO look well tk tsre of your
complexion, uori'itaii wun
slghtly rirnpl'Si blackheads. tn,
or freckles to blemi.h your skin.
will remove the 40 like magic.
urcs EC-erne ana 1 ener.
Used Willi l;i kha-Roymi
Soap, a perfect oklo U
l A - '
Mcrmi-Koyaia mi.vm j'i
Derma-Roy ale Soep, .U
Portraits and testimonials sent on request.
THE DEP.MA-R0Y41.P.C0., Cfnclnsl. 0
For sal by Itratua I)nir Co., 15tb set'
larsani, Omaha, and all draas'sts.
f . w
Fon Soro lhromt, Amthmmi
BronoMtJtt glvm ptvmpt
roll9 ft e?9-f ojr fa to.