THE OMAHA DAILY HKK: WKDNKSDAV. APRIL 12. 1903. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Winter Wheat Condition Maintained Meant Largest Crop Erer. GOVERNMENT - REPORT IS VERY BEARISH InlTeralty Esprrt Kinds Hessian Kl Well Developed In All Month riatte rooallrt-r.rntral Condition High. OMAHA. April 11. WH. '1 he government report issued Monuay afternoon given the condition of winter whent at i., compared witn a condition of In Do. j,.4 in ):mi3, )n jy, and :1 a."1 ,''1' Th rrege ! given at ai. acre, compared with 2t.M.isa) auieg m 1"4, 82,5M. acre in llttt, 2,.d.isi a res m i9"2, ana 0.i.i9,ia,o acrw in iii.i. i ho estimated yield In figured at 4t.4 .. bu.. compared with :iJ6,;,4.''0 bu. in iv; 401, to.i.o hg. in la. MU.o?!,t0 bu. in lC and 4.H,t)7.i.Oii bu. in ld. it the total ciop la havested it would be the largest yleiu of wmtet wheat jet raised in me Lulled Mtates. The report la more bearish thun had been i xpecteu, but its effect on the July wheat nan very small, largely tne inly ing operntlona of Valentine and a lew other, who began two or three day i.g to buy the Juiy and sell the September lor a straddle. The May ha continued ita downward course, but the report ia not considered to have mmh effect on that congested market. The May bcf. re noon range.) 4.1 1 ween the high and low polnta of II.14 and tl.lSVj. against II. Iti and 11.14', for Monday. This menus that the May la off nearly 10c from the high point of the crop and hna lot almost all It gained in the recent rallv. Paris closed irom unchanged to 10c highet. Antwerp remained unchanged and Liverpool cloned from Vo to V down. The July before noon reached the high and low points of t7,o nnd 8V. against 874o and tic for Monday. The market nt noon toduv waa '; above the cloae Moinlav night, during I he session Valentine bought 7o. aH bu. July and aold the September wheat. This course waa taken by others ard gave tin July market ronolderahi strength In the face of thy report. The new crop, whlla it I perhaps two weeka carlv. cannot get In for July delivery In full amount, so that with tlai present low reserve stocks it is figured that thrTe will not be cny too much wheat in Julv for delivery. Wltr. September it ia different. Professor Rruner of the University has Hiinounced that examination made bv him show the chrysalis of the Hessian fly well preserved and hatching. The condition la comparatively uniform over the South I'latte eountry and forbodes misfortune It nothing happens to destroy the fly. Michigan April wheat report allows a condition of 96 against S3 In December last, 79 last April anil 47 last June. The crop then was only T.oOO.nn'). Duluth has sent SOO.OOO of wheat to Minneapolis and It Is pointed from now on this sort of move ment will apoll the primary receipts for the purpose of comparison. The primary receipts of wheat are 197.000, bushels against 202.000 lust year and the shipments the 209,000 against 268,000. Hradatreets gives a decrease Tn the' world's wheat of 2.564,000 bushels on which 1.000,000 Is afloat and In Europe. Corn Increases 561.000 and oats decrease 51.000 bushels. Omaha cash prices: Omaha (ash Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard. Jl.02ftl.04; No. 3 hard, Wc; No. 4 hard, 33c; No. 3 spring, 11.03. CORN No. 2. 42c; No. 3. 42c; No. 4. 4H4c: no grade, 364i40c; No. 2 yellow, 4314c; No. 8 yellow. 43c; No. 2 white, Uhic; No. 3 white. 43c. OATS No. 2 mixed. 29c; No. 3 mixed, 2Hc; No. 4 mixed, !'Sc; No. 2 white. 30c; No. 3 white, 29c; No. 4 white, 29c; stand ard, 30c. C'arlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Octs Chicago 62 245 87 Kansas City 10ft 98 -4 Minneapolis 8 Duluth 19 St. !x)uls 18 1 Omaha 3 2 Minneapolis Wheat Market. The rang of prices paid In Minneapolis as reported by the Edwards-Wood company, llo-Ul Hoard of Trade, was: steady; May. ft Sd: July, 8 r: Sep tember. He t,d. e CORN Fpot. quiet; American mixed new, 4s .Vyl; American mixed old. 4s 1d; futures quiet; May. 4s 1. July. 4s )P,d. CHICA4.4I HHtlti AI4.I1 PROVIMO9 Artlcles. Open. I Hlgh.l Low. I Cloae.l Tery. Wheat i I I I May... 10441 1 oNi 1 o1, 1064 Julv... 1 0o' 102 ltti,! 1 02Hi 1 ol--, -SeUi - .W,W - Wsl WB S3V, "RbTd KKW YORK (iEMCnAI. MARKET Quotations of the Day on Various Commodities. NEW YORK, April 11.-FLOUR-Roc.elpl. 83 307 bbls.; exports, 1,975 bbla.; market dull and partly lower; winter patents, J5. SI'S 5.60; winter straights, JK.ootfro.10; Minnesota pat ents. J6.4n.)0; winter extraa, J3.5O4.0O; Minnesota baker, J3.O'a4.30; winter low grades. J3.404j3.90. Rye flour, barely steady; fair to good. $4.20fi 4.85. ., t'ORNM KAL Quiet : kiln dried, I2.7o&2.90. RYE Nominal; western, hoc. BARLEY Steady ; feeding. 45e, c. I. f. New York. W HEAT Receipts, 8.000 bu. Bpot market casv; No. 2 red. J1.07, nominal elevator; No. '.' red, J1.0X4, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, $1.09. f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, J1.01V f. o. b. atloat. In trying to over wheat that waa sold some time ugo In anticipation of a bearish crop report shorts put the price up a cent today on July. The May option had a severe break early tinder slop-loan selling, but recovered part after mid-day. closing lac net lower, against Sc net rise on later months. May, JUWVUl.O.'A. closed at J1.07; July. 9OVa02i-, closed at 917,c; September. H6 9-ltMaKtl;SiC. closed at 8ic. CORN Receipts, 175.300 bu.; exports, ll.SiO bu. Spot market steady: No. 2, 54c elevator and 62c f. o. b. afloat: No. 2 yellow. 53V; No. 2 white. 524c- Options were fairly ac tive and firm, closing 4c to 4c net higher. The buvlng motives were small receipts, bad weather news and light farm offerings. Muv, M4tio3Hc closed al Uc; July. 53Ve 634', closed at 534c. OATS Receipts. 138.000 bu. Spot market weak; mixed, al to 82 lbs., 354f354c; natural white, 30 to 33 lbs., 36441 364c; clipped white. 3d to 40 lbs.. 37 4ii 3114c. HAY-Steady, good to choice, 77VaS24c HOPS Steady; state, common to choice, 2iirjc; 103, 2;'tr-'6e; olds. lKijUo; I'a clric coast. 1904. 26f'Jbc; limi. 21W-4C; olds. ue i.v. H IDES Stead v; Oalveston. 20 to 25 lbs., 20c; California, 21 to 25 lbs.. 194o; Texas, dry. 24 to 30 lbs., )6o. LEATHER Ktcudy; acid, 24(ft2fic. PROVISIONS-Heef. firm; family. J12.00 KiKI.OU; mess, I'.i.Un-dti W; beef hums.'y 2U.0O; pnrket. lll.0O4jU.00: city, extra India mesa, H-. mm 18. mi. Cut meats, steady; pick led bellies. J7(Kfi7.76: pickled shoulders, iu uXf4.0O. I.urd. quiet; western steam, I7.t0; refined, steady: ctmtlneut, J7.5tXt(K.16: compound. J5.ooj4.374. I'ork, firm; fm llv. JM.WWt 15.W; short clear, l2.76fc 15.00; niess, J13 5ut! 13.874. TAM.OW Dull; city 2 ier pkg.), 44c; country (pkgs. free). 4441440. RICK Quiet : domestic, fair to extra, !T54': Japanese, nominal. I'OCI.TRV Allvt: Western ehlckenB, 12c; fowls, 16c; old turkeys, ltic. Dressed, firm: western chickens, Uft20c; fowls, )0ft 14c; turkeys. 15i2k RI'TTER 4 'reamer y. 20i314c CHEESE State, full, small, l.'fil44o; Urge, lO'.iaMc. E(M8 Western storage packed, lS4'S,19c; western firsts, 18c; southeast, 17ttl74c. M. I.ools t.eneral Market. ST, LOl'18. April 11.-WH EAT-Illgher; No. J red cash, elevator, J1.004; track. 11 W: May, 994c; July, V24'; No. 2 hard, Jl.OS'rf 1.04. t'ORN-Hlgher: No. 2 cash, 4bc; track, 4vn4ll,,c; May, 44o; July. 4ti4(44J. ('ATS Elfin; No. 2 rash, arte; track. 30- 4i3l 4iv Muv, 2S4o: No. 2 white. S24 EI.Ot'R Dull: red winter patents. J5.15f) Vio: extra fancy and straights, 14.601(4.); clear. J4.1ii4.30. HKEt 'i linothv. steadv. JlOOtf 2.73. CORNMEAI. St. urv. J2.50. PHAN Slow; sacked, east track. 7S1j75c. HAY--Firm; timotliy, Jiiftij 15.00; prairie. Jri.tloU 10 'X. IRON COTTONTIES-95. . MAUHINCI 74''. HKMC TWINE--01-C. PROVISIONS I'ork. lower; Jobbing. J1J :l:'4. Lard, firm: prime stcuin, Jn.75. Dry ealt meats, steady: boted extra shorts, J7.374; clear rll. J7.374: short clears. 1 7 5tl. H.icon. steady; boxed extra shorts, J7.874; i 'ear ribs. 17.874; short Ucar, Jn. .1 - I .I'M VK.Milil-. . chickens tlUr! spring. 13.50476.00; ';'r dos.; turkeys, lie; dud-... 13c IHTTr.K I Uglier, cieuniery, ,4'g.tix ; da I V. lUtlltic. EtKlSSicady at lj'" i-'se comu. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, hbls 5.i 17.i Wheat, bu 18.e 4h.i Corn, bu !.( ; Oats, bu OH.tMi Toletlo Heed Market. TOLEDO, April 11 SEEDS-Clover. cash si: April. fK.So; October. IS 774; prime al .s:se. V. .0; prime timothy. Jl 40. Liverpool (irala Market. IIXKRPuOL April ll.-WH KAT-Spot. fillet, h'u. I t'llf"i nla, . ts 90, (uiurts Featares of the Tradlag aad Closing Trlees on Board f Trad. CHICAGO. April 11. A decrease both In primary receipts and In the world's visible supply had a strengthening effect on the wheat market here todsv. At the close Julv whest was up S''; May Is up 4c Corn shows s gsln of S'&4c Oats are up 44c. Provisions are unchanged to 240 higher. The strength In the wheat market devel opd during the last half of the session. At the opening the genersl sentiment was rather bearish as a result of the govern ment crop report showing winter wheat to be In excellent condition. According to the government figures the average condition of fall sown wheat on April I was 91.8, against 7 5 April 1, 1904. The action of the market, however, demonstrated quite plainly that the report had been generally discounted. July opened 4fVc lower at t,fiSi;4r. May was off 4iSc at t.V& 1 14V Commission house had moderate offerings, but there was no great selling pressure. On the contrary shorts bought quite freely upon the Initial declines. As a result prices soon rallied. The May deliv ery was practlcallv deserted, the bulk of trading being In July and September. Dur ing the last half of the session the demand for July became quite pronounced. A fea ture of trading was buying of July and selling of September. Rome commission houses were Inclined to favor this stvle of trade, the theory being that any change In the price of July crop prospects might easily advance the price of Julv. and at the same time disturb very little the statu of the more distant delivery. A decrease of 2.500.000 bushels In the world visible supply compared with an Increase of 1.719. (. bushels a year ago had considerable Influence on late trading. An additional bullish factor was a falling off In primary receipts. Prices In consequence advanced steadily during the last hour. July- selling up to 87e Just before the close. Final quo tations on Julv were at 874c After selling off to J1.134 May rallied to J1.144. closing at the highest point of the day. Clearances of wheat and flour were etual to 13.100 bushels. Primary receipt were l!i.7w bush els, compared with IS1.800 bushels a year ago. Minneapolis. Duluth and Chicago re ported rerc'pt. 1 of 167 cars, against 2J9 cars last week and 154 cars a year ago. Sentiment In the corn pit was quite bull ish throughout the entire session. Compar atively small primary receipts and an im proved demand for corn for feeding pur poses were tne principal cause of the strength. July opened unchanged to 4c ' iKher at 47!fi44c, sold up to 484a484e and closed at the highest point of th day. laical receipt were ;42 cars, with 26 of con tract grade. The oats market wa Influenced m. Itily by the firmness of corn, but decreased re ceipts had some effect. Trading was dull and of small volume. July opened a shade higher at 2S,c. sold between 294c and 294c and closed at 297c Local receip'j were 87 ca ra. Provisions were firm a a result of small receipt of hogs. The market received fair support from local packers. Selling was scattered. At the close July pork and lard were each up 24c at J13.074ai3.l0 and J7.424 $7.45 respectively. Ribs were unchanged at 17.35. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 21 cars; corn, 211 cars; oats, 34 cars; hogs, SO.000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market ia Nerroua and Appreheniire Tbronebont Entire Session. MONEY SITUATION IS A FEATURE Fear that Men Operating Wheat Deal May Have tn Throw Large Blocks of Mocks Oirf leases Ineaslnesa. Articles. Open. Hlgh.l Low. I Close.! Yey. Wheat May July Sept. Corn Mnv July Sept. Oats May July Sept. Pork Ma v July Lard May July Sept. Ribs Mav Julv Sept. I I 1 H-&4I iKSV4l I81V24I I I I 48 47l4 48'i,4jVi 4-V(l4 484c4 294 i 301, 2!V W4 2842SW' 824: 4S4i 12 874 13 10 7 25 7 66 7 124! 7 874' 7 624- 12 874; 13 10 7 274 7 46 7 574 7 124' 7 87 1 no 1 IH4' 1 144l 1 H s4 I" 4 1 " 814.824tr4 82 48 I 48 4 48 fi 4 47i 4841 4 i 4 1'4 47Hj4( 4j 47 2941 3(4204'&30 24; 29412f4'y4 2S4 28ifj4 tWk 12 80 12 824 12 85 13 06 13 10 I 13 074 7 2241 7 40 I I 5a 7 074 1 3241 7 50 I 7 274l 7 45 I 7 6741 7 10 I 7 35 I 7 5241 7 224 7 424 7 65 7 10 7 36 7 524 No. 2. Cash quotation were a follow: FIOLR Steady: winter patents. J4.9Ocj6.00: winter straights, J4.40d4.80: spring patent, J5.0itfi6.40; spring straights. J4.30fj4.8O; bakers. J3.30fi3.D0. WHEAT No. 2 spring. J1.051.14; No. 3 spring, Jl.0U3rl.13; No. 2 red, Jl.livffl.i54. CORN No. 2, 49e; No. 2 yellow. 49'c. ' OATS-No. a. 304c: No. 3 white, 304fi24e. RYE) No. 2, 78(S784c BARLEY O0011 feeding, 3739c; fair to choice malting, 434fJ4f"4c SEED No. 1 flax, J1.2S: No. 1 northwest ern. J1.37; clover, contract grade, J14.J5ij 14 40. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bhl.. J12.80 012.N6. lArd. per 10O Iba.. J7.124'S7.15. Short ribs sides (loose. J7.00ff7.124. Short deaf sides (boxed). J7.004t7.124- Following were the receipts and ship ments of flour nnd grain: Receipts. Shipment. Flour, bbls 17.1U0 24.400 Wheat, bu 37.000 29.600 Corn, bu 467,600 733,400 Oats, bu 101.500 189.100 Rye, bu 2.000 2.800 Barley, bu 56.100 3.500 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was firm; creameries, 23fl29c: dairies, 21&26c. Eggs, steady; at mark, cases Included, 164c; firsts, 144c; prime, firsts, 18c; extra, 19c. Cheese, steady to firm, 1243134c Kansas City f.raln and Provision. KANSAS CITY, April ll.-WHEAT-May. 924c; July, 77c. Cash: No. 2 hard. J1.0UW1.05; No. 3, 93ffi1l.03; No. 4, 7744i7e; No. 2 red. J1.021,06; No- . 8&eigJl.(J5; No. 4, 964t((8e. CORN No. 2 mixed. 44fr45c; No. 3. 44 i45c; No. 2 white. 4644i4e; No. 3. 454c; May. 444c; July, 444c; September, 444c OATS No. 2 mixed, 294U30c; No. 2 white. 30Va314e. HAY Steady: choice timotliy, J9.50ft10.00; choice prairie, J7.25f(7.75. RYE Steady. 7(V&77e. EGOS Steady : Missouri and Kansas, new No. 2 whitewood cases Included, 18c; case count, 16c; cases returned, 4o less. Bl'TTER Steady; creamery. 22rq26c; packing, 18c. Receipts. Shipments Wheat, bu 35.200 43,200 Corn, bu 24.800 19.200 Oats, bu 7,000 11,000 Available- Supplies of Grain. NEW YORK, April 11. Special tele graphic and cable communications received by .Bradatreets show the following changes In 'available supplies a compared with lust account: Wheat I'nlted States and Canada, east of Rockies, decreased 1.564,(80 bu.: afloat for and in Europe, decreaaed 1,000,000 bu.; total supply decreased. 2.564.000 bu. " Corn-l'nlted States and Canada, east or Rockies, Increased 561.000 bu. Oats I'nlted states and Canada, east of Rockies. Increased 51,000 bu. The leading decrease reported this week were: 92.000 bushels In Manitoba; an estimate of 200.000 bu. at the northwestern Interior elevators; 75.000 bushels at (Sooderlch. Ontario, and 54,000 bu. at Depot Harbor. Stocks held at East St. Ixiuls Increased. 90,000 bu. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. April 11. WHEAT May. Jl.oA4til.u5S; July. V 02; September, 834c: No. 1 hard. J1.114: No. 1 northern. Jl.ORW; No. 2 northern, JM'24. . FLOFR First patents, J6.75S5.8E; second patents, 15. 66436 66; first clears, J4.26j) 4.35; second clears. J2.854i2.9(i. BRAN In bulk. J13. Milwaukee 4.rala Market. MILWACKEH. April 11. WHEAT-Dull; No. 1 northern, Jl.Jn'al 11: No. 2 northern, Jl 0411107; July, 874c; puts, 864c bid; calls, 874U67SC bid. OATS-Firm; stands id. SJSftlMe. CORN 4c higher; No. 3. 48"49c; May, 484c Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. April 11. Bl'TTER Firmer: extra western creamery. 33c. F.tK5S Easier; western fresh, 18c, at mark. CH KESE Quiet, 124134C. Dalatk Ciraln Market. Dl'Ll'TH, April II. WH EAT To arrive: No. 1 northern, Jl 014. On track: No. 1 northern. J1.014: No. 2 northern. Ste4iV-; Mav J1024; July. Jl.u4; September, 834c. OATS To arrive and on track, 2!04c. Peoria Market. PEORIA, April 11. CORN Higher; No. t. 46c; No. 4, 47c; no grude. 46c. OATS Firm: No. 3 white. 31c; No. 4 white. 24tj2!4C. Sugar and Molasses. NEW YORK. April U.-SIXIAR-Raw. firm; fair refining. 4 6-ltc: centrifugal 96 test. 4 15-lGc; molasses sugar. 4 1-liio. Re fined firm; crushed. (85r; powdered. 125c; granulated. 6.16c. MOLASSKS-Steady; New Orleans. 3 iK8c. NEW ORLEAN8. April H.-SIQAR Quiet; open kettle. 3,4i44c: open kettle centrif.igal. 44"4 1616c: centrifugal whites, 64c; yellows. 4Vu5 7-li!c; seconds. 84'5144'. Mul.ASSKH Nominal; open kettle, 2,Vq 36c; centrifugal, of 140. NEW YORK, April 11. A nervous and appreiieiiMVe lone was re.i.M-teu 111 me hovcinents of stocks thtougnoul today s session. 1 hi- grnuiKis tor ine suspicion u( die maiart uarooied 111 tile speculative tin no were not inaiiiti-st trom any event II. toe puoilc KUowieoge, nut inelr i.ifluencc upnn tne trading wa nevertheless eilecuw. 4 1 1'lessionai opvraturs Claimed to ueicct c.hieiiivs 01 giiiHi selling, meaning oy mat sening by inside inu-icsts in aiuercuc properties. 1 neie in n.j certain means of ucieciirig selling ot this ciass, out tne be lief tnai. it wm going on was evidence of me net vous slat or the siieculative mind. Actual events wtte in iavor of vaiues. Tne govetninent report of me April conui tion ui tne winter wneat crop w a nma Ine instance. 1 ne promising contiiitoii of tin imp us been Known mia taaen ac count 01 111 tne stocrt maraet tor some time iast. nui the actual figures of tne percentage reported ny tne ,overnmnt of ai.n weiu consiueranly higner than the an ticipation, crop prospects nave oe-n looaed lorwara to witn ret nope as a stimulat ing lector ill the speculation to laae 1 lie p. ace of the much-useti merger and dlvt uend lncree stories, whicti nave begun 10 show signs 01 Having outlived tueir eueciiveness. But tne crop promise at tnis eariy period aim witn tne uncertainty ot the gi owing season to be faceu provtd unavailing to hold the mantel. It is the general supposition tlial an extensive spec ulative ueai 111 tne wneat market Is being conducted on parallel lines with large com mittments to tne long side in tne stock maraet nnd there waa some dread thai l wouiii tie necessary 10 tnrow over stoc.s to protect tne position in the wneat mar ket. J'ne iioluing ot a meeting of the Norm cm Siscuntics ulrectors was anotner source ot uncertainly. The result of the meet ing proved to be enigmatical to the gen eial surmises in tne hiock market. 1 ne tardiness 01 the relaxation of the money mat set alter tne April settlement is a source ot dissatlsfaciiou'to the speculative element and led today to some oaerings ot llliance bills in me tore. nil exchange maiKei which induced a shaip decline in tnat market in spite ri tne stlrrening of the discount rate in London. The heavy requirements a held ot the money market. Including payments of subscriptions on tne Japanese loan, wlthdrewal 01 government deposits, a New lurk City loan and the liennsyivania bond issue, witn tne time und ine terms i'or the c nlon Pacitic pre ferred stock Issue quite unknown, are shadows over the money market wnich are not without effect. The uncertain tone of the market was In dicated by its constant fluctuations, the course 01 prices changing of least once during every hour ot tne session. The opening was decidedly strong and there wa another comprehensive raily after the first decline. Ijiter in the day there were individual points of strength. Illinois Cen tral was the conspicuous feature of the day and It seemed to meet with little op position on Its swift advance. There waa a disposition to give the day's lavor to this stock a the chosen property designed for absorption on account of the Union faclllc prelerred stock Issue, but the sup position was as lacking In authority as the various others on the same subject, which have been set afloat from time to time. The few other strong feature held leas persistently than Illinois Central. The uncertain temper held throughout and tile closing Itself was Irregular, but with the day's extreme changes much reduced. " Bunds were Irregular. Total sales, par value, J2,765,ooo. I nlted States bonds wtro all unchanged on call. Quotations on tne New York Stock ex change ranged as follows: Sales. Hlh.Ixiw.Close. Atchison 21.900 9.. 884 89'4 do pfd 1.200 1'tt l2- 1024 Atlantic Coast Line., fi.000 149 147 147 B. O 12,100 P14 1084 1"84 do pfd 100 954 9A4 96 Canadian Pacific 20.6'JO 165 1534 1534 Central Tf N. J 200 202 2"2 201 Chea. A Ohio 7,600 674 64 674 Chicago & A 5ii0 41 404 41 do pfd 814 Chicago Ot. Western 1.2O0 24 234 234 C. N. W 2) 241 241 23H C, M. & St. P 28.810 ISO 1784 1784 Chicago T. & T l.B'rt 14 18 , 18 do pfd 600 334 3.14- S.14 C, C C. r St. L 300 107 4 107 1064 Colo. Southern 2.500 274 274 -7-4 do 1st pfd .. 60 do 2d pfd 600 374 36 37 Del. & Hudson 5,700 1964 HW4 1934 Del.. U & W 3724 D. & R. G 334 do pfd 100 8N-4 s4 fcy4 Erie 22,200 454 444 454 do 1t pfd 2,500 81 6UV4 80S do 2d pfd 1,100 674 67 67 Hocking Vulley 91 do pfd 100 94 91 94 III. Central 49.700 168 162 168', Iowa Central .. 29 do pfd 100 55 55 54 V K. C. Southern 1.6X 314 314 314 do pfd 1.300 644 64 634 L. & N 7,800 142 4 141 141 4 Manhattan L I664 Met. Securities 400 87 864 864 Met. St. Ry 7.100 123V4 1224 122 Mexican Central 1,6'0 25 244 244 Minn. A St. 1 60 M.. St. P. & S. Ste M. 300 1194 119 H8 do pfd 200 1634 1634 162 Mo. Pacific 6,200 108 107 107 M., K. & T 5"0 314 31 31 do pfd I,4ii0 664 66 664 Nat'l R. R. of M. pfd 200 39 3 38 N. Y. Central 41.100 1594 1674 1574 N. Y Out. & W 37.400 624 604 6014 Norfolk & W 2,200 ST4 85 86', do pfd 92 Pennsylvania 35,200 1434 1414 1424 P., C. C. ft St. L so Reading 56,100 954 944 944 do 1st pfd M do 2d pfd 200 90 90 1.94 Rock Islund Co 21,3ih 354 344 344 do pfd 1,700 80S SO 80 St. L. & S. K. 2d pfd l.oort 704 704 704 St. U S. W 100 26 26 26 do pfd 2.500 664 644 64 So. Pacific!... 14,200 67 4 6tV4 67 do Pfd 200 11S4 118 118 So. Railway 1,800 34'J 34 344 do pfd 3110 96 W 90U Texas ft Pacific 2,700 384 38 38 4 Tol., St. L. ft W 1.4O0 414 40 414 do pfd 2.28) 624 614 624 Union Pacific 142,700 1324 I104 i:ii4 do pfd 2.100 994 994 99 Wabash 224 do pfd 100 48 46 46 W. & I.ake Erie 182 Wis. Central 700 234 234 23 do pfd 1.200 614 514 614 Adams Ex 240 American Ex.' 230 1'. S. Ex M0 1284 1284 124 Wells-Fargo Ex 245 Amal. Copper 142.500 874 )64 J.tRNI Anier. Cur & F. do pfd Amer. Cotton Oil do pfd Abler. Ice do pfd Amer. l inseed Oil do pfd 40-4 394 40 500 li2 lot 1014 800 354 35 344 93 loo 54 54 54 30B 414 404 41 500 1!4 184 184 43 Amer. locomotive. .. 20,500 67 554 564 do pfd 4.000 119 1174 119 Amer. Smelt, ft R.... 5.8nO 117 1144 1154 do pfd 1,3110 1234 ins 124 Amer. Sugar Ref 2.O110 1434 141'S 1424 Amer. Tol. pfd eertlf 1.200 9x1. 974 974 Anaconda M. Co 4.5m 126 124 12f4 Brooklyn R. T Colo. Fuel ft I.. Con. Oa Corn Products.. do pfd... .. 33.9t 714 6t. 69T .. 12,4c 544 524 534 .. 2.700 2'i4 2044 2044 .. 7.8O0 124 12 12 9no 61 60 60 Distillers' Securities. 1.200 444 444 44 Inter. Paper 3,100 24 234 234 do pfd 700 614 814 "14 Inter. Pump .. 334 do pfd 6H Nat l Lead 10.700 48 4 474 47 No. American Too 1HS I0I4 101 4 Pacific M'lll ' 800 464 444 454 People's Gas S,3U lpo no lKvZ Pressed Steel Cur.... 4.'-i 424 414 414 do pfd 8110 974 97 7 Pullman P. Car 245 Republic Steel 3.800 224 214 214 do pfd l.fKiO sis 804 soil Rubber Goods Fs 344 334 33, do pfd 1.700 l' 108 108 Tenn. Coal A 1 5.700 994 984 914 I". 8. leather 2no 124 124 12 do pfd lo"1 V. S. Reulty 300 94 93 93 I. 8. Rubber I.6.0 444 44 434 do pfd 1174 117 1164 I'. S. Steel 50 7011 874 364 364 do pfd 69io ion, imul ii,itj Vk. l a 111. Chemical.. 300 364 354 'fit. do pfd p,7 Westingh. Electric... 6i( 179 17 177 Western Union 9no 934 M General Electric 6.700 1X6 1M4 .IK4I4 Total sales for the day, 1.121,000 shares. Foreign Financial. LONDON. April 11. Money waa plentiful and on good demand Discounts were firm. Operators on the Stiak exchange were principally occupied ith the settlement. The undertone was firm In sympathy with consuls, which were strengthened by the budget snnntincements. Americans opened irregular and after irregular fractional changes at about parity strengthened on Wall street support. This was stimulated bv the expectation of an early dlstrlbn lion of Northern Securities assets. Local supMrt was lurking in the afternoon, but prices hardened on continental nnio t re acted on realization and c!od easy. For eigners had n uncertain tone. Japanese were irregular. Imperial Japanese govern mcnt as of 19o4 were quoted at 1 014. Con tinentals were dull. BERLIN. Aptll 11. Price on the Honrs today opened Arm, but became weaker to ward the cloae. PARIS. April 11. Prices 011 the Bourse today were Arm snd buoyant throughout. Rio Tlntos gaining "It. Russian imperial 4s were quoted at 87 90 and Russian bond of 1904 at 5"6. w Vork Moner Market. NEW YORK. April 11. -MONEY On call: Steady at 37 34 per cent; closing bid. 3; offered at 3. Tim loan: Steady: sixty nd ninety days. 34 per cent; six month, 'VrliMK MERCANTILE PAPER-34'544 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Easy, with ac tual business In bankers' hills at J4.il5iS 46.'0 for demand and at 14 KMMf4 8455 for fln-d.iy bills; posted rates. M 8-Vti 4.854 and J4 87;' commercial bills. J4.844. SILVER Bar, 564c; Mexican dollar, 43c. BONDS Government, Steady; railroad, repular. Closing prices on "onus were: f 8 rf li. res... .1144 Jspsn . tf 104' 1. a n. vini. t 104S Manhattan r. a. 4a 1o ntiiHn . V. . Sa r in coupon V. new 4a. reg do roupnn V. . ol4 4a. r. do rounon Am. Toharro 4a. rtfl do a. nfa Atrhlaon gn. 4a do sdj. 4 AManttr C. L. 4a . . Bal. a Ohio 4a do 3ta Cantrtl of Oe. a... do 1 nt Ini: do ?d In. Chm. Ohio 4S Chlrato a A. Jl,. . ('.. B Q n. 4a.. C. k. I. P. 4a.. do ml. 5a. ion 14. 1HJ 1 n in .da. Ontral 4a. do tat Inr Minn St. I. M.. K. T. 4a. do 4 inj?a . 104' Ta . .it aa Tt4 N. R. n. of M . c. 4a. ni, .116 . g. 1' 1M4 N 3 r g. a tS . 7 .Ne ParlBr 4a 14 tot do J "T .inj IN. ft W. r 4a lots . sn n, s. L. rfd. 4a SiS .1IM4 Tann. mnv. sta IW . Rtadlni (an 4a 10t . - St. b. I M. r ba lITt, .IO-14 St. L. r. f. 4a. 1 . :v St. L. 8. W. r. 4a ... 8.1 . . 9J Sa6nard A. b. 4a . Ni o. Pat-lac 4a 94H ao. Hallwa i.a... rrc. ft St. I,. (. 4a IMS Ta P ,1a . .tiS .12.1 fhlf-aso Tr. tolomdo Mid. 4a.. Colo, ft So. 4s Cu6a Sa. ptfa Tl R. O. 4a niatillera" dec. Sa., Kris prior Itrn 4a.. do gn. 4a p. w. ft n. r. ia. M.vln Val. i'-, Offered. 97 St. L. A W. 4a... 44 7?i, Union Paclftc 4e l4i .. M'-s 1 do ronv 4a IU4 . .10S V. 8. Stael id ta t7i ,.1'H Wabash la OSS . . am do dh p 7S . .101S Waatern Md. 4a (1 . .. MI4W. ft U K. 4a 93 .1114 Wla. Cantral 4s :1S ..til Boston Stock and Bond. BOSTON. April 11 CaH loans. 334 pet- cent; time lopn. 34'd41,4 per cent. Official closing of stocks and bonds: Atrhlaon adj 4a 4 do 4a 102. Met. (antral 4a 7 Atrhlaon do pf.t I(12S Boaton ft Albany 2o I'oatnn ft Main I7 Boaton KlevaiiKl Kltrhbui't pld H'i Maxlran Central l'4ii N. V., N. H. ft H ... 202 Si rnlon Parinc ISIS Amer. Arga. Cham... 24a do pfd 9 Amar. Pnau. Tube.... 4'4 Amor. Hticar 141 do pfd Amer. T. & T... Amer. Woolen .... do pfd nonunion I. A 8.. Rdlann Kler. 1 1 lu . . Uoneral Kleetriu ... Maaa. Klactrlc .... do pfd 9 Maaa. C.aa I'nlted Fnllt I'nllad Shoe Marh. do pfd V. a. gieei do pfd Wealing, common Asked. .144 . . JO ..Itit'i .. rri . .nt, .10 4 Adrenture 4 Allouea 2'4 Amalsamated W1! Amerlran Zinc 12 Atlantic It Bingham 334 al. ft He. la 47S Centennial I'W Copper Range 77 Paly Waal 14 Dominion Coal K.i'- Franklin ' dranrv ii'a Iale Royals S4 Maaa Mining IH Mlthlgan U'i Mohawk I24 Mnnt. r. A r as, Old Dominion 2(1 Oaoenla Parrot 29 V Igulnrjr 1iH Shannon 74 Tamarai-k 12 Trlnltv 94 l . 8. Mining :w r. F. Oil 9' I-tah 42 Vli-lorla 4 Wluona 114 Wolverine 1"4 London Slocks nnd Bond. tucks and bonds: Conaola. money 91 N. V. Central 16-V do airount Pj Norfolk ft W IS Ana:onda Hr do pfd 94 Atrhlaon 92'i. Ontario A W 2S do pfd 10A Pennavlvanla 73H Bait I more ft Ohio. ...112 Rand Mlnea 11 Canadian Pacific If Reading 494 Chea. ft Ohio do lat pfd 47 Chicago Ot. W 24 do 24 pfd 44 C. .M ft St. P 1M4. 80. Rallwar SSI, DeBeera li' do pfd 99 Denver ft R. O :6a So. Parlflc 49V4 do pfd 92 t nlon Pacific ts.Mi Krle 4'4 do pfd I(l2'a do lat pfd V. 8. Steel xm, do 2d pfd 70 do pfd 104H Illinois ( antral HUP Wnhaeh :l l-oula. ft Naah 14' do pfd 474 M . K. ft T 2 Spanlah 4a 9"' SILVER Bar. steady, 264 d per ounce. MONEY 1fil4 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short hills is 2 per cepl; three montns' bills, 2 1-I6fr24 per re.rik.,'. : I. -i er York Mining; Stocks. NEW YORK, April ll.-The following are the closing quotations ou- mining stocks: Adama Con 20 I bit lie chief i Alit-e 4i Ontario !Sl) Bre e ' M ophlr II Brunawh'k Con 4 ; Phoenix 5 Comatock Tunnel .... TVi'Potoai l:( Con. Cal. ft Va 190 Baraga 3d Horn Sliver IBS Sierra Nevada 4S Iron Sliver 3A0 ISmall Ho pea 2 Leadvlile Con a 'standard 190 Treasury- Statement. WASHINGTON. April ll.-Toda y s state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the J150,000,000 gold reserve In the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balances, J1S6,77S,K0; gold, J72.3O1,408. Rank Clearings. OMAHA, April 11. Bank clearings were Jl. 254, 219.22. For the corresponding day of 1904 the clearings were Jl, 189,715.07. Wool Market. BOSTON. April ll.-WOOLOn account of the exceedingly smull stock left here, trading In the wool market Is limited Prices are notably firm. The market is concerned with foreign rather than with domestic grades. Both merinos and cross bredB are in demand. Territory wools are quiet. Pulled wools are slightly active. Quotations in this market on domestic wools are about as followes: Ohio and Pennsylvania XX and above, 33'it34c; X, 30 i31c; No. 1. 364f37c; No. 2. 37iu38c; tine un washed, 24i 25c; quarter blond unwashed. 3(c"a3U; three-elghUis blood. K31c: half blood. J9r3oc: unwashed delnne. 27l?j28c; unmerchantable. 28fi29c; flue washed de laine, 364i37c; Micliigun fine unwashed, 22 (823c; quarter blood unwashed. S9ti30c; three-eighths blood, Hoc: half blood. Wul9c; unwaahrd delaine. 25fi2tic; Kentucky, In dlnna, etc.. three-eighths and half blood. 30 &31e. Territory: Idaho, mtak-; heavy fine. 16fil7c: fine medium, 19(t20c; medium. il'Si 22c; low medium. 23'rj24c Wyoming, fine, 174S184c; heavy flue, l6C(f1(lo: fine medium, 18il9c; medium. 22'ai3c; low medium. i(n 24c.. Ctnh and Nevada, fine. 17t18r; heavy fine. lSfftc; fine medium. 174 18c; medium, 224j23c; low medium, 23'&24c. Dakota, fine. WaWc; line medium. 18'(jl9c; medium. 23 24c; low med'um. i3roHv. Montana, line choice. 21&22c; fine average, likiiaoc; tine me dium choice. 21l&22c; average. 19320c; staple, S24i2Hc; medium choice, 2'Mi25r. ST. LOl'IS. April U.-WOOl-Dull ; me dium grades combing and clothing. 23'U25c; light flue. 18rqi04c; heavy fine, 14 15c; tub washed. 3Xci374c. Metal Market. NEW YORK, April 11. M ETA LS There was a sensational rise In the price of spot tin in the London niHiket today, as a re sult of a kqueege of shorts. Spot closed at 144 for spot and at 136' 5s for future. The local market wa firm In sympathy with the gains abroad, hut quiet, at J30.75fi 31.00. Copper was higher In Ixutdon. witli spot closing at 67 12s 6d and futures at 68. The local market ruled stendv but quiet, with lake quoted- at JI6.3741& 16.50, electrolytic at J15.2&W 13.374 nnd casting at J14.874ttl5.00. Lend clt scd at 13 16u 3d In lx-ndon and at J4. 504. 60 In the local mar ket. Speller wa unchanged at J6 In New York and at 23 10 in I.omlun. Iron closed at 54a 6d in Glasgow and at 49s in Middlea borough. I.orally the market was quiet and rather easy in tone, with reports claiming concessions In prices. Quctations ranged around J)7.50tf.( la.26 for No. 1 foundry northern, Jl7.i.6 17. 75 for No. t foundry northern and J17.75fr 18.25 for No. 1 foundry southern and No. 1 foundry southern soft. 8T. LOCI8, April II. M ETA LS Lead, quiet. J4.474Q4.50. Spelter, dull. JG.80rufi.Ba. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. April ll.-COFEEE-The market for futures opened steady at a decline of 5fil0 points in response to easier cables, another slight decline of Braxlllan exchange, and the absence of continuation of the bullish crop news of last Saturday. Trading waa falrlv active, offerings being quite liberal, and the mar ket after the opening lost ground still fur ther with the close steady at a net de cline of pKii20 polnis. There was no switch ing early, but laler in the day a number of exchanges were reported and total sales leached 113.250 bags, IncLidliig May. JO 4,V(j 655; July. J6.6ni(i. ,0; September, Jn.67ijti.96: December. J7.iu7.2o: January, J7.15, and March. J7 30. Spot, easy. No. 7 Rio, 74c. Oils and Hoaln. OIL CITY. April lt.-OILCredlt bal-an-ei.. J1.36; certificates, no bid; shipments. 56.965 bbls ; average. 58. 6") bbla.: shipment. Ijmu. 62.615 bhls.: uverage. 64.71J bbls.; runs, Lima. 7 778 bhls ; uverage. 4.4"i3 bbls. SAVANNAH. April U. OILS Turpentine, firm. 6ih-. Rosin, firm: A. H. C, D. ri. J2.90; G. W.1S4; H j:i.27U; I. J3 00; K. J4li; N, Jl :c WG J4 50; WW. tl 60. TOLEDO. O.. April ll.-OlLS-Nortfl Lima. 91c, South Lima, and Indiana, toe. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Roceipu Very LibgraJ, bat Desirable Oradea Held Steadj. Others Weak. HOGS OPLNED STRONG TO FIVE HIGHER l hnleer (.males n t Botk 8heea a ad l.aanha !old Readily at Steady Prices. bat fomnann Kinds loar, with Feeling Weak. SOITH OMAHA April 11. 1sm. Cttl. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 4,031 S.O30 11.7.4 Official Tuesday 5.. 1o.9iV 13.;.' Two dsy this week.. .W0 18.930 K009 Two dav last week.... t.tft .05 15.730 Same day week before. 8.274 U.Xh 17.745 Same tliree weeks ago.. 8 077 11,t7 8.079 Same four weeks ago.. 7.H62 12.M 1S.7.-9 Same day last year.... 12.349 l.9i6 16.461 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table show the relpt of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, with comparison with last year: 1af 1904 Inc. Dec. Cattle 219.577 261.696 .... IJ.ll "g 669.56n 66s, OSS 1.471 .. Sheep 477.803 50S.903 .... .071 The following table shows the average price of hoga bourn oinana lor tne last several days, with comparisons: Mar. II. Mar. 17.. Mar. 18.. Msr. It.. Mar. 20.. Mar. Jl.. Mar. 23 Mar. .i.. Mar. 24.. Mar 26.. Mar. 26. Mar. 7... Mar. 28 . Mar. 29.. Mar. So.. Mar. M.. April 1.. April 2.. April J . April 4.. April 6.. April .. April 7.. April ., April 9.. April 10 April 11 I IMS. lir4.ai0t. 1101. 101.1OO.I1H 4 J74 1 a?i I ill 151 Ml J 0'4i 6 V4 7 Uo h K 1 1 I 5 1 J 5J 6 08 I 7 38, li t 711 J J f 1 5 12l 4 K .1 a 0741 4 as t 11 it wi 1 kt 1 1 1 a iti a so 4 it J M 5 U14.I 4 W 7 4i I 5 SOI 4 801 II 6 (at l0l:7Ml2fll 14 S3 3 il .1 6 144 061 7 251 J 3Hi 741 : J 67 a ia ; ai (i 5 1341 I 7 26) J 4 t 851 4 7 S ' 6 t4l 6 I7 7 30 6 69 6 8 6 08, 3 4 6 09 I 5 14 ( J M 5 86 6 16, J W 5 041 6 07 7 22 89 6 12 3 t3 6 14 I 4 li 1 2 6 56 H J a 154 5 03! 7 301 661 B 971 1 J 4 7 2 Wj, U iaj UB -7 23 6 68 6 98 6 15 J 65 1 j 6 63 6 9b, 6 XU! I en 24 I a S6, o. a CG. a I . 0 .Mi I 41. v wo; 1 .1 5 254 4 90, 7 27 03, 6 Oil - 1 41 i yj t. n i a, I 5 25 I I 7 26' 6 79! 6 a i54i I 0 20 1 0 13 I 6 284 6 07! I 6 30 I 6 00 I O aS, 4 .3; 6 30 3 62 6 27 J 64 I 8 66 5 33 , 6 3d! 3 68 4 95 ! 7 21 1 6 89 6 91 i 5 3S S 67 Indicate) Sunday. The official number of cats of Btock brought in today by each road was: Cattle, lings. Sheep. H'ses C, M. St. P 3 4..,. Wabash 2 1 Missouri Pacific 10 3 t P. System 66 36 18 3 C. & N. W 2 2 F., E. ft M. V 58 45 7 C. St. P., M. ft O. ... 30 17 11. ft M 70 28 2 ! 1 c, n. & q 1 5 C, R. I. ft. P., east.. 6 7 C, R. 1. ft P.. west.. 2 2 2 .. Illinois Central 3 1 1 Chicago Gt. Western .. 1 Total receipts 253 151 51 4 The disposition of the days receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing trie num ber of head Indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hoga. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co.... 991 I.406 736 Swift and Company.. 1,067 2.399 4,061 Cudahy Packing Co... 1.113 3.108 M1 Armour ft Co 1,115 2.979 4.5ot Omaha P. Co.. country 6o .... Vansant ft Co 28 .... .... I olitnan ft Co 9.4 .... .... McCreary ft Clark.... 121 .... .... Hill ft Huntxlnger.... U2 Huston ft Co 82 .... .... Hamilton ft Rothschild 38 L. K. Husr 184 Wolf ft Mnrnan 2 .... .... Mike Haggerty 169 .... J. B. Root ft CO 166 Hulla ft Kline 3 Cincinnati Pack. Co 243 Humphrey Pack. Co 312 S. ft 8 T.... 241 c. H. Clark Other buyers 380 1.141 Total 6,(08 10.572 11,030 CATTLE There was a much heavier run of cattle here today than waa generally ex pected, over 260 car being i-eporteo. At Chicago, however, there were only about 4,ouO and at Kansas City 9.00o head, so that the total number in signt could not be con sidered excessive. Considering the heavy receipt here today the market on beef steers held up In very satisfactory manner. The domano was ap putently of libiral proportions and the bet ter grades sold without much trouble at just about yesterday a price. In some cases salesmen thought tney could not do quite as well aa they did yesterday, but lu the majority of cases the cnange In the prices paid for the choicer buncnes was too small to be worthy of much attention. When It came to the commoner kinds, how ever, the market was not so sctlvc, aa the liberal receipts gave buyer an opportunity to discriminate against the less desirable gradea and consequently the market on euch kind wa a trifle lower and In ome case sale were made aa much as a dime lower. The bulk of the offerings was dis posed of in fairly good season, hut owing to the liberal receipts It wa sime time be fore a clearance was made. The demand for the better grades of cow and hellers seemed to be In good shape and in fact was fully equal to (he supply, so that trading was active on those kind, with prices eteady with yesterday. The common and medium claa of cows, how ever, were not so active and It wa hard to get steady prices for them, some sales men calling them 6010c lower. Good buns were steady, others a trifle lower. Veal calve did not show much change. Strictly choice etockers and feeder were about steady and aa high as 4.90 was paid for heavy, fleshy feeder of good quality. Cattle lacking in quality were slow sale and in a good many Instance had to go for a little less money than the same kind brought yesterday. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. A. Pr. No. Ar. Pr. M (N II 110 I It 1' 1 210 4 00 1 1140 t U lli' 1U2S 4 It 11 1047 I HI II (, 4 W) ft 1911 I M 11 W4 4 40 20 1144 i 40 I 7S2 4 6S 1 10IK1 t 40 II lOttt 4 Kl 40 till t 4l j 7H 4 " I mas 1 i 1 1011 4 40 i 1045 h ill pi 771 4 5. tt 1117 I 46 4 1ST 4 II 1 1107 I 10 23 UW 4 10 17 11T4 I 60 1 1010 4 HO It lilt i M I Ml IB 10 1104 t 50 I luM 4 M II It I It 11 I') 4 16 !J 1144 I 70 1 171 4 K 31 1144 i 70 tt 1011 I Wl 17 lJOt I 7l I & f 00 14 1171 I 70 j: 1071 I 0") I IflJ I 70 0 1044 I 04 JO 1116 I 70 a lout I 10 II 1M4 I Tl 1 1114 II t 1144 I Tl 1 UW f 15 II 1UI4 I 71 11 :4 l u to mi 1 is 1 1011 6 15 11 1114 I 10 11 in 5 to II ill! I 10 107 6 II 41 1211 I II 34 1815 I 15 I MM I M 5 mo 6 as 11 moo 1 m 1 1041 I il 14 1171 I 10 17 1101 I !l I If74 4 00 Itl 6 IM1 II 1311 00 4 142 I 10 40 1100 0(1 14 1 1 S3 I il It 1341 I 10 j IMS I 35 T 1(24 I 10 1177 I 36 M U70 I II 8TEBRS AND HEIFER3. t 775 4 40 STEKK8 AND STAGS. 7 isto 4 m STEERS AND COWS. a 100 4 50 '0n4 4 10 ' 104 4 71 It 1141 1 21 at UI I II 10 1JOJ I 80 DOW8. t IN IM 1 1170 4 01 t 140 t M t0 4 to t M 18 t i)U 4 II 1 5M t l 10 110 4 16 2 14 1 40 10 M2 4 to 1 140 t 46 10 Iftui 4 H 1 114 t M 14 1IM 4 at 1 IM t Tl 14 IMI 4 u 1 10M t IS 1 IUM 4 10 I IDT t 00 ...' awi 4 44 IM t 00 1 IIM 4 10 1 704 t 00 IT 1H 4 10 1 MO I 00 27 Ill 4 a IT 1011 t 01 I IIM I 10 10 W4 I 15 27 Ill 4 a 1 liao t 25 I loo 4 id 1 Kit I II II 1000 4 60 1 1047 I K . I .. ..lint i 54 11 Ill I 4 1 1171 i 14 I t' t 50 1 101-5 4 CO 1 1140 I 50 11 IMS 4 40 4 1I I lu 1.. JMO 4 li J I I 10 11 1111 t I(0 I 70 1IH 4 !l I in I 75 4. KJI i T It 101.1 I 10 T 1011 4 71 1 110 t I Ilb4 4 71 1J IM S IA 4 mi 4 7H 1 11V t t I 14 4 IS t Ill 4 I ltia 4 M 1 1MU to HEIFERS t 440 I SO S 17T I H I... 141 t 44 II 711 lli 14 441 t M 41 M 4 I I ill t H 4 lillO 4 an 1 Ill I 71 1 0 at I Ill t 15 . 21 Hi 4 n I ll I 10 II 1K1I 4 1.1 tt 114 I II 1004 I M BULLA. I KM) I Ml 1 1W 1 1 11 H t IIM 1 l 1. I.. I... I... Tt .. t... . 770 I II . t IK .WIS .1MU S I" . ' .'It I M 1 17. t 71 1. ... .I.0 175 C LYES. . IM 4 no i . 114 4 1 . 1 4 on 1 . 403 4 Tl 1 . . . . it I on I . 4l I 00 I ?" 4 ....!.'. J n 1: 4 en ....CM 4 . .. . :ro 4 ivt ....;ano 4 il ... IW 4 IS 210 5 00 1k iw 1 v ;.w 5 TK 117 I 75 1 rs im a 00 8TOCKER8 AND FEEDERS. 1 47 15" If 445 IM t 117 IK .4 J4t 4 0 I SM 2 1 44 4 l 1 710 I w aan 4 m I 75 t a I'l I II 1 650 1 00 Jt. :ii I ! 2 115 I 15 II (41 4 16 1 I IS 1 4'W 4 1 M tt 7 . . 541 4 IA 1 MC- J SO It lino 4 .i 1 .. l S 60 21 I.V. 4 t t 7J4 t sat 31 fit 4 A4 I 7n 3 AO II ' 4 40 45 -. 1 21 af 4 40 4 445 t 75 I ? 4 445 I 75 M S 4 45 I 700 75 'I Ml 4 5 17 711 3 Vi IT lot 4 M I 4i s ;, 52 heifer... (." 4 73 27 steers. ..VKV. 4 80 1 heifer.. ..10(ii 5 00 2 feeder .. W8 4 (0 HOGS There wa liberal run .of hog here today, but at other markets mipnlie were moderate. The demand here from PBckcrs wa In good shape and as favorable report were received from other points the mni-ket ooened mostlv 2V-fri.Sc higher, the greatest advance being on the better gradow. Common hog or nil welgtits were neg lected and no more than yc higher. Trad ing was fairlv active, particularly on the good hog, and the bulk of the offerings was soon disposed of. Toward the close, however, after packers hd their more urgent orders filled the market slowed down with part of the advance lost. The bulk of the hog went from Jo ZTli to 15.80 with a top at J5.35. The common and light tu(T sold from Jfi 25 down. Toward the close packer were bidding J6.27'4j for most every thing and a salesmen wanted the early price it was Inte before a clearance was made. The situation grew worse instead of bet ter a the dav advanced and several loads were carried over until afternoon, for which packers were offering only about ateady prices as compared with yesterday. o that on the extreme close practically nil of the advance was lost. Representative sales: No. At. SB.. Pr Nn At. S Pr. aa 2t7 m 1 24 tn 10 s"' 11 174 40 I IS a 211 ... 5 27l 40 UI 120 I 25 57 2O0 ... I 27' M 104 ... I 26 71 247 10 I 27S a Ill ... I 16 (2 UW ... 5 ST1 71 117 ... 26 4 247 40 6 27' tt Ill ... t 25 71 245 40 6 27V, 71 211 200 I II II 125 .. 5 27' Ill IA I 26 78 221 140 5 27', 15 2) too 5 21 33 2(1 ... 5 tT 17 2(0 40 4 25 (1 227 ... 6 27' 41 SJ7 120 I 26 M 2lt 10 5 J7i 71 2:11 40 I 2M 40 6 2'. ', 71 2 240 I 25 .1 224 art 3 27', an in jut 116 20 250 . . 5a7' 14 241 M I tir 54 22 10 5 70 114 ... I I7S r.9 26 0 6 30 l 113 ... I 21V, 42 264 IK I 30 1 IM ... I I7H 74 277 ... 5 3" 63 .137 40 I r 40 213 0 6 3(1 74 122 140 I 27S, 79 211 10 h 30 26 270 130 1 37V, 10 Til ... IS" It 200 120 1 37V, Ct 250 ... 6 Jo 74 237 M 6 t7'4 M 273 120 5 30 4 241 IM 17V, 74 '-'56 . . I So 44 241 0 I fliaj 54 240 ill 31 Ill M 127 V, 14 243 10 ISO 74 214 40 6 27V, II 134 40 6 In tot ... Ills, 54 324 40 130 69 154 20 I 27', 7 220 40 6 30 W 201 ... 127 V, 17 26.-. ... 130 43. 4 Wi 6 27', 63 210 ... 6 30 illttfn d riisher; liM, J.". J'.'vjfis rieav, J 3i 1 I2' SI.KI'.C AND LA MHS -Receipts. Isj.4 head. Mm ket a.-t'v.-. stendv t strong; Colorado lambs. J-.Yi. s-ou.g I.ii?i'. JlO.oo. St. louls I. lie tek Market. ST. MC1S. April II. -CATTLE-Hecripts. 4.ii bend. Including 2.i" Tcxn. .Market strong: native shipping and xs'rt ste. rs, JT. i'4jti 40. dressed hi i t ami butchers steers. J4.6i'u5i: ! r under I . "" pound. M -v. '4 "lockers nnd feeder". R '."id w. cows :id heifers. J.1 tihi:. li: calmer J-J.eioirJ.;;.; bulls, t? '''4 I1; e lives J4.civt K.2&: Texas snd Indian steers. tt .5041 5 'o; cow ami heifi rs. J2 V4M 25. Hi G8 - lleei Ipts. I-'.""1' hea. I M.ukct steady; plus and lights.'o.i.:i; butchets an.1 h'-st licn. JV !." PHKKI' AND LAMBS Receipt. 1.'1 1 head Market steady; native mutton". : "0 lrr .s'. lamb. J4 ioii.i: culls and buck. J J.-!.i"i3 5o; Mocker. Ji.oxi :. ev lork Hie 4li-U Market. NEW VORK. April II -HEEVK8 Re ceipts. 792 head, inalnl) consianed direct; no trailing: market (eeiinc steady, with light receipts reported for Wednc"d. Cil'les stes.lx. Shlptnetits. 7' head cattle. l .." head sheep and 4.TiO quarters of beef; Miniated tntnnrnis, vs head c:ittle and 1 .'aa) quarters of beef. CM.VK8-N0 fresh airlvais and nothing doing In live calves; market nominally steady. Dressed, slow; city veals. TKllc; count rv. 7''i:c 8IIKEP AND I.AMHS-Ree.lpts. dvihesd! market for sheep ver .lull, lor lamb llrm; unshorn sheep. J4 5ou.2ii. price clipped. J.V25; good to prime unshorn lamb. JS .2M18 tio; Clipped, J8 44X11 ;.,1. Slonx 4'ity siorx crrv. gram.!--CATTLE Receipt 1.2i hesd; maraet strong: let" es. t-l.taa-utj tai; cows, bulls and mixed. J:l mi-iift .no; st in kers and feed.-rs. H.i"tf4 .2t; calves snd yearlings, $2.754f4 .im. HOGS- Receipt. J..V10 hed; market strong selling,'iit) ; bulk of sales, J5.2il5.2n. Mock In Might. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterday: 1 lie Mock Market. April 11. -(Special Tels- .311 130 A ' .210 ... 6 IT', .217 ... 6 J7V, . -tl ... 6 27V, .244 W 6 17, . .244 2l'o 5 30 ..22:: ... 5 30 ..24 30 6 30 .361 ... 5 30 . .2(7 4" 5 20 . .2(1 140 6 il ..22.1 ... 8 30 ..22 ... S 3u ..2(1 ... 6 So ..2WI 140 6 3" ..224 ... 6 30 . .135 40 6 3" ..273 ... I 30 ..2il ... 5 30 . .254 41) I 30 ...243 ... 6 30 74... 61.. . 71. . . M .. 4... 73... ... 21... in.'.'. s... r,g... 45... 70... (Mt... v... II 210 200 6 30 64 224 2"0 6 So 74 225 120 I 30 41 171 40 5 30 14 2(7 ... 6 30 It 2(4 ... I fJ 70 222 ... a 30 45 244 ... 6 30 70 240 ... 5 3" 12 241 ... 6 10 fit 227 ... 5 30 U2 til ... 80 41 242 40 5 30 01 314 10 t 10 61 13 10 5 30 M 241 40 t lo 64 2IT ... 6 3l, 14 272 ... 5 31V, 54 352 ll'l I 32', 65 SOI . . B 36 46 343 ... 6 36 75 2(1 ... 6 27V, M 200 120 6 2T 71 116 ... I 27W 62 214 (11 6 2?', 71 244 ... I 27',, 47 224 1.-0 I 27 V, 6 263 M t 27V, 54 240 40 I 27 V, 81 i0 140 5 17 V, 43 104 ... 6 27', 14 lot M 1 17 L, 42 2(1 M ( 17V, II 104 ... I 27 4 41 3M M S 27V, 72 144 M I !7Vj 74 241 10 i 27 S 14 221 ... & 27', ! Itfl 40 6 21', 44 220 ... I 27V, 21 133 ... 6 27V, 15 347 40 I 17', U 224 40 6 27', 41 Ill ... I 2'v, TO 341 10 I 17', 3 327 ... 6 t7, 46 131 ... I IT', It 211 ... I 17V, 2 250 ... S 27V, It 22 to 6 27 - I 21 III 6 tT, 61 301 ... I 27V, II 261 ... 5 27 V, 8HEEP There wa a heavier run of sheen here this mornlnsr than wan gener ally expected, hut to offset that the demand for desirable grades wo or nnerai propor tions, so that the market ruled active and steady on the choicer bunches. There was a good deal of clipped stuff in the receipts and while some of It wa good quite a pro portion of it was only fair. The good si tiff, both clipped and wooled. could be quoted steaay, witn common granes wean to a dime lower. Clipped wethers sold up to J5.85 and wooled wethers and yearling mixed brought Jii and wooled ewes J5.M. The lsmb market wa In much the same condition a the trade on sheep, that Is, the better grade sold freely enough ill steady prices, while common stuff wa slow and weak. As high a J7.35 was paid for Colo rado. Quotation for fed stock: Good to choice yearlings, J.404j75; fair to good year lings. JH.O0(fi4i.4O; good to choice wethers. J5 KVft5.75; fair to good wethers. J5.00tfi6.50; good to choice ewes, J5.21M6.ti0; fair to good ewe, J4.75a6.16; common to flr ewes, J4.00 fi"M.5o: good to choice lambs), J7.2Tifu7.60; fnlr to good lambs, Jii.(oi7.15; feeder lambs, JK.OO6.50. No. Av. Pr. 1 western ewe 80 S 00 1 western buck 140 S 50 2 western ewes 70 ; 50 40 western cull ewes M T.VJ 8 western cull lambs 70 4 00 1 western ewe loo 4 50 477 western clipped wethers 98 4 85 200 Mexican ewes 81 5 25 246 western ewes 87 6 35 871 western ewes 104 5 S5 stffi Colorado yearlings ft wethers UK! 6 85 3 western ewes 143 6 50 5 western ewes 102 5 50 625 Wvomlng feeding lambs 5o tl 00 870 Wyoming feeding lamh 5ti 8 00 419 western lambs 72 7 00 670 western lambs 72 7 00 1 western lamb 1 120 7 00 11 western lambs !S 4 50 3 buck lambs 13,'i 4 60 36 cull lamb 48 4 50 21 clipped lamh .185 5 00 49 clipped wether 98 6 10 J western ewes 8:1 5 25 6 western ewes "2 5 26 4 western ewes 77 6 30 5 western ewes 114 6 60 7 western ewes (7 6 60 KSU western wethers 105 00 188 western clipped lambs 55 6 00 lf. western wether 88 8 00 86 western lambs 60 6 25 19 Colorado cull lambs 71 6 50 85 western yearlings., 78 8 50 222 Mexican yearlings 76 6 55 271 Mexican yearling 76 6 66 6 western lambs fto 7 00 303 Colorado lambs 82 7 35 38 Mexican lambs 76 7 86 24 western cull lamb 60 4 00 6M western clipped ewes (8 4 50 698 western clipped ewes 91 4 60 77 western ewes 82 4 75 (W western cull lamb 48 6 50 826 western lambs 75 7 00 214 western Iambs 75 7 CO CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady Big Hogs Five Cents Higher sheep Strongr. CHICAGO, April II CATTLE-Receipts, 4,000 head; market steady; good to prime steers, J.16'(r.86; poor to medium. $4 70 6.86; stockers and feeder. J2.6V(i6 : cows, J2. 76-96.40; heifers, J3. ("&. 75: c.aniiers, J1.60 .00: bulls, J2.60ftj4.75: calves, J3 00rj 50. HOG8 Receipts, 14.000 head; estimated to morrow, 28,000; market big 6c higher; mixed and butchers. 15 40-(5.b"7u.; good to choice hea.-y, JS.&6 tfiVi; rough heavy. J-i 4M15.66; light, to MaS 82'; bulk of sales. J5.55Sti.00. 8HEEP AND LAM BS Receipts, 8.0OO head; market for sheep strong; lamb shad, higher: good to choice wether. IS. 7596.16; fair to choice mixed, t4.fxsVS6.4i5; western sheep. J6 OOtfti.10: native lambs, JI.5ikSJ7.60; western lamb. J4.76'a7.85. Kaasas City l ive Mock Market. KANSAS CITY. April 11. -CATTLE- Re ceipts. J.60O head, including 1 . l'K southerns; strong to 10c higher; top. 16 50; choice ex port snd d reused beef steers, to 7f.'a 50; fair to good, J4.50&5.7&; western fed steers, tl Mi i6.25; stockers and feeders. J3.tWji.V25; southern steer. J4.i'(iri.oo: southern cows, J2.754T4 66: native cows. J2 .frtfjfi.oi; native lieirers J3.6ii4i5.6o; bulls, J2.63tl 1.76; calves, J3 ((! 25. HUGH Receipts. lO.Oiaj head; market hfi 10c higher; top, J5 45; bulk of sales. :(ntf 6.46; hea VI-. J5.3Sl-6.4i: packers, J6:itif 6.42V,; pigs snd lights, Jl. 40415 40. CHEEP AND LA MUX-Receipts. 8.) head; sheep steady; lamb slow: native lambs, Jti 500-17.50; native wethers, J5.faHC.on; native fed yearlings, J6.O07j4i 65; western ted sheep, J6. 0046.00; stockers and feeders, J3.60 46 50. Stork Market. April 11 ( 'ATTLE- SI. Joseph Lire ST. JOSEPH Slo Receipts. 2.0U7 head. Market steady to pie higher; natives, J4oO076u; coata and heif ei. J2 t4P6.50; stockers and feeders, J3.I4X3 Ik) Hi'tGH-Recelpis, 5,4.'9 lien. I. Market 5. Cattle, lings. Sheep. South Omaha 50 (,ai I3..tt4 8I011X City LJOt 3.500 Kansas Cltv 8.5"0 Iti.ftai Seal Ht. Iniis 4.i 12,ii l.ncd 8t. Joseph 2.i7 .VO ii.!4 Chicago 4.0m 14.0'i 8.(4 Totals 25.5"7 55.729 .'18, tl All 4 nilOI.Kfltl.H M H li KT. f.on(lltlin of Trade anil liuiila I Ion on Maple anil Fancy Prodrtce. KGGB-Recclpl heavy; market steady; candled stock. 16c. LIVE I'Ol LTRV-lliMis. 11Sc; young roosters, according to sisc. fWiiit-: old roos ters, tic; turkey. 1 -Millie: 1 11 1 k 1-. 11c. Bl'TTER Packing stock. 17c; choice to fancy dairy. 1!kii21c; creamery, 244i26c; jirltus. 27c. FRESH FROZEN FISH -Trout. !c: pick erel. tiVjc; pike. n'e: perch. 7c: bliiettsh, lie; whTteflsh. 9c; salmon, lie; redsiinppcr, (c; green halibut, 11c; crapples, lie; bufTulo, 7c; white Pass, lie; herring. :IV'I Spanislt mai-kerel, 12c; lobsters, boiled, 4fio; green, 4'N-; finnan huddle, 7c; roc shad, each. T.'ic; shad roc, per pair. .Inc. Frog legs, per dox., 3c. 1IAV Prices quoted by Omaha Whole sale llav IteHlcrs' assoein thin : Choice No. 1 uplanil. Jti.iO: No. 2.; medium. JV50; coarse, J."i .00. Rye straw. JS.oO. These prices nre for hav of good color and quality. BRAS- Per ton. $17..r.O. OYSTERS New York count:!, per can, 45c; extra selects, per can, 35c : standards, per can, .tic. Hulk: Standard. l"-r gal., Jl 40; extra selects, per gal., Jl.tiTi; New Vork counts, per gal., J1.S0. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES California extra fancy Red land navels, all sixes, $3.')f(;.26; fancy navels, J2.75; large nlzcs, J2.50. LEMONS California, extra fancy, 270 siae, J3.00; 300 Hnd 360, J3.25; fancy, 270, J-.V.6; i and 280, lloo; choice, 240 and 270, Uiji ;l and 3011 12.50. DATES Per box of .10-1 h. pkgs. J2.0"; Hallowe'en, in .ro-lb. boxes, per lb., ,'ic. FIGS California, per 1"-lh. carton. 75'd) 8ic; hnpvrteil Smyrna, 1-crown, 10c; 5-i-rown, 12e. HA NAN AS Per mediiini-slzed bunch, J1.75 i'4.26; JumboH. $2.5of3.0ii. GHA PEFRI'IT Cullfornla. per box of 64 to 64, J4.0O; Florida. J5.00 to J6.00. Fill" ITS. STRAWBERRIES Texns. er 24-qt. 1 ase, Jl. 250(4. 50; Louisiana, per 24-qt. case. 12. SO. APPLES New Vork Haldwlns, -J3.OtKir3.25; Colorado Ren IJavls. per box. J1.25; Roman Heauty. per box, 12.00; Ualdwlns and Green ings, tier box. j.oO. ... . TANGERINES California. tM-r half-box, J2.26. t.-RA NRERR I ES Jerseys, per bhl., J7.0O; per crate, J2.25. VEGETABLES. POTATOFJS Home grown, in sacks, per bu.. 804140c: Colorado, per bu., 45c; new IMitatoes, per lb., 7c. Tl.'RNlPH Old, per bu., 4nc; new, per dox , 76c. CARROTS Old. per bu., 40c; new, per doz., 60c. PARSNIPS Old. per bu., 40c BEANS Navy, per bu., J2.10. ' WAX BEANS Per bu., hamper or bu. box, J3.60tr4.HO. CLVI'M HERS Per doz.. Jl.7Mv2.00. TOMATOES Florida, per 6-basket dale, J5.0nrq6.00. SPINACH Per bu.. 75cflJ1.0O. ONIONS Spanish, per crate, J2.50; Colo rado yellow, per lb., 2c; Bermuda oniona, per crate, J2.76; new southern, per dot., 45c. CABHAGE Holland seed, per lb.. 1'e; California cabbage, In crate, per lb., 2',,e. BEETS Old. per bu., 40c; new, per doz. bunches, 66c. 1 1 EL E II V California, 76-5 0c. RAOISHES Hot house or southern, per dox., 3i"T(4i)c. LETTI'CE Hot house, per dos.. 46c. RHl HARH-llllnols, per lb., 5c; per box of 50 His., tl.2c.1l l.Wl. PARSLEY Per dox. bunches, 45c. A8PARAOr8-IllltiolB, per dos. bunches, tl.75; home grown, per dox. bunches, Jl.011'3 1.25. MISCELLANEOUS. CH EESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, 15c; Wisconsin Young America. 16c; block Swiss, new. ltic; old, 17c; Wisconsin brick, 10c; Wisconsin limhurgcr, 15c. HIDES No. 1 green, 7',c; No. 2 green, li'tc; No, I salted, 8c: No. 2 salted. 7',jc; No. 1 veal calf, 10c; No. 2 veal calf, 5c; dry salted, 71 14o; sheep pelts, 25c'uJl.oo; horse hides. Jl.5041.1 .00. Nt'TS Walnuts, No. 1, soft shells, new crop, per lb.. 15c; hard shell, per lb., 13'-; No. 2 soft shells, per lb., 12c; No. 2 hurt! shells, per lb., 12c; pecans, lurge, per lb, 12c; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb.. 7c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 8c; Chill walnuts, per lb., IllKmc; almonds, aoft shell, per 111. 17c; hard shell, per lb., 16c; chestnuts, fier lb . 12Vih13c; new black walnuta, per iu.. 7590c; ahelibark hickory nuts, per bu., J1.7C; large hickory nuts, per bu., J1.60. Cotton Market. NEW ORLEANS. April 11. COTTON Steady; sales, 2.5tai bales; ordinary, I l-lc; good ordinary, tmic; low middling, 7c: mid dling. 7V(-; good middling. 7T,c: middling fair. 8 6-liic; receipts. 11,061 bales; stock, -'34 957 bales "LIVERPOOL. April U.-COTTON Bpot. dull: prices 4 points lower; American mid dling lair, 4.73d; good middling, 4.41d; mid dling, 4.251; low middling. 4.1inI; good ordi nary, 3.92d; ordinary. 3.7tid. The sales of the day were (i.OUl bales, of which 30 were for speculation anil export Hnd Included 5.6I4) American; receipts, 35,000 hales, In eluding 23.400 American. ST. IXll'IS. April IL COTTON-Qulet; middling. 7r; no sales; no receipts; ship ments 6.14 bales; stock, 47,720 ball's. NEW VORK, April ll. ( 'OTT( )N Spot closed dull; middling uplands, 8.n5c; mid dling gulf. 8.80c; no sales. 1 The Merchants National Bank of Omaha.Ntb. I'. S. Depository. Capital and Surplus, $600,000 LUTDCIt DIAKE. r-nsklaat. FlANK T. MA HILTON, Vl.a rraiUaat. P. t. Hisriltos. AMI. Csiklcr. 1. 1. Wilis. Aiit.Csak, RaeatTt acsaunla of banka, bankari, rnr poratiana, Srma an4 Indlnduala an favorable larma. rsralaa Bubanja bought sad Bnl4 batters ot eradlt laau4, aTailabla in all parta uf tba world lutareal I4 on Tims Carlia.ataa nl Dapoalt. i ollarlloua nia-ta promirtly and acoBoanlualif. Ws raiiuaat corraaiaindsncs. Edwards -Wood Co- l Incorporated i lain Office: Fifth anil Robert SIrseU AT. PAUL,. niNN. DEALERS IN Stocks, Grain, Provisions Ship Your QraA to Us Braaela omo. IIH-lll Brearal ! Trails Hldg., uuiaka, Nek.. Telegikea HAt. 11X 214 Eschsng tlldg.. South Otnaiaa. 'il t'koa 414 iaalegeaaeait 'ffcea