10 TIIE OMATIA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY. APRIL 1005. CURRENT LITERATURE. "Teddy and Towser," by feeward D. Lisle, la a story of the early days of Cali fornia. Teddy father, although a hard working and well-esteemed cltlsen of New Jersey, was In poor circumstances. When the California gold fever swept the coun try h was one of the first to make his way westward, hoping to send for his fam ily shortly and bo able to provide for thorn better. The family consisted of Mr. Rowland's mother, his motherless son, Teddy, and an Irishman named Mickey, as well as Teddy's dog, Towser. Before the summons came for the family to proceed to Ban Francisco via the Panama route, which was then the quickest and most com fortable, the grandmother died and Teddy with his dog started, under the care of Mickey, to Join his father. The vessel was wrecked and the passengers landed on an unsettled portion of the California coast. While exploring over tho hll'v. against the captain's orders, a passing vessel carried away the other passengers, and Micky and his charges returned in time to catch a last glimpse of their former companions, out at sea. Their experiences and adven tures hunting for gold while trying to make their way to Teddy's father, always ably assisted by Towser, who was a very Intelligent dog, will prove of very great Interest to all boys and many of the grown people as well. The story contains ac counts of a great many adventures with the Indians and tells much of the gold seeking experiences. Henry T. Csates & Co. are the publishers. The new magazine. Tales, announces one feature that will distinguish It from all other American publications. It Is to be largely devoted to fiction translated Into English from various foreign languages. Each month It will present a complete novel, an Installment of a serial and a num ber of short stories by the best living writers of Europe. "The Lounger" In The Critic has, "after discussion with a group of intelligent men and women," chosen the following books as the best not the "best sellers" in every Instance, but the best books published within the past six months: The six beet books, fact, "The Awakening of Japan," by Okakura-Kakuzo; "The Wonders of Life," by Ernest Haeckel; "Letters of John Kuskln to Charles Eliot Norton"; "Remi niscences of Moncure D. Conway"; "The Opening of Tibet," by Perceval Landon; "Errierson, Poet and Thinker," by Elizabeth Luther Cary. The six best books, fiction: "The Secret Woman," by Eden Phlllpotts: "The Oolden Bowl," by Henry James; "The Divine Fire," by May Sinclair; "The TJn dercurrent," by Robert Grant; "The Mar riage of William Ashe," by Mrs. Hum phrey Ward; "The Fugitive Blacksmith,' by Charles D. Stewart. The Vlr Publishing company of Philadel phia announces the publication. In book form, of an address to the students of the University of Pennsylvania, by Robert N. Wilson, M. D., medical adviser to the stu dents, entitled the "Social Evil In Uni versity Life." This lecture is a reprint from the MedlcaJ News, and has been very largely circulated among the students in nearly every college and university In the United States by the presidents of these Institutions. Messrs. A. 8. Barnes & Co. announce a third edition of Abraham Cahan's novel of revolutionary Russia, "The White Terrer and the Red." Joseph A. Altsheler, whose unusual novel, based on a presidential campaign, "The Candidate," Is Just off the Harper press, la said, although a younger man, to bear a marked physical resemblance to William J. Bryan. Mr. Altsheler has traveled a great deal with Mr. Bryan In his cam paigns, and the resemblance is close enough to have led to an amusing mistake. Once, In a small town of western Nebraska, all the population were gathered to hear Mr. Bryan speak. When Mr. Altsheler stepped upon the stage. Intending to take his place In the rear, the audience, thinking Mr. Bryan had arrived, broke into uproarious applause. , Mr. Altsheler, deeply embar rassed to tnd that he was the cause of the outbreak, teat a hasty retreat. The Christian Science Journal for April, published in Boston, appears in a new dress", thus beginning Its twenty-third volume Since 1883. when it was first published by Mrs. Eddy, it has recorded the Interesting progress of the movement. On the first page is a poem by Mrs. Eddy, written for tM Issue, entitled "Whither," and on an swer page is an article by the same au thor discussing "Prevention and Cure for Divorce." Anticipating' the coming camping season the leading article in Recreation for April Is "Summer Camps and Campers," by Arnold Bartlett Parker. The story Is filled with Illustrations and contains many prac tical hints for the tenderfoot and his wife in the woods and on the waters. Dan Beard, the editor, has started a new de partment In this issue, entitled, "Dan Beard and the Boys." written In his well known style. The other departments, devoted to the automobile, camera, guns and ammuni tion and athletic sports, are filled with newsy comment. Above books at lowest retail prices Matthews, 123 South Fifteenth street. "America's Bummer Resorts," published by the. Nfw York Central railroad, covers a wide range of delightful places to visit, and contains a valuable, up-to-date map printed In four colors. Sent free, postpaid, to any address, on receipt of a 2-cent stamp, by Oeorge H. Daniels, General Pas senger Agent. Grand Central Station. New York. otae Pouder Health-Coonomy, Fresh at your grocer's every morning. U. P. Bakery SNOW FLAKE BREAD 5c a, Lof Tk littlt red label on every loaf. Y SALE BEAUTIFUL NEW LOTS OF CORSET COVER. Embroideries and Flouncings Just Received The finest lot of extra wide Embroideries and flouneings piles of fresh crisp Swiss, . Nainsook and Cambric, right from the New York importer; widths sssyV up to 18 inches some with lace edgings, others with dainty ribbon beading all new and beautiful patterns worth in a regular way up to t Kc TfKC yoc a yara at yard. 15-25c-33' r Muslin Underwear Sale Corset Covers, Gowns, Drawers From Mrs. Benson's Stock at 50c High quality undermuslins that are ""tj? worm up to $i a garment new goods ir beautifully made with lace inser tions, lace edging, em- cSt broidery trimming, etc. Ix II l an immense variety - O to select from, at, each Ladies $7.50 Covert Jackets at $5 The neatly tailored coverts that arc ex tremely fashiouable for smart street wear, snugly fitting coats, well lined, tailored, straps, etc., a $7.50 value Wed- P Aft nesday at Stylish Golf Skirts at $3.98 New spring Ideas, correct weights, stylish mixtures, side pleat and new box pleat effects stunning new features 'Z AO Just out for soring at wtJO " Ladies $,5$.7?5aond Craveiettes at $9.98 The most popular of all stylish coats the new belts, Peggy from Paris pockets stylish overplaids, perfect protection against rain, Q Clfi $15.00 and $17.50 values at JfO Special Millinery Values New lots of fine street nata from the Sullivan & Drew stock. brought forward tor the first time. Pretty spring street nats, smartly trimmed, at.. New shapes and colors in straw braids, jauntily made In the very latest styles, at Street and trimmed hats, some of . Sullivan & Drew's prettiest de signs many sold at , U.OO an! $5.00 In a regular way Wednes day, at , 50c i in xrt 98( 1.98 srrwhe SALE BEGINS APRIL 15TH SATURDAY ENTIRE SURPLUS STOCK OF MEN'S SPRING SUITS From B. Rothschild & Co., Rochester, N. Y. NEW POINT IN A CONTROVERSY Who Will Tell a Woman What Sort of Olothes to Wear? SHORT SKIRTS, SIDEWALKS AND SPITTING Ur, I wolf oi new ioh irn Talk and Chief Donahue of Omaha Adds a Few Words. Ths statement of Dr. L. Wolf before the Society of Medical Jurisprudence In New York that the prohibition of spit ting in street cars and on the sidewalks Is nonsense "pure and simple," does not find agreement in the mind of Chief of Police Donahue. Dr. Wolf advocated a law requiring women to wear short dresses, as a means to stop the spreading of disease germs. "Tho professor may be correot so far as the carrying of disease germs la con cerned," said the chief, "but who is brave enough to attempt to regulate the length of women's sklrta. Not for me. I want to be an honest chief of police and live right up to my duties, but If It were up to me to enforce a short-skirt ordinance I'm afraid my reputation would be ruined In a day. There are women who would be perfectly satisfied with skirts at knee length and there are others who can't get their draperies too long. It's all a matter of taste and some other things, perhaps, I suppose. . But apart from the sanitary features of the spitting question, Is the esthetic aide. Short skirts can't prevent the sidewalks, from looking nasty If they are covered with expectorations of various kinds and hues. The appearance of things counts for a good deal and for my part I still maintain that the place to spit Is In the gutter, skirts or no skirts. Here Ir Omaha we have succeeded in training the men pretty well not to spit on the sidewalk or in the street cars and I am glad of it and want to see theae rulea retained." and J. F. Stout for the plaintiff. There Is a good deul that Is technical in the case, as to values and damage, and the two attorneys keep up a sparring for ad vantage that causes Judge Kennedy to break into many a smile, even as he Is almost continually called upon to rule on the objections of one side or the other. "Don't get nervous," says Mr. Brecken ridge to Mr, Stout. "I am not nervous and am not going to get nervous," says Mr. Stout to Mr. Breckenridge. Still, the air is quite charged with nervousness. laauranre t'aae om Trial. Judge Kennedy has plenty to keep him on edge In a cane now on trial before him. It is entitled Ooluniblun Oniloal Company against the Hrillah-AmerK-an Insurunce Company of New York, fur I2.0W, alleged to be due en an Insurance policy. I'lulnUfT com puny had a nre in June, lixtf, and amour other policies on their stock was thla one. ?lie attorneys in the case are Ralph auksnridg tor the Insurance vumpauy SEASONABLE FASHIONS. NO. 45M-OIRLS' SI'SPKNDER SUIT. Slses, B to 14 Year a. For the accommodation of readera of Tha Bee these patterns, which uaually retail at from 25 to 60 rents each, will be furnished at the nominal prloe of 10 centa. A aupply la now kept at our office, ao those who wish any pattern may get It either by call ing or encloalng 10 cents, addressed "Pal- Urn Department, Bee, Omaha," 12. I y hi U ItlllS B JT OMAHA WF.ATHER REPOHT. V J H mJJbbm--" Wednesday Fair and Warmer. JHiSZ jj s Third and Last Day of Green Trading Stamps , Commemoration Sensations Wednesday. Fifty Clreco Trading Stamps to Commemorate State Recognition. ANOTHER COUPON. Cut It out, bring, this coupon to the store; spend a dollnr in any single department you choose nnd get a new hook containing Thirty Little Green Stickers along with the ten that fro with the purchase. That makes Forty Green Trading Stamps. t'nll at rremium Tnrlor, Balcony; or nt Trading Stamp Store. 210 North Slxfeenth Street any time and get another ten. That's fifty in all. Wednesday in last day. ppin TTiiq in THERE ARK SOME 8XAPPY COMMEMORATION OF IV T Yffl' NEVER HAD A RKHJER Oil A BETTER OPPOR- T1NITV vmi awEUJNH YOUR trading stamp collections than IN THIS COMMEMORATION CELEBRATION. Com memo ra.t ion Sales in Art Section. ill "GOLD 18 NOT ALU" Howard Chandler Christy's greatest ef fort, framed complete, a J2.50 value, Wednesday only 1.98 Sixty ($6.00)- Oreen Trailing Stamps. All Art sales advertised Sunday good for Wednesday. Note our handsome Art Display, Sixteenth Street Window and new Brown Room and Gallery of fine Pastels by Chandler and Olbbs. Three times Green Trading Stamps on all Picture Framing, Pryography and Artist Material Purchases. 8ECOND FLOOR, 25c 1 1.tt'-V "--Hl t Commemoration Sale of Sheet Music. "Beaumarie," a beautiful Caprlce-Cavotte, an ele gant teaching piece regular wc music: v eunes'jiiy uni) (I r uny im.wi .re'n xiimi- iiib (Stamps. (Only one to a customer.) OF IMPORTANCE TO SINGERS, TEACHERS AND GENERAL PUBLIC. Just received, an abundance of fine classical music, beautiful new songs, by such eminent writers as C. B. Hawley, Olney Speaks, Lillian Strick land, Alfred Robyn, Edward Mossel berg, Etholbert Nevln. Sacred Easier songs by Dudley Buck, J. W. Blschnft, Wm. Hammond and Morrison's fam ous piece "Meditation," adapted for singing Just out. Folios of "Venezla," "O'er Hill and Dale." A new folio of Parsifal MuhIc at very popular prices. Autograph Folio of songs of voices, including favorite songs Melba, Nordlca, Marrhesi, etc. SECOND FLOOR. all by A DISPLAY OF CHINA Good, New, Useful Articles and Dainty, Pretty Pieces of Bric-a-Brac, Cut Glass, Lamps, Etc. Commemoration Prices Prevail In This Section. The Following Items arc a Suggestion of What We Have: PLATES, In the new fancy fruit and pansy raised decorations, Hr new, and a beauty, l!o and..." Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps. BOWLS, tn blue and yellow decora tion, Holland made goods, very pretty ana userui, z.c, lac, 4 M W and Ten (11.00) with each. Green Trading Stamps NEW SHAPE IN SALTS AND PEP PERS, very finest crystal sterling tops, a 23c value, 1(1 r each IWv REMEMBER WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE WELlKNOWN BLOCK LIGHT, WILL SAVE OAS, and give you the brightest light, flO all complete ! W Fifty (5.00) Green Trading Stamps with each. MANTLES for Gas at 30c, 25c, ir 20c. 15c and IVfW- BRADLEY & HUBBARD'S NICKEL LAMP, large center draft burner, complete with shade and J -( .chimney IOV "This Is the best sewing and reading lamp made. Fifty ($5.00) Green Trading Stamps with such. SPECIALS IN HARDWARE SE -TION Forty ($100) Green Trading Stamps with No.- 1 Galv. Wash Bfr Tub ooc Forty ($4.00) Green Trading Stamps with No. 2 Galv. Wash tAf Tub UW Forty ($4.00) Green Trading Stamps with No. i Galv. Wash 72f Tub Thirty ($3.00) Green Trading Stamps with best 12-tlne Steel 38C Forty ($4.00) "Green" Trading Stamps with best-14-tine Steel lSr jjake t'J Forty ($4.00)' Oreen Trading Stamps with best 16-tine Steel 48C Forty ($llo6)" Green "Trading Stamps with extra heavy Spading 7A.C Thirty '($3.00) 'Green Trading Stamps with 14-tlne Malable 2d-C jiake Best Poultry Wire, 2-lnch mesh, gal vanized after weaving, 12C square foot . " Best Double Selvage Black Screen Wire Cloth, square tin foot JW Bargains in Housecleaning Goods See Window Dis playSale on Friday. Bennett' Blf? Grocery. Always leaders In the best table pro ducts at lowest prices. Fifty ($5.00) Green Trading Stamps with 3 pounds finest Java and Mocha Coffee $1.0i) Thirty ($3.00) Green Trading Stamps with pound Tea (any kind) tStc Thirty ($3.00) Green Trading Stamps with S-pound can Burnham's Clam Chowder 20c Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with can pure ground Black Pepper.. 12c Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with 3-pound can Table Syrup 12V4c Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with 8 bars Bennett's Bargain Soap... 25c Fifty ($5.00) Green Trading Stamps with 5 lbs. splendid Japan Rice.. 35c Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with pound can Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder 24o MONEY SAVERS. Corn, 2-pound can 6c Salmon, pound can 10c Castile Soap, cake 2Hc Potted Ham, can 4 Pepper Sauce, bottle 7c Condensed Cream, can 6c The best and largest stocks of new Flower & Vegetable Seeds, pkg.. 2Vc EXTRA VALUES. Worcester Sauce, bottle 10c Catsup, bottle 8c Baked Beans, 3-pound can 8c Stripg Beans, 3-pound can 8c Lemon Extract, bottle 5c Cocoanut, package 6c Peas, 2-pound can 7c CANDIES. Several hundred large packages New Orleans Molasses Candy, pkg...; 6c Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps with pound box Bennett's Special Chocolate Creams 25c (DIAMONDS! A iwo-stone Ringset Da-g gonally with one diamond? 5 regularly cut and one genuine 5 ruby, emerald or sapphire 5 one of our leaaers. $12.50 DODGE. Jap-a-lae Jap-a-lac Jap-a-lac Jap-a-lac .1 an-A-lne Jap-a-lac, We JAP-A-LAC A modern wood finish. The beHt fln Ish In use for house cleaning time. All colors at the following prices: ... un 4-pt.t eacn H-pt., each 25c 1-nt. each 40o ..w.H 75o U-gal.. each 135 1-gal., each h.n,!u iiw Bros. Paints, v.icli vinlna nnd Oil Stains. In fact we carry everything used dur ing house cleaning time. us about Hnyiuiug uu We deliver rree 10 uj Phone may need part of the city. Prompt service MYERS-DILLON DRUG CO. Paint Department 1 4 1 o nsnnt i Phone 3429 1 DEPUTY STATE VETERINARIAN, H. L RAMACCIOTTI. D. V. S. CITY VKTEHIXAniiN. Office and Infirmary, Mtli and Mason fits. OMAHA, NliU, Telephone WJ. 25c, 30c, 35c to 50c Butterick Patterns Reduced to... 20 c Til K HUI.1AHLR STORK. 1 Landscapes, 2-in. Green Frames Special -f q Wednesday I J SPECIAL SALE OF Sheets, Cases and Sheeting We oi'n PRtrrs vor this n.w auk withih-t MARKET. QIANTITY LIMITED. Blenched Mohawk Sheeting. 1f . V Mohnuk A Dl-PI.1C.YTE ON TUB dnesdav Y A Woman's $3.00 Shoe We sell a woman's shoe for $3.00 that la equal In every respect to most of the shoes known and Bold a a $3.50 shoes. There la as much style to them, tbey fit as perfectly, they feel as comfortable, they look as well, and they wear as long. There is no other shoe sold for $3.00 that compares with them In style, lit or wear. They are the best there Is for. the price, and. good enough for anybody. See them. Ifryshoeco. 16th and Douglas St. Pennyroyal pills tm Utm v4 U.U MMllla . wtUfciM thr. SUAm aaaru aUlaa aa l'"f J ' Or.iM r aW fcr PartUalan. Tatlalala a4 KalUT fx l-.il . k ra. tmru Mall. l.tTallBMltU. M1T all SiaaiiM.- I'hbaMM.' hralwlft, (fttoaapo. Slim. a a, r rm, 17c 49c Sheets, miv 'ismWs Bleached -S. each. ! 2W yards wide at. yard I 27Hc I'nblearluMl Mohawk Sheeting, I 2l. vards wide at. van! 7fc Mohawk Seamless Bleached Sheets, wlze 2x-'i. enrh luc SILK DOT ORGANDIES On display In our Sixteenth Street windows the ptst few days at. yard 3.000 yards all kinds of New Spring White Goods wnrth up to 35c special at, yard size ,45c 11c 16c Mohawk Bleached Cases 42x;6, each 17c Mohawk Blenched Cases. fiii 4 Tj 1 slur, each laV Stupendous Shoe Bargains AU Klrkendall'n $1.50 and $1.75 Shoes and Oxfords, black nnd tan nt, pair , Brooks Bros.' $;i.50, $4.00 and $1.50 Ladles' Shoes Ktrkendall's $3.5" and $4.( Men's Omaha made Shoes Kirkendall's $2.50 and $1 .00 Fine Shoos Six lines of the celebrated I'ltra $3.60 Shoes RAVEN SHOES FOR IADIES-Regular 12.60 value; special price 19c 10c 98c 2.48 1.98 1.75 Child's 75c nnd 1.00 Sample Shoos 69c find 48C Ladies' Belts, 5c. A new lot of Manufacturer's Sample Belts, worth 2fic to 60c, all go at one price Wednesday, E.-, each 50c Ladies' Neckwear, 10c A beautiful collection of Ladles' Eas ter Neckwear, worth l'5c, S5c and Mo. All at one price Wednesday, tlr each I WW NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC OF OMAHA Thousands of Dollars Worlh of Goods to be given away Friday, April Mfh We are going to close out several largo ll:nw of Crockery and Hardware. Tha greatest values i ver offered to the public of Omaha will be sacrificed nt this great fnle. Values of 2no. 50c, 76c, $1.00 up to $5. (1 will be sold from lc up to 50c. Nothing will be reserved. We must have t lie room for the workmen on our now building. Don't miss this. It Is one of those chances that happen only onon In a lifetime, to secure something for almost nothing. S i le to commence at 8:80 a. in. sharp in Big Basement Annex Ilayden Bros. Grocery Prices for Wednesday 1 lb. cans Rumfnrd Baking Powder 15c 2 lb. cans best pack Sweet Sugar t'orn 5c 3 lb. cans Dunkley's Michigan Plum 124e 3 lb. cans fancy Bartlett Pears, In heavy syrup l'.'Vjc t lb. cans fancy Table Peaches, In heavv syrup 121-fce. 3 lb. cans fancy Table Apricots, In heavv syrup , 12V4c 2 lb. cans fancy pack Wax, String or Lima Beans 5c 3 lb. cans Boston Baked Beans TV40 1 lb. cans Bopton Baked Beans 4c I lb. cans Anderson's or Campbell's soups IMc Oil or mustard Sardines, per can 4c Malta-Vita, X-Cclo or Hgg-O-See, per package THa 10 bars Swift's Pride, Beat-Em-All or White Paris Laundry Soap ISo (old Dust, per package loo I'earline. per package 'Jo Sapollo, per bar 5o 3 Hi. cans Oolden Table Syrup "Vjo 2 lb. package Mldnveno Oatmeal 6c Jello, Jellycnn, Fruit Puddine orBrom- argelon. per package 7,4!c Irge Heedless Lemons, per doien Mo Irfirge Highland Navel Oranges, per doz Jir 1 Hi. pnekng Persian Dales t.. ....... I)lnin A. ...I. .a ..ox rvlf 'i Now Colorado Honey, per rack it's. HAYDEftS BROS. DR. BRADBURY 1606 FARNAfl. Teeth Extracted.... .23c Porcelain Fllllnga $ 1 up Gold Filling $1 up Silver Fllllnga... 80c up Crown $2.50 up Plate. $3.00 up DENTIST 18 Year Sam Location Phone 1756. Bridie Work $2.90 up Nerves remove wlttvJ out pain. Loose Teeth Mad Solid. Work guaranteed 10 jratra. .- i atf UNCOMMONLY GOOD Chase's SORE THRO JIT CURE For the Throat, Mouth and Teeth Effective, Pleasant, Antiseptic At Druggists. Price 25c. " Tft OMAHA BEE READERS A SI2.50 COLUMBIA DISG GRAPHOPHONE HERE IS OUR SPECIAL OFFER TO HEW OR OLD SUBSCRIBERS: 3 riace an order with us to have THE EVENING and SUNDAY BEE delivered to your address for one year by carrier. I'ay the carrier for the paper at the regular rate of 12 cents per week. I'ay 25 centa when you give your order for the paper, and $1.00 when you cet vour disc gniphoplione. For this $1.25 you will receive, in addition to n $12.50 disc graphophone fully equipped, oue 50 cent 7-inch disc record and li needles, a book of ten 10-cent rebate coupons entitling you to a rebate or Sl.OU in the purchase of disc records iu excess of the tirst ten. The disc graphophone is delivered to you inntantly upon payment of the email amount above mentioned. It Is understood that you are not compelled to purchase any further records to retain tl.e graphopone t !" lxon your subscription. If at any time, however, nnd Al lOLU OY N OI ION. you do purchase ten records of the Columbia monograph Company. lt21 I at nam Street, Omaha, and have completed your subscription tl.e machine becomes your eXClc"aUaPtri bear this new disc graphophone play and avail yourself of this rare opportunity to secure a disc graphophone practically free. MAIL THIS TODAY-NOT TOMORROW COUPON OF INQUIRY Circulation Department, OMAHA BEE. Omaha, Nebraska: Tlease send your representative to my address as given below to show the GUArilOrilONE you offer with one year's subscription to 1HE OMAHA BEE. Name. Address. Date. 1 , Wa have also made arrangements to supply mail subscribers with the I ..nhnnhnne. For full particulars send us this coupon. 1 Sm - MAIL SUBSCRIBER'S COUPON Circulation Department, OMAHA BEE, Omaha, Nebraska: I'leasfl send me full particular how to obtuin a $12 50 Columbia Grapho phone practically free. Name. . . Addreiss ..... .- ., Date .