THE OMAHA DAILY REE: SUNDAY. APRIL 0. 190.-. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Values Uodergo a Sharp Reaction During the Two Hours cf Trading. RUMOR OF IMPENDING FIGHT IN EAST Probability t HI Rattle Dnriaft undny Holiday ln" Speeii liilors to Tighten Their Load. YutlK, April i. Price underwent u Ki.arp reaction In tho two hour or ..j, .ay a trailing n the atock xchauge. 'liifii' n no neveiopinent In the i wi in offer it clear moils for the ruling, which Was baaed more on the doubt la in mmd, or triuers cnfr the rate f advance Our ng the Inttrr part of the week thHii f n nn change In condition urTi'rttng values Anmr m on S rTj 1 1 1 . k rt leu IhtI v showed tin" "f fci In ot recklessness) of the rv i nt spe-ula-1 1 n unci uit rsing 2 p onts rclapsd vio lently. An intimation was broadly tom a. ! that thcie win i liifii In tho lung dis cussed southern Iron merger and tho stinks in that group collapss-d. In Liiion paelilc 1 1 wax very i lear Hint the attempts lo lltl the stni k HfT'' no-eiing witti the t.b.-fai lo of pracloallv unlimited selling orders The pri'Valiiiiti a Mil imrnt In tho market atta h s Importance to the movement n tins stock as a feeder anl tho pP spoof of opposition lo further advance vu not rel ished. Thr wan selling for foreign at: tnunt and lite depression abroad was at tributed to reports that a naval battle Imminent in the eastern sens. Tho possibility of an important military e ent during the Sunday interval prompted spec ulative holders of stocks to lighten liieir load. The bank atafmcnt showed the surplus reserve unimpaired, but the reduction (. the loan Hern did lint come up to the ex portation ind the cash rescrvn snowed a decrease of J'J.6a.iiii in place of the ex pected small Imeaae. With I ha surpus Item at a low stage the Improvement in condition of tho hank Is noi suftiiiont lo relieve the apprt hensimi the l' per cent call iiKHii-y rate of Friday may not be ait admonition of some further ptrin genoy next week. There was a. sharp diop In Sterling evrhiingc In response to this condition in spite of the selling of stocks Tor f'.ielKii ai-onuut. There wan some i h My irom the low point, but the d-slng lope was heavy. Total salts' nf bonds, par value. 9l.7tt',ioo Th following went the quotations on the New York Slock exchange: MaleS.lllgll.lOW a i so Wi& Ntt'a Hii'i 1104 Kl- 1W MM j 1094 3.4"0 Khi 1l 3.01)1) m 3ti,0HO "ino 2o TOO 68 4l'i k: 2.14 Z4:t 14 ai" 107 29 67 41 . X2 23', 24.1 1781,4 a:', lm eo 9f,m 5o0 SH0 'ion fKKI no :'wio 1.I.NI0 3.101) 4.hW r..7') l.sim 300 4O0 2 (mo 4i am 10,100 IS.iW) 1.400 20.506 100 Co 24,100 200 . M pfd 4O0 fn) f-iO 34.700 3"0 1.M0 ano 400 '3116 K,2"0 100 4"i "i1 LOO Hi 4ii8 XI 1JV 30V4 ai-ii ss 14a in1 1?:T llDVi li'iiii 31 '.i titi-V 40 i: til H 143'A 96 no" !K 81 7(i 27Mi 6i 8H 118'i 34 Ssi 3V, 62ii 1S1V 94 41.. 11S 24 52H 4M 80 68 -i 4', lfil'4 30i4 K . . 30 64 HIS lii4 8HS 122 24S hI 119 ll') 31 ti6 8i ltWi 6!S 84 14;S AtehiKoii lo.iim do pfd ) Atlintle OaM Iino. 1 711 Hal'lmnre & Ohio 6,ym do pfd t'anadlnn raelfle 23.PO 160 V: fentral of N. J t'hesapeake Mr Ohio . t'likugo & Alton ... do pfd TJ!lcaim Ot. West.... w. m. fit. Pitii .... Chleano T. & T do pfd '. C. f. St. I.oula. Colo. &- Southern do lut nfd do 2U pfd 1t) 34 3St Delawaio & Hudson e.. Lack. Went Denver & It. il do pfd i.'..i VJWV do 1st pf.l do 2 pfd Jloekiiik- Valley JT do pfd Illinois Tenfial I Iowa t'VntrMl do put K. C. flout hern do pfd Irfiuisvlllc & Nash... Manhattan 1. M.-t. Berurltlea Met. Street Ky Mexlc.-m t'cntral Minn. & St. Ixnila.... M , St. P. A 8. a. M. do pfd Missouri Paclfl" M.. K. &. Texas do pfd N. R. R. of Mox. pfd N. Y. Central N. Y.. Out. & W.... Norfolk & Western.. do pfd Pennsylvania Pitta.. C. C. & St. It. Heading do 1st pfd do 2d nfd Ttuck Island do pfd Bt. I.. & S. I' St. I Southwestern. do pfd Southern Pacific .... di pfd , Southern Ry , do pfd Texas It Pacific ... Tol.. St. L. & W. .. do pfd Union Pacific , tlo pfd Wabash do pfd Wheeling & I.. V..... Wisconsin fentral . do pfd Atlanta Kxpress American Kxpress . I'nlted State Hxp.. Wells-Fargo Kxp... Amal. Copper Ainer. Car Found. tin prd Amer. Cotton Oil.... I . s , do pfd JJ American Ice a do pfd mer. I.lnaeed Oil iiin nfd Amer. i.ocomollva .. do nfd Amer. S. & Ref do pfd Amer. Sugar Ref.... Am. Tub. pfd. certlf. Anaconda Mining Co Brooklyn Rapid T... 80I0. Fuel and Iron, onsolldiited Gun.... Corn Products do pfd DlHtlllurs' Securities. ieneral klectrlc .... ier. Pa lie r 'do pfd nter. Pump do pfd National Lead North American Pacific Mall People's (las Presi-ed Steel Car.... do pfd Pullman Palace Car. Republic Steel do pfd Pnblier tlootl.i do pfd Tenn. Coal & lion.. V. S. Leather do pfd It . n. rtennv V. 8. Rubber do pfd V. S. Sioel do pfd Va.-Caro. Chemical. do pfd Westingh'se F.lce.... W esteru I nlon Total salik for the day. 713.SHO 1H-'B Id 10(", !.:,.. liti 402 67'i 41 M'j 4214 17SH 1M4 lUli 2x1; til :: 11'4 872Vi Ji 46 , Xl t ft: :t iiiu; 2!4 M 3o t.4W 141H ln 81) '.4 122 2 K2--4 IIHl M2 I06V4 31 6 v; :i iii no i V 110,4011 8.100 1.100 1. 000 200 2m) 2'X) 1,000 K.806 8ill S.4O0 l.(KX) 4.300 42.SO0 &.400 ioO 2.200 900 3.200 3o0 800 4O0 100 19',966 1.H 400 6.100 700 SOtl 4110 3.0OU 2.60O 1,400 l-'.IH) 1G.1i" 20i ' 1100 l.UI) 2u.7i) 34,70t f.l 100 7ou 84', 41 y; 101 3t 40 20 43H 54S 119 125T, 144H 98 V4 124 70 2H i3Va 61 457, 189 24 81 36 mi 102 4o 11H 42U 97i i 248U 24. 82 ai lo7U 101 " 44i 118 37j 10J 34 107'i isi 143 80 94 91 8:i SB 80H 70 2 ti4'i Hi'to 118 34H 9K 37 41 li2 130 9U 22' 4n 18 23 K 2,' 228 127 245 84H 4lli 1034 35 93 5 40 194 42 54 117 llii 124Vi 1434 97 1224 69 f4 206 12 61 45 188 24 31 36 83 4t 1014 46 H04 424 974 247 224 81 4 3: 107 Kin 124 1074 94 43 1104 37 107 181 . . . . !m shores. 94 96" 36 80 70S 264 65 67 118 844 9ii 37 624 130 994 22 4li 18 234 62 83 404 lo.l 35 40 19- 43 63 1164 124 144 98 121 i4 554 205 124 63 44 I884 23 Sn- 36 48 1014 II04 42 974 247 2:4 8'i 825 107 98 95" 4:! 1164 37 101 34 1.174 1814 Iff London Mo I1NDON. Apt II ( Blocks and bend 4 : I'onsols. inon. 90 11-16 N do UCCOU..I Anaconda Atchison do pld n. a U bi nuit llnnds. -Closing Quotations on '. Central. 9J 13-16 Norfolk & W.. do pfd Ontario & W.. Peniiaylvinlii ... ...92 ...loh ...liat,! Kand Mines Canadian Pacific. 148, Rfiidina C. O. Chicago O V.. C M. & St. 1". l)e Beera U. & R O do pfd Krlo do 1st pfd do 2d pfd. .167 . 88 ; f'4 . 63 . 7S4 .. 114 . 44 . 47 . 46 in, i9: do lt pfd . 21-4 do 2d pfd .184! Southern Ry.... . 17i do pfd . 36 Southern Pacific . .'.'J, 1 nion i'Ul'iiic ...1 . 4.; do pfd 102 . 834i V 8.' Steel 384 1 2d pfd 14, do pfd Illinois Central. ..Iwi4i Wabash 21 1, & N 147 do pfd M.. K. & T 32"V Spatdh 4a J4 SI I.VKK Bar. firm, 2od per ounre, MONK Y Hi 1 per cent Tho rata of discount In the open maikrt for short bills la 2 per cent; three monlna' lull 2! 1-14 per cent. Yen York Mlnlua Klnrkn. Vi:w YORK. April 8-Tho following urn 1 losing giii'liitlons on mining atoiks Huns Con Alice lln-fCe Brunswli k C111 Couni-ti ck Ton Co:'. Cal. & V t Horn Sliver Iron Silver 1 eMlvil'e fun.. . i.Icted. 23 I 'Ontario 4iai Vi I l.lltle Chief 6 25 I Ophlr Hi'. 4 ! PiUosI Ij . 74. 8a.vga 28 .I'S . M-rra Nevada... .') .)-'! bnoill llopvs .... .'. :12J iSiatulard I4.1 Uauk Clearings. OMAH A. Ap-ll I - Bank clearings lodav veiv Jt '., lis? I, 1-or the I'orrrsivinditig y of 1:04 the 1 luHi lcgs w ere II. ;42.ni6 48, Treasury kla eiaenl. WAPII1.M1TON. April -Todsy s stste pieiit of the ireasurv I alances In the gen eral fund. 1 xcluMVe of tint JlW.'Xu 0 gold ; reserve In the division of redrmrtlon. show Aval able cash balance. II :7.71 , gold. S7:,k".!'4i. New York Moaer Market. NEW YORK. April -MONKY-On call, nominal; no l.ins: time loana. steady; sixty nd ninety das Ji,1ii4 per cent; .x months. 34fi3 per cent PKIMK .! KKCANTl lK PAPER-3'0 14 pr cent. STKF.I.I.Vi S KXCir.WOK Weal;. with S'lual hiis'tiess In hankers' bills at fliln'a 4 '.'. for demand and at $.M40ti4 R450 for sixtv-dav bills; pits led rate. $AV.i48i4 and $4 -,': commercial bills. $4 i34' 4.S4. 5f.4; Mexhan doilais. 4:1c. BoXI.'S-Uovernment, Arm; railroad, Ir nt'ilar. CioMi g prices on bonds were: I' S re. 2s. reg.l':4 Japan 6s. cer li""4 do itiuiion 1-4 1, I.. A N. unl. 4s...l"i"a I". S. in reij 1"4 Man con g. ' l'44 do tou ion pio'4 Mex. Central Is. 18 l S new 4s. n g !' . do 1st Inc 21 do coupon 1X4 M. & St. U 4s 5-1 V. S. old 4s. ng !" M . K. & T. 4a... 1-1 4 do coupon p4 do 2ds ' Am. Tobacco 4s c 74 i, N. R R. M. c Js !-l do 6s. cer US N Y. C. gen. 34 In Atchison gen. 4s.lo24 N J C. gen. as. 1354 do adj 4a 944 N Pacific 4s. ...l"i4 Atlantic C. I,. 4s l'i do 3s . B & O 4s I'i2", N & W. con. 4 1"1 do 34s O 8. 1. rfd. 4s. 97 ' Central of O. 5. 11.1 I'ein cm v. 34" '""'y do 1st Inc- 934 Beading gen. 4s !n2 do 2d inc 78 St. I. A I M cat .11 14 C. O 44 107 8t. 1,. 8 F.fg I '-'I C. A- A 4 81 Bt. I.. S'n con 4s 81 C. B. ft (J 11. 4s 934 8. .VI. Is 4 C . It. I. P. 4s. 844 H Psclfltj 4s 9.1 do t ol. ns P44 Southern Ky. 5 1194 ' . C .O AHt I, g 4 102, TV P. lst. ...123 Chicago T. 4s 97 T.. St T.. W 4 M Colo. Mid. 4s 7.1'l'nion Paclrlo ta.1A Colo, ft 8. 4s 94' do cmv 4a t Cuba Rs cer liel S Steel id 5s. 97 I. It. O 4s... .101 lAV'iihasli Ists y .-lK'S IHstlllers- So 5s 8-4; do deb ' 79 Krte prior Ikn s l"1; Western Md. 4s.. 9H Krle gen 4s 9UT V. ft I.. I". 4s. . 9 14 I'. W. ft DC lst.ll4i: Whs. Central 4s.. 91 Hoc ii 44s... .ii Offered. Boston Slocks and Bonds. BOSTON. April 8 -f'Hll loans. 3'ri3i cent; time loans. 3'a 14 per closing of atot ka and bonds: -tit. per Oflilial Is 4s.. Atrhlson do 4m . Mex. Ont .Vtchison do pfd Boston & A . . . Boston ft Me Boston Klevattd l'J Kltchbiirg pfd . . .14 Mexican tentral 244 l"2i, 76 v s 1'4 31,1 7") Westing com.. Atlvent tire Allouez AmalRanitl . American Zinc Atlantic Bingham Calumet ft H .. Centennial opper Range. V V v- !t...1.. If... . 1 . , . lift n .ii i'hii . . 1.1 Pere M iniuette IO114 Dominion Coal Cnlon rncitle l:f Franklin Am. A ire, chem. 244l 'Irancv do Am. Am. do Am. Am. do pfd. I'll. Tibe.. pffl T. ft T... Woolen . . . nfd Dominion 1 ft Kdlson K. T .. fen. Electric. Mass. Electric do pfd Mass. Oh T'nlted Fruit.. United S. M... do pfd U. 8. Steel .... do pfd Asked. 894 Isle Roynle 4l Mass. Mining .. ..144 Michigan ...139 Mohnwk ..1444 Montana C ft C ... .40 1 "lid Dominion . . .1"7 , fseeola S 22 Parrot ,..256 jWulncy ,..18 Shannon . . . 20 I Tamarack ... 6S i Trinity ... 44 U. 8. Mining ,..1-9 I r. 8. Oil ... 884' Utah ... 334 Victoria 1 . . 37 Winona ,..lo5 Wolverine ... . . 1 2 . li'.., . 32 61 . 174 . 77 . 14 . S34 S . r. . 25 . 1-4 . 134 . .13 . 3 . 26 9.1 . 29 .105 . 7 9 9 29 9 434 , 4 13 10X4 ..1 Foreign Financial. LONDON. April 8.-Money whs plentiful and rates easier today, the market fully benefitting from the reeent release of divi dends'. Discounts were steady and there was nn Indisposition to take bills owing to the uncertainty regarding the future. The decline on Paris checks resulted in an Increased French demand for bar gold On the stock exchange the usual Saturday business was transacted. There wa no disposition to engage in new ventures oil tho eve of the settlement. Consols were easy, owli g to a. number of capital is sues. Americans opened dull at about parity, bn reacted and closed tpilet and generally below the best quotations of the day. Foreigners suffered from realizations. Japan -so improved on peace news. Imperial Japanese governments of 1904 were quoted at 102. Continentals were depressed in ymuathy with Paris. BERLIN. April 8. Trading on the Bourse toduy was active and there was considera ble speculation In domestic Iron shares. Americana were 1 to 2 per cent higher. PARIS, April 8. Prices on the Bourse today opened Irregular and at the close the tone was quiet. The declarations of Foreign. Minister Delcasee In the Chamber of Deputies yesterday relative to Morocco were well received. Russian Imperial 4s were quoted at 8.55, and Russian bonds of 1904 at 606. The prevailing rate of discount was 2 per cent. Clearing; Honse Averages. NEW YORK. April 8 The state of averages of the clearing house banks of this city for th week nhows: Loans. 11.09O.759.6U0; decrease. $8,530,100. Deposits, 11,128.100,700; decrease, $10.560 600. Circulation. $44,120,400; Increase, $401.7(8). Legal tenders, $82,672,500; decrease, $1,176,- soo. Specie. $208,035,200; decrease, $1,445,900. Reserve, $290,707,700; decrease. $2,622,200. Reserve required $282,026,175; decrease, $2,640,150. Surplus, t8.iW2.52S: Increase, $17,950. Kx-Unlted States deposits, $12,924,350; In crease, $33,976. XBTV YORK (JFAERAl, MAItKF.T Qootnttom of the Hay on Various Commodities. NEW YORK. April g.-FLOUR-Recelpts, 20,018 bbls. ; exports, 6,4)72 bbls.; market, dulr and unchanged; winter patents, $5.00d 5.15; winter straights. $5.00fi6.16; Minnesota patents, $(i.6(ifi.10; winter extras. $3.501(4. lo; Minnesota hnkera, t4eW4.40; winter low grades. $3.4O(fH.06. "ye flour, quiet; fair to good, $4.S04i4.66; choice to fancy, $4.70(4 90. CORNM EAI Barely steady; fine white and yellow, $1.30; coarse, new, 91.06ijxl.10: kiln dried. $2.S(Yq3.00. RYE Nominal; western, SOc. BARLEY Dull: feeding, 44c. c. I. f. New York; malting, tMtblo, c. I. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts. 16,000 bu.; exporta, 89 916 bu.; spot market, easy; No. 2 red, $1.08. nominal, elevator: No. 2 red. $1,114, nominal f. o. b. afloat, No. 1 Dulutli, $1.12 f. o. b. n float; No. 1 hard. Manitoba. $1.01, f. o. b. afiont. Options opened steady on higher Liverpool cables, but acted weak all the forenoon under fine weather news, expectations of n bearish crop report and liquidations. The close was 41jc net lower: May. $1.09fil.1o. closed at $1.09: July, 9irii9!c, closed nt 92c; September, 86 15-16rd874c closed at 874c. CORN Receipts. 7.687 bu.; exports. 44.604 bu. ; No. 2, 67c. elevator, and 52c f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow. 53c: No. S white. 62c. Option market, quiet and without feature fn New York, closing 4c lower; Mav closed tit 534c: July closed at 53c. OATS Receipts. 94.600 bu ; exports, 5.1S5 bu.- spot market, slow. Mixed outs, 20 to 32 pounds. 36i36i;c; natural white, 30 to 32 pounds, 84'ii374c ! ' lipped white, 36 to 40 pounds. 38iq40c. HAY Quiet; shipping. 6fK?rwc; good to choice. 75ffl2'4c. . HOPS Quiet; state, common to 'choice, 25'ii'.!9c: 1H03, 224J 25c; olds. 1 Hi 13c; Ra cine coast, 1904, 26u28e; 19u3, 21'024c; olds, lltl 13c. HIDES Steady; Galveston. 20 lo 2.1 lbs.. ?0c; California, 21 to 25 Ibi.. 194c; Texas, dry. 24 to 30 lbs., 15c. LKATI I ER Quiet : acid. 24fi2tk. PROVISIONS-Reef. tltm: family, 12.00 Hi 13.00; mess, $9.i'ii9 .50; beef hams, $21.5(10 23.00; packet, til. ttrti 12.00; city, extra India luess. llU.omi! 18.00. Cut meats, steady; pick led bellies. $7flOJi7.76; pickled shoulders, f6 5-1(6.00. Laid, quiet: western steam. $7.50; refined, steady: continent. $7.iii8.1.: compound, Sd.0o4j6.374. Pork, steady; fam ily. $14 ,6 m15 Ki; short clear. $12.76'ti 15.00; mess. $13 50HJ13.874. TALLOW-Dull; city (13 per pkg.), 4c; country ipkgs. free). 4S'nlc RICE 1' inn; domestic, fair to extra, M1&S1.0; Japanese, nominal. BUTTER S irons ; street price, extra creamery, 2s4'n29c; stale dairy, common to cxtiit. ;'07i274c; renovated, common to ex tra. 16'y26c. i ll t.noL-Firm ; state, full creuni. small Colored and white fancy. 14c; state fine. 13c; state, late made, colored and white, poor to choice, 10tilSc; state huge colored and white fancy. 14c; stats fine. 13'n 134c; state late made colored and wiilte poor to choice, l'lyile. R.jiIH Firm; western storage packed, firsts. ISo Pi it'LI'RY Alive, nteady; western chick ens, 12c; fc;vle. I64e: old turkeys. 1-c; dressed, steady; western i-lik-licns, liulc; fowls. bfiHc: turkeys, 15j?)c. Liverpool f.raln Market. LIVERPOOL. April I. Wil EAT Snot: Market quiet; No. 1 California, t 94d. Ful'ire- Market steady; May, 6s 7d; Julv, 6; 7d. Seiitember, 6s 7.1. Ct iRS - Stail : Market quid, Americitn n ixed, new, 4s S4l; old. 4s I'td Futures: Murki t q ilct; May. 4h 4d; Jqly, 4.1 ',1. I'eorln liraln Market. PEORIA. April t.-CoRN-Urn hanged; No. .1 )llow. 4.c; No. 3. 47c; No. 4. 4is , no guide. 3Mi44c. OATS-Flim; No. .1 white. .4c; No. 4 while, :94c I'bllndelphl I'raiura Market PIIII.AHKl.PHIA. April . BITIEP Flnne: ; exira fancy western creamery, 'c. KiliiS (lood demand, Wt-sieru, fie ii. 17 ti 'e m mark. CHEESE Quiit, 124 J 1 3u. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Beef 8:eert and Better Grades of Cowa Fifty Centa Higher for tha Week. HC6S TEN HIGHER THAN WEEK AGO 4 Desirable Wethers and learllage tea it for Week, Enri eirenn and t.ooil l.nmlis "tradj, bnt Co m mon inff n Trifle Lawer. i SOUTH OMAHA, April I. I Hrreipls were; Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. OMi'lal Mondav 3.V.2 3,J2 11,5.'6 J Oth. lal l iids J. 140 5.823 4,151 iitt..iMl W'dnesd.iv 2.:v 6.7-4 13.212 ''.I 1 ... ; inn. '4.1-1 ti:9 J.-2 ...t l..i 1,1 ... ... .1 1 1'' I l.-V.i Oftit-ial Sat'jioay ; ... .. M9 40 t IS 6 271 6 26 87 2"4 40 I K 44 2-13 80 S 26 56 3.19 HO t 24 78 271 .. S 3u 71 . . 4 25 7 239 80 26 6S 226 120 S 25 68 ) 6 23 69 219 160 5 So 66 27J 80 a 25 M t" .. 25 73 241 80 i 2o 67 21 81 1 6 ti 80 25 274 2H .. 274 66 283 40 I 274 66 243 4-) 6 !74 86 214 120 t 274 56 2f 13U & 274 47 273 .. i',4 67 2.10 11 S 274 tl Ml V" O fcl Caule Hobs Shc-'p The i 1 34.24.) 41. 6 45.901 37.761 6o,t'.'.i6 a. 113 1904 25V. 3.9 u'J.606 4:x.6-5 39.3 36.143 31.175 3-. Mo 36.h'Jt 29.692 T"t 1 1 Ihis week W.SS1 Total last week 15.810 Sa ne week before IS. i 8i 1 -ne t'ir 1- we. ks ago. . 1ti.57' Si me lour weeks ago.. . .18 698 Same days Just year. .. .17. '04 ;:ei'eh rs for the year to date Tlie loilowing table shows the receipt! of t.ittie. hogs ami sheep 1.1 feouih Omar for Hie j ear 10 date, llh comparison w ith iast year: 130C- .!:'. 757 645.629 15I.H2J iolionli:g table allows 1 v.o.w Pee. 37.672 46.; the t?erai ua. 1 1 11 comparisons. average kiit: iut I 1905. iuw.iiM.,i'.-..,iJi) Mar. 1.. .Mat. 1;.. Mar. Is.. mr. Mai. M-ir. Mar A1..1 . I Mar ai r .i.i r. Alai. Mar. Mar. Mar. Ma:. April April April April April April April April i8 . i'J. . !.. l . . 1.. i". 4. . 6.. 6. . 8.1 . 94 15 .1 4 7 trtl I k 0'4, 6 U4 I ' I 4 1 6 lj'i 4 !;, . 6 U74I 4 5 i 6 vitii 4 si, . 6 08 1 3 01 .1 5 14 I 6 06! ! i 5 12, I 3 U I i 5 i,9; 6 17! I 5 on 1 5 14 . 1 5 09 5 Oi'l .1 I. J4 1 4 !jO .1 6 i6 6 0.1' 1 b 09, I 5 1541 I , 0 0 1 a lj I 5 28 6 0, . j 5 .10 , h do, ' .. 5 '.',,; 1 93 ., u 254, ; 4 Do I 7 20 1 lil 7 o ! 1 I.' 7 33 7 34 7 3 7 J5i : ai iiii 1 .iu, I 7 22, ' -' 1 7 3'V I 6 661 6 1o I vi m S 65 t) to, 0 Mi 6 I, 5 71 6 ib 6 82 t 31 6 80 I 6 801 29 t 6 os. 5 161 6 361 n 87j 6 4.i 6 86 6 5A 5 9 'I 6 o9 6 8.11 1 5 89, 6 56 1 1 6 65! 5 97, 6 b 6 I'1 4 85 8 M 4 Mi I ii 1 i U 4 89 4 86 : s: 4 85 4 90, 4 93 211 24' 6 68, 6 ".. 6 63, I 6 6: 6 63, 6 98, o :!!, 5 961 3 96 6 ul, t 51 3 56 I 60 3 03 3 i 57 4 89i 4 971 S 6) 5 06, 3 t6 6 16, 3 60 0 12 3 (81 t loi 3 09 3 64 6 08 6 15 3 65 6 -5, i 60 5 301 3 66 6 ;w 3 62 6 27; 3 M I 3 66 -Indicates Sunia:-. The official number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. U ses 1 2 C. M. & St. P.. Missouri I'.K-lilc t . 1. System 7 13 22 3 v. a n. xv 5 F.. E. & M. V 3 2ti C. St. C, M. ft V 6 B. ft M 8 1 C H. ft Q 13 1 C R. I. ft P.. eist.. .. 4 .. Illinois Central Z Chicago Gt. West-ill .. 2 Total receipts 23 71 22 4 Tho disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing tlu num ber ut head indicated: Buyers. Cuttle. Hogs. Oniana Packing company ,6 Swill mid Company 22 l.'XW Cud.ihy Packing coniany i,08 Armour ft Co 47 'i, Frey Packing oomp;'.n ii2.i 8. ft in, Other buyers 4 Total 74 4,922 CATTLE There were about twenty ctir.i of cuttle, icjiorted iieic tniu morning, hut there were only elgnt of tliem tin puie, so thi ro was not niucn opportunity for testing the market and jirlces could not be quolcii anything but steady. For the wick re ceipts have been a trifle heavier than they were last week, but as compared with tlie conespondlng week of last year, incrc Is a tailing tut of about l,7o) head. '1 lie cattle market this week naa been by all odds the best of the season to date. While receijits have not been far from nor mal at t hit point, the total number of cat tic sold at the five leaulng markets has been much smaller than It was a year ago, and as the demand has been of usual pio portions, prices nave muac a sensational advance. iJeef steers may be quoted gen erally 50c higher than they were a week ago, or 75ij8ou higher than they were two weeks ago. It is not often that cuttlo values advance that rapidly, but In this case thertj have not been enough on sul" to meet the requirements of the nude, and as a. result competition hats bten very keen. The high point of the week here was lt..S0. paid on Friday, but the cattle were not strictly choice, so that It Is thought that a strictly prime bunch of cattle would have sold well up to the $6.60 mark. Uood to choice grades can salelv be quoted from $5 90 to $6.40' fair to good, $5.3),1 91, and common to fair, 4..D'fjo.l5. The range of prices nn cows and htilfers Is now , the widest it has bien In many ! monthsi This is owing 10 tlie fact thai j while good to choice giades have been ad vancing rapidly fur the last two weeks, the gain tor this week alone, amounting to about 60c. the common kinds have shown little If any Improvement. The common to fair kinds may be quoted from $1.75 to $U6. The fair to good grades now sell from $3.25 to $1.10 and the good to choice from $4 -.1 10 $4.85, and something strictly prime would bring more than that. Prime hellers are quotable up to $5.35 and they might bring a little more than that. This makes 11 range of prices between choice helfera and common cannera of ut least $3.ii0. Bulls are a llttla higher for the week, in sympathy with the advance on steers and cows. Coed to choice grades are quotable from J3-75 to $4.15 and the common to fair grades from $2.50 to $3.5o. Veal calves have not shown much change, the bulk of them celling from $4.00 to $5.75, with choice ones up to $6. The) rapid advance In the price of fat cat tle has of course stimulated the demand for stockers and ftedera and prices nave advanced to some extent. The middle of the week there was a gain of fully lo5c, but since that time some of the gain has been lost, so that prices ure not a great deul higher than they were a week ago. The demand Is still confined largely to the better grades, so that common cattle are more or leas neglected, and swell kinds are only about steady for the week. Good to choice cattle may be quoted nt from $4.50 to $5.00; fair to good. $4iOfii4.5o, and com mon to fair $2.753.90. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av, Pr. 7 1451 5 65 17 U76 5 65 COWS. 1 9o0 2 73 15 909 3 5o 1 9-0 2 75 12 1-92 4 60 1 II80 2 8u 1. Ii90 4 75 1 820 3 00 HEIFERS 1 5S0 2 75 3 3S7 2 75 &UI.LS. 1 7100 2 73 1 1470 t 4. 1 470 3 () 3 IO60 3 43 1 1120 Six) 1 1460 3 45 CALVES. 1 100 4 00 1 luo j 50 1 160 5 00 STAGS. 1 1550 4 75 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 2 425 3 75 1 70. 4 x HoOS There wua a light run of hogs here this morning, but Chicago was quoted lower and as a result packers starred out to buy their supplies for less monev at this point and their bids were mostly 24c lower than yesterday's general market. Sales men, however, were holding for steady prices and us a result not much business was transacted at the opening prices. Later In the morning some of the buyers started offering steady prices and the hogs began to change hands. Tlie other buyers then Jumped In and it was not lung before every thing In the yards was out of first hands The bulk of the sales went from $5,224 to $5,274. with the long string at $5.25. The choicer loads went mostly from $5,274 to $5 30. with a top at $.1,324. For the week receipts have been very light at this point, there being n decrease as compared with last week umouiulng to about 7. OoO head and as comjiared with the same week of last year there Is a falling off of about 4. Out) head. The general tend ency of prices has been upward under the Influence of light receipts and about a normal demand, and a net gain over the close of IhsI week of about a dime Is noted. The high point of the week and of the season was reached on Thursday, when the average cost of all the hogs was aliotit S.1.30. or u nickel more than today's avet.ige. Representative sales; .Vo. Av. Sh Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr 17 91 .. 3 fcc 61 -74 11 5 2h 7 H'7 .. 6 2" 85 211 .. 0 2.1 IW ...... 1- 6 .. 62" 00 2r, 40 S 26 M. 2"1 12o ,1'" 78 2:'7 .. 25 I 68 .2") 40 5 4 74..)... 231 .. 5 25 fi- 2'.t .. 5 224 71 2".t 80 6 25 t 21.1 so 5 224 59 291 6 26 7:' S27 . 5 224 i 2I'I 160 6 25 -4 .... :-:' 1" 5 224 7o M6 . 6 26 87 214 . 5 224 72 211 12" 5 25 68 258 160 6 25 ta 321 160 274 Ho 240 80 t) 26 M Z26 SO 11 1) 76 220 .. 8 25 57 22 .. 5 So 4 205 .. I 64 273 80 5 80 66 25 80 t ii 66 24.1 .. 6 to 60 272 80 25 ho 29 .. t V 6 23 60 6 25 59 277 .. 6 834 71 2.30 80 6 25 SHEEP There were about 6.800 sheep and lambs reported here this morning, but they were all billed through, so prnc tleally nothing changed hands here today. For the week receipts have been about 7,iXi0 head smaller than they were last week, but snout the same as for the correspond ing week of last year. I here have not 'been many fluctuations in jirices during the week. Desirable ..: .' s of sheep have met with ready sale ... n-.jd strong prices and particularly has thai been the ease with ewes, which In some cases show an advance of as much as a dime. The commoner grades, though, have been more or less neglected and are a trifle lower than they were a week ago. Tlie lamb market Is also t-losing about steady with the close of last week. There was a trlrle weakness a few days ago. but the market has since strengthened, so there Is no quotable change on desirable grades. The same as with slurp, howevor, common stuff has been neglected and prices sre a trifle lower. The demand for feeder lambs has been only fair and as a result prices are a trifle lower except in the case of the most de sirable bunches. Quotations tor fed stork: tlood to choice y.'llngs. 6.4otf6.76; fair to good year lings, 6 000 . 40; good to rholce wethers, 96.6o4K.75: fair to good wethers. $5.(Vij6.50; good to choice ewes. $.1 26660; fair to good ewes, 414.100010; common to tali ewes, $4 00 til 5o. good to choice lambs, $7.25'7.tiV, fair to good lambs, $o.9-a7.16, leeder lambs, $6.00(66.50. CIIICAf.O LIVK 8TOIK MARKF.T Cattle Steady Hons Steady to Shade Lower Xheeu Steady. CHICAGO. April 8. CATT1 .E Receipts, 600 head; market steady; good to prune steers, $6.0o(q;.';6; poor to medium, $4. 66'? 6.65; stockers and feeders. $2.75it6oO; cows. $3.0otTii.ti; heifers, $2.'iwj(560; canners, $1.50'U 2.60; calves, 92.7Sit.50. HOGS Receipts. 19.000 head; estimated Monday, 3o-o head; market steady to shade lower: mixed and butchers, $A. 40410.6s; gotvd to choice heavy, $6 6-'u5.65; rough heavy, J5. 3.V(i 5 50, light. $5.305.60; bulk of sales, $6 4515 60. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 2. 000 head; sheep steady, lambs strong: good to cliolen wethers, $.i.76ft6.t5; fair to choice mixed. 94.604i6.65: western sheep, $4.7547-6 to; native lambs, $4.76t!7.60; western lambs, 96.004iO.75. Kansas City l.lve rv-tcV Market.' KANSAS CITY. April 8.-CATTLE Re ceipts, ton head, Including COO southerns. Market unchanged; choice export and dressed beef steers, $6.76U-50: fair to good, $4 !04i6.75; western fed steers, 94.604i6.26; dockers and feeders. 93.254(5.26; southern steers, 3.60'rt6.75: southern rows, $2.754i4.25; native cows, $2.lwl4i6.00; native heifers. $3.50 475.50; bulls. 32.66414.50; calves, 93.004j6.25. Receipts for the week. 39.800 head. HOGS Receipts. 2.600 head. Market weak lo 5c lower; top, $5 424; bulk of sales, 95. 264 6.40; heavy, 9o.364r6.424; packers, 95.301-5.10; pigs and lights. $4.2t1l.35. Rccelpta for the week. 43.200 head. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, none. Market nominally steady; native lambs, t6.6oi7.40; native wethers. $5.504j5.90; native fed ewes. 95.1i04i6.65: western fed lambs. J6.50 4(7.40; western fed yearlings, 96.O04j6.65; western fed sheep, 95.ooV75.90; stockers and feeders. 93.50jut5.5U. Receipts for the week, 29.800 head. cm- York Live Slock Market. NEW YORK. April 8. BEEVES Re ceipts., 148 head. No sales reported. Mar ket feeling steady to firm; dressed beef In good demand at 74i94c per IK Exports, 171 beevep, fo sheep Hnd 6.650 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts. 71 head. None nn sale. Market feeling steady; city dressed veals, unchanged ut 84j(11c per lb, some sales at 12c. SHEEP AND LAM B8 Receipts. 3.460 head. Sheep extremely dull and barely steady; lambs slow and unchsnged. Prime clipped sheep sold at 95 60 per 100 lbs.; culls, clipped, at 13.00; clipped yearlings at $5.60, clipped lambs at 96.26, unfhorn lambs at 97.254i7.30; dressed mutton slow at 843 loc per lb., dressed lambs slow at U4fjl3c. HOGS Receipts. 1,698 head. None on file. Market feeling steady; country di eased hogs In good demand at 54j8o per lb. St. I.onla Lire stork Market. 8T. LOUIS. April 8. CATTLE Receipts, 100 head. Including 25 Tcxans. Market steady; native shipping and export steers, 94.0O4i6.25; dressed beef and butcher steers, $3.754ii.uO; steers under 1,000 lbs., 93.76'y5.l; Blockers and feeders. $2.5OiH4.60; cows and heifers. $2.154T6.25; canners, $2. 00j2. 60; hulls, 93.504i3.75; calves. 94.O04i6.6O; Texas and In dian steers, 93.7645.65; cows and heifers, 92.Wri4.25. HOGS Receipts, 3,000 head. Market lower; pigs and lights. 94.004(6.25: packers. toM) 6.55; butchers' and beat heavy, 95.65(j'6.60. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.20O head. Market steady; native muttons. 93.-0 4i,5.75; iambs. $4(Kn6.25; spring lambs, $10 1.11; tills and bricks, $3.5Oy4.0O; stockers, $2,009 3.50. ...2 r.) ; 8" in ' ' '4 70 21 si 11 5 26 53 3.36 . . 5 25 '( 2 4- X 23 78 "'I m.i .1 .'.. 86 219 80 6 !, 811 2M . . 5 2.1 77 ... 217 .. S 2.1 61 -;'i1 5 21 4k :, 5 :, V i k) & ,62 251 1241 St. Joseph Live Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo, April 8. CATTLE Receipts. 82 head. Market steady; natives. 94.5o4i6.4fl; cows and heifers, 92.0Oftj5.4O; stockers and feeders. 93.O04f4.75. HOGS Receipts, 5.445 head. Market weak to 6c lower; light. 96.25Sj6.36; medium and heavy. 15.30455. 40. SHEEP AND LAMBB Receipts. 774 head. Market strong; Colorado lambs, $7.65. Sioux City Live Stork Market. SIOUX CITY, la.. April 8.-(Speclal Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 700 head; mar ket weak: beeves. $4.0n4j-3.90; cows, bulls and mixed, $3.ool76.25; stockers and feeders, $3.00414.00; calves and vearlings, $2.76(33.80. HOGS Receipts, 3,200 head; maikt. 5c lower, selling nt $1,154)6.30; bulk of sales, 95.20C5.SB. Stock In Sight. Following wero the receipts of live stock nt the six principal western markets yes terday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 558 4.927 6.84 Sioux City 700 3.200 Kansas City 600 2,500 St. Louis 100 3.000 1,200 St. Joseph 82 6.445 774 Chicago 500 19.000 2,(m0 Totals. !.440 38,072 9.820 St. I.oula General Market. ST LOUIS, April 8. WHEAT Dull and weak; No. 2 red, cash, elevator, $1.0ok; track. 9109; May. 91.02; July, 834i83c; No. 2 hard, 91.03'o1.u5. CORN Small offerings but firm; No. 2 cash, nominal, 464c; May, 45tj46c; Julv, 46c: track. 4744i48c. OATS Steady but quiet; No. 2 cush. 30c: ttaik. 31'u314c; May, 284c; No. 2 white, 824c FLOUR Dull; red -winter patents, 95.15'rj. 6.40; extra fancy and straight, 94.76f4.9o; clear. 94.254T 4-50. SEED Timuthv. steady. $-;.0P4j2.73. CORNM EAl-8leadv, 9250. BRAN Dull: sucked, -iisi trck. 75c. HAY Steudy; timothy, 96.OO4tl3.0n; prai rie. 9';.oo4( I RON COTTON TIES-95c. BAGGING 7e H KM P TWINE 64c PROVISIONS Pork. lower: Jobbing, 912.324. Lard, lower; prime steam. $8.70. Dry salted meats (boxed), steady; extra shorts, $7.26; clear ribs, $7,124: short clears. $7,374. Bucon boxed 1 ste-id''; extra shorts, $7.75; clear ribs. $7,624; short clear, $8.00. POULTRY firm; chickens. 114c; springs, 20c; turkeys, 17c; ducks, 12c; geese. 6c. BUTTER Finn; creomery, 234j28',,c; dairy, 19'a'23c. EGGS-nighcr at 164c Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 8.000 7,000 Wheat, bu 44.0-) 1 Corn, bu 58.0i 3.ooi I Oats, bu 47,000 43.-00 I GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Government Report Out Monday Will Show Very High Condition. MINNEAPOLIS WHEAT STOCKS DECLINE Corn Heeelpta seem to Re Kalllna Off Rapidly Chicago "logins l.oadlna (or Lake Shipment. OMAHA. April S. 1915. Whatever effect the government report to come out Monday will have, it has been discounted by the market todav, which closed the week weak, and In which every body whs evidently waning to see What would be doing after Stiudav. The specu lative market closed on tne Ion fiust May wheat ranged between $1 17 and 81 154. against 91.17 and 91.16 Friday. The Juiv went between 8c and 874c, against .ve and 8740. The government report Is tk pected to show 11 condition between 88 and 90 per cent. If the condition Is 90 per cent that will mean fifteen bushels an acre, or a crop of 476,-O'i.uio bushels. If the Kansas condition Is St) per cent, and were main tained, this would give a croji of t'V"i v bushels. In only four vears during tlie Past eighteen has the April average been 9o or above. The usual standing Is between 80 and 87 per ctnt. The Minneapolis contract stocks are niw 10.7-3. 65 bushels, which Includes 4.775.29 bushels of No. 1 northern w heat. This Is :i decrease of 481,7-4 bushels. Sni.-e January 7. or three months, the stocks have de creased 3,pio,oni more than they did lor toe same period Inst year. The car receipts Friday were 221 and the shipments w re 1-4. against 174 in and 25 out the same day last year, making a loss of 32 for this year The receipts to,iy are 146. If this ratio m kept up and the loss continues from now on, by Julv 1 the Minneapolis slocks will bo 2,000.(100 bush-Is. against 5.''.t last year. The bulls point out that at the present rate of grinding the Minne apolis mills would use 2. 000. 1''") bushels In eight days. There is a rumor some of the larger mills will close next week The Kansas April retort gives tho condi tion at 11 against 88 in December and 83 a your ago. The crop was then dam'sod by floods and turned out only O.I.J'0 1 00 bushels. Tin wnrl I s shipments are ft-tl-mated st 9.6OO.0OO bushels. The Australia:! shipments are 920.0-n bushels sgamst 1.84V 1 "10 bushels the preceding week and 1. 256.000 bushels last year. The jnlmarv re-v-lpts are 227. 00i) bushels against 214.000 bushel last year and th shipments sre l'.H.ouo bushels against 261.000 bushels. The corn receipts and movement seem to be falling off. In fact, as they have on patter for a considerable time. Friday Chicago got only 293 cars. Kansss City 3o, St. Louis 31 and Omuha .3. Today It was 228. 32. 68 and 24. The speculative mark t was weak with wheal and closed at the low point. Tlie May range was from 48c to 4cc, against 4kc and 47c. Chicago has begun loadlnn out corn Into trove ships, the capacity being 490,000 bushels. They wait only for the Ice in the straits. The primary receipts are 618.000 bushels against 3o9,'W bushels and the shipments are 668.000 bushels against 182.000 busnels. The corn clearances were 210. OOO hushrls. Omaha Cash Sales. OATS No. 3. 1 car. 28c. Omaha t'nah Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard, $1.031.05; No. 3 hard. 95r4j$1.02; No. 4 hard, 93c; No. 3 spring. $1.04. CORN No. 2. 42o; No. J, 424c: No. 4. 414c; no grade, 35sj740c; No. 2 yellow, 43o; No. 3 yellow, 43c; No. 2 white, 4j'c; No. 3 White. 43c. OATS-No. 2 mixed. 29c; No. 3 mixed. 2S4e; No. 4 mixed, 28c; No. 2 white, 30e; No. 3 white, 29c; No. 4 white, 29c; stand ard, 30c. l a riot Kerelpts. Wheat. Corn. Outs. Chicago 15 22 S 87 Kansas City 2!t 32 2 Minneapolis I46 Duluth 7 St. Ixmls '. 28 68 47 Omaha 6 24 4 Minneapolis Wheat Market. The range of prices paid In Minneapolis as reported by the Edwards-Wood company, ilvt-111 Board of Trade, was: $1 4"; extra selects, per gal.. 51 8. New ork counts. p r gal.. It so. TROPICAL FKC1T8. ORANGES Califcr-Hii n lancy r.rd land navels, all sixes. $3 00. fancy navels. 92.75: large slses. $2 . LEMONS California, estra fancy. 274 site. I9ti0: 3 and 3. 93.25; ftney. T70. 92 7i. .ii and ; 9' lo. choice. 240 and 270. 92.:. 300 and 360, 92.50. DATES - Per b. of 3"-It-. r.kj.. fc'.rtg; Hallowe'en. In 70-lb. boxes, rer lb.. 5c. FIG- t 'a ill oni'.i P"- !"!'. cut.'!'.. 751J Sf.e; imported Smyrna. l-crown. 10c: crown. 12c; fancy Imported (washed'. In l-i. i kes.. 16ilvc. BANANAS - P-r medlum-tlied bunch. 91.79 4i2 26; tninbos .'.Mi3 on. OR A TK FRUIT California, per box cf 54 to 64. $4 00. FRUITS. STRAWBERRIES Texas, per 24-qt use. 9.VoaifvrK; Louisiana. or 24-pt. case. 93 25. APPl.LS-Ne.v York Baldwins. V3.i4.Klf 91; Colorado Bon Davis, pi", i... 91.2.1 Roman Beauty, per box. 92 8); Baldwins slid Gr:c Iiirs. per box. 91 60. lANdlii(i.vl-.a-l uiifi'lii. 1. pet Mail box. I2.r5. CRANBERRIES-Jerseys, per bbl., 97.00; PIT Ciate, 92.16. VEGETABLES. POTATOES llomt. grown. In sacks, per bu., 3o"'i40c; Colorado, per bu.. !.'; new pctstoes. per lb . 7c. TURNH s-Old. per bu.. 4oc; new, ref dcT.. 7fC CARROTS Old. per bu.. 40c. new, per do.. 7."c. PARS.Nirs-Old. per bu . 4V. BEANS -Navy, per bu . 9M'1 t TflMHERS-Per del. 91. 75 if 2 (V. TOMATOES-Florida, per S basket crate, $5 (iei-16 00. SPINACH Per bu.. 7.'icfi$l 00. lb.. Zr. Spanish, pel .-ivt.-, S2.50, Colorado yellow, per lb . 2c; ilermuda onions, rer ornte. 2.75: :tr southern pei dor... 41c CABBAGE Holland seed, per lb.. 14c; Cnllfornla cabbage. In crates, pi 1 lb, ?4e. HEE'I S -Old. per lm., 4ec . new. per doi. hunches. 65.:. 't-;i CHV. rniifmnia. :r.90c RADISHES Hoi house, jvr dor.. 3"'a I'Y. 1 1.-t 1 1 r-1.- n .1 house, per dog.. 48c. RHUBARB Illinois, per lb.. 5c; per box of So lbs . 92 1'. PARSLEY-Per ilo&. bunches. 46c. a np h tj; 8-I'PpoIs. per don bunches, 91 75; California, white, per bunch. 25c. MISCELLANEOUS. CHKKSK-Wlwonsln twins full ersam. loc: Wisconsin Young Ann i lea, loo; block Swiss, ntw. 16c: old. 17c; Wisconsin h'hk. 16c: Wisconsin llmbui-gcr, 11c. HIDES- No. I green. f4e; No. 2 green. 6sc; No I salted. kUc: No . salted. .V-'i No. 1 veal calf. Hie; No 2 call. 9c; dry suited, '.14o; sheep 1 elts, 2oi tfj$l ii). horso hides, 91. 6-1.(3.(0. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per lb.. I.le; bard shells. jer lb.. 13o; No. 2 soft shells, rer lb. 12c: No. 2 hard shells, per II).. 12e; Pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, rer lb.. 10o; peanuts, pnr lb. 7c. roasted peanuts, per In., fo; Chill walnuts, jer lb.. 12'ul.')4o; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 17c; hard tdiell, per lb.. 16o; chestnuts, per lb.. 124t?13e; new black walnuts per bu.. 76490c; shellbnrk hickory nuls. per bu ll. 75; large hickory nuts, per bu. 91 60 Mims-Sutro Go' Jncorporttti) Fiscal Agent ColdUtld, Nev. Big Ledge of Bonanza Ore Opened In the Hearst-Jaggers Gold Mine BULLFROG GOLDFIELD You tan hIwhjs keep posted on all listed and unullsted Bullfrog and Goldtleld Secur ities by receiving our Free Weekly Market Letters and Map of Goldtleld. Do not invest unlll you get our Infomatloti. Wo are tho largest and only Independent brokerage house In the District. No et stocks our experts always on tho ground. Private wire to Bullfrog. Information direct from mine -to investor. Absolutely free. Write today. The 4i. S. Johnson llrokrraue to., GoldHeld. eiarta. Articles. I Open. I High. I Low. I Close. Tes'y. Wheat j I I I Mav .. 1 084 1 08 1 06f 1 07 1 08 Julv.. 10241 102 101i 10l 102 Sept. 8441 84 83 I 834l ' 84 OMAHA H HOlESAT.E MARKET.. Condition of Trade ' d Quotations on Staple and Fauc Produce. EGGS Receipts hea.., market steady; candled stock, 1641il6c. LIVE POULTRY -4 Hens, 114c; young roosters, according to s;ie, 9S10c; old roos ters, 8c; turkevs, 14il6c; tlucks, 11c. BUTTER Packing stock, 17c; choice to fancy dairy, 192ic; creatneiy, 24'a26c; prints, 2Vc. i- lu.Sn FROZEN FISH Trout. 9c; pick erel, 64c; pike, 84c; perch, 7c; bluefish, lie; whiieflsh, 9c; salmon, 11c; redsnajiper, 9c; green halibut, lie; crappleb, 11c; bultnlo, 7c: white bass. 11c; herring, 34c; Spanish mackerel, lie; lobsters, boljed. 45c; green, 40c; Hunan baddies. 7c; roe shad, each, '.5c; shad roe, per pair, 30c. Frog legs, per dos., 90c. HAY Prices quoted hy Omahn Whole sale Hv Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland, 96.00; No. 2, 95 60; med'um. 95.00; coarse, 94.60. Rye straw, 95 60. These prices are for hay ot goud coior and quality, HR AN Per ton. 917.50. OYSTERS New York counts, per can. 45c; extra selects, per n. 85c; standards, per can, 30c. Bulk: Standards, per gal.. DONALD MACKAY Member New York and Boston Stock I Comprising a Exchanges. I -i,,..!... .,. ,,, LATHAM A. FISH J TnnJ,'" " "p GEO D. MACKAY members of the Member New York ! , , H . Stock Exchange. I la,e nrm or G. TROWBRIDGE I Vcrmilye & Co. HOLLISTER and I F. W. KENDHICK J MACKAY 6 CO. Nassau and t'edur Streets, New York 13 Conizress Street, Boston. Ilealers In I'. S. (invt'i'iinient DontU and other Investment Securities. Derjioslts received nnd Interest nllowed on balances, subject to draft at sight. Messrs. Venter & Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. Messrs. Thos. Branch it Co., Richmond, Ya. Correspondents. Connected by private wires. Edwards -Wood Go- (incorporated 1 ruin Office: Fifth and Robert Strtati ST. PAUL, fllrMN. DEALERS IN Stocks, Grain, Provisions Ship Your Groin" to Us Oraneh Offlee. 110-111 Hoard ( Trade Bids;.. Omaha, Nek. Telephone 31114. 213-214 Exchange Bldg.. South Omaha, Bell 'Phone il aaaoandant 'Vha I if ' .' ' '1 -2 f 'Phono 1408 When you are iu need I of itu.vthlns In the Tele- f phone line. - We are the western ex- V perts In Installing com- 1 plete Telephone plants. All klQils uf TtdVpliiine I apututtiH mill stijipliiM. I j n Iti'int'inlier tlie 'I'liuiio I The Nebraska I Electric Co. I Thirteenth and Hirney Sts. I W. Farnam Smith fk Go. We offer, subject to sale, 50 shares of Union Stock Yards stock at .9102 a share. In blocks of 5, 10 or 20 shares. STOCKS, BONDS, INVESTMENT SECURITIES 1320 Farnam St. Tel. 1064 St, FauTl Our latest Morktt letter devoted to ST. PAUL. AMERICAN I.OCOMOTIVE AND ATCHISON. Milled l-Yee uomi roijuesl. Special attention given out-of-town ac i mints. Write for Dally Murket Letters. Mailed Free. u vinnrsTEH a t o., GRAIN AND STOCKS. 131 LA SALLE STREET. - -CHICAGO. STOCKS, GRAIN, COTTON. tun- new book explaining triidlni; me hotla und systems employed by sinicsnul pro fessional pecululor.., nls. iiu:' p.nrki-t ie, teis, Kent nee on rei lest. imiui:, i ouu k Co., HitoKv :i;", 276 LA SALLE ST. CHICAGO. 120 POINTS FOR INVESTORS Inltntleri io .n.wer questions s.lf.d tir I I'm t .hiiuld bt Or any prtisotit or pre.rM'-o. Inv.-.-' In MIVIMI, Oil. III! IMIloTKIM. MO(k for t'ir protttrtlon or own tnti rii.ts. BKlfsl l) 4 III I I n lll b4manril fio on Ktjueit, Pol lll.AS. I.AI'KV CO . list I ff.. Mrosdwa sad It Neir Hires I, Sen .rk t"ty ' Kansaa t ll Kraln and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. April . WH EAT May. M'V: July. 74c; cash, No. 2 hard. 91 Ol-U 1 10; No. 3. 98c'(i9l.08; No. 4. 8998e; rejected. 5'9iie; No. 2 red. 91O4'ol07; No. 3, 99c'(i 91 no. Receipts, 49 cars. CORN May, 444c; July. 44Vj44V-; Sep tfinhei, 44c, cish, No. 2 whl'e, 464o; No. 2 mixed 454'''! 454c; Mi 3. 45rf464c. OATS- No. 2 mixed, 3dj3i4c, No. 2 white, 31 (31 4- RYE- Steady, at 7S'u8ne. HAY-SieHitt: c In '1 tii:i'it!f-. f;i.501j o.t); lb r-rte. 97. 2'"'' 75. EGGS -Steady; Missouri and Kansas, lievv .o. 2 whtli'W' to itu-'lld'Hi. l6-4c; ,..., ili.: rtisek """tied. vre 1..0S BUTTER -Creamery, 224;26c; packing, io ti 25c. ftect ' Shlitnii heat. I'U 39 2011 tl.rli'Si Co-ti, bu 30.80,1 21. Mai Oat-, bu S.OnO I6.U1O Toledo feed Market. TOLEDO. April 8 -SErTD Clover, t a.h. 9 o; April. 98 ); Oetobet, 9' 774; prime ..Isiki". J7 prime timothy, 91 to. Bullfrog - Goldf ield The World's Greatest Mining Camps The Bullfrog Compound Goldf ield Mining Company By iictlng ouu kly you ran get In on the ground Hour of a new cotii panj just being organized by rcprcsen ttlv Los Angeles business men. This compa ly owns 40 acres In Goldrleid and 'i acres In Bullfrog Stock full paid and nonassessable. No personal liability no debts. Bink and com mercial references. First offering of stocks at 24- per shire (pur value 91oo. (hily a small block of stoi k at this low prire. 912. in wlh l,.i, .Vi sb,ires, par value 9SK). " will buv 91.0-0 worth; 91-n will buy II ,.11 v.oi;h. but you will have to pay moi" tin list you hurry Write todav fu liookl-t pn lures, maps, etc, ud tell us I i. nun, sliares to rm nt, pi inling vour 111 vt rtlgallon. Southwestern Securities Company 5(h Floor C. W. Hcllmar. Bldg., Lot Angeles. Cal. FROM THE I1F.4VF.H IMUl' 81 4 HI II .1. IINi.V GOLDFIELD. Nevada. M.irch 4 At a tlepih ot six feet 11 big ledge of ore that ,-issavs :'-'7 per ton has been opone.i 011 the W H Hearst claim of tho Hearst-Jaggers Hold Mining Co tX I'ule c.tnoii. I In- H "si. claim Is one of a srouii r-ceutlv purchased by Co. rue ingfield. W. J i 'Htllv'1 i'oualnss and iissoctstea from Torn Jiguors, one of the ploitrers of Tula Clinou. The Rroto has been developed to some etitit bv a cross-cut tunnel and a shaft, t'he exception Ally rich strike however, tnade in s shallow cut on soother part of the claim In the tunnel, which has been extended a distance of tlflv feel, there is exposed a fin e of sblppliiK ore The shaft was put down throiigh the country rook nod cut the ledge on Its dip at :i depth or vlxtv tool From this shaft two tons of ore wfre mined and treated, nettlni; ft' ,er ton Drifts and raises tint b.ive been extended from the face of the runnel all show good ore. Shares of Par Value of $100 at 15 Cents The Hearst-Jaggers property stands out ns one that Rt Its Inception has guaranteed Immense deposits nf gold-rodiiclng ore In this class Is the great Combination mine at Goldiicld. which Is paying dividends at the rate of Jofin per year Before that prop erly was turned over by Linden I.. Patrick to the conipanv which Is now further de veloping It. shafts had been sunk and shlp lilng ore had been blocked nit. The same, mav be said of tho great Florence mine of t.olilliolil out of which thousands of tons of ore arc being token before a company has been orgunUed to take It over The Slory of the llearst-.lnaaers. The Ilearst-.Isggers Gold Mining company takts Its name from tlie locator of 1 lie property, Tom Jaggers, anil from the W. It. Hearst claim In the center of tlie group, so named by Mr. Jaggers when ho located the same three vears ago. The projicriy Is slum ted thirty-three miles southwest of Goldlleld in Tille t'nnon. It consists of seven full mining claims, or 140 acres. The claims are named as follows: YV. R. Ili-irst. Polar Star, Valley View. Crescent, Last Loaf, Stray Horse and Leopaxd. Tom .luggers, the discoverer, after u arduous career In the early mining days of Colorado, went to Arizona, from whence h traveled to California over the mountains, and then went to Nevada. In 18!5 he had been prospecting at Hawthorn, Nevada, when he struck a southern trail. A burin and the usual prospector's outfit wae all he packed. He wan liKjklng for good rlaima. After ho had traversed over 100 miles. u which he spent seven months, and had pros. feeted thoroughly every inch of ground on he road, he located the Hearst grouj', now jKissessed hy tho Hearst-Jaggers Gold Mining company. The Mine nf Hla Life. "In all my prosjectlng,"' says Mr. Jaggers, "I never saw anything more favorable in the woy of mineral deposits thah there la In Tule Canon. Never In my life have I seen such favorable showings. "I have developed the property aa fol lows: 1 have run drifts And raises from tha face of the tunnel upwards and longways with the lead, and I have found gold all the wav for u distance of fifty feet upwards and H rt y feet southerly, which show the presence of Immense ore deposits. "At a defifh of six feet from the surfsen a vein Is now uncovered which runs northerly and southerly 4.500 feet. Assays of ore extracted from this vein show vaJuea as high as 9987 per ton in gold and some silver. "Out of the Crescent claim T extracted ore by running a ditch. In no place more than ten feet deep the ore from which ran 9162 per ton. 1 only 'gophered' the surface for the purpose of realizing sufficient funds to defray my living expenses. I did all this development work unnldod during a period of three yesrs. "On the Last Loaf claim I "arrast racd' several tons of ore tiken from the surface. T'-ev went from 27 to 919 per ton. "On the Pol ir Star I 'arrastraed' one ton thit Hssnved 9W. "I 'nrritstraed' nothing nn the Valley View or the Strav Horso or th leopard claims, but. lis your engineers have already re ported to you. there are ledges carrying free gold In evrrv one of these. "The'e ar hundreds of thousands of tons of good milllnr ore uncovered, It Is the br"t eold mloo T ever loentod " M'nlng rnHneers employed hv the TTearst Jaireers Gold Mining comnanv. who have exfimlned the nronertv. more thsn heir o'Jf the veracity of Mr. Jugvers' statements H to the vtlues and the character of the de velojiment work done. The Stock Offerings. The directors have authorized the sale hv the company's fiscal agent. Mlms-Sutro company. Goldflcld, Nevada, of IOO.Oki shares at 15 cents per siiare. The proceeds will be used for- development purposes. Half of these shares are already spoken for and It Is not believed that much time will ehipse before the entire allotment will bo fully subscribed. Unless all signs fall this stork will be worth our value within a year, and as soon as the first batch of treasury stock offered has been taken UP by the public the price will double. Directorate of Famous Mining; Men. George WitiKfleld, president, Is associated with United St.ites Senator George S. Nixon of Nevuda iu nearly all of Mr Nixon's mining ventures In this country. His acq jalnianre with mining men Is of the widest range, and his success is due entirely to his ability to Judge values. W. J. I lougliii-s. vice president. Is a far famed mining engineer. John S Conk, treasurer. Is the senior member cf the firm of John 8. Cook & Co.. bunkers, the liudlng btnklng houaa of Goltllleltl. Tin- oltlceis of the Hearst-Jaggers are a body of practical mining men. They are right on Hie ground. They are In touch with all th" mining Interests of Goldflelii itml tllilnlng districts. A practical ad tnln iti iition uf the company's affairs Is II I.'. M ITT ( ( K III. AMC. Mims-Sutro Co.. Fiscal Agents, Goldiicld. Nevada: I hand you Inclosed Dollars, for which stud by registered mall shares of sin k of the He irst-Juggera Gold Mining Co., foil paid and non-aasesHuh!e, pir value 11 eat h. at 15 cents jier share. Namo Adtlrtss .. References. l Permission! y e dV Ornish, ( n. Ilauk, l.oldfleld mid Ton opal , Nevntlii, nntl .lob 11 S. C ook A Co., Hauler., lioltlflel 1. ,radn. The Merchants National Bank of llinali.i, INcb. I . N, Depositor, . Capital and Surplus. $600 OOO Lllflil DI (UF, rl.4tti!. FIN I. IUH LI0S, VI c Prtii;.t. 1. 1. Kim i,t oa. Avil. Caitlirr. 11. N. wi c. 4nl.Ci8. gsvtlv. ar.outui nf lat.kii. bstikrr. ior .nrsdniit, IWoi. .n1 l nd ' v i-j us .a on K" !iti girhai.f i.ouaiif and .;i ltttif or . rv,l;i :aiu.d, ataii.hi. In all an. of Iti. world iDt.rsst paid an Tlnt cri iD. atsa of j.itisi4. Celieetlntia mat. promptly and Manomirallf. Vt'a corrpn,idrii, a.