Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1905, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 15, Image 15

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AilTrrlUruBti mr liri cola ma
will be takes) natll 12 m. for the
eveaiag adltloa aa4 oalll 8 p. lot
the morn oc aad Midir edltloa.
Rate 1 l-2e a war arsi Insert Ion
In word thereafter. Sotfela takes
for less than 2o for tba fsrst laser,
tlon. Theae advertlaemeata aaaat ba
rna eoaaecst lely.
Advertisers, by recjaeatlas; a an ra
bered check, caa have answers ad.
dressed a am bared latter la tin
ol Tba Be. Aaawara aa addreaaed
till ba delivered oa areeeatatloa el
t heck.
Nebraska Business
A. C. Ong. A. M.. LL. H, Frcs ; A. J.
Ixiwry,' Prinr.
ejecuro a business training In an institu
tion that gives Its entire attention to the
great courxes of study, vli commercial short
hand and typewriting. To nwure a diploma
in 'bis senool, under expert instructors.
Kill enable you to achieve the highest
possibilities t,i your life.
Knur now: there Ik a place for you In the
business world.
Call. phono or write for catalogue.
. B-6X 9
KYE STRAIN relieved by expert optical
treatment; glasses to lit; .prices rig lit.
Bennett's. R 6U8
CUT RATE railway tickets everywhere.
P. II. Fhilbln, 1506 Furnam. Thone 784.
R 699
R 701
OMAHA 8afn nnd Iron Works makes a spe
eiulty of tire escupes, shutters, doors and
k.iK-b. G. Andrcen, prop., 102 8. 10th st.
R 701
U. W. DUDGEON, expert PLI'MHER; 2
'phones. R-166 A10
WHO'S your tailor? It should be Drcsher.
Too busy making clothes to close. Open
evenings. 1615 Farnam St. R 7u6
ANTI-Monopoly Garbage Co. 621 N. 16th.
Tel. 177. 1170!
TEL. 06. R 7u7
"1 yearn' experience in Omaha. Tel. B1897.
620 I'iixton blk. R 709
PI CrTDIf Carpet Cleaning Works
i-i-fc-v- i iwv chriatlanson, 221 N.
Tel. 1659.
R-M60S A28
I'MRRELLA repairing and keys. 207 S.
Hth. Tel. 1711. R-M679 A29x
1'U S. 11th t.
Telephone 2.V4.
R-M320 M4
Iron and brass castings. 802 Jackson. Tel.
2432. . R-M395
SHORTHAND In 20 lessons, by mail; per
sonal Instruction under expert govern
ment stenographer; full course $15.00; text
books free; enroll prnmntly. Anderson's,
1136 lith St., N. W., Washington, D. C.
R -609 9x
COLLINS PIANO CO., wholesale and re
tail musical Instruments. Talking ma
chines, records exchanged. 113 8. 17th st
Omaha. R
WANTED, your machinery repairing, auto
mobile, gasoline engine, model and experi
mental work. Buckingham & Peterson,
Fremont, Neb. R
LADIES Chichester's English Pennyroyal
Pills are the best; safe, reliable; take no
other. Send 4c stamps for particulars,
"Relief for Ladies." In letter by return
mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester
Chemical Co., Philadelphia. Pa. ,
Monthly Regulator has brought happiness
to hundreds of anxious women. No pain,
no danger, no Interference with work;
relief In 3 to 6 days. We have never
known of a single failure. Price $2, by
CO., Room 35, 84 Adams St., Chicago.
PEN-TAN-OOT Prompt regulator for
ladies: never falls, J- postpaid. Sherman
& McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. 791
DR. D10 MARS, French Tansy and Penny
royal Pills, guaranteed. A sure cure for
all female Irregularities. Regular price,
-; our price, $1 per box. Beaton Drug
Co., 15th and Farnum, Omaha.
MS50 A30
DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases
and Irregulurltles of women from any
cause; experienced and reliable. Address,
with stump. Dr. Pries, 1511Y4 Dodge St.,
Omaha.. U-788
MEN. If you are small, weak or undevel
oped, have lost strength, our Aemo Vac
'iium Developer will restore you without
drurjS or electricity ; urethral obstruc
tion and varicocele permanently cured In
one to four weeks: 16.OOO In use: not one
failure; write for free book, sent sealed
In plain envelope. Acme Mfg. Co., 728
Barclay Blk., Denver, Colo.
DR. W. HUTCHINSON, specialist of
women and children; 30 years' practice.
Office. 23 Cuming. Residence telephone.
St'M; office, 3667.
LADIES treated successfully by mall:
write today, stating how long suppressed.
Dr. Brlney, 182 State St.. Chicago.
LADIES -fcOO reward If our remedy falls
to relieve delayed monthly periods; no
mattr how long suppressed: safe relief,
13. Women' Private Institute, Dept., I,
185 Dearborn St.. Chicago
Mme. Boyer
Trance Readings Absolutely
nritiK this curd. Lot tors with btamy
limits, S n. in. la S:H0 p. ni. daily.
Sunday. 10 to 5.
Oltlce, Outer Hotel, 20S North 17th
St.. niio-balf block northwest of Posjt
ullice. a
ilYLMER, scientific palmist. 715 N. 23d.
MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. 1521 Leaven
worth. 8796
Mil!. FAIRFIELD, 1714 California St.
8 7
MMK. HOYFR. Center holel. 210 N. 17th.
4 block north nest P. O. Free tests today.
S M1S0 M4
MME. FRANCISCO, the California lady.
l.'o4 Capitol. Tel. 5610. 8-MJUJ 18 X
birth date and 4 cents In stumps, expense
of correiMvondeuce MME. lOL KAl.t'M,
:ifl72 Drexel blvd.. Chicago. 8-B'9x
YOt'K FORTl'NE told by the moot re
llulile c luirvo) unta. 8nd birth date d'me
and Mump. Prof. Carl ft Rollm. 4'm N.
Clark si.. Chicago. F .'91 )x
HESS & 8WOUODA. 1415 Fainam.
L HENDERSON, 1519 Faruum.
Tel. I JfJ.
BRASH and aluminum casting, nickel plat
ing and nnlkhiug. Specially Ufg. Co., il
M. UalB Cuuudl Blurt,
. . 1905
yet It la not to late to enter.
Business, Shorthand. Typewriting, T ! g
raphy. Normal. English, Civil Service
and Journalism. Catalogue free. Ad
dress II. B. Boyles, Pri, Boylri Bl'i.,
Omaha. Neb. R-MjW
Salesman-Dry goods; out of city.
Salesman Soap.
Salesman Skirts, real estate, gloves, tups,
clothing, groceries, drugs.
Window dresser.
Stenographer, experienced.
Assistant malinger rtepartmWit store.
If you sre competent to hold a good posi
tion write today for our booklet ami com
plete list nf vacancies.
H40-S41-8U N. Y. Life Blilg
H-:4 9
WANTED, a sketch team and two ladies
that sing and dance. Address Delia
Primrose, Grand, Island, Neb.
B M43 9x
PRINTER, good all 'round printer for fore
mm of country shop In good Nebraska
town of 2,Mi. M'lsl be able to take
charge of mechanical end, cure for ma
chinery, etc. Have power. Write today,
stating qualifications. references and
wages wanted In first letter. Married
man preferred. Address B 05. care Bee,
Omaha. Neb. B-M114 9
DETECTIVE Oldest established secret
service in I'nlted States wants shrewd,
reliable men; experience unnecessary; we
give instructions'. Write today with urg
and refeiences. American Detective As
sociation, Indlunspolls, Iml. B Wo 9x
ENERGETIC workers everywhere to dis
tribute circulars, samples and advertis
ing matter; good nay; no canvassing. Co
Operative Advertising Co., New York.
it ui:4 9x
PAGE-DAVIS CO., Chicago, wants a few
ambitious men to learn to write adver
tisements: they can earn t5 per week.
Write today. B 562 9x
A. You can make 110 a day; pny every
night. Room 31, 15 Y.. 3d St., Cincinnati. O.
B 9x
DO YOIT want to become a traveling sales
man? Would you like to get a position
free? Send address to R. iAibdell. E. &
B. Bldg.. Rochester, N. Y. B 5."S 9x
YOl'Nfl men who desire to become loco
motive firemen or brakemen. send stamp
for particulars. National Knllway Ins.
Bureau. 5(6 Railway Exchange bldg.. St.
Louis, Mo. B 574 tix
WANTED, experienced shoe salesmen.
Apply at once, J. L. Brandela & Sons.
R-710 9
WANTED, delivery boys; must be of neat
appearance. Apply J. L. BrandelsA: JRona.
1 EXPERIENCED clothing salesman.
1 experienced hat salesman.
Window trimmer, out of city.
Assistant bookkeeper.
Young man printer.
1 experienced shoe salesman.
1 experienced furnishing goods salesman.
HART. 4ol N. Y. Life.
B 62S 9
WANTED, men everywhere, good pay. to
distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack
signs, etc.; no canvassing. Address Na
tional Advertising Co., 100 Oaklund Bank
bldg., Chicago, III. B M462 9x
WANTED, 50 good union stone masons;
steady work for good masons guaranteed.
Master Masons' association, N13V4 Chestnut
St.. St. Louis. Mo. B M453 19x
OOOD dry goods clerk: upply promptly.
Western Rcf. and Bond Assn., Inc.,
840-841 N. Y. Life.
B-M446 8
WANTED, competent traveling salesman
experienced In selling lime, cement, etc.;
salary $10xr per month and expenses. Ad
dress B 64, Bee. B-M442 14
WANTED, S medical, 8 dental nnd 5 high
school students for u few hours' work
each day. Call 534 Pnxton block, between
4 to 9 p. m. F. L. O'Brien. B-M241
MEN TO LEARN barber trade: free rail
roud fare upon our failure to convince
you of this being the BEST and only re
liable, most practical barber college In
the United States. Write for catalogue
today. Western Barbers' Institute,
Omaha. Neb. B-1S
I WANT and furnish drug clerks drug
stores and doctors. Knlest, 624 N. l. L.
B 719
WANTED. FOR V. S. ARMY, able-bodied
unmarried men, between ages of 18 and 35,
citizens of I'nlted States, of good charac
ter and temperate habits, who speak, read
and write English. For information apply
to Recruiting Officer, 13th and Douglas
sU., Omaha; Lincoln, Neb., or Sioux City,
la. B-873
IF YOU are In need of a position call and
hava a "heart-to-heart" talk with HART,
THE EXPERT, 401 N. Y. Life. B-720
WANTED, men and boys to learn plumb
ing trade. Coyne Bros. Co. school of
practical plumbing. Send for catalogue.
Address 4073-75 Easton ave., St. Louis,
Mo. B-M755 F3 06
TAILORS, uttentlon! If you are first-class
coat makers we can use you. Good prices.
Steady work to men that are right.
Dresher, 1G15 Farnam St. B 721
moved to 211 South 14th St., ground floor.
'Phone 6411. B-M161
BEET workers; families for western Ne
braska; free fare; no rent; good pay.
Standard Beet Sugar Co., over 215 S. 13th,
Omaha. B-llfi 9
175 permanent salary and expenses paid
reliable men outside of the city; very
pleasant work. Address C. H. Walker,
316 Neville block, Omaha. Neb.
209 SO. 12T1I ST. B-M2S9 9
WANTED Cornice makers and tinners.
J. P. Grlssel Cornice Co., Cedar Rapids,
la. B-M294 12x,
WANTED 35 pressed brick layers at once.
Apply with tools t the Iowa School for
Dtaf, Council Bluffs. B-M383 8
WANTED Sober, energetic man with ref
erence and 1250 to lake charge of and
half interest In business In Flint;
salary S15 per week, and half the net pro
ceeds. Address W. C. Hundley, 411 Ob
servatory Bldg , Peoria. 111. B-Mllfl 9x
WANTED A first-class trouser maker;
steady work. Address Henry 11. Skelton.
Kearney, Neh. B M423
WANTED, agents for latest and most per
fect washing machine ever invented. C
8. Page Mfg. Co., Des Moines, la.
B-M4A0 lo
WANTED, state and district agents; finest
(Ire apparatus on the market: fortune for
able men. Chemical File Engine Co.. Dei
Moines, Is. B-M459 10
MANAGER wanted, all sections, to select
agents for the famous "ilame o' Skill."
lawful everywhere; fills long-felt want;
takes place forbidden slot muchlitrs; op
erated with nickels- rented or sold on
easy payments; 4.'.ni0 now In use; sample
sent on :) days' free trial. Write at mice,
for particulars. Owen Chandler Furni
ture I'"., desk 20, Grand Rapid". Mich.
B 58 9x
CIRCULAR and sample distributors wanted
everywhere: permanent position: good
pay. American Union. Pontlac blilg.. Chi
cago. B 510 9x
WANTED, men to distribute samples, tack
signs: $3 dally; no caiivusslng. Continen
tal Distributing Service. Chicago.
. B-.V0 9x
WANTED Up-to-date drug salesmmi to
travel strictly on commission: old, es
tablished proprietary lint; good proposl-
. tlnn. Give references. West Chemical
Manufacturing Co., mot Inc.), Chicago,
III. B-I"1 !x
WANTED Amateur photographers to fur
nish phot igruphs for our u wspapers and
magasines; opportunity to earn steady
Income Addreas. enclosing 4 cents pos
tage Art Dept.. The National Press Aa
oelation, Washington, D. C. B 6o2 9x
WANTKI Boy nf 15 for office and errand
work; H per week, with good chance for
promotion. Apply at No. 162S Farnam st
H 511 9
WANTED Men over 21 to travel Ne
hraska distributing and collecting; ta'aty
$xo mohthrv and expenses. Admen Roud
8upl., U4 Dcai our u, Chicago.
OF 1 Hi
Omaha Commercial
l"tli and Douglas Street,
It is Not Too Late to Begin.
Then' was tho largest influx of new
students lit our Spring Term Opening
we have ever had. New classes will be
gin every Monday morning. Why not
begin a course of study with ns riktht
a way' Catalogue and all particulars free.
Umaha, Neb.
WE have the following positions open:
Shop salesman, wall paper salesman, ad
vert. s tig solicitor, load salesman tor g iso
Mne cnuiiies. paint and glass salesman.
f salesman for dry goods store; 3 carriage
' painters. 3 creamery men, 2 papei hang
ers, 'i coachmen. 2 gardeners, 2 cabinet
makers, man and wife for cattle ranch,
families for the beet fields.
One lintel jmrter. city; 1 hotel porter, out;
1 house man, $2". room ami board; man
and wife cooks for hotel, hotel waiter,
head waiter. t'Z; 1 page boy, 1 elevator
If looking for work In any department
please bear in- mind that we are headouar-
ers for all kinds of BETTER CLASS
help, and we treat everyone fair and
square. Please call at your convenience.
Gibson Emplovment Agency, 2U South 14th
st. 'Phone 5411. B 657 9
WANTED, a street car conductor In
Omaha to correspond with me; one who
is popular and a rustler, can give the
best of and has the ability to
become a business man. Address F. P.,
2i 'I Eiptltuble bldg., Denver, Colo.
B 577 9x
SALESMAN Wanted Well equipped sales
man to call on physicians. A very excep
tional opportunity Is offered for Imme
diate work. Must be intelligent, honest,
well educated and persevering. State ago
and experience. Iek box XS, Philadel
phia. B-527 fix
FIREMEN and brakemen on railroads
everywhere. Experience unnecessary.
High monthly wages. Firemen. $100; be
come engineers nnd earn $lsn. Brakemen,
$70; become conductors anil earn 1140.
Name position preferred. State age. Stamp
for particulars. Railway Association,
Dept. 69, Charles blilg., Denver. Colo.
B-576 9x
WANTED, sober, energetic man with ref
erence and $260 to take charge of and half
Interest In business in Omaha. Salary,
$15 per week and half the net proceeds.
Address W. C. Hundley, 411 Observatory
bldg., Peoria, 111. B-507 9x
WE PAY $:!" a week and expenses to men
with rigs to Introduce Poultry Compound.
International Mfg. Co., Parsons, Kan.
B 540 x
DETECTIVE WANTED-Shrewd. reliable
man in every locality for profitable se
cret service, to act under orders; no ex
perience necessary. Write Webster's De
tective Agcncv, Des Moines, Iowa.
B 537 9x
WANTED Men to learn barber trade; pre
pare now for busy season; positions guar
anteed; can nearly earn expenses before
flliishlns. Call or write Moler llather Col
lege, llbi Farnam st. B M533 14x
WANTED Person to call on retail trade
for manufacturing hnuee; local territory;
salary $25, paid weekly: expense money
advanced: previous experience unneces
sary. American Douse, Star building,
Chicago. B 5!'4 9x
DRAFTSMEN nnd engineers, send five 2
cent stamps for April number containing
list of 150 vacancies. Engineering World,
Chicago. B 552 9x
WANTED 500 YOUNG M EN For brake
men and llremen: high wages nnd promo
tion. Wo instruct you by mail and assist
you to secure a position. Name position
preferred. Send stamp for particulars.
National Railway Training School. Suite
224, Boston Blk., Minneapolis. Minn.
B Mi'HlS lax
ANY PERSON to distribute our samples;
$1K weekly: steady. Mgr. "Empire," 4
Wells st., Chicago, III. B ti'ja 9x
LADIES, earn $20 per 100 writing short
letters: send stamped envelope for par
ticulars. Ideal Mfg. Co., Cassopolls, Mich.
C M ( J
WANTED, 25 machine operators at once. M.
E. Smith & Co., factory Hth and Doug,
laj sts. C M878
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework; good wages; no washing.
2418 Farnam. C M285
WANTED A bright, energetic young lady
who ran operate a Remington typewriter
for a clerical position with a lire In
surance company. Answer In long hund,
stating age. experience and salary ex
pected. Address B 5S. Bee. C M3fi7
OIRL for general housework: nlso one that
understands cooking. 11S N. ISth st.
C-M36S S
WANTED A hooi'keeper In 'i real estate
bfllce. Address B 60, Bee office.
WANTED Girl for general housework:
no washing; $4 a week; small famllv. 2319
Harnc. C-M377 8
WANTED Competent second girl; must
have good reffrencps. Call nt Iflos S.
S2d st. C-M380 8
GIRT, for general housework wanted. Ap
ply to Mrs. Benton, 2052 Harney street.
C 392 8
WANTED-Energetic business woman, ons
who hart ability to employ and direct 10
r 15 capable women; salary $15 per week
to start with: near future business should
produce Income of $S0 per week. Unless
possessing business ability nnd willing to
work hard, do not answer. When answer
ing plate age. references. AP communi
cation confidential. Address' B 02. Ree.
C-M4I0 9
WANTED, good cook at once, lo Park
ave. ' C-434 9
WANTED. cnol. Apply
3)77 Davenport st.
F. 8 Cowglll,
C-MI16 9
LADIES Will pay you $75 per month and
all expenses to emnlov lady ngants In
vour own locality. 75 E. Fourth st Cov
ington. Ky. C-559x
WANTED, trustworthy women everv-
where. Pleasant home work: salary $T0
per month: spare time valuable. Any
woman can do the work: uosltlon nermn
nent. Write nt once for full particular.
Cooper & Clarkson, 810 Como Block Chi
cago. C ,"iK7 9x
WANTED, lady ngents. to sell our 25 and
50-cent article of woman's nccexsliv; loO
and ISO K-r cent profit. Sanit.irv Belt Co.,
44 Wesley block, Ccluinhus. O. C 684 9x
WANTED Ladles to learn balrdresslng,
manicuring, facial massage, clilronody or
electrolysis: best paying work -i lady cn
do: few weeks completes. Cnll or wrlle.
Moler Celleare, mi rarnam st. 14x
LADIES to sew at home; $5 to $10 per
week; material sent free; sewing done bv
hand or machine. Particulars, stamiied
envelope. Comfort Supply Co , Dent ?"8,
Chicago. C 592 9x
LADIES, earn "0 per hundred writing
short lette'-s. Stamped envelope for nar
thulars. Gem Mfg. Co., Cassopolls Mich.
C-569 9x
GOOD Bh l for general housewo' k 4 ';n
Farnam St. , C-4:i 11
t-ADH-'S to do piecework at their hoine:
we furnish all materials and pay from $7
lo $12 eeklc 8e"d stamped rnvelono to
Royal Co., 34 E. .Monroe St., Pblii
C--444 9x
LADY AGENTS for the World's Fslr hat
fakf-nea: the only article that will po..
Itivelv hold hat on firmly; .eud 25 cents
fmple pair' eve' v pair uarant"d F.
Sherwln, 1518 Dodge st., Oninlia Nb
81V bright ladle" wanted at once; a-larv.
$20 per week. Cull quick. 4o3 N. ' h st.
C.'7 llx
WANTED, so experienced second girl.
Apply 2016 Cass. C-.M07I llx
WE nerd the following help: 3 housekeep
ers. 13 cooks. $15 to $4o per month: 17
house girls. $1C to $ni per month; 6 second
girls, o laundry girls, s waitresses'. $15
to $.'1 per month; ;l hotel cleaners. 5
pastry conks. $25 to $40 per month; 4 sec
ond cooks. 3 pantry girls, 2 kitchen
worn n. 6 chambermaids. 4 waitresses
for R. R. eating houses. 6 chambermaids
and wsit. sme. Leave name and ad
dress for any of uhoe )osltton free of
est for registering Gibson Emplovmyit
Agency. 211 South 14th st. 'Phone 6411.
C-S5 9
WANTED A good girl for general house
work: family of three. 10J9 N. 34th st.,
Benus park. C MW9 9x
W A N TE I I rl for general housework;
small family. Inquire 3"U2 Mason st
C-61M 9x
LADY stenographer. R vears' experience.
HART, 4"1 N. Y. Life.
C-S29 9
10,nio GIRLS for domestic help
HART, 401 N. Y. Life.
WANTED, n. cook.
I.toS S. Slh st.
C 630 9
Mrs. Joseph Barker,
C-Mivsl nx
GOOD housekeepers. Canadian office, 15th
und Dodge. A 716
ALL ROUND hardware man wants posi
tion in store and tin shop. Address B.
61, Bee. A-M334 9x
RELIABLE man with medium team would
like steady imsltlon. Address 1315 N. 28th,
S.iuth Um.'ha. A 429 Sx
CIOTHING salesman, speaks German, 20
years experience, best references, wants
position as salesman or on road for any
good line. Address 1. O. Box is. Norfolk,
Neb. A-M4.15 lux
WORK wanted by im honest man around
house, by day or hour. Address P. W.,
64M 8. 26th ave. A -729 l"x
LADY agents wanted, all large towns;
new; good pav; no canvassing. Kirken
dall, box 601, St. Joseph, Mo. J 6o7 Hx
AGENTS wanted! Big money. Russlnn
Japunesn War. Millions will be sold.
Outfit free. Send 15c for postage, quick.
The Carneglo Book Co., 50 Slh ave., Chi
cago. J 531 9x
WANTED Four men to travel In each
state, distribute simples and udvertise
our goods; salary $21 per week and ex
penses, guaranteed: expenses advanced;
experience unnecessary. Address, with
stamp, stating age and occupation. Reeve
Co.. Dept. L. D. 2, 415 Dearborn St.. Chi
cago. J 530 9x
AGENTS Male or femule, wanted for the
Eclipse Patent Egg Tester; the greatest
household article on the market; sells at
sight: big money; send for particulars.
Vienna Novelty Co., 137 Elm st.. New
York. J-561 9x
FREE sample to agents; self-lighting
pocket lamp, size of pencil; takes the
place of kerosene lamps, candles and
matches; rapid seller; seeing's believing;
si nil stamp. Premier Mfg. Co., Dept. 87,
32 Park Place, N. Y. J 560 9x
AGENTS wanted introduce 27 household
10-cent remedies of great necessity; 100
per cent profit. Write for territory.
Broncho Remedy Co., 123 Liberty street,
N. Y. J 60X 9x
EASY money selling silk thread protector
to housewives, dressmakers, tailors; saves
threatl, time, money: (25 centsi; every
sewing machine user wants. Cercle-Lvke
Co., Buffalo. N. Y. J 610 9x
STOP runaways; hitch horses solid In
stantly; cany in pocket: sight seller;
agents wanted. Pocket Hitchingpost Co.,
Muncle, Ind. - J 585 9x
$500 PER MONTH and expenses may seem
big to you, but it can be made. Belling my
patent for making Smokeless Gun and
Blasting Powder at 8c per pound. Be
ware of fakes advertising n worthless
and dangerous article. 1 am the inventor
and have the patent. General agents
wanted In each state to travel and ap
point sub agents. J. A. Stransky. Box 5o0,
Pukwuna, S. D. J 686 9x
AGENTS Men ad women coin money sell
ing "Cnrnti" Corn Killing Plasters; cure
guaranteed: loo per cent profit. Stamp
brings sample and terms. Best Supply
Co., Jollet. 111. J 5S2 9x
TEDDY RIPPER Send 50c for sample und
Information. One wanted in every well
regulated family. Money refunded if not
satisfactory. Teddy Ripper, 581 W. Adams
ft., Chicago. J 683 9x
WE start you selling diamonds. Don't fall
getting our liberal offer: $5 daily sure.
Carbon Diamond Co., Syracuse, N. Y.
Mention paper. J C6S 9x
one agent; new, demand, quick sales.
Farmuis' Account Book Co., Newton,
Iowa. J 541 9x
OUR soup agents, crew organizers, branch
office managers are easily earning $50 to
$200 weekly. You can. too. Write: full
particular. free. Parker Chcmlcai Co.,
237 Market St.. Chicago. J 591 9x
AGENTS Our new Gold Window Sign Let
ters beat anything on the market; big
profits; ngents make $10 to $20 dally; com
plete sample outfit 25c; particulars free.
Sullivan Co., 4o5 V. Van Buren st.. Chi
cago. III. J-615 9x
AGENTS wanted for the Sheer-Cut Shears;
best phonrs, best terms, credit given. Ad
dress Novelty Shear Co., 184 La Salle st.,
Chicago. J 534 9x
AGENTS, men or women; $1 an hour Intro
ducing our high grade medicinal soaps
und ointment; every call means a sale;
experience not necessary; crew nnd
branch tifllce managers wanted. Terriff
Medical Association, 1414 Wabash ave.,
Chicago. J 675 9x
AGENTS wanted; sell our big $1 bottle sar
sHpinilla for 35 cents. 300 per cent profit.
Write todav for terms and territory.
R 51 Royal Mfg. Co., Kansas City, Mo.
PICTURE MEN are making barrels of
money with our New Idea portraits, 10x
20; black and white, 30c; colors, 36c; sam
ples tree. New Idea Portrait Co., Dept.
15, Butler bldg.. Chicago. J
AGENTS sell $1 bottles Sarsaparllla for 35c;
large profits. Write for particulars and
prices. F. G. Hartman & Co., Chemisjta,
1016 Wabash Ave., Chicago. J
WANTED, a general agent for this city and
vicinity. A reliable business man can do
well. For
lino Mfg.
r particulars address The Cremo-
. Co.. St. Louis, Mo. J
AGENTS, write now for free sample of
work und terms. Star Harness Mender;
best 25c seller out; we make other quick
selling ueccDHltiea. Columbia Nov. Mfg.
Co.. St. Louis, Mo. J
BKi MONEY In squabs; they sell for $2 to
$ti a dozen; cheaply raised In only four
weeks; write for our free book about tills
rich Industry. Plymouth Rock Squab Co.,
280 Atlantic Ave., Boston, Mass. J
LADY' agents making less than $25 weekly
should write for catalogue and terms; we
stuil von in business and make you In
ilepeiieni ; outfit prepaid. Women's Ap
parel Supply Co., Chicago. J
AGENTS wanted to sell our $1 Karsuparilla
for 36"; bent seller; 350 per cent profit;
write today for terms and territory. F,
R. Greene, 115 Luke st., Chicago.
AtlENTH $7.1 per month and expenses to
sell advertising signs to men-hunts and
manufacturers. St. Louis Sign Co., St.
Louis, Mo. J
AGENTS We have a winner. If you want
easy money, write quick. Rodes Sanitary
Co.. St. Louis. Mo. J
AGENTS make $3 to $10 djUv fitting
f lasses; big protlis: our 24-page free eye
''ik tells how; write today. Jacksonlan
"optical College, College Pluce, Jacksen,
Mich. J-
WANTED. representatives In every local
ity to sell our teas, coffees, spires, ex
tracts, baking powder, etc., direct to the
consumers, liberal Inducements. A chance
to establish a buslnerx of your own. We
assist you In every way. Address Royal
Tea Co., "l-3-5 Cottage Grove ave.. Chi
cago. J-&53 9X
AGENTS Here Is a winner. "The Best"
skirt upM rter sells nt sight. You make
pn per cent profit. Sample free. The
Ruck wood Co., ;-95. Toled j. O. J-!"-.0 9x
AGENTS, either sex; brand new household
necessity, Juht patented; sure dollar profit
every hour voq work; sample mailed 26c;
particulars free. C. L. Smith, 117 W'orren
street, Nt w York. J n2 9x
AGENTS To sell water filters; retails at
t-. Big proflta, exclusive territory. Write
quick. Seneca Filter Co,, tWneca, Mo.
WANTED, salesmen and crew managers
for city and road. Call between 4 and 9
p. nt., 634 1'axK'ii block, f. 1 O'Brien.
SALESMAN'S side line; small sample: lib
eral commission: standard article. Glsh
Novelty Co.. Sta. o. South Bend. Ind.
CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska
and Iowa; staple line; high commissions;
advance of $U) monthly; permanent posi
tion to right man. Jess II. Smith Co.,
Detroit, Mich.
WANTED Reliable salesmen over 90. with
earning capacity c.f at least $3.""0 an
nually, for attractive proposition to
ers. S Box 674. Chicago. 666 9x
SALESMEN New Cleveland Jobbing house
with large capital wishes to employ a
corps of txperlenced trH cling salesmen:
high commission with $35.eo weekly W.
8 Flnley & Co., 90-H5 Irospect St.. Cleve
land. O. 53 9x
TRAVELING salesman wanted to work
country grocer trade; salary and ex
penses. Los Angeles Cider Co., St. Ixuils.
Mo. 65.1 9x
and Iowa; staple line; entirely new in
ducements to trade; high commissions;
$25 weeklv advance; permanent to right
man. Mfgr.. Box 524. Detroit. Mich.
SALARY" nnd comm's'lon p, anvone ex
perienced or In x fiienoed found capalie
and reliable. Ger.ei.i, ..genis. salesmen
and canvassers wanted on our new un
rivaled subscription hook proposition.
Send address.
M. A
Douohue & Co.. Chi--679
WANTED, high grade. traveling salesman
for strong special line. Must be a per
sistent, energetic worker, able to produce
results and earn $3.6"0 and expenses. Ad
dress, Wholesale, Box 155. Rock Island,
III. 673 9x
WANTED By obi established house, ex
perienced traveling salesman to fill va
cancy In Nebraska: In reply state age,
experience, references and salary- ex-
1ected; high-grade men only need apply,
rawer W, Chicago. Ill, -543 9x
WANTED First-class salesman; one sales
man's commission amounted to over $1,200
in six weeks from Feb. tl to March 18,
19n5. Address A. T. Swcnson, Manager,
Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 642 9x
WANTED Salesman, experienced specialty
preferred: openings for two; one for Ne
braska; competent: no salesman In our
employ paid beolw $260 a month. Address
Manufacturer, box 1C3. St. Louis, Mo.
538 9x
WHY NOT, with pocket sample only,
make $200 per week selling staple article?
Fine for hardware and drug salesmen.
E. L. Brown, Equitable bldg., St. Iyouls,
Mo. 695 9x
WANTED, three salesmen by Rand, Mc
Nally & Co., to handle their reversible
map of the United States nnd world. Men
already in the field making from $18.00 to
$36.00 per week. No experience necessary:
an unusual opportunity. Our house and
our goods known the world over. Ad
dress Rand, McNally & Co., Chicago, 111.
SALESMEN of all lines of business (splen
did side line) to sell our advertising fans;
75 different styles, newest, latest patterns;
Just the thing customers want; we pay
the largest commissions; many of our
men give their entire time to our line and
make from $75 to $126 every week; guar
anteed best side line ever offered. Write
promptly, with references. The Gebhart
Company, 1308 Pendleton St., Cincinnati,
O. 546 9x
WE WANT first class, reputable SOLIC
ITORS to sell meritorious article that
Is having tremendous sales. Never sold
by agents before. Great possibilities.
Write now. Box 7o2, Central Mercantile
Co., Anderson, Ind. 545 9x
one agent; new; demand; quick sales.
Farmers' Account Book Co., Newton, la.
-561 9x
WANTED, specialty salesmen of good
character for attractive proposition. Ref
erences and bond required: $4,000 to $7,000
annually to business getters. F, Box 470,
Kansas City, Mo. 554 9x
MANAGER wanted: business permanent
and profitable. For particulars address
The Dodge Co., 160 Washington St.. 4'iil
cugo. 111! 599 9s
SALESMEN for the best line of self
meusuring oil tanks manufactured; on a
very liberal commission basis; splendid
opportunity to right parties while terri
tory Is open. The Gordon Tank & Pump
Co.. Dayton, O. 606 9x
ROY'AL HOTEL, European, Hth & Chicago
E 722
DEWEY, European hotel, 13th & Farnam.
E 723
VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms, cafe.
ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, excellent
location, modern. 2310 Webster. 'Phone
6390. K 72
FURNISHED room, 824 S. 8th.
K M187 8
TWO nicely furnished rooms, strictly mod
ern; walking distance. 2011 Harney st.
Telephone Cedar 37422. E M370 8x
TWO good housekeeping rooms for rent.
Telephone 6320. E M378 8
NICELY furnished- front room; modern
strictly; private fumily; telephone. 32o N.
17th at. E 391 8x
YOI! can save at least 25 per cent In buying
of us; we show the largest stock of house
furnishings in Omaha. Terms: $25 worth,
$1 week.
Between 12th and 13th on Farnam St.
E 517 9
FOR RENT, nicely furnished front room;
modern; reasonable. Apply 716 8. 16th,
flat 6. E M393 9x
NEATLY furnished room In new, modern
house; private family; walking distance.
623 S. 17th ave. E M396 9x
FOR RENT, lutmlshed rooms. 1914 Far st. E M402 9x
FURNISHED rooms; modern conveniences.
116 N. 26th at. E M401 9x
FURNISHED or unfurnished roorniT 1413
S. 11th st. E M3H9 9x
ELEGANT suite of three housekeeping
rooms; modern; reasonable. 2234 Farnam,
flat 6. ' ' -E-M398 9x
walking distance.
NICELY furnished
Farnum st.
Farnam st.
E M404 9x
rooms for rent. 1303
E-M403 9x
FURNISHED room. 712 8.
16th st.
E-M4C7 9x
617 S. 16th st.. third
E M406 9x
FURNISHED rooms for rent,
615 N. 20th
E-M4I2 9x
TWO rooms; housekeeping; convenient to
hath. 1712 Jackson. E-M1U 9x
615 S. 16th st.
E M410 9x
LARGE SOUTH ROOM, suitable for two,
with good hoard; beautiful luwn; every
thing homelike. 527 Park ave.
E-M6S0 llx
ONE furnished room,
Call 1627 No. 20th.
good references,
E Mil64 llx
FOR RENT, furnished room. 2308 Douglas.
E-728 13x
FOR RENT Large well furnished south
front room; private family; walking dis
tance. C 9. Bee. E-M733 13x
THREE housekeeping rooms, also for sleep
ing. J ne i.HKOta, miJ iiowara.
E M 122 9x
ELEGANTLY furnished south front parlor;
modern: also housekeeping rooms V234
Farnam, flat 6. Tel. 2if3. E-M428 9X
street. Rooms, 50c to $1 n) per riuy. Rates
by the week. Tel B-2647. E -433 9x
THREE pleaaant, furnlihed rooms, mod
ern, gas stove In kitchen, references required.-
27ol Woolworth ave. E--M461 12x
ROOMS and cafe.
Bluffs, la.
Ogdt-n hotel,
FURNISHED rooms, modern; five minutes'
walk from postufflce; telephone; board
within one block. 324 N. 19th st.
K M450 10x
NEATLY furnished room, strictly modern,
electric light: private family; gentlemen
preferred; reftiencea required. 1M1 HI.
Maryaava U-M455 10
NICELY furnished, front room for two.
(18 Bo. 19th. E-7Z7 13i
SOUTH front alcove room, with side room;
suitable for housekeeping. 2.WI Harney.
K-M46 l"x
NICK, quiet, clean rooms, single or ensuite;
fentlemen preferred. Phone 31 w. 19.1
edge. E- Mil b x
NICELY" furnished room, all modern;
gentlemen only. 2101 Farnam.
E-M143 "X
FURNISHED rooms for rent; good neigh
borhood. 209 S. 2oth. E-W lox
NICELY' furnished roems.
.'25 IVidge st.
E- Co 1"
NEATLY' furnished rooms, modern, walk
ing distance. 11.1 S. 2'th. E -F '"
FURNISHED room, with all coiivenl- nces,
suitable for two gcr.tlenuu. Ml South
28th st. E K" V x
NICELY" furnished rooms, walking dis
tance, all outside rooms. 115 S 2"th st
E-47S lux
FURNISHED rooms, private famllv. tor
gentlemen. 222.1 Burt. E 471 l"x
FURNISHED room, modern, close In. 2227
Dodge St. E 4!9 1x
ONE large front and alcove: one smaller;
Hanscom Park; convenient cur servl.-e.
Address B 67. Bee. E-50" 9x
ONE nicely furnished front room, with
small room adjoining: suitable for man
and wife; modern, splendid locution; $3
per week. 1916 Webster. E-512 llx
SOUTH room, suitable for one gentleman;
modern; board If desired. Tel 115.V
K M61S-11X
LARGE clean front room at 2106 Capitol
ave.. two blocks west of high school
hMg- E-661 9x
TWO nicely furnished or unfurnished
rooms for light housekeeping. 201S luv
enport. . E 723 13x
1617 CASS Front room with alcove. In
modern, detached house, suitable for 3
or 4 men. E M66 llx
$1 TO $2 per week. 422 S. Hth. one block
south of courthouse. E M7' llx
1617 CASS, front room with alcove, modern;
suitable for four men. E M7ox llx
MODERN furnished rooms for housekeep
ing. 606 8. 16th. E-M7Q7 llx
MODERN furnished room; light house
keeping. 1H01 California st. E M706 llx
BEAUTIFUL furnished rooms. 'Phone Red
5036, at 2574 Harney. E M7"6 llx
NICELY furnished rooms; gentlemen only.
707 S. 16th. E-M710 llx
FURNISHED rooms for rent, with or with
out board. 1707 Cass. E 719 13x
MODERN, nicely furnished and unfur
nished rooms. 618 8. 22d. E 718 13x
FOR RENT, newly furnished housekeeping
and sleeping rooms. 210 N. 19th.
THREE modern rooms.
1613 Howard.
E 714 13x
LARGE front rooms for rent. 1615 Howard.
E 714 13x
A BEAUTIFUL east and south front room,
nicelv furnished; telephone; two gentle
men or man and wife; walking distance.
Address C 2. Bee. E 616 x
NICELY furnished rooms, modern. 318 S.
26th St. E-MG45 H
2606 DAVENPORT, housekeeping or sleep
ing rooms, all modern; light, airy hih!
comfortable. E 044 9x
SMALL front room for one person. 1707
California el. E M671 llx
O. M. E.. TEL. 611.
F 726
TWO front rooms, one with bay window,
one very large, with good board. 626 S.
19th st. F-M415 9x
FURNISHED rooms, with good board,
reasonable; walking distance. 633 S. 22d.
F-M414 Sx
WHEN you get ready to keep house let us
furnish it. Our styles and prices are
always right. Terms, $25.00 worth. 81.00
Between 12th and 13th on Farnam St.
F-620 9
2019 HARNEY ST.. furnished rooms, mod
ern In every respect; walking distance;
board closo by. F M413 9x
NICELY furnished rooms, modern, with
board; close in. Apply 618 S. l!Uh st.
F-M397 9x
THE CAPITOL, 18th nnd Capitol ave.;
large front rooms; modern; good board.
F-M405 9x
THE ROSE. 2020 Harney st.; nicely fur
nished rooms; good board. F M4U8 9x
CONVENIENT, nicely furnished, outside
room, with board, for husband nnd wife
or two gentlemen: all modern; very" close
In. 'Phone Red-4637 or call at 1714 Doug
CAPITOL HOTEL, IXth und Cupltnl ave:
large front rooms, with alcove, southern
exposure; hot and cold water; family
cooking; 'phone and modern Improve
ments. I' 474
GOOD rooms, reasonable rates. 1816 Dodge.
F 470 10 x
PLEASANT rooms. modern, detached
house:- large, shady lawn; home cook
ing. 1818 Capitol ave. F M668 llx
PLEASANT rooms and board, not too close
In: must be first class and private; for
traveling man and wife. Address ( 3,
Bee. F-6-WJtx
LARGE front room, suitable for two. Good
board. 1816 Dodge. F 727 13x
ROOM and board, $3.50 per week. 619 Pa
cific. F 717 13x
NK'E modern room, with board, for two,
cheap. 1811 Chicago. F "21 13x
TWO modern rooms for two, with board.
2152 St. Mary's ave. F 721 1,'lx
FURNISHED ROOMS, , with board. 22n8
Ha rney. F- M 720 13 x
TWO or three unfurnished rooms; refer
ences exchanged. 2412 Cuss, G 186
2 large parlors and kitchen, $20.00; 3
ground floor rooms with range, $15.00.
Tel. 6o. G-M288 10
A SUITE of unfurnished rooms for rent;
trlctly modern; no children; references.
24u8 Cass. CJ-34S
FOUR unfurnished rooms. 2421 Dodge st.
G-M416 9x
FOUR rooms; modern. 528 N. 32d
G-M409 9
4 UNFURNISHED rooms. 2421 Dodge.
U-475 10x
THREE, modern, housekeeping. 622 N. 23d.
Tel. 3984. J M,;24 llx
prof. Morelund, the world's greatest as
trologer, has made special arrangements
to give every reader of "The Oinah
Butuiay Bee" a free horoscope of
his life. If ou wish to know what
la beat to do lo Inajre happiness and
prosperity, whom to love or marry,
what business or profession to pur
sue to be successful, when to travel, where
to live to beat succeed, whom to choose aa
friend or partner write me today Htwl learn
how vou mav obtain all tle-si- blessings
FREE. My system Is plain, practh al, com
mon sense; there is no mystery, trickery
or humbug about It. To prove the truth of
this science I will give free horoscope to all
who are Intcrtstod In their future wellfare
and need help If In trouble In any way,
write for a free horoscope at once. Sen. I
date of birth and only, two stamps for
postage, etc . and I will send you a plainly
written horoscope of yoir life, er for ten
cents will also send you a descriptive photo
of vour future husband or wife and review
on astrology. All buslnesa Inlrusied lo mu
la strictly confidential.
U-547 9x
WILL F. II meat M. C. on southwest cor
ner of 16th and Farnum ats. Tod iv
veiling at $ o'clock T . VWix
Special Sale on Machines That
Have Been Traded in on
Wheeler & Wilson
Sewing Machines
These machines have all been thoroughly
overhauled and are the latest thing that
the different manufactories produce. They
sie complete nlth attachments and are
guaranteed to l,c In first -class condition.
The following Is a list of machines w
have oti hand:
Singer, r-drawer, drop hi, id $20011
Singer. 7-drawer. drop-head $22 Ort
Davis, 'i-ilrnwer. drop-head $17 00
D.ivls. 7-tlmwer. drop head $J0.00
Standard Automatic Grand $25 0(1
White, ."-drawer, drop-head $16.00
Domestic, ."i-ilrawer. drop-head $20 00
Second-hand machines, box top, of any
mak.-. from J". ii to $10 no. These are
complete wllh attachments and will glva
you good service.
We rent machines', 75c per week.
'Phone 166 J
Coiner lth and Harney.
6 '5 North 24th St.. South Omaha. 1
3.1 Uroadwav, Council Bluffs.
FOR SALE- By private party, Imported
French pattirn lint, purchased In Paris
In February; never worn; will sacrifices
Address C lo, lice. U 734 9
BROS. TEL. 1936.
LARSON JOHNSON Cut rates to all
points. 14i6 Fnrnum. Tel. B 2113. Mem
ber American Ticket Brokers' association.
U 776
THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off cloth
ing; In fact, uny thing you do not need;
we collect, repair and sell at 114 N. 11th
st. for cost of collecting to the worthy
poor. Call 'phone 4135 and wagon will call.
WORKS, 720 S. 1IT1I ST. THONE 655.
V 777
TUB, vapor and alcohol butlis. 720 S. 13th.
H. H ENKER, eye specialist, 307-8 Neville blk.
Piano tuning. Tel. 6604. Delbev. 2207 Mason.
U M368A11X
OMAHA Stammerer Institute, Rumge blk.
FP7FA A absolutely cured. B. J. Scan
uv.u tlrt n(,n B(,9 ware block.
U 449 31
DR. ROY, Chiropody. R. 2 & 3. 1606 Fsrnnm.
CHRONIC and nervous diseases success
fully treated. Dr. Jackson, 311 Ramge blk.
If 782
Just forming 6oo and $1 weekly; plnnos de
livered Immediately; piano lessons free.
Cull for particulars. 1611 Farnam st.
U 783
Send for price list and samples.
200 DOUGLAS BLOCK. Tel. 1936.
'PHONE 701 and a man will call and tune
your piano, $2. Peiiltid Pluno Co., 16U
Farnam. U-784
THEATRICAL muaq. costumes. Lleben,
1410-12 Howard. U 781
PRIVATE home during confinement; ba
bies boarded and adopted. Mra. Gardell,
2216 Churles. Tel. A2018. U 786
WE RENT sewing machines, 76c week. We
repair all makes of machines; second
hand machines, $5 to $10. Neb. Cycle Co.,
Tel. 1663, Cor. 15th and Harney.
IT 77
PRIVATE home during confinement; ba
bies adopted The Good Samaritan Sani
tarium, ii8 First ave.. Council Bluffs, la.
Tel. 774. U 626
'PHONE 3530
U 789
M A f"l W CXI treatment r baths. Mme
1111 1 IL.1 1V
'Smith, 118 N. 15,
2d tl 1 . 2.
DIVORCE, total cost $15. Address A 64, Bee,
U-M464 A25x
ff lln l J Poblotllce. Best III Omaha.
U-536 ApriS
Sgt'AK breeders and all Interested In this
rich Industry, send for free aample of
"The Squab Bulletin." The Informer
Publishing Co., 2106 Dally News Bldg,
St. Paul, Minn. U MS83 ("
$3.00 lo anyone giving location of good house
of 4 to fi rooms for less than $18 per
month, providing house Is accepted. A 42,
cure Bee. U 488 9x
Quarter sizes.
SMITH, opp. postofflre.
Barker's collars, 2 for 28c.
YOUNG man 26 years old, wants woman
from 18 to 26 years old; musician pre
ferred; good business, first-class shoe
store. Frank Vctri, Box 122, Terry, B. D.
L'-M427 9x
Manufacturers of paste for all purposes.
Tel. 4521. 2210 Cuming. Established
ATTR ACT! V E and very wealthy maiden,
alone, wants, without delay, kind, honest
husband. Address Jesse I-e, A-14, 84
W ashington St., Chicago. 1628 9x
JEE-POAL. R 13!. Ladies' Regulator. No
failure; safe, powirful; no nausea. Price
$1.00. 'What women, young or old. should
know. Free. Jen-Poal Remedy Co., 619
Main St., Cincinnati. O. V 65o 9x
ROYALTY' paid on song poems and musical
compositions. We arrange and popularise.
Pioneer Music Pub. Co. line), 660 Man
hattan bldg.. Chicago. U 650 9
MARRY' wealth and beauty; marriage di
rectory FREE; y when married; en
tirely new plan: send no money. Address
il A. Holion, Dipt 2'.t, Tekonsha, Mich.
I '-648 k
SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, warts and moles
permanently removed by electricity; con
fultatlon free and confidential; ull work
guaranteed. Miss Allunder, 422 N. Y. Llfs.
U-613 9x
I WILL pay for Information with regard ti
the following or their heirs: Mai garths.
Behrens. 1Si,7: James Foot, 1829; Geo. H.
Hlcharilson, IW.i, Murlner; Henry Baum
bach. 1K.M; Florenew O Hiien, Jsuiea Fin
lev. Augusta Baars. I Address Mal
colm V. Tyson, 106 E. Saratoga St., Balti
more, Md. , U 615 9x
VIAY'l. a wholesome, rational treatment:
no uubllelly. perfectly confidential. Send
iiMi-ii.-u ars or can hi .hhi lice num..
Omaha, Neh. Phone lili.
1 ' 700 I
A COMPLETE line of fruit, shade, orna
mental trees, vlnea, shrubs, rosea, etc
Aidreis Oinuha Nursery, 1 'million, Nob.
FRANK B. MARTIN, small fruits, sbrub
hcrv and shade trees. 18th and Douglas.
Tel. turn. 669 26
1 (ift BARGAINS In fruit and shade trees
call at Crescent Nursery sales ground,
2it and Farnum. 'Phone i7.