1-2 TIIE OMATTA DAILY TiEE: SFJTOAT. ATRIL fl. 1005. i i fife i MmmWw ifcfptr 11 ON SM.E ifjTp"'""-, j s rl r r MONDAY ci) Pj 01 n v m Iff TH rr-dlJ- n Hist MiLIl UJJu LMSbtt (btJir o mm ION SALE MONDAY i 3 TIIFSMY Another Remarkable Purchase by Brandeis Entire Wholesalers Stock of High and Medium Grade Lace Curtains Bought from Receiver For $32,000.00 Spot Cash It is one of the most remarkable and astonishing purchases Brandeis ever made. Partners comprising an eastern firm had a disagreement to make quick adjustment the receiver decided to sell the whole stock at once for cash He wired to Brandeis WE BOUGHT IT ALL Monday we will more forcibly than evor demonstrate Brandols. leadership. Brnndeis ran offer ench great bargains because we buy In great quantities for cnsh. We are always ready to seize every opportunity of real merit We are known nil over the country as an aggressive house and in this way are offered opportunities that most of the great tores In the country never even hear of. Tomorrow will mark another of Brandeis' great achievements. $12 and $15 Lsvcc Curtains at $3.98 and $4.98 pr, Some very extraordinary bargains. They in elude Battenberg Curtains, Arabian Curtains. Brussels, Cluuy, Irish Point, French Net, and Point D'Esprit Curtains. ?.98 M .98 They are divided into two n' lots, at, per pair $10 Laxe Curtains at $2.98 Pair Curtains that would ordinarily sell from $7.50 to $10.00 per pair. Brussels Net, Irish Toint, Point d'Arab, new Lattice Xet, and corded Arab ian. Iany new and novel Curtains T) C just out this season at, per jjr fj $5 Lace Curtains at 1.98 Pair Here we have placed all curtains tbat reg ularly sell at $5.00 per pair. They are every grade and description, fine and heavy lace, and very many imitations of 1 CIQ the highest class curtains, phenom- jj enal bargains, at, pair Monday of 1 e samples of domestic lac curtains just the thing for doors and 0 sash curtains iCt at, each . Oft account of the immense quantity of good to be offered, it is impossible to place it all on ale in one day. Drapery Materials on Sale T?iafr All the Bobblnet, white and ecru color, fine aod coarso raefh. go Tuesday, at, por 1 C. yard 1M Ail the Curtain Madras, worth up to $2.5u pr yard. "Jln goes on sale Tuesday at J All the Madras Curtains, wonh up to $10 per pair, go (PI Cf Tuesday at por puir.4l.vF Drapery Swisses from this pur chase, worth 15c per yd., go Tuesday at, per yard.. JL 45-Inch wide Drapery Swiss, worth 25o per yard, Koesfl Tuesday at, per yard . . . . I U t Heavy Fish Net, worth 15c per yard, goes Tuesday at per yard 2j Printed Swisses po Tues- OI day at, por yard t2t 10c Drapery Burlap poes Tuesday at, er yard . . Drapery Cretonne and Ticking go at, per yard, Tues- JQg per yard, Tuesday. Drapery Satlne goes at, O 1 flt Extraordinary Bargains in Lace Curtains at 7.50 All the real Brussels lace, real Battenberg, Cluny, Swiss Tam bour Curtains, etc. Many of these curtains would actually sell as high as $20 per pair. Seldom are such high grade curtains offered on special sale. They are all new f designs that were t J B I imported for this J season's business, y 1 at, pair. $10 LACE CURTAINS AT 98c EACH An immense quantity of odd lace curtains, includ ing hundreds of those fine quality Arabian lace curtains, heavy and elaborately corded they appear almost like the $50 curtains. Some of Tk C these are in pairs, but mostly in single Mm curtains. At, each, J'V $5.00 SINGLE CURTAINS 49c EACH. We offer a big lot of single curtains, many worth $5.00 per pair. They are full length, ! CK but sample curtains in white, ivory ijPd i fff and ecru, at, each, 39c and .-. ilTJ' LACE CURTAIN SECONDS About 10 cases of what Is commercially known as "Curtain Sec onds.' There are imperfections in the weavlcg. dropped f p stitches or bad edge, all grades of curtains worth up to $3.50 I ff per pair, at, each i wmmmmm Monday Dru1mmerB' tains Finest imported goods, Arabian, Brussels Irish Point, etc., but they are half curtains, suitable for sash curtains, doors, etc., will go at, each , 50c Millinery Sale Trimmed hats ready-to-wear hats street hats pattern hats and thousa.nds of dozens of flowers; Bought from Sullivan and Drew, 600 Broadway. New York, Just Previous to Their Financial Difficulties. Elaborate and artistic pattern hats all of them original models from the Sullivan & Drew slock choicest designs extra- ordinary chance to buy a new P Knster hat far below reg ular value, at 5 Trimmed Mats Nearly a thousand charming new styles polo turbans, tri corners, short fronts with high 'Z AO bucks well worth flO.(X), at:'. . JtJO undreds of New Street and Trimmed Hats trimmed with newest materials, flow ers, ribbons, etc., at 2.50 Street Hats in newest stylos all colors, big variety will PA 0, at JUC Street Hats large and small . shapes, new mixed straws, Cl3n etc., at JQC All the Newest Spring Flowers from the Big Purchase Thousands of dozen of the newest flowers for spring flowers and foliage make the most desirable and fashionable hat trimming this spring roses, daisies, moss roses, hlacs, cow slips, wild roses, wreaths, foliage, A J" m etc., at, bunch IUC, IOC, ZOO tON SALE MAIN FLOOR Ladies' Shoes & --TZ. MAIN Ladies5 Spring Apparel A BRANDEIS STYLE A SUIT SPECIAL FOR MONDAY A great variety of the newest and most charming efTects in ladies tailored suits for spring stunning new de signs, with all the latest and most ultra fashionable style innovations silks, panamas, mohairs, etc. a wide selection at let ittfuiuuauio 24.50 CHOICE OF N. Y. nANUFACTURERS STOCK OF LADIES' SPRING TAILORED SUITS Ladies' and misses' suits in new blouse effeots, pretty novelty cloths, Venetians etc new colors, worth tip to 915, at i lie n s Stylish new, up-to-date voiles, mohairs, novelty Sicilians, etc styles and colors, at suits, of Ladles' New Spring Walking and Golf Skirts made with the new side pleat and box pleat ctTects perfectly tai lored newest fabrics for smart stroet wear pleat and box pleat ctTects perfectly tai- 1 QO 7 CA Q Qfl Tbe Popular Covert Jackets made with the stitched tailor pleats, snugly Ladles' Silk Shirt Waist Suits Pleated and shirred smart new colors the reigning favorites for' spring and summerat 14.85 Stylish Silk Shirt W..lst Suits Made in the. pretty novelty effects right up-to-date in style extremely g g Ct modish will go at , Ladies,' Cravenette Coats Perfect protection in change, able weather saves the spring costume in rainy CI OQ J.JKJ and dusty days a special at. SPRING DRESS GOODS SALE Fancy $1.50 and $1.25 Dress Goods at 69c. TIih entire surplus stock of one of New York's foroinost Jobbers. Sicilians, Panamas, Voiles, Plain Mohairs, Tailor f'loths, Chocks, Shirt Wnlst Suitings, hishest clnss Hlnck Ircss Goods not an old piece In the fot Bargain Siuaro, yard Panamas, Chocks, Mohairs, Voiles, Series, Fancy Sicilians, Storm A g Sorites, Shirt Waixt Suitings everything solliiifi at 7.c and 85c T(Zj( Bargain Stjunro, at, yard Silk Crystallite. Eolienne, Crepe in lonpths .1 to 12 yards cream, ( black and all light nnd dark colors worth (iOe and 7"c yard J If. yard .' ....m"mm' w 69c at In Regular Dress Goods Department Exclusive Dress Patterns pri Regular values up to three dollars, pome four, some five dollars. IN BASEMENT fl.25 House Slippers 29c 81.00 Childs 5-8 Shoes 59c $1.50 Childs' 6-8 Shoes 75c $1. 50 Misses' and Childa' Shoes. . 98c Sizes Pi to 11-Hi to 2. Boys Shoes -9 to Hi 98c Men's $1.50 Shoes. 98c All the above from the F. P. Kirkendall Co's. Omaha wholesule shoa stock, on 11th and Harney Sts., and bought from the Insurance Co. Great EMBR.OIDEHY SALE Thousands of Yards of Extra Wids Embroideries and Flouncings On Sale Monday. Special at 15c, 25c and 39c Yard. 5c-25e-39 A new shipment just received from a NW York Importer the most beautiful and elab orate embroideries in extra widths ever sen in Omaha some with dainty lace edging, ribbon headings, etc all new and dainty natterns up to 18 inches wide all fresh and crisp from foreign mills I SC C tf!OC worm as nigu as ouc a yam owiss, nainsooK ana cam brics, at, per yard ' i Special Bargains in Laces. AH kinds of laces for trimmings edgings, insertings and bands a variety of widths, new and pretty patterns, many wash laces. worth up to 20c yard, at, per yard .5c-I0c Kid Gloves for Easter Wear The highest grade of kid gloves to go with the Easier costume all newest spring shades two and three clasp effects In cluding the renowned Perrin'sQf 1 CA J and Monarch makes, pair. . . .M "IsvU" JO 50 pieces finest Imported Shepherd check, voiles and l'nnnmas black, navy, brown, preen, tan, grey selling In New York at fl.25- flQ at, yard iJ Shepherd checks black, brown, navy and green 50c" grade the 3tCl, latest fashion at, yard Cream Sicilian, 42 Inches wide, 75c grade, nt, yard Cream Sicilian, 45 inches, reg- OP ular .' grade, at, yurd O JC Mohairs and Sicilians We have Just received the finest assortment of the best stylos, new Ir idescent effects, embroidered dots, Invisible checks, Shepherd checks. Melanges at 55c 49c-69c-l.00-l.25 Positively confined stylos to lis Chnmelon Mohnlrs, Chamclon Ko lii'iine, Chwk Voiles, Kmbroldered Tartan Fancv Voiles, Silk and Wool vZI 1.50-2.50-3.50 All wool cream iiunsvelling, 2J)( Finest French Organdies, Silk or gandie the ."( grades C) n Jard JJ Check Voiles the most stylish wash fabric, selling everywhere in the east ut 4c a yard at. yard White Irish nnd Austrian yl Unen, a yard - ntO 25c Charming Easter Silks We announce several shipments of New Faster Silks. Stuart styles in the new plaids and checks for suits. Stunning effects In the tew Pom padour and Jaciniard Chi (Ton Taffetas and Mcssnllnn silks. Plain and Chamclon Taffetas for entire gowns In the latest spring shadings. Krnndels Is agent for the pretty Khctra Messallno Silks -complete QQ lines of newest shadings In both plain and changeable ,OC 20 Inches wide ut Chiffon Calypsco. Novelty shown only here, 41 in. wido, only, This French .$2.25 Faille Sauvsite In five now Spring bhades. 44 inches wide 98 The New Shirt Waist 5llk In exclusive patterns, one of each kind, style confined to Urandeis. A matchless variety of designs on sale Monday, for yardtl.mo:.at...l,.0.r. 79c-98c-1.25-l 39-1.50 Brandeis Is Omaha agent for tbe celebrated Wlnslow Taffeta This silk is sold In leading stores in each city In the Fulled States Our showing C of colors is must complete-:.'" Inches wide -at, a yard 41 75c ..$1 Rajah Silk at Hurliugham IjO Jungle at $1.25 $2 Phllo Silk only Bungalow Silk only We offer 100 pieces finest quality, W Inches wide, white Ilabutal C) Wash Silk, guaranteed -the usual selling price (ilc a yard-now JKt The Bonnett Black Taffetas for 100 years have been known the world over as superior to all others, absolutely perfect in wear, richest and purest black and (ruaraDtood to wear. liraadeis 7!-ft'lf OWp 1 "? Omaha sellin agent, at OJIVUU'I.J On Bargain Square Monday several now shipments elogaat fancy silk for suits, plain taffeta, plain poplin and istngoei. 49C-69c JOOfl I TOMlJ -3rl I V,