1W THE OMAHA DAILY IlKEt FRIDAY. APRIL 7. l)Oo. A GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET May Wheat Coutiares Upward and July Joins in the Race. SHORTS SAID TO ADMIT THEIR DEFEAT InmmlMloi Honim Order Local Of. liven to Decline I nrthcr Trades l May WhoaO-4 orn Also Show Mreiigih. OMAHA. April C, 1 !..",. AllhOllCh It WOril hiol.... .1 .. N fdDMHlllV. h MdV .!). Ihl. mn.-t.rn., spimrtntly strong If lit 11.11 Ullll dlil not have sin h undertone. The opening w, - in.- ihkii I'"' ii'gh rsmrt reached before nunn $1 li from which U r. din ,a to ,Kiir 'f,1'"'"' Wcdne-nluy. The high hikJ low i, . , i iit iiih m nun low Avednpsdhy were Jl.l.n, mid U4. The hign point I today Wn ii gain since Monday oi i.e. I he July shr.wed Home str.-ngtii torlay and advanced lo K9e, with a low point Wore noon of tr,s. The high Hiid low ANcrtnrsday We,.- and NTc. Livorpo.il closed with it gain ni and -jc, but Aiil whh not a fleet , d. The May wheat will huve to go some if It Is to fuinil a tip which has been spread around. The governmi nt report on crop oiifiituins will be out Montlftv aft.jri.o.111 noil It In expected to Khuw a virv high average condition for the wlntrr "wheat. II Ir generally predicted any udvum.-e Ii: the speculative niHiki-t will conio before. ihHt tin-. The eff-ct on the July lh al ready being discounted and the trade in preparing lor a bParlsh report. In mime qnartPis It Is hhIiI "he wheat shorts are admitting defeat anil there Is tulx of a set-tleni- nt of Home of th open deals. The' lending shorts are Wiciu., N vp-Jpnks. Ai-niour-ValentlnP, Peavy. liurtltitt-Frazier und the Itosenhaums. Among the Chicago longs tire Flnley-Barrel). WareLeland, HiKel-Hober'.s, I'rlngla and Chupln. The liortM arc thought by noma to prefer net tllng to running the chance, of any further loss. The Wall street pool ha a profit In tli wheat at any figures above the present inutkpi and fire believed to be In a por tion to cinch the shorts, for they rlnlm to own enough of the contract stocks everywhere to make it Impossible to get enough contract groin to deliver. The commission housed have stopped all new business In May wheat and are using every effort to i lose out their open deals. The Omaha branches have bean warned not to take any new business. Some of tha Louses demand 5- for buying and Ifac for selling orders. This feature of the situa tion made the business more acuta ed UPsday when the shorts tried to cover. The Plllsbury-Washburn company pur chhBpd 2.il.0"it bUBneH of No. i northern wheat Wednesday The Minneapolis stocks have decreased lit five days 4iKMX bunhels. The northwestern mills made 275,570 barrels of flour last week, against 2;A5rt" last year, the increase, being 16.0UO barrels. Tha Ar- Spntltm wheat shipments ara rstimutufl nt .MKi.tiOJ bushels. The prlmnrv receipts are .TJ'VOoit bushels, ngalnst Xli.iM biiHhelh, and the shipments are lW.OUO bushels, against 27, m bushels. The corn clearances today weia 767. S70 nirhels. The primary recel(its were 74S. (H) bushels, against .tU.Otirt bushels, and the hlpmpnts were bushels, against 1!7. ! biislic.ls. The Argentina shipments ,ara estimated at 4K1.0O0 buohels. The May corn market was slightly stronger today than Wednesday. The high and low points rpached before noon were 4)i7ic and 4slc, against 4Ssc and tTc Wednesday. Omaha (ash Sales. WMKAT-No. 4 hard, 1 car. 51' lbs., 9:!c. itJRN No. 3 White, 1 car, 4.1c. Omaha t'ash 1'rleea. WIIKAT-No. 2 hard. 11.03(1.05; No. 3 hard, !5c($l.(C; No. 4 hard, i3c; No. 3 spring. II.04. POK.N-Nn. 2. i:r; No. 3. 42c No- 41Hc; no grade, 3,ViiK)e; No. 2 yellow, 43Ue; ;l yellow, 4.1c; No. 2 white, 43'ic; No. 3 white. 43c. OATS No. 2 mixed, 29c; No. 3 mixed. -sVic; No. 4 mixed, ;; No. 2 white, ikle; No. il white, MSc; No. 4 white, 29c; stand, ard, 8i'c. 4'arlnt llecelpts. Wheat. Corn. Onts, lit 61 214 a J4 4i:t 31 Chicago Kaiisiis City Minneapolis I'uiuin bt. Louis .. Omaha ' SKnurapolla Wheal Market. The i r.uge of prices paid In Minneapolis as rt-prtned uy the Edwards-Wood company In -nl tioaid ot liaoe, was: Artlcles.l Or"- I Hlgh.l Low. I Close l Tes'y. Wheat I . , May... 1 MV juiy...! . 1 W1 Vepl..., bo'jl 1 (WS! 1 lt,. 1 t'f 1 C3 i 10V 1 0;i'4 1 o.i'l M'ii Mid, ho OKK tiKKHAL .MARK 10 T arloua 9 i & f if' sr Uuotatlons of the ! 011 Commodities. NEW YORK, April O.FLOL'R Receipts, 17,3i4 bbis. ; exports. ,-7 bbls.; market quiet and Iumit .,11 some giadua; w. liter paienm. H.ii'i)'4.i; winter straights. o.oi m o.i.i. ;tlnni'sota pateuts, o.UiiUu. wimc. cxlras, i.uol.L), Miuuiwoia ouKers, ii.". ,, win.cr iw giu.. i.4'44."u; Jtj.' Inn.., c.iu.t; good. t.i'ij4.ti; ctinii e to Luicy, i,.,i"u i.sw. .buckwheat flour, nominal a 1 -v-niin-.n. .... 1 1.1 1 .. iml r.. Vl Rarely steady; line wli.te 1.111 )o,.u, I.2.i; coarte new, i.0-ii(i. .0; k..ii uricu, :'.mmi'Xi. 11 1. .MJiiniiiu. western, SOc. liAtl-h.Y Uuli; fceulng. 44ViC. c. I. f. New iu'k; mulling, 4'nunc, c. 1. 1., Rutialo. H KAT Receipts, 7,"X) bu. Bpot markut. il'Mgulsr; No. i red. l.lu',, elevator; . No, i rea, l.t2Vi f- . b. afloat; No. 1 northern, iiuiuih. Jl.i.tV f. o- Li. afloat; No. 1 hard. Manitoba, ll.ul f. o. b. ulloat. An early i.dvancc in wheat led by tho May option was suoetiednd by severe declines alter ninuluy, the close showing Vidic net de nine. Manipulation was the teatuie 111 jiuy. New crop months at llrst reflected higher cables, and the May strength being Jaier Influenced by heavy unloading, bear pressure, more favorable weather and lib 1'iul ArgPiiilnu shliment estimates. May, i.n-s''ii.i2'k. clnsiHi. 11.114; July, W 13-ltyit 11 inc. closed ff."i:; depicmbel',- S7((H7)4C. 1 lused, ll,. ' 1 m.N Receipts. 15C.875 bu. : exports, I'.KI.nlJ bu. Hpol market easy; No. 2, Mc, 1 i-Mitoi, and 62'4o f. o. b. afloat; No. t miiow, 53ic; No. 1 white, 52c. fjptlon inarket. started out firm on the higher moles and big clearaiiees, but snon 5 lelded to the wiaknesa In other markets, und nt the close showed no change from the previous tpght. May, MV4fu4c, closed j.i'o; July. 6;i''ihc, fiosed o:iit. OATS-Receipts, li 9.5ot) bu. ; exports, 3.915 bu. Hpot marker hardy steadv; tnixeit outs ;ii to 32 pounds, Jti'ttMe; natural white i to 33 pounilSi i V: eilpped bite, ii to 4(1 pounds, 3M'4oe. HAV Knsy; shipping. tjUUli5e; ' good lo 1 holce. 7.V(i21c. 1 1 it'S- 1 lull; state, common to choice, lltt'l "in'.'.K-; 1!'03, -liAc; olds, Il"jl3c; I'a illlr. coast, I'M. StfA'; 13. 21flc; olds, MlLiKS Steady ; Ualveston, 20 to 25 lbs., 2'-; California. 21 to Jt lbs., 194jO; Texas, orv. S4 to SO lbs., 15c. I'.KATHKR-Klrm: add. 84f. I'HOVlSIONS-lieef, firm; family. $12.00 m lSiii; mess, tii.0niftt.b0: beef hams, i.'i.wmf ket. ill. wo i;.un; city, xn firm; May. G 6"d Julv, 6frd: 8 ptem Is r. s tiid. Corn spot, quiet; American m!x"d. new. 4s3a; Amerlran mixed, old. 4s 1 d. Fu tures, rii m. May. 4m 4.1; July, 4s 3d. tlllt At. 4.RM An I'ltOtlklllM I eatores of the Trading; aad t losing l'rlcea oa Roaril of Trade. CHICAOO. April 6. Reaction from fear of an acute snneeie )n wheat weakened the market today, following higher prices earlv In the session. Th Julv option closed at II net loss of Vitr -May. though -V , Is ISc below the top figures of the ilav. ij.rn Is off '!( ''.-. Oats are down S'"- 1'ro vlslons show a loss ot V'Qlr. Strength of the May option was the main factor In the wheat market at the opening. Initial quotations on that delivery were up lc to pp, at ft 1T 1 1HV July was unchanged to i,c higher, at m ,'ukh,i-. Another f.ictor. however, that exerted con siderable Influence was a substantial ad vnnce In the price or wheat at Liverpool. The sharp upturn in May was due to an urgent demand from shorts. Owing to the congestion in may. Commission houses showed signs of increasing unwillingness to take new trades In that delivery except at unusual margins. A sharp call for ex cessive margins is said to have forced sonic of the covering purchases at the start. It was reported that margins as high as 2'K: a bushel had been asked. As the session progressed the drertd of a sensational ad vance In May resulting from a bull raid as affecting lufpr deliveries began to wear off and some prominent local operators who had covered July wheat as a precautionary measure commenced to resell. Offerings were sufficiently heavy to start n decline, which developed Into considerable weak ness before the end of the dsy. Poor de mand for cash wheat In all outside mnr kets had a depressing effect on specula tive trading here. Additional reports were received telling of favorable growth of the fall sown crop. Another bearish Influence was an estimate of 3,o0.0OU bushels as the amount of shipments from Argentina -for the week, compared with 2.61t).m bushels last week ljite In the du Mav wheat sold off to fl.171 and Julv to S7sc. The mar ket closed almost at the lowest point of the day, with May at fl 17V Final uuota tlons on July were at Kr.teSXr. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 3ii,titi bushels. Primary receipts wpre 320..V"! bush els, compared with 374. 2u0 bushels a yejir ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago re fsirted recplpta of 2.(9 cars, against 23 cars last week and ,'li2 ears a year ago. Weakness of wheat and increased ship ments from Argentina created bearish sen timent In the corn market during the last half of the session, l'.arly In the day the market was quite strong as a result of higher prices at Liverpool and smaller local receipts than expected. Shorts were flood buyers; prices declined o:i prollt tak ng and the market closed practically at the lowest point of the day. July opened a shade to ;4a Ve higher, at 4S'4C(4)gc. sold off to 477c and closed nt 4o. Ijocnl re pplpts were 413 cars, with 25 of contract grade. Covering bv shorts and a fair general demand caused moderate firmness in oats early In tho dav. Later tha market weak ened In sympathy with other grains. July opened unchanged to a shade hlnher. at 80C to 30lc.. sold between 29M1W4C and closed at 2flrc. Ixical receipts were cars. Provisions were firm early !n the day on falrlv active buying of lard by a prom inent packer. Higher prices for hogs also had a bullish effect. An easier tone de veloped on tho decline In grains. At the close July pork was off 12.4jc. at flH.OC. Lard was down 2MiC at f7.42'. Ribs were oC(f7c loiter, at f7.32i7.S5. Estimated receipts for tomorrow. Wheat. 30 cars: corn, 298 care; oata, 5 curs; hogs, 24.000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. Open. Hlgh.l Low. Close. Yesy. Wheat Mav July Sept. Corn Mav July 8npt. Outs Mav Julv Sept. Pork May rd May July Sept. Rths May July rkpt. 1 Wa S7T.-9': S3Vfl4l I I I4RH! 4SV'i-Hi 4X-HI I toou-mi'.,! I -29 I I 12 97HI I 13 20 1 18 V . 4 I I 4SV . 4K! 4S, 1 17V4! 1 17 7Vx7'.fHS I 1 17 837 4f, " 4 ! 4.S'4jl 4S1. 4S i4Si'(tl 4SV' 4)iV I 7 30 I 7 47H( 7 90 - I ansa's r 30 :ti4j 2s! 29 I ati 13 00 12 82h' 13 13 u sua, 7 20 7 40 7 624 7 30 I 7 474 7 2V4 7 20 7 40 7 25 7 424 7 DO I I 7 10 7 3241 7 B0 I 3n 2S 29 12 K5 12 95 13 05 13 174 7 25 7 274 7 424 7 45 ' 574; ' 1241 35 I 50 . 174 40 white, 33c; No. 37tf39c; fair to 23u; pad 'I J India led bellies, f7 l7.75: pickled shou ders. 6 5Witi.'Ju; pickled hams. IS.5ut.0O. Lard, steady; western steamed, f7.50; refluetl, 'unlet, ctintluent. f7.5n: flout It American, Won; compound, f4.87't,,v.25. Pork, firm; raniilv, f I4.5iilf.a: Hhotl clear, tl3.5U lo.(4); mess.' 113.51 SiU.. 4. TALLOW yulei; city (2 per pkr. country pkgs. freel. 4V(i44o. RK'K Steady : iloniesiic, fa4r to extra, :tifV: Japanese, nominal. Hl'TTKR Firm; creamery, held, common to extra, 20'rf274c. Ciit.tilb,-e 1. in : state, full cream, small colored and white fancy. 14le; slat tine, 3Kci state, late mnde, colored and white, poor to choice, 10til3ic; state large colored and white fancy, 14c: stata fine. 13'i 134c; state late made colored and w hite, poor to choice, Hi'8rl3i'. KtiOS Firm; weatern storuga packed, ii4e; western flrsta, 174'- . l't)t"LTRY Alive, steady: western chick ens 12c; fowls, 154c; old turkeys, hie; d-essed, steady; western chickens, l'KfjU'c; fowls. 10tll4c; turkeys, 1520c. Daluth Urala Market. IjI LCTH, April 6.-WHF.AT-T0 arrive: No. 1 northern. fl.04, On track; No. I northern. tl.04: No. 3 northern. WV--fl.G2V: Muy, fl.05; July, fl.024; Septem ber. 8V:. O ATS -To arrive und 011 track, U9i,c I'hllatieliiMa Produce Market. I'tllLADKLPJUA. April --Hl'TTKR Knnier; extra weatern creamery, 294fj3Hr. KOtlrt-Firm: western, Xrteh, 174tli4c, 111 li nrV CIIKI.KK-Qulet. 12Stfl34. I'eorla Grata Market. 1 PKORIA. III. April f.-CORV Higher; Nn s. 47c; No. 4, 4tc; no grade. 44c. OATS-Hteady; No. S white, 4c; Ne, 4 whit-, 2,.tVrt-"J1Vc. Liverpool firalu Market. LIVKRPOOK Aiirtl -WHF.AT ;nt. lead) ; No. 1 California, 4d. Futures, Shipments. 25.000 41.200 479.100 22B n00 2.000 lli.900 No. Cash miotntlons were iu follows: ' FLOT'R Steady; winter patents. 5.00''o5.10; straights. f4.75(S4.90: spring patents. $5.00J 6.40: straights. f4.404.sO; bakers, f 2. VT 3. 40. AVHEAT No. 2 spring, fl.loyi.16; No. 3, fl.O2Ujl.04; No. 2 red, fl.174 1.19-V t ORN No. 4Si.4c; rvo. i yeuow, wo OATS No. 2. 3th:; No. i 3 White, 30ifc32',c. HYI-No. 2. 7MT784o. RARLPJY Onod feeding choice malting, 4.tfi4iC. SEEDS No. 1 flax, fl.24; No. 1 northwest ern. fl.38; clover, contraet grade, fl4.369 14.40 PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bh! $12. 80 612.85. Ird. per 100 lls.. t7.124iii7.15. Short ribs sides (loosel. f7.ofkfJ7.124; short clear sides (boxed), f v.oo'g'i.iz. Receipts. Flour, bble Is Ron Wheat, bu M.ono Corn, bu 694.UHI Oats, bu 3H0.7IS) Wva I.11 4 tMill ! Hariey, bu M.HHO on me Produce exchange today the butter market was firmer; creameries, 221 2c; dairies. 2iViific. Kggs, Arm; at mark, cases Included. lti4c; firsts, 164c; prime Arsis, 174c Cheese, steady at 12 134c. 1( St. l.ouls General Market. 8T. 1-Ol'IS, April 6 WHEAT Lower; No. 3 red, cash, elevator. $1,064; track, fl.0ii&l.lo4; May. f 1.064; July. e3-)jj34o: No. 2 hard, f 1.01 41ft 1.04. CORN Firm; cash, higher: No. 2 cash. 4tk-; track, 4741?-S: May. 454c; July, iAi 464c. OATS Steadv; No. 2 cash. 3i"c: track. 30V31i'; Way, 2SV: No. 2 white, 14i(334o. FL.OCR Dull: red winter patents, fo.luig, 6.40; extra fancy and straight, J1.73'nl.; clear, f4.2fi1t4.60. SEED Timothy, steady. f2.00iU2.70. t' IHNMPJAI-Steadv, f2..riii. BRAN Dull; sacked, east track, 734 HA V Sternly; timothy, fti-Oofi 13.00; He. ttiOOitt 10.00. IRON COTTON TIES-Mc. HAOOTNO "V HEMP TWINE-6'ie. PROVISIONS Pork, lower; Jobbing, f 12 35. Lard, lower; prime steum. $. i24. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts. f7.25; clear rilw. f7.124: short .clears. f7.374 Bacon, steady: boxed extra shorts, f7.7j; clear ribs. f7.624; short clear, fd.OO. POCLTR Y Firm; chickens, He; springs, f3.5uiii5.00 per d. ; turkeys, 14'ulttc; ducks, l'c; geese, ft'. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 23'.S4c; dairy. tikti-SSc. EOO8 16c, case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbla 3.0HI ii.OOO Wheat, bu 34.0UO 40,1100 Corn, bu 40,(io 46.OUO Outs, bu 39,000 38,uuO i77c. jirul- Kanaaa t Ity Ciraln and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. April 6. WHEAT -Steady; May. 9n'o; Julv, 74''i78lo; cash, No. 2 hard, f l.OOfil.OS; No. I. 90chfl.02; No. 4. (iftiliSic; No. 2 red, fl.041.07; No. 3, fl.00i) 1.06; No. 4. 8.Vu97c. CORN Higher; May, 44Sti444c; July, 44Vi eash. No. 2 mixed. 44'i4."ic; No. 3, 44V: No. 2 white, 44i45c; No. 3, 44c. OATS-Steady; No. 2 white, 32ra324e; No. t mixed, !Kt24r. FUGS Steady; Missouri and Kansas, new No. i whitewnnd cases lnclinlet, I5c; case eoiint. 144e: cases retumed, Uc less. HAY Sleudv: choice timothy, f9.60iglo.ui); choice prairie, f7.?.Vh7.75. R V K Steadv, 7.W7-C. BITTTER "reamery, 221fISe: dairy, ISc. Rtcp'ins. snipnipiits. Wheat, bu 37.ono 2S.8O0 Corn, bu 2ii.luo Sn.sno Outs, bu O.Oiki 15,0a Mllnankee tiraln Market. MILWAI KEE, April 6.-WH EAT-DuJl : No. 1 northern, fl.13; No. 2 northern, fl.06iJ l o4: July, sc bid. RYK Dull; No. 1. K4'aS4Vjc. MARLE Y- Firm; No. 2. 5lc; sample, SS 150o CORN Higher; No. 3. 474"al84c; May, 4)4o bid. .Mlaaeawolla Urala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. April . WHEAT No. 1 hard. tl.HV: No. 1 northern. fl.U; No. 2 northern, fl Ot,,; May. fl.U9r4; July, fl.OSVt fyl 03; Septeinber, S4Si'. FLOI'H-KlrHt patents. fti.MKi6.10: second putenta, f5.tj5.9i): first i leum. f4."6(U4 35: second cleats, f:. 752 95 RRAN-fl2 .60U12.75. Kvaporateal Apples and Dried Fruits. NEW YORK. April S.-BVA PORATED APPLES Market la easy around leccnt prices. Common. 4'ii6c: prime, 6.357j54oc; choice. SU.-; fancy, 7c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRI ITS-Prunes, moving very slowly as far the the local spot situation Is concerned, hut reports from the weat Indicate that stocks are divining up owing to a demand from the middle west: quotations range from 24'' t 5c. according to grade. Apricots, easier, owing to continued sal's from tne interior; choice, quoted nt b 'tj r"4o: extra choice, 114c; fancy. I;tlio. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS United Sta'.ef Steel Pre 'erred Eie to New Record Mark. MORE GOSSIP ABOUT UNION PACIFIC Itomors that the rarrhase of t. Paol or Atrhlsoa la Contemplated .Market la Hrond and Aetlve. NEW YORK. April 6 The tock market broadened out today Into a much Is'lttr distribution of strength mid there was a decided growth in animation as well. The tone uf the railroad list was not so nls tinetly differential from that of the In dustrials as was the case yesterday and earlier In the week, but there peislsted a rather spotty tendency amongst the rail roads. II. e Inciting Influence to the notable re vive! of speculative Intertst was the or ganized movement in I nlted Slates. Steel preferred, which stock was rushed up to a iccord price by lapid steps on an enormous accumulation. This movement was, of courw. based on the extraordinary activ ity and pruspetity in the iron und steel tr.ide. Rut this Is not a new development, nor Is there any Immediate new feature in the situation in that trade. It was in ferred, there fine, that the suddenly ag gressive tone developed by the stock due to the formation of a speculative party for the conduct of the market operations rsther than to a spontaneous spicad over night through the country at laige of a de Hire to buy the stock. The preliminary rise In I-oiuluri and the Important buying of the stock lure carried the impression that the campaign has Its ramification abroad as well as 111 thLs country. The ob vious nature of the opciatlon did not have a deterrent effect at all on the sympa thetic influence of thp movement on the rest of the list, it has lieen a matter of discouragement amongst the speculative ele ment tor some time tnat the I'nitud States Steel ntocks were neglecturt and compara tively unresponsive 10 the unprecptb nled trade conditions in that Industry, the effect being to suggest some unknown condition back of tho superficial situation which might prompt ultra-conservatism on the part of the insldeis In the corporation. Tho relief offered by today's developing nt from the dampening; effect 011 the general list of the sluggishness of Hip bulky and unwieldy Steel issues was very quickly manliest throughout the market. The pur pose of the 91tai.tM,s Increase In l iilon Pa cific pieferred stock was as much a mys tery us when first announced and the wide range of conjecture on this point was a potent influence on the speculation In vari ous stocks. The conviction is geueial that the acquisition of control of nuother rail road sj'Htem is in contemplation, but the Identity of the railroad Intended shifts con stantly In the surmises current In the mar kit. St. Paul and Atchison wert both pointed to nt different periods today, while the New York Central hypothesis suffered some decline in authority with drugging iffect on that stock The coming lead merger, which is now generally accepted us 11 faot, was a con tributing influence in the stock Immedi ately affected. The inovtment In the south ern group of railroads was helped by the great growth in the cotton movement and the encouraging reports from tne wJnttr wheal crop were a supiiorting factor In the general market. The gradual casing of the money market encouraged the fulth of ttie speculative element that there is plenty to go around for all their purpose.". The an nouncement of a call for 50 per cent of government deposits In two Installments 011 May 15 and July 1 did not disturb this confidence in the slightest, degree, uny more than did the active demand for exchange, which lifted tho price another liberal frac tion. The extent of the duy's advance In vited considerable realizing and the mar ket dosed irregular und generally below the best. Bonds were firm. Total sales, par value, ffi.225.oiiO. Cnlted States bonds were all un changed nn call. Following were the sales and range of prices on tho Stock exchange today: Sales. High. Ixw. Close. Atchison 68.300 8SS 91 do pfd X.otiO 103', 1 1 1034 Atlantic Coast Line, 13.700 I604 14s'4 1494 Baltimore & Ohio... 4O.2U0 ll' 107W lid 700 57.9110 700 7.9i "I t)Oll 3.0HO 21.200 1.100 33,300 "iflO 500 5.100 500 3fl 2,000 'iiii 100 12.0110 2.lK) 1.300 'ioi 8.1110 2.5ll0 1.21 N) 1.600 1.100 10,200 1,kiii 4.710 3.700 2.1U0 l.Ji0 vm 19.100 2.9"0 1.700 15.io6 6.9nO 11.400 do pfd Canadian Pacific ... Central of N. J Chesapeake & Ohio Chicago d- Alton do pfd Chicago 1. W Chicago ft- N. W... C. M. & St. P Chicago T. & T do pfd C, C. C. & St. L.... Colorado Southern do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Delaware & Hudson Delaware, L. & W.. Denver & Rio Grande do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central do pfd , K. C. Southern do pfd Louisville & N.'. Manhattan L Met. Securities Metropolitan St. Ry. Mexican Central Minneapolis A- St. L. M.. St. P. V S. St. M. do pfd Missouri Pacifle Missouri. K. & T... do pfd N. R. R. of M. pfd. New York Central.. N. Y.. O. W Norfolk & Western. do pfd Pennsylvania P., C C. & St. L Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Rock Island Co do pfd St. L. & S. F. 2d pfd St. I Southwestern. do pfd Southern Pacific do pfd Southern Railway.... do pfd Texas Ai Pacific T.. St. L. & W do pfd I'nlon Pacific do pfd Wabash do pfd Wheeling & L. K . . . . Wisconsin Central.. 1 do pfd Adams Express American Express t". 8. Express Wrlls-Fargn Express .... Amal. Cupper HOlirf) American C. & F 13,n0 do pfd 1,600 America 11 Cotton Oil 10.800 do pfd 100 American lee do pfd 300 American Linseed Oil l.KW do pfd 300 American Locomotive M.UO do pfd 1.400 American 8 R 51 iv m do pfd ... 8.7O0 Amer. Sugar Refln.. 10.1 Amer. Tobacco, p. c. 3.2HO Anaconda Mining Co. 7.8nO Brooklvn R. T 8.000 Colorado F. I f.100 Consolidated a 2.4oO Corn Products ., . 5oo do pfd 700 Distillers' Securities. H.ftuO General Electric 10.500 International Paper. 7.900 do pfd 4.2iO International Pump. 700 do pfd National Lead 5A.5O0 North American S9.0oO Paclflo Mall 7.0-0 peoples tSaa 61.0oO Pressed Steel Car.... 8.300 do pfd 1,800 Pullman Palace Car.. lot Republic Steel 4.o0 do pfd 3.ii Rubber Goods t.300 do pfd 600 Tennessee P. 4 1 1J.100 l 8. leather do pfd P. 8. Realty . I'. 8. Rubber do pfd V. 8 Steel ... do pfd 96 154 2044 694 424 52 4H4 2444 1784 344 108 284 61 38' i 1934 354 80 464 81 70 944 1( '.94 564 314 OS; 144 167 874 123'i 12lAi 1B'. 32-4 664 1624 62 86 9i,V 1524 203 4 584 414 81 i4 ;i3t 176 314 107 ,284 8KVI 192 354 90 46 81 694 944 I6114 28 :5 314 1434 H164 X6'l. 122S 244 120" 166 1064 314. 64 160ii 614 854 66.400 1444 U3 47.200 3O0 2 1! sort I.7n0 ion 2.1011 4.500 41.000 200 3.200 800 3.ii) 6.700 11.900 117.40H 9o0 I.7011 2.800 2.000 1.6110 S.dia lot) 954 924 3OT, S04 71 274 66 8'4 1184 354 974 394 43. 1324 99t 234 47 184 214 534 244 944 924 si" w4 704 2!4 til4 674 1184 354 96 384 404 59 1314 994 234 464 234 51V 244 Va. -Carol. Chemical do pfd W st uighouse Elec. Western I'nlon 1.10 l.S'm e ft) 4.M10 111 ! .171,0110 700 lot) 8n0 300 834 414 1044 ii, 304 45 55 1174 1114 127 1454 994 122 684 664 206 13- ft 190 S7ll iiii in , tf'i 1134 43 904 245 24 834 334 1IA 104 1 ' 96U 44 118 8K 102S 7; 107 1S4 S.l'g 82 4o 104 364 95 4l" :o 45 524 116 194 1264 1444 9S 119 67S 6S4 2054 134 64 464 187 244 81 S4 564 ion! 4.M4 11 2i 424 96 245 234 K3 324 loo 1024 li"9 " 954 434 1154 374 1024 ; I811 93 9M, 154 24 584 41 82 24 243 1774 18 34 107 284 60 38 192 3724 35 90 I64 8l4 694 93 9)4 161 19 Sn 314 654 1434 1664 80 60 1194 1644 1074 32 65 40 16)4 62 854 92 1434 824 94-v; 91 8!) 35 804 704 27 6.1 67 118 354 9H4 384 43 624 1314 994 :n4 41:4 134 24 524 Klo 225 127 245 R2H 414 104 36 fo 54 40 ) 444 64 1174 1104 126 1444 98 121 67 844 30. 134 64 S 189 244 61 37 87 60 I1124 45 $ 4:4 964 244 234 83 S3 4 1074 Ki2a,T 12 108 954 44 117 37S 1014 36 lll 182 93 Total sales for the day. I.616.811O share. Statement Baank of France. PARIS. April . The weekly statement of the Bank of France shows the following changea: Notes In circulation. Increased 89, iJS.iKioT: tieasurv accounts current, Ue rreaecd 64.9.,5.(iuof ; gold In hand. Increased 2 725 oif; bllla discounted. Increased 46.050. (if; sliver In hand. Increased 175 0Oif. Treaanrr Itateneil. WASHINGTON, April .-Today s state ment of the trpssury bslsnces in the gen eral fund exeuisive of the f I Ui 0uo.iD goij reserve in il.a divuluu of rtUvmptiou, t shows: Available eash balance, fl 42.069 tT3: gold. f71.646.iC4 ew Yark Mone Market. NEW YORK. April 6 MONEY On call, steadv at 3134 per cent: closing bid, 3 per cent; f.fTpred at 34 T cent: lime loans, steadv: sixtv day . ninety days and six mohThs. 34'n3 per cent; prime mercantile pajier. 3'a4 per cent. STERLING EXCH ANGK-Strong. clos ing steadv. with actual business In binkers" bills st 4. Si 40 4.8645 for drmsnd and nt 14 84Wfi4 K4.: for slxty-da yl.llls; posted rates, f 4 85 nr.d f4 .87; commercial bills. f4.844'i4 MS. Closing prices em bonds were: C 8. ref 2s. reg.-li"". Japan Ss cert l"" do coupon i'-. L. N. I n. ts.102'j V. 8. 3s. reg....KH Manh. con. g. 4s.l4 1 do coupon 105 ,Mex. Cent. 4s.... 774 I'. S. new 4s reg.133 I do 1st Inc 24-, do coupe.n ....1:3 'M ft St. L. 48.954 V. 8. old 4s reg.1ol M.. K. A T. 4s..li4 do coupon l"l do 2nris X64 Am. Tob. 4s cer.. 74 ' N.R K M. con 4s. 81 do 6s cer 115 N. Y. C. gen 34s.lni'i Atchison gen 4s. PCS N. J C. gen is..1:t54 Atchison adj 4s. 964, N. Paclllc 4s....li4 Atl. C. L. 4s....l'i do 3s i'6 B. & o. 4s 1024 Nor & W. con 4sloii do 34s :t40. S. I. rfg 4s.. 97 Cent, of Oa. 5s. .1154 Penn. conv 34S. .I054 do 1st live 93ui Reading Gen 4.'rj do 2d Ire 77 S.L.&I..M con Ss.o4 Ches. A O. 44s. .107 St.L.Ar S I', fg 4s 91 C. & Alton 34s.. 82 St L.Ac SW con 4s H34 C..H& O. new 4s. 994 Sea. A. I 4s ... 884 C.R.I A P.R.R. 4s M4 Southern I. 4s.. 964 io. l(v. 5s lliHj Texis A P. lsts.1224 T. St. L A W 4s.. 84 Union Pacific 4s.ini4 do cenv. 4s l.U'i C.R.I. AP. col 6s. 94V CCC A StL gen 4sl"2Si Chicago T 4S.... 97 Colo. Midliind 4s 76 Colo. A South 4s 94fe! Cuba 5s cert In54 1' S. Steel 2d 5s. 96 1). & R. tj. 4s. .Id Wab:uh Ists ....1194 IMst. Sec. 5s 81 'Wabash Deb. B. Hi Erp pr. Hen 4s.ld:V Western Md 4s. Erie gen. 4s 934 W. A L. E. ts.... Ft.W. A D. C 1st. 114', I Wis. Cent. 4s ... Hock. Val. 4.s. 11041 Olfered. 914 9, 94 Boston stocks end Bouds. BOSTON. April . Call loans. 3'u3j per pent: time loans. 34(44 jut cent. Official closing or stocks and nond: 96 .c"2'4 Atchison ad 4s do 4s Mex. Cent. 4s. Atchison do prd 103 Boston A Alb. .260 Boston A Me.... 179 Boston Kiev 154 Fltehburg pfd. ...146 Mex. Central .... 2441 N.Y..N.H.A II. ..2024 I'nlon Pacific ...1314 Am. Arg. Chem.. 244 do 11 fd 8.04 Am. Pneii. T.tbe. 43'i Am. Sugar 144'4 do pfd 139 Am. Tel. A Tel. .1444 Am. woolen .. do pfd Dnm. Iron A 8 Edison E A I Adventure Allouez Amalgamated American Zinc. Atlantic Hihgham t'Hl. A llec...tr;(,o I'lntcnnlal t opper Range .. Daly West Dominion Conl.. Franklin Oruney fsle Royale Mass. Mining ... Michigan Mohawk Mont. C. A C... Old Dominion Osceola 224 Parrot ,16 lOuincy .H; 21 I"'' iii s ,s 184 83 94 General Electric. 18)4 Shannon 21 68 44 .I08 Mass. Electric do pfd Mass. Gas ... 1 'nlted Fruit . Cnlted Sh. Mch do pfd V. S. Steel do pfd Westlngh'se com 90 Bid. Asked. Tamarack .... Trinitv C. S. Mining C. S. Oil M4 rt th 3iS Victoria. .174 Wltionn MIS, Wolverine ... . M4 . 134 . ai'-. 34 264 . . 284 .105 " .125 . 10 . 27 . K4 . 42 . 4 . 13 .10!) London stocks anil Bonds. quotations on LONDON, April 6. Closin alocks and bonds: C onsols, nion.Vo 15-lSi N. Y. Central acct. 91'iNor. A West. Consols for A naconda Atchison do pfd B. AO.. Canudlan Pac. Ches. A Ohio .. C. A Gt. West 64 .. 914 ..113! -.157 61 i-S 244! C. M. A St. P...I8I4 De Beers 1 1". D. & R. 0 36 do pfd Erie 48 do 1st pfd .... 84 do 2d pfd 714 Illinois Central. .1654 Louis. A Nash.. 147 Mo. K7. A Tex.. 324 SI LVER Bar. dull, do pfd .. Outurio A W.... Pennsylvania ... Rand Mines Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Southern Rv.... do pfd Southern Pacific !2"i! I'nlon Pacific do prd I'. S. Steel do pfd Wabash do pfd Spanish 4s. .IbS . 8'4 . :uv. . 64 . 73 . 114 . 44 . 47 . 46 . 36 .l'O . 694 ...136 ...1u24 ... 34 ...M3 ... 24'4 ... 44 9i 1 25 7-16d tier ounce nn i. r.i i'o- per cent. The rate of discount In the open market feir short bills is 2 per cent; three months' bills, 2 per cent. ew York Mlnlnar gtoeka. NEW YORK. April 6.-The following aro the, closing quotations on mining stocks: mams i.tin o i.ittie ( hluf Alice 60 Breece 25 Brunswick Con.. 4 Conmstock Tun ton. Cal and a.l50 Horn Silver 165 Iron Sliver .325 Leadvllle Con... b Offered. Ontario Ophlr Plioenlv 4' Potosl Savage Sierra Nevada. Small Holies .. Standard .loo .8)10 . 10 . 12 . 36 . 25 .llv Foreluu Financial. IAJNDON, April C Money was much wanted In the market today as the result of placing of lenders for flo.ouo.onti Indian loan, but tne government disbursements and various dividends relieved the pressuic. Trading m the Stock exchange was un usually quiet und featureless. The market closed Irregular. Consols were easier and home rails were weak. Americans opened h shade above parity 011 New York support, especially Canadian Pacific. The movements generally were immaterial. ' Prices closed firm. Imperial Japanese government Hh of 1904 were quoted at 102. BERLIN. April 6. Trading oil the Bourse today was inactive and the transactions were limited. PARIS. April 6. Prices on the Bourse today were irregular. At the closing the trading was Inactive. Russian imperial Is were quoted at 89.06 and Russiun bonds of 1904 ut 606. Statement Rank of Kimland. IONDON. Anrll 6 The weekK- utntmnpnt Of the Bank of England shows tho following con o en; iiiiHi reserve, decreased i.i.u)Mr; circulation. Increased 770,000; bullion, de creased 1. Oi9.2a; other securities, de creased 4.841. OCms. other deposits, decreased 729.000; publlo deposits, decreased 5 477 -); notes reserve, decreased 1, 726,000; gov ernment securities, decreased 146.0O. The proportion of the banks reserve to liability this week Is 51.95 per cent. Last week it was 49.59 per cent. Hank t'learlnas. OMAHA. April 6. Bank clearings today were fl.310.8SS.97. For the corresponding day of 19n4 the clearings were fl, 142,8.18.23. 1 Oils anil Itnsln. NEW YORK. April 6-OlL8-Cottonsee.1l. barely steady; primp crude, nominal: prime yellow, 2:Val54o. Petroleum, steadv; re fined. New York, t7.15; Philadelphia mid Baltimore, f7.10: Philadelphia and Balti more. In bulk, f4.20. Turpentine, llrm. ttfa 664c ROSIN Firm; strulhed, common to good. f3.07&3.10. OIL CITY. April 6.-OI 1.8-Oredlt bal ances, fl.36; certificates, no bid. Shipments, 73.542 Mils., average 76.674 bbls; runs 9O,7:i0 bbls., average 54.749 bbls. Shipments, Limn, 56.561 bbls., average 62 4n2 bbls.; runs Lima, 60.9ml bbls., average 38,800 bbls. SAVANNAH, April . OH-Turppntlne, firm. Hoc. ROSIN Firm; A. B. C. f2.924; D, f924' E. f3.00; F. 3.t; O. H 30; H. f:).3; , fa... K. f4.05; M, f4 50; N, f4.60; W. Ii., f4 06; W. W., f4.96. Wool Market. BOSTON. April 6. WOOL Market strop, one element buing nnubie to buy enough wool, while another element regards the situation aa purely speculative and liable to result In loss at the end. Territory wools have been more active and pulled grades also. The foreign wools wero firm. Quotations: Idaho Fine, 18i&lc; heavy fine, 164tl7e: fine medium, 17ij2yc; low me dium, 235f24e. Wyoming Fine. 174ijl84e; heavy tine. 16fjl6c; fine rtiediuni, 184119c; low medium, 2:lr24c. I 'tab and Nevada Fine, 1718o; heavy fine. 151 16c; fine me dium, I.441 18c; medium, 22 23c; low r dium. 23H24C Dakota Fine. 18fJ19o; line medium, Utll9e; medium, 23tf24o; low ine dluin. 23irf'24c. Montaiia-Flne choice, 21W 22o; tine average. Wfk- fine medium choice, 2l4f22c; average. 19ii20c; staple, 22'u 23c: medium choice. 23i?2Se. ST. IXJl'IS, April 6 WOOI-Dull; me dium grades, combing and clothing. 23'24c; light fine. VVa'&e; heavy tine, ItJilSc; tub washed. 8u3,Vc. IX5NDON. April 6. WOOI A sale of sheep sklus was held here today. There was an average attendance und competition for the 4,097 bales offered was fair. Combing merinos and tine cross-breds and coars-cross-breda occasionally cheaper. Follow ing are sales and prices: New South Wales, 261 bales, 64i'i84d: Victoria, 420 bales. 5j 94d: South Australia, 251 hales. 4VU1I.1 ; West Australia, 684 bales 6'S9"sl ; Tasmania 261 bales. 5f9d; New Zealand. 1.818 bales' 6494d; Pu nt a Arenas. 3ii8 Isiles. 7' ti !ei. Sugar and Mulasaea, NEW YORK. April U SI 'GAR Raw. quiet; fair rellulng. 4 5-lik-; centrlfugaj. 91 test. 415-Uic; molasses sugar. 4 1-Pc. Behind quiet; No. 6, 6.6ie: No. 7, 5.Snc; No K. 5.4 c; No. 9, 35'; No. 10, 5 K': No. 11. 5.20c; No. 12, 5.16c; No. 13, 5.05c; No. 14, 5c; confection ers' A. c; mould A. 650c; cut loaf, 6.65c; crushed, 6.85c; imwderrd, 6.26c; granulated, .15c; cubes. .ie. MtlLAFKES-Flrm: New Orleans open kettle good to choice, 29'q36c. NEW ORLEANB, April 6. 8 I'll A R Quiet, open kettle. 34i44e: open kettle ontrifusal. t'-.HUi; centrifugal, whites, &V-e: yellows. 4'oSe; reeonds. AS'4 44'. MOLASSES Nominal: open kettle. i:wj c, ciitrllugal, liyllv. Brut', oumiual, ..-. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipts Again Very Light and , Pricea Strong to Ten Higher. HOGS OPENED STRONG, CLOSED WEAK Infstnrshlr Reports from Other Points ttaaeil the Market oa Fat Sheep and I. a nibs to Rnle Slow, with the Feelings Weak. SOl'TH OMAHA. April 6. li"3. Receipts were: Cattle. Official Monday .8.i2 Ollicial Tuesday U.140 onniai Wednesday K.9UU Official Thursday 3,127 flogs. Sheep. 3,-62 ll.hwi ex.;! 4.184 6.7"4 13.12 6 417 X,;2o STAGS Four d.-iyt this week. .13,019 Same days last week 14.n62 Sirme days week before. . 16.91 SHtne three weeks ago..i4,H45 Same tour weeks ag...16.u73 hame days last week 16 849 .'"Si 29,7t 31.1.3 2.'. 4: 37 a." 32,958 32.167 26. is: ;-,io1 30.M4 28.222 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South omana for ilie year 10 Oate, with comparison with last year: 190a. 216.145 6i.!.69o 444.682 following table shows 1 oou.ll 011. ana lor lu iaal wlm comparisons: Cattle Hogs Sheep The prn 01 Iiul! several days. 1904. Dec. 251.8117 35., 62 b40.1sl 493,;t35 48.653 the average I 1905. llW4.19Uj. ,1902. 11901. 100.I1 f Ml Mar. It.. Mar. V... Mar. 18.. Mar. 19.. Mar. 20.. Mar. 21.. Mar. 22.. Mar. ;j., Mar. 24.. Mar .. Alar. 20. . Mar. 17.. Mar. 28 . Mar. 29.. Mar. 30.. Alar. 31. April 1.. April 2.. April 3 . April 4.. April 6.. April 6.. Indicates Sunday. Tne otlldal number of rs of brought in today iiy each road was: Cattle, llogs. Sheep. U ses Ry.. 8 1 4 94 I 8 15 4 9741 4 Vltt, It 04 I 4 SB, 6 08 5 124 4 921 5 0741 4 95 6 "1I 4 9(1! 6 OS I 8 01 5 14 5 06, i 12 5 134! I 5 I'UVj 5 171 0 ra 1 5 14, 5 094 6 ui 5 14 1 4 9ft 6 154' 5 03' 1 5 09, 5 1541 I 5 20 0 13. 6 28S 5 07, 6 30 1 5 00 7 D0 7 11 I 00 1 V In, 7 33j V 7 45; 7 S6 7 25, 7 211 7 20 7 80, A?1 7 itoi 7 2! 7 23 1 7 2b' 7! 4 861 3 96 6 16 4 94, 60 0 2)1 I 56 1 i 68 6 u, 0 iii 4 it 6 I.', 0 i'l 4 86 3 68 6 251 b 82 i 811 3 66 3ij 6 S0 4 86 t fO 1 5 801 4 90i 3 UJ (29 I 4 93 3 fl 6 .Vii 6 76 i 57 36, 6 871 4 89; 4i. 6 h6 4 W t 60 6 69 6 i0 6 06 1 3 96 6 59i i 85! 6 16, t 6u 1 6 89 5 12 X ttJ 6 66, ' , D 10i i o I t 94 6 06 6 15 3 65 a 25 2 66 6 30 3 5 a 30 S 62 6 65 6 97, t 60 tf 00 6 68; 5 98; 6 U3 5 99! 6 03 , 5 96, I i 90! stock P C.. M. A St Wabash Mo. Pup. Rv. C. P. System 26 C. & N. V.. Ry., east 7 F., E. A M. V., West 36 C, St. P.. M. & O.. 7 B. A M. Ry It C, B. X: CJ. Ry., east 4 C, R. 1. fii P., cas- . 4 C., R. 1. A P., wet. .. Illinois Central 2 C. U. We.itern 1 18 IK 4 8 1 14 Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. sfo 1.47T 115 1,962 90 Total receipts 12S The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber ot head ni.Ucateu; Buyers. Omuhu Packing Co Hwitt anH i:onipany . . . Cudahy I'acking Co.. Armour A Co Swift, from country.. ansant A Co Carey A Kenton Lobman A Co Hill A Huntzingcr.... L. F. Huse .VI ike llaggerty J. B. Root A Co Bulla A Kline Krug Packing Co 8. A 8 Other buyers f.l.. 22 :u 407 "34 2, 124 149 20 I2".t 242 38;) 110 193 1.18.1 Total 3,267 5.417 642 CATTLE Conditions on the cattle mar ket were again very bullish, as Chicago only had b,5i, Kansas City 4.ouo and Omaha 3,mvi head. Vlth the demand of normal proportion from both shippers ant! puckers there was hi live competition and prices responded 1 orrespondingly. Thp market on oecf steers could be de scribed as very active, with prices gen erally a dime higher on anything at all desirable. 'I he less desirable grades may not have been that much higher in all caaes. but still everything commanded good strong prle'es und an early clearance was made. Buyers were out at an early hout, and as their bids looked good to salesmen the cattle were soon on the roud to the scales. As high us fb.OO was paid lor steers this morning, und one bunch that sold for that figure contained two head of heifer. The cow market could safely be quoted strong to a dime higher, the advance being confined largely to the better grades. Canners and common cutters are selling a little better than they were a week ago, but still the improvement on that kind has been slWht. owing to the fact that the demand seems to be limited. The beftr grades, or anything good enough to sell from $2.75 up has ruled active all the week and prices are fully 4oc to 50c higher than they were last Friday. As high as $5.23 was paid this morning for a bunch of heifers weighing 1.041 pounds. Bulls, veal calves and stags were all strong and active, c wing to the higher prices ruling on steers and cows. There was no particular change In the Blocker and feeder market this morning. The demand for anything at all good was brisk, and such Kinds could be quoted strong, but cattle lucking In quality were not very active and only about steady. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. 36... 4 . 11... 9... 1... 6... 2... ... 2... 11.. . li .. 4. . 2... 13... 10... i... 31.!. i:.... 131.. a... 6... D .. t:.... 41... in.. . 24. . S... 1... 7... 10... )0... to... III... 20... 22... 14... Av. ... .17 .. tW) . . S" . . l"9 .. WU . .11111 .. : ...1)70 . . 71 ..lim) ..1124 .. S-n .. .'7 ..114C ...101) , .. 4'l .. . 726 .11. .. i ,.12'i . .. M .. Vsti .. 937 . .I2f.l) ..111 . .II6I1 . .1151' . 127:4 .121HI Pr. a 6 Do a in 4 10 4 11) 4 4 25 4 ;;u 4 411 4 40 4 46 4 40 4 4 ', I DO 4 Ml 4 .i 4 t.;. 4 V 4 kr. 4 fW 4 fKi 4 Hi) 4 911 4 -i t, no 5 in i 10 5 I J 6 111 r, ir, No. 13... 14... :is... ;t... 46... 14... 54... as... 20... iv... in!!.' 4... 16... 4... 17... IK... 36... 7... 12... ... a .. 35... 17. .. 14... W... II... JO... 14. A. ... 4 ... 77 ...1120 .. .Kino ...mil ...ni ...1154 ...11:3 ...1197 ...1117 ...1211 ...1161 ...1147 ...11165 ...12:1 .. .Iil7 ...1110 .. ,uo ...12t ...I2H0 ...1130 . ..US ...1127 ...12I . ,.116 ...120 ...1400 ...1442 .. .1415 M'l STEERS AND COWS. . nn;. . 60S .llUVi .1019 . 991 . ti:'. . DOS .11122 1 111 4 411 4 m. 4 7.'. 4 4 S5 4 90 4 9l I. !.. 2i'.. 14.. II.. 20.. ii.. 24 I3 .lllll! Pr. 15 5 20 6 20 6 V 0 25 6 21 6 25 5 20 1 30 5 10 5 td 5 .10 5 :ij 6 D 4il 5 411 t 45 5 iU 5 45 t Ml 5 to j a u I 71 i 75 6 75 6 8T 5 9l 00 00 I Do 6 HI .lJil'A 5 25 .....1192 I1C0 1208 i; .1274 STEERS AND STAOS. . .14'i0 6 70 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 6 U I 45 i i t 70 i 0 462 4 45 11 Hit 6 25 COWS. 1 7M) 1 66 l Ml) I 60 1 ',; ci 1 :v 1 10 4 50 1 O0 2 110 1 7U I 50 I 128 lllll 1 1040 I ifl I ' 923 2 00 1 1150 I 50 ab I 00 i M0 i 50 1 110 I 00 2 im 3 7-0 3 76il I 00 la... f.7 I 40 4 911 2 t5 i 11 a aii I MO t V. I S S 7 aw i lu 15 455 I 7 t HiO 25 1 I'll") I Ij 1 ami I 21 1 1067 1 76 t Hill. S 25 i H) I 75 1 5111 2 tS I ll'HI 3 u 1 1014 3 3 4 827 I M 1 791 I t H I 1 160 I 40 1 It'!" 4 'in 7 mO 2 4H ID . 1061 4 IK) 1 1010 3 60 4 400 4 00 1 940 I 5(1 1 10J0 1,0 j sso an 5 r.ss 4 . 3 HOC' t 5" 1 1220 4 DO 6 10.10 2 60 2 HHIO 4 00 1 M I 60 1 L' J 4 10 1 IMS) I 60 It 102 4 l 1 194 I 50 2 ..!)S0 4 1 120 t l : 124) 4 M 4 963 i 40 .... m I 1 oi 1 70 s 10m 4 to 1 9' I if, 19 1IU6 4 30 I 44 I 16 X1 H 7 4 a 1 97 1 16 3 ..1171 4 J.. 144 I 76 4 Ji 4 25 I pt'.O I "5 19 Jt 4 r t '! I H6 13 1 VI 4 In I "! I on 1 12S11 4 35 1 1028 I 00 4 1I7H 4 V. 1 mil I n 7 1044 4 40 1 lOS'i I Ml 1116 4 4U J 112J I 00 1153 4 41 1 MSI .111 1 SMI 4 4' t 7S5 II, It I'.O 4 44 I Ill I HO : I'" 4 4(1 1 161) I OS I W7 4 46 1 6:0 2 116 13 1061 4 U 1 7M I 40 4 1217 4 64 . tan I AO 24 H4i I iv 1 101 3 1 1 144.I 4 64 J 111 I 2.1 3 lj4 f 2 m. 3 4 1160 4 40 1 M lit I ....IP 4 t 1 1 1 SO - 26 1 4 It, 4 10-0 I 40 1 1, 0 i 71 1 ii IV 1 1 4 7) COW8 AND HEIFERS I" Is) IS 4 '! 4 2S 14 r 4 .0 4. 1'4)6 I t4 1 a.M 2 N 1 ...li'2'i 2 .i , . Bl L1.S 1.. 'inio I 6.1 '1 1..IT. J 6i 1 1140 2 N I l" 1... tiaw f an 1 taje 3 I IS2S 2 4.. 2 I tne 3 7S 1.KW I hi 1 C ' 16 ; M I ' 1 tne 3 7". 2 ! I 161 1 If' I 7.1 1 II.H) 2 1 17il 3 ' I.... 12i. I III I 14'.i S Ol 2 Mta 3 In 1 lSnO J n 1 utii I 111 1 15JH a sn 1 117TI I M 1 1M1 3 " 1 trust I J'. 1 .lies 4 "i 1 W0 li 1 4 l ! J IS 1 1!V 4 l0 1 17:0 S 2i I. 991' 4 111 1 1 i;jii 3 ei 1 1"0 4 lei 1 16M 3 6 HL'IFERS I..: 3T0 2 5" t 77 IM : tjn t " I 700 1 75 4 142 2 .i 1 m 3 :: 4 472 2 So Ill'"' 4 iH) 3 447. t 71 2 5nn 4 OS 1 375 2 75 2 TIC. 4 15 1 5'l II. 1 660 4 r.i 1 r..'n 2 :. 2 6?" 4 2:. 1 444 2 ' 21. "" 4 n 3 711 3 on 10 9"3 4 4S 1.. f..a 1 21 i iw 5 10 3t 4 sr. 14 1"41 5 26 CALVES. 3 ... 271 I SO I 2" i no 1 Ill S 25 I '.'i' I . 2I'I 3 6i 4 1 ku 5 26 I..... 41 3 71 6 I US 1 90 tli 3.... Id 5 16 STOCK CALVES. 4...'.... . .. Sis I 75 STOCK ERS AND FEEDERS 1 373 1 7:. 7 714 4 M I. ...,.' 6n I (l H 114 4 no I 211 I 04 I 410 4 00 1 61 I 26 1 4 4 an 2 430 I lf i 117 4 On I flfln I 25 8 fl 4 HO 2 Sli". I 60 4 750 4 So I J5 3 60 14 41 4 (HI 3 940 3 60 17 447 4 nn 4 276 3 63 7 404 4 Hi t 44 3 45 20 !" 4 In 364 I 46 7 597 4 10 44 tuO 3 65 711 4 10 712 3 75 4 317 4 35 1 194 8 76 4 447 4 26 4 527 3 7 II 694 4 25 14 748 3 In I .i 4 45 12 836 3 10 I '4 4 50 HOtlS The hog market here today was In much the same condition It was yester day. That Is some of the packers and shippers started out and bouht a tew of the lietter loads at stronger prices, sales ranging from strong lo 2rc higher. 'I he remaining buyers did not take hold and Sftr the first orders w.mp filled the mar ket cam" to a standstill with buyers of fering about steady pilces with yesterday s close, or. In other words, sll of the early advance was lost. As salesmen could not make up their minus to take the prices offered the close was very slow, the same as It was yesterday. The bulk of all the hogs went from $6,274 to K.S2V,, with the long string at 16.30. The choicer loads sold largely at 15.32), and $5.M. while the commoner kinds sold from $f.274, down. The situation Frew worse Instead of let ter aa the day advanced and at mam lf ' were a good many hogs unsold, for which packers were onlv offerings 15.26. with some of the choicer loads around $5 27'i- f1 '"." men would not accept the prices, so that It was late before anything like a clearance was made. Representative sales: No. 61... 49... 78... HP... 70. .. 72... 42... 64... 71... 6... Ml... 48... 71... 48..., 79... 74..., 74 . .. 23... 44... 61... 40... 6, ... 24... 71... 79 .. 71... 19... 120.. 4S... A. .193 ..190 . .239 . .223 ..111 ,.W7 ..281 ..217 ..199 ..244 ..222 ..2411 . .2'i4 ..214 ..2411 ..249 . .227 ..a: . .335 . .25'! ..! 4) 80 ..218 . .182 ..2.11 . . 220 ..2.19 ..2IS ..229 ..155 8b. Pr. 120 6 to .. I 25 .. 6 24 40 27 .. I 27ij 180 , 5 27ia 6 2I' 5 27i, 6 27', 5 30 6 8X1 5 811 6 30 6 30 6 30 6 Hi 5 30 6 20 6 30 5 30 i'i 30 S 30 6 30 5 JO 6 :m 6 .in 6 90 4 30 6 30 i 81) 40 411 4i No. 83... 78... t: ... .. 42.. . f8 .. 74... 60... 68. . . :.i .. 70. . . 66 . . . 81... 70 Ay. ..110 "23 ,".44 .114 ..244 ..21.1 . .220 ..104 . . !0 2?2 !.2'.'ii . .290 ..121 . . 232 Sh. 80 80 40 40 io Pr. I 80 5 30 6 30 b 80 3 'in 5 fit t 311 t :in j sn 6 :;o 6 3" 6 ;" 6 311 6 82'a 6 j .12 1 j 6 n't i 12'j 6 .121, 6 321, S 32i, 3 32, 5 32 c. 6 35 6 35 ' i 31 I 36 I 35 6 15 :iu run of 217 .. .214 811 218 40 6'' 260 60 24 221 64 348 70 28! 61 284 80 4T 27:i 54 284 60 !86 180 44 802 40 51 288 .. 14. .244 . .. 61 289 10 814 EEB There was a moderate sheep and lambs here today, but owing to the faot that Chicago was quoted weak to a dime lower packers were Inclined to he rather bparish. The market could prob ably best be described by calling It slow, with the feeling weak, hut sS a matter of fact most of the deslruble grades of sheep sold about steadv. Lambs In particular were dull and buyers did not seem to care whether thev bought anv or not. so that salesmen found It difficult to dispose of them at any price. As high as Je.iM wus paid for ewes and some clipped ewes hrought 14.75. There was a brisk demand for feeder lambs of good quality and steady prices were paid. The best string offered sold for W. 56. 'Quotations tov fed stock: Uood to choice yearlings. $ii.40iJS.i6; fair to good yesr lings .Xe6.40; good to choice wethers, 5.!iJfS.i)0; fair to good wethers, .OfKg5.50', good to choice ewes. J6.26fa6.66; fair to good ewes, $4.75g6.l6: common to fair ewes, 14 00 4.60; good to choice lambs. $7.26f;.8o, fa'.r to good lairba, M. 9007.15; feeder lamba, $6.0097(6.50. Representative sales: No Av. 1 western cull ewe... loO I!7 western clipped ewes 105 1 western ewe Ho SI 2 western ewes M 105 Mexican ewes 95 98 western ewes 107 rti west, wethers and yearlings. ion 266 western lambs. 01 western wethers S9 western lambs 2ti! western lambs 81 western lambs H6 western feeder lambs 249 western feeder lambs... 20 western feeder lambs... 25 western ewes 40 cull lambs 18 cull liimbs 67 western ewes 198 western cull lambs 269 western ewes 7'i 82 50 64 61 59 67 00 so SO 42 86 40 IT. J 50 4 76 6 50 6 66 6 65 0 60 ti 00 75 6 "6 5 Ho 6 S5 5 56 Ii JT. 65 6 5.) 3 50 4 00 4 On 4 36 5 25 5 50 CHICAGO I.IVK STOCK MARKET Cattle Fifteen Cents Higher Hogs Strong tta Five Cents Higher. C'HIOAUO, April 6. CATTLE Receipts, 7.W0 head, market, 15c higher; good to prime steers, JO.004rtl.76; poor to medium, 44.6O0I&.76; stockers and leaders, $2.iinoio.OO; cows. $2.i5fj6.00; heifers. JS.OuftjG 50; runners, Jl 50B2.itO; bulls, J2.6offl4.i6; calves, ;l.mifi 6.60. HOGS Receipts, W.OtK) head; estimated for tomorrow, 15.000 head: market, strong to 6c higher; mixed and butchers. Jfi.tO-ii 6.66; good to choice heavy. J&.55t5.714); rough heavy, J5.55K6.50; light, J5.aixyfj.bo; hula of sales. S5.47Wdi6.lS). SHEER AND LA MBS-Receipts, heau; market, steady; good to wethers. $5.7Voi.U; fair to choice 14.5t'i.t6: western sheep, Jo.OiKijO.lii; lambs, 44.5Va7.5ii; western lambs, 7.76. 15.1X8) choice mixed, native $4.6 ifg Kansas City Live flock Market. KANSAS CITV, April 6. CATTLE Re ceipts, 4,000 head. Market ItknUc higher top, J6.46; choice export and dressed hopf steers, $5.75146: fair to good, J4.hv$6.50; western fed steers, 15 0Of)6.;u.; siockers ana feeders, J.1.26fl6.'26; ' southern steers, M Otdi b.76; southern cows, J2.i5i4.26; native cows, 2 6" 4.75; native heifers. J.l.6ii4.i5; bulls, 2.7tV't4.75; calves, $3.0ufii6.25. HOGS Receipt a, 9,0ml head. Market slow but steady; top, $5 46; bulk of sales, $6.26'q 6.42S; heavy, Jt. 40'p 6. 46 ; packers, J5.if((t.4-,; pigs and lights, J1.26&5.86. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. S.2i) head. Market for sheep, steady; lor lambs, 10c. lower; native lambs, Ji.50i)7.4o; native wethers, lA6KU5.s&: native fed ewes, J6.00fi 6.66; western fed lambs, $6.50417 40; western fed yearlings, J6.0m)c6.75; western fpd sheep, J6.0W6.S5; stockers and feeders, $3.605.60. 34. I.oa Is Live stork Market. BT. IXJl'lB. April . -CATTLE Receipts, 2,000 head, including 1,018 Texans; market steady; native shipping and export steers, $4.1ufi'4.iO; dressed beef and butchers, steers, $4 0tifJ.u0; steers under l.ofm lbs., $a.7.V?i6.0ii; stockers unci feeders. $2.&otrc4 60; cows and heifers, $2.75f(t.it; canners, $2.O0tt5O; bulls, $2.50;4.00; calves, JXWrjl.OO; Texas and In dian steers, $2,504(6.25; cows and heifers, $2.00S4.26. H0G8 Receipts, i.SU0 head; market 6c Iilgher; pigs and lights, I4.uif3j.ju; packers, 5 4iXfjii5o, butchers and beat heavy, $5.551 6.65. SHEER AND LAMBS Receipts, JnO heu'l; market ateady; native muttons, H mi 1(5 75; lambs, $4,004(6.26: spring lambs. HiHi; culls and bucks, 4J.6ou4.oii; siockers, $2.00 tr3.50. Stork la Might, The following labia shows the receipts 0 live stock at the six principal western markets yesterday: South Omaha Sioux City .... Kansas City .. St. Loi.ls St. Joseph .... Chicago Total Cuttle, llogs. C.417 3.127 iotl 4.018) 2.18)0 1.577 7.14V 2,4') II O110 6610 6.K14 18. U)0 Sheep. 8,225 3"0 2 870 16.0UO .18,194 iH.'M 24, 5! kloas ntr Ue fttork Market. SIOI'X CITT, April s.-fSpectal Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 5) head; mar ket strops; beevse. $4 0ufq 75; eows. bulls and mixed, $3 tnj4 75: stockers and fpWs, $ iiof(4 Ki; valves and J'eerliiigs, $2.V1.8u. ilOOS - fteveljits, 2,4ov fitadi uiarWat at 3V1 Vtf.S.aS; built o! salfs. J siendc. dill 4) St. Joseph l.lie !rL Market. ST. Jusicril April 1.. CATTLE-Ri--ieipt. 1.57I bend, malket Inc higher; IW lives. 14 is 'iin.io. cw s nll'1 hciieis, 42.i-tr .2: stock-' rs ai d C c.lers. J.i osql 7ft. MOI1S - leci l;ils. 6 he.vt; market steady, light. - 2.i 4'-: medium ami heavj, a.i..1nts 4. ' 8HKI.I' AM) I.AM US Receipts. head; nisi ket stonily; l olnrado Isinbs. . OM 111.1 UIIOtl-:tK MARKET. Condiiloa of Trada - ilaoiatioas in Maple and l ai 1'rodnvc. EUUB-iiecelpts li...-. nan kets stead) i caililled Sll'l'K, luttuliic. 1.1 V 1: I'm i.im Hens. He. voting j roosters, uccoi'tilii. -.0 s.se. uluc. uld 100s- ItClS, b'II'C, tlllKejS. 14C, lIUlKS. 104111'. HI T 1 bit-racsing stocK, li''(ii.v; choice to fiiiny dairy. iNi-'ic; creainiiy.. 24q.in., prints. 2cr. i'iv..n.i i-'RuZKV riSH -'Ir.iut, J)c; pick erel, O'sc; pike. stc; perch. 7c blucrtsh. Jic; whittfiMi. 9c; saiiiioii. lie; rcdsnappei. 9c; green halinul. lie, orapples. lie; Inntalo, i'c; white ass. He. herring. eV; bpamsh inacK'i'ei. lie; lobsteis. boiled, 45e; gieen. 4oc. finnan huddles, '.v. roe shad. each, i.m , shad roe, per pah. Jv. Frog legs. P'i dos., 800. HAY-Prices quoted by Omaiia. Whole sale H.i Dealers' assoel 'thin : Choice No. 1 upland, $6ti; Nc. 2. $0.60; med um. $S.ti; coarse. $4. so. Rye straw. Joo" Those prices ale for hay 01 g 100 1 mi'" hii-J viuujii. BRAN Per ton. $l".60, OYSTERS New York counts, prr can. 45c; extra selects, per can. 35c; standards, per can. Sue Bulk-. Standard.-per gal.. $1.40; extra selectc. per gal., 41V,; New lork counts, per gal.. Jl.ai, 1 TROPICAL FHt ITS ORANHEo califm "in .ih lancy Red land navels, all sisvs. $.: 18; lancy navels, $2. 16: large sixes. $2.60. LEMONS California, extra fancy. 2M else. WOe; ;nX) and .Uli, J3.2fi; fancy, V'7u, J'.'.TS. ,9m) and HO). J1.00;. cholivd, 24o and 270, K.-i. Htaj and .100, $2.50. DA 1 iC 1'er nox of SO-lb. pkgs.. J2.0U; Hallowe'en, In 701b. boxes, per lb., 5c. FIOS l uiltorniti i'" j-'-lo. crmon. 75 Kic; imported Smyrna. 4-crown, 10c; 6 crown, 12c; fancy Imported (washed), in 1-tn. i'kgs.. lSulsc. BANANAS Per medium-slsed bunch. Jl.ii 2 25; tumb ,s. SJ.504M.tm. ' GRAPEFRL'IT California, per box of 54 to 64. $4.00. FR17TTS. STRAWBERRIES Florldii, per quart, 60c: Texas, pel- 24,-flt. case, $.00(n 10.00; Loiiislann. rer 24-pl. case, $4.50. APPLEb-New tork Balowlns. $3.0035; Colorado Hen Davis, per box. $1.25; Roman Beauty, per box. 12.0c. Baldwlu st:ii Green lugs, per box. $1.50. 1 ANuEKnv I-..T 1 allfoi n.a. per naif-box, $2.:5. 1 CRANBERRIES-Jerseys, per bbl., $7.00; per orate, $2.26. VEGETABLES POTATOES Home, grown. In sacks, psr bu , 3'rt4(c: Colorado, per bu., 46c. TURNIPS-OIO. per bu too; new. per do , 75c. CARROTS-Old. per bu., 40c; new, per dos., 75c. PARSNIPS Old, per bu., 40c. BEANS Navy, per bu.. $2.10 C 1'CU MB ERS Per dc.,' $I.75(&2.00. TOMATOES Florida, per S-basket crate, JS.Onibel.OO. SPINACH-Per bu.. 76c'u$1.00. ONIONS Home grown, red. In sacks, per lb.. 2c; Spanish, per crate. $2.50; Colorado yellow, per lb., i'c; Bermuda onions, per crate, $2.76; new southern, per dox., 45c. CABBAGE Holland seed, per ib., Htjc. BEETS Old, per uu., 40c; new, per dux. bunches, 06c. CELERY California. 75fd90c. RADISHES Hut house, large per ilos., 4iif'i50c. LETTCCE H it house. Der dos., RHUBARB California, per lb., box or 40 ins., $2.00. PARSLE 1 fer doz. bunches, 76c. ASPARAGl'S Illinois, per dox. bunches. $1.75; California, while, per dox. of 2-lb. bunches, i!.ii:U7.00. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cres'n. ISVi'tiltc; Wisconsin Young America, ltc; block Swiss, new. 15c; old, 16017c; Wisooi sin brick. 15c; Wisconsin limburger, 14c; brick cheese. ISHjlOc. HIDES No. 1 green, 7c; No. 2 green, He; No. 1 salted, S',i , No. S salted. 7Uc; No. 1 veal calf. 9c; No. 2 veal can, lc; dry salted. Tib 14c; sheep pelts, 25cj91.00; horse hides, Jl.fi0'(i:).ti0. NU'J'S Walnuts, No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per lb., 16c; hard shells, per lb., 13c: No. 2 soft shells, per lb.. 12c: No. 2 hard shells, per lb., 12c; Pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 10c: peanuts, per lb., 7c; rossted peanuts, per lb., 8c; Chill walnuts, per lb.. 12iil3Hc: almonds, soft shell, per lb., 17c; hard shell, per lb., 15c; chestnuts, per lb., 12''ul:lc; new black walnuts, per bu., 76'ri90c; sheilbark hickory nuts, per bu., 11.76; large hickory null, .pen Jtm, $160. bunches. 45c. 6c; per Metal Market. NEW YORK. April B METALS The London tin market was higher at 4'160 5s for spot and .List 17s lid for futures. Lo cally, the market continued quiet, but was held higher, in sympathy with the foreign firmness, closing ut $:Mi.2tVii.W.50. Copper was easier abroad, dosing at 67 for sjiot und i.'7 Ts Ik! for futures In the Iondon market. 1-ocally. the situation Is tlli changeel. On the Metal exchauge $15.26 is repeirted bid for lake, hut prices generally held around $15 16 5'i; electrolytic. $16.25 7tl6.37Va; casting. $!4.87iyfc 16.26. Lead, tin changed at $4.5nf)4.iiO In the local market. 12 )1a 3d In London Speller firmer In London, closing at 23 10s. Locally, un changed rt SHihi. Iron closed at 64s 4d In Glasgow, 49s In Mlddlesboroiigh. Locally, the market Is quiet; No. 1 northern foun dry. S17.9iVtilH.25; No. 2 northern foundry, $17.60f18.00; No. 1 soul hern foundry and No. 1 southern foundry, soft. $l7.75filR.2S. ST. Lol'18. April MKT A LB Lead, steady at $4.47iyii4..")0. Spelter, stead f $6.55. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. April rt.-COFFEK-Mars-et for futures opened steady. In keeping wlm featureless markets. TIip close was steady with n net advani-p of 5 points. Sales. 118.018) hags, including May. .46H(fi.56c: June. 6. 60c; July, ).7oo; Septemltf-r, .85fi.fic; December. .Wirt Mc : March. 7.a5c. Snot, steady; No. 7 Rio, 7111'; Cordova, 1 1 fi I :fr-. If you have anything to trade Advertise It in the For Exchange column of The Bee want ad page. r- HEAL KMTATK TR1KF,R. Deeds filed for record April 6, as furnished by the Mlland Guarantee and Trust com pany, bonded abstracter, 1614 Farnan) street, for The Bee: V. D. Brown to E. Johnson, part of lot 1, Bartletfs add ........$ 6,6n0 J. II. Evans and wife to R. R. Evans. wV nwV4 und other property .In sec. S-16-13 S.Ono Louisa M. Edwards to Matilda A. Nelson, lot 7. block 6. Lakes add.. B"0 Camilla E. Elleat and husband to Omi. ha Security company, lot 19, block 22, Omaha View extension loO Hannah K. Peck to A. D. Cockley, part of lot 1!)4. Millard & Caldwell. l.l.V) W. Mayes and wife to J. O. Hanlon. lot 7, block 1. Pnppleton park 6'8I Illlma L. Olson and husband to J. Sautter, lot 12, blis k 3, Jefferles' rei plat 1 O. J. Kallmann et ul to R. C. Strehlow, part of tax lota 22, 23 and 24, In se'' of sw' of sec. 10-15-13 -. 17.6UO R. T. Graml and wife to Rubins Peterson and A. W. Peterson, lots 10 and 11, block 1, Van Buren llPlghts 1,150 A. J. Ilayni. and wife to I. Murnans, part of lot 2, block 2, Improvement association , 1,225 Jannetlo M. Cnrllu to W. E. Carlln, lot 4, block 1H1V,, and other prop erty 1 Emllle Andreasen to C Andersen, lots" 10 and 11. block lo, Dwlght Ly man's Love and affection William T. Robinson and wife to Mar tha M. Ish. lot 21, Vlpton Place S60 Edwards -Wood Co. llncorpoiatttl rtala OfIlc4)i Fifth and RobarU StroaU ST. PAUL, fllNN". 0EALKR9IM Stocks, Grain, Provisions Ship Your Groin to Us Braaeh Oltlee. 1114-in teard at Traaa Bigs., llanaba, Nan. Telepkoae HI. yil-214 ExchJiigs llldg . gouih umsiis. Bell 'Paone 41 .s4oendeai 'Vgeas 1 I.Kllll. NtlTIt Kg. NOTICE TO ft INTRA TORS. Bids will be received by the Board k , public Lunils and BulldiiiKS of the slute of Nebruska at the office uf secretary if stali to April 22. ul !:. p. in., for furnishing and complete iiislullutlon of one 14 by II automatic engine direct connected n ine 75 K W. electric generaloi, at the Ne braska Asylum for the Chronic Insane Hastings. Nb., and for the f uinislilna and compb to Installutioii of two 25u-horHe power Isillerii. one sieum main and fine boiler teed pump at Nebraska Asylum for Chronic Inssnr. Halting, Neb., and fha cylindrical fire escapes. Spectrlcs lions for the atiovg en 11 be had ot lit isnri-t jry ),f statu. UucvUi, Neb, cl.t r 1 1 1 V