TTJE OMAHA DAILY REE: WEDNESDAY, A Tim, B. 1P03. SPECIAL NOTICES AtrtUf ( fa taeea eoiasaa will ttkn til 14 aa. for fc tmln a'lUaa aad aatll 9. lot Ik talaf a a Baar RIM 1 ! wr4 Bleat iaaartloai Is a war thereafter. Ratblagr take for la tkaa SO far aa flrst laser, tlom. The aa'vertleeBBt aiaat be raa raaseeatlrely. Aarartt.ers, ay tMinllac a aam aeae4 ta aakr4 latter la car f Tka Aaawara aa aJareaaea rill aa 4alirr4 aa araacatatlaa al tkaak. v MISCELLANEOUS 1905 SPRING TERM BOYLES COLLEGE 18 NOW OPEN, yet it la not to late to enter. Business. Shorthand. Typewriting. Teleg Twphy, Normal, English, Civil Service and Journalism. Catalogue free. Ad ores 1L B. Boyles, Pres., Boyles bldg.. unthi, Neo. K-Ji. 1UY KELLY'S TOWEL SUPPLY, lei. R-271 LYE STRAIN relieved by expert optical treatment; glaase to lit; prices right. Bennett's. R 27 CUT RATE railway tickets everywhere. P. H. Fhllbln, 1606 Farnam. 'Phone 734. K '.77 CITY SAVINGS BANK pay 4 per cent. It 273 CEMENT SIDEWALKS CHEAPER THAN BRICK. McWILLIAMS BROS, Those luu. 1513-1515 Burt St. R 11275 i STOVES STORED Tel. 960. 1207 Doug. Omaha. Stove Rap. Wka. R 678 OMAHA Safeaiid Iron Works makes a spe cialty of tire eacapea, shutters, doora and sates. U. Andreen, prop., liU 8. loth at. R 2i6 V. W. DUDGEON, expert PLUMBER: 2 'phone. R tt A10 WHO'S your tailor? It should be Dresner, 'loo busy malting clothes to close. Open evenings. 1516 farnam at. ANTI-Mnnopoly Garbage Co. Tel. 1779. 621 N. 16th. R-273 CHICAGO LAUNDRY! TEL. 206. FINK WORK. R 0 LOCKSMITHS 309 No- R M315 SURVEYS ADDITIONS. 11 years' experience in Omaha. Tel. B1897. iW Paxlon blkv R-MSxa IT I CfTDIf Carpet Cleaning Works. 1H- Chrtatlanaon, 221 N. 2uth. Tel. 1619. R M60U-A28 VMBRELU repairing and keys. 207 S. lUh. Tel. 1714. R-M679 A3 I iiMnnv CIT1( STEAM. I AUNDRY 211 9. 11th St. L-nJ I LS l I Telephone 2A4. R-M330 M4 BUSINESS CHANCES ,WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange your property or business quick see J. II. Johnson, (43 N. Y. Lite. 'Phone L 2270. Y-asi m B BOTT-COWAN CP., 1st Nat. Bk. bldg.. can get you In or Out of business. Y-28J IK YOU wish to buy or sell a business or reil estate, oonsult U. S. Sales Bureau, 634 and 636 Bee Bldg: Y-M284 J'OR SALE A good country hotel, thir teen bedrooms, office, dining room, par lor: close to depot; fully furnished: Im mediate poitaesslon. On main line u. P. Ry. Address: A 68. Bee. Y-236-A-24 CONSTANT OIL CO. Block will soon advance. Buy now. Have 7(0 acres In Chanute Oil Fields; enough for 250 wells; Ave already producing. Constant Oil Co.. 301 N. Y. Life bldg. Trl. F2234. Y M501 GOOD INVESTMENT ORR GAS ENGINE STARTER COMPANY A LIMITED AMOUNT OF STOCK FOR SALE. APPLY 503 1ST NAT L BANK BLD G. TEL. 1648. Engine can be seen in opera tion a'. Omaha Electrical Co., Eleventh and Dodge Sts. Y-M295 HOTELS rxclusive. Hart, 401 N. Y. Life. Y 497 WANTED MALE HELP IF YOU want to buy, sell, rent or exchange real estate or business QUICK see Coma-ton-Watts Co., 635 Paxlon blk. Y 2S6 t'DR SALE For cash, my lease, furniture and fixtures of one of the best 32-rooin 1. . . . .1 - n.I.K t..n..k ......... ... . Ji"ioio nil" iw".h Luuiurt f m fttSiern Nebraska; doing a bualnens of $m,5u0 a year; good reasons for selling. Address ilarr Hanna. Aurora. Neb. Y id&X 9x Partner with from $6,000 to 110.000 cash: active preferred: in a first class old es tablished business. B 46, care Bee. Y-268 4x A Bl 81NESB you can use to Increase pres ent earnings or for entire Income. Call Sunday. Monday or Tuesday, or even ing., H. H. Clarkson, Paxton hotel. Y-M:7 5x I-ROOM flat centrally located, must be sold at once; party leaving city. Inquire al 716 South 16th, , flat 6. Y M293 9x 11.000 STOCK of hardware and fixtures most; bt sold at discount this week. Will trade foe vacant lot or five-room house within eight blocks of 13th and Martha st. Address B 64. Bee. Y--M343 7 TREES, SHRUBS, ETC. A COMPLETE line of fruit, shade, orna mental trees, vines, shrubs, roses, eta Address, Omaha Nursery, Papillion, Neb. -M671 TREES, SHRUBS, FLOWERS In great variety. Home grown, hardy, ac climated. Prices to suit you. Stock guar anteed. Crescent Nursery. Sal grounds, 3t and Farnam. M676 'RANK R. MARTIN. amaJl fruits, shrub- bery snd shad trees. Jkih and Douglas. Tel. 6904. 659 AM CLAIRVOYANTS GYLMER, aclantlflo palmlat, 716 N. tad. 1RS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 1621 Leaven- wirta. MRS. FAIRFIELD. 1714 California St. B-86 1IME. FRANCIH(X), the California lady. 1704 Capitol. Tel. 6610. S--M208 ldx LOST AND FOUND FOUND The right plaee to have your eyes tested ana fitted right Bennett a. Found r IOflT Pone-handla umbrella, near Tarfc ve and Wooiwnrlh ats. Return fnr ra ar4 to fr S. SOih. Lost-M.'9 t SPRING TERM OF THB Omaha Commercial College 17th srd Douglas sts.. NOW OFEN. New rlasnes in all departments. Catalogue iree. ROHRBOUGH BROS., OMAHA, NEB. B-M141 WANTED, 3 medical. 3 dental snd 6 high i hool atudnts for a fw hours' work each day. Cull 534 I'axtnn blmk, between 2 nnd li p. m. F. U D'P.rlen. o M.41 IF yon find It hard to sfi-ure a desirable P"sltlon. call on 11s and let our expe rienced solicitois find one for yoti; write inr our list 01 vacancies ami tinoKiet to day. We can place you if competent. WESTERN RKF. & BOND ASa'N. Inc., M0-S41 N. Y. Life bldg. B-3U 4 WANTED Young man, experienced in general merchandise. Address box Y, Bee office, Houtli Omaha. B MS:M 29x ao PERMANENT salary to reliable men In outalde towns; we handle properties everywhere. Northwestern Real Estate Ar Guaranty Co., 315 and 316 Neville DIOCK. U Wtj-J MEN TO LEARN barber trade: free rati road fare upon our failure to convince you of this l.eing the best and only re liable, most practical barber college In tlm United Slates. Write for catalogue today. Western Barbers institute. Omaha, Neb. B -SO I WANT anil furnish drug clerks, drug tores and doctors, icniest, tut in. i. u. a Ds WANTED FOR U. S. ARM 1", able-bodied unmarried men, between ages or l ana M, citizens of United States, of good charac ter and temperate halills, who speak, read and write Ena-lish. For Information aptly to Keorultirig orncer, latn ana uouki sts., Omaha, Lincoln, Neb., or Bioux C'Hy, la. B-873 IF YOU are in need of a position call sni nave a neari-io-nean xaia wiui niri., THE EXPERT. 401 N. Y. Life. B-232 WANTED, men and boys to learn plumb ing trade. Coyne Bros. Co. scnooi 01 practical plumbing. Send ror catalogue. Address 4973-75 Easton ave., 61. Loula, Mo. B M765 F3 06 TAILORS. Attention! If you are first-class coat make-s we can use you. uooa prce. Steadv work to men that are right. Dresher. 1616 Farnam st. B 492 WANTED A bright young man. not less then jo years oil, to soncn me ui!uriii- ror trie best old line Hie insurance com pauv in th) country; good Income guar anteed to the right man. Cull on John St.-eU 238 Bee building. B 954 GIBSON EMPLOYMENT AGENCY re- movoa 10 Doum ma bi, iiuuhu Phone 5411. B-M151 WANTED General agents for the states 11 .Sl'lt., II H.U., nilU uninuuiiiii, " ' one of tho bejt selling articles on the market. Applicant will need enough moimy to maintain an office and appoint stibiigents. Address, B 31, Bee office. B MS51 6 WANTED, men to learn barber trade. Pre pare now for spring rush. Positions guar anteed. Graduates earn $15 weekly. Few weeks completes. Can nearly earn ex penses before finishing. Call or write,' Moler Barber College, 1116 Farnam St. B-M924 7x BEET workers; families for western Ne braska; free tare; no rent; goon pay. Standard Beet Sugar Co., over 21B S. 13th, Omaha. B 116 9 175 permanent salary and expenses paid WANTED, an experienced housemaid. Mrs. 4i . u nuui'l'i 1-J . u. Ill D L lot. C 551 WANTED, ladles to learn hair dressing. manicuring, racial massage, chiropody or electrolysis. Short time required. Big demand for graduates; good pay. Ad vantages given that cannot be had else where. Call or write. Moler College, 1114 Farnam st. C M923 7x WANTED Experienced girl as cook and laundress. Apply Mrs. Barkalnw, 241 Capitol av. C M192 WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; good wages; no washing. 2416 Farnam. C M283 FOR rent, nicely furnished front room; modern; reasonable. Apply 716 So. 16th, flat 6. C M292 6x COOK wanted. 3612 Farnam st. C 306 COMPETENT girl for general housework. 2H33 Harney. C 308 6x WANTED, experienced sales ladles in mil linery department. J. L. Brandeis & Suns. C M.11S T WANTED SITUATIONS GOOD housekeepers. Canadian office. 15th and Dodge. A 293 WANTED Position by one of ability and experience aa saleslady or teacher in music house; understands stenography. Address B. 53. Bee. A M331 6x WANTED Position as bill or shipping jiaaress B. 5 clerk by capable man. Bee. A M33U 6x ALL ROUND hardware man wants posi tion In store and tin shop. Address B. 51, Bee. A M3.14 9x SALESMEN WANTED WANTED, salesmen and crew managers for city and road. Call between 2 and 6 p. m., 5.I4 Paxton block. T. L. O'Brien. -M240 WANTED Three salesmen by Rand, Me Nally & Co. to handle their Reversible Map of the United States and World. Men already In the field making from $18 to $, per week. No experience nec essary; an unusual opportunity, Our house and our goods known the world over. Address Rami, McNally Co., Chicago. III. .. MH3S 6x IF IT HASN'T Sold your properly it because you've never tried if, for Bee Realty Ads are recognized as the most desirable way of making a sure sale. See how progressive real estate dealers use it! Be Want Ads Do the Business. A Trial Will Convince. FOR RENT FUR N I SHE DR 0 OMj KOYALi HOTEL European, 16th A Chicago Ci W DEWET, European hotel, 13th Farnam. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE VIENNA hotel. Private dining rms. cafe. a. owi Rooms and cafe. Ogden hotel. C Bluffs, la. a. i.o ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, excellent location, modern. 2310 Webater; pnona 5390. B 4r NICELY furnished rooms for rent: prlvata family. 2f39 California. B BJ( 2574 HARNEY St.; newly furnished doubla ana single rooms; southern exposure; modern, with telephone: private family; meals close by. References exchanged. E-MS6S ONE large room to rent lady. 4MI 14. Z3d St. Mrs. Schultx, E M133 6x FURNISHED room. 824 8. 28th E MIST WE furnish rooms 29 cheaper than the installment houses, and we give you a better quality. Try us. Terms, $?5.00 nrlh 1 On weAk OMAHA FURNITURE CARPET CO.. between 12th and run, on rarnam sr. K 301 4 ROOMS, housekeeping; bath. 1712 Jackson. convenient to E 26R 5x FURNISHED rooms; modern conveniences. 116 N. Zbtn. Kjm ox NICE large rooms, for one or two gentle. men; walking aistance. iwi bo. ixiii si. Tel. red 6674. E-M287 6X PLEASANT front room, two blocks from Dundee car: nne for summer; ji.ixi per month. 4643 Farnam. E M154 5x NICELY furnished room, walking distance. close to car; everything mooem; gooa neighborhood; board In same block. 516 S. 22d at. BM199 8x SOUTH front room, with board: modern; telepnone; reasonaoie. ji o. i:in ei. E M302 5x NEATLY furnished rooms, close In. 315 N. 17th. jv-aiajo ox FURNISHED rooms in cottage. 807 N 18th. Hi nij...i ox FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen; mod ern conveniences. 808 S. 20th. E M232 6x FURNISHED rooms for sleeping or house- keeping. 1811 Casa at. tn-MMi ox ROOMS, furnished for housekeeping or sleeping. The Lacota, 1W3 Howard st. E M230 5x PLEA8ANT room, modern conveniences; gentlemen preferred. 14J5 N. ivtn st. E-M229 6x nice NICELY furnished rooms, all modern location; phone, lire pacinc. tl M OX pleusant work. Address C. H. Walker, . 316 Neville block, Omaha, Neb. FURNISHED ROOMS Two or three large B MISS furnished rooms; modern. 632 S. 28th. E-M227 5x WANTED-! TEAMS, WITH OR WITH- OUT WAGONS; $4 PER DAY; LONG FURNISHED rooms, 617 8. 16th. third floor. JOB IN CITY. APPLY ON WORKS. E M226 Bx 17TIf AND DOUGIAS STREETS, TO F. C. JACKSON. OR SWEENY A CO., NEATLY furnished rooms; lawn and shade. 209 80. 12TII ST. B-M289 9 Good board. 1811 Chicago. E M226 6x WANTED Cornice makers and tinners. FURNISHED rooms. 615 S. 16th. third J. P. , Grlssel Cornice Co., Cedar Rapids, floor. B-M210 6x la. B-M294 12x ynn HARNEY ST., furnished rooms: board WANTED An experienced shoe sidesman: close by, B M239 6x one who can trim a window preferred. . J. I Brandeis & Sons. It 312 6 N'CFf Y fi-rn'slied rooms; transients. 712 S. lth, 2d floor. E M237 Bx WANTED Sober. energetic man with . reference nnd $250 to take charge of and FURNISHED room. 713 N. lth st. half Interest In business In Flint. Sal- E M236 Bx ary, $15 per week and half the net pro- ' ceeds. Address W. C. Handley, 411 Ob- TWO large parlors, very nicely furnished, servatory bldg., Peoria, 111. complete for 1lHt housekeeping: modern B-M337 6x , house. 1707 California, at. E M235 5x . .. . THREE pleasant furnished rooms, mod- WANTED FEMALE HELP ; saa stove in kitchen; references """ ' LU ' U required. 2701 Wool worth ave. LADIES, earn $20 per 100 writing short B-M234 Bx letters: send stamped envelope for par- .... . . , . . ". ... ticulars. Ideal Mfg. Co.. Caasopolls. Mich. NlfFLY furnished rooms for rent st 615 C Ms9 N. 20th St. E M218 5x WANTED 26 machine operators at once. M. TOR RENT Large front room furnished, E. Smith & Co., factory, 11th and Doug- close In; references. 2024 Webster st. las sts. M878 E M132 ox 8 LOTS 28th and Sprague streets. WORTH 275 TO 350 EACH $1,600 FOR THE BUNCH FINE FOR COTTAGE HOMES. A PROFITABLE SPECULATION. WALLACE, BROWN BLOCK RE-304 t ELEGANT suite of three housekeeping mm, modern, reasonable. 24 t- irn im, flat 9. E M266 5x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD O. M. E., TBL. 611. MESSENGERS AND BAGGAGE. F-30S B27 PARK AVE. South room, commodious. with board; peautirui lawn, xeiepnone Black-5425. F 803 THE ROSFI, 2020 Harney St.; nicely fur nished rooms; good Doara; reasons me rates. F-281 Bx TWO front rooms, one with bay window, one very large, wttn Doara. dzu h. a:'tn st. F 305 6x NICELY furnished rooms, modern, with board; close in. Apply bid n. v.nn st. F M301 6x EXCELLENT large outside room with all modern conveniences ana nonra tor couple; very reasonable. 'Phone Red 4637, or call today at 1714 Douglas. F-M250 6x IF YOU would make this life one con tinual round or pleasure atop at tne Capitol. 18th and Capitol ave., with large front rooms, southern exposure, hot and cold water, family cooking; 'phone, II brarv. dally papers and modern conven ience. F-M252 Bx FURNISHED rooms, with good board; rea sonable; walking aistance. uxt e. sj.. F-M2H7 Bx UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT TWO or three unfurnished rooms; refer ences exenangea. 2412 Cass. u io TWO large parlors and kitchen. $20; 3 ground noor rooms, wun range, it. rei. 6309. G M2163x large parlors and kitchen, $20.00; 3 ground floor rooms with mnge. 115.00. Tel. 6309. G-M2S8 10 THREE modern unfurnished rooms for housekeeping. 220 No. 23d at. G M329 7x WANTED TO RENT HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE HORSES clipped. 417 So. 14th. Tel. 66. P-M96H AS RUNABOUT, buggy and wagon cheap. Johnson & Dant .rth, 8. W. Cor. 10th and Junes. P 4i7 10 GOOD box-stall door. 43d and Center. Tel. Ash 37042. p tf4 FOR 8ALE Family horse, top buggy and surrey; a fine pair white horses, ; and H years old, 15, hands high, sound, weigh 2,300 lbs. Brewer's barn. South Omaha. P M21S 8 FOR SALE Nice young horse; trap buggy, almost new; only $.. Inquire li42 Atlaa street. P M332 6x GOOD two-seated trap, and harness, for sale cheap. R. C. Peters & Co.. 17uj Farnam. P M:I22 9 PRINTING pniMTlNif": MEMORIAL CARDS; ar- I.YNGSTAD I'h Capitol ava 3K4 KRAMER CHANDLER. QUICK PRINTERS. 110408 Douglas St. To de. liver work when promised is our bobby. GREAT WK8TERV TRINTINO CO.. 15J1 Pspitol ave. Tel. 14'. fully equipped for all kiLda vt printing. Uii9 GOOD furnished room, with board, In pri vate family, by nun and wife; best of references. Address B. 60, Bee. K M340 8x WANTED, by young man of good char acter, room and board in private famll ; desirable location preferred. Adilreaa B 65. Bee. K M344 x MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE WANTED City loana. R. C. Peters & Co. W 36u FARM and city loans; lowest rates W. H. Thorns s. Flrat Nat 1 Bank Bldg. Tel. 164k. W-3b7 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1620 Douglas w-fca WANTED, city loana and warrants. W. Farnam Smith 4b Co., 1320 Farnam at. W-S69 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W 300 GARVIN BROS.. 1604 Farnam. City loana at loweat ratea; no delay; get our terms. W il LOWEST ratea city property; 6 p. c. on farms In eastern Neb. Berala, Paxton blk. W-3i MONET to loan on Improved Omaha prop, rty at loweat rates. Thomas Hrennan, room 1. New York Life Blrta W lf.l DRESSMAKING IN FAMILIES Mlaa Sturdy. PhlB ATM. -til Lots Near Joslyn's $800 We have six lots on 41st St.. 200 feet north of Davenport, that are as pretty and sightly as any lots In the West Farnam district they will be worth as much, too, when a few good houses are built on 41st st. If you want a lot now or expect to want one soon, you ought to look at these. Sewer, water and gas are In the street and we will put in artificial walks as soon as a new house Is begun. Daven port street is to be paved from 40th to ii ana mis is a growing neignoornumi. First man with the money gets first choice east or west fronts. Act quickly. HARRISON & MORTON 91$ N. Y. Life. Tel. RK- 314. -309 4 ON PAYMENTS KOUNTZE PLACE $2,900.00 1901 Spencer at., 8 rooms, strictly modern; paved street. neighborhood. Taxes all paid. Elegant Tel. 443. K. LOWER & CO. 203 Brown Block. Tel. A -2730. RE-310 6 COTTAGE FOR A LOT Owner of five-room cottage, city water and sewer, barn, near 24th street car line; price, $850. Will exchange for a good resi dence lot. The above property will rent for $12 per month. Fitzgerald-Dermody Co., Tel. 6108. 836 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE 277 6 THREE good lots, bet. 24th street nnd 20th street boulevard, for $300 each, half cash. Before buying see my list of bargains. SEARS. 331 New York Life. RE-303 Bx C,EAS-Williamson Co.. u- slBt k RE 320 Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices: ten year time. L&na Dept. it. K., umaha, jveb., Dept. "A." RE-4U7 U. P. . $1,000.00. 2912 Grant St., 6-room house, newly pa pered, good barn, nice shade; will rent ad joining lots for gardening. N. P. DODGE & CO., 114 Farnam St. RE 97$ 8 OR 9-ROOM. - desirable, modern dwell ings; owner leaving city. 3854 Seward st RE 667 WILL pay $8,000 cash for good home in West Farnam district. Address B 40 Bee. RE-M297 ACREAGE 20 acres in Benson, with 4 rooms, at $M$ an acre. 20 acres on West Center street, just west of Ruser's Park, $12?. The Byron Reed Co., 212 S. 14th St. Phone 297. RE-316 5 ONE 6-R. and one 8-R. modern house; choice lots; cheap. Inquire 1411 Vinton. RE M825 6x CHOICE INVESTMENT. Three-story brick block on South 16th st. : three stores and 40 room; all well rented, Eastern owner will sell for $15,000. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room I, New York Life Bldg. RE M68S YOUR CHANCE ACT QUICK. 28 lots, 50x130 each, on Kid and Amea ave. car line, all line lots lie nne, all closa to car and 2 blocks from school; water and gas. We are going to close these out In thirty days. They have GOT to GO; they are GOING and will SOON BK GONE. PRlCa., JUI to 3uu, terms or cash' TITLE PERFECT. BRING A LITTLE MONEY WITH YOU: CAN TRADE WITH US IN FIVE MIN UTES; WE'RE DEAD EASY. NEVER GET A SNAP LIKE THIS TO SECURE A HOME. WRITE, TELEPHONE or CALL FOR PLAT. D. V. Sholes, Co., 722 N. Y. Life. Phone 49, 6! or 5460. RE 317-5. SUBURBAN 12 acres cheap. Inquire 1411 Vinton st. RE M824 tx WHEN buying or selling real tistate be sura to have your abstract of title made or continued by the Midland Guarantee and Trust Co.. 1614 Farnam St. RE 127 SHIMER & CHASE Builders ot Modern Houses 7-r. house, bam, three lots, well, cistern, chicken house, peach, pear, cherry aiiu apple trres l,7oo. West Farnam district, new 6-r. or 6-r. house, city water, cistern, two lots, barn, coal house, cnicken house; near school. Price, ti.m. 8 r., all modern, south front; owner leaving ciiy, must sell. Price, $2,500. 6 r., all modern except furnace.' Price, $1,700. 6 r., city water; corner $1,200. Brand new, 8 r.. oak tlnlbh, latest plumb ingcombination electric and gas good barn, paved street, south front, on Fai nuin st. See us about this early this week. SHIMER & CHASE. 1609 Farnam si. RE 313-6. 9-Room Dwelling Nine rooms, strictly modern, tile flour, closets, everything that goes to make a perfect home. Lot worth $1,500. luxated on H. 2Mtli near Inrpletoii ave. Muxl sell. Worth $."."). Make us an offer. REM 18. PAXTON BLOCK. KE-.M325 5 FOR SALE One note of $1,V. due In one year, secured by brut mortgage on good fmpioved Omaha property, bearing i per cent interest, payublr semi-annually; also one note fnr $.uW, due on or before thre years, interest at 6 per rent, payable aeml-annually. secured by first mortgage on good property. Bo'li are absolutely safe and given by respectable parties Address ilia ewnsi, ii, ale nv. RL-M45J FOR SALE REAL ESTATE WHY PAY RENT? in- Rent takes one-fourth of the average come of a family. The same money ap plied on a home of your own gives you an increasing equity In the property and (eventually gives you a home free from debt. The Omaha Loan g Building Association assisted 342 members to secure homes In 1904, and Intends to surpass that splendid record this year. Twenty-two years In business, with a record for liberality and fair dealing unsurpassed. Soveral desira ble homes for sale on monthly payments. Coll at the office or send for circular. Ap plications for loans promptly attended to. 3EO. W. LOOMIS, Pres. GEO. M. NATTINGER, Secy. Ground Floor, Bee bldg. 'Phone 43. RE-314-5. FOR RENT HOUSES Unl ICCC In all narts of tha city, l! o, F. Davla Tha Co.. 60S Bee bldg. V 414 THK Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack, move and stora H. H. gooda Storehouse HiO-24 N. JU. Offlca, loll! Farnam. Tel. 1659. D 313 WE MOVE rianos. aga Co. Tel. 146. Macrard Van Stor Ofllca iai Webster st. DZIZ UOIIQPC In parts of tha city. R. MUU5C3 c. Peters Co.. Bee Fldg. U ill HOUSES FURNISHED COMPLETE W carry the lsraest stock In Omaha at prices 26 rcr cent tirlow installment stores, mates free. Terms. $26 worth. $1 .week OMAHA FURNITURE CARPET CO. between 12th and 13th on Farnam street Daon 4 2666 DOUGLAS. ROOMS. $77.60. DSK HOUSES. Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker blk. HOUSES FOR RENT. Tha Byron Reed Co., 212 S. 14th. D n CENTRAL B-room cottage. 217 N. 24th. D-2S9 1101 SOUTH STH ST., ten-room thor oughly modern house, oak finish. $46. A. G. Elllck. 503 city hall. D-I2S J-room flat, good repairs, oak finish, facing Hansconi paric, sai.w. t none &a. D-M9V 8316 BURT, 8 rooms and bath, hot water heating, steel range In kitchen; good yard; first-class tensnt; $30 month; owner pays water rent. u .'iS sx GOOD HOUSE FURNISHINGS st popular Trices. Furniture, carpets snd draperies. The largest stock In Omaha. Terms, $26 worth. $1 week. OMAHA FURNITURE CARPET CO between 12th and 13th on Farnam street D 302 4 VAN and moving wagon. Tel. 2016. 1610 Webster. J. 8chwartt D-266 Mix B-ROOM flat, 2015 Ixard street; modern porcelain bath: hot snd cold water: gis walking distance. E. K. Lower A Co. 203 Brown block. D 2?3 8 S ROOMS. 2519 N. 15th St. D-M290 lOx BARGAINS Lot, 60 feet fronting on Vinton street, 187 on 16th street: A-l brick building: second story contains three all modern flata; 160 feet vacant on llh street tor more uuna inga. Price. $10,000. Five 8-room houses, all modern except fur narea, in good repair; rental, $1.'K0 per year; lot 100x160 feel, east front; ond block from car and school, 15 minutes walk to business center. Price. J9.5O0. 66x140. east front, with 8 nice flats; 8-room cottage In rear; one block from South Omaha car line, north part of city; 20 minutes walk from P. O. ; permanen walks: rental $876 per year. Price, $7,000. Two 6-room houses, in good repair, city water and gas: full lot. south tront; be tween 9th and 10th on Hickory. Price, $2,500. Lot 50x146, 8-room house, all modern except furnace; good barn, shade trees, perma nent walk, paved street; near 31st and Mason streets. Price $2,250. 4-room house, with large lot, all fenced with stable and wagon shed, chicken houses; only two blocks to street car easy walking distance. Price $1,000. Lot 60x136. 6-room cottage, electric light. small bam; rents now for $15; will bring $16.50; will sell within the next three days lor i,.'iiu. J, A. LOVEGREN, (36 and 537 Paxton Block. RE-315-5. MONEY TO LOAN On Improved city property in Omaha and ooutn umana. FOR SALE Rentals At $7,600. a choice Investment, pay 6 per cent net on $10,000. W. H. Thomas First National Bank Bldg. . RE M323 5 VACANT LOTS Beautiful lots, fronting south on Ames ave.. near 36tn at., 1120 each. Home Just little north. sired. $125. Easy terms If de- BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RE M326 S OWNER BOUND TO SELL A fine home of ten rooms, with five bed rooms ana servant s room, oak finish, well located near Hanscoin Park, east front, fine large shade trees, 90-foot front age. Price $S,500. Biggest snap on the marKet. Two comer lots at 4oth and Webster, perm anent walk and pavement, all specials paid. New Cathedral will make these worth $2,000 each. Present price, if sold soon, $2,500 for both. R. C. PETERS & CO. 1702 Farnam. RE M321 5 FOR A HOME 8-room strictly modern house. Just north of Farnam st., on 29th ave. Property overlooks the park and boulevard and is an Ideal home. Within walking distance and on Farnam car line. Worth consider ably more than the selling price, which, for quick sale, is offered at $2,200. Call In and Investigate. B. R. Ball 526 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone B-1219. RE M319 5 8-roorn modern house, mantel and grate, beautiful location, near two car lines; taay terms. $2,760. Two modem brick houses, near Farnam on Sbth; pays 10 per cent; always rented. Two 6-room cottages, 126 and 122 8. 34th; never empty; walking distance. $4.50o. J. H. PARROTTE, Paxton Blk. RE-M348 B BARGAIN SALE. Nice, large cottagu; city water; good cis tern; barn, etc.; corner lot; one block from lilih street car line. Inquire 1042 Atlaa street. RE M3S3 7x THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This agricultural weekly goes to 60,000 homes of farmers and stock raisers, so If you have a good piece of land to sell at a rejsonable price you will find a buyer among them. The cost of an advertisement Is sinail a cents per word in small type, or $2.80 per Inch if t III large typa WANTED TO BUY BHONFELD. the ANTIQUARIAN, 82J N. V. Life, pays highest price for books. Tel. 3036. Ni7 SQUARE PIANO in good condition 1G11 Farnam. N 88 FLORISTS HESS A 8WORODA, 1415 Fsrnam. 3M L. HENDERSON, 118 Farnam. Tel. 156$. -47 8-ROOM modern brick house, 3144 So. 82d st.: $30. 8-rnom modern house, 2602 Poppleton ave, $33. 8-rcaim modern house. 3029 No. ZOth st.:$2A. 8-room modern house. 2427 lake st. : $lft. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1, New York Life Bldg. D M336 II ROOMING HOUSES Lease and furniture of rooming and boarding house; 6 to 20 rooms; prices $2"0 to $I.nnO; several down town. L. c. Dales Bureau, Bee nidg. D-M338-7 FOR RENT 8-room modem house, except furnace; gas; city water. 7w No. with st. 820. C. M. Bochmann, 438 Paxton blk. D MS41 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables, bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments. Send for catalogue. Brunswlck-Balke-Collender, 407 8. 10th st.. umana. Q Tib COMPLETE line new and 2d-hand furni ture, rnicogo Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. ici. zuzv. . Q rmrif nwir B. & H. Ideal Chick Food endorsed br all. rnfg. by Bunnell & Hadlock. Samples and UUUKiei. Q OrlVJt 2D-IIAND safe cheap. Derlght, lilt Far- uum. q art MOTOR FOR SALE. We have for sale a 10 H. P.. 110-volt, direct current. Northern motor. This motor la In perfect condition in every way. Ad- oress Bae Building Co., or sea W. H. Bridges, engineer. Bee building. Q 774 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. BEST MIXED i'AiiNi. bherman & McConnell Drug Co.. vuiHuii, cj ao PULLEYS AT AND COUNTERSHAFTS A BARGAIN. u puueys rrom 6-Inch to 48-Inch In diam eter; countershafts, complete. ,'? ar ail in flrst-claaa condition. W. ociagea, engineer. Bee building. Q-lll several scholarships in a first- FOR SALE ciass standard school In Omaha, compris ing complete course In business, short hand and typewriting. Inquire at Bee omce. Q 853 IRON FFIMTF Worka. Poultry, lawn Q-M483 8ECOND-HAND STEAM FITTINGS FOR SALE If you want a bargain In steam fittings can iook over tne roiiowing suppllt 1.8-Inch Austin's horlsontal ernratrr 1.4-lnch Austin's vertical aenaralnr. uv imve men laaen out on account of uuanges in our steam plant and are In good condition. Address Bee Building Co.. or sea W. It. Bridgea, engineer, Bea Duiioing, umana. Q 633 SLIGHTLY USED ENGINES CHEAP. ONE 2-HORSE POWER. 8 LIGHTLY USED. ONE USED. ONE USED. ONE USED. ONE USED. OLDS GASOLINE ENGINE WORKS, 1114 FARNAM ST., OMAHA, NEB. Q-568 8-HORSB POWER, SLIGHTLY 8-HORSB POWER, SLIGHTLY 12-HORSE POWER. SLIGHTLY 35-HORSE POWER, SLIGHTLY HOUSEHOLD furniture, new, at half price. ciiiLiu l v oro CHEAP chicken fence, long fir tlmbera and iciepnono poies. sui Douglas. Q 2U9 FOR SALE A flrat class set of black smith's tools and stock, in a good loca tion; cheap rent for building; good reason for selling. Apply to Henrv Wehner, Cedar Bluffs. Q Mll2 l FOR SALE One hard coal stove. Partv leaving city. 3521 Lafayette ave. Q 307 6x FOR SALE, high school cadet suit for bov li years old; guod as new; worn onlv short time; cheap. Apply room 58. Murray hotel. Q-M328 7x FARMS FOR SALE LAND BARGAINS Farms of all sixes In Central Nebraska. Have you not inquired for list yet? See us at once. Excursion Tuesday next. We pay the fare for purchasers and furnish rates for unyone who should wish to in vestigate. Valley county has some of the most fertile land, best dulry farms and largest orchards in the state. Don't fall to Investigate these snups. 160 acres unimproved, one No rolling, rest farm land, four miles from Arcadia, and on v 11.200. 160 acres west of Arcadia In Ie Park, 6J acres rnrnion m acre. in crioice alfalfa house, tine new barn worth $700. hen bouse, cow stable, well and mill. Price 84,000. 160 aT' four nines to Arcadia, so acres fnrmi , 40 acres fenced In pasture, bal ance hay, good five-room frame house, good frame barn, good well and mill. Rolling land, nut gooa son and a snap at 3..duu. This Is only some of what we offer. We can suit you in any sise rami you desire and show you as good bargains as found anywhere In the state. JOHN B. HANSEN 821 N. Y. Ufe. Omaha, Neb. 'Phone 8432. M324 PERSONAL LARSON JOHNSON-Cut rates to all polnta lo$ Farnam. Tel. BJ11S. Mem ber American Ticket Brokers' assoHatmn. U 8M THE Salvation Army solicit cast-off cloth ing; In fact, anything you do not need; we collect, repair and sell at 114 N. Uth t. for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phone 4136 and wagon will call. U-611 CHAMPION CARFK1 WORKS, 7 8. 14TH ST. CIEANIN'J PHONE .Vv U 664 TUB, vapor and alcohol bathe. 720 8. Uth. U-343 II HENKER, eye specialist .307-8 Neville blk. U-8S0 Piano tuning. Tel. 6404. Dalbey. l?7 Mason. U-M36S Allx OM4.HA Stammerer Institute, Rarnge blk. C-341 Vf"7EA A absolutely cured. R. J. Scsn C lltt neu, sos tVar block. U 44t DR. ROT. Chiropody. R. I A 8, 1606 Farnam. J-337 CHRONIC and nervous diseases success fully treated. Dr. Jackson. 811 Ram ire Mlc U 43 PIANO CLUB Just forming 60c and 81 weekly; pianos de livered Immediately; plsno lessons free. -ah for particulars 1611 Farnam st. U 33 ACCORDION and SUNBURST PLEATING. RUCHING, BUTTONS Send for price list and samples. THK GOLDMAN PLEATING CO., 800 DOUGLAS BLOCK. Tel. 1!4. U-843 PHONE 701 and a man will call and tun your piano; $2. Perfleld Piano Co., 1U Farnam. 17339 THEATRICAL, masq., coaturaea. 1410-12 Howard. Lleben, U-S40 PRIVATE home during confinement: ba. bies boarded and adopted. Mra Gardell, 2216 Charles. Tel. A2618. U-345 Accordion AND Sunburst PLEATING COMPLETE GARMENTS A SPECIALTY. TAILOR MADE BUTTONS. RUCHING GOLDMAN PLEATING CO., 200 DOUG LA 8 BLK., OPPOSITE HAYDEN BItOS. TKLfc 1936. U-M598 29 WE RENT aewlng machmee. 76c week. Wa repair an manes or machines; second hand machines, $5 to $10. Neb. Cycle Co., Tel. 1663. Cor. ith and Harney. U-84S PRIVATE home during: confinement; ba- uiea laomio. in uooa Samaritan sani tarium. ?28 Flrat ava.. Council Bluffs. la. Tel. 774. U 626 TRY KELLEY S LAUNDRY. 'PHONE 8680. U-849 M AflNFTIP treatment A baths. Mme. IWAUhDl IV-Smith. 118 N. 16. 2d fl. r. 2 DIVORCE, total cost $18. Address A 84, Be U M464 A26X 9 HAT STEPHENS A 8MITH. Opp. T, Rrt I O poatofflc. Best in Omaha. U 636 Apr28 JOHN E. HIMOE. now with Stenhens A Smith, Hatters, opposite postofTW. U-M537 A25 SQUAB breeders and all Interested In this ncn inausiry, sena ror rree sample of "The Squab Bulletin." The Informer Publishing Co., 2406 Dally News Bldg , St. Paul. Minn. U M8SS 8x 83.00 to anyone giving location of good house or to rooms ror lees than lis per month, providing house is accepted. A 4;:, car Bee. U 4S8 9x MEDICAL FOR WOMEN ONLY DR. RAYMOND'S Monthly Regulator has brought happiness to hundreds of anxious women. No pain, no danger, no interference with work; relief In 8 to S days. We have never known of a single failure. Price $2, by mall. DR. R. G. RAYMOND REMEDY CO., Room 86. 84 Adam St., Chicago. -M788 PEN-TAN-GOT Prompt regulator for ladies; never rails. 12 postpaid. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha 866 LADIES Dr. Martinet will advise you free. The T. A P. Chemical Co., Dent. W. Bridgeport, Conn. 882 Ax DR. DE MARS, French Tansy and Tennv-' royal Pills, guaranteed. A sure cure for all female Irregularities. Regular price. $2; our price, $1 per box. Beaton Drug Co., 15th and Farnam, Omaha. -M860 AS0 DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases an j irregularities or women rrom any cause; experienced and reliable Address, with stamp. Dr. Pries, 151114 Dodge st . Omaha. 348 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES FOUR-STORY AND BASEMENT. BRICK BUILDING, 916 FAR NAM STREET. This building Is 32x85 feet, four stories nd a basement. The basement la 22x132 feet. Is cemented The celling over the basement ha a brick vault and Iron beam construction, making the basement fire proof. Tha first floor haa a marble floor in front and granolttnlo floor In rear. Thar la a large burglar-proof vault and a power elevator. The upper floors have window on thrte ldes. Will Be Vacated for New Occu pant on April 1, 1905. Auoreaa Tho Bee .Bunding Co., C. C. Rosewaur, Secretary, Room 100 h Bldg. 1 & WE have vacant a particularly desirable amail omce, wnicn renis ior iu.w per luun i h. price Includes neat, ilgul, water and janitor service, it is located on the lour Ui Moor ot J he Bee bunuuig and la lust the thing for anyone warning a nice mil office in the best omce bunding In town. R. C. Petera A Co., Rental Agenta, Ground Floor. Bee building. 1771 PATENTS H. A. ST URGES, registered attorney; pat- enta, traUe-marks. copyrlguta; no lee un less successful. 617 N. Y. Lite, Omaha. 300 INVENTORS-Before you spend money for a patent, have an examination maae to discover If your invention is new. These examinations cost $2 Hues A Co., stt'ys, Washington, D. C, or Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. , -167 FOR EXCHANGE IF YOU do not find what you want In this column put an ad in and you win soon at It. Z-9M IF you apply al once we can give any one aeHirin a miac uiiu-b yacn almost any arrangement tney desire. This space is on tne sixtn nuor ui mi nee Diuiaing, will! north light. R. C. Peters A Co., Rental Agents, Ground Floor, Bee bldg. ' 1-772 BEST location for railroad or Insurance office. In Omaha. Inquire at First Na tional Bank building. Walter M. Carter, superintendent. I Mliit 8-STORY and basement. lfln:i Farnam; e). vator. 314 lat Natl. Bank bldg. 1877 ROOM Board of T fronting on 16th at., main floor of racle building; $,5 per month. GEORGE A CO.. 1601 FARNAM ST. I-M139 8 FOUR-STORY and basement building, with plateglasa front, euitatile for wholesale or retail business. 44xl2u; both freight and isisrenger elevators. F. I. Wead. 16?4 noughts Ml. J-M327 9 LAW AND COLLECTIONS JOHN M. MACFARLAND, New York Life Bldg., rooms U1 and 319. Tel. 1562. -373 ATTORNEYS everywhere Th New Snow. Church Co., main fl. N. Y. L. 'Phone 1318, 1 OSTEOPATHY DR8. Johnson, 616 N. Y. Life Tel. 164 MRS JOHN R. Mt.'SICK, Osteopsthy Phy. siUan; omce, Nsvlll block. Tel. 2-' r1 y 5 - 7