Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 04, 1905, Page 9, Image 9

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Market it Irregular and the Voloma of
Tramactioci it Moderate,
mnr of Mandate la Northern
tecarltles ( ( Rise la
t nlta Paria and Kin.
aired Stock.
NEW YORK, April J -A party thst was
tesdy to prrwwd on the assumption that
with the April minev market settlements
out of tha way there was no ressnn for
any further restraint on an active demand
for storks, marie Itself frit In the specula
tlon today. Kuma restraint, ncvi rtneless.
made Itself felt In the day's operations, aa
was shown by the halting and irregular
manner of the price movement and by the
moderate volume of the transactions.
The activity In the railroad list waa very
largely concentrated In a few stocks, while
the maaa of tecuritlea In tha't department
were sluggish MI,d almost Inert. In the
Industrial department there waa manifest
a spirit of adventure, which wandered
freely through tht list, picking out aub
Jects here and there fur wide and Midden
movement. The first animation In the
railroad list was awakened by renewed
consideration of the topic of the Northtrn
BecnrlHe raae. The report waa rlrculated
early In the day that the decision In thla
rase waa to he handed down on the rens
sumlng of the court at noon after the
spring- recess, Cnlon Faritie sprang Into
prominence, sshfi been the case whenever
thla subject la actively discussed in the
stock market. There, waa a renewed as
aiimptliin that the final disposition of this
case was the event awaited for the putting
Into force the long rumored p-ojec t of a
I'nlon Pacific and New York Central com
bination. In todaya market large buying
of the Erie storks waa executed In such a
way as to give the appearance of coming
from the same sources aa the L'nlon Pacific
and New York Central buying. The effect
w a leap 10 tne conclusion that the Krle
waa to be Included In the supposed com
bination. The flrat rpor from the supreme
court after norm Indicated a stav, which
might Involve a further Indefinite delay,
mm lui.rn in inn group naa a snnrp act
back. In tho industrial department much
was made In a aeneral whv of the htwh
degree of activity In all trades and Indus-
iric ana tn prosperous, conditions exist
ing. Hut these were supplemented by de
tailed reports having a sneclfla henrlnar on
many properties. The southern iron atocks
were again conspicuous In connection with
the morning reports. The Cnlted Stales
meet siocks were comparatively quiet. Peo
ple' Gas moved In anticipation of the
outcome of the Chicago munlcipnl election
or of the adjournment of the Illinois state
legislature, both being assigned as motives
for the buying. Twin Rapid Transit was
and to ho enjoying soma new franchise ad
vantage. There were rumors of a dividend
Increase In National Illacult and reports of
a successful outcome nt a vigorous compe
tition with a rival. The New York public
utilities, on the contrary, suffered from the
Imminence or a decision on the constitu
tionality of the New York franchise tax.
The most important restraining Influence
was found In the money market. Condi
tions there did not relax so completely -aa
had been hoped by the speculative element
would occur after April 1. Sterling ex
change also was well maintained, although
discounts dropped In I guidon, where the
after efT ecta or the quarterly settlements
are always felt very promptly. The weekly
statement or the Imperial Bank of Ger
many showed the extent or the quarterly
settlements by the hiwe changes in its
E. 2iIHl ,,m"- e"h " hand Increasing
W.,.uiiO, while the other securities were
increased i&.K9o,000. and the not circulation
was expanded to A3.245.000. The immediate
future of our own money market Is doubt
less dependent on the rapidity with which
the enormous requirements on foreign
hanks are readjusted. Report 0r railroad
traftlc and or domestic conditions continued
highly encouraging. , The stock market
closed Irregular and at top prices for very
few atocks. Hnnds were Irregular. Total
sales, par value. 6,280,IO.
I nited States Ss registered, advanced 'i
per cent on call,
Quotations (in the New York Stock ex
change ranged aa rolio-ws:
' ' 8ale.Hl3h;Ix)W.'cio.
j on,lon 7. ( M gxti
do pfd.'. r ain -in;, inwu. it)
Atlantic Coaat Line. -Mmo 1444 n;k U3
a v-',v '."- -I101 1(19 - lfH . jiu
creased 33 M.aV rrark"; notaa In rlrcuU
t ton Increased Ji.',Sfi.iO marks.
yrvr lark Money Market.
XKW YORK. April l-MOXET-On call
Strong at S4l4 er cent; cloing bid and
offered. 4 per cent; time loans, steady;
sixty daya. ninety days and six months.
Jfi:i per cent.
per cent.
BTKRI.INrt EXCMANOE-Stearty. with
actual business In bankers' bills at 14 V,ui
4 ! for demand and at I4.M1.VM M:D for
lxtv-dav bills; posted rates. Ji W and
$4 4 ST; commercial hills. $4 4 4T7,..
WLVKR-Par. a.-: Mexlcsn dollars. 4Jc
KONDS Government. firm; railroads,
Closing prices on bonds were:
r i. ref. ta. ret ...tM Japan ta. rtfi ...
mi i.. n .nl. 4a.
ilo roiipea
So aa reg
So coupon ....
rto saw 4. rag
no coupon ....
So o4 4a, rea
Am. Tobarco 4a, ctfa. 4$
no (a. ctfa Ill
At'hlaon gait. 4a..
So adj. 4a
Atlantic C I. 4.
Hal. aV Otilo 4V. ..
ilo S',a ...
Ontral at na. ia.
So tat inr
So 2d Ine
Cnaa. A Ohio 4-
hi. no A. S'aa
C. ft. a Q. a. 4a
C, R. I. tk P. 4a,
no ml. aa
rcr. A St. L g 4
Chlrago Tar. 4. ..
(olcrtdo Vld 4a .
Colo. A so. 4a
Cuba 6a. ttfa
n B. O 4a ...
niatlllara' Af. M
Krla prior Ilea 4a.
rto san. 4a
r. w. a n. c, ia.
Ilorklng Val. 4'4i
Manhattan c. B- 4a. in4',a
Mai. Central 4a 77't
So lat Inc 4
Minn A at, b 4a... MS
kh m . K. 4k T. 4a mi
So :a -.
N R. R. of M. o. 4a.
...12 N. V I . g. 100
... Ma N. J. C. g. ta lSS
. . .lOlVaj No Pacific 4a
...10314 do la 7'
... M, N. A W. c. 4a It)!1
...mi O S. L. rfdg. 4a I7
... M jPann. iinv. 4aa PS
. .. 7H4 Reading gon 4a "2
.. 10 St. I,. A l, M. r. .111
... HI 1st. u. S r. fg. 4a. 114
... L, S W c 4a M
i , "flea hoa rd A. U 4a..
S4 So. P. Iflr 4a ..
Offered. Ex-Interest.
So Ratlwar 6a,
Taxaa A P H..
t.. st. I., a w
Caion Pacific 4a...
do cona. 4a
.lilt If. 8 Statl td ta..
'aWahaah la
Wli do dak. B
"Waatarn Md 4s...
111W. a 1. E 4a
llOiwig. Central 4a... a
.. .lll.
4a. 14
. . .loss
. . . aa
... si
... 4
Bostoa Maarka aaat Bonds.
ROSTON, April 3. Call loans, &&3$ per
cent; time loans, ii''ai'-fc per cent, umciai
closing on stocks and bonds:
Atchlann adj. 4a..
do 4a
Maa. ('antral 4a..
do pfd
Boalon Alhanr....2.MS
"Hoaton St Matna....lM
Boaton Riavatixl i;.44
I Kltrnwirg ptd ..
.-nranan iwiiirai
. 74;
Can. Pacific
Central or N. J.
Ches. A Ohio....
Chicago A A....
do pfd
Chicago at. Western
C. aV N.
C, M. & St, P.
Chicago T. & T
dtt pfd.'.
C. C. O. A St. I
Colo. A Southern'
do 1st prd
do Id pfd ,.;...
Iel. A hudson
Ll.. L. A W., ex-dlv.
U. A R. a..
do pfd ,.
Erie I.
do 1st pfd....l
do 2d pfd..
Hocking Valley
do pfd ...
III. Central
Iowa Central
do pfd
K. C. Southern
do pfd
i A r
Manhattan L.
Met. Securities.
Met. St. Ry
Mexican Central.
Minn. A St. 1.
M . St. P. A 8. Ste M.
do pfd
Mo. Pacific
At., K. A T
do pra
Nat l R. R. or M. pfd
N. Y. Central
N. Y.. Ont. A W
Norfolk A W;
do pfd
i'.. c. v. A Bt. U....
do In! prd
do l!d pfd..'
Rnrk talunrt t "r
do pfd
8t. K A S. F. 2d pfd
8t. U S. W
do pfd
go. Pacific
do nfd
Su. Hallway.
do pd
Texas A Pacific...
Tol., Bt. U A W,,..
do pfd
I'nlon Pacific........
do pfd
do pfd
W. A lJike Krle....
Wis, Central
do pfd
ArtatiM Kx
American Ex
I'. 8. Ex
Wclls-Fargo Ex....
Anial. Copper
Anier. t'lr A P
do pfd
A titer. Cotton Oil..
do pfd
Anier. Ice
do pfd
A mer. f.lnseed Oil.
do pfd
Anier. locomotlve.
do pfd.
A Mount
Amalgamated ..
American Zlna
tat A Mac la...
14voppar Ranga ...
i Pair waat
N Vv . N 11. H..2i24'lmmlnloo ( oal ,
I nlon Pacific 1.12VI Franklin
Amar. Arg. Cham... .MHlHrnnby
do pfd SO lata Rnvale
Amar. Pneu. Tub.... 44 Mass. Mining
Uli. Michigan
Amar. Sugar
do prd
Amar. TAT
Amar. Woolen
do prd
rtnminlon I. A 8. ..
Edition Klec lilu
rienarai Rlectric ..
Maaa. Elactrlr
do pfd
Maaa. Gaa
I'nlted Fruit ....
I'nlled Rho Marh.,
do prd
V. . Btaal
do ptd
Wealing, common
Bid. "Asked,
....U7ta Mohaak
1444 Mont. C A C
.... " old Dominion
. .. .1(17 Oaoeola
?.1' Parrot .........
...IMS Khannon
. . . 22LtTamarack
... Trinity
... 44 It. ft. Mining..
...10H4ltT. 8. Oil
... ll'tati
... Victoria
... 34W Winona
... M, Walarln ,
... SO I
42 '
liosdos staoUa and Bonds.
1XJNDON. April S. CloRing quotations
rn stocks and bonds:
Conaola. money SlSiN. Y. Central
II 1-HiNorfola A W
Si; do pfd
.. Ontario W
..Ill Rand Mlnaa
,.1MH Raadlns
.. att Sn lat prd
.. 24 1 I do id ptd
..Hl'V Southern Railway
.. 174a do pfd
.. Rout hern Paelfln ..
:. M t'nlon Pa nine
. . 47'4 do pfd
iCV. X. Htaal
. 7S
. o
. 13
. 4a v,
. 47
do sect. (May!..
Atrhtaon '
do pfd
Halllmi.ra A Ohio
Canadian Pacific .
( ha., a Ohio
Chicago Ot. W...,
c. m. a at. p ..
Denrar A R. O....
do ptd
Erla ,
do lat pfd
do Id nfd aofe An nfd
Illinois Central l4s Wahaah
lula. A Naah 14f do pfd ..
M.. K. A T 41 flpanlah 4a
SILVER Rar. steady, 28'4id per ounce.
MONEY-Hjl per cent.
The rate of discount in the open market
for short Nils Is 2 per cent; tor three
rjlontha.' bills, 2 per cent.
. ni
. (Hi
. 3T
. Ma
. 4
SfK York Mlnlnar Stocks.
NEW YORK, April S The following are
the closing quotations on mining atocks:
7. J4I. , Itifv, U9
.. KW
... lS.OW 584 SS W
.. .. 41V,
. . HI
1.3W 2J ftU4 2tii
S44' U 1'44
, 17fAa 17&H 17i
7 19 18 1SW
2,4' Sfl 35 35 I
wk) in; limii iimv. '
o."' -r:-a ire-
7X S9"4 X8V
.HM) 1H4V4 191
pio ay
1(H) SoVg Vi
.inn no ,
40,L'i 47 47'a
17.IMI ttL'V gllL,
13.11110 7lV 8
Adama Con ..
A I If.
flrunaarlok Con
t'omatork Tunnel .
Con. (a I. A Vs....
Hsrn Bilvar
Irion tlllvar
Leadrll Cos
. 70
. a
. 4
.. 7
Little Cblaf
Pot oal
Sierra Nevada
(mall llopea . .
Uandard ......
. I
. IS
. ia
. 37
. 2S
4t )
6 '
' 04
65 Vk
87 V,
1.300 120 lis
S.flO 107V,
iO 31V
9U0 66
film l3t4
27.000 S
3,900 Mi
31 '. ii 143ts
400 iaiV, St)t.
13, S4 3'V.
300 80 80
.100 71V, 70U
400 "gaT mxl
7.000 nS MS
lO.kai 08 67Vk
1.200 118 118
1.2X 35 34
200 97V4 W
2.6"0 Ki's 3V(
2M 394j 384
f 1.000 6 7 56
186.6U) 133 1.11.4, l;v.'S
3W K"b St" fHV
46 V,
81 4,
31 Vi
It 230
23 V.
2.() 101 V
!0,3ti0 38
lo 9J
n 1014
a. 800
Foreiga Financial.
IONDON. April 3. Money was In rood
demand in the market todav, as a. consider
able amount had to be repaid to the Hank
of Rngland. Discounts were easy on the
prospects of an abundance of money.
iraaing on tne stock exchange waa moder
ately active and prices firm, but closed a
shade Off. Home rails hardened. - Ameri
cana opened steady at about parity and
hardened slightly on fulr support. Denver
& Rio Grande and New A'ork Central were
In good demand. During the afternoon
prlcea were quietly steady. The market
closed dull. Foreigners were quiet. Japa
nese were easier on profit-taking and specu
lative sales against the new issue allot
ments. Imperial Japanese government 6a
of 1904 were quoted at 1.054. Continentals
dropped, owing to the dullness or the Paris
Rourse. Kaffirs were easier.
J3ERL.IN, April 3. The tone on the Bourse
today was quiet.
PARIS. April 3. The tone on the Bourse
today waa heavy.' the Moroccan question
cauHlng a depression in all stocks, particu
larly rentes and Russians. At the close
the market waa very heavy. Russian Im
perial 4a were quoted at 90.90 and Russian
bonds of 1904 at 306.
Trtsaarr Statement.
WArSHINflTON, April S.-Todfty's state
ment of the trerasury balances In tho gen
eral fund, exclusive of the I15O.O00.0O0 gold
reserve In the division or redemption,
shows: Available cash balances, 142,:6S.?21;
gold, 170,715,637.
I.ioo 130 118
7.700 fW 674
9.7011 5ti', 544
2.1U0 2(4 24
4iO 14 134
1.1(10 86 66
6.9"0 4Tt. mi;
l. 1874 !a 187
8) 24 24
3.700 117V 115
Amer. 8. A R. ex-dlv 2.noo 105 1044 104
do pfd 4.300 IW4 1224 l?4
oilier, piiarar net it'.ai 1424
. I'm. ni vrrill ID.Vjn . I4
nacuiiott si. 1 u
Brooklyn R. T
4"olo. fuel A I
Con. Oas
Corn Products
do pfd
Distillers' Securities
Hen. Klcctnc
Inter. Pitper
do pfd
Inter. Vunip
do pfd
Null lead
NA American
Pacific Mali
People's tlas
Prrasnd. Btoel Csr.w,
do pfd ,..
Pullman P. Car
.Republic Steel
do nfd
Ituhbur OoimIs ,
do ufd
Tenn. Coal A I
1'. 8. leather..
do ufd
I", 8. Really...
1. H. Rubber..
do Dfd
f. 8. rltsul
81.64I 487,
1.2i 108
3t 45 44
!4.5a) H64 1144
6.7141 41 43
M4 964 94
.... V3"0
.... 1J.700
..... ll.Kit)
.. luo
do pfd
Va. Caro. Chemical.
do pld t
Wesllunli. Kle. trie.
eatern t nlon.
6. 109
tJO 96
1) 434
Wl 115
84 40 364
38.2(10 9T
:.5ta 37
l.OnO I814
l so
18 ,
Tolal sales for the day. 1.169.IKX) shares, .
Bank f berauam ftateaaral.
BKRI.1N, Aurll 3.-The weekly statement
of the loipenai Hani, of Oetniany shoms
the following change: Cseh In hand de
cteaaed 129 l1 14 marks; treasury limes de.
trcased 2...iru marks; .other setutUles in-
Hank Clearings.
OMAHA. April 3 Bank clearings today
were $l,608,9h4.2. For the corresponding
day of 1904 tha clearings were $1,374,849.72.
Unotatlons' of lie Day oh Various
Commudlt lea.
NKW YO.RK, April S.-FI.OCR-Recelpts,
..'f9 bblS; exports, 19.626 bhls. Market dull
and unchanged; winter patents. fo.26j6.ti0;
winter straights, 5.00(&6.15; Minnesota pat
ent. 35.65ttti.16; winter extias, t3.60tl-13;
Minnesota bakers, $4.0Ofi4.40; winter low
grades t3.)M.06. Rye flour, quiet; ralr to
good, $4.3044.70; choice to fancy, $4.70iJ4.9u.
Buckwheat flour, nominal at
CORNMEAl-Steady; fine white and yel
low, 11.26; coarse new, 31.081.10; kiln dried.
t2.W63.00. . ..
RYK Nominal; western. SOc.
HARI.KY Dull; feeding, 44c, c I f.
New York; malting. 12ti6oc. c, I. f., Buffalo.
WHKAT Receipts,' 2,000 bu. Spot market
easy; No. 2 red., .nominal elevator; No.
2 ted, $1134 f, o. b. afloat; No. 1
northern. Duhllh. $1.14 f. o. b. ' afloat
No. 1 hsrd. Manitoba, $1 01 f. o. b. afloat.
Starting out weak because ot lower cables
heavy northwest markets and bearish
Australian news, wneat recovered on pre
dictions for freealng weather wcat and
active covering at Chicago In anticipation
of Tuesday holiday. The eloae showed Ve
net advance. May, 1 004tt1.ll, close,!
I1.10H; July. 2(7T934e. closed fci'sc; Septem
ber. 84U;c, closed M'to. .
. CORN Receipts, 304.260 hu : exports.
350.382 bu Spot market Irregular;' No. 2,
7v in elevator, and 53c f. o. h. aflcwc
No. 1 yellow. 634c; No. t white, 524
Optlona market quiet, but generally firm
on wet weather news, closing c net
higher; May, 52(3634c, closed 634c; July
closed 63c.
OATS-Recelpts. 217.600 bu.; exports. 13,150
bu. Spot market steady; mixed oats, 26
to 33 pounds. S54.16c; natural, 30 to 32
potinda, S64(u374c; clipped white. 36 to 40
pou mix. 37441394c
HAY Quiet : shipping, oj417Hc; good to
choice. 774ft-i8c.
HOI'S vjulct: slate, oommim , to choice,
1904, r7'&c; 1903, 22(ij26o; olda, il13o; Pal
clflc coast, 19o4. 26u28c; 19(0. 2la24c: olds,
lift 13o.
HIDES Firm; Galves(on. 20 10 26 lbs
20c; California, 21 to 24 lbs., 194c; Texas,
dry. 24 to o lbs . 15c
I.EATIIKR-Firm; acid. 2426
l'KOVISIONS-Heer. steady; family, $12 00
IHSiHl; mesa, $.0lt9.5(i; beef hams. $'1.5".ui
23.rt; packet. $11. 001 12.00; city, extra India
mess. $16.00(18.00. Cut meats, steady; pick
led bellies. $7 0lHj7,7i; pickled alwuldeis,
$6 50'd.(j; pickled hums. $8.6049.00. Iard
firm; western steamed, $7.40; refined, firm;
continent. $7.45; South American. $8 110; com
pound. $4. 87Vti 2o. Pork, stesdy; family
111 Kv;,16 111; short clear, $12.75116.00; mess
113 13.50
TA1J.OW Dull; city ($2 per pkg ), 4Se;
country (pkgs. rree). 4t474c.
RICK Quiet; domestic, fair ta extra, 22
tVc; Japanras. nonilusl.
Bl'TTtR Firm; creamery, held, common
to extra. "OtfMc.
4'HKK8K Firm; state, full cream, small
colored and wlUta fancy. 14V; elate flns,
13e; state. 1st made, colored and white,
poor to choice. 104jiSc; state large
colored and white fancy, 14c; atsts fine.
IS4A1340; state lata mad aolorrd and
white. (wr to choice. I0'4fll1c.
-i-OCI.TOT-Allve. firm; weatam csVkkstis,
15c; fowls. 16c; turkevs,
western chickens, J'lic
kcs. 153.
KtKSS-FIrm; western
firsts, 174c
18C: dressed, firm;
fowls. Incite; tur-
fancy selected
Caadltlen of Trade a ad Qaotatloaa oa
9taple and Fancy Prod nee.
KGUS-Recelpts heavy, market steady;
candled stuck. 1541? 16c.
LIVE rul'I.Thl Hens. He; young
roosters, according to sixe, 9glOc, old roos
ters. 6'WiHc; turkevs, 14c; ducks, lnfjllc.
BVTTliR Packing stock. l41Vc, choice
to faovy dairy, 19v21c; creamery, 244j'J6c;
prints, 2'rc.
l-HivSM FROZKN FISH Trout. 9c; pick
erel, 64c; pike. 84c; perch. 7c; blueflsh.
11c; whlteflsh, 9c; salmon, 11c; redsnapper,
9i-; green hallhtit, 11c; crapples, 11c; butTalo,
7c; white baas. 11c; herring. S4c; Bpanish
mackerel, l-; lobsters, boiled. 45c; green,
40c; finnan hnddies, 7c; re shsd. each, 75c;
shad roe, per pair, 30c. Frog legs, per dog.,
If AY Prt'-es quoted by Omshn Whole
sale Hay Dealers' asaoclntlon: Choice No.
1 upland. $6 00; Nc. 2. $5 .80; med um. $5 00;
coarse, $4 5o. Rye straw, $0.60. These prices
are tcr hay 01 gouo cxim and ttuaiit.
BRAN per ton. $17 80.
OYSTERS New York counts, rer can,
46c; extra selects, per csn. 35c; standards.
rer csn. 30c. Hulk: Standards, per cai.,
1.40; extra selects, per gal., $1.85; New
lork counts, per gal., 11 si).
Tpmiii'ii. rnctTR
ORANGEM California, ex'ra fancy fted
lsnd navels, all slsea. $2 9CK2f3.00: fancy
navels, $2.75; choice navels. $2.60; large
sixes. 12 2a.
I.EMONS-Calirornia, extra fancy, 270
else. $3 00: .100 and 360, $1.26; rancy. 270. $2.78
3"l and 360, $3 00; choice, 240 and 270, $2.26;
3i ana ;m, loo.
DAT ICS Per tiox or 30-lh. pkgs., $2.00
Hallowe'en. In 70-lb. boxes, rer lb.. 6c.
F1US California per w-Ui. carton. 75(9
esc; imported Smyrna, 4-crown, 100; 6
crown, 12c; rancy imported washed!, in
1-lb. nkgs.. 164 18c.
BANANAS Per niedium-slxed bunch, $1.78
B226; lumbos. 82.50tf-1.00.
GRAPEFRUIT C'alifornla, per box of 84
to 64, 14.00.
STRAWBERRIES Florida, per quart,
APPLES-New York Baldwins. 3.00(33t51
Colorado Wlnesaps, per bu. box, $1.76: Colo
rado Ben Davis, pet nox. 11.26: Roman
Beauty, per box. $2.00; Baldwins and Grn
Ings, per box. $1.78.
GRAPHS Imported Malagas, per keg, $7.
TANGERINES California, per naif-box,
CRANRERRIES Jerseys, per bbl., $7.00;
pere crate, $2.28.
POTATOES Home- arown. In sacks.
bu., S0tt40c; Colorado, per bu., 46c.
ju., S0tt40c; Colorado, per bu., 46
TURNIPS Old. per bu., 40c;
new, per
per bu., 40c; new, per
do,.. 75c.
PARSNIPS-Old, per bu.. 40c.
BEANS Navy, per bu.. $2.10.
CUCUMBERS Per de $1.752 00.
TOMATOES Florida, per (-basket crats,
SPINACH-Per bu.. $1.00.
ONIONS Home grown, red. In sacks, per
lb. 2c; Spanish, per crate, $2.60; Colorado
yellow, per lb., 2c; Bermuda onions, per
crate, $2.75; new southern, per dot., 46c.
CABBAGE Holland seed, per lb., 14c
SWEET POTATOES Kansas kiln urled,
per bbl.. $2.76.
BEETS Old, per bu., 0c; new, per dot.
bunches, C5c.
CE1,KRY California. 7590e.
RADISHES Hot house, large bunchea,
per doz , 4CSi60c.
UETTUCE Hot house, per dos.. 46c.
RHUBARB California, per lb.. He; per
box of 40 lbs.. J2.50.
PAHSI.EY ter dox. bunches. 76c.
ASPARAGUS Illinois. Der dos. bunches.
$2.00; California, white, per dos. of t-Ib.
bunches. jB.wg7.00.
CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream.
134S14c; Wisconsin Young America, 15c;
block Swiss, new, 15c; old, 6fn17c: Wiscon
sin brick. 15c; Wlnconsln llmburger. 14c;
brick cheese, 1516c.
HIDES No. 1 green, 7c; No. 2 green, 6e;
No. 1 salted. SV4c: No. 2 salted. 7Wc: No. 1
Veal calf, 9c; No. 2 veal 70; dry salted,
(Ul4c; sheet) pelts. 25ca$1.00: horse hidea.
. - J . ainuin, a sun nana, new
crop, per lb., 15c; hard shells, per lb., 13c;
No. 2 sort shells, per lb.. 12c: No. 2 hard
shells, per lb., 12c; Pecans, large, per lb.,
12c; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 7c;
roasted peanuts, per lb.; 8c; Chili walnuts,
fer lb., 124. 134c; almonds, soft shell, per
t.. 17c: hard shell, ner lb.. 15c: chestnuts.
per lb.. 124bl3c; new black walnuts, per
bu., 76tf90c; aheilbark hickory nuts, per bu.,
$1.76; large hickory nuts, per bu, $160.
St. Mtnla Grain and Provisions.
ST. LOUIS. April S.-WHEAT-Higher;
No. 2 red, cash, elevator, $1.06; track.
471.12; May, $1.05V; July, 83e; No. :
CORN Higher: No. 2 cash, 454o; track,
4t'u47Vc; May, 45fi464e; July. 45V.C
OATS Firm; No. 2 cash, 3oc; track, 804'iii
31c; May. 28c; No. 2 white. 81HW324C.
FIjOI'R Dull; red winter patents, $5.15fi
8.40; extra fnncy and straight, $4.751.90;
clear. $4.25fi4.50.
SEED Timothy, steady, $2.0tKa2.75.
CORNMEAL Steady, $2 50.
BRAN Dull; sacked, east track. lW(itv.
HAY Steady; timothy, $6.0013.00; prairie,
$6.oori 10.00.
1 Rt)N COTTON T1ES-95C. '
PROVISIONS Pork, higher; Jobbing,
$12.30. Lard, higher: prime steam. $6,674.
Dry salt meats, steady; hoxed extra shorts.
$1,874; clear ribs, $0,874; (short clears,
$7,124- Bacon, steady; hoxed extra shorts.
$7.60; clear ribs. $7.60; short clear. $7,874.
POULTRY Slow; chickens, 11c; springs,
11c; turkeys. 144116c; ducks, 12c; geese, 6c.
BUTTER Quiet; creamery, 24"S2tic; dairy,
15c. case count.
EGGS Firm;
Flour, bhls...
Wheat, bu....
Corn, bu
Oats, bu
Ylsltile Supply of Uraln.
NEW YORK, April 3-The visible supply
o7 grain Saturday April 1, as compiled
by the New York Produce exchange, Is as
Wheat. 32,327.000 bu.; decrease. 491,000 bu.
Corn, 8.812.000 bu.; decrease, 867.1X8) bu. Oats.
16.320.000 bu.; increase. 20.1.000 bu. Rve,
1.299.1X0 hu.; decrease, 126.000 bu. Barley,
2,863,000 bu.; decrease 401,000 bu.
Minneapolis 4raln Market.
$i.04'ql.u9; .July, $1.024ii1.03; September,
84c; No. 1 hard, $1.13; No. 1 northern,
$1.H: No. 2 northern, $1.1164.
FLOUR First patents, $5.906.00; second
patents. $5.70i5.Sii: Ural clears, $4.254.36;
second clears. $2.75(2.95.
BRAN In bulk. $14.26. , .
Philadelphia) Produce Market.
Firm, demand good; extra western cream
ery, 294c.
EGGS More active, firm; western fresh,
18V, nt mark.
CHEESE Quiet, firm, 12l3e.
Liverpool (drain Market.
steadv; No. I California, 6s 94d. Futures,
steady; Mav, 6s6d; July, 6s74d; Sep
tember, 6s td.
CORN Spot. teady: American mixed,
new, 4s 4 41 ; old, 4a lid. Futures, quiet;
May, 4s34; July. 4s 2T,d,
Peoria Grain Market.
PEORIA. April 3 -CORN-Steady ; No. t
yellow, 454c; No. 3, 454c; No. 4, 444c; r.o
grade. S94J42C.
OATS Steady; No. 3 while, 30304c;
No. 4 White, 293'24c.
Metal Market.
NEW YORK, April J.-M RTAI.8 Tha
squeese In spot tin In the Ixndon matket
ia still in force evidently, for that pcsltlun
continues to commnnd a big premium over
futures. At the close todav simt stood
134, 10d. while futures were quoted at
134, 17a. 6d. lxicHlly business Is quiet, but
the market still firm in sympathy with
foreign fluctuations and spot quoted all the
way from 30.10 to 30.50. Copper was
easier abroad, closing 67, s for spot
snd 67, 12a. d for futures Locally mar
ket unchanged; lake, $15 374016.60; electro,
lytic, $16.2515 374: easting, $14,87415.00.
Lead was unchanged at $4.50iu4.60 In the
local market and 12. IDs In Unidon. Spel
ter, unchanged In both markets, cloning at
$6.00 In New York and 13. 15a In Ixindou.
Iron iloaed 64s In Glasgow. 49s In Middles
boro. Locally Iron was unchanged: No.
1 foundry northern. $17.9518.25; No. I foun
dry northern, $17.5otU.Oi; No. J foundry
southern and No. 1 foundry soft southern.
$17 76(ul8 26.
ST. LOl-13. April 3 METALS Lead,
ateady at $4-50; spelter, dull at $5 75.
agar anal Molasses.
NEW YORK. April l.-SUUAR-Raw.
firm; fair refining, 4e, centrifugal. 96
teat, 6c; molasses sugar. 440; refined
firm: No 6. 6 55c; No. 7, 6 60c; No. t 8
No. , 6S5c; No. 10. 5Sc; No. 11. 8 0c: No
11. 8.16c; No. 13. 6 06c; No. 14, Jc; confection
ers A. 6V; mould A. 6oc; cut losf, .H6c;
crushed. .86c; powdered, 6,25c; granulated
15c; cubes. .)c. '
MOLAHSES-Flrm: New Orleans open
kettle, guild to choice, Mr.15c.
NEW ORLEANS. April l.-SIGAR-qulet:
open kettle. 3 4440; do centrifugal,
4447,c; centrifugal, whites, 6V,c; yellow
4itvic; seconds. Jr4tH4c
MDI-ARHt-Ji-VKlet,. ,.,en kettle, lift
centrifugal, al4t; syrup, nominal. 300. '
Cattle Kaceiptt Moderate) and Prioet Held
Just About Steady.
Wethers anal Yearllnaa llrnagat
gtendy Prices, Katet Sold gtroag
to Tea Hlaher and a.amha
Steady to (taarter I.otver.
SOUTH OMAHA. April 1. l!k.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs Sheep
Offlclsl Monday S.6l $.259 11.6
Same day last week $.. 1.990 10.638
same nsy week before.. 2.996 3.051 4.1
Same three weeks ago.. l.7o 3.5(6 I8.61H
Same four Weeks sgo... 4 .80 .4.SW 13.580
Same day last year 3.47S 4,116 11.374
The following table shows tho receipts
ot cattle, hoo-s and sheen at South Omaha
for the year to date, with comparison with
) ear:
19ns. 114. Inc. Dsc
tattle 207.277 239.617 $2,240
Hog 814.643 816.433 1.76
Sheep 424.110 468.913 44.80.1
The following table shows the average
price ot iioga at bouill OinaiiA luf lua) last
Several dsys, with comparisons:
Mar. 26
Mar. 27..
Mui. 00
Mar! h.'.
J4ar. JO.
Mar. 31.
April 1.
April 2.
April 3.
I IMS. IhKH.jltOI. 11902. ;1U1. J1900. ;!
IN I 8 151 7 24
4 7V4r 6 04 7 HI t 16
I 014, 6 04 7 06 8 31
- I w; I l 1 H, I oil
08 I 7 33, J7 6 71
t 88
4 88 $ M
4 941 1 84
8 68
6 )2.i
6 0741
6 014,1
6 14! 6 081 1
I 6 121 ?
t 11 7
I 31
4 92 7 84
4 86
4 981 7 46
6 01 7 36
6 08 7 25
8 17
5 14
6 Of 6 07:
6 14 1 4 98 . 7 27 1 8 58; 6 10
6 154! 5 03 7 301 6 66 6 87.
I 6 09j 7 28 i 6 66, 001 8 0
8 164 7 23 6 68 : 8 98, 6 15
4 89 1
4 981 3 6$
a oa
6 82 4 81 8 54
6 80 4 SSI 8 80
6 801 4 901 3 6;
29 I 4 9.11 1 81
8 381 6 T8 I 3 67
8 .181 6 87 14 8
8 451 6 861 4 871 t 81)
801 8 69 , 8 90i 6 06! 3 66
1 I 8 691 6 861 3 16 8 60
7 221 I 6 89: $ 111 J 64
3 69
1 64
3 85
2 1
6 23 4
18 6
6 2 1
10 17 i
1 1
46 47 8
Indicstes Sunda:'. ,
The official number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was:
Cattle. Una 8han ll'r'a
V ., m. or 151. I' I't
I nlon Pacific system 46
C. A N. W 4
F., E. M. V 40
C, St. P., M. & O.... 27
B. & M 22
C. B. 4Q : 3
O., R. I. AV P., east.. A
Illinois Central 4
Chicago Gt. Western. 1
Totsl receipts 160
The disposition of the day s receipts waa
as follows, each buyer purchasing the
number of head Indicated:
Omaha Packing Co
Swift & Company
Cudahy Packing Co.
Armour & Co
Vansant & Co
Carey & Benton ,
I.obnian & Co...
Hill & Huntxinger..'
Hamilton & Rntnschild..
L. F. Husx
Wolf A Murnan
Mike Haggerty
J. H. Root & Co
Bulla, & Kline
Huff mil 11
Other buyers
ttle. Hor- Sheep.
597 ..tin 628
91.1 739 1.349
4tM 701 2,849
452 976 8,1X2
413 .... 2.326
-There was a moderate
3,760 3,204 9,s:i4
run of
cattle in siahL thla tnnrnina and as the de
noatid trotn all sources was ot normal pro
portions the market ruled 8nlve and lullV
steady on all desirable grades. Buyers
started out early in spite of the fact that
there was a heavy rain, and as a result an
early clearance was made.
The market on coi-nteii steers ronld nafelv
lie quoted steady. Buyers all seemed to be
anxious ror supplies and consequently the
cattle began moving toward the scales at
an early nour and It, was-not Long before a
clearance was made. ' The choicer grsdes
In particular were good sellers and as high
as $5.60 waa paid, -wiilch is the lop price
for aome little time,.. Even the commoner
kinds sold at good. -stoady prices, so that
most everything waa out of first hands at
on early hour.- inv .
I he cow market waa also active and gen
erlly steady.., If thera was any change at
all from the close of last Was, It was a
little stronger feeling on 'the good stuff,
while the common kinds were Inclined to
be weak. As a matter of fact, however,
there was scarcely enough change to be
Worthy of mention . and evervthlnar aolil
Bulla, veal calves and stags showed no
quotable change.
1 ns snarket on stockem and feeders waa
a little slow, with the feeling week. Thst
was particularly the case with the light
and common cattle, as quite a few of that
description were carried over from last
week. 1 ne weather was also unfavorable
to a good feeder trade. The choicest
bunches sold at not far from steady prices,
but the others were around a dime lower
and slow sale. Representative sales:
. -t
. in
. aaa
. t4
. Ill
t a
1 an
i (-a
1 M
. 4t
,. 44
. MI
. t4
. Ml
. . 4!
. !4
4 ft
4 111
4 I
4 II
4 ID
4 1ft
I ?
4 X)
t bulls 1360 t 75 1 hulls 1448 3 10
HOGS Thie was a Small run of hogs
here today, even for a Monday, but at
Chicago there were about Sh.rtO head and
the market there broke A nickel. The de
mand here, though, seemed to be In god
shape at the opening or the market and
prices held Just about stesdy. Trsdlng,
however, wis not active, as buyers relt
they ought to get their hogs rr less
money, but the bulk or the hogs sold sA
steady prices and it wss only on the Isst
ten or a dosen loads that packers Were
able to pound the market, their bids being
weak to 6c lower. Salesmen were not
willing to accept the prices, so that It was
late before a clearance was made. The
bulk of the er.rly sales went from $5.15 to
$5 174, with the choicer loads selling from
$5,174 to t" 2- There were no strictly
prime bogs on sale today, which explains
the lack of a better top to the market.
Th late aalea went from $.1.13 down. Rep
resentative sales:
stesdv; beeves. $4 .OOfrt.80; rows, bulls and
mixed'. $S0Of4An; stocker and feeders,
jSnotMOn, valves and yearlings. $.'.75175.
HOGS Receipts. 2.800 head, market 8c
lower; selling. $4Attn.l6: bulk. $J(61i3l5.
St. Joseph live Stork Market.
ST. JOSEril. Mo.. April 3 -CATTLE
Rccclptsi, 3.78 bead; stesdv to l'V higher.
Native. $4.2V7 mi; cows and heifers. $190
470 (4); stockers and ' feeders. $.1 oont 4.7.Y
HOGS -Receipts. 2 724 head; market
weak to 6c lower Light. t5.20ti3.3(); medium
and heavy, $K.2D .1:4.
SHEEP AND I.A3(Rft-Recrlpts. 15.041
head: market steadv to 10c lower. Colorado
lambs. $7 60.
Mock In Sight.
Receipts of live stok st the six principal
western markets yesterday:
No, A Sl. Pr No. ST. 88 FT.
C 1KI 4 t IS I I4J 40 4 IS
44 118 0 4 11' 4 11 IS
I IK I . 4 IIV, 47 tM! 10 I It
tn !M IX) i 14 Ill .. I It
f, I4 44 I 14 44 tM SO I l.t
74 ITS 140 I II 40 14 . . I It
SI 141 .. t It 77 2(11 10 t II
7J 4t 40 t 14 70 til . I 14
4 Ill .- t It 2S 10 I 174
41 344 40 I II " 114 I 171
7B y ' to I IB n !1 lift I 174
44 Ml .. t 1K 44 174 .. I 17H
t 184 M 8 II tt till . . I 17"
tt 140 .. I It tt to? SO I 174
17 too . . 1 It II Ml .. I 17V,
4t 44 I It 4 2Tt .. I 17H
71 Ill .. t It 44 117 .. I 17V,
24 .. lit 51. ..(... Ml 40 t 17V,
7t I7 40 I IB 70 210 10 i 17v
71 WO 80 t It B7 171 .. I 171,
II tf-l .. I IB 41 Sit 80 I 1V4
a H M I II ' 47 131 .. .t 174
41 141 .. t It t lot .. I 174
7t 1X4 40 I It 74 151 4(1 I 20
77 14t .. I 14
SHEEP There Wss quite a nbersl sip-
ply of sheep and Ismbs in sight today and
at (Thlcago th market suffered a slump
or 10c to 25c. which or course had a tend
ency to make nackers bearish at this point.
The supply or sheep at this market, how
ever, wss limited, and, as all the packers
were In need or fresh supplies, the market
on desirable grades of sheen ruled active
and steadv to strong. Wethers and year
lings sold at about steady prices, while
ewes sold strong to a dime higher, as high
as $5.00 being paid for choice ewes. Clipped
ewes brought $5. no. Wethers and yearlings,
mixed, sold for 86.0ft and yearlings for $6.35.
The bulk or the offerings here today con
sisted of lambs and consequently packers
made vise of the opportunity 10 break the
market. The general market could he
quoted 10c to 25c lower and very dull.
There was one exception to this, however,
and that was In the casa of a three-loan
bunch of choice Colorado lambs which sold
for $i.50. They were the choicest lambs,
tliougli, that have been here In a long
time. They could be quoted about steady,
but all others were slow and unevenly
The market in feeder lambs wns also
weak. In sympnthv with the decline tun
killers. Quite a rew sold around $6.40 of
the flame kind that have been selling
around $0.50.
Quotations tor fed stock:' Good to choice
ye,i-llngs. $6.40ff6.75: fair to good year
lings $60016.40: aronri to choice wethers.
to.exRC.W: ralr to good wethers', $5.0fKfT5.50;
goon to cnoice ewes. 8..25tio.6o; ralr to goo-t
ewes, $4.76(fi5.1o; common to 7alr ewes, $4 00
414.60; good to choice lambs, $7.264f7.50; rir
latrbs. $6.9ntff7.15: feeder jambs,
Representative sales
South Omaha
Sioux Clt . .
Kansna Citv
St. Lotrls .... .
St Joseph . . .
. 2 479
. 4.0W
. 7.5"i
. 3.r
. 2.278
. 26.()
4 I16
.44.756 eS.iito
.1 2Vl
15. (HI
Wool Market.
NEW YORK. April S.-VOOI,-Lomcst Ic
fleece, 31H;84c.
ST. LOi'IS. April J -WOOL- Dull ; me.
fllum grades, combing snd clothing. 2.7j2Sc;
light hne. 18i204e; heavy tine, 14-nlfic; tub
washed, 304)3741'.
BOSTON. April 3 WOt I-Tlie Com
mercial Bulletin says In regard to the
wool - market: The tone of the mstket
shows decided Improvement. Business is
better snd hsk been fairly active consider
ing the small supplies of domestic tn draw
rrom. The demand hss been Isrgr-r fur
several grades thsn could be filled The
stock of old territory Is estimated at not
over 2.000.00U potinda. Values are firm and
rule In sellers' favor. Small sales' or fat
sheep sad other new wool show particu
larly good results. The change of senti
ment as regards foreign wool is marked.
Importers Are holding out for a profit snd
not offering supplies at coal. Foreign ad
vices are distinctly stronger. The ship
ments of wool from Boston to dste from
December 19. 1904. sccordlng to the same
authority, are 83,160.792 pounds, against 60.
.115.217 pounds at the same time last year.
The receipts' to date are f44.293.9T4 pounds,
against 44.947.950 pounds for the same period
last year.
to good
No. A v.
40 Colorado cull ewes 8.1
1 cull ewe 90
50 western ewes 92
10 western cull ewes 90
2 western ewes W)
4.10 Colorado ewes 9R
440 Colorado ewes 99
western ewes 65
western ewes 81 ,
western ewes 81
western ewes 105
482 western ewes 83
1 western yearling 110
14 western yearling wethers 109
7 western yearling wethers 108
353 western yearling wethers 84
289 western feeding lambs 64
800 western feeding lnmhs 64
Sno western fHedlmr lambs ' 88
300 western feeding lambs 65
SOO western feedina: lamhs 65
300 western reeding lambs 66
128 western cull ewes Si)
10 western clipped ewes 113"
1 western ewe Io0
197 western feeder lnmhs. , ....... 57
240 west, vearlinara and wethers. 89
388 west, wethers and yearllngs.105
138 western lambs...
1 western lamb
290 Colorado lamba
860 Colorado lambs....
141 Colorado lambs....
293 Colorado lambs ...
270 Colorado lambs ...
167 Colorado Inmbs ...
75 Colorado lambs ...
. 77
; m
3 00
3 00
3 50
3 50
4 50
5 40
6 4
8 50
6 50
6 60
6 60
B 0
6 00
A 40
6 40
6 40
A 40
6 40
0 40
3 50
6 (0
5 50 .
6 85
5 90
6 00
$ 80
7 60
7 60
7 60
7 50
7 25
7 35
7 35
7 35
Oils and Rosin.
NEW YORK. April 8 OI L Cottonseed,
steady, prime crude, nominal; prime yellow,
26Vpac. Petroleum, steadv; refined New
York. $7.15; Philadelphia and Baltimore.
$7.10; Philadelphia and Baltimore in hulk.
$4.20. Turpentine, firm. nu,fiiic.
ROSIN Stead y; strained, common to
good. $3.(Wj'.1 074.
OIL CITY. April 8. Oil. Credit balances,
$139; certificates, no hid. Shipments. 126.
.102 hbls ; average, A3.1B1 bhls. Runs,
Pennsylvania, March 31st. 107.617 bhls.;
average. 76.723 bhls. Shipments, Limn.
124.803 bhls.; average. 62,40 bhls. Runs,
Lima. 103.534 hbls.; average. 69.917 bbls.
SAVANNAH. April 30-011,-Turpciitliu'.
firm. One.
ROSIN Firm- A, B and C. $2.85; D, $2 90;
E. $2.95; F. $3.00; G. $3,074; H. $3 30; I.
tt.50; K. $4 05; M, $4.50; N, $4 75; W G,
$4.90; W W. $5 00. ,
Cotton Market.
NEW YORK. April 3. -COTTON-Spot
closed quiet; middling uplands. 8.15c;
middling gulf. 8.40c; sales. 1.4tm hales.
NKW ORLEANS. April 3.-COTTON-qulet;
snles. 1.550 hales; ordinary. 5 l-16c;
good ordinary, 6',c; low middling, 7c:
middling, 74c; good middling, 74c; mid
dling fair. 8 6-16C. Receipts. 8.774 bales;
stock. 219.8.19 bales.
in limited demand; prices unchanged to
-points higher; American middling fair,
4 i6d; good middling. 4 43d; middling. 4.28d:
low mlddllne. 4.13d: good ordinary. 3.9:d;
ordinary. 3.79d. The sales of the d'av were
6,0(8) bales, of which .UK) were for specula
tion and export and Included 6.800 Ameri
can. Receipts, K81 bales, all American.
ST. LOUIS. April 3-COTTON-Qulet :
middling. 74c -Sales, 139 bales; receipts
none; shipments, 49 bales; stock, 46,823
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
4 4Z I tf 28 494 4 HA
t Ilk.' t tt 17 10:14 4 til
1(1 404 1 76 21 11141 4 M
It 4114 J 80 II lis, 4 i
1 8X0 4 (l 21 11W 6 (Hi
1 444 4 10 14 1I..4 t Oil
4-. 7t0 2t 10 till ( 00
t0 4 tt 24 1114 I 00
10.... 1044 4 40 J2 1147 t 00
1 760 4 60 1 1406 t 06
12 tut 4 tt 4 USD 6 1
3 1(183 4 46 11 Ull ( 10
34 lilt 4 70 20 not t 16
7 1116 4 76 44 1246 t 10
1 1110 4 76 It 1SO0 i K
It 1110 4 76 . 76 1248 I 21
1 Ill 4 to it..,..., IIt4 I St
t. ...1124 IS. t..vt,,..,..Ui0 I 10
4C , 1147 4 10 . 1J...... ...... 12WI i 80
1 1111 4 10 18 11(3 . i 16
t 1000 4 SO TO..., 121 t 96
4 11(1 4 til t 1314 i 40
1 1114 4 l It...'....' 1161 i 40
1 1128 4 46 ' 18....'.: Utt I 40
I to 4 10 'U. ...... 1. '...174 146
II t( 4 IS 1 12S2 4 10
II t:i 4 40
1 740 1 60 a', ...101 I ,0
1 t0 t 00 t ....744 t 16
, 1 7"4 it 00 1., (70 I 40
1 140 J 26 It 1031 J It
I tit 1 15 14 1014 I a6
8 142 l 2B 4 477 I 40
1 140 I K I tS4 I 40
10 104 1 21 II .'. fit $ to
'.'.. tt 1 10 11 . I
t 170 1 10 T 10l I so
1 1000 1 60 ' $...'. 810 I 1.1
2. .. 420 I 60 I 1670 I 46
1 1190 t 5 . 1 ...,..1100.t4 00
7 1011 I 44 t..y 1074 4 00
4 tlf I 46 1 1140 4 0J
I !'t t 44 1 ...1100 4 00
I ,....1044 I 76 tr 407 4 00
1 M I 74 It IU4 4 M
t t47 t II I ,1 4 i,
1 40 I 16 4 1222 4 10
I un 1 on 1. use 4 10
1 440 I 00 I Mi 4 it
1 to I 00 1 ion 4 it
I t27 I M 1 .1120 4 II
1 KM IN 10... 440 4 to
t 1174 I 00 14 7I 4 Jo
I I" 00 . ,14 1107 26
1 104" I l 1 461 4 It
4 1061 t It 1 1M 4 21
1 100 I 10 I -V..IU4 4 21
10 U"l t t 14 llilt 4 10
1 120 I 10 14 11(1 4 It
1 1006 1 (0 10 UOO 4 tt
4 1046 I 40 1 1160 4 o
1 110 I 44 1-. lilt 4 40
4 47 t 44 ' 1 16t 4 10
t 144 I 76 17 lilt 4 (a
1 1170 I 76 80 10 4 tt
1 147 1 7t 10 4 aa
t lOSt I 74 t IBM 4 40
1 10 I 71 1 I860 4 to
1 Kit t 10
11 HO I 71 14 1001 4 71
t to 1 74 t... wi a 10
t 44(1 t 10 20 4 t 60
4 him I 60 17 M7 I 74
4 440 t ta It 104 I 71
K Itl I 70 7 (31 4 rai
41 474 t 40 It (71 4 (a
1 ItO I 00 It tst I 46
I I 40 1 1670 I 14
I IS40 t 66 1 1464 t It
1 1110 I 61 1 KM I t(
1 1 I 1 1110 I It
$ 440 10 1 114a It
1 7 10 I 70 1 mo I
1 1220 t 44 1 loat 1 66
1254 I IB 1 U70 4s
I4S I t6 1 16(0 I (6
"to I 00 1 1760 76
I t7 I 00 I 1
1 1400 t 0" I 6I0 Tt
1 1440 3 10 I I4k, J 75
1 115 4 tt I I0.1 1 tt
100 I m 1 no ( to
1 lit t 26 4 67 t M
110 t It I M I o
4 lit 4 26 I Its to
SS 4
II tit 4 It I I4M "S
I I'O 1 40 1 411 t 44
I tn I 4a 4 ;m i Tt
I 44 to ill a
J 414 t -0 I to, "1
i IJ6 I 36 . I .. m I u
U 431 $ 2 ta 4i i aa
4 T" 1 tt -t i J
I ...lias I 5 - i....- ; 1,4
l t M 8 t 8 441
Cattle SteadyHogs Open Weak and
Close Steady Sheep Lower.
CHICXOO. April 3. CATTLE Receipts.
J6.000 head: market steady. Good to prims
steers. 86.40dr4l.25: Door to medium. 84.tK87i5.2j;
stockers and feeders, $3.(K'a5.00; cows. $3. Oil
414.76; heifers, $3.0o4i5.26; canners".' $1.6041 2. 60;
bulls. $2.50414 00.
HOOS Receipts, 38.000 head: estimated
for tomorrow, 2n.0t(0 head; markat opened
weak, closed uteadv. Mixed and butchers.
$5.25ifj5.40; good to choice heavy, $5.35fi5.4;
rough heavy, $5.25(66.35; light, $5.15f(j5.36;
bulk of sales at $5.20476.40.
SHEEP AND LAM B8 Receipts. 28.000
head. Sheep and lambs 10jl6c lower; good
to choice wethers. $5.75iftii.26: rslr to choice
mixed, $4.50ffi5.50; western sheep, $4.0(K?rtS.OO;
native lambs, $4.85)7.50; western lambs,
Kansas ( Ity live Hock Market.
Receipt. 7.500 head. Including 1.500 south
erns; market steady to 10c higher. Choice
export and dressed beer steers, $5.25(&.0o;
fair to good. $4.2f'iiR.26; stockers and feed
ers. $3.2&ti5.O0; southern steers, $3.755.50;
southern cows, $2.5O6'4.00; native cows, $2.15
(tj't.fiO; native heifers. $3.(8tj.lB; bulls,
82.66S4 26; calves, $2.5026.25.
HOU8 Receipts,. 6.0(10 head; market 5o
lower. Top. $5.30; bulk of sales. $5.156.30;
heavy, $6.25&5.80; puckers. $5.15(B6.:8: pigs
and UghtH, $4.0mQ5.174
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 3,201;
market steady. Native lamhs, $0.60(7 7. 40 ;
native wethers. $5.5(fi).90; western fed
ernes. JS-OOTj 6. 76 ; western fed lambs. $0.5Ckb
7.40; western red yearlings. $6.0O&'.75; west
em red sheep, $5.0ti'66.9o; stockers and
feeders, $3.5Mto.&0.
'one Market.
NEW YORK. April 3.-COFFEE-Mur-kct
for futures opened steady at unchanged
prices to a decline of 6 points, which was
,ny a partial response to the decline In
the French market and a rather bearish
estimate of the April movement, placing
'Jfll 8t ,he , wo "raxlllan ports at
350.000 hags, against 343, 000 bags for the
same, month last year. The market ruled
steady around tho-lnitial level snd closed
?.?y'i Ul"'h1"1 to 5 points lowr. Sale.
4X500, Including April at 6.4Sih6.5oc; Mav
h-aSr." September. 6.957j7.00c; October 7 00o:
'orrmnrr. 7.Jfie: March. 7.3Cc. Snot steadv
mo. i4e; Cordova, lixfilSc.
Elgin Butter Market.
ELGIN. April S. BUTTER Firm. 27c- a
decline of 2 cents from last .!.'.
439.000 pounds.
Sales ror tho week,
Dhi"d?.,r,r'7,ri Apr" furnished
b the Midland Guarantee and Tn,.
In Is
St. I.ools Live Stock Market.
ST. LOUIS. Mo., April 3. CATTLE Re
ceipts. 2.5V 10 head, including 1.800 Ttxsus;
market steady. Native shipping and export
steers, $4.90615; dressed beer and butcher
stfers. $4 ltfx6.50; steers under 1.0S)
pounds. $3.26i4.6C; stockers and feeders.'
$2.6(8'a4.60: cows and heifers. $3.7541 4.80;
rsnners, $2 002.50: bulls. $3.10fo4.25: calves.
$; Texas and Indian sneers, $3 5041
$.25; rows and heifers. 8-'0i8!74.28.
HOOS-Retelpts. 6.000 head; market
lower. Pigs snd lights. $3.50i5.15: parkrrs.
85.2rVfiS.35; butchers and best heavy, $6.30
6 40.
SHEEP AND IJ1MB8 Receipts. 12. 4)
head; market stesdy. Native muttons. $3.00
05l75; lambs, $4.oo87.00: culls and bucks,
$3.7VO0; stockers. $2,004)8.50.
lllg Mr Stock Market.
BIOUX CITY. April 8. -(Special Telegram)
-CATTLE Receipts. 4.000 head; market
sV'Vor TrVe: 'raC,'r' 18,4 F"rnum
Elizabeth Nelson to C. P. Cov. lot ?
i, aierioo
Rebecca J. Twav to W. Hantlng,
'. IV ni U -II. OIOCK K I irti i.
Alice Slrpless and husband to D V
Mrr'Aw;,,"t hl"rk l,akp- I'lHce
H. T. Dalley, trustee, to F. H. Krejcl
add" '0t 2' "'0'k 18, 8' E' H0''
F. B. Kreyl to Anna Dwa'rak, same
n Hastings and wife to Marie
""'. ivi ia. i-ierson s subdiv..
""',., r ".amcron and husband to
Patricks add
I. M. Bemls and wife to 'Bern's Bros
Bat; company, lots 6. 7 and 8, bleck
1.5. Omaha
H. D. Moseley and wife to D. "c'."fVa'r-
(s .i. Hn1 "I'", ft,
,5. . " ' -
r. i'. nrown to M. K. f'nlmer n.r,
lot 18. block 19. Hanacom Place.
National Life Insurance romiuni-'in
R. N. Howes, atau-t of Inia vi a n
block 11, Hanscom Place..
D. Little and wife to Untile L. ' wiVb.'
lot 6, Bwells' suhdlv
R. McClelland and wife to B. H iiap-
t.pT; ?i!rJ,0,Jot 7- ,,lo'K Waterloo
R. McClelland and wire to Waterloo
Insurance association, part of lots
8 and 7. block II. Waterloo
R. McClelland to Citizens' State bank'
part lot 6. block II, Waterloo..
H. P. Herum to . E. Turklngton, part
lots $ and 6. block 10, Improvement
association add
C. W. Martin and wife to J. v
Pln 'iot b,,"'k Bos
Hill s add
J. H. Swunson and wife to C. 6 Lar
son and wife, part of tots 1 and 2
block S. Hawthorne Place
Msrgaret McConn to estate of J Vw
. Iiaugherty, Iota 24 and 25, t'earoti
J. R. Wells to Jennett P. Becker sti
nw4 ne4 or sec. 4-15-13
C. E. Watson to Elizabeth Redman
ioi s, re ft Flack s subdiv i.aso
riii viuiiiBii cnurcn to a. Klibln
part lots; I and 4, blot k 88. Omaha.... 3,3,Vl
n. iiiiiiiii ana wnre to j. Biosnerg. ame
M A. Benner to II. B. Beck, lot 17
block C, Saunders Hlmebaugh a
O. Forgan and wire to Elva Koer, part
of lots 8 snd 4, a subdiv. of "A."
Reservoir add
J. A. Forbes and husband to 11. P.
Jacobson, lot 1, block 22. Boyd's add.
$ 700
. . I.(i0
' 8.500
The Old Reliable Commission House
Has grown Bjeadily einoe it was established in
1892. Each year's buHineBH in Orain, Htocks
and Bondg being greater than the year preceding.
This is due to the fact that our ervice and re
mittance are both PROMPT and ACCURATE.
We are the oldest house west of Chicago, and our
, facilities for handling business are the bent
money and brains can deviile. We particularly
call your attention to our references and ask that
you investigate them fully, aa we want you to
feel that your interests are. safe in our hands.
Write for free booklet on t speculative invest
ments, and our red book on statistics.
317 Pine Street, ST. LOUIS, MO.
Mims-Sutro Co
Unparalleled Galdfield Offering
Ml M 4. UK I L. nill.rR(K)
Capitalisation, fl.iMI'UMXI.
1)1 tided Into l.tltfMMMI shares
of Ihe tar talaa of $11 each.
SHARK OF Ptll 41.1 F. 4)1' t?l
AT Itl I F.M"..
We have Just been appointed fiscal aunt
fur the Nonpareil Hullirog Hold Minlna t'u
and the ' yclops nnllfroit 7ld MlnitiK
We ate ntitnonsrd to lilapoaO' Of e),()
nt lo cents per share. We could dispose o .
tho entire allotment In tloldtield to a sitial- ,
individual at this tlnure. hut In ptirsuanc
of our policy to attract outside capital !
tl.ldtlehi, and o Increase, our i llentel.
th: otiatHotit the country, we Vefet" to (fls
pose of the shntrs otitsliar of tloldtield '
ilere are the plain fitcts. '
The 4nipnu'a t.reat Properlj.
The property ot the Nonpareil Bullfrn
tiold Miiiiiik fonipauy l situated abnu
three-rotirthB of a nine from the famoiu
Henny llasleton ajroup or mini s III the Hull
... .Ilatii.-t .11 n,ll.,M a. .nth .it lliA
llelll. ' '
It consist of live roll niinlnR claims
namely; Nonptirell. National, Atluutlu
IlilffiiiBl .iii.l I .,mhiii,i t iiiii
tin the stirfHi-e of the lial acres owned bj
tho company, a vein Is disclosed two feel
ldo that widens out to hIx or eight fee'
at a depth of ten feet. AH.niys from 110 U
(K have been mmle of itrab samples taker ...
irom this vein.
In several places assays hnve aluo beer
made from strlnaers In which free gold It
seen with the tuiKed eye. 1 hcxe show
values up in "the pictures."
A YMn (Ml Fret Wide.
In nuother tllrectloit on the property thert
Is illsclnsed on Ihe surface a Vein ol
porphyry 1st feet wide carrying stringers ol
ipiaill from one to six Inches wide. Tin
lurniHtloii'tiore Is Identical to Ihtit of tin
famous l.iidd Mciihou property, one ol
the original discoveries at Jblllfrog. ant
already one of 11s greatest producers. As
says of ore taken her 6h' the surface fho
values from 14 to '. , '
The property has only Just been takct
over, and development wOrK hits only com
menced. The prospects are tremendous. The prop- '
ertv lies In a direct line with the lead on .
the great Henny Mnrleton. The Bonny .
llHsletou vein dlHHppciirs in the hill 3. '
feet away. Mining engineers who have ex- .
amlued the' property of the Nonpurlcl art ,
convinced from the trend of tne Heiiu.v
Jliisleton vein that the sinking nt a shall I
on the Nonpurlcl property will strike t lis i
Benny lltiseiton vein at a depth of a few
hundred feet.
Immense llodlea of Ore.
The Bullfrog district Is not much ovet '.
six months old. bin la a wonder. I'lose or
the heels of the discoveries at. Unlilllclr
came those of Bullfrog id miles to th '
south. KIghleen months ago (ioldtlcld wa
the scene of a stampede Wlmn the dis
coveries were next made at Bullfrog a '
second stampede took pluce. Every horas .
and vehicle was pressed Into service, ami
manv walked To miles Over the desert siiiuIk
lo Bullfrog. Few brought touts with them,
and at nlgnt niter a weary day In the hills ,
they spread their blankets on the ground
with the slty above them for ft roof, and
with the music, of the burros' bray ami
covoteK! yelp they lay down to sleep anil i
dream of the riches the morrow would
bring forth. In the six months that hnf
elapsed since that time, the development -.
haa shown even greater riches Uiun wer
then dreamed of.
Properties have already been developed
In the short time that has olajwd tnnt i
have produced high grade shipping ore ,
and have lealixed cash therefrom from th
smelters at Bait lke City. Immense bodies
of ore, larger than those opened up -at
Ciolddeld, lie In open view, disclosed by j
outcropplngs and by shAfta sunk tn a few
cases to a depth or B) reet.
A Directorate of Mining; Men.
W. J. Douglas's, president, Is the fur
rnmed mining engineer who became one- uf t
the ntiglnnl .nWners or . the now famous ;
Montana-roiiopali mine when It. wns itoth
ing more than a sandy stretch of desert
and gave no surface indications or ever .
becoming ft great mine. Mr. Douglass' ,
opinion thHt on account or Its geographical
position, not far from the great Mizpah, It '
would, at a Isvel-nf ff feet.-show. Immense,
ore bodies akin til the great Mlspah. has
been vindicated, and stork lu the company
which was originally sold for development
purposes at IK) und fO cents per share, Is r
now ouoted at tt. '
Uenrge Wlngtleld. vice president, Is as-
socialed with Culted States Senator Jeorge '
8. Nixon of Nevada, in' nearly all of Mr.
Nixon's mining ventures In this country.
Mr. Wlngtleld has amassed over a million
dollars In the past three years by getting -In
on the "ground floor" of half a dozen ,
Tonopah and Onldrteld mining enterprise ,
that nave made good. . "
8. 11. Kit to. treasurer. Is tne cashier of
the Nye and Ormsby County Bnrtk of Gold
field. . . . . ,
1,. Bleakmore. secretary. Is one of Gold- .
field's young mining operators, wtio has
been recently Identified wllh tha'fnrmatlnii
of Its most suocexsful enterprises. Hunk
in one of the compiinles Mr. Bleakmore
connected himself with not more that thirty '
days ago has doubled fh valttS'isinCo tint
llrst block was sold for deveiqpnieut pur
pose. ,
John Reynolds; superintendent Is a well
known mining -mail -of (lolilfleld. i who has
had an extensive experience of mine man- ,
agement nt close range. He enjoy ml
tifiinl facllltle for proper mine adnilnlslrii-
Hon, having had. beside tils exrensive ex
perience ill Goldnnld, a . KUCtesatful career
of mine management In Myiuan.i und 1
Colorado. '
TIIK 4 V4 l,OI fil I.tWHOG I
CHOI'KHTV,..,, ,
Near the center of Bullfrog lies the prop
erty of the Cyclops Bullfrog tiold .Mining
company. It consist of five full olslms, or
100 acres, namely: The Cyclops, Vulcan, f
Aurora, Klircka und lOinplre. . , '
Thrae He 4,IWi0 feet from lie already i
fiimoiiK Benny llasellop group. ,
The vein on Ihe Cyclops crops for l.'ni
feet, and la four feet wide. Average
samples across the surface show value of"
113 per ton and ll'ti per ton. ' -
Development work hu. only Just begun, ,
and not a shaft has been sunk further than
10 feet. At the m depth where great. '
values have been demonstrated In ilelghbor- a
Ing mines. It Is believed h,v mining rng.ncer .
that have prospected th property, that
tremendous values will be shown. 1
However, a big body" of lo4r grade Ota
has already been disclosed, snd If geeater .
values are jiot encountered ns deptltsj at
tained, it will not change the rurnplexiuB. '
or the property aa a great milling propos "I
W. J. Douglass," president of the' Nun- i
parell Bullfrog Gold Mining Co.. Is pres
ident of the Cyclops, anfl Johtc frV CtTik or
John H. Cook .'!., bsnVers of Ooldlleld.
Is tressurer. Ihe directorate of both conl
pnnles is practlcully the same.
Telegraph Vonr Habscrlpllon.
Telegraph your subscription for stock
either or both of, these comnaniea If von )
wish to take part in rhe present allotment.-J
c ,u -
a bank
Follow un your te earram with
arart for the number of slvarea vou otder
at the rats of 10 cents ilea share Mima.
Sutro Co. rarely llnds It 'nei-esssrv to mlk 1
vertlse an offering of slock In any company J
which It undertakes to finance, more limit
once, and If you do not respond to this ml- I
vertlsement Immediately, the prohxhllltics 1
are that tho opHiitunlt y will slip In voil
Write fur our weekly market letter. It
will Mnt you on doings in Goldlleld. HulU ,
frog, Kawlch and Title Chiioii slocks. ,j
ADDHK8S: ' '
Goldfie'd, Nevada, j
References (by permission): John H, 1
Cook air Co., bankers. Galdfield, Neiadn'.
and the Nye Ormsby County Bank of J
Goldlleld. TonopHli and Carson Clt), J
Nevada. '
Edwards -Wood Co.;
iiucorpoiutta i
naip OKIca: Fifth gad Robert Strsstt
ST. HAUL,, nilMIN.
Stocks, Grain, Provisions
Ship Your OraTn" to Us
Branch Ontss, lia-llt Beard TraaVa
Bids.. Oasapa,.Ra..Tlata4)a MI4.I
Dl i!4 Kxchanaa Aids South OanaaaV -
tVsil i-koat aaa, tst4laU 'rastta tV