THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TrESDAV. APRIL 4. 1H0.V ! C; TELEGRAPH IN MILITARY Establishment and Conduct of System Described by E. Bosewater. YEARS OF EXPERIENCE IN SCIENCE Private ()niirrhli of Irm Polfnl Factor In Promoting Interest of Confederates Darin lb War. Drawing upon hi practical knowledge concerning and etual connection with the citabllshment and icmi'ict of military telccraphy during f lie civil war, Edwrird Rosewater ll crert' an entertaining talk to the Electrical --bill In the room of tha Young Men Christian association last evening to an audience that comfortably filled the room. Mr. Rosewater bran his talk by re calling, that next Sunday will lie the I -- .leth anniversary of's surrender . General Uianl and that tlrr following Frl day will bo the fortieth anr.lverary of the assassination of President Lincoln. tnd dentally he referred to the wonderful changes that have transpired since that tlm. "Telegraphy then wan In Its Infancy, And It can now be understood, in the light of development In the use of electricity, how much more might have been accom pllshed then had broader conception of the part It should play In warfare obtained While telegrapher were sworn Into the service, they did not constitute a formal part of the military establishment. He succinctly outlined the general conditions In the south during the time Immediately preceding and following the outbreak of the rebellion and recalled having seen man shot for merely saying a word In favor of Lincoln. The ownership of the various telegraph line was distributed among a number of companies, that controlling the lines In the south being called the Southwestern company. Mr. Hosewater said he believed then and believes now that private owner ship of the telegraph wires prolonged tha war and that. In many ways, there was nothing used HgHlnst the government so deadly as the telegraph wires. The llns In the south enabled northern sympathisers Bpeedlly to circulate all over the south such information as they thought would be of service to them. The southern lead ers were thus conveniently and simult.i rieously kept informed of conditions and movements In the north that were of Ines tlmable value to them. Kntrance Into Service. His entrance Into the service of the gov. eminent was described by Mr. Rosewater. with some Interesting experiences along the Cumberland river, from which section he went to Cleveland, O., und then to Wheel Ing, W. Va,, where he regularly ente:ed the service of the government as an army telegrapher. He said that military teleg raphy had not then been practically de veloped and telegraphers wtre not given a military status. As the service became more and more appreciated the number of telegraphers was Increased until by the middle of the war there were about 1,200 employed. He pointed out that the service. Instead of being usually rendered in safe fruit (TRADE-MARK) MME. YALE'S STRENGTHENING TONIC FOR WOMEN Sarpaaaes lav merit everything; known for carina; ailments aaTectlas FREE SAMPLES. Those desiring to test Frultcura before purchasing It may obtain a large sample V? . XT' cf charge by addressing Mine. Vale. There Is absolutely no expens at tached to this offer. Mm. Yale mill send the sample by mall, postage prepaid by her. Frultcura Is as sure to cur a woman suffering, from organic diseases as the un to hln. Ther lias never bacn anything Ilk It. . C IT KEVER FA 11.8 Th.n.aad. of Testimonials for Reference. A specific for all His peculiar to the sex; I'rolapsua, Leucorrbea. Irregular or Painful Menstruation, Catarrh, Inflam mation, Congestion or Ulceration of Womb or Ovaries, Irregularities of Pregnancy or .Chang of Life. etc. Frultcura is also a general Tonic, In vigorating to nerves and muscles, and of marvelous efficacy In Diseases of tha Liver, Kidneys and Bladder. As Us name Indicates, FRUITCURA is com pounded from a choice selection of rare fruit and bark, roots and leaves of cer tain tree world renowned for their nourishing,,, invigorating, curative and general tne1icinal properties. It Im mediately searches out all the weak parts of. woman's delicate organism, destroying dlsesse germs and allaying every trace of Inflammation and sore ness. Kraltcura Is an Ideal medicine fur young or old for the puny child, matur ing girl, young wife, pregnant or nurs ing mother, aged grandmother, tenchers. business women aixt all laboring under severe physical or mental strain. When the countenance Is haggard or careworn, the step faltering and vitality at ebbtide, FRUITCURA Is the transfiguring spent which instills Vie lacking life fluid Into the depleted veins. ' Sold evervwhere. S1.00 ft bottle. Mme. Yale will fill promptly all mall orders. t OtSl l.TATION BY MAIL FHRK. Msaa. Yale mar cnnsnlt.4 free of ehoraro all matters pertaining; lo health and b.naty, MME. YALE'S BOOKS FREE. Writ for them. Address, MADAMB M. YALE, n.tlr.n Balldloa. Bwry. Twenty, third St hew York City. Use Special rrlc Frollevra la TO DRUG DEPARTMENT and protected places, was always In front of the advancing army, furnishing to the commanders prompt ' Information cf th'e conditions attending the advance as fast as It was secured. He gave a number of remlnleeenees of specially hasardous situations In which telcgiapliers faithfully did their Important Work, The war record how that of the 1 .20 telegrapher twelve were killed, ten were wounded, twenty three died and lit were captured, some cf them enduring all the horror of southern prisons. Mr. Rosewster said he wa first assigned to General Rosecrans' headquarters, after wards to General McC'lellan's, General Pope's and that of other generals, and the farther he went south the greater was his personal danger, as he was known all ovfr the south and If captured he would have received the rights of a belligerent. In the course of time he was asHgned to service in the war department, where he kept in close toueh with the secret plans of the government during his service of ten months. i Aside from the numerous descriptions of the conditions attending the work of the telegraphers, the special Tiaiards encoun tered and the devices resorted to In in- stanees of emergencies, all of which mas expressed In terms most familiar to teleg raphers, especial interest was manifested In Mr. Rosewater reminiscences of his personal relations with the famous generals of the war. with high officials and with President Lincoln and Secretary Stanton One fit his most Interesting experiences was his sending President Lincoln's emancipation proclamation over the wires. CANAL COMMISSION NAMED (Continued from First Page.) secure a greater rapidity and efficiency In ine uoing or ine worn. - Conclusions of Secretary. It Is unt to be supposed that congress In- leuuea inai ine commission was personally to oo with work or come nearer to the di rect agencies in aoing ine work than the directory m a railroad come m the con structlon oi the railroad, ami we may as sume, therefore, that 11 was quite within ine congressional inientinn that the com mission migiii, lor convenience and rapidity of action, a tier formulating the general plan ol work, delegate to a committee or committees doing the work In detail, the result to be reported subsequently, of course, 10 me tun commission. The com mission snouiu, iiicreiore, appoint an ex ecutive committee, to ne constituted and empowered as nereaiier stated. The secretary then states In detail hi plan for the division of the work Into de panmenin, an oi wnicn detail are ac cepted and set forth In the president's order. The letter conclude as follows: ine cnange or neaoqunners and power from Washington to the Isthmus will doubtless require a radical change in the omce oi ine commission in v ashiiigton. I am quiie sure that greater economy and more satisfactory methods of uccountlntf can be secured than now exists. Machinery itjr purciiawc or supplies hiio a lorce sum clent to maintain a duplicate set of ac counts and the necessary correspondence itiusi, vi course, iir maintained in Wash ington, out very utile else is needed. Hut these changes may be safely left to the commission and executive committee as uuiy consiiiuteu. I beg to submit herewith the resignations of aii the present canal commission, to take effect at your pleasure. 1 respectfully recommend the appoint ment of a new commission and a designa tion of the chairman of the commission the governor of the zona and the chief engineer, and the Issuing of an executive order embodying the recommendations herein. Respectfully yours, WILLIAM H. TAKT. Secretary or war. Reply of the President. The president's action 1 Indicated In the following reply: , THE WHITE HOUSE, WASHINGTON, t). C, April 1, 19. The practical lesult of ine operations of the Isthmian canal com mission appointed and acting under pre vious executive orders has not been satis factory and require a change in the per sonnel of the commission and in the in structions for its guidance. The commission will hold quarterly ses sions the first of January. Anril. .Iiilv and October of each year at the office of the governor on the isthmus of Panama and will continue each session as long as public business may rcuuire. Vurther notice nt such meetings shall not be necessary to their regularity. The riimmlialnn may hr.1.1 special sessions at the call of the chair man. Four members shall constitute a quorum and the action of swell majority shall be the action of the commission. 1 he commission, under the niiiirviti.n and direction of the secretary of war and subject to the approval of the president, la charged with the general dutv of the adop tion oi pians for the construction and maintenance of the canal anrl wtih ih. execution of the work of the same, with u, Purcnas and delivery of supplies, ma chinery and necessary plants, the employ ment Of the neeeHSHrv nftirs nmni.tvai and laboreri. and with the fixing of their salaries and wages; with the commercial operation of the Panama Railroad com pany and its steamshln lino carriers, with the utilisation of the railroad f " me,ftna ot constructing the canal, with ine. making of contracts for construction f n '"cavatlnn and with all other matters incident and necessary tn the l,ui!rii., t a waterway across the Isthmus of Panama aT ;!v'ucu Dr lne act of congress of June Creates Committee. For convenience nml In .mh,u terrupted coure of ths work, an executive committee of not less than three members of the commission shall be appointed by the commission to act In place of the com mission during the Intervals between the meetings of the commission and to report Its doings In full to the commission at the next regular meetinas. Minute nf transaction of the eveutiv ntmmi.i.. i...n be made and a copy of the minutes shall be forwarded to the mfrturv other transmitted for the consideration of .uo commission at Its next meeting. Reg. ular meetings of the v.ini,.., , shall be held at the office of the governor on the Isthmus of Panama at ii) o'clock in the forenoon on each Monday and Wednes day of every week, and further notice of aucn meetings shall not be necesa II PV In their legality. A mnWiiv ,,r i,.i ,la" constitute a uuorum for the Inniii.. tlon of the business at action Of aueh nmlnrllu .hall .. .u. - - j .in,, u tut; a v. 1 1 1 1 1 , or the executive commission. Division of work. , For COnVenleneA of evectlttnv tha wnrlr to be done there shall ba constituted thrsa executive departments: (A The head of ths first rienartment shall be the chairman of the commission. ho Shall have direct and Immediate charse of: r Irsl The fiscal affairs nf tha rnmmli. alon. Second The purchase and delivery of all material and supplies. Third The accounts. bookkeenln and audits. Fourth The commercial onerationa In the l ulled States of the Panama railroad and steamship Hues. FUlh He shall have charge of the asn- eral concerns of the commission, aubject to the supervision and direction of the secretary of war, and shall perform such other duties a may be placed upon him from time to time by the secretary of war. 1 he head of th second ilenartmanr. chnl! bin the aovernor of the sone with th duties and nowur Indicated In ths execu. tlve order of May It, llsM, which Include In general: First The administration and enforce. meut of law in the sone; second, all mat ters of sallitatlun wilhltl the cmml zone! also in the cities of Panama and Colon and ilia nuruors, etc., so far as authorized by th treaty, the executive orders and decreea of December 3. I'JUI. between tha United States and the Republic of Panama relating thereto. Third The cuatodv of all mnnii.. n.i for sunilary purposes, and such construc tion necessary fur sanitary purposes a may be assigned to this deuai tnieni hv tha commission. Fourth aueh other duties as ha nv ha charged with from tun to tint by th secretary of war. fifth lie ahull realda on the lillinnu and devote his entire time to the service, evept when granted leave of absence by I lie secretary of war. Unties of Engineer. The head of the third denartment shall be the chief engineer, lie ahall have full charge on the isthmus: Mrs i of all the actual work n con struction carried on by the commission on ine isinmua. . tsenoiid 1 he of all tha ftunnllea aim plant of the commission on th lath- num. Third The practical operation of the railroad on the isiluniuv with the special Mew to it uiilisaliou in canal ctnsiructiirii work Fourth lie shall reside nil i niuiia and devute his enUr Utuu lo lue stei vics. except when granted leave of absene by the secretary of war. All officer and employe shall be ap pointed and their salaries shall be fixed bv the head of the department In which lliev are engaged. Their appointment and salarv shall be subject to the approval of either nf the cnmmlslnn. ir, when the commission Is .lot In session, by the ex ecutive committee. The employment of laborers when the contract of employment Is made In the I'nited States or outside of the Isthmus shall be negotiated and concluded by the chairman of the com mission, subject to the approval of the executive eonimittie. Where the employ ment of laborer la effected on the Isthmus it shall be conducted under the supervision of the chief engineer, subject to the ap proval of the executive committee. Mast Advertise for Bids. Contracts for the purchase of supplies or for construction Involving an estimated expenditure exceeding lin,i" shall only be made after due public advertisement in newspapers of general circulation and shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder, except ill case of emergency, when, with the approval of the secretary of war, advertising may be dispensed with. In the making ol contracts tor supplies or con struction involving an estimated expendi ture of more than ll.OOt) and less than Jio.nno competitive bids should be secured by invitation or advertisement whenever practical. A soon as practicable after the date fir this order the isthmian canal commission. as hereafter constituted. rll hold a see slon In the city of Washington for th general purposes of organization under thl order and for the special purpose of pre paring the number and character of officers and employes to serve In the citv of Wash rfigton In the work of the commission The commission is especially charged with the duty of maintaining a complete system of accounts on the isthmus, which shall be duplicated In Washington, so that there may always be in Washington the proper means oi miorming the president, tne secretary of wir and the congress of the amount of work done, the cost of the same, the amount of money available, the amount or money expended and the general nnan clal condition of the enterprise. Will Name- Advisors. There will hereafter be appointed by tha president nine civil engineers of the high est standing, having experience in work o canal construction and hydraulics, to con stitute n board of consulting engineers, to which will be submitted by the Isthmian Canal commission for Its consideration and advice the Important engineering questions Hrlsing in the selection of the best plan for the construction of the canal. The recommendation of the board of consulting eniitneers snail be considered by tne Jstn mlan Canal commission and, with the recommendations of the commission, shall finally he submitted, through the secretary of war. to the president for his decision The executive officer of the commission shall make duplicate reports on the work and oiieration of their resnec'tve depart ments to the secretary of war and the Isthmian Canal commission from time to time and as often a mav be required by the secretary of war or the chairman of the commission. The secretary of war will make to the president a report as often ns he may deem advisable or the president mav require All of the orders relating to the Panama canal, except ns rar as tney may te in consistent with the present order, remain in force. The order closes with the announcement of the appointment of the commission. The appointment of Judge Mngoon as governor of the canal eone shall take effect on the date of his arrival on the Isthmus and the resignation of the present Incumbent of said office shall thereupon take effect. The commissions of Messrs. Bhonts, Ma goon, Bndlcott, Haines and Harrod were delivered to them today and they took the oath of office as Isthmian canal commis sioners. The immediately called upon Sec retary of War Taft and It Is expected they will enter upon their duties at once. Chairman Shontz will go to New York to night. Mew Commission Meets. After their Induction' Into office and their consultation with Secretary Taft the com missioners met in the office of Governor Magoon and had a brief talk over the reor ganization plans, but necessarily this was of a preliminary nature because moat of the commissioners were unfamiliar by per sonal experience with the mechanism the old commission has created. It Is said that there Is no disposition to make auddon changes In It, though In the end a more or less complete reorganisation is expected. Under the president' order the actual headquarters of the commission will be In Panama, and there-will probably be a con siderable transfer of employes from Wash ington to that place, leaving here only a sufficient force to carry on the work of the administrative branch and to keep the duplicate accounts. Chairman Shunts, with Governor Magoon and Engineer Wallace, will spend most of his time in the zone, but as the administrative officers are di rectly In Mr. Shonts' charge he will be In Washington more or less. The purchasing agent of the commission will establish him self In New. York. Rear Admiral Kndicott and Colonel Krnst at present are charged with Important duties In connection with the navy and army. The admiral Is chief of tha naval bureau of yards and docks. and Colonel Ernst Is not only In charge of Important river and harbor works in the neighborhood of Chicago, but Is president of the Mississippi river commission, which is to meet during the summer at Toronto. Their continuous presence on the Isthmus is not necessary, and It probably will be ojilte sufficient If they are there only long enough to attend the regular quarterly meetings at Panama. This will enable Ad miral Endicott to meet the president's wish and continue at the head of the bureau of docks. Colonel Ernst will be relieved of the river and harbor work In the Chicago division by Lieutenant Colonel William H. Boxby, corps of engineers, now on sick leave. Engineer Wallace, who Is now on his way from Panama, will be here by Wednesday or Thursday. Colonel Ernst will continue to set as president of the Mississippi River commis sion and member of the International Deep Water commission. Magoon Will Healde in Panama. Governor Magoon will be required to re atde permanently on the Isthmus and has resigned his present position as law officer of the bureau of insular affairs and of the commission. It Is the present Intention to refrain from filling the vacancy thu cre ated, the Insular bureau, like the other bureau of the War department, will call on the Judge advocate general's office for any necessary legal advice. Later In the day the new body met at th offices of th commission and perfected It organization. The first action taken wu the appointment of an executive commit tee, composed of Chairman Shonts, Gov ernor Magoon and Chief Engineer Wallace. The question of the disposition of th minor official and the clerical force wa left open. Mr. Shonts left here tonight for a brief visit to th west to finish up some private matters demanding his attention. T. P. 8hont. the new chairman of the Whatever you drink outside, let your home beer be Schlitz. That is pure beer. No bacilli in it nothing to make you bilious. Beer is a saccharine product, and germs multiply rapidly in it. The slightest taint of impurity quickly ruins its healthfulness. We go to the utmost extremes to prevent that. Cleanliness is a science where Schlitz beer is brewed. We even cool the beer in plate glass rooms, in nothing but filtered air. Then we filter the beer. Then we sterilize every bottle. And Schlitz beer is aged. The beer that makes you bilious is green beer. When you order beer for your home, get the healthfulness without the harm. Get a pure beer - get an old beer - get Schlitz. St that I hi cork trcmen it branded Phone 918 Jos. Schiltz Brewing Co. 719 So. 9th St., Omaha f Askfortht Brrwiry BtttUng. 7 canal commission, is an Iowa man. He wa born at Centervllle, In that state, and married a daughter of the late Governor Drake of the same city. He was educated at Monmouth college. In Illinois, and en tered the employ of the Iowa Central road In the engineering department under John Wallace, chief engineer of the canal, who at that time had charge of the con struction work of the road. Later he en tered the employ of the M I. & N. road, in which Governor Drake was a heavy stockholder. SOLDIERS' RELIEF FUND PAYS Commissioner. Who Handle the Cash Will Get Small Percentage as Compensation. Through a law passed by the late legis lature, the members of the soldiers' relief commission of th. different countle will be allowed to retain 6 per cent of all the moneys passing -through their hands for actual relief. Thl retained money will be their compensation for the services ren dered as such relief commissioners. In Douglas county, where as high as VX to 350 person are sometimes on the relief roll, the sum handled annually amounts to amout $8,000 Jn round figures. On this the pereentsge Is $400. which would give to the three members of the Douglas county commission $133.33 each. J. L. Hobb is chairman of the local commis sion and F. W. Simpson secretary. The third member is M. J. Feenan. Mr. Simp son Is the active head of the commission and during th. severe season of the year ia a pretty busy man. HOME FOR JUVENILE COURT Detection Place is Bought in the City Hall. COUNCILMEN ARE SLOW TO GRANT IT The Misery of Piles Thousand know it and thousands daily submit, through their ignorance, to ths torture of ths knife. They sr. ignorant of tha fact that ther is an internal remedy that will positively and painlsuly curs. Dr. Perrin's Pile Specific The Internal Remedy strikes at th prim causes of piles indi gestion, congestion of the liver and consti pation. These causes are removed and removed for good. Get a bottle today and sea how well it proves the truth of this statement. - f or dyspepsia. Indigestion, constipation, bttiousmss. catarrh of the stomach and kindred amenta it is the greatest remedy that has ever yet benefited mankind. When these trouble are taken car of nd cured. Pile will be a thing of ths pant. - Dit Putia Medical Co Helena, Moat. PLASTERING AT BEALS SCHOOL Kew Mallalaar Will Probably Be Ready for Occupancy Within ' m Month. Plastering In the new Beala school at Forty-eighth and Walnut streets will b finished In a few days and work will be started on the remainder of the Interior finishing. Within a month the building I expected to be ready for occupancy. According to arhool board officers, no business of more than routine importance, o far a known in advance, will come before th Board of Education at it regu lar meeting tonight. Since two or three tmple amendment were Inaerted in the new city charter member who were greatly agitated over the uppoed per nicious effect It would have on school board finance have stopped worrying. Beml t'a. on Third Week. Starting In on it third week, the Beiul personal injury auit to recover $.'!1,0U0 from the city give promise of consuming nearly all of the present week. It is understood the defense, which Is now having its Inning, ha witnesses enough to keep the court stenographer busy for two or three day. Then there will he rebuttal testimony and ome heavy arguments to follow that. Judge Esteli and the Jury nre atanding the strain pretty well, and it Is really quite surprising how City Attorney Hreen and W. J. t'onnell, for Mr. Kemls, manage to appear chipper and lierful eaeh new day. Tliev are working Just like stevedores at a busv wharf, and are nut at all particular tn ninke euch other s work a easy as brothers mlshL After HearliiK Aranmenta Pro nnd Con They Decide to Take It t p at et Hegolar Meeting;. County Commissioners Urunlng and Mc Donald pleaded with the general committee of the city council yesterday afternoon for quarter in the city hall for a detention place for the Juvenile court. Th. commissioner pointed out that the expense, which possibly will be $.1G0 or more a month, has been thrust upon the county without much chance for preparation and that it ia thought the city government should stand a share of the cost. Borne of the councilman, however, could not see the propriety of using the city hall for the purpose and objected strongly to the propo sition. After considerable argument the matter was left undecided, to be brought up again at the regular meeting ot the I council tonight. ' Some suggest that permission then may oe given for use of the city hall basement provided the county pays the expense of making sewer connections, putting In par titions to make four rooms and fitting up generally. Commissioner Bruning explained that four rooms were necessary In order to separate th. very bad boys and the very bad girl from the boy and girl not so bad. Ther. was some talk of using room on the fourth floor of th. building, but this plan was regarded with general disfavor. Though the basement Idea lost out through the negative votes of Cnuncllmen Evans, Back and Huntington, the full strength of the council wa not present and the queatlon not definitely determined. The county com missioners wanted the council to vote a monthly annuity to the court, but Council man Zlmman said thia waa not legal. H. I). Pearson, deputy fish and game commissioner for both Iowa and Nebraska In this territory, was given permission to use the council chamber Thursday for a public meeting for the purpose of Increas ing the membership of the Douglas County Game and Fish Protective association and to make plans for the policing of Cutoff lake. It Is desired to exercise proper pro tection to some 60,000 block bass that are to be placed there In May. Mr. Pearson said that while the primary object was to protect the Ash, thl Involved the removal of numbers of lawless persons from the shores of the lake who do not respect the fish laws, the criminal code nor the ordi nances of the city of Omaha. A fund is being raised for the purpose. He stated that the project had every assurance of success. Thomas Swift and other Interested citi zens protested vigorously against the coun cil, giving the Omaha Bridge end Terminal company Chicago street from Eleventh to Twelfth for trackage purpoe for nothing They pointed out that the street is paved and to close It up with track and buildings would Inconvenience citizens and traffic. Attorney Balrd argued the esse of the railway company. Mr. Swift said th. city had given from $16,000,000 to $20,000,000 worth of property to railway companies In the past and that it waa now time te derive some revenue for vacations of the kind. Mr. Balrd replied that under condemna tion proceedings the city could not collect a cent and that he hoped to have the point that the city has no right to sell streets or alleys settled soon by ths su preme court, one week. The council deferred actlou The newest, best nnd only rational cure for Indigestion and dypepsla Is DINER'S DIGESTERS taken, before meals. At Myers-Dillon Drus Co. Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder Cleanses and beautifies the teeth and purifies the breath. Used by people) of refinement for over a quarter of a century. Very convenient for tourists, PREPARED BV Are you suffering from any hidden dralnn, weaknesses or private disease? If o; why not be cured'.' Why not win back the vim. .vigor and vitality lnstt The spark of sexual vitality seldom die out. It is often weakened. Impaired, temporarily absent or frequently disappointing, but seldom dies, and It can be renewed. The secretions ran be reawakened, vitality restored and th func tions sgaln made normal, Just the aame as a wilting flower can be revived by sunshine and water. We have been the direct means of resiorlng thousands of afflicted sufferers to complete and perfect health. Years of practical experience, thousands of dollars spent In resesn hes and an Immense practice have enabled ua to evolve a system of treatment that Is speedy, safe and certain cure. Th. change In thnuaanda of cases Is simply marvelous. Blighted lives, blasted hopes,, weakened systems, debilitated and atrophic! organa and nervous wrack are perfectly restored by our system of treatment. If you will give u lh oppor tunity we will prove to you our skill and abllliy by curing you of your ailments. If you need skilled medical attention, give this matter your earnest thifuglil and i consideration, as your future health and happiness may depend upon cuur you pursue at thia time. We cure quickly, safely und thoroughly; Stricture, Varicocele, Emission, Nervo-Sexual Debility Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), '. Rectal, , Kidney and Urinary Diseases and all dlaeases and weaknesses of men due to Inheritance, evil habits, cesses, self-abuse or the result of epccltlc or private lh. 1 If you rsimot call, writ OFlc H urs-d a. m lo I p. m. for symptom blank. Stindaj , 10 to 1 only. CONSULTATION FREE STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE, I JOS Farnam St.. Bet. Uth and 14th St 1