Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 02, 1905, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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    AGONY OF -
Deep Running Cracks and Peeling
Flesh Caused Awful Pain
and 'Suffering.
Congresi Likely to Include Them in I
ComiDg Railroad Legislation.
Fbrank frmtori Both Active la
Effort to Secure Poaltloaa Which
Will filTC Them Bom
Opportunities. .
I " - "
'About a year ago my hands began to ernok and peel. I tried
many remedies, but they crew worse all the time. At. Inst thov p-
came so sort that it was impossible for me to do my housework. If
i put my nanus in water, i was in agony for hours, and if I tried
to cook over the stove, the heat caused intense pain. I consulted
a doctor, but his prescriptions were utterly useless. I gave him
up and tried another, but without the least satisfaction. About six
weeks ago I got my first relief when I purchased Cuticura Soap
and Ointment. After using them for a week, I found to my
great delight that my haifds were beginning to feel much better,
the deep cracks began to heal up and stop running, and today my
Lands are entirely well, the one cake of Cuticura Soap and one box
of Cuticura Ointment being all that I used."
18 Dana St., Koxbury, Mass. ' MRS. MINNIE DREW.
Assisted by Cuticura Ointment, for preserving, purifying and twautifyln the
Skin, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales and dandruff, and the stopping of
failing hair, for softening, whitening and soothing red, rough and sore hands,
for baby rashes, itchlngs and dialings, for annoying irritations and inflamma
tions, or too free or offensive perspiration, in the form of washes for ulcerative
weaknesses, and many sanative, antiseptic purposes which readily suggest
msuiinuvm w women, as wen as lor ail the purposes of the toilet, bath and
Cuticura Soap. 26c. Ointment. 60c., Resolvent. 50c. (in form of Chocolate Coated
Pills, 26c per vlul of eO),complcte external and Internal treatment for every Humor
of the Skin, Scalp and BJond, from Pimple to Scrofula, from Infancy to Age, price
the set One Dollar, are sold throughout the world. A single net Is often sufficient
to cure the most torturing, disfiguring, itching, burning and scaly humors, rashes,
and Irritations, when all other remedies and even the best physicians fall. Potter
Xirug and Chem. Corp., Sole Props., I:t6 Columbus Ave.. Boston.
tMalled Free, "How to Cure Every Humor of the Skin, Scalp and Blood " ,
that Hansbrougn prefers to remain aa
chairman of his present committee, public
lands. In which event Dolliver of Iowa
will become chairman of agriculture.
No Changes la Some.
By reason of the retirement of Senate
Stewart, who goes back to Nevada to at
tempt to make Another fnrtimo tn . V. . t
CONTEST FOR PLACES ON COMMITTEES Senator ClarP of Minnesota becomes
the chairman of the committee on Indian
affairs. There will be no change In the
chairmanships of the following commit
tees: Appropriations, Allison; audit and of
the contingent expenses of the senate,
Kean; Canadian relations, Fulton: civil
service and retrenchment. Perkins: coast
defense, Knox; commerce. Frye; Cuban re
lations, Burnham; District of Columbia.
uHuingTr; enrouea bills. Drvden; finance.
Th. rrrnn. nr n.tnr ir. n v.. vn.i. ' ""b" ""uns, uuom; immi-
... ... . gratlon. Dillingham
.v. o'-iuiv u-gipiaiiuii in Aiuanjr j n'ltumiv Mitchrll
(From a Btaff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, April 1. (Special.)
Congregatioul Minister Vigorously An
swer Vice President of Standard OiL
Sr Present Aaltatloa Is sln
Growth at Hither Ethics
oa rart of the
the price of accommodations In sleeping
cars has attracted some attention among
members of congress still remaining In
Washington. That the present tariffs for
such accommodations are unjust and un
fair to a degree has long been recognised
and It is more thun likely that when con
gress tnkes up the subject of railroad rate
legislation the sleeping car companies will
come in ror attention. i ears ago, soon
after the creation of the Interstate Com
merce commission, efforts were made to
bring these companies under the Jurisdic
tion of that commission, but It was held
that sleeping cars are simply hotels on
wheels and that the companies are not
common carriers In the meaning of existing
law and that the commission had no juris
diction whatever.
Kvldences of the unfair tariffs are being
gathered by some members of congress who
propose to Introduce bills next winter to
regulate sleeping car charges. A few un-
Interoceanlc canal.
Interstate commerce. Elkins: in.
dlciary, Piatt (Conn ), manufactures, Hey
burn; naval affairs. Hale: Pensions. Me.
(.umber;; postoffice and postroads. Penrose
nrlnM.ia In... . vt t
' .i. i.i, private lana claims.
jener; privileges and elections, Burrows
puuiic lands, Hansbrous-h: railroads, rinric
to.;; rules, Spooner; territories, Bever
What Xebraakana Want
Millard and Burkett of Nebraska are both
pulling wires, one for a better committee
and the other to secure a committee in
which the people of Nebraska are Inter
ested. Millard Is tired of helna- at ih
head of a committee which has never had
meeting during his chairmanship or to
which a bill has been referred. Aa there
are a half dozen changes In the census
committee Millard hopes to succeed to this
committee, although he Is not a member of
that committee at this time. Burkett would
be overjoyed to get irrigation and reclama
tlon of arid lands, where but three mem-
fair Instances are cited. One of these Is I hr nn th. ,,,i,i, ..... .....
th. k a w ..... "-. mm tame re-
....n.scu i Lwreu mis cuy arm i main. Rn,i ,.. ,, ,, ..,., j
On nlhpr rm rr, I f 4 -w. . T .... I .... .
. . . .... I j.umMii is youna.
u,uy my cnoses to DreaK his Journey at with iron ,-tii.i, . ,...., T
Pittsburg and to remain over twenty-fdur ses to be one of the very great questions of
.1 v. a " ol " cen"' fe future, the Junior senator from the
" "ai nc win inereny oc- Antelope State sees in th lrrl..tln.
t.i p a nertn ror two nights Instead of one. mlttee opportunities for eoort work .nj .
That Is to say, he can buy a berth from
Washington to Pittsburg for $2. Then he
can buy another from Pittsburg to Chicago
for 12.50. If, however, he buys through to
Chicago the cost Is $5.
Another injustice Is cited In the matter
of a berth from the top of the Allegheny
mountains eastward. The sleeping car fare
from Oakland, Md., to Washington, a dis
tance of 2no miles. Is 1.60. The rate from
Washington to Philadelphia Is S2, although
the Journey Is but 13 miles. Again, the
rate from Rochester, N. Y., via Harrlsburg
Is S2. But If a passenger desires to ride
through to Washington In a sleeper he may
do so for the same rate. If he should stop
over a day In Harrlsburg and then continue
on to Washington the following night he
would be compelled to pay S2 additional.
These are but a few of the peculiar dis
criminations of the sleeping car companies
which have been discovered right here in
Washington. Scores of others are to be
found, and It Is probable that when the
committees get ready to take up the subject
they will produce a great deal of Interesting
testimony which may convince the public
place In which to make a record.
Formal Announcement Will Not Be
Made I'ntH Secretary Taft
WASHINGTON. April 1-Presldent Roosa.
velt has completed the reorganization of the
Isthmian Canal commission and the names
or the members will be published Mon
day. As far as the facts are concerned
they could be made public now, but Secre
tary Taft will not return to Washington
until Sunday afternoon, and It Is desired
that he shall be consulted before the an
nouncement Is made. Theodore P. Shonts
president of the Toledo, St. Louis & West
ern railroad, a to head the commission
He today notified the president that he
would accept the offer made to him. Mr.
Shonts came to Washington last night and
conferred with William Nelson Cromwell,
Secretary Morton and Colonel Kdwards
the head of the Insular affairs bureau of
that the sleeping car rates are quite as- tne War department. He went to the White
susceptible to congressional revision aa the House today with Colonel Edwards and had
freight rates of the railroads.
Skirmish for Committee Places.
Already the members of the Fifty-ninth
congress are commencing to "Jocky" for
committee places. Every new congress
brings days and days of worriment to the
speaker and heart-burning to the members.
In the senate conditions are somewhat dif
ferent. There a committee on committee of
the dominant party makes the committee
a conference with the president, who told
him of some of the difficulties under which
the old commission had worked. Mr.
Shonts had little to say on leaving the
White House except to admit that he would
accept the tender made to him. It Is under
stood that the president will fix his salary
at a large figure to compensate htm, as far
as possible, for the financial sacrifice he
probably Is making In leaving his position,
Horace O. Burt, former president of the
Nothing' down on the Victor or
Edison. Pny us for Records and
begin pnying for the machine. 30
dnys later.
Think of the Enjoyment
You Could Have.
Grand Opera at Horns.
Improved Edison or
Victor Talking
$10.00 to $100
20,000 Records to select from. Buy from us. WE PAY
Nebraska Cycle Co.
Main Cffice., Corner 15th and Harney Streets.
Branches ?Z?V- 24,n 81 8o- omaha,
DlsllbllliS s..5N. 241 li St.. So.Omuha.
assignments and If there are any criticisms Union Pacific, who was talked of as the
to be made they are made to the members head of the new commission, will not have
m tu.. urn ure. 11 is pretiy generally i a place on that body,
thought that the vice president forms the Mr. Shonts is to have another conference
commutes, but nothing like that occurs, with the president, at which the situation
ine vice president Is a delightful gentleman in the canal region will be talked over In
wnose oniy province It is to preside over oetall. The president desires a full talk
tne deliberations of the "Millionaires' club," with the new executive head of the com
Interpret the rules of the senate and vote mission. At this conference It will be de
when there Is a tie, a situation that haa not termlned where tne line will be drawn be
occurred for many years. The last time ween the executive head and the chief
was when Vice President Morton broke a I enS"Mr. "he president will outline the
tie by voting "Aye" upon a motion to ad. I dutIes that are to be performed by each
Journ in order that the senate might at- I and w"1 try to arrange matters so that
tend a matinee performance given for the l"ero wl" De no
benefit of the Press eluh. That .ih ai.a mt- neoaore p. Shonts was born in
years ago and in consequence a similar op- 5:rawford county, Pennsylvania, and has
portunlty will not come to Vice President Z ,lu" "uwnese B,nce lmi. He
Fairbanks. ha" beon successively general superinten-
The makeuo of committee- re .iki dfint' finera' manager and president of
with the senators, who .iiv .the Tolo1' St. Louis & Western road. He
men to nrennr. a eomltf.- it., 18 graduate of Monmouth college (Illlnolsi
and a brother-in-law of John Drake, part
ner or jonn w. uates.
, R. Colton May Be Named as Chief
Collector of Santo
Th Great States,
man Early
Appreciated the
Scenery of the
" Picturesque Erie "
Daniel Webster and the Erie
WHEN Daniel Webster, in com
pany with President Fillmore,
first rode over the " Picturesque Erie,"
in 1851, it is recorded that the great
statesman insisted on riding on an open
platform car, seated in a large, easy
rocking chair, In order that he might
better view the magnificent scenery.
SEEN to-day through plate-glass
windows of cars which afford every
conceivable luxury, these same glorious
glimpses lose none of their effectiveness
Direct route to tBafflot
MdgirA Fills and Net York.
Entire block signl protection.
R. H. WALLACE. (L P. A, tl CertUatt Street. N. V. City
giving all the fat places to the republicans,
the autocrats sitting as a court of last re
sort, condescendingly call upon the minority
to name senators for the minority places.
This done the complete committee list is
presented to the senate, is adopted and
the "American House of Iords" Is organ
ized and ready to do business. -
New Ones to Be Pla4
While the rivalry for committee nine.. ' BALTIMORE, April 1. William B. Gould
Is keen In the house, It Is much keener in I ' tn'B city' who waa PP'nted by the
the senate. They play politics in that Pre8laent aa oeputy collector bf customs in
body, although there, are no surface lndl- 8anto om'iK0. formally announced today
cations that anything Is disturbing the I nal ne na8 declined the place.
serenity or the senatorial mind". The older WASHINGTON, April 1 It Is quite prob
senators do little scheming to secure better aD,(f tnat when Secretary Taft returns he
committee assignments. They are taken wl'l designate Q. R. Colton as chief of the
care of by their friends of the committee Dominican collection service and that three
on committees, its tne "first termers" and or more assistants, who have had some ex
me .row eeimiuis wno pun ana naul to 1 prrience in me insiuar possessions, will be
secure places which will bring them in- appointed to perform the work of collect-
naenue. 1 ne new senators wno will have mg tne Dominican revenues under Mr. Col
to oe assigned to committees when congress ton's supervision. Dr. William E Gould
meets in the fall are Bulkley of Connectl- of Baltimore, after discussing the matter
cut, Burkett of Nebraska, Carter of Mon- with officials here, announced that better
u. iuUiiun xiemenway 01 results would be obtalnea by the selection
Indiana, Nixon of Nevada, Piles of Wash- of a man like Colton for chief of the
iiiKiim, puwientuiu or Liun ana Warner
of Missouri, all republicans, and Prazler
of Tennessee and Kayner of Maryland,
democrats. In addition to these IaFollette
of Wisconsin has been elected, but It is
seriously thought he will not qualify. In
stead, It is thought that after the Wis
conln legislature adjourns he will appoint
Isaac Stephenson, who has been credited
with financing all of LaFollotte's cam
paigns against the railroad Interests of the
Hudger state and who frankly admitted
once upon a time that the campaigns had
cost him lio.OOO.
The big committees will, In the mnln. so
far as chairmanships go, remain Intact,
But here and there a vacancy occurs in
an Important committee which Is bound to
excite a "scrap." Senator Warren Is tired
of the committee on claims and will go to
the head of public buildings and grounds,
which is made vacant by the election of
Fairbanks as vice president. Senator Proc
tor will become chairman of the military
affairs committee, a position which he has
filled since General Hawtey's Illness began
over a year ago. This will take him from
the head of agriculture and forestry, which
he has filled for a number of years. Sena
tor Hansbrough of North Dakota Is the
ranking member on agriculture, with Proc
tor gone to military affairs. It Is thought
There's no rea
on why you
hould remain
ickly and dell-
rate.. The
has made
At' VfM. JV sands strong and
w KJi j& rJk ronust and will do
ZnifZiS Ty 1 same for you.
IV Just try H today
Iajiil see for your
self. It cures
? Indiiestlon,
Poor Appetite,
Colds, Grippe,
Sprlsf Fever or
General Weakness
service because of the experience Colton
has had in the Philippines and his familiar
ity with the people, who are similar to
those in San Domingo. Dr. Gould's posi
tion was that the selection of the man
should be made with regard to the inter
ests of the government and for that rea
son he will not accept the position. Dr.
Gould could have had one of the subordi
nate positions, but he did not care to go
to Santo Domingo In that capacity .
Large Traet of Land Will lie Divided
Among Colonists front
1 tab.
MINNEAPOLIS. April l.-A special to the
Journal from Butte. Mont., says that
President Joseph G. Smith, president of the
Mormon church, has bought 7.ono nr. r
land in Alberta, and proposes to establish i
m. i-uiuny or iiiornions. The price paid waa
about 1400,000.
The plan Is to break the tract i .m..n
farms to be settled upon by Mormon
colonists from I'uh and elsewhere Al
though the deal has been closed the Mor
mons are not expected to take possession
until late this fall or early next year They
will raise crops this season at their old
COLVMBI S, O.. April l.-Dr. Washing
ton Gladden today again vigorously an
swers H. h. Rogers, vice president of the
Standard Oil company regarding the gift
of John D. Rockefeller. Dr. Gladden says:
Mr. Rogers says that I would not trust
tne ten commandments for ten days with
deacons of my church because they
would surely break some of them und bend
ethers. 1 surely would not. 1 hope that
triese commandments are In stronger power
","n. fne deacons of any church, a power In
. ie' wl" not l,e twox-d for the ben
ent or Mr. Rogers or anyone else.
Mr. Rogers says tlint under Mr. Lin
coln s emancipation proclamation slavery
vwiw legal in certain sections. Hut it was
just as much nn abomination and a curse
in those regions as the regions where it
whs abolished. Mr. Lincoln did not touch
it there because he had no oower. The re
bates of the Standard Oil company were
JUiU as outrageous before he law W:is
passed forbidding them s tney were after
wanl and methods by ' which under the
law the Standard Oil cmpanv Is now over
powering snd operating tt comi)tltors are
J i.n" wroris"rul as were th. rebates. The
pos tlon that wrongdoing is to be condoned
so long n.o It Is done under cover of laws
or by evasion of the law. Is one that Chris
tian ministers or missionary societies ought
not to take.
Knew Nothing of Matter.
rr. Washington Gladden, although mod
erator of the national council of the Con
gregational churches and leader In his de
nomination, was not apprised of the Rocke
feller gift until the matter was made pub
lic. The officials of the church had an
opportunity to tell him all about It ten
days before the gift was made, but they
did not. He Is Inclined to think his txisl-
tion In the church Justified the officers
taking him ' Into their confidence.
Some of the big men of the church are
named as those who signed the statement
favoring the acceptance of the gift. They
are all known personally by Dr. Gladden
nd the list Includes some of Dr. Glad-
den's friends.
"It Is the most painful feature of the
affair," said Dr. Gladden, "hut I nm sura
they hnve given the subject only superfi
cial consideration. "
Rabbl Approves Minister's Poor,..
PORTLAND, Ore., April 1. Dr. Stephen
S. Wise, a prominent rabbi, In a sermon
on the action of the prudential committee
of the American Board for Foreign Mis
sions In regard to the gift of John D.
Rockefeller and the protest of Dr. Wash
ington Gladden, said:
Perhaps none Of volt will nirrao Llti trie
when I say that there has nothing hap
pened of more Importance to the ethical
welfare of the nntlun timn ih. a.., 1 r
Gladden and the prudential committee.
It seems to me that there Is nothing more
nelpiul as a tonic than what is 1ihihipiiIii
now. Whether Rockefeller hn hla ft
accepted or Hot, the effect will still be
good. '
Although it has been the universal and
immemorial custom for benevolent and ed
ucational Institutions to receive ' monev
without anv thought nt its nrivin it
to me that the time has come whon thla
custom must be changed.
But is it fair to single out Mr. Rocke-
. 1. miKeif viny mis suuden rise
of righteousneHs? Washington Gladden
??.y", ,tho mont'y Is not his to give, but
Gladden says we can use the money to do
wjm. "v inn you matcn tne little good
L might do in rnr ntvuv Tniii. w..t . u -
lowering of the ethical standards of the
American people? It Is all rliht
cott Mr. Rockefeller and refuse his gifts,
but we must do It tomorrow and the day
Los Angeles School Teacher -H
Sailor Companion Have
Lost Their Lives.
SAN FRANCISCO, April l.-A snerlnl
dispatch to the Examiner from Yuma.
Arts., says it is now almost an assured
fact that Harry E. Miller and Captain
Gus Olender have lost their lives in an
attempt to explore Tiburon Island. Whether
tney were killed and eaten by cannibals
of the Zeri Indians on tho Island or
drowned in the turbulent waters of the
Gulf of California, or were slain by some
marauding band of renegade Yaoul In
dians on the mainland of Sonora, Is a mys
tery that probably never will be solved.
The fact remains, however, that the men
are lost, and the circumstances lead to the
conclusion that they met death In one of
the three ways mentioned.
Miller was a school teacher from Los
Angeles, of an adventurous turn of mind,
and Olender was a seaman engaged by
him to accompany him on an exploration
trip to Tiburon.
Disease of the Kar Prevent. m.n
. Accompanying- President
on Ills Trip.
WASHINGTON, April U-Seerctary of
the Navy Morton has been forced to aban
don his trip to the south and west with
the president, upon the. urgent advice of an
ear specialist, whom he consulted today.
ror more man a year the secretary has
uffered from trouble In one of his eara
and thla during his recent trip became
acute. The specialist thinks that with im
mediate treatment the malady can be removed.
Two Trainmen Are Plnneil lade,
Knglae, bat All l's..eager.
Escape Injury.
UTICA. N. Y., April l.A loci passenger
train on the Wesf Shore was derailed nLr
Fort Plain today. The locon..,,,.. k" .
1U couplings snd plunged Into the canal
about forty feet below the track
glneer. George Wilkinson of Utlea. and th-
nreman. r. J. Wright of Utile Falls we,,
killed. Their bodies were buried u.,rtl. .1
engine. The express messenger John
liine. ws. sevsraly hurt. No papers
wws Injured. " "
Epileptic Fits Gored
Both sexes and all ages are liable to
plleptlo fits, but no matter how 'serious
the case or of how long standing, Elixir
Koslne, the discovery of a famous Wash
ington scientist, will cure the dread dis
ease. A reliable remedy like this will be
a great blessing to the many unfortunate
epileptics In this city.
Elixir Koslne Is positively gnaranteed to
cure eptleptlo fits and nil nervous and
spasmodic twltchlngs and affections. So
confident is he that It will do this that
he lias Instructed the leading druggists
everywhere to sell the remedy under a
positive guarantee that the money will be
refunded should It full to cure. You run
no risk in buying Elixir Koslne. Begin Its
uso today and free yourself from th
Dunnage or epilepsy, j-rlce $1.50. Mall
oruers nuea. i.iisir ivoslne t o., Wash
InKlun, 1). I ., or lleaton Ilros;
Fifteenth and Farnam.
Doit tasfsj put on free of Hiarjje. We
have a lurge stock of Cots collars at low
if I ;i'jjv v 1 J
You Must Decide
If you wlrfh to siMMiro your
new piano at n genuine sMvlntt
of sftmunt or more tlihik what
this menus when yon nre buying
from Svlimoller & Mueller.
There is yet 11 slcmllit assort
ment from which to select a
Stelnway, Meter. Kmersori.
Ilai-ilmnii, Mcl'luill, Steek or A.
H. t'luise piano, fur this Is a sale
of unusual cliumctor. In that It
includes the above utrletly urtia
tle makes.
Note the Sweeping Reductions on New Pianos
A brief eall at our wnrerooms
will surely convince the most
skeptical buyer. Hundreds have
tioiiKlit hero who hilly intended to
wait another year or two. Investi
gation prove, the quality. Itlces
and easy terms outweigh all other
obstacles. He sure to give the
piano question serious considera
tion this week.
Ilea-nlar Price.
22A fir I'nrlght....
liAO err Vnrlaht....
f.'tct) Sevr Iprlght
Sale Price.
. ... . -.Sinn
f.'lfto Xew t prlattt ..ato
40 Sfir ( prlit ht a75
t(VO Kryr I'prlaht s.'
fiM Xe InrUht f lan
HOO tirand Pianos
Our On Prlc Plan Protects th Buyr
Out-of-town buyers should write for catalogue, prl.vs
bargain list of used pianos. You save money by corrcs
us, for we employ 110 travelers. Addi
terms, etc..
y by corresponding with
S for ma
Nfervo-Sexual Debility
""' vuummouni or wretcnenness,
misery and sorrow this disease
a raun, ami oiten due -to his folly or his Ignorance. It is a serious
JSmiUaaUTn weakness, but the most "rioi"!
tbHt .m Vnif' ",OW.nP,?l.ort or lml"-P"'" treatment. It seems strange
wrecked '1;"."''''" 1!?y "ftPr- ,a7' rft,kod in h"
offer v.m ?hi H mL' hrrp.lH. afp'. ,"r,n r" way of escape. We
oner ou this aid, this help, this certainty of restoration.
. .. iwimiii n irnitiirlllllll.
b So 1 .."V" a"'1 WHaLknMM of mo" nnve 1",en 'h" means of blighting
WrakSesJ Tu rns1 rpn,r''? "irlage unhappy and business a failure.
It mVii.-.i,i V - . m?" fnr hLH nomp' wn,'rp me" "hould find their -happiness,
hlri ,J Jim H,,EihUI,,nP.!"!' ""K n,Pn ',ho,ll', mppt w,,h success. It unfits
SIhm .),. hlp' nn.'' PH, "hrlnk frt"" companionship. The mng"
nLioV at Wi"r CV"n nl',He"t- rh manliness that attracts women Is dls-
P N rvo nn.Wlffv",,.n,'"l. "ml ,h" vl.Ptlm'. knf,wlf tls. seeks solitude.
,Vk i1 lelillity numbers nmong Its victim the best of men. Their
S, , v,rr?'MlHPd "Sce "ml ,nPlr nuallftcatlcms deserved It. Their manhood
brought failure and proverty. and for no other cause. There are thousands'
upon thousands of men who would marry save for this debarment There "re
hose who are married and ke.-nest affliction llei in U.e feeling that
know"!? d",",,nl"l,,1 Hnd ,,1Ht ,he 01,0 admiration mentis mJt mu
.,,IJ,h "pp'',v c,,rp ' ,he diseases thnt so Insidiously destroy the intellect'
nedert woh1 fherya.'"?nh " ', "'CV h" ""rvloes of the eminent specialists con
nected with the State Medli-al Institute. They will stop these unnatural
drains with their terrible results and restore to sound he ',1 th the pit ml Z vlo-
' vl """'i""1 'd,,,i" ,y' 'T"1!? fH,lK,lp and wrecked manhood P'lluU, vl
We cure cmlckly, safely und thoroughly.
Stricture, Varicocele, ' Emissions, Nervb-Sexual Debility,
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