Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 02, 1905, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 15, Image 15

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AdTrrlUrmrili for iktM rnma
rill ha takes asm 12 n. lor the
lif cdltloat aad antll 8 a. at. foe
the moraine; and Bonder edition.
Rate 1 l-2e a ward Srst Insert Ion
In a word thereafter. Nnthtnx takea
for less thaa JtOo far the arat laser,
tloa. These advertisement mast be
tun ronseeotlvelr.
Advertisers, br regoestleg a
bered cheek, caa have sninVri ad
I reused to a numbered letter fa ear
f The Bee. Answere so adttressed
will ha delivered ea areeeatattea al
A. C. On. A. At., LL. D. Pres.; A. J.
I,owry, i'rlnc. 17th and Hartley sis.
Srring Term Opens Tomorrow,
APRIL 3, 1905.
New classes started in all departments.
Business taught as praotlrcd. INVES'Il
UATB and you will be one of our number.
Call, phone or write fur catalogue,
of the
. R-152 2
EYE STRAIN relieved by expert optical
iirmmcini; giajsee to nt; prices right,
Bennett's. , R iitj
ITT RATH railway tickets everywhere.
P. il. I'hllbtn, l."0t Farnam. 'Phone 784.
R 277
CltY SAVINGS BANK pays 4 per cent.
Tel. MO. 1307 Doua. Omaha Stove Rep- VVks.
UiUHA Hafe and Iron Works makes a spe
cialty of lire escapes, shutters, doors and
saJes. G. Aiiilrecii, prop., Iu2 S. loth at.
D. W. DUDGEON, expert PLUMBER; 2
'phones. K lot All)
WHO'S your tailor? It should be Dresner.
Too busy muKing clothes to close. , Open
c veilings', lblj Farnam at. R 2so
Pi-ONE 3350
. It will pay you to rail and tee
R. V. M11ALE make
on the MILES MACHINE for all kinds of
Dealers in Sidewalk Material
1513-1515 BURT ST.
TEL. 20j.
R-9ti7 2
R oiO
21 years experience In Omaha. Tel. B1R97.
6M Paxton Dig. R MJbtt
PI PfTRIf Carpet Cleaning Works.
CLCUJ Christianson. 2221 N. 20th.
Tel. Jtia9. R Mtju6-A28
UMBRELLA repairing and keys. 207 B.
14th. Tel. I'll. R-M679 A2x
COLLINS PIANO CO., wholesale and re
tail musical Instruments. Talking ma
chines, records exchanged, 113 S. lull mi.,
Omaha. R
WANTED Your machinery repairing, au
tomobile, gasoline en nine, model and ex
perimental work. Buckingham & Peter
son, Fremont, Neb. R
City salesman, 175.
ileik, clothing. -0 per week.
Mnniigcr planing mill, $100.
credit mini, wholesale house, $150.
Klrrtrlt'lun to take charge- of plant,
office clerk, young man, $8 per week,
specialty salesman, salary and commission.
JMenographer, $tn.
City salesman, 18 per week; Investment
Bookkeeper, $75.
Manager, small manufacturing plant, $75.
Hill clerk, young man, $7 per week.
Manager, fire Insurance department.
mice hoy, neat appearance, 18 years.
840-841 N. Y. Life.
B-973 2
WANTED Married couple without child
ren; man to work al shop, wife to do
general housework. Joseph Pick. York,
Neb. B-274 2
WANTED, man and wife: man must tin
. derstaud gardening and shrubbery. Wm.
B. Clark, Millard hotel. B 222 2x
SALESMAN, paint nnd glass company.
Delivery man for grocer.
Manager, stove department, department
Drug More billing clerk
ardt net's, private places'.
farm hands. JIB to 1-5 month.
4 hotel house men, $20.
2 bell or page boys.
1 rreumery man. $25, room and board.
1 try cook. $60.
1 painter and paperhanger.
1 tinner, for country.
1 carriage painter.
1 stenographer snd bookkeeper.
ZU H. 14 at. 'Phone 64U.
B-195 2
HELP yourself; shirts So, collars 2c, cuffs
4c. Folletto laundry, 1611 Capitol ave.
B-267 2x
YV'ANTED, cracker.laek experienced spe
- cialty salesmen, capable of earning $500
per month; something new; shIIs to deal
ers; give references, experience and terri
tory wanted. 072 E. Oak St., Portland,
Ore. B 261 3
MAN that knows how to care for horses;
Englishman or Irishman preferred. Dr.
F. P. Bellinger, Council Bluffs.
B-M7 3x
TRAVELING salesman for skirt mfg. Co.
Good prin ler. $50.
Rop KHleKman.
A 1 rubber stamp man, $75.
Two clerical men. R. R. office.
5 Insurance men (balary).
Young men lor hardware. '$75.
Halt. 401 and 402 N. V. Life.
B-9S1 S
BARBER TRADE tnught ouli kly and
graduate put to work. Write for terms.
American barber College, cor. 12th and
Douglaa sts. B -t'9 2k
WANTED, S medical. 3 dental and 6 Mgh
school studeiiis for a few ho urn' work
each day. Call bLU Paxtnn block, between
I and p. in. F. L. O'Brien. B M241
MEN and women wanted ua managers and
HgentK In handling stock of 2s.s,ont-acra
plantation; excellent pay: permanent em
ployment; exclusive territory given. Eu-
8ue Moore, U-2U Odd FellowH building,
t. I.oula, Mo. B-MM6 3
WANTED Men to distribute sample, tack
signs. l.l(io dally; no canvassing. Conti
nental Distributing Service, Chicago.
U M ix
SALESMEN, iimke 40 weekly selling our
famous Victoria Disc Phonigrapli ; $13
machine sold direct from our fuciury to
you, lll.fsi. Rogers Mfg. Co., 147 West
Z'A at.. New York Cliy. B 2x
WANTED Young man, experienced In
general inerctia ndlse. Address box Y,
Bee office. Suth Omaha. ii MW4 Sx
$& PERMANENT salary to reliable men
In outside towns: we handle properties
everywhere. Northwestern Rl Estate
St Guaranty Co., U and . Hi Neville
w block. B-iIO-4
Wonder If you have ever REALLY con
sldered how ABSOLUTELY TRUE Is our
claim that there in nothing that la not
absolutely practical taught al Boy leg
The root of our practical Instruction may
be found In our practical Instructors.
The source of our practical course In our
practical rounder and head.
Now, with our new building and the eon'
sequent addition of our lines of learning
we have continued our practical principals
ana nave mane a ftoim aim unsiiaKaine
foundation for the continuance of the prac
tlcal tone of our college by securing only
radical instructors in ail our branches
Our Bookkeeping Instructors are all Ex
pert Acrountanta with u thorough training
in tne business world.
Our Tenmanshlp Instructors are Profes
sional Penman who know every small art
oi Dusiness penmanship.
Our Shorthand Department Is presided
over by a former Court Reporter the swift
est and best salaried of all stenographers.
The Typewriting Department Is In charge
or an Expert Touch Operator who Iihs
mattered the art of conveying her own
dexterity to the lingers of our pupils.
The Normal and English Branches are
lortunate In having as their head a Har
vard University A. B.
The course in Commercial Law is Im
parted to our pupils by an L. L. D. a law
yer whose training and practice are spe-
ciaiizea on laws pertaining to Dusiness.
The Telegraphy Department Is in the
care of a practical, high grade Expert
Telegraph Operator who has had actual
experience on the Chicago. & Great West
ern Railway and the Union Pacific R. R.
and he will Impart to our students lust
that knowledge which will he of positive
Deneni to mem out in the business world
Boyles College graduates are practical
nienograpner practical DooKKeepers prac
tical Telegraphers. They have been drilled
rlprht In those practical points of their
worn mat win be or promotion-begetting,
rami y-raising value to tliem.
Just bear this In mind when you consider
mat we nave our
Send for catalogue and further informa
tion. Better yet, pay us a call and look
over our new building the ideal business
college structure of the United States.
MEN TO LEARN barber trade; free rail
road fare upon our failure to convince
you oi tnis being the best and only re
liable, most practical barber college In
the United Slates. Write for catalogue
toaay. western Barbers institute,
Omaha, Neb. B 2X0
I WANT and furnish drug clerks, drug
aiorea ana doctors, unicst, o-i r. x. i.
WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY, able-bodied
unmarried men, between ages of 21 and 36,
citizens of United States, of good charac
ter and temperate habits, who speak, read
and write English. For information upply
to Recruiting offleer, 13th and Douglas
sts., Omaha, Lincoln, Neb., or Sioux City,
la. B-873
IF YOU are in need of a position call and
have & "heart-to-heart" talk with HART,
THE EXI'ERT, 401 N. Y. Life. B-2S2
WANTED, men and boys to learn plumb
ing trade. Coyne Bros. Co. school of
practical plumbing. Send for catalogue.
Address 4973-75 Easton ave.. St. Louis,
Mo. B M7&6 F3 (Ki
TAILORS, Attention! If you are first-class
coat make -a we can use you. pood prices.
Steady work to men that are right.
Dresner. 1616 Faxnam at. B 432
WANTED A bright young mnn, not less
than 25 years old, to aoliclk life insurance
for the best old line life insurance com
pany in the country; good Income guar
anteed to the right man. Cull on John
Steel. 23S Bee building. B 954
moved to 211 South lllh st, ground floor,
phone 6411. B Mlul
BARBER wanted. 8. H. Vosburg, Bel
grade, Neb. B-M25!! lx
TINNER with shop tools to rent space at
reasonable rate In retail hardware store
In good location In Omaha. Address B 9,
Bee. B-554 2x
WANTED J. L. Brandels & Sons require
the services of several first-class shoe
salesmen; must come well recommended.
Apply at once, manager of shoe dept.
B-M5ti8 1
WANTED, young man attending college to
work three hours per day for board and
small sulary. The Rose, 2020 Harney st.
B-632 A2X
WANTED For an Omaha wholesale house,
a good salesman to take charge of estab
lished trade In Washington and Idaho:
give references: good chance for right
man. Address B 28. Bee. B 13 2x
WANTED General agents for the states
of Neb., Kan., Mo., and Oklahoma, for
one of the best selling articles on the
market. Applicant will need enough
money to maintain an oftlce and appoint
subagents. Address, B 31, Bee office.
B M851 6
WANTED Good experienced grocery clerk.
Tho Lange Grocery Co., (Su6 S. 13th st.
B M853 2
WANTED Men everywhere; good pay: to
rtlstrlLute circulars, adv. matter, tack
signs, etc.; no canvassing. Address Na
tional Advertising Co., 100 Oakland bank
Blclg.. ChUago, 111. B-MS35 2x
WANTED -llnrnessmakers, harness cut
ters and workmen In light and heavy har
ness. P. R. L. Hardenbergh Co.. fit.
Paul, Minn. B-K73 2
WANTED, men to learn barber trade. Pre
pare now for spring rush. Positions guar
anteed. Graduates earn $15 weekly. Few
weeks completes. Can nearly earn ex
penses before finishing. Call or write,
Moler Barber College, 1116 Farnam st.
B-M924 7x
BEET workers; families for western Ne
braska: free fare; no rent; good pay.
Standard Beet Sugar Co.. over 215 S. V'th.
Omaha. B 1H
WANTED Fraternal Insurance worker to
take charge of a state; professional or
business man preferred; right party can
secure large returns. Natlonul Life
building. Chicago, R. 1156. B 109 2x
PAINTERS, be your own boss; with our
frncesa you make $35 to 50 weekly; par
iculars and sample sent prepaid. 15 cents.
I'lielan, 3k3 College ave., New York City.
B 1 11 2x
FIREMEN and brnkemen on railroads
everywhere; experience unnecessary; high
monthly wages; tlremen $1'. become en
gineers and earn $180; brakemen $70, be
cone conductors and earn $140; name po
sition preferred; state age; stamp for
particulars. Railway Association, Dept.
5 Charles bldg., Denver. Colo.
B 110 2x
WANTED, a good bushelman. Apply at
r-nre manager clothing department. 3. L.
Rrandels & Sons. B-M259 4x
MEN with previous selling or soliciting ex
perience. Call Sunday, Monday or Tues
day, day or evening. H. B. Clurkson,
Puxton hotel. R-Ml'M 4x
WANTED, amateur photographers to fur
nish photographs for our newspapers and
magarlnes. Opportunity to earn steady
Income. Art Dept., The National Press
Association. Washington, D. C.
B-S58 ix
WANTED A good man for coachman and
general work. Reference required. ( J.
E. Baum, The Bennett Company.
B-248 r
MANAGER wanted all sections to select
agents for the famous "Game O' Skill."
Lawful everywhere; fills long-felt want;
takes place forbidden slot machines, op
erated with nickela: rented or soli on easy
payments: 4-MlnO now In use: cample sent
on 3d days' free trial. Write at once for
particular Owen Chandler Furniture
Co., Peak 26, Grand Rapids, Mich.
B-990 2x
WANTED Reliable persons to work for
good pay. Southern Advertlning Dis
tributing. Dept. T, Baltimore, Md
B 11 tx
DRAFTSMEN and engineers, seud Ave two
tent stamps for April number, containing
list of liO vacancies. Engineering World,
Chicago. . B-W4 lx
Spring Term
of the
Tomorrow Morning.
New Classes in Every Department.
Be Sure and Begin at
the Opening.
Quite a large number have already com
pleted arrangement to begin their work
tomorrow morning in the Business De
partment, Shorthand and Typewriting
and Telegraphy. If you are going to start
to school this spring, It will pay you to
look up the courses of study and advan
tages provided by the Omaha Commercial
For full particulars call at college or send
for free catalogue.
Omaha, Neb.
LADIES to do piecework at their homes.
We furnish all materials and pay from $7
to $12 weekly. Send stamped envelope to
Royal Co., 34 E. Monroe St., Chicago.
C-fd7 2x
GIRL for general housework; wages $5.00
ptr week, no washing. 61(1 S. 2th St.
C MRS7 2
WANTKlv-Ladles to address circulars.
$') eO per hundred; dime and Mamp bring
circulars and jntl particulars. I.. G.
Fankell. Stella, Neh. C SUO 2x
WE WANT a reliable lady representative
In every town In Georgia: all ladies de
sire a good complexion: new mechanical
method; sample, one only, to those mean
ing business. 15 cents. Yale Chemical
Company. VM5 Broadway. New York.
C-39 4 2x
AGENTS! Key rhcks (SO deolgns) and
stamping outfits supplied; sample and
particulars free. llnrt Mfg. Co., 7;'7
Manhattan ave.. Brooklyn, N. Y.
J-946 2x
AGENTS $1 an hour Introducing our high
grade medicinal soaps and ointment;
every call means a sale; experience not
necessary; crew and branch office man
agera wanted. Terrlff Medical Associa
tion, 1114 Wabasn Ave., Chicago.
J 949 2x
WANTED Soap agents, soap crew
isers and bninch office managers to han
dle agents, $2n. Parker Chemical Co.,
2.17 Market St., Chicago. J 9uS 2x
WANTET Olrl for general housework: no
washing. 6.14 8. 40th St. C 871 2x
WANTED Girl for general housework;
ratmrv of four: good wages; new house.
1 8 S. 3fith st. Call Monday. C-970 2x
EXPERIENCED lady to take charge of
agents; cull promptly. Western Refer
ence and Bond Asa n, N. Y. Life bldg.
C-134 J
LADIES Earn $10 weekly copying letters'
at home; address stumped envelope for
particulars. national Distributing to.,
Albion, Mich. C-Wl 2x
WANTED Girl for chamber work: must
have good character. Address: Perkins
Hotel, David City, Neb. Country girl
preferred. C M9.i2 3x
WANTED Young men, prepared for posi
tions as commercial travelers, In six
weeks; positions guaranteed. Write for
particulars. American School of Com
mercial Training, Rochester, ff. Y.
11910 2x
SALESMEN Real estate; good opportun
ity for right men. For particulars ad
dress F. C, room 1201, No. lua Fulton St.,
New York. B 939 2x
F. V. KN1EST, R. P.,
If a man has a drug store to sell and- will
follow my Instructions to the letter he
will get a buyer very soon and get a
fair price for his stock. Some recent
Bales of mine they followed directions
and got out of business:
S. 8. l,anyon, Omaha, Neb.
Clarke & Green, Boone, la.
Glynn Bros., Vail, lu.
Fred Franklin, lwis, la.
Freld-Harris Co., Atlantic, la.
Eraser Drug Co., Beemer. Nob.
G. H. Myers, Omaha, Neb.
Chas. H. Olson, Omaha, Neh.
Goodrich Drug Co., Ord, Neb.
Kountze Place Pharmacy, Omaha, Neb.
P. H. Bell, Van Home, la.
R. W. Walton, Omaha, Neb.
1 can sell the best or the: worst drug store
In the country if 1 can get the owner to
put aside his false ideas for a month
and let me handle his stock, and at the
same time get an 'honest price for same.
Several stores 1 have sold in less than
aweek. Don't write me unless you are
ready to sell, and then at a fair price.
Don't write me unless you are willing to
cut out some antiquated notions. In
short, when you get ready. I repeat, when
you get good and ready to sell nnd want
the matter done up at once and willing
to keep out of the way while I am doing
It then write me.
F. V. KN1EST, R. P.,
Suite 624 N. Y. I. Omaha, Neb.
A GENTLEMAN of standing, energetic,
able and with a wide acquaintance among
clubmen, other eotiHumers and the trade,
is wanted by a large New Y'ork importer
to act as representative in Nebraska and
Iowa for the introduction and sale of
fine wines and a rare,, old, aristocratic
whisky; liberal commission and weekly
drawing account. Full particulars and
best references required. Address B 32,
Bee. . B-M 2
SALESMEN make $300 to $1,000 monthly
selling a high-class and very profitable
security. Address William II. Wright
Brokerage Co., 25 Broad St., New York.
J 9,3 ZX
LADIES, we desire good representatives
everywhere; congenial, easy employment
during spare time; no canvassing, no
home work scheme. Good pav. Boston
Wonlrn Mills Co., l.S Franklin St.. Boston,
Mas. C 932 2x
LADIES to sew nt home; $5 to $10 per
wees.; material sent free; sewing dune
by hand or machine: particulars stamped
envelope. Comfort Supply Co., Dent 12S,
Chicago. C 007 2x
LADIES $7 to $10 weekly earned doing
plain seiwng nt home; material sent free
everywhere prepaid: stamped addressed
envelope brings particulars. 1'nlon Com
pany, 822 Heed Bldg., Philadelphia. Pa.
C 91S 2x
WANTED Experienced girl n pook and
laundress. Apply Mrs. Barkalow. "411!
Capitol ave. C M192
2545 California
for general housework,
street. C M170 3x
ONE man nnd wife, cooks, hotel.
7 hotel and restaurant cleaners.
chambermaids, hotels nnd blocks.
B kitchen women. $15 to $30.
!1 laundry women.
B second rooks nnd cook's helpers.
S women for sewing.
S waitresses, $15 to $n3 month, city and
In country.
4 pastry cooks.
K girls for housework.
Remember that we make no charge for
reirlsterlng for this class of work, and our
ohariresj for furnishing positions are rea
Ill S. 14 st. "Phone 5411.
c-m 2
GIRL for general housework: one who can
cook; two In family. fio2 S. 35th ave
C M200 2
CTRL for general housework, $7.
Girl for second work $5.
TInrt, 401 and 402 N. Y. Life.
C-M2 5
GOOD housekeepers. Canadlun office. 15th
and Dodge. A 293
WANTED, by well educated, middle-aged
man, place as hotel clerk, overseer or
salesman; country preferred. Address B
20, Bee office. . A M683 1
SITUATION wanted as bookkeeper for
small aet of books, and to solicit business.
Address B 21. Bee office. A Mto4 1
WANTED, situation as driver for light de
livery work, for first class man. Address
B 17, Beo office. A Mt8ti 1
PAINTERS and paper hangers wanted;
wages $3.50 per day. I Florman Mer.
Co., Pueblo, Colo. B M972 4
AGENTS, big money: surest burglar alarm
manufactured; highest police officials In
dorsements; guarantee Immediate sules.
Mall one dollar with application. Cooley
Specialty Co., 271 Broadway, New York.
B 102 2x
WANTED Carriage and wagon workers
to etay away from Chicago; trouble.
B-101 2x
BIO money easily earned at home during
your spare time; full particulars for
stamp. Tho Paragon Supply Co.. lock
box 97, Buffalo, N. Y. 909 2x
REPRESENTATIVES wanted everywhere
(either sex); can earn big money Intro
ducing our accident and emergency ease.
Address for particulars U. 8. Emergency
Case Co., Weaver block, Utlca, N. Y.
-995 2x
WRITE today to the Page-Davis Co.. 194
Wabash ave., Chicago, you can earn $25
to $100 per week by learning ad writing.
B-937 2x
ELEVEN Knights of Pythias in each state
given permanent, pleasant, profitable em
ployment near home. Whole or part time.
Addreas Fraternal, Thames Building. New
York. B 936 2x
WANTED, clever young man for shadow
ing and secret service In and about
Omaha. Address Superintendent, 815 Hart
ford bldg., Chicago, III. R 928 2x
CIRCULAR and sample distributers wanted
everywhere; permanent position; good
pay. American Union. Pontlac Building,
Chicago. B 955 2x
WANTED District manager In everv cltv
, and county to handle the greatest
agents' sener ever produced: work among
business men only; most attractive, lib
eral proposition; our managers make an
average of $30 to $60 per week. If you.
want to handle a permanent and very
profitable inifinesa write for full par
ticulars. J. E. Baumrucker. 94 Wendell
St.. Chicago. B 946 2x
WE will make you a present of $100, give
you a splendid suit of clothes every
ninety days, enlarge your picture free
and pay you a salary of $8u per month
and all traveling expenses to take orders
for the greatest and most reliable por
trait house in the world. All this will he
guaranteed. Address R. D. Martel. Dept.
345, Chicago. III. B 910 2x
WANTED Person to call on retail trade
for manufacturing house; local territory;
salary $5, paid weekly; expense money
advanced; previoua experience unneces
sary. American House, Star building. Chl
ci io. B-913 2x
WANTED Local men In every town In the
i nueq (Mates to nisirinuie advertising
matter. No canvassing. Advertiser Pro
tective Vnlon, Chicago. B !io 2x
LADIES, earn t'M per loxi writing short
letters; send stamped envelope for par
ticulars. Ideal Mfg. Co., Cassopolls, Mich.
C M9
WANTED 2S machine operators at once. M.
K. sinun sl v.u., lucioiy, um and Doug
la st. C MS7
ANTED An experienced cook. Apply to
Mrs. Arthur C. Smith. 1303 Pink ave.
WANTED, an experienced housemaid. Mrs.
L. L- Kounu, 4a S. 39l!i at. Tel, 187.
WANTED, young woman for light house-
24tb. C-M832 2
WANTED at once, an experienced mala
hill Hers.; one laminar witn the Smith
premier and acquainted with the drug
business. Inquire Richardson Drug Co.
C-&I831 t
ONE fitter and six sewing women; cloak
department, liayden Bros. C M846 3
WANTED Girl for general housework and
cooking, can r ial no. i, the Nnrmandie.
C-MS58 1
WANTED, steady Job by a man of about
48; can do no hard work; drive and gen
erally useful; must be first claas place.
Address B 19. Bee office. A M687 1
SITUATION wanted by experienced male
stenographer with typewriter. Address
B 26, Bee. A-M835 lx
WANTED Steady work wanted for man
and team. Address Lewis Marti, Kene
saw, Neb. A S92 2x
WE have the following applications for
whom we wish good positions: I lady
stenographer, 1 travelling salesmnn, 1
office clerk, 1 porter, 1 soda dispenser, 1
stationary engineer. 1 night watchman,
1 yard foreman, 1 implement salesman, 1
bookkeeper, 1 Janitor.
They are all good people and want to
211 S. 14 St. "Phone 5411.
A-197 2
SITUATION by experienced young man
stenographer, with typewriter. Address
B 45, Bee. A-M264 3x
AGENTS make $6 dally selling the cheap
est and most perfect water filter ever
Invented; retails at $2; big profit; ex
clusive territory. Seneca Filler Co.,
Seneca. Mo. J M210 3x
AGENTS WANTED, either Rex. for best
selling article on tho market; 2o0 per cent
profit. Address Box 65, South Omaha.
J 838 lx
EASY MONEY selling silk thread protec
tor to house wives, dressmakers, tailors;
saves thread, time, money; (ifi cents);
every sewing machine user wants. Cer
t ie-Lyke Co., Buffalo, N. Y. J-8721X
AGENTS $75 per month and expenses to
sell advertising signs to merchants and
manufacturers. St. I-ouis Sign Co., St.
Louis, Mo. J
AGENTS Wo have a winner. If you want
easy money, write quick. Rodes Sanitary
Co., St. Louis, Mo. J
AGENTS wanted to sell our $1 SSrsuparllla
for 35c; beat seller; 350 per cent profit;
write today for terms and territory. F.
R. Greene, 116 Lake St., Chicago.
LADY agents making less than $25 weekly
should write for cutalogue and terms; we
start you In business and make you in
dependent; outfit prepaid. Women's Ap
parel Supply Co., Chicago. J
WE PAV $36 a week and expenses to men
with rigs to Introduce poultry compound.
Year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co.,
Dept. 54. Parsons, Kan. J
AGENTS sell $1 bottles Parsaparllla for 35c:
large profits. Write for particulars and
prices. F. G. llaitman Co., Chemists,
lill6 Wabash Ave., Chicago. J
AGENTS make $3 to $10 dsl'v fitting
glasses; big profits; our 24-page free e
book tells how; write today. Jacksomati
Optical College, College Place, Jackson,
Mich. J-
BI'J MONEY In squabs: they sell for $2 to
to a doaen; cheaply raised In only four
weeks; write for our free book about this
rich industry. Plymouth Rock Squab Co.,
a9 Atlantic Ave., Boston, Mas. J
WANTKlv-A traveling salesman for Iowa
and adlolntng territory. Capitol Cltv Hat
Co.. Des Moines. In. 149 2
WANTED, salesmen and crew managers
for cltv and road. Call betwi-en 2 and S
p. in., 534 Inxten block. T. U O'Brien.
- MC4o
ROVAL HOTEL, European, loth & Chicago
E 3uJ
DEWEY, European hotel, 131h & Farnam.
K 3"4
VIENNA hotel. Private dining rms. cafe.
100 warm rooms. Ogdcn hotel, Co. Bluff, la.
K 12S
ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, excellent
location, modern. 2310 Webster; phone
5390. E-4k9
FURNISHED rooms, modern conveniences,
walking distance. 116 N. 26th. E 483 2x
ONE nicely furnished south front room;
modern, walking distance. 2024 St. Mary a
ave. E-4M lx
WANTED, a general agent for this city and
vicinity. A reliable business man can do
' well. For particulars address The Creino
llne Mfg. Co.. St. Louis. Mo. J
AGENTS, write now for free sample of
work and terms. Star Harness Mender;
best 25c seller out; we make other quick
selling necessities. Columbia Nov. Mfg.
Co., St. Louis, Mo. J
AGENTS wanted; sell our Idg $1 bottle sar
saparllla for 35 cents. 30o per cent profit.
AVrlte today for terms and territory.
R 61 Royal Mfg. Co., Kansas City, Sin.
$500 per month and expenses may seem big
to you, but it can lie made, selling my
patent for making smokeless gun and
blasting powder al 8c er pound. Beware
of fakes advertising a worthless and dan-
f rerous article. 1 am the Inventor and
lavo the patent. General agenta wanted
in each state to travel and appoint sub
agents. J, A. Btrausky, Box 5o0 Pukwauu.
8. D J-818 2x
AGENTS, our new Gold Window Sign Let
ters: beat anything on the market; big
profits; agents make $10 fc $20 dally. Com
plete sample outlit 25c. Particulars free.
Sullivan Co., 405 W. Van Buren st. Chl
cairo, 111. J-107 ix
AGENTS wanted for Moft's Perfection
Shear Gauge; indispensable to dress
makers; big money maker: sample $1.50;
particular and terms free. E. E. Mott,
123 Liberty St., New Y'ork. J 100 2x
WANTED, repreentatlves In every locality
to sell our teas, coffee, apices, extracts,
baking powder, etc., direct to the con
sumer. Liberal inducement. 'A chance
to establish a business of your own. We
assist you In every way. Address Roval
Tea Co.. 2801-3-5 Cottage Grove ave.. Chi
cago. 111. J-935 2x
one agent; new; demand; fiulck sales.
Farmers' Account Book Co., Newton, la.
J 929 2x
GIRL for general housework; reference
required, iun r amain. C sua
EXPERIENCED house gtrl; good wages;
no wasiiing; launore helps with Iron
ing. 118 N. 39th t. C-8C7 3
WANTED, lartle to learn hair dressing,
manicuring, isciai niaskdge. rniropody or
electrolysis. Short time required. Rig
demand for graduates; good pay Ad
vantages given that cannot be bad else
where. Call or Write. Moler Colleae. 1114
Farnam st. C MW3S Tx
AGENT8. see our dollar proposition first;
umple prepaid. 35c. Deal with manufac
turer. Crew manuger wanted. Davis
Soaps, 8W Dearborn st., Chicago.
J-927 2x
WANTED Agents for latest easy selling,
money making, labor saving specialties;
guaranty or commission. Request in
structive leaflets. Office Men's Record,
145 La Salle St., Chicago. J-9u-2x
WANTED, one reliable lady or gentleman
In each town to act as our agent, sell
tea. coffee, spices, etc., rilled to the
consumer; good sold on guarsntee: fine
premium given; no capital required: rig
furnished free: write for terms today.
Grand Union Tea Co.. Omaha, Neb.
J-2W1 :
PICTURE MEN are making barrels of
money with our New Idea portraits. lx
20; black and white, 30c; colors, 35c; sam
ples free. New Idea Portrait Co., Dept.
15, Butler bldg.. Chics go. J
BEST money maker for agents on earth;
new articles; new plan; household neces
sity; 2.OOO.O10 sold; resells to same peo
ple over and over again: sold In
Minneapolis; agents make from $10 to 20
dally; our pew selling plan beats all
others; agtnt's outfit 10 cents Domestic
Mfg. Co., Desk 9, Minneapolis, Minn.
J-MI28 4x
AGENTS Automobile Washers sell them
selves; sells on sight, for It does a wash
ing In 30 minutes; furnishes! its own
power; requires no labor and cosls less
than nny other machine. Free sample and
exclusive territory given. Automatic
Washer Co., Station U, Chicago.
J-9S8 2x
616 S. 22D ST., nicely furnished rooms;
modem, walking distance. E 482 lx
WE furnish rooms 25 cheaper than the
Installment bouses, and we give you a
better quality. Trv ' us. Terms. $25. OU
worth, 11. w) w:eek.
tietween 12th and 13th, on Farnam st.
E 985 2
ELEGANTLY' furnished rooms for gentle
men, modern in every respect. 8a8 8. 20th.
K 60I lx
1811 CASS ST., furnished rooms for house
keeping or sleeping. E 807 2x
NICELY furnished rooms, all-modem.
Telephone B 3251. 1105 Pacific st.
E-499 lx
HOUSEKEEPING rooms; 2 or 3 large fur
nished rooms, modern, for housekeeping.
KI2 S. 28th. E 406 lx
NICELY furnished modern rooms. 704 S.
17th. E-397 lx
floor, modern.
S. 16th, third
E-504 lx
FURNISHED rooms for sleeping or house
keeping. The Lacola, loi3 Howard.
B 606 lx
VERY pleasant room, with modern con
veniences; gentlemen preferred. 1425 N.
17th. E-500 lx
AGENTS WANTED Ladles to show frames
for nmklng Brazilian Point Ice. New
Invention. Sells at sight. Write: Manta,
Pekln, III. J-9U3 2x
AGENTS Write for special terms on latest
office specialty. Greatest monev maker.
Sells Itself. Am. Lock-Crank Co.. Mil
waukee, Wis. J 897 2x
WE START you selling diamonds. Don't
fail getting our liberal offer; $5 dally sure.
Carbon Diamond Co., Syracuse, N. Y.
Mention paper. J 896 2x
CHOICE opportunity for one live person In
each county. New proposition. Write
quickly. Thomson Co., 419 Denrhorn St.,
Chicago. J 899 2 x
AGENTS wanted; your Income Increased
$'J5 a wek by becoming our agent: send
stamped envelope for particulars. Keenan
& Co., 32 Broadway, New York City.
J-943 2x
MANUFACTURER will pay liberal com
mission to traveling salesman who can
sell blankets, dreas goods and flannels
direct to refallera. Schuylkill Mills, Box
1192 Philadelphia, Pa. M 866 lx
WANTED, first-class salesman. One sales
man's commission amounted to over $1,200
In six weeka from Feb. Kth to March 18th,
1905. Address A. T. Swenson, Manager,
Cedar Rapids. Ia 922 2x
SALESMAN'S side line; small sample; lib
eral commission; standard article. Gisli
Novelty Co., Sta. O, South Bend, Ind.
'I FEEL like a millionaire," writes one
agent. New. Demand. Quick sales.
Farmers' Account Book Co., Newton. Ia.
926 2x
W ANTED, salesmen everywhere to handle
our fine line of advertising fans, calendars
and novelties aa side line. Write at once.
Mahon Novelty Co., Kenton, Ohio.
925 2x
SIDE line traveling men can make $25 to
$50 per week carrying side line of most
up-to-date advertising fans of our ex
clusive and special designs; season now
opening. Apply at once. The Kemper
Thomas Company, Fan Dept., Station H,
Cincinnati, O. 961 2x
TRAVELING salesman for Nebraska ter
ritory; ataple line with entirely new and
unusual Inducements to the trade; high
commissions with expense advances.
Manufacturer, Box 624. Detroit, Midi.
CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska
and Iowa; staple line; high commissions;
advance of $100 monthly; permanent posi
tion to right man. Jess H. Smith Co.,
Detroit, Mich.
WANTED By a prominent Independent
.uii.i.. i iiiBi'vmn juoi icBiiug ana re
fined oil salesman, for northern Ne
braska and Black Hill territory. Only
those having practical experience and es
tablished trade need apply. Address B
27, Bee. h;4 2
TRAVELING salesman by large wholesale
nouse ior isenrasaa to sen strong line sta-
Iiles to general stores. State experience.
Jrawer "S," Chicago. 931 2x
TRAVELING salesman wanted to work
country grocer iraoe. Malary and ex
pense. Los Angeles Cider Co., St. I,ouis,
Mo. 9G3-2X
WANTED Traveling salesman In Iowa and
WnV-Knulf ..... . I I ., , .
Mruinona. lutjoi 3 it IIUNlier BlUI Have
experience drumming retail grocery and
general store trade. Address: Wholesale.
Box, 155, Rock Island, 111. 9M-2x
ELEGANTLY furnished room. In new.
modern house; 'phone; close In, close to
car. 623 S. 17th ave. - E 508 lx
FOR RENT Large, clean, furnished, front
room. 210 N. 19th. E-22 lx
THREE pleasant, furnistied rooms, mod
ern; gas stove In kitchen; references re
quired. 2701 Woolworth ave. E 807 lx
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, mod
ern; references. 557 S. 26th st.
E-S12 lx
THREE for housekeeping: also sleeping
room by day or week. Tho Lakota, 1613
Howard. E-M834 2x
. . ,
NICELY furnished rooms for rent; private
family. 2539 California. E 8.17 6
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, sleeping rooms,
board and rooms, any price and location.
See Omaha Room Exchange, 432 I'axton
block. E-844 2x
FURNISHED rooms, all modern, close '4n;
board within one block; telephone, etc.
324 N. 191 h Ft. E M852 3x
FURNISHED room: everything new and
tip to date. 218 N. 17th. E-M857 3x
2574 HARNEY st.; newly furnished double
and single rooms; southern ' exposure;
modern, with telephone; private family;
meals close by. References exchanged.
ALT, kinds of furnished rooms. 115 S. 2flth
t. E M862 3x
TWO neatly furnished rooms, strictly mod
ern electric light, private family: gentle
men preferred; references required. 1921
St. Mary'a ave. E 868 3x
FURNISHED room, with all conveniences,
suitable for two gentlemen, with or with
out board. 634 South 28th st. E 870 3x
LARGE, modern, well furnished front room
with above; gentlemen preferred. 1019
Park avenue. E M106 3
ONE large room to rent lady. Mrs. Schultx,
1841 No. 21st at. B-M133 4x
FOR RENT Large front room, furnished,
close In; references. 2024 Webster st.
E-M132 4x
TWO nlcelv furnished rooms for light
housekeeping to a refined couple. Flat
5, Davidge block, 18th and Farnam.
E-8S1 2
PLEASANT front room, two blocks from
Dundee enr; tine for summer; $4 50 per
month. 4643 Farnam. E M154 4x
LARGE front room and alcove, suitable
one or two gentlemen; bath, telephone;
choice location, near park: references ex
changed. Address B 37, Bee office.
K-153 2x
ONE or three rooms, all modern, very de
sirable; furnished or partly furnished;
housekeeping allowed. 2606 Davinport.
'Phone Cedar 57402. K 987 2x
FURNISHED room, 824 S. 28th.
K M187 S
NICELY furnished room, walking distance,
clone to car; everything modern; good
neighborhood; board In same block. 516
8. 22d St. E-M199 4x
SOUTH front room, with board; modern;
telephone; reasonable. 620 S. 19th st.
K-M202 4x
FURNISHED rooms, everything modern,
close to car and walking distance. 808
8. 20th. E-M204 x
NEATLY furnished rooms,
N. 17th.
close In. 315
E M205 4x
EXPERIENCED traveling salesmen by
large vieveiana jonning house to till
vacancy for 1905. High commissions, with
$.15 weekly. W. 8. FinJey Co., 9o Prospect
street, Cleveland, Ohio. u0 2x
SALESMAN wanted who can use to ad-
vainage additional Hide line of staple
furniture to sell to the trade from photo
graphs, on commission. State territory
you cover, references and experience
Koenig Furniture Co., St. Loul.
WANTED Specialty salesmen of good
character for attractive proposition. Ref
erences and bond required. $4,0nt to $7 000
annually to business getters. F Box 470
Kansas City, Mo. ( 9" 2x
WANTED Reliable salesmen over thirty
with earning capacity of at least $3,0o0
annually for attractive proposition to
dealers. 8 Box 674, Chicago. 957 2x
I WANT every gasoline lamp salesman,
who is selling wire tubing lighting sys
tems, to write for my proposition. ' It
will only cost you a 2-cent stamp to write
to me and It will mean big money In
your pocket. You owe It to yourself to
know what I am doing, whether or not
you take up my proposition, but I know
positively that I will give you one tht you
cannot get away from. If I did not
know It, you can rest assured that I
would not be spending $r6 In order to
have this advertisement in 152 different
papers today. 1 have the best lighting
system In the world snd It Is better con
structed than any other system. Each
and every system In its entirety I guar
anteed for one year, and each and every
lamp Is guaranteed for Ave years, wli li
mit one cent extra expense. A $20u.mM
corporation sign the guarantee. I will
pay you commissions that my competitors
cannot afford to pay. Why? Because I
have a factory of my own and manufac
ture the synimia from start to finish, 011
my own premises, while my competitors
manufacture nothing. They buy their
outfits at the same price at which I will
sell them to you. If you have a friend
in this line of business you will do him
a permanent and everlasting favor by
clipping this ail and mailing it to him. P. O. box 219, Chicago. What
light do you sell? Whut territory do vou
cover? 916 2x
WE have guaranteed permanent money
making employment for guv one, expe
riuiiced or Inexperienced, who I willing
to earn reliable, steady Income that in
sure Increasing profit, according to suc
cess. Send addles. M. A. Donnh'ie at
Co., Chicago. 912 2x
BAI.K8HK.N of neat appearance and abil
ity to carry our goods a side line; only
men that can command 11 hearing from
lite best merchant in their territory
need answer. Belmont Mfg. Co.. Cin
cinnati, O, tVI)2t
FRONT room and alcove, facing Hansconi
park; reasonable; private family. Also
smaller room. Addn as B 42. Bee.
E-252 2x
FURNISHED rooms In cottage. 807 N 18th.
E M233 4x
FURNI8HED rooms for gentlemen;
em conveniences, sos s. 20th.
E-M42 4x
FURNISHED rooms for sleeping or house
keeping. 1811 Caa st. K M221 4x
ROOMS, furnished for housekeeping or
sleeping. The Lacola, 1613 Howard st.
E-M230 4x
PLEASANT room, modern conveniences;
gentlemen preferred. 1425 N. 17th t.
E-M229 4x
NICELY furnished room, all modern; nice
location; 'phone. IPS Pacific.
F.-M2: 4x
FURNISHED ROOMS Two or three large
furnished room; modern. 632 S. 28th.
E-M227 4x
FURNISHED rooms. 617 8. Mth. thl'd floor.
E-M226 4x
NEATLY furnished rooms; lawn and shade.
Good board. 1811 Chicago. E M225 4x
8. 10th. third
E-M2I0 4x
2il9 HARNEY ST., furnished rooms; board
close by, E M239 4x
NEATLY furnished room In new modern
flat, private fumlly; walkinu: distance.
623 S. 17th ave. E M238 4x
NICELY furnished rooms; transients. 712
8. 16th. 2d floor. E M237 4x
FURNISHED rooms. .712 N. 16th st.
E--M236 4x
TWO large parlors, very nicely furnished,
complete for ltht housekeeping; m. dern
house. 1707 California St. E-M235 4x
THREE pleasant furnished rooms, mod
ern: gas stove In kitchen; references
required. K7tl AVool worth ave. 4x
t ROOMS housekeeping; convenient to
bath. 1712 Jackson. E-:ii8,'.x
NICELY furnished rooms for rent at 61.')
N. 20th st. K-M218 4x
ELEGANT sulfa of three housekeeping
rooms, modern, reasonable. 2"'i4 Ksinain,
flat (. E-MM6 4x
WH I RT8 (c collars !-, cuffs 4c. K'll. tie's
laundry, 1614 Capitol ave. K 27 -x
FOR RENT, large front room, light house
keeping privlieiceR. or sleeping room, to
gentlemen or working girl. 210 N inth
at. E-262 ix
O. M K., TEL fill.
' ' j
GOOD room for two; gentlemen preferred.
213 S. 25th ;t. F 10
BEAUTIFUL rooms; lovely yard: good
board; 1811 Chicago. F 503 lx
THE r.(iSE-i.. 1 -larney. Largo, nicely fur
llshetl rooms; good board, reasonable
rates. F 602 Ix
MODERN rooms; good board; price right.
1SU Chicago. F-373 lx
FRONT PARLOR, all modern, for couple,
with or without board. Phone Red 4i7.
1714 Douglas st. F-M682 lx
527 PARK AVE South room, commodious,
vlth board; beautiful lawn. Telephone
Black-5125. F 808
ROOMS furnished or unfurnished, with or
without board, private family. U22X Burt
street. F 641 2x
NICELY" furnished front parlor, with first
class board. $4ti for two; all modern. 2215
California. F 3 1
HOARD and room in private family; Scan
dinavians prcfcired. 804 N. ISth st.
F MS61 ix
NICELY" furnished rooms, modern, with.
Imard; close In. Apply 61S S. 19th st.
F-M201 4X
EXCELLENT large outside room with all
modi in conveniences and board for
couple; ery reasonable. 'Pl-me Red
4i.37, or call today at 1714 Dounlas.
F-MJ60 4X
IF YOI" would make this life one con
tlnual round of pleasure stop at the
Capitol. 18th and Capitol ave.. with large
front rooms, southern exposure, hot and,
cold waler. family cooking) 'phone, li
bra iv , daily papers and modern conven
iences. F M 262 4x
FURNISHED rooms, with good hord; rea
sonable; walking distance. 5.13 8 22d.
F-M307 4x
NICELY' furnished rooms for 2. with
wllh Imard. 2118 Cass sl. F M211 8
TYY'O or' ttiree unfurnished rooms; refer
ences exchanged. 2112 Cass. G 186
TYY'O large parlors and kitchen, $30; three
ground floor rooms with range, $15.
G M675 lx
ROOMS In YVithnell Bldg., 15th nnd Har
ney, for light housekeeping. See janlt-jr
or N. 1. Dodge & Co., 1614 Farnam st.
G-M167 4
ROOMS for light housekeeping In St.
Mary's bldg., 27th and St. Mary's ave ;
corner rooms, $:.00; back rooms. $5.00.
Inquiro at No. 6 or of N. P. Dodge- &
Co.. 1614 Farnam St. G U166 4
FOUR unfurnished rooms. 2421 Dodge at-
G-M212 4x
THREE unfurnished rooms for rent; mod
em. 220 N. 23d st. Q 217 3x
TYY'O largo parlors and kitchen, $20; 3
ground floor rooms, with range, $15. Tel.
25: G-M2163X
This building Is 22x86 feet, four atorles
and a basement. The basement la 22x133
feet, is cemented. The ceiling over the
basement has u brick vault and iron beam
construction, making the basement fire
proof. The first floor has a marble floor In
front and granolithic floor In' rear. There
Is a large burglar-proof vault and a power
elevator. Tho upper floora have window
on tlirio aides.
Will Be Vacated for New Occu
pant on April 1, 1905.
Address Tho Beo Building Co., C. C.
Rosewater, Secretary, Room 100 Bee Bldg.
WE have vacant a particularly desirable
small office, which rents for $10.00 per
month. Price includes heat, light, water
and janitor service. It is located on tho
fourth iloor of The Bee building and ia
luat the thing for anyone wanting a nice
little office in the best office building In
town. R. C. Potera fe Co.. Rental Agent.
Ground Floor, Bee building. 1 J71
you apply at once we can give any-
one u'ntimi v.,.... .jini-n aoiiust,
any arrangement they desire. Till space
Is on the sixth Iloor of The Bee building.
- ... V. liul.l T f T... . . , .
wuu noiiii i'Bi. n ec iwO..
Rental Agents, Ground Floor, Bee bldg.
BEST location for railroad or Insuranoe
office In Omaha. Inquire at First Na
tional Bank building, YY'alter M. Carter,
superintendent. I MUSI
3-STORY and basement, 1003 Farnam; ele
valor. 311 1st Natl. Bank bldg. 1877
One especially line, ground floor office, 120.1
Farnam sl.; newly papered and var
nished; large vault, private toilet and
wash basin; electric light, heat and Jan
itor service.
Ground Floor U. 8. Nat l Bank Bldg.
1-147 2
ROOM, fronting on 16th st., main floor of
Board of Trade building; $75 per month.
I-M13 I
FOR RENT. new. up-to-date building. 26x
60. splendid opening for drugs; an elegant
point for a soda fountain; good town; good
country; good territory; rent low to right
parly. Address H 33, care Bee.
1-14$ 2
WANTED By young couple, about four
unfurnished rooms for light housekeep
ing; must be in modern house with pri
vate family; references. Address B 26,
2,ue; K-119 2x
WANTF.D By an elderly couple, ( room
for light housekeeping, between Farnam
and I.iil.e, 16th and; state price. Ad
dress room 317, N. Y. IJfe Bldg.
K--1T9 2x
WANTED By young man and wife, flva
rooms or five-room cottage In good lo
cality, north part of city preferred. Ref
erences required. Addesa B 41, Bee.
K-M'.'49 4
LADIES treated successfully by mail;
write today, stating how long suppressed.
Dr. lirlney, 182 Statu st.. Chicago.
DR. YV. HUTCHINSON, specialist Ot
women and children; Do years' practice,
ofiici!, 23uo Cuming. Kcalueiica telephone.
8606; office, 2MJ7.
MEN, if you are small, weak or undevel
oped, pave lost strength, our Acme Vac
uum Developer will restore you without
tlruga or eloctrlolty: urethral obstruc
tion and varicocele permanently cured In
one to four weeks; ib.ono In use; not one
failure; write for free book, sent sealed
lu plain i-nvfldpc. Acme Mfg. Co., 728
Barclay Blk., Denver, Cole.
LAI'lEH --Chichester's English Pennyroyal
Pills art the best; aafe, reliable; take no
other. Seuel 4c stamps for particulars,
"Relief for Ladles," In letter by return
mall. Ask your druggist, Chichester
Chemical Co., Philadelphia. Pa.
uncooked wheat bread, 25c. package of 25
c Agents, L. Weasel's rJuns A Co.,
Nebraska City, Neb. M823 1
Monthly Ri gululor lias brought hHpplnesa
to bondreds of anxious women. No pain,
no danger, no interference with work;
relief in 8 to 6 duys. YY'e nave never
known of a single failure Price $2, by
CO., Room 35, 64 Adams St., Chicago.
I'EN-TA N -GOT - Prompt regulator for; never falls, $2 postpaid. Sherman
& McCnnnell In ug Co., Omaha 366
LADIES-Dr. Murllnet will advise you free.
The T A I'. Chemical Co., Dept. 28,
Bridgeport Conn wf Ax
IN FAMLULS Mis fcUuray. 'lYhose A-rot.