15 TTTE OMATTA DAILY TIEE: PrXDAY. ATTJIL 2. 10nr. 0) JU C3 irn rn JliJ uJ Greatest Bargains of the Sale TWO DRESSMAKING STOCKS W. W. Gosling New York and Newport .Ml liiirli rlfis. soasoTinblo poods 1iroct from the work rooms of one of the most exclusive of tlic fashionable lrena makers of New York and Newport. Every y;ird of these goods was rare fully selected to satisfy women of the most fashion able circles. The goods are such as you would pay more than three times this price for if bought at another time or place. $3 DRESS GOODS AT 69c YARD Scores of new goods that have not yet been shown. Beautiful goods in black and all colors for spring costumes French voiles, Panamas, silk eoliennes, silk crepes, broadcloths, wor steds, tailoring cloths, highest class mohairs and Sicilians, shirt waist suitings, etc. worth as high as $3 a yard at, yard Splendid goods from the dressmaking stocks, in 3, 5 and 10 yd. pi(.,.rS voiles, crepes, eoliennes. mohairs, broad- cloths. Panamas and tailoring suitings worth up to l.r,0 a yard at New Goods ii Regular Department 39c 29c HI W I m . inn ii i I i r v a i v r 0c 53c Khophered check wool sultlnirs, nt, yard Cream nil wool nuns rolling, nt, yiud Shephered check raiinnins. new greens, brown, tnn and navy, AQ Ht. yard 0i Croiini mohair Sicilian, 4,Q at, yard T'C HIGH CLASS WASH DRESS GOODS I Linen Tub Suitings, at, 25c Check Voltes, at yard Mercerized Shepherd Checks, at, yard Finest Imported Organdies, silken ,aJC and flne sheer cotton, at, yd. . JJC H igh Cl&ss Silks From the Dressmaking Stocks 98c Exclusive sIiirIp dress pntterns In the finest Imported silk Buttings, poplins, niessnllncH. chiffon and chameleon taffetas, Mack, white and delicate tints In the finest melrose crepes, pompadour chif fons and many handttome evening silks all at, yard STUNNING SILKS FOR SUITS-- Newest and most favored spring shades and stylus popular LouUena striped and checks, new jacquard f taffetas, changeable effecis also 25 pieces of 27-inch wide pure silk black chitfon taffeta, at, yard M mr Fresh Lot of the Fine Pura Silk Colored Rustling Taffetas that created ucb a furore last week handseme novelties for waists and suits twenty piece Cloth of Gold Pongee at. yard , Chiffon Taffeta French Plaids -Cum- I Yard Wide White Habutal Wash 49c bilk 100 places this fine quality of silk usually retails at 75 cents a IZt 50c Brandeis Is Omaha Agent for the Popular Winslow Taffetas the fine Black Winslow Taffeta with name woven in selvedge scarce shades C of green, blue, brown, eta at, yard 4l bioalion green and brown, turquoise and gold, blue and greens, season prettiest novelties confined tol Q Bratideis in Omaha yard.... 10 J DRESS TRIMMINGS From he GoVin socks All the highest class dress trimmings, braids, Persian bands, black and white fancy applique, flne variety 19c &fld 10c All the most elaborate dress trimmings from the great stock hand- PA. soma novelties from the New York and Newport shops, at yard.... JUC LACES from the Dressmaking Stocks All the finest dress trimming laoes, bands, galloons and insartings -hun- 2Tf .1T,.'""V,.l 15c-19c-25c-50c All-over net laoos, 18 Inches wida, suitable for entire waists worth lO up to $1 a yard at, yard , ..JC MONDAY-EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS in the BASEMENT Extra Fine Quality of Bleached Muslin for 5c Per Yard This is one of the best bleached muslins made. It is superior to Lonsdale or Fruit of the Loom; it has never been sold in Omaha for less than 10c per yard. We will sell it as long as 10,000 yards last at, per yard '. Unbleached Muslin This is the brand known as Pound Sterling; there is no better. It retails in some stores as high as 12Jc per yard. As long as 10,000 yards lasts, on Monday, we will sell it for, per yard Drapery Denim, Drapery Ticking and Cretonne worth 25c 5c 5c A. F. C and Toil de Nord Gingham in long mill lengths worth C 1 K oic at, per yard . . , 10c New Spring Plain Splashed Voiles These are in full pieces, not rmnajita some stores In Omaha ara seWns; them f per yurd n hi table of them Monday ut, vol ara.... !!0c Plain Silk Mull and Mousse line de' Soie wefl g will bell Monday II 1 BO at, per yard . . One table of fancy lace strip 1 J j i a rai ea ana aouea auk piouss- seline de Soies these are worth up to 6So per yard we will sell them Monday, yd. 19c imi ,.t t wr v rcm Lenxmsoi various ninas of Lawns and Dimities, worth 16o ner yard will go . Ht, per yard 3ic mm is lt Leading Millinery Modes The season's choicest innovations are correctly, interpreted in Brandeis' artistic and becoming hats. The demands whteh fashion followers make of us, as the leading millinery house of Omaha, have been gratified In every way. We are every day convincing the lovers of artistic beauty In millinery that Brandeis hats this spring set the standard of correct styles in the west. Both In the wide assortment of style and the extremely modish character of every hat, our display Is manifestly superior to any allowing of millinery west of Chicago. If you buy an exclusive Brandeis hat that individual style is yours Stunning Trimmed Hats, $10 Our assemblage of hats to sell at this price embraces the moxt favored creations of the designers art. The exquisite blend iig of colors is marked in our higher class of millinery and the unvarying good taste that marks Brandeis' Imts is always evident. A splen did assortment at , :$10 Imported Pattern Hats Also a great number of hats from noted American designers that reflect the most charm ing millinery ideas for spring. Exquis itely wrought of expensive materials scores of absolutely orlg- C 'VE lnal styles, at plD to Smart Trimmed and Street Hats at $4.98 The new tr icons hats, the small tilted tur bans, the new polo turbans, etc. f CQ leading styles, relieved by touches H JO of originality that every woman of jfm ICiaillWlA apl Ol,4ClbC3 111 1 1 CI b, Ell, , Street and Trimmed Hats at $3.50 Made of soft straw combinations and chiffon bodies daintily trimmed with flowers f and popular ornaments the lead- U lng shapes for spring specials If at. A Street Had Special at $1.98 The small straw turbans, also the larger shape trim med in the latest approved fashion for ready-to-wear hats every hat has the smart, no dressy style that every Brandeis hat possesses a hundred becoming modes, at $l0 Lace Curiam Specials Do not fail to visit this department on Mon day it wil be a day of remarkable bargains. LA OR CURTAIN SPECIAL Big assortment of fnll size and extra large luce curtains, worth up I IP to $2.25 a pnlr, Monday at ltD $2.r0 AND ?3.00 QUALITY LACE CURTAINS New est spring goods, very special for Monday, 1 Clfi at pair II0 PARLOR CURTAINS Irish Point, Brussels, Antique, Arabian, and numerous other styles, suitable 7 AO for parlor windows, special value, at pair. . . JJQ COUCH .COVERS An at tractive new spring line in all tho most favored colors, at, each Nottingham and Mali Net Regular 15c and f A 19c goods, at yd. . 1UC 98c CURTAIN SWISS-In full pieces perfect 36 Inch and 40 inch goods at, yaru... WHITE ENAMEL POLES i feet wide, complete, each, ftt - -- 10c 'OLES mplete, 19c WINDOW SHADES The best quality oil opaque stock shndes--3 feet 7 inches all colors, C Monday, each . ..JZf C ROPE PORTIERS All styles the newest and attractive line to be. found in Omaha special at.. most 4.50-2.98-1.98 SPECIAL RUG SALE ASK TO SEE THE NEW HERMAN RUG 0x12 Rug, regulnr $12.50 value, 10 9x10-0 Rug, regular $11.50 value, (TQ at .. $J These rugs are extremely heavy quality and revers ible. Come in nice range of patterns. Best All Wool Ingrain Art Squares 9x12, CO I 0x10-6, PQ vp. at pu at 9x9, at $7 7-6x9, at.. -$6 Delft blue, 2-tone red floral and medallion patterns. Smith's Axminster R.us All the newest patterns for spring 10()5 medallion and 22.50 floral patterns, 0x12, very 'special for Monday only, at Wilton Rugs The best quality of Wilton rugs the finest patterns ever shown in Omaha a wide variety as an extra specinl for Monday we show a flne line X7 1ft of 0x12 Wilton rugs, at J . JU SCORES MARVELOUS BARGAINS MONDAY I EXTRA SPECIALS IN THE THREE BIG SALES OF J John Rudd's Entire Jewelry Stock mJ? st Entire Hand Painted China Stock MSsuSU 1 . Cl1, of Gonnella. Bros., IIllirC OiaiVUXry OlUUtl 2025 Farm 1am St., Omaha. This tripple Bale is the most interesting event in Omaha at tho present time. Everyone is talk ing about it. We will make this even more exciting by cutting the prices again. Trices in many instances are about half Saturday's figures Heautiful goods at one-fourth their value. EXTRA SPECIAL MONDAY-IMPORTER'S SAMPLE LINE BISQUE FIGURES AT 5c We bought the entire sample line of an importer of novelty bisque figures. The stock, the greatest of its kind ever seen in Omaha, comprises large and small bisque figures, character and comic pieces. In a regular way they would sell from 25c to $2.00 each Monday, at GOLD WATCHES AND JEWELRY FROM RUDD STOCK AT RARE BARGAINS All the fine gold watches from tho John Iludd stock far below their value Q TA For instance wa mention a 17-jewel Dauber Hampden watch in Dsubar Hampden case, actual t-2 val. J j3 Opera Glasses from the Rudd atock worth 4tf n tt5 I Ladles' Set Rings from Rudd stock worth en C"T Ji60 to Wo.UO, at P I" t.u0 to $15.00, ut I.OU IO p Unllfs' Fancy Chatelnlno Watches from 7C tf X (T CA $5.() I)c;ket from the Rudd stock, CZftr 1 EA Rudd stock, worth $5.60 to $10. nt $4. 1 J-J-$J.JM at OUt It) I.OU $2.60 Solid Onld CnfT Buttons from the Rudd stock,,! 1C Neck Chnlna from Rudd stock worth from f n s imlr 4HAtJ I to $12.00. at MP 'P" 6or Sterling Sliver Manicure Pieces from the Rudd ICin I John Rudd's llnest ornamental clocks at amazing bar stock, at lW gains., ALL THE BRILLIANT CUT GLASS FROM RUDD STOCK AT ABOUT 1-4 ITS VALUE Sinn 11 and large out jrlasg dishes, perfume boltles, champagne glasses, wine glasses, vases, linger bowls, sugars and creamers, water bottles, etc., at almost ridiculous prices. HAND-PAINTED CHINA Such bargains as we offer In this beautiful hand-painted China have never been equaled In this country. All hand painted In a Chicago studio by artists of high standing whose work Is recognised throughout Europe and Amer ica. THE BARGAINS ALMOST PASS ALL. BEIJKF. GREAT STATUARY STOCK Large and small plaster statuary exqulHlte decorations. To make a quick clearance, we offer all the pieces that Oonnella Bros, sold up to $fi.00, at 10c B Spring Clothes For Boy ft n Hoys' new spring suits In latent styles includ ing LtuBtar Brown ef-fe.-ts with si Sfl Knickerbocker trousers, at H ys' Rough and Ready Corduroy m Kne Pants. ZjC at ProA with every boy I I CC suit, a biute bull and bat ur a catcher's luiu. 100 Calling Cards at 39c All the latetit nnd most fashionable style of type. 300 Business Cards. $1 Printed In a fw minutes. SOUVENIR CARD CASES IN THE ARCADE Kleiner! Double Gem DRESS SHIELD Impervious to Perspiration IT MATTERS NOT HOW STRONG AND ACII NATt'RE THE PERSPIRA TION MAY BE. WE RECOMMEND ' THEIR UBE. Nm4 V) Aivn J, ffl MTHCCEMi EXTRA SPECIALS MONDAY IN MRS. BENSON'S FINE STOCK All the Fresh New Embroideries - eiiiDrouii'ru's, liiwrrinis aim aiotm.s, S5ic-7ic40c Xow lots of frcsli, crisp embroideries just brought forward these, are the finest, newest embroideries bought by Mrs. lien son to sell this spring em broideries, inserting and gn loons. in medium widths dai and elaborate patterns unexcelled bargains at All wide embroideries, corset cover embroideries and llouncings that Mrs. Ilcnson bought to sell up to o0c a yanl these arc especially attractive patterns, carefully se lected many are suitable for mak ing summer waists per yard 15c-25c Laces from Mrs. Benson's Stock White, cream and ecru laces, in a wide variety of widths such dainty laces as these rarely sell for anything like these bargain prices a splendid opportunity for spring clothes making at 3ic-5c-!0c Gloves from Mrs. Benson's Stock Oloves of more than ordinary quality the fine quality kid gloves that usually sell at l.f0 and 2.00 a pair many of them are well known gloves and have never before sold at a special price they are all new, this spring leading shades on bargain square KNIT UNDERWEAR Lijrht summer vests, many in colored silk also ladie fine union units, knee leng-th, umbrella style, etc. "1. AQ . just the right weight for warm spring days each.. jm tOmtJ Kt HOSIERY Ladies' black, tan and fancy oolored hosiery! C J C 1 Qn all-over lace, etc. full fashioned foot 1 JC'M JC'TC CORSETS Many popular brands, all lengths, all sizes TCI $1 $150 flne French coutil and batiste, worth up to S3. QJQmfgmg LADIES' NECKWEAR Lace and embroidery turnover collars, lace stocks, jabeaux, etc. the widest variety, popular forfA, 1C. Cs spring-at, each 1UC-Z3COUC SPECIAL SALE OF RIBBONS All widths of ribbons, both plain and fancy tine, all silk taffetas a fresh, new lot just received special for Monday at, yard... 15c F. P. KIRKENDALL & CO.'S More SHOES Tomorrow The Extraordinary Great Bargains In Shoos Wo Are Offering Every Duy Now from the OMAHA WHOLESALE Shoe Stock Prom Eleventh and Harnsy Strssts, Which W Bought from the Insurance Co. Fill both our shoe departments ou the Main floor and in the Basement. The interest which this sale ha developed amount every class of shoe buyers, especially those who are necuBtomed to really good ehoes, has never abated or varied from the moment the sale started. MCMIC i OMAHA MADE CUSTOM COAT IVIdl 9 1 WORK BLACK AND TAN SHOES 2.50 Madn to retail for not Iras than $3.50 and up to $5.00 a pair. ON BARGAIN SQUARE BASEMENT Men's $2.50 Fat. Leathers len's Tan Vicl Shoes. . . Men's Black Ylcl Shoes.. Men's Calf Skin Shoes Double Soles Men's Vicl Shoes Single Solus ON MAIN FLOOR j59 98c WONDERFUL VALUES TREMENDOUS BARGAINS IN Ladies' Shoes mm jsk FROM THE KIRKENDALL WHOLESALE 8T0CK C.J l.&S? and l.C?0 This (rives you the choice of every pair of Ladles' shoes In the entire purchase Welt soles or turn Rolen or McKay sewed, nnd Include all the I'atent Kid and Coltakin shoes, and all the flne vicl klt shoes. Those nt J1.5! are In the base ment and all the others are rn the main floor on bargain squares as well as those In their usual cases and cartons, In the alales. STILL MORE BARGAINS IN CHILDREN'S SHOES. GIRLS9 AND BOYS' SHOES 25c-39c-59c-75c-98c Sale of Linens 50c Table Padding, at, yard, 25c 35c Turkish towels, ea. 19c 15c all linen doilies, at 5c 20c Turkish towels, ea. OG.fL$? 15c 10c Turkish towels, ea. 5c 50c qual. ecarfw, squares 25c Extra large huck towela 5c $1 scarfs and squares at 49c 5c Turkish wash cloths, lc 2 scarfs and squares at 98c $2..r0 all linen hemstitched f CQ fl extra heavy bleached ta- f Q 10-4 tablo cloths, at l.DJ Me damusk, at, yanl UC LT.e extra heavy full bleached f m $ 1.50. $1.75 Irish ail linen satin QQ table daiiiiiHk, at. yard Iv)C table damask, newest deslKnsfOC 5V full bleached all linen f $.T all linen bleached Irish sat- q table damask, at, yard JiC lu damask iiaiiklns, Monday 1,0 75e blwched & silver blaach- m q $1.00 mercerized flne bleach- rA ed table damask, at, yard . . .j'.C f,1 napkins, per dozen DJC S2.00 bleached and silver bleached all linen y C napkinn, at, doz 3 MEN S DRESSY SPUING SUITS Rogers-Pcet H Co. Clothing for Mei The best, the most up-to-date and tha most aeniibla clothing for well dressed men all the very newest ana most a p- m g proved patterns for dressy spring wear 1 fll a great special at Mm'i Suha and Too Co&ts. S10 lirandeis ofTers' tho fluent clothing that ever sold for $10nulta and f top coats are the very latest style baud tailored . T 1 1 1 l well lined, at VI V I A Did Special Offer in Nei'i Spring Suits-New Ij novelty mixtures--popular new ideas for Hpilnif teur m Ofl Ij -Just hucIi HiiltH n h yon would expect to pay r If rj.fto for Monday, very special, ut Vr fr m am t