TIIE OMAHA DAILY HEE: THURSDAY. MARCTI HO. 100o J B Howell Tens. sn4 ICf T ( Fouke 1..T, g'. Pit". J Uuval W H Brook. gi fcoa Fl r'" rraj ' p n- - o tr rail I f'l te iI m4 r fe& Nfi fn w U.-J mm ksk mm gJ:&jg S i Can B. Ho.l8ej C. Jehle A. T. Rouer J. W. Mitchell A. B Kaercher G. W. Fat ton C. J He.ly EB. Caraway G A. Jehle " J L Tarot " " N. C 'tlisMri'' Ore .ad W.,h I . T..r I 1 Ml i,o,, I An.,, M .. ." r,. I I . LO-, I V.Moarl ,fc sea Mo Te... ' o " ' M ,i ST IMfY. v. n7r? rl fi Q) s" n?nrnr5 A : 7rr; Vry& n4v n ft 433 U 11 yj IL 7 r A Vo ri .' lJ L.J aku tMAJ Lgij j. ....J T4 f Chaile. H. Feter H. S culler F A. Sudholl if P 1 tVC TSKT -Vgr u . Pe.er . vJ TumD 1 k' l O.borna "" V if Warehouse and Office Acres of Floor Space DIAMOND BRAND Jew Annex .to .Factory No. 4, St. JLouis- , ;ar:, llw1 1 TO OUR ?fC A P AC IT Y ' . SSH J : 1 ' J CORO OF THE SHOES THAT WON THE I 111 'SH flHflfill "'11 ly GR.AND PRIZE 5p !v1 . 1 , , e . FROM THE CENTER. Or SHOE MANU. I . l lrj( Factories I and 2, St. Louis facturing in the tASti Factory No. 3, St. Lows vlr c-LT'n j Peters Shoe Co. make ths - foTtS ' ''" BEST SH0ES )i"eSt Lonis' 'j'' " ''C' mr m -v js. tai a -.v- W. fi. Cobb Colofdo Wwt;. Keen F. Trainee Mf.ouri Factory No. 4, St. Louis r ihhihimhii ip Jew Gasconade Factory, Hermann, Mo. HE PHOTOS SHOWN Oil THE BORDER REPRESENT 00R 73 SALESMEN WHO ARE IMPORTANT FACTORS IN OUR RAPID GROWTH ST. LOU IS W C. Cornish Ark is Oia MacQauiall F F. .Nitchy J a t.ve fe. K binnock M iiouri M. Kobertion H G. Giberson IllinoU 0 J K. 6idcn town J. T. LaFiclJc Teias U. J. UFrelle Tf xl C li. Keinbart Ore goo o I f. A. Lewia C. N. Llidermaa i V b. M. brcimun H A. Fat ton J. W. ilyltf f i1 v Vs NT i i M1 t:I i'.jr') f ft.' . W. H Staley K. 1. Lipscomb North Carolina F K. CahU! Indiana J. C. Barber Trial H G. Poynor Arkanvaft ti. B. Carawa Teaa N. Moore Kama E. Mitchell Miaaiaaippi J. K. Harlin Missouri B. L bhepani Missouri f it W. H. Morrii V "1 w C. li. Zelle House fialmafi C. N. Oieselhoul House Stem H.C Stnblinii Houir Mlnmin li. H. Petera PENSIONS FOR THE FIREMEN Amcaduavnta to lb Charier Fall to Make the Matter Clear Enough. Membara of tha Omaha police department are aomewhat worried over the phrnae olocy of the at-ction In the new charter bill that (lvea the fire and police board authority to arrange for penitlunii for mon on the flie and police fonea who have aerved fifteen year a and are over ao yeara of asa. Jn 1W tills iiioH)ltiun was tx tended to .the police dt'iertment by the charter eoo(aj(l at that time, which pro vidv) thai a vollcvuiaa must acrve Qftccn conaecutlve yeara after the passage of the act. It la now proposal to give the same privilege to the firemen, and the charter was ao amended, but the exact language of the 1W7 charter waa copied after adding; the lire department. It waa discovered by member of the force that If the section went through as drawn It would cut off eight years on the time of policemen and they would have to ft art ng.il a for a fifteen-year atretch the same as tho fire men. As a result an amendment providing simply for fifteen years' service, saying nothing about the tim It was to begin, was drawn and sent to Lincoln. But this overreached Itself, and as It waa obviously granting too much, was discarded. On the other hand. If provleloa. waa nutde for le giiuiins the length of scrvlco lit 1M7 tha firemen would be donated eight yeara' time, which waa not Intended. The matter dragged until the Douglaa county delega tion signed an agreement not to permit any more amendments and the pension sec tion went unamended. The only palliative held out to the policemen is that the pen sion law will be effective for them until seven yeara more anyhow and that In the meantime they ran get the matter straight ened out at an Intervening legislative sea-slon. Troareaa of Scavenger Bale. The scavenger tax aale under the first advertisement of delinquent pieces of real estate Is about at an end. It will be Mulshed this week without fall, and early la AurU th uw ttdverUacmeut will ap pear. This will contain something less than 4,f descriptions. The sale for Thursday will commence at Tipton place and continue to Wuxliingtun sijuare. CONTROL! OF AUTOMOBILES Jodie Berk Proposes to Make Drivers special I'ollee to Caleb , scorchers. Police Judge lierka la n favor of the appointment of owners of automobiles as special police to see that tho fast driving of machines on the streets, of Omaha Is reduced to the leant possible frequency of occurrence. "The regular ipllecmen catch V good many of the offenders, tut there are many cas3s of scorching which they do not see," said Judge Berka. "If automobile owners are chosen as special police who are known' respecters of the automobile ordi nance, a great influence would be ex erted over those who ore Inclined to drlv fast. The proper' method would be to first warn the driver found breaking the speed limit end then watch him for a repetition of the offense. If It happens the second time, arrest him. The plan would greatly reduce the number of accidents." Judge Berka's plan It already In use In Rt. I'aul. where a part of the membership of the Automobile club have leen ap pointed special oirlcer. , .They have Just been sworn In, un.I with the' assistance of other members of the club, they expect J to reduce fast driving to the ' minimum tills season. Fast driving machines with out numbers, machines without a light at night, all will be repi rted to the spe cial police by whatever member of the club who notes the Irregularity. "We ought to have, aomethlng like the St. Paul system In Omaha," aald an auto mfbile owner, "and If we had a club It would be easy. At present the lack of organization would make It hard for us to get to work together." Ran Hera for Trial, Maurice I:ass. the alleged swindler, ar rived In Omaha yesterday In the cus tody of iJcpuiy L'liiud Htutes Marshal J ,. J. ffuwe or Cincinnati, o.. nUd was lodged In the Douglaa county Jail ' to await Ids examination before the tinted States au thorities on the charge of uHng the I'nlted States trialui for the purpose to defraud. Mleharlsen Is Indlatnant. City Electrician Michaelsen Is. bemoaning the Ingratitude of average humanity. Tues day he found lii front of the Boston store a purse containing a sinull amount of money and several papers. He took It to the pnllee station and asked the officers to give It to anyone who might come and dmcrlbe tha propt-rty. Wednesday the following ap pear -il In n morning paper: "The person la known who took thr purse In the Boston store containing receipt and paper money avoid trouble by re turning Immediately. 1517 Cuming strecf.V "Yes, I am Wfll known,'' said Mr. Mich, aelsen. "The papers have dona everything to me but print my pic turn, unit I didn't know that everybody had tnu spotted. Tha Indignant person can get Lis puraa by da scrlbilitf the contents."