THE " OMAHA ' DAILY REE: THURSDAY. MARCH 30.' 1905. I r OR SALE MISCELLANEOUS m SALE New and second-hand billiard i1 pool tables, bar fixtures of all kinds; an-y payments. dcnd lor catalogue. I'nir.swkii-Baike-CuUender, 407 S. loth st., Omaha.- . Q & -" CoMPLKTE Una new and 2d-hand fernl turs. chicagat Furniture Co., UN Dodge. T"L 2u20. Q 2M .7 CHICK FOOD. n H. Ideal Chtok Food endorsed by ail. afc by Bunnell Madlock. Sample and oooklet. Q Mu7 :i)-HANB safe cheap. Delight. 1111 Far- na m. - Q 297 MOTOR FOR SALE. Ve have tot a U 11. P., UO-volt, direct iiirrerit, Noriharn motor. This motor Is in petted cunOition- In every way. Ad u.eo.i bo liuiiding Co.. or see vv'. li. bridges, engineer, ibee building. Q 771 SIIERW1N -WILLIAMS CO. BEBTMIIXKD PAINT,, Sherman At M,jl'ontiell Drug Co.. U-r:aha. . Sj i PULLEYS AND COUNTK RSH A FT 9 AT A BARGAIN. .9 pulleys from S-lnih lo 48-inch In diam eter; 3 countcraJiaf ta. complete. Tries are ail In ftrs-clas condition. . W. ,11. Url'Igtn, engineer, Bee building. . Q-ri , FOR SALE, several scholarships In a flrsN ctasa. standard school In Omaha. h repris ing complete course in busings, short hand and typewriting. Inquire tit Bee P"-'- .. . , . Q-862 IRON FElNCE wTk foTltry, lawli ... Q-M483 PERSONAL LARSON A JOHMSON-Cut ratea to all points. 1 Farnam. Tel. BJ113. Mem int Amerlcai. Ticket Broker aaaoclation. ' . U-8S1 THE Balvat.on Army solicits cant-off cloth ing;, in fact, anything you da not need; we collect, repair and sell at 114 N. 11th "t. for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call phone 4146 and wagon will call. C 611 CHAMPION CAIirfil : CLEANING WOHK.S. 710 B. 141 H J T. THONK tw. U 5f5 TLB. vapor and alcohol batha. 7:0 8. 13th. U iU H.HEXKER, eye specialist. 307 - Neville blk. L' oo Piano Mining. Tel. 5604. Dalber. Mason. U M358 Allx FRRJ.'CH, Spanish, German lessons. F. PWtler, 115 8. 20th. U Mo-'S A4x XHA Stammerer Institute, Ramge lk. C-341 SECOND-HAND- STEAM 'FITTINGS FOR SALE If you want a bargalu. ir, steam llttings call and look over the f'llowlng sjppueai. l.H-un'h Atistin'a honzum,! separator. 1 1.4-llK!!' Austin a vertical Separator. These have been taken out on account of changes lr. our tear plant and are in good' condition. Addr (s Bee Building Co. - " , W. H. J iit luges, engineer, Bee building, Omaha.- U-632 .A H LIGHTLY used, upright piano, elegant . case, sweet tone, .looks like new; cash or . timv Call 82b r mug. . Q-662 2 WE RENT sewing machmes, 75c week. Wi r.MM I r- nil wnb... M . .. L. ( . -t hand machines, to to 110. Neb. Cycle Co., ' TeL ltka. Cor. 15th and Harney. ( SHORTLY IViKD ENGINES CHEAP. ' ONla.- 3-HORae POWER, SLIGHTL.T i:8ED. . . oNp- .Miansja tpwer. blightlt VSED. i . . . ONE . WionSE POWER. SLIGHTLY 18 ED. . .OK 3HOR8B POWER. SLIGHTLY L'SLD.- -' - ONE 'ffii-HORSE POWER. SLIGHTLY CSEU. : OLfjg GASOLINE ENGINE WORKS. ;1 FARNAM ST.. OMAHA, NEB. - -'' Q-568 V jAJACIUNES THAT HAVE BEEN ' TURNED IN ON WHEELER 4 WILSONS. These niAchlneg have all been thoroughly overhauled and are the latest thing that the different. manufacturers produce. They are complete with -attachments and are guaranteed to be in Mrst-cluss condition. Hinder, B-drawer, drop head....tJ0.00 Blnger, 7-drawer, drop head.... 22.00 lvto, 5-drawcr, drop head 17.50 Dnvia, 7-tlruwer, drop head 20.UO , . Standard -Automatic Gland 26.00 'White, 6-drawer. drop head 15.00 ' ' IiinesM(, 5-drawer, drop head., 20.00 - tnd-hund machines, box top, of any make, from i.00 to 410.00. We rent machines at 75 cents per week. The -nre complete with attachments arvl will give you good service. . . Yours respectfully, NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 'Pftona 16.53. Cor, 13th and Harney. - -. to north 24th St., South omaiia. 3J4 Broadway, Council Bluffs. Q-617 29 100- HOMING pigeons for sale cheap. 1S27 N. ffld. Tel. Cedar 42192. Q M5S0 3x HOUSEHOLD furniture, new, at half price. , , 24J Chicago" s . 'Q 59C .'CHEAP chicken fence, long fir timbers and , y, teltphona polea. H01 Douglas. Q 2M ' FORSALEr'J.ioO 0da fountain for 1600, ?.'.m2"l a,8.""0(1 a new. 3. F. Wilcox, , 521 Broadway, Council Bluffa. la. s Ci!si an tdaa. fountain for J5O0; A I tl O tj . n u mrm " ....... . T.. I 1 r r . rn Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. ....... U-MG94 ' t : MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS "QUICK MONEY .., Is sometimes a ntaeautty. Our faollliles .. um uiumruHBueit tor. yukek and centldentlul i'r-ej-wlce. We loan on Furniture, , Pianos, !Varehou8e Receipt,, Live atock. etc. We ninu loan to SALARIED PEOPLE On. their, own agreement to repay; no other , .ecl,rity requirud.- With u you pay tor i., what you get and only for what Um you keep It. It la our motto to try to please. .Irlf you huve dealt with us and are pleased, lull others; If displeutied. tell us. OMAHA MCMt'l'OAGtt, LOAN CO., .. ..-119 Hoard ot Trade Bide. Tel. 2296. (Katablished lt92.) tot do. ltith St. ...... . x-g i i. k BORROW MONEY. , WHERE You can get It on - - Furniture, Pianos, Horses, Wagons. Cowa, Salaries, etc.,' WHERE; You get It on short notice. WHERE You got low ratea and easy - terms. WHERE-Confidential - and courteous dealings bring you back, .. WHERE Can you do better? . - - . - rPiIOENlX CREDIT CO., , Top Flobrv - - - m PXTON BLK. - - a ..v - i-. !.. xti-m WE. CAN HELP YOU i If you Deed a loan on diamonds, pianos, household, goods etu, .. Money advanced on , teai.unr aulariea and to county and city employes, and an claim against county ! aa City. All business strictly conndun- VtjklON LOAN 4 . INVESTMENT CO. ut Mvm J31U J, iei. H. X-M943 MONEY loaned on ' furniture, salary, . horses, etc,: half uaual rates. Dr. Prcbhe now, rpom 214, a.t aus 8. 15th at. Tal. B2ui . X-324 MONEY loaned salaried people and others . in 5 principal cltlan. Tolman, room 714 New York Life building. X S25 1IQWKNH) MONEY) aaay to get on furnl ture, pianos, horses, cows. Plain note If gteadily employed. ' 701 N. Y. Life. X-52 MONEY loaned, on salary, furniture, lew- elry, horse. Duff . ureen Loan Co., I Marker ruocaa x til MONEY loaned on pianoa, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows, etc, C. F. Reed, i9 8 10. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. STAR CO., B44 f AAlun BLOCK. ' . -A ' - - X-329 BEE rt'LLEft, 428 Pax (on block, for loans on wancnea. aiaroonas ana jewelry. . 1 4 ' . X 330 EAGLE Loan Office, reliable. accAmmodat lug, a4Lbuslneas confidential. 1301 Douglas. . . , . . X-432 CHATTEL, "alary and jewelry Joans. Fnley LjUuji - u., imn r arnam au Jt 31 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE WANTED City, loans, R c. Peters St Co. W-M FARM and city loans; lowest rates. W. H. Thomas. First Nat l Bank Bldg. Tel. 164s. W-S67 PKIVATB mooy. F..D. Wed, 1510 Douglas W o WANTED, dry loans and warrants. W. Frna. Smltk & Co., 1120 Farnain at. ' W 5 MONEY TO LOAN-Payn Investment Ca VY-MO OAftVIN BROS..-1404 ramam. City loans at lowest rates; do aejay; get our terms. W 1 lovv;bt rates city property; p. q- on . Ik mis in eastern leb. .Bemia, Paxtnn hlk. - .' ' ' W Stl MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha prop arty at lowest ratea. Thomas Brennan, room I, New York Life Bldg. W-UI DRESSMAKING IN FAM1L1KM Mlas Sturdy, 'fkons A-r?l FP7FV1A absolutely cured. B. J. Scan L.VZ.C nen M bl(Jck U 449 31 DR. ROY, Chiropody. R. a ft I, 1506 Farnm. J 337 CHRONIC and nervous diseases surcess- w.i uHicu. iJi aacHsun. u Mmve oik. U 838 PI A MO 1-1 I IR Just forming buc and fl weealy; pianos de livered itnmeillatelv: hiann lenjifina free. Cal. tor particulars. 1611 Farnam St. U 363 PHONE 701 and a man will cart and tuns your piano; U Perdeld Piano Co.. 1811 1' arnam. U 339 THEATRICAL, masq., costumes, Lleben, 1410-U Howard. U-340 PKiVATE home during confinement; ba bies boarded and adopted. Mis. Gardell, 2216 Charles. Tel. A261S. . U 345 U S4 DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases anl Irregularities of women from any oaose; experienced and reliable Address, with stamp. Dr. Pries, 16Uii Dodge at, Omaha. ' U S48 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Oood Samaritan Sani tarium. 7.3 first ave.. Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 774. U-2 TRY KELLEY'B LAUNDRY. 'PHO.VE 3530. U-349 M ArilVFTir treatment ft baths. Mme. vB,niQi it N IS, 2d fl. r. 2. U m DIVORCE, total cost $15. Address A 64, Bee. u Mbl AOX YOUNG lady, fairly good looklnn, in city for short time, desires acquaintance of gentleman for companionship nnd pas time. A 44, care Bee. V 520 30x JNO. E. HIMOE, now with Stephens ft Smith, Hatters, Opposite Postofflce. U- TO YOITNG Indy who answered personal In Bee Inst Sunday and made appoint ment: Change enaagement to Thursday evening, same place and time. . . U-21 SOx I WILL suitably reward any one notifying me of the whereabouts of Mnlvln Bairltt From his mother, Mrs. Ida Uarrltt. Hast ings, Neb. V 618 30x SR9 HAT9 STFPHENS & SMITH. Opp. f4 nrtIO PoBtofflce. Best In Omaha. U 536 Apr28 PAT Mt'LLASKEY, native of Sloom Caugh, County Sligo, Ireland. Any information rpgardlng above person favorably received by his brother James, at Soldiers' Home, Grand Island, Neb. U 583 3x MEDICAL FOR WOMEN ONLY DR. RAYMOND'S Monthly Regulator haa brought happiness to hundreds of anxious women. No pain, no danger, no Interferpnea .with work; relief In I to 5 days. -We have-never known . of a single failure. Price $2, by mall. DR. R. G. RAYMOND REMEDY CO., Room 35, 84 Adams St., Chicago. -M7S9 PfeN-TAN-GOT Prompt regulator for ladles; never falls, 12 postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha 355 LADIES Dr. Martinet, will idvlse you free. The T. ft K Chemical Co., Dept. 28 Bridgeport, Conn. 882 A6x LADIES Chichester's Enjrllsh Pennyroyal . Pills nre thA Kjit- mat i..iiv.u. i . other. Bond 4c , stamps for particulars. "Relief for Ladles," in letter by return mnu. yuur uruKgisi. cnicnester Chemical Co., Philadelphia. Pa. PRINTING PRINTINP. MEMORIAL CARDS; ar- I-'KliN 1 irNU tjano desifc-ns. 8. E. Cor. J.YNGbTAD "Ul 1 Capitol ave. . 334 KRAMER ft CHANDLER, QUICK . PRINTERS. 1106-08 Douglas St. To de liver work when promised Is our hobby. THE Jennings Prmting Co.; everything new and up-to-date; prompt attention riven to all ordeis. 11J S. 14th, 2d floor. Thona 6380 m CLAIRVOYANTS GYLMER, scientific palmist, 716 N. 23d. feV-363 MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 1521 Leaven-w-rth. - 8364 MRS. FAIRFIELD, 1714 California st. I 8-365 MMH BOYER, Center hotel, ilO M. 17th, H block northwest P. O. B M180 M4 OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute. 615 N.Y. Life bldg. Tei.1644 S MRS. JOHN R. MUSICK. Osteopathy Phy. slclso; ojtlce, Neville block. Tel. 2823. . . 870 Huntington ft Stratton, 832 N. Y. L. Tel. F5586. 719 PATENTS H. A. 8TURGES, registered attorney; pat ants, trade-marks, copyrights; no fee un less succeaaf ul, 617 N. Y. Life, Omaha. JOB INVENTORS Before you spend money for a patent,' have an examination made to discover If your Invention is new, Thena examinations cost j. nues A Co., att ys, Washington, D.'C, or Be Bldg., Omaha, ' Neb. 15J GOVERNMENT NOTICES. DEPARTMENT OF' THE - INTERIOR, United States Geological Survey, Recla mation Service, Washington, D. C.,' March 17.- .WJ6. Sealed Drouusais will be rt-enved at the office of the United States Reclama tion Bervics, Chamber or Commerce build ing, Denver. Colo., until 2 o'clock n. ni. Tuesday, May 16, ltMifi, and thereafter opened, for the construction of about 45 mii nf main canal, involving about 2,M),0uu cubic yards of earthwork and loo.ou) cubic ards of roca won lor me irrigation ot lands In the North Platte valley in eastern u vim,. Ing and western Nebraska. Bids will ba raceivea on excavation ana embankment for one or mote divisions, which will ap proximate lOO.OuO cubic yards each. Ti right ls reserved to award to one bidder aa many or ai few of such divisions on which ha haa bid as the interest of the servlos may require. CpeciMcatloa, forms of proposal and plans may be Inspected at the office of the Chief Engineer of the Reclamation Service, Washington, D. C, nd at the offlca of. the Reclamation Service, Denver, Colo. The bid on ach division must be accompanied by a certified- check for 12,000, payable to in, vi ".-j. ii ij-., i c ..I - y i iiio iiiienor, s guaranty that the .bidder will, if suc cessful, promptly execute a aatisfiirtnrv contract and furnish bond in the sum of X per csht of the contract price for the faithful performance of the work. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids, tu accept rle part arid reject the other and to waive technical defects, as the Interest of-tha service may require. Bidders are Invited to- be present. Proposals must be marked:. ""Proposals" for Construction of interstate t.anai, INorui Platlo project U. A. UUctlCOCk, Secretary. m a as 3o-Ai-t -8-n li P0ST0FFICE NOTICE tSMould be rend DAILY by all interested, .is changes may oct jr at any time. Foreign mnils for ihe week ending April 1, l.w. will close (PROMPTLY In all cases) .it the General poMotlice as follows: REGISTERED AND PARCELS-POST MAIIS close cne hour earlier than closing time shown below. Parcels-post mails for Germany close at 5 p. m. March 27, per s. n. P.nrhnrossa; and April i, per s. s. Kaiser Wllhelm der Groese. Rerular nnd snpplemenlary mails close at Foreign Station icorner of West and Morton street! hilfXour later than clos ing time shown below (eXeept that Supple mentary Malls for Europe and Central America, via Colon, close one hour later at Fonlgn Station). Transatlantic Malls. THI'RPDA Y r,ni-At 7 a. m. for FRANCE. SWITZERLAND, ITALY. SPAIN, POR TUGAL. TURKEY. EGYPT, (OREECE ad BRITISH INDIA, per s. s. Ui Bre tf,gne, via Havre (mail for other parts of Europe must be directed "per s. s. I Bretagne") ; at 9:30 a. m. for ITALY direct, per s. s. Citta dl Napoll (mall must be directed "per l. n. Citta dl Napoli"). FRIDAY (3D At 7 p. m. for AZORES ISIANDS, per s. s. Canopic, from Bos ton. SATURDAY fl)-At a. m. for EUROPE, per s. s. Philadelphia, via Plymouth and Cherbourg (mall for Ireland must be dl reitet "per s. s. Philadelphia"); at d:30 a. m. for Belgium PARCEL8 I POST MAlIrft, per s. s. Kroon 1 land (regular mall for Belgium must be directed "per s. s. KriKitn lancV'): at :3o a. m. for ITALY direct, per s. s. Weimar (mall must be directed "per m. . Wimar"; at ":.V a. m. for ITALY direct, per s. s. Sardegnn (mail must he directed "per s. s. Sitrdegna"); nt 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 11 a. m.) for EUROPE, per s. s. Etrurl.a, Via Queens town and Liverpool. Ialls for South and Central Amerlcn, West Indies. Ele. THURSDAY t30)-At 9 a. m. for CUBA, YUCATAN and CAMPKCHE, per s. s. Monterey (mail for oilier parts of Mexico must be directed "per s. s. Monterey"); at 12 m. for Mexico, per s. s. Matnnzas, via Tanipico (mall must be directed "per s. s. Mantanzas"); at 12 m. for ARGEN TINE, URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per s. s. Cumerla; at 12:30 p. in. (supple mentary 1:30 p. in.) tor ST. THOMAS, ST. CROIX, LEEWARD and WIND WARD ISLANDS and GUIANA, per s. s. Manno (mail for Barbados, Grenada, Trinidad and Bt. Vincent must be directed "per s. s. Manao"); at 7 p. m. for a. s. vera, iroin Boston. PORTO PLATA, per FRIDAY (3D At 12 m. (supplementary 12:30 p. m.) for BAHAMAS, per s. s. Yucatan (mail for Santiago must be di rected "per s. s. Yuratnn"). SATURDAY (D At ":30 n. m. (supplemen tary 9:30 a. m.) for PORTO RICO. CURA CAO and VENEZUELA, per s. s. Caracas (mail for Colombia, via Curacao, must be directed "per s. g. Cnracus"); at 9:30 it. in. (supplementary 10:30 n. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA Rnd COLOMBIA, exctpt Cauca and Magda lena Departments, per s. s. Slblrla (mall for Costa Rica, via Union, must be di rected "per s. s. Slbirln"); at 10 a. m. for CUBA, rer s. s. Morro Castle, via Havana; at 10 a. ni. for GRENADA, TRINIDAD. ST. VINCENT nnd GUI ANA per s. a. .Mnraval; ut 12:30 p. m. for CUBA, per s. a. Ollnda via Matanzas fmatl must be directed "per s. a. OHnda"J. I NOTICE Five nts per half ounce IN AD DITION TO THE REGULAR POSTAGE! must be prepaid on aii letters forwarded by the SUPPLEMENTARY MAILS, and letters deposited In the drops marked "LETTERS FOR FOREB1N COUN TRIES." after the CLOSING 'OF THB REGULAR MAIL, for despatch by a par ticular vessel, will NOT be so forwarded unless such ADDITIONAL POSTAGE is FULLY PREPAID thereon by stamps. Supplementary Transatlantic Mails are also opened on the piers of the AMERICAN. ENGLISH and FRENCH steamers, whenever the sailings occur at 9 a. m. or later; and late mail may be deposited In the mall boxes on the piers Of the GERMAN LINES sailing from Hoboken. The malls on the piers open one how and 3 half before sailing time and close ten mlnute before sailing time. Only regular postage (letters 8 cents a half ounce) is required on articles mailed on the piers of the AMERICAN, WHITE STAR and GERMAN (sea poo'.; steamers; double post ace (letters lo cents a half ounce) on other lines. Mails Forwarded OTCrlasid, Etc., Ex cept Transpacific. Malls (except Jamaica and Bahamas) are forwarded dally to ports of sailing. The CONNECTING malls close at the general postofflce, New York, aa rollows: CUBA, via Port Tampa, at 4:30.a. m. Mon day. Wednesday and Saturday. (Also from New York, Thursday and Saturday --see above.) t MEXICO CITY, overland, at 1:30 p. m. and 10:30 p. m. dally, except Sunday; Sunday at 1:00 p. m and 10:30 p. m. NEWFOUNDLAND (except Parcels-Post Malls), via North Sydney at 7 p. m. Mon day, Wednesday and Saturday (also oc casionally from New York and Philadel phia. See above). MIQUELON, via Boston and Halifax, at 6:30 p. m.. every other Sunday (March Kth. April 8th and 23d, etc.). JAMAICA, via Boston, at 7:00 p. m. Tues day, via Philadelphia at 10:SO.p. m. Wednesday. (Also from New York' on Saturday. See above.) BAHAMAS (except Parcels-Post Malls), via Miami, Florida, at 4:30 a. m. Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. (Also from New York, fcee above.) BRITISH HONDURAS, HONDURAS OSast Coast) and GUATEMALA, via New Or leans, at '10:30 p m. Monday. (West Coast of Honduras is dispatched from New -York via Panama see above.) COSTA RICA, via New Orleans, at 10:39 ?. m Tuesday. CARAGUA (EaBt Coast), via New Or leans, at 10:30 p. m. Wednesday. (West Coast of Nicaragua Is dispatched from New York via Panama eee above.) PANAMA and CANAL ZONE, via New Or leans, st 10:30 p. m. Pundav (after 10:80 p. m. 8unday and until sailing of New York steamer, mall for Panama and Canal Zone Is held, for the New York steamer see above). REGISTERED MAIL for overland dis patches closes at 6:00 p. m. previous day. Transpaclfis Malls, Forwarded Over, land Dally. The schedule of closing of transpaclflo mails Is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit to port of sailing. The final connecting malts (ex cept registered transpacific malls des patched via Vancouver, Victoria, Tacoma or Seattle, which close ( p. m. previous day) close at the general postor&ce. New York, as follows: PHILIPPINE ISLANDS and GUAM, via San Francisco, close at 6 p. ro. March 26 for despatch per U. ri. Transport. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via Portland, Ore., closes 6 p. m. March 29 for des patch per U. S. TranHport. HEW ZEALAND, AUSTRALIA (except West), NEW CALEDONIA, SAMOA. HA WAII snd FIJI ISLANDS, via San Fran cisco, close at 8 p. m. April 1 for despatch per s. s Sonoma. (If the Cunard steamer carrying the British mail for New Zealand does not arrive in time to connect with this despatch, extra malls -closing st 5:30 a. m., 9:30 a. ra. and 6 p. in.; Sun days at 4 JO a. m., 9 a. m and 6 p. ra. will be made up and forwarded until tbs arrival of the Cunard steamer.) JAPAN. KOREA. CHINA and specially ad dressed mail for PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via Seattle, close at 6 p. m. April 1 for despatch per s. s. Kanagawa Maru. JAPAN (except Parcels-Post Mails), KO REA, CHINA and PHILIPPINE ISL ANDS, via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, close at 6 p. m. April 4 for despatch per s. s. Empress of Japan JAPAN, KOREA. CHINA snd PHILIP PINE ISLANDS' (specially addressed only), via Seattle, .lose at 6 p. m. April 4 for despatch per s. s. Forerlc. JAPAN, KOREA, CHINA and PHILIP PINE ISLAND8, via Tacoma, close at t p. m. April 7 for despatch per s. s. Ping Suey. HAWAII. JAPAN, KOREA. CHINA and PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Fran cisco, close at 6 p. ni. April 8 for des patch per a, a. Manchuria. HAWAII, vli can Frum-iaco, close at I p. in April 10 for despatch per s. a Ala meda. HAWAII. JAPAN, KOREA, CHINA snd PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Fran clse, close at 6 p. m. April 13 for des patchpr s. s. Doric. HAWAII, via San Francisco, eloae at ( p. m. April 15 for despatch per s. s. Ne vadan. TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via Ban Francisco, close at 6 p. m. April II tor acHpati-n per . s. -Mariposa. FIJI ISLANDS, and specially addressed mail for AUSTRALIA and NEW CALE DONIA, via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, close at 6 p. m. April 21 for despatch per s s. Mlowera. MANCHURIA (except Mukden. New , rhwang and Port Arthur) and EASTERN SIBERIA is at present forwarded via Russia. NOTE Unless otherwise addressed. West Australia is forwarded via Europe: New Zealand via San Francisco and certain places in the Chinese Province of Yunnan, via British India the quickest routes. Philippines specially addressed "via Eu rope must be fully prepaid at the forolga ratea. Hawaii Is (orvrarded via Ban Fran cisco exclusively. WILLIAM R W1LI.COX. Postmaster PoslollUe, New York. N. Y., March S4, W06. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA X-V T" T " T S T T 7 T T T f- BURNS DETAILS HIS STORY Denies Flatly that Doyle Had Any Interest iii Claims in Controversy. HIS ONLY LOCATION ORIGINAL PORTLAND Hays aisters Supported 11 Im While Prosprctlna: ' and Doyle Con trlbnted Nothing; to the "(irab Make." The first Important round In the present trial of the Doyle-Burns mining suit has been won by the plaintiff, James Doyle. Judge Thornell yesterday morning handed down hia decision,- overruling the motion of the defense as to the Devil's Own stock, argued before him at the, night session Monday. In overruling the motion the court did nut go Into any details, but merely announced that he had decided to overrule It. This means that it will be for the Jury now to decide whether Doyle had an Interest In the Devil's Own claim as well as in the Tidal Wave and Bob Tail No. 2. James. F. Burns took the witness stand himself In the afternoon, his direct ex amination being conducted by Congress man Smith. It ia expected that his direct examination will keep Burns on the stand the rest of the week. His testimony yesterday related to the early stage of his" mining experiences and connection with Doyle. His story in Bub stance was us follows: I first knew Dorle in Colorado Springs. I went there in 1W. I worked nt steam and gas fitting after I went there until Novem ber, mil, when I went to Cripple Creek with Jerry O'Drlscoll nnd 10. M. Stevenson. During the months. --Of November and De cember, 18!H, we located the Bob Tall No. 1. Pride of the Spring. Bob Tall No. 2. Bob Tail No. 8 and the Mary Alice. O'Drlscoll nnd 1 worked together until February 2, 1W2. At this time my sisters were dress makers In Colorado Springs and we Were all in limited circumstances. R. B. Max well discovered thervacant territory In the Devil's Own and It was located in the name of Maxwell, Stevenson and myself. The Bob Tall 2 nnd Bob Tall 3 nnd the Mary Alice were lcoated In the name of J. F. K n .A LIEBIC Company's Extract of Beef LICHTENS THE BILL. In fact. It lightens two bills the kitchen bill and the bill of fare; greatly reducing the amount of the former, and adding brightness, variety and attract iveness to the latter. Thli slirnsture in blue ia on every inbel of the genuine: RAILWAY' TIME CARD UNION STATION TENTH AND MARC Y. Union Pacific...' i r .tin -Leave. ' Arrive. Overland Limited. ... .a :40 am a 8:05 pm Colorado Cal. E.'...:a 4:10 pm a 9:30 am Cal. & Oregon Ek:1 a 4:20 pm a 6:10 pm North Platte Local?.. ...a'7:60 am a 7:00 pm Fnst Mall a 8:50 am a 3:20 pm Colorado Special. ........ a 7:45 um a 7:40 am Beatrice Local b 4:30 pm b 1:30 pm Wabash. s. St. Louis Express.....'.. 6:30 pm 8:20 am St. Louis Local (from Council Bluffs) 9:15 am 10:30 pm Shenandoah Local (frotn Council Bluffs)... 6:45 pm 2:30 pm Chicago Great Western,, St... Paul & Minn a 8:30 pm a 7:15 am St. Paul & Minn a 7:46 um ft 7:fo pm Chicago Limited. ...... ..a 5:00 pm fe10:30 um Chicago Express.. ..4. ...a 5:05 am a 1:30 pm Cllicaaro, Hoeit Inland A i'sdlc, feAST. Chicago Limited. i... a 8:55 am a 7:10 am Chicago Daylight Local. b 7:u0 um a 9:66 pin Chicago .Express bll:luum a t:u im Des Moines Express.. ..a 4:80 pm bll:60 am Chicago Fust Express, .a 5:40 pm a 1:20 pm WEST. Rocky Mountain L't'd..a 7:20 am a 3:00 pm Lincoln, Den. & West, .a 1:30 pm a 6:0a pm Oklahoma & Tex. Ex. .a 4:15 pm al2:40 pm Chicago & Nortfaweatern. Burns Co., because O'Drlscoll was not naturalized. On Christmas day. at my slsti r's home In Colorado Springs. O'Hnlre said lo Ioyle: "Jlmmle. why don't you go up yourself and locate a claim?" That was atxmt all was said about that matter. Doyle went back with us and at the camp an agreement wss made between Doyle, O Drlscoil and myself that If Doyle did any work for ut we would retu:n the work. We built a cabin on the Mary Alice. Janiiaty 21. 1S92. we ran out the lines of the Devil's Own to find vacant territory upon which to sink a discovery shaft. January 22 I located the Devil's Own In the name of J. F. Birn.s Co., meaning O Driscoll, OHalre and myself. Doyle Lorntra Portland. That evening In the cabin Doyle told roe he had found a fraction, and on the next day he located the Portland.' asking me to write out the stake. I wrote the Inscrip tion and name of the claim anil he wroie on the stake. "J. Doyle & Co." Doyle told me that the company was a Mr. Maher of Portland, Me., formerly his guardian. He said he thought he might get money from Maher to assist In developing the claim. During the time that I was upon the moun tain, from February 2 until the time I dis covered gold on the Bob Tall a, my sisters supported me, contributing nbout tft per week. Doyle during mat period did not contribute any monev or provisions and during all of that time lived out of the ra tions which I purchased with the money my sisters sent me. On the 14th of March I got Stevenson to survey the Prof. Grubbo, which I had lo cated, nnd while that was being done Dovle wanted me to give him a salf Interest 'in the claim. We traded and I gave him a half Interest In the Prof. Grulibs and he gave me a half Interest In the Portland nnd the location certificates were made out in the names of us both. 1 had no interest in the Potrland claim before that time and Doyle had none in the Prof. Orubbs. Doyle left the camp about the middle of August, 1892. and did not return until after gold was found ca the Portland. When the Hob Tall 2 was jumped I went up with a ride and filled the shaft that had been dug by the Jumpers. When I located the Tidal Wave on June 10, 1895, I signed my name, James t. Burns, locater," upon the stake. Doyle at this time was working on the Dead Pine. He gave me none of the money he earned on that claim. Doyle was pres ent when I prepared the location certifi cate upon the Tidal Wave. The witness expressly denied that he had made any statements to the effect that Doyle had any interest In the Bob Tall i,' the Devil's Own or the Tidal Wave. J. R. Blachoff. former bookkeeper for the Portland Gold Mining company, testified that he frequently discussed with Doyle the affairs of the company and that Doyle told him he got his Interest In the com pany solely through his share in the Port land claim. F. T. Caley of Littleton, Colo., new wit ness at thin trial, testified to being inter ested in the Tidal Wave through a lease and Inter becoming a stockholder In the Portland compnny. He said he had never heard Doyle claim any Interest In the Tidal Wave, Bobtail No. 2 or Devil's Own until this suit was begun. New.Tnrn In Manaira Lltlaatlon. Another chapter was added yesterday to the litigation over the vacation of certain streets asked for by the motor company. Judge Smith Mcpherson of the United States circuit court, on application of the Omaha & Council' Bluffs Street Railway company, yesterday Issued a temporary in junction restraining James Chrlaman, Goorge Robards and other property owners at Manawa "from Instituting any action or suing out any process to Jn any wise Inter fere with or prevent the prosecntlon by the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company of its application now pending be fore the Board of Supervisors of Potta wattamie county for the vacation of cer tain streets and alleys, or the Board of Su pervisors of said .Pottawattamie county from receiving, entertaining and acting upon said application." - The hearing on the application for the vacation is set for next Tuesday before the Board of Supervisors. Local Chicago..,.. Fast Mall........... Daylight St. . Paul Uuylight Chlcugo.. Limited Chicane.. Local Carroll Faat St. Paul.. .ali:50 am .a 8:10 pm .a 7:&v uro .a s.o air. ..a, 8:25 pm ..a 4:00 pin ..a 8:15 um t:45 pm 8:30 um lu:00 pm 11:.0 pm 8:16 um 9:30 am :0a am Local Uloux C. & BU P..b 4:00 pm 9:30 am .b 2:50 pm L'uut Mull Chicago Express... .....a 6:50 pra Norfolk & Bouesteel....a 7:40 am Lincoln et Long Pine.. b 7:10 am Caaper 4 Wyoming e 2:60 pm LleUUWOOQ OK A-Ji.cvtu. .a, 6.w pui Hastings-Albion Chicago, Milwaukee Chicago Daylight ,x.. California-Oregon EX., Overland Limned... . ... Des M. & Okobojl Ex Illinois Central. Chicago Express.. rhi,uiin Limited.. Minn. &. St- Paul Ex..b 7:tf um Mlun. 4t St. Paul L't d..a 7:50 pm Missouri Paclno. St. Louis Express. ...'.. ..a 9:30 am K. C. BU fc-x. all:15 pm 2:60 pin 7:80 urn 10:35 am 10:36 pm e 6:lo pm 6:15 pin 6:15 pm St. Paal. a 7:55 am all: 00 pm .a 5:45 pm a 8:20 pm .a 7:55 am ..a 7.25 am ..a 7:50 pm 3.111 Dill a J:il6 am a pm fclO tt pm a 8:06 am bl0:46 pm a 8:06 pm a 6:00 am a 6:uu pm W EBSTER DEPOT 18TH St WEBSTER Missouri Pacific, - Leave. Arrive. Nebraska Local, via Weeping Water b 4:50 pm bll:40 am Cklcaajo, St. Paul, Minneapolis A Oiualia. Twin City Passenger. ,.b 6:30 am b 1:11 pm Sluux City Passenger, .a 2:o0 pm all .A) um oakiund Local t..b 6:46 pm b 9:10 am A daily, b daily except Sunday, d dully except buturduy. e daily except Muuduy. BUKLINQTON STATION 10TH A MASO J Barllnaitoa. Denver & California... Noitlrwest Express.... Nebraska points ... f I 1 t,' . , K I : , I 111. u n jwmmw Ft. Crook 4k Pluttsra'th Helievue nuiiam in. U ..I I... , n M, ffti .llltlA Bellevue & Puo. June. Denver Limited Chicago Special Chicago Express Chicago Flyer Iowa Local St. Louis Express Kansas City & St. Joe. Kansas City a: St. Joe. Kansas City & St; Joe. Leave. .a 4:io pm Mil 111 um a 6:50 am .b 2:57 pm i.d i.oi pm .a T:50 pm ft f m ,al2:15 pm .'a 7 :10 a m .a 4:00 pin .a 8:05 pm .a 9:15 anl a A'A nm ,al6 45 pm .a 9:16 am a 4:25 pm Arrive. a 8:2o pm a 6:os pin a 7:40 pm al2:Oo pin al0:5 am b 8:32 am a '6:50 am a 1:65 pm a ?:2S am all:oo pm all:45 am a 8-45 am a 8:05 pm OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. EUROPE THIRTY TOIRS THIS SEASON. April to Ausuat. br all RouUa. aparau p.rtl; leiKUraly tntTl. Toura cover tba whole of Kurope. inXT SI75 to $1,016 Independent Railroad aud Sleamehlp Tickets Everywhere. Write for Booklet. 124 rOREluN OrriCKli. EaUbllahed CS years. THOS. COOK & SON, til BKOAPWAf. NEW YORK. ALLAN LINE S O T A L MAIL STEAMERS MONTREAL to LIVERPOOL. Weekly Sailings St. LawreiKe Route. Short eel, amootheet and moef pii-tureaquei HEW PAST TUkUlNE TRIPLE 8CR EW a I fcAMERS "Victorian'' and 'VU-ilnUn". U.tme tone eaca. TWIN ( H4.W STEAMKHS "Tuaeaaaa" and "bavarian" lO.kuo tons ernes. Apply to any local ageut, or ALLAN W; l i JACKSON BLVD., CHICAGO Bring In your pictures. 20 per cent dis count on moldings this week. Alexander's. Causes Arrest of Father. Charles Oldenburg, living at 3116 Second avenue, was arrested yesterday on com plaint of his daughter Anna, who charged him with assaulting . her last Saturday night with Intent to do her great .bodily Injury. Oldenburg-. It is alleged, went home last Saturday night In an ugjy frame of mind and wound tip by driving his wife and family out of the house, after attacking them with a razor. 'During the scuffle the (laughter and mother, it is said, received several cuts about their hands while at tempting to wrest the razor from Olden burg. After driving the family out of the house Oldenburg Is alleged to have taken a SORE AND BLEEDING GUMS Soft and spongy gums are made healthy by the mildly alkaline and astringent prop erties of SOZODONT. It is the most fragrant deodorizer and antiseptic dentifrice known to the world. SOZODONT TOOTH POWDER the complement of SOZODONT Liquid, has abrasive properties, vet Is absolutely free from grit and acid, ft will not tarnish gold fillings or scratch the enamel. 9 FORMS I LlOtrm. POWTiKR. FAWTB- Western Iowa s College I I if: mmmrt.i LjmmM Spring Term Opens March 27 Corns If You Want a Position. CHATTEL LOANS A. A. CLARK OO. KUblUit44 1UI. 0rUr 4b4 aWtvU .ic flsWv Mm Ur feu ca burrww tajr auwuat caMi. bore household furniture f tar cbatUl avourUr. Fr (BoU ca ba n.a4a ar.ain.pai t tlaM (o bMTaar, a4 lalaraat r4uc4 4cBr4Uglr. All buatiiVM cond4ilal. aUat rataa. OAca aa ftry anlng till 1H. SatunU avanlns tUJ LEWIS CUTLER MORTICIAN . 28 PEARL STerHO"B"' ?n.S LaAT Attendaut If Desired. quantity of eggs which his Vlfe had stored up and smashed them all over the walie of the sitting and dining rooms. In default of bnll placed at $:nr Oldenburg was com mitted te the county Jail pending his hear ing, whtcth was set for Saturday afternoon before Justice Gardiner. The police had been looking, for Oldenburg ever since Saturday night. AXIWGRS SCHOOL HOARD PKTITIOS Board of Health Denies Allegations In Every Material Partlrnlar. The answer of the Board of Health In the vaccination Injunction suit brought by the Hon id of Education was filed In district court 'yesterday by City Solicitor Snyder and Attorney N. M. Pusey. With the an swer was filed a cross petition. The answer denies that the directors of the Independent school district of Council Bluffs have adopted all the necessary rules and regulations required by law for the Control and management of the public schools. It defiles the assertions of the Board of Education that there has not been any epidemic of smallpox and that one If not threatened. It further denies thes sertlon that the schools would remain in a prosperous condition if the Injunction sought against the Board of Health" is Is sued.. In the answer are set out the rules pro mulgated by the State Board of Health, among the number being that requiring every person entering any public or private school In Iowa to give satisfactory evidence of protection by vaccination and that the fact of vaccination must be entered with each name on the school record nnd on transfer and promotion slips. In the cross petition It Is contended that It is the duty of the Board of Education to resort to all possible means to prevent the spread of contagious diseases without wait ing for an order from the Board of Health. It asks that a writ be Issued requiring the Board of Education to execute and enforce the order of the Board of Health. ADVAXCIXO FRANCHISE! OHDISAXCB Council Holds Special Meeting; for Second Reading. The city council held a short session last night at which the Independent tele phone franchise ordinance passed to Its second reading. Another meeting will be held tonight, when the will reach Its final ptasage. ' Alderman Crlppen stated the residents In the vicinity of Twenty-first street and Broadway were complaining of a resort conducted by colored people, and the city marshal was Instructed to have the nuis ance complained of abated. " Ordinances for Cleaner Streets. Two ordinances Introduced by request of Chief of Police Richmond to assist the municipal administration In Its crusade for cleaner streets were passed by the city council at Its megtlng Tuesday night. For briefness the two ordinances establish a record, as only one typewritten sheet was necessary to contain bpth measures. One ordinance prohibits the placing of any grass, leaves or rubbish on any of the streets, and Is principally intended to slfip the custom of people sweeping the raklngs of their front lawns on to the streets. The second ordinance prohibits the mak ing of bonfires or other Ores on any of the paved streets, except under permission therefor in writing from the mayor. Kaeh ordinance provides a penalty of not less than 12 and not exceeding Jin for vio lation of their provlsoihs.- 20 per cent discount sale on picture mold ings this week. Alexander's, 233 Broadway. Marriage Licensee. Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to the following: m Name and Residence. John Carlson, Woodbine, Ia , Alice Spears, Neola, Ia William Fox, Quick, la Rachel Roberts, Quick, Ia Robert Benton. Omaha Millie Elliott. Omaha Age. ,...39 31 .30 18 .33 28 K. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 260. Night, FSG7 MINOR. MENTION. Dsrls sells drugs. S Leffert's glasses fit Btockert sells carpets. Plumbing and .beating- Blxby A Son. Drs. Woodbury, dentists, 30 Pearl street For rent, modern house, 723 Sixth avenue. Spring term of Western Iowa college opens March 27. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Rohllng, 787 Madison avenue, a son. Dashing styles In wall paper. . Prices low. Berwick, 211 Main St. TeL 68. Duncan, 21 8. Main St., guarantees to do the best shoe repair work. Give htm a trial. Found Gold pin, on Pearl street, near First avenue; owner can get same by pay ing for this ad. Bee office, 10 Pearl street. Missouri oak dry cordwood. M a cord, cobs $1.76 per load, shell bark nlckory 17 per cord, delivered. William Welch. II North Main. Telephone 124V John Carlson of Woodbine, Ia., and Alice Spears of Neola, la., were married In this city yesterday by Justice Field. Justice Gardiner performed the marriage ceremony for Robert Denton and Millie Elliott, both of Omaha. The funeral of J. B. Coon was held yes terday afternoon from Cutler's undertaking rooms and Interment was In Falrvlew cem etery. The funeral was under the auspices of the Knights of Pythias and Rev. A. K. Burl IT, pastor of Trinity Methodist church, conducted the services. Charles Cherrett and Mark Williams had trouble Tuesday night over the latter dumping dirt In a lot adjacent to Cherrett'a house. As a result Cherrett will have to appear In police court this morning to answer to a charge of assault and battery preferred against him by Williams. Helen, the 7-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nloolalsen, 684 West Washing ton avenue, died yesterday at the Council Bluffs general hospital from appendicitis. The funeral will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock, from the family residence and burial will be In Falrvlew cemetery. The marital troubles of J. M. Byers and his wife, Daisy byers, have been patched up and the divorce ault brought by the hus band and the counter petition filed by the wife have been withdrawn. Byers returned from Missouri Tuesday and he and his wife have decided to forget and forgive. Marcus Chrlstensen, aged 71, died yester day morning at his home In Hazel Dell township. He leaves a wife and Ave chil dren. The funeral will be held Friday morning at 10 o'clock from the Datter Day Saints' church In Haxel Dull township and burial will be In Crescent city cemetery. The funeral of Mrs. Hannah Jones, wife of Owen Jones, who died Monday at her home in Crescent township, aged 87 years, will be held this morning at 11 o'clock from the Latter Day Saints' church In Crescent Burial will be in the Crescent cemetery. Deceased has been a resident of Pottawat tamie county since 1861. Major W. B. Rich, secretary of the Mc I'haif Piano company of Boston, while a visitor of Mar Bourlclus Sunday, was greatly impressed by the progress of our city; among other things he admired very much the fine appointments of the Grand hotel, the Elks' club house and tbe Wtlooa floristry, which he pronounced to equal any he had ever seen. TUBERCILOSIS IN CATTLE Nnmbft of Bead at Rockwell City lilled by tbs stale Veterinarian. FORMER MAYOR - WORKING ON STREETS Governor 4'nmmtns Preparing? HIS Argument on Jtblloh Mon'nment la the Anneal ( the relary of War. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES. March 2.-Bpoclal. State Veterinarian Baughman has found that tuberculosis la prevalent among the cattle of lowa nnd has during the last few days ordered the killing of many head of cattle. At Rockwell City he found the diseas pre vailing In a herd of which a number of head ha been killed and sold in the local butcher shops. An examination of the meat showed that some of the cows butch ered had the disease. Anothe4P ' herd of eighteen milk cows at the same place were found Infected with the' die ni tn owner had been using the milk. Three Co we were found affected with the disease at Manson. . ' Mayor Brenton at Street Work. Former Msyor James M. Brenton, Who made a spectacular descent from mayor to saloonkeeper, will begin Monday as a com mon laborer on the streets of this city under the department of the Board of Con trol, the members of which were appointed bv him. Mayor Brenton declares that ha expects to win back the good name that he lost when he hired out at $125 a month as a saloonkeeper. He will do manual labor In building sidewalks. Mayor Brenton was born and raised In Dallas county. Homes for the Friendless. Twenty-one institutions maintained by Lvarloue societies ana interests ior irnmi. (less children have completed their report for the year 1904 to the Board of control, as they are required to do by law. Members of. the board are also required to inspect them at least twice a r. I The report shows the total property to be valued St 1597.W5.48. The total children received since organisation, which Is not a complete re port, Is given as 9J51. The total, number cared for In 1904 was 2,121. The total re ceipts for the year were $159,o2a.02, and the balance on hand at the first of the year 1. 476.03. The salaries paid were tlM,820.66 and the total expenditures 115?,228.11.' . Election Almost 'C"aa"ons. The election pf Colonel James Rush Lin coln ns colonel of the Fifty-fifth regiment of the National Guard lacked only t three votes of being unanimous. Two ot theso were received by Major John T, Hume and the other by; Lieutenant Colonel Bennett of this city. All three votes were cast In Company F of Des Moines. The total vote received by Lincoln was 342, as the returns were made up today. W. C. Mefitser aa major received 292 Votes. Karns, formerly captain of Company F, received 1 rotes for major, as follows: Company A, i T, 28; H, ; K. 14; M. 1. I Investigate Interlocked Railroad Commissioner N. 8. Kelehura nnd Clerk Boylen from the railroad com mission offlce, are In Iowa Falls Inspecting the new lnterlocker installed there. The old one was damaged by a wreck. . Articles of Incorporation. Articles of Incorporation have been filed with the secretary of state by the SJarllh Commercial company of Earllng. Shelby connty, to do a general mercantile btiSt rioes. The capital is 126,000. Henry Herso is president. The Neola Cement Block and Construction company. with 'a capital of J50.000, has Incorporated. , ' Progress on Bntldlnar. Work on the Historical building haa progressed till . the . Interior- walls Of the building are up to the second floor and the neel work put in. that far. insme oi an- other month or six weeks It la expected to have the walls, all completed..; Governor Goes ' Bnst. Governor A.' B. Cummlhs la worklng hard on the Shlloh controversy matter and will leave Mondays for Washington, where he will again present the matter to Secretary of War Taft In favor of the. Iowa conten tion as to what the Inscription should be. Rooms and cats. ,t3gden hotel Engineer Dies from Injnrlos. DES MOINES, March .-L- Hotchkiss, engineer on. the Rocky Mountain llrnltsd, which Erto Kutslsven says he wrecked near Homestead, Ia., a week ago, died today of Injuries received. Kutileven will probably he held for murder, pending an Investigation of hla eanlty. Dam alson ut Lasaa. LOGAN, .Ia., March 2.-(8pclal.)-Tom Dennlaon earns up from Omaha at I o'clock yesterday morning to consult wits) bis at torneys, Cochran A Kgan, at this place. He returned t Omaha at I o'clock la the aft crnbOa) - ' Preachers' Sons 4n Jail. ' LOGAN, Ia.. March 29". (Special.) The"- Harrison county Jail at Logan contains three son of preachers of the gospel. TWO are the sons of Latter Day Saints exhorters and were Jailed for eduetlott and for sell ing liquor, and the other Is the eon of a Methodist expounder and wae fullty of absorbing some of t'nele . Barn's revenue while acting as deputy postmaster. , Spiritualists Receive Beanesi, KEOKUK, la., March 29 Five thousand dollars Is bequeathed to the National Spiritualist association of Washington, D. C. by the will of the late Samuel W. Tucker,, a wealthy citlsen of Keokuk. The will was filed today for probate. ,. v , The Misery of PUes Thousand know it and thousands daily submit, through their ignorance, to the torture of the knife. They are ignorant of the fact that there is an internal remedy that will positively and painlessly cure. ' . T Dr. Perrin'sPile Specific Tht Internal Remedy strikes st the prime causes of pile indi gestion, congestion of the liver and consti pation. - These causes' are removed and removed for good. Get a bottle today and see how well it proves the truth of this statement for dyspepsia. Indigestion, constipation, bWousness, catarrh of the stomach and kindred aflmcnts it Is the greatest remedy that has ever yet benefited mankind. When these troubles are taken care of and cured, Pile! will be a thing oi the past. Dr. Perria Medical Co Helens, Moat, GOVBUXHENT NOTICKS, FORT RILET, KAN.. MARCH' 1, 1905 Bealed proposals In triplicate will bs re cotved here until 11 a. m. March 80, 1906, for the construction of one SubaltnC4 Storehouse and one Building for the cere and treatment of sick public animals. la formation furnished upon application here, also at offices of Depot Quartermasters, Chicago, 111.. St Louis. Mo., and Omaha, Neh. Bidders will stale In their bids lh tine In which they will complete the work, as time will form an Important considera tion In the award. Vnlted States reserves the rluht ta sreeut or re ect any or all hide. or any part thereof. Envelopes to bt doraed. "Proposals for Public Build! "' and addressed CAPTAIN LEON . HOU. D1EZ. Q. M. M4 6-7-e-W-K) M I EGAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Proposals for sealed bids for purchase of water works bonds for village bt Newcastle, Neb., will be received until April SO. ltot. Face of bonds, 16 .Ml; payable;, in twenty years; optional ten years: coupon ton da; six bonds ll.doo. 'one bond $Mi0; Interest, 8 per rent, payable nesnl-arinually.' 'Certi fied check, turn, to accompany bid. History of bonds furnished on application. A1dreaa. 1 W. It. Talboy, Chairman. ... MZTdlot 1