18 THK OMAHA DAILY TIKE: - SUNDAY. MARCFT 2fi. 100.'. BOY KILLED BY PASSING TRAIN TrvVmrOM I.ad Wntchea One ft a fa Mroob ljr Another In Yarda While at Play. r.iul Walton. 1" years of nge, living nt IT'S Bnuih IJulitrPtith wtr t, was ptruck ! Uurllnirton raasrngrr train No. I at Twentieth airert yrstprdny nnd u talnrd Injuries that resulted !n 111 death Imlf n hour nft.rr.ard. Tho body lm Iitii tkrn In harm liy CnronrT liruiley, v. ho will hold nil Imiucst, probably ilon dny. Young Walton and svornl companions wrre plnylnR alonn the Hurllnifton tr;rk. It la reported, nnd nt the time of the nr-l-ilnt nrf wat'ellng n t'nlon in train (omi'iK In. The Walton hoy. who was Htandirig on the fdRf of the R. &. M. trark, did not hear tlm Burlington tniln romlng nmnnri the hend. Iff was atrtirV In the litad and burled Fnic twtnty ft "t from tlio trark. Ills skull was frart'ireil. The B. t M train was la k"d no and the in.lurril hoy tHk'ii to ih- RurlliiKton hnRK.iR" room, where (In- coinpany's Ktir gcon. Ir. J O Ja k, droaed the wound. ' The pidli' ambulance Knrti d to lake 1 lie Injured hoy to b't. Josephs hnapltnl, but th hoy died an the ambulance was haylnR til'' fiui linxtoii dtallon. The dead boy's father Is Joseph Walton, nn employ- at the Mn'ltinif works. The father w.ip at hi" foii'p f-lde hefore di alii cuinc. Roaiftrrkrra and Settlera. On th flrt and third Tucadaya of each mnrjh the Iowa Central' Railway has on siUo round trip excursion tickets to points In Minnesota, Pakotas, Canada. Nrhraska, Mhaourl. Arkansas, Oklahoma. Teas. etc., at rate of ono fare plus two dnll.ir. Return limit twenty-one days from date of sale. Stopovers ell" wed. 1'er rates, time of trains, efr., cull on ncents or nddresj" A. B. CfTTfl. O. I T. A.. Minneapolis, Minn. Chicago l.aundiy; tin" work. Tel. 2"5. PTXKR'S HHJESTKK8 puvi , th way to Miccess by (riving; yon n good ptomach and cheerful dif pojitlon. At Myers-Dillon Drug Co. Men's, boys', children's clothing, ha'n, Indie' enii-. rklrt. milllniy. e;c; ash or credit. IVople's Hump, 10th un.l Kurnam. To l.ncotnotne tnalf1. After rn self Hiiffi rliiK fur ten years the torltiri'M lhal only an ataxic csiii know I have bi en relieved of all pain nnd restored tj health find streiiKih by an easily oh taircd. Inepenlve treatm'iil. The pre. ecrlptlnns which cured ine (which can be tilled hy any diuKgiti I will mall freo to any fi Mow sufferer who send.s me a nelf Bldro.sid -tamped envelope. E. I. Durn ham, Pelm.ir. Altiany county, 7f. V. Attention, I'alnlers 1 nion JODI A fiKit.il meeting will he held Monday evening, Jh:rch 27. All members requested '. be pretrnt. Maul Vndertaklnir ( 419 8. h".th. Tel. 2Zi. IAvp lohMcrs. California hard-she.il crabs, I.nihaven bay rhell oy.ter, (trcen sea lurtle soup Tuesday and Friday. Oenulna mported beer on draught. Kd Mar.rer, 130t Farnam street. llae Root print it. Our store Is almost a bargain counter for wood stains, varnishes, and wood fillers. Kennard (ilnss and Taint Co., lith and Dodge pt recti. Itatea to I'acltlc (( (at flS.OO. Commencing March 1st, the Iowa Central will have' on sale dally one-way tickets to San Fi.niclsro, Iis Angeles, Portland and ether points In the west and northwest. Rate cii JI5.0O. Through tourist cars to California without change. Call on agents for full particulars, or address A. B. CCTT8, G. T. T. A., Minneapolis, Winn. Harry B. Davis, undertaker. Tel. 12:6. ' I Finest varnishes for Interior llnish. Ken. nard (Jlass and'J'alnt Co., litli and Dodeo itieets. Sontbnest Colonist Rates. On February 21st and March 21st the Iowa Central will sell special one-way Peltiers" tickets at half fare plus two dol lars to points in Nebraska, Colorado, Kan sas, Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma and Indian Territories, Texas, etc. Don't fall to consult agents, or address A. B Cl-'TTB. O. r. &. T. A., Minneapolis, Minn. Buy Constant Oil stock. 801 N. X. L. F223t Steams' house paints 1,000 houses In Omaha speak for Its quality. Konnurd .ilass nnd Taint Co., agents. Cicnufte lieyn pnotos always are marked with an II before the lieyn. 818-20-22 S. Ijtll St., 2-sioty building on west side of street. Parsifal Is Popular But. our new "DROP TOE'' WOMAN'S SHOK will become the most popular thing that has ever been shown In Omaha. As has Hlwavs been the case, we open the season with something new, and (he "DROl TOK" is an entirely new xhape. The sole Is a welt with medium extension edce. and the uppers are made of all the popular leathers Russia calf, patent colt, nun metal calf and kid. High and Low Cut C( all at one price. .... .S JU Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Fartiam St. Omaha's lp-o-nte Shoe Hooae. ASK FOR OI'R FREF: CATALOGUE. $100,000.00 in cash for investment during the next ninety days, in first mortgages on improved farm lands and in high grade interest bearing bonds, by the Bankers Reserve Life Comp'y of Omaha, Nebraska. The rapid and persistent increase in its average daily cash income is agreeably surprising to, the friends and policy holders of this TEN MILLION DOLLAR COMPANY Agents and salesmen wanted on liberal terms to sell its modern policy contracts. :: :: :: :: B. H. R0BIS0N, -;- -: n II Extraordinary Dress Goods Bargains Monday Stt large Ad on Pgt t. HluHrattd. SAYDEHs THK HELIARLK ftTORU Unequated Val ues in Ladies' Suits Monday. Sec Large Ad on Page8,lllusmted President ( BAD DENTISTS of ten do more harm in 'an hour than good ones can repair in a lifetime. In ojr position we see evidences of this every da. And it is discouraging to know that olhrs are, ruining the teeth of their patients- Still, we take hope in the fact that the better, workmen are constantly securing more of the work. We invite dose scrutiny of our work before you patronize us. Teeth ex tracted FREE when plates are ordered. TAFT'S DENTAL ROOMS IS 17 DOUGLAS ST. Maaawagsawsai tsnas ajatu ijj sm ibi lainuniimm 1905 CADILLAC Family Touring Car Side entrance elegant &QCA in style spZr 3X3 Two Passenger Hui&but The swelled small 1 f machine soon on Oru- Tfk af 1 1 uba stream VJ Don't Buy Experiments Hut act a car that lias a past votord for durability, relia bility, power aud speed. You get, more of these, and as much style and elegance in a Cadillac than in some cases at $2,000. All models now on our floors. . fc?ome immense bargains in machines taken in trade, and in last year's models. DEALERS WANTED. WRITE FOR CATALOGUES. Everything for automobiles in our accessory and sup ply department. Mail orders given prompt attention. We are agents for the celebrated Swinehart tire. H. E. FREDRICKSON Fifteenth and Capitol Avenue, - Omaha, Neb. S. Arv Important Advance ANNOUNCEMENT! Entire John Rudd Jewelry Stock (From llo Mouth Sixteenth Street, Omahn.) Great land Painted Ghina Stock (From White's Art Co., 3S0 Ontario Street, Chicago.) Entire Stationery Stock from Gonnella Bros. l a ru a in Mroet, Omaha.) These Three Extraordinary Sales bL Saturday. At Brandeis' Famous Low Prices ,, . Included in the jewelry stock is iill the solid gold jewelry, sterling and quadruple silver plate, tableware', I etc., and AN IMMENSE LINE OF UIGI1 GRADE CUT GLASS The hand painted china and stationery stocks are complete and the bargains amazing. J. L. HI AN DELS & SONS. 1 mil Id Fitted With a Fry Shoe A man's foot Is alnajn comfort able, stylish and elegantly dressed, becatvpc ho wears a fashionable ahoe of thn hltfhopt qtinlity and best workmanship that can bo put into a shoe. $3.50, $5.00 You can get the best there Is at either price at this store in the fashionable leathers. In the newest pprlnp shapes flttprl eorrctl,v to the feet nnd guaranteed to be satisfactory iu every way. r i FRY SHOE CO. 16th and Douglas. Good teeth Necessary to Good Health On the thorough- W Iiaw of nin..i..u. r tlon depends vour C health. It your s toeth Hthe, ur loosr, or tr soiuo are missing the re- S rult will be lm- i froppr mustlratlon, 5 ndipftstion, poor health. Why not have your teeth h t- S tended to nt the llrst a i n of trouble? )lrttr S t. nave thorn ex amined at fre quent Intervals and gave mttcli future tronlilr, time and money. our operators are skillfull our methods modem. Quality of mater ials usok the he;t pilce moderate. HrtereiH'es: Any Omaha hunk or tiisiness house. Established 1SH 'Phone tO.S. ' 10th A Fnrnuut Strceta Cleaning Dyeing The best cleaning and dyeliiR Is the kind in n nn-ii it pav s one to invest. It eonts a littl" more. 1m worth more a lot more. Wo elei.n and dye tilmo.st everything. lo '.1 the best It ran be done. Dye oarpeis, no matter Jiow larte. without rinnlnir. Alr dye hou-.e draperies, and f uniisliliiK. and the little knick-kiiuLks used In dressing- u room. Cont depends on work tn be done. Call on us, or 'phono and we will call on you. TWIN CITY DYE WORKS, to South I "th St.. 21 North 26th St.. 'Phone 1521, Omaha. 'Pione JIO, Co. Blufti i .e v.ti , i d' ; a ..v " s 1 I 3 inl U LL roken ase"Sale Continues This Week 1309 Farnam Street IF IT COMES FROM HILLER'S IT MUST BE GOOD. RATE IIOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS Tuesdays, April 4th and I8tb, I905 and IRON MOUNTAIN ROUTE To Certain Points in the West and Southwest 8 at . ONE FARE tor tha Round Trip TcoWnX Great Sale of Boys' Suits Satiiruny an anny of Omaiiu Imivs cacli licciinio tin I pi-oud jiusM-ssor uf a Stylish Spring Suit and a (-pltMidid Dofonder ltitlc. THE VIUCE OF TIlKsriT .VI.UNi: .AULNDAY will buy the best Sailor Mouse, Kussian Mouse. Sailor Norfolk, Jiton Mouse Norfolk or I hice-riccc Suit ever shown in the city at the prire, and in addition a Defender Rifle Absolutely Free with every Boys' Suit on this day only. jp TUB BOY NEEDS THE SUIT, HE WANTS THE RIFLE a perfectly harmless, but interestihj: toy. I'uvKiVnf - , R K(n Monday nnd secure the two for the price of the one. 7tiM2 ' CI1 YOUTHS' LONG PANTS SUITS, in all the nobbiest spring styles and most swagger effect, in fancy Scotch .rweeuft. uassimeres, worsteds, serges and ( lieviots f ages 11 to 20 years extra special value Monday at Ml 1 7.50-5.00 CIvAVENETTE KAIX COATS The most popular coat for spring wear is always stylish looking, keeps you dry ami warm we ajre showing a magnificent line in all colors at $7.50, $10, $12.50, $15, $18, $20, $25. 10 "9 DR. BRADBURY 1S06 PARNAfl Teeth Extracted... J25c I'urcalaio Pilllof a $1 up Hold Fillinf $1 up Sliver Fillings... Mc up Crowai $2.60 up I'Utes f i00 up DENTIST r" temp IB Yeare bene Location 'Pbone 1796. , Bridie Work $2.30 up Nerves removed with out pain. Loose Teeth M a 4 Solid. .Wei (uuwted a ra Final Limit of Ticket, 21 Days STOP-OYEKS will be allowed within transit limit of 15 days going after reaching first Lomeseekers' point en route. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION or '.Land Pamphlet, . Folders, Maps, etc., address any agent, of the company, or T. F. 60DFREY, Piss, and Ticket Ajeot vT0M HUGHES, Tray. Pass, Agent ' OMAHA, NEBRASKA H. C.- TOWNSEND, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, St. louls, Mi. SOilIETHlftG WEW. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCEUX: We, the urnl.MBljjnpd firm, agree to deliver for $0.:W one ton of our famous CAUXliY LUMP COAL, mined In the grest Statu of Wyoming, which is absolutely free from moke snd soot, turns like oak wood, and Is a spleudid subKtltute for bard coal for furnace use. Hcnicmber, we guarantee this coal In every respect. Try one ton, and If not BStlsfactory, we agree to remove tame aud refund you your money. Very respectfully, UNION FUEL, CO. Talkers 268-319. 164 Farnam St. STOVES) OAS STOVES Not the kind ordinarily sold., but Acorn Gas Stoves Made to look well, made to wear well, made to save gas and to sustain the Acorn name for baking. Let. us show you wherein they are better than any other make. Low Rates South and Southwest. The Rock Island System offers the following low round trip rates from Council Bluffs snd Omaha on April 4 and 18. Aniarillo. Dal hart, Dallas, Fort Worth, Wuoo. ITotinton, (inlvpston. Austin. Snn Antonio. Beaumont. Corpus Chrlstl and many other Texas points... New Iberia, fjrowloy, .TennlnsP, Lake Charles, Alexandria and many other Louisiana point. Dawson. Tunjunicarl, Santa liosa, Torrance, Almnngurdo, KosnclJ, Cflrlsbud and other New Mexico (AA ftp points... OfcUiOO $10,85 $30.35 EI Paso, Tesas, and Dcmiiig, New Mexico. . To points on Uock Island-Frisco Systems in Oklahoma, Indian Territory. Arkansas and Kansas in One Fare for llomescekcrs territory the Round Trip For further information call or writ. F. P. RUTHERFORD. 0, P. A. 1323 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. John Hussie Hardware Co. 2407 tll; ST. IK I.. 11 IU. "If You Buy it of HunBle It's Right." REVOLUTION IN BUILDING Hollow Concrete Building Blocks Makes the only wall that can ba plastered on inside without lathing aud furring. Equa.1 in Appearance r.ZZSr-r, :..-.T':" -(-Vt in natural stone. 'Mil TIME FOR SPRING STYLS $3.50 ONIMOD $2.50 Spring stylo aro htrr. Skill fully made from let materials, on foot-form laxm. In liuttun, Lire or Wuchr tylp, In ull the popular leathers, and wild at the popular price of H.50 and JJ... If yuu pay more, you shocll fet mure. But you can't set more! No shoo made gtsfi more style, mot comfort, or morn wear thun an On I mod. 20a SalBTAtrcei i DKPLTY KTATfJ VKTtRlNARIAK. H. L. RAMACCI0TTI. D. V. S. (lit VKTKHl.tHlA. Off!' r"1 Inhrmary, JKth and Mb Hon nt. Frost Fire Damp and Vermin Proof Indestructible Cement Machinery . Supply Company Office and Factory, BeltLine and Farnam. Tel. 2095. Ideal Msterlal for FounJa-tlons OMtllt, M)H., Mareb 2(1, lOOR. Hear Mri Anticipndna; Hint 5011 Mill lime more or Iran rleanlna; and drlna; that ou "III want 'alone llil aiirlnu. Mould like to have you aenU for one of our price I lata In order lo iii'r ou nil Idea of our cliarsea. The rnntorioni, aa yon are probably iiHure, mi (lie flrat lo I n troilut'p the French Dry t'leaulnw proa-eaa in Omnba, and Me think r nnderalnnd the liuaineaa a lltde bit better than any of our ckiii petttora. We have altvaya aet the I'aee and I'rlee In our line of irork In Omaha, aa nrll aa the quulily of tvork dour. We nould be pleaaed to lime you lile ua u. trial the next time you are Ilk need of auythlna In our line. Our nanum rmrh all parta of the city. Juat rail up UHH aud your Mania Mill be promptly attended to. Wry truly youra, tii 14 p tvromi m. Ask for a QUALITY IS OUR MOTTO I BEST BECAUSR Toj ara xnt paring for bill boarda, fenee paletlu. eloeka. I Inn. K'.11 (iirert lo tli raUllT ty '. K. HI CIS MEK(.'( IU .1 R CO.. IlMuffiuM tarera, IT, WHI9. i V 0 iin IU I II