THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY. MARCH 26. 1005. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Beef bteers and Good Cows Steady for Week, but Common Cowi Much Lower. HOGS AT HIGH POINT Of SEASON Market on Doth Sheep and l.aml.n May Ce C,aoterl 4 boat Tea to Fifteen Ceate Higher for Ike W rek Feeder Lambs Alan Mritm, POl.'TH OMAHA. March 25. l!Vv Cattle. Hogs. Hhcep. . . 2,995 S.i-jI 4. alii . . .t2 !."" 3o3 .. 6.1M :. . jo.7u: .. S.tiM 11.021 'i.471 . . l,:n .,) a. 63 n.DII lleicipts wrr, Off! i ml Monday Jfflcial Tuesday .., Official Wednesday Ofllrlal Thursday , fifltelai Krldav ... OftUIl Saturday... I otal this week m.oi; lots lust tcfk SB:s intal week before D.,!X( m; throe weeks Hg..15.Kil "me foui weeks ngo....lo..Ut bame week last ycur... .23.347 r.j.fciPTH KUR THIS VEAR wie following table shows L fii a"d heP at fiouth Onmna ift year- w comparison 1 ''' 1tt.til J.1.0"' f9,4M "'ep 370,373 I iu loilowinK luu.u a' huu.a uniini for the lust 4f, 97.1 a;.7.i oh. 97 7 .;f.i 35.9l4 TO 377.845 31.3.9 44.:& 42.;oj DATE. last year there wa a falling nrt or about ll.eOO head The demand ha not been what Would he rall'-d hea v. but titl th ea pHld have l,een quite satisfactory early rart of the rxpk there milt a sharp advance, and the most of that 'gain has lieen maintained, an that closing prices are ruliy iiraluo higher thnn they acre a week ego. and In some cases the advance amounts to even more thnn that The quality of the offering most of the week ha only been fair. TliHt has been especially true with lumha. the $7.40 lamha today being the first flat could be called choice, and they could have been better, That being the esse. th advance this week of l'calir I considered a food Indl cation. . The lamb that were not fat enough for killers met wlln ready sale thla week to leedcr buyers at good, atronoj prices where ' uuaniy vi. satisfactory. ommon kind lacking in flesh were, of ronrae. hard to move, es teechr buyers all wanted good siurr. W'i'.tstlons for foil stock: Good to choice yearlings. w.4it.;.): fair to good year llnrs. Kooiil 40; good to choice wether if. i .,: fair to aood wether. 10. dm.'.!"1 good to choice ear. S7j.2Mi6 7k". fair io good ewes, common to fair wwc. 14. '"""ff 4 n": good to choice lamb. 7.25fi'7.'.0; fair to good Isimba. H is "ft". 15; feeder latnba, I'i.OO ri.o". Hprentative aalta: 1 aeatern ewe 3f,4 weatei n bimbo lamb lamb lv9 weatern 624 weatern 7n 83 the r'ce.pta 1904. 665.3S5 44:',Ulo auuwe Inc. 14 ' VI nn Dec. 3M w.: CHICAGO I.IVK STOCK 7 10 xtnii KT tilt; .iaiak etveral dw,, W,n , omparieotia; I 190u. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. At nr. Alar. Mar. .M H Mar. M ir. Mar. M.u. 1. 3. I. 4. I ?' J. . I.. .. 10. II. 13... 1. 14. IS 11 17. 18. i: M. 21. a -..i. 21. 3k 0! I 4 0 I i 71 I "H I i MM i 6 I'A I 7l I 0 J, I 7Hl ) b'l w.S n Jl I 1 78! I 4 SO - I i xm, & i 4 94 I I lftj I 4 7V u 041 I t li II4 i i i it, I 51 I 6 07tl 4 87,! I 6-01-fcj 4 :i j IS & 01 1W4. 11903. iiaw. ;iswi. i'.rw 141 f 01 i K W 6 mi mi is aii 4 tf I li 7 0I I U 4 69 I 14 T 01! l7 t 87; 7 Ul III, t 37i lil B )'i t 3 vo a J 7 14! . r" V ; isi 7 20 7 111 Oj -V! i 4" 7 8ti 4 74 4 7n: 4 7) 4 72 I i Vt 3 IT I M i. i!'; 5 4n- Hi C 41 U Ui w 4o i I I1: 5 06 7 15 b Sl 17; '.'5 1 31 a :n; t Ja, 3 54 3 ) H i b 41, 4 71) b 4 iJ, t r. ' IJH 4 7C 4 V4i 3 C3 4 u 3 S-l 4 7! 3 .Sj 4 U 3 io 4 04 3 Hi & 6t S 60 I 6 5: O 1.1 . 5 7l 4 Mi' i .v.', 4 ll ft ) 4 a K' 4 ' J 4 S3'' 5 70; M Mi C M, 3 C) 3 6t 3 60 3 l. l 3 3 ji (I Indlrates Sunday. 'J he official iitmii.r'e ..r n lirousht In today by each road w: Cattk'. Ilouf. M. St. I Uv I nlon Fm lil,. gyati'in... '. N. W. Hy K. M. V. U It ; W. I'., M. & O. Ry.... tv m. ny B. Q. Ry.. . I. t T. Ilv. east.. 1 I 7 JS 2 2 3 stock Sheep. "i Cattle rona lion Hve to Ten Cent lllajher Xhrra tead CHIfAfiO. March 2. CATTI.K Receipt, " head; market strong; good to prime steer. $r..1.VMii.:o; poor to medium. W Pu'ii atorkers and feeder. IJ.7.1I1 4iw: cow I2.&4ii0; helfeia, J3.omiS.00; caniHT. 81 imij w; none, u.wrti 1 uu: caive. n.umi,ii. HO;ri-Heceliit. !Ai head; eaiimnt Monday, 30. uw heud; market. o-tjIOc higher; mixed and butcher. $S.3.',5.4i good to choice heavy, $5.3iitf ..; rough heavy. V.-T,'(t5.:(5; light, 5.-.ij4j.i.45; bulk of stile. .,..'I0-i,.Mu. MIIEEI' AND LAMKS-Hcieipts, 2.W0 head; market steady: good to choice welhors. 8.j.7,Wfi.:',i; fr to choice I4.7yi.ijii; western aheep. S.vV(li.3i; lambs, $j.50ig7..j; western lambs. 7. Do. mixed nativ Ji.Oofl M C'hltugo Uriui Vepicin Total rnci'lpta wie uispoaiiinn 01 tno ciit a receipt was as rollowa, each btiyci' uurchti wlnu t h num. ber of head Indicated. Cattle, Hot. Sheep. l.liirl 703 3.W1 U'l 7 1.018 5.1MH 1.018 1 omalia I'ltcklng t o , 1 "out Hiia t.on)pnv..... 'iiiluhy Tucking Co Armour & Co I riloti J'acKlug Co H. & 8 Oilier buyers Total CATTLE About tin. imiiiil flu turn.... dltlons prevailed today in the cuttle yards, which mean that thcro was not enougii on sale to nmkii a test of the market. For the week le.elpts have been about l.fcn) head heavier than thuy were last week, but ns compared with tho samo week of lust j eat- there la a decrease of about 6.000 head. The market uu beef steers has been father Irregular this week, fluctuated up and down at a rapid rate. At the close of the week, however, nrlcea arc in Juat about the samo notches they were a week ago Homo salesmen are calling the commoner kind a trifle lower for the week, but In the majority of cases the change is too small to be worthy of attention, (iood to choice steers re quotable from 5 to 15.75. fair to good from 84.50 to 15 und common to fair ironi :i.5i) to 14.40. The cow market has also been rather un even this week owlnir to the rapid changes ironi day to day, but closing ptieea on the more desirable grades uro generally steady with those In torce 11 week ago. By the more denlrable grades is meant those which sell above 3. Those. that go under the $3 mark are a littlo lower, the commoner the quality the greater the decline. Cancers have been the hurdest to sell of all and are fully 35o lower for the week. Common cutters have suffered almost as much, so that tho market on the common to medium grades of cows may be quoted from 10c to oo lower. C a liners and cutlers sell largely iI.m.,1iiT to - 0 fHlr t0 "ood vows from .'.50 to 8.1.15 and good to choice from 83.26 to 34.3ii. A prime oiiuch of heifers would probably brlnjr a little more than that. Bulls are n utile lower than they were a week ago. lb bulk of them selling from K.bU Io 13 , o. Veal calves are lower, prices ranging from 81 to 85. 7S. Ths stockers and feeders market was not quite so brink this week ns last and n a lesuit tne tendency ot prices has been downward. The choicest grades arc not far from steady, but anything on the com mon to medium order and particularly com mon light cattle are safely ifvfriioe. lower, liood to choice grades may be quoted front 84 to 84.66, fair to good from 8T Ml to 84 and common to fair from 82.50 to 83. W. llepro aentatlva sales: Kansas City live Mock Market. KANHA9 CITY, March C5.CATTI.K Re ceipts. ITjii head. Including io southern. Tli market was slcady: choice export and dressed beef stceis, 87.?tfi6.7u: fair to gcod 8l.2.Vij5.2ri; western fed ateei s, $4 iVriS.ftM; Mockers end feeder. t.l0n44..i; southern steets. $,I..Aci4 fto; southern cos. $;,.2,i'ci I.Ofp native cows, 82.iitvti4.50: native heltets. 8o.'0 HI W; bull. 2.501i4 f). calvea, I2.6ft4f6.28. Re celpts for the week. 30.300 hnul. HOOK- Receipts, 2,000 head. Market S'cjIOe iiigmr; top. bulk of sale. V-lo'f.20 heavy. xi.:Kn5.35: packer 8-"i. 2007,5. 30: pigs cmci ii(,'iit, .o.-0- iteceipts for tne week, ii.vs head. 8HKK1 AND I.AMRK-Rreelpl. Oikj head. .Market nominally steady: natle lamb, t..,ni ,.uu; native wethers, 85 '10'fio.RO; native fed fwes. W.HOCnri Ci; western fed lambs. $rt.50 n,.oo; western fed yearlings, ? iwi 8. .6 ; west ern red sheep, 81.9045 Sl; stockers und feed era, 83.50i5.50. St. Inula live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. March 25. CATTLE Re ceipts, 75 head; market steady: native snipping and export steers. 84.25'diOf dressed beef and butcher steers, 83 S.ri&4.75 steers under I.0O0 lbs., $.'l.0ntyf4.ft0; Ktockera aiui feeders. 82. 50(4.50; cows Hinl heifers. 8 ;;4"n4.50; canners. f2.0fi6C.50; bulls, J2.200D j.on; calves, it.wsj.s; Texas und Indian steers, S3.O0t,6.1O; cows and heifers, S2.0tt IIOCJS Receipts. 2.0:0 head: market higher; pigs and lights, $3.50f6.10; packers 85.256.40; butchers and beet heavy. 85. lol HIIEKP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1.100 Head; market steady; native muttons. J3.W) !.; iambs. 84.0ivr,7.4O: culls and bucks 83.50(64.60; stockers, 82.on&3.25. ew Urk Live Stock Market. NEW YORK. March 26. BEEVES Re ceipts, fi head; no trading todav: dressed beef more active and steady at iiVi9c; ex ports, I.3UI beeves, HO sheep and 7,000 quar ters of beef. CAIA'KH Receipts, none; nothing doing. Market feeling steady; city dressed veafg llrm at fBIS'!-; country dressed. 7,IZc. HIIEEP AND LAMBtt Receipts, "nl head. Market for shoep. nominally steady; for lambs, firm: lambs sold at fg.fto ier 100 lbs.; yearlings. t7.00; dressed muttons, steady at iVs'" llc. HOUS-Reccljits, 4.431 head. Market feel ing steady. : M. Joseph l.lve Slock Market, ST. JOSEPH. March 2..-CATTLi:-Re- celpts. ,H) bend; market steady; natives, t4.Oug5.50; cowa and heifer, fl.foty4.65; stock ers and feeders, 83.0itH'O0. Hi HJ8 Receipts. 1,35a head; market 54jl0e: higher; light. 8.205.25; medium and heavy, S.'i'i.'n.-i.r',. 8HEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 271 head; market steady; lambs. 87.40. ftloux City Lire Slock Market. SIOCX CITY, la.. March 23.-(Special Telegram.) CATTLE Receipts, 30O head; market unchanged; beeves. S3.tiOtf5.25: cows, hulls and mixed. 82.50Ca4.0O; stockers and feeders. 3'l.00(h4.0O: calves ,and yearlings, 82.75'!.' 3 SO. lli.MiS Receipts. 3.500 head; market 5c higher, selling at S4.fi5fft5.20; bulk of sales, Su.Oft'iJ 10. f V 1... At. rr. 1170 3 ID BEEP BTELr.b A. ft. No. i::0 4 19 COW8. 90 8 19 1 HSU IM CUWb AND HEIFERS. t 11EIFER3. t .t 3 M BULLS. 1030 3 10 1. uu l'ALV La. 1:0 s 50 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS klu 4 W I U HOG3 "1 here was a moderate run of hogs til slant this morning, t-vni lor a Saturday and with a faiily good dumaiid the niarset here was tti,'c nigiior. I'raulug was taoily aclivt Hum un to (inlsn, so that wtUi tha axcrpilon of about tight cars, which did not urrlvu until a iu,0 hour everything was .imposed ui in short ordei. I tie long s'l ing went at 7,15, with tiia bulk of the inncher anil medium weights Hum 16.121, lo 8i.U!s. Tho iigiit and com muu sunt went ironi 35.10 down. Choice huavles sold as high as 85.2JVa. This ad vance curties the market to the highest point of the eeuoofi, being ubout 2u higher than on Tuesday of this week, which waa the previous high point. The extrema close today was nut quite aa strong us the early market. Prices huvu fluctuated back atid forth quite rapidly this week, but as compared with the close of last wee k the market is 10l5o hlghei. Tho cause for tills ad vance Is nut found in )iur,t there is an increase over last week amount ing to about S,U0 head and lis compared with tho rame week of last cur the 111 vreuse amounts 10 about le.t.'O head Ren. tCfctuiuiU e talc: , Stock In Sight. Recelpls of live mock nt the six principal western markets yesterday were as follows: Cattle. Hogs. Shrep. South Omaha tst 6. 419 1,019 Sioux City 300 3.500 Kansas city 150 2.000 Ai St. Lou., 75 a,t0 1,40) St. Joseph 30 1 "7i Chicago 300 9,(100 ?,5u0 NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Tendency Towsrd Depression Contested by Ltrge Buying of Few Stocks. TONE AT THE CLOSE IS IRREGULAR l.omlnn'a Disposition to 'lake ProBts I tbe Main r actor In (be Heavy Tone Karl; In the Day. NEW loRK. March 25. -Some tendency to depression had to be contested in today's slock market and this was effected by the large buying of a few Individual stocks. notably Ontario Western, which was rvshed up In the final dealings to b3V This did not prevent an irregular tone for the closing. I'nlon Pacific was rather heavy tnrougnout, rising only a small fraction over last night at any time, and this had a sentimental Influence on the whole market. New ork Central was another strong fea t'ire and It was supposed to be sssoclated with Ontario Western. A number of the Industrials made advances. liOtinnii s disposition to take profits was the msln factor In the heavy tone of the first hour and after thla Influence was overcome there was another reaction due to npprchenslon or an unfavorable bank state ment The lS.OOo.Oiri loan contraction dls c!ned by the statement helped to effect such a reduction in deposits as to relieve the reserve requirement to fhe extent of nearly, so that In spite of the loss in cash of S4,iilS.9ia, which was considerably III exeess of expectation, the margin of the surplus wa expanded to the extent of 81, ;(;5,17. The events of the week afford ground for confidence that even with a further loan contraction by the banks, resources will be found In the foreign exchange murket and In trust cnnir.anv nfferlnss to meet loan re. qulrement. It i suggested that the pres. ent heavy outward movement to foreign markets of securities represents holdings 111 -cumulated In the early stage of the mar ket ad) a nee by foreigner, and which have been held since with the proceeds of loan In this market. These loans are now belna paid off and the securities taken abroad to be held In cheaper forelrn markets. If la said by authorities in the exchange market that this process of delayed payment on foreign purchases of securities is the nrln- cipal factor in the present sharp downward tendency In the price of foreign exchange. London discount hardened todav and the sterling rate declined at Berlin. Jotai sales or bonds, par value, 32.55O.OO0. The quotations on the New York Stock exchange ranged h follow: bales. High. Low. Close. shows: Available cash baUne. tl3S.M4.338; 6,-old. 87,4o2.8.'9. 4,300 200 2.70O n.tno 8.200 "inn 100 200 Totals.. ..918 23,374 6.690 Wool Market. NEW YORK. March 25.-WOOL Kirm: domestic fleece. 31'34c. HOSTON. March 25. WOOL The Com mercial Bulletin today says of the wool market: There is little trading In do mestic, confined to small lots of fleece pulled, scoured and territory, at full mar ket values Odd lots are being closed out preparatory to the new clip movement. The Improvement In London, where prices nt the auction sales riosed strong, after declining earlyv has helped the local situ ation. Manufacturers are getting their bearing and can now see a basis to figure on. Fat eheep wool Is arriving and there has been some samples received of the new Idaho clip. The condition Is good and reports from all over the west say that wools urt lighter and better. The ship menti of wool from Poston to date from December 29, 1904, according to the same authority, are 58.323,393 pounds, against 5t.fil4.ti21 pounds at the same time last year. The receipts to date are t)2,183.ft pounds, against 42.tli4.519 pounds for the same period hist year. LONDON. March 25-WOOI-The ar rivals of wool for the third series of auc tion sales amount to 124,594 bales. Including iSH.ouo forwarded direct to spinners. The imiKirts this week were: New South Wales 4.519 bales: gileensland. 2,090; Victoria, 4.71IO South Australia, 212; New Zealand, 45,329; Cape of fibod Hope and Natal, 1.3BS; China. 257: various. 71. . ST. IAH'IS, March 26. WOOL Dull; m- njum grades, combing and clothing. 239 .jc; ugiii one. ivjt.oiio; heavy tine. 14jl5 tuo wasiieu. isrcio, bc. Ns A. Sit pr. Mo av lb. l-r. - n ... 4 41 ;o .on ... 4 u U ... J III'., 1.7 Sit ... iu t t HT till 240 ... li 1 lil .-. 1" lit ;so to i u 4 .S15 ... i 10 41 a6 ... U 74 141 110 6 PI ; ;.. 40 j M SI4 40 i 11 .! --(, ... 4 ,j S IM 411 t 10 Hi -.j, 4,j j ,5 1 Iti 40 6 10 ct no t li 8 ... S. IS 0 2,1 la u 3' Sl ... lU's ,tK SI5 ... I 16 " J10 '-' 71 :o It li '.4 js7 irt i m, ti -:t: .. to 70 iij 4 t nia ;o .'40 so t. it 74 240 40 1J-, (4 till ... t li M ITI J04 4 II', ttt m l u 4 1U ... 4 Ilv, 70 IM ... I 16 0 4 l!it 4 m ... 4 14 t mi ... 4 m, o ... 1 li ' 1U ... 4 IS' U -HI 40 l. I IM 40 4 US, It L'il 10 4 14 44 144 :00 4 IS', 7,4 ; i u 41 114 0 4 US, 7 40 4 II 44 tH 4 IIS 41 Ill Hi I"l 40 4 11', 71 JJ- ... u "4 !4 ... 4 U't 77 146 4" 4 IS lil 44 t IH, 7 ii 1-0 i 11 I S13 ... 0 Ul, 41 SM 40 4 14 I ISO 40 I 14 7 11 44 4 Ik 11 MI ... 4 li II :.'. ... 4 It'i 144 ... 6 li 0 ZiiJ ... i 17', H I'M 411 I li 7li an t 17', ... I 14 43 rI ... I 17s 7 i.'4 ... 4 15 ;; 40 i 171, ' :0 IS 1 IS ,! u W i I.', 41 344 40 4 14 It 1.1 ... 4 If, 4 ... 4 14 4 S 40 4 17', 4 141 to 4 IS ! JJ 40 4 17', " 140 40 t It 44 119 ... 4 ITS wt to 1 15 j :?i ... 1 is " Ml ... 4 15 41 ii ... I pj I tT ... ', 10 JJJ ... I no :u 44 4 in 41 ?to 40 4 to l" M4 ... 4 14 40 144 140 I 10 o Ill 40 4 14 el JOl 40 1 m. Sllr.KP Thr mete four cars of Colo i.tdu lambs on the market this morning aad iln-.v sold at what looked tn be good, steady I'll, c-s, bi lnglna 87. 25 and 87.40. l-'or the we.k receipts have been' light. Wieie being a decrease us compared with lkt week amounting to 10 bead and as tMunj.aied with the coi rt sposomg nsek of Cotton Market. NEW YORK. March 25 COTTON-F11-tures closed steady: Maren, ;.4c; .April, 1 .One; .May. 7.3!c; June, 7.49o: July. 7.5tc; August, 7.53c; September, 7.35c; October, i.Wic. Spot c!oed quiet; r.ildillina uplandt., S.(c: middling gulf. .8"c; sales. IX bales. LIVERPOOL, Starch 25. -COT TON-Spot. oulet; prices 2 points lower: American mid dling fair. 4.70d; good middling. 4.3Sd; inld (Sllng. 4.2id; low middling. 4. 121 : good or dinary. 3.9ld; ordinary, S.78d. Rales. 6,0CW bales, of which 5l0 were for speculation and export, and Included g.Kiki American. Re ceipts, 11.000 bales, Including H.'niO American ST. LOl'IS. March 26.-COTTON gulet; middling. sales, none, receipts. M lwle. shipments, Sli, bales; stock, 4S,tl6 bales. NEW ORLEANS. March 25. COTTON Easy; sales. 1.200 bales; ordinary, 5c: good ordinary, 3-lflc; low middling. 15-ltic; middling. 7 7-lHc: good middling. 7 1:l-1c; middling fair. 4,',4e. Receipts, 9,741 bales' Block, 2ISJ95 ba!e. Atchlpon 3.000 do preferred l,0O Atlantic Coast I. .uu Ralilmore Ohio... 3,00 do preferred Canadian Pacific . Central of N. J... Chi-s. A Ohio Chicago & Alton. 00 tireferred Chicago a. W ntciigo - N. W. . M. A St. P C,hl. Ter. A Trans do preferred C. C.. C. & St. L. Colo. Southern ... do 1st preferred, do 2d nreferrecl. . Del. A Hudson ... Del., fjick. A W. Denver A R. G do preferred 500 Krie, JO.Sno do 1st preferred 100 do 2d preferred OiiO Hocking Valley 100 do preferred Illinois Centra I Iowa Central anO do preferred Inn K. C. Southern do preferred "11O Louisville A Nash.. 1.3fo Manhattan L 400 Mel, Securities ti 400 Met. Street Ry 2.701 Mex. Oential 800 Minn. A St. I M.. St. P. A S. S. M. COO do preferred .100 Missouri Pacific 2.4O0 Mo.. Kan. A Tex t"0 do preferred 500 N. R. R. of Mex. pfd N. V. Central 1S.700 N. Y.. Ont. A W 51.100 Norfolk A Western.. 3.S0O do preferred Pennsylvania 28.100 P.. C C. A St. L 100 Reading 34,800 no lt preferred do 2d Preferred Rock Island Co...!.. do preferred St. L. A 8. F. Ed pfd. St. Louis S. W do preferred Southern Pacific- do preferred Southern Railway .,. do preferred Texas A Paeitic Toledo, St. L. A W.. do preferred Union Pacitle do preferred Wabash do preferred Wheeling A L. K. Wisconsin Central do preferred Adams Express .. American Kx press. B. Kxnress Wells-Fargo Exp. Amai. Connor Am. Car A Foun. do preferred Am. Cotton Oil.... do preferred American Ice do preferred Am. Linseed Oil ,. do preferred Am. Locomotive. .... 9.S0O do preferrod 200 Am. Smelt. A R'f'g. 7.700 do preferred 400 Am. Sugar R'f'g 2,800 Am. Tobacco, pfd. c. 700 Anaconda Min. Co Brooklyn Rapid T... 19.400 Colo. Fuel A Iron.... 3.8O0 Consolidated Gas .... 6,300 Corn Products 1.400 do preferred 200 Distlllerr' Beeur 8.8(0 General Electric 300 X9. 103 142 10914 S9i 10;4 141H 108'. 5,500 1484, llH-S 68 41'4 ?4' 245, 177?, 'rw" 2414 60 57, 41' '2r,-H 243 177S '.V," 10fl 244 60 1,800 1W IS!) 4SH HI 9", ii4 5 ' 1417. Wi 881, 123U 2lTs iii" 1MI4 J07 .12 isii 14.1'i M 89 45 81 "4 95 iiii'i ?.0 fill, 14l, 1(W'4 87'i, :i" iis" IHfiVi 107', 31 '4 66 itiiij 58S 8.ii 1455, 84 95 8.700 700 301) 1.200 1.400 49.800 1,100 l.liOO 1.4'V 300 6nn 107,7iO 1.000 500 5,200 200 100 300 26,000 1,300 8! 10 1,200 100 3 IN 0'4 2T' 6I- :t'4 H8V4 35 '::9U 38 V ul 13IT loo 234 47t 18H iT- 7!, W lw.S 35", 90 3l'i 80 71 i 25 a4, 4i 68 1184 347, 3SV4 5, 1'?4 100 23 4'!S 18'tt 23'4 ul''. 89S 102:' 1111 4 109'S 1 48:Sj 2 V) 67'4 41', 80 24 215 177' 4 18 3514 l'W'i 24 60 34 i 18914 278 aii4 89 80' i. !"'" 95 Mi llil'i 2M3 54' 4 29 ftl'4 1'1's H'.'l. 87T, 1224 rf-4 61 118 16H'4 107U 311, 66 !0 IXJ's fi'P 4 81; 9" 1424 84 954 flll4 89S 34 1 4 79t4j 71 U 25 K4'i 69 118'i :5 97 38' Nctt lork Money Market. NEW YORK. March 25-MONEY-On call, nominal: no loan: time loans, steady: sixty and ninety days. 3s'" 3' per cent; Six months. 3' per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PArER-344 per cent. STERLING EXCHA NGE Fairly ateadv. with actual business In banker' bills St 84 S.Wh4570 for demand and at S4.83709 4.8:775 for So-ciay bills: pesteel rates, f4H4'g 4.85 and fl.8iV(T4.S7. commercial bills, f4.82, fc-4 3'. SILVER-Bar. 5V: Mexican dollars, HONDS Government, steady; railroad, Ann. Closing price on bond were.- r. S. rf. 1,. reg....l4, Japtn . ctft 1"54 I. N. unl. 4,... 104', Manhattan r. , 4s. 1W. ,Mm, Cpntral it... 13: do 1st Inn ItSH Mlnn. A St. X, ta IMS M.. K. T. 4, .... ins , do rtf,. 74j V. R. R. of V. c. 4a. ?' ti;s s y. f. 1 ts 100 !(" N. J. C. I. 4s IMS M No Pa. lflr 4, l(S Ml I do 3s IM, 15 X, A W. r. 4, livi'i .'", O g. I., rfds 4s.... 7S ltr, Prnn. tonv. 3Sa. . , . . .lets 42 'siMfllrit tn. 4a MIS . "IS '--'I U & 1. M. c S. 1I4S .104 St. !,. S F. ff. 4s. 40i . 8IS K. I.. S W r. 4a... SS . ss't seati,rct a. 1.. 4,., . 81 o. rai-lflo 4a . 44'i So. R,llav 5, ,10-s Ton - P. la . 47 ,T.. St. b. A W. 4, . 7i'i1 i'nlon TSc'Iftr 4s . US do ronir. s . 1(S V. Steel Id 4a .. . llll',lV,b,,h 1, . do deb. B . 01S WaMsra Md. 4a . MS'W. A b. s. 4, .lK'SI'lt rtntral 4,.... .ttosl do coupon . do 3s. rs do coupon do new 4a, reg do coupon do old 4s. rs do coupon Am. Tobacco 4a, do 4s. ctfs Ati lil,r,n pen. 4a. . . . do adl. 4 Atlantic c. U 4a .. Bal. & Ohio 4, do Sa Ontral of Ga. 4s . . do 1st tne do Id Inc I'hfi A Ohio 4,a.. ( hl. ,,0 & A ISs . r. n & g. n. 4s.. C R. I. a P. 4a.. do col. os flV. St. I., s 4a l'hlea,o Ter, 4s Cotorado Mid. 4a Colorado So. 4s Cuba 5s. ctfs n r o 4, Plstlllcrs' Sec. 5, .. Erie prior II, n 4s. .. do sen. 4s F. w. a n. c. la . Ho. kins Val. 4', a. . Offered. ..1S ..los . .1"4S .. 77S . . :4S . . 44 S ..101s .. S CRA1X AND PRODUCE MARKET ! Week Closes with Bullish Tendency Whest and Corn. in COMMISSION DISAGREES ON OREGON WHEAT Present Hate ol C onanm ptlon anil of Kxport anal (top Shortages Else where Expected to Bring f ancy lorn Prices. . 40 . 44 .119', 1JS . .104 .USS . 4 .11S . 7SS . .H . MS l4 London Stocks and Rands. LONDON. March 25. Closing quotations en stocks nnd bonds: . Console, money . . do account Anaconda Atchison do pfd ........ Baltimore it Ohio Canadian Pacific A Ohio 1 hlcaso fit. W... . M. A St. P.., Pepeera Ilenver or R. O.. do pfd Erlo , do 1st pfd do Id pfd Illlnil, Ontral ... I,ouR & Nash.... M.. K. T SILVER Bar, quiet. M5-16d MONl;Y-2'4'6-,t per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short hills Is 2 per cent: for three months' bills, 2',i?i2 6-16 per cent. 41 1-14 N. Y. Central 1S .. 41S' Norfolk A W 8' .. 4 I do pd 45 .. HS fllflarlo & W 41 ..l')4 . I Pennsylvania 73', ..11.2S Rand Mines . 153S Hesdlns 4H-, .. n', do 1st pfd 4; .. -'4-V do !d pfd 4 . . 1ss So. Railway la .. 17'i do pfd 10iS .. 34S So. Pacltlc tin, .. ti'a'l'nlnn Paclflc 137, .. 47S do pfd 10iS .. f. S. Steel MS .. tis do pfd S ..145't, Wahash lit) . .14o' do pfd 41 .. .1 l per ounce. New York Mining; Stocks. NEW YORK. March 25.-The following are the closing quotations on mining stocks: Adam, Con Alice Rreece Rrunawitk Con ., Comatovk Tunnel Con. rsl. A Vs.. Horn Silver Iron Silver iMdvllla l.'on ... .. 90 .. II .. 4 .. I . .14S ..170 ..ISI .. 4 Little Chief Ontario Ophlr Phoenix Potosl Savag, Sierra Nevada Strait Hopes .. Standard 4 ..SIS .174 .. 4 .. 11 .. IS .. 42 .. i5 VS I 73 3jC4 lorn, 34, 95 200 39S4 39h 50'i 116 10274 121 ',, J42'4 97, 'ti, taw, 209 144 6I 44 S, 1X7V4 224 International Paper.. 40) do preferred MO International Pump do preferred National Iead 14,7oO North American 300 Paclflc Mall 100 People's Gas 1.200 Pressed Steel Car ... 2.200 do prefetred 300 Pullman Pal. Car Republic Steel 7.200 do preferred 4.800 Rubber Goods 3.100 do preferred 9rt Tenn. Coal A Iron... 33,600 V. S. Leather do preferred T. S. Realty 300 V 8. Rubber 1,000 do preferred 2' V. 8. Steel 19.401' do preferred 14.5007 Vs.-Caro. Chemical.. 4oo do preferred t0 Westlnghnuse Elec v estern I nlon 1(0 93 47V4 115 l02i 121 141' 971 'la" 67 '4 206V 14 64-1i 42'i 187 22H 77V4 44', 101 45 112 :wi 93', 'Wk 9914 98 9314 42", 1134 36 96 34 '4 V8V4 44 101 44 HI'S 39 93', 4 '2ii4 84 3l'4 98'T 95H 93 41 U 112'5 364 34 108 93 Sugar end Molasses. NEW YORK. March 26.-SIGA R-Raw. t.nmlxal: fair refining. 4'-,c; centrifugal 96 t-st. ic: ino'.isses sugar. 4'. Rerlned. dull; No. (J, 5.l3e; No. 7, S.H'c: No. 8. S 30c: No 9 5 27a-: No. 10, 5 Sic: No. 11. 5.KV: No. 12. fi.floc; No. IS. 4.9.V; No. 14. 4.fH)c: confectioners' A S.s-oc: mould A. .v: cutluuf. S.77w; crushed 6..oe; p"W.!ered. 6 15c; granulated. .0ic; cubes, U .'c. iOt..SSKS Steady ; New Orleans, open kettle. fo.,.l 10 cho'ce, S9'u35c. NEW ORLEANS. March 2S.-8I'OAR-tjiiiet; otti k.-ttle. 3t)4sc: cenfrlrugal. 4S ti4Tc; centrifugal whilta. $; yellows, 4. ifo'ir; seconds, .'!4,!b4S)C. MOI.AS8i:S -yulef : open kettle. 131526c; cmt-lfixul. i;14c. Hyrtip, nomltiul. 3"c. Movements of Merehssxlls- NEW YORK. March 25-Total Impo'rts of mereluindluc and dry goods at the port of New Vol k for Hie aeek ending todav, Jib.K".4'i 'I'oImI Imports of specie for toe week Vlldlilg ICjdMy. S.o.4b silver; 8971.433 gold. Totul exports uf s.eele, f76'i,0OI IJ. vr and l,cJi.' gold. Total sales for the day. 659.700 shnres. 1:1 1 -H 99',, 2.) 47'4 18 2314 51 214 22 i 127 25 i ;s Xs 100 35 9! 54 394 18 60', 110 l'Wt 120s 14ls B7'a 118 57 207',i 14 6414 44 INK 22 4 77 35 85 4'i 101 4H4 111"! MS 24814 I 21 'S 81', II 9 is 12 10! 14 112V4 3oS 9f.i 34'4 io7'4 18U, 9Ji Foreign Financial. LONDON. March 25. Monev wss not abundant in the market today and the de mand was good. Discounts were firm, the weaker Paris exchange and nrnsnpcllva large money requirements next week having strengthening ffTcct. On the Htnek ex change the usual week end quietude pre vailed, the operators preparing for the min ing carryover. Consols were firm early, but eased later. Americans opened Arm at siigniiy over parity. Improved further on local support and Amsterdam buvlng mod erately, reacted slightly In anticipation nt a poor New York bank statement and closed quiet. Foreigners were quietly steadv. Rus sians were harder. The new Japanese loan was in keen demand nnd touched "U nee cent premium. Imperial Japanese govern ment 6s of 19i4 were quoted 106. The an nouncement that negotiations In regard to the proposed new Russian loan had been resumed had a good effect on the conti nentals. RERUN. March 25 Trading on the Hourse today waa quiet and the transac tions limited. PARIS. March 2C.-Tradlng on the Bourse today was active ami ptfc es wire firm ow ing to rumors that the movement for peace iri tin far east was making headway. Rue slnn Imperial 4 were quoted 88.87,. and Riis, slim bonds of 1904 at 5.05. The private rate of discount was 2 per cent. Clearing House Averages. NEW YORK March 27.-The statement I, ,Hhi-ra1',"8c"f .ho rlr;f""i I'ouse bunks Of this city for the week shows: Ix)atis, fl.M9.701. 700; decrease, f 7.976 700 Deposits flJ50.6ii1.9O0; decrease, f 23. 776.200. Ireulatlon. f43,(-!i.8O0; Increase. f256 300 Legal tenders. 883,794.600: Increase, f9o,!W0. Specie, 8210,350,200; decrease. 84. 709,800 Reserve, J294.144.eO0; decrease, ' 84,618,900 f5.944'o50V r,"uired" 7,6tw,475: decrease, Surplus, 86,479.325; Increase, 81,325,150 Hank Clearings. OMAHA, March 23,-Hank clearings to day were SI 2.M ..992.67. For the correspond. 9-i?-l y ' lh0 cl0i,rln8 were 81,215- C Hit' A (JO OMAHA. Match 26. 1905. The week closed with an upward tendency In wheat and com. The May wheat ranged between fl.l2H and ft. 14. whereas Jrlday It went from tl 12", to fl.111,. Liver pool closed with sn advance of troin 'liiWc. A tip went around Frldav that Msv wheat was to be put to or above before the cna or May. Gates wa In Chicago Friday and conferred with the leading specu lators. The 18.0iu.i bushel the eastern ers are supposed to hold Is said to be more man tne iiears can de-llver. The long In terest, horn ever. It Is believed, cannot dump its holdings without causing a serious break, and a murket for the entire line will have to be created. The Illinois rail road and warehouse commissioner met Friday, but were tinuble to agree on any ruling for Oregon red wheat. Rrnomhail estimates the world's shipments of wheat at I0.0l0.ono bushels. The Australian ship ments are 9S4.0OO bushel, against SVi.'sm bushels the preceding week and 67:.OuO bushels last year. 'Hie primary receipt are a.l.0(t) bushel, against 315.000 bushels, and the shipments are 231. OCO bushel against 254.000 bushels. The May corn ranged between tl'c and 48-i4c Frldav. Liverpool did not advance. 1 he break In corn of 2c resulted In shaking out the outside speculators and leaving the market in the hands of the strong pro fessional, who can support the market when an advance is due. The primary receipts are. 678.000 bushels, against 39.000 bushels, and the shipments are 522. 000 bushels, against bushels. The corn clear ances are 299,n3 bushels. AVilllam H. liart lett says: "Accepting- the government estimate on the corn crop and farmers' reserves of COD! tn h. fm- r m r a. - ...... .1 . , v" r a. .A . ... ....-.,, ry rr . m, , , l .1,,- "... t husnels more of com the flrt four month or tne crop year than we did during the correpondlng period of the previous vear. If this is so It is sale to conclude that we will consume at least bushel morn during the remaining eight months than we did during the same months las', year. On this basis the farm reserves this year will go no further In tilling our re quirements than they did las' year, with out msking any provision for the shnrtaire of 30.iO.rfl0 c r 40.000.000 bushels in the crib and tht Increased rxpurt demnnd. neces sitated by a shortage of 00,01.000 bushels In the Argentina and 25.0oo,ono bushels In the Black sea shipments. So that, even on the government figures, which every one know to he excrsrlve. we have every rea son to look for a higher range of price than last ear, and on a fair estimate of the crop, ssy 2.300.000.000 bushels, we are very liable lo see some very fancv prices before a new Is gathered, nnd It must be remembered the next crop is not plantod and has to run tho gauntlet of nil the vicissitudes that always threaten the crop." Omaha ( aab Prices WHEAT No. 2 hard, f 1.01 1.03; No. 3 hard, 95'c; No. 4 hard, 80(90c; No. 3 spring. fl.02. CORN-No. 2, lose; No. 3. 45c; No. 4. 44c; no grade. 40b43c; No. 2 yellow, 45V; No. 3 yellow. 4oc; No. 2 white, 46sc; No. 3 white, 45c. OATS No. 2 mixed. 30c; No. 3 mixed, 294c; No. 4 mixed, 28'4(fi29c; No. 2 white. 30c; No. 8 white. .TOijc; No. 4 white, 29'4c4i 80c; standard, 80te. (GOfJDF (NEVADA) The Scene of the Wildest Excitement Rush of Men Mad With Gold Greed Is Heading for the Mines (From Oar 4lv4n Correspondent.) Carlot Chicago Kansas City Minneapolis Duluth St. Louis Omaha Receipts. Wheat. 12 Corn. 426 87 Oats. 243 15 196 16 42 86 64 16 102 10 Minneapolis Wheat Market. The range of pi-Ires paid In Minneapolis as reported by the Edwards-Wood company, llo-lll Board of Trade, was: Articles. I Open.l High. Low. Close.Yes'y. Wheat Mnv... July... Sept.., 1 10-s! 1 064, 1 86', B, 1 UV' 1 078, j H4l 1 034 1 W'nl 86' 41 1 10'.' 1 07'i 86 B! 1 10'.4 1 06H and Provisions. 5.-WHEAT-Higher; HAI AMD PIOVIMO9i Cent ores Boston Mocks and Mood. BOSTON. March 25 Call loans. 30;;i4 per rent: time loans, 3'ft44 per cent. Official c!oing on Htuuks end bonds: Atchison adj. 4a. . . . do 4a Me, Central 4,... Alchlaon do pfd Boatoa 4 Albany... Benton A Maine. . . . Roaton Klavaied ... Fllchburi pfd Central Per Marquette t'nion Pat'ifte Aiaer. Arge. Cham. do pfd Ainer. Pneu. Tube.. Anier. Sugar do pfd Asier. T A T Amir. Wooatn 4o pfd Dominion 1. A 8... r.dison Kiac. Illu.. CJeiiera! K tactile . Ilaaa. Klectrle do pfd Vim Oaa t'nlted Fruit lolled Shoe Mai-B.. do p'd I'. 6. steel do pfd iiai. "AeKeu. . 44S Weatlng. common 1024, Adventure 74 lAllnuea . I4H Amalgamated .lOls'AllaolIc . nitigh,m .1(0 li a I. A Hecla 'V1 Centennial .144 Cpper Range . 4i Paly Weal .is iriimln:oo t oal .. .ISISlPr.nklin , . 24 "I,!, Roy,le . 44 Maaa. Mining . 4", Michigan .141", MohawK .117 Mont. C. A f .744S "Id t'omlnion . Ill lnaceclt ...' .Il'i I Parrot . Uuincy .114 sr.annos .ItlSiTantara, k ms Trinity 1 . s. Mining lT. S Oil ftah victoria Wtnou, tNolvorlne . 41 .11 t4 . II . tt . .S . 45 T, .. 90 .. 84 .. US .. 7S .. 16', .. .US .474 .. 17S .. 7S . . U4, .. 10 .. 10 . . 55 .. lis. .. 1.14, . . 534, ..nD .. US ..107 7S ..110 . . 104 S .. IIS ,. 4S .. ns .111 oC the Trading anil lloalnsr Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, March 25. Rumors of a re. vlval of the hull campaign , I T May whe"i liad a strengthening effect 011 the wheat May wheat was up He and July up Sc. May com showod a gain of s&'tc OaW c"han-"d ,0- rovl'0"" arc alniost un Aa a result of higher prices at Uverpool he wheat market Tiere liad a firm tonS at the opening May was unchanged to 'Jo higher at f 1. 136,1. 1244. July was up a 0tkutof Wu Ut WV,WV' The excX.u outlook for the new crop, however. Induced "n.of,.Jul)r a,ld -'nequence that option declined to WMie. Many oper ntors were considerably disturbed bv ru mors that the May deal waa not yet finished and that It was the Intention of a all street coterie to force tho price of I??.' .ti',,'0" to a much higher level. The fhL,hatone of th r,-'eiilsed leaders of these eastern speculators was In Chicago yesterday gave some emphasis to such goss p. In addition to the revived Interest option, aovicea rrom M une a polls claimed that there was a good de mand from elevators and millers for all grades of cash wheat. The effect of excel lent weather conditions was completely offset, tho market becoming quite bullish. May was in good demand, but offerings were extremely llarht. From J1.13 the pi-"e of that option advanced to 11.14 without a single trade. At 11.14 commission houses so d moderately and the price reacted some what. A belief that July had been largely oversold caused fair buying of that option late in the day. The market closed strong with May at J1.13V Final quotations on July were at SteTiifrtOTsc. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 7l.7uO bu Pn, ''"'P'' were aM.iW bu.. compared with 316,000 a year ago. Minneapolis, Du luth nnd Chicago reported receipts of '"3 -" 1 e.B"'noi ,0 tasi weeg ana 320 o. cr'rTZ7.UlXr ! filed for record March 25. as r-ej.. CHOI CM WCrC KOOC1 OllVCTS a year St. I.ouls Grain ST. LOUIS. March No. 2 red, cash, elevator, fl.06; track, 11.14 May, fl.05; July, 85iS6S,c: No. 2 hard, 11.06. CORN Higher; No. 2 cash, 4CV4c; track, 47V44j48e; May, 4b"fva4,c; July, 4ci,-,c. Oa'I'I Urm; ..o. 3 casu, oocic; iraeH, 21'4 32c; May, 29c; No. 2 white, X3'4c FLOl'R Dull; red winter patents, 15.15W 6.40; extra fancy and straight, J4.75fn'4.9tJ; clear f4.25Sj4. 50. SEBD Tlmothv. steadv, $2.00fl2.75. CORNMKAIe-ftteudv, 2.50. BRAN Dull; sacked, east track, S25S3c. HAY Steady; tlniotny, ii.i'(i la.tsi; pninle, J6.C8yi10.0O. IRON COTTON TIES 95c. UAGOlNO-ViC. HEMP TWINE eijc PROVISIONS Pork, lower; Jobbing, J12.30. Lard, unchanged; prime steam. fi.62'. Dry sslt meats, steady; boxed exlra shorts. 87.12U: clear ribs. S7.flo; short clears. 87.25. Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts.' 87.62'4; clear ribs. f7.62'-,; short clear, f7.87'A. POl'LTKY Steady ; chickens, lbq-HUc; springs. HVrc; turkeys. IHtltjc.- duck, ijc; geese, 8c. BI'TTER Firm ; creamery. 22fl?C7',ic; dslry, 1(8,7260. ' EGGS Stesdy gt 15c, case count. Receipts. Shipments. r lour, puis n.t'iu Wheat, hu 472.000 Corn, bu 86.s) Oata, bu 64,000 These boomers are tlie first hot spark of the wildfite that will sweep oxer Ne vada thl spring, if one may .lodge from the nstonnillng sale i f ticket In the east. A man from Cincinnati said thai in hi city men are selling their homes to nft money enoiiirli to rush lo Golcltlehl. The movement In from the south Is marked by thin cloud of dust down the desert valley as far 11s the eye can teach, signifying slow plodding freighter with bacon, brans, lumber and groceries. Coming In from the north are the or secktr. hot with the lust for gold, often straight from the railroad and law from the east. The gold craze started f ir above Tonopah, lipped over the hills Info tlold tlelci, slipped dn 11 to Thorpe's Well and into Bullfrog and heaven know where U will bring up. These boomers make one think of chil dren on a sea beach; one finds a pretty shell and they all run for It. shrieking with excitement, until sonic one discovers another, when ihey all drop the first and rush away in the new direction. The fuct is, gray old Nevada I whispering ecrets of a hoard so rich that It drives men mud. Surface treasure glitters so daszlugly that bewllderrd lortimc hunters Isck the nerve to settle down and tlig. Here are seen raw "tenderffet" pros pectors In derby hats', who wouldn't know gold from Hiithnielte coal, racing with old mining men. The writer saw salcuit keep ers with groggerles piled upon wagons, tolling tediously forward, throwing the al kali duat of their teams onto hotel keepers with their complete hostelrie piled upon other wagoi s they themselves sitting on top or the heaps, craning their necks for the first sight of the promised land. Besides these classes of boomers there are representatives of the riffiufr r .11 creation. Goldfield Is getting a liberal sup- ! ply of the scum of the eai ih-a large pro- ' portion cheating lt any W4st on flttplo ment agency transportation, ostensibly as railroad laborers. Gold mining, like politic, makes strange bedfellows. For int-t.mce. a college youth nnd an old man who Inst n fortune in Spokane In 1893 in the bank panic who. In his youth, had fought the Sioux and Chey enne in the Black Hills and came out of It all with fewer intet-csling reminiscences than the sophomore gut out of a "half hack'' rush and hi great feat of having kissed a girl fioni Louisville who, It seems, was very particular a to whom she Hlsed. At dinner the guests were typical "rush ers." One wa a New Yorker with his; teelli and a golf cup. who said it was bet ter living In the desert than brown stone front, but despite his blase air ot elegance, bin appearance seemed to belle any close aciinalntance with brown stone fronts. An other was n beady-cyed Individual with an air of mystery, who said he would rather be In San Quentln prison than Nevada. "Tried both?" suggested the college youth. The man Mushed furiously and never took his eyes from the boy's face all through d'l'ncr. There was a German student taking kodak picture, while th rest were tough and ready fellows one see. In the ranks of the army. The people who will make millions out of Goldfield, however, are none of these poet- fools who are looking for piles of gold dollars already coined and marked a Hit their names and addresses, but ex perienced mining men, who go In calmly prepared to work and spend money In de veloping their properties, OR THOSK WHO INVEST IN THE SHARES OF REPITABLE MINING COMPANIES THAT OWN CLAIMS AND HAVE FA C1LITIKR AT THEIR COMMAND FOR PISHING DEVELOPMENT WORK. AIXLNG INTELLIGENT LINES. THE GOLDFIELD GLADIATOR MINING CO. controls three clalms-the Washoe. Stranger and Tucson-consisting of slxtv acres of rah ore land lying well within the great treasure iniio of Goldfield. which Is almost certain to yield vast fortunes for all who have the foresight to get in on the ground "' ",,u- nv investing small sums, assist the management in developing the rincf, an 01 wnicn snow the most flattering surface Indication of iieus or virgin gold. prop- containing vast INCORPORATED FOR $1,500,000 Tho Goldficld-Gladlator Mining company In incorporated Hundred Thousand the par value of each share being $1.00, assessableand in order to push development work forward Bible speed the company offers for sate a small block of Its nominal price of Five Cents a Share. for One Million fully paid and with the greatest treasury stock at Fix a non-pos-the 10.00) 44.fO0 59.000 39.000 Kansas lily Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. March 25. WHEAT Market steady; May, 95Sc; Julv. 79V(y797tic. Cash: No. i hard. fl.iibil.04: No. 3. 97.-H4 J1.03; No. 4. 85(&98o; No. 2 red. Jl.06fll.08; No. 3. J!.0Kij1.o6: No. 4. 90ci&J1.04. CORN Market higher: May, 45Uo; July, 464,e. Cash: No. 2 mixed. 4Kff46V,c; No. 3, 46c; No. 2 white,' 46sc; No. 3," 46c. OATS Market steady; No, 2 white, 34c; No. 2 mixed, 33'uWlLtc. RYE Steady, 76c. HAY Weak; choice timothy, f9.5OS10.00; cholcenralrle, f7.7fVfi8.00. BITTTER Creamery, 22S26e; packing, 19c. KOGB Steady: Missouri and Kansas, new No. 2 whltewood cases included, 15'4c; cuss count, 14'',c; cases icturned. Je off. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 28.200 44.800 Corn, bit 21.4ii 92.000 Oats, bu 8,(100 3.000 Toledo Heed Market. TOLEDO, March 26. - SEEDS Clover. Cash, f7.86; March. f7.S5; April, f70; Oc tober. 15.90. Prime alslke, t7.J5. March timothy, 81.40. Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. March 25. BITTER Firmer; extra western creamery, 30c. BGGS-Steady; western fresh, 17'fll7Hc. at mark. WHAT YOUR MONEY WILL BUY $10 $25 $50 $75 will will will will buy buy 200 600 1.000 1,500 shares par shares par shares par shares par value value value f200 $5C0 $ 1.000 $100 will buy S.OoO shares par value $2.t) $150 will buy 3.000 shares par value $3,000 $218) wjll buy 4,000 shares par value" 81.900 value $1.6CO$50O will buy 10.000 shares par value $10,0o0 Before undertaking to finance the Goldficld-Gladlator Mining company we had our mining engineer nt Goldfield, Mr. W. B. Roberts, make a thorough Investigation Of uio properties. .Mr. Honerts' reports are so promising; that we recommending our clients and the general public to shares, and our reputation Is too well founded for edge securities. As to who WE arc, and lowing Institu lions: are enthusiastic in Invest In Goldfield-Glodlator us to offer any other than gilt- our responsibility, we refer by permission to the fol Denver Dally Mining) Record. Colorado prliig,N Mliilna Investor. Chicago Farm Loans and City Bonds. An4l I nltetl Securities Company of fmn Francisco. Broadway Bank A Trust Co. Colonial Mortgage et Trust Co. Mercantile l.onn A Trust to. All I. os Anaeles etssiapers. And Any Reputable Mercantile Agency In Los Angeles. In conclusion, let us urge upon you the necessity of IMMEDIATE ACTION If you decide to invest In Goldtleld-Giadlator shares, as no moie stock will be fold after the present allotment has been subscribed. Fill out the blank below nnd mall it today, enclosing remittance for as many shares ns you can afford to carry; or a safer plan would be to wire jour order and mall remittance. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Were iroorl hlivcra ui.rl ngs were light. Higher prices at Uverpool had some effect on the market here. May opened unchanged to u shade lower at 4bti,e to 48esiat8l,c. sold between 484,ih 4814c; and 49c and closed nt the highest point. Ixical receipts were 426 csrs. with 26 of contract fp-ade. A liberal movement and a near approach oT the feeding season caused selling of outs by cash houses. The result was a weak market. May opened unchanged to 'sC lower at 30s"j304,c, sold off to 30Uc and closed at 3i:U3o'-,c. Tocal receipts were 243 errs. Provisions were Arm earlv In the dtiv ns a result of smaller receipts of hogs. liiler an easier tone developed on moderate liquidation of pork. At the close Mav pork wa eff avftOc at tl2.77',i 12.Ro. !,urd was at vTrv?' ''157'1'1' Rlb WPre uu SV&Vu Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat SO cars: corn, 650 tuts; oats, 346 cars; hogs. 33,000 head. " Mate-raeut Bank of Germany. BERLIN. March 25-The weekly state ment of the Imperial Bank of Germany shows the following changes: Cash in hand. lnnrefeed 22 atal.UOom : treasury notes. In creased 24r).C4)i)m; other securities. Increased 18.340.0i0m; notes In circulation. Increased J.OjO.OOom. treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. March 26-Today's stale nr. ent of the treasury balawes In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the fi50.OiD.tyii) gm,l rtserve In th division of redemption. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. March 25. COFFEE Mar ket for futures opened at unchanged prices tu an advance of 6 points on steady Euro pean cabbs and slightly smaller Brasiiisn receipts. Trading very quiet, but with of- leniiBH ugni, i nc nuirKet just about held the opening gains, closing qulei to tin. changed to 5 points higher. Hales. 26.', Jo bags, Including April, 6.3i(i.35c; May, 6 4Se; September. 6.04c; December. 7.0Ji'o7 Hue February, 7.10c. Spot, oulet; No. 7 Hi,, nominal at "6c: Cordova, HKj13c. Metal Market. NEW YORK. March 25. MET A LR There wss no s-cll feature on today's mar kets. Tin, quoted at t.9 6ic7 29.75 Copper unchanged at 815 37','d 15.50 for lake. 815 1.1.37') lor electrolytic and 814 8,'i,til5 2i lor casting. I.esd. oulet at 4.Wu4.4il. Speller quiet at 86 (Oc,6.10. Iron unchanged ', ST. UH IH. March 26 - METALS Lead hrm at 8l.5istj4.fc2v Spelter, dull at JO so i5.82t. fur- Hll.l 1614 nlshed by the Midland Gtia.anl Trust' company, bonded abstracter s'urriam street, for Tho Bee: City of Omaha to C. W. Hud, part of 3tth St. between blocks 15 and 16. In Wilcox add 81,250 C. C. Morgan and wife to C. W. Hull, lots 1 to 16, block 14, and other prop erty, Wilcox j T. Ollllrpie and wife to M. Geleskl, lot 29. block 1, Burlington Center..., uiu First National bank of Counna. Mich., to R. Bergs, lots 7 and 8, block 3, Prnyne Park 75 C. H. Anthcs and wife to Elizabeth Dwelblss, lot 5, block 4, Cleveland Place 2.' 0) N. D. Andrews to J. B. Andrews, lot 15. block 9, Hitchcock's lat add 1 C. E. Allen and wife to H. A. Wolf, lot 2, Wallace's sub E Billfeld to Barbara Kreb. lot 9, block 3. Kounlze's 4th add 2.10) J. W. Lagan and wife to Maria Beren ice n, lot 9, block 10, Parker's udd.... 1 D. t Dodds to George A 'o.. lots 3 and 4. block 4, Bedford Place 1 SOUTHWESTERN 8ECUIUTIKK COMPANY Los Aneli'S, California. Enclosed find Dollars, for which mend me by registered mail Shares of Ooldneld-Oladiutor Mining Company at ." cents a share. NAME STHEET. CITY. . , STATE. If you are not now In position to Invest, but are Interested in mining, upon request we will mail you free our illustrated booklet about Goldfield. Address all communications and make all remittances payable to Southwestern Securities Company Fifth Floor E. W. llcllnion Rklg. Ixis Anueles, California. O PROTECTS INVESTORS The Financial World SAMPLE COPY FRRK, NO INVESTOR OR SPKCl LATOn CAN HE WITWOI'T this fejrles, financial paper and lis Acblra Service. It helpa yeu t Judge legitimate investments frotu fakes. li exposes rotten fluent.- with all Its I ticks and traps. It Is Independent aa it accepts no advertising, hut ll e, and proiper, uy auliacriptloti, only. It sill OPcN YOUH EYES lo Juris MftMy any fUllroatl. Ul). rismttinn. Min ing. Inrlimlrlal Jtocli or Hon-i, In vhUh you miy b ihtrA'f t. A imilei'opv mi(u tttivt you fortun or niik vou one. p4nd now for Krr (nmpi ffcrp- bfior yon forfi t. KINAM IAL rl LslWilHLl, 4 tjr.ill.vr fid,, . (hlri. bod The Merchants National Bank of Omaha, INcb. I. t. Depositor?. Capital and Surplus, $ WO, 000 umt Diuf. frttuiiT. riANK T. N4MHT0. .; PruulCHt. f. P. UmUft, AMI. ClftMcr. ft. H. tttMt, Aul.CU. tj04t,v tufteouaii of ha tiki, banker, ror P a rat on a, Iran and tDtitvlduala an favorable term Koretgn Cifliania bought asJ anld. Iatiara of c rati it .aaua4, avatltPla In all pane al tka world lottrtitt pal' on Time c?nli at af nepoe'.t. oilarilona ai prampMy an4 acitoeniicallf. 1 requaat cerrrapondaaca- 17. Farnam Smith & Co. STOCKS, INVESTMENT BONDS, SECURITIES L3j W I !.r"?m St.TftJ. 1064 S. BURNS, Jr. . . Life. !ir Plume, too I4 Isrdi tl Per t eal stocL Itll. IHv. Par 4rtl I. 441 Moath Oniaaa gtocb ,artla kfnek. Out. at ', H. St. M. R. S I'rr LC Muuds. Edwards -Wood Go (Incorporated Halo Odicc: Fifth and Roberts Strssts 6T. PAUL. fllNN. DKAI.KR8 IN Stocks, Grain, Provisions Ship Your Grnin to Us Braaeb otllev, 1 1 r)-Ill Boa rat f Tras Bldgr.. Oisili, Ke. Telepboae SO 14. 112-214 Exchstiae tlldg.. South OtnaoaV Kail Phoat iit InSeoeodaat 'Pkeae 1 STOrjKS," QMiil, COTTON. '' nt dot .at loin ere ptic tli illy rnniplota a Iaaii Rn)iiii ii i Ja I'M d . Tht kiairi tilaan'tf ikpnuianva mon.mrnt in Amerlitin ri uri! iti and I p i O'l m t . If mju have not rea.J out UiH hook Ait pro' 5ifml anj ulalioii. kianfj for It , ' Mire U e wini ; on io iral H , iU our market ' IriiKra at; i ape-t iii Die hMitb, Wa 4nd all f' aa I a pjrt!ie) twit i f nr eitire Ue per..oriy handla laioiifttk lo. t-nt"fjf-ton luatooner. I M4HI17. (OHM A o.. Com. Brokers, Vt K IHalle Si, I'hhago III. GOLD HOW TO GLT YOUR SHARE FREE Tonopah, Guldlielil and Rnllfrog are ths greatest Gold .Mining Camps on Earth Write at once for Mdp. Dally and Weekly Msrltsi I.iier and other Informatloa. Ab..iluiely fiee. Ida AsHrkaa Saakiaf Irakwiff U., 144 Milatlk S cl. "eM, Cele.