Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 26, 1905, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 13, Image 13

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Adtcrtltrarait Tor intit ceiama
will be takea aatll lli a, fee tke
ftilC dltloa aal aatlt 8 a. m. (of
Ikf notli( mad ffandar adltloa.
Rates 1 l-2e a ward Srat laaertloa,
la a word thereafter. Kotataa; take a
for leaa tbaa MOe for tbe art laser,
tloa. Taeao adrertlseaieata aaast be
raa eonaeeatlrely.
Ad-rertrsera, hf rrqafailic a nam.
ttered eberk, eaa have aeaerera ad.
dressed to aaaa bared letter la eare
af The Bee. Aaewere ao addreaaed
arllt be delivered oa areaeatatlea e
Spring Term
A. C ONU-, A. M.. I.U B., President.
A. J. LOWKY, Principal.
NEW CLASSES in all tie
piirtmentH. .l'KKSOXAL 1XST1IUCT10N
given every student.
sure fcucceasful graduates.
Call, write or "phone for cata
logue. c-
EYE STRAIN relieved by expert optical
treatment; glasses to At; prices right.
Bennett'a. R 27
CUT RATE railway ticket everywhere.
p. H. pnnmn, 1BU6 arnam, rnono im.
i ( 2L
A A A COAL-New kind soft coal. "Yukton" Egg,
I A 6-& Xon' IIarmon Weeth, 'phone 241 i.
i ; ' R 278
1 1
CITY 6AVINQ3 BANK pays 4 per cent.
R 272
ANTI-Menopoly Garbage Co. 621 N. 16th.
Tel. 1779. R 273
PHONE 3350
It will pay you to call and see
R. W. M'HALE maka
on the MILKS MACHINE for all kinds of
Dealers in Sidewalk Material
1513-1515 BURT ST.
R .
Stove and Gasoline Repairs
'i el. MO. 1207 Doug. Omaha Stove Rep. Wki.
R 67
On Monday, April 3,
Our Spring Terms opens then and that
term opens to you the oil 'O tuiiitv to oh
tain a sound grasp or the principles of
BUSINESS, the plain path lu power, promi
nence ami profit.
We tencn Bookkeeping. B'wlin'!' Ac
counting. Stenography. Telcgiaphy ami
Journalism. Each ronw Is crammed to
the cover with practicalities, thorough in
every detail, interesting, evt-n fascinating
to every inipll.
The environniont of the pupil of
Boyles College
Is one tlmt rnrouiiigrs and helps to suc
cess. Our pupils reside in a huilcling erected
especially for Rovlos College and occupied
wholly Hiid solely bv Movies College. A
splendid ventilation system, well lighted
rooms and individual desks ndd to the pu
pil s comfort. A superb equipment of ele
gant practice offices, containing every ac
cessory neeessaiy to tlic conducting of
business, adds to tliejr knowledge of how
business Is conducted out 111 the big prac
tical world1. Anil when they graduate thev
step right from Moves College Into a busi
ness office without hesitation and without
fear. Boyles' training propagates confi
dence, and confidence propngstcs success.
Why not call tomorrow und inspect our
new school building?
H. B. BOYLES, Pres.
Boyles Bldg., Omaha.
MKN TO LKAHN barber trade; free rail
road fare upon our failure lo convince
you of this being the HKST and only re
liable, most practical barber college In
the United States Write for catalogue
todav. Western Barbers' Institute,
Omaha, Neb. B-290
I WANT and furnish drug clerks, drug
stores and doctors. Knlcst, 624 N. Y. L.
13 5oo
WANTED FOR V. S. ARMY, able-bodied
unmarried men. between ages of 21 and .16.
citizens of United Slates, of good charac
ter and temperate habits, who speak, read
n.i uriiu lifmriiah. l-'or information upply
to Recruiting Olllrcr, 13th and Douglas
sts., Omaha, Lincoln, iscd.. or diuu-v y..,
Ia. B-873
Salesman, dry goods.
Stenographer, young man.
Clothing salesman. German, retail. ".
Traveling salesman. Nebraska, indue.
Salesman, mfg. house.
Manager for planing mill. $1".
Stenographer for general work, good 10-
Manager. small factory, small Investment.
Shoe salesman, out of city.
Hardware salesman, road.
Cltv solicitor. $15 per weok.
...n ..i I..... ...... I. ... tiN.f.iiri.,1
Wince I M'l n, IM.w niiMiv-iii. I ' '.. , f, f...
840-841 N. V. illfe Bldg.
B on b
OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a spe
cialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and
Hutea. U. Andrecu, prop., 102 8. luth sr.
R a75
F. WM. KRELLE, Arohltsct, 604 Bee Bldg.
Tel. 80M. K 37l
D. W. DUDGEON, expert PLUMBER: 2
phones. R 1M AW
Simply lotting newcomers know our age
and address 211 S. 11th; 28 years; Tel. 264.
R-422 M27
WHO'S vour tailor? It should be Dresher.
Too busy maalng clothes to close. Open
evenings. 1516 Farnam st. R 2
lion and Brass Castings. o2 Jackson.
Tel. JU2. R-M7H4 M81
TEL. 205.
R M915
21 vcars' experience in Omaha. Tel. B1897.
620 I'axton blk. R-M908
COLLINS PIANO CO.. wholesale and rs
tH musicsl Instruments. Talking ma
ehmes, iccurds exchanged, 113 S. lith st.,
Omaha. R
WANTED Your machinery repairing, au
tomobll. gaaollna engine, model and ex
periments! work. Buckingham & Fetor
aon, Fremont, Nab. R
YoUNlJ men for telephone shop work. 18th
and uoutfias. aon m
Tauaht oulcklv and craduates nut at work.
The U. 8. trade xcnool report shows this
to be tho most thorough barber school
In this country. write ior parucuiars.
American Barber College, lith and Doug
las sts. B 614 H6x
EXPERT stenographer, IW.
Typewriter salesman i good salary).
2 traveling sulHsmun tsoap).
10 Insurance men.
i skirt salesmen.
Partnur for hardware (salary).
t men to sell stock (lumber).
1-liat salesman.
t clothing salesmen.
11 ART, 4tll AND 4M N. Y. LIFE.
B 242 26
FIREMEN and Urnkemen on Nebraska and
othrr railroads. Young men, sga 20 to i.
si mug, good sight ana hearing. Firemen
earn to ll'Ki monthly, become engineers
and tarn $126 to $175 monthly, Brakemen
earn h to $16 monthly, become conduc
tors and earn $im to $140 monthly. Name
position preferred. Send stamp for par.
tlculfira. itauway Aasociaiiou, iepi. w.
Charira niag., iwnver, coio. a
$24 WEEKLY" for man- with rig to Intro
dune Koval stock and poultry remedies:
we mean business and furnish best of
references. Royal Co-Op. Mfg. Co., Dept.
20. Indlsuupoiis, Indiana. u aw 2x
WANTRD. erson to call on retail trade
ior manufacturing house: local territory:
salary $, paid weekly; expense money
advanced: previous experience unneces
sary. American House, Star building
Chicago. B-281 Wx
BECOME a traveling salesman. I teach
votl now. pt-l-ura posmou ior yuu iirr.
Send for booklet, full pariiculsrs. H. F.
LobUell, E. at B. Rltlg., Rochester. N. Y.
WANTED, rellalOe persona to work for
good pnv. Southern Advertising ana in
iriuuilng Co., I)ept. T. Baltimore, Md. '
It 52h 2x
F. V. KN1EST, R. P.,
Expert Advertiser most extraordinary. For
many, many, many years I have taken up
the subject of advertising a-i appueu o.
He,, Bti.roa imifiit medicines, sneclalties,
Ik nd Viv nmnlin evervthlng that has
ever been thought, said or written on the
subject or liable to be tnrougn a per
colator of gray matter and the test of hc
Inul results. I find mvwelf possessed Of It
plan and method of procedure that bring
f .. .. ... ...a .. ...Ill ...... II. r
in tne yeiiow meiai so msi oo ni iuhj
be crowded for storage uuarters.
When !f comes to advertising a drug store,
li.nni It tin and tret Una the rough corners
out of the way and a cellullod finish, so
to speak. I "am there with tne groceries.
This may entail the burial of most cher
ished practices and time-begotten Ideas,
huf (ho funeral can be conducted without
much notice, an there will be plenty of
room for all mourners on the bead trans
port. I may hnve to change the entire
personel of your working force from de
livery boy to "Head murr, nut. tins, wim
ample police protection, cap be done.
PerhaDs you have a medicine or some
specialty you are gradually wasting tne
inneritance or marriage on. you see me
blue aky of hope above, but the distance
never seems to get smaller. Let me ex
amine vour formula the finished article
the price, wholesale and retail, the use
or necessity for evich an artlele; the com
petition and your system. It any. of ex
ploitation, and any othrr information of a
good general confession, and 1 will "put
you wise." Consultation free and only by
appointment. F. V. Knlest, R. P. "The
Drug Store Mun," Suite t24 N. Y. Life.
B-2S7 26
IF YOU nro In need of a position call and
nave a neart-to-neart talk witn hahi,
THE EXPERT, 401 N. Y. Life. B-2!J2
WANTED, men and hoys to learn plumb
ing trade. oyne ros. Co. school or
practical plumbing. Send for catalogue.
Address 4973-76 Eastou avc, St. I. nuts,
Mo. B-M7&5 F3 W
TAILORS. Attention! If you are first-class
coat make-s we can use you. uooa prieee.
Steady work to men that are right.
Dresher. 1515 Farnam Bt. B i'Si
to take charge of floor and assist in
the management of women's cloak
and suit dept. One of the largest
in the city. Steady position and good
opportunity for the right man. State
references. Address Y 43, Bee.
WANTED An all-around tinner; steady
Job for a reliable young man that can
adjust himself In a country tlnaliop and
hardware Elore. Address W. R. Frymlre,
Bloomfield. Neb. U-MWB 31
WANTED A bright young man. not less
than 25 years old, to solicit life Insurance
for the best old line life Insurance com
pany in the country; good Income guar
anteed to the right man. Call on John
Steel, 238 Bee building. B D54
SKILLED moulders: highest wages, day or
piece. Sioux City Foundry and Mfg. Co.,
Bloux City. la. B-Ml
moved to 211 South 14th st, ground floor,
Phone 6411. B-M151
WANTED First class cout maker at once.
Nice light work-rooms; union shop. T.
D. Becker. Sioux City, Iowa.
GOOD coat maker wuntrd at once. Apply
Henry II. Skelton, Kearney, Neb.
GOOD pants maker wanted. Apply Henry
II. Skelton. Kearney, Neb. B M179-27X
WANTED, men. everywhere, good pay, to
distribute circulars. dv. inn iter, tack
signs, etc.; no canvassing. Address Na
tional Advertising Co., 1U0 Oakland Bank
Bldg.. Chicago. III. B-M212 2-ix
ANY jierson to distribute our samples;
$18 weekly, steady. Mgr. "Empire." 4
Wells St., Chicago. 111. B-M217 25x
WANTED, young man for shop work. 18th
and Douglas. B-M218 25
Spring Term
17th and Douglas Sts.
Opens Monday, April 3
New classes in all the Business
Branches; also Shorthand, Tyre
writing, Telegraphy, Penman
ship, Pen Art and Civil Service.
Catalogue Free.
Rohrbough Bros.,
Omaha, Neb.
PANTS maker wanted for Norfolk, Neb.;
steady work for good man. Apply to
P. F. Belgh, Paxton hotel, Sunday a. m.
r B-2J5 2tix
WANTED First-class carrUte wood
orker, Mondav morning, at V. Uoerns
fcoil, 24ltl and J Sts., South Omaha.
WANTED Young men littcd for commer
cial travelers In six weeks; positions
guaranteed; write for particulars. Amer.
School of Commercial Training. Roehes
ter, N. Y. B-22S 2;x
WANTED, representative In every town to
handle sto. K in ooinnein mining com
panies and other hivh-clnss mining In
vestments. An excellent permanent posi
tion to right party. Liberal commission
to begin and salary If you demonstrate
vour ability. Will open offlVe and adver
tise In larger cities. Only first-class men
with highest reference need apply. Write
tully In your first letter. Hiving age, ref
erence and past experience. Say whether
vou will give all or part time. South
western Securities Co.. B. W. llellman
bldg.. Los Angel. . Cal. U-5.3 2hx
WANTED, neat appearing office boy; must
na good pemnau. t all 1212 r arnam si.,
Monday morning. D 4t6 24
liani St.. nanis men lo learn barber trade.
Specially good offer right now. Few
weeks completes by this m'tliod. l'osl
tlons guaranteed, tools given, diplomas
granted, $15 weekly paid graduates. "nil
or write. li-M:;W Six
WANTED Men to distribule samples, tack
signs, f.1 mi dally; no canvassing. Conti
nental Distributing Service, Chicago.
U 2Uti 2x
WANTED Responsible couple, without
children, to take all modern, furnished
house, liauMcom park residence. Address
A 56. Bee. M-2.'io 2'ix
BARBER wanted,
grade. Neb.
S. 11.
Vosbnrg, Mel-B-M-M
Our business having grown to such an ex
tent since we opened, two months since
in the .N'evillle block, we found It neces
sary to secure more commodious and ac
cessible quarters, and have moved to the
ground floor offices nt 211 South 14th
street, where we shall continue t lie busi
ness of supplying "BETTER CLASS''
help to all needing it.
Our specialty has been largely clerical
help, and whilst we .shall continue tills
department dnd enlarge it from day to
day, we have added another special de
partment. In which we shall pay particu
lar attention to securing selected help
for railroad eating houses, hotels, restau
rants and families. This department will
he under the management of V. C. Mar
tin, who has had 20 years' experience In
this particular line In San Francisco and
Iaih Angeles, California, and In Denver,
We have comfortable rooms in our offices,
where applicants for work can wait and
meet employers, either ladies or gent le
nient, and employers will be welcomed
ut all times, and our most courteous at
tention will be at their coiniuand ut all
We make no charge for registering appli
cants for positions in this latter depart
ment, and no charges to employers in any
depn rtment.
Remember the place, 211 South lltli street.
Telephone 6411. B 37G 26
AD WRITERS Porn from $25 to $100 per
week. You can learn quickly. Send for
Information. Page-Davis Co., 104 Wabash
ave Chicago. B 3:16 26x
NINE Odd Fellows In each state given per
manent, pleanant. profitable employim nt
near home. Whole or part time. Good
pay. Fraternal, Thames Building. New
York. B 334 2ix
WANTED, a financially responsible man to
take charge of a territory and appoint
agents for the salo of stocks and bonds
direct to investors. C 3, Lord At Thomas,
Chicago, III. B Sit; 2iix
WANTED, Installment collector for mer
chandise accounts, flood salary and ex
penses. Address Globe Company, 723
Chestnut street, Philadelphia, i'a.
B-332 2x
CAPABLE salesman to cover Neb. and Ia.
staple line; high commissions; advance of
JliiO monthly: permanent position to right
man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit, Mich.
B 338 26x
YOUNG MEN, bright, to fill railroad cleri
cal positions; no shorthand: eight to leu
weeks' training usually sufficient to so.
cure positions paying $.riii a month or over;
positions guaranteed as soon as com
petent; the demand for men exceeds the
supply. Write at once for full particu
lars to Chicago Railway and Commercial
Institute, a."i Washington St., Chicago, 111.
B 302 2lix
WANTED Traveling representative for
Nebraska distributing and collecting;
snhiry $xo monthly Hiid all expenses. Ad
dress ROAD MANAGER, 111ft Caxton
Bldg.. Chicago. B 311 2iix
DETECT I V R wanted, shrewd, reliable
man in every locality, to act under
orders. Write Webster's Detective
Agency, Des Moines, la. B a 12 26x
DE-TECTIVE Oldest est nbllshed 8ecret
Service In United States wants shrewd,
rellahlo men. Experience uuneceasarv
We give instructions. Write today with
age and references. Ameiicun Detective
Association, Indianapolis, Ind.
B-317 26X
AN opportunity to enter the. best paying
business in existence Is offered energetic
young man. Stamp for particulars.
Broudway, Now York. B 314 2iix
LADIES, earn $yi per 1"0 nrltlng short
h turs; send sMmpfd envelope for par
ticular. Ideal Mfg. Co., Cassopolls. Mich.
C My9
WANTED 21 machine operators at once. M.
E. Smith & Co., factory, 11th and Doug
las sts. C Ma7s
WANTED A competent housemaid, also
cook: references required. 423 S. 39th st.
Tel. 17. C-517
WANTElv- Girl for general work; sm:ill
house. Apply SCO Marcy st. C M9-8
GIRL for general housework; small fam
ily. 22 Douglas. C-M1C25X
GOOD, experienced girl for general house
work. 429 Davenport. Mrs. R. C. Peters.
C-Ml .4 25
CIRCULAR and sample distributers
wanted everywhere: permanent position;
good pay. AMERICAN UNION. I'onliao
Building, Chicago. B-318 2X
WE want the following help at our new
Traveling salesman for plaint and glass.
First-class carriage, painter.
Life Insurance solicitors.
Solicitor for nnint and glass, cllv.
Cobbler for tho country.
Tinner for country store.
Solicitor for house furnishings.
Stenographer and bookkeeper to go west.
3 bell hoys, 2 checker and page boys. 1
cook for industrial institute, man and
wife for hotel, $15: 5 cooks hotel, $25 to
$35 and room; elderly muii for country
hotel, small salary and good home.
Gltou Employment Agency, 21t South 14th
street. B 378 2
WNTED In six weeks we will educate
you for traveling salesman and guaran
tee you a iosiiion: write for particulars
The Bradstreet System, Rochester. N. Y.
B-355 2ux
WANTED, at once, a first-class marble and
granite letterer, but must be sober Hiid
poifectlv reliable. Address J. E. I.utz
Blair. Neb. B 269 2ix
WANTED, a good butcher. Address Lock
Box 626, Grand Island, Neb.
B-M:)ti3 27 x
CLOTHING salesman, 20 years' experience
wants position; liest of references Ad
dress Box 18, Norfolk, Neb.
B-lh2 2ix
WANTED, amateur photographers to fur
nish photographs for our newspapers and
magasines; opportunity to earn a steady
Income; Inclose IHo stamps for postage
and booklet. Art Dept. the National Pittw
Association. Washington, D. C.
-5j5 y,x
MANAGER. We want an exnerlenced
drug salesman, with broad experience, to
take position as sales maiiHger. also
strong salesman for dcug specialties, sun
dries and general linn of drugs These
men ran he used at once. In reply, give
full particulars, as to exerlence. results,
etc. Hspgoods, W71 Chemical IIIiIk.. HI.
Louis. Mo. R 319 26x
WANTED Competent girl to do general
housework, per week. 4029 Davenport;
take Farnam car. C 184
WANTED, competent girl for general
housewoik. small family, good pnv. 2631
E st.. South Omaha. C MJ7 2C
GIRL for general housework. 141!) Dodge.
C-234 27
WANTED, to borrow. $5 0.0 for five years
at per rent on got South Omaha busi
ness property; i rsIi vmIiio $I2.i"0, rents
for $)5o is r month. B 4, care Bee.
-6U 28
WANTED, cook, laundress and housemaid;
good wages. Apply Mrs. Balch, near
Country club, or P. O. Box 66, Omaha.
C-233 27
EXPERIENCED girl, general housework;
good wages. Apply 21 Binney st.
C-225 31
WANTED, good housekeeper for summer
resilience in mountains; must be good
cook and furnish lirst-class references.
Wages. $ Transportation.
HART, 4"1 AND 402 N. Y. LIFE.
C-243 26
Bookkeeper and stenographer. Colorado.
2 apprentice girls, refitting dept.
810-M1 N. Y. Life Bldg.
C-374 26
GOOD. exieriencf d girl for general house
work. 4829 Davenport. Mrs. R. C. Peters.
C-241 2(5
MOUER COLLEGE, 1114 Farnum st., wants
ladles' to learn hn Irdresslng. manicuring,
facial massage chiropody or electrolysis. good offer richt now. Few weeks
completes, tools given graduates, earn
$13 to $20 wecklv. Call or write
C-M347 Six
LADIES having fancy work to sell, em
broideries, battenburg. drawnwork; also
to do order work. Stamped envelope.
Ladles' Exchange, 34 Monroe St., Chicago.
C-299 26x
LADIES make $3n per thousand copying
letters. Send direct to us; stamped pn
velow for particulars. Franklin Mfg.
Co., Dept. 29. Racine, Wis. C 287 26x
LADIES To do piecework nt their homes:
we furnish all materials and pay from $7
to $12 weekly. Send stamped envelope to
Roval Co., 31 K. Monroe St., Chicago.
C 29 26x
GIRL for general housework; 3230 Burt
St. Tel. 3153. C 407 26
WANTED A lady representative In every
town; no canvassing. Address Mrs. A. C.
U.ldredge, 3215 E. 11th St., Kansas City,
Mo. C 39" 2ix
WANTED An experienced cook. Apply to
Mrs. Arthur C. Smith, lio:i Park live.
C-M3S1 lx
LADIES $7 to $10 weekly earned doins
pl iin sewing at homo; material sent free
everywhere prepaid. Stamped addressed
envelope brings particulars. Union Com
pany, 822 Heed bldg.. Philadelphia. Pa.
C-352 26x
WANTED. In several districts In Nebraska,
an energetic lady to represent us. Liberal
salary and expenses paid weekly, experi
ence unnecessary. Send addressed envel
ope. Manager's Dept., 52 Dearborn St.,
Chicago. ' C 277 26x
LADIES to sew at home. $5 to $10 per week.
Material sent free. Sewing done by hand
or muchlne. Particulars atanicd envel
ope. Comfort Supply Co., Dept. 29. Chi
cago. C 278 26x
$9 to $15. Profitable employment, no can
vassing, $5 to $6 weekly working evenings.
experience unnecessary, enclose stamp for
instructions;, anil sample, Wilson & Co.,
wis walnut st., Philadelphia, pa.
C 273 26 x
ANTED, on very liberal liasls. a repre
sentative to sen uowderma and Liiiul
derma, two extensively ndvortlscd toilet
preparations. Address for particulars
uerraa CO., u r;ast lith St., ivew lork.
C 274 26x
1 office girl, $7 per week.
1 saleslady, crockery store.
1 stenographer, cashier and bonkkopner.
Chambermaid and pantry maid, country
hotel, $35: 3 waitresses, $X.50; 11 waitresses.
$15 to $25 and room; 5 cooks, $25 to $35
and room; iz house girls. 51a to 2;; 3 pas
try cooks, $J5 to $45 and room.
211 South 14th Street. 'Phone. 5411.
C-379 26
EXPERIENCED cook, with good refer
ences: good wages. Mrs. J. E. Baum
3515 Harney st. C M461 28x
WANTED, girl for general housework:
must be good cook: three In family. 205
South 2.ith live. C M455 28x
SECOND GIRL; references.
2016 Cass.
C M497 28
WANTED Good woman cook, at once
Commercial Hotel, Humphrey, Neb.
C-M528 30
WANTED A .cook; upply at 2225 Farnam
C-S: 29
GOOD housekeepers. Canadian office. I.'th
.1 T... A M n
STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper; six
years experience; best references; moder,
ate salary. A 55, Bee office. A 260 26x
WE have the following applicants on our
noons tor wnom we wish good position,
1 lady Htenographer. 1 hotel clerk, ex
perienced: 1 grocer's clerk. 1 hnrdwjira
salesman, 1 porter for hotel or wholesale
bouse, i janitors, i registered drug clerk,
2 shipping clerks. 2 collectors. 1 stationary
engineer. 1 lumberman, 2 office clerks, 1
real -shicsiiiuii, i waicnman.
We hnve references for all of these appll
cants and can recommend them.
Gibson Employment Agency, 211 South 11th
sireer. A-377 28
WANTED, first-class carpenter would like
to corresponn witn good contractor and
iniiiiier in town or mo to sn.ouo pop. i,o
cation desired. Address G. C. Linry, 122
Market St., Beatrice, Nob. A 372 i6x
young lady would liko position with
rental agency as collector. Can furnish
reierence ami nonns. Ad, tress M. B. S.
Vi North 25ih St., South Omaha.
A-SiS 26x
ENERGETIC young lady wants a position
HI HO oilico or MB CIC1K. Aduress A ttt, Hee
A M 160 27 X
WANTED Place as apprentice with dress
maker and work for room and board
B I. Bee. A 639 30x
AGENTS make $6 dally selling the cheap,
eat and most perfect water filter ever
invented; retails ut 2; big profit; ex
elusive territory, neneca 1-llter Co.,
Fences, mo. j Aiziu ax
I WANT a representative in every county
for a good thing. G. W. Buck, 2223
Mm nil st., omalia. J 224 27x
AGENTS sell $1 bottles Snrssparllla for 35c;
large profits. Write Tor paMlcuinrs sun
prices. F. G. Hartmsn Co., Chemises.
1616 Wabash Ave., Chicago. J
WE ray $36 a week and expenses to men
with rigs to Introduce poultry compound.
Year's contract. Imperial Mfg Co.,
Dept.. 64, larsoh, Kan. J
AGENTS WANTED In local option towns
to sell our Kentucky Whisky direct to
consumer Rig commissions. Write for
particulars. Watson & Co., Ijimlsville,
Kv. J 339 26x
AGENTS We will start you In buslnfss
without capital and pay you i2 weekly
while learning. Union Trading Co . Ro
chester, N. Y. J 335 26x
WANTED, traveling men to sell novelty to
furniture und Jewelry trade by photo
graph as a side line. Can make three to
live dollars per day. C. 8. Thomas. 40
Dearborn t., Chicugo. J 330 26x
WANTED, a general agent for this city and
vicinity. A reliable business man can do
well. For particulars address The Cremo
llna Mfg. Co., St. Louis, Mo. J
AGENTS, write now for free samplo of
work and turns. Star Harness Mender;
best 25c seller out; we make other quli k
selling necessities. Columbtu Nov. Mfg.
I'll., St. Louis. Mo. J
WANTED Agents sell out $1 bottle sursa
pHrilla for 35c; best seller; 200 per cent
profit ; write today for terms and trrn
tury. F. R. Giceue, 115 Lake at , Chic.igu.
LADY agents making less than $ weekly
should write for catalogue and terms; we
start you In business and make you inde
pendent: outfit prepaid. Women's Appsrcl
Supply Co., Chicago. J St7 26x
1VGENT8 Key Checks (SO designs) and
stumping outfits supplied: sample and
particulars free. Hart Mfg. Co., 727 Man
hattan avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.
J-345 y,x
AGENTS make $3 to $10 dji'v fitting
f lushes, big profits: our 24-page free e
.00k tills how; wrlie today. Jacksoniuu
optical Coll' ge, College Place. Jackson,
Mich. J
BI T MONEY In squabs; they sell for $.' 10
$u a dozen; ihcuply raised in only four
weeks; wiite for our free book alsiut this
rich ii.dustry. Plymouth Rock Squab Co.,
9 Atlantic A , Boston, Mass. J
WE start you selling diamonds. Don't
fall getting our liberal offer; $5 daily
sure. Carbon Diamond Co., Syracuse,
N. Y. Mention paper. J 344 26x
REPRESENTATIVES to sell tho most
wonderful skin lotion ever discovered.
Lily Bulb Cream Co.. IRoy. III.. U. S. A.
J -290 26x
AGENTS wanted to sell tho Ideal Waist
and Skirt Supporter; sample with demon
strator 2fo. Geo. N. Sceets, 13o3 Grace st.,
Chicago. J 286 26x
AGENTS Unsurpassable Invention mus
tache-bands. $1H weekly and commission.
2iv- for sample and particulars. HERZ0G,
139 Grand street, New York. J 315 26 x,
AGENTS New article; selling qualities
unexcelhd; meets universal need; arouses
Interest everywhere. Thomson Co., 413
Dearborn St., Chicago. J 310 26x
WANTED by an Old Life Insurance Co.,
two good agenls for Southeast Nebraska.
Must be hustlers. Address, A 46, Omaha
Bee. J 362 26x
REPRESENTATIVES In every locality to
sell our teas, coffees, spices, extracts,
baking powder, etc., direct to consumer.
Liberal Inducements. A chance to estab
lish a business of your own. We assist
you In every way. Address: Royal Tea
Co., 2S01-3-& Cottage Grove Ave.. Chicago,
111. . J-304-26X
T FEEL Like a Millionaire." writes one
agent. New. Demand. Quick sales.
Farmers' Account Book Co., Newton, la.
J 3U3 26x
$S5 MONTHLY salary paid to energetic
men and women to solicit orders ror en
larging pictures. Send for contract.
Stewart & Short, 271 E. Madison street,
Chicago. J 300 26 x
WANTED Soap agents, soap crew organ
izers and branch otllcp muuagers to han
dle agents, $2. Parker Chemical Co.,
237 Market street, Chicago. J UK 26x
$500 per month and expenses may seem
big to you, but It can be mane selling
my patent for making smokeless gun
and blasting powder at 8c per pound.
Beware of takes advertising a worthless
and dangerous article. I am the in
ventor and have the patent. General
agenis wanted in each state to travel and
appoint sub agents. J. A. Stransky, box
600, Pukwann, S. D. J 297 26x
MAKE your fortune by paying one dollar
monthly for shares In the;
agents wanted; remit one dollar to the
Mining Trust Co., Ios Angeles, Cal.
J-294 26 x
AGENTS, see our dollar proposition first;
sample prepaid 35c; deal with manufac
turers; crew managers wanted. Davis
Soaps, 356 Dearborn St., Chicugo.
J 293 26x
WANTED Energetic, trustworthy man or
woman to work In Neb., representing
large manufacturing company; salary $40
to $:0 per month, paid weekly; expenses
advanced. Address, with stamp, J. H.
Moore, Omaha, Neb. J 301 2x
AGENTS WANTED-Ledles and gentle
men to spII out latest Inventions; sell In
every house. Full particulars nnd ex
clusive territory free. Mfgs., 613 Cen
tury bldg., Minneapolis, Minn.
J-356 26x
HEEL cushions; fits Inside shoe; made
springs; luo per cent profit; every state.
Du Puls-Gimbel Co., Times Bldg.. Chi
cago, 111. J 367 29x
AGENTS wanted; sell our big $1 bottle sar
saparllla for 35 cents. 30u per cent profit.
Write today for terms und territory.
R 61 Royal Mfg. Co., Kansas City, Mo.
AGENTS WANTED 130 weekly selling
electric gas burners, fitting common
kerosene lamps makes genuine gas light;
one showing surely means a sale; par
tlcularr, free. Eastern Gaslight Co., 280
Broadway, New York. J 359 26x
PICTURE MEN are making barrels of
money with our New Idea iKirtralts, 16x
2o; black and white, 30c; colors, 35c; sam
ples free. New Idea Portrait Co., Dept.
15, Butler bldg., Chicago. J
AGENTS Automatic Washers sell them
selves; sells on sight, for it does a wash
ing in 30 minutes; furnishes Its own
power, requires no labor and costs less
than any other machine. Free sample and
exclusive territory given. Automatic
Washer Co., Station I , Chicago.
J-365 26x
WANTED, three district organizers for Ne
braska for largest sick and accident in
surance company in middle west. Rig
commission or commission and salary to
producers. American Benevolent Assocla
tlon, St. Louis, Mo. J 283 26x
AGENTS, male or female, $5 a day; the
latest out; send for samplp, 10 cents. The
Great Household Specially. Pea body Mfg.
Co., room 26, 19 Park Place, New York.
J-468 2tfx
AGENTS $1 an hour Introducing nnd
high grade medicinal snaps and ointment;
every call means a sale; experience not
necessary; crew nnd branch office
managers wanted. ' Terriff Medical As
sociation, 1414 Wabash ave., Chicugo.
J-327 26x
AGENTS WANTED To solicit orders for
our new Flexible Steel Door Mat. Fine
agency proposition. Ready seller. Large
commissions. write icxiuy ror terms.
Acme Flexible Clasp Co., Chicago, 111.
J-326 26 x
OF CANADA desire a general agent and
sub-agents In Omaha and surrounding
territory to sell their certificates, guar
anteeing a. regular Income; both cash
and weekly payments, realising far
greater returns than insurance, building
associations or nanus: goon, nrignt, active
and reliable agents can earn a large 1n
come; applicants must hnve first-class
references. Address, HOMpi OFFICE
20th st., Alexin St., Montreal, Can.
J-325 Sfix
SALESMAN'S side line. Small sample.
Liberal commission. Standard article
Gish Novelty Co., Sla. O. South Bend. Ind.
TRAVELING salesmen, for side line, new
proposition, can carry In pocket, mer
chants and professional men ncisl It; 1"0
per cent profit. International Merc. Co.,
207 Locust St., St. luls. Mo.
..4 26 X
THE Graves School of Memory, Ixis An
geles, Cnl., wants energetic, reliable party
to organize classes: salary $15 weekly and
up; splendid opportunity; permanent post
lion; send stamp. J 524 26x
WANTED, salesmen to sell our goods to
dealers in -NenrnsKa ana South Dakota
on commission: must furnish own team
and rig und give bond. Barber Medicine
Co.. Kansas city. Mo. , M213 30
WHY not. with pocket rimple only. m:ike
$'J per week Selling staple article? Fine
for hardware nnd drug salesmen. E. I
Brown. Equitable bldg., St. Units M '.
: 2; x
TRAVELING salesmen, high class, by old
established house, for Nebraska: splendid
opening for good man; state experience
fully. Drawer "S." Chicago. 202 26
TRAVELING salesman wanted to work
countrv groi'cr trade. Salary and ex-
penses. Los Angeles Cider Co., St. Louis,
Mo. 357Jx
WANTEIV-Two good salesmen for Ne
braska; call on druggists. Good, clean
cut proisisltlon. Salary or commission.
Experience preferred, but not necessary.
Little Doctor, 112 Pine St.. St. Lous. Mo.
SALESMEN wanted. We have some open
territory for which we desire a capable,
energetic, honest man. Grocery experi
ence is not neressary, but must be a good
salesman. Permanent employment and
liberal compensation for the right man.
Reply stilting occupation and giving ref
erences. John Sexton & Co., Wholesale
Grocers, Ch lea go.
WE HAVE guaranteed, permanent, money
making employment for any onp, experi
enced or Inexperienced, who Is willing to
earn reliable, steady Income that insures
increasing profit according to success.
Send address. M. A. Donohue Co.,
Chicago. 305 26x
WANTED Good resident salesmen to call
on the drug, confectionery, restaurant
trade. Large prollts. The Toledo Metal
Furniture Co., 25 South Huron St., Toledo,
Ohio. 3uS- 26x
SALESMEN WANTED High grade spe
cialty salesmen to make a killing next
ten weeks; seasonable staple; well adver
tised, with all attractive features of
splendid specialty, which It really is. Big
side line opportunity. Manager Boyd. :t"4
Equitable, St. Iiuls. 306 26x
SALESMEN WANTE1 Excellent oppor
tunity: season just opening: exclusive or
side line. Paint experience unnecessary
If you ure a salesman. We school you.
Klnloch Paint Company, St. Louis.
TRAVELING salesman for Nebraska ter
ritory; staple Hue with entirely new snd
unusual Inducements to thp trade; high
comnislons with expense advances.
Manufacturer. Box 524, Detroit, Mich.
;U3 2tiX
THE Lidles' Garment Manufacturing Co
of Racine, Wis., desires the services or a
resident salesman for the slste of Ne
braska exclusively to sell their produc
tion of ladles' cloaks, rain coals and
children's coats; must be well acqdalnled
with the dry goods trade, and can carry
similar lines In connection. Only lirst
class man, giving full particulars, wiU
answer, contlde-itlally, and may find' tills
a good proposition. 366 26x
SALESMEN make 5(1) per cent commission
selling rsoveny mgn 1 arils; merchants
buy 10 to 1(10 on sight; Soil varieties Cata
logue free. Sullivan Co., 4c5 W. Van
Burcn St., Chicago, III. :!64 26x
TRAVELING men, any line or territory, to
establish agencies for reliable coriira
tlou as side line: quickly done; no sam
plis: lils-ral compensation; reference re
iinired. W. 1. 1'. A., 46 Dexter Bldg.,
Chicago. 276 26x
WANTED, salesmen to handle a new at-
ented office article Every business man
buys at sight. 100 per cent profit. Peer
less MoisteiiPr, Baltimore Bldg., Chicago,
III. 2S5 26x
SALESMAN for strong special line.
Must be persistent, energetic worker, able
to produce results and parn $too and
expenses. Address P, Box 155. Rock
Island. III. 323 26x
MEN": by large Cleveland Jobbing house
to till vacancy for l:i6. High commis
sions with $:I5 weekly. W. S. Flnlev Co.,
90 Prospect St., Cleveland, O. 3ji) 2tx
SIDE Line Traveling Men can make $a
to $50 per week carrying side line of most
up-to-date Advertising Fans of our ex
clusive and special designs. Season now
opening. Apply at once. The K'emier
Thomaa Company, Fan Dept., Station H,
Cincinnati. G. 348 26x
W A NT EI Experienced men to sell our
patented and copyrighted fans, best
eilcrs In the market, large commission,
prompt settlement, write with reference
United States Novelty Company, " 1 1 1 i 1 1 -natl,
O. Ill .x
WANTED Salesmen for Missouri. Ne-
i. 1... 1 11': .1'.. 1, .1...
well advertised Hue of "Acorn Brand''
men's popular priced clothing. Liberal
terms to men having an established trade.
All communications treated confidentially.
Address. Leopold. Solomon & Elsendrnth,
234-234 Market St. Chicago. 329 26x
ONE large furnished room t rent laitr 1if
com pan v. M:-s. SchuMs, 1841 North JM st.
E 401 Wx
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, i or ft large fur.
nili.d tooms. modern, for tight house
keeping, it!.' S. 28tl St. K M40S I8x
NICELY furnished room with or without
board, modern house. 2215 California.
E M440 27
IN lliinscom Park dlslrlot. large front
room and alcove, suitable for man and
wife or two gentlemen. Address A 61.
Itee. E-240 3Kx
ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th & Chicago
DEWEY, European hotel. 13th A. Farnum.
Hi n
VIENNA hotel. Private dining rms. t cafe.
a Mi
100 warm rooms, Ogden hotel, Co. Bluffs. Ia.
1-. UJ
ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, excellent
location, modern. 2310 Webster; phone
6390. E-489
ONE beautifully furnished room In private
home in West Farnam district for rent.
Elegant modern house with immense lawn
and abundance of shade trees. Ideal
home for young single man. References
required and given. A 24, Bee.
E M8S3 26x
FURNISHED room with al conveniences,
suitable for two gentlemen, with or with
out board. 634 South 28th st.
E M791 25x
SMALL south room for gentleman; buth
and telephone. 1752 Leavenworth.
E M8U0 25x
WHEN you furnish rooms let us figure
with you. We sell our goods 25 er cent
cheaper than the Installment stores, and
we carry the largest stock In Omaha.
Terms. $25 worth, $1 cr week.
Between 12th and Kith on Farnam Street.
E 286 26
LARGE, nicely furnished front rooms, two
blocks from Dundee cur; line fur Kuninur;
$1.00 per weok. 4643 Furnani.
E-M781 25 x
NICE, large room for 1 or 2 gentlemen:
walking distance. 831 S. 10th st. Tel.
red 5674. E M801 25 X
I WANT to purchase, for cash, a cigar
store, centril locnlion; state particulars.
Address A 85, Bee office. E M801 25x
NICELY furnished rooms, all modern,
close in; convenient to csr line; bourj
within one block. 324 N. 19tln st
E-M802 25x
FOR RENT, two nicely furnished rooms;
modern; furnace and electric light: pri
vate family: gentlemen preferred; refer
ence: rent $8 and $9 per month. 1921 St.
Mary's ve. 1 E M744 25x
ONE or two furnished rooms, modern; heat
and light. Tel. 5386. 2582 Harney st
E-M887 25x
AVE. Furnished room,
E M886 25x
FURNISHED rooms. 617 8 16th st.. third
floor. E MS23 25x
NEATLY furnished room, south, large. In
strictly private family; also one small
room, nicely furnished. 1712 Charles
ti MS.b ;ux
NICELY furnished large front room, pri
vate family, $8.00 per month; heat and
gas. 1717 Webster. . E-M6I2 25 x
FURNISHED rooms, modern conveniences;
walking distance, 116 N. 25th si.
E-M498 25x
rea sonable;
E-117 24x
FURNISHED rooms: rent
phone 3056. 220 N. 19th St.
NICELY furnished rooms, all modern. Tel
ephone B 3251. 1105 Pacific St.
OMAHA Room Rental Exchange, 433 Fax.
ton block, will licte you furnished
rooms, housekeeping rooms or boarding
place, with charge. 'Phono (.578.
E 510 Six
ONE nicely furnished, south-front room,
ali modern, In walking distance. Inquire
Mrs. Dennis, 2024 Bt. Mary's; nve.
1C-M138 25x
FURNISHED rooms. 617 S. 16th (3d floor).
F.-M504 S8X
FURNISHED rooms for sleeping or house
keeping. The l.acota, 1613 Howard.
E Mooo 2RX
THIRD floor. 619 S. 16th. funilshed rooms
reasonable. E M506 28X
SM FARNAM ST., neatly furnished rooms
elegant location: top flat. K M607 2SX
VERY pleasant room, with modern con
veniences; gentlemen preferred. 1I2R N.
1711,. K M50S 2RX
ELEGANTLY furnished room In new mod
ern bouse; telephone; close In; close, to
car; reasonable. 623 S. 17th ave.
E M500 28X
ELEGANTLY furnished rooms for gentle
iinm; modern, gas. bath, telephone; rea
sonable "ins S. ;oih. K MfiOl 28x
616 S. 22D. nicely furnished rooms, walklnc
distance. E-M481 tUx
FURNISHED rooms, modern conveniences,
walking distance. 116 N. 2&th.-
E M4S3 28 X
ONE nlcelv furnished south front room,
all modern, in walking distance. Enquire
Mrs. Dennis. 2024 St. Mary's ave.
E M484 18 X
NICELY furnished rooms, housekeeping or
sleeping. In walking distance; modern.
5o5 S. 21st avc. E-619 30X
FOR RENT, large, clean furnished front
rooms for liht housekeeping: modern;
'phone. 210 N. 19th st. E M522 2Sx
LRGE south front alcove room, modern.
25.VI Harney. E 613 30x
FURNISHED rooms, modern. 1307 Capitol
avtt. E 611 30x
SMXLL front room for gentleman; bath
and phone. 1752 Iavenworth.
THREE pleasant furnished rooms, mo lern;
gas stnvf-ln kitchen; references reou'red.
?701 Woolworth ave. E-M139 27x
LARGE kitchen, with bed room sdlolnlng,
cheap. 1724 Douglas. E-M143 i6x
NICELY furnished room for rent; private
family. 2539 California. E 155 211
TWO nicely furnished rooms. 1105 Pacific,
street. K-M164 2 'X
2041 Harnpv st.
E-M161 26x
NICE, clean furnlHhed rooms for rent 115
8. 20th street. K-M171 20x
TWO nicely furnished or unfurnished
rooms for light housekeeping. 2018 Davcn
jort street. K Ml 77 -26s
YOUNG lady roommate wanted; references.
Call 315 No. 17th St. E-1K7 26
SMALL single sleeping room, 'or one. s7
N. 19th st. E M20I 27x
A FIR8T-CI.ASH furnished room nnd
board; references required, 2.771 St.
Mary's ave. ! M2o 27x
NICE large room for one or two gentle
men; walking distance. 8(1 S. IO1I1 st.
Tel. Red-5674 E- M20 27
CAPITOL HOTEL. Uth and Capitol ave ;
broad veranda, stately trees, ample lawn,
running hot snd cold water, 'phone; rooms
wllh or without board. E-M222 27X
THE I AKOTA. 1613 Howard; rooms h ii.iv
or wpek; reasonable rates. K- M221 27x
NICELY furnished, modern rooms 7'M S.
17lh. E-MI97 28K
O. M. E., TEL. 611.
F 308
GOOD room for two; gentlemen preferred.
213 8. 25th st. r-lo
ROOM AND BOARD 2323 Harney, front
room suitable for two gentlemen; strictly
first-class accommodations. F 130
pvuhnisHED room, with board. The Hlll
si.le cor. 18th and Dodge. F-M104 26x
side, cor
ROOM and board. In private family;
house modem, with 'phone. Terms rea
sona b le. 2.KB Ohio Bt. F-M168 26x
nIcV front parlor, with bay window and
vsrd in residence part of city for refined
coupie- two bedrooms for bachelors, bach
elor alrls or couple employed; flrst-claas
board 2857 Farnam. F-M166 26x
iuOMS furnished or unfurnished, with or
without board; private amlly.Burt.
NICE south room, strictly modern. 223
Dialge st. 2il Z7x
r7)(VMMATE for gentleman wanted: very
desirable room: also other desirable
rooms. 618 S. 191h street. F-237-27X
FINE south-front room, with alcove, snd
board. 2418 Caw. F-227 27x
LARGE south room, suitable for two,
Just papered; refined surroundings; board.
527 Park ave. F 239 27
MODERN rooms: good board; reasonable
prices. 1811 Chicago. F M373 28X
rTiOM and board, The Rose, 2020 Harney
st large room suitable for two: good
board; nice rooms; reasonable rates
BEAUTIFUL rooms, lovely yard
board. Mrs. ornery, isu umwj.
FOUR unfurnished roome, rent very rea
sonable. 1106, Flat A, Pacific st.
G M788 26x
TWO large parlors and kitchen, $20; t
ground floor rooms, with range, $15. Tel.
6309. O-M901 25
FOUR unfurnished rooms; references ex
changed. 2412 Cass. G 185
4 UNFURNISHED rooms. 2421 Dodge St.
G-M457 28X
UNFURNISHED front room, near high
school, suitable for young man; private
family: board if desired. 2523 Chlcsgo.
G M48128X
Business, Matrimonial. Family, Financial
and Personal, are
Absolutely Reliable
Bring your troubles I can help you.
All communications strictly confidential.
By mail or personal.
Free Test Circles
Each Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. All art
welcome. 1
office and reception rooufc
Center Hotel,
Entrance. 208 N. 17th 8t., Half Block
Northwest of Postofflee.
No business transacted on Sunday.
8-475 26
MME. GYLMER. Omaha' favorite palm
ist. Eight veurs in Omaha. This won
derful woman Is conceded by all to be
the best. Khe reveals the truth concern
ing your future. You need her advice.
Parlors 715 N. 23d st. B-534 26
VOUR fortune told by tho most reliable
clairvoyants; send birth date, dime and
stamp. Profs. Carl & Rollln, 490 N. Clark
St., Chicago. B-2XS 26x
GYLMER, scientific palmist, 716 N. 2Sd.
MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 1621 Leaven
w n th. 8-4
MRS. FAIRFIELD, 1714 California St.
MME. BOY ER. Center hotel, 210 N. 17th,
V4 block northwest P. O. 8 M180 M4
MME. FRANCISCO, the California lady
clairvoyant and palmist. Office 1724 Capi
tol avc phone 5610. Readings 60c.
S M219 U7
Johnson Institute' 516 N. Y. Life bldg. Tel. 1664
MliS. JOHN R. MUHICK, Ostcoputhy Phy.
slclun, oltlce, Neville block. Tel. 2823.
Huntington & Stratlon, K32 N. Y. L. Tel.
F5M6. 7W
1,-hsmorcs. Buv and sell any typewriter.
Your pibrs Expert lepalnng. 1012 N. Y.
Life. 'Ill 4916. M871
WE RENT 1pewiitrs. 12.50 per month,
Bllck Mfg. Co , 8.4 N. Y. Life BUS
-M4 UM