CRA1.N AXD PRODl'f MARKET M.WL..t,,. tat k., Con I. CASH WHIAT A'.ikI OUU ASD WEAK i Cos. Oat Weaker. : break In iu jaay wneat Tnur- I , V jea a iiu.e wwtr too. 7 ' .le luf ,, . iiu til u ,.irta r.....n.i l.v .,, , ' - - nuuu louay were ai.JU-, anc , , uamai range Thursday oi Iron , ' i T"t ni lu . 'lne -u'y W aiiecteu hi , Z 7 "'u 1c'"'eu -ns:. the hign ant f. , .ior noon were .nc ana 8-u, am i " AuulMloy wJo anu vc, uvtrp.x. i'u.'jU "oi" unciiangt-u lo -ac lower ant mii u uiiciua..gei. u apirad iw i r.en wie juay anu in july ha oecreaed, rn.w oniy i.c. Chicago, atinneauo- u oi. iuuia ie on uiuereni tutis J,jat now aim couuitluna are such tnat r.-ij-euuiaiors iiave ie.n covering theae "i"l'u quite largely. Valentino waa a sailer ihl m..rn.nH and la heileyed to liave tttri arounu ii.tiyt lor 2uu,ju bushels. 1 ha Urvn.k in lature did not stimulate buying by miners. Chicago aold only a,uW litiaheis jhursoay. 'j Here waa a rumor 1 eery had ioiu Washburn-Crosby 2,uou.uuO wheat a l Aliiiumpoils, but it turned out to 'Z UBiitia. Minneapolis ciosed ri.uay wan '0"9 ' V" on c"Bh wheat i-umiu, dl iouia ana Kansas City were alow and veak. Kansas City waa 3c lower on poor wheat St. Louis reports airaUtht NO. 2 red ttrlnlar whUkl mlllna Inr Joe over the May, which la deliverable wun Oregon red Russian. The Argentina rthlpmonts are 4,44,u00 bushels, upalnnt 4,3te,Oou bushels for the preceding wees and 3.671000 laat year. Minneapolis tttocks nave decreaau 4u.ihj0 buahel thia week. lbe J rinmry receipts art 7.ow buanclH, 416.i0 busnela laat year, and the shipments are 21tQuO buahela, (rain I Hit,, buatiela lust year. The Mod ern Miller ilnda condltlona highly favor able and a feature of the ahuatlon la the fact reporia ure rrlved the plant Is grow ing In places where It had failed to germi nate earlier and winter killing waa feared. lb corn maio-t was a little stionger to day. The May reached for high and low before noun 4S4e Hnd tnic. The range Thursday wus Com ac oown to 47c. The rrimaiy rcfir.L-i are flMu.OOO bushels, against 227,ufO buchels ,ast year, and the shipments are ao.O"iO bu ihels, against i)3.0u0 buahrls laat year. T.e Aigentlna shipments aru W.ono bunlielr, acalnst hl.OUO bushels the pre reding weej. and tu&UK) bushels last year. The a tuatun ihere Is affected by the Im possibility of pulng railway facilities, which anr ounts almnat to a blockade. fat trvders beileve It Is too early for a Jfceneral liquidation. Those who were boar Fjvh anc selling the oata at is cents bellevo the sr orts wre run In somewhat on the ri'-en. advance, and the selling la not so g' nral now a It can until Thursday, when ha 'Jay got down to auc. About tho mid olo. of April the bears expect the longs to stampede. 1 Omaha Cash galea. WHEAT No. S hard, 1 car, 55 lbs., 96o. CORN No. 3 mixed, 1 car, 44c; No. I yellow, 3 cars, 0c. Omaha Cash Prices j niiAi-pio. z nam, (; iso. - a m ra, vow, iso. i nara, tmiKi no. I spring, T4 ..WRN-No, l c: No. t, MHo; No. 4. f 4 Vf -eCi no grade, 4Wtf4.ic; No, 3 yellow. 45: ' AC yellow No. 3 white, 44c; No. 3 i OAi-Ko. t mixed, SOc; No. S mixed, Vio; No. 4 mixed, SXVi'iiKie; No. 3 white, ai'fcc; No. 3 while, V4c; No. 4 white, i-ScM SCo; standard. SOlic Carlut Receipts. , Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 42 281 143 -ivanaas uiy 44 Minneapolis (10 Duluth , 2 Bt. Louis , 19 Oraaha 13 Minneapolis Wheat Market. The range of prices paid in Minneapolis as reported by the Udwards-Wpod company lli-111 Board of Trade, was: ' 45 '83 81 Artlclea.l Open. High. Loir. Close.Ye y Wheat I May... llftH- in 109H J10H 111 July... H4i 1074 106 1(16 107 f ti r HEW YORK GENERAL MARKET (notations of the Day on Varloas Commodltloa. . SNEW YORK. March 34. FLOUR Re ceipts. 22,000 bbla.: exports, l,6i0 bbls.5 mar ket more active, but barely steady; Minne sota patent. ..J6(ui.lai; Miniieso.a bakers, J4.(Aa-l.5o; winter patents, i.lt6S5.66; win tor straights, 35.164f5.26; winter extras, $.'l.Eo4.16; winter low grades. $3.4S4.n5. Kye flour, steady; fair to good, H304.70; choice to funcy , 4.70(m.lrj. Ituckwneat flour. Inactive, per 1n lbs., 32.00O1.1O. CORN MEAL Barely steady , tine white end yellow, tl.254jl.30; coarse new, $1.10 j RYE Nominal; western. ' 80c. ' BARLEY Dull ; feeding, 44C, C. I. f., Jk Kew York: malting, 4ti62c c. I., f. Buffalo. fj WHEAT Receipts, S3, 400 bu.; exports, 16, a f!4 bu. 8pot market, steady; No. 2 red X nominal, elevator; No. 2 red, 1.15i, . o. b. ..w, ..... .lie, i iiiiUlll, l..r74, 4. O, J, atloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, II. (W. f. o. b. afloat. There was an almost steady decline In wheat up to the laat hour, when prices rallied on covering and with corn. Selling motives constated principally of the bearish weather and Kuroiwan news, while the late rally waa on covering and sympathy with corn. Final prices represented Wfo'Hc net decline". May. tl.lOVidil.llU rinsed at il.Kttt ; July, 94T6jS6c, closed at tVka September, os'l"1' "c, cioneu ai bc. cokjv receipts, bz,4u6 bu.: exports. 80,288 bu. Bpot market firm: No. 67V4i.:,Srv eln. Vator. and &14irufUc. f. o. b. afloat: tin. i yellow, 54f;fic; No. 2 white, 844o. Option market fairly active and generally firmer on light offering's and bull support, coupled with talk of prospective smaller receipts. The close waa (,c net higher. May, 64MiC, closed at S4Vc: July closed at !Ac. OAT8 Receipts, dfl.000 bu.; exports, 1.208 hu. Bpot market dull; mixed, X to 33 lbs., 3tir?36Hc; natural white, 30 to S3 lbs., 7 3Hc; clipped white, 1M to 40 lbs., 3S&40c. FKED Steady; spring bran. 119.25, prompt shipment. HAY-Dull: shipping. 6067Hc; good to choice, 77ru8c. HOPS rasy; state, common to choice. 1904. 36&30c; 1903, UHc; olds, 113o; pa cific coast, U04, 24i)o; 18m. SfrtfMc; olda UUjlSc. LKATHER firm ; acid, 242c. PROVI810N8-Beef steady.; family. 313.00 $13.00; mess, 39.50; beef hams, S.OOQ.&O; packet, 311.00ii 13.00; city extra India mess. ll.004!lSno. Cut meats, steady; plckkad bel lies,. 7.(Hya'7.76; pickled shoulders, 5.uO(S 50; pickled hams, 38.6uii9.oa Lard, quiet; west ern steamed, 87.30? refined, quiet; continent, 37.K; South America, 38.00; com- ound, 4 (nH'ta i. Pork, steady; family, 14.50al5.0O: short . dear, fl2.76ai5.5fi: mesa. 13 .S'i V213.76. RICH Steady; domestic, fair to extra, 2H(j5V4c; Japan, nominal. TAlA,OW-Flrm; city (13 per pkg-.), ,c; country (pkg. free), 4(j-4c. BUTTER Firm. Street prices: Extra creamery. 284i:'f-Vic. Official prices: Cream ery, common to extra, SOtiMc. CHEE8B-Strong; slate full cream, small, colored and while fancy. 14c; state tine, 13Vic; stata late made, colored and white, poor lo choice. lOfettlSc; state large, colored and whit fancy, 13c; state fine, lSdj-Me; state late made, colored and whits, poor te choice, Urfl2c. liUGS Finn; western Bret, 17Ho; western Seconds. 17c. POULTRY Alive, steady: western chick ens, 12c; fowls, 15c; old turkeys, 16o. Dressed, steady; weatern chicken, 10igl2o; fowls, 14c; turkey. lbtyiOe. Kansas City Grata ana Provisions. KANSAS CITY. March 34. WHEAT Iower; May, MVl July. TSHdiWici oash No. I hard. 31.02iOVl.04; No. 3. 87Hcl.u3; No. 4, ketc; No. 3 red. l(l68)1.0ti; No. 3. 31 08106; No. 4, 0ci81.01 CORN Weak; May. 44HtN6o: July, 44Ho; cash No. 3 mixed. 45'Wo; No. 1 4oc; No. 8 white, 4uHo; No. 8, 4o. OATS Steady; No. 3 white, ViiQSlc; No. 2 mixed. 83fi4c HAT Hteady; choice timothy, 88.600 10.00: choice prairie, I7.T5i88.O0l RYE Steady, 7So. EOOS Higher; Missouri and Kansas, new No. 2 whltewood cases Included, UHc; case count, 14'4c; case returned, Mo less. BUTTER Creamery, Ztu'Jte; packing, 1842. Reoetpta. Bblpment. Wheat, bu , tf.OnO 31i0 t'orn, bu 3h 4- Outs, bu t T.OuO. ,0U Peoria Grain Marko. PEORIA, March tl-CORN-Hlgher; No. 8 yellow. 47c ; No. 8. 470; No. 4. 46io; no grade 4344ViC. OATS-Jirni; No. I white. Ho; No. t whit. 304j3oo. .. at Lirtrseol Grala sal Provialona. LIVERPOOL, March 34. WHEAT-Bpot toady; No, 1 California, to ML fVturos. h,"1I;.M.,r U ,u"' ta Hd; Septem CORN Spot, llrm; American mixed, new j -o, American mixed, old. 4s lid. Fu- Muin; arcn, 4 l;d; May, 4a 4d. CHICAGO GRAIt HI) PROVISIONS Featares of tho Trading; and tloslas; Prleo oa Board of Trad. fri,11?0;, M,rc5 X -JbersJ shipments irom Argentina and constantly brightening X?,??? 0tS bumf,r crP ' h U""te5 Staiea caused weakness In the wheat mar- m. JrS tod,'r- At ,he close wbeat for , ' ' w" oown o, July waa tin changed and nrnuiii,.. ... . " .ro .lh outset the wheat market was under the influence of increased shipments iTrmfcAr"n"n nd "ntlnued excellent weather conditions in tho United States. i " "pened lfo down at 81.124 the initial break fair H.m.nj ..-i ai J"'r delivery, causing sn advance to 80J. Trading In May wheat, however, was dulL Large receipts In the northwest and extreme weskness at Minneapolis ac counted for the Inactivity of May. As tiadlng progressed sentiment In the pit be came more bearish. The main considera tion apparently was a growing belief that the fall-sown cmn of H..t .....oh of vast proportion Advices from various -eiiiin oi me winter wheat belt reiterated reports of favorable nror in k. hiuwwi oi mi piant. A Bt. Louis trade papers weekly report on crop progress was construed evneciallv hearlah Th. tlon of the crop, according to this report, is i,, , mm nme or ine year, there being few indications rf itmi a f.. ture of the report was a reference to the act that the plant is growing where there bae been failure to germinate earlier In the season. The bulls found no encouragement In primary rerelDta. arrivals imli considerably In excess of the total for the corresponding day a year ago. With prac tically no support, prices steadily declined ll"tll Mar had tnurhod ti life Tut. .h fiff to fr. Late In the day some recovery " uiht on a report tnat the leaders In the May deal had decided to rallw in tho support of that option. The market, how ever, closed rather weak, with Mav at 3I12U. Final otiotstlons on July were at 9Oei0Hc. Clearances of wheat and flour wre eoual to 178.MO buhe. Kxpnrts for the week were eoual to iruRoro bushel'. Prlmirv recolnfs were r7,7on bushels, com pared with 4'6.W() huxhels a vear ini Hf In. rtfapolls tiuluth and Ch1cn;o riportd re ceipts of 300 cars, against 2fi8 last week and 3I a vear ago. Considering the weakness of wheat, the corn market showel considerable strength. IJIaher cables, resultlne- from decreaaed shipments from .Argrntlna. gave the mr ket a firm start. Renorts from th country joia or the poor condition of mads and the Inference drawn bv manv traders waa that receipts would soon be:ln to fall off. TVs belned to stimulate dmand. Commlslni houes were the prlnclnal bitvers. Cs"h house sold. The market he'd from the en- ito nav. closing prrs peine; almost st the hlirhest nolnt. "NTnv onenod a ahno lower to fcc Mirher at 4StiS4mtc to 4li4", Mwpcn 4in4c and 4Sc and c'nsed at 4S4c. Local recelnts were 2S1 cars, w'th 2 of contrsct grade. Sentiment In tho osts nit was rather nenrlsh as a restiltt of warmer weathor. Cash bouses were the principal eeltpr. In creased l"Cal receipts hd a weakenln In fluence. Msv opened unchartered to a ahndo ''"her st sove to an tjvwue. sold rtwoon arnc and 30v,9fc ad closed at &c. Lo dal receipts were 143 cars. Provisions were firm. In svmpathr with higher prices for live hogs. The volume of trading was very small. May pork closed at an advance of 5e at 312.W4. Lard, and ribs slo were up 8c at 37.12H7-15 and 86.2W-fS. respectively. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 24 cars: corn, 410 cars; oats, 227 cars; hogs. io.'-v neaa. The leading future ranged a follows: TIIE OMAHA DAILY DEE: SATURDAY. MARCIT 23. 1903. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Karket ii rirm on Aooonnt of Closing Up Short Contract. TREND OF PRICES GENERALLY WGHER More Talk of Consolidation of New York Central, Northwestern ait I nlon Pnclflo Caose Rise la These Issne. Artlclee.l Open. High. Low. Close. Yeo'y Wheat May July Sept. Corn- May July Sept. Oats May July Bept. Pork May July Lard May July Ribs May July 1 12e 1 12 90-4 n . tKVtt'S 49 3DW 30 29W 29W 12 80 13 85 12 &7M 12 7hi t 10 7 15 1 25 7 30 92H 8 95 7 U 7 12 1 11 84 1 12H ,909atVn 84i, 48'4l4SH'ff 30H 301 a 28W 12 80 12 82H 12 96 12 5 7 10 7 15 7 25 7 30 6 Khi 8 95 7 10 7 10 90W 84tjj, 483, 8ts 3D 13 77H U 92 7 10 1 22 6 80 7 07 No. t Cash quotation were as follows: straights. 34. 754! 4.90; spring patents, fcS.OOijl 8.40; straights, 4.40S4.80; bakers', 32.'0'3.40. WHEAT No. 3 spring. 31 WKfil.12; No. 8, H.021.12; No. 2 red, 31.12&;1.144i. t,vKn-o. s, c; ni. -i yellow, 48Vic. ' OATS No. 2. 30c; No. 2 white, 82o; No. t white. 30H831V!. RYE No. 2, 78igi78c. BARI.RY (rcA f..utlnv IfijA.. . - choice malting, iliQc. ' SEED No. 1 flax, 31.24; No. 1 northwest- cuniracc graao. 1J.35. PROVISIONS-Mess pork, per bbl., J12.7S 12.80. Lard, per 100 lbs.. 37.fl04j-7.02. Short ribs sides (loose). 3ti.7S(S7.0O; short cleur aide (boxed), 37.00fl7.l2. Tho'recelpt and shipment of flour and grain were a follows: " ... Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 47,300 32.400 V heat. bu. M.IMO- 40,500 c"rn. bu 4d8,()0 443,i00 fHite. bu ; 284,200 l,,40i Rye. bu.. 4.000 3,5u0 Barley, bu... 50,800 24.DOO On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was firm; creamery, 2o27c; J""!"1'?'..20?'.25- EB,rs fl. at mark, cases included, im4c: flisus, lrtc; prime firsts. 17c: extras, 18c. Cheese. 12&13c. St. I.onls Grala and Provisions. ST. LOUIS. March 24.-WHEAT-Lower: a..redl cash' elevator, ILOtV; track. OA1T&T.H,'ler; No- 2 c"h. 30Hc; track, r '.L-Ot K-Duil; red winter patunia. fcTiryra ctoV74.8o9KCy Btn4lKht' BEfclV-Timothy. steady, $2,00075 COKNM R A I Steady, 32.50. vwu ' KA.NrDu,.1; BackeJ. eaat track, 8J(t'iSc 3w-mio y! timgthy- 8ia.W; p,-a,'r'ie, IRON COTTON TIES S5c. HAGOINO 7Kc iHBMP TWINK-4Vic - PROVISIONS Pork. higher r lobblns 812.52. Lard, higher; prime steam 3ti 62tf ' 87.12. clear ribs, 37; ohort clears, 37 26 Racon. steady: boxed extra shorts 87 62u clear ribs. 37.62: short clear, 37 87V.' T-6ZH' POULTRY - Steady: chicken .. 11llc ge.aeBV turkey, 1416c; ducks, lie; da"rvTw"5c: Flrin: enr. 22lTo; Edag-Steady. 15c. case count. Flour, bbl. Bh,pme,n heet. tu -.:l"::::::::S!Sj b?:SS O1 bu 62,000 60,000 MlnnoapAlla Grnla Market. MINNEAPOLIS. March 24.-WHEAT-Mt,..,1:4 lulyJ !10,;i PeptemberTss !u - J': N" 1 nonh. FLOUR-Lower: first patent. 86.1O06 20 second patents 85.8068.00; fl rst clears?!.!. 56; cond clears. 32.8093 90 BRAN In bulk. 31426. Visible Bonply of Cottoa. NEW ORLEANS. Maroh 34-8ocretary Hester tatement of tho world' visible supply of cotton show a total visible, nf 4.249 887 teles, agalnat 4.203." bale. T last Week. PUt!" th tot ot American coll tait week? ' a""n"t bale. Irolnth Orala Markat. DULUTH. March 24-WHEAT-To ar rive. No. 1 northern. U.Og on track- No i,n2Ttftb .08; NoTi SortW .(WV; M'?vi10: Jul'' 11 ; Beptember. sttc. OATS-To arrive. goc; on IrackWc, Wool Market. BOSTON. March 34. WOOL Tho Com. merclal Bulletin tomorrow will say of th wool market: hero 1 llttLe trading In aTZ mestlc, confined to small lota of fl,7V pulled, ooured and territory, at full inTr ket valuea Odd lot are being closed nut preparatory- to the new clip" movfJnent 1 he Improvement in London, where prices at the auction sale closod tronV, after declining early, ha helped the 1.1 tu atlon. Manufacturer are getf.",.: ..,. besjlng. and can now see a has' to fla-ur on. Fat sheep wool Is arriving , and tnere ha been some sample rw,rf ,h. new Idaho clip. The oondltiouioSd and reporu from all over th aat that wools ere lighter and bet or The shin ment of wool from Bost sn io date S mm lcembr 29. 1904. accor." l?a C'J 'f'" authority, are 58,323.33 pu,,,? 54.ta4.Sil pound, at th,, ln. tlrr?e m. year. Th. receipt. a tre l s-m pound, agalnat 42.C.C.18 pound! fr th sam period laat year Punde for the ST. LOUIS. Vjirch N.WOOTr..n. ?. '.VvSl tub washed, " Vf "" KEW TI1RV MamK J . pronounced upturn in the course of prices on the Stock exchange again today, which wa undoubtedly due In part to the closing up of short contract put out on the decline during the week. Yesterday's market al ready showed symptoms thst the decline had run to a nnlni .or.,.. . i. ance was encountered and sufficient new buying demand was met to support prices. Bears with uncovered short contracts ac cepted this warning and bought to cover verv rAnAMllv .a.h T . . . -' .una. , , uur, whs at me same time a marked revival In the circu lation of rumors of the same class and for the moat part identical in form with thoso which have alreadv m.n. i .. . excite a demand for stocks. Tho a mm. t t u . , ... K n , V , lntral, I nlon Pselflo and North weainrn was a notable case in point. The Informa tion disseminated on the break yesterday was that control nf ITninn IaM.,. k. passed from Its present hands. Today the in f urmn t ini auna r.n..Kn.l .... k of the best character, namely; in the in terest of persons already in control, was pormnlniinii In knth kt. . i ... nd Vnlon Pacinc. Newa of rumors ot thia """it aro 01 as irreat effort in th ex cltement ta speculation as ths moRt x- rlirit Unnnil nr m a n r. nlcna. . tW .t . i 0 r cniiy 4-ilLr.-tJLItlK lilt? control or operation of a property. The proJrct which was paraded before the imairlnnflnn nf ama.i.nrt.. wik rtTOt iVP khria- ku OW.. !, fl T in stocks of that group. , The long time reports of a merrcr of lead interests whs another effective instrument in the upward movement nf nriro dm HAM i.. . rumors also played their part, stock In muuri iiiuusiry oetng especially af fected. The Metropolitan stocks had the benefits of hnnx, nf . . . .. ... 1 contracts for further subway In the ef- "",' maatng on oenait of those interests, Colorado Fuel was still In demand on the strength nf lis nhrrintinn -i.,i,.. Y --- , p. II LC 1 1 . in- w Securities. A irlono n.... K. 11.. , 1, , v' . U IIDl Will show tho Important part played In the "f aiucas inus epeci.tea as under Individual influences. The rPVfirsnl r.t ,.ntmnn, w. , market situation was attributed to sub- Sinenr'O Of fnarm ft! .t.ln.... . 1 headlong plunge In the price of foreign ex- ......,. " ,ii principal rncior in tne chanirn nf nontlmont Tho I.. .1 1 . i - - - - A . . . .HllHBIIUIIS lUUS given of the freedom with which foreign money resources are becoming available to tho TiJoav Vn.u ..!. . . 1 .... reassuring. The price of exchange was pro nounced to be within measurable distance of the gold Import point and It was felt -iuai neca ror money nere would lead promptly to an Inward movement of gold. Account was taken, however, of the accompanying sharp drop in the ster- ..... -.v-"i"ko a 1 ran, wnicn nas fallen 3 centimes in the rjound in two rtnva past, showing a considerable Increase In the demand from that center on London. Eatlmates of the domestic currency move ment indicate , considerable loss in cash by Uie banks on the week movement, which Is practically all measured by the suhtreasury absorption of $3,76,000 up to Thursday night. But the sharp liquidation of the week In stocks and the large resort had to foreign lenders Is expected to result In a large contraction in the volume of loans of the banks, with consequent bene, fit to the surplus Item. The allotment to American subscribers of a full half of the new $150,000wo Jnpanee loan was regarded as a highly gratlfyihg evidence ot the abundant capital resources at command in this market. Something was made of the belief that opposition to- the stock transfer tax In the New York legislature would prove effectual. The profit taking In the last hour waa well absorbed and the mw ket closed strong and animated at the best prices of the day. Bonds were strong. Total sales, par value. 34.420,000. United State. 3s. coupon, advanced per cent on call. The quotations on tho Now York Stock exchange ranged as follows: Salt. lgh. Low. Close. Atchison u.vuo ! jw so do preferred ..Zuo lt lu,, jtJ Atlantic Count Line. i.JOO liXv, 14v uo pi ef erred ' l&l 23.4UO t Sew York Moae- rk.t. NEW TORK. March 4 -MONET-On -mi. mumri urm si 'j li per cent: drains' hid U nS.ra.4 a 11 -n. I . Martt steady; sixty dsy. and ninety days! "-.'''-l i., aix tnonins, .ta per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAFER-3bV per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Market weak. wirvtyi j , wun nnuHi ousme. in bankers' bills st 84 8S4.SSfi5 for demand iu o.i ir sixty-day Pills; posted rstes. W Mfi4 and 84 8bf4.fi7; commercial bills, ft !wV , SILVER Bar, 57c; Mexican dollar. 44Uc. BONDS Government, firm; railroad. strong. Closing price on bond were; C. 8. tt. tm, raf....iivm jPa u. rtfa 101H eimrea 1H L. N. sal. 4a Its' 4a Is, res llHta yinhlltlt a. a. 4a . ItKa. (So eoaaoa to. M. Central 4a. T74 w rf 1JTJ So lt Inr 14 H 4o coupo 1U itaB. a St. U 4a.. to ela 4a. ra 1M M.. K. a T. 4 loin 4o coupon loot to ta 4 Am. Tohacco 4s. etts. 74, N. . It ot M. c 4s. Mlt 1. I. a......iiv Atrolaoa aan. 4a. IH N J. C. (. ta 1H do U. 4a M No. raclBa 4a. 104 Atlinttt C. L. 4. lot 4o 744, Bal. a Oblo 4 in N. a TV. e. 4a 10314 lo !4i 5H o 8. U rta. 4a Central ot Oa. It.,.. HI Penn. cost. 4i 104i 4o lrt iaa II Road In. sen. 4a 102 o M Inc 71 ast. L. 1. M. ta .lit Chaa. a Ohio 4n....iUj St. L. . r. f. 4s. iH Chlraso a A. .... M Bt. U 8. W. e. 4a.... M C, B. a J s. 4a.... tt Boahoant A. L. 4a.... 0 C, ft. I. a P. 4s.... SI Ro. Pacinc 4a. M do col. 4 Bo. Railway 6 11 roc. 4 It. L 1 4S..1MH Ttiat a f. U 1U Chlcaso Tar. 4l 9t T., Bt. L. A W. 4a.. H Colorado Mid. 4s T814 Vnlos Paclna 4a 104 Colo. 80. 4a l.t do oon. 4a ISMt Cuba (a. etfa os4 V. 8. 8lel M U 4S I. A R. O. 4s 101 Wahaah la US natulan- Sao. (a II 14 do deb. B 7H Brio prior lias 4a.. ..lots Waatam Md. 4a. Ilk do son. 4a 4j W. 4k U B 4a. t ? D. C. la. ...Ill Wis. Cantral 4a. M14 Ho.lnt Val. 4i....U0U Offered. Bostoa Stock and Bonds. BOSTON, March 24,-Call loans, per cent; time loans, SVtftH per cent. Official V.V--.IHMJ v.ii niAAi nnn imnns Atrhlaon adj. 4a. an 4a Mci. Central 4a. Atrhlaoa ,. da pfd ; Botton Jr Albany Bostoa A Malna. Boiitnn Blarated PlUhbur ptd ... Mpitraii Cantral N. Y., N. H. A H....MI 100 aavi f 26,800 4tiVa X.1UU ' 01 2,S(J0 66M 100 KiS'lt 100 3 1.000 lbl 7l 2S 100 H 200 2ai W0 66 4,&A) 141H 140H Canaumn pMilrln. Cenuai of N. j... Cnes. a Ohio .... Cmcuuo ox Alton luo 41 uo preferred ....... o00 81 Chicago U. W 2,uuo 2; Ullll'Ufl Ar N W Al 9., v;., ini. est St. f Clil, Ter. ol Trans. do preterrea C, C, C. 61 tit. L.. Colo. Southern .... uo Imi preterred.. do 2d preferred... Del. ot riuclsou.:... tut.. Lack, at W... Denver & R. G.... Oil Iirotot rs.ii Kria '. do lat preferred,. A' in. z.i iirnrMi'Mi Hocking Valley uo prererreu . t Illinois Central Iowa Central do preferrej k c soutiitrn,.-.v.-;, tin nm tut ...... Louisville A Nash!!! Manhattr.r. l H?H rirl ties' 'Mat. M.-eet Ry Mex. Central Minr, & st. Louis... M., At. P. B. H M. 'At preferred ? Missouri Paclflc To., Kan. & Tex.... do preferred N. R. R. of Mex. pld. N. Y. Central N. Y.. Ont. & W.... Norfolk & Western.. do tirefi.rred . Pennavlvanln P.. C. C. & St. L.... Reading do 1st preferred.... ao ia preferred Rock Island Go 31,100 do preferred 4.400 St. L. at 8. F. 2d pfd St. Louis 8. V 1,100 do preferred ........ 2.100 Southern Pacific 24,800 00 preferred Southern Railway... do treferred Texa & Pacific T.. St. L. a W do nreforr Union Pacific do preferred .... Wabash do preferred .... V h.t.ll ,1 tr XX. t. V. Wisconsin Central .. 300 - do preferred 800 Adams Expresa ..... American Kx press U. S. Kxpreap Wells-Farirn frr. Amal. Copper 61300 14oU 41 Mi) llWja 0C 41 to 24 24iV4 22,o0 1J7H.. altRfc 1V wo in - m J M'H luH lov 24 luo bo tfc 0J , 85 i5 VM Ib'JSi IteH 1). 4ID 33 t 46H SOVa 33 bH 4a 80S Per Mirquctta Unloa Pactflc Amar. Arga. Cham do ntd Amar. Pnu. Tub. Amer. 8 11 gar do prd Amcr. T. A T Amar. Woolan ...... do pfd Dominion t. a 8... Bdlaoa Rlec. Ilia., (lanaral Elcrtrlo .., Maaa. Elactric ..... da prd Mill. Oaa t'altad Fruit .100 ..11014 44H1 Waattn cnmmnn Adranture ...74 Allouci .. Amalsamatad .... ,.10; American Zlno . ..tM Atlantto ..1M Binshara ..IMS Cat. A Hecla ..144 Centennial . 344 Copper Range .... nel Weat Domlnloa Coal Pranklln SSU.flranrv .. 0 Ii RotiI ... 4 Maaa. Mining .... ...1411 .. . Mohawk ...144t,alont. C. C .. 1A Una Dominion .... ..104 Oeceola , .. KA Parrot .JS3 Qulnrjr .1MI Shannon .. IS Tamarack .. 44 Trinltr .. 44 V. 8. Mining iiut u. B. oil I lilted 8ho Mach II4 I'tah .,00 ptd .3 Victoria V 8. Rleal .51 Winona , i HiHW"aA .... K Wolrarln , 'Bid. Asked. ... M .... i .... H4 .... 7 .... 11 .... 14 .... 11 ....7 .... IT .... 14V .... II .... n .... 10 .... att .... 141, .... 114 .... 134j .... UH .... SKH .... !"i .... !7H ....104 .... 7H ....1J0 .... 10-4 .... t4 .... .... 41 .... 4 .... t: ...111 London Stock, and Bonds. LONDON. March 24,-Closlng quotation Conaole, money do account Anaconda . Atchiaon ... do pfd . S1I4 , II M ...1 ..W S. Y. Central.. Norfolk AW... do pfd Ontario A W... Pennsylvania .. Baltimore A Ohio. !.'llt Rand Mlnaa . rauvto ItiSlKcadlnK Cha. A. Hk'A Chlcaao G W.! C M. a, St. p. naTUera Ienvi; ft R. O.. do pfd Erla ta lit pfd.... do td pfd ... Illinois Central . Louie. A Naah-. . M.. K. A T. 94 do lit pfd . I4H do td pfd .lK5u!gotheni Railway . 17HI do pfd . 4 Southern PaclBo . . tl Union Pacinc .... .47 I do pfd . IK41U. 8. Steal . 70 do pfd .14414 Wabaah .149 do pfd . life Am SILVER Bar, steady, 26 7-ltfd per ounce xtniuw . 01 . . i . .. . The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 8 6-16f'2j per cent; for three months' bills, 2 3-1624 per cent. New York Mining; Stocks. NEJWYORK, March 24. The following re the closing quotations on mining stocks: I.!.- r... ax 1 1 . . 1 n.u. - IMl.lV VUIIIVI V ,. 871, 1. M . 41 . ni . 1014 ,. tf. . 47 . 44'4 .. tH .10JI . 4IH .l?lta .HO . I . M . T4 . 47 . I0T4 Adama Con IS Alice M Rraaco Brunawlrk Coa .. Cotnatock Tunnel Con. Cat. A Vs.. Horn 8IWer Iron. Silver ...... eidvlll Coa ... .. I .. 4 ..145 1. .170 ..300 .. Ontario Ophlr Phoenix Potoal Favae Hterra Nevada Sirall Hopes .. Standard .121 ..4.-.0 .. .. 10 .. II .. II .. 15 ..111 1.71)0 lt 1K1 16.300 RS 87 13,400 li'S'a 122"i 123V 8,000 24 24V, 24 200 62V &!Vs 61 1.300 IIS 117V4 117 fcOO 166 164' 8.300 1074 ltitM 1Y:. 300 31 U 31 Vi 81 auu 00 , 47.1CO 1617 8.700 6!) 3,800 K5 11m 11.1 . 36,1.10 143 100 84 47,000 800 Foreign Financial, LONDON, March 24. Money wa. In good demand In the market today and supplies were reduced. Discounts were fairly steady. Trading on the Stock exchange was moderately active, the nearness ot the settlement restraining operations, stan dard issues being realised to allow funds to be Invested In the attractive new Japanese loan, which la already at 1 per cent pre mium, and the Siamese 4V4 per cent loan of 35,000.000, which was Issued at 85V4 was largely oversubscribed and was quoted at 2V4 per cent premium. In connection with the Siamese loan the managers of the Hong Kong and Shanghai bank, realising that there would be a rush, assembled the stuff early and opened the lists at 9 o'clock this morning. The lists were closed at 10:45 a. m. Consols eased slightly. Amer ican opened firm and Improved a fraction over parity. Canadian Pacific, Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul and Union Pacific were the features. The undertone was good and prices were further advanced 9t H'til I an1 ciosea nrm. urana Trunk was firm, st K2 i d'Plte the fact that the traffic returns lo0 ! dld not e1ual expectations. Foreigners cio nicauji. nuMimifl , were supported early, but weakened later. Japanese were lower. Imperial Japanese government 6s of 1904 were quoted at 104X4. BERLIN. March 24-The trading on the Bourse today was quiet. PARIS, March 24,-Tradlng on the Bourse today opened with a firm tone. Information reached the brokers that negotiations in regard to the proposed new Russian loan had been resumed with prospects of a favorable conclusion and exercised a fav orable Influence on the market. Later heaviness prevailed. Russian Us were quoted at 88.60 and Russian bond of 1904 at 505. l'jo, 100 27V 2.1V. 64i, 2Si 64 19 65 141 168 c bo tihtt 40 I 16) 161 Vi 6SV4 69 85Vi tt at 92 141 142 84 - (vi 95 94 96 91 81 91 34 84 80 79 90 70 26 26 . 26 5 6tV 64 66 ' ti7 77i MO llKVt 11i.lL. 2. MO 36 84&a 85 98 97 97 8h 37 3S 600 7, loo fci0 400 .186.600 i:tl 1L'9 7 8.7U0 8,2u0 22 45 23 61 '23 60 3.600 3SV 500 100V nTA 64, 100 89'' 17V( 2i0 43 4,100 48 611O 118 14 u7 2.300 800 8,600 42 ) 1K7 800 23 00 78 Am. Car & Foun.... ao prererred Am. Cotton Oil do preferred American Ice ,, do preferred Am. Linseed Oil do preferred A la. Locomotive .... 1 In np.f.rrwt Am. Bmelt. RT' .7u0 103 ., prrierren l.aio JU Am. Sugar RTr.. 6.200 141 Am. Tobacco, pfd. o. 4,2X) 97 Anaconda Mln. Co... 100 116 Brooklyn Rapid T... 14.300 68 Colo. Fuel & Iroti H4.100 Kfl Consolidated Ga..., 1.100 vrn t-roaucts do preferred Distiller' Secur funeral EWMn International Paper.. ao prererrea International Pump., do nreferred National Iead ... North American . Pacific Mall People' Oaa Presaed Btoel Car. do preferred .... Pullman Pal. Car. Republic Steel .... do preferred .... Rubber Goods .... An mr.f .i-r ..I Tenn. Coal Iron!!. BTif v. u. I.atner I110 do rjreferraA na tfmj V. B. Realty 8400 91 U. 8. Rubber ina do preferred ....... 80t lit TT S. 8teel Tt ISO yr do nreferred ,, 64 4"ft jrt, Va.-Car. Chem (r mu do preferred MO ins Wpstlnghotise Else.. era larsi jet . . tti 11 I'niort Tout sale, for tb day, 1392,800 aharea. 141 97 6s4 13 84 184 ?8 n 85 1 85 . 69.500 4XH 39 iK . 8' Ki nm ioth . 4 45 44 44 ,. 8.6 113 110 imi . 1,400 ?! 8s 89 ,. 20I) 93 91 jrtH . 10 orjt ,. an 'ioi -... 83 97 87 .. ti 700 .. 4T.5- 4.oM) 7ft Mt ' 14, 1 W7V, 1? 104' 104 W! t . 41 4? ii'i nV 84 wai 94 fK 84 84 1"8 107 8T 82 Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. March j24-Today' state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the -3150,000,000 gold reserve In the division of redemption, hows: Available cash balance, 1139,461.7301 gold, 806,792.000. ' Bank Clearings. OMAHA. March 34. Bank clearings today were $1,464,346.17. For the corre pnnrtlns day of 1904 the clearing were 81,217,064.46. Metal Market. NEW YORK, March 24. METALS The London tin market wa lower, spot closing 136 10s and futures 181. The local mar ket continue quiet with price lower In sympathy at $29.604729.75. Copper advanoed In London, closing at 67 16s for spot and 68 2. 6d for futures. Locally the market la quiet and without material change. Lake l?c oliL at -S7ttl6.W: electrolytic $16 26815.37: casting, $14.25(0)16.26. Lead was lower at 12 7s 6d in London, but remained unchanged at $4.6t84.60 locally. Spelter closed at 2 Its 6d In London and wa. dull in the New York market, at $6.0utjj6 10 Iron Si??6,? 61 W" M ln Olagow and at 40, Mlddlesborough. Locally the situation wa unchanged. No. 1 foundry northern wa quoted at $17.95(618 26; No. 2 foundry north crn. I17.60;al8.00; No. 1 foundry iouthern 18n26 ' foundry( outhern oft, $17.75 ST. LOUIS, March 24 METALS Lead S&Se.1 W'6-H- Spelter dull atlol? uaar and Molasses. NEW YORK, March 24.-BUOAR-Raw, nominal; fair refining. 4c; centrifugal 86 teat, 4o. Molasses sugar. 4c R. fined, dull; No. 6. 6.46c; No. V. 8 40c- No. , $ 25c; No. 10, 6 20o No. U loo; No. 12 6.06c; No. 18.' 4.85c ; No. , 14 JtSSf MS; trusfe kettle, good to choice. 29S5c. P NEW ORLEANS. March M.-SUOAR-Quleti open kettle, Sii-4Jo- own k.ttu centrifugal. 4V.4ci wntr?fug whUe. eiTiTjl11'" "n "tle, 13326c: centrifugal, p&llc; yrup, nominal at luo. OH. and Roaln. 81 MLe.rtImY;.March ,J!i-Crm Balances, T,i.u,.Ct"lcteAn., bMJ "hlpmenu. 67.21.7 bbls.; average 79.176 bbls.; runs. 96 3u6 S'?'S tl' 'i vr"e. 7.821 bbls.; ruua UalZl bAvV vera'e, 66.690 bbls. flrrTe."' Warch -OTurpentln ROSIN Firm; A, B, P. 82T7- n an- w CBfof- l29"-' 0 WH: 7so;T6o: Mllwnnkoo Grata Markot. MILWAUKEE. Maroh 24. - WHEAT We2,- 1 hortbsra, $11.1; No JortnT RYl-SleuJy; No. J. ipk'hofiUa. BARLBY-lSuU; N Vtpl. t9 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Beceipti Light and Trading Holed Aotire, with Price Btrenj. HOGS SOLO A BIG NICKEL HIGHER Fairly Active Oesaaaa (or Sbeep and Lambs and Everything Offered Id la Good Seasoa and What Looked to Be Steady Prices. SOUTH OMAHA. March, SMI. Receipts were: Cattle. Hubs. Sheen Official Tue'su"'-2-W M1 Official ednda'y '.'...: I:!b4 9w5 10?$! Official Friday i,u,o oAo4 i.M Five day this week. ..17,782 41.037 rive days -last week 16,621 83 TM bame days week before, .ls.43; ..i.;2 ame three weeks ago. .15.714 49.oj Same four weeks ago. ... 15.4 1 64.6.4 ISAITItw rlnvd laat a . .-a ... . J- lri jnr aSl,fll Z,V.1 3N RECEJPTfl ITYiU TUB? VtVAn vr.. rMt n -- 'I als a EAI A W tVAlD. That ! 1..1 .... ?nt- kI ' hOR9 nd "hP South umana tor l tie vear ti .1 a . . vi.. . ... last year' wiivu wnu 1906. 1904. Ina 1H3.471 216. 4 V5.6Vt 6.rA4H4 8,130 7l 1EI .... ... - ....M.rwi aos.ova .... . os.pao nrir. t taoie s;iuvs tile aversge pnee of hora at .. - , .... . ..V.M. ... 1 ' . wmniiai ivi III. U!Bl aeveral dav.a. m-iih n......i . , ' "... , UI1IJ.B 1 1 jyui ! . Cam. Hogo , Sheep 90.167 2960 Sb,cl fO.I.I tier. 33.987 6.848 1... I.. 8.. 4.. 7... 8. 9. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar War. .. Mar. 6.. war Mar. Mar. Mar. 10... Mar. 11... Mar. IX. . Mar. la... Mar. 14.. Mar. 16... Mar. 16... Mar. 17... Mar. 18... war. Mar. 2u... Mar. 21... Mar. 22... Mar. Mar. 24... 1S0S. 11804. lS03.lU2.:l!01.19(Ki.ll9 4 4 71 4 77 4 80 4 85 4 M 4 87 4 as 1 4 ; 4S6H m 4 80 4 Mi 4 94 4 B7U 6 08 6 n't; 6 07 5 01- E 14 6 09 t 12 6 14 S 07 a $ 13 8 19 6 In, D JO 6 II 6 76 I 6 16 6 26 15, 6 04 ( 04 4 9s a 4 92 4 95 4 an 6 ol 6 SJ 7 03 7 OL 7 12 7 061 7 161 a 7" 7 i'ol 7 80 7 2ml 7 -to I 11 7 0i 7 1.1! 7 83, 7 84 7 45 7 3b, 6 01 111 6 07 I 97: 99 6 10 t 22 $ fed j 5 32 i 87l 8 So 1 nr 06 t 89 41 5 37 I 6 n9 6 4ni C 18 S 41 6 iO, i 46 IJ 0 DA 613, 6 15 21 $ (Vi 1 e 66 a a ki! Ki 6 71 6 26T 6 82 6 31 5 Sti 6 801 29 1 Indicate. Sunday. Thft nmniml 1 . . . - . "V'v""". Muiuuer or car or atocK brought in tuday by each road was: l"o , 1. U.. CI. ., M. tc St. P. Ry i 10 Union Pacific system 10 23 15 C. & N. V. Ry... t 4 1'.. E. A M. V. R. R 10 47 i C, St. P., M. & O. Ry 4 8.. H. M Rv i 7 c.. r. ft q. 'Ry::::::::;;:::;; i ;; C, R. I. fc P. Ry east..., 18.. C., R. I. & P. Ry.. west.... 1 3 Illinois Pentrfll a . Chicago Gt. Weatern " t " Total receipt 4S 127 17 The ot the day a receipts wits as follows, each buyer purchasing th num ber of head Indicated! Cattle. Ho umana racKing uo A 1 . . .". Hog". Sheep. i.j' .... 2.664 2.61'2 2,0-8 El Swift and Company '.'.'.'.'.'" 212 Cudahy Packing Co 315 Armour & Co 1G9 Mccreary & Clark 19 .... Hill A Huntslnger 7 .... L. F. Hus 6 .... Mike Haggerty 65 .... J. B. Root & Co 113 8. & S 20 ' 60 IlutTman j. 231 Other buyer. 175 .... l,i:!4 1.187 700 Totals 1,143 8.807 8,071 CATTLE There was a light run of cattle here this morning even for a Friday and as all packers seemed to want a few fresh supplies the market opened early and It took but a short time for everything in sight to change hands. Prices as a rule were a little stronger than they were yes terday. The market on beef steer could safely be quoted active and strong on anything at all desirable. As there were only a few loads offered and as all the buyers wanted them competition was keen and an early clearance was made. A compared with a week ago there 1 now very little change In ruling prices. The market haa fluctu ated up and down to quite an extent during the week, but at the close there is not a great deal of change on anything at all desirable from the price that were paid at the close of last week. The cow market was also active and a little stronger on the better grade today. When it came to canners and cutters, though, the market was slow and no more than steady. The better grades of cow. and heifers may be quoteT) steady for the week, or, ln other words, auch kinds as sell from 33 up. Those that sell under $3 are a little lower for the week and canners and common cuttera are fully 26c 'lower than they were a week ago and very dull at the decline. A choice bunch of cow sold today as high as $4.36. Bulla, veal calve and stags sold today at Just about steady prices, only a few being offered. For the week bulls are about steady If at all good, but common kinds are a little lower and so ate veal calves. Very few stocker and feeders were of fered toduy and the market showed no quotable change from yesturday. The same as usual, though, on a Friday not many cattle were wanted and common kinds were hard to move. The best grades of feeder are probably not much different from a week ago, but the commoner kinds are all the way from 15c to 25c lower. Representa tive sales: BEEF BTGER8 AT. tr. . 40 I at 14 16. I. . T. to ho. tl.'.'. it!! I h'.!! 1... 1... 1... 10... 1... 1... I... 4... 1... 3... 17... ... 4. ... 4... 1... 1... 1... I... I..., 1... 3..., 1..., I.... 4... t... a... 1... 1... 1... I. .. 6... II. .. I... 1... 11.... 8... 1... 11... I... 1... 1... I... 1... 1..., ..'. 1... I...1 1... I... 1..., I.... 1.... 1..., 8.... I...1 l...i 16..., 1..., 1... 8.... J(o 11(0 HO 740 1017 net 4 100 11H6 1210 10(8 ...1027 8 74 4 00 4 0 4 00 4 it 4 :s 4 u 4 86 4 86 4 40 4 40 4 40 17 7 1 1 I 10 I. At. ...108t ...1034 ...1111 ...1141 ...1141 ,...120 ...UV6 ...1071 ...ltM) ...1300 ...13H0 .,.1167 .1666 BTKHRS AND HEIFERS. 3 4 10 STEERS AND COWS. 4 40 4 44 4 44 4 60 4 44 4 61 4 45 4 73 4 40 4 10 6 00 e 06 I 18 ..1164 .. 890 .. 160 .. 74 .. 714 .. 70 .. 410 .. 41C .. Ml .. .. mo .. 441 .. tti .. 6T .. 180 .. 860 .. 4W ..1U80 .. 440 .. V .. 410 .. 810 ..1040 .. 440 ,.. tm .. 888 .. 484 ..1180 .. M ..ItaO .. 4t ..1144 .. 8M ..1011 870 4 16 8 VOWS, ...iin 4M 1 78 1 76 1 W I 04 3 M I 00 I II I 16 I it 35 I ti I 40 I 80 1 60 I 40 3 10 I 10 I 40 I 10 I 40 I 40 I 40 3 76 I 40 I 80 I 80 8 00 I DO I M 8 00 8 M I io I !!& I i8 I::::: 1. 8.. 4.. 14.. 1.. 16.. 8.. 4.. 4.. !.. 14.. l..i I. .i 1.. II. . 1.. T.. It.. 11.. 4.. 1.. 4.. 1.. 1.. I.. 10.. 13.. ... 460 ...1100 ... 810 ...1140 ... 780 ...1080 ...1880 1020 1113 816 1421 1060 1167 1U94 787 1111 870 11.18 1880 lUbO 1010 1144 1010 1161 1084 1041 1080 880 ...... .1140 1110 1440 101,1 Hi '8 1140 COW'S AND HEIFERS. ... til I 76 10 M lilts, ...1184 ... 880 ... 481 ... 80 ... 4i0 ... 480 ... Itl ... 460 ...1184 ...1140 ...1800 ...10)0 ...1100 ...1440 ...1180 ...1714 ...184 ...1880 ... 81 ... 834 ... 14 ... till ... 140 ... 144 ... 110 ... 180 ... 110 3 60 a 10 I 40 I 40 I 40 I 00 I 40 t 40 8 40 I. I. 1. 1. 1... 4... 1... 1... 1. BULLS. I M I 10 3 M t 80 I 10 t ti I 14 8 86 3 II 8 at CALVES. t 4 1 I I I !:::::: 1 1 i 04 4 40 4 0 4 0 4 T4 4 71 .:::::: lot 744 1104 48 440 Ml 1000 mo uo 164 lilt 140 ltuo 640 .......1110 1170 1174 177 ISO 110 120 140 160 4 13 0 6 01 1... m 8TtCK CALVES. 8 I 86 I li I ti $ ti i to 1 10 I U 8 ti I 14 8 84 I 40 8 44 8 64 I 60 I 40 I 40 I 40 I 40 I 40 I 18 t 44 I 44 I Tl I 71 I 10 I 10 I to I 10 4 M 4 84 4 00 4 00 4 84 3 80 8 40 3 48 3 to I to I 16 8 II 4 00 4 00 4 M 8 80 I 40 i 44 8 6 I 40 I 40 I 60 8 4 I 48 I 40 I 04 I 0t I 84 I 40 I 44 I 4 6 71 J 44 14 t. a, (H '" STOCKEKS V., 400 1 bo .. 40 $ M 6 Ml 8 40 U M H 14 4 1 4 1 440 I 14 6 M I H a aa aa HOOg-Th upply of hog la uht was moderate at all point, this morning and aa a roault th Undency of price, waa upward The. market bare opened about a nlikei tughr and a. taa tUuiand rvv4 U 0 of AND J"EEDERg. 781 1 I f 40 1 a It I to ....,...... 744 I 80 J 81 4 4 1 4o4 4 N I 4 tv liberal proportion the market seemed to gain In strength and sctlvity until toward the close It waa around 7 He higher, or Hi 10c higher. The general market could prob ably best be described bv calling It a big nickel higher or H?7e higher. Th quality of the offerings today was exceptionally good and thst of course helped out th p pearanee of the market on paper. Th bulk of the hogs sold t 85.07 and $5.10. with the common and light stuff largely around $5.06. The choice heavies went from 85.10 t 86 15. Owing tn the activity practically everything wa dlsroed of bv th middle of the forenoon. Representative vales: K. A. b. rr. Ka. a, (a. ft. It I4 44 4 8 80 ... I 47 34 t7 ... 10 47 Ml ... I 74j 41 lot ... 4 44 83. Il ... 8 474 71 177 4 4 014 4! til ... Itntti 84 tot ... IO81 61 It4 ... IHH XI SOS ... I 01 14 SM It I Pit Tl tt 4 I 0!V 17 t.l 8 I 47 11 171 ... IO!", It M ... 6 41 40 .187 84 I ClSa it 141 ... I Oli It 106 ... 1 44 44 40 44 I 17V, 44 110 ... I 06 74 W 140 8 07 41 117 40 4 04 4 11 ... 4 1 T t-4 ... I 4 II Itt tN III 40 186 l!0 4 46 14 UT M III 17 t4 8 I ( 14 Ill ... I 10 11 !S M 14 48. ...... HI ... 4 1 44 .'. tn 44 I 4 74 144 80 I 10 It 8 44 I 04 44 14) 44 I 14 47 140 NiH 71 141 44 I 14 11 184 ... 4 46 41 167 ... I 1 ti 114 St I 04 41 '! ... I 14 tl tti HI I PI 17 t4 40 I 14 IT 114 ... I 0 70 til ... I 10 II fftl ... 101 44 Ml ... 110 M tn ... I 04 It 80 80 I 16 II 8.11 10 I 06 41 1t ... 1 I 10 44. 127 ) I 04 14 19 Mil 4 IIS 40 I Mtl to 4!-4 ... I 10 (.. IiU ... I 47Ve 10 IM ... 110 4 M ... I 474 17 88 0 I 10 I ISO SO I0H II 144 ... II 41 214 ... I 07 W 44 141 84 8 10 41 171 SO I 0TV4 11 8 ..: I 14 72 ISO ... I OT 44 171 M I 10 71 1(4 40 I 414 47 rtl ... I 1 41 t!7 ... I 47V4 44 IM 40 I 10 II 171 m I MS 1 27 M III 48 14S 40 I 07 40 311 120 I 1 ii ISO ... I 07", M 171 ... I 10 47 215 ... I 0TV, 44 174 ... I 1 71 HI ... 8 4TV4 71 lit ... I I 43 Ill 40 4 ITS 4 11 ... I 14 47 148 40 4 47S " 171 ... 114 44 S2I 44 I07S 1 4 ... 4 10 13 21-4 ... 8 07 S 44 til 40 I 10 41. ...... .134 ... I 07S 41 170 48 I 14 IS Ill ... 8 07 8 $1 71 144 ... ( 07S l 17 ... Ill 44 141 ' ... I 07 S 44 171 ... I 14 44 Ill ... I 07S i 40 8 10 74 144 ... I07S 16 114 II tiH M I 07S 11 741 ... 110 44 IM ... I 0TS I HI 111 81 141 10 I 07S 14 171 ... 8 11S II 184 80 I 07S 84 IMI ... ills 14 2 SO ... I 07S 46 I0 140 I 12S 41 444 ... I 07S 48 801 ... 112s 78 114 40 I 07 S 44 28 ... I 1JS II ISO 110 6 0JS 40 ITS ... Ills 44. ...... .274 ... 6 07S H 118 7 171 44 I 07S 11 US ... Ill 71 141 ... I 07S SHEEP There wis only a small run of sheep and liimbs hero this morning, and with a fairly good demand from local packers tho market ruled active and steady with yesterday. As buyers started out In good season It did not lake long for everything In sight to change hands. As nign as t. wss paid tor ewes, wnicn is the highest price paid In some little time. Some wethers and yearlings mixed brought $6 80. The lamb market could probably he quoted steady, but l.'8"e wore no choice fat Iambs on sale. Some feeders, though, old at what looked to be good steady, price. For the week the market on botn sheen and lambs may be quoted a little stronger. tne advance nmnunting in the majority of case to about 10c and 152. Quotations f.r led iock. flood cholc earilnars. $6.406.76: fair to good year lings. $6.b05&.4O; good ti eTiolc wethers, 5.6v(S5.T6: fair to good wethers. 35.0OU6.50: good to choice ewes. 3o.OOoi5.60: lair to good awes, $4.5t5.00; common t.) fair ewes. $4.01 O4.D0; good to cnoioe lamn. liontni.m; tair to good lambs, to.lbnil .00 . feeder lamb. $6.08 i6.50. Representative tales: No. Ar, Pr. 2 cull Mexican ewe. 84 3 60 8 cull wether and ewe 90 6 00 S20 western ewe 102 6 36 4W western ewes 104 6 36 476 Mexican ewes 90 (40 830 western ewes Ill t 66 65 western ewe. 113 6 66 310 wether and yearlings 1116 6 80 v wet nor and yearlings uo b w 270 feeding lamb 62 6 40 1 iamh K0 I 60 12 Colorado cull ewee 97 3 60 444 Colorado ewes 107 6 25 236 weatern ewe 96 6 60 CHICAGO LI VIS STOCK 1 MARKET Cattle Strong- Hogs Five to Ten Cent. Higher Sheep and Lamb. Steady. CHICAGO. March 21. CATTLE Receipts, 1,500 head; market strong; good to prime steer, $6.16ji.26; poor to medium, 3.8i7j 6.00; atockcrs and feeders, $2.7o4'i.66; cows, $2.8O&.00; heifers, 3.004(5.00: canners, $1.60y 2.40; bulls, t2.6wy-l.0o; calves, 83.00:7.00. HOGS Receipts, 19,000 bead; estimated tomorrow, 10.000 head; 6-ffloc higher; mixed and butchers, $B.2Wjt.4-; good to cholc heavy, $5.364i6.47V4; rough heavy, $6.2Wj.30; lignt. o.ibQt..'u; duik or snies, 0..WUO.40. SHEEP AND LAMBS- Receipts. 6,000 itnn.i- vainclrAO ast A w ' trnnA n nlwtlna vnth. Iivnu 1 inn 1 gvcrv o ' . ,y , ijuiu 1. vr v. n i t j nirnt- era, $6.76((j6.26; fair to choice mixed, $4.75 6.60; western sheep, $S.O0f6.26; native lambs. $5.5oe7.65; wetern lambs, $6.50&7.76. New York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK. March 24. BEEVES Re ceipts, 3,940 head; medium and good steer, alow hut steady; common, 10jl5o off, bulls, dull and 15a -Do lower; good cows, steady, other slow to 10c off; one car bulls un sold. Native steer. $3.760.8o; western, ti uc. K..ii. 1 1 ';.,,. a 1 ii .nu,. e 1 Fuvr, 1 or. .v. . IM 1 UUIIU, VI.MH.VI I. .. . ... V u ... , . . tra fancy. 34.40Cci 4.5. Cable a no led live cattle steady at 10(311c: tops. 12c, dressej weight ;retngerator Deer, VLiec. enip ments, none; estimated for tomorrow, l.yol cattle, 60 sheep and 7,000 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipt 66 head; market teady to strong; veals, $6.00(i9.00; no little calves. DresKed calves, firm; city dressed veal, $9.u0ij 13.60; country dressed, $7.&Ooji 12.00. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 2.722 head; sheep scarce and fully steady; lnmbs Arm to 10c higher, all sold; sheep, 35.004i6.00; lamos, HOGS RecelDts. 2.745 head: market nom inally -easier 011 Buffalo advice. Kansas Cltr Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. March 24.-CATTLE.Re- celpt. 1,600 head, Including 3u0 head south ern; market steady: choice export and dressed beef steers, $5.2rVfr6.75; fair to good, $4.25i6.26; western fed steers, $4.2647 5.601 stockers and feeders, $3.00U4."6; southern steers, $3,604(4.90; southern cows, $2.2T4i4.00; native cows. $2.0O?4.50; native heifers, $3.0u 4.80; bulls, 82.6oa4.00; calves, $2.50&6.26. HOGS Receipts, 6,600 head; market 60 higher; top, $6.30; bulk of sales, 85.006.22; heavy, $5.255.30; packers,; pigs and lights, $4 25476.16. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, 8,on0 head; market steady; native lambs, $6.5orr(i 7.50; native wethers, $5. 40 ' 5.90; native fed ewes, $4.90!?S.65; western fed lambs, $G.504y 7.50; western fed yearlings, $0.00416.76: west ern fed sheep, $4,904)5.90; stocker and feed er, $3,604(6.50. St. Loot Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. March 24. CATTLF. Re ceipts, 1,000 head, ' Including 7o0 Texans; market strong; native shipping and xport steers, $4,254(6.00; dressed beef and butcher steers, $4.0o4c5.40; ateer. under 1.000 lbs., $3,0044.60' stackers and feeders, $2.60474.60: cow and heifers, $3,0044.86; canners, 12.004 2.60; bulls, $3.0uVa4.00; calves. $3,604(8.76; Texas and Indian steer. $3. 00(85.10; cow. and helfera, $2.0O'4.26. 1 HOGS Receipts, 4,000 head: steady: pig and lights, $3.6(fi6.00; packers, $o.l54.80; butchers and best heavy, $6.256.36. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 1000 head; market steady; native muttons, $3.00 4(6.00; lambs, $5.0otf'7.2f; cull and buck, 4J.504Ct.76; stocker. $2.O0$3.26. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. BT. JOSEPH, Msrch ft. CATTLE fit celpt, 806 hesd; steady! natives, 84.Ui4f5.60: cow and heifer. $U904?4.60; Blockers and feeders. $8 .0O4H.5O. HOOS Recelpt, 4,90 head; market 60 higher; light, $5,004)6.20; medium and heavy, 86.0&C 26. , SiltCKP AND LAMBS Receipt, 1,614 head; market steady; lamb, $7.40. Sloaz City Live Stock Market. BIOUX CITY, la., Mrch 24.-(Speclal Tel egram. ) CATTLE Receipts, 600 head; mar ket steady; beeves, $4004(6.25; cow, bull, and mixed, $3,004)4.50: atooker and feeder., I3.004i4.00; calve and yearling, $2,764)3.65. HOGS Receipt, $.000 head; market teady, lllng at $iC6 16; bulk. $5.00.06. Stook ta Sight. Receipt, of llv tock at th lx principal weatern market yesterday: it v Cnttl. Hog. Sheep. South Omaha 1,070 $.8i'i4 9oo Sioux City 600 OOQ Kansas City l.fti) v fJ.t.iO St. Louis l.ouu 4,000 IO A St. Joseph 806 4,9x0 1.614 Chicago ..1 1,600 19.000 t.ouO Total . 5.976 46,644 23,411 Evaporated Apple and Dried rrnlt. lV,EWT(iRK' Mrch M -EVAPORATED APPLES Th market show, no chang from the conditions reported, with holder bowing continued confidence; common are quoted at 4uoc; prime, 64)eci choice, 4itie: fancy, 7c CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Prune. moil orate demand and show no change on pot. though It I. claimed that quotation ar below a parity with the exist Price range from 2 for Iv-lOO to to for Cal ifoniia fruit. Apricots. unotiarid at H, lla 'f.r101' ize 'r tra ohoi and 1;' So for fjicy. Peaches, qui. tnit tlrui, Liuu',o tr cutlee, M,lv lur aa- tra ehole. llll?c for fsncr. Rslslns, quieter sgaln; liwae Muscatels. 4'sc; London layer, $1 .61 25; seeded. $$jc. OMAHA MHOLMtLH MARKET. a - Condition ef Trade and Qaetatlen ea Staple ana Fane? rraanee. EGGS Receipt heavy, market tead ; candled tock. 15o. MVS POULT RY Hens, lflSflllc: youna ro,.tr.. accord Ins to six. Sulil-; old rooa ters, 8eiV; turkeys, ltc; dlck 10c. HI Tl a.R-Packlng stock, ITc; choice to tancy uaity, ac; creamer, llviv; prints, 26c. FRKSH FROZEN FISH Trout. 8.M pick erel. 6c; pik. 8c; jcrch. he; blusnsh, "e: wt-refteh. 5c ilmni lie' redfnsnper, 10p; halibut, 9c; green Mllbut. lCc; crapplca, 11c; buffalo, 7c: white ba, 11c: herring, 5c; Pcanlsh mackerel, llo. Frcsj lf. I'cr dot., 40c. tiAT Prices quoted by Omaha Whole sale Hv Dler' ancHt1on: rholce Nn, I upland, $6.60; No. t. $S.nO: medium. $8.fci; Coarse, $5.00. Ry trw, $4 60. Thrse prices are lor hay 01 ao.rt r.nur nd quailiy. HR AN Per ton. $ 17 .60. OT ST BUS New fork count, per can. 45c; extra selects, per can. 36.; (tandarda, per ran, 8tV. hulk: "tanriards. r4r ral.. $1.40; extra svlects. per gal., $!.; Nw York counts, per gnl.. tl.t TROPICAL rRUITS. ORANGK.i v rtntui nut, 1 1 fancy Red land nsvels, all sixes, $5iff3.0(; fancy navtls, U.16; choice navels, all sites, l.oo. LkAiO.S Calltornla, fancv, iTo sle, U.o; 1 and 360, $3.Jb; choice, 370, $:.7j, 30O ana 3W, $3, CO. ...uo rer lox of So-lh. pkg., $2.00; Hallnwe en, in 70-lb. boxes, per lb., 49uc KlUrt t. nlitoriiiii per li'-ai. C4i't.ti. .i$ S5c; imported Smyrna. 4-crown, lfc; iy crown, 12c; fancy Imported (washed). In 1-in. ikas., ltwi 1m BANANAS per medlum-slxed bunch. $1.7 2 t!; Jumbos, 2.5tii.1.Ui. GRAPEFRl IT-! f r box of 64 lo 64. $.. . VT.VIT1 8TRAWBERR1ES Florida, per quart, 75c. APPl.ER-New York Baldwins, $3.004JS Colorado Wlnrsapo. per bu. box, $1.76; Colo rado Ben Davis, per box. $1.26; Roman Beauty, per box, $2 00; Baldwins and Green ings, per box, $1.75. i UKArtJo i.iipui.ed Malagas, per keg. $7. TANGERINES Callf-rnia. per half-box. $2.80. CRANBERRIES Jerseys, per bbl., $S.00; per box, $2 25. POTATOES Home grown.. In sack, per bu., 804140c; Colorado, per bU., 45c. TCRMPS-OId, per bu., 4oc; nw. per do., 76c. LaknOTS-Old, r bu., 40c; new, per dox, 76c. PARSNIPS-Old, per bu., 40c. BEANS Navy, per bu.. 32 10 ( CL Cl'MBKHS -Per dcx., 1.7r5TtOO. TOMATOES Florida. er 6-laaket crat. $4.6lt6 0O. SPl.NACH-Per btl . $1.00. ONIONS Hume grown, red, ln sacks, per lb., 2c; Spanish, per crate, $2.60; Colorado yellow, per ih.. 2c; Bermuda onions, pr crate, $2.75; new southern, per lo., 45c. CA MR AGE Holland seed, per lb., ic, HWKKT POTATOES-Kansa kiln urled, per bbl., 32.75. HKh, 1 8--01U, per bu 40c: new, per do, bunches, 66c. CELERY-Callfornla. 764J0c. RADISH KB Hot house, large bunches, per do., 90c&$l.C0. LK-l'l'i'cti-i-er box of about fifteen heads, 65c. KHt'kAfiQ-California, rjer lb.. Set rr box of 40 lbs.. $4.60. PAttBLh, 1 ter do, bunches, 75e. ASPARAGI'fl Illinois, tier rins. bunches. $?(X: Callfnmli white, per do, of 3-lb. bunches, $6,004)7.00. M18U1.LLANEO0S. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, 13?I14c: Wisconsin Yntina? America. 16c: block Swiss, new. 15c: old. 1617c: Wiscon. eln brick, 15c; Wisconsin llmburger, ltc; ones: cneese, 104(100. HirtES No. 1 green, 7c; No. t green. 6c: No. 1 salted. 814c: No. 2 salted. 7U.c- No. 1 veal calf. 9c; No. 2 veal calf, 1c; dry salted, 74714c: sheen Delta. ?5cfftll 00: linraA hlitaa $1.50f7.t.OO. NUTS Walnut. No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per lb.. ISc; hsrd shells, per lb., 18c; No. 2 oft shells, per lb.. 12c; No. 2 hard shells, per lb.. 12o; Pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb.. 10c; peanuts, per lb., 7c; rotated peanuts, per lb., 8c; Chill walnuts, per lb.. 12Ml3o; almonds, soft hell, per lb.. 17o: hard shell, ner lb.. 15c: chestnuts. per lb., 12irHSc: new black walnuts, per bu., 764f90c; shellbnrk hickory nuts, per bu., (1.76; large hickory nuts, per bu, $1.60. Cotton Varuet. NEW YORK, March 24,-COTTON-Snot. quiet; middling uplands. 8.I60; middling gulf, 8.10c; sales. 200 bales. LIVERPOOL, March 24. COTTON-Snnt. moderate business done; prices 4 point higher; American middling fair. 4.73d; good middling, 4.40d; middling, 4.2d; low mid dling, 4. ltd; good ordinary, S.Btld; ordinary, 8.80d. The sales of the day were 8,000 bales, of which 600 bales were for speculation and export- and included 7.6oo balea Amsrloan. Receipts. 20,000 bales. Including 19,100 balea American. , NEW ORI-iKANS. March 24. COTTON Steady; sales, 4.600 bale; ordinary, 6 1.18c; good ordinary. 6c; low middling, 7c; mid dling, 7c; good middling, 7o; middling fair. 8 5-16c; receipt, 8,199 hales; stock, 254, 873 bales. ST. LOUIS. March 24. COTTON-ulef middling, 71-16o; sales, none; receipts, none; shipments, 87 bales; stock, 46,961 bales. Coffee ' Market. NEW YORK, March 24. COFFEB Th market for futures opened steady at a de cline of fitfr'10 points following lower Eu ropean rabies. Offerings were very light and later In the session a moderate de mand from local bulls and Importers wa. sufficient to partially, rally prices. The rinse wa. quiet and unchanged at a de cline of 6 points. Sales. 85,750 bags, in cluding Mny at 6.40c: July. 6.55c; Septem ber. fl.75c: December, 6.85c. Spot, quiet; No. 7 Rio, 7c. Dry Good. Market. NEW YORK. March 24.-DRY OOOD8 Wnlle no marked enlargement to buyjng la In progress In the dry goods market, the attitude of the seller I. one of .pedal firm ness and of optimism. In view of the sta tistical position which exists with regard to so many lines. Jobbing trade locally Is less active, but belief In a continuance of modersts activity for aom tlm to come la entertained. Toledo Seed Market. ' TOLEDO. March 24. SEEDS Clover, cssh, $7.86; March, 7 Aprll.$7.fW; October, $5 90; prime alslke, $7.76; timothy, March, On the Roof of the World, One who went with Colonel Younghus band to Lhaaaawrot of th hardship en countered aa follow: "Deplt the proUo tlon of almost Arctlo clothing, one shiver until the sun rise over the eastern hill at 10 o'clock, and h(vr again when It sinks behind th opposite one at I o'clock. Icy winds .weep the valley and hurricane of dut Invnd on' tent. Against thia cold one clothe one's self tn flannel rt snd hlrt, oweater, flannel-Hned coat, poahteen or cashmere sheepskin, wool-lined Ollglt boot and fur or woollen cap with flap, meeting under the chin. The general effect la barbaric and picturesque." , HEAL ESTATE TRAlSSFEnS. STf." i11?1 for "erd yesterday as fur nlshe by the Midland Guarantee and Trut company, bonded abstraotsr. 1614 Farnam street, for The Bee. ' A. Adamson, Jr. et .1, to F. W. Smith. JcW b1-' s 10 C. C Barmele and wlf 'to' ' 0'. ' ' t toni ,lou . "n1 M, block 1 Yate i Hemphill dd..! in wN''ln nd wlfe Wlnnstt W. McHraliie. lot. 1 to 8. block 1, Lol m,Tck! ?ufc!,vV.and 0,nBr Property.. 28 Uldom Q. Eldrldg and wlf to Chris- .AR! L-XIKrlJb. I"""' lot i. block 4, Hillside No. I ton H. Nlndel to P. F. Nlndel. lot 18 an'oi IV block 6. Orchard Hllf.. ...;.:....". 1 400 '-..S?1?8 to Amburst. n 83-16-13. and other properly..?.."" ,too C. B Prlchard to Clara B. Wym.n ,ot , block 8, Hwthorn " I Mr,', aJ'.A,?rel t() I Jopron, nU n 4-16-13 " , . ions J. Vvot wa to J. Beck, lot $3. block 6, peer 1'Ark , I860 The Barker cornpan. et al, to J. Jfl. tarith?na. ,0f .' . uldiv. of J. I. Redlck's add 1 nog J. Johnson to P. Nelson lot 4. block I Mayne's 1st add. to Valley an John of North Onaha to O. n. Oswr. part lot 7. block 6. Bweey'. add 1,800 Edwards -Wood Go. (Incorporated ) (lala OffltMi Fifth sad Roberts Strssts 3T. PAUL, fUPtN. DEALS RS IN 1 Stocks, Grain. Provisions Ship Yotir OrohT to Ua traaek 6)8Bee tl181 Bea4 ef Twrntm Bla7. Osnaka, Ren. TeJaakeae Salg, 838-314 Kxahaafe Sldg et4 Oman, i 4 'Wss tl jums 'j ts