THE OMAHA DAILY REE: FRIDAY, MARCH 24. 1903. t GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET . 4 . , Wheat Waaler and .Spread. Between May and July Largest of Crop. CROWD AFRAld TO GET SHORT MUCH JULY las Cera and' Fntnre Bath SnSfer fresa Vkieu-Kui City Tame Bearish aa Itaatloa. OMAHA, March S3. 19u5. .h apcculattva wheat market continue! very nervoua and erratic, and moreover very weajt. No one aeema to have fath omed to hie own satisfaction the exact condition of the wheat market and the relation of the eastern speculators to the market. The May lout heavily this morn-lnc- It opened at 11.18, but that win the best of the morning, and the market seldom reaehed SI. 13, at' which point It atood at noon. The low before that hour was 11.12. Wednesday the May ran from II UH to a cent higher. The July today ranged between 91o ahd 90c, whereas Weonesday the-hlgn and low were 914c and 88c. The spread between the May ana the July Is the largest of the crop. At the close Wednesday night it was 23 cent. This Would usually be considered large enough to make It a profitable thing to buy July and sell May, but now the crowd la afraid of the May because of man ipulation, and so will not get ahort. The apread at Minneapolis is only IP,-, with the premium on the July there. Valentine la reckoned to have bought 3.000,000 bushels of May wheat In the last few days. It la ru mored this Is for Llchtstern, bought last September at about the preaent prices and carried over. It waa the largest short line according to report. Cudaky la said to have sold 1.6UU.000 bushels lately. Liverpool cloned with a loss of from to on the good American reports and expectation of large Argentina shtpmente. Berlin declined '., Muda Pest 2, Antwerp remained un changed and larls advanced t centimes. The Price Current finds conditions generally fivorable for the erop and for spring seed ing. Kansas City millers aro offering flour for European shipment In July on the basis of 81 eenta for the July wheat at Kansas City. H Is wondered what effect this will have on Minneapolis. The Minneapolis mills f round 270,996 barrels of flour last week, this elng an Increase of 1936 barrels. The pri ms ry receipts are 613.0UO bushels, against 418,000 bushels last year, and the shipments are 827.0VO bushels, against 363.000 bushels last year. The corn is not doing very wen today, for the speculative market Is off at least o and the caah situation calls for from Wo to le lower corn. The May this morning ranged from 48e to 47c before noon. ageTnst 4o and 48c for high and low Wednesday. In the Chicago cash market '"."J"1 iwr price amounted to luO.OOO bushels for domestlo purposes and 1.16,000 bushels for export. Liverpool de clined from o to N0 during the morning on the cheaper American offerings. K ansa a City has turned bearish on the corn, for the demand la said to have ceaaed and the receipts for the last few. days to be three time those ef the. same days last year. The clearances reported today are 161,000 bushels. - The primary receipts are 719,000 bushels, against 319.000 last year, and the Shipments are 466,000 bushels against 315,000 ushels. Omaha Caah Prices. WHEAT No. 2 .hard, 1.02?1.03; No. t hard. 93c1.00; No. - 4 hard, 8092c; No. I spring, 11.02. CORN-No. J. 44 c; No. 8, 44e; No. 4, 43c: no grade. 40W4Sc; No. 2 yellow, 46c; No. t yellow, 44c; No. 2 white, 44c; No. 3 white, 44c. OATS-No. t mixed, 3nC; No. 8 mixed, 2'4c; No. 4 mixed. Z&Si'UXc: No. 2 white, 80e; No. 8 wlH 30c; No. 4 white, 29c 3oc; standard, 3SV , OniMhk rash gales. CORN No. S, 1 rtl, 44q. OATS No. S whlto, 1 cjir, '30c.' RYE No, i, 1 car, 76c, : ' . Carlo Receipts. 1 Wheat. Corn. Oata. Chicago. .t. .........,, 2S JM 14$ Kaneaa City ..........'..:,'..' 59 64 a Minneapolis w... 331 " "',.,. Duluth a f- Iul 27 94 ii Omaha $ 70 . i3 Mlaneapolls 'Wheat Market. The range of prlcea paid In Minneapolla as reported ty the Rd wards-Wood company. Uo-lU ..Board of. Trade, was: "Pn Articles.) Qpen.l High. JLow. Close. 8at'y, KfVy.. 1 12('1 12 1 10 111 11JU July...l 08l" 1 0Nl 1 07 1 07 1 Ci Bept. X t.6;,) 85 6 87 AEW YORK GKXEHAL MARKET notations of the Day Varloas Coatnaodltlea. ' NEW YORIC, March 33.-FLOUR-R. SJ,pL" I'4?,' bb,a; exports, 12.ti7S bbls. Market dull and partially lower.- Mlnne f?5JUPflient'. M.7SU6.20; Minnesota bakers, 14.00(54.60; winter patents, t6.36ft6.66; win l!lLvi'!r?'llnt, .lo&.26; winter extras, S3.50(8'4.l6; winter low grudea, 33.4fi4.05. Rye flour, quiet; fair to good, S4.80ia-i.7O; oholce to fancy, 4.70u-4.90. Buckwheat flour, Inactive, per 100 lbs., t2.0trat.lQ, . CORNMEAL-Barely steady; line white fill2y'"W' L(1-i0; coarse new, $1.10 RYE Nominal; western, 80c.' BARLEY-Dull: feeding, 44c. e. I. f N?,w.,.rk,: 4tkaio c. I. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, 4,b00 bushels; spot, market easy: No. 8 red, nominal; elevator. No. 8 red. 81.16i t. o. b. afloat; No. 1. northern, Duluth, 81.21 f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 bard Manitoba, 11.08 f. o. b. afloat. Options affected by a steady run of bear crop and weather news, wheat slid1 oft to the lowest point of the year on new crop months today and wsa also weak In May through heavy slop loss selling. Part of the loss was eventually regained on covering, but still the market closed ff 1 net lower; May. 81.10V1rl.12H. cloned 81.11: July. WU:e closed 96c; Sep tember, 87tr68. closed BSC. CORN Receipts, 101,0 bushels: exports, nV542 buahels. Spot bsrley stead v; No. 2. 67c elevator and 58c f. o. b. afloat; No. 8 yellow, 644C No. 2 white, 64c. Op tion market neglected all day, closing net unchanged. May, i3i8o4. closed M; July closed 64c. OATS Receipts, 120,000 bushels; spot mar ket easy; niixet oals 26 to 83 pounds, SSli Mtyc; natual white SO to 82 potinda. 37$) 3fic;. clipped white 88 to 40 pounds, 8 HOP8 Easy: state, common to choice. 114, J630c; 1803, 2427c; olds, ll(g)13c; Pa cific coast, 104, JiiaJSc; 19u8, 2&(gJ6c; olds llfilHe. I.KATHER-Plrm; acid, UQ?te. PROVISIONS-Heef steady.; family. 812.00 I 13.00; mess, 89.60; beef hsms, 322.00Bi23.60; fiacket, 8U.UO$U.OO; city extra India mesa. 16.003 18.00. Cut meats, quiet; pickled hol lies. 37.0flir7.76; pli kled shoulders.; pickled hams, 38.60iji8.00. LArd. easy; west ern steamed. 3i.3n; reiined. barely steady; continent, 37.86; Houih America, 88.00; com- iiotind, 34 87 VlSio. Pork, steady; fumilv, U.nilloo; short clear,. 312.76i8 16.28; mess, i3.S,H'H.;6. RICE Steady; domeatlc, fair to extra, i'4Ti5Ul Japan, donilnsl. TAl.hOW gulet; city i2 per pkg.). 4'4c; country (nkgs. fre, 4l'94c. Bl'TTER Vli m : street price, extra creamery, Jc. OfMclal prlcea: Creamery, common to extra, 27&27Vc; creamery, held, common to extra. fcttuJTc; state dairy, com mon to extra, lt9Jc. POl.XTRY-Allvc, ateady; western chick ens. 12c; fowls, 16c; old turkeys, luc. Dressed, firm; western chickens, 106 lie; fowls. 14e; turkeys, 16&2UC. HUTTKR Firm. Street prices: Extra creamery. 2Mtv!Hc. Oltlclnl prices; Cream ery, common to extra, KkbSSc. , CHKhjtE Strong; state full cream, small, colored and white fsnuy, lie; state line, llc; state late made, colored and white, poor to choice, 10Wgn3c; state large, colored and white fancy, ic: stste fins. ISUkc; slate late made, colored and while, poor to choice. luUo. EOtiS Firm; western firsts, I1c; western seconds, 17c. POtXTHY-AHvet Firm; western chick ens, lie; fowls, 15c; old turkeys, itic. pressed: Film; western chickens, 104214c; turkeys, 164c. Kaasaa City ttrala aa rrarUlens. KANSAS CITY. March 23. WHEAT Market lower; May, Kic; July. 80c. t'ssh: No. .3 hard. 3l.fl3i&1.0; No. 3, II 00.q.i.i6; No. ' . 7ctt1.04; No. 3 red, Sl-OSoU; Soi . Il.4iol.07; No. 4, ajctili.ot. CORN-Msrket steady; May. 44H4T,C; Julv, 4Ctc. Cash: No. 2 mixed. 4-Vd4oc; No. 8. 4JVc; No, t white, S'j'Witc; No. 4. 4014' tc, OATS Market steady; No. white, 830 Stc; No. 3 mixed. 3Jft34c. il AY Steady choice timothy, 383O0 Id. 00; choice prairie. I7.7M8.U). RYE elteady, "6178c. KOUB MtrBdy ; M'.arouri and Kansas No. 3. whitewood cases Included. 14c; rase (,'Otint. I3W': caae returned, c lens. BUTTER Market tlrin; creamery, 39 Z4c; dairy. U',c J Receipts. Shipment. Wheat, bu t.V M. Corn, bu. 4.l 62 iW Oats, bu a.w ' H.m Dalath 4rala Market. DlM-t'TW. Marrh 23 WH KAT-Tn sr Bl a: No, 1 . northern. 81 07'.. Oh track; No. 1 northern. 31.07V4: No. 2 northern, il.m,l 4V May, $.; July, 31 September Hc. CHICAOO (iRAI AXD PROVIl05iS Prlcea aa Boars) af Trade. CHrCAOO. March 83. Weakness prevslled In the wheat merket here tortny a a result of continued excellent weather for crepe. At the close wheat for May delivery waa off lc July wheat Is down tHc. Corn, oets and provisions almost unchanged. The wheat msrket was weak from the stsrt. Opening trades were msrked by a decline of over 2c In the price of May delivery and 1c In July. Initial quotations on May were off c to rie. st Il lSnl.lSV July was down SftVfcc to c, at SI'S 91 'c. Ivower rabies were also a factor. Weather extremely favorable for the rapkt growth of the new crop sttrscted, however, most attention. Several houses with northwest ern connections were liberal seller! of May, while pit traders generally sold July. After May had touched 81.12 and July oc. the market rallied somewhat on covering by shorts. May advancing to 81 18. The mar ket, though, lacked any definite support, news from the winter wheat licit being of such bearish character aa to discourage demand. One report from Toledo claimed that wheat In northern Ohio could not look better than at present. Advices from Louisville stated that this Is the earliest spring ever known In Kentucky end thHt In all probability new wheat will be ready to market by July 1. The July option was tinder considerable pressure during the Inst pert of the session, declining to 90c. Cssh news from all markets was bearish late In the day. The market closed weak, with May $1.124. Final quotations on July were Mie. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 134,700 bushels. Primary re ceipts. 61.1.100 bushels, compsred with 416, 400 bushels a year ago. Minneapolis. Du luth gnd Chloago reported receipts of 31 cara, against 218 cars last week and 311 cars a year ago. Notwithstanding the sharp break In wheat, prices on the corn market were comparatively Arm. At the start the mar ket showed some weakness as a result of lower prices st Liverpool and In sympathy with wheat. Iter shorts started to cover on small estimated receipts for tomorrow. Offerings, however, were light nnd In con sequence a firmer tone developed. May opened unchanged to Vc lower, at 4R5(8',4c. sold between 48c and 47tjA:c and closed at the top. rfcsl receipts, 42& cars, with 11 of contract grade. Weakness of wheat had a depressing effect en -the osta market. Oeneral liquida tion was a feature early in the day. Shorts were the best buyers. During the last part of the session trading was very light. May opened unchanged to lower, at 80iflnc,- sold between ao'vftflO'iie and closed at 80o. Local receipts were 152 cara. A large Increase In stocks and liberal receipts of live hogs caused .weakness In provisions. Trsdlng, however, was very light. At the close May pork was off 2 it 6c. at 813 77S4j. Lard and ribs were each a shade lower, at 17.077.10 and tH.S7fS.90. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 69 cars; corn, 425 cars; oats, 148 cars; hogs, 28,000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Artlcles.l Open. Hlgh. low. Close. Yee'y Wheat Sept.. Corn May.., July.., Sept.., Oats . May.. July.., Sept.., Pork May.., July.., Lard May... July.., Ribs . May.., July.., .14 1.18'l .8lOt4 atUooft, 80 S0W 12.72 12.87 7.K 8.87 T.07 1.1.1 1.12 1 0 ' 86 84 48 47 48 48048 48 48 80 30 9 & , 12.80 12.72 12.82 13.85 7.10 '70S 7.32 7.20 8.90 8.85 , 7.07 7.06 1.12 1.14 80l914k 84vi,8&tf' 48 48 48t?l48tf 4S48W 8M4 80 29 13.77 12.92 7.10 7.22: 8.90 7.07 30 13.82 12.96 ,7.10 7.2S 6.80 7.10 No. 2. ' Cash quotation were as follows: FLOUR Easy; winter patents, 36.0W6 .10; straights,' 14. 75 4.80; spring patents, 36009 i.40; straights, 4.404.80; bakers', 82.403.40l wheat-no. a spring. 31.osa1.13; No. s, 11.0201.12; No. 2 red, 81.131.16. CORN No.. 2, 47o; No. 2 yellow, 4c. OATS No. 2. 30c; No. 2 white, 32& 33c; No. 3 white, 3032c. RYE No. 3. 7878c. BARLEY Good feeding, . 3840c; fair to choice malting, 43j47e.- SEED No. 1 flax. 31. : No. 1 northwest ern, 3187; clover, contract grade, 313.35. PROVI8IONB-Mess pork, per bbl.. 112.70 01175. Lard, per 100 lbs.. W.ff7iS7.00. Short ribs .sides - (leoseV 86.7597.00: snort clear Hides (boxed), 37.007J2. Thereceipts snd shipments of flour and grain 'were as follows: . Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 28.700 36.100 Wheat, bu 62,000 , 28,800 Corn, bu ..443,400 242.200 Oats, bu 281,300 249.600 Rye. bu , 4 x T.908 Barley, bu... .... 60.600 6,800 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was firm; creamery, 20J7c; dairy, 18fiC3c. Eggs, strong; firsts, 16c; prime firsts. 17c; extras, 18c. Cheese, steady to firm, 12&13c. t. Loals Grala and Provisions. ST. LOUIS, Msrch 23. WHEAT Lower; No. 3 red cash, elevator, 31.04; track, 3114; May, 3104; July, 86c; No. 2 hard, 81.06'aj.O7. CORN Firm; No. 3 cash, 46c; track, 479 48c; May, 4Ao; July. 4646c. OATS F)rm; No. 2 cash, 8oc; track. 31 (&32c; May, 38&28c; No. 2 white, 33f4l8c. FLOUR Dull; red winter patents, 16.16.0 6.40; extra fancy and straight, J4.76ft4.9o; clear. 84.2Mf4.50. , 8 EfijD Timothy, steady, 82.00fl.76. COKN MEAL Steady, 4260. BRAN Dull: sacked east track, 8.11' 84c. ' HAY Steady; timothy, I6.00ftl3.00; prairie, 36.on moo. IRON COTTON TIES 86c. , H BMP TWINB-C. rnw ii9ivi"si rum, lower; joooing, 812 27. Iard, unchanged: prime steam, 36.65. Dry salt meats steady; boxed extra shorts, 87.12; cloar ribs. 17.00; short clears, 87.2fi. Bscon, steady; boxed extra short, 37.62; clear ribs, , 87.62; short clear, 37.87. POULTRY Chickens, higher; chickens, 11 c; springs, llc; turkeys, 14S16c; ducks, 12c: geese, 6c. BUTTER-Creamery. 22027c; dairy, 18 25c. EGOS Higher at 16c, case count. Receipts. Bhlpmenta. Flour, bbl. '. 9.000 9.000 Wheat, bu. ;. 27,000 , 65,ono Corn, bu . 94.000 , 79.000 Oats, bu 47,000 66,000 Philadelphia Prosare Market. PHILADELPHIA, March IS. BUTTER Stronger; extra western creamery, S9 Sue; extra nearby prints, 31c. EGOS Firm; nearby, fresh. 1", at mark; western, fresh, 17c, at mark. CHEESE Steady; New York full creams, 13c; New York full creams, choice, 13c; New York full creams, fair to good. li-fl' 13c. Minneapolis Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Msrch 23. WH EAT May. 3111W1.11: July. 31.07; September, bc; -No. 1 hard. 8116: No. 1 northern. 81.1;l: No. 2 northern, ll.0S. FLOI'H Msrket 10o lower for pstents; first patents, f6.10$.2o; vecond patents. 86.80 i.Oft; Mist clears, 3t.SBfl4.6u; second clears, e'.'.aOrS.W). BRAN In bulk. 314.26. Liverpool Grain and Provisions. LIVERPOOL. March 23-WHEAT Spot, eimuly; No. 1 California. Cs 10J. Futures, steady; March, nominal; May, lis 8d; July. 6s kd. CORN Wpot. firm; American mixed, new, 4s 4d; American mixed, old, 4s lid. Fu tures, quiet; March. 4s 3d; May, 4s 4d. Pearla Grain Market. PEORIA. III.. Msrch 33 CORN-Market lower; No. 3 yellow. 4tlc; No. 3, 46c; No. 4. 4.")He; no grade, 43c. OATS Market lower; No. 3 white, 80c; No. 4 white, 30c. Telede feed Market. TOLEDO, March :8. - SEEDS - Clover. Cash. 37.26; March, 37 86: April. I7.S0: Oc tober, &.W. Prims aisike. 87.a. Mrtal Market. NEW YORK. March 23-METAI.S-Lon-don reported an unchanged market for spot tin. which remained at jC125b, while future theie were a ahsrfe lower at A134 lit d. Locally the market waa quiet and without material change on the average, quotations . raiif tug from 829.70 to f.t ll,. Copper wss a little easier in I.onlon, nun stHit closing at :67 1i:s6d and futures at tii. Locslly the markvt was quiet) lake is still quoted at 3l6.3;4j 1 60, though It is said that III some Instances these uuo tatlons can be shaded on small lots; elec trolytic Is held at 616.254116.87 and casting at 61t.l7d 18.26. Lead is unchanged at 84.60 4)4.60 in the local market and all 8a td in London. Spelter, stesdler st a'21 10s In the London market, but was weak here, and closed at 4;.Ciit 10. Iron closed at 64s 6d in Glasgow and 49a In Miildleeborough. Ix rslly Iron la unrhsnged: No 1 foitndry northern Is quoted si I17SUM2I; No. 3 foundry northern. II 7.5o& iK.Oii; No. 1 fnun drv southern snd No. 1 foundry southern so". l'7TSil8 1t IT lil'll. Msrc h IS -MKTA! S-Iad, strong al 84 to. bid; sillier, dull at le 86. NEW YORE STOCKS AND BONDS Bear Party Eaids afariet in All Direction! in Early Dealing. WEAK HOLDINGS ALL SHAKEN OUT Later There le a Sabalaatlal Recov ery af Valaes Money Market le Kasler aad Call Loan Rate Lower. NEW YORK, March 28-The bear party fell upon the stock market In the early dealings today and raided prlcea In all di rections. The result was to shake out the weaker class of holdings so effectually that the nealth of the market seemed consider shly Improved and there were' substantial recoveries. There was a very notable revival of some of the rumora which have figured In the speculation of the advance when the check to the decline was effected today. For the few daya past that the market has been on the down grade the Interest in' these rumors has grown so feeble that it would be dif ficult to understand the previous force they seemed to have. On the recovery today the story waa heard of a coming merger of southern Iron companies, although new aus pices for the project were presented. The professional element amongst the operators nemcd convinced by the events of the last few days that a considerable decline In prices wss beforo the market still. This served to encourage the organisation of the bear party and the elubornte scale of .oper ations on which they proceeded. It wss be lieved from various Indications snd Intima tions that very extensive liquidation had been accomplished already on tU part of those who had accumulated stocks on the largest scale on the score of merger rumors. professed expectations of dividend Increases ana other Influences which had carrlea. prices to the excessive level before the re action. With this liquidation effected It waa assumed that the market would , no longer have the benefit of the powerful or gaulsed support which had guarded It un til this important speculative liquidation was concluded. The bears were, therefore, hopeful of Inducing forced selling by driv ing down prices. The events of the morning proved, tne Justice or their expectations. The extent to which the reaction had run at the low level of the morning Induced caution on the part or the hears and prompted larger covering, of short lines. The manner In which the rally waa ex tended alao suggested that a considerable element amongst the professionals had turned to the long side of the msrket again on the assumption that the market was ripe for a further rally. The day's fluctuations were almost wholly due to such considerations as these and news of actifal conditions bearing on values played little part In the market. Belief that the proposed stock transfer tax had re ceived a setback at Albany was accepted as good news In stock market circles. The assembling of the British cabinet was made tne occasion for the revival of explicit re ports of a movement among the powers to bring about peace In the far east. The break In the wheat market was regarded aa an evidence of good crop prospects. The spe cial movement in Colorado Fuel was an er fectlva factor in the rally and was based on subscription rights to new seaurtttes In a subsidiary industrial company. An In crease In the dividend rate by one of the great foreign copper companies was a sus taining innuence ror Amalgamated copper Baltimore fc Ohio was notably firm through out on Its good report of Februsry net earnings. The time money market became easier end the bid rates for short time loans were reduced again. Sterling ex change fell to a considerably lower level and the Bank of England returns showed another Improvement In English money conditions. The Inter-domestic demand for Tunas, however, shows signs of growth. and while there Is no scarcity of money, yet the attitude of lenders towards speculative oorrowers is not encouraging and additional care in the scrutiny of collateral for loans Is reported. Thla outlook Impressed the Deiier that stocks are not yet ready for any strong resumption of the upward movement and as a consequence prices moved In sn unsettled way, suddenly running off during the final hour In some cases the lowest of tne aay, and tnen rallying strongly and closing firm at about the top level. Bonds were Irregular.' Total sales; par value. 3.1.736.000. United States bonds were gll unchanged on call. Following were the sales snd .range of pripes on tne mocK exenange today: . Snlea.Hlgh.Low.Close. Atchison '..; 23.800 . 89 87 88 do pfd 800 102 102 102 Atlantic Coast Line.. 5,200 140 139 140 Baltimore ft Ohtq 16,400 108 107 108 Wtern Tnlon InO tf 82 83 Total ssles for the day. 1.488.S00 Sharea , Ex-dlvldend. do pfd Canadian Pacific Central of N. J Cheaapeake 4k Ohio., Chicago ft Alton do pfd Chicago O. W Chicago A N. W C. M. & St. P Chloago T. & T do pfd C., C, C. St. L.... Colorado Southern. do 1st pfd do 2d pfd.. Delaware & Hudson. Delaware, L. A W... Denver fc Rio Grande do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd ..' Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd.. Louisville & N Manhattan L.. Met. Securities Metropolitan St. Ry.. Mexican Central Minneapolis A St. L. M St. P. S. St. M. do pfd Missouri Pacific Missouri, K. A T..... do pfd N. R. R. of M. pfd 35.600 148 146 . 148 3,300 67 65 67 900 41 41 . 40 300 80 80 80 4.300 23 23 23 1.700 238 23ii 237 43,800 180 178 180 400 19 17 18 8.200 86 86 36 800 107'4 107ti 10714 1,600 23 28 ' 23 600 60 600 84 300 190 100 000 43.700 2. 4O0 2.200 1,400 200 33 88 45 80 67 110 60 34 84 187 188 .... JT5 83 88 79 66 10 27 169 27 ' "4 67 93 93 159 SI 800 28 27 27 800 64 63 6.1 13.300 140 189 140 e.wu 18 1D7V4 167 V 18,100 11.200 6.500 '600 600 10,600 400 700 SH 117 166 106 31 66 85 8fi 122 123 23 24 .... 60 117 117 166 165 195 100 30 20 ' 64 64 40 New York Central.... 66.100 160 1S8 lf9 N. Y.. O. A W 13.100 68 5H 67 Norfolk Western.. 6,000 ' 85 84 84 do pfd j2 Pennsylvsnts P.. C. C. A St. L Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Rock Island Co. do nfd St. T,. A S. F. 2d pfd. at. it. noutnwestern. do pfd Southern Pacific . do pfd :, Southern Railway do pfd Texas A Pacific. T.. St. L. A W.... do pfd I'niop Poclflc do pfd Wabash do pfd Wheeling L. E. ,.. Wisconsin Central..,. do pfd. Adams Express American Express.... T". S. Express Wells-Farao Knr Amalgamated Copper 83300 JO1.6O0 141 140 141 600 87.100 400 21,'o6 3,700 200 ... 1.600 . 64.100 . 1.100 . 7.600 100 . 5.900 . 2.000 . 1.SO0 .269.300 100 . 2.00 ' . 2.000 100 900 .100 82 84 92 31 79 w" 64 67 118 34 99 37 128 98 2i 4o' 18 23 61 80 82 91 82 79 6 66 117 .1.1 99 37 37 66 127 F9 w 44 ' 18 22 60 100 228 78 87 55 .16" 47 116 100 122 IV 4O0 1.1'rfl 400 12.6iO sofl 7t 6.701 8,7(10 ino ton 6 01 t s"0 1,0.0 wi !. I'M MO Man Si. win 700 61 67U 14 68 4; W4 77 10i 44 Hi 88 91 24t( i 79 M 3 41 111 8i 4 31 55 it." 45 1I5V4 9- 1fo 1?9 66 63 206 13 es; 40 184 21 76 38 100V4 4 109 37 91 247 19 70 2 w" 1 T-i 89 40 lirv. ; 82 83 91 89 81 79 70 ?5?I 63 66 117 34 99 87 38 66 99 23 45 18 rt 50 244 236 126 250 78 87 99 33 93 Amerlrsn C. A F 8.500 do pfd l.iuo Amerlrsn Cotton Oil. 400 do pfd....... American Ice loo do pfd American Unseed Oil i(6' do pfd American Locomotive 10.500 do pfd mo American S. ft R 28.5O0 ' do nfd i ut Amer. Sugar Refining 8.910 341 Amcr. lobacco. p. c.. (too 8,;'i nacoIula Mining Co. Sort 1)5 itM J1H Colorado F. A i.'.'.'.'.'.JOO B00 Consolidated Gas .... 1 o Corn Products 3 4 m do nfd R.too Distillers' Securities. 3 ii'0 -enerHl Electric ... International Paper . do pfd International Pump. do pfd National Lead North American .... f'jiclfle Mill t'eoples '.as Pressed Steel Car .... do pfd.... Pullman Palace Csr. Renublie Steel do pfd Rubber Gvods do pfd Tennessee C. A I.... t:. 8 .lsther dn pfd Vfl A4 i4 . . 1, t-e. 11 v IT. n. Tt ibber do p'd V. 8. Steel do nfd , Ve.-Csro. Chemical.. do pfd Elec. 410 180 ISO 42 47 11.1 100 121 141 85 67 2W 14 6.1 41 lt 77 M 85 84 100 43 9" ?47 JOW 78ll " - 'V 1? 101 V 40 li"; 84 UK U'l 1: 180 ew Yark Maaey Market. NEW YORK. Msrch 23-MONET-On call. Arm at iraVk rt cent; closing bid. 3 per cent: offered at 3 per cent; time loans, easy; sixty dsys and ninety days, 3M1' per cent; six monthe. 3 per rent; prime mercsntile paper. 3r4 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Weak. with actual business In bankers' bills at 14 857043 4 8575 for demand snd at I4.8WB4 8185 for sixty-dsv bills: posted rstes. 34 844)4.85 and M6ifl4 97: commercial bills. 84 83. SILVER-Bsr. 87c; Mexican dollars, 44c. BONDS Government, steady; Irregular. Closing prices on bonds were: C. I. ref. . rs....1 Jtrns M. rtfi. e eeapen Wk t N. uol 4i 1MK4 4o la. r( tM'J, v.nhitin e. g. e..l4 eonpos Mex. rtatni u.. new tm, rag le 1st ls So cenpm 1IJH mnn A St. U So eld , rs IMS M.. k. a T. 4. 4 coupon 101H1 4o l Am. a, ctf. US N. R. R. of at. t o t, ot ...117H S. T. C. (. 3 SI AtrhlsoB sen. 4s. . . . . .1MU N. J. C. I le... .. Mvt nd. r.cino ..I0IV 6s . ..l K. st W. e. 4s.... . . H o. a. u rtls. 4s. ..Ill Penn. con . II Reading gas. 4a.. 71 'St. U A 1. st railroad, . .Ml Jo adj. 4a.. Atlantic C. L. 4s Bal. A Okie 4a... do la fantral of Os. ta. Me 1st tne So Id lnc 71V, .... 144 4a.. M ....101 .... H 4a. U ....1M4 ....104 .... 1T, ....iniH .... rv, 1044 letH r. ta .111 rha Okie 4Vla....lM4 St. L. 8. 9. I(. 4a AUj rhlrago A A. '..... I2V4 St. U 8. W e. 4a ... I? '4 C. B A Q. n. 4s.... M'l hoard A. U 4a... C, R. I. A P. 4a.... 114 80. Pacific 4a fi do ml. ta 1114, so. Rsiiwar ft 114S 1 a s. 1. g aa .ioi'4, -Tnu a P. la in Cntraio Ttr. 4a 7 ,T.. St. L W. 4a rlarado Mid. 4s... 74j t'nlon raclsa 4a. rio. A tn rubs la. ctfa....;. n. ft. o. 4a.. nii.tlllera Ser. la. Brie srtor lien 4a. do gen. 4a r. w. n. c. ia Hwklng Val. 4ls...ll -iu. "uttered 9J'1 4a tost. ...! r. S. Steal M Is. .toj .. .11" Wihiih la do deb. R Western IM. 4a.. w. L I 4s .. Wis. Ceatral 4a.. ,ln .rn . MV4 .118V4 , M4 . , N . 94 Boston Storks aad Bonds. ROSTON, March 23 Call loans. 3fra per cent; time loans. 3i4 per cent. Official eiosing on stocKS end nnnds: Atrhlasn ad). 4a MVti do 4a lofH Me. Central 4a 7 Atchison de pfd 1011 Boston A Albany K Boaton A Maine 1M Po.ton ICIevaled 1MH Pltrbburg pfd 4 Mexican Central 13 K. V., N. H. A H....JOI Pera Marquette 1 Vnloa PacISc Ut" Amer. Arge. cnern do Dfd Amer. Pnev. Tube i Amer. Sugar ,...140 de pfd 1 Amer. T. A T 144 Amer. Woolen 2H do pfd 107 Dominion 1. A 6 MS ydlao Bleu. Illu ii Shannon Weatlng. common ., Adventure Ametaemated Amertran glntt ... Atlantic Bingham , Cal. A Herla (Centennial Copper Range Pair Weat , v.. Franklin I.. Orantr , z:Jl.ld Koraie Masa. Mining Mlchlcan Mohawk Mont. C. A C Old Pomlnloa Oeoeola .-. Parrot , ; Uulncv Oeneral Electric Maea. Kleotrlo do pfd , Masa. Oaa t'nlted Fruit United Shoe Mark.. de pfd U. 8. IKmI o PM Bid. "Asked. .114 .Tamarack .... . 11 Trinity . (2 S U. S. Mining. . 4s tr. s. 011...... .111S t'tsh . 87S Victoria , MS Winona . 4S Wolverine .... . 4t . so . Va . It T7 . 11 . t4 80 .441 . 17 . 75 S . 14 . 10 . H . 14 . 11 . U14 . im . S . (4 . MS . nv, .102 . TS .11 . 1 4S . . 40 S . 4 . iX .111 London Stacks and Bonds. LONDON, March 28. Closing quotations on stocks and bonds: Console, money ft I-1IIN. Y. Central. so account II i-Ii , Norfolk A W.. I do pld 0 Ontario A W... OMtlPanhaylvanla . 1I0' Rand Mines ... Anaconda Atchison do pfd Baltimore A Ohio Canadian Facile . Chee. A Oklo .... Chicago Ot. W.... C, M. A 8t. r... DeBeers Denver A R. O... de pfd Erie do let pfd do - M pfd Illinois Central .. Louie. A Nash.... M., K. A T... ..ins ... MS .. 14 ..1144a .. IIS .114 . M . 94 . MS . us . 10s . 4IS . 47 . 41 Reading do let pfd. do Id pfd. Southern Railway , do pfd 14 s 'southern Pscl8e .. US Unlos Paelle .. .. 44S do pfd ...... .. MS U. 8 Steel ..41 do pfd . .144S Wabaah ..144S do pfd . . i! 4a SILVER Bar. dull. 26 9-16d ner ounce MONEY-22 per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills Is 8 6-ltVq2 per cent; for three months' bills, 3 3-7 J per cent. ..102s .. MS ..1IIS ..101 .. US .. MS .. 23 .. 44 0 New York Mining Stocks. NEW YORK, March 23. The following are the closing quotations on mining stocks: Adams Cos Alice Brunawlrk Con ... Comatock Tunnel Con. Cal. A Vs.. Horn Silver , . Iron Silver LeadTllle Con .... II ... M ... 14 ... 4 ... I !! Little Chief Ontario Ophlr Phoenix Potoal , iSsvage ...111 .174 Uilerr Nevada Small Hopes , 4. uaasdud ..... I .121 .kid . I . 10 . 11 . II . H .11 Foreign Jriuaacial. LONDON. March 23.-Thdugh the liqulda tlon of the indebtednesa to the Bank of England lessened the supplies of money In the market today government disburse ments provided sufficient for the quiet de mand. The tendency of rates was easier. Trading on the Slock -exchange was quiet and practically featureless. The undertone was steady notwithstanding some Irregu larity In consequence of fears concerning the effect of actual and prospective capital issues. Consols a shsde easier. Home rail dull. Americana opened weak on Nets' York selling, rallied a trifle to above parity, eased later owing to lack of support, be came Inactive and unsettled and closed quiet. War stocks were steady on peace rumors. Imperial Japanese government 6s of 1904 were quoted at 1.06. BERLIN, March 23. The changes in the various departments on the Bourse today were unimportant. PARIS. Marrh 23. Prices on the Bourse today were Irregular, but at the closing were stronger. Russian Imperial 4a were quoted at 88.26 and Russian bonds of 1901 at 6.06. The private rate of discount Is 1 per cent. Statement Bank of England. LONDON, March 23. The weekly state ment of the Bank of England shows the following changes: Total reserve, Increase, 403,000; circulation, increase, 124.000; bul lion, tncresse, 626,828; other securities, de crease, 4,015.060; other deposits, decrease, 5,018,000; public deposits lncresse, 1,402,. 000; notes reserve, Increase, 308,000; gov ernment securities unchanged. The proportion of the bank's reserve to liability this week ia 66.06 per cent; last week it was 61.12 per cent. Statement Bank al Franca, PARIS, Msrch 23. The weekly statement of the Bank of France shows the following changes: Notes In circulation, decrease, 40,400,000 francs; treasury accounts current, Increase, 406.100,000 francs; gold in hand, de crease, 8.300.000 franca; bills discounted, de creese, 19,300.000 francs; silver in hand, In crease, 1,150,000 francs. 1 t 1 Treasary Statement. WASHINGTON, Msrch 23 Today's state ment of the treasury balsnces In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the 1150,000.000 gold reserve in the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balance, 3140,221,5.0; gold. 366,831,839. Bank t'learlnae. OMAHA. March 23. Bank clearings for today were 31,378,763.62. For the corre sponding day of 1804 the dealings were 31,863.486.09. Evaporated Apples aad Dried Frnlts. NEW YORK, March 23. EVAPORATED APPLES The market Is firm, though actual business Is moderate, owing partly to aiuntv offering of choice to Taney, while holders of prime are asking prices above the views of buyers. The common are quoted at 4itf5e; prime. 65c; choice, 641 0c; fancy, 7c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS.-Prunes, unimproved on spot, with buyers taking onlv small lots. Quotations for California grades range from 2c to 6c, while Ore gone re held as high as Tc for the larger sixes: Apricots, unchanged at 10cilc for choice, 1VI3c for-extra choice and 129 15c for fancy. Peaches rule firm at loftluo for choice, 1910c for extra choice and llj'12c for fancy. Raisins show no Im- Kiovement on spot, but sre quite firmly eld, owing to stronger advices from the coast. , , , . . 1 Cotton Market. NEW YORK. March 2S.-COTTON Spot closed quiet -r middling uplands. I Joe; mid dling gulf. 6 40o. Sales. 5)3 bales. LIVERPOOL, March 18 COTTON-Spot market aulet. prices 4fi8 points lower: American middling fair. 4.Q8d; good mid dling, 436d; middling, 4 24d; low middling, 4.1od; good ordinary. 3.93d; ordlnsry. 3.764. Sales. 3.O11O bales, of which 6u0 were for speculation and export, and Included 7 60) American. Receipts, (.000 bales. Including 8 80O American. NEW ORLEANS, March 23.-COTTON-Steady. Sales, 6,3u0 bales: ordinary, f 1-J6c; low middling. 7'i middling fair, 8-16c. Receipts. 8.417 be In; stock. 265 4 J6 bsles. ST. LOUIS. March 23.-COl'TON-Loweri middling, 7 ll-luo. Balea, none; receipts, nuns; shipments, none; stock, 44,911 bales. ' Oils stall Rosla. SAVANNAH. Qa..' March 23. OIL Tur pentine, firm, 63n. ROSIN-Firm; A, B, C. 32 77; D. $2.80; FS, 13.37: F. :2: . $3.iK; if. 83.i; I, 8:i.;.0; M. 84 60; N. 84.75; W fi, 85 00; W W. 83.16. OIL CITT. March 23. -Oil Credit bal ances, 81.38; cerdflcatea, no bid; Hupmenis, ii.'.H bbls., average 8.170 bbls.: runs, 76 4M bbls.. aversse 70.470 bbls.; Lima ship ments. 769cV bbls.-. 67 147 bbls.; Lima runs, 69.I96 bUl average 16 Ml bbls. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Csttl Beceipts Again Liberal, Beit Grade 8te8dj. Others Lower. HOGS SHOW A LOSS OF A BIG NICKEL Best Sheep aad Lambs A boat Steady. Others Meetly Five la Ten Lower, Greatest Decline Apparently Beta an Clipped Stork. SOUTH OMAHA. Msrch 4. ' Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Ofltoisl Monday 3.95 3unl 4.i6 Official Tuesoav J. 01 .iJ t.sfiS Official Wednesday 6.164 3,ny. 10.70 Official Thursday 3,90 11,200 i.t'O Four days this week. .17.131 31 9MI 33.781 Four days last week. . . .14.M5 27, 4-' i8,i63 Same days week before. 16. irS 37.2M 20,8.4 Heme three weeks sgo..lAn9 .18.4! 8.29H Hsme four weeks sso 14.161 45.4X9 y.-16 Same days last year. .. .18.918 27.133 39.190 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, with comparison with last ) ear; 1906 1904. Inc. Dec. faille 181.620 212,688 .... 30.868 loga 646.879 644. 0R 3.840 Sheep 366.018 4i,818 .... 'i ne following tuuiv shows the aveiage price of hogs st Soutn Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Mar. 1. Mar. 2 Mar. Mar. Msr. Mar. Msr Msr. Mar. Mar. 10. Mar. 11.. Msr. IX. Mar. la.. Msr. 14.. Mar. 16.. Mar. 16.. Mar. 17.. Mar. 18.. Mar. It.. Mar. 20.. Mar. 21.. Msr. 22.. Mar. 23.. I 1805. UrUt. 11808. 11802. 11801. 11900.11 4 0 6 141 1 "111 I AO af Ml 1111 V V 4 77 I 12 T C3 4 80 I (4 7 Oil I 8 871 7 12 88 06 4 AS. 8 13 4 S7UJ ft 1 4 8 . 6 lit, 4 6i 6 11 I I 75 4 80 4 M 4 90j 484 4 37 6 01 7 14) 7 2o 7 90 181 7 2.1 t ! v 7 30 1 8 4 68 6 28i 5 22 i 85 5 311 8 88 3 II 4 6 f S3 4 n 3 57 8 U d 741 I 6 16 6 25 6 IS I 6 041 7 11 6 04 7 06 . 4 uk i 1 1.. 8 08 j i 7 83 0 lZ't 4 m 7 4 6 07l 4 3.M , I 4 88, 7 45 81 a 11 8 v7 6 97 S 4 10, a 061 e 1 6 all 6 7 I 4 Ml 8 W i , 6 0i 8 69 8 I8 3 41 4 781 ti ij 4 4 79; 8 62 6 IS: s net 4 75' 3 43 a 111 6 61 4 79! 1 Se 6 66 4 86 3 Su 4 94 6 66) a 01 4 18 6 71 4 K4 6 K2 4 91 6 80 4 85 t 80 4 90 16 6 21 M 6 17 6 25 6 31 4 701 3 64 4 71 3 60 4 711 I 61 4 71 3 5 3 8 W 8 6 3 56 3 80 3 63 indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle, frogs Hheep.H'r'S. C, M. A St. P. Ry. .. ( t Wabash 4 Mo. P. Ry 6 2 .. 1 V. P. system 11 34 17 8 C. A N. W. Ry., east. 4 8 C. A N. W. Ry., west. 33 40 4 C, St. P., M. A O. Ry 23 16 3 C, B. A Q. Ry., west 36 34 7 3 C, B. A u. Ry., east 3 6 ' .. 1 C R. I. A P. Ry., E, 3 7 C R. I. A P. Ry., W. .. 1 Illinois Central 3 3 .. . C'hl. Great Western.- 1 .. .. Total receipts ....161 163 30 U The disposition of the day s receipts was as follows, esch buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. cos i.b'.f) 2.2N9 8,152 1,347 1,164 Omaha Packing Co. Swift and Company .... 1,143 Cudahy Packing Co. .. 9S6 4.302 Armour 4k Co. 3V2 2,947 vanaant Ac to 109 Lobman At Rothschild .. 78 Hill A Son 86 H. F. Hamilton 9 L. F. Huss 14 L. Wolf 21 Mike Haggerty 96 J. B. Root V Co 14 J. H. Bulla 8 S. A S 106 218 Z. H. Clarke 1 Other buyers 311 1.490 Totals 8,911 11,846 7,163 CATTLE There was a liberal run of cattle here -today and as a result packers made another effort to pound the market. On the good stuffs, however, they had to pay right around steady prices, thu de cline being confined Isrgely to the com mon and medium' grades. Trsdlng was rather slow, and us It was late before the market opened the day was well advanced before a clearance waa made. The market on beef steers could be quoted steady to a dime lower. Anything at all desirable sold at right around steady firlces, or steady to a shade easier. When t csme to the common or medium kinds, however, packers were bearish, and auch kinds had to sell StflOc lower In the great majority of cases. The quality of the offerings today could not be classed better than fair. The market on cows and heifers was slow, and except in the case of the choicest grades, which sold about steady the genersl market was 6610c lower than yesterday. Buyers were late In getting started, and when they did begin they took hold with little life except where a bunch Just happened to strike their fancy. The market on canners was particularly slow snd wesk and present prices are fully 26c lower than they were on Mon day. Tho demand for that class seems to be very limited at this time. Bulls were slow and In most cases a little lower. Vesl calves did not show much chsnge from yesterday. The market on stockers and feeders was fully 6i 10c lower and slow at the decline. The demand from the country so far this week has been ' rather disappointing, and as a result spsculatora did not want any more cattle unless they could get them for less money. The commoner the quality the greater the decline, but still all kinds suffered. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. 1... I... 11... 1... 1..., JI... 12... 11... II... 11... II... II... 14... 10... 7... I... I... II... li... 4... 11... II... I... i... 11... J... 1... 14... t... 17... ... t... I... I... I... 1... I... II... 4... 17... li... 10... It..., 4,. 1... I... 1... t... 1... 4... !... I... 9.... 1.... I.... I.... .... 1.... I:::: A. Pr. e. A. .... M IM 20 .1IM ,...IM IM ll.i 11.14 .... Ill 4 00 11 11M .... 116 4 16 40 10 ....130 4 14 II 11.11 .... 10 4 2 17 111! ..,.1041 4 U 42 1221 .... Ml 4 10 77 1251 ....1011 4 U ft .1400 ,.. .1(W4 4 IS II 1UI ,...1014 4 14 17 1114 ....1010 4 34 14 1107 ....1041 4 40 1 ....1111 4 41 10 13il ... .10(11 4 40 II tlftl ....1144 4 10 1 1610 ....1130 4 40 11 1440 ..till.. 4 40 15 1371 ,...1141 4 44 14 12U ....12(1 4 41 SO Ull STEERS AND COWS. ...,IIM. II 1387 1177 4 11 8'lfc.ERJS AND HEIFERS. 4 40 wws. im 740 1K4 1110 :0 ., no 1011 10 iio in (0 inwi lot 120 144 Ill , 1(0 111 I 00 I 21 I M I 11 I K I M I 1 21 I l I 14 I l I to I 40 I 40 I 7.4 I M 140 I It I. ...1104 ...inn ...10 ...104? ...1041 .. .1114 HI ...1100 ...1200 ...UM ...I2i0 ...1040 ...1142 ...1S04 ...inao ...1111 ...1131 COWS AND HEIFERS. ... 717 I H liElFJLKS. .. Ill .. Ill .. 611 .. 100 .. 400 .. 140 .. lil ..1114 .. Ill ..)4oe ..1444 .. 940 .. s:i I 14 I II I 40 I I 71 I 00 1 1 1.. 21... 7... ,. ... 1... I. BULLS. 171 1........ I 41 1 100 I ,. I II elTAOS. I 00 1 CALVMi. 4 11 1 ft 00 1. .. 7ti0 .. 741 .. 471 .. Ill .. 410 .. 710 .. 137 ..1114 . . Win ..1400 4 46 4 41 4 46 4 10 4 74 4 70 4 71 I 11 4 71 4 It 4 10 4 10 4 W I 04 I 10 1 14 I 11 I II I 20 I 24 4 90 I 40 I 40 I 10 I 70 I 74 I 14 I 71 I It 1 71 I M I IS I 15 1 m 4 0 4 00 4 06 4 M 1 n I 41 I 40 1 44 I IS 1 41 I 11 1 40 I 44 I 44 .1110 4 04 114 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 140 IM 7 HI 120 , 411 , 420 440 I 14 I 04 I 01 IS I 14 I 10 I 14 460 . 1 60 14. i: 44 14. 4.. W.. 7., 742 , 411 . 4l . 4J . 711 . IA2 . 471 .1011 ft 40 I 0 i 4i I 4 40 4 on 4 00 4 m 4 04 4 I HOGS There was quite a liberal run of hogs hero this morning, and. as Chicago was reported a big nickel lower, p.tckera took off Just about that much here. At the opening trading was very slow, but after buyers and nailers nnslly got together on prices it wss not long before the bulk of the offerings was disponed of. The market. If anything, showed some Im- irovement on the close, the Isst sales jtlng a trifle stronger lliun the early ones Practically everything was diiosed of before noon. A noticeable feature of the msrket this morning was the narrow rsnge of prices. Mont ever) thins; sold from to.uO to &.08. There were a few light and com mon hogs that sold from l ti to 34.97 and packers did not s em to ! nll(lng to pay more than VuV tr anything. Aa a result the range of prl ,-s was the nar rowest of the (. n. luprencnietive ssles: Me is ft Ke. . Ar 6k. I'r. I lit 40 IK') l'' 4! . . ft s 74 .!.; ... 4 14 11 4 411 I 03-4 44 Jii , 4 4 rr n tm ... I in 11 in ... 4 14... itt .... 1 44 J tT ... 4 e-L, JM 44 4 SI1 It iKI ... 41 T4 247 ... I 0f( t 114 ... 4 itv, n hi ... 1 w '4 85 ill ... 4 t7V J3 . . I 01 44 t4 117V ft 141 11 I 4)'4 ' 12 '4 M 4 1:14 71 It ... I Ta H II ... IM ? Itt . .. I 44 '4 44 It s ft o .14 til ... I S4 44 11! I I as 1 Kl 14 I et'e 4 IM ... I so 47 ;il 44 I 41 '4 kl SO IS II !H 110 I 4e 5 .10 40 I 0 It. 217 40 I t, 11 2? 10 1 00 it in I 0f M.. IM ... 1 0 17 21 44 IMS 11 to n 1 aa is 14 1M I sis 40 .144 IT 4 SO IS 141 . . I ! 74 It ... 10 Tl let 4 I SI "4 4 ml ... I 47 44 IMS 77 IM ... I 0 a W 1 I S 7 5-1 0 1 a . II Ill ... I4IS 14 tl o I 40 4 HI 4 I W4 St H .., 100 J 170 M 41'4 4 221 ... I 00 44 141 M I MS 10 207 Kl I SO 77 -M ... I V 72 114 . , IS 1 BV4 ... I ' 41 jel 'M IM 71 244 ... IMS II 10 ... I 0" 17 240 94 4ts I 14 IS 6 OS t 21 ... I 44 71 m ... 40 240 ... I 4 47 IS R IS II 14 4 I 44 71 in- ... I SO 14 M It I 41 14 211 ... I 00 It IM 44 T4 124 10 IW 44. .15 IK 1 01 1 Ul It 4 00 1', 14 ... I 0 0 Ill M I AO 42 Ill ... I 04 41 21ft ... I 00 14 20 ... I 06 44 254 90 I 0 II t4 44 I 14 S.'l ... 10 It 247 ... 4 4 1 ;i ...! 0 m w IS) 14 212 ISO ft 00 14 s.m ... I 0 74 4 ... I 04 II t? ... I II 70 Kl ... ft Ai) tl... 411 ... 144 U........J"t ... 1 06 4f 244 44 I 12 224 40 I 00 . ao 1 ... IN 44 :4 14 IIIS It .(2 124 I 44 71 211 ... ft 03S 4 217 ... 6 0 41 201 ... lots 4 IM ... IN II 251 SO I 02S II HI 114 ft 4 7 227 10 I 01 S I ! ... I 0 II 149 1 IMS 44 214 ... 8 04 SHEEP There wss a fairly liberal run Of sheep lit sight this morning, snd aa reports from, other points were rather un favorablo to the selling Inlet est, packers were Inclined to be besrlsh. At the opening, however, they all seemed to be anxious for a fen- choice grades, and auch kinds sold readily at Just about stesdy prices. When It csme to the commoner kino, however, the msrket wss slow and 6c to 10c lower. There was more clipped stuff on sale tliuu at any time so far this sea son and packers were more bearish on those kinds thsn on the wooled stock Some of the stuff that waa here yester day packers refused to pay stesdy prices for. Salesmen were not Inclined to make the concessions asked, snd aa a result u was late before a clearance was made. The lamb market was In much the same condition as the trade on sheep. Choice stuff could probably be quoted steady with the commoner kinds, such as feeders, buy ers did not wsnt, slow snd wesk. Pai't fat lambs of good quality, though, sold readily to feeder buyers st steJy prices. There were no fat lamba offered good enough to bring over 87. J8. or feeder lambs good enough to bring over 86.60. Quotations f.cted slock tlnod choice vesrllngs. 8l.40'a6.76; fair to stood year lings. I6.00tl6.40; good to choice wether. 8560Q8.76; fair to good wethers, S8.004M.bO: good to choice ewes. 85.0OV5.50: lair to good ewes. 4.505.00; common t. fair ewes. 84.08 4 10, good to choice lambs. I7.0ft37.26; fair to food lambs. It.76t7.00 ; feeder lambs. 16 08 6.ot. Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. 83 western bucks 128 8 00 80 Wyoming cull ewes 68 3 60 16 western ewes t 82 4 00 13 western Ismhs 66 500 47 western cull yearlings 77 6 10 469 Wyoming ewes 83 5 10 1.18 Wyoming ewes 99 8 10 201 western ewes ?5 6 30 460 western ewes 86 6 30 601 Colorado ewes 104 6 36 180 Colorado ewes 104 5 85 8 western ewes 106 5 bo 1 western ewe 100 6 60 3 western lambs 70 6 60 47 western lambs 67 6 60 90 western lambs 68 IW ir.'l western lambs 81 7 25 22 western cull ewes 92 3 60 10 Mexican cull ewes 79 8 6o 97 Mexican ewes 84 4 90 142 Mexican ewes 94 4 W 118 Mexican ewes 97 3 26 187 Mexican ewea 87 6 Ho 183 Mexican eyes 116 6 40 242 Mexican ewes 88 6 40 308 western ewes 116 5 bO 119 western ewes 110 6 50 3 western lamba 75 6 60 ' 66 western lamba.... 77 7 00 1 western lamb 80 7 00 667 western lambs 72 7 10 130 western yearlings 76 8 10 250 western lambs 81 7 26 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Strong; to Ten Cents Higher Hogs Five la Ten Cents Lower. 'CHICAGO, March 23. CATTLO Receipts, 7,000 head; market, strong to 10c higher; ggnd to prime steers, 85.156.26; poor to medium, 83.80435.00; stockars and feeders, 33.00tp8.75: cows, 31.8tHfj'4o: heifers, 83.00 tflo.Oo; csnners, $1.50(62.40; bulls, .60&4..0U; calves, 33.Oixa-7.00. - . M HOGS Receipts, 30,000 heed; estimated tomorrow, 25,000 heed; market 810c lower; mixed and butchers, 85.154J6.86; good to choice heavy, 85.2!Vft6.S7: rough heavy, 86 16 65.25; light, 35.10i.26; bulk of sales, 85.10 t6.30. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 14,000 head; market steady; good to choice weth ers, $S.75'f76.SO; fair to choice miked, 84.80 j.40; western sheep. 86.00flJn.8O; native lambs, $5.5O07.8o;. western lambs, 16.40 fjtf.SS. ' Kansas City l ive Slock Market. celpts, 4,200 head. Including 100 southeins. Maraei Bieauy, cnoice ximu beef steers, 5.26tK6.75; fair to good. 14.251 . . .1 .. . j tKfri'K AA .(Ar.(Ai-i a , WRHIVIH I' ll BUTIO, ........ - and feeders. 83.004.86; southern steers, 3.o0 QJ4.VU; souinern covco, i.ii.iui , $2.Oo&4.60; native heifers, $3.0u84,86; bulls,; calves, I:. 50-86.50. HOGS Receipts, ll.OoO head. Market 10c lower; top, $5.22; bulk of sales, 35.00fip5. 30; heavy, 85.22; packers, $5.10ojb.l7; pigs and lights. 84.4orfi6.bO. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2,500 head. Market steady; native lambs, $6.601Ji 7.60; nstlve wethers. $8.40f..80; native fed - ... . -.. . i i. ma tuw ewes, 44.ts.suo.oo, weiviei II fti-u inii.i.n, vv.v-rv 7.50; western fed yearlings, S6.0rxmi.80; west. -I - I . 1 S Art. . . . . 1. . .. .1 ern iea snwp, ev.euuv.w, iiiakciq aim era. $3.5006.60. St. I.ools Live Slock Market. ST. LOUIS, March 28. -CATTLE Re ceipts, 3,600 head, including 2.000 Texsns. Market strong; native shipping and export steers, $4.25i7.O0; dressed beef and butchers' steers, 84.16ifr6.60; steers under 1.000 lbs., 3.0O'o4.E0; Blockers and feeders, 42.50(54.60; cows and heifers, $3.1034.60; canners. $2.00 2.60; bulls, $2.75i&3.75; calves. $6.76.00; Tex ans and Indian steers, $8.0oig6.10; rows and heifers. $2.00(94.25. HOGS Receipts. 7.600 head. Market was lower; pigs and lights, I3.75-&5.1D; packers, If). 206. 3o; butchers' and beat heavy, 16.80-17 3.40. . HHEKP AND LAMHB- KeceiptS, 1.1,00 hesd. Market steady; native muttons, 83.00 4Y0.06: lambs, I5.004j7.26; culls and bucks, $:i. 7605.00; stockers. I2.CO173.&0. St. Joseph, live Stock Market. B r. Juntrit, . Aisron ;j. la i i L,e. tte relpts, 2.0X9 head. Market slow to stesdy; natives, $4.0O((f6.60; cows and heifers, $1.9Ua 4.65 atockeie and feeders, 3l.0nti4.65. HOGS-Recelpts, 6.SO0 heud. Market 10a lower; light, I. 005.15; medium and heavy, $.06!f(5.2o. BHEEP AND LAMHH-RecelptS, 6,937 head. . Market steady; lambs, 37.46. , ' glnns f'tlr Live Stuck Harkat. SIOUX CITY, Marrh 23.-(Speolal. Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts. MUM head; market steady; beeves, ;i,OiO,25; cows, bulls and mixed. 'i.6o4.o0; stockers snd u-edera, ,2.7eia4.oO; ale aad yearlings, $ HOiB Kecetpis, s.imi neaa; market steady, selling at S4 804j.10; hmk of ssles, $5,0046.05. Slock In Sight. Receipts of live stock st the six principal western markets yssferday: Cattie. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 8.800 11. .00 6,101 Hloux Clly 1.800 7,500 Kansas City 4,20u U.Ono 'j,.Vtj Ht. Units 8.5u0 7.511 ' 1,000 St. Joseph 2.0M1 6 806 6,997 Chicago T.Ooo 30,000 14,00) Totals ..1TJ,89 .74,005 59,187 rerttrlfugal. 4 ')".( ; centrlfugl whites, 8c; yeliow. 4M''4c; seconds. 3c MOI.A2Ert Vluiel ; open Heine. l..-Sc; centrtiuasl, 6i4c. Syiup. nominal, inc. ' OMAHA V4HOI.E9ALK MARKET. Condition af Trade and Haetalleas aa stapia a aai raaeg riet-tt, EGGS Mecelpts heavy, market steady; candleit stCHk, 16c. LIVE 11(1 L'I'KY Hens. 10o; young roosters, sccordlng to else. 18 lor. old roos ters, 64c; turkeys. ISc; ducks, Me. Bl'TlKR Packing stock, ltllTc; ckoka ta fancy daily, vc; creaniviy, ii.4.; pi'in is, ftc. FRfc-SH FROZEN FISH-Trout. 8c: pick erel, 6rc: pike. ; perch. &c; bluefish, lie; whiielish. 6c; salmon. He; redsnapper, 10c; halibut. ; cruppies lie; buffslo, 7c; white hsss. He; herring, ic: Spanish mack erel. He. Frog legs, per (Jos., 40c. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole sale Hay Dealers association: Choice No. 1 upland, $6.6(1; No. 2. $6.00; medium, $6oti; coarse, 86 00. Rye straw, 85 60. Theee prlcrs sre i. r iniy Oi s.u ro and qumh.j. HH4N-fer Ion. $17.50. . v OYSTERS New ork coutils. per can. 45c; extra selects, per ran. 6c; standards, per can. 30c. Hulk: Standards, per gal.. 11.40; extra Selects, per gal.. $1.46; New York counts, per gal., 81.90. TROPICAL FRl'lTB. ORANGES Call foriiia, ex.'rs fancy Red lsnd nsveit. ail sixes. 12 tor fancy navels, $2.3Mf2.40; choice navels, large, else D, 9. Hi 42.10. iauK8-California; fancy. $3 70: sou and 86o, choice. 270, . and M 88.60. HATK8- Per box or Jto-ih. tikgs.. 32 00; Hallowe'en, In 70-lb. boxes, per lb.. I'eojUc. r'IGt aiuornlM. per lO-.o. vsruii. e'fj 86c; Imported Smyrna. 4-crowr.- Ice; -crown, 12e; fancy Imported, iwashed). In l-io. pkgs., IVtJlMi. BANANAS I'er medlum-slsed burtch, I1.J6 Oi Mb: Jumbos, 3a.Wi-tt-4.0rt. - - GRAPEERCIT-Per box of M,to 84, $6.00. FKCITs STRAWBERRIES Florida, per urt. Al;rLEK-New York Raldwlns. $3A)ilIlJ5; Cclorado Wlnesaps. per bu. box, $1.75. HnAi r'.it--nii.i'ii MMiugxo. per .cg. li. TANGERINES California, per halt-Uox, $' 50 "CRANBERRIES Jerseys, per bti., $8.00; per box, $2 26. VEGETABLES. POTA TOM-Home gronn. In sacks, per bu., Hottli.v; Colorado, per bu., 46c. TC'K.Nil'o-Old, Pr bu.. 4wi; ftw. P dot., $1. J0. t ARROTS-Old. per bu., 40c; new, per dos., 76c. ' PARSNIPS Old. per bu., 40e. - - . BEANS Navy, per bu.. 32.10. CI Cl'MRERS Per uca., 31.7s4H2.U0. TOMATOES -Florida, per 6-baskt crate, $4.50lj6.00. bf i-ACIL-Per bu., $1.00. ONIONS Home grown, red. In sacks, per lb., 3c; Spanish, per crate. $'-5t; Colorado yellow, per lb.. 2c; Bermuda onlnna, per crate, $'.'.75; new southern, per dos., 45c. I.' A AGE Holland seed, pef lb., lc. 8"ERT PtlTATOES Kansas kiln uilcd, per bbl., $2.50. BEETS Old, per bu., 40c: new, per dos. bunches, 65c. CELERY California. 7S4J90C. RADISHES Hot house, .arge bunches, per dos., ti90c. . LETTVCE Per box of about fifteen heads, 60c. RHUBARB California, per lb., 8c; per box of 40 lbs., $3.00. PAltSLEK iJer rtox. bunches. 76e. ASPARAGCS-Illlnols. p- do- bunches. $.0O; California, white, per dos. of t-l. bunches, 35.00. MISCELLANEOUS). CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, 13 14c; Wisconsin Young America. 16c; block Swiss, new. 15c; 'old. 16017c; Wiscon sin brick. 15c; Wisconsin llmburger, Ho; brick cheese, 5i&1fic. HIDES No. 1 green, 7c; No. 2 green, 6c: No. 1 salted. 8c; No. 3 salted. 7c: No. 1 veal cair, 9c; No. 2 veal out. ic; dry salted. 71il4c; sheep pelts, 2bc$$l.00; horse hides, 31.6O-tl3.0O. NUTS Walnuts, Ne. 1 soft shells, new crop, per lb.. 16c; hard shells, per lb., 13c: No. 2 soft shells, per lb., 12c; No 2 hard shells, per lb., 12c; Pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 10c; pesnuts, per lb.. 7c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 8c; Chill wslnuts, per lb., 12fdlSo; almonds, soft shell, per ll., 17c; herd shell, per lb.. 16c; rheetnuts, per lb., 12-ffiac; new black walnuts, per fu., 751 90c; NhellbSrk hickory nuts, per bu., $1.76; large hickory nuts, per bu. fl 60. Wool Market. BOSTON. March 23 WOOL While tha Rorton wool market is considered by deal ers to be in a strong position, business la light In most grades. The demand as a rule favors the finer wools. The slow movement of domestic wools Is due In part to smsll available supply. Foreign wools sre In fair demand and moving rather freelv at sustained prices. Quotations: California. Humboldt and Merulorlno. 27i 27c; northern, 'choice; 2Ti5ts2Kc: average, It 02)o; middle counties, 16U20c; southern, 15 fll7c; Oregon, eaatern staple. 214322c; cloth ing. ISfilSc; valley No. 1. 26(g6c: territory, Idaho-fine. 19ifJ20c: heavy fine, 161117c: fine medium,- 19&20c; Wyoming fine, 1718c; heavy fine. Ii'iri6c: fine medium. 18lSc; Tjtali and Nevada fine, 17618c: heavy fine, 16-rtlAc; fine medium, 1718c; Montana fine choice, Zl(922o: fine average, J920c; fine medium choice. 21tfji22c; average. .19-3300: Colorado fine, 16?16c: fine medium. 16.&1TC. LONDON. March 23. WOOL The second series of the wool suction sales closed to day. A rood selection amounting to 7.973 bales, chiefly New Zealand, was offered. There was an active demand and the high est prices of the series were realised. Slipes were Irft better request, ' When tha series opened, merinos were urtrhSnred to 6 per cent cheaper, good qualities bringing the January rates. Later all grades weak ened, hut toward the close, under1 vigorous competition nnd a distinctly ' stronger tone, firke-halred Improved and at times advanced shove the January level. Medium and coarse eross-breds followed a like trend, declining 10i815 per cent below the first series, while the finest grades remained about unchanged to 6 per cent lower. Keen competition near the closing days brought about a reaction and a general advance of 5 per cent. Cape of Good Hope and Natal wool opned In buyers' fatvw, but recov ered; best snow whites were sesree sn sold at extreme rstes. The ssles closed strong. Of the 105,698 bales catalogued, 84. 000 bales were sold to the home trade, 70.000 bales to the continent, 6,000 bales to Amer ica and 20,000 balea were held over for the third series. The following are today's sales In detail; New South Wales, 308 bales: scoured, lodfyi jort; greasy., ittion. . . m AAA v i . J ' 4) it j a Queensland, 1,300 bales; scoured, ts 1d-9 1s 8d; greasy, 7&lld. Victoria. 300 bales: scoured. Is 2dfrls 6d; greasy. 6d-ls id. South Austrslla.' 100 bales: greasy, 74 9d. New Zealand. 6.600 bales; scoured. 7dff1s; greasy, 6dftls 2d. Cape of Good Hope and Natal, 200 bales; greasy. 8-jr(l. River Platts. 100 bales; scoured, 7dflls Id; freesy, 67d. -. - ST. IX)CI8. Msrch 23. WOOI Steady ; medium grades, combing snd clothing, 28 J26c; light fine, 11W:tc; heavy fine, 141 16c; tubwashed, 3037c. : Mllnsakee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. March 28 -WHEAT-10 lower; No.l northern. 31.14; No. '8 north ern. 81.0811.12: July, 90c. asked CORN V lower; No. 3, 46iS47C; May, 48--,c, asked. REAL ESTATES TRANSFERS, Coffee M.-rkel. NEW YORK. March 23.-COr'FEE-The market for futures opened stesdy at an advenes of (,lu points in response lo i higher European msrkets and predictions of lighter Brasllian receipts. Trsding wss fairly active and there waa not much mora of the switching that has been a feature recently, while prices shoasd some Im provement after the opening, owing to de mand ci edited to Wall slr-et houses ami for European .'account, . The oluae ' was stesdy at an advance of lo points. Salts reported of 86.260 bags, including March at l.'jic; May. iHitiiitc; July. tt!4t&M; Sep tember, , 6Wlti.Wc December. 7 087 I ; February, TJjjo. Spot, quut; No. 7 Rio, 'c. later aad Molasses.' t NEW YORK, March 38. SVG A R R w, nominal fair refining. 4c: cenirlfugal W teal. 4 27-3.'(: inolssnes ssigar, 4c. He lloed, dull; No. . b-4oc; No. 7, 4V40c: No.' 8, 6 3oc; No.. 9. 6 25c; .Mo.. 10. 6 2uc; No. II. 8 to--: No. 12. 6.04-; No. 13 l.c; No. 14, 4 !i ; oiifn tioiicrs" , A. i Kk-; mould A, 6 4o ; cut ioaf. 4.16c. ; rrusl. J.. 6.7nc; pflw dered, grsntilsted. isV: rultes, 4c, Mttl.ASbEM-Qiilel : New Orleans, opeii kettle, gr.ofl .-to choice. V9elX6e. NEW (I1LE A NS. Msr. h 23-SUGAR-Flrm; open kenlr, 34'e; oiien kettle Deeds filed for record Msroh 23, 1906." as fur nished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Farnam aireet, for The Bee: Rena Geppner to Mary Horen, lot I, block 62, South Omaha 3 5"0 George T. Morton and wife to Anna Hart, part In 7-16-13 .....i 3,300 Flora R. Bran to G. T. Morton, lot 3, 7-16-13 .' '....'." Ill C. Axford and wife to E. C. Axford, part of lot 5. Axford's add l.Oou Elisabeth Isrsen to F-ioma F. C' ' Wohlgren. lot 1, blot k il. Waliiyt . Hill " j W. F. Peel and wife te Mlllutl Trust ( company, part of lots 14 and 16. block 3. Park Place -. ,r t Llbhle C. Russell to R. McClellsnd, lota and 7, block 11, Wuterloo ' 1 H. J. Davenport to Elsie I). Troup,, . lot 66, Glses add 1 R. W. Innes to Edith H. Webb, psrt,, lol 7, Troup's vuhdlv 1 Edith II. Webb to Kstia E. Monrow, sstne property i "l Alvlna M. Aldrlch to W. II, Galea, lot 19, Winch's subdlv 325 E. Wakeley tp Sablna Wskelsy, uart lot 4. block 1. i lty .,. ..u... 1 Nsshua Trust oompany to J. W. Wll- bum. tract In 4-14-18 10 J. G. K nil n and wife to A. Kulni, part ef lot 2. block 9. Josha s ....'.,., 1 W. Kahre snd wife to , Qhye.' Ipt 3.- block 4. Im Pont Plie 700 Anne Knlnaatelt and husband to Anna Hume!, part of lot 21, blpcHIO. tie ml Park t l.ttM Edwards -Wood Co- iarerpori4Kl i , rUits OIllcs: Fl($h sad Rsrts StrMU ST. PAUL. fllNN. 0KAI.KRS IN Stocks, Grain, Provisions Ship Your Groin to Us Smash OOlee, I l Beard mt Ttada . Bldg., Osseba, Hak. Telephone r U. n 314 Exchange Bldg.. South OtaakaV tUU 'Pkaas 31A . iaAeneaAisBS TkiesvS