9 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET .- Whett Market i' Dull, but Atmow ,, Enpporti the Jalj. CORN SITUATION MEANS HIGHER MARKET Prlc of Cattle and II oa Will ttl on Grain Itearrve Loot in Intra Jalr Oat to ll Over .Vn, OMAHA, Mrch 22, 1905. C'udhy H rport.d u bo still jnn; ine vht lid Armour nii,por4lng the mrkf. The market did not tnaKe any ncldd lnovrnnt either way. There was a tendenrr toward lower level In the Jnlv, but Armour stopped the decline. Valentine bought about naif a million July about The trade m all loraj. Min neapolis haa been cloning up 'fie dlacount of that market under Chicago. A few aaya ago it waa 6c and now It la only 1S--. Liverpool cloeed with a luaa of c. 'The nv of the larger crop eatlmaie for Argentina atrengihened tne market for a time, but It waa not given very general credence and the effect wore away. Antwerp cloned without a change, Pari went up 15c to Sir, Berlin closed with an adance of c and Uuda Peath, lc. ThreaMng returns In Argentina ara claimed to ahow a crop of 4,(0,i) buahela. or ?t,nHA,ooo buahela mora than the crop of laat year. Kor that crop iH.oftO.fM) buahalfl wera exported, that being the heavleat on record. Carrying forward the same ratio, the export thla year would be 10O,nno,000 buahela. Minneapolis millers have advanced the price of flour 10 cents. Duluth haa eold 2fi.(l buahela of No. i northern wheat for Buffalo mills. The primary receipts are H'.nft), bushels, against 4o4.iX bushels last year, and the ahlpmenta are iSS.OUO bushels, against 2.0UO buahela last year. Corn bulls expect corn to go up beeause fat cattle are selling at 15. 13. hogs nt 15.46, receipts are to he light In a few weeka and the export demand la good. The caah handlers profess to expect the cash corn to go to a premium over the May. Country roads are bad and the receipts are getting lighter everywhere, and It Is expected they will be very small next month. An elevntor man who has Just come through northern Mlsaourl and southern Iowa Is quoted aa saying he mw only about 4f,0f") bushels of corn in crlba and that feeders were offering M cents for corn, and that no grain was being moved out. The primary receipts are moiO bushels, agalnat 3.noo buahela laat year, and the shipments are 474.0UO bushels, against 242,000 bushels laat year. Home oata handlers are claiming that the July will sell at a premium over the Mav. -They say northwestern hedges are being taken out of May and put into July. Wltn the Increase In stock more pressure will t broinrht for selling from the people mho have May to liquidate. This situation will. It is believed, depress the May market. It Is claimed oata aeedlng hua begun In cen tral Iowa two weeks to twenty days earlier than laat year. Omaha Cash Rale. WHEAT No. S hard. 1 car. 56 lbs., 974c; No. 4, 1 car. 63 Iba., 94c; 1 car. 61 lbs., Wc. COHN-No, , 1 car, t5c; No. 4, 2 cars, 444c Omaha Cash. Prices WHEAT No. t hard, tl.0fsn.03: No. t hard. 07c; No. 4 hard, SOfcftc; No. 3 spring fl. na. , CORN-No. 2, 45c; No. S, 45c; No. 4. 44c: no grade, 4)(g43c; No. 2 yellow, Vic; No. 3 llow, 44Vc; No. 2 white, 45c; No. 3 white, OATS No. 2 mixed, JOe; No. 3 mixed, 2?Hc: No. 4 mixed, 29c: No. 3 whit. 31c; No. J white, SOVic; No. 4 white, 2SVc; stan dard, 8Cc. Carlo. Receipts. ; Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 10 243 137 Kaoaas City. ,,' 34 U9 12 Minneapolis .....134 Duluth 10 Bt. Louis IS 137 47 Omaha 6 8 1 Mlaaeapolla Wheat Market. The range of prices paia In Minneapolis a reported by the Edwards-Wood company, llu-lU Board of Trade, was: Articles. Open. High. Low. Close.lBat y. Wheat j" ' 1 j alay... 1 14V.I 1 14' 1 12, 1 lit1,, 1 IS' July... 1 ion) 1 l tsi IwSi 1 J0' Bpt... HUSi aUHl 7VI 8?Vkl WH liRW YORK GKXERAL, MARKET latatloaa of the Dar on Varlona , C'Oramodltl-. NEW YORK. March 22.-FLOi:R-Re. celpta, 21,719 bbls. ; exports, 2,472 bbls. ; mar ket dull and lower to aell; Minnesota pat ents, o.86j.2u; bakers, $4.1iig4.b; winter r stents, $o.40(&6."6; winter straights, to.zotjj 30; winter extras,' $J.B.vg4.3o; winter low grades. H 4f.ft4.lu. Hye flour, alow; fair to food. 34.3004.70; choice to fancy, H.iut4.9o. Buckwheat flour, inactive, per W0 lbs., 12.00 JW.10. . CORNMEAL Steady; fine white and yel low, 31.26-tfl-no; ooarao new, 31.10)21.12. RYE Nominal; western, 80c. BARLEY Dull; feeding, 44V4C, c. I. f.. New York; malting, nxaotu c. 1. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, 2.925 bu.; spot market easy; new No. 2 red, nominal elevator, J1.18' f. o. b. afloat; No. l northern Du luth, 31.23H t, o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, $1.08 f. o. b. afloat. Although bull news was fairly abundant today, wheat acted heavy most of the aesslon and particularly after midday, when fine crop news from Kansas and unloading broke the market. Small northwestern receipts and higher continental cablea produced occasional forenoon rallies, but the orowd aold freely on all grain. Last price Were lc net lower; May, 31.13Hitil.14, closed at $1.13'',; July, 9t!;Vo. closed at 96-fto; Sep tember, f8t)14;i!H,c. closed at 8XH". CORN Receipt a, M.775 bu.; exports, 117, 524 bu.; spot market easy; No. 2, 60c ele vator and 6Xo t. u. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow, 54c; No. i whit, Mc. Option market generally weak all day, receipts being lib eral, commission houses good sellers and cables lower. The close showed o to lc net decline; May, MMeSf'Mtyc, " eloped at July, 54(664 &-16c. closed st 64c. OATS Receipts. 106,500 bu.; spot market eaay; mixed. 26 td 32 lbs., MWotfif, natural white, 30 to "32 Iba.. 37H&38Vic; clipped white. 36 to 40 lbs., SSjMOc HAY Easy; ahlppliig, 6U6T4c; good to cliolrei 90W87HC . HOPS Quiet: state, common to choice, 1904, 2tT30c; loos, 24fjTC7c; olda, lllSc; Pa clflo count, 1904 , 26329c; 1903, 25-Jj.tio; oldi llfllSe. . LKATH ER FJrm ; scld. 24C8c PROVIBIONS-Beef steady,; family, 312.00 18.00; mess. 39.59; beef hams, $22 0u',3.fi0; packet, Ill.OWjll.OO; city extra India mesa, ilt.OOfi 18.00. Cut meats, quiet; pickled bel lies. $; pickled shoulders, $f.0Uifi.n0; plokled hams, $S.,Vnj8.00. IrU, easy; west ern steamed, $7.35; refined, quiet; conti nent. $7.40; South America. $7.75; com pound. $4.7Hiu6.2o. Pork. Arm; family, $14.&W6.00; short clear, $12.7515.3t; mess. $l$.3TSfJ3.75. RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra, 16c: Japan, nominal TALLOW-Dull; tlty ($2 pr pkg.). 4V4c; country (pkgs. free), 4mr4o. BUTTER Firm; street price, extra creamery, 28c. Official prices: Creamery, common to extra, 27ra274c: creamery, held, oomtnon to extra, 2oS27c; slat dairy, com mon to extra, 19n26c. CHEESE Strong; state full cream, small, colored and whit fancy, 14c; stat tin, lSVkc; stat late made, colored and white, poor to choice, lOUfllic; state large, colored and whit fancy, Uc; stat fine, 13(3 1310; tat late made, colored and whit, poor t choice. 1012c. EGG 9 Firm; western firsts, lc; western seconds, 17c. POULTRY Alive, steady; western chick. fns, Ho; fowls, 15c: ' old turkeys, 16os. reased. firm: western qhlckens, 10&12o; fowls, 140 i turkeys, 15620c. Kaasas City Orala and ProTlaloa's. ' KANSAS CITY, March 22. WHEAT-" May. 97V4c; July. 80Hf0Se; cash, No. 3 hard. $l.O4O1.06; No. 3, 31.01&I.06; No. 4, 9-V C$102; No. i red, $1.0441.07; No. 3, $l.fc 1.05: No. 4. 92r$1.01 CORN May, 4c; July, 44V; rash. No. t mixed. 4tVf46V4c: No. 8. 46,'4lic: No. 1 while, 4yo4tc; No. 3, 4?46'..e. OATS-No. 1 white, !,'aHc; No. I mixed. 824fcC. R X E 7Sc. . HAY Steady; choice timothy, tt&OfrlO.OO; choice prairie, 3T.75iiil.00. BUTTER Creamery, 22026c; 'packing, 18lfcc. ivGGB Weak; Mlsaourl and Kansas new No. 2 white wood cases Included 14Ho per dosen; case count. 134c per dosen; uusss returned, Ma per dosen less. . . Receipts. Bhlpmenta. Wheat." bu 45 Kt 4,31 Corn, bu 4d.t 48.M1O Oata, bu. ., 16.000 14.000 Mllwaakee nrala Market. MILWAUKEE. March I!. WHEAT Bteady; No. 1 northern, $11; No. 3 nurth em. 3i.lJ4il.nH; July. lV,r bid. . RYE-Hteady: No, 1. $mc. 1 HARIEV-Uulet; No. 3. 61o; sample. 30 loc. CORN'-tio lower; No. 3. 47ifllTic; May, 49 Wc Md r " 111 , ' . f ! Dalath Vrata Market. PULVTH. March 2S i Wfr ATl-Yo sr. tivs; No. t ooflbrn $l.uf; No. 1 northern. II fldfll oH;Uj-, $1 10; July, 31.01,; Beptrn l,er. 7'c. OATa To srrlvfj and on track, 2Sc. Clllt AOO GRAI . ATJ rROVISIO9 Peatares of the Trading a ad Closing Prices ea Rnar4 at Trade. CHICAGO. March 22. Report from Okla homa and Kanm claiming almost perfect romlltlon in fall-sown whfat Tiad a weak ening Influence, on price here today. At the close wheat for May delivery was oft c. July la down an even cert. May corn show a loss of S oats are off MiSe and provisions are practically unchanged. The wheat market opened easy, mainly as a result of excellent weather conditions throughout the smith west. May was 'o c lower at $1.15tyl 15'. July waa a shade lower to a shade higher at 92Va92o. Pit trarier generally Were Inclined to sell the July option. A large provision firm was an active seller of May early In the day aa a result of which the prlre of that delivery declined to $1.14V At the same time July sold off to 9:c. letter on htavy purchases bv a iPHiilng bull caused July quirklv to advance to 93c. Msy also rallied, selling up to $1.15. News ftom the southwest, how ever, was exceedingly heart h, advices re garding the new crop showing the condition lo be nesrly perfect. A report from Okla homa City claimed the condition of winter wheat In that territory to be 100 per cent. Reports from fifty points in Kansas ahowd an Increased acreage with conditions prac tically perfect. News of cash markets also was of a bearish character, especially from Kansas City, where demand was very light. The market weakened under the In fluence of these sdvlces. May declined to $1 I4i and July to 91c. The close was near the lowest point of the day with May at $1.I4H. Final quotations on July were at 91S'&91c. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 17,000 bu. Primary receipts were 21,30 bu., compared with 404.100 bu. a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chi cago reported receipts of 154 cars, agalnat 179 cara last week and 277 cars a year ago. Lower cablea and larger receipts than ex pected caused moderate weakness tn the corn market early today. Later the market became still weaker in avmpatltv with the decline in wheat. The Impression pervaded in the pit that Wall street Interests were free sellers. May opened unchanged to lower at 4Hftr4)(Tc, sold off to 4!'e and closed at HKc. Local receipts . war 243 C". with two of contract grade. Sentiment in the oat pit waa decidedly bearish Increased stocks and a letup la demand for feeding purposes due to milder weather were the main factors May opened a shade to Vufcc lower at 31V(j31V,c. sold off to :1044c and cloaed at 3oie. Local re ceipts were 137 car. 11 Pro.vllna were ea.y on heavy receipta of k i"f"-. ,Mxl0'ate support from packers ' " neciming tendency. At the rh' My Pr oft 2 VI 5c at $12rd; l-'.Kjty. I.ard was down 2Ue at $7 111 ribs were a shade lower at $1.90. 1 Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat SeaT"' Car"; "t9- m C"Bi ho"' The leading futures ranged as follows) Artlcloe.l Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yeft y Wheat May July Sept. Corn May July Sept. Oa ts May July Sept. Pork May July La r1 Mil v July Ribs May July 1 I 49 I 1499'sl I80H44I 11SH 114 J 114H1 1W 93 Div!l?. mj.. ' 31 14 30V 29 12 2H 12 90 13 00 I 13 00 7 12V 1 to 90 7 10 4'l 4fc 4Ti 49H -. SHfi S 4!V7jH9'i 494 3q 1 4K V0 I4 i,CQ I 7 12H 95 7 16 30 SOU 2Vs, 12 R0 12 92H 7 20 W 31 146 4 3tO4 30Thiti.il 29Mi2S-eH 12S2i JZ 96 7 10 7 25 R"tt! 90 7 07m 7 10 12 35 13 U0 7 274 7 J2V 6 924 7 12V4 No. t. . , " ' " C'!sJ5.,,luotatlon" w'rB a follows: . , J-'R Easy; winter patents, $5.0Oa6.10: straight. 84754.90; spring patents. $looa 6.40; straights. H404.80: bakers', $2.4063.45. V, HEAT No. 2 spring. $1.1081.16; No 3. $1.02(01.12; No. 2 red; $I.15U8!1.17. CORN No. 2, 47c; No. 2 vellow, 47Hc 2AT8-No- 2l MVieVic; No. 3 white. 30 RYE-NO. 2. 784c BARLEY Good feeding, 8840c; fair to choice malting, 43047c. 8EED-N0. 1 flax. $1.25; No. 1 northwest ern. $1.37; prime timothy, $2.?0; clover, con tract grade. $13.85. PROVISIONS Meas pork, per bbl., 312.70 "12.75. Lard, per 100 Iba.. $7. 0007. 02 4. Short ribs aides (loose). $a inUM 7.00; short clesr sldos,iboj'd)r.$7.)07.12H - " The receipts' and shipments of flour and grain were as follows: , . Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 39.400 $2 500 Wheat, bu.., 69.0O 47i400 Corn, bu 705.000 lo Ton Oats, bu , 422.000 1S1.?01 n.ve. ou i... 8,noo 11.W0 Barley, bu ..134,800 43.000 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was Arm; creamery. 2ffcle dairy. 18i923c. Eggs, steady to Arm; at mark, cases Included. 16ic: firsts. 16c; trim ri t ntu-. anB l -1 . I S- . -w., . . u ... . i . iicvsr, rra, i:fl3V,c. nt. I.ools Grain and Provisions. ST. LOUIS. Msrch 22-WHEAT-Lower; No. 2 red, cash, elevator, 31.06; track. 3114; jMay, 31.05T,; July, 86; -No. 2 hardi CORN-ower; No.' 2 cash. 46Wc; track. 4Sfi4Kc; May, 46Vic; July, 4Hc. OAT9--Lower: No. 2 cash,' 30Hc; track. S2c; May, m⪼ No. 2 white. 33 834c. ... v I.OUR Moderate; red winter patents, $5.1516.40; extra fancy and straight $4,754 4.90; clear, $4.254.50. TIMOTHY 8EKI-.?2.0O2.75. CORN MEAL Steady; $2.50. BRAN Dull; sacked east track, 83r84c. HAY-Steady; timothy, $6.00(613.00; prairie, t6.00ffT10.00. IRON COTTON TIES 96c. BAOOINO 7".c. HEMP TWINE 64c- ; PROVISIONS Pork, lower; Jobbing. $12.30. Lard, weaker; prime steam. $6 55. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra aborts, $7,124; clear ribs. $7.00; short clear, $7.26. Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts. $7,624 clonr ribs. 37.6?4; short clear, $7.8"4. POULTRY Chickens, lower; chickens and springs. 10c; turkeys, 14WI0c; ducka, 12c; geese, 6c. ; BUTTER Firm; creamery, Efi274c: dairy. 19&26c. ... . ... ,'",' EGGS Higher; 144c case count. Flnirr, bhls. Wheat, bu. . Sorn, bu. .. ats, bu. ... Receipts. Shipments. 9.000. 16,0 19.001) 93.000 137.0frf) 63,f,io 47,000 96.000 Mlaaeapolla Oralis Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Msrch 22. WHEAT Mav. tl.ISS: Jtily.t1.0Vtl.H; September, 874fc87i4c; No. 1 hard. $1.16; No. 1 north ern. $1.14; No. 2 northern, $1,114. FLOUR First patents, $8 20(36.30; second fiatents, $6.006 10. Cash wheat, continued o rtile quit strong. With price firm; No 1 northern aold 2c over May: No. north ern. Ifil 4c under; No. 3, $1.0131.06. BRAN In' bulk. $14.26. PhUaaelBbl Prolaet Market. PHILADEIjPHIA, March 22.-BUTTKR Scarce, advanced 'Htflcr extra western creamery, 29c; extra hear by prints. Sic. EOOS Firm, good inquiry; nearby, fresh, 17c at mark; western, fresh, 174c at mark. CHEK8E Quiet steady; New York full creams, fancy, 18c; choice, 134c; fair to good, 12.613Ko. Liverpool Grain anal Provisions. LIVERPOOL, March 22. WHEAT Spot, steady; No. 1 California, 6s lod; futures, quiet; March, nominal; May, te ti'.d: July. 6a 94I. CORN Spot. Arm; American mixed, new, 4s 4d; American mixed, old, 4s lid; futures quiet; March, 4a 3Hd; May, 4s 4d. Poor! a Grain Market. k PEORIA, March 22-CORN-No. 3 yel low, 47UC) No. 3, 47c; No. 4, 4tiVo; no grade, 44c. OATS Lower: No. 3 white, 31c; No. 4 whit, 304c. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. March 22.-COTTON-8pot Cloaed quiet, 10 point lower; middling up land. 3. 16c; middling gulf, $.40c; aales. 111 bales. NEW ORLEANS. March 22.-COTTON-Kaay; salea, 4.K0O bales; ordinary, tl-lc; good ordinary, i'c; low middling, 7c; mid dling. 74c; good middling. 7c; middling fair, 8 1-I6c; receipta, 12,129 bales; stock, 26.779 I xi lee 1 LIVERPOOL, March 22. COTTON Spot, moderate business done; prices 6 points lower; American middling fair. 4.72d; good middling. 4.40d; middling, 4.2d; low mid dling, 4 14d: good ordinary. 4d; ordinary, 3 84.1. The salea of the day were 8.0o0 balea, of which 600 were for speculation and ex port, and Included 7,609 American. Receipts, J.ixi bales: Including l.VW American. BT. IXiUIS. MarcTi 22.--COTTON Ouiet: middling. 74.0 : aalea. 67 balea; receipt. 100 balea; shipments, 761 bales; stock, 44.916 bal.'S. - ... C7ee Mrrket. NEW YORK. March 22 COFFEE Mar ket for futures was steady st unchanged Prices to an advance of 6 points on steady :uroiean cahles and rather smaller He silUn receipt. Sales reported. 116 IH bags. Including April at JV: May. tftc; July, 6 4S6 60c.- August, 6..14ICiOc; September, tH4i October. 8K : ' December. 8 80 (0c. Slot, Rio, No. 7, uuiel, at 74c NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market it Irregular and Lerel of Values it Much Lower. LITTLE OUTSIDE DEMAND FOR SHARES Speeelators Sot Prepares! to tarry Their Contracts for Long I'erloa Attempt to laloaa. NEW YORK. March 22 -Th growing In dlrterenc of the demand for stocks has a chilling effect on speculative sentiment, and the level of prices waa let down con siderably further today In spite of the Ir regularity ot the market. Tne fluctuations were largely due to the activities of the board room traders of the larger class, whose position was occasionally shifted in the progress of maneuvers designed prob ably to evade an undesirable following. Thla shifting progress Involved the buying of stocks now and then, but there waa no evidence of positive, strength In the mar ket at any time. The growing conviction that no aggressive upward movement is to be looked for in tne immediate futur prompted considerable throwing over of securities by holders not prepared to re tain their contracts through an indefinite decline. The entanglement over Venesuelan rela tiona continued to be the subject of dis cussion, and while no ground was per ceived for Immediate aiarm, it wan felt that the progresa of affairs concerning various powers In interest offered a deli cate situation with room for troublesome developments. The action taken yester day by the directors of the Corn Produce company in reducing the dividend on the preferred stock had a decidedly unfavora ble influence, especially coupled a. it was with the pessimistic remarka of th presi dent of the company on conditions In that trade. The shutting down of sugar re ftiieriea was cited aa a parallel to show that trade might not be undevlatingly prosperous In all lines. The pervt.tent heaviness of the United States Steel stocks, in spite of all the glowing reports of the enormous demand for Its products, has a discouraging effect on the advocates of higher prices. The merely nominal Im provement Indicated In tne New York Central net earnings for .the March quar ter, although compared with a period last year of extraordinary nDsiaciew 10 uim portatlon, win not relished. More attm-' tlon was paid than recently to the appar ently officially Inspired disclaimers of sorntJ of the lately prevalent rumors of Intended dividend Increases, and stocks which have moved under this influence were notably heavv. Importance was attached to the news from Albany as promising the sue cess of some of the measures of legisla tion which are feared for their effect on securities. The foreign news also failed to offer sny sustaining Influence for stocks, and some fears were reported of closer monev conditions In London, which would endanger the hopes , of relief from thst quarter bv gold Imports, which were be ginning to be indulged. A Russian loan was reported once more to have been negotiated In France, and the imminence of another Japanese issue was also taken account of for the requirement on the monev markets, especially In view of the reported participation by American bank ers. In the case of the last Japanese loan these subscriptions Involved ship ments of gold to Japan. The first transfers of currency through the sub-treasury to New Orleans for the season marked the beginning of another cause of draining New York banking re serves. Bub-treasury requirements also in clude large payments for internal revenue collectlona. which are made on drafts rrom Interior centers where the collections are due. and which represent In that way an Indirect drain on New York reserves for the benefit of the Interior. These develop ment Impair any confidence that call money will fall buck Immediately to Its recent extremely eaay condition. The pressure upon the stock market Increased progressively. n was most severe In the closing transactions, the trading ending on a rapidlv descending scale of Pices, losses extending from 14 to over 5 points for manv of the leading speculative 'tacks. . Bonds were heavy. Total sale par value 32.925.000. United States old 4s and new 4s registered advanced 4. 'tne new 4s coupon and 3a registered 4. the 2s 4. and the Ss coupon V, per cent on call. tvtiinariTi were tr.e salea and rang 01 price, on the Stock J, ....... i ano 1ML Sit Xft trhlson do pfd M...... Atlantic CoastiUne. Baltimore & Ohio... do pfd Canadian Pnclflc ... Central, of N. J Chesapeako & Ohio.. 41.900 Chicago & Alton 400 rio -Ifll 1 Chicago Gt. Western 4.000 33.900 4 W "0 'tm - '101:4 2.500 1414 40 15,900 108'i 1074 200 974 '974 26,300 1484 1464 400 2394 288 35.900 I80H 1WT1 6.900 19 18 7.000 34 8 2,3110 100 107 2,100 244 2 100 604 my T.466 i90" 188' 1.600 24.300 2.400 2.400 S.OOO 160 159 100 274 274 4.2O0 1414 1404 1404 llfll lli! 87H 8f4 85 124 1224 1224 24 23 244 624 624 K04 118 1174 117 167 1651 W 1074 106 108U 314 - 304 6544 64 6414 40 162'i 1594 1M4 61,900 81 .900 ' 600 100 t,100 38 Chicago N. W C, M. of- r. Chi. Term. T do pfd C, C. C. A St. L Colo. A Southern do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Delaware & Hudson. D. , L. & W Denver A RtoGrande do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd Louis. A Nashville... Manhattan L Met. Securities Met. St. Ry Mexican Central .... M. A St. L....I M.. St. P. A S. S. M.. do pfd Missouri Pacific M.. K. A T do pfd - do pfd N. Y. Central N. Y.. O. A W Norfolk A Western.. do pfd Pennsylvania V.. C. C. A St. l Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Rock Island Co do pfd fit. L. A 8. F. 2d pfd. St. Louis S. W do pfd Southern Pacino do pfd Southern Railway 1.. - do pfd Texas A Pacific T.. St. I,. A W do pfd Union Pacific : do pfd Wabash do pfd W. A L. K Wisconsin Central .. do pfd Adams Ex American Ex United States Ex.... Wells-Fargo EX Amal. Copper 110.500 Am. Car A Foundry. 8.8110 do pfd 2,100 1004, Am. Cotton Oil 600 34 do pfd Am. Ice 400 54 do pfd 3"0 39 Am. Linseed Oil do pfd Am. Locomotive 12,no 48 do pfd HO 116 Am. Smelt. A Refng. 39.200 101 4 do pfd 60O 122 Am. Sugar Refng.... 7.900 14144 Am. Tobacco pfd ctf. I.R11O 94 Anaconda M. Co 200 118 Brooklyn R. T ., 15300 Colo. Fuel- A iron.... 24,700 Consolidated .Gas 1.200 Corn Products 106.300 do Pfd ; 6.600 Distillers' Securities. t&O General Electric 1.000 International Paper. do pfd , International Pump. do pfd National Lead North American .... Pacific Mall People's Gas Pressed Steel Car... do pfd 80O Pullman Palsce Car. 4o0 Republic Steel 4.100 do pfd t.100 Rubber Goods ) do pfd 7.700 . Tenn. Coal A Iron... " V. 8. leather 100 do pfd 700 U a. Realty ft) U. S. Rubber 9nn do pfd 600 V. 8. Steel ,. i1.7irt 100 230 230 1.900 200 . J5 9o0 . 8.300 . 12.100 144 65 41 s 1874 224 J5 IO04 46 6.8O0 1114 2.200 88 934 349 21 15 26 914 1044 94 414 11144 55 tx 334 "54 38 464 116 90S 121 1405 i 118 6T.H 524 205 124 624 1874 214 864 . 38 I004 44 1094 88 9l4 24 r4 09 1164 994 121 1404 v, 116 654 53 2o5 13 624 iXt 4 77 sn; 4 88 1004 iwil $714 92 247 19 14 774 774 4ft 144 r. 104 91 40 33i 9314 2544 9V4 M9 IS 104 91 40 1104 33 9:w, 3344 do Dfd 4. V.-CeroJlna Chem.. 800 An- pfd " 1074, WC4 -VI74 Weartnhoiiae Else... ISO W ". lw Western Union ..j... 300 W4 w ..B2 Total sales for ths day. 1.331. 40 shares. general fund, exclusive of the $iWV.wflon gold reserve In the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balance, $139,644,311; g.ld, $96,509,700. ew Isrk Money Market. NEW YORK. March. 21-MONEY-On call, strong. 3W3t per cent, closing bid at 34 per cent, offered nt 3 per cent. Time loans, steady: 60 days, 90 days and 6 month., 34 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-3ti4 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE-Easy at re coverv. with actual huslness In bankers' bills at $4 8f4.Jo for demand and $4 4 fit. 8410 for ao-dav bills: posted rates, $4.85 and $4 97; commercial bills. $4.83. SILVER Bar, 58c; Mexican dollars. 44.c. BONDS Government, strong; railroad, heavy. closing prices on bonds were: f. . rf. it, reg....l"44 Jpn n. rtf An mupoa da ts. r. So ceuprtn So new 4t, So fnupon 4n aid 4. 4a coupon ldj .l"" L N. anl. 4 IM'4 t4 Manhatiin r. 4...1"4 I4H Me. central 4i 7 112 on 1st lar H 192 Mlns. A St. L. 4.. M KXH M.. K A T. 4s til .! do ti U4 As.. TobsfO 4s, ctfl. 14 1 N. R. R. of M. c. 4s. :'-t .III14 N. T. C. f. v,t 1W ,.1M N J. r na .. MH No. paelne 4a 104 ,.1114. do 7'i .ind N W. f 4a inS . H " S. U rfds 4a 'H ..IIS iPenn. eonr. l4,a . M Readlnf sen. 4a lit . 71 H St. L. A I. M. c. a..lll do 4a. i t fa Atrhlaon sen. 4a.,... do adj. a Atlantic r. U 4a.... Bal. A Ohio 4s so tf Contra) of Oa. as... do 1st tne do Id ln? Ch. A Ohio 4Ha.. (talraso A. ta.. C, B. A Q. fl. 4a.. C, ft. I. A t. 4a.. do rel. fta C(T. it. U i 4a Chlrato Tat. 4s Colorado Ml. 4 71 11 a 10a rarine oa... Colo. SO. 4s. MV do conr. 4a Can ta, rtra .1W4 '' Bteol Id ta D. A R O. 4a miH'ahaah la ....... niatlllera' Sac. I m do dab. B grl prior lfa 4a...,10n Weatarn Md. 4a.. do (an. 4a MMW, t U It 4a... r. W. r, c. la . ..Ho Wis. (.'antral 4s... Hoc Ins Vsl. 4VH.... 1101 OftereO. 1044 St. L I I f . fs. 4a. u4 u St. b. 9. W. r. 4a.... U ' Saloar X. U 4a... HIT, So. r-actflc 4a 5H M So Rallwar (a lilt 101 Taxaa A P. 1a 12 7 iT.. St. U W. 4a.. M ...lot t ...ISO, . .. tat vllav, ... 12 ,.. m ... i ... S Boston Stock aad Bonds. BOSTON, March 22.-Call loans. SfttH per cent; time losns, 3V?44 per cent. Ofhclal ciostna? on siocss snn oonos: Trasaarr tateaaeat. ' ,. WASHINGTON, March JX - Todsv's statement o( U Uury balances la th Atrhlsmv sdj. 4a. '.... S do 4a W...101H Mai. Tentral 4a ! Atrhlaon . do. -Dfd IDiia Boatnn A Alhanr Rnaton A Main i1 RoMnn Eierated 1M Kllchturf pfd .14f. 4 Mexican Central i N. V.. N'. H. A H....0 Per Marquett 10O t'nlon PacISc 12IH Amer. Arf. Lharn... in do pfd Tube. Amr. 8usar do pfd A 1 Amer. "VVoolan do pfd Dominion I. A 8... Rillaon Rlec. Illu... CTnarab Klectrle .., Maaa. Klectrle do pfd Maaa. Gaa Vnlted Fruit United Sho Mach.. do pfd I'. 9. flea I do pfd lla. "Asked Westing, common ... Adventure 4 Allouei tl Amalgamated 77r "Amwhin Sine II Atlantic l'4 Blnaham 34 1 a I. 4k Ha. la 410 rantennlal Copper Rang 7hi Pair Wat 16', nomlnlon Coal 7 Franklin Oranry 4 lal Rotala 24 Maaa. Mlnlnc 12 ..1401 Michigan 1.14 ..1M Mnhaark 6? Mont. C. C 'S ,, tt (old Dominion Ml ..1U7 loi. aola M . . 1.1 'Parrot 28 . .IM4a tJUIncv lt4 ..11 Shannon i .. 14 Tamarat.'k 140 . . is .Trinity in .. 49V, I'. B Mining 2lti ..111 I'. 9. Oil 4- M t'tah 41H, Mi'vii'inrla 4", J4 , Winona t.1i 1H Wol-crin , . .111 London Stork and Bonds. LONDON, March 22. Closing quotations m stocks and bondst Conaola. money , 91Si.N, T. Central Itlav do account ..' SlVNorfolk ft w 87(4 Anaronda 4la do pfd 944 Atrhlaon Sl Ontario AV W Ill 4 do pfd 104 Pmnaylranla 7:4 Tlaltlmor Ohio lll4 Rand Minea I"V Canadian Pacific l'.:t, Rce(Ilnt 4 do lat ptd 48 do- 3d pfd 4 Southern Railway ... 364 do pfd 1014, Southern Pacldc 4SH I'slon Pacific IS4 do pfd 1011, UV f"l W do pfd n WSbtih 2.14 Bo pfd 4f4 gpanlah 4a 04a Che. A Ohio ao Chicago Ot. W. 24H .'.. M. St. P lap ueiioera IMnvar & R. O. do pfd Erlt do 1st pfd.... do id pfd.... Illinois Central . 1-oula. A Kaah.. M , K. A T .. I4! .... .... .... 4! .... S24 .... es . ...l.4 ....1434 32 SILVER Rar, firm. 24d per ounce. MUWftl-: 401-4 Pr cent. The rat of dlsco.int 111 the open market for short bills is 2 5-ltK(24 per cent; for three months' bills, 2 8-)tva-4 per cent. Kewr York Mining; Stocks. NEW YORK, March -24 The following ar th closing quoiatlQ.na on mining stocks: Adama Con Allca . Rraeca Bruaatrlck Con .. Comatock Tunnal Con. Cal. A V.. Horn gllrer Iron Silver ' Leadvlll Con .... Offered. ..- 1 .140 ..17 ..400 .. 4 (Saiarl. ',, nSpy0i".''i' .. a fPotoal ...... Ravage . aienra Nevada Small Hnpaa .. Ifitandard 4 ..424 . " .'. .. 14 .. 10 .. u ..la& Bank Ctearlngs. OMAHA, March 22. Bank clearings today were $1,2",34N.'.0. The Vlearlngs for the cor responding day ot 1904 were $1,269,899.70. ' OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Condition of Trade and Quotation on Staple and Fancy Produce. EGGS Receipts heavy, market steady; cjuidled stock, loe . . . LIVE POULTRY Hens, 104c; young roosters, according to slie, Si&lOc; old roos ters, 64fr4c; turkeys, 13c;- ducks. 10c. BUTTER Packing stock, l4Y17c; choice to fancy dairy, ij'u-lc; cieanieiy, ii4'U-4r; prints, 25c. FRE8H FROZEN FISH-Trout. 9c; pick erel, 64c; pike, 84c; (ierch, 8c; blueflsh, 11c; whlteflsh, &c; salmbn, llcr redsnapper, 10c; halibut, Be; croppies. 11c; bufTalo, 7c; white bass, 11c; herring,. 6c; Spanish mack erel, 11c. Frog legs, per dos., 40c. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole sale Hav Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland, $ti.60; No. 2, $.00; medium, $5.50; coarse, $5.00. Rye straw, $5.50. These prices are tor hay 01 good color and quality. BRAN Per ton, $17.50. OYSTERS New York counts, per can, 45c; extra selects, per can. 85c; standards, per can, 30c. Bulk: Standards, per gal.. $1.40; extra selects, per gal. $l.tU; New York counts, per gal.,. II. Sy. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES California, extra fancy Red land navels. 1 all sit.ee. $2 50: fancy navel", $2. 35472. 49; choice navels, large sizes 80, 98, 112 $2.10. LEMONS California, fancy. $2.70: 300 and $60, $3.26; choice, 270, 300 and 360, $3.00. DATES Per box of ,S0-1b. pkgs.. $2.00; Hallowe'en, In 70-lb. boxes, per lb., 44&6c. FIOS California, per 10-lb. carton. 759 85c; Imported Smyrna, 4-crown, Kic; 6 crown, 12c; fancy imported (wanned), In 1-lh. pkgs.. ltyftixc. BANANAS Per medlum-slsed bunch. $1.75 tjt.26; bimbos, $2.50fI3.0n. GRAPEFRUIT Per box of 64 to 64, $6.00. Fr.L-ITP- STRAWBERRIES Florida, per quart, 60 476c. , . . . ' APPLES-New York Baldwin. $3.0083.23; Colorado Wlneaaps, pr bu. box, $1.76. OKAr-ES iiripor.a 4taiuga. per Keg, $7. 'rANGERlNESrrlVaiiforriia.. per hall-box. CRA"NBERRIESAferliey, per bbl., $8.00; per box, $2.26. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Home grown, in sacks, per bu., 3Tk2i40c; Colorado, per bu., 45c. TURm I PS Old, per bu., 4tc; new, per doi., $14). CAhROTS Old', per bu., 40c; new, per dor., 15c. PARSNIPff-Old, per bu., 40o. BEANS Navy, per bu.. $2.10 CL'CUMBERiS Par Oct., $1.752 00. TOMATOES-Florida, tier -basket crate, $4.60$ 6.00. Hf i.NACII-Per bu.. $1.00. ONIONS Horn grown, red. In sacks, per lb., 2c; Spanish, per crate, $2.50; Colorado yellow, per lb., 2c; Bermuda onions, per crate, $2.75; new southern, per doi., 45c. CABBAGE Holland seed, per lb., 14c. SWEET POTATOES Kansas kun urted, per bbl., $2.60. . BEETS Old, per bu., 40c; new, per dos. bunches, 66c. CELERY California, 7&S90c. RADISHES Hot house, ;arg bunches, per doi., 8tKh-90c. LETTUCE Per box of about fifteen heads. 60c. RHl'BARH California," pef lb.. $c; per box of 40 lbs., $3.00. PAKSLEk r'ei' cox. bunches, 76c. ASPARAGrS-Illtnois, per dox. bunches, $2.00; California, white, per dos. of t-lb. bunches, $6.04. MISCELLANEOrs. CHEESE Wiacnnaln twins, full oreatn, 134414c; 1 Wisconsin Young America. 15c; block Swiss, new. 16c; old, lftZJ 17c; Wiscon sin brick, 15c; Wisconsin limburger, 14c; brick cheese. 16&lc. HIDES No. 1 green, 7c; No. i green. He; No. .1 sslted, 84c; No. 3 salted. 74c; No. 1 veal calf, do; No. 2 veal aiif. ,c; dry salted, 7014c; aheep pelts, 26cQ$l.G0; horse hide, $1. own S OU. NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per lb.. 16c; hard shell, per lb., 13c; No. 2 oft shells, per lb., 12c; No.' 2 hard hells, per lb., lief Peoana, iarg. per lb., 12c; email, per lb.,' 10c; peanuts. tf In,, 7c; roasted peanuts, per lb., ac; Chill .walnuts, pec It). 12lS4c; almond, soft shell, per lb., 17c,'. hard aliell, per. lb., lie I chestnuts, per ' lh . ' U4fil3c; new black walnut. pr (U;, 75ii90c; shellbark hickory nuts, per bu., $1.75; I arc hickory nut, per bu, il 60. J.': Vrrr Cood Market.' ' NEW YORK. March . DRY GOODS Market condition 'are, little changed. While th outlook I for a rontlnura firia reek on all classes of goods, with the pros pect ef advsnce In carfaln quarter.' yet tu.vau-s.aVw not seeftt ' particularly agltatnd over th ohtlook and kit buying practk'tlly they ned good. OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET Cattle Eeoeipti Liberal and Prices Baled Steady to Ten Lower. HOGS ALSO EASED OFF A LITTLE Active Demand for Better Grade of sheep at teady Prices, romanoa Dall and Ten Lower Fat I ambi teadr, Feeder Strong. OI TH OMAHA. March 22. W. Receipt were: Cattle. Log. Sheep. Offlclal Monday 3.11 4.611 Official Tuesdav 5.02 ?.0o 3.5a Oftlclal Wednesday 5.400 ,0"0 11.500 Three days this week.. 13. 477 20.057 19.57 Three days last week.... 10.61 3 21. 13.1 iti.Ort Same davs week before. .12.711 27.XS5 27. 12 8nme three weeks ago. . .10,77 25.745 In. 211 Same four weeks sgo... .12.177 34.830 33.0H7 Same day last year 1S.098 Xi.TSti 28.707 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the rce:pts of cattle, hogs and sheep st Bouth Omaha for the year to date, with comparison with last year: 1905. 1!M. Inc. Dec. Cattle 177 9rm.71 ... .n H" 636.6S4 5.15.U ' !23 Sheep Siil.87 418.452 ... M.' Th following table snows tlie average price of hogs st Souin Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Mar. 1... Mar. i... Mar. 3... Mar. 4... Mar. 6... Msr. $... Mar 7... Mar. $... Mar. ... Mar. 10... Mar. 11... Mar. 12... Mar. li... Mar. 14... Mar. 16... Mar. 1$... Mar. 17... Mar. 18... Mar. l...i Mar. 20... Mar. 21... Mar. 22... j I 1905. I1S04.I1903. 1102.11901. P.J00.I1W $ Oil 6 221 4 Ml 3 SI $ 291 4 fi' 3 S3 I 4 6', 3 tl 4 40 4 714. 4 774 4 0V I w War 1 SS V I I 22) 3 $1 . 37 1 4 74 4 $0 I 4 814) 4 OU. 4 94 4 974 6 014; 5 00 I 5 124 $ 361 4 701 $ 64 6 17! 4 71 3 60 e 05 6 831 4 72! 3 53 Mi 7 14! 1 41 4 71 3 5s 6 lo; 7 251 S 971 14 73j 3 M 6 HI 7 Wi '; 0 4"i. I 3 59 t 76 t 13 $ 181 6 41 4 761 I 7 23! H iO, i 4b 4 'in, 3 f2 6 1A: 7 2m 6 1.1' 6 fcdi 4 Vi, 3 t 6 26 U 6 15 7 20 K Alt 7 111 S 151 6 041 7 061 21 6u fi 1, b tl, 4 l! 7 M 17i 6 ill '4 so; 4 92 7 34; 6 251 5 82; 4 81 1 4 96 I 31i $ SO' 4 85: 3 a a 3 6S S M $ eo Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In todsy by each road was: Cattle. Iroes. Sheep. H'r's. C. M. & St. P. Ry.... 2 S Wabash 3 Missouri Pacific Ry.. 8 1 ' 1 C. P. System 77 29 22 1 C. & N. . east 4 1 C. & N. W.. west .18 38 4 1 C. St. P., M. & 0 36 13 3 2 C, U. & Q. Ry., east. 2 1 .. 2 C, R. I. & P., east.... 2 5 11 C. R. I. & P., west.. .. 2 Illinois Central 5 2 Chicago Gt. Western 2 2 Total receipts 217 129 48 11 Hogs. Sheep 2.111 .:4 2. HIS 1,6.17 1.3K4 1.2X1 3,105 The disposition of the dav's receipts wits as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber or head indicated: Cattle. Omaha Packing Co 7i7 Swift aiid Company 801 C'udahv Packing Co 971 Armour & Co 845 Van Sant Co 61 Carey & Benton 65 Lol.man ft Rothrhlld. ... 103 McCreary & Cary 416 Hill & Son 106 Huston & Co 8 H. F. Hamilton lol L. V. Huss 97 Sam Werthelmer 109 Mike Haggerty 88 J. B. Root A Co 63 S. & S 80 Z. H. Clark 9 Other buyers 6118 352 2,261 Total 5,178 8.967 9,770 CATTLE There wus another liberal run of cattle here today, and aa advices from other points were rather unfavorable to th selling Interest, the market was slow, with the tendency of prices downward. Trains were rather late in arriving, and as a result It waa nearly 10 o'clock Dfore buvers went Into the yards. The beef ateer market was alow and weak. Some of the more desirable grades, which Just struck the fancy of buyers, sold right around steady, but stslde l'rom those the general market was 6.10c lower. Snlesmen did not like the Idea of taking off that much and consequently trading was slow and It was late before even the bulk of the offnrlngs was disposed of. The cow market was also slow, with the tendency of prices downward. The same vs was the case with steers, some of the kinds that Just suited buyers sold at right around ateay prices, but aside from those the market was slow and generally 6l0c lower. In some cases salesmen thought that buyers were trying to take off even more than that. Bulls, veal culves and stags all felt the weakness In steers and cows und sola A trifle lower than they did yesterday. The demand for the better grades of stockers and feeders was sufficient to hold prices steady, but the same as usual, the common, and particularly the common light weights, were In limited demand, and In some cases were a trifle lower than yes terdav. Most of the country buyers seem to want cattle of good quality, ao that common kinds are hard to move. Repre sentative sales: BEEF STEERS . At. Pr. No. At. rr. , , too 4 (Ml 1 1044 4 1$ ,4 ... Ml 4 in 13 US" 4 M I.... 984 4 14 1 1110 4 40 , 1IJ0 4 IS 14 1M1 4 40 !"" 1OO0 4 15 21 MM 4 40 .' ' HI IX It 1124 4 45 n " 1144 4 84 16 1JJ1 4 44 Ta 1073 4 40 0... 173 4 14 14' 1114 4 40 II 1!2 4 Kl .' 1222 4 4(1 24 ,1148 4 5 fl'" 1214 4 4S 22 U.4I4 4 10 ll' 11.11 4 50 IS. ....121 I 10 24 1142 4 as 1 I4TO 111 11. STEERS AND STAGS. ir;4 4 so STEERS AND COWS. I 1071 4 44 l 12S 4 70 H " 1200 4 60 21 1232 I 00 14." .,..104 4 ?0 COWS. I 760 1 15 1 1160 t 40 l " ... 420 I 0 1144 I 46 "' 178 I 10 4 480 I (0 , " ;0 I 40 1 1270 I 60 ' 1035 I 40 10 1ISS I 65 ' 1111 3 40 114 I 65 I '" 20 J SO 2 1286 I 40 1,'' 10117 i 70 1 18.10 I m 1. 140 I 75 i 1185 1 40 1 , 140 I T4 1 1140 45 t 186 I 46 1 1820 I 44 I 1000 t 00 1 1144 I 70 l' 1110 I It 22 1022 I 80 1 180 I 25 5 1140 I 40 1 1060 t 25 21 1040 I 41 J 1060 I 25 J 1O80 I 84 1 1110 1 80 7 4t I 0 Jt m I 14 4 , 1214 I to 1 1004 I 40 1 1160 4 40 COWS AND HEIFERS. 1 460 I 00 t , i I It HEIFERS. T 660 t 46 t 166 t 10 1 O0 I 75 1 720 I 0 I 816 t 00 t 1185 I 14 a 116 I 00 16 IM 4 00 ' 405 I 10 1 140 4 24 I 721 15 1 1630 4 40 1 424 t W BULLS. 1 1080 f 70 1 15fl t 24 1 1080 t 40 1 1M I 50 J 1360 T 0 1 I860 I 10 1 1840 I Oil 1....' 1180 $ (6 1..... 1410 I Id 1 1810 I 81 1 1270 I 15 1 no 4 00 J 1640 3 It CALVE8. 1 104 4 1 lie 5 25 1 lid 4 00 1 130 I 6(1 1 124 I 25 1 140 I 2$ 1 110 I 25 STAG3. 1 1610 t II It 1090 4 4f I... IT 4. 88. 1. 14.... not 4 00 - STOCK CALVES. 480 8 10 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. ..1611 I 00 . . ISO t 00 .. 848 I 10 .. I0 I 24 .. "I I 24 ..884 t 40 I3 I 60 446 t 4 414 I 40 447 I 40 884 I 1 .. MO I 71 t. I ... 4 ... It... 430 I 71 414 3 74 466 I 76 .. 714 I 40 4 604 I an 88. ., 420 $ in 1 .TOO I tO It 781 I to 1 Ill 4 04 1 IWI 4 40 1 180 4 04 7 ..81 4 10 43 4 14 HOGS Receipts of hog wee not . ceeslv this morning, but Chicago was reported dull and mostly 6c lower and con sequently packer were bearish at , this point also. Shipper had very limited offerings which was another bear feature. The general marleet could beat be de scribed by calling It 6c- lower. At the opening some of the more desir able loads sold 24c to 6c tower- but after the first round packers were sll bidding generally 64' Kwcr- Tli situation grew wo-e as' th morning advanced ana on th extreme close hog sold fully 74c lower. Salesmen of course were slow to take the price offered but they finally had to cut loose, aa thef was no way of preventing the decline The light hog old largely from $r.i down: butchers and mixed $5 06 to $5 10 find the prime heavies from $6 )0 to $8 15. The good heavy hogs Buffered today fiilly as much a the'llaht weight, tin the close most everything old round JS1. "Representative sales: MS. A h P' 4. At. Sh ft 41 4t 14 4 t 47 iii 40 4 4714 1 78 .. Tt... 4... 47. 64. 84. ...Ill 14) . ...218 '! 4 0 .. taa m ini tit 40 1 a 14 VI 10 07 V 2 ... on, 213 8 on I ! IK 4 I an 46 i ... I ein M t'S I I m 16 ...IN 64 11 ... II 71 ...186 40 I (1 44 2V! 40 4 M 70. ...... .110 40 I OS 4 H4 l0 I 04 .M I'4 ... I 08 It 217 t40 6 fi 81 244 ... 6 08 14 244 SO I 04 4? JM 14 I 0 10 1M 180 4 01 24 214 ... 44 71 264 ... 0 74 162 .., 4 04 , 84 240 . . $ 05 tt Z10 2O0 I 06 44 ill ... t 06 4 IV, . . I 0 40 2S 4 4 04 70 222 ... t 06 70 138 40 I 08 U....,...?"l 40 4 08 13 877 40 m 47 41 ... 47.... 40.... 82 f;i ... I 071, . :.4 ... 1 ;ij .244 ... I "7' 314 ... 5 07' 61 tit 4 7S 68 21 ... 4 7 77 227 ... I ta t"6 ... 4 07 1 2 t Ml I 071, 2I ... 6 07 , 10 21 1 . . I OTi, 71 Ill 120 I 07v 241 ... I 6 281 41 4 7' 17 388 ... r4 40 6 07i 81 20 . . 4 1 It 287 40 I 10 74 fit ... 6 10 it 30 ... I 10 70 M0 ... II 74 313 40 I 1 '4t Jl ... 4 1 It 271 ... 4 1 It 215 40 4 10 24 273 .4 1" 45 fS 10 4 1 12 3'14 ... I 10 68 26 4 80 I til 4i 2"0 40 I 1 I :..24 ... I l 64 240 40 I 08 63 804 ... I 10 I OS ' 27 11 ... 4 1 44 214 84 til 44 06 6t I!4 tt IN 48 ttl . 4 4 01 71 m 4 I 08 40 H8 0 t 04 Ill .... 4 08 41 241 40 4 05 74 207 ... 4 Ot II 16 40 I OS 70 228 ... 01 71 224 10 I OS 71 201 40 06 4 22 ... t 08 71.. lit ... lot 61 2t ... t 04 ...4....3!M 40 .1 6 tt 80 ... I 10 t 84 ... 4 14 7 34 40 4 1 4 248 ... 4 10 73 ISO ... 4 1 74 224 .40. I 1 an 110 ... I 10 tt 344 ... 4 10 t 2 40 t 1 44 14 ...'6 1 ' tt 24 ... t I2t II 272 ... 4 124 71 K4 ... 4 lf'a 84 24 ... 4 12v 8 3.18 ... I 131 IB I7t 14 t 111 214 ... 4 0714 70 63 ... 4 lis 46 'J42 ... 6 071, 1., I7 10 I lli II. ...... .840 10 I 07V 41 167 ... till 82 24 ... 4 07 4 42 344 40 I II 18 134 ... I 7I 44 147 ... I It 8HP:EP There waa quite liberal run of sheep here this, morning, and ss a result packers were Inclined to be rather bearish. The demand, though, for the more de sirable grades was In good shape. 11 nd such kinds sold freelv at fully atendy prices. When It came to the part fat and common kinds packers displayed their bearish tac tics and auch kinds were slow und fully a dime lower. There wore some ewes on sale good enough to bring $5.40 and year lings $6.60. The lamb market held fully steady on anvthlng at all desirsble In the way of killers. Some fair stuff brought $7.25. Part fst Ismhs of good quiilltv also sold to good advantage, as there was a brisk demand from feeder buyers for them, and. In fact, some salea of feeders looked stronger, as hlKh as tM.80 and 7.oo being paid. Quotation fc fed stock. Hood o chnlc yearlings. $6.4og,6.76; fair to good year lings. $.004J.4O; good tu dole wetneri, $6.60(r5.75; fair to good wethers, $6.0065.60; good to choice ewes. $S.0Oj5.W: lair to good ewes. 34.6n43S.OO; common t.) fair ewes. $4 04) 44 60, good to choioe lambs. $7.0fKB7.26; fair to good lambs, $t.6tf7.00; feeder lambs. $6 04 Til. do. Representative aales: No. Av. Pr. 1 western ewe ..; 4 26 1 western goat 1 4 60 60 western ewes W 5 00 38 clipped lambs 64 6 00 7 western ewes 95 6 00 1 western yearling ewe 140 6 75 46 western wethers 81 5 75 489 western year's and wethers.. 75 S 65$ western feeding lambs 77 6 90 :tHw western Iannis "a 96 western feeding lambs 71 7 On 173 western feeding lambs 71 7 00 164 western lambs 88 7 25 100 western lambs 89 25 3 western native lambs 140 7 60 1 western cull ewe 110 4 ttl 90 western ewes , 8 4 7 490 western ewes 97 4 75 477 western ewes 96 4 78 13 western ewes 96 5 15 70 western ewes 13 5 25 23 western ewes ..94 6 26 56 western ewes 107 6 25 27 western ewes .;. 93 6 26 2 western ewes lOo 6 374 76 western ewes Ill 6 874 18 western ewes ,. 120 6 40 184 western ewes 11 6 40 161 western wethers 109 6 B5 215 western wethers and year's.. 98 5 75 22 western wethers slid year's.. 89 6 00 66 western wethers and year's.,- 81 $00 222 westetn wethers and year's.. 104 05 28 western wethers and year's.. 104 6 06 450 western wethers and year's.. 99 6 10 116 feeder lambs 63 $25 88 wethers and yearlings 66 6 35 117 western lambs 73 7 00 6 Western lambs 102 1 26 30 Wyoming cull ewe 93 3 00 25 western ,cull ewe 83 8 50 460 western cull ewes 103 4 55 ia Wvomlng ewes .........v 94 5 10 388 western ewes 89, $16 16 western- ewes 89 5 15 131 weatenv ewes' 13...;, 1... 93 6 80 498 western ew-e 1. ....... 6 80 470 Colorado ewe 105 6 35 253 western feeder lambs ..49 8 SO MARKET CHICAGO LIVE STOCK Cattle Ten Centi l.oner-Hosjs Fire to Ten Cents Lower. CHICAGO, March 22. CATTLE Re ceipts, 20,000 head; market 10c lower; good . . . . a- 1E-n 'ML. ru. .1 maliim to prime aierra, u.iu.nw..u. ... ...yw, $3 75(SH.76; atocker and feeders. $2.o0iJH.W; COW S, (OVI n.W'i- tiniriB, , ...... ners. I1.60OS.40; bulls, $2.5of4.25; calves, $3.00ff6.50. HOGS Receipts, 28,000 head: estimated for tomorrow. 2o.000; market ftftluc lower; mixed and butchers, $5.20tfjfi.40; good to choice heavy, $6.35(86.43; rough heavy, $5.20 66.30: light, $5.15ira.3&; bulk of sales. $5.25 6.40. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Reoelpts, 20,. 000 head: market for sheep strong; lambs 154r25c lower; good to choice wethers, $.60 (&625; fair to 'choir mixed, $4.75Ck.60; west- em aneep, o.t"ai.w; nmivr iuhiu,, a..n. 7.75; western lambs, $6.0077.75. t. Joseph l.lve Stock Market. ot TnCCPII Mnreh 22 PATT1.R Re ceipts, 1.492 head; market steady to weak; nu ..- tj unifr.; Kit' i-ows and heifers. tl ftiKir 4 65: stockers and feeders, $3.0niH.5O. HOGS Keoelpts. B.uti2 nean; maraei lower; light. $5.10ii6.26; medium and heavv. $5.15i&6.W. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Rccelpts. 3,123 hesrt: market stesdv to strong; Colorado lamh. $7 61; yeirlinga, $6Hn; ewes. $5 65.. Kiaui 4 Itr live 8tark Market. KANSAS CITY. March 23 t 'ATTLK Tt cr.pts. n.frfio neml. Including 500 head south erns; market steady to strong: choir ex port snd dreiaed beef steers, $5 tWM 75; fair to good. $4.2Mt26: western fed steers. St 2T4TiV.5; storkers and feeders. H.rtW4 R6; southern steers. $.t.654.!': southern cows. $2 5o4i.1.75. native cows. $2 ifi 4"; natlv heifers. $3.(at.S5; bulls, $.' 6MM.15; calves, $2 Si1. 50. HOUS Receipt. 10.4HO head: market 24 l"c lower: top. hulk ot sales, $Mfyf 5 SO- heavy, ivsntf.i 34: packers. $5.f5ff; p ( and lights. $4AM 224. 8HKKP AND LA MRS Receipts, 4. tot) hesd; market strong; native lambs. $i.5; nstlve wethers. $..fuil; native fed ewes, $5 0oj5.R.-.; western fed lnmh. $115017.5": native fed vesrllngs. $6.0tt.J; wetern f4 sheep, $5.rti4f6 tin; stockers and feeders, $3 50 Siii.50. ft. I.onla 1.18 Mock Market. ST. I.Olia. March 22 CATTLE Re ceipts. 2.5 head. Including 1.5 head Tex an; market steady: nature shipping and export steers, $3.Afij 0t; dressed beef and butcher steers. $3. 7041. 36; steers under l.tm pounds. $M.O)h4.80: stockers and feeders, $2.24 5ft; cows and heifers, $.1354.66: can ners. $2.0Vflli0; bulls. $2.9nri3.65; rslves, $0 0nS1.75; Texss and Indlsn steers, $;l.f7f 5.00: cows and heifers. $2.0tt.7. - HOGS Receipts. 7.500 head; market steadv; pigs and lights. $3.75''g6 ; packers. $T.26tiio.40; butchers and best heavy, $5.3579 .5. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, l.ono head; market stesdv; native muttons, $3 00 sja.ftO; lamb. $F..iwh7.25: culls and bucks, $1766.00; stockers. $2.00N.oa. Kloai Itr Mr Stock Market. SlOrX CITY, Msrch 22.-t8peclal Tele gram 1 CATTLE Kerelpts. 1,600 head; msr ket steady; stockers slow; beeves, $4.0tfjJ 6.85: cows, bulls and mixed, $2iiU4.i'1 stockers and feeders, $2."5'ti 4.00; calve ana yearlings. $2.75i3.75. HOGS Receipt. 3,200 head; market 5o lower; selling, $4 85'(i6.J24; bulk of aalea, $a.(0?j5.05. ' ' Mock la lht. . Receipts of live stork at the six principal western markets yesterday: v.attie. ..... 6.4"0 5.600 2.5(" 1 492 !. 20.000 South Oiiiahn Kansas city. St. Ixmls .... St. Joseph ... Sioux City .. Chicago Hogs. Sheep. ti.,.,! 1 1 ata 10.40O 4.2i 7.500 i.omi 6.052 3.623 S.2H0 2Ot8) 20.0(10 64,152 40,223 v Wool Market. BOSTON. March 22. WOOIe-While th B oft on wool market is considered by deal eta to be in a strong position, business Is light In most grades. The demand as a rule favors the finer wools. Th slow movement of domestic wools Is due In part to small available supply. Foreign wools are In fair demand and moving rather freelv at sustained prices. Quotations: California, Humboldt and Mendocino, 7C 2i4c; northern. 'choice, 2ftM2c; average, i 121c; middle counties, IMhOc; southern, 15 4jl7c; Oregon, eastern staple. 21f22r; cloth ing. I8(u19c; valley No. 1, 25ti2tK.': territory, Idaho fine. lMlWc; heavy tine, 160317c; An medium, laia-lic; Wyoming fine. 1,40184c; heavy fine. 15tr16c; fine medium, letjlo; t'tah and Nevada fine, 17rlKc; heavy 'fine, 157Jl6c; tine medium. 17lr1ilc; Montana line choice, 2Kn22c; fine average, llKo'i.ic; fine medium choice. 2lfc1!2c; average, 197xXio; Colorado line. lUfe'lfic; fine medium. 16tfl7o. LONDON. March 22. WOOL The offer ings at the wool sales today amounted to 7.768 bales, principally medium merinos. The continent waa an' eager buyer. Scoured, realised firm prices. , A largo sup ply of crossbreds sold briskly to home and continental buyers at practically the best prices of the series. American purchase were small. Following are the sales: New South Wales, 1.800 bales; scoured. 8dt lM0d; grensv. 64,dti'1" 141. Queensland, 401 bales; scoured, U41iil lOd; greasy, 54t Ki4d. Victoria, son. bales; scoured. Is ld9 Is lod ; greasv. 4ditls 4d- South Australia. 600 bales; scoured, le 4di3 4d : greasy, 64 filld. West Australia. 600 bales; scoured, 94difil2d; greasv. 6U114ii. New Zealand, 3.100 bales; scoured, d'fil84d: greasy. 6d tils Id. Cape of Good Hope and Natal, 200 bales; scoured. Is5d; greasy. 6(B104d. v ST. LOCIS, March 22.e-WOOl-Dull.: me dium grades, combing and clothing. 237 2oc; light fine. 18tt2ec; heavy fine, 14lo; tub washed, 30374c. Nns;ar and Molasses. NICW YORK, March 22. SI'GAR Ra w, unsettled; fair refining, 4 1-16c; refined, unsettled; fair refining.; 4 IM6c: centrifugal 96 teat. 44c: molasses sugar. 4 1-16c. Re fined, steady; No. 6, 5.45c; No. 7. 6.40c; No. 8. 6.30c; No. 9, 5.35c; No. 10, 5.20c; No, U, 5.10c; No. 12. 6.05c; No. 13, 4.9oc: No. 14, 4 90c; confectioners' A. 6.90c; mould A. 6.40c: cut loaf. 6.76c; crushed, 6.75c; pow dered. 6.16c; granulated, .06c; cubes, &.3"0. MOLASSES Quiet; New Orleans, open kettle, good to choice. 28036c. NEW ORLEANS. March 22. SI'GAR Steadv; open kettle, 3'46H4c: open kettl centrifugal. 446 Tc: centrifugal whites, 64c: vellow. 4W4o; second. 34344r, MOLASSES Quiet: open kettle. 13Slc: centrifugal, WtfUc. Byrup, nominal, $0c. Edwards -Wood Co- (Incorporated.) Haiti Office: Fifth and RobarU Strt$ ST. PAUL, fllNN. DEALERS IN Stocks,. Grain, Provisions Your Groin to Us Ship raaeh OBle. I in-Ill Board of Trad Dld-r.. Oanaba, !4.. Telrohea SS14. 112-214 Exohans Bldg.. South Omaha, tail 'Fkon M lBBndnt 'Pkoa $ The Old Reliable Commission House Has grown steadily since it was established in 1892. Each year's business in Grain, Stocks and Bonds being greater than the year preceding. This is due to the fact that our service and re mittance are both PROMPT and ACCURATE. We are the oldest house west of Chicago, and our facilities for handling business are ' the best money and brains can devise. We particularly call your attention to our references and ask that; you.Vnvestigate them fully, as we want you to feel that your interests are safe in our hands. Write for free booklet on speculative invest ments, and our red book on statistics. , , . 5. DONOVAN COMMISSION ... 317 Pine Street, ST. LOUIS, h0.. CO. id You Buy July Corn? NOTICE THE STEADY ADVANCE WC HAVE BEEN URCINO THE PURCHASE OF JULY CORN EVER SINCE IT WAS SELLING AT 44 CENT3 A BUSHEL , IT WILL SELL ADOVE 55 CT8. BUY riOVV It is Cheap at Present Prices WE WILL SEND FREE OF CHARGE - OUR SPECIAL : LETTER GIVING REASONS . FOR THIS BIQ ADVANCE. WRITE TODAY. ADLER STOCK AND GRAIN CO. tflK OORPOBATID. ' CAflTal. $50,000, FTIX a AID) aia NORTH FOURTH STREET,' ST.' LOUIS, MO.