Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 22, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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Cudaly Billa Millieo. and "a Half May
. WIeat in Two Dijt.
Chlcaga l.aadla ' tV aa Nebraska
Cora " mil Railroads Rasr
carrt-iar it la oat
' ! laerease.
OMAHA, March 2t. 1906.
The what market today- a-ss yearly
repetition of Monday, Liverpool clused
aith an advance or ',;' to .-, Merlin de
clined c and buna iesth S". 1 he long
drsan out coriAItt pf piiinlnn as t.
whether 'or not Gates and hia crowd of
eastern speculators are yet In the May
wheal continues. It la now said Gales
haa cot out of the wheat, but that aome
of his friend are yet In a good deal.
Cudahy la now rumored to he tne biggest
long in the May and to nave more man
aie held. r'rienua of Cudahy. however,
ray he han aold hla wheat In the Inst two
days, about .jrvi.OiQ bushel. 1( I rather
ieinarkanje no long a line could have been
.pot an a nervous mm kct and cauae a
break of tily l'.e. Armour, however, took
the wheat, fortunately lor Cudahy, for with-
." aut this-support the market. -would have
gone down. The Armour houses bought
Doth the May and the July, hut (hla was
raid to he of orders. . It hart been u coin
cidence Armours seem to have buying or
oeis whenevvr someone lias a long line to
unload. ' - - -
Htsdstrtet's shows a decrease In world's
wheat of J,Ki4.oui bushels. The decrease enst
f the Rockies la '2.i44,00u bushels and In Bu
mp and itftoat there Is an Increase of 6OO.O1O
- bushels. , Jtie MlRnoyrl legislature' has
passed a resolution aguliiai the present
giadlngf of Oregon red Russian wheat. The
. Illinois comroiiMlonera do not to reai'h
a decialun. The Chicago, atocka pf whrui
are now a,4t!7,oiiO bushela a decrease for the
week of 82,000 oushela. Minneapolis bulla
aay If the mills thero run three-fourths of
the time from uow until the harvest they
will use up-every blVof the wheut In their
territories. The bulla believs the wheat .a
worth II or Jl.oi without any manipulation.,
The primary receipts are 307,uoo buehels.
against 4il.O00 bushela . last year, and the
snipment are 303.QUU bushela, against 423,000
bushela laat year.
inn Wall ativat operators are selling out
their 1 1 nr-a of May corn. They were loaded
tip with corn, bought last fall at 60c. and
better and curried down below 45c. They
bought enough, however, on the decline
to make a good average. For several days
, now tby have been selling the corn and
have realised a fair proiit. whereas it
looked rsfar a long tvme aa though they
had made a heavy loss. The western
roads are carrying a great deal of Ne
Uraaka corn to Chicago. The- Inspections
were 610 from the Northwestern, and
Sunday the St. Paul brought In 204, the
Burlington 1U4 and the Hock Island 84.
Nearly all of this corn was from Nebraska
or western Iowa. Braristreet'a ahowa an
lncrassa In world a atocka of corn of 391, ouo
bushels. The Chlcag stocks are I.MS.oflO,
an Increae of 448,onO bushela. The pri
mary receipts are 9X8.000 hushela against
4S7.0UO, and the chlpmruta are 454,000 bushels
aralnst 848.000.
The oata available, for the world In-
' A A . .1 ,n,i ,WWl .... 1 ,11...
rrwifu lur ina wren i,jn,iiw iiuniith, i iic
Chicago atocka are 6.4.T7.0'I0, an Increase of
1,000,000 buahela. Standard I being turned
out of unlicensed houses at a good rate and
the shipments have decreased. The mar
ket continues dull.
Oman Cash Prices.
WHEAT-NO. 2 hard,' $1.02ai.03; No. s
hard, 97c; No. 4 haid, 80s 56c;
:sprrnr .r r"
CORN-No. 2, 46Kc; No. 3. 46Ho; No. 4.
,-44e no grade, 40d44c; No. 2 yellow, 46c;
No. I fellow, 46c; ; No. 2 white. 464c; No.
I white, 46VjC.
OATS No. I mixed, 30c: No. S mixed,
!9Vo: No. 4 mixed, 23c; No. 2 white, lie;
No. 8 white. 30!4c ; No. 4 white, 28Vic; stan
dard, tOfcc.
Omaha C'aah Males.
TYHEAT No. I hard. 1 car, 6'4 lbs., 7c.
' Carlot Recelitta.
" - . .-. .i Wheat. Corn.-Oats.
Chicago 31 406 272
Kansas City 101 140 U
Minneapolis 19
Duluth 16
.St. Louis 50 79 81
. W - 1 R " -A 11
vymwim ...... .
Mlaaeapolla Wkeat Matrkat.
- The range of prices, paia in Minneapolis at.
repontP,tey tr-Ed-Vura-vVtnlo voinpenyt
1U.JU Board of. Trade, was:
Article. Open. High. Low. Close. ;8afy.
May .
July .
Sept .
1 12T4 1 14U 1 V.
1 0, 1 10 1 W.-it.
881 ';
1 13 1 12
I 10 1W .
881 8
. ftaotatlaaa of : th Day on Varloas
WBW YORK, March 21.-FIXUrV-Ra-
ket. dull and unchanged; Minnesota pat
' nts, .86ir,!0; bakers, J4.10ih;4.SO; winter
patenta, A.4kK.76; winter atraighta, 5.J
1.80; winter extras, W.; winter low
gradea, t8.4Mf4.10. Rye flour, slow: fair to
good. 4.44.70; choice to fancy, 4.7fKjf4.9o.
Buckwheat flour, Inactive, per 100 lbs., $2.00
CORNMBAL Steady; fine white and yel
low II. KtilXl; coarse new, tl. 1001.12.
RTE Nominal; weatern, 80c.
BARLEY Dull; feeding, 44e, c. 1. f.,
New York; malting, 4wte e. I. f. Buffalo.
w jua 1 iteceipis, v,n du.: spoi maraet
firm; No t red; nominal, elevator; No. 2
rea, si.ih ' r. o. r. anoat: ino. i nortnern,
Puluth. Il.ttt f. fa. b.-afloat: No. 1 hard.
Manitoba. 11.08 f. o. b. afloat. Optlona were
firm today gnd were higher up to the last
hour, when a bearish Argentina crop eatl
mate Impelled mora or less realising. May
tea tne early upturn on ntiiusn northwest
ern news and Bradatteet's figures. The
close waa- Irregular, May at li4c advance
and others the net lower; May, ll.U'Vul.H,
clos-d at 11 1?': July, S7WfiS7c; closed at
lAr: Seotemher. t'uS"ir: closed at D9Kc.
CORN Receipts, IM.ftOO- bi.; exports, 8,100
' Du ; iso. 2, tsc, elevator, ana Mr r. o. o
" afloat: No. 1 vel ow.' 56c: No. I white. &4Wc,
1 he option market waa ateady to Arm at
first on small carlot eatlmatea and ralna,
closing he lower;. May, 64,k1j65'4c; closed
"'at 4iko: July closed at 56c.
v OAT8-rRClpU. I'JU.000 bu.; exports, 12.180
to; spin market easier; mixed, to K ma.
WV;' natural white. SO to 32 Iba.. . 8R4
HAY Quiet; ahipplng, t7V'. 7JVC ; good to
Choice. 8JH(Uoc. .
HOPS ICasy: state, common to choice
1904, WWOc; l03. I4(-()'27c; olda. UtfyUc; I'a
clflc Coast, 1904, tHU&vi 108, 26iiJtc; olda
I.EAT1I ER Firm : acid. Hwltic.
. PROVISIONS Beef atead', ; family; $12.00
13,00; JVkaea. W.W, peel nama, KZ. w3 va.&ti;
packet, lll.tlorB12.uu: cuy rxira jnnia mesa
M.ODfillstk Cut meats steady; pickled be.
has. 7ft 7e:. nick led ahouldera. 644o
pickled hsms. S4'iJ9c. Ijird. market quiet;
vutiin steamed. 17.46: reflnod. steady: con
tinent, $7.50; South America, $7.76; com
pound, HSiH'VJW. rora. nrm; ramny,
-' I14.0'1MI: short ' clear, glX.76tllB.3fS; meaa,
Zta K
SI a mi wifjn. iu.
RICE Quiet; domestic,, fair to extra
'tiKc; Japan,- nomlnal.-
T ALLOW Steady", city t$I per pkg.), 44c
country (pkga. free), 4H4o.
BUTTER Firm; atreet price, extra
rreamerv,- 97l27Hc- Ofllclal prlcea, cream-
hveld, coramsn to extra, .?oi826Mc; atate
aairy, common to extra, IMl-fte.
H RES EV Strong; state full cream, small,
colored and whlta fancy, 14c; atata fine,
liWc; atate JaAa made, colored and white,
poor t choir. tOWl 18c; stata large, colored
Z-a whiia fancy. Yic: stata fine. lJ4l3Wc:
atata lata made, colored and whlta, poor to
choice, iubuv. . . . .-.,
-.i(i,roner: weatern firsts. l.fllTHc.
POl'LTRY Alive, firm; weatern chickens.
12c; fowls, lee; oin iuik7, ic, orcmu,
nominally umn
KaaaaaCltr 4irlav a ad Pravlatoaa.
, ' . , n -t m iv '' iru.h '1 1 WUfflT.
Steady; May, 9S4c; July. 81V,(68lSc. Cash:
No. I hard. $1.081.064; No. 8. $1.011.06;
No. 4 woctil.O)!; NO. 2 red. $1.041.07. No.
i ll.ft2fll.t; No. 4i 9!e 11.02.
CORN-Hlgher: May. 4Vd45c: July. 46V(
eM6S4e. Casn: ro. i nuxrn. nioici u.
$V44c; No. t white. 4',c; No. 3. 4
OAa-Steady; No. 2 white, 33'34c; No.
' HaV Stead v: choice timothy. $9 604110.00;
RYE-Steady at, Tw-.
EQOS Steady; Missouri arid Kansas
. x o iasa llleludeft. 14ic
ii-w " '
. I'Iiai ..umam ratlll'ti.l Uji !.
Hl'TTKR Steady; . creamery, 22ft Mc;
packing, ww. , . ,
Recelnta. Bhloments.
Wheat, bu ' a0"
I 'nrn iSn ...... M.tKIO 4;'.o
(tats, bu 9.000 .0u0
FEORIA. III.. March !J.-CORN-Market
ateaay; iso. a yiiow, rv. : iot,
so. . WT , no aIBIr,
OAT" -Market steady: No. 1 while. Il'.ttf
. It-14 la ':Bln Market.
il;l.V-TH. Msrch II WHEAT -To, ar-
horthern, $l fS; N'o ' northern. $1 Q3Q
) "TVi; May. i. p; July, r.tP1 -
tATB To. arrive and oo u' k JMic.
Kea tares of the Tradlac aad f lostasT
Prlcea aa Boarii af Trade.
CHICAGO. March ?1 lllcher arices at
Uveipool and crop damage repCrta from the
sou times t Imparted strength to the wheat
market here today. At the close May
wheat for delivery wn up He July Is up
V'. May corn Is off 'time. Oata are down
WV, and provisions show a loss of I'Vic
to ii .
Sentiment In the wheat market waa bull
ish throughout.. At the start. May was
unchanged to c higher at $1.14 to
July was up 't'aVc to t,c at 92Sc to 8-S
KKc. t'nrxpected strength at Liverpool,
ronowing weakness her yesterday, was
artly accountable for the opening firmness,
he May option was the chief attraction
early In the day. A - leading bull trader
was the principal buyer. Owing to small
efferinga the price made a rnpld advance,
selling tip to $M5 Within the first- half
hour. The sudden apurt In May stimu
lated trading In July and the price -r!f that
option advanced to 93c. The market then
weakened somewhat on profit taking. Juiy
declining to Si'tttSJSc 1 his reartion, how
ever, was aoon overcome by bullish news
from the northwest. Advices from Minne
apolis claimed a good milling demarid and
aome buying for export. Receipts In the
northwest were smaller than erther laat
week or a year ago. While the general re
port rrom the southwest waa - that the
weather waa excellent for the imt-th of
the new crop, a report from Kannaa stated
that the condition of wheat In the western
part of the state had deteriorated 20 per
cent In the last two weeks. At Knris City
an excellent demand was reported for caah
wnesi witn pncee up 1'oi'c. Hhorta were
moderate purchasers late In the day. The
market closed firm with May at $1.1SV
Final quotations In Julv were at jHi!i,e
Clearances of wheat and flour were equal
to R 500 bu. World s visible supply aa
shown by Hradelreets' decreased 1R341H0
bu. Primary receipts were 3ir7,900 bu., com
pared with 47.0O0 bu. a yir ago. Min
neapolis. Duluth and Chicago reported re
celpta of 216 care, against 147 cars last
week and 8J6 cars a year ago.
Large primary receipts and prospects of
Improved weather conriltlmis mi .i. r.i-c.
Ring effect on the corn market. At the out-
mere was rree selling of Mnv bv com
mission houses. On the resulting decline
shorts covered moderately, causing a rally.
n. newea eviiing. However, soon resulted In
oecnne. ine market closed rather
wculi with prices near, the lowest point of
the day. May opened unchanged to a ahade
lower at 49'C to 49''&4!V. sold between
4STe mid 49-Sc and closed at 48'c. Local
-i'riui were cars with seven of con
tract grade.
Clear weather and an Increase of 1,000,000
ou. In local elevator stock last Wfek
started a bear raid on the moru.t
aultlng in considerable weakness. May
opened He lower at 31"r-. god between 31 '4c
and 31c and closed at 31431c. Local re
ceipts were 272 care. "
i-rovisioii were weakened by' profit tak
ing In pork. The market lacked support
from Packers Higher prlcea for live hogs
had ft slightly bullish effect earlv In the
j,.i,en noon en sen on on moderat
17.1-4 Ribs were 7io lower at $6.90(tih.2U.
Kstimatofi reeelni tnr .
36,r"h:eSrn' 199 Car8i 0at' 127 C"'r": ".:
Leading futures ranged as follows:
ArUcles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Safy.
Wheat '
My I 14(B
Ma v
Mav .
Mh v
Klh 1
1 15!
1 14
. 4!1'
1 15 1 14 V I
JO7. 1
49H AVYq ,4 49't'o.i:
I S9
12 9d
13 12H
7 30
7 15
6 95
7 15
31i 31V, 3i'va
12 7'H 12 86
13 12i 13 00
7 171-4
. 4i'ii49VStfI4
13 00
13 124
7 00
7 17i4j
1 12
90 !
7 10
12 So
13 00
7 27!4
7 12V4
t 17V4
7 an
92V4 97Vi
7 12 7 17V4
no. 2. . . .- .: T
Ch quotations wera as follows:!ghti.-floV"Ki
f ( P.A I NJ n ' LAw-m i hit a 1 I nsui 1 . . .
$l .02JM.H;' No. 2 red.' $
RYE No. 2, 7K4cT
BARLEY-aood feeding, 3S40c; fair to
choice mailing, 4g47c.
SEEDS-jNo. l ila,, JI M; No. 1 north-pAovisinTi-M''''
romraet grade. m.L
, I9N8l',B" Prk- rer bbl., $12.80
12.85. Lard per inn lbs.. 17.0043 7.02U,. Si,e.
i.ira viunner, vt.Mitl7.uO,
ciear smcs (Uoxeai, $7.0017. 12H.
Flour, -bbls. .!..,.
Wheat bu. ......t.
Corn, bu
Oata. bu.
Rye. bu
Barley,, bu
Receipts. Sfllpments-.
. 76.7uo 25,Kio
. 43,000 65.9IH)
. 739.700 302,200
. 481,400 2p6 4'i0
. S.000 8.600
liw.nun 25.800
On the PrrwtoeA v,-l,a r. 1 . . .. . v. T ' .
ter market Waa firm; creameries. 20fi26r
dairies, lMi2ar-. Eggs strong at mark
cases included, 154c; firsts, iBVic; prime
firsts, 16c; extras, 17c. Cheese, lira; i"m
13V4C. "
. I. oata Grain and Provisions.
v,8T- UIS'.Ma!l:h :-WHEAT-Market
higher; No. 2 red cash, elevator. $108.
track. $1.15; May. $I.06;, July, 88Htt's6o;
No. 2 hard, ll.07i&l.07H. '
CORN Market lower) No. 2 cash. 47c
track, 48Hc; May. 4trc; July, 47o.
OAT8 Market lower; No. 2 caah. 81c-
FLOCR Dull- and unchanged; red win
ter patenta, $o.1Sh5.40; extra fancy and
straight. $4.754.90; . clearr $4.2Bfj4.50.
BE KD Timothy, steady, W.uinJJS.
CORN MEAL Steady $2.60.
BRAN Steady; sacked, east track, 83
$6,Tooot'',y! t'1"0.t,,y W"013.00; prairie,
.,PSOV.,8I9N'8 - Pork- Jobbing,
$12.50. Lurd, lower; prime steam, $i).57W
Irv salt meats ateady; boxed, extra shorts
$7.12V; clear ribs. $7.00; short clears, $7 25.
n""i. teeny; ooxen, extra snorts, $7.62Vi:
clear ribs $7. 2Vi: short clear,-$7.87Vi
POrLTRY-Siow ; chlckena and aprings.
lOc; turkeys, 14ti1c; ducks, 12r: geeae, ,c
Ml 1 I r.H Better: creamerv "lCrf-n,
dairy, 18424e. . ' '
EOOa Steady; 14c, case count.
. Recei.its. .Shipments.
Flour, hbla B.nrO 19 000
Wheat, bu ; BI.O11O 70'dio
Corn, hit 79.0UO 46 010
Oats, bu 1 81,000 88000
Available Supply of drain.
NEW YORK, March 21. -Special cable
and telegraphic communh-atinna received
by Bradst recta show the following changes
In available supplies, aa compared with
last e.eeoiint:-
WHEAT 4 "nit ed States and Canada, east
Rockies, decreased 2,834.000 bushels. Afloat
for and In Europe, increased, 500,000 bush
els. Total aupply. decreased, 1,834,000
bushels. . '.
CORN rnlted States and Canada, eaat
Rocklea. Increased S91.000 bushels.
OATS rnlted States and Canada, east
Rockies. Increased, L182.0OO bushela.
The leading derreases reoorted this week
are: An estimate of 400,000 bushela at the
northwestern Interior elevators: 806,000
bushels In Manitoba; m.Otur bushels nt
Fort Wurth; 116.000 buahela at Oodorlch.
Ont.; 80,000 bushela at Portland, Me.; 65,000
bushels at St. Joseph; 65 Out) huahela at
lepot Harbor: 63.000 bushela at Port Huron
and 64,000 bushela at Louisville.
The following Increases are reported -170,000
bushela at Oiriaha. and 53.000 bushela
In country elevators outside of Lincoln.
Mlaneapolla Urala Market,
May. I1.131; July, $1 04V,B1.04; September,
HK: No. 1 hard. $t.l7H; No. 1 northern,
$1 16H: No. I northern. 11.11V
FIXlL'R 10c up: rlrat patents, $6.Mf.30;
second pstents. $6.0Ot&10: first cleara, $4 35
(465; second clears. $2.8012.90.
BRAN In bulk. $14.25.
Liverpool Cirala Market.
steady; No. 1 California, tis Id. Futures,
steadv; March, nominal; May, tisSSd; Julv,
CORN Spot, firm; American mixed, new;
4a4V.d: American mixed, old. 4s lid. Fu
tures, quiev; March. 4a4d: May, 4a 50.
Pklladelpbla Prodaee Market.
Suppllea small: prices flrm extra western
creamery, 2Hc. - - . .
EtHiS Steady and In fair demand; west
ern fresh. 17el7e at mark.
CHKESE-Kasier; fair to good, 12ill3o.
Mllwaakev rala Market.
Firm; No. 1 northern, $1 16: No. I northern,
$1.10(J1 II; September. 2c asked
CORN Steady; No. 3, 47Q48c; May,
48V bid.
Teleae Bc-td Market. -
TOI.KDO. March. 21-iKEI8-Clover, caah
and March. $71: April. 17.70; October,
$..'.' 1'iuns aluke, jr.Tu. March timothy,
Volume of Dealingi Largely Cart&iled tnd
Price Movement ii Slnggiih.
Hamnra of Rig Deala la Railway Clr
rlea Fall to l ift Valaes Money
Starket Is F.asler la
NEW YORK. March 21.-The narrowing
limits of the speculation waa a fact clarlv
defined by the day e events In the stock
market and It Is generally believed that
the monev outlook ia the factor making
for restriction. Not only waa the volume
of dealings largely curtailed, but the move
ment of prlcea was sluggish and uncertain.
The hope that yesterday a lale and strong
rallv marked a resumption of the upward
movement did not last longer than the
first hour todav. Profit taking was freely
In evidence and there was no substantial
ilemnnd to follow the slight opening ad
vance in prices. There waa a resumption
of strength at aome polnta during the rest
of the day. but It was In the less Im
portant grade of stocks and failed to Im
press sentiment In the same degree aa
similar movementa in stocks of tYie first
class. Neither were these evidences of
strength well sustained, the whole market
showing the effect of the diminishing de
mnnd. Industrials and specialties matte up
the largest part of the day's showing of
strength. The southern Iron merger re
port was revived In full vigor and the
railroad equipment stocks were still re
sponsible to the brilliant buainess prospects
In that department of Industry. The un
varying growth and expan.Mon reported
from all lines of trade and Industry had
a natural Influence upon the securities rep
resenting different Industries covered by
these reports. In addition there were many
formulated rumors that dividend resump
tions and Increases were In definite pros
pect which eventuated In the Tennessee
Coal dividend. The Corn Products i-tockj
were In contrast to the rule and suffered
from expressed doubts of the maintenance
of the dividend. Justified as the market
closed bv the announcement of a reduc
tion. Sugar reflected the shutting down of
Its principal refinery. In the Chicago I'nlon
Traction stocks the obvious trouble was
the action against Its franchises by the
Chicago cltv government.
In the railroad department, while the In
terest waa small and the movements mostly
abortive, the reports upon which they wera
based pointed to projects of grandiose pro
portions. Thus It was said that Pennsyl
vania was taking over Atchison with the
purpose of guaranteeing 5 per cent divi
dend on that stock. There were vague In
timations of an Immediate dividend to be
forthcoming on Southern Pacific. The
Chesapeake & Ohio movement also was
connected with dividend rumora. These
rumors proved to be not-very Impressive
In face of the modest dimensions of the
resulting movements in the stocks affected.
The easier tone of the call money mar
ket waa attributed to the passing of the
effects of the government's withdrawals
or deposits from the banks last week. It
was said also that some large holders or
securities were transferring their stocks
on a large scale to London with a view to
taking advantage of the lower monev rates
over there to hold their securities In that
market. The effect would he to relievo the
local monev market of that much demnnd
and It Is thought to confuse somewhat the
estimates of the demand for our securi
ties for foreign account. Time money waa
appreciably llrmer and Interest ratea In
that department were lifted a fraction.
Sterling exchange, in response continued
weak. The belief was strengthened that
monev rates will shortly harden, and spec
ulative ardor waa cooled accordingly.
Something was made of professed fears or
fore!gn complications growing out of Vene
suelan affairs, but the growing wealt
ness of the market was more general!?
attributed to disappointment oe.
scanty demnnd for stocks. The closing was
weak and at the lowest of the day.
Bonds were irregular: total sales, par
value. ttfUS.non. rnlted States bonda were
all unchanged on call. . .
Following were tr.e sales and range 01
prices on the Utock r.h.aiKnV!2-yfSlora.
45.500 ray,
1.100 net- 103 1S
400 97
26,700 150'i
0' '
42 , 41 41H
82 81 fcO-i
244 23"4 13
100 2414' 241i HOi
. 27.900 181vi 180k 180)
18 . IB J(S
34 33 4
9.300 111
900 25
500 36
1,400 192
100 34s 34V)
do pfd .....
Atlantic Coast Lluc
Baltimore & Ohio..
do pfd
Canadian Pacific ..
Central of N. J
Chesapeake ft Ohlo
Chlcago & Alton ..
do pfd
Chicago Ot. West..
Chicago & N. W...
C, M. & St. P
Chicago 1 . ac 1
do ufd
C. C, C. & St. L...
Colo. Southern....
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
Delaware ft Hudson
Del.. L. at W
Denver ft R. O
do pfd
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
Hocking Valley
do pfd
Illinois Central
Iowa Central
do ofd 200
K. C. Southern .
do pfd
Ixuls. ft Nash...
Manhattan L ...
Met. Securities ,
Met. Btreet Ry...
Mexican Central
Minn, ft St. Loula.... 20 62V
M.. St. P. & 8. S. M. 4.700 120
do pfd
Missouri Pacific ....
Mo.. Kan. ft Texas.
do pfd 1.100
N. R. R. of M.. pfd.. 100
N. Y. Central
N. Y., Ont. ft W 12,300
Norfolk ft Western.. 6.500
do pfd
Pennsylvania 49.700 144
P., C. C. ft St. Louis
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
Rock Island Co
do pfd
St. L. ft S. F.. 2d pfd
St. L. Southwestern.
do pfd
Southern Pacific ....
do pfd
Southern Railway ...
do nfd l.ioo
Texaa ft Pacific 2.500
2,000 143 . 112 Hl'i
7,300 109- ION lOSVi
147 147
108 Vi 1084
24'- 24
2.600 162V4 1604 100
410 66 65 65
3.2HO 143 141 141
600 li94 1H9 169
17.300 8H 87V4 87
6.4O0 124H U3H 123.
6,400 25 24 24
118 118
3,700 168 165 HWWt
6.800 108 107 1071,
24.200 l3i 161 161H,
92 4
64 -V
900 118 118 118
500 35 35 35
To)., St. U ft W. pfd 3.600
81 :
17.7(0 49
2.800 117
19.6U0 103
91.0iT0 12i
Knlon Pacific 80S"0 i:
do pfd 1,200 100
Wabash 400 3
do pfd 1,700 46
Wheeling ft L. K....
Wisconsin Central ...
do pfd . . '.
Tol.. St. L. ft West..
Adams Expresa Co..
American Express Co
V. 8. Express Co....
Wells-Fargo Ex. Co.
Amal. -Copper
Amer. Car. ft Found
do pfd 8,800 100
Amer. Cotton Oil 100 34
do pfd 100 95
American Ice 90 6
do pfd 3) 38
Amer. Linseed Oil
do pfd
Amer. Locomotive
do pfd
Amer. 8. ft Ref..
do pfd
Amer. Sugar Ref...'.. 5.100 143
Am. Toh. pfd certlf. 9u0 96
Anaconna mining uo,
Brooklyn Rapid T.... 5.2O0
Colo. Fuel and Iron. SO.804 55
. onsniiqaiea uas .... 4.7i 3)7
Corn Products
do pfd
Distillers' Securities
General Electric
International Paper. 100 22
ao pia 400 78
Inter. Pump
do pfd
National Lead 15.200 38
nrui Anirncan 1,W"I JUJ
Pacific Mall
People's Oaa
Preased Steel Car.
do pfd 2.100 94
Pullman Pal. Car.... 500 i'49
Republic Steel ....... 1.700 21
do pfd 2.700 ' 80
Itublier Goods 1.5m0 26
do pfd ;
Tenn. Coal and Iron.. 26,600 94
I . B. Leather 1.000 18
24' '
- 18
62' 4
99 inn
, 38
141 141
96 91
6.9' 10
3 SO
l.OoO 1M
120 11 119
tw W4 tUSi
62 63
14 14
67 67
41 41
187 187
22 22
: 77
.... 37
.... 84
38 38
loifc. lKlV
2i 46; 45U itx.
7.2O0 112 110V 110'A
. 39 38 38H4
V. 8. Realty-;
I'. 8. Rubber
du pfd
V. 8. Steel ..
do pfd
Vn. -Carolina Chem..
do ufd
West ii-ghouse Elec.,.
Westrn I'nlon ...
.Mil JIU-
300 . 94-1
4(0 111 111
rxio iki
Total sales for the day. 943,100 shares.
' 24
Treasury stateanrut.
WASHINGTON. March 21. Today'
Statement of the treasury balances in the
general fund, exclusive of the HJO.akM.wO
fculd iiki-rvt ill lbs unisluu of rsdsmptlon,
shows: Available cash balance. $139,880,340;
gold, $64,4.67S. . ' ,
Jtw lark Meaty Market.
call, stesdv at 8fl3 per cent: closing bid,
8 per cent; offered at S per cent: time
loans, firmer: sixty daye and ninety daya.
$fl3 per cent: six months. 313 per
cent; prima mercantile paper. 2ti4 per
actual business In bankers' bills at $4 f.W'S
4 86 fr demand and at $4 KWli 84 for sixty
dav bills: posted rates, 14 88 and $4.17; com
mercial bills. $4 83.
SILVER Bar. 68c; Mexican dollars,
BONDS Government, steady; railroad.
Closing prices on nonas were:
V. t. ref. a. re,.. fHt Jtn . rtf. ..
aa roups 1""4 I.. N. unl.
ao h. ri 1M1 Manhstttn t.
o roupnn M. I'ntrl 4
to bw re r.!i lo lit Inr
it coupes ..IMt Minn. St. t.
4o 014 41 re KMSa M , K. T
An old 40. roUDOS. .W4 do tu
Am. Tobarro 4. rltl. H N. R. R
An In. rtfs.
At.hlura sen
do id
Atlantic T. Ia. 4l .
Bl. A Ohio 4a
do !
c.ntrl ot Oa. a.
do lat Inc
dn Zd Inr
Chea Ohio 4a.
I'hkiio A. I(H.
c. H. a q. n. 4.
c, R. I. P. 4a.
do col. 5a
coc. ft t. L. a.
Chicago Ter. 4a...
Colorado Mid. 4a..
Colo. A So. 4a
run (a. ctfa
d. a r. a.
Pitt Ultra' Sec.
Krlo prior lien 4a. .
dn en. 4a
r. w. a n. c. ia.
Horklnf Val. 44
ot M c.
in N. V. r. iwa .
n j. r. s ....
. H Mn Parine 4a
do J
.1"4 N. A W. c. 4a...
. O 8. L. rfd 4a
.t!4 rnn. conT. t4ja.
. Pi iRradint sen 4 .
. 71 St. U A I. M. r.
io it Ia. a p. fa
. M4 St. U S. W c 4a.
. Sa hoard A 1.. 4a
. II to. Pacini- 4a
. Ml So. Rallwav 6a...
lnl4 Tcia A P. la .
. tt ,T , St. t.. W. '
. H I'nlon Pailflc 41
. do ennv. 4a
,!V4 V 8. Steel 2d ta.
.lOI'll Witia.h la
. n.l do dab. n
. eft
Waatarn Mi 4a..
W. A U K 4a .
Wla. Central 4a.
.. IMS
... II
... J4
a.. M
... aa
4a. U
... Tat,
. ..m'S
. ...lMV,
. . . .1.11
fa ll
' 4 "
.... 11
Boston Stocks and Bonds.
BOSTON. March 21. -Call loans. ZH
cent; time loans. 3t4 per cent.
closing on etorK. uno oonns:
Atrhlann ad. 4a
dn 4a
Mx rantral 4a
do pfd ,
Bnaton A 'Albany. .
Ponton Elevatad ..
Fltrhbur ptd
N. T.. N. H. A H
Para Marquetta ...
lrnlnn Paclflc ,
Amar. Ara. fham
do pM
Amer. Pneu. Tuba.
Amer. Fugar
do pfd
Amer. T. A T
A mar. Wooian ....
do ptd
Dominion I. A 8..
Rdlann Elec. Illu
faneral Tllactrle,
Maaa. Elav-trto ......
do pfd
Maaa. Oaa
t'nlted Fault
I'nlfed Shoo Mach.
do pfd
V. S. steal
dn pfd
Wrfttlni. common .
AmLlxrmatad ....
Air,rian Zinc ...
,.l.St It'al. A llocla
,.t4R ICantennlRl
..jnja!poppr Han.
.. M'ajnalr Waat ...
..lilt Dominion Coal ..
.. 14 Franklin
i. lU r,nllr
... 4J lal Royala
...H1,!Mm Mining ....
...1.174 Mlchlan
...14 Mrhawk
. .. 3"VMont. r. C
. ..IMS i Old Dominion
...11 Oacanla
. ..2S1 Prto
...1T 'Qtllrcr
. 1IH Phanron
... s.1 Tamarack
. .. 4JH Trinity
ItlUj I . 9 Mlnln
nv, II. g. oil
S4t 1 tah
3 Victoria
44j Winona .-. .
i"3 per
ai vj
8 .
. ... 77
. H
. 404
. 1 1
. 13
London gtoeka and Bonda.
I.ONbON. March 21. Closing quotations
tn stocks and bonds:
Conaola. money
do araount
do pfd
Baltimore A Ohio.
Canadian Pacific ..
f hca. A Ohio
t hloaso Gt. W
C M. A St. P....
Uanrar A R. O...
do pfd
do lat pfd
do 2d pfd.
llllnola Central ...
Lcula. & Xaah....
M., K. A T
..JliiN. V. Central.
.. aiHlNorfolk A W...
aul do pfd
. 134jOntarlo A W
.lrxtajpannaylvanta ....
.tilt Hand Mine
.154 Readlns
. 1 do lit pfd
. 26 do Id ptd
.186 jfloinhern Railway
. 17V do pfd
. 3f; Southern Pacific
. SiVlnlon PactBc ....
.4 dn pfd
, ". !'. 8 Btael
.70 do pfd
.17 IWabaah
. I4a, do pfd
. al Spaolah 4a
SILVER Bar, Arm,. 26 l-16d per ounce
MONEY 1ib per cent.
The rate ot discount in the open market
for short bills Is 2 6-lfVH'j per cent; for
three months' bills, 23-1 per cent.
evr York Mining Stocks.
NEW YORK. March II. The following
are the closing quotations on mining stocks;
Adama Con 25 fLIttle Chief i
Allca SO Unlarlo 7i
Breec 20 Ophir M0
bninawii-k Coa a jrhoania 4
Comatock Tunnal .... a. ; Putoai .
Con. t al. A Va 145 sa'vag 11
Horn Silver Its -Tilfn-a Nevada 97
Iron Silver .... Jti ,,Uiall Hopes. .......... ii
Laadvlil Con , 4((tandar4. ...lka
Bank Clearings.
OMAHA, March 21. Bank clearings today
were -61.341.918.2a, . . The clearings for the
corresponding day of. 1904 were $1,235,535.55.
foreign Financial.
LONDON, March 21. Supplies of money
were plentiful In the market today owing
to the recent borrowings from the! Bank
of England, but much Is due for repay
ment tomorrow." DlHcounts generally
ateady, but aomewhat affected by the con
dition of the money market. Prlcea on the
Stock exchange were steady and trading
moderately active. Consols eased slightly.
Americana opened atrong, advanced to well
over parity, led by -Canadian Paclflc and
Other gilt edged securities. There was
some hesitation later on, but the under
tone waa bullish. The market closed eaay.
In response to New York. Foreigners gen
erally were quiet. Japanese were dull and
Rusalana Improved on continental support.
Imperial Japanese government 6s of l'jo-4
are quoted at 1.04.
PARIS, March HI. Prices on the Bourse
today opened Arm, but later showed gen
eral weakness, and clewed weak. Russian
Imperial 4a were quoted at 87.50 and Rus
sian bonds of 1904 at 503. The private rate
of discount was 1 per cent.
BERLIN. March 21. Trading on the
Bourse today began with a firm tone. Bal
timore A Ohio waa 1.12 and Canadian Pa
clflc 2 per cent higher. The market closed
Waal Market.
BOSTON. March 21. WOOL While the
Bofton wool market la considered by deal
era to be In a strong position, business is
light In most gradea. The demand aa a
rule favors the finer wools. The slow
movement of dome8tlc woola Is due in part
to small available supply. Foreign woola
are In fair demand and moving rather
freely at wuHtalned prices. Quotations:
California, Humboldt and Mendocino, J7Sj
27c; northern, choice, 25'828c; average, 19
621c; middle counties. I6fv,j0c; southern, 15
17c; Oregon, eaatern staple, 2lfe'ic; cloth
ing. 18ftl9c; valley No. 1, 25r28c; territory,
Idaho fine, 19tc20c; heavy fine, 1CS17C; Ana
medium. IStfaoc: Wyoming Ane, 17iS'18c;
heavy Ane, lSfflfle; Ane medium. leiSluc;
I'tah and Nevada Ane, 17(ffl8c- heavy Ane,
1516?: Ane medium. 17(&18c; Montana
Ane choice, 2lCS2e; Ane average, 192 :;
Ane medium choice. 21ffr22p; average, lda20c;
Colorado fine, 16(&'16c: Ane medium, 18ifl?c.
LONDON. March tl. WOOI The offer
ings at the wool sales today amounted to
10.8iS9 bales. Good soft-haired merino grease
realized high ratea, the continent paying
la ld for combings. There was a strong
demand for crossbreds and prlcea hardeti"d
I'unta - Arena word aold briskly at full
rates, Americans tailing several lota. Fol
lowing are tl)C sales In detail; New South
Walea, l'.OOO bales; scoured. 5dC(cls 8d ;
greasv, 5dfils ld. Queensland. 500 balt-s:
greasy, 6ii10d. South Australia, 138
bales: greasy, 9(&'lld. West Australia.
21(10 bales ;acoured. 8dfjla6d; greasy. 8
Wild. Taamanla. loO balea; greaay. 6fi
New Zealand. 4.400 ; ba lea; greasy, 5dft
la 2d. Cape, of Good Hop and Natal. 200
balea; scoured, la6d; greaay, 8iitl0d.
Ptinta Arenas. 2.400 hales: greasv. 76 lOd.
ST. LOCIS. March 21 WOOI,- Dull : me
dium grades, combing and clothing. ?8fj2"e;
light fine. 18h20c; heavy Ane, H7(15r; tub
ashed,, 30S37c.
Metal Market.
NEW YORK. March 21. METALS The
London tin market was firmer, closing at
13t 2k 6d for spot and 134 10s for fu
tures. Locally, the market was quiet, but
held higher, In sympathy with the foreign
Improvement. Spot. Is quoted at $.'9.ofi"df
29.80. Copper declined In London, cloning
at 88 Sa 9d for soot and 8 lis 3d for
futures. Locally, the market reported
Arm. with very little, if anything, offering
below $16.37 for electrolytic; lake, $15.37
I&15 60: electrolytic. $16 26 15.37; casting.
$14.87515 25. Lead, unchanged at 12 ks
9d in I-ondon and at $4.60 In the local mar
ket. Spelter also waa unchanged In both
markets, remaining at 23 7a (d In Ixindiin
and $o.l5''a.20 In the local market. Iron
Arm at 64s 6(1 In Olssgow and 4a 4d In
Mlddleshnrough. Locally, the market re
ported Arm. with No. 1 northern foundry
ouoted at $17.K6618 .25; No. 2 northern foun
dry. 17 5(V(j 18.(4); No. 1 southern foundry,
$17.7518 :; No. 1 aouthern foundry, soft,
$17 75418 26.
ST. UJI'IS March 21 -METALS Lead,
higher at $4.47. Spelter, lower at $5 87.
Evaporated fle and Urleil I'riiKi,
A I'I'LKH Market was held at full lats
figures, but buyers show little Interest for
the time being: coinmon. 4i51,c; prime,
S'ii5tc : choice. fViimic: fancv. 7c.
re unchanged and quiet, with uuotatlone
ranging from 2r to 6c for California
fruit, while Oreaona sell ss high aa 7c
for ths larger alss. Aprlcota are oulet,
but Arm. with choice quoted at I0il1e;
extra choice. 11.fcl2c- fancv. l?nln,
Peschea uiH-hensed St 10t1M.- for chnlea.
1iWtu3 fur fancy and llU'5c for axlra
Liberal Beoipti of Cattle tod Pricei Baled
Steady to Trifle Lower.
Light ftaaply at heea and I, an as la
fight aaa nllh tiona Demand Mar
ket Was Active, nlth rrlres
Rtraag to Tea Ceats Higher.
SOCTH OMAHA, Msrch 21. 1906.
Receipts wen: Cattle. Hogs Sheep.
Official Monday 2.806 8.0M 4 516
Official Tuesday 4.967 7.778 $.6(4
Two davs this week... 7 952 lo.H.1 $079
Same days last week 7.a2 12.(i39 lx.7-9
Same dava week before.. 9.2'.'8 17.2:12 28.I7S
Same three weeks ago... 8113 15.011 13.172
Same four weeks ago....10.;ai 12.741 L'O.TM
Same days last vyar 10.481 12.000 18.540
The following table shows the rece.pts
of est tie. hogs snd sheep at South Omaha
for the year to date, with comparison with
last year;
1905. 19U4. Inc. Dec.
Cattle 177.623 9J,0o0 22.477
Hogs M4.h2 5-'7.467 6.906
Sheep 353,939 408.528 54. 589
The following table snow the average
price of hogs at Soutn Omaha for ths last
several days, with comparisons:
I 1903. 11904.1190$. 1...
Mar. I...
Mar. I...
Mar 4...
Mar. 6...
Mar. 8...
Mar 7...
Mar. I...
Mar. 9...
Mar. 10...
Mar. 11...
Mar. 12...
Mar. 13...
Mar. 14...
Mar. 16...
Mar. II...
Mar. 17...
Mar. 18...
Mar. 18...
Mar. 20...
Mar. 21. ..
4 80 6 141
4 71 I 6 09' I 98
4 77 I 11 T 031
4 80V 6 (41 7 Oil
J 071 T 121
7 96
6 131 7 16
6 191
6 19i 7 14
n lid 7 25i
6 ltl 7 ,m.
6 76 7 13!
I I 23
6 18 7 2
5 261 !
6 15 7 20
8 041 7 11
6 04! 7 05
4 Wi i ln
' 7 33
4 921 7 34!
4 86
4 88
4 88
4 1-74
4 85
4 80
4 81
4 9n
4 94
4 97l
6 0
5 08
1902.'1901. 11900. Il9
ITollTSlTmi $ m
i I I 2SI 4 ' 8 81
I 111 I 4 S) 1 IT
f 071 8 321 n I I)
I 971 6 371 4 74
I 991 6 361 4 70 I 64
6 10 I 871 4 711 1 0
t 06 5 39 4 72 $ 43
6 411 4 71 3 58
6 :7l I 4 731 i 53
K l h 41: I $ f.J
I 18 E 41! 4 761
6 M, 6 40, 4 9 3 f-2
H 13 5 5, 4 75 3 83
I 13 6 Ml 4 79' 1 54
16 68 4 8B 3 N
16 15 4 Mi I Ui
2l 6 55 I $ 58
H 2.1 d el . T
ft 17i 5 711 4 88 , 3 5S
2! 4 81! 1 M
I 25! 6 8:
'Indicates Sunday.
The official number of cars of Block
brought In today by each road was:
Cattle. Irtcs- Sheep.HT's.
C. M. St. P. Ry.... 2 2 .. 1
Wabash 1 .. ..
Mo. I'. Ry 8
t'. P. system 57 25
C. - N. W. Ry., E. . 2 .. 1
C. N. W. Rv., W . 31 3 1
C, St. P., M. & O. Ry 15 11 .. 1
C, B. & Q. Ry , E. . 6
C, B. ft Q Ry., W.. 80 23 1
C R. I. & P. Ry.. E. 9 6
C, R. I. & P. Ry., W. 1 2
Illinois Central 2 2 .. 1
Chi. Great Western. .. 2
Total receipts ....218
The disposition of the day s receipts wni
aa follows, each buyer pill chasing the num
ber of head Indicated:
Cattle. Hoes. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co.
Swift and Company
Cudahy Packing Co.
Armour & Co
Carey & Benton
liohman & Co
McCreary & Carey
Hill ft Huntzlnger ..
Huston A Co
Squires ft Co
Sam Werthelmer ....
Mike Haggerty
Sol Degan
J. B. Root & Co
J. H. Bulla
V. 11. Clark
II. F. Hamilton ....
Other buyers
798 1.219 419
1.085 1.8X8 85
777 1.724 1,5('2
552 2,087 686
95 350
80 .....
Totals 6.809 7,807 3,551
CATTLE There were ovir 200 cars of
cattie on sale this morning and with that
many cattle In Hght packers were Inclined
to be a little bearish. Salesmen, however,
were not willing to take off much, so that
while trading was rather slow prlcea wera
not a great aeal different from
beef steers could best be descrlDed by
calling them steady to a trlfia lower. As a
general thing the more desirable grades
commanded just about steady prices and
aa high a. $j.2 and $5.40 was paid for
pretty good ciitti.--. The common to me
dium kinds were alow, with the tendency
of prices downward, aome salea being aa
much aa a dime lower. Owing to the
largo number of cattle on sale and alao to
the fact that buyers were rather slow to
take hold, it was late before a clearance
was made.
The cow market was a trifle Irregular.
In aome casea aaleamen were able to get
steady prices, while In others they had to
take off 6 to 10 cents before they could
make a trade. In other worda, the ad
vance of yosterday waa largely lost. The
common to medium grades, of course, we-e
the hardest to dispose of. the more desir
able bunches selling In very much the fame
notches thev did yesterday.
Bulls were alao slow, with the feeling
weak, but veal calves did not show much
The demand for desirable gradea of
atockcra and feeders was sufficient to hold
prlcea on such kinds Jus about steady.
The common, and particularly the common
light stuff, waa rather hard to dispose of,
and in spots may have been a trifle
weaker. Representative sales:
No. A. Pr. jc A. Pr.
I M0 I JS 19 1074 4 4(1
1 100 to 46 ng 4 40
tl) Ml 4 10 II ll.1t 4 8
t 81 4 15 4..'. 131 4 (It
0 1171 4 tl tt 1IM 4 70
t 73 4 S5 10 12M 4 70
7 ao 4 16 It 1MJ 4 70
It IU 4 2S It 124 4 7K
17 1041 4 40 11 1 1 St 4 M
II 1071 4 4 12 1211 4 M
I llll 4 40 It 1260 4 Hi
7 t0 4 40 11 1447 4 0
t 146 4 40 It 1411 4 0
to 1147 4 r,o 16 lttn 4 as
It 1054 4 St It )3M t 2d
4 1231 4 40 20 1410 I to
tl 1044 4 0 17 1430 I 40
II 1115 4 40
It Ill 4 00 10 1171 4 It
14 1144 4 60
1 724 I 40
700 i tt
....... 700 1 n
1140 I 40
t40 t 49
700 t to
745 I 75
00 1 75
too t to
1140 i 15
841 I 00
1005 I 00
110 I 00
ao I 00
741 t 10
170 t 10
141 t to
1230 t M
1 . 1 1 40 I 15
t lit t 15
1 1230 1 15
7 714 1 35
6 I 40
..U'0 I 50
. . t7 1 tr.
..1040 I (it
..11T0 t 10
..loot I to
171 1 14
I loon t as
4 nit t 76
1 1010 I 71
It lilt 70
4 not I 70
t 1131 I 75
t 101.1 1 10
II 1070 I U
1 10l 10
it 1140 IS
1 1070 4 00
1 1141 4 00
t 1017 4 00
It 124 4 00
1 ,. 130 1 50 15 474 t II
II 171 iO t Ill I 40
17 ... Ik t 60 I IrO 1 Ml
720 I 16
1 1450 t 00 1 160 I 25
1 1H0 36 1 1411 I ill
1 11X1 I 2i
1 110 I M 1 170 I It
1 220 60 I tA i 71
1 140 6 10 1 110 t 71
nt'luClC LAiv&a.
I 805 t 60 1 170 4 00
410 3 60
1 400 2 60 11 710 t 10
700 S In I 1105 4 00
J 100 I 00 100 lit 4 M
1 110 I M 1 704 4 15
til I 10 41 161 4 40
t 120 t 60 14 ; I 40
1 40 10 16 110 4 tu
16 46 I 10 7 1071 4 60
t 474 I 0 It 141 4 W
641 I 16
21 cows 896 2 90 steers.... 1170 186
1 pull 1170 $00 I heifers.. 870 M
4 calves... 107 3 76 10 feeders.. I! $ 90
1 feeder... 780 I 00 27 stsers.... Mi 4 0
1 bull 1470 ,'J 50
HOQB There waa a moderate run of
hogs In sight thlo morning, and with a
brisk demand fiom aluppe.s, ths market
here opened movtiy 6 cents nlgtier on ins
more orslrable gradea. Home ot the park
era alao started out bidding a nickel more
than they paid yesterday, but Uiey alao
picked out the hogs that Just suited them,
liy the time half ot the hoga had " hanged
hands the market alowed down and grew
rapidly worse until packers wera bludlng
little If any belter than ateady with yea
terday's general market. Salesmen wera
not diapered to take off and us a result
the market cams to a standstill and It
waa soma time before s cU-arsncs was
made. The advame.thls morning' was
largely on choice butcher weights, as well
aa on prime heaviea, eon.moner gradea
Hhowtng very little l.viro-pinfiit. Light
hoga sold largely from ti '2 down, butch
ers and mixed. $" 12 to $o.L and heavies
from $6 17 to $'. .
Practically ett-iMhing w;s dlapoed of be.
fuis noun, but salesmen bad to sell al
$8 10 snd $611. or fullv ?e lower than
the early market. Rapraaentatlva sales:.
No. A 8V Pr. - Mo. aa. fh. pr.
m lit HIS 71 tnt ... I 1?4
n in ... 4 t 14 i4t ... t t:
t it ... I at Ki a I !!,
6 t4 ... I 64) - It. ...... .ft 4 $ Its
t 161 ... IM M 17 ... I lft
167 ... I Mt 71 HO 4 llltj
1 tot ..10 SK It ... tltS
71 lit tot t M 14 m ... Ill's
114 ... IA6 71 ...;... ... tits
..164 ... I a"S IT TT7 ... I US
61 21 1M I TS II 21 ... IIIS
aa II ... I 7S tt at ... t 12
71 til ... 107s 61 141 KI llS
l ?1 N I 7S ! M4 ... I Its
1 It-... I 07S It 4 4 Ills
17 J4 ... t 7S tt.w.... t'l ra Ills
Tl Ill ... 110 Tt IM 4fl I lis
IT 7t 1 I II Ta 14 IM I IIS
Tt tit W III 14 16 ... IIIS
at Ill M I 10 71 7 to tits
ta rt ire t to it tt" ... t us
14 131 K 6 10 II tit ... I it
T ...... n . M 111 to 246 I 15
7t f ... I 10 71 tit ... I II
11 fM 40 I II - 71 147 ... I 16
41 J"? ... I 1 76 114 tl I 11
It 221 ... t II T f7! 4 6 II
72 IM IIS I 1 , 4 lit . . lit
It HI 100 I 10 66 Ill M I II
tl 110 ... II to 140 ... I 16
7 tot ... I 1 41 ta ... I II
a Ill ... I 10 II 14 ... I II
to Ill ... II 40 217 ... I II
tl 2M ... I 10 ' tl It It 6 II
71 144 110 I II W m ... I 11
64 131 40 6 10 It til ... I II
It 143 IM 10 61 tl ... 6 II
7t 245 40 tit It....'... HI ... 116
77 Ill 40 I 11 60 26 ... I II
M 114 .. 8 10 I. .2'! ... Ill
44 16 60 6 10 in 221 ... I 11
41 271 ... 110 4. ...... .24 ... lit
It I7 48 I It It 247 ... I It
76 Jll I 11 It IM I II
17 141 ItO I 1 71 171 41 I 16
I Ill ... t 10 U 160 ... I 16
70 130 10 I US 40 170 I ITS
II tin 10 I IIS 14 47 M I ItS
61 tat ... I I2S 17 !' ''
It 14 ... I US 3I - I ,,v
41 174 40 Ills t tt ... II7S
ii rt, ... ins 4 to l to
It 240 ID I IIS 271 I 10
40 ltd I us t f
16 H4 10 IIS 14 til
70 Ml 120 I IIS
I 11
I tl
SHEEP There wss another light run of
aheep here thla morning, and aa renirts
trom other potnta wera quite favorsble In
the selling Interest, the market here opened
In good season, with trading quite active.
The market could safely he quoted strong
and In fact It waa aa much aa a dime
higher in spots. TraCtlcally everything
waa disposed of at an early hour. One of
the best bunches In the ysrds wss eome
clipped wethers, which sold for $5.00. Ewes
with the wool on went ss high ss $5.85.
The Ismh market waa also strong and.
the same as sheep, could be ouoted strong
to a dime higher. Aa high as $7.26 was psld
for some Just fair lambs.
Quotations f..i- led stuck: Good 'tt choir
Vearllngs. W4S.76: fslr to good year
lings. I.0tvas.40; good to et,r.!ct wethers,
tfi H(TJ5.76; fair to good wethers, $5.00g6.M:
good to choice ewes, $5,0065.50: fair to good
ewes. $4.50i5 00; common t.i fair ewea. $4.00
4J4.50; good to cholos lambs, $7 0OS7.26; fair
to good lambs, $i. 7517.00; feeder lambs. $601
1.50. Representative salea:
No. Av. Pr.
26 western bucks 133 $50
15 western cull ewes 83 3 50
25 Wyoming cull ewes 88 $ 75
20 western, clipped ewes 107 4 25
417 western, clipped ewes Ill 6 on
403 western ewes 99 625
188 western ewes i 94 5 26
185 western ewes 87 5 90
392 Wyoming ewes 94 6 30
238 western ewes 94 6 $i
22 western wethers 100 6 50
2 Wyoming lambs 00 50
427 western lambs , M 7 25
7 western culls 72 2 fO
30 western cull ewes 74 3 35
12 western cull ewes 81 3 35
2 western bucks 155 S 35
60 cull ewes ' 82 J 50
37 western ewes 87 4 10
45 western cull lamba 61 4 25
40t weatern cull Iambs 91 4 75
223 western cull lamba 92 5 3"
58 western wethera 108 5 B5
132 western yearlings 101 8 15
t western lambs 73 I 50
Cattle Steady to Strong Hogs Five
Cents Hlaher Sheen steady.
CHICAGO. March 21.-CATTLE-Recelpts.
4,000 head. Market steady to strong; good
to prime steera, $6.16i0.26; poor to medium,
$3.856.00; atockera and feedera. $2 76a4.0;
cows, $2.80$t4.5O;, heifers, $4.00Cu6.15; canners,
$1.5072.40: bulls. $2.4O'?r4.O0; calves. $3.004.60.
HOGS Receipts, 16.000 hesd; estimated for
tomorrow. 30.000 head. Market 6c higher;
mixed and butchers'. t5,iVnr..45; good to
choice 'heavy, $5.3S'&6.f0: rough heavy, $5.20
fi6.30; light, $o.l6$6.40; bulk of sales, $5.30
$6 46.
SHEEP AND LAM RS Recel pt s, 18.000
head. Market steadv; good to choice weth
ers, $5.7Vd.20; fair to choice mixed, $5.00
6.40; western- sheep, $5.0065.60; native lamb,
$5.60fr7.60; western lambs; $6.0Oi.76.
Kansas City live Stork Market.
Receipts, 10.000 head. Including 400 south
erns. Market steadv. Choice extra and
dressed beef steers, $5.2505.75; fair to good,
$4.2606.26; western fed steers. $4. 2&$6.60;
stockers and feeders, $3.004.75; southern
steers, $3.504.90; aouthern cows, $2.261?3.75:
native cows, $2.00'3'4.35; native heifers. $3.00
(84.76: bulls. $2.60(54.15; calves. $2.5(XS.00.
HOGS Receipts. 11.000 head. Market
strong to 6c higher; top, $6.37; bulk of
sales, $5.20(i6.35; heavy. $o.S0ti6.3T: packers,
$5.255.36: pigs and light, $4. 3.V8V2S.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Reeelits, 3,500
head. Market 10c higher; native lambs,
$6.50fir7.50; native wethers. $5.S.Vfi.00; na
tive fed ewes, $4.90&6.fi6; western fed lambs,
$fi.6i&7.50; w-emern fed yearlings, S4.90y
8.00; fed sheep. $4.90jrJ.o6; stockers and
feeders, $3.50f6.50.
St. I.onls Live Stock Market.
ST. LOCIS. March 21. CATTLE Re
ceipts, 4.000 head. Including 2,000 Texana.
Market strong; native shipping and ex
port steers, $4.161SJ.0O- dressed beef and
butcher steers $3.25ti6.60; stockers under
1,000 pounds. $3.00jH6O: stockers and feed
era, $2.5004.50; cows and heifers, $2.66!4.7S;
canners, $2.002.50; hulls, $2.26(38.26; calves,
$4.00t!4.60; Texaa and Indian steers, $3.00
436.00: cows and heifers, $2.251.75.
HOGS Receipts. 9.000 bead. Msrket
strong; pigs and lights. $4.0005.20; packers,
$5.2o6.$6; butchers and best heavy, $5.35
ff-IEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1.600
head. Market strong: native muttons. $3 00
(66.75; lamba. $5.0Ogr7.fl0; culls and bucks.
$3.76(66.00; atockera, $2.00113.50.
St. Joseph lire Stock Market.
Receipts, 2.198 head. Market active and
stronger; natives, $4.00(Q5.75; cowa and
heifers, $1.9o4j4.75; stockers and feeders,
$8.0O4 60.
HOG9 Receipts, 7,097 head. Market
ateady to 6c higher: llgl'i, $6.1Mj.27:
medium and heavy. $5.20f5.32.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8.757
head. Market stronger; Colorado lambs,
$7.56; yearlings. $6.76; ewea, $6.10.
Slaax City Lira Stork Market.
SIOUX CITY. March 21.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) CATTLE Receipt. 1.610 head:
market atrong and active; beeves, $3.60
5.25; cowa, bulla and mixed, $2 504.(i:
stockers and feeders, $2.75(7jl.0O; calves and
yearllnga, $2.75(8 3 86.
HOGS Receipts. 3.200 head; market Sn
higher, selling at $4.90ft3.16; bulk of sales,
Slock In Sight-
Receipts of live stock st the Mx prlnoipal
western markets yesterday:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
South Omaha 4.957 7,778 3.M
Sioux City 1.800 8,100
St. Louis 4.0CO 9.000 1.600
St. Joseph 2.1!8 7.097 6.767
Kansas City 10.000 11.000 Xl0
Chicago 4.000 16.000 16.000
.38,753 63.076 29.SJ0
attar . anil Molaaaas.
NEW YORK. March 21.-8t:GAR-Ra w.
Arm; fair refining. 4 J-1c; centrifugal. 9 test.
6c; molaeeaa sugar, 4S-16V-; refined steadv;
No. 8, 6.45c; No. 7. .40c; No. 8. I SOe; No. 9.
5.26e; No. 10. ISOc; No. 11. 5.10c: No. 12.
Iflfx-l No. 18. 4.96c: No. 14, 4 90c; confection
ers' A, 6 90c; mould A. 6 40c; cut loaf. 8. 76c;
rushed. 6.75c; powdered, l.l&c; grunulated,
8.05c: cubea. .S0o.
MOLASHES Quiet; New Orleana, open
kettle, good 10 choice. 9(?35c.
NEW ORLEANS. March 21.-SL'aAR-Qulet;
open kettle, $(74Sc: open kettle,
centrifugal. 4Utj4V: centrifugal whites,
6c: yellows. 4Sflficj seconds, 8fi4'e.
MOLA8SK8 Quiet; open kettle, 23((r2$c;
centrifugal, 6014c. Syrup nominal.
Oils aaa flaila.
NEW YORK, March 21,-OILS-Cotton-seed
strong: prime crude nominal: prime
yellow, 26u'Jllc; Petroleum stesdv; re
fined. New York. $7.1;: Philadelphia and
Baltimore, $7 20; Philadelphia and Ilalil
more. In bulk, $4.30. Turpentine, steady,
OIL CITY, March 21 Oll-Credlt bal
ances. $1.39: average shipments, 27.J9J bbls,
average shipments, Lima, 67,163 bbls.; runs,
Lima. 66.122 bbls
SAVANNAH. March n.-OIL8-Turpen-tine,
Ann, 6.'e. Rosin Arm; A. B. C
$2.77: D, $2.8.': E. $.'.87; F. $2lr.': G,
$315; II. $$.; I. $3.50' K. $4 i; M, $4 60; N,
$4.50; WG. $6; WW. $6 16.
4 offes M-rkrt.
NEW YORK, March 21. COFFEE Mar
ket for futures opened eteudy at a decline
of 6ft 10 points In revpnnse to disappointing
European csble snd full ntimarv receipts,
Offering were nut. agaressivs apparently,
and the bull party that has recently been
supporting the market, ahxorhcd offering,
and prices held pretty aiea,lv atotind tl
Initial figures. Tha close a qulal gt
a net decline of 8io points rsrt at ha
business wss In the shape af switch from
nesr to late months Sales were 61.16"
hags. Inrltidlng Mav. 18 90; July, 8 4A Sep
tember. I ; Octooar. $ 75: November.
$8 85; Hecember, $s tJ0. Spot steady. No.
7 Rio. 7c.
Caaaltlaa sITrii aaa Qaatatlaaa aa
Staple aaa Faaer rraaae.
mS RecHnta heavy, market steady;
candled stock. 1tti14o.
IJVK . POl'LTRY Hens. 10o; young
roosters, according to site. 8t10r; old roos
ters, 6Vc; turkeys. IV: ducks. 10c.
Bl'TTKR-Pai-klng stock, 1l17c; ehotca
to fancy dally. Ky-lc; i-reaiiKry, tiHfl'Jtc;
prints, 26c.
FRESH FROZEN KISM-Trout. 9c; pick
erel. 6c; pike, 8c; perch, ic; blueflsh,
11c; whlteflsh, 6c; salmon. He: redsnapper.
loo; halibut, 9r; crapples 11c; buffalo, ic;
white baas, 11c; herring. c: Spanish mack
erel. 11c. Frog legs, per do., 40r.
HAY Prices quoted by - Omaha Whnle
aals Hay Dealers' association:- Choice No.
1 upland, $7.00; No. 2, $t5.50; medium, $8.00;
coarse. $5.50. Rye straw. $5.50. These prices
are for hsv of good color at:4 Quality.
Bit AN-Per ton. $17.60.
OYSTERS New York count, per ran.
45c; extra selects, psr i-ln. 85o; standards,
fer can. 30c. Bulk: Standards, per gal.,
140; extra selects, per. gal., $165; New
York counts, per gal., $1 to.
OR A NO FS California, extra fancy Red-1-nd
navels, all sises $2 50; fancy navels.
$2 351.40; choice navela. large alxes 80. 94,
112-4:'.10. ...
LEMoNfl-Callfornln. fancy. $2.70; Son and
300, $3 25: choice. 270, 300 and 360, $3 00.
DATES Per box of SO-lh. pkga.. $2 00;
Hallowe en. In 70-1b. boxes, per lb.. 45c.
FIllS Cnllffirp1'! per m-ih carton. J5
85c; Imported Smyrna. 4-crown, 10c; 6
crown, 12c; fancy Imported twashed), In
I-id. pag.. 16alc. .
BANANAS-per niedliim-slsed bunch, $1.75
52. : tunibo. $2. 50 3.00.
ORAPEFRCIT-Per box of 64 to 4. $8.00.
STRAWBERRIES Florida, per quart. 80
APPLES-New York Baldwins, $3.onff$.l5j
Cclorado Wlncsaps, per bu. box. $1.76.
UKAr-iiip.riei Maoigda. per Kg. $7.
TANG EH. IN Lit California, per half-box,
$2. "A
CR AN BERRI ES Jerseys, pcf bbl., $S.00;
per box. $2 25.
POTATOES Home groan. In sacks, per
bu., 3O'u40c; Colorado, per bu , 45c.
TL'KrtlPS Old, per bu.. 4vc; new, per
dot., $i.U.
CAhKoTS Old, per bu., 40c; new, par
dnx., ',6c.
PARSNIPS Old, per bu , 4oc.
BKANS-Navy. per bu., 12 10
CI I I'MBERH Per doa., $1.754 2 00.
'I OM A TOES Florida, per 6-baaket crata,
nt -i.aCH Per bu., $1.00.
ONIONS Home grown, red, In aacks, per
lb.. 2c; Spanish, per crate, $.'.50; Colorado
yellow, per II)., 2c; Bermuda onion, per
crate. $2.76; new southern, per dos., 45c.
CArlbAOE Holland seed, per lb., lc.
SWEET POTATOES Kansas kiln urled,
per bbl., $2.60.
BEETS Old, per bu., 40c: new, per dog.
bunches, 86c.
CELERY-Callfornla, 75J90e.
RADISH ES-Hot house, .arg bunch,
per doi.. 80tiOc.
LETTt'CE Per box of about flfteen
heads. Hoc.
RHI'BARB California, per lb,, Ic; per
box of 40 lbs., $3.oo.
PAKSLEl rer nos. bunches, 78e.
A8PARAOrS Illinois, per dos. bunches,
$2.00; California, white, per dog. of I-lb.
bunches, $5.00.
CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream,
13(ftl4c; Wisconsin Young America. 15c;
block Swiss, new. 16c; old, lrVjJ17c; Wlsoon
fin brick. 15c; Wisconsin llmburger, 14c;
brick cheese, l&lrtc.
HIDES No. 1 green, 7c; No. 2 green, 8c:
No. 1 salted. 8c; N. 2 salted. 7c; No. 1
veal calf. 9c; No. 2 veal caif, Ic; dry salted,
7fil4o; sheep pelts, 2&c&$1.00; horse hides,
NL'TS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shells, new
crop, per lb., 15c; hard ahells, per lb., 13c:
No. 2 soft shells, per lb., 12c: No. 2 hard
ahells, per lb., 12c; Pecans, Isrge, per lb.,
12c; smsll, per lb., 10c; pesnuts. per lb., 7c;
roasted peanuts, per lb.. 8c; Chill walnuta,
per lb., 12(al3c; almonds, soft shell, per
Il., 17c; hard shell, per lb., 16c; chestnuts,
per lb.. 12'51Sc; new black walnuts, per
bu., 76'j90c; shellbark hickory nuts, per bu.,
$1.75; large hickory nuts, per bu, $1 60.
Cotton Market.
NEW YORK. March 21. COTTON-Spot
msrket closed quite 6 points lower; mid
dling uplands. 8.25c; middling gulf. 8.60c;
salea. 1,329 hales.
Quiet; sales 4,6K) halee: ordinary, 4 6-lte;
good ordinary, 6c; low middling, 7n;
middling, 7 16-lc; good middling. 7c; mid
dling fair, 8 7-16c; receipts, 9.126 bales; stock,
266.1T.6 bales. . . .
quiet; prlcea '6 points higher; American
middling fair. 4.79d; good middling, 4.4d;
middling, 4.84d; low middling, 4.20d: good
ordinary, 4.08d; ordinary, 3.90d. Salea, l.ont)
bales, of which 500 were for speculation and
export and Included 7.600 American.
ST. LOCIS. March 21 COTTON-Steady;
middling, 7c; sales, none; receipts, none;
shipments 177 balea; stock, 45,667 bales.
Dry Goods Market.
Operations In the dry goods msrket Indi
es te more extended needa on the part of
buyers and continued reluctance on tha
art of sellers to name concessions. In
certain quarters a larger buainess Is In
progress, but aa a rule purchases are con
servative and with every likelihood of re
maining moderate for some time to coma.
Deeds flled for record March 21, as fur
nished by the Midland Guarantee and
Troet company, bonded abstracter, 1814
Farnam street, for The Bee:
Sheriff to Sarah M. Russell, lot 7 and
8, Windsor Place extension $ 800
H. L. Carpenter and wife to P. M.
Campbell, lot 9, blork 111, South
Omaha 2,250
J. E. George to Mary A. Sherley, lot 2a,
Sullivan's addition 150
J. E. George to J. R. Sherley, lot 20,
Sullivan's addition 150
Sheriff to G. B. Coe, trustee, lot 19,
McCandllsh Place 4,5oO
llewyton Lund company to M. Ed
warda, lot 22, block 12, Bedford
Place 70
Mary Stenberg to Amanda ". Swan
son, lot 3. block Ki, Rose Hill 271
J. F. Raker and wife to E.Ferrell.lots
4 snd 6. Harrison Place 1
E. Ferrell to T. N. Welch, lot 4 and
6, Harrison Place 1
Ietty H. Jackobsnn and husband to
O. B. Stadden. lot 14, replat block
10. Bemls Park
Mary B. Hanson and husband to Ger
man EvangellcaJ Lutheran Frledens
congregation of South Omaha, lot 24,
block 3, Brown Park 900
Julia Nadotva and husband to L.
Rupenwlti. lot 10. block 12, Wll- '
cox 4aJ
Elalmore Place company to C. If.
Crelghton. lota 25. ii and 27, BOnson
Imrst 1.800
P. Young et al. to C. D. Wilson, lot
12. block 127. South Omaha 1,000
C. D. Wilson to Phoebe Wilson, lot
12, block 127. 8outh Omaha 1
Anna R. Orcutt et al. to C. M. Rich,
lot 14. block 128. Booth Omaha.......
Minnie Stanton and husband to I..
Plant, lot 8. block 10, Florence.... 1,3d)
Lucy H. Carlisle, executrix, -t al. to
L. J. AliUitt, part of lots 11 and 12,
block 7. Hanacom Place J.385
J. L. Thomas to L. J. Patterifpnpart
of lot 3. Griffin At Smith's 2,-50
Edwards -Wood Co.
(Incorporated )
Haln Offices Fifth grid Robart Strgsti
Stocks, Grain, Provisions
Ship Your Grain to Us
Itntk oniar, lift-ill Board at Traaa
Blag.. Osssbs, Mas.. Telaaaaaa Ml.
112-214 Egchafigs Bldg.. South Omaha.
aVall 'Phone ill Inganendent 'Phoas i
The Merchants
National Bank
of Omaha. Neb.
I', . Depositary.
Capital and Surplus. $600,000
LLIr MK(, Preistcsl.
rial T. I4MILT0N, VI. .
f. . liattM. AMI. (itaisr. 8. . Metii, AHUM.
gvraJTe if-rnunta of hanka. bankara, inr
panties, Iran II InoiTlaui; a llTirabl
Foral! girhin ouht aal amll.
Laltara af rrallt !aau4, lallakla la all
aria nf tha vorl
lutaraal sal an Tlma ranllatai at 0 ""JL
rollaMiraa saata S"lr a aiaaaanaail.
S a raiuaat aorr?atvaaa.