4 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. MARCIT 21. -1003. i - GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET May Wheat Cloiett Week " Wall, but ii - i Disappointing Today. . CORN ACCEPTANCES FALLING OFF FAST Scalpers Claim Hull Sears la term Has Brfa Ularoanled bg Ad vance Balls Expert Wait Corn to Atop oon. OMAHA. March 20, 1805. The who.it market was desd this morning, Willi no rallying power, trie Alii' opi-ntd lit i.l.-- aiiu drrlinrd from there to i.lS. whfn mi the low point reacncil lie-tore noon. At Imon the May was at 11.14-1. j ii3 July did not lime ground ho imn'ii. Liverpool closed with a decline of ',c. Ant werp whs iinrtinnged and 1'arls lost 10 ii'iium' Tim May wheat In a different proposition trom the July and Beptember, in the southwest and In Chlrago ih May Is n matter of supply "nd Demand, although in t'lin-nao It in imdly rongestea. In tne northwest both May and july art supply and dTnaiid deliveries. Last weelt tho .May rwgan the. week with a break of z-o hiki later made a rally of tSt cloning tna ik wllhlo 'c f the high point and with a lut gain fit ?,. It would seem from thl ahowmg the Wall street bunch still controls tlm situation. No now trade are roming into the market and the comnils nlon house are doing all they ran to kot-p their rumirmer out of It. The primary lec-elpt nr H,0'0 bushels. aaalnst Tlli.OtJO bushels lngf jcar, inn) the shipments art 2I1.IKKI bushels, against 3H bushels. Tho visli'le Fupply of wheat decreased for the week 1,13,0K) biiMhels. The Mlnneapolla 'neks decreased I76.(i0 bushels for the last itvo d.iysi The northwestern curs today, ini'iuiilng Chicago, arc 6';T, laat week CIS mid lust yeur 6m. At Minneapolis 3J4 cars eie loaded nut Saturdny and there was a, itund rash demand. The world's ahlpments ir! fU'7ti.U) bushels, Hgainst ll,84O.0UU bush "im for tha preceding week and 10,684,000 bushels last year. iiit- com iimrKet this morning wns on an even keel, lUirliig last week the corn ad vanced ?c, the May touching 6ho. from where If broke l'c, closing- the week with a net advance of inc. There la a strong bull interest opposed to the scalpers. The bulla have been up from 4SUc. The ecnlpers are bearish on the outside, spec ula lor who thoy claim hnve not coma Into the market on the buying side. All bullish news they claim haa bean dis counted by, the ndvance of 6c from the low point. The exports for the week wero 3.K4Q,(ioi bushel. Ilie seaboard today took 1:H.X nt t'hli-ago for export and New York ' report' d twenty-five loads worked for ex port todmj'j. Liverpool has advanced . Vha cash business hum not followed the future market, as the bulla had hoped. America It the only country now export ing in any volume, the Argentina having practically dropped out. Thla causes the ocean nnssnge figures to drop for the week from Jo.oofl.uoo to below 12,00n,vm bushels, nnd the excess over Inst yenr from 10.000.000 t.i X(O0 bushels. Everybody- Is looking to the west to see what tha situation is to become. The acceptances have been falling off rapidly from all the western states, Nebraska nnd other states have sold a great deal of corn to be delivered before the rates go In, April 1. and are slow to make any more contracts. ' - Omaha Caah Prtcaa. WIIBA f No. 2 hard, Il.V-"3i.03; No. 8 hard. 8?r' No. 4 haid, HOfcfcc; No. i spring 11.03. CORN No. 2, 45ic; No. S, 4fiHc; No. 4, 4-Cfcc; no grade. 40ig44c; No. 8 yellow, 46c; No. S yellow. 46c; No. 2 white, 46c; No. 2 white,-1Mic OATS No. 2 mixed. 80c; No. S mixed, ItiVic;" No. 4 mixed, 23c: No. 2 white, 31c; No. S white, JOc; fii, 4 white, 2Hc; stan dard. Carlot Itacetpts. ' ' s Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago W .. . 860 Kansas City..' 53 64 IS Mlnneapolla 657 Iniluth It Bt. Uiula 87 151 139 Omaha 27 13U . 2J Minneapolis WkMt Market. . The range of prices paid in Minneapolis a reported uy the Edwards-Wood company, tionid of Trndo, was: Articles. Open. nifth. J Low. Cloae-lBafy. Wheat I I I I I Wheat I I jui.v.f.f i 4r i' vBept... 88V JEW YORK GBXKRAL MARKET Quotation ot the Day on Varloaa , Commodities. NEW YORK, March 20,-Fl.OrR-Re. ceipts. 21,400 bbls. ; exports, 4.X99 bbls.; mar. krt, dull and unchanged; Minnesota pat ents. W.SMJH 2: bakers. J4.KXat.5o; winter ratents, l.i.tojo.TS; winter atralghta, Ss.209 30; winter extras, 3.6.Vjj-i.Z0; winter low grades. H.4'(&4.10 ltye flour quiet: fair to good, $4.304.70; choice to fancy. 4.7ngf4.90. Hiickwhrat flour, Inactive, per 100 lbs., 2.u0 CORNMEAL Steady ; fine white and yel. low, ll.26fil.S0; coarse new, SI. 10(31.12. RYE Nominal; weatern, 80c. BARL,EY-Dull; feeding, 44c, c. 1. f., New York; malting, ttKyOic c. I. f. Buffalo, WHEAT Receipts, 175 bu.; apot market, easy; No. 2 red, nominal, elevator; No 2. red, 11.17 f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern, Ouluth. 81.23H t. o. b., afloat; No. 1 hard, Manitoba. HM t. o. b afloat. Following an Irregular start the wheat market ad vanced slightly on smaller world's ahio- menta, steady cables ana coiner weather ' rat. It then Inclined to realigln on biz northweut receipts and southwest selling, rallied on the large visible supply decrease and waa Irregular thereafter, closing rather easy at Mt? r'l decline. May, II 13v,tJ) 1.12,, closed IU!Hl July. W 13-16j87V, closed 07c; September, 89H897c, closed CORN Receipts, 248,825 buahela; exports, 1R1.473 bushels; spot market, steady; No. t, 5KiC, elevator, and 54c f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 yellow, 55c; No. 2 white, 54ViC. The op tion market opened up sharply on rains west, Arm cables and leas receipts than ex pected. Unloading then developed and with wheat the market rent-ted to nearly the close on cqverlng. Iast prjoej were toflHo net higher; May, 64j6oc, cloaed 55c; July, 5Mc. closed 55V OATS Receipts, WM0 bushels; exports. 816 bushels; spot market, quiet; mixed, 2a to 81 pounda, S7'jSic; natural white, 80 to U pounds, 4NV(i:Wc; clipped white, 36 to 40 pounds, XX?41o. HAY Irregular; shipping, 7He724c; good to choice, 87VWi90c. . HOPS yulet: stale common to choice, :04, 2it30c ; 19HB, 24gr27c; olds, JHjl8c; Pa cinc coast, 1IM, 2Mii'Jc; UW, 2Vu c ; olds llftlSc. l.K-ATMER Steady ! acid. 24c. PROVISIONB-Heef steady.; tamlly. $12.00 larket, Ill.lKwji'M.OO; elly extra India mesa, 1S.UKU18 00. Cut meats steady; pickled bel lies, 74i 7o; , pickled shoulders, 6tIVc; ulckled hams, Ktilh', Lard, market firm: weatern attained, ti.45; ruflned, steady; con tinent, 87-50; Hon! h America, 97.16; com pound, 84.M7Mi4).aU. Pork, firm; family, $14.Mi 15.D0; ahort clear, 12.7515.2; meaa, Sl3.26il:t.75. ' RICK Quiet; domestic fair to extra, 2tk'(i5'C' Japan, iiuminal.' TAI4.0W Steady; city ($2 per pkg). 44o; country (pkga. free.), Hti-Cv,o. BI'TTEK Klrm; . atreet price. extra creamery, I7ft'.7Ho. ORlclul prloea, rream cry, common to extra. Job 27c: creamery, held, common to extra, 428Vsc; state daiiv, common .0 extra, CIItCli:HE--Strong; slate full cream, small, colored and white fancy, 14c: state fine, 1SV; slate lata made, colored and white, poor to choice, lOVtilJc; state large, colored anu while fancy, ic; state fine, llifHc; state late made, colored and white, poor to choice. 1012c. hQUS Klrm; western firsts, 17o; western seconds, lAHc. POl'lnt A'.lve, steady; western chick ens. 12c; fowla, ISn; old turkeys, lc; dressed, steady, western chickens, 13a'UV,c; lowla, 13t(iavc; turkeys. ibHK-. Kansas f Mr irala and Prevlsleaa. KANSAS CITY. March 20. WHEAT Higher; Muv. 74o: Ju'V- "Vl No. I hard1 11.0431.07; No. f tl.Oltfl.t: No. 4, aoctf tlOa; No. 2 mlxet. l.u5l.i; No. I. fl.WW l.l.; No. 4, !oii1.03. CORN 4teauy; May, 45Vi645ic: July, tic. Cash: No. 3 mixed. 46h45c; No. 3. 45i)45c; No. 2 white, 4tl4j46uc; No. 8, Ii- Tc. ."AT8 Steady ; No. i white, 84c; No, 2 mixed. 3ii33lo. HAY Steady; choice timothy, ag.S-WO.Oo; choice prairie. 7.7fSjj.uU. HYE-Steady, 7c EOliS-Sivady ; MiASuurl and Kansaa new No. 2, )!! ood lanes Included. 14'-c; case count. i:Hc, cases returned. H U- Hl'TTKit 81-t.dy ; cnuinciy, 22427c; I'lukmc lii'j'. ' Receipts. Shipments. M'heat, bu i.4t 7kxio Corn, bu .l2o HoO , m 'eT.Sirt Oats. . bu..... , r.. )W ' T.U00 r--r-- ; Minneapolis flraln Market. MINNEAPOLIS. March 2H.-WHEAT-Miv. 8I.12H; J"'V. September. fS'.c; No. 1 hard. Ills'.; Nu, 1 .nprtheru, 81 ll': K'v 2 nori hern, 81 lo FLOLU-Kirst yaluu, lii.iOyti.W, aeconj patents. 88Mon: first clears, 84 25U4.4C; second clears. M.7M2.S), . BRAN In bulk. 214.25. CHICAGO CRM AD PROVISIONS. Featerea of Ike Trading; anal Closing Prices an Board ef Trade. CHICAGO, March 20,-UberaJ primary receipta caused many realising ssle in Msy wheat here today. As a result tha May option at the close waa off V- July la down StSSc. Corn showed a gain of He. Oats are unchanged. Provisions are up 2,ctil21,c. Weakness in the wheat market developed soon after the opening. 1'nder the Influ ence of bulllrh weekly statistics the market In general opened quite firm. July being up Sft'tc, at MTffttflc. Mav waa unchanged to He, lower, at 81.lfi4Sl.16S- Owing to a decrease of 1.300.0) buahela In the world's shipments for the week, compared with those of the corresponding week a year ago, prices In foreign grade markets showed gains. The decrease in the world s movement waa the main reason for the Initial firmness here. Commission housea were fairly active buyers of the future de liveries. The May option, however, waa under considerable selling pressure, a num ber of prominent longs being reported ac tive on the selling side of the market. One reasen given tor the desire to unload May was an Increase In receints northwest, ar rivals at Minneapolis and Duluth being larger than on either the corresponding day laat week or a year ago. Later tho selling became more general when figures showing the total primary receipts were posted on the bulletin bosrrts. The total movement today in the I'nlted States was nearly lon.ooo bushels In excess of what It was a year ago. The showing on prlmsry receipts was a hard blow to the theory of depleted reserves and was largely re snnnslhle for the weak undertone of tha market. After selling at 9H'c, shortly after tne opening, tne juiy delivery roiioweu May In a downward course. The lowest point for May was reached at 11.144. July sold off to mkMic. During the last half of the aesslon the market received some sup port from the strength of cash grain, but the demand was not urgent. The market closed rather weak, with May at II. MS. July closed at 2r,f21c. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 25.5no.OnO bushels. The amount in passage increasea 84.000 bushels, while the visible supply de creased 1.151,000 buahela. Primary receipt were W4U00 bushels, compared with 71X 200 buahela a year ago. Minneapolis, minim and Chicago reported reeelpta of W7 cars, against MH cars last week and 575 cars a year ago. The corn market was firm from start to finish. At the opening the market waa Influenced by smaller receipts than esti mated, arrivals today hetng nearly ion cars less than expected. Ijite In the day a report of twenty-five boatloads taken for export gave additional support. A feature of trading was the reported purchaae of 2,000,000 buahels by a prominent commission house. May opened HQc to S'S'V' higher, at 49H&49Hc sold between 48Sif4Rc and 49V4c, and closed at 49Hiifi49l4c. Local re ceipts were 864 cars, with five of contract grade. Sentiment In the oats pit was Inclined to bearlahness, owing to liberal receipts. A desire to take advantage of the low freight rate waa the cause of the Isrger movement. May opened unchanged nt ao, sold between 81'fi31i'&Sl7c, and closed at 81e. Local receipts were 840 cars. Provlaiona were Arm on amaller receipts of live hogs. Shorts were good buyers. Of ferings were comparatively light. At the close May pork was up 10-312HC higher at 12 97H5 13.00. Lard and ribs were each up 2U436C at 87-150)7. 17H and Ifi.OTVs.OO. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 52 cars; corn, 533 cars; oats, 295 cars; hog. 4.000 head. Leading futures ranged as follows; Artieles.1 Open. Hlgh.j Low. Closo. Safy. Wheat Mar July Sept. Corn May 1 July Sept. Onta May July Sept. Pork May July Lard May July Ribs May July ' I. I ii irxa-1 1 1544 IWiaHlW 87 Ml ?. isWB'fc 1 14V1 1 MS! 1 1&S 40ViflV4 4,i'8S! 4tf'B-X 31Si 31 494 48741j9l49VB&,4 49M9i, 4PS1 49 4S!Mn4 12 9S 13 10 7 17: 7 32Vi 31ST4 31 13 00 13 15 7 50 7 32 97U 7 00 7 17V4I 7 17Vi 31'fiH ',4 21 S S' s 12 2H 13 07H 7 15 7 80 97H 7 15 494 49'i 49S SIS! 31S aisljnsfS 29SI29H'S' 13 00 12 87V4 13 12! 12 10 7 17! 7 30 8 97! 7 17 7 12 7 25 8 95 7 12 No. 2. I Cash quotations were' as follows: KLOL'R Easy; winter patents. 85.00S5.10: straights, 14.76m 4.90; spring patents. 35.004 5.40; straights. 24.40ff4.s0; bakers'. 32.40ji3.4O. WHEAT No. 2 soring. 1.101.13; No. 3, I1.02WU2; No. 8 red. 1.151.1.S. CORN No. 3, 4Sc; No. 2 yellow. 48c. OATS No, 2. air31Se; No, 2 white, 33 33Sc: No. 8 white. 132c. . RYE No. 2. 78(6p78c. BARLKY-Uood feeding, 38(340c; fair to choice malting, 433r47c. SEEDS No. 1 flex, I1.S8; No. 1 north western, .11.88. .Clover, contract grade, 11335. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., 812909 12.96. Lard, per 100 lbs.. 37.067.O7. Short ribs sides (loose). H.87(97.00. Short clear sides (boxed), 17.00.12. Articles. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls. 29,200 21,600 Wheat, bu. SO.OHO . 82.200 Corn, bu ang.imo 351.200 Oats, bu. 374,100 122.4H0 Rve, bu. 4.00O l.fyO Bsrlev. bu. 6,8uO 80,200 On the Produce exetaange today the but ter market was firm; creamerlea, 20t26c; dairies. 18323c. Eggs, firm, at mark, caaea Included," 15r; firsts, 15c; prime firsts, c; extras, 17c. Cheese, firm; 12 18c, - -, St. I.onla Ornla axnd Prorlslona. BT. LOriS, March 20. WH EAT Firm ; No. 2 cash, red, elevator, 11.06; track, 1.M1.14: May, 81.05; July, 86c; No. 2 hard. 81.07. CORN Stronger? No. t cash, 47c: track, 484j4HS: May, WWc; July. 47'47c. OATS Steady; No. 2 cash, 31c; track, 32 r32c: May. HOc; No. 2 white, 33c. FLOUR Dull; red winter patents, 85.18 j5.0; extra fancy and straight, 4 15434 80; clear. 84.25'o4.W. SEED Timothy, steady, 82.0082.75. CORN MEAI Steady; 12.50. BRAN Steady; sacked east track, f SRlk-. HAY-Steady; timothy, 30O13.0O; prairie, 8.oo!n.oo. IRONCOTTON TIES-5c. BAOaiNO 7"iC. HEMP TWINE c. PROVISIONS Pork higher; Jobbing, 112.50. Ird, higher; prime steam. $.2. ry salt meats, higher; boxed extra shorts, 87.12; clear ribs. 37.00; short elenra 17.75. P,acnn. higher: boxed extra shorts, 87.62; clear rlhe. 17.62; short clear, 37,87. POULTRY Dull; chickens and springs, 10c; turkeys. 141 19c; ducks, 12c; geese, 7c. RUTTEH Firm; creamery, 214f26c; dairv. 1824c. EOOS Steady at 14c, case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 14,H0 lft.OHO Wheat, bu Wi.OOO 6.0n0 Corn, bu lRl.OiiO J7.0n0 OaU, bu 139,000 41,000 Visible Supply nt Orals. NEW YORK. March 20.-The visible sup ply of grain Saturday, March 18, as rmn- filled by the New York Produce exchange follows: WHEAT-33,ft43,000 bushels; decrease, 1.151 000 bushels. CORN-,77,000 buahela; Increase, 421,000 bushels. OATS 18.111,000 bushels; Increase, 184.000 bushels. RYE 1.489,000 bushels; decrease, 103.000 'bARLET 1,817,000 bushels; decrease, 53$, 000 bushels. Liverpool Grain and Previsions. LIVERPOOL, March 20.-WHEAT-8pot, steady; No. 1 California." f J0d. Futures, nominal; May, 6a8Sd: July, a d. CORN Spot, firm; American mixed, new, 4s4'd; American mixed old, 4s lid. Fu tures, quiet; March, 4a 4d; May, 4s 8L Unlnta Grain Market. DULUTH. March 20 -WHEAT-To arrive. No. 1 northern. 81.08: on track. No. 1 northern. 31.08: No. 2 northern. II 02til .08; My. 81.09; July. 81.08; September. 88c. OAT8 TO arrive and on track. 8oSe. Peoria Grala Market. PEORIA, March 30.-CORN-Actlve hut lower; No. 1 yellow. 47e; No. 3, 47c; No. 4, 4e; no grade. 4344oc. OATS-Steady: No. 8 white. 21SlSo; No. 4 white. SlflflHeC aaar and Molaaaea. NKW YORK. March 30-SUOAR-Raw, firm: fair rennlng, 4Sc; centrifugal, M teat, 5c; molasses sugar. 4c; refined, steady; No. t, 6.45c: No. 7, 6.40c; No. 8. 6 3tc; No. , 1.25c; No. lO.'iroc: No. 11, 8.li No. IX, 6 06c; No. 18, 4 96c; No. 14, 4 80c; confection ers' A. 90c; mould A, ( 40c; cut loaf, 6 74c; crushed. 4).75c; powdered, 6.15c; granulated, 6 i. ; cubes, i.Uk: MOIA8SES-Woiet; New Orleans, open kettle, good la choice. Hiti'ioe. NEW ORLEANS. March 2t.-SUGAR Quiet: open kettle, S,H4r; open kettle, i-etitrifuual. 4',ti47,c; centrifugal whiles, 4c; jellows. 4S(.'A.c; seconds. i,lj4c. MoLASFi:S- Siesdy; cpen keltic 2c, cen tiilugal, 3tVc- Siup, nominal, toe. EV YORR STOCKS ASD BONDS . . .. ., . . Early Decline in Valnea ii Checked B Actire Bujing. PERIOD OF DULLNESS FOLLOWS PISE peralatore Trying to Keep Market On nn Kirn Keel Intll gome Doabtfnl Faetora-Are Worked Oat. NEW YORK. March 20.-The effects were perceptible In today's stock market of eome nenevoient supervision wnlch had the ei fect ef discouraging aggreaslon by thebear party. The buying which checked the de cline, however, hesltsted to follow prices when they turned upwards and the specu lative operators who attempted to puph the advance found themselves In scanty company. The result was a period of dull ness In the trading and a narrowing in the fluctuationa, prices showing a tendency to settle to about last week's closing. The impression was produced of an ef fort to hold the present situation on an even keel while awaiting the solution of some of the doubtful factors In the out look. The party of reaction waa somewhat aggressive In the early part of the day until checked by the measures of support In the market. With the reaction checked, some of the old rumors of deals showed renewed vitality, notably that alleging a plan for a holding company for the an derbllt properties and for the combination of New York Central. Northwestern and Union Pacific. The Northern Securities case also ahowed a remnant of Its strong hold on speculative aentlment when tho intimation was circulated that the supreme court waa likely to conclude the case by issuing Its mandate today for the carrying out of the decision. The renewed signs of depression shortlv after noon were clearly due to the news of the adjournment of the court over the rrcess without issuing Its mandate. About the same time there ap peared official disclaimers of the New York Central rumors also pointing out -the ab sence of directors necessary to secure a quorum of the board. Such disclaimers have often been lasued In the mldrt of the most excited periods of the late rise with out attracting the slightest attention. Their greater effort today waa an Index of the subdued spirit of the speculation. Attention converged on the money mar ket owing to the low atate of the bank reserves and the expected growth of an Interior demand for currency. The extreme activity In all llnea of business In Itself promises to Increase this demand, and any material Inroad on money supplies would be expected to affect unfavorably the stock market. There was no evidence of a lark of funda today, although rates were well maintained. Of general news the condi tions reported from all quarters were bril liant. The tone of reviews of traffic condi- tlnni V... rfflllrn.il officials VHA fsirlV Cn- thtislaattc, the only complaint being of a shortage of cars with which to meet the extrsordlnary business- offering. Stocks of merchandise are reported low owing to former healtatlon about reordering, and or ders are reported to be coming In now In such volume as to promise a glut of rail road traffic for some time to come. Sug gestions were put out of an early payment of accrued dividends of Republic Steel pre ferred and that stock made a spurt of rarrylng Tennessee Coal with it In sym pathy. Some renewed credence was given, therefore, to the rtory of the meraer or southern Iron companies. The railroad shipment stocks were In demand. Intima tions of a newly found value for Canadian Taclflc lands t.v reason of oil dl''0iy"r'es caused an excled rise In that stock arid contributed w1tn the movement In the southern Iron stocks to l" '."f which wns active and at the bM nrlces for the dav. Sterling exchange broke vio lently a full quarter of a cent In the pound and this was pointed to as g promise of re'lef for the money market. Bonds were Irregular. Total silcs nar value. 83570.000. rutted States bonds were all unchanged on catl. Following were lie sales and range ot nrlces on the Utock exchange today: prices on r Bales.Hlgh.Low.Close. Atrhif,on 29 500 4 W ' do Pfd " I i 103 102 103 Atlantic Coast Line.. 3.700 142 141 142 Baltimore & Ohio.... 15.200 lu9 10 W. Canadfa'n' Paciflc "I:'.'. 44,SO0 15o" w". 149 i Central of N. J Chesapeake & Ohio.. 33.800 59 67 58'4i Chicago & Alton .... 200 42 41 41 do cfd 100 81 M K0 Chicago Ot. West.... 4.800 24 .'3 C. rsortnwesiern.. , wm '" C, M. & St. Paul.... 31.200 181 1'9 W Chicago T. & T " do Pfd .. )0 33 32 32S C CI, C. & St. L.... 8.70) 108 HH IH Colorado 4 South.... 3.200 24 23 24 do 1st pfd l" wvm wj-sj do 2d pfd Delaware & Hudson. 1.CW0 191 190 191 Del., lck. & W 3'6 Denvir 4 R. O .... M4 do pfd 400 89 t9 iDln Erie T 27.800 47 46 4S do 1st pfd 1.000 81 8.S S do 2d pfd 500 6 67 8 Hocking Valley 800 94 93 95 do pfd 100 94 94 93 Illinois Central t.SOO lt2 181 163 Iowa Central 100 29 29 29 K. C. Southern 400 29 29 29 do pfd 9"0 65 65 6&S Manhattan I. 3o0 IH.4 l9-s 1 Met. Securities 35.HOO 88 V 8 Met. Street Ry 6,700 124 123 124V, Mexican Central .... 4.2i 24 21 2414 Minn. St. Louis .. 400 2 61 0 M., St. P. & S. 8. M.. 1.200 119 110 119 do pfd 1.700 lfi4 1H2S 164 Missouri Pacific 7.300 1( 107 108 Mo., Kan. & Texas., l.ono 32 31 32 do pfd 2.000 66 6 66 N. R. R. of M pfd.. 8.0H0 41 41 41 N. Y. Central 59.500 163S HS0S K N. Y., Ont, A West.. 15.900 62 1 ' Norfolk & WeBtern.. 6,700 86 84 8t; d pfd 92 Pennsylvania 49.500 143S 142 143 Pitts., C. C. & St. L. . 100 82 8J 81 Reading 81.0OO 9Vi 94 do 1st pfd 300 92 92 92 do 2d pfd 91 Rock Island Co 16.100 34 23 34 do pfd 1,000 80 80 79 St. L. A B. F.. 2d pfd' 1.800 71 70 70 St. L. Southwestern. 600 27 26 26 do pfd 3,100 66 64 64 Southern Pacific .... 25.600 6s 67 68 do pfd 100 118 lls 118 Southern Railway ... 6,800 35 34 36 do pfd 2.4O0 90 99 99 Texas 4V Pacific 4o0 3ii 39 38 Tol., St. L. & West.. 1.600 39 7,9 89 do pfd 1.100 58 67 67 Union Pacific 128.100 132 130 3.' do pfd 1,000 99 99 l9 Wabatih 700 23 2: 22 do pfd 1.300 4o 45 46 Wheeling & L. E 18 Wisconsin Central ., 100 23 23 231k do pfd .- 4" 52 5k 62 Louis, at Nash 5.700 142 141 142 Adams 245 American 228 I'nlted States 130 Wells-Fargo :so Amal. Copper 50.200 SO 78 79 Amcr. Car & Found. 8 5oO 38 37 38 do pfd 2,000 99 98 99 Amer. Cotton Oil .... 34 do pfd 60 American Ice 54 do pfd 39'4 Amer. l inseed Oil 17 do pfd - 42 Amer. Locomotive ., 20.800 49 47 48 do pfd 300 116 115 il5- Amer. S. ac Ref. 33.100 103 lirj KJ do pfd 18.000 I'2 122 12: Amer. Sugar Ref.... 3.WK) 143 143 142 Amer. Toh. pfd ertif o0 o 9; 96 Anaconda Mining Co. 1,600 120 117 111 Brooklyn Rapid T... 11,700 07 66 66 Colo. Fuel and Iron.. 14.600 54 5; 54 Consolidated Uai 2.900 2"6 204 204 Corn Products 2,600 18 IT IT do pfd 200 71 71 70 Distillers' Securities. l.RoO 41 40 41U General Electrlo .... 1,300.189 187 lf9 Inter. Paper pfd exd 2D 78 78 78 Inter. Pump, exdlv ; 37 Inter. Pump, pfd gn National Lead 12,700 28 36 38 North American .... l,5iW 102 102 102 Paclflo Mall 200 45 45 46 People's Oas 2.9X 112 111 mS Pressed Steel Car.... 1,100 92 92 92 Pullman Pul. Car.... loo 247 247 "4714 Republlo Sieel 10.200 21 II ro Pfo ."00 79 76 78 Rubber Ooods 400 26 26 2ni do pfd 842 Tenn. Coal and Iron. 12,800 12 87 91 leather Boo 12 12 12 h- I' Me"J;jr "0 94 93 W 2 U.S. Rubber 2.4.10 41 40 41 . PM 600 111 lli J104; A ?i 4Sa" 85T' M6 .00 P'd 24.900 95 4 8.VV XtI't'.r. Chemical... 81 34 84 ,,.n,d. - 1" 107 107 107 estinghuuse Elec j81ii Western Union, exd 800 93V 93'i 93I! International Paper 22 Total salea for the day, 1.097,200 sharea. Bank (learlaas. OMAHA. March ?f..-Iiank clearings to day were 11.614.297 .46. The clearings for the ccrrehpoinl.il day of 1904 were 1.I12,- gold reserve In the division of redemption, shows: Available rash balance, H41.8il.3Ai2; gold, tfi4.824.888. j . - -. 1 Xew lork' Money Market. NEW YORK. March SB. MONET On all. firm at 23 per rent: closing hid. 2 per cent; offered at 2S Pr rent. Time loans, steady; sixty dsya, 3'i3 per cent: ninety days and six months, 3f-3 per C"rRIME MERCANTILE- PAPER-34 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE-Weak, closing steadier, with actual business- In bankers' bills at 86!fi4.8A for demand and at 4 fcifi4 84 for aixtv-dav hills; posted rales, I4S6 and 14 87; commercial bills, l4KItf .ST. KILVER Bar, SKc; Mexican dollars. 44c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, Irregular. Closing prices on bonds were: C. a. rot. Is. i... l4H Jts . fif i":1 to toupna ..1 104 'i L. S. unl. 4 HM So I. r1 104H Minhtliis r. R 4i. . I'T Bo ronpoa 1M Met. Inlrsl 4i "J o sew 41. rt I'-1 4o 1M Inr 24 to coupon 1J!4 Mlnn. Sr St. I.. 4a . . M do old 44 ref I4 M . K. T tl 10044 to old 4s. ceuooa so it.. M Am Tobsero 4i. ctti. 74V !. R. R. of M. r. 4. o ta. rtf U7H N. T. O, . t ' Atrhlfna cn. 4 H N. J. C. f. ! I"1 do dj. 4s 7 $: PiClOc 4. 1" Atlsntlr r. I.. 4t 10114 ' do 7 Bl. Ohio 4l 1"4V ?. j W. r. 41 dn H Hlitli fl. L. rfnit. 4 r, Cerlrml ot Os. it 11 ftnn. rnnr. JS" 1"H do 1 Inc M iHeadlns W. do M Inr 7lH. t I. M. r Ks..ll Dies. Ohio 4v....li4 St. I,. S. r. tf. ' 1 rhlrigo a A. !'.... at St. L. a. W, r. 4. ... S C, B. a 4). n. 4s.... 9944 S board A. U. 4a ... Hi 4 C. R. I. A P. 4.... iltiSo. Pacia 4a s do col. a 91 Fi Bllr a 119'i CI'C. SI L. I. 4a. .10111 Ttn A P. la t rhl.aso Ter. 4a J ,T., SI. 1 W. 4a... aS Colorado Mid. 4a.... 77 JVnlon Paclflc 4 10n Colo aV Bo. 4a IS Ca con. 4a 14V Cubs 6a. rtfa' IH.H TV S. Bleal td a 5 t. R. O. 4a leivttwabaah Is Il"'4 niatlllers' Sec. 4a HI do deh. R 7-'H Krla prior Urn 4a. .. .1014 wsra Md. 4a t 'S do in - 4a MH W. aV 1-. R.-4s r w. a P. c. la....im Wis. Central 4a M Hocklns Val. 4Wa. . . 1I0HI ' Offered. i Boston tock and Ilonda. BOSTON, March 20 Call loans. 394 per cent; time loans, 4fr4 per cent. Official closing on siocks and nonnsi Treaaary ffateasent. .WASHINGTON, March 10 Today statement of the treasury halsnccs In the general fund. ecluslv of th,e tl50.000,uu0 Atchlann adj. 4a . . do 4a Max. Central 4a.. Atrhtaon do pfd Roaton A Albany.. Boaton tk Mama... Roaton Klarated .. Pitchburg pfd Maalcan central .. N. V., N. H. A H Vnlon PaflBc Amer. Arx. Cham dn pfd Amer. Pnau. Tube. Amir. Sugar do pfd Amir. T. A T A mar. Wooian do pfd Dominion I. A H. . Edlann Elee. lllu.. (Jenr4l Electric .. Maaa. Electric .... do pfd Maaa. Oaa t'nlted Prult t'nlted Shoe Mich. do pfd f. B. Steel da pfd Wetting, common , Bid. 9T ...10JS ...7 ,.. 0 ...101 la ...SMI ,..114 , ..1M ...141 ... sva ...104 ...n:4a ...24 ... i ... 4W ...142 ...144 ..TOSX ... ( . .ir.4 ...147 Adfanture Allouat Amalgamated .. Amerli-an Klne , 4 1 last lo Rlngham Cel. A Hecla... Centannlal Copper Range .. Pair Waat Dominion Coal Franklin drancy lale Royals .... Mass. Mining .. Michigan Mohawk Mont. i'. A C Old Dominion . Oacools Parrot - Oiilncv 'Shannon 1S14 Taoiarack . .... . . 43 Trinity ..- .. 43, V. . Mining.. .. n r. a on . . flan ..34i Victoria , . . M Winona - .. Mvt Wolrerln ..Ml . 4 .. 12 .. 7M .. II .. 1H .. sm ..470 .. 1 .. 7T . n . U4 . liH .. . 15 .. 11 . 14 .. 6.H4 . . . .100 .. 7 .IS! . 11 . . 40' . 4' U .11 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET 1 Cattle Beceipti 8maller Than Expected and Prices Strong; to Ten Higher. HOGS ADVANCED FIVE TO TEN CENTS Light Ran of Sherg and l.amna and While Quality Waa Inferior Mar ket Rnlrrt lalrly Active and ftrong to a tllme Higher. SOfTH OMAHA, March 20, 10. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday ... 2.P78 2.014 4 U8 Same day last week 1.7m S.io. 1S.WI Same week before 4.5"9 4.9 8 lS.pK.l Same three weeks ago.. 3.2W b.lti 4 747 Same four weeks ago.... 4.138 7.I0 11.143 Same day last ycai 8.510 t.lot 8.418 RECEIPTS FOR THE YKAR TO DATK. The following table shows trie recepts of cattie. hogs and ahe-.p at South Omaha for the year to date, with comparison with last year; 9"b. 1904. Inc. Dec. cattle 172.544 1M.IR0 .... 23.94s R25.677 B2J.301 2.274 Sheep 86fl. S7 400,112 49.73H The following table shows Hie average price of hogs at Soum Omaha for the last eversl days, with comparisons: I llOi. 11104. 1103. 11902. ilaoi. iisoo.iw Mar. 1. Mar. t.. Mar. Mar Mar. Mar. Mar Mar. Mar. Mar. 10. Mar. 11., Mar. 12.. Mar. is.. Mar. 14.. Mar. 18., Mar. 11. Mar. 17.. Mar. 18.. Mar. m. . Mar. 20.. ' ttl 7 151 4 0 I 141 I 4 71-Hl 8 09 a 01 77m 5 121 T 021 4 80 8 I4 7 OH 1 2 071 t 1?! 4 6 III 4 871 6 It a 1 m, 4 hli 6 ll( 4 8S' R I'l 7 I 5 751 ; 13! 4 80 I , 7 23, 4 Hli 8 18 7 4 RfH: ft 2S I 4 M I t 151 4 97l a 04 1 5 01 V 6 04 1 4; S 08 ( 011 K 22! 1 8 2S1 fi 111 I 8 971 I 3?l 8 171 6 X7I 8 Mi t 3.M 8 Ml 6 C 05 i 831 ! 41 Ii ill I 7 20 7 111 7 05j 1 ? i. I 7 S3 n ' 6 411 i 4b I a 8 Mi 6 ESI 6 181 6 2I 5 65; II D 01. 8 17! 6 71! It l0 I 18 ii i'j, H 1:1 13 4 88 1 3 SI 4 lW S 8" 4 Ml t 87 I I ii 4 741 4 701 I ii 4 711 60 4 72 I 63 4 711 3 58 4 73 M 3 M 4 7 4 .H, 8 fil 4 . - 8 ! 4 791 8 89 4 85 3 1) 4 Mi I b) 1 a mi 4 c9i 4 Mt, 3 63 Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of at brought In today by each road was: fattln tmerm Hltnl4' C. M. A St. P. C.', R.' Q.. west ock r's. London gtorks and Bonds. IO.N'DON, March 20. Closing quotations on stocks and bonds: 1 6-14IN. Y. Central . .164 Norfolk W N744 do pfd 4Va Ontario A W 14 Pennerltanla 734 Rand Mines 1" . lf.l Reading 4 bt do lat pfd 47 S44 do 2d pfd 44 .IM't Southern Railway ... 34 17a do pld loi-i. .. SR, Southern racioc 70 .. 24 t'nlon Pacific 1K544 ,. 47l do pfd 102 ., 8.1ttilY 8. Steel 14 . . T r n pfd a7H ..14PH Wabash 24 ..4t -a Jpf4 4ti .. atVt'Bptnlah 4a l'k SIIA'KR Rar. steady,' 24d per ounce, MONKV-lV4(&'2 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for rhort bills la 25 per cent: for throe months' bills. 24i82 5-18 per cent. "New York Mining gtoeka. NEW YORK, March 20. The following are the closing quotations on mining stocks: Coneols. mouer do account 1 7-14 Anaconda 44, Atchlaon it do pfd 104 Baltimore A Ohio. ...Ill Canadian Pacific . f'hea. A Ohio Chicago CI W... C, M. A St. P.. DeReere Denver A R. O. . . do pfd Erie do lat pfd - do Sd ofd..... Illinois Central .. Louie. A Naah... M .. K A T Adama Con ...... Alice preece Hrunawlck Con . Cnmatoik Tsnnal Con. Cal. ft Va.. Hots ailrar Iron ailvar Leedvnia con...., Offered. St . . ft . u.o .170 .lii . 8 .Little Chief. ' Ontario lophlr Ivheenlx 'Potnei ....v.... 'Savage Islerra Nevada 8mall Hnpea .. standard ... ,,.174 . . .4M1 ... t ... ill ... II ... 3 ..." 30 ...US Wool Market. BOSTON, March 20. WOOI-The Com-1 merclal Bulletin . nays: There Is no material chsnge In the wool market. There has been a little more trading In domestic pulled, scoured and fleeces. A more cheerful feeling has followed Improve ment In foreign advices and less pressure to sell foreign wool here. Quotations are unchanged and rule fairly firm on all grades above one-quarter. There haa been no further easing off In lower coarse grades. There is live Interest In the west and further contracting at full ratea. The ship ments of wool from Ronton to date from December 16, lt04. were 13,342,443 pounds, ugalnst (1,162.735 pounds at the eame time last year. The recelnta to date are 17,767,609 pounds, against 88.i61.6M pounds for the same period last year. ST. J.Ol'18. March 28.-W001-Btendy ; medium grades, combing and clothing. 2ii$ 25c; light fine. lSifTiOVjc; heavy fine, HQIjc; tub washed, 303714,0. NKW YORK. March 18.-WOOLr-Market ateady; domestic fleece, 314f83c. LONDON. March 20 WoOU-The offer ings at the wool auctions sales today amounted to 8,000 bales. There waa a brisk demand and prices were firm. Merlncs, though poor, sold well. America bought a few lines of greasy at 10a 34d. SrouredJ were eagerly taken for the continent. Cross-breds were purehaaed by continental and home buyera at full rates-. Owing chiefly to the email offerings the recent high prices were firmly maintained. Fol lowing are the sales: New South Wales, 600 bales; scoured, 10d31s 10Hd; greasy, 8d?ls1d. Queensland, 3o0 bales; scoured, lld&ls 10Hd; greasy, H,d&8d. Victoria. l.SoO bales; scoured. 8d516d; greasy, 6df$l 3Hd. West Australia, 300 bales; greasy, 6dfllOHd. New Zealand , t.600 hales; scoured, 9Vid6fls Id; greasy, 6dilg Id. Metal Market. NEW YORK, March 20. METALS The London tin market - was unchanged at 1:16 10a for spot and 134 6s for futures. The local market was quiet, but a shade hlaher at $21 5-nfc'. 1. 75. Copper was firm and Bllghtly higher In the London market, clos ing at 68 7s 6d for epot and 88 5s for futures. Locally the market waa quiet but firm, with demand reported quiet, active; lake is quoted at 16.S7Vti& 16.50; electrolytic at J15.2i'Ula.37H and castii g at tl4.fc7Hi15.g. Lead alao waa higher abroad, cloning at 12 8s 9d. IxK-allv the market was steady and higher on the Inside price named by the large producers. The quotations now atand at !4.604.60. Spelter was lower In London, closing at 23 7s Id. The local market remained quid, with the outalde price a little lower and the general rango from 16 15 to 16.25. Iron closed at 64s 8d In Olaaguw and at 4fia 3d In Middlesb-iro. Ixicnlly Iron waa unchanged: No. 1 foundry is quoted at 17.:rfl8.23; No, t foundry . . . .... , , , n . ,u.uv-,9.v", , lUUMlll J southern and No. 1 foundry southern soft at 817.7.Vftl8 tf. 8T. LOl'18. March 20. METALS Lead, firm at 4 4a4 4!'t; spelter, dull; l. 00 asked. tills an Basins. NEW YORK. March 20 OILS Cotton seed, quiet; nrlme crude, nominal: prime yellow, 244g2S'4,c, Petroleum, ateady; re fined. New York, 17.36: Philadelphia and nammore, si.ai; rnnanejpnia and Haiti more. In bulk, 14.30. Turpentine, steady, 6Vfi54c. ' OIL CIT, March 20-OII-Credlt bal ances. 11.31; average shipments. 80,198 hbls.; average runs. 74.660 bbls.; average Lima ahinments, 67,148 bbls.; average Lima runs, (7.489 bbls. SAVANNAH. March 20 OILS-Turpen-tine. firm, 62c. Rosin, firm: -A. H, C. I2.77H: D. 1212m E. I2 87V4; F. .I2; 1. 83(4; H t3.au; I. 1150: K. 4.C: M. 14.60; N. 14.60; WQ, 16; WW. 11.16. Coffee Market. NEW YORK, March aU-COFKEE-Mar-ket for futures opened steady at unchanged prlrea to a decline of I points, which wa rather better than due on the European cables. The close was steady, unchanged to 6 points higher. Salts, 83.250 bags. In cluding April, 6.26c; May. 6 30.40c; July, e.So'tnl flue; September, 6 URft II 80c ; October, 6.75n.8"K.': December, 61si4i7.M) ; January, 7.00c. Spot, quiet; No. 7 Rio, Invoice, 7Sc. Philadelphia Proa ore Market. PHILADELPHIA. March 20. BCTTER Firm: extra western creamery, 28VC; exira nenrbv prints. Inc. KUUs Ateady : nestby fresh. 17c at mark; western fresh. l.Vtilft'fO at mark. CHEESE Quiet; New York full creams fancy, 13V14c; do choice, li(4jc; do fa r to good, 12fll3c. Elsla Hatter Market. ELGIN. III.. March J0.-Bl'TTER-Ruled Irm today at ?hv, an advance of lc pr pound over last ware's prices, sales tor tha week, 182,000 pounds. Illinois Central Total receipts The dlspoaition of tno dny'a receipts wm as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Cuttle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 348 406 Swift and Sompany 4) 824 1.959 Cudahy Packing company 430 9".1 817 Armour and Company.... 477 929 1.317 Vansant and Company Coren A Hen ton Lnhmnn and Company. Mccreary at carr Hill A Son H. F. Hamilton L. F. Hubs Sum Wertheltner Mike Haggerty &. Co. Bo I Deican J. B. Root & Co J. H. Bulla Z. 11. Clark Other buyera 75 87 42 54 95 46 196 108 11 1B0 83 6 418 3.112 4,514 Totals 3.1H4 CATTLE There wag a much amal'.er run of cattle In eight, this morning tnan was ii. nnticniHteit ami with anout the utual aited i.ertiind the market at lids ptiini ruled active ana Higher un uvslrable grades ot killers. Buyers were all out early and It did not take long to au'pune 01 imv tlcaily everything on sale. About the usual proportion of the offer ings consisted of beei steers, but as all ih.. mcitrri seemed to be anxious for sup plies, there were apparently not enough to go around. Buyers were in the yards at an earlv hour nnd ns competition was keen anything at all desirable sold without d i flculty at prlcef around a dime higher than the same kind sold for tho latter pare of last week. Interior grades, of course, in limited ilemund nnd did not snow as much Improvement as the better grades, but still cn 1liuc sum t t ,U-U, " 1 ,,..,, prices. Owing to the sctlve aemund and limited offerings an early clearance was made. ..... ' The cow marital was aiso acuve. w,, prices ranging wrong to a dime higher. The same aa with steers, the greatest im provement was on the better grades. Tne proportion of cow stuff to the total re ceipts was not large and consequently it tOOK only a itw muiiim i ijm.iin change hands. From tne way Duyers acted some of them were unable to get as manv cattle as they wanted. Bulls, veal calves ana siags an "io good, strong prlecB as compared with last week's close. The demand fo-. heavy feeders of good otialltv waa again brisK ana sucn aincis sold without trouble at good, steady prices. Quite a few common and light cattle were offered, however, and such kinds were neg lected end In some caaee- quite a nine lower. The commoner the quality the harder It was to make a satisfactory sale. Representative sales: rr. I 40 No. I..., ... I.... I... ta... 10... I. .. r... to... it... ... 15... II. .. it... ... IT... ... SO... It... lb... 15.... 10.... it'.,. .'!." U.'.'.'. A. ,. 700 .. 744 .. 940 ..1175 .. 171 ..1160 ..1000 ..104! ..1000 .. 440 .. K00 .. M .. 7S .. Ml ..1044 . 1 . .iuau . . 1 uai ..1060 .ma I 75 as I to t to I 40 4 00 4 10 4 10 4 14 4 IS 4 tO 4 24 4 M 4 uy 0 4 '. 4 M 4 40 I... '14.. a.. n.. 1.. 1.. I. . tt.. 44.. t.. 7.. II. . I . II . 44.. III. . 34.. II.. 44.. A. .. 110 . .1019 ..1040 ..117 ..1S27 ..1210 .. 470 ..1IH ..1214 ..1111 ..18.16 ..1111 ..1454 ..1311 ..U04 ..1311 ..1S24 ,.nn ..13(1 STEERS AND COWS. ....1211 4 0 l HIT BTEERH AND HUlFERa. ,...1020 .... 7 . ... 3 .... ia .... "00 ....iota .... . ... 9..0 .... o .... tn .... M .... lit it .... I'l .... IK5 61 .... 4 ,...1040 .... it .... ! .... tut .... 50 .... 170 .... all ....W60 .... 771 .... ....lite 170 .... 144 .... mo ....1011 .... MC .... lit .... no .... no .,..1114 .... ta .... ....1004 .... 77 111 COW AND HEIFERS. ST. 4 40 4 40 4 60 4 50 4 t6 4 55 4 41 4 an 4 75 4 II 4 15 4 14 4 M 4 tfi I 00 I 00 00 i M i 10 i 00 4 15 14 1116 ,4 10 COWS. t IS 1 1017 I (5 t !5 1 1150 I 35 i 15 1 1115 I 25 I 11 1 170 I tS t U II Bill 1 10 t 16 15 171 I 30 ! 40 1 102H 35 t 40 1 10U I 31 I 50 14 IV4 8 IS 1 50 1 113 I 14 I 15 1 1007 I l( 1 15 1 100 I 15 I 15 1 171 I 40 I 50 1 1140 I 40 i 50 1 1041 I 50 I 50 1149 I 50 : : 1 11:10 1 10 t 70 1 50 I 50 1 75 1021 I .1) 2 75 II 98K I 66 8 16 14 K7 I 50 1 75 t 1IJ0 3 (0 I II 1 1117 I 16 I 16 24 1124 I 41 t 75 1 1.10 in 1 Ml 1 110 3 II 2 60 10 1111 I 75 I M 4 1111 I 16 1 16 3 100 I 0 I 45 I Ill I lu J 9 1 1140 I 16 00 10 to t 64 I 00 4 1160 I 16 00 1 1110 I 16 I 00 I lOul I 16 1 00 1 1131 I H I 10 I , 1150 4 00 I 10 1 113 4 00 I 15 4 Ill 4 00 I II I 1140 4 INI I 4 1251 4 04 I 16 4 Ill 8 45 HEIFERS. t 110 1 II 1 840 I 14 1 66 I HI 4 lit IU 1 511 I 60 1 711 16 4 166 I 16 1 400 t 40 It 673 i HI 1 lO'O I 10 (0 166 I 13 10 654 I f 1 140 I 00 21 100 4 10 BULLS. t 1100 I 35 1 1TM I II 1 1160 I 60 11 1611 I to 11 lllil I 60 1 1460 I 21 1 1070 t 4s 1 IMU 1 16 770 I 46 1 tm I tl 1 1040 I 10 1 1170 I t5 J 1IW 3 16 1 1450 I I'l 1 161H I to 1 Hull 1 40 1 11IHI I 16 1 141 I 60 1 ,.140 1 IW 1 It'.ll 4 66 I Ill I IW 1 1470 I 65 1 1044 I 00 ' 1 1111 I 45 t U.O I 00 I Iltaij I 46 1 1144 I 10 1 1400 I 71 1 tie I 16 1 1440 I 44 1: AL.Vfc.it. 8 HI I 6 1 110 I 00 1 160 1 60 1 M 6 IM I in 4 on 1 na 1 0 1 0 4 00 . 1 140 I 16 1 140 4 16 1 140 6 16 t Ill 4 M i 146 6 60 1 170 4 64 1 twl I 64 I 4 74 1 US) 111 8TAUS. 1 lf-40 1 10 1 UT I 0 I Kit I M 10 1640 4 60 1 IM I III rll.i' K CALVES. 1 lit lit 1. 140 I M .8 1 1 . 1 1 .21 7 11 3 . 3 , 31 17 t 1 r 10 2 .28 6 t t t 1 1 1 .11 3 1 3 117 40 19 8 I ana I 71 I IT 4 0 WTOCK' COWS AND HEIFERS. I 54 f 46 t us t is 4 . .647 I 64 STOCK F.R9 AND FEEDERS. I Tf I M 17 t0 It I 5S0 f II In I 70 4 467 lit 41 64 I tl 1 1MI I Tl 10 741 I 76 I t 76 41 Tn I 76 1 440 15 4 , Tl I 76 1 4 0(1 I 1140 I Tl 4 Ill I 00 -c I . ,.. 17 n atf tno 4. 4t 11 I I4 I 04 4 Ill I 65 4 IM I 00 10 M in 1 140 3 00 15 151 3 I ion I on 1 6 I 4 " 1 on 50 764 IS 1 754 I 00 .41 HI I 4 650 I tl ' 16 I?4 I to 4 " ' I M I to 14! t f6 14 6H IK i 70 I IS In 744 I 45 1 10t 1 24 It a; 1 n I lr.4 1 Si) 1 7n 4 0 16 447 1 14 to 77 4 il I 4.4 I .16 t t .....eat 4 M 17 61 J 40 I T0 4 10 II W 3 6n 75 4 15 I.., 410 I o i: 4.10 4 IS 1 .47 I 60 10. 4 2" It 17 I In l 14 1 770 I 60 !S 1161 4 25 1 47 I 10 It 1M 4 to 22 ..4.12 I 65 1.1 1044 4 10 4 hl I n IU MM 4 M 1 4oJ J ,1 J Ml 4 10 714 I 40 HI lOr.T 4 10 47 7n I 44 32 06 M ' 26 6' 3 45 1 101 4 4n 21 4.11 I 16 It 1141 4 40 II 43 I 15 Hi HIS There was a moderate run of hogs at all points thin morning and with a nor mal demand the market ruled active and higher. I'rovlalons were alrao higher, which had a bullish effect upon the market. At this point trading began at an esrly hour, with prices Just about 6'610c higher than on Saturday. Salesmen as a rule were satla fled with prices offered and as a result II was only a few minutes before everything In sight was disposed of. The lightweights went Isrgelv from 6 07H down; butchers slid mixed. M.orVflS.laUj. and heavies from 86.12H to 5&. There was no particular change In the market from stsrt to finish and all weights Joined In the advance. Rep resentative sales: No. At. Sh. If. Ke. At. Bh. Tr. 70 141 140 I 0 H 17 toe I 10 73 f0 200 6 OO !8 40 6 I t 203 ... 6 On 77 241 ... II TO Ill 140 I 00 6 M0 HO I 1 Tl 12 ... 6 00 (4 241 120 I 1 21 147 ... I 00 11 Ill ... 6 1 12 174 10 I 00 (0 26 .,. 1 10 71 10 40 I02i 0 164 130 6 10 6 141 ... I 05 44 241 ... 6 1 0 44 tot ... I 5 46 120 40 I 10 2 1(0 100 6 05 6 151 ... 1 Id 66. 100 ... 6 05 72 120 ... 6 1 15 Ill ... I 06 77 141 ... I 10 14 til 44 I 06 6 141 ... 6 12 74 100 ... 6 06 17 l ... I 12' 71.. tl4 10 I 05 61 10 I.) I 111 20 12 ... 6 05 21. ...... .141 ... 12Va 41 17 IM I 06 24 241 ... I Ilk, 6 253 SO 6114, 6 16 ... I 12i 17 166 1(1 I flit 67 245 ... I 16 12 231 10 I I7 W I 16 75 126 ... 5 071, 6 23 to I 16 T4 1.12 10 6 07V, 41 16 60 16 ( 230 ... 4 07 6 100 ... I 14 43 119 ... 1071 SHEEP There was a lighter run of sheep and lambs here this morning than was gen erally anticipated and the quality of what did arrive waa rather common. Buyers, though, all seemed to be anxious for a few fresh Supplies and as a result they took hold quite freely and everything that would do to kill was disposed of In good season. The general market on sheep could safely be quoted strong to a dime higher than at the close of last week. Some fair yearlinga brought 80.26, wethers 15.76 and some fair ewes 85.30. It could not be said that a fair test of the lamb market was made, as the quality of the offerings was too common. For the kinds offered the prices paid were Just about steady and us high as $0 90 was paid for Just fair Fluff. Quotation fr ted stock: Hood 'o choir yearlings, 84.40inti.76; fair to good year lings. M.004J4.4U; good 10 c'mUw wethers. 86.wjii5.7E; fair to good wethers, t6.0O7T6.60; good to choice ew. ja.OOw.i.nu; Ian to good ewes, 44.60100; common t.i fslr ewes, 14.00 44.&0; good to chok-e lambs, $7.00(37.26; fair to good lambs, $o.76'u7.00, feeder lambs. Id ot frl.uO. Representative sales: No. . Av. Pr. 1 western cull lamb 8 140 western cull, lambs 04 6 m 221 western Inmbs 68 6 80 418 western Inmlis 7 0 u 6 western cull ewes 82 8 25 7 western ewes 77 6 00 1 western ewe 80 6 0 423 western ewes 108 6 10 32 western ewes 90 6 25 20 western ewes 117 6 2ft 219 western ewes 10J 6 30 7 western ewes ill 6 85 2 western ewes 80 6 60 419 western ewes 99 6 66 47 wethers 100 6 t5 . 12 western lambs 5! 6 76 Soo western wethers .11(1 6 75 27B western wethera...., 119 6 78 ii western wethers 90 6 75 142 western ' year; and wethers.. 78 6 80 40 western year, and wethers..., 82 8 Bu 132 western year, and wethers.... 82 5 90 167 western year, and wethers.... 83 6 90 427 western year, and wethers.... 109 6 08 288 western lambs 76 90 port sters. $4 0ofJtm; dressed beef sn1 butcher steers. llbVIM; steers under 1.0 0 pounds, 13(04)4 in; slockers and feeders. 4-j4w; cows and he feis. ; 8.64 60; tan hers. 12 0i fj.'.6; bulls. 2 7i'.4l i5; cslves, 88 0O tyron; Texns and Indiana rteer. $3.ti04j'V(H; cows and heifers. $2.Mi3.7S. HOGS- Receipts 7.5m head; market strong: pigs and llahis, $3 7..-U 8. 10 : nacierrs. ,L r.E . . 1 .1. I ft.. .. 44 44 CHIC 4CiO I.IVK THICK MiDKKT. Cattle and liege Ten tents Higher sheep nnd l.amba strong. CHICAOO. March 20. CATTLE Receipt a. 23)0 head; market 10c h.gher; good tr prime steers. 3VI54AS6; poor to medium. $3 1 cuo.no ; stockers and feeders, t2.7i'4.i; cows. $3.iOi4 4o; helfors. $.1.0 i8.00; canner.s $l.kni.40, bulls. 12.5i64.(, , calves, $2.7t4l 6 5'). HOilS-Receipts. 80.000 head, estimated for tomorrow. 27.ron head; market lee higher: mixed and butchers. i.10TS 0; good to choice heavv. 8."3M.4ft; rough heavy. $5.10fiS 25; light. t.nflsfisS; Bulk of sales, $Tt.26ii5 40. 811 EEI AND TAM BS- Receipts. 23.04) head; market strong to 10c higher. Wood to choice wethers, $5 751111.20; fair to choice mixed. $S.orTO.60' western sheep, $&orni.li; native lambs, $5.6niii7.75; western lambs, $6.107.75. Kansas ltr Live Stork Market. KANSAS CITY. March 10 CATTLE Re ceipts. 8.fci head, including I. M0 s-wthern Market strong to KV higher; sctlve. Choloe export and dressed beef steers. W'4JV75; fair to good. $4.0of..?: western fed stere. 84.2Mr6.5o; stockers and feeders. $S0MiH.7n; southern steers. $3.f4Vtr.0l: southern rows. I2.2M4 00: native cows. $2 (tl4 36; hatlvg hrlferf. t3.flOi4).7; bulls, $2 6044.16; calves, $2. SUM. on. linos Receipts, S.4 head: market 8Tf10j higher; top, $n..T5: bulk of sales. $6 1MJ6 so; heavv. $5 27Vi' rackers. I4.2ixh4.30; pigs nnd HeMits, $4 "rjo.22V4. SHEEP AND LAMBS-RecclpIS, 4.100 head: market strong to lOo higher. Native lambs, $K5ol7.40; nstive wethers. $6 iMjM.OA; native fed ewes. $4.POf590; western fed lamhs. $45.6041 7. 6n; western fed yearlings. $5.7R(7?ii..V); western fed sheep. $4PVp00; Mockers and feeders, $3.6Cai.CO. tork In slaht. Receipts of live stock at the Fix principal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 2.973. I.n4 4 811 Kanasa I'Hv 8 6(0 6,'0 4.101 St. ioula 3.60.1 7.500 l.ov. St. Joseph 1.607 7 391 8.3110 Hloux City 1.5O0 3 2i0 Chicago 23,000 . 30.000 JJ.nM Total 40.970 S5.S35 $7.1 Cotton Market. NEW YORK, March 20.-COTTON-pnt closed quiet, 10 points higher; middling up Isnds. 8.30c; middling gulf. 8.660; sales, S.ftoft bales. LIVERPOOL. March is). COTTON Spot, In fair demand; prices 2 points lowsr; American mid. Ulna f:ilr. 4.75d; good mid dling. 4.41d; middling. 4.29d; low middling, 4.15d; good ordinary. 4. Old; ordinary, 8 8d. ST. LOl'18. March 20 COTTON-Stesdv : middling. 7c; sales. 8 bales; receipts. 360 hales; shipments, 11 bales; stork, 46,744 bales. REAL lOSTATE THAXSFEnS. j Deeds filed for record March 20. Ba nished hy the Miillitm uuarHiitee 'I t i.Ht company, nonded unutracter, Kainam street, for The liee: American Biscuit Mini Manuidcturlng company to R. F. Hall, lot a. 1)1. h-k IM), city $ R. K. Hall to National Biscuit com pany, same K. J. Aluson to Luella Mason, lot lo, block 6, Matthews suhdlv. Cella 1. C. Jewett and husband lo 8. M. Thompson, part lots 11 and 12, block 23. Houth Omaha 1 F.,11. Wead to Eva N. Peterson, part lot 1, block 6, Lowe's 2d add South Omaha Land company to Mary Keda. lot 6. block 69. booth Omaha. Elien O. Wilson and husband to H. 11, E. V. Kt. Joseph Live "toek Market. ST. JOSEPH. MO., March JO.-CAT-TLB Receipts, 1.507 head: strong to 10c higher. Natives. $4.O,4iu.60; cows and heifers. $1,9031.61); stockers and feedeis. $3.0OJl.5O. HOOS Receipts. 7.391 hesd; market W,0c higher. Lights. $6.IOfS.3S; medium and heavy, tt.liinfl 37V. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 6.'50 head; market 10c higher. Colorado lambs, $7.50. loos City Lire Stork Market. SIOL'X CITY, March :o.-(8peclal Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 1,600 head; market higher; beeves. $3.60(3.25; cow, bulls and mixed, $2. 5MJ4.no; stockers and feeders, 2.75UVOO; valves and' yearlings, l2.fsT-a3.7B. HOOS Receipts. 3.200 head; market So higher, selling at $1. 86(06. lo; bulk of sales, $4.6ra5.06. ft. I.onls Lire rtock Market. ST. LOCIS. March 20. CATTLE Receipts,- 3.600 head, including 2.50,) Texans; market strong. Native shipping and ex- fur and 1014 P. Fry. part lot 10. block miiiiii e nuu A. D. Frtterman et al lo O. W. King, lot 11. replat of block 6, Bemls park. J. Hrinson and wife to Carrie Snn dow, part lot 8, block 7, Isaac oV Sel drn's ,. G. Matlson to C. K. Johnson, lot 8, block 18, South Omaha J H. Evans and wife to R. 1. Bourke, lot 6. Fah's subrtlT. J. K. McComba to W; M. and J. K. McCombs, neV4 sec. 31-16-12 Mary A. Dixon and husband to Flor ence A. Johnson, lot 32, block 8, Marysvlllo , L. M. Payne to C. J. Camp, lot 6, block 1. Bedford Place D. Thomas to S. Slmonson, part lot 12. block 11. E. V. Smith's add. .... Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust com- rany to J. L. Lynch, lot S, block j vandercook Terrace' ..; South Omaha Land enmpnny to R. Jetter, lots 10 and 11. block 226. South . Omaha 1 1 '. 400 1.900 1.2110 1 600 1,600 900 1,000 600 S.OOO iooo 00 1 ' 375 1,800 400 Edwards -Wood Co- (Incorporated i Ham Office: Fifth gad Robsrts Strtsti ST. PAUL, niM.N. DEALERS IN Stocks, Grain, Provisions Ship Your Grain" to Us Branch Ufflee, lift-all Board el Trade Dldtt.. Omaha, Hen. Telephone, 3814. 112-214 Exchange fildg.. South Omaha, Bell 'Phone ilt Independent. 'Paeae 1 1. t , - 7 r 4 The Old Reliable Commission House Has grown (steadily pince it was establiebed in 181)2. Kach year's buHineHH in (train. Stocks and Uonds being greater tlian the year preceding. This if due to the fact that our Hervice und re mittance are both PKOMPT and ACOURATE. We are the oldest houm west of Chicairo, and our facilities for handling biiHineuM are the best nioiiey and brains can devise. We particularly call your attention to our references and ask that you invcntigate them fully, a we want you to feel that your interetn are wafe in our hand. Write for free booklet on npeeulativ invest-., mejits, and our red book on utatiBticH. DONOVAN COMMISSION CO. 317 Pine Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. I Did You B uy July Corn? NOTICE THE STEADY ADVANCE Wf HAVE BEEN URGING THE PURCHASE OF JULY CORN EVER SINCE IT WAS SELLING AT 44 CENTS A BUSHEL IT WILL SELL ABOVE 55 CT8. BUY rJOW It is Cheap at Present Pricos WE WILL SEND FREE OF CHARGE OUR SPECIAL LETTER CIVIMG REASONS FOR THIS BIG ADVANCE. WRITE TODAY. ADLER OTOCK AND GRAIN CO (INCORrOHATED. CAPITAL $30,000, ITLl, PAID) 313 NORTH FOURTH STREET, ST. LOUS, MO.