TI1E OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, MAKCTI 21. 1905. KIRKMAVS SECOND HEARING Another Ceurt-Martial to Try Captain on Further Serious Uhargta. TO INVESTIGATE SCANDALOUS CONDUCT Officers Detailed for the Coort Hst Cone to Fort Klobrnrn to At tend the Opening lH Tuesday Afternoon. The general court-martial of Captain George W. Klrkman, Twenty-fifth United States Infantry, will begin at Fort Nio brara at 1 p. m. Tuesday, March 21. This will be the second court-martial for Cap tain Klrkman within a month. Ilia first trial waa for "conduct unbecoming an officer and gentleman," the specifications Including & rlumbcr of scandalous prac tices covering a period of one or more years. This has been suspended pending the arrival' of certain testimony from the Philippines to confirm the theory of the defense that the cnptaln Is Insane, the suspension continuing to May 10. In the meanwhile other matters have developed In the career of Captain Klrkman that de mand a speedy trial, especially In view of the fact that the captain, falling In an at tempt at suicide, had teiered his resig nation from the army. The li.st charges against Captain Klrk man reiterate that ol "cor duct unbecom ing an officer and gentleman" and added thereto are the charges of "scandalous conduct" and "breach of arrest," with a host of specifications reciting the career of the dashing captain during the last year or two, and particularly bearing upon the ulcide of Mrs. Chandler In this city a few weeks ago. Detail for the Coort. The detail for the court-martial Is as fol lows: Colonel Edward B. Pratt, Thirtieth Infantry, Fort Crook, president of the court; Lieutenant Colonel Walter 8. Scott, Eleventh Infantry, Fort D. A. Russell; Major George B. Cecil, Thirtieth Infantry, Fort Crook; Major R. M. Blatchfo'd, Elev enth Infantry, Fort Mackemle; Major D. L. Howell, Eighteenth Infantry, Fort Leaven worth; Major Charles F. Kleffer, medical department. Fort D. A. Russell i Major George O, Dos h on, medical department, Fort Des Moines; Captain Charles H. Grlerson, Tenth cavalry. Fort Robinson; Captain Clarence E. Dentler, Eleventh in fantry, Fort T. A. Russell; Captain Lester "Vy. Comlsh, Ninth cavalry, Jefferson bar racks; Captain Arthur C. Blunt, artillery corps, Fort D. A. Russell; Captain Will T. "Wilder, Eleventh Infantry, Fort D. A. Rus sell; Captain James A. Cole, Sixth cavalry, Fort Meade, and First Lieutenant Beverly A. Read, Sixth cavalry. Fort Meade, judge advocate. Colonel E. B. Pratt and Major Cecil of the Thirtieth Infantry, from Fort Crook, left for Fort Niobrara, Sunday. They were polned here by Major Charles F. Kleffer of Fort Russell, Major D. L. Howell of Fort Leavenworth and Major R. M. Blatchford of Fort Mackenzie. ' Kxpert Sewing Machine Repairs. Also sewing machine oil of absolute pur ity, and the best needles and parts for all machines at Singer stores. Look for the red S. 1514 Douglas St., Omaha, Neb.; 438 Xiorth 24th Bt., South Omaha, Neb. Ro Excess Fare Charged on Nickel Plate Hoad. Its trains are composed of the best equip ment, consisting of through vestlbuled sleeping cars in both directions between Chicago, Cleveland, Buffalo, New York, Boston and Intermediate points, with un excelled dining car service, meals being served In Nickel Plate dining cars on the American club meal plan, ranging In price from 35 cents to II; midday luncheqn, 60 cents. . Train No. J, leaving Chicago at 10:35 a. m. dally, has through vestlbuled sleepers for Boston via Nickel Plate, West Shore and - Boston & Maine roads and through .vestlbuled sleepers to New Tork and Inter mediate points via Nickel Plate and both the Lackawanna and West Shore roads. Train No. 4, leaving Chicago at 2:30 p. m. daily, has through vestlbuled sleeping cars for Buffalo, New York and intermediate jolnts. : 1 Train No. (, leaving Chicago at t:15 p. m. dally, has through vestlbuled sleeping cars for Fort Wayne, Cleveland, Erie, Buf falo, New York and intermediate points, arriving at New York City early the second morning. Rates always the lowest. Write, 'phone or call on nearest ticket agent, or John Y. Calahan, General Agent, . Nickel Plate Road, 113. Adams street, room 298, Chicago; Chicago Depot, LaSalle and Van Buren -Streets. , i ' Marriage Licenses. The following licenses to wed have been Issued : Name and Residence. Age. John H. Gillespie. Thermopolls, Wyo 69 Hannah L. Taylor. Omaha 44 Ole Oleso'n, Omaha 26 Olga Swanson, Omaha 19 Emll Swanson. Essex, la 28 Amanda Rydberg, Omaha 26 U K. wedding rlcfa. Edholm. jeweler. SEASONABLE FASBIOIS. NO. 4tB-OIRL8' SACK APRON. Slss 1 to Years. For the accommodation of readers of The Boa these patterns, which usually retail at from :s to 60 cents each, will be furnished at the nominal price of 10 cents. A supply is now kept at our office, so those who wish any pattern may get It either by call ing or aucloslng 10 cents, addressed "Pat has Decvtmen Ut Omaha."' 1 .iFflifnnMfiwn SB . is if III I1U MFmCI Irs, Be STILL GREATER. BARGAINS IN nson's Stock We mention many special bargains for Tuesday. 50c Kimonas al 15c adies' fi"1 fin quality percales, dimities and Jap kimona cloth all cut extra full scores of pretty patterns these kimonos were f priced by Mrs. Benson to sell up to 50c each jl all sizes special Tuesday, at, each JAV $2 Mercerized Petticoats at 98c Hundreds of fine mer cerized sateen" petticoats included in this lot are the Sun burst Petticoats that will be so extremely popular this year they are worth'in a regular way as high as $2.00 each special for Tuesday, at Purses and Wrist Bags All the new hand purses from the Mrs. Benson stock in real seal, morrocco, levant, etc. all new, stylish sm mm and made for this season's selling, worth 50c, P 75c and $1.00 each choice, at, each Mm Mrs. BensonY Wrist Baigs, Skirt Barfs, Etc. All the fin est quality bags including the new skirt bags with flat iron handle many fitted with mirror, card case, and coin holder all with carved and riveted frames ffctl made to retail at $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 each V J your choice, at, each .f,i All the Royal Elastic Belts Choice of Mrs. Benson's stock made of finest silk elastic with fancy buckles in byk and front, extra m mm Mrs. Benson's price sizes for stout ladies. 50c and 75c, at, each Handkerchiefs from the Benson Stock to appeal to every all linen embroid- Ilere is a special bargain for Tuesday woman in Omaha ladies' 25c quality ered and revered handkerchiefs all widths of hemstitch ing also all linen centers, plain and embroidered all linen initial handker chiefs and men's all linen handker chiefs with all widths of hemstitch ing worth 25c at, each French Valenciennes Laces and Inserting All Mrs. Benson's French Valenciennes Laces and Insert- ings many are in match sets W all fine quality former price up -to 15c yard at, yard. . . . . . . Oc -uv.v.j .. a-i vs. auovt v 3ic-5c NOW ON SALE AT BIG BARGAINS ALL THE GLOVES, HOSIERY, KNIT UNDERWEAR, COR SETS, EMBROIDERIES, DRESS TRIMMINGS FROM MRS. BENSON'S STOCK. . E r I EBmm& I i SPRING OPENING D IS PL A Y -OF- LADIES' APPAREL We extend to every lady in Omaha and vicinity an invitation to visit this showing TODAY Brandeis, as the acknowledged style shop of Omaha, has a more beautiful assemblage of fashion's favorite de signs than ever before. A stunning array of ' Ladies' Spring and Summer Costumes, Evening Coats, Covert Jackets, Silk Suits, Tailored Suits, Separate Skirts, Dress Waists. Specially for Tuesday we will dis play a number of original and wholly exclusive costumes and demi costumes. Lovers of beautiful clothes will find at Otis showing a greater variety of tht I really clever and arist ocratic models than any western store ever assembled, A Complete Showing; of Qlovea for Every Fashionable Occasion. sfc for a QUALITY IS OOft MOTTO 1 qesTBECAUsero.. irarY "u&rt to th. Mtalii fc r.B. E1CI MK-Uk CIOA CO, Haaaliaa. tasacs, ST. UMJU. ITilUvl W It OMAHA WEATHER FOBECAiT Tnvsdnr showers and warmer. ills U The Permanency of Green Trading Stamps Is In line with your love for a bargain. When a system becomes an established benefit to the buying public and the success of the Little Green Sticker in this section is proof of its blessing and benefit iTs going to be permanent. This is sure as death and taxesl How's your stamp book coming? MILLINERY OMAHA'S PEERLESS MILLINERY PARLORS WHERE LEADERSHIP IN STYLES, VALUES, SERVICE and EQUIPMENT ia Universally Admitted Bennett's Second Floor. See the Windows. Bennett! Great Grocery Always the center of attraction. The lending; grocery of the west. The ' grocery that regulates Omaha grocery dom and keeps 'em all In line. TUESDAY SPECIALS. Thirty $3 Oreen Trading Stamps with ton eans solid packed Tomatoes. 11.00 Ten ($1) Oreen Trading Stamps with three packages Bennett's Capitol Mince meat 26c Thirty (3) Green Trading Stamps with 2 lbs.. Evaporated Ring Apples 26c Twenty (2) Oreen Trading Stamps with ten pound sack Corn Meal....lSc Ten ($1) Oreen Trading Stamps with pound Prunes '..9c ; Fifteen ($1.60) Oreen Trading Stamps with 6 cans 8uperlor Corn 50c Ten ($1) Green Trading Stamps with three packages Uneeda Biscuits. ,15c Flower and Vegetable Seeds, pkg.. 3o ' Castile Soap, cake 2Ho Peas, can 7o Corn, can 5c Table Syrup, can 100 Pepper Sauce, bottle 7o , Condensed Cream, can 6c Salmon, pound can 10c Potted Ham, can 4c 4,000 pounds Ginger Snaps, lb 6o CANDIES. Fifteen ($1.60) Green Trading Stamps with pkg. California Flga 120 " EASTER - NOVELTIES. Sugar Eggs, thirty for lc Chicks, each lc . Ducks and Rabbits, each 6o Ten ($1) Green 'Trading Stamps with fiound box Bennett's Special Choco ate Creams 25c Honey Comb Puff Special, very deli clous, twenty ($2) Green Trading stamps with pound of this 45o Four Specials in Furniture L.VB lVr( St, 4.95 a-4 iiici cu 3.75 GOLDEN OAK CHIFFONIER 5 drawers, neatly carved top, good construction $6.50 value at GOLDEN OAK ROCKER Shaped Beat and arms,-large and comfortable $5.50 value at COUCH All steel construction, deep tufting, golden sn sm . oak frame $11.00 value at GO-CART Reclining back and dash, cushioned seat and back, parasol to match, best f rubber tired running ff Til gear, $8.50 value, at... THIRD FLOOR- LIBRETTOS of PARSIFAL In English and Qarman. Tuesday we . make special cut price 23c HARDWARE SPECIAL TUESDAY Ten ($) Green Trading Stamps with ' children's three piece - Garden Set....i.V,. , Ten ($1) Green Tradfhg Stamps with children's three piece Garden- Set.i.-. Ten ($1) Green Trading Stamps with children's three piece Garden SetcMfi.;,-...,' 12c 15c 25c Double Green Trading-Stamps on all Garden Tools-.,..., ., Thirty ($3) Green Trading Stamps with specially good quality Cake Box Thirty ($3) Green Trading Stamps with specially good quality Cake Box Twenty . ($2) Green Trading Stamps with specially good quality Bread Box Twenty ($2) Green Trading Stamps with specially good quality Bread Box .. 98c 1.15 63c 73c fa OmahaWhoIesaleSiioeSfock -SOLD BY THE INSURANCE CO. i of Entire Wholesale Stock of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers of' F. P. KIRKENDALL Sc Co., At Uth and Harney Streets Sold by order of tho INSURANCE COMPANIES, af Market St., Chicago. Every Pair of Absolutely Sound and Perfect Shoes was bought by j. L. BRANOEIS & SONS. Tour special attention Is called to the absolutely perfect condition of every shoe in the entire purchase. They are all In their own origi nal paper boxes, own tltwue paper and wrapping, .own original wooden covers, without mark, soil or spot every pair fresh and clean. Sale Begins Thursday, March... AT J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS. This sale will embrace the Men's Custom Made Shoes, made here In the Klrkendull Factory on 10th Street, as well as the Ladles', Men's MisseB' and Boys', Youth's, Children's and Infant's shoes, composing the entire stock made in the eastern lactones. Wonderful Bargains in Fancy Sofa Pil lows Thursday. Set Uth St. Window THE REI.I A RL.E STORE. Great Sale of . Ladies' Spring Suits Thursday. Watch Ftptrs. TUESDAY BARGAIN DAY In Our Busy Cloak Department c All small lots and broken lines will go at one-half to orte-thlrd regular prices. Don't miss It. $1.00 to $1.50 Ladies' Waists at 25c Eleven domn Venting and Sateen WRlats, In all colors Odds and ends from last week's great sules, choice Tuesday 25c II koala)! 4 WANTEP- : A BOY in every town to sell our new Saturday Bee. Ve will send any boy the first 10 COPIES SBEE g" VIwS"iaWMrNEW MODEL FACTORY C iNONESUCHMffJCE MEAT I I li2-PU10o Packages w!tb List of Viluable Premlams. SS Ls wsm mm dm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm smmM 1 V t f TIluhl4HClMIIMM IWVkW Mthmmmii -Ut ui 0m f.'Sl l.Wr.llM.HIt.Cll'IW.Udl: Ctw m WMM t bMMttd mmmM mf mm. IM Hi tmm ksBOi mi !( y Ihmmm bMsjiiful Tttln Umm, rit-k nrvit mm4m$, mimm mmi4 mMuxm. wtntm di tan! buMi mrm mamAuvmA mmif lif k tejsrlal Hair Rsiensntor BtMH nmmnttim-. It contains 18 pages of special magazine features, Including 10 colored pages with B08TEII BROWN COMICS, altogether 30 pages, and is a big seller everywhere on Saturday YOU MAKE TWb CENTS PROFIT ON EVERY PAPER YOU SELL Fr Full Particulars Write to ' The Omaha Bee, Omaha. Nebraska LAY ASIDE your rifts for Easter. A Chatelaine Watch would be nice, or a Oold Brooch, Hat Flu, Cuff Links. Hold Hds, BU.-k IMn, Tie Flu, a Silver Flece Tor the dreiser, a Taney Vane, s a beaoliful China hand I'ulnted plate. Our store la full of f S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler. UM bwusl as Vlieel. 9 $10.00 to $15.00 Silk Suits at $6.95 Your choice of thirty-three nobby Bhlrt Waist Suits In great variety of color. t 0 that ar.l .1 at t ) I k I I 1 1 I fk I onA 1 1 . Itat rhnlnc. 'T . , .1 .. .. t . f J Seven and one-hnlf dosen WOMEN'S WRArrKRS. Il.oo' to $1.26 Quality, odds XQa and entlM from storks, choice . Fifty-seven CHAVKNKTTB COATS Odds and ends of stocks, In all sizes, sold S 7St at 112.60, $15.00 tuid $18 50, choice 0AJ Sample Silk and Covert Coats at $3.95 An extremely nobby line, including garments worth up to $10.00, f6X choice JVJ MISSES WALKING SKIRTS. Jfi Men's Linen Handkerchiefs at 5c 300 dosen Linen Initial Handkerchiefs, mostly samples and slightly soiled, R. Worth up to 25c, choice Tuesday, each US JAPANETTE HANDKERCHIEFS with fancy borders, soft ss silk, worth C from 10c to 15c, choice FANCY HALF HOSE In blacks, tans and grays, silk embroidered, a great Cp snap at 12Hc, 10c and LADIES' HOSE In plain and fancy colored, lace and embroidered, worth up 01r to 3Sc, choice 25c and Is-BW $1.00 LADIES' KID GLOVES AT 69c 50 dosen of them In tans, modes, browns, blacks, plain or fancy stitching, good $1.00 values, Tuesday, fOr cholre , JW NEW UMBRELLAS AT $1.98 This Is a new line and great values. They f QQ come In black and all new pprlng shades, special Tuesday S.zfJ Removing Our Immense Grocery Stock Tearing Out Walls for New Building Compels Us to Make These Prices on Jhe Highest Quality Goods. 2-pound can best Sweet Sugar Corn packed Sc 2-pound can fancy String Means &o 2-pound can fancy Lima Beans 6o 2- pound can fancy Wax Heans 6c 3- pound can Golden Fumpkln Ec 3-pound can Lye Hominy 6c 3-pound can solid packed Tomatoes Vfrc 3-pound can Peach, Flum or . Apple Butter 7Hc 8-pound can BoBton Baked Beans 7HC 1-pound Jar pure Fruit Preserves....... 7"Ac 6-pound pall puie Fruit Jelly lac tiromangelon, jell-o or jenycon, per package "He 1-pound can Cove Oysters 7jc 1-pound can rancy Alaska Baimon c Oil or Mustard Sardines, per can...... 4c 48-pound sack High Patent Minnesota Flour $1 48 10 bars best Laundry Soap 2!c 10 pounds best Cornmeal lac 7 pounds best Oatmeal 15c The best nana picaea isavy Beans, per pound 3o The best Pearl Tapioca, per pound..,. 80 The best Wheat Farina, per pound o BIG CRACKER AND COOKIE SALE, Regular 12c and 15c Cookies this ; sale, per pound 10o Fresh crisp Ginger Snaps, per pound.. 40 Regular 10c package Soda Crackers- this sale ' Ttta Crisno. the new cracker, per piickage.. 4o Newport Flakes, pr package lOo Xcelo or Malta Vita, per package 7VI0 APPLES. APPLES.' APPLES. Bushel boxes fancy Gano Pippin f O'S or Red Pippin Apples, per box -SivJ Pure Colorado White Clover Honey, per rack 10o Soft Shell English ' Walnuts, per pound 12o Fancy Imported Figs, per pound 12V40 Fancy Cape Cod Cranberries, per quart 7H5 Regular 40c size Navel Oranges, dos.... 2oo Fresh roasted Peanuts, 3 measures... 10a mm a Ul w To Many Points In California, Oregon, Washington $20. $22. FROM OMAHA UNION PACIFIC EVt;RY DAY TO MAY 19, I90S. Ml to Ogden and Salt Lake City. to Butte, Anaconda and Helena. .... C A to Pendleton and Walla Walla. 9U to Spokane and Wenatchee, Wash. to San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego and many other California points. to Everett, Fairbaven, Whatcom, Van' oouver, Victoria an4 Astoria. . to Ashland, Boseburg, Eugene, Albany and Salem, via Portland. . ; ' to Portland, or to Tacoma and Seattle, .00 AND TO MANY OTHER POINTS. Inquire at City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam St. 'Phone 310. Low Rates South and Southwest. The Rock Island Synttni offers the following low round trip rate from Council Bluffs and Omaha on March 21, April 4 and IS. Amarlllo. Dalhart, Dallas, Fort Worth,. Waco, Houston, Galveston, Austin, San Antonio, Beaumont. Corpus Chrlstl and many other Texas points.. New Iberia, Crowley, Jennings, Lake Charles, Alexandria and many other Louisiana points. Dawson, Tumunicari, Santa Rosa, Torrauee, Roswell, Carlsbad and other New Mexico points .- $18.85 $18,85 Almangordo, $23.05 $30.35 El Paso, Texas, and Demlng, New Mexico.. To points on Rock Island-Frisco Systems In Oklahoma, Indian Territory, Arkansas and Kansas in One Faro for Homeseekers, territory the Round Trip Practically half of the above rates for one-way' Colonists tickets on sale March 21. For further information call or write. F. P. RUTHERFORD. D. P, A. 1323 Ftroan St., Oaihi, Neb. TO WIIOM IT MAY CONCERN: We, the undersigned Arm, agreo to deliver for $8.50 one ton of our famous CARNEY LUMP COAL mined In the great State of Wyoming, which ls absolutely free from smoke and soot, burns like oak wood, and Is a splendid substitute for hard coal for furnace use. Remember, we guarantee this coal la erery respect. Try one ton. and tf not satisfactory, we agree to remove same andrefund you your money. Very respectfully, UNION FUEL CO. Talkers 268-319. 1614 Farnam 8t