i 16 TIIE OlIATIA DAILY REE: SATURDAY, MARCH IP. 1905. TROLLEY LINE TO BELLETDE Engineer! Sow In Held Picking Oat the Best Route. BUILDING WILL FOLLOW LOCATION Company Intend to Ha-re Car Raa- alas to Co-llege, Towa ana Fort aa Sooa as Work Caa Be Doac. The Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Rail way company hag commenced the prelimi nary work on the proposed extension of the Walnut Hill line to Bellevue and Fort Crook by placing a corps of engineers In the field to map out what would be the most practi cable as well as profitable route. The to pography of the country from Albright to the fort through Bellevue Is such that con siderable figuring will have to be done be fore the street railway company can deter mine the best way to lay the tracks. It Is the Intention of the company to run close enough to Bellevue college to serve that in stitution and then to go through a portion of Bellevue and on to Fort Crook. To run direct from Albright to the fort along the valley would be a simple proposition, but considerable grading will have to be done Jf Elk hill Is traveled. General Manager Smith of the street rail way company says he realises that to make the project a paying one the line will have to cater to both the college and town of Bellevue. which route he is confident will be selected. No Delay Building-. Asked when the construction work would be started on the extension, Mr. Smith sold it Is now but a matter of selecting a route that will yield such returns that will make the extension a bualness prop osition. That such a route will be decided on and the work begun soon he feels reasonably sure. With the, extension, the Walnut Hill, Fort Crook line will be from eighteen to twenty miles in length. Hourly service It Is expected will be given to start with, Special service , when occasions demand it. An Iowa company Is now looking over the ground at Bellevue and South Omaha and announces Its intentions to make South Omaha the western terminus of a series of Interurban lines that will extend twenty-five rnlles Into Iowa, branching off at a bridge to be built across the Missouri at Bellevue. A representative of the Iowa company was In Bellevue. Thursday and said it is the intention of his company to open the new bridge to wagon traffic to accommodate the large Iowa territory that markets its live stock In South Omaha, thus saving those who are now driving stock by way,' of Council Bluffs some thirty miles in distance. CHARTER READY TO BE PASSED Corporations Agree and Douglas County Delegation Compro mlaes on Amendments. City Attorney Breen telephoned from Lincoln yesterday that every member of ths Douglas county delegation had agreed upon the amendments to be made to the Omaha charter bill and that the proposed measure seemed to stand every opportunity of becoming a law. Mr. Breen has been in Lincoln since Monday, watching progress on the matter and trying to give assist ance wherever required. He was Inter ested chiefly In having the bill go through technically correct and without blunders clearly unintentional. The compromise on the paving sections which makes action on the bill possible eliminates the right of property owners to designate the specific material desired In pavings, regardless of price, so far as asphalt Is concerned, but to retain It with regard to brick, stone, macadam and other kinds. On the other hand, the sting has . been taken out of the "Denver Joker" by placing the matter of making specifications for all public improvements in the hands . of the engineer, subject to orders for modi fication or change from ' the mayor and city council, acting in concert. The section relating to official advertis ing has been amended so as to make 60 and JO cents per square the maximum price that can be charged in competition. At the city hall the; view is generally held that the new charter will be a con siderable improvement on the one now in effect, but by no means all that could be desired. BRATLIN CASE IS DEFERRED Daughter's Complaint Against Her Father la Police Coort Too Serious for Hasty Disposition. Evidence was heard in police court Fri day In the case of Martin Bratlln, charged with criminal assault on his 16-year-old daughter, Mabel. The girl was the only witness against her father. She admitted that the alleged crime was not committed on the date mentioned in the complaint, but four years before. Judge Berks deferred action on the case until Saturday, when another complaint will be drawn. The girl Is not very strong mentally, and this Is also the case with the other three ' children of the family. Mr. and Mrs. Bratlln are said to be first cousins. They IrVe In the Martin flats at Seventeenth and Webster streets. SEASKBLE FASHIONS. NO. as-CHTLDS' FOUR-PIECE APRON. Slass, I to 10 years. t'or ths accommodation of readers of Tbe l'i th patterns, which usually retail at from M to M mii la each, will be furnished st to nominal price of 10 cents. A supply Is aow kept at our offloo, so those whs wish any pattern may gat It either by call. Ing or enclosing 14 cents, addressed "fa. tan MjMaLis ujbshvs . . i J L o; '?"Le ' - .Ml iNcw Ideas - Ladies' Suits For Spring 1905. Scores of charming new designs are thotcnin our ladies' suit and coat taction on ths second floor. All the latest designs that are attaining great popularity in the east are here. Ladles' Handsome Tailored Suits at $9.98 these smartly fashioned suits are made In the new etons, blouses, ifQQ reefers, etc.. all the new col- flll0 ore and fabrics, a regular eij n mi ex i uiuc, at ... Ladles' Stylish Spring; Suits Tbe newest effects In mohairs, pan am as, a sx C voiles, cheviots, broadcloth. II II J U canvas cloth, etc, all Iatesf JvLJati ' styles features, worth to 20 Very Stylish Spring- Suits at $14.83 The new redingotes, all round J O C hlnuHPM. etons. reefers, etc II mm OJ all the most favored mate- ljjf " naiS lor spnug wear, bi. 39i Braadels' Show the Stunning Styles In Ladies' Covert Jackets A Coat Special made of (rood quality covert, with heavy lining- button and strap trimmed an extra good bargain, at A Fine Tailored Coat - Snugly fitting stitched straps, new sleeves well "T50 lined a special at...; 9 High Qrade Coverts The very best quality of oloth made in the smart styles 98 that are now so fetching for early y spring wear, at Ladies Fashionable Silk Suits Silk sblrt waist suits, made of fine i A very stylish suit. In the newest novelty and plain taf- O CQ ' colors and effects, all 11 CA f etas a good value, at. O.ZJO the new features, at .. .)t A wide variety, 30 different styles of these suits, many are CA samples of which there Is but one of a kind tntD3 Beautiful W&sh Shirt Waists for Spring New Wash Jap Silk Waists with the new wide pleats, embroidered panel fronts lace insertions, new sleeves, etc. every one a pretty and novel ideat-wlll go 22'34' to 0 Ladies Dress & Walking Skirts $2.50 & $5 Worth Up to $12.50 Dress and Walking Skirts In the very latest new effects these skirts are from the Mrs. Benson stock they were purchased for this spring's trade regularly worth as hljrh as $12.50 irll the latest and most fashionable materials the wide and nar row pleats your choice of a great assortment at .: r ail toe latest anu 2.50-$5 Shown for the First Time in Omaha Brandeis always first. ' New Ta.i Oxfords New Ta.n Bluchers NewTaiv Christy Ties New Coffee Oxfords SWELL, STYLISH OXFORD TIES, on saJe on main floor $1.59,$1.98.$2.50,$3.$3.50 We take pleasure in placing on sale tomorrow a number of extreme new style of women's low shoes and 3 new styles of our famous PHIT EEZI high cut shoes. SHEET MUSIC BARGAINS ALL MAIL ORDERS FILLED ADD 10 FOR POSTAGE. VOCAL Teasing I Was Only Fooling (sequel to Teasing) Where the Silv'ry Colorado Wends Its Way By the Dear Old Delaware When the Sunset Turns the Ocean's Blue to Gold In Old Ireland, Meet Me There I'm Trying So Hard to Forget You latest by Chas. K. Harris) I Would if I Could, But I Can't Troubadour (the song) Satisfied (song) Back,! Back to Baltimore Grandma, There's None Like You In the Sleigh With the Girl You Love Fighting for the Cause of Old Japan Coax Me Just for Fun (a new waltz song hit) Always in the Way Little Boy From Lonesome Street Bessie Blue Bell Come Home Soldier Boy in Blue Let's All Go Up to Maud's When the Bees Are in the Hive choice, each i INSTRUMENTAL Rustling Silks Josephine (a new two-step) Dixie Girl The Bugler Northern Lights Moonlight (a beautiful serenade) Troubadour Papinta Heart's Dream Waltzes-Chicken Charley Steel King March Roll of Thunder March Star of the Sea (beautiful reverie) Pet of the Pike St Louis Tickle and others-i-at, each COME AND HEAR THEM PLAYED. Vocal hits from Red Feather, Sho Gun, Toyland, Sergeant Kitty, Qirl 21c and the Bandit, Maid and the Mummy, Iflle of Spice, etc , 100 CALLING CARDS FOR 39c PRINTED WHILE YOU WAIT 1!N THE ARCADE. Jl I f l JL XL a 12ic PORTLAND WITHOUT CHANCE UNION PACIFIC Th Main ThorougMar to tha Lewie and Clark Exposition, Portland, Ore., Juno 1 . to Ootoaer 16, 1005. Two Through Trains Daily With Accommodations for all CI of Passengers. SHORTEST LINE FASTEST TIME Innulre at CITY TICKET OFFICE. 1324 FARNAM ST. Phone 310. SR ANDERS B Guarantee Clothing Company (519-1521 Douglas Street PANTS. Today we place on sale Men's Fine Pants, late spring styles, made up as food as can be. Sale prices 11.90, 2.50, $3 00 and $3 60. Worth from $1.00 to $1.50 more than we auk for them. SUITS. Today Is your last chance to buy one of those Suits, worth up to $18.00, for $7.90. All our last year's odd-and-end suits are included in this sale. It's a rare chance to save money. SUSPENDER SALE. In order to make room for our new line of Suspenders, which we expect in a few days, ,we decided to close out our entire line of Suspenders- worth 60c and 75c for 26c. Every Sus pender in the house is Included except Ouyot and President suspenders. The price on those two numbers Is 39c. MEN'S HOSE, 10c. 2,000 pairs samples from the famous house of Wilson Bros. Many worth up to 26c. Tour unrestricted choice, lOo a pair. . MEN'S SHIRTS, 48c. Our special line of 48c Shirts has been strengthened once more by a big additional fresh supply. By all means look them over before you pay One Dollar elsewhere for shirts no better. HATS AND CAPS. New Spring Styles now ready. Caps, 26c and 46c. Late Style Hats, $1.90. Hatter's price for same hat, $2.60. Our sac special sells at $1.60 everywhere. A full quart of Old Port or Sherry Wine, worth 75c. For Sat urday only. There is no better spring tonio for men and women than Hiller's Wines. They are ab solutely pure. We Give Green Trading Stamps. Hiller Liquor Go 1309 Farnam St. Telephone 1241. S3 H Innumerable Varieties of fresh vegetables from every section of the south at your disposaJ with which to complete your plans. Spinach, Cucumbers, Firm, Ripe Tomatoes, Leaf Lettuce, Head Lettuce, Oreen Asparagus, New Beets, New Turnips, Button Mushrooms, Radishes, Bhallets. -CHOICE NEW POTATOES, Strawberries, Pineapples. . 15c 22c Strictly Fresh Eggs per dozen Walter Baker's Cocoa per can Walter Baker's Chocolate-0'1r, per pound OUW Lea A Perrin's Worcester- -if, shire Sauce per bottle.. Purkee's Salad Dressing 1o per bottle IJC m Prime Rib Roast-. f-01 per pound Legs of Lamb per pound Toung Chickens per pound , Finnan Haddle per pound Norway Mackerel-each Fan eacl IfJ cl Smoked Bloaters 12c 12c 12c 15c 5c Sommer Bros. Exponents of Good Living. 28th and Farnam Sts. Telephones T36. MM. Clothing on Credit Our credit I based upon a DOllCV Of liberal treatment n1 a convenience. W mrm i quick to extend courtesies, grant i law anu id aiu ana assist our iHBivmni in avery possioie way. New Covert Jacket $5.98 to $16.50 Ladles' Suits from 17.50 to 125.00 Ladies'Sklrts from 82.50 to $15.50 Ladies' Waists from 75o to $12.50 Shoes and fine line of Spring Millinery. CREDIT TO ALL. El i i HI 1 I 39c a4 n Men's Suits $6.00 to $18.50 Men's Cravenette Rain Coats. .,..$6.00 to $18.00 Men's odd Trousers.. $1.50 to 6.5o Men's Shoes, Men's Hats, Boys' two and three pieced Suits. Our Leader $2.98. We clothe entire family from head to foot, on easy weekly or monthly payments. Eighteen Stores We sell goods from Canada to the gulf. All on the weekly or monthly payment plan. Omaha's Largest' Credit Stare RIDGLEY CREDIT CLOTHING CO. ELMER RBDnRn. Mirr. New Location Three Story Brick, i is uouffiat street. I . -Wi i ill M i wm I Imperial Hair Regenerator The Standard Hair Coloring far Oray or BlmctMd Hair, ta olean, 6urmtU auS porteullT Umliu tiaif Oulavliig. Any natural aiiad. Lwwliuf klr betuurul, ckaon n1 Kluuy. "MB APPLICATION LABI'S MONTHS. KajnuU of lu.tr Mlured fraa. Prlaur IAVUULUIEMJCAL UHL CO. Ul W.WSk.Knr lamta MeHesssIl Bras ve tfca VwJ tia 2i ST. PATRICK'S DAY Cornea but Once a Year. Boys' 11.60 shoe day comes every Saturday at Drexel's, and we always have something good for the boys. Thousands of them who have worn our 11.60 shoes will have no others. The price isn't much for a good shoe, but a great deal for a POOR shoe. Bring the boys In Saturday and let us fit them. Big boys or little boys just so they are boys. SDrexel Shoe Co., 1419 FARNAM STREET, Omaha's lli-li-liti Sbu Hun ASK FOR OUR FREE CATALOGUE. HssjBMpjBBBBafWBfflTllll TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER I'opalar aad Timely Articles. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER riii raetecravble UlaaUmttaas. Grand Rag Safe Monday, See Sunday Paper for Prices mum ens TBI RELIABLE ITORB. Don 7 Miss Mon day's Rug Sale, See Ad In Sunday Paper Great Special Sale $10.00 r i f Men's Fine Suits Men's Top Coats The Bnappy individuality of stylos, the exceptional goodness of quality in both fabric and workmanship shown in this lot of garments has never before been equaled at the price. You must see them to appreciate their true worth. Men's Fine Suits In all the smartest most up-to-date styles, fabrics and patterns. Perfection In every detail from cutting to finishing. Come In all the popular shades; either single or double breasted. Oreat bar-P A t tt gains at our apeclaJ J) I It IJIJ price Saturday MVtVV Ji Stylish Top Coals In the most approved fabrics and variety of color and patterns. tailored throughout bv okllled workmen. The grandest lot of Top Coats ever shown in unianji at our special price Saturday rest All hand ,is rvrr snnwn $10.00 1 1 Special In Boys' Clothing BOYS' KNET5 PANTS SUITS in Norfolk, Sailor Blouse, Russian Blouse and Three Piece Styles, Style and Fabrics the best. J3.60 and $5.00 f r1 values special Saturday A Special Lot of Boys' Knee Pants In all slies, colors and Fabrics regular Me and 66c values, to close out quickly special, at 25c Fancy Goods and Notion Specials Pearl Buttons kinds special Saturday, 4 at, doz. 9c, fu, 2c pmow Tops z:rJ. sorted patterns, extra special value at 50c, 39c, 25c, Uic, 8hc Pillow Cords finished very fine, each 25c and 50c silk T'r cord, per yd. tOc and 1 2lt Ladies' Hand Bags in black and brown, worth up to 70 St. 50 tnerial at ' 'C 11 mm Johnson Goodlett Co. A LITTLE CONSIDERATION OF THE CLASS OF GOODS WE SELL AND THE SMALL AMOUNT OF CASH YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR THEM WILL CONVINCE YOU THAT YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY TRAD ING WITH UB.' EGGS Strictly Fresh Country Per dosen.... 14c ORANGES Extra Large, Juicy, Sweet, Navels, Per dosen .... 25c COCO A MT 10c Package Best Brand, for 6c BUTTER Fine, Sweet Conn. try, Ftr poind..,. 552c CATSUP 30o Bottle Snyder's for 19c PORK LOINS Per pound..., Tc RIB ROAST Per pound .... lOc BOILING BEEF Per pound.... Se CAKES Our famous three-layer white, nut, caramel, choco late, orange or cocoannt. Each SOo Johnson & Goodlett Co. 20th and Lake Sts. Grocery, fleata and Bakery. Phones 1ATS and 4743. awiflniys hum DEPUTY STATE VETERINARIAN, H. L RAMACCIOTTI, D. V. S. CITY VETERINARIAN. Office and Infirmary. 28tb aad Mason Sts. OMAHA, NEB. Telephone 633. i i A I ' tf J- 1 1 is r5 1 irlv f School Shoes You can find the school shoes you're looking for at this store. You will find ths girls' and boys' shoes at this store that are made to fit easy and comfortable; that are made to look neat and nice, and that are made to wear long and well. You will find salesmen at this store who know how to properly fit the feet of any boy or girl. You will find at this store that prises are rlgbt aa well aa the shoes and fit, and nowhere else can you get suoh values In school shoes sus our specials $1.50 & $2.00 FRY SHOE CO. Hth and Douglas. WANTED A BOY in every iowi io sell our new Saturday Bee. We will send any boy the first 10 COPIES FREE It contains 18 pages of special magazine features, Including 10 colored pages with BUSTER BROWN COMICS, altogether 30 ages, and is a big seller everywhere on Saturday YOU MAKE TWO CENTS PROFIT ON EVERY PAPER YOU SELL For Full Particulars Write to The Omaha Bee,; Omaha. Nebraska. THE LANGE GROCERY GO. If nuallty and prices will Induce you to give us a portion of your trade, you will not fall to give us you order for Saturday. 8PECIAL8 FOR SATURDAY Kerosene Oil by the gallon lOo Quail Oatmeal by the package., be Morning mory uuuri, Malta Vita, pkg Vigor AtlaM Pearl Hominy, 2-lb. pkg Hominy Oritts. 8 lt. fr r'.,.ki4 U'hi.al K Itm. for Rolled Wheat, 6 lbs. for I'J lUce, 4 lbs. for 1Sc 6c Kc 6o 5c llic 18o rtalHlns, 4 lbs. for l"o Prunes, 4 lbs. for ' lHc Laundry Snap, all klniln, 6 for...l)c I'rortor & Uamhlu Hoap, 8 bars. 18a Tomatoes, extra fancy, per can. 6a Fancy Pried Teaches, per lb do Teas, all klnda, hlxh grades, lb...15o Tea J)UBt, per lb lOo 4H-IU. murk J. C. Flour, per sack. (Via Creamery Butter, per lb 23c THE LANGE GROCERY CO. IMPORTERS OF FANCY CROCERIES TELEPHONE 1459. 606 S. I3TH ST. 7TT