1 TI1E OMAHA DAILY BEE: FIUDAY. MARCH 17, 1905. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Minneapolis Leads in Producing Bull Argument! for Wheat Trader, JULY SQUEEZE EXPECTED IN NORTHWEST Cor Hear Polat Oat that Nebraska Cava U Offered far EiMM at Hew Vark at a Lorr Flft-ara Liverpool Weak. . ' , t OMAHA. March 18, 1W. uyerpool wheat market closed with a decline of rrom hi to on the favorable crop report from the United States and Y ,Pro.mlM ot large Argentina shipments. erls declined from & u li centimes and Antwrep strengthened 14. Mlnneapnlla la sending out a great many bullish eymp toma just now. The cash trade In high 7,J wheat la said to be splendid, with the business In off grade not very active. l.'J J1 DMn sold the amount of 2S7,uOO barrels and wheat aok Wednesday to the amount of 800,000 bushels there. All of the No. 1 northern on the tables la being taken by Plllabury and other mill and elevator buyers are- said to be busy. The predictions In the northwest are for lighter receipt very shortly. The cars to day. Including Chicago, were 218, against 266 last week and 290 a year ago. Mlnne apolln also talks of a May aqueee, re gardless of what may happen In Chicago and In other markets. The Minneapolis stocks have decreased 400,000 bushels In four days. Ninety-eight rare were loaded out today, and Wednesday 222 car of wheat were brought out o e'evators. Tha flour output for the week Increaaed 18.000 berrela und the Minneapolis mills turned out a total of 268.000 barrels, against 133.0X1 barrela a year aco. The Chicago July waa for a time affected by the Minneap olis news, but later the effect disappeared, because No. 1 northern only la deliverable on contract In Minneapolis, while No. 2 hard and red wheat are deliverable In Chicago, making the situation different. Chicago July la 2Vc lower than Minne apolis, m king It possible to btiv In one market and aell In the other. Tn Minne apolis It Is said, St. Louis la short a lot of July wheat In the northern market, and when the southerners come to cover a sharp ' bulge la expected. St. IjOuIs la trading today tinder the new regulation with the new and the old July. The differ ence is Vic. A lip haa been given Chicago commission houses to get their customers off the short aide of May wheat. Mnnltoba aends out a report the elevator receipts are drying up and are now very small, and that the reserve la also small. The win ter wheat crop news continues good, al though there has been freeilng In some ectlons. which hsa retarded progress to some extent, but Is not really unfavorable. The general condition Is encouraging. Tha primary reeclpts are 843.000 against 612.000 bushels last year, and the shipments sre 2.V M0 against 310.000 bushels. The corn bears say Nebraska corn guar anteed No. 2 export quality Is quoted on track t New York for 44 cents above the May price In Chlcsgo. The movement from this state continues heavy. Omaha receipts today being 144 care, against 40 at St. iouis, 46 at Kansac City and 824 at Chi cago. .The primary receipts are 612,000 bushels, against 331.000 bushels last rear, and the shipments are 385.000 bushels, ngalhat, 838.000 bushels. The commission houses", continue to advocate tha purchase of May corn and cats as being at the pres ent market fully worth the monv. Com clearances were 650,000 bushels. The T.lv ernool tnarket closed with a decline of from Mc. .' " Omaha Cask Bales. WHBAT-No. 8 hard, 1 car. 68 lbs., 97o. CORN-No. 2 yellow, 1 car, 46Vc i Omaha Caak Price. WHEAT-No. 2 hard, llWfl.03; No. 8 hard, 8100; No. 4 hard, 80395c; No. 8 spring. 81.03. CORN No. 2, 46c: No. 8. 4fic: No. 4. 46c: no grade. 4i46o; No. 2 yellow. 46c: No, 1 yellow, 46c; No. 2 white, 46c; No. 1 white, 4ic. OATS No. 2 mixed. 30c: No. 3 mixed. 2DVic: No. 4 mixed. 29c: No. 2 white, 31c; No. t white, 80Hc; No. 4 white, 29c; stan dard, J0tc. " ( Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 27 324 181 Kansas City 80 45 4 Minneapolis 176 Duluth 15 St. Louis 33 40 6.1 Omaha 16 144 . , t afiaaeapolla Wheat Markat. TIM tango of prices paid In Minneapolis as reported by the Edwards-Wood company, llu-Ul Board of Trade, was: Artlclee.j Open.l High. Low. Cl0Ba.Yea'y. Wheat 1 May... 1 09,tno no l 08 1 09H 1 09V4 July... 1 06Vi 107V, 10BT, 106V, 1 0 Sept... 87 88 87, 87V, 88 ym bu. futures, spot market, barely steady. No. 2 red, 117J f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 north ern. Duluth, 1.22k f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 lard, .Manitoba, 31.09 f. o. b. Options had an- .EW ' YORK '" GENERAL MARKET ''.. . . V'1 Quotations of the Day on . Varloaa onanaodltlea. ' NEW YORK, March 16. FLOUR Re ceipts, 14,019 bbls.j exports, 6,146 bbls.; sales, 4,800 pkffa., market dull , and barely teady; Minnesota patents, t5.86iS6.20; bakers, - 84.10fl4.60',' extras, 83.6ug4.30; low grades, (3.45fr4.10. Rye flour, quiet; fair to good, 84.3tKS4.70; choice to fancy, 84.76ig4.90. Buckwheat. flour, inactive; fi.Owa S.10. . ' ' CORNMEAL Barely steady: fine white, 21..: coarse, new, lUOSLU; kiln dried, $2.90 tiiio. v ' H VE Nominal; SOc. BARLEY-Bteady; feeding, 44,c, c. 1. f. New York; malting, 46&62C c. 1, f. Buffalo. ' WHEAT Receipts. 4.876 bu.: sales. 4.620.- 000 bu. futures. Spot market, barely steady. em ha other Irregular, day. They were lower at nrat, uinuenoea Dy easy caoiea and pros pect a for heavy Argentina shipments, be Hldea fine weather throughout the wheat belt. Rallying on a demand from shorts nnd small Interior receipts. the market flnslly declined under realizing and closed VtiSo lower. Sales- Included No. 2 red. May, II. 11(61. closed July. 9518-16 Kit ll-lrte, closed Wc; September, 88T689o, closed SflVic OORN-Reeelpt. 97.350 bu.; exports, 136.165 lu.; sales, 40,000 bu. spot. Spot market, esey, No. 2. He. elevator, and 64c f. o. l. afloat; No. 2 yellow, 66ci No. 2 white. 66c. Options opened easy with wheat. It rallied, however, on the rains west and Arm offer ings, but finally (Increased owing to realis ing, and closed partly e net lower; May, ti'Sc closed 66c; July cloned 66Vo. OATS Receipts. 10.600 bushels. Spot mar ket, steady. Mixed oata, 26 to tl lbs.. ftTtytf 38'4jC; natural white, SO to 32 lbs.. .IKVtfftttc; clipped white. 36 to 40 pounds, 39941c. Op tions, nominal. , FEED Irregular; spring bran, 818.SI: mid dlings. 3126. HAY Finn; shipping, 6075c; good to choice. 8o8J'4c. HOPS Steudy; Pacific coast, 1904, 3T(fJ0c: J 90S, !4n?7e: olds, 11 13c. H1DE9-Qulet: Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs.. 1Sc; CallfornlH. 21 to 26 lba., l!)c; Texas dry, 24 to 30 lba.. UMa. LEATHER Btcady; acid. ?4026c. PROV18IONb-Bef. sterdy; family, 31208 fil.l.tu; mess, 89niSi9.5(; ueef hums. 823.60; !' acket. $U.Oi'12 00; city, extra India mesa, 16.oo4il8.00. Cut meata, quiet; pickled bel lea. l;.Kfr7.60; pickled shoulders. 85. 40 6 50; pickled hams. 88 5(Wfa 75 Lard, firm: w stein steamed, 37.36; March cloned 17:36 nominal: renned. firm: compound, a.V.WSi 0 26: continent, 37 46: South America, 37.X5. Pork, steady: family, 814 60to'16.00; short ilosr. 3i3.orxni5.28; mess. 313.00a 13.60. RICE-Qutet: domestic, fair lo extra, C'-RVjc; Japan, nominal. TALLOW-puH; cltv Hc; country, 4 5471ic. Bl'TTKR Firm; street price, extra creamery, 274i27Vtc. Official prlcaa eream erv. common to extra. 2k327c: creamery, held, common to extra, 2026Vto; state dalrv. common lo extra. In?i25c. CHEESE 8tong; state full cream, small, colored and white fancy, 14c; state fine. 13Hc; state late made. Colored and white, poor to choice, 10VflSc; slate large, colored and white fancy, 13c: state fine. 133UWc; state late msde, colored and while, poor to choice. lOffitv. EGGSk-Cn set tied: . .western firsts, ,16Hc; western seconds. 16c. .. ; VOV I.TRY Alive, steady: western chick ens, lie; fowls, 13c; turkers. Ike Dressed, firm; western chickens. 13'$14c; fowls, 138 13Hc; turkey. ltflUc. - Peoria Grata Market. PEORIA. Maroh l.-CORN-Hlgher; No. 2 yellow. 48Vc; No. 3, 48 Vic; No. 4. 47Vtc; no grade. 4 V OATS Urm ; No. white, 31c; No. 4 while. SI ti 31kc. 1 Oalath Orala Market. WMT1I, Murch lfli WHEAT-No. 1 northern. 81.08V- On track:. No. 1 north ern. 1.0H. No. . 2 northern. 3t.J,l ll74; May. 1.07; July. 81.06; Septenl-er. HtVsO. OATS To arrive and on track. 3Wc. Hlaaeavolla Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS,. March I. WHEAT Julv. 31.W'; Keptemter. r,'Siit7,c; No. 1 hard. 81.13',; No. 1 northern, ll.n: No. 2 northern, II. 0. Toledo ee Market. TOl.rno, O.. March W.-gKKnH-Clover, cash, 7Ui iUicli, 87 90, April, fl.tt; 0M- her. 86 90 bid. Prima allke, 87.78. Prime timothy, 3140; March, 81.40. CHICAGO CltAIS AXO PROVIIOi Feataree af tha Traaloa aad Cleslaal Prleea aa fioarJ tf Trade. CHICAGO, March l.-MPd weather In the southwest wss s Incentive for con tinued general selling of wheat today by pit traders. At the close July wheat was off Vabac. May la tip Cdrn la down V'SSc lata show a lose of Sc. Pro visions are practically unchanged. Tha wheat market opened weak; May waa iflc lower at 31 .12tl T-. and July was down a shade to ttc. at JlvaslV!- The principal Influences wer lower cables and continued favorable weather In the went and aouthwest. Pit traders generally fa vored the selling aide, but the volume of business was not large. The principal trading wsa in the July option. As the session advanced the deferred future be came still weaker, Julv declining; to Rl'c. Bullish news from Minneapolis regarding the flour situation there had a stexdylng effect on the May delivery, the lowest point on which was reached at 81.12S- Small re ceipts In the northwest also tended to sup port the price of Mav wheat. A feature of late trading waa the reported purchase of about l.Ono.iiOO bushela of July by a prom inent commission house. The effect of this waa to cause a rally In prices. May ad vanced to 31 13V and July to 92Hc. Addi tional realising, however, resulted In re newed weakness. Final quotations on May were at 31. n't. July closed at 91c. Clear ances of wheat and flour were equal to 7I.8O0 bushels. Primary receipts were 33. 300 bushels compared with 612.500 buehele a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chi cago reported receipts of 21M cars against 66 cars last week and 290 cars a year ago. Larger receipts than expected caused con siderable selling of corn early In the ses sion, resulting In some weakness. The Fell ing, however, waa held in check by pre dictions of wet westher for the corn belt, the effect of which would be to materially lessen receipts. Longs showed some dis position to take profits. Tha market had a little rally late In tha day In sympathy with the bulge In wheat, but profit Inking soon caused renewed weakness. May opened He to H'g'Vic. lower at 49v.c to 4i4hj49c. sold between 494e and 49Vii494c and closed at 49VsC. Local receipts were 224 cars with 4 of contract grade. Trading In the oata market waa very quiet. Sentiment was Inclined to be bear ish, owing to weakness of other grains. May opened a shade to Vic low at 82c to 82fj82nc, sold between 81V(i32S4c and closed at 81 c. Local receipts were 191 cars. Provisions showed considerable strength. High prices at Liverpool - and continued light receipts of hogs were bullish factors. Brokera were good buyers throughout the day. At the close May pork and ribs were each up a shade at 13.i7H and 36.9JV4. re spectively. Lard waa up 2V4o at 37.12U. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 5 cars; corn, U8 cars; oats, 181 cars; hogs, 1,900 bead. Leading futurea ranged as follows: Artlclea.l Open. I High. I Low. I Close.l Yes'y. Wheat May July Sept. Corn May July Sept. (.., Mar. May July Sept. Pork May July Lard May July Rlhs May July J 91 49U3! 4 321332V, 31H I 13 8?H iz va 7 10 7 26 6 9 7 07 1 13H 92H 86fe 49V,I 3232, 31H; 29 I 12 82V4I 13 DO 7 15 7 27V4 ( 95 7 12V4! J 1 13 9U! 91V91-,fi2 49HI 4!V49NSiVi f 4Hi49Ve 49V4w I 49V 49A 49 317. 31 814 3-'i 31' ai' 31. 2D"k 29 2974-51 30 12 77Vi 12 T7V, 12 77Vi 12 92V! 12 82HI 12 8-H 7 10 7 26 8S2V4' 7 07V,: 7 12V, i WW 92V, 1 10 7 10 7 22 6 92 7 07V4 No. I. Cash ouotatlona were aa follows: FLOUR Easy; winter patents, 36.00fi5.10; straights, 34.76tf4.90; spring patents. S5.G0i? 6.40; stralfthts. 34.4004.90; bakers. 32.40(93.75. WHEAT No. 2 spring. 31.08(S1.12; No. 3, 81.02'ai.ll; No. 2 red, 31.13V81-15V,- CORN No. 2, 48V4c; No. 2 yellow. 48Vic OATS No. 2, 32Vc; No. 2 white, 34c; No. 3 white, 31S33c. RYE No. 2, 78V4c. BARLEY Good feeding, 3840c; fair to choice malting, 43fg47c. SEEDS No. 1 nax. 31.26; No. 1 north western, 31.37; prime 'timothy, $2.253.00; clover, contract grade, 313.36. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., 312.70 P12.76. Lard, per 100 lbs., 6 87Viff7.00. Short ribs aides (loose), 86.757.00. Short clear aidea (boxed), 36.87Vr97.00. Following were me recelpta and ship ments of flour and grain: , . ;. vv Recetpta. Shipment.. Tlnut. bbls. ....... 24.2 10,800 Wheat, bu 82,000 20,600 Corn, bu 376.300 319.700 Oats, bu 303.100 128.300 Rye. bu 6.000 4,300 Barley, bu 81,100 7,300 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady; creameries, 21U6c; dairies. 18(3 23c. EeTga, eaay, at mark, catiea included, 14Hc; firsts, 14V.C; prime firsts, 15c; extras, 16c. Cheese, steady; 12'ii 13Vo. at. Loals Grata sat Prevlstona. ' ST. LOt'IS, Maroh W.WHEAT-Lower; No. 2 red cash, elevator, 3104; track, 31. lift 1.13; May, 11.04; July, 86V4C; No. 2 hard, 310$. CORN Lower; NO. 2 cash, 47Vc; track, 48,4e; May, 47c; July. 47Vc. ' OATS Lower; No 2 cash, 82c; track, 32 320; May, XhtQaOMc; No. 2 white, 33Vr'9 84c. KLOl'R Moderate; red "winter" patents, 85.15.40; extra fancy and straight. 84.75 4.90; clears, 84 4.50. SEED Timothy, steady. 32.0ft2.75. CORNMEAL-eteady, ,2.50. BRAN 8tealy; eacaeu, east track, 36 86c HAY Steady; timothy, $.Offl3.00; prai rie. 36.OWS10.00. IRON COTTON TIES 960. BAGG1NG-7'C HEMP TWINE V4c- PROVISION 8 Pork, firm; Jobbing, I12.27H- Lard, unchanged; prime atearned, 86.65. Dry aalt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts, 36.87V,: clear ribs. 86 8'Vi; ahort clear, (7.12V,. Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts, 87.60; clear ribs, 87.60; abort clear, 87.b7.. POULTRY Chickens. lower; chickens and springs. 10V,c; turkeys, 14jjfl6c; ducks, 12c : geese, 7o. - - BUTTER Firm; 'creamery,' Slavic; dairy, 16(U24c. . EGGS Steady at 14c, caae count. . : . . . Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 8.000 g.om Wheat, bu 32.000 46.000 Corn, bu 4O,0no 36.000 Oats, bu, 63.000 74,000 Kansas City Grata and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. March 16. WHEAT Un changed to higher; May, 96(S964c; July, 80'i(6So4c: cash, No. 2 hard, 31-Outfl.OS; No. 8. 95c'g31.01; No. 4, 86g?98c; No. 2 red, $1.0141) 1.04; No. 8. 96cft$l 02; No. 4, mg&c. CORN-Miy. 46ifiM8c: July, 46T,(g46c; cash. No. 3 mixed, 46iJ4titt.' No. 3, 46c; No. 2 white. 46V,c; No, 8, 4TVc. OATS-Steady; No. 3 white. 83V,iff84c; No. 2 mixed. 32V33V. HAY-Steady; choice tlmott.y, 39.6010.00; choice prairie. 87.76ift8.00. RYE Ste'dv. 7c EGGS Lower; Mlaaourl and Kansas, new No. 3 whltcwood casea Included, 13V.c; case ccunt 12Hc; cases returne.1. e less. BUTTER-Creamtry. 2243; packing, ICVic. Recelpta. Shipments. Wheat, bu 1.200 63.600 Oata, bu 65.600 46.600 Corn bu 8,000 ll.oou Philadelphia Prada Market. PHILADELPHIA. March 11 BUTTER Firm, ViJ higher: extra western creamery, mmc; extra nearby prints, 30c. EOG8 Steady; nearby fresh and western treh, ITc, at mark. CHEESE Firm, fair demand: New Ycrk full creams, fancy. 13QHc; choice, 13Vkc; fair lo ood, 13813Vc. Milwaukee Grata Market. MILWAUKEE, March 18 WHEAT Steady; No. 1 northern, 81.12; No. 1 north ern. 31.00: July, lc RYE-Bteadv; Nu. I, 86V4C. BARLJCY-Steady; No. X Wc; sample. 3990o. CORN Firm; No. 8. 40Hc; May, 49Vc, asked. Liverpool Grata aad Provlsloas. ' LIVERPOOL. March lfc-WHEAT-8pot. teady: No. 1 California, lis lod: futures, easy; March, nominal; May. 8a 8d; July, Cs 6d. CORN Spot, ateady; American mixed, new, 4a 4d: American mixed, old, 4a ltd; futures, quiet: March. 4a STd; May, is 4Hd. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Msrch 16 METALS An other advance was reported from the Lon don tlft market, where spot cloned at 136 Ta 6d and futures a 134 6a; locally the mar ket while quiet was a little higher In sym pathy, closing at 8-t (iW 7S. Copper was lower In London, closing at 68 8a 6d for spot and ii8 16a 3d for futures; the local market waa unchanged with lake quoted at 3l6.t;Htt15 66. electrolytic 118 264)15. 3TV, and casting 3l4.87t16.2t. Lead waa unchanged at I4.4MM SO In the local market, but a shade easier abroad, whera pot closed at AMI tn 3d. Spelter waa also unchanged at 36.intii 30 locally, but a little lower abroad at 13 16a Iron closed at 64 M In Glasgow and at 49s 6d In Mlddlesborouah; locally the market Is firm: No. 1 northern foundry closed at tW.KVffie 26; No. I northern foun dry, tl7.6Attl8.ts: No. I sowthera foundrv and No. 1 soft southern foundry at 317.76418 26. ST. lIM8. Msrch 16 M ETA I. H Lead, firm at 4 37",. Spelter, lower at 36. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Beactionary Tendoncy of the Market Which Developed Wednesday Continues. OPENING PRICES HIGHEST OF THE DAY fall Moaey Is Firmer aad the Attack oa Valsei by Professloaal Bears Makes Traders Caatloas. NEW YORK. March 16 The renctlonary tendency in the stock market which de veloped with the flurry In the rail money market late yesterday was continued to day. The selllna seemed due to the sani" cause a there was no apparent change In eondltlons otherwise nor old the character of the reports In circulation which have been the main Influence on the speculation for some tim'. Great confidence was professed on the part of the Hpenilatlve element before the trading began that the upward course of prices would be resumed with full force, and the "tip" was circulated extensively that the long heralded Vanderbllt deal would certainly be announced during the day, the alleged Increase of the Chesapeake Ohio dividend being Included In the plan. The market made the ready response to which the interested observers have grown quite accustomed, opening sdvances run ning from a large frsction to nearly two points In many of the prominent atocka. The first prices, however, were the highest, almost without exception, and the rnpldlty with which they took the downward course suggested quite forcibly that efforts had been made to make the opening high to afford a haals for selling to take profits at greater advantage. With the reactionary tendency of the market established the professional operat ing element attacked prices with ' great vigor. The trading element generally has been very distrustful of the market for some time and has constantly tested It by making short sales In the effort to start a reaction. These efforts up to this time had as often proved unavailing, so that the Srofesslonal bears had become decidedly latrustful. Thin spirit wn still manifest by them today in the promptness with which they bought to cover their short contracts from time to time. The conse quence waa a series of recoveries through out the day. The belief was still professed that the flurry In call loans was due to the recall of government deposits and merely temporary. Preparation for the Stand'ard Oil dividend if also assigned as the occasion for the shifting of loans. The money rate waa firmer, however, no loans being made below 3 per cent and the rate rising again to a higher figure late in the day. It waa suggested that the recent re ceipts of currency from the Interior have been due to remittances by Interior banks In preparation for drafts on their New York correspondents for the repayment of gov ernment deposits and that the lack of this offsetting movement to New York ! likely to emphasise the movement of currency towards the Interior for the future. Sterling exchange weakened. Indicating a source of relief for higher money, although discounts were firmer in London, as was natural with the heavy demands on the Bank of Eng land for credits. Indicated by the week s expansion of loans by that institution of 230,000,000. There were points of resistance to the reaction In the day's market, notably the local tractions, the railroad equipment companies and Chesapeake Ohio. The covering by shorts worked a material rally all around during the last hour and the day'e declines are moderate In consequence. The closing was Irregular. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value, $3,fW5.ono. United States bonds were all unchanged on call. Following were the sales and rsnga of prices on the Stock exchange today: Bnlcs.Hlsh.Low.CIo-e Atchison do pfd Atlantic Coast Line Baltimore & Ohio... do pfd Canadian Pacific ... Central of N. J Chesapeake & Ohio.. 10.600 Chicago & Alton 2.1( do pfd 900 Chicago Gt. Western 46.700 15.200 90 S9 R9T RnO 10.V, la 103, 4.S00 1 45 1 42 1 43 17,400 110VJ 10 10f4 100 97 97 97 i4,:oo i4v; i4t',vi 1474 110 .113 3B V2 59VJ 4414 S2V, 25U 2427, 29.000 182V, 1S01, 800 1.600 1,100 301) VOi WO 1,200 ' 1.400 MOO 28,900 2.8O0 2,400 200 17V4 3XVi 10714 25 61V4 364 1!I3 '354 91 47i 82V, 6BV4 96 8,600 164 161 2914 67V 12.600 1454 14S4 148H Z." 1,1 111 Jll'4 .... 48.IW 88 .... 16.700 124 .... 10.700 254, 3O0 500 1.RO0 15.400 500 1.800 100 M 61 4 JlfiVj pfd 163 109 V4 32'. 67 41V4 40.100 16SV4 26.500 6174 8.600 S7 Chicago N. W 700 C. M. & St. P Chi. Term. & T do pfd C. C C. A St. L Colo. & Southern do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Delaware & Hudson. D. , L. & W Denver & Rio Grande do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central . do pfd K. C. Southern 100 do pfd 1.000 Louis. A Nnshvtlle Manhattan L Met. Securities Met. St. Ry Mexican Central M. ft St. L M.. St. P. & S. 8. do pfd Missouri Pacific M.. K. & T do pfd N. R. R. of Mex N. Y. Central N. Y.. O. & W Norfolk & Western., do nfd Pennsylvania P.. C. C. & St. L Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Rock Island Co do pfd Pt. L. ft S. F. 2d pfd St Louis 8. W do pfd Southern Pacific do pfd Southern Railway .. do pfd Texas ft Pacific T.. St. L. & W do pfd Union Pacific do pfd WubBHh do pfd " W. & L. E Wisconsin Central do pfd Adams Ex... American Ex.. United States Ex.. Wells-Fargo Ex Amal. Copper SS.rtflO 80 Am. Car ft Foundry. 20.800 38V4 do pfd 3.rn0 100 Am. Cotton Oil 200 So do pfd Am. Ice i do pfd Am. Linseed OH do pfd Am. Icomotlve do pfd Am. Smelt, ft Refng. 29.100 do pfd 22.600 Am. Sugar Refng.... H.OOO Am. Tobacco pfd ctf. 1,000 Anaconda M. Co 300 Brooklyn R. T 28.000 Colo. Fuel ft Iron. ... 26.4(10 Conaolldated Gaa 3.601 Corn Product 3.500 do pfd 3.i 674 41 82 2414 240 km 31t J05'4 244 61 364 sir. 90 '4674, 814 694 96- 294 6n4 59-S, 42 24 2414 181 V4 17 32 106 V4 24V4 61 354 191 V4 375 35 Vi 904 t7V 82 69 95 93 1624 5U4 294 .. 72.300 200 ..104.100 .. 2.700 2V9O0 400 SKI 200 400 . 4.800 00 . 9.200 4O0 . 7.300 . 4.400 . 6,500 .194.500 600 . 2.900 . 2,400 100 8m . 1.200 1464 84H 98'4 924 "3474 8O14 71 2674 64 '4 70V4 118H 36'4 99 V4 39 ' 3fl 6874 13674 9974 23i 46 19 2474 5'fVi 85 12DV4 2IU 61H 11H 162 107 32 6;4 41 V4 162,i 0014 8614 84 954 92 '.W4 80 71 2i.4 6314 0874 118S Soli 9914 3SV .18 67V4 133 V4 994 23 46 19 24 62 is 100 233 233 781.4 36 9S4 35 40.700 474 414 Distillers" Securities. 11.600 5.300 8H0 1,600 1,100 600 1.400 101 1,4 1224 14Nl 7'.4 "d 66H YiS 72 -434 192 S374 SOW 861. 103 46 874 1234 26 V4 61 116 1624 1084 32 6k; 44 163 V4 6074 864 92 1444 84 964 92 91 14 344 80 714 2.:i4 63i 69 ij 118, 354 99 39 8Vi 13414 994 23 46 184 24iJ 63 244 230 131 ' 250 794 3814 994 s 54 394 16 43H llBt 9974 IK 99 12114 143 97 1W4 06 5274 64' ?08il 209 154 164 122 143V4 971. 117 67U 64 69 41 I8814 23'4 80 35V4 1024 4ft 16.800 II314 111H 113H z.win 7Bt General Electric International Paper.. do pfd International Pump.. do pfd National Lead North American Pacific Mall People's Gaa pressed Steel Cat.... do pfd Pullman Pslace Car. Republic Steel do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd Tenn. Coal ft Iron... U. 8. leather do pfd V. K. Realty U. S. Rubber do pfd ". ... U. S. Steel do pfd Va. -Carolina Chem... do pfd Weatinghouse Elec... Western Union Total sales for the day, 1,492,600 shares. 6914 41V 1894 23 794 88 V4 8614 3674 J02 40 3,700 91T4 81 917. 700 217 246 246 1.400 19 18T4 184 800 77 76V4 7V4 6.3iO 27V4 26 274 3O0 IMU4 96t4 97 4,900 814 Vt 91 800 12V, 12 12 1.600 106 10M. lftS4 1 400 r,4 934 R414 2.700 42 40V4 41 Vt 600 lim 110V4 mv, 84.700 36H 364 36 34.100 964 96U MH 300 344 34 344 200 IOH14 10(Ui ifirtM, 1.910 IK314 183 I8I14 1.400 914 94!4 94V4 Hew York Mining Stocks. NEW YORK. March 18.-The following are the closing quotationa on mining atocka: Adam, Con Allr Bratrt Hninilrli Con . ramalm. Tuanal Con. Vs.. Horn 6ilvr Irna SlWsr LmStIII can Offered. it ..106 .. .. 1 . . a ..10 ..10 . 1U .. t Llttl, Chit! Ontario Ophlr Phoenl, ., Poloal Sava. Sierra Nvvada Small Hopaa . Standard .. ..I7S ..4u0 .. ..10 .. IS .. 17 .. II ..1M Treaaarjr Itateaaeat. WASHINGTON, March l.-Today'a slate, ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the UEAfVi gold reserve in the dlvlwiuii of redemption, shows: Available cash balances, tl42.28O.400; gold. 858.607.29S. "Jew York Moaey Market. NEW YORK. March 16-MONEY-On call, strong at Pa4 per cent; closing. 24 per cent: offered a 2H Pr cent. Time loans, steady; sixty days and ninety days, 3 per cent: six months, SH Pr cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-8fl4H per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Weak, with actual business In bankers' bills at 34.96454I 4 8660 for demand and at 4 844MN 8t56 for slxtv-dav bills: routed rates. 34 864j and 84 S74; commercial bills. 84 84i4 84. SILVER Bar, 68c; Mexican dollars. 4Sc. BONDS Government, ateady; railroad, Irrerular. Closing prices on bonds were? V. t. rot. is, ref... .141 Chn .. rtfa do eouiwin 14'4 I N. t. a 1H4 do Is. ret 14 4 Vanhattan e. a 4S...K4H do etmpnn Kx n central 4a 5 do saw 4a, rag l34j do lat Inc N do coapoa WH Mlnn. St. U 4a... M ' do eld 4t r. 1M M . K. a T. 4s lon'4 do old 4a, coudos..IM1 do In Am TohacPO 4a. Ct(S. t1 ft. H. R. of ft t. it J do a. rtfa Atrhlann sea. 4a... do adj. 4a Atlantic C. U. 4a. Bal. Ohio do (Ha Central of Ca. (a. do lat Inr do (d Inr Chea. Okie 4Ha....l St. J17 N. T C. a. (H. im ..1144, N. J. C X IS I"1 .. (7 .No. Par 1 8c 4a IK ..1(11 I do 77 . .lfHt N. W. F. 40 10SH .. KtO a. U rfdg. 4s..... : ..ill Penn eonr. W ! 91 iftaiidlas an 4a 1JH st 71 Cnlca.n dr A. (Ha. C . B. g. n. 4a. C. R. I. A P. do rol. la. i Lata. e. la. II L.. r. fa. s. l4 CCC. sV St. U . 4s.. 101 St. L. a. W. . 4a H' Sboard A. U 4a.. .. 1V Bo. Pacific 4s .. M So Rallvar la Chlrsso Tar Colorado Mid. 4a Colo. So. 4a.. Cuba ra. ctfa .... D. aV R. O. 4a... Milium' Sec. la 7 ... 1 ... .100 Totaa A P. Is t., at. i,. a w I'nlon Piolnc 4a... do ronv. 4a V. a star! W la ..lOmlWabaih la ..It do deb. B Krle prior lion .... 101 14 a-ratern aid. 4s.. do an. 4a 111 . a u. r.. sa.. P. W. a D. C. la.. .110 Iwta Crntrsl 4a . Hocklni Val. 4Ha....lU Offered. aH -4 .liH ..132H . M .in .. w .lit ,. 71 ,. M4 .. fi . 4H Bostoa Stock Market. BOSTON. March 1.-Call loans, SVtti P" cent; time loans, 4tp4V4 per cent. Official closing on stocks and bonds: Atrhlaon sdl. 4a (7 do 4a IHS Mm. ('antral 4a..... 71 Atchison do pfd lUH Bnaton A Alhanjr....Jt Bottnn Mains H4 Bom on Kleatsd 165 Klnhbur. pfd ........ 14 Mrslcan Central ..... N. Y.. N. H. H...M6 Prra Marquette WH Vnlon pariflc 134H A mar. Arge. Chare do pfd Amsr. Pnru. Tube. Amer. Suaar do rfd Amer. T. T IJf'i Amer. Woolen r do pfd 107 Dominion I. A 8 ?S4 FMIann Eire. Kl Ornaral Electric Maaa. Rlaetrle do pfd Maaa. () t'nlted Kruit I'm ted Shoe Mach. do pfd V. 8. fitrsl do pfd Bid. Asked. Weallns. common Adventure Alloues Amalgamated "Amarlran Zlt . Atlantic Rln.ham cal. Hacla Centennial Cop par Ran.a Pair Wrat Dominion Coal ... Franklin nHiOranry HI h' lele Rorala . 44 .14SH Maaa. Mining .. mcni.an Mohawk Mont. C. AC. Old Dominion .. oareola Parrot QulDry Shannon 1 Tamarack 14 .Trinity 43 r. s. on 112 CI ah ant victoria 34 H Winona M iWolvrrlna H . M .. .. 314 .. it's .. II ,. 17 . 11 .171 ,. lit . H .. 1 ,. 74 . 11 . . tk . II . 14H . Ut . IH . . V) . ! .114 . a .is: . ItH . 's . 41'1 . 1't . 14 .IK London Stock Market. LONDON. March 16. Closing quotations m stocks and bonds: .. 1H .. -I0SV Conaola. money IIH . do account ... Anaconda Atcbiaon do pfd Baltimore aV Ohio. . . .1I2; Canadian Pacific ....Ui Chea. oi Ohio. .. Chicago Ct. W.. C. M. A 8t. P.. DeBrera Denver A R. O. do pfd Erie do lat pfd ... do :d pfd ... Illinois Central . Loula. ft Naab. . M. , K. A T ... IH ... Mil ...1(17 ... I74 N. T. Central. . .IH .. ,. ! .. SH .. 74-l .. 1C4 .. aOii .. 47 .. Mil .. 47H ..Ml- .. 711 ..114 .. .TTl .. H'4 .. a .. 47'1 1 Norfolk W do pfd . . . Ontario A W Pannay Ivanla Rand Mlnea . Reading do lat pfd do !d pfd 80. Railway do pfd ... 174Ko. Pacific .. a3Skl'nion Pacific 4! do pfd ... 14 lU. 8. Steel.. 71H do pfd .... 117 W'abaah 144 do pfd ... UHlspaman 4s SIIA'ER Bar. quiet. 2C4d per ounce, Muxviii zvitrsvi per cent. The rote of dUtonnt in uie open market for t-hort hillat Is 24 per cent; for three months' bills, 2V4 per cent: Foreign Financial. IjONDON. March 18. Money was quieter In the market todiy and supplies were moderate. As a result of the recent large borrowing, the Bank of England's discounts had a hardening tendency. Prices on the Stock exchange opened firm, with a moder ate amount of bualnese. which helped the satisfactory ' conclusion of an unusually heavy settlement. The-' feature was a de mand for Grand Truivk "id Mexican rails, each recording substantial gains. Consols were a shade easier. Home rails were Ir regular on disappointing- traffic returns. Americans opened dull and recovered to above parity, led by Chesapeake & Ohio and New York, Ontario Western, which were both active, and advanced consider ably. Afterward the tone waa generally rather Irregular and t,he market closed fluctuating and weaker. Foreigners were fulrlv Arm. Imperial Japaneae government 6s of 1904 were quoted at 105V4. BERLIN, March 18. Prleea on the Bourse today were weaker on account of the ad verse reports In regard to the Russian situation. PARIS, March 18. Trading on the Bourse today opened quiet, with a general depres sion, but at the closing the market waa quiet. Russians were weak. Russian im perial 4s Were quoted at 87.80 and Russian bonds of 1904 at 5.01. Bank of England Statement. LONrON, March 1. The weekly state ment of the Bank of England shows the following changes: Total reserve Increased ;27S.O(, circulation decreased 258.000. bul lion Increased 16.681. securities Increased 6.000,0110, other deposits Increased 8,624,000, public deposits decreased 353,000. notes re serve increased 280.000 and government securities were unchanged. The proportion of the bank's reserve to liability this week is 51.12 per cent, compared with M.47 per cent last week. Statement Bank of France. PARIS. March 18. The weekly statement of the Bank of France shows the following changes: Notes In circulation decreased ll.450.OOOf, treasury account current in creased S5.226,00Of, gold In hand decreased lf!.126,O0Of, bills discounted decreased 10 325, OOOf and silver In hand decreased 476,0OOf. Bank Clearings. OMAHA. Murch 16 Bank clearings today were $1,481,265.83. For the correNponding day of 1804 the clearings were $1,245,847.37. Wool Market. 8T. LOT'IS, March 18. WOOL Dull: me dium grades, combing and clothing. 24i9i26c; light fine. lMTOc; heavy fine, 14Q15c; tub watihed, 80ff37Ho. LONDON, March IS. WOOIThe sales at the wool auctions today amounted to 11.305 balea. The selection waa the heat of the series and Included a fair quantity of good greasy merinos, which were bought for America and Germany at high ratea Crosa-breds comprised the bulk of the of ferings. America secured large line of me dium at fully 2 per cent above the sales. Following are the sales in detail: New South Wales. 1,800 hales: scoured, 114(1 Is Ad: grcosr, 6hJ?'1" ' '4(1- Queensland, 1.800 balea; scoureds, la ZVidffls V,d: greasy, SdSi'ls Vtd- Victoria 800 hales; scoureds, lOdigila lid; greasy, 8d(tJ'ls JVld.' South Aus tralia, 200 hales; greaay. llVydftls. West Australia, 800 bales; rrreaay, 7Vwilld. New Zealand, 800 bales; scoureds, laffjla ,d: greasy, SdiS'ls Id. Cape of Good Hope and Natal, (00 bales; scoureds. la 2dais UVtd; greasy. 7plld. River Platte, 200 bale; scoured, 7Vd!j21a 2d. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, March l.-COTTON-8pot cloaed quiet, 6 polnta lower; middling up lands. 8.16c; middling gulf, 8.40c; kales, 2.100 b8T' LOCI8. March la.-COTTON-Qulel: middling. 74cl aales. T balea; recelpta. H00 balea; ahlpmenta. 877 bales; atock. 44.670 bLVERPOOL. March lS.-COTTON-Spot In good demand; price 6 polnta lower; American middling fair. 4.70(1; good mid dling, 4 46d; middling, 4.34d; low middling. Ifttii good ordinary. 4.06d; ordinary, 380d. The sales of the day were 12.000 bales, of which 1.000 balea were for speculation and export and Included 11. SCO balea American. Recelpta. 10,000 balea, Including 7,200 bales American. NEW ORLEANS, March 1S.-COTTQN-Eaaier: aalee, 2.300 balea; ordinary. 5V4c; good ordinary. 6 7-16c; low middling, T 8-lc; middling, 7 U-16c; good middling $ 1-lnc; middling fair. 8Vc; receipts, 10.198 balea; atock, 263,168 bales. Oils aad Resla. OIL CITY. March 16 OIL Credit bal ances, 3139; certificates, no bid; ahlpmenta, 113.930 bbls.; average. 0.o3 bbla. ; runs, M). ii28 bbls.; sverage, 70.(23 bbls. Shipments Lima, 76.892 bhls.; average, itfl.tiM bbls.; runs Lima. 73.048 bbls.; average. 58,430 bbls. SAVANNAH. March 16. OIL Turpen tine, firm. 52V40. R081N-Flrm; A, R. C. $180: D, 3! 86; E. $2. art; F. 82 95; O. $3,024; H, 83.80: I. $3 60; K, $4.05; M, $4.50; N, $4.75; WO, $6; WW, $5 15. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. March 1S.-DRY GOODS Firmness Is still the feature of the dry goods market and although no large exten sion of business Is evident yet a good un dertone Is much In evidence. Reports from certain sections Indicate a moderate Im provement. Jobber, still report a moderate amount of activity and the outlook aeema to be for a long drawn out season. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Beceipta Quit Liberal and Prices Steady to a Trifle Lower. HOG MARKET A LITTLE STRONGER Moderate Receipts at kecp aad Lamba and with a tioad Demand the Market Held Jnst Ahoof Steady an All Gradea. SOUTH OMAHA. March 1. If. . Receipts were: Cattle, nogs. Sheep. Official Monday i.'tW s.oOs U,vl Official nienu s.tf-i.' k, i.t4 0.12s Official Wednesday 3.033 8.494 7.3;l7 Official Thursday 3i0 tt.luO 2,sJU Four da this week.... 14. 595 27.233 37.2Vt 3M18 45.49 8.131 34.543 2S.9C43 34 2K.i9ii SS.Hltf 19.982 34TJ7 lava Same flava last week Kti.: Same days week before. .13.999 Same three weeks ago. .14.1)1 Ssme four weeks ago.... 6.234 Same days last year.... 21,801 RECE1PT8 FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts ot cattle, hogs and aheep at South omahA for the fear to (late, with comparison with last ear: . , 106. 1904. Inc. Dec. Cattle w.w 190.718 21.U l" 613,015 4N8.B.9 24,136 Sheep 333,743 i&S.m S.fcS The following taole shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha for the last eeveral days, with comparisons: Feb. l... Feb. 17.. Feb. u . Feb. l.. Feb. 29.. Feb. a.. Feb. 21.. Feb. 23... Feb. m.. Feb. 36. . Feb. 26... Feb. 27.. Feb. Mar. 1... Mar. I.. Mar. $.. Mar. 4.. Mar. 6... Mar. C... Mar '1... Mar. 8... Mar. V.., Mar. lo.. Mar. 11.. Mar. 12. Mar. 13... Afar. 14.., ar. 16.. mar. 16.. 1W. I Tis' 4 7i I 1903. I19W.I1903. 11902. ;l01.19u0. 1 4 8SV4T6 03 83 1 6 28 4 71 I 6 021 1 IB I I 711 4 ; 1 6 04i ti 9. 1 6 '.ai 6 221 I Miili 9ii e t ti 4 83( i 65V 6 i4 s. 6 s6 6 31 4 78 4 68 I 4 Ml 6 M k 8J 4 '.4 4 2ii 1 t fci k t U 4 6 5 22 6 93i I . 82, 4 4 6oj 6 U $ 84 6 7 4 (9 4 sl 6 1U Sll 6 93i 6 881 I I 39 I 9li 6 881 i $3) 4 66 4 75V4I fr 82 f 8SI 6 all 6 l 4 i 4 U . IM a SKl 6 901 k i 3 i I 4 su I 0 14 1 o vii a i- t oa; I 4 7l4 8 09i 6 93 1 6 tol 4 W; I 4 77Vi 6 12 7 03 f 11 4 68! I 4 80 b (41 7 U1J V( 6 32; I 4 85 1 4 SK&4, I 4 7Vsl I 4 S 1 s i! 7 14; I 6 4i, 4 U I 4 nVal t ij 1 20 6 9'i , 101 I 4 86m 6 111 7 M tt M)t 5 4"). 1 I'll 76! 7 13; 6 18! 6 41 4 76! I 4 80 1 1 1 ai u Mi a 4t 4 ii 1 4 rl4 5 lb. 1 ii o i.i a 001 4 1a, I 4 6 25: 16 13, 6 6t 4 79 1 1 6 16, 7 20, I 6 6o 4 s! I b (4 7 ulj 6 o-( 6 32; I I J Ui 7 U 6 97 6 371 4 741 I 1 7 tft 6 k b eo 4 7o 6 13 7 loi b In, e 3i 4 1 I 6 19 I 6 0o 6 39 4 72 3 68 8 64 342 t 60 $ ti tM 3 61 $ 63 3 U a 8 e 3 51 3 52 1 67 4 U m 3 64 3 ui 3 tU be 4 M 3 rH s 3 2 6 M 3 59 3 Ml Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. C, M. & St. P. Ry 4 .. W abash Ry 1 Missouri i-acitlc Hy it 1 union Paolnc sysiem 23 15 .. C. A S. W. rty , u F., E. A M. V. H. H 3b U J C, Wl. f., M. et O. Ry 3 9 i kt. e M. Ry M) 2-1 C, H. & V. rty 3 li C, H. 1. A P. ny east 4 C, R. I. eV f. Hy., west 11.. Illinois Central iy 4 3.. Chicago Ureal Western 9 Total receipts 173 92 14 The disposition of tht .lay a receipts was as loilow. oacn buyer purchasing ine num per of Head indicated' . Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 4.x) 1,-vi mi Swift and Company l,o.'2 l.toa Cuaany at-aing ui m l.um l.viu Amour & co 014 l.j.u I.j.i Mccreary & dark lu Hill Jriuntsinger S.)4 Huston ot t o lxigan &. Rdihsunlld 3o' 1j. f. Husx 94 bain Wertneimer 'ui Mike Haggeity bo J. H. H001 0.- Co 4o tiulla iCiine 4 ilaisiend Pacxing Co Kb ti. & a 7 ui . ti. Clark. bo , . ti. mi. Hamilton M other buyers 224 ISo Totals 4,01'J 6,214 8,0S CATlXE There was quue a liberal tun of cattle nere tooay tor a i nursuay, or, in other worus, conotions were exactly re versed from wnat tnoy were yesterday, packers, as a result, were leollng ratinr bearish anu tnougnt they ougm to be uoie to tike on some of tne auvance ot yes terday. i'ne market on beef steers was a trifle slow In opening, as buyers did not start out as early aa they have of late. They began bearing the market, but salesmen were holding tor steady prices. Anything that Just suited pa e kern Hold without mucu trouble at yesterday quotationa,- but 011 others the teeilng waa wean, and a good many sales had 10 be made a trifle lower. White the market waa not-very active, the bulk of the onerings was divpuscd of at a reasonably early hour. Cowa and heifers were also rather alow, with the tendency of prleea downward. The same as wltn steers something that Just suited buyers held about steaay, but asiue irom inose tne rnHraei was s,ow ana weak to a dime lower. Buyers did not take hold with aa much life as usual and en leu men were slow to cut loose at a reduction In prices, so that It was rather late U.I010 a clearance was made. Bulls were perhaps a trifle weak, but veal calves sold in very much the same notches they did yesterday. The mHiket on atockers and feeders could not be quoted anything but steady. Not many were Included In the offerings and with a fair demand everything at all de sirable sold without difficulty at steady prices. Common stuff was slow the same as USUai. nepresemaiive BHirs: BEEF STEERS. No. A. rr. No. AT. Pr. IJ4 3 i 77S 3 ti I let IK 1 50 4 (K) 11 111 4 Ot) C 11 4 Oa 11 ana 4 10 1 1 4 ll 7 1034 4 1(1 I 100 4 10 ( SI4 4 14 1041 4 to 1J 1108 4 M I imt 4 H ( 44 4 M 11 1010 4 U 1 1074 4 l 11 1010 4 1 1010 4 36 l K7 4 40 14 11S1 4 40 44 1211 4 60- II lOkO 4 tO II ll 4 ao IS tlM 4 60 40 1097 4 ti b 11X14 4 It It 1081 4 hi h 12(H 4 00 It lues 4 00 21 i::n 4 00 SO 1190 4 S 14 1161 4 06 17 llal 4 66 U 1114 4 TO 4 1170 4 (0 11 lit 4 TO 17 ,.110 4 76 13 114 4 76 14 1246 4 75 86 161 4 76 II Hit 4 76 T 1114 4 40 13 1147 4 5 in 1210 4 40 It 1166 4 0 20 1136 4 40 10 1JS0 4 M 4 1(106 4 4(1 14 1JT7 I 00 11 H!l 6 13 1261 6 00 (l 1141 4 46 6.. 1446 6 00 U 1121 4 46 16 .131(7 6 00 1U 4 60 16 1067 6 00 17 10W 4 60 IS 1347 t 40 STEERS AND COWS. ,1 1016 4 ti If MI5 4 40 ,t 104 4 10 3 1003 4 60 li" 141 4 40 t 1261 4 66 It 4J 4 40 4 1!I7 4 7t STEERS AND HEIFERS. U HI I 86 II 1143 4 10 l,u Bcows. 1 1010 1 16 i tJO t 10 1. IM I t6 11 (! t tO 106 t tl II 10J1 I H I; M0 I 40 1 1140 21 I 1010' I 64 1 110(1 I 16 1 170 I 60 II 1066 t 23 1 MO 1 60 It 1006 I 10 1 lOvO I 64 1 1040 I 16 a W I to 1 170 3 ti 1 17 I K It til I 16 I lit t 66 1 1011 t 64 1 tlO 8 71 It 44 t 60 1 10)0 I 76 4 lot I 60 1 100 I 16 13 ltl I 40 1 U IK II 2t I 00 a 1071 I tt 1 1260 I IS I 1U20 I 00 1 1140 I 46 .1 HIS I 00 10 1004 S 16 1 107 I 00 11 136 I 66 1 1100 I 00 It 146 I 70 1 tt I 00 Ik Ill 76 I ti tOO 4 1044 I Tt 1 14TI I 00 n not I 76 t 111 I 00 1 1116 I to I 1(44 I 00 1 107 4 00 1040 t 06 1 14W 4 10 1 1160 I 10 I lilt 4 16 t 1121 t 10 t 1166 4 26 COW9 AND HEIFEKH. 17 747 I 10 12 1101 I u 1 HEIFERS. I 4C0 8 60 24 7!l to I Ttt t 60 1 1110 I To 7 7VI I 60 1 kl 3 76 t U3 t 16 It 1061 I 3 1 00 I 00 II 1116 4 10 1 tlO I 16 i 1026 4 16 61 tii I 60 BULLS. 1 tOO 1 76 1 ltJO 3 26 1 771 t 7 1 HJ0 I li 1 1100 t 76 1 1460 1 to 1 120 I 16 I lf0 t lo 1 1170 t U 1 120 I so 1 1600 I to 1 lard I 4S 1 lilt t to 1 lino S 10 I ,.lta I 6 1 If 50 t 6'l 1 144 I M 1 0 t (0 1 U60 I a I HMO I 66 1 1.. ..14 I 10 STAGS. 1 1610 4 16 CALVIC8. t Tt I 71 1 120 I 60 1 IM 4 ft I tlO t 60 1 , 120 t 00 t 146 6 61 1 N IM 1 140 i 64 I STOCK CALVES. 1 J(W t J 1 4o 1 STOCK COWS ANU 1IKIKKRS I 741 t 25 T 171 1 t ln',6 III I K2 I 1 ! ID 1 . 2 6 ' STOCK KR8 AND FEEDERS. t 440 t M 1 73" 1 7S I tan I T5 1 043 I 7 1 440 t on 62 1 o 1 410 t l 16 4(4 t IM 1 4d I 00 11 MI 10 lid 3 00 T J2 t 14 m 1 16 47 I 0 4 1 ;s s ; 1 o I a.so i to ,w a.'l J n 10 7S7 I 60 I WT6 4 1 710 t 60 1 4 on 1 0"0 I 60 7 60 4 00 II .J a 60 14 4 "O 44 ?T I 0 l Ill 4 n 1 140 I 40 7 13 4 OS J tus t so 1 1010 4 26 7 til I 6 IS I0M 4 56 I 78 3 tt 40 77 4 ti 2t I5 I 76 I., 740 4 60 7 fl 3 75 ' IDAHO. 9S feeders. . 11? 4 80 HOCS There was a smaller run of hog" here this morning than was generally ex pected, but locel packers were rHther slow to tHke hold and early sales were only steady to strong, with the market fur from being active. It soon became evident, though, that packers wsnted the hogs, and as a result trading became more active with prices a little stronger and conse quently most evervthlng changed hands by the middle of the forenoon. The feature of the market today was the fact that the strene-th was confined very Inrgely to the pood Unlit and butcher weights. The heavy nogs sold at Just about steady prices. In manv cases butcher weights and light to ward the close sold fully :'c higher, so that the range of prices is becoming nar rower. The quality of the ofTerlnga was better than usual today and that also helps out the appearance of the market on paper. The lighter weights went largely from 81.90 down, butchers and mixed from $4 90 to I4.7Mi and heavies from I4.97H to 85.02H Representative sales: Ke. A. Sh Pr. Ke. At. ft. tl 141 120 4 t 61 261 12 4 ll 17 117 .. 1 8 It 221 .. 4 It....... .IN 40 4 67(4, 70 !41 .. 4 S It ...1W 10 4 114 It 211 tO 4 6 14 210 .. 4 TW 261 .. 4 M 17 2"0 .. 4 7S tt 161 10 4 16 4 231 in 4 to M 2M . . 4 lit M M4 40 4 to M 226 I 4 16 71 3t .. 4 M 40 241 . 4 S 40. 171 .. 4 X) 64 lt It 4 M 41 256 in ltd M 166 .. 4 16 14 232 10 4 n tl tit .. 4 6 6. U 60 4 to 47 Jit .. 4 6 It 11 40 4 til M i, .. 4 16 72 2.11 .. 4 ("0 60 243 40 4 65 16... 100 .. 4 to tl 144 ..46 82 126 .. 4 0 76 2t0 .. 4 tt 14 22S 10 4 N 14 24t .. 4 S 64 2T1 to 4 0 10 274 .. 4 ti 72 127 .. 1 ttt 64. 1H1 .. 4 1714, 1 221 40 4 I24 67 1.102 120 4 7(4) 72 .221 .. t !2'a 44 163 .. 4 17V, 17 Ill .. 4 82t 61 tl ... 4 t7V 65 2t 40 4 2( S 26 .. 4 7 44 20 40 4 2V 64 266 .. 4 I74 It tt-t .. tl'i 17 tM .. 4 I74, 61 261 120 4 t!1 110 SIS .. 4 17V, tl 263 tv 4 tit t 293 10 4 ITVa 74 244 .. 4 1 2 (t 44 26 .. 4 ITS II 220 40 4 Ult 66 270 .. 6 00 64 tfttl 10 4 C24 III 3O0 ..100 77 210 .. 4 24) 0 Ill 10 6 00 74 216 .. 4 t!tj 64 t7S .. 6 no II 220 40 4 ?' HI 274 .. 1 00 74 ...211 40 4 I24) 44 250 .. I 00 It Ill .. 4 t24, 0 241 .. I 00 ltT .. 4 Its II Sit 40 t 00 6 2.16 .. 4 124 16 241 .. t 00 3 211 .. 4 t2tt 60 323 .. I 00 6! 21 .. 4 124 61 Sft2 .. 6 00 64 234 40 4 2T 41 214 .. 6 HQ 66 2(1 10 4 2t, tt 2M 40 t On ...,. ...230 tO t K 74 306 ..6 00 71 254 .. 4 !(, 67 305 .. t 02VJ SHEEP There were only fourteen cars of sheep and iambs reported this morning, so that although the demand was not very heavy everything sold without a great deal of trouble at Junt about steudy prices. The quality of the offerings was quite good this morning and that also had a tendency to help out the market to quite an cxient. W'eftcrn ewes sold up to 35. 2b, Western wethers 80. 76 nnd western yearlings 3'i uO. The lamb market also held just, about steady and Pve loadg were good enough to sell as high as 37.15. They were Nebraska fed Iambs of fair quality. Quotations tor ied siock. Uood 'o choice yearlings, W.40S6.76: fair to good year lings. n.u0i6.4o; good to choice wellif.TS, 85.00(3.75; fair to good wethers, tj.uufga.iiO; good to choice ewes, to.Owo.M': tair to good ewes, 34.5(5.00; common t.t lair ewea. 34.00 &4.50; good to choice lambs, 37.007.a; fair to good lambs. Jo.TDr 7.00. feeder lamba, 8b tM 4i4.oO. Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. Z21 western ewe 98 6 ls5 2 westej-u lambs 75 00 239 western lambs 84 7 15 510 western lambs 7tl 7 15 73 western cull lambs 51 3 5 2 wenlern ewes 1) 4 00 1 western buck 170 4 00 1 western ew 100 4 50 1 Colorado yearling , 70 5 (4) 2 Colorado ewes 115 6 do 97 western ewes 118 6 00 1(0 western clipped lambs 60 6 00 80 Colorado ewes S8 6 10 19 Colorado wethers 95 6 76 45 Colorado, yearlings K0 8 25 150 Colorado yearlings 81 6 60 3 western lambs 05 6 60 25 South Dakota bucks 113 4 2a 3 Idaho ewes 90 6 25 20 Mexican ewes 91 6 25 83 Mexican wethers 85 5 50 80 Idaho wethers 94 6 W 185 South Dakota wethers 113 6 65 367 Mexican yeurllnga 82 6 50 4 Idaho yearlings 100 6 50 140 Idaho yearlings 93 6 60 460 western lambs 81 7 15 CHICAGO . LIVE STOCK , MARKET Cattle Steady Hogs Strong Sheep '- . and I.auibs Steady. CHICAGO, March IB. CATTLE Re ceipts, K,0iO head; market steady; good to prime steers, 35.inJji.25; poor to medium. t3.76'(t4.S6; atockers and leeders, $2.5ftn4.Hn; cows, $2.75011.60; heifers. $3.0Og6.00; canners, 81.Mrii2.40; bulls. $2.5'V(iH.flO; caives, 83.0t.l4l."5. II OflS Receipts, 23.000; estimated tomor row, 20.000 head; market xtrong; mixed and butchers. $4.8.VS.20: choice neavv, $5.10; rough heavy, $4.9rtff".n6; light, fl.s:S.12H; bulk of aalee. K.OTvhB.lO. SHEEP AND LAM R9 Receipts. 15.000 head; market steadv; good to choice weth ers. $4.V&.10: fair to choice mixed. $4.75 ffi5.40; weKtern sheep, $5.00(tW.0U; native lumbs, $6.00(07.60; western lambs, $6.5i87.60. Kansas City Lire Slock. Market. KANSAS CITY. March 16. CATTLE Re ceipts. 2.S0O head, including 200 southerns: steady to 10c higher; choice export and dressed beef steers, $5.2rg6.7S: fair to good, 84.2;"(6'5.25; western fed steers, $4.2.'5iU.35; stockers nd feeders, $3.004j4.56: southern steers, $3.i5&'4.90; southern steers. SS.TTi 4.90; southern cows. $2.5O4.00- native cows, $2.0fr4.40; native heifers $2.754.75: bulls, $2.50(7(4.00; calves. $3.00if.00. IKXSS Receipts, 6.5(l head; niurket 5c higher, active; top, $5.12V4; bulk of sales, $4.Ca5 12'j; heavy, K.nsftClSH: packers, $4.9O?t'S10: pigs and lights. $4.1k3.00. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelpta, 3.700 head; sheep strong: lambs nfl'lOc lower; native lambs. 6.t.'2h; native wethers, $5.356.85: native fed ewes. $4.85(86.(10; west ern fed lambs. $6.2.Vfi'7.25; western fed year lings, $6.60416.80; western fed steers, $4.86(y 5.85, stoekera and feeders, $8.50g6.60. It. Louis Lire stock Market. ST. LOC18, March 16. CATTLE Re ceipts. 6.000 head, including 600 Texan; market steady: native shipping and ex port steers. $4.Ofitfi.00; dressed beef and butcher steers, $3.0O(f6.0; steers under 1.000 lbs.. $3.0(Ki(6.00: stockers and feeders, 12.50 04.75: cows and heifers. $3.40(54.60; canners. 82.002.50; bulls $2.70ft4.23: calves. 13.607.00; Texas and Indian steera. $3.6O6.00; cows and heifers. 2.0TKtf3.7S. HOO8 Receipts. 5.000 head; steed v; pigs end lights. 33.754T4.95; packers. llfi.OOini. 16 ; butchers and best hetvy. $5.1515.25. SHEEP AND IxAMBS -Receipts, 200 head; market steadv; native muttons. $4 00(fi6 75; lambs. $5.00-7.00: culls und bucks, $3.2&($ 4.36; stockers. $2.omi73.10. Sew Vark Mv Stock Market. NEW YORK. March l.-BEB:VE8-No receipts; nothing doing In live cattle; mar ket feeling ateady; exports tomorrow, 70 cattle. CALVES Receipts, 107 head: prices firm; veals, S6.00(ft$.76; no choice calves here; no little calves; dressed calves steady to etrong: city dressed veale. SlSVic; country dressed. 7B7TtC. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 811 head: sheep quiet but steady; lambs alow and easier; sheep. $4 &(. 00: lambs, $7.008.00; medium spring lambs, 85.50. HOGS Receipts. 8.038 head: market strong; prime state hogs. $5.70. St. Joseph Lire Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. March 1. -CATTLE Re celots. l.M(9 heiid; steady to strong: native. $40Oi50; cows and heifers, $2.0iKq4.60; stockers nnd feeders. $3,0044.60. HOGS Receipts. 6.53S head: mnrket 8c higher: light, $4.90(05.05; medium and heavy, $4 9V? 10 SHEEP AND LAM R4 Receipts. 74 head; steedy to e'rong; Colorado lamia. $7.45; wethers, T6 00. Stock In slant. Receipts of live stork at the s'x principal western markets yealerrtav . C !. tf.-r; Sh en South Omaha 3 M 1"0 2.W) Slnux Cltv R'O 1 "0 Kat"4 Cltv t tn" a ft n 7 -oi ft. I mi's ..' R 6f"in j.'rai Pt Joseph .,4 ' ' " T Chicago 0Tft Mori) it oro Total 2.W 47 918 casts StoiT flT III efoxV .flal SIOCN CITY Verch 16 iCperlal Te'e rr'io i--CATTl'f-lf fi'i heirl: mi. ket tleady; bcevet, 13 IS; cows, bulla and mined. $? 7547 4 : stockers and feeders, $J ;M! ; calves and yearlings, $2.7Tv4j3 76. IH HIS Receipt. li.hesd. market 84 Mgher. telling at $4. 7.4f5 W, bulk of sales, $1 vT4 . omihi mini.esai.K market. toadltlna at Trade aad tjaetatloaa oa Staple aad Faarjr lrdaee. RGOS-Kecelpts henvy. market weak; candled Block, 14c. LIVE ronTKY Hens. 1"c; young roos ters, according to iic, to 10c; old roos ters, tiU'; turkeys. 15c; ducks, J0c. BCT'IKR-Pncklng slock." Iiil7c; choice to fancy dslry, atsridc; creamery, 31 Wtc ; prints. i.'5c. FHWH FROZEN PISH-Trmit. 9c; pick erel, SV1; pike. SVc; perch. 8c; hlueflah. 11c; whltefish, 6c; vilmon. lie; redanapper. inc: halibut. 9c; rrnnplea 11c; buffalo. 7c; white bass, lie; heriiug. i ; Spanish mack erel, lie. Frog legs, per dux., tno. HAY Prices quoted by ttniahn Whole sale Hay Dealers' astoclittlun : Choice No. 1 upland. $7.ti; No. 2. $6.0; medium, $.(; course, $5 5o. Hye traw, $6.50. These prices are fir hay of good color and quality. BRAN Per ton. $17.. OYSTERS New York counts, per can. 4.V; extra ?lects. per can, 35c; standards, per can. SOc. Hulk; Srandard.v per gal.. $1.40; extra selects, per gal., l.b6; New York counts, per gnl., $1 .. TROPICAL FRC7TS. ORANGES 4'allfornla, extra fancy Red land navels, all alios. $2.50; fAncv navels, $2.25; choice navels, large sixes 8t 98, 111 $2.10. n LEMONS-callfornlii. fancv. $2.70 : 300 and 8rt, $3 25; choice, 270. JO0 and S0, $3.00. DATE5V-Per box of SO-h. pkgs.. $20; Hallowe'en, In 70-lb. boxes, per lb., 4Vifj6c. FIOS California, per K-ib. csrton. VM S5c; Imported Smyrna. 4-crown. 10e; 6 ana 6-crown, I24-; fancy Imported (washed), in 1-lb. pkgs.. lftfilSc. BANANAS Ir medlum-slxed bunch, $1.7 tK.26: lumhoa. $2.5iJ.(). GRAPEFRl lT-Per host of 64 to 64, $4 0. FKCITS APPLES New York Kings. $2; New York Greenings, $3 00; New York Baldwins, $3 00: Colorado Wlnesaps, per bit. boXi $1.86; Plri'lns ri.66. OrtAPES-Imported Malagas, per keg, $7. TANGERINES California, per half-bnx, $2.50. CRANRERRIES-lVlsconsIn Bell and Bugle, per bbl.. $8.00; Jerseys per bbl., $k.(5; rer box. $2.76. 1 VEOKTABLES. POTATOES Home grown, In sacks, per bu., 45c; Colorado, per bu., 60c. IT RN I PS Old, per bu.. 40c: Canada rut abagas, per lb., lVo; new turnips, per doi., $1 00. CARROTS Old, per bu., 40c; hew, per dos., 76c. PARSNIPS-Old, per bu.. 4io. BEANS Navy, per bu., $2 10. ONIONS Home grown, red, In sacks, per lb.. 2c; Spanish, per crate, $2.60; Colorado yellow, per lb., 2c; Bermuda onions, per crate, $2.i6; new southern, per dos , 76c CL'CL'MBEKS-Per dos.. $1.75i2.ao. TOMATOES Florida, per ( basket crate, $6.00. CABBAGE Holland seed. rer lh. l'4c SWEET POTATOES Kansas kiln dried, per bbl., $2.60. BEETS old, per bu., 40c: new, per doa. bunches, 75c. CELERY-Californla, 0876e. RADI8HE8 Hot house, per doi., 45c. LETTCCE Per box of about fifteen heads, 60c. RH CBARB Per dog., bunches. 75cf$1.00. PAR8LEY Per doi. hunches, 75c. SPINACH-Pcr bu., $1.00. ASPARAGLS-Illlnols, per doa. hunchea, $2.(0. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream. 13c; Wisconsin Young America, 14c; block Swiss, new. 15c; old. 164rl7c; Wisconsin brick. 15c; Wisconsin llmburger, 14c. HIDES No. 1 green, 7c; No. 2 green, c: No. 1 salted, 8Hc; No. 2 salted, 7Vtc; No. 1 veal calf, 9e; N. 2 veal caif, ic; dry salted, 7i&14c; sheep pelts, 2&cifJ$l.l'0; horse hides, $1.&U3.00. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per lb., lc; hard shells, per IK, lie: No. 2 soft shells, per lb., 12c: No. 'I hard aliells, per lb., 12c; Pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., !'; peanut", per lb., 7c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 8c; Chill walnuts, per lb., 124il3'4e; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 17c; hard shell, per lb., 16c; chestnuts, per lb., 12Hi&13cs new black walnuts, per bu.. "6I1 90c; nhellhark hickory nuts, per bu., $1.75: large hickory nuts, per bu, $1 60. Evaporated Apples aad Dried lfralts. NEW YORK, March 16. EVA PO HATED APPLES Market shows il tie change; hold ers are asking 64C for prime, but the figure is rather above buyers' views; common are quoted at iub'tc; prime, .i(fl5Vje; choice, 8 (UtHac; fancy, 7c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRCITS-Prunee are in fair demand bt recent nuotrtlons, which range from 2tye for 80-inoa to 6'o for California fruit; Ore-on sell' as hifeli as 7c on best grades. Aprl-jota are un changed, with choice quoted at lOVcCr'IOUc; extra choice, llHiglJic; l'aney, 129l6c. Peaches also are unchanged, with choice at lOfrlOHe; extra choice, UWJlOlic; fancy, imru!l2c. Raisins show no iresli feature; loose Muscatels are quoted at iifo6'ic; Ixm don In, vers at $1.0&gl.25 and seeded ralslna at 6Vi'Uc- Coffee Market. . NEW YORK, March 16 COFFEE Fu tures openod steady at unchanged prleea to) an advance of 6 points In response to ateady European cables. The-second cable from Santos reported smaller San Paulo receipts for the day and the market later Increased the gain somewhat with offerings relatively light. The market cloaed steady -with the spot monthly points higher arid the other positions 10 polnta htgher. Sales reported of 70.250 bags. Including Japrll at 6.05c; May. 6.20(&6.25c; July. 6.35(fi6.40c; September, B.60flj( 6.60c; December. .701t.1c; February, 6.90c. ' Spot Rio, steady: No. 7 Invoice,' 7 V-S mild, dull; Cordova, Wise. Sugar and Molasses. , NEW YORK. March 16. SI 'G A K Raw, stRdv: fair refining, 4Kic; centrifugal. 98 test, 4V; molasses Sugar, 4c. Refined, q.ilet: crushed, 6.75c: powdered, 6.16c; grnnulated 6.06c. NEW ORLEANS, March 1-Hl'OAR Strong; open ketile. 4Vl4e: open kettle centrifugal. 4MI4c; centrifugal . whites, 5 9-lc; vellnwa 4Zc; seconds, 84fi4t4c. MOLASSES Quiet; open kettle, MtqMk-; centrifugal, Milae. -Syrup, steudy at XAt 3tc. Postpone Action on Sanltairluiw. . WACO, Tex . March 16. The head camp. Woodmen of the World, Jurisdiction "C," which Includes Texas, ArUona tind New Mexico, has postponed for two years setter, in the matter of erecting a sanltt.rlum for the treatment of 'Infirm members. Two Xesrroea Are Haaacd. RICHMOND, Va.. March 16 Two ne groes were hanged here today, Edwin Aus tin for crimlnHl assault on a 10-year-old negro girl and Peter Danch for murder of a negro woman. The execution passed oil quietly; REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Deeds filed for record March 16, as fur nished by the Midland Guariinlee and Trim company, bonded abstracters, 1614 Farnam street, for The Bee:, J. C. Carrol and wife to VV. H. Ilhep ard, bH lot 2, block 63, South Omaha. $ 2,600 J. E. Wright and wife to P. Dulimel, . s44 feet lots 9 und 10, I'nlon BuUare 900 Lydla J. Van Orman and h unhand to same, 4) feet of nSO feet lot 8 and 10, Union Square 4,500 E. Cackley to A. D. Cackley, part lot 19Vt, Millard Caldwella ad.... 1,600 Omaha Realty company to Wlnnett W. Mcllvalne, lot 9, block 4, Haw thorne $00 C. H. Rockwell to Merchants National bank, lots 3 to C, block 106, Dundee.. 1 J. A. Haughey and wife to W. Zin nia n, lot 10, block 117, Dundee 0u, Marie U Flxellt and husband to Bar bara W. Goodyear, lot 14, block, 1, Potter's add 1.0 E. D. Jonea and wife .to M. J. Ca lupeky, lot 8, block 2, Halcyon Helghia M Katie Schmidt to P. B. Her, part seW nety 12-14-12 1 Katie Schmidt, guardian, to same, aume 800 J. U Drulen et al to Interurban lnd company, part nwV S3 and part ne',4 2-ir-13 6.8J0 H. Lund to J. Christensen, part lot 1. block i, Barker Place 800 A. Hodgett and wife to Mary Vtman, part lot 6, block 1, Anderson Place.. 70 G. Worthlngton, bishop, to Cathndral chapel. Diocese of Nebraska, lot 13 and 14, block 10, Parker' add.... I F. Chrlstlsnsuu to C. Hansen, lot 11, block 7, Porker's add . X C. Hansen and wife to F. Chrlsvlan aon. lot 6 block 4: Patricks add.... 1 Mav A. Williams to Iura B. Tuttle, part lot 14, block 1. Puhnan Place.. 800 Q. 8. Collier and wife to S. Newman, . lot 10, block 6, 81urs 1.7M Edwards -Wood Co- 1 Incorporated Haiti Older: Fifth and Roberts Street! T. PAUL. niNN. CEALERSIN Stocks, Grain, Provisions ship Your Oruiu to Us - ! Srnerli Urtlr. Ilfr-iit Itaard si Trtl Ulils;.. Omaha, e Teleailiaa .IS If 21.' :'H Kolie-.; tUda.. Kouth Omahe ' Sell 'Phone .1 tiiscenuaot tuo 1