THE OMAHA DAILY REE: TIHTRPAY. MARCH 1. 1003. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET L45 SpeculatiT Market Todtj Are Ether 1 7 WsaV ai4 Ttll CHANGES MAY BE MADE IN REGULATIONS Vehraak Harryta Oat Con Before Rates Ip, While Illlaot, aad Hold Baek firala, Tkoach Market la High. OMAHA. March 15, 180$. ue speculative- market! were a little i . Vk ,hl" nOrnln- and a trifle dull, but there us no change from Tuesday of any Important. The May wheat before noon reached 11.1214 for ita low point and the beat It could do wan to reach II.IS'4, Just 1 cant lower than the high mark for nieaday The July remained on a level. Liverpool waa from unchanged to He up, Perlln cloaed with a loss of Buaa I eat h weakened , and Parla advanced .m .'1 ' certtlmee. The primary re ceipt today were 214,000 bu. against 488,0tio ,H' .J' J"r. nd the vhlpmenla were J48.000 bu. against i5.000 bu. laat year. The ruling for wheat tradea will o Into effect at once In St. lxula. Thla ruling admlta No. t hard winter wheat for deliv ery on contract. Tb change, however, does not apply to the May for the present year. Petition are under consideration at Chicago for two changes. 2",', of wm,n w' admit Oregon wheat for delivery on contract at aS cents penalty and the other of No. 8 corn at a like penalty. . "n"" ot the market waa In part algnabi to the acare lest the Oregon wheat he admitted to delivery. If the 800.W10 buahela now.An Chlcaga and St. Lout ahould be admitted it would materially effect any May deal. The railway and warehouse commissioner will give their decision. It J thought, Thursday. Strong representa tions have been made against any change but the commissioner admitted the west- "51.wh'at at Ea,t 8t- Louis. There Is more talk of easy Inspections In the northwest. The Duluth Nt. 1 northern offered c. I. f Chicago for spring lake "hlpmenta at 1 cent under the May haa apparently found few acceptances Thi Is laid to the belief the wheat would not gaade In Chicago. It I said the grading at both Duluth and Minneapolis was Slackened down . thla year because, of the oualrty of the crop.' The Duluth wheat is jald to be light and of poor appearance and some of- It roasted. The highest eatl mate for the Minnesota crop haa been de created 8,000.000. Six per cent la In farmers' hands. Indian reports continue to tell of bad condition there. The seaboard Tues day sold M.00O bushels of Manitoba wheat for export. The milling demand aeems io ?J,r7 ooti now n .000 buahela Were taken Tuesday. Acceptance of corn continue light In Iowa aad In Illinois, but Nebraska la Bend ing out all the corn possible before the rates go up. One Chicago house Tuesday bO"fht lno.oftO bushel in Nebraka. The holding back Idea seem to prevail In Iowa regardless of the fact the track pricea are now aa high a were the Chicago prices before the rate were cut. Liverpool ad vanced from H to 14 on corn, the American strength being the cause. New Orleans haa M6.000 buahela of corn today and the clearances Jor the country are 09. 4M bushels. The May corn was a little weaker than Tues day, but the low point was only 4fUc. The advance In the future market ha had the effect of rotting down the sales of caah corn for export. The cash market ad vanced Ho, No. I corn Belling in Chicago -. Tuesday at 48e. A total of liS.OTO buahel old In that market. Cudahy broker have been selling corn today and helped to ease the market off. The primary receipt were 823,0f)0 bushels, against 2M.000 buhel. and the shipment are 671.000 bushels. The oats market seemed rather nervou today. I'pdlke waa the principal buyer and Ware-Lelnnd the heaviest seller. The caah market advanced Vic .and 75,000 bushel were aold In Chicago.. Oraahjt Caah "ale. WHEAT-Ne. I hard, 1 car, 67 lb., $1. Omaha Cash Pricea. WHEAT No. ahard, ll.0C91.M;' No. hard. 11.00; No. 4 hard, (06c; No. I spring. $1.0. CORN No. t. 4Sc: No. . 4Sic; No. 4. 46c: no grade. 48 400; No. 3 yellow. 4c: No. S yellow, 461c; No. 2 white, 46c; No. white, 450. . OATS No. I mixed. 30c: No. S mixed. 29HO! No. 4 mixed. Wc; No. 2 white. Sic; No. S white, Hc; No. 4 white. 29Hc; stan dard, ue. , . . ,,.r-' Carlo! Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oatn. Chicago 7 217 142 Kanaas City 7K 89 12 Minneapolis 164 Duluth 8 St. Louis 82 24 M Omaha . 4 108 17 . . Mlaaeapalls Wheat Market. ' The rang of price paia In Minneapolis a reported by the Edwards-Wood company, lid. Ill Board of Trade, waa: . Articles.) Open. I Hisjkv Low. Clone. Yea'y. V J. Wheat May ... July .. Sept l OfH l io 1 06 1 07 88g C im 1 mi l (M, 1 06 88 88 1 H" ftAlZ .1 l XBW ' YORK OEXERAL - MARKET 4aotatloa the Day ta Varlona Com mod I ties. NEW YOrtK, March 15. FLOUR Re ceipta. 14,(11 bbla.; exports. $.84 bbla.; mar ket dull and unchanged; Minnesota patents, iVSMis.iO; baker, f4.KMj4 f; winter patents, i.i.T6; atralghta, 5.l(Nt2.20; extras, 83.65 4.80; low grade. 88.464.10. Rye flour, quiet; fair to good. 4.SOn4.?0: choice to fancy, 14 75(54.90. Buckwheat flour, nominal, t2.0W& 2.10. CORNMKAL Firm: fine white, $1.30; coarse, pew, 1.101.12; klln-drled, $2.903.10. RYB Nominal ; We. BARLKY-Steady; feeding, 44c, c. 1. t. New York; malting. m3c 0. I. f. Buffalo. WHKAT Receipt a, 876 bu. Spot market tead: No. i red, nominal, elevator; No. 2 red. $1.134. f." o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, $1.22S, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, tl.ot, f. o. b. afloat. Optlona at fl rat easier because of liquidation and favor able weather west, gradually hardened until higher than laat night. Buying mo tive Included a strong Minneapolis mar ket, small Interior receipt and bullish In dian crop new. Near the close it weak ened unaer realising and was finally Hwiic et lower. May, $1.11 8-1691.12H, cloaed at fi ll"; July. t''SV7V closed at 90c; Sep. tmler. RMrtc, closed at $Hc. CORN Receipts. 79,650 bu.; export, 71. 888 bu. Spot market steady; No. 2, 69c, eleva , tor, and 84V. - b- afloat; No. 3 yellow, f.6c; No. i white, 6iH-- Option market had lower opening from realising aales, but on new buying. Inspired by rain west and more liberal Clearances, recovered. Juat at the cloae everything weakened aharply again and left off He net lower. May. 66 UV, closed at 66Hc: July cloaed at 66Hc OATS Receipts, O.OflO bu.; exports, 2.440 bu. Spot market quiet: mixed, 26 to 82 lbs.. 3TH6Hc: natural white, to to S3 lb., 38HO SUc; Clipped White. SS to 40 lbs.. fcxff-tOc. HAY Quiet; shipping, 6V075o; good to choice. 8U4V3H0. HOPS-Steady; Paclflc coaat, 1904, 27fi30c; 10S, l4S2Tc; olda, UtilSc HIDKS Quiet; Oulvtuton. 20 to 25 lb., 18c: California, 2V to 6 IP.. 19c; Ttxa dry, 4 to 80 lbs ., ll'.4o. LEATHER Firm; acid. HGHc. PROVISIONS Bee-f, steady; family, 21200 fJliiXi; mess. $.u0u9.60i ueef hams. $i3.50; racket. Ill 12 00; city, extra India meat, I6.00ti18.0. Out meats, quiet; pickled bel lies. f7.OutfT.50; pickled shoulders. 3&-40ft0; pickled hams. 31 S06.78. Lard, Arm; western steamed, 7.h); refined, firm; com pound. $4.87H4.: continent, $7.2; South America. IT.U. Pork, quiet; family, $14 60 l50O; short clear, $13.00atf.2S; mess, $13.00 SO. RICE Quiet: domestic, fair to extra, ;74t6V': Japan, nominal. TALLOW Steady; city, 4Hc; country. 4H POl'LTRY Alive, steady: western chickens, 18c; fowla. lc; turkey. hc. Dressed firm; western chickens, 180140; fowls-JSc; turkeys, 16il0e. Bl'TThJR Firm; street pricea extra creamerv, M&47o. Official prices: Cream ery, common to extra, 80ft3o; creamery, held, common to extra, SOtdMc. CHKESU Strong; slate full cream, amall, colored and white fancy, l4o; atat fine, 13Hc; atate late made, colored and white, poor to choice, lflH.l3c; state large, colored and white fancy, 3c; state fine. lSfliac; state late made, colored and while, poor to choice. lotyiSHc KMOS Opened easy; closed steady: western firsts, 17c; western seconds, lc- Philadelphia. Pre ace Market. PHILADELPHIA. Marcli 15.-BUTTKR-Flrm: good demand; extra western cream erv. Jttc.; extra nearby prints, 30o. F(J1 Firm; good demand; nearby fresh and western freah, 17o, at mark. - lr-i.8ic Steady; New York full cream, fancy, 13414c; New York full creams, choice, c; New York full ci tarns, fair to god. )!llc. Vlaaeeitolts (irata Market. MINNEAPOLIS, . March It. WHEAT. May. $10'; Julv. l M; September. 88.c; Vie. 1 hard. $ UVi: No. 1 northern, $1 tin. 2. northein. $1.0T. VLOUR-Firtl patents, $4.90.00, aeoad ratents, 8.7nswt: first clear, $4.164 SS; second cloar. 1&Q? 0. BnAN-In bulk. 114 24. Chicago cntn Ain roiuio Prices Itr4 af Trade. CHICAOO. March 16. Indications of an earlv harvest In the southwest caused a net loes of lHc todsr In the price of wheat for July delivery. Msv wheat closed at a loss of He. Corn I down He Oats and pro visions are practically unchanged. Weakness predomlnsted In the wheat pit throughout the greater part of the day. The market from the start was bearlshry Influenced by the situation tn the south west, where the fall-sown crop Is reported to be In excellent condition, wet weather. It la claimed, haa hart a beneficial effect on the growing grain, the plant In some sec tions, according to reports being far ad vanced for this aeason of the year. A report from Kansas City todav stated that prospects were bright for an unusually early harvest. A a result of these reports f'lt traders and commission houses were Iberal s' Iters from the outset. Trading was mainly In the July option. Notwith standing higher price at IJverpool and small recelpta In the northwest, opening quotation here showed moderate losses, May being off He. at n.l20H 13. July wa down a shade to H9Hc. at t27'Smtr. During the first part of the day the demand wa very slack and prices readily yielded to the selling pressure, July declining to 9ZH4ft2Hc. May held around $1.13. letter In the session a flash of strength carried May up to 81.1.TH and July to 2c. Cover ing hy shorts on bullish news from the northwest waa responsible for the upturn. A report from Minneapolis asserted that large sale of flour had been made there. In addition cash whent marketa northwest were strong. Weakness of southwestern marketa, however, waa an offset. Trade here soon lost all of Ita strength, July sold off to 91c nd May to $1.13. The market closed weak with May at $1.13 and July at 91Hl342c. (Ties ranees of wheat and flour were equal to 39,000 bu. Primary re ceipt were 314.400 bu., compared with 4R9, 600 bu. a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported recelpta of 179 cara, against 176 car last week and 338 cara a year ago. Trading In the corn pit was again active, but sentiment was Inclined to bearlshness. The msrket lacked the support of several prominent commission houses that have been recently heavy buyers. A well known provision house waa a fairly liberal seller early In the day a a result of which an easier tone was manifested. The market rallied on covering by shorts, but with the late breag in wheat another decline occurred, the close betng almost at the lowest point. Large primary receipts were offset by heavy clearances. May opened 4frHo lower to a shade higher at 4H 49Hc. old between 49V4 and S and closed at 49H04Hc Local receipt were 217 car, with one of contract grade. Oat were Influenced mainly by the easier tone of corn. The volume of trading was very light. May opened a shade lower at 32 He, sold between SlHc and 32c and closed at 82H. Local receipt were 112 car. More Interest wa manifested In provi sion than for some time past. Trading was active and the market had a firm under tone. Local packer were the best buyers. Short also bought moderately. Higher firlces at the yard had a strengthening nfluence. The market closed firm, with May pork up 2Mmc, at $12.7512.77H- Tard and rib were each up 2Hc at $7.10 and $6.30 Q4.92H respectively. Estimated receipt for tomorrow: Wheat, 84 cars; corn, 904 car; oats, 190 cars; hogs, 83.000 head. Leading futures ranged aa follow: Articles. I Open. I Hlgh. Low. Close.! Yes'y. Wheat May July Sept. Corn May July Sept. Oats Mar. May July Sept. Pork May July Lard May July Ribs May July I II 12 I 1 I92H93H 86HGH I 4RV4W4 40H'TH 49W 1 13H 95H 60 49H 49HI 81H0 81H 29HS30 30 12 75 12 8S 12 7H 12 Ktt 7 10 7 J2H 7 26 7 27H 92H 5 7 10 7 12H 1 1ZH 1 13 1 13H 91 H 9193i9SHWH 86 it S6VQ87 49HI49H? H49rH 49H!49HtH 49H! 499, 49H 31H: 31 H, .9 13 75 12 90 7 10 7 32H 6 90 7 07H S1HI 82 S2H!S2H0 31Hi81HaH 296aul29Hg0d 12 72H 12 90 7 07H 7 22H 8 90 7 06 12 77H 12 92H 7 10 7 22H 92H 7 07H No. 3. Cash quotation were a follows: FLOUR Cull; winter patents, $5.00(3610; straights, $4.764 90; spring patents, $5.0C& 5.40: straights, $4.4094.90: bakers, $2.403.75. WHEAT Nj. 2 soring, $).I0ttil.l2: no. 3 spring. $1.021.11: No. 3 red. $1.14H115. CORN No. 8, 4SHC; No. 3 yellow. 48Hc. OATS-No. 2. 33Hc: No. 2 white. 33Hc: No. S white, 2&32e. KXIU WO. I, 7IKB78HC- BARLKY Good feeding, 8340c; fair to choice malting, 4347c SEBD8 No. 1 Max. $1.26: No. 1 north western, $1.37: prime timothy, $2.2583.0O; clover, contract grade, $12.60. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl $12.70 rl2.76. Lard, per 100 lbs., M.96ia.l7H. Short rib aide (loose). IH.75ifj1.0O. Short clear idea (boxed), $6.87H37.00. Following were tne receipt and ship ment of flour and grain: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbl 46.600 81.000 Wheat, bu 42,000 72.000 Corn, bu. 466.000 19.600 Oat, bu., 623.000 767.100 Rye, bu 4.000 22,000 Barley, bu 178,100 22.900 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market waa steady; creameries, Zlfatbc; dairies, 188'21c. Eggs, lower, at mark, caxes Included, 16c; firsts, l&16Hc; prime firsts, 16c; extras, 17c. Cheese, firm, 12& 13 He. St. Loals Grata aad Provlsleas. ST. LOUIS, March 16.-WHEAT-Lower; No. 2 red, cash, elevator, $1.06; track, $113, new style: May. $1.04H. old style; July, 8iH8c; No. t hard, $1.08. CORN Lower; No. 3 cash, 47Hc; traok, 4844c; May. 46Hc; July. 47Hc. OATS Lower; No. 4 cash. 32c; track, 33c; May, 30Hc; No. 2 white, 33H&34c Fll'K Moderate: red winter patents, 35.16Q6.40; extra fancy and atralght, $4. 754 4.90; clears. $4 254.tO. BRED Timothy, steadv. $2.00(92.76. CORNMEAL Steady, $2.60. BRAN Steady; sacked, east track, S5 86c. HAY-8teady; timothy, $6 09-13.00; prai rie. $,00i'10.ti0. IRON COTTON TIES-95C. BAGG1NO 7He. HEMP TWINE-6HC , PROVI8ION8-Pork, higher; Jobbing, 3H.3613.27H- Lard, uncnanged; prime team, 36.66. Dry salt meat (boxed). Heady; extra short, I6.87H; clear rlhs, I6.87H; short clears, 87.12H. Bacon (boxed), steady; extra short, $7.60; clear ribs, $7.50; short clears, 37.37 V-.. POULTRY Unchanged; chicken and springs, He; turkeys, 14916c; ducks, 12c; geese, 7c. BUTTER Steady ; creamery, 2126Hc; dairy, 184f.'4c. EOQ8 Steady; 14c, case count. Receipts. Shipments. riour, bbls ,000 18,000 Wheat, bu 82,000 60.000 Corn, bu 24.000 39.O0O Oat, bu 57,000 87,000 Kaaaas City Grala aad Previsions. KANSAS CITY. March 15. WHEAT May, lH?f91Hc: J"'y e"'. No. 2 hard, $1.01&1.03; No. 3. 9tiHc&$1.00; No. 4. tXcmc: No. 3 red, H.0191.03; No. 3, 95cQ $1.02: No. 4, 85c(Jrtc. Receipts. 68 cars. CORN May, 4tKa46Ho; July, VgWUr; cash. No. 3 mixed, 46o; No. 8. 4txB46Hc; No. white. 4Hf4Hc: No. 3, 4AHc OATS Na t white. 33H4r34c; No. 2 mixed, 13c. HAY Steady: choice timothy, 39.5ttl0.00; choice prairie. $7.7668.25. RYE Steady : 76c. EUO8 Ixjwer; Missouri and Kanaaa, new No. 3 white wood caaes included. 14Hc; case count. ISc: cases returned, H off, BUTTER Creamery, 22a26c; dairy, pack ing, l(o. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 44.800 47.000 Corn, bu 83.000 40.800 Oats, bu. 8,000 15,000 Mllwaakea Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. March 16. WHEAT Firm; No. 1 northern, $1.12; No. 3 northern. $1.08: July. 81V bid. RYE Firm: No. 1, 8SV4c. BARLKT Steady; No. 2, 61c; sample, 39 660c. CORN Firm; No. 3, 48948HC; May, 49Hc bid. l.lversoel Grala aad Previsions. LIVERPOOL. March 15,-WHEAT-Bpot, steady; No. 1 California. 6s lud. Futures, quiet; March, nominal; May, 6s S'd; July. 6s 9Hd. CtiHN Spot, firm: Amerlcsn mixed, new, 4s 4d; American mixed, old. 4e lid. Futures, quiet; March, 4a 4d; May, 4 6H1- Dalath Urala Market. DULUTH. Minn.. March 15 WHEAT To arrive. No. 1 northern, ll.Ob'k; on track. No. 1 northern, ll.otiS; No. J iiortheru, $1.00H1.04H; Way. $107H; July. $1.07; Bep lember, tc. OATS To arrive and on track, 31 He I'eerla Grala Market. PEORIA. March IS.-CORN-Hlgher; No. $ iellow, 4c; No. 3. 48c; No. 4. 47c; no grade, 46MI40C. OATU-Stesdy; No, 1 white, 31tfJ2c; No. I uhllt, 31 U 31 He NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS 8pecnltiTe Eoirit it Chastened and Market is Heiitating and inegnlar. CLOSE IS IRREGULAR AND LOWER Rumors of Cireat Demand for Rail way Fqnlpment Causes Advance la Locomotive and Car Sharea. NEW TOnK. March 15.-There was a remnant of speculative spirit in the stock market today, but It was somewhat chas tened and made Itself manifest In a more conservative way. The movement was hesitating and Irregular. The fluctuations for the greater part of the day. however, were above last night's level, and It was not until the latter part of the session that any considerable Inroads were made on prices. Attention was slert for any suggestions on new movements to be developed and a three-line paragraph pointing out an Item of advantage to a property or the circula tion of a tip was sufficient to awaken a spurt In the stocks aflVeted. Dispatches from Chlcsgo detailing the enormous out lay contemplated hy the railroads for equipment, which alleged an intended ex pfndlture of upward of laiO.flOo.Oiio u that field for IflOS, caused a spurt in the various car and locomotive company stocks. There were published compilations of the exten sive traffic to originate in the southern ter ritory on account of the activity In the southern Iron trade and the large cotton crop to be moved, which led straightway to the marking up of stocks of the southern group of railways. The old report of a dividend guarantee on Ontario & Western by New York, New Haven & Hartford did service for that stock and helped a num ber if other low priced railroads In sym pathy. Iess was heard of the recent rumors regarding the Vnnderhllts and Pa cifies, but they also had their periods of strength. Foreigners were inclined to sell American again, the movement doubtless originating In France and Oermany as a firotectlve measure against Russian hold ngs. It I Interesting to note, however, that the London Statist In an extensive re view of American prospects asserts a con viction that a large movement of European capital Into American Investments Is im minent, owing to the great expansion of productive facilities which promises- to be required In this countrv. The Statist con cludes by saying: "In spite of the growth In Imports Into and the decline In exports from the United States, and also In face of the expected unprecedented expenditures of American tourists In Europe this year, there may be In the not distant future sign that the gold which recently haa been ex ported from New York to Kurope will re turn to the United States." This operation would be brought about by a rise In money rates here. The ad vance In the call loan rate today to 4 per cent seems to have been due Immediately to the withdrawal of government deposits from the national banks, but the effect of the Interior demand for currency Is looked for In New York by the end of March, and Is taken some account of in the current outlook. Prices sold off rather sharply on the rise In the call loan rate and the dav's advances were much reduced or entirely wiped out. Active discussions of the pro posed stock transfer tax continued a rather discouraging facfor In the trading. The market closed easv In spite of the late re bound to 63 In Ontario ft Western. Bonds were steadv. Total sales, par value. $3.9J0.00. United States bonds were all unchanged on call. Following were the sales and range of prices on the Stock exchange today: Salea.lilBh.Low.Close. Atchison l:800 fli 91 90H uo pia Atlantic Coant Line.. 15.900 146H Baltimore & Ohio 6,300 110H ao pto 19,300 60.400 6,700 6.600 32,400 1487. 2(3 67i 445 83 Vt 10.1H 103 14 144H 110 110 .... 96 1474 147 6544 42 WH 24 243 181 32'" 10H 25 62 3rt 192H 200 S!7V 3K744 385 &,H 9J, 47 81 69 96 94 162 29 66 301I 66 143 171 15,400 lti3 161 1"0 i.TH Z bl 30 67 146 172 600 400 600 20,800 400 2.700 66 30 66V 14.1 1714 84 84 22 122 25 28 60 61 116 1164 3,700 13 162 162 , JIW JtW ICS 300 ,TJ 32 400 68 66 6i 41 164 62 86 92A 42,100 146 145 145 46.100 166 164 86.600 63 80 88 86 Canadian Pacific ... Central of N. J Chesapeake Ohio Chicago & Alton ... do pfd , Chicago O. W Chicago & N. W 800 245 C. M. & St. P 46,000 183 Chicago T. & T do pfd 800 33 C. C, C. A St. L 1,7(10 10H Colorado ft Southern 400 25 do 1st pfd 100 62 do 2d pfd 100 36 Delaware it ntinson. Delaware. I & W 200 S?7V Denver & Rio Grande' 700 36 : 36 do pfd : 1,100 91 90 Erie .' 30.200 48 47 do 1st pfd 3.60 82 81 do 2d pfd 2,100 70 K Hocking Valley 100 97 97 do of a Illinois Central Iowa Central , do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd Loulnvllle A N Manhattan L... Met. Securities Metropolitan Bt. Ry.. 7.700 123 Mexican Central 7.100 25 Minneapolis ft St. J.. 800 61 M.. Bt. f. & 0. ai. M. hi 11. do pfd Mlsaourl Paclflc .... Missouri, K. ft T... do pfd N. R. R. of M. pfd. New York Central.. N. Y.. O. ft W Norfolk ft Western.: 10.800 do pfd Pennsylvania P.. C C. & St. L. ... 2(0 85 Reading 51.100 98 do 1st pfd 600 do 2d pfd Rock Island Co 8.500 do pfd 600 St. L. ft S. F. 2d pfd. 300 St. L. Southwestern. 6110 do pfd 80O Southern Pacific 14,600 do pfd 400 118 Southern Railway .. I6,eoo 3' do pfd Texas & Pacific.... T.. St. L. ft W do pfd Union Pacific do pfd Wabash do pfd Wheeling ft L . E.... Wisconsin Central.... do pfd Adams Fxnreas American Express.... 200 234 34 I'. H. express Wells-Fargo Express Amalgamated Copper 26.900 American C. ft I) ..... 8,000 do pfd 1.600 American Cotton Oil. 1U0 do pfd American Ice do pfd American Llnaeed Oil .... do pfd American Locomotive 22,600 do pfd 800 American 8. ft R 75.100 do pfd 3.300 Amer. Sugar Refin.. 2.600 Amer. Tobacco, p. c. 700 Anaconda Mining Co. Soo Brooklyn R. T 13 .200 Colorado F. ft 1 29,300 Consolidated Uas 4,000 Corn Products 60 do pfd 600 Distillers' Securities. 20.3n0 General Electric .... 6.500 International Paper. 600 do pfd 3,800 International Pump do pfd National Lead 1.600 North American .... 6"0 Pach'c Mall 100 Peoples Oas 2.400 Pressed Steel Car.... 5.000 do pfd 2.700 Pullman Palace Car. 200 Republic Steel 1,100 do pfd 700 Rubber Goods 200 do pfd 900 Tennessee C. ft 1 6 500 IT. 8. Leather 2.000 do pfd 1.400 U. a Realty 1.400 I S. Rubber 200 do pfd 900 U. S. Steel 30 80O do pfd 17.800 Va.-Caro. Chemical.. 1.200 do pfd Westlngbouse Elec. 66 81 4 1X1 17 32 107 25 61 36 192 92 26 64 70 36 300 99 991 3.900 40 3( 14,800 39 37' 6,700 5S 57 163,000 136 136 500 100 23 1.400 1,500 47 46 24 63 81 79 9'A S3 98 35 119 s$ 210 18 73 42 189 28 81 37 loa 46 113 5i 92 12 lot 95 42 112 86 96 35 208 20 18 17il 72 72 40 41 187 lf. 28 234 80 80 111 86 Western Union Total sales for the 1,700 183 181 700 94 94 day shares. New York Mlalac Stocks. NEW YORK. March 15 The following re the closing quotations on mining stocks: Adams Coa All. Drun.wUk i on .. CitmatiKk Tuunal fou. rl- ft V.. Horn Hllvw Iron Stlvtr Lsdvilis con ..104 .. W .. .. ..its ..IK) ..J. .. I Little Cklct. Ontario Opblr Proinlt Potoil Havass '-rr, Navada mall Hopoa . . .uAra .. . .171 ..M .. .. 11 .. It . . :i .. . .15 Bank ( learlngs. OMAHA. March 15. -Bank clearings to day were tl.24.735.77. For the correspond ing day of 1904 t lie clearings were $l.4.Vi, 'S.ti.. Treasury statement. WASHINGTON. March 16 Todsy's state ment of the treasury riMlaurcs In the treas ury fund, exrluslve of the l.r,o.i''.0 gold reer in the diviiluu of redemption, shows: Avsllable cash balance, tm.498.43T; gold, $6T,K8.2iO. New York- eaey Market. NEtV YORK. Msrch 15-MONET-On call, strong at 2(&4 per cent; closing bid. 3 per cent; offered at 3 per cent. Time loans, easy; sixty day and ninety days, 2'o3 per cent; six .month. SHW per cent. . PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-34 per STEKLlNrt KXClY A NGK Eay. with actual business ln-hankera' bills at $4 96T 4.H6T5 for demand and at $4 8470 4 8475 for slxtv-day hUls; posted rates. $4.86 And $47: commercial hills. $4.84 SILVER Bar. dKc; Mexican dollar. 45c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, steady. Closing prices on bonds were: f t. rat la, n.....l'H Japan la, tta '0'' so coupon A N. sat. 4a 103 no la. ft ,H1- Manhattan r. 4a... 1 da ronpon IM Men. l anlral ta TTH to n v rx .... I"!1! do lat 1" to roapon IH 1lna. St. I. 4a... M ta old 4a IMS M . K. A T. 4. . .. . .100 do old ta. coupon do -Ja W Am. Toba.-o 4a rift. T S. R. R. of at. r. 4a. do 4. nfa 117 N. V. C. (. 3v,a 10n4 At'hlaon t'o- 4a t4' S. J. f. f ta llo't do adj. 4.. No.- ft-Ht 4a Atlantic r. L. 4a ...lfilS do 9a "t; B.l. A Ohio 4a...'...10"a N. A W. r. 4a IKS do l't i...r..ts O. I I.. rfd. 4a 7H Central of Oa. ta II Pnn. rant. J IW4 do lat Ine ! RMdHi sen. 4a ln2a do Id ln 71 St. L. A I. M. ". ta .11 ch. A Ohio 4''4 St. L. 8 r. hi 4a. Im Chlrafo A A. 3a.... 2 It. L. S. W. t. 4a.... l C . B. A Q s. 4a ... M' sbnanl A. L. 4a ... VM, C. R. I. A P. 4a.... i So. Partne ta io col. ta MS so Railway ta 11H CXT. It. L. I 4a.. lo.i S Taiaa P. la lilt Chlrnso Tar. 4a 7 iT., St. t.. A W. 4a.. t't Colorado Mid. 4a 7t In loo Paclflc ta 1M4 folo. ft 8o. 4a V do ionr 4a 1(7 Cuba ta ctfa lflfa f. 8. Steal 3d ta MH P. A R. O. 4a 1!,I wabaah ta " rilatlllera' tec. 8a 4 do dab. B V Erto prior llan a loiSalWoatani Md. 4a o do fan. 4a 1H ' A L R. 4a ri f. W. A P. C. la. ..110 Wla. Cantral 4a MH Ilorkln Val. 4H-.--lll I Ottered. Boston stock .Market. BOSTON. March 15 Call loans. 44j4'4 per nt; time loana, 44J-4H per cent. Omcial cen closing on stocks and bonds: Atrhlaon tdl. 4a t7 do 4a 1 Atihlann to7! do pfd 10-1H Bom on At Albany 11 Boaton A Mains 1st Poatnn Elevated lo6Vi Fltchhur pfd 147 Mrilran Central 2fi N. Y . N. H. A H... Pars Marniiatta t l'nlon Hac lAc ltl Amer. Arg. Cham... 22a do pfd K)W Amer. Pneu. Tub.... Amer. Sugar 144 do pfd l.'l"4 Amer. T. A T 14 Amer. Woolen 2SV4 do pfd ion Dominion I. A 8 14 Kdlaon Rlor. Illu Orneral Electric 1H Maaa. Elac. pfd t4 Mana. Gaa 44 trnltrd Fruit lfl4 t'nltad R. M. pfd IIH I'. 8. Steel U do pfd t... It Weatlng. common tl Advantura Allouaa - Amalgamatad .... American Zinc ... Atlantic Illngham l al. A Horla Ontannlal "oppar Ranga . Daly Waal !nm1nton t'oal ... Franklin (irsncy lalo Rorala Maaa. Mining .... Michigan Mohawk ..' Mont. C. A C Old Dominion .... Oacaola , . Parrot. Qutncy Shannon Tamarack Trinity I'. S. Mining 8. Oil t'tah Winona "Wolvarlno ... tH ... 2l ... no ... It ... It ... 134 ...171 ... It ... 7 ... It ... 7t.4 ... 1H ... f ... j: ... 12t ... ... MV, ... IS ... tfv, ... H ... 1S ... 17 ... ...1M ... 114 ... MS ... t ... 40H ... 14H ...114 Asked. "Bx-dlvldend. London Stork Market. LONDON, March 15. Closing quotation cn stocks and bonds: Conaola. money do account .. Anaconda Atchlaon do pfd 1H 91S IVi MH Ida, N. T. Cantral. Norfolk A W.. do pfd Ontario A W.. Pennaylavnls Baltlmnro A Ohio. . . .mv iRand Mine ... Canadian Paclflc toi Reading Chea. A Ohio U do lat pfd.. Chicago Ot. W 241 do 2d pfd.. ('.. M. & St. P 117 8o. Railway .. DaBaara 17 ' do pfd I'cnvar A R. O II 8o. Paclflc .... do pfd M L'nlon Paclflo . Erie t... do pfd do lat pfd M? U. 8. Steal do id pfd Tl da pfd Illinois Cantral 1S Wanaah Loula. A Naah tl do pfd M., K. A T Spanlah 4 KX-dlvldend. BIIA'KR Bar, quiet, 2lS-16d per ounce. MONL'V-'83 per cent. The rate ot discount in the open trmrket for short bills la 2 per cent; for three months' bills, 2i per rent. ..lw .. M .. 5 .. 1214 .. Ut .. 10H .. tAH .. 41 .. U .. J7H ..102 .. 7iH ..ia-4 ..102 .. K .. 9H .. 4 .. 4U .. !' OMAHA WHOI.PSAI.K MARKET. Condition af Trade and Qaotatlons oa Staple aad Fancy Prodnce. F3GG8 Receipts heavy, market weak; candled stock, 14c. LIVE POULTRY Hons, 10c: young roos ters, according to sixe, 8o to 10c; old roos ters, 6flc; turkevs, 15c; ducks, 10c.- BUTTfiR Packing stock, lrVg17c: choice to fancy dairy, 20u2Sc: creamery, 21HU(i4c; prints, 26c. FRK8H FROZEN FISH Trout, 9c; pick erel, 6Hc: pike, 8c; perch, 8c; bluefish, 11c; whlteflsh, 6c; salmon, Hat redimapper, 10c; halibut, 9c; crapples, 11c; buffalo, 7c; white bass, 11c; herring, 6c; Spanish mack erel, 11c. Frog legs, per do., 40c. HAY Prices quotedf by Omaha Whole sale Hay Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland, $7.00; No. 2, $6.60; medium, $6.00; coarse, $6.50. Rye tfaw, $6.60. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. BRAN Per ton. $17.60. OY8TBR8 New York count, per can, 46c; extra selects, per can, 36c; standards, per can, 80c. Bulk: Standards, per gal., $1.40; extra selects, per gal., $1.86; New York counts, per gal., $1.80. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES California, extra fancv Red land navels, all sizes, $2.60: fancy navels, $2.26; choice navels, large slses 80, 96, 112 $2.10. LEMONS California, fancy. $2.70; 300 and 360, $3.25; choice, 270, 300 and 860, $3.00. DATES Per box of SO-lb. pkgs., $2.00; Hallowe'en, In 70-lb. boxes, per lb., 4oe. FIGS California, per KHb. carton J5ifi 86c; imported Smyrna. 4-crown, 10c; 6 and 6-crown. 12c: fancy imported (washed), In 1-11). pkgs., 1618c. BANANAS Per medlum-slxed bunch, $1.76 2.25: Jumbos, $2.5003.00. GRAPEFRUIT Per box of 64 to 4, $6.00. FRUITS. APPLBS-New York Kings. $2.25; New York Greenings. $3.00; New York Baldwins, $3.00; Colorado Wlnesaps, per bu. box, $1.66; Plains ?1.66. GRAPES Imported Malagas, per keg, $7. TANGERINES California, per hali-box, $2.60. CRANBERRIES Wisconsin Bell and Bugle, per bbl., $8.00; Jerseys per bbl., $8.00; per box. $2.75. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Home grown. In sacks, per bu., 45c; Colorado, per bu., 60c. TURNIPS Old, per bu., 40c; Canada rut abagas, per lb., lc; new turnips, per dos., $1.00. CARROTS Old, per bu., 40c; new, per do., 76c. PARHNIPB Old, per bu.. 40c. BEANS Navy, per bu $2.10. ONIONS Home grown, red, In sacks, per lb., 2c; Spanish, per crate, $2.60; Colorado yellow, per lb., 2c; Bermuda onions, per crate, $2.75; new southern, per do., 75c. CUCUMBERS Per do., $1 75100. TOMATOES Florida, per 6-basket crate, $6.00. CABBAGE Holland seed, per lb., lc. SWEET POTATOES-Kanaas kiln dried, per bbl.. $2.60. BEETS Old, per bu., 40c; new, per do, bunches. 76c. CELERY California. 6076c. RADISHES Hot house, per do.. 45c. LETTUCE Per box of about fifteen heads. 60c. RHUBARB Per do., bunche. 75cfl$1.00. PARSLEY Per do, bunches, 75c. SPINACH Per bu., $1.00. ASPARAGUS Illinois, per do, bunches, $2.00. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin twin, full cream, 13c: Wisconsin Young America, 14c; block Swiss, new. 15c; old. 1617c; Wisconsin brick, 16o; Wisconsin llmburger, 14c. HIDES No. 1 green, 7c; No. 2 green. 6c: No. 1 salted, 8c; No. salted, 7c; No. 1 veal calf. 9c: No. 2 veal calf. 7c: dry salted. imir; sheep pelts, 26c$41.00; horse hides, $l.sOra3.00. NUT It-Walnuts. No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per lb.. 16c; hard shells, per lb., 13r: co. z sort sneiis. per id., lie; no. 3 hard shells, per lb., 12c; Pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 10c: peanuts, per lb., 7c; roasted peanuts, per lb.. 8c; Chill walnuts, fer lb., 12iM3c: almonds, soft shell, per h., 17c; hard shell, per lb., 16c chestnuts, per lb.. l-'VolSo; new black walnuts, per bu... TcuSOc; shellbark hickory nut, per bu., $1.75; large hickory nuts, per bu, $1 60. Kaunas City Lire Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Marcli 1$. CATTLE Re ceipts, 6.200 head, including $60 southerns; steady to 0c higher; choice export and dressed beef steers $6.266.76; fair to good, $4iWu,26; western fed ateera. $42o&&.36; locker and feeders, t3.0utSP4.6t; southern steers. $3.75ij$4.90; southern cows, $3.60(4.00; native cows, $2.00i&4.85; native heifers. $176 64.75: bulls. $2.6004.00; calves. I8.0un.. HOGS Receipts. 8.8UI heaJ; &fr7Hc. higher; top, $5.07; bulk of sales. $4 Iti.tfc; heavy, $:.0)'&6.07: packers, $4-865.00; pig and lights $4iOi8fi0. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1.000 head: strong to 10c higher; native lamb, l6.5o2?7.36: native wether. $5.2606.85; native fed ewea, $4.9uu'6.e0; western fed lambs, $6,604)7.40; western fed yearlings, $6.0uiftt.5; western fed sheep, $4.K&; Blockers and feeders, f3. 50)5. CO. Itgtr aad Molasses. NEW YORK. March U.-SUGAR-Raw, steady; fair refining. 4c; centrifugal, M test, 4c; molasses sugsr, 4c; refined, quiet; crtiHhed. 4 7V'; powdered. $.15c; granulated, SB ...r ORLEANS. March 16. SUGAR Strong: open kettle. 3t-; open kettle can trifuKMl. 4,n4c; centrifugal whit, -l(c; yellow, 4"t&,t; seconds, 14H- OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET CUl Eeceipu Light and Pricea Baled Binag to ft Dime Higher. HOGS ADVANCED FIVE TO TEN CENTS Kst Mr Sheep and Umbi oa Sale aasl with a Fair Demaad Price Meld Jast Abaat Steady oa Aoytklng at All Desirable. SOUTH OMAHA. March 15. 1905. Receipt were: Cattle, nogs. Sheep. Ofhclal Monday 3.10H 3.M lS.wtl Official tuesdsv 8. Mi 9.1:4 6.I2S Official Wednesday 8.100 8.700 Three days this week.... 10 762 21.339 28729 Same days Isnt week....l2.71S 27,t6 27.162 Same day week before. 10.7(7 25.745 18.211 8m three weeks ago.. 12.177 84.320 38. OS? Same four weeks ago.. 2.178 3.6R8 9.W7 Same day last year.... 17.631 2S.872 28.619 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table ahoma the receipt of cattle, hog and theep at South Omaha for 1 year to tiate. with comparison wnn last year: . . 106. 1904. Inc. Dec. r'le lflu.767 1S4.1K; 1.70 ''Mrs 607.121 478.717 0.4H Sheep 331.608 372. 41.102 The following table shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparison: Feb. II... Teb. 17.. Feb. 1$.. Feb. 19.. Feb. 20.. Feb. a.. Feb. 22.. Feb. 23.., Feb. 24.. Feb. 25.. Feb. 28.., Feb. 27.., Feb. 28.., Mar. 1... Mar. 2.. Mar. I.. Mar. 4.., Mar. Mar. $.. Mar T... Mar. $... Mar. 8.. Mar. 10.. Mar. 11.. Mr. 12. Mar. II.., Mar. 14... Mar. 16.. I 1906. 11904.11903. 11902. 03 93! I 4 86; 4 7$ 4 67 a l6 1 D 4 4 69S 6 611 t 04 ( 12 $14 t 27 6 32 4 6& ( 181 4 3V1 6 32 W 4 7T.IAI 1 MO 4 71 4 80$: 4 4 88: 4 87 4 88 I 4 80 4 $1 7! i 78 5 86 7 08 9i 91! 6 981 6 86 HI 6 88, I t 9o 6 931 841 t 17 ( 811 t 93 911 6 881 321 861 I 811 I 231 8 89 t 90 0 l 1 IUI 1 09; 8 981 7 OS 6 11 T Oil ( 07 7 121 I 97 7 08 j 99 I 16 1901. 11900. Iltl I 38; 4 881 I 88 4 76 I 8 lie 4 831 4 78 4 74 t 12 f C4, 3 07 i 13 i 19; 101 06 7 14i 6 ll 1 25 $97 $ 1 7 30 6 09 I TBI T 13! 18 I 7 231 i0 6 18! 7 24! 6 13 6 25 6 13 t 3"l 4 69 6 32. 4 89 4 69 t 881 I 83! 4 66 ft K7I 4 (71 ( 28 $ 77i & tt 4 on 6 28 4 66' 4 6! $ 82 I 1 a: I 1 74 6 361 4 70) 2 64 I $7 4 71! $ 60 39 4 72 3 63 41 I 7l i 68 1 4 "81 8 M S n: I 3 59 41 4 7i 6 461 4 791 3 C2 6 6H: 4 7h 3 63 6 56 4 791 3 59 $60 $ 47 1 M 68 o 2 61 3 s: $ 67 $ 62 Indicates Sunday. The official number of car of stock brought in by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p.H'ses. C. M. St. P. Ry.... 3 3 1 Missouri Paclflc Ry.. 4 Union Pac. By stem... $7 30 24 . 1 C. ft N. W. Ry., east. 2 C. eV N. W. Ry., west. 29 C, 8t. P., M. & O.... 22 C, B. A g., west 15 ('., B. & y . east 6 C, H. I. & P., east.. 5 C, R. I. ft P.. west.. 1 Illinois Central 2 Chicago G. W 5 1 30 6 41 6 16 6 2 3 9 124 Total receipts ....131 124 32 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer. purchasing the num ber or neaa indicates' Omaha Packing Co.., Swift and Company.., Cudahy Packing Co... Armour 4 Co , Swift, from country.., Vanaant ft. Co Ixibman & Co McCreary & Cary Hill ft Son H. F. Hamilton L. F. Htiss Mike Haggerty J. K. Root ft Co , Bulla ft Kline S. ft 8 Z. H. Clark Other buyera Cattle. Kogs. Bheep 221 942 7 1,002 2,i48 1,197 622 1.292 1,772 634 3.870 667 115 66 lot) i2 160 66 63 66 82 11 .... ' .... 36 4 186 1.810 t.453 Total 8,198 8,467 CATTLE Receipts of cattle were lighter this morning than generally expected at pearly all points and with h normal demand the markets ruled- active and stronger. At this point buyers started out early and trading became active from the beginning so that an early clearance was made. The demand for beef steer seemed to be In excess of the supply and the market could be quoted strong to a dime higher. The more desirable grades of course showed the greatest Improvement, but still sll kinds changed hands freely and it was not long before everything was disposed of. The quality of some of the offerings wa quoted good and a high as S6.90 wa paid. There was slso a brisk demand for cows and heifers and the same as with steers ruling prices were strong to. 10o higher thsn yesterday. Salesmen as a rule were willing to take the prices offered, so that trading was active and although a good many cow were Included In the offerings an early clearance was made. Even the common to medium kinds changed hand without difficulty at a little , better price than were paid yesterday. Bulla, veal calve and stag all sold at very satisfactory prices aa compared with recent sales. The tocker and feeder market wa In good shape, and the demand for cattle of desirable quality was sufficient to hold prices strong. The same as has been the case all along, though, the demand from the country Is still limited for common grades so that such kinds are more or less neglected and sell at rather uneven prices. As a , rule, however, the market today could he quoted steady on the common kinds and strong on the better grade. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS No. 4 1 1 I 1 J 1 1 6 I 7 11 n 4 14 1 II t t It I It 1 4 It Id t 4 f I 11 I.... I.... I.... I.... 1.... 1.... 4.... I.... I.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... !.... 1.... I.... I.... 1..., IT.... I.... t ... I.... I.... I.... I.... 1.... 1.... 1.... I.... I.... I.... .... I.... t.... I.... 7.... n... I... 1.... I. ..'. II. ... 1.... 1.... 1 ... 1 ... 1... 14 ... 1. .. I.... t... I.... I.... II... 1.... 1 ... 4.... I.... AT. .. 4t . . 4&0 .. MO ..Km .Ml .. no .. 4 ..1171 .. !0 ..10U ..lilt .. !IT ..1079 .. HI ..10r.7 .. HI .. It ..10.1J .. V.I . .1M4 .. M2 . .117 ..llan . 1100 ..110 ..1014 ..1147 ,.116t ,.100 .1MT I 00 I 00 I TS I 70 I to 4 Oft 4 Ot 4 in 4 10 4 10 4 to 4 10 4 to 4 IS 4 W 4 4 tl 4 M . SO 4 31 4 31 4 St 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 41 4 8 4 41 4 4t No. 1.... 1.... II.... I.... II.... 11.... :.... ... 1.... 7.... ti.... ti.... I. ... 74.... to.... II. ... 11.... it 1 it 11.... it.... I. ... it.... 1.... 11 II. ... c T At. 1170 D0 Wit 1085 ItkO 1169 , 142 . ...lltl 1S40 1141 11(4 1111 1114 11 to Ull 1121 Itil not 1(64 HOI .....KM 1131 1U. 14(1 IMA not 14t! 14J ma STEERS AND COWS. .... IM 4 00 It 1MI ....1141 4 10 II ml .... Ml 4 to 11 "...lies .... til 4 3t It 1121 10I4 4 IS MTEERH AND HEIFERS. Pr. I 41 4 41 4 4A 4 41 4 ti 4 45 4 4K 4 46 4 tO 4 at 4 ti 4 II t to 4 It 4 CS 4 70 4 70 4 Tt I T 4 10 4 It 4 It 4 t I Oft I 00 I 10 I It b to I u 4 40 4 40 4 fit 4 to ..1001 .. HO .. lit .. 700 .. 10 .. K0 .. It .. MO .. 14 .. IM .. Til .. M ..lO'.O .. t .. 7I ,. 4 ..10 .. 110 .. TOO ,, IM .. 707 t 06 17. COWH. IM 4 10 I 0 8 M I 10 I If I ti I ti 1 :t 1 11 I 40 I 40 I to I 80 I to I 70 I Tl I Tl I 71 I Tl I 71 I M I 10 I It II. 4.... 1.... 1.... I.... I ... 10. ... I.... I.... I I.... I.... I.... I.... 1...., ...., I.... 7 I..,.., II..... I I.... I.... I I 4 1 a 1...., r... t it ... 1 I. ... 17... 1... I 1 I 10 4 1 1 II. ... 1J.... I 1 ... .... I.... 1... ... Ill ... Ill I II ...lose 1 to ... M IK ... Ill I M I 00 . . . no 1 00 . ,.140 1 00 ,,.1011 1 00 . . . IM I 10 ... W IM ... tM W ...110 I 00 1 00 ...1060 I 0 t.10 ... Ml 3 It ...1160 I li ...1110 I Si ...U1 I li ...731 I II ...1070 I M , .. 110 I ti . . . 140 I II ...lint I st ...1!M I M ... Ill I It ...lltO III ...uo 1 u ... tat 1 it COWS AND HEIFERS ...104 ...1011 ... 110 ...1104 ... 171 ...HI ...lot! ... HO ... M0 ... T7I ...M0 ...1010 ...I0O0 ...1044 ... 170 ...Ilk ... 121 ...I06T ...1147 ...1UI ... 100 ...1001 ...1114 ...I0M ...Iwo ...10 ...1100 ...Utt ...1VM ...1101 ...11M ...HI ... I4T ...11 to ...1011 ...1160 ...list ...1120 ...10M ... I7 ...UM ...1110 ...1004 ...1071 ... Ill ...I!! ...1207 ...not ...liOO tl , 134 120 It . Ill I 1 4. I to I I 41 1 HEIFERS. I 00 1 IN I I to 1 I 3 i Ml 1 Ml 740 7M tit . fa I u I 4 I 40 I 40 I 40 I 41 I 4. I 10 I 10 I to I 10 I to ! 111 1 10 I To I I I 70 I TO I 70 I TO I 70 I Tl I 71 I Tl I Tl I 71 I 71 I 71 I It I 10 I M I It I si I U I 10 I M I tu I to I DO I M 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 0 4 to 4 0 4 15 I I I 10 i to 1 1 1 tt I a la . I t .into 1 -.t . 10.1 75 . 4 ! . ...170 1 tt i4o 1 n ....ito 1 .. 1 a 1 at . . imm 1 1 1 io 144i) I tn . . no i to . ..! I .. UM 1 ....!.) I 7a ....i: I it . ... .71 I to IV) I Sll . ... Mi I 71 1 Tl I M 1 71 I M 1.... I a I to 1... 1 l I re t tnj I on BULLS. II IWO I I ... It IS7 17 I.... 1 11-" I It 1. .. t 11U J I 1. ... 1 4i I OM t . . 1 .....irro I 00 1. . 1 i:o 1 1 . . . 1 Iiw 1 00 1 ... 1 ltaa 8 io 1... IMt I la 1 .. .. I M II 1 .. 1 140 I I If I I It) I tl 1 . . CALVKS. 1 I0 I 00 1 1 It I o 1 1 n m t 1 150 I tn STOCK CALVKS. t It In 1 f I 73 I HO I In 1 2x1 4 M I IM I It ' STAGS. 1. HI III I t'ci I 7J 8TUCK lti.t'8 AND llEIKKRS I tin I io it m 1 ti 1 4M I Ml 1 4t u 4 411 I In I SKI tu 14! 2 I 1 8 J (u 4 HI i An 8TOCKER8 AND FEEDER8. 1..., 110 I On 11 tT S I I 10 I ta I an I..... ....... MO I 4 4 Lit I ta ' 1 '. 17 I ft . t ! II 4 00 " 4, I4t I M ..... ........ S14 ton I 17 I M 7 H IW II 431 I M I4.r .;. 1.(0 tt' " 4 IM II I....... IK) 4 On II. IM I 7 I t7 4 io 1.4 ....L. lit 171 14. . at 4 fn I tit I 71 t M tM, ......v... 41 III t..X 431 4 11 . 1 74 I 11 II..,; HO 4 10 1.. .',...... 740 I to l.j:. HI 4 34 1 m 10 mi 4 m 1..-...:;..... T7i 1 m si 1 is? 1 to 4...' ... T40 1 ti HOGS Receipts of hogs were rather light st nil points this morning and as a result the market showed considerable Improve ment. At the opening of the market here Drlces were a his 11 Irk el hleher hm it soon became evident that the demand was of liberal proportions and as a result the market gained In strength and activity and Soon became GtflOc higher. The close of lite market wa goon and strong. Owing to the activity most everything waa dis posed of by the middle of the forenoon. The lighter weights went laravlv from 14.874 down, butchers and mixed $4.90 to 84.921 nd h-avlee from 84.96 to 86.06. Todsy Advance carries the market tn the high point Of the year to date anil, In fact t.n the high point since November 10. 1904. Representative sales- No.' At. 8b. If. No. At. 88. Pr. ti 14 .. 4 00 It UM 40 4 SO 41 114 10 4 70 It Ill .. 4 to 70 ltl .. 4 . 13 fit .. 4 10 II ITT .. 4 to II .. 4 ao 41 1T3 .. 4 10 II .. 4 X) II 17 M 4 121 11 M4 .. 4 III 41 Ml .. tit 41 121 .. 4 an lit M 4 li 17 lit .. 4 to II tot .. 4 13 tt ?tl 10 4 0 tl t"4 .. 4 It 41.. ill 120 4 10 II SM .r 4 ITty tl S1 .. 4 an II... 101 .40 4 174 7 114 ..tan .... M.,eiC ' 40 4 171 13. Ml ,..4 10 ........2.'.t .40 4 7St TO 160 It) 4 '-" "....... 441 .... 117 , 17 247 40 4-ltt - 73 Ill 130 4 17-4) II 210 .. 4 I24 TO JM .. 4 1-11 77 231 .. 4 12V. II. ..lit 40 4 rTH 44 !l .. 4 I2t It IM .. 4 17 VI 47 2.M .. 4 12 12 ..120 HO II7 tl 234 .. 4 lt4 I HI Ml 4 7't M 2M M 4IV' 72 311 .. 4 I7it 24 217 . . 4 I2 11 til .. t 7i K 214 40 4 ! 72 tn 100 4 I7 ft Jir, ,. 4 I2. 3 231 110 4 I7 10 i .. 4 12'. 72 227 .. 87- 17 !4l 40 IDi, 2 lit .. 4 I7 30 234 10 I 12V 11 20t .. 4 I7 t 2211 .. 4 I2S4 II, 23! .. 4 I7U 21 231 .. 4 a!" I 117 III 4 171 72 Sol .. 4 13 V 72 220 40 4 17V 14 tt,: tn 4 !' 14 220 120 4 I7 7T 107 111) 4 121 II 2t .. 4 Ml ) 131 40 4 !' 72 217 .. 4 H 10 r.:i .. 4 12 14 114 .. 4 t 111 27 120 4 2 72 217 .. 4 to- tt 221 fcO 4 I2i 4 221 40 4 to 14 lit .. 4 .', II Ml .. 4 to ' 'it 22 .. 4 13 I 142 .. 4 10 11 114 110 4 IF, 11 2d .. 4 10 . 17 311 .. 4 13 71 120 .. 4 tn tl 234 .. 4 M II .117 ... 4 to 11 at 40 4 li 78 131 .. 4 (H) 13 .,..2H 40 4 13 71 233 .. 4 10 It ..270 .. 4 1.1 11 241 .. 4 M 1 21 .. 4 II 10 Ill .. 4 10 El 27 .. 4M II 231 .. 4 10 l M7 .. 4 It IT 211 .. 4 10 It Ill .. IK 0 231 .. 4 0 71 17T .. 4M 2 141 M 4 10 IS 104 40 4 M tl 114 .. IK 10 271 40 4 M II 250 40 4 K) tl 231 .. 4 li 17 242 .. 4 M II 21)2 .. 4 a,". 34 217 ., 4 10 II 141 .. 4 17V 41 147 .. 4 M 11 IM .. 4 17V t2 140 .. I to It 173 .. 4 111 17 101 10 4 H In m .. 4 17V 14 Ml .. 4 M 47 R7 .. I On Tl 221 12 4 M M Ill ..10 72 fit 40 4 0 tl It4 .. I 00 71. ...... .Ill ,.'4lo II lit .. S no 41 131 .. 4 to .. 21 1H ,. s oo tt at 10 4 M It 307 .. I 00 71 141 150 4 10 II. .171 .. I 02i U UO .. 4N ,21 Ml ,. 16 SHEEP There was a fairly liberal run of aheep and lambs reported this morning, but about sixteen cars were billed through, so that the actual number on sale wa rather small. Buyers took hold fairly well, so that most everything offered was disposed of in fairly good season. Any thing at all desirable could safely be quoted Just about steady with yesterday. The quality of the sheep on sale was not FArllcularly good. Some fair ewes sold or 86.30 and soms wethers and yearling mixed at 6.80. In the case of lambs, there waa scarcely enough offered to make a test of the market, but pricea could be quoted just about steady with yesterday. There were some part fat lambs on ssle that went to a feeder buyer st $6.60. Quotation fyr ltd stock: Good o choice yearling, tfl.40ti.75; fair to good year lings. H.00i.40; good to Choice wethers, 85.60fl5.76: fair to good wethers. 85.0056.50: good to choice ewes. 86.0044.60; (air to good ewes, I4.504f6.00; common to fair ewes, 84.00 4.60: good to choice lambs. I7.00tf7.26; fair to good lambs, 86.7617.00, feeder lambs, (6 06 &6.0O. Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. 4 Idaho ewea.... 76 3 25 80 Idaho ewes 70 3 26 16 western ewe. 91 t 60 lo4 western ewes 88 8 75 4 western . ewes 95 4 26 t western ewes 100 4 26 184 Idaho ewes 83 4 40 6 Idaho lambs... 60 6 00 1 Idaho lamb...., 70 6 00 909 western ewes 103 6 03 Eil western ewes 100 6 10 400 western ewes 96 6 20 268 western ewes 96 6 20 18 western ewes 96 6 60 537 west, wethers and yearlings.. 108 6 80 81 west.-wether and yearling.. los 6 80 138 wslora,ewes 106 6 10 ' 1 western Wether 120 6 00 27 Idaho lamb 66 6 60 282 Idaho lambs 67 8 60 564 Idaho lambs 86 6 60 83 western Iambi 66 4 60 79 weetern lamb 79 6 85 6 native lambs... 118 7 26 213 western ewes 101 t 00 417 western ewes 101 6 00 239 western wethers 87. 6 60 heed; steadv Mrone; C'.rrdo lanit- .; wcthcis. 88.00. I Hit UO I.I li K lttt;'tRKET tattle telv tn Ten rents Hlaher lloas Five tn tern lent tllaher. CHICAOO, Match tS.xt'A't'TI.K-tter-elpts, 14.ri head. Market steady to l'V higher. Good to prime stecra, ..t(U6.2: poor to medium. .liVM.rr; Meniere snd feeders, 32. 75tfi 4 60, cows, 83 iji 4 Ifc . hi lfers. 8.1. ton 6.;5; cmiliets. II. Km 2. W; bulls. I-M'c.ll. A; vtllve. .! i'ii6 76 littis- riecrtpts. ;.! 'i(i ncan; rstimnien i'r tomorrow, an.nm head. Market. sflv higher. Mixed ntul btitrhrrs, S4.KMI&.2A; oxl to choice heavv, Jo t4i 6 :! : rough heavy. 14 S 'ii'.ui; light 4 St 1 5. lu; bulk of Miles, 6.i4B 'kHEEP AND LAMnS-Recelpt. 1.000 hesd. Hheep, slow: lamns. steady, tlood to ihoice wrtlieis. t-Vhcutl 10: fair (to choice mixed. It 761i.'i.4C; western sheep. 85. 0016 On; native Umbs. Ki26'ii7.60; western lambs, 8-'.5ti7.00. . ; 94. I.oals I. lie Mock Market. ST Lollfl. March l.V -CATTLE Re ceipt. 3.NW bond. Including 2.W Texans; market higher; native shipping ahd export Ktccrs. 14 t'rt.(; iirei"il beef aad butcher steers. ;.2.r''ff..36: steers under l.'" Ihs., I3.2S4M.75; stofket'e nnd feeders-, .!.6ivfj I 7ri ; cows and he'fer. f2.50ii4.r0: cuntlers, $2 doff 2.50; bulls. 2.9Pf;;3.75; lenas and Indltui steer, $2.77U&.00; i-ows and belters, I2."J tj3 7 111X18-Receipts, R.ovi head; higher: light. $3.7Mi4.9; packer. W tWia.10; butchers nnd best heavy. 8.s.1'8,'..20. SHEEP AND I .A M MS Receipts. 2.W0 head; market steady: native muttons. 84 1 G6.S6; lambs. $A.0Oi7.50; culls and bucks, 3.5i(&4.50; tockers, $:.(vfi3.26. Inax My Live "tack Market. SIOCX CITV. March 15-(8pval Tele gram. ) CATTLE- Receipts. L100 hesd; market active and higher: beever. 33 5fVh5 25; cows, bulls and mixed. S2.5cj4.tM; stocker and feeders. J2. lofi 4.iX( .. cnlves and. yearlings, 12.75 3.70. H HIS Rfceipts, .f4l head: nutrket 5o higher. Felling nt $l.t&'. 4 90; bulk nf sales, 4 WK4.90. ) Stork In Sight. , Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterday: i." t sttie. iiotrs. wneep. South Omaha ! Sioux City ... Kansas City St. Louts St. Joseph ... Chicago Totals 3.100 8.7i 8.000 ... l.ion tl.8on . .. 6.2io X.S110 6.000 ... S.iflt) .ti0 2.600 ... 1.9"2 5,9,'0 2.60 . .. H,0"0 23.W0 '18.000 ... 28.802 5,7,930 46,109 RF. 41, KST4.TK TII AMKfiRI, Bt. Josepk gtock Market. BT. JOSEPH. March 15. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1.902 head; strong to 10c higher; lnt tlves. 13. HE. 60; row and heifers, ll.ftixg' 4.66; stocker and feeders, $3.00if4.86. HOQ9 Receipt, 5.920 head; 6c higher: light, 84.8636.00; medium and heavy, $4.90 jJl06. BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.809 Deeds filed for record March 16. as fur nished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracter, loll Farnam street, for The-Bee: B. Bartos and wife to Anna Dwora. lot 4, block 15. Brown I'ark ....$4,500 B. C Aver and wife to Rebecca J. Foster, lot 17, block 8, Marysvllle: . . . 60O W. C. Kramer and wife to W.- P. Man gold, lots 16, 17 and 18. block 10, lleti nlngton 1 XV. C. Kramer and wife to W. I. Mangold, hill of sale for hitlf Inter est In loto 16, 17 and 18. block 10. Rcn- nlngton 3,800 Eugene K. Richardson and husband to O. H. Plainer, part of lot 7. Kountie's ubdl3- 3,255 II. D. Kountxe and wife to tl. H. Plat- ner. part lot 7. Kotintre's attbdlv.... 991 Willis Land company to Amm Olm sted, lot 9. block 4. Vlllls Park Place 250 R. C. Peters et al. to F. J. Fltsgerald, lot 8. block 17. Jerome Park, nnd other properly 1 T. H. Orin and wife to N. Btelnlnger,. lot 13. block 16, Brown Park 1.800 II. E. H11 henna 11 11 and wife to Mrs. Ellenor Hubermann, part of st1 of 18-16-13 I H. E. Hubermann and wife to Ida C. Rut her. part of r 18-16-13 l.r.00 F. V. Carmlchael to F. O. JJIoomlng ton. lots 7 ami 8. block 5, Halcyon Heights 600 C. E. Chambers to K. A. Ilenmnn, lot 11, block 5, Isabel 160 Lluliiger & Metcalf company to Char lotte H. Wulf, lot 10, block 7, Marshe s add 500 Emma Johnson and husband to K. Al len, lot 5. Elmwood 8T1O Annie Kolowrotek nnd husband to J. Hunckson. part of lot 2, 3 and 4, block 7. Brown Park 15.500 Treasurer's deed to A. Orlnn, lots 1 and 2. block 2. Elkliorn A. Dorn to Elizabeth Boley, lot 3, block P. Lowe'e Snole Johnson to E. Sweet, part lot 108. Qlses' 2 J. Power to Mnry Power, part lot 8. In 28-15-13 KOW Hahloa H. E. Wakeley. lot 1. block 17, city of Omaha, and other property BUY JULYJORN IT WILL SELL ABOVE 550 A BUSHEL BEFORE THE END OF JULY OUR SPECIAL LETTER Outlining Conditions whloh will bring about this BIO ADVANCE, will b mailed FREE upon request. Adler Stock & Grain Co. 312 N. Fourth 8treet 8T. LOUIS, MO. Edwards -Wood Co- (Incorporated.) nla Offlcet Fifth and Rebsrts Strsatl ST. PAUL, nilNN. DEALERS IN Stocks, Grain, Provisions Ship Your Grain" to Us Braaoli Office, 3lStll Seard rads 8ldr.. Oasaha. . Teleskeae SS14. 812-714 Ksohaiig illds.. South OntkkSt. Ball 'Pkon HA lnteindMit 'Vkeae t, The Old Reliable Commission House lias grown steadily since it wob established in 1892. Each year'a business being greater than the year pre ceding. This is due to the fact thattour service and remittances are both PROMPT and ACCURATE. We are the oldest house west of Chicago, and out facilities for handling business are the best money and brains can devise. We particularly ; call youi attention to our reference and ask that you Infesti " gate them fully, as we want you to feel that your in - , terests are safe in our hands. Write for free booklet on speculative investment ' and our red book of statistics. . r DONOVAN COMMISSION CO., 317 Pine St, St. Louis, Mo. uw