THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY. MARCH 15. 1W5. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Market Takei a Turn and Ltarei Low Mark. EUROPEAN CROP CONDITIONS FAVORABLE tor Hall F.apeet Adianre Sow Market Has Passed Forty-Eight C rata Oats Mar K)mpitMi with Corn AH ranee. OMAHA. March 14. 1906. Tha wheat market la.iieu luuti under me Support 01 the longs, a"u at iai WuJ 'c anove in low point ui luonuay. i ne .jr innea ai i.i,-4, anci lot man point oeiore noon riucntj el.M. inn iuw mark vaa ll.i., ana hi noon the market atuou i 1-t. 'I kb uiy Ima not shown tne name weakness that the Msy lias, ueiii uver- aoii, o that the covering ut shoiia Kept II im juiy auvsnceu iroui tur4 at Hie owning to u. Liverpool aovancu '-e'O'-ac, ernn cloeeu wiin h gain 01 e, ducU rri in-sl 4r, i'i Is gaineu l'iji6 ceiilHiies una Antwerp declined Minneapolis re ported ihe wncat dniuand goo-u meie anil io. I northern selling at lvt-M aouve tne '"lay, ana AO. 2 noruiem m WiV-bc unucr tne May. Duluth io. 1 noiinuru wai ottered c. 1. i. Chicago at 2'c under the may there-. fanmi-ixlta it-poris a lug anort Interest In tne e-uiy anu expeutcu thai mourn io aeii a cent over tne Alay. Isuropean emit conditions a rM (nrillv favorauie. In the I nueu Kingdom ana In franco the conditions are tavoraole and tne aurpiua wtinjt small. Germany repoi la the crop all right ami a )neral suppiy of wheat. J J uneaiy neeua a little rain, rdissia enjoys a gouu pioepect. itaiy continues ta vuraoie, opain haa improved auring tne week and in North Aim tnere are this week some complaints. India reports oid nm practically exnaustea. urand form" A. i., reports seeuina ana Know all none plowed land in tine i-onuitlon because of jail rains and threshing tx-gun on grain that could not bo touched lam year. Okla homa and Kansas are reported by a trav eler to have very fine wheat growing. The Hessian fly propaganda is oemg spread about, however. two men from Webraska were lit Chicago Baturday, saying that wmie tne plant looked ail right, tnere Had been found any amount of larvae at the loots. Kansas City was also said to have sMmpies of f brass wheat that was In lected.' These stories are not lielleved very hard, : as It Is realised there must always be crop new. ftradstreet's shows a decrease in wheat east or the Rockies of 1.6J,00o bushels and an increase In F.urope and afloat of S.iiuO.MU bushels, making a total Imtrense of 2,u7,00u bushels. The Chicago stocks of- wheat are 3,4m,OoO bush els, a decrease of 100.000 bushels. The prl ' mart- recetpls are 4UO.000 bushels, against 69.0v0 bushels last year, and the shipments are ousneie, against js,ouu Dusneis. Corn, trailers Relieve ihe leading anorts covered 6,uuO,060 bushels Saturday. Thev llgure the short line Unit has been out at lo.uuo.OOO and think It has now been all covered. The? strange thing Is, this heavy buying, did not put the market up more than, a cent. Patten sold 2.000,000 bushels Saturday and Ills buying since has helped to strengthen the market up lVsc Now mai i nas pasea me ai-fbc mark, wnicn lias been the sticking place for so long, the bulls Profess to expect a Rood advance. The May opened this morning at 49c and gained about c. There was a large corn trade thla mornlnr. one commission house buying tOO.000 bushels of May. Bradstreet's show a decrease of corn of 601,000 bushels. Tha Chicago stocks are J,lf6.0"O bushels, a decrease or 4X,ono bushels. The primary receipts ore H47.0HO against 622.000 bushels. and the shipments , -:i6,oi0 sgalnst 3tU,0t bushels. -The Corn clearances are 4(12,434 bushels. Mradstreet's shows a decrease In oats of 45.tmo bushels. The Chicago stock of oats Is 4.H7.000, an increaae or bushels. It Is pointed out the gap between corn and oats In getting too wide and the oats should sympathise with and runner ad vance In corn. Omaha Cash Salea. WHKAT-No. spring. 1 car, 55 lbs., $1.04. 'CORN Na 3. t ears, 4&c. Omaha Cash Prlcea. WHEAT No. 2 hard. I1.081.a6; No. t hard,; No. 4 hard, hoy 36c; No. 3 spring, ii. no. CORN No. 2, 46c; No. 3. 46c; No. 4, 46c; no tfrade, 4mjj44c; No. 2 yellow, 44c; No. 3 yellow, 46c; No. 2 white, 4',jc; No. 1 white, 4fiVic. DATS No. 2 mixed, 30c; No. 3 mixed. No. 4 mixed. 2c; No. 2 white, 31o; No. 3 white, Mc; No. 4 white, 2Hc; stand ard, 30?c. '' f ri4Ults. ,., '.. ; Wheat. Corni Oats. Chicago 33 322 2S1 Kanaas City 102 Sto ifi Minneapolis 26 ... Duluth 4fl St. txuls 43 73 - 1( Omaha '. 3 88 63 Mlnaeapella Wheat Market. The range or prices paid In Minneapolis at reported by the Kd wards-Wood company, llu-Ul Board of Trade, was: Ai-tlclefl. Open.l High, 1 Iow. .Close.lYea'y. Wheat j j j j May... !., 1 09Hl 1 OTVl 1 094 109 July... 1041 lOSSilfinB ' Bcpt... S Sv 7Vfc hi MW, YOHK (iKIERAL MARKET 4atatloaa of Ih Ua- oa Various tons mod It lea. NEW YORK, March 14-FIUR-Re-celpts, 35.571 Obis.; exports. 7,000 bbls.; market dull; Minnesota patents, 3&.H6 320; bakers. 4.1Wift'4.60; winter patents, 6 40(06. 76; straights, f 106 20; extras. K.t&Hii 4.30; low grades. 3.464.10. Rye flour, quiet; fair to good. 4.mi4.7o: choice to fancy, $4.7584,0i. Buckwheat flour, Inactive, $2.00 2.10. CORNMEIAI-Plrm; fine white, 11.30; euarse, new, 1.10tfl 12; klln-drled, t2.SOfl3.lO. K YE Nominal; 00c. - BARLEY julet; feeding, 44c, c. I. f. New York; malting, 4tV'i6ic c. I. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, too bu. Spot market, Irregular; No. 2 red, nominal, elevator; No. 2 red, U.lSii, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth. f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, tlw. t. o. b. afloat. Options in wheat was more or less excited early and extremely Irregular, with a general down ward tendency, which was followed by full recoveries due to the big corn advance, better northwest cash demand and activity among shorts. IjisI prices showed aHo net advance. May, ILloV'tl l-H. closed at 31.12V,; July; WH87Ho,' closed at 7V4c; Sep tember. h.M,fc!U J-ltic, closed at So'ic CORN Koceipta. 1M.460 bu.; exports, 8.IW liu. Spot market, firm; No. 2, Site, elevator, and 54ifr6tc f. o. 1). a flout; No. 8 vellow, t6e; No. 2 while, Sfivo. Option market was active and strong all day. Besides good commission house support the market was Influenced by light country offerings and predictions for smaller receipt. The close showed (('c net advance. May. 66tff65c, closed at 6Mc; July rkwed at 864o. DATS Receipts, M.m bu. ftpot market, Arm: mixed, 3d to 3! lbs.. 37miL,o: natural white. So to 311 Ihs., SKftSS'.c; clipped white, Jti to 40 lbs., SiHrMlc. HAY Firm:- shlpplur, eOpTBO; ' good to choice, M2Vic. Hol'8 yulet: rsclflo coast, l'MH. 27fir9l)c: la. 24fft27c; okls, llUUc. HlDtlS-giilet; Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs.. l?o: Cnllfornla, 21 to 25 lbs., ISc; Texas dry i4 to 30 lbs., ll'io.. " I.KATHKK-1 Irm; acid. 342c. PROVISIONH-Heef steady; family, 312 00 jm.iv; mess, :i.wj.oo; ueet nama, tJi.V): . - . l. . . an A A', A.,. ..I... ..... v i , . v , i , Tiri juuia mras, la.U04TlR.0o. cut meats, steady: tili-kierf K.I. lies. t7.UUi7.BO plrKIrd shoulders, li.4oti.60; pickled hams, l.506iS.75. Ijird steady; wrsirru aienmru, tt.iv; renuea quiet; com pound. $4.87,a.-; continent, 37.1!: South America, $7.75. Kirk, quiet: family. $14.60 l$.0i); short cleur, $l3.w'c'16 25; mess, $13.00 jll 60. RICE Firm: dumestlo, fair to extra. I'ltiBV-: Japan, nominal. TAl-l-OW Uull; clly, 4Sc; country. 4SV 4T4c. BL'TTER Firm; street price, extra creamery. KjWSV. Official prices: Cream ery, common to extra, imij.rtc; creamery, held, ciunmun to extra, lorg Jbc. C1IEE8K Strong; slate full cream, small, colored and white fancy, 14c; atate rtne, 13V: state late made, colored and white poor to choice, lVil-; state large, colored and white fancy. lic; state flue. 13411314c state late made, colored and while, poor In Choice. HktflZVr. Etiaa Weak: western firsts. ISc; west ern s-onds. 17tc. POl'I.TRY Alive, firm: westrrn rh'ckens Uc; fowls, lc: turkeys. 1.-. Dresse,1 fl m; wealern rhlckena, 134J14c; fowls. 13c turkeys, IMlvJUc. Available Xapplr of Grata. NEW YORK. March 14. -Special cable and telegraphic conimniilciitlona received by Bratlaireet's show the following changes in axailuble supplies, as compured with lust account: WHEAT CnlUd Stales Hiid Canada, east of Rockies. dei-ieuse,l 1.&33.IUI bi : afloat for anil In Europe, Increased J WOO JO bu. Total aupiily. Increased S.mJ.uuO bu. I'tlRNVl ulted Stales and Canada, east of Rockies, decreaifd &. bu. OATH -Tnlte.1 Kim. s and Canada, east'of R kles. loereseeii ir,,r hu. The following lark individual decreases sre retorted ihle we,k: :ni.aal bu. at Ihe Milwaukee private elevators, so railunite of $,un bu, ut ihe northwtstern Interior elevstors, VTi.lff) bu. at the Chicago private elevators. 110,0.14 bu. In Manitoba and JU4, bu. at Omaha. C HICAGO C.RAIX AD FRO! lIOS Featarea of the Iradlag aad Cleslag rrlcea ea Board of Trade. CHICAGO March 14. Covering by shorts late In Ihe day mainly because of strength 01 corn, caused a firm tone In the wheat market here, Msy closing up ic. July is up 1,0. May corn snows n gain or ic, oats sre up tfHo and provisions are -c to lTlec higher. At the opening sentiment in the wheat fit was somewhat divided, the May option elng firm, while distant deliveries were rather weak. Ocenina auotat ons on Msy were c lower 10 lHc higher at Il liV, to $1 14H July was oft a sttade to StlV at J"fijK3c. Kaiu and snow througnout the west and southwest formed the bests of the weakness of the July option. Heporls from the winter wheat section Indicate thst the croo Is In excellent condition sdvlces from Oklahoma being that pros pects are the beet In six years. May was In fair demand st the start from scattered huvers. but with Mt traders persistent se ers of July tne May option soon lest Its nrmness. eciining along wim juiy. a factor that brought out some additional selling wss an Increase of 2.0',n'0 bu. In the world s visible supply, ss shown by Hrsdstreet's. The lowest point for May was reached at $1.124. July sold oft to 2-w. I-ate In the day the market de veloped considerable firmness, shorts being good buyers durlnr the Inst hour of trad Ing. Strength of corn wna the main reason for the Improved demsnd, although news from the northwest wss considered bull ish. July was In best demand during late truding and advanced to !Si3Vc. May rallied to $1.13. but reacted again on profit-taking, the close being at July closed at !Wi3ttlV. Clearances of wheat and Hour were equal to bu. trims ry receipts were 4iA0O0 bti., compared with 6M.nriu a year ago. Minneapolis, IMjIuth and Chlcagro reported recelpta of 349 cars, as against 2X4 last week and 443 a year ajro. Sentiment in the corn pit was decidedly bullish and prices of all deliveries made good gains. An active general demsnd was In evidence, several prominent commission houses being besvy purchasers. A decrease or b,mj uu. in tne visioie supply com pared with an Increase of 1.H32.0W bu. last year had a strensthenlna Influence. Clear ances of nearly 600,000 bu. also tended to create Dullish sentiment. May openea a shade lower to a shade higher at 4utv sold ud to 4W4C and closed at 4f"'47v Iocal receipts were 222 cars, with one of contract grade. Strength of porn held the oat market firm, but trading was extremely light. Cash houses were moderate buyers. Pit traders and commission houses sold. May opened unchanged to a shade lower at 3IVo31c to 317c, sold up to 32'c and closed at aavtac. Local receipts were -i cars. Provisions were strong on an active de mand from shorts. Offerings were not sufficient to meet the demand, and In consequence all products made substantial gains. Strength of coarse grains was an Important factor. At the close May pork was up 17Hc at 312.72H. lard was up 10c at $7.07U and ribs were 7Hc higher at $ft.87VfS6.&. Bstlmated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, cars: corn, 227 cars; oats, 143 cars; hogs, 28,000 head. leading futures rangec) as follows: Artlcles.l Open. I Hlgh.l Low. I Close.l Yea'y. Wheat May Julv Sept. Corn May Julv Sept. Gam Mar. Mav July Sept. Pork Mav July Lard- May July Ribs- May July I. ... . I 1 1- 1 111 1 IZVt I inS I 4 QH; 4y'ir! 40."7 49 so 50 31i8-4i32HfrUi 1 12H; 1 131 1 13 i 49 i49!5'',,49 4t 4!ni.4! (fH 4!l'j 49 4!M4(i 31Vli 12 55 12 70 6 974 7 12V 8 80 ' 1 00 31V 30 I I 12 75 12 90 7 10 I 7 22' 8 90 I 7 05 I I. 32 311.4 31V3!'8! 31-s 3 31 Sldg 2M 29Va-1oj 2V 12 5241 12 70 ' 7 7 12i 6 80 j 97V4I 12 72Vii 12 55 12 90 I 12 TL'H , I 7 07H 6 90 7 05 I S2 7 17vJ ttV4 97H No. 2. Cash nuotatlona were as follows: F1X)L'R Steady : winter patents. $5.0t"?j5.10; stralghta, $4.7504.90; spring patents, $5.00a 6.40; straights, $4.4034.90; bakers, $2. 403.75. WHEAT No. 2 spring, $l.lig)1.13; no. 3 apring, $l.(r.'ig'1.12: No. 3 red. 31.14W91.16H. CORN No. 2 4'4c: No. 2 yellow, 48(&49C. OATS No. 2. S2c; No. 2 white, 334c; No. 3 white, 1124 It I K NO. 3. 7Wa7SV4C. BARLEY Good feeding. 3S(940c: fair to choice malting, 43047c. SEKPB No. 1 nax, si.: mo. 1 nortn western, $1.37; prime timothy, $3.00; clover, oentraet rrade. $12.35, -'--. v - - PROVISIONS Mess pork,- pef bbl.. $12.55 12.70. Lard per 100 lb.. $a.24e.l5. Short ribs sides (loose. 7&.87Vi. Short clear sides (boxed), $fl.7&8.87H. Following were tne receipts ana snip ments of flour and grain: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 26,500 24.600 Wheat, bu 87.000 132,200 Corn, bu aoa.OOO 46.400 Oats, bu 5X1,600 322.800 Kye bu i.u Barley, bu..' 130, 24.200 On tha Produce exchange today the but ter market was firm: creameries. 21inci5c: dairy, 1823c. Eggs, easier; at mark, cases Included, lQlHc; firsts. l'4c; prime firsts. 17c; extras, 18c. Cheese, firm, 1213Hc. St. Loata Grata anal Prorlsloas. ' nr. LOUIS. March 14. WHEAT Stronger; No. 2 red, cash, elevator, $l.oni; track, S1.101.13: ."lay, $1.0H: July, 8ae; No. 2 hard, $1.WKf..0i. CORN Higher; imo. casn, iw; track, 48&4KHc; May. 47VM"Vr: J,,1Y. 4f5Kc-OATaHla-her: No. 2 cash. S2c: track. 331 Wo: Msy, Siasmc; No. white, 33Hc FIXJl'R Steady; red winter patents. $iU5 $i6.40; extra fancy and straight, $4.76490; dfiTu 6?l . , BKrilJ nmoiny, eieaay, CORNMEAIj-Steadv, $2.50. BRAN lull; sacked, east tracK. t3Ke. HAY Firm: timothy, $9.00fl3.0O; prairie. tH.OIKfl 10 00. BAtMllWU TC. IRON COTTON TIES 95c. HEMP TWINE-6c. PROVISIONS Pork, higher: Jobbing, $12.224). Ird. higher; prime atesmed, $6.56. Drv salt meats, steady; boxed, extra shorts, t.74; clear ribs. $i.87Vfc; short clesr, $7.12V. Bacon, steady: boxed, extra shorta. $7.60; Clear rlb. $7,50; short clear, $7.87H. Pori.TRY Chickens, lower: chickens and springs, 11c; turkeys, 144718c; ducks, 12c; geese, c. MUTTER LiOwer at ljJtjc; dairy, ViiaC-MC. EOGS Lower at 14c, case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 11.000 11.000 Wheat, bu 49.000 M.UtO Corn, bu 74.000 - M.0,o Oats, bu.. ....104,000 M.0J0 Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. March 14. BCTTER Firm: good demand; extra western cream ery, 28c; extra nearby prints, 30c, EGOS Market 2V4o lower; nearby fresh and western fresh, 17c, at mark. CHEE8B Unchanged; New York full creams, fancy. 13V,(al4c: New York full creams, choice. 1 ?''; New York full creams, fair to good, yfnizc. Kaasas City Grain aad Prarlaloaa. KANSAS. riTY. March 14. WHEAT Stead v; Mav. WKc: July. K."4c. Cash. So. 2 hard. $1.0161.024; No. 3. I7c&101; No. 2 xf9c; No. i red. $1.01Sl.o4; No. 3, 95cff $1.02: No. 4. 8fr96c. CORN May. 4K404c; juiy. 410110. Caah. No. 2 mixed. 4.1 Vo; No. 3. 4Cc: No. $ white. 4c; No. 3. 4.c. OAT8-N0. 2 white, S.-ffrlSVic; No. 2 mixed. $iHtfS3c. hX,U Lower; Missouri and Kansas, new No. 2 whltewood oases Included. 144c: ca" count, 13c; cases returned, He off. HAY Steady: choice timothy, 39.501jlO.0O; choice prairie. $7.75idS.2S. Kl K-wnuy, inc. BUTTER Steady: creamery. Iltf-Xc: dairy, packing, lk neceipts. sniments. Wheat, bu 52,ooo 40 800 Corn, bu 5.8oO 46.' Oats, bu lO.oov 8,000 Milwaukee Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. March 14. WHEAT Steady; No. 1 northern, $1.12: No. 2 north ern. Il.til.i: Juiy, IMV4C akei. Rrh-y Mgner; ro. 1, KuMm'. BARLEY Steady ; No. 2, 61c; sample. .13 6oc. CORN-Hlgher; No. t. 484c; July. 4Vo asked. MlaaeaiMtlle Grala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. March 14 WHEAT Msy. $1.0Sfri 09; July, $1 OtSiJJl.WV X'P tember, WflSfiH.-. Cash: No. 1 hard. $1.134; No. 1 northern, $1.11: No. 3 northern, $1.07. FLOUR First patents, $5.0'chi.OO; second patenta, $S.70ti6.SO: first clears, $4-l$u4.3a; second clears. $2.oi2.70. BRAN In bulk. $14.25. nalatb Grala Market. OULl'TH, Manh 14. W H EAT To ar rive: No. 1 northern, $1.0bV On trai-k: No. 1 northern. $ No. 2 northern. $1.0OT4 ll.054k: May. $l.07'; July, $l.o;,; Septem ber. W'yiiVV. OA 18 To arrive and on track, 311,c. I.lveraeol Grala Market. LIVERI'OOL, March 14. W 11 EAT- Spot, nominal, futures, easy; March, nominal; May. ds ',.!; July. 'd. COBN-Siot. steady; Amerl.-an mlxe.1. new. 4a 2d; olds. 4s lid; fuiurss yuU-t, March to 4. May, 4a i'r. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Eealizicg Salei Oyerweight the Market and Check the Bising Tendency. FEAR THAT VALUES ARE NOW TOO HIGH Loadoa Brokers Hesitate to Accept Aanerlcaa Issaes as Collateral oa Groaad that Prices Are laflated. NEW YORK, March lt.-Realixing sales overweighted the stock market tiKiay and checked the rising tendency, but there were, persistent revivals of simulative sd vnnces here and there In tne Hat which kept up the lone or the market and gave It restating power. The urgent selling pressure was only at the higher level and with the yielding of prices ihe volume of offerings decreased to Ineltectlve proportions. credulity woe rather severely tsxed In some of the re ports which have Inspired the rise In sue ciul storks owing to the entire lack of authoritative continuation. in fact. In qulries In offlciul quarters to secure light on the reports which have mnde up the body of stock market Influence for some time were met with such terms as "bun combe" and "humbug." Bankers upon whom would fall the responsibility of car rying Into effect the projects said to be In contemplation quite frankly dec tied the IrreguUttion of the reports and the excited speculation which they were uied to Incite. An extraordinary element in this market Is the slight attention paid to such sub stantial factors of discouragement as an opiiosltion ui this character might seem to be. The profit-taking of the day was absorbed as usual and advances renewed at many points. Some distrust continues to be ex pressed over the extent of the advances and over the reliability of the factors which nave caused them and the high level or prices is regarded with apprehension in conservative quarters. One striking evi dence of this Is the fact that money brok ers in ixmdon. In connection with the cur rent stock market settlement there, hesl tate to ox'cept American rail as collateral security for large loans owing to. their fears that present prices are unstable. For eign markets also were Inclined to take a depressing view today of the Immediate outlook for peace, owing to the -official ut terances on behalf of the Russian govern ment la favor of prosecuting the war. The bonds of both belligerent governments were affected unfavorably by this prospect. A growing influence In stock market circles is the prospect for the enactment at Albany of a tax on stock trans fers, which It Is feared would con stitute a serious obstruction of a very large proportion of the operations now con ducted on the New York Stock exchange. Much attention Is given In consequence to the discuxslon of measures of opposition. The consideration of the subject had Its part in causing tne railing ort or activity today In the trading. The $n0.0O0,OM) bond Issue authorized by the Pennsylvania railroad was lust half as much as speculative rumor had pointed to end the movement of the stock indicated that this moderation was a disappointment to the holders of the security. The ex changes were still running on the varying rumors of mergers, combinations and divi dend Increases, especially affecting the Van- aeroilt group and the transcontinental con nect lone, supposed to be destined fur the combination. The Toledo, St. Louis & Western was Included In the scope of the rumors. Smelting moved tin again on a revival of lead merger reports. There were extraordinary movements In some of the closely held high-priced stocks, Iicku- wanna rimng on trivial inlying to 400. On tario A Western movement wss renewed strongly in the late dealings without runner news development anil neipea to break Ihe effect of the nctlve nrntlt-takina 111 progress, which made the closing Irreg ular. National hanks will pay tomorrow the 15 per cent Installment of the gov ernment deposits held by them, thus com pleting the recent call, but the money mar ket was fairly undisturbed by this preparation. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value. $4,440,000. United States bonds were all unchanged on call. Following were the soles and range of prices on the Stock exchange today: Hales. lilgn.L.nw.close. 13,900 n2 91 91 3.700 1 03H im 10314 'too 143" 141 ltl 15.100 110" 110 110( 101) 16,100 14KS 1474 147 1.100 203W 202 20JH 12.700 66 . 66 . 66&s , 8,600 42' Al . 411 800 8214 81 80 10,400 24 24 24'., fi.100 24li 244 -44 Atchison do preferred Atlantic Const Line Baltimore & Ohio.. do preferred Canadian Pacific .. Cen. of New Jersey Ches. & Ohio Chicago & Alton ... do preferrea Chi. Great West. .. Chi. & Northwest.. C, M. & St. Paul.. Chi.. Term. & Trail. do preferred C, C, C. & St. L. Colo. & Southern... do first preferred., do 2d preferred... Delaware & Hudson Del., Lack. & West. Den. t Kin uranue. do preferred Erie do 1st preferred... do 2d preferred ... Hocking Valley .... do preferred Illinois Central 63.800 1M'4 181Ts 300 500 2.400 200 li 32T4 109 25H 1,4 32' 107 254 1 32H 107 25 ti 82 36H 1924 389 2,000 32,8o0 2.000 3,200 500 200 47i 814 d94 9fii 04 90'4 47I 814 !, 974 96 104.400 147U 141 4O0 Nn Nf. 92 79,600 800 15.400 1.200 ' 300 301) 4.501) 49, loo 229.200 13tii 1.500 1(H) 2,100 2314 3oO 47Mi 100 IftU 1.500 25 2.200 644 Iowa Central do preferred K. C. Southern .... dm preferred L. & N Manhattan. L Met. Securities Met. St. Ry Mexican Central .... Minn. & Ht. Louis.. M .St.P. & Slt.Ste.M. do preferred Missouri Pacific .... M.. K. & Texas. ... do uroferred N. R. R. of M., pfd. JN. i . central N. Y.. Ont. A West. Norfolk & Western. do preferred Pennsylvania P.. C. C. & St. L... Reading do 1st preferred ., do 2d preferred ... Rock Island Co do preferred St.L. & B.K., 2d pfd. St. Louis 8. W do preferred So. Paeine do preferred Southern Railway... do preferred Texas A Pacific T.. St. L. & West... do preferred Union Pacific do preferred Wabash do preferred Wheel. A L. Erie.. Wisconsin Central.. do preferred Adams Ex American Ex United States Ex. .. Wells-Fargo Ex. ... Amalgamated Cop.. Am. Car A Foundry do preferred Am. Cotton Oil .... do preferred American Ice do preferred Am. Linseed Oil .. do preferred Am. Locomotive .... do preferred Am. Smelt. A Refnx. 89.400 102 no prererred Am. Sugar Refng.. Am. Tob., pfd. crtf. Anaconda Mln. Co.. Brook. Rap. Tran.. Colo. Fuel A Iron.. Consolidated Gas .. Corn Products do preferred Distillers' Sec tieneral Electric International Paper do preferred International Pump. do preferred National I .end North American .... Pacific Mail ..y People's lias Pressed Steel Car .. do preferred Pullman Palace Car Republic Steel do preferred Rubber Goods do preferred Trim, ('oh I A Iron.. I'. S. lien I her do preferred 1'. S. Realty I. S. Rubber do preferred u. D. Bieei 181 V4j 100 361,4 364 9,100 194i4 192 400 400 388 3.000 364 3i $04 47 82 70 97 90 B.tWio lti.3 1,400 29 1.40O 6fi 900 30 8.200 t7 8.800 1 44'i 14 1.400 171 171 3.600 854 84, 3.700 1J3 122 122 9,700 25 25 25 100 ttt 60 00 1.200 117 117 117 800 1824 12 1l 34.200 110 109 109 l.tWO 33 32 ' 32 3.800 88 S7 87 4o0 41 41 41 114.600 167 164 184 64.400 59 66 69 ersl fund, exclusive of $1SOon0(in (old re serve In the division of redemption. hows Available cash balance, $l414l7.t; gold, $n6,75,&!. Sew York Noser Market. NEW YORK. March 14. MONET On call, steadv. itt per cent, closing rid at 2. offered at 2i per cent. Time loans. verr essv; days. S per cent: Si) dsys, 3 per" cent; ( months. :Vg.1 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 34 per cent. RTF.R1.INrt EXCHANOE Steady With actual business In bankers- bills at $4 84759 4 88NO for demand and at $4 4706 4.8475 for 80-dar hills; potted rates, $4 85 and $4. 87: commercial bllla, $4 4H SILVER Bar. 58c; Mexican dollars. 4TC. BONDS Government, steady; railroad. Irregular. Closing price on bonds were: V. i. rf. ts, rst-.-.KXH Jsn U, rtt in Ho enupns 1"4'4 U N. onl. 4 lnV. Is. rt 1W4 Mmnatun r. 4I...1M' ds coupon t'M'i 1rx. rantral 4 Mt) new 4a. rf If . ls 1st ln- I4 4a rottpon Ut'tj Minn. a 8(. L 4s.. ' do oia 4 ri IM 14 M , K. T. 4i UOH 4 i14 4s. roapnB..l4j 4n avt, Am. Tobsi-ro 4a. ctr. 7Sl4 N. R. R. st M. c. it. IS 1I0 Is. i-tfn ....117S N. T. C. I'KH Ai. hlns -o. 4. l"4i N. J. r. t I i'4 do IJ. 4 74) No. Pcltti- 1 Atlnllc P; L.. 44. ...1ltlH o Tt Bl. ft Ohio 4 I' N. W. -. 4 do im M" O. . U rfrtf 4 1 Cemrsl ot O. St 1164 rnn. eon. IV.t do lot Inr ! .Podln son. 4o l'!1 do 11 ln- , 00 St. U I. M lo . Ill rh. . Ohio 41,0 '. u a r. fg. 4. r.H l blogo A. Sto... J St. L,. s. w. c. n (., B. ft Q. n. 40 ! Snboord A. L. 41 ozh so. raring 40 4H o. RsllvoT ftt... 4t..1lt4 Tmi ft P. lo ... .... 47 ,T., St. t,. ft W. 1 .... 77 l-nlon PorlBr ta... .... H d ronr ( ....1MW r. S. Rtool 14 So. 40. C. R. I. ft P, do rol. 00 r-r;. ft St. L. . Chlroso Tor. 4o... (nlorado Mid. 4o.. (-0I0. ft 0o. 4o.... Cubs lo, ctto D. ft K. O 4o Dotllloro' goo. lo. Erio prior lion 4s. . do sn. 4 F. W. ft T. c. lo Hoi-klns Vol. 4s. Ofteed. ,ini 14 .. SO'o ..101 .. It ..Ill Wohoah lo do dek. R...... Wootorn Md. 4a. . W. ft I,. K. 40. Wlo. Control 4a .. H . .ll"4 . . 11 ..1M ..117 .. K ..lll4j .. 1 .. Kl .. WH .. I4S Boston Stoek Market. BOSTON. March 14 Call loans, cent: time loans, 434 per cent, closing on stocks and bonds: Atrhlson odj. 4s... do 4i Mm. Centrol 4a.. Afhloon do pfd . Bnaton ft Malno... Bnoton Rlovsteil .'. Pltchburg pfd ... Moxiron Control .. N. Y., N. H. ft H Poro Marquotto . t'nlon Poclflo A. Arga. t'hom. pfd ..K .. 7o .. 1114 ..lot' ..1H ..14 ..14(H .. 24 ..I07H .. 7 .,) Amor, Pnou. Tubs.... 4 Amor. Sufar 144 ds pfd Hit Amor. T. ft T 140 Amor. Woolen Hn do pfd 107 Dominion I. ft a. . . . 4 Edioon Rloc. Illu....If.2 Ornoral Rloctrlo 17 Maao. Electric It "do pfd 14 Maao. Ooo 4 t'nllrd Fruit 11 I'nltod Shoo Mach.... J do pfd U V. 8. Htfol .18 do pfd MS Weotlng. common ... It I Bid. "Asked. Adoonturo AHotiei Amalgamated .. Amorlran Kino . Atlantic Bingham ft Hoy la. Centennial Coppor Rsngo . Daly Woot Dominion Coal . franklin tlranrjr tale Rorale .... Mora. Mining .. Michigan Mohawk Mont. O. ft C. old Dominion ,. Ooconia Parrot (Julncr Shannon Tamarack Trinity I. a. Mining... IT. 8. Oil rub Victoria WinonS Wolrerlno 34 per Official :S 11 17 im i US II 74 It i"4 7 11 15 a1 n 11 to 110 i , n -1 ' , 4t , ft 14 Ill London Stock Market. LONDON, March 14. Closing quotations en stocks and .bonds: Conanlo. money .. H 1-lliN. Y. Control . II 11-11 Norfolk ft W.. j do pfd do account Anaconda Atchiaon do pfd Boltimnr A Ohio. Canadian Pacific . rhea. ft Ohio Chicago Ot. W C , M. St. P... I)nwro Denver A R. 0.... do pfd 1. Erlo do lnt pfd do id pfd.... Illinois Central ... lulo. ft Kaah 147 do ofd M.. K. ft T UialBpanlah 40 SILVER Bar. quiet. 27d per ounce Jiustsi-js per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 22 per cent; for three months' bills, 2&2 por cent. New York Mining; Storks. NEW YORK. March 14. The following are the cloning quotations on mining stocks: ., 14 Ontario ft W ... .. Ih. iponnavlvanla ... .11.1, Rand Mlneo . .1I2S Reading .. 47 do lot pfd.... .'. 4S do I'd pfd.... ..ISH So. Railway .... ..II do pfd . . 87 So. Pacific .. V4l t'nlon Pacltc .... .. 41 dn (..d .. 84 I V. S. Stool ..71 j do pfd , .!Welaoh ....171 .... e .... M .... CI .... 7A .... 10 .... !) .... 47 .... 44 .... 37 ....lot .... 7i . ... 1 31 ....102 .... J7 .... M .... J4 .... 47 Adoma Con Alice Breeco Brunowlck Con .. Comatouk Tunnel Con. Cal. ft Vs.. Horn Bllvar Iron Silver Leadvlile ton..... , Little Chief Ontario . M lOphlr ..'., l-Pboenlt . Potoal ... SsTase .. 17ft pSIerra Nevada .. b ,.4U-t' '.IXi Small HoDOa .. Standard .. I ..176 ..454 .. ft .. 11 .. H .. It .. W ..144 ' 55 29 66 50 ii' 66 143 171 84J ..7 92 r 145 f 84 97 'I 92 3.'. 80 71 2 G4 1 35 80 n : 63 611 97U 81 91 35 811 71 26 63 70 300 118 118 118U 10.700 36 36 3T. 1.600 99 99 99 4.900 40 39 38 6.200 38 :i 80 8.800 58 56 56 38.300 9.8 6.7UO 200 '"suO 1.600 81 ??; 36 5 39 6.8ai 44 2"0 115 134 100 23 47 19 24 63 8fll 146 96 35 '5 39 43 114 98 l.t'i 90 :-8 46i 19 24 53 244 230 l: 260 80 36 98 35 V, 6 3914 17 42 43 114 101 IJ Forelgm Financial. LONDON. March 14. Monev was not abundant In the market today, but the de mand was good. The supplies probably will be considerably reduced by week end owing to repayments to the Bank of Knarlano. -mere is no apparent prospect of an In crease In the sjDDllee In the near future. Discounts generally were steady. Trading on the Stock exchange opened cheerful, but prices weakened under the Influence of selling In Paris, where the Russian sltuo- tlon is causing some anxletv. the neace prospects being considered less good. Con sols were firm In the early part of the dav, but sagged later owiug partly to the forth coming Issue of I-onilon County Council stock. The market recovered, but clos-d below the best quotations of the day. Amer icana started at above parity In sympathy with Wall street. New York Central and Canadian Pacific being the features. There were several further advances, particularly In Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul. The feeling . hete, however, was less optimistic, than In New York, and operators were cautious. lrlccs have reached a point where money brokers hesitated to accept American rail as securities for large amounts. Prices closed firm. Foreigners fluctuated heavily. Russians were weak on Paris shIcs. Japanese were not sup ported. Imperial Japanese government (is of 19o4 were quoted at 1.05. BERLIN. March 14. The trading on the Bourse today generally was tranquil, ex cept In the case of Iron shares, which were active. 6.611O 123 122 122 A 1im ...I' .... ifi's ire j .Vtt 974 600 119 10.OUO 67 18.900 64'. 20.000 212 811O . 18 1.600 74 8.6'KI 40 l.toO 188 1, 6O0 24 1,010 81 97 119 66 53 2i 18 97 118 6H 53 208 18 73 39 73 38 187 23 23 81 81 88 38 300 8.700 2.600 I114 I.80O 46 23,aj 114 ) 37 1.300 taM. S10 243 !.1n) 3" 600 70U 74 25 87 36 103 46 113 37 89 243 19 76 25 4,200 Net) 92 12 t.VU l'l 6IO kn 1.1KI 42 38 37 103 45 113 89 24.1 11 "6 t3 91 i:-4 91 12 16 I061 94 4IU 100 112 113 do preferred Va. -Carolina Chein.. ilo preferred ....... Weet'hoii:" Elei'triu. eatern I nlon 4.li0 3 21.700 97 torn .Tf Kl 107 I'M K1V4 1,14)0 (H 36 H. 1H4 1I 1X1 940 94 " 41 1121? 36J 90 34 1'ti 181 Total aalea fur the day, 1,391,44) shares. Rank ( learlaas. OMAHA. Msn-h '4 -Bank clearings todsv were Jl 301. tat. S3. The clearings for the cor ret'pomllng d ty of 13-4 were $l.:VVi,98'.6, 'I reasnrp Maiewrat. W XSHINCTiiN. March 14. -Today's slate, mint of the treasury balances In the gen- . Metal Market. NEW YORK. March 14. M ETALS The London tin market developed a reactionary tendency following the recent strong ari vance and closed at 134 15s for spot at 4:133 15s for futures.., I.ocally the market yielded to the decline abroad, closing weak ut $29.35i29.a. Copper closed at 68 13s 9d for spot and at 69 Is 3d for futures In the Ixuidon market. Iocally the situa tion wiih unchanged, with lake quoted at $15.37V 15.50; electrolytic at $15 26(6.16.37. and casting at $14.87tfr15.26. Lead was un changed at 12 as in London and at $4.4ni) 4.60 in the local market. Spelter was also unchanged In both markets, closing at 34 In Ixindon and $6.154r6.30 In the local mar ket. Iron closed at 64s 9d In Olasgow and at 4s'9d In Mlddleshoro. Locally the mar ket was Arm. No. 1 foundry northern la quoted at $17.95ft18..S; No. 1 foundry north ern at $17.5oJ,18.oo; No. 1 foundry southern and No. 1 foundry southern soft at $17.75 618 25. ST. LOUIS, March 14. METALS Lead, steady at $4.37ai40. Spelter, lower at $6.06. t'ottoa Market. NEW YORK, March 14-COTTON-8pot closed quiet, 30 points higher; middling up lands. 8.20c; middling gulf, .46c; no sales. LIVERPOOL, March 14.-XTTON-8not, In fair demand; prices S points higher; American middling fair. 4.71d; good mid dling, 4.39d; middling. 4.27d; low middling, 4.15d; good ordinary, 4. Old; ordinary, 3 86d. Sales of the day were 10.000 bales, of which l.KiO were for speculation and export and Included 9,400 American: receipts, 10,0C0 bales, Including 5.900 American. ST. IXJU18. March 14.-COTTON-8tady : middling, 7c; sales.- 20 bales; receipts, 100 bales; shipments, 769 bales; stock, 44,117 bales. NEW ORLEANS. March 14 COTTON Steady: salea, 8.8M) bales; ordinary. 5 14c; good ordinary, 7-16e; low middling, 71-16c; middling. 7 11-Uic; good middling. $ 1-lbc; middling fair, Sc; reoeipts, 16,(20 bales; slock, 273,253 bales. Evaporated Apples' and Dried Fralta. NEW YORK. March 14 EVAPORATED APPLES Market Is rather easier In tone with demand light. Quotations, however, are uuchunged. Common are quoted at 4'&e; prime, 6ftic; choice, Ke, and fancy at 7c. CALIFORNIA . DRIED FRUIT Prunes are In better demand on spot and rules Arm, with quotations ranging from 3u for 90-luO to 6c according 10 grade. Ap ricots remain unchanged with choice quoted at 10llc; extra choice, ll12c and fancy at 12ai6c. Peaches are flrrnfy held with choice quoted at 10c: extra choice at 10lo and fancy at llal2c. Raisins show a further Improvement In tone owing to reductions in supplies, but prices remain unchanged. Loose muscatel are quoted at 4fcc; London layers at $1.06qI 2a. and seeded- raisins at 6'g6c. nor aad Melasaes. NEW YORK. March 14. SUO A R Ra w. nominal; fair refining, 4c; eentrlfugal. IN tet, 4c; molasses sugar, 4c; refined, dull; crushed, i.74c; powdered, $.Uc; granulated, $ 06c. ' NEW ORLEANS. March 14-8UOAR Strong; open kettle. 3((i4-: open kettle, centrifugal. 4Va6c: reiiirifugsl whites, -lc; velinwa. 4 (-: seconds. 3b"4. .MtiLAHSIOS-tuiil ; open kettle, U'nj2c; centrifugal, 64) Inc. Syrup, steady, Jfcc. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Betf 8tera Bald 8adr to Strong and Cow$ About Steady.' HOGS SHOWED SOME IMPROVCMCNT Ltkt Receipts ( "keep and I. oaks Market Was Ulew with Feel leg Weak oa All ' Kinds. SOUTH OMAHA. March 14. IX. Receipts were: Omclsl Mondav. Official Tuesday. Cattle, nog. Sheep. A7i) 4. t) 3..- 131 Two days this week Same dsys Isst week... Same days week before. Same three weeks ago. Same four weeks sgo. name aays last year.. . T.ano 12,7uS 19.101 . .22 17.232 31.376 . $.113 15.021 13,172 .10.29 2J.741 2".794 . 1.813 3.093 J.12 .11,050 13.510 18A RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. Tha lollowlna table shows the receipts ot cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for ine year to uate. with comparison wiin last year: . not. 104. Inc. (le 183.N4 177.3;7 Hogs 4M.487 47.868 Sti.atV heep 323.87$ 361,762 The following table shows the average price ot hogs at Mouih Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons; I la t an 1 tas ( ""STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS II ri in g ri in 1 111 I n t loo t is 1 4M t Id 1 a t ot STOCKER8 AND FEEDERS. 1 ei IN i 1 an 1 tH la 14 mi 1 : t mi 1 as t e t ts 1 IS f Ill I K 1 ao im ii m in TJ4 as IH in t ooo 11 ;t tJt tts it iai 1 04 1 ai 111 til iia 1 i 4 I Ill I U 1 144 4 l 1 17 I U 1 7te 4 tt ( 7! i4 ID Ml 4 ?l 1 19 IN II li)l 4 U Dec. U.hAt 37.884 I 1U. I13O4.U904. 1902.1S'1.1J09.I18. Feb. Feb. ret. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar Mar. etar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. If... 17.. la... 19... .., a... 24.. 33.., M... 26.. 20... 27.., ... 1... I... 4... .., ... 4... 9... 10... 11... 13.. 13... 14... 5ai I l k M t 331 I M t M I a Si I b . 4 BB S3 It f3 4 7$ I M 1 a 4 41 I a 04 9. Ik li, s bi 1 5l t 341 a 98 1 i 1 a mi 1 4 t in I 4 6 22 M I 32 1 i a ii a 4 a i, - 1 I 4 78 t32 a an t mi 1 i I I t B 91 $! i , I ?i a $2 1 tbi t 8i i 8ii I 4 a3i m a w t pj t I 4 Ml a III i, -4 I 4 7l 6 ti m I t 3ei I 4 77WI t 13 7 03 a 11 I I 4 Mr t 14 7 01 0.1 t 32 I $ , 7 12 6 7 t 3.1 , S 0,1 7 121 6 7l 3. I 4 j 7 ut. I 6 . I 4 ! 11 I 4 a I'm) I 4 u i a I i .i d ii. I t Hi I 6 76 I 4 80 I 8 19, 7 16 a mi a 3.'i I Uu t 3 7 14. ! b 41, i Zi i 5 97 1 i 7 3i I4t 6 40 7 13! 18! t 411 V 23 i0 a 40 7 2i 13 a bti 4 83 $6$ ( IU a ti 4 $3 ;) l to hi 1 4; 4 ! I M 4 I $ M 4 8 41 I 8 I 4 4 4 7 $ 1 l'i ' u; 4 tt; 3 M 4 bil 3 57 I 3 62 4 74 4 i0 3 $4 4 1 I 0 4 73 3 $ 4 ill 3 t 1 I a M 1 be 4 76 4 i 3 rl 4 ii 3 64 Indicates Sunday. The orTlclal number of cars of stock brought In by each road was: cattie.HoffS.Bh o.H sea. 1 .. m. & at. t: ny a 4 .. .. Missouri Pacific Ry 4 6 Union Pacific system.... 42 27 S .. C. at N. W. Ry., east.... 8 3 C. N. W. My., west... 24 22 t C, Ht. P., M. & O. Ry.. 34 13 C, H. oV y. Ry., west.... 38 34 7 2 C, B. at . Ry., east.... 4 t C R. I. P. Ry., east. 3 11 C, R. 1. A P. Ry., west 1 Illinois Central 3 3 Chicago Ot. Western.... 1 3 Total receipts 167 181 28 2 The disposition of thi. day's receipts was as ioiiows, each Duyer purchasing tne num- per oi neao indicated Omaha. Packing Co Swift and Company etidshy PacKiug Co Armour A Co ansunt & Co Creary & Carey Mill Hamilton A Rothschild. L. F. Husx Mike Haggerty J. H. Root A Co Hulla A Kline 8. A 8 Halstesd Packing Co.... Humphrey PacKuig Co.. Ager packing Co Otner buyers HOOS The supply of hogs In sight Ui s morning wsj rather small lor a lueodsy. At this point the market opened about steady, but under the Influence of a good local demand the market soon bets tne more active and Mined in Strength. The general market could ssfelv be quoted shade higher and at the best time sales were made 2 to t cents higher, so that hogs brought all the war from aletdy nrtces to a nickel more than thev did ves- terdsv. Trading wss quite active, so that the bulk of the offerings was disposed of In fairly good season. The light weights went mos'Ty from $4 o down, butchers and mixed from $4.80 to $4.8') and heavies from $4.86 to $4 SB. The last end of the hog market was not as good as the best time, as packers seemed to hsve their more urgent orders filled and bought Ihe last begs at about the same prices thev psld at the opening. There were not ss many tight hogs her today In proportion to the receipts, as there were yesterday, and that of course helps out the appearance of the market rtepresentatlve and mixed. $t5n44.efl; slockers snd ferdera. $2.iMM '': coives aim vetrlings, IJ.oOi.',i. HtMIS-Receipts. 3.foO head; market strong; selling. l.0oi 4.W; tons of aalea. $4.i"!'?l.0. OMtHt WHOI.KMIK 4 4. R KF.T. ttle. Hogs. Sheep. 649 1,395 4.19 1.9-6 1,278 740 l.H.U 520 'id a91 1,407 143 87 91 tin 3i 9 98 40 '327 I!" LA .... 289 .... . 353 3,599 9,281 1.67; 488" si gill. Totals CATTLE Thu supply oi cattie in this morning was no. at ail excessive. ie- borta iioin otner points were quite satis luctory to tne selling interests and as a result a goou maraei was experienced on anytning at all desirable. ine market oponea ui lalny goon season and tne puis: oc tne oneringM vaa aispostd ot in a com paranveiy snort time. There were a goon many beef steers In cluaed in tne onerings, but the market was quite active, wiin prices ateaay to strong, tne better grades snowing the most strength. All thu ouyers seemed to be anxious for supplies, so that it was not lung before piosl everything was aispo,U of. Ihe common to meuium kinds, of course, were not as active as the choicer grades, but the prices paid were fully as aonil aa tnose in lorce ycaieraay. The cow market was not quite as active aa the trade on steers, as some of the buyers seemed to be feeiiug rather bearish The market could be quoted Just about steady, as buyers apparently needed the cattle and finally bought them up at right around vesieraay s prices Th market, on bulls, veal calves and stags did not show enough change from vesierdav to be worthy ot mention. The market on stockers and feeders1 waa fairly active, witn prices ruiiy steady where the quality was at all desirable. When It came to the commoner kinds the demand was not as brisk, but there waa no quotable change In prices. Representa tive sales: REEF STEERS. No. At. Pr. No. . rr. it 171 i I 15 1144 4 II IM 4 ftll 4 111! 4 II t 1i 4 Oil 1 12X4 4 40 II II7 4 I It 1077 4 Ml 14 14T 4 II It 1117 4 4 1 1114 4 II tt 1104 4 4 10 1041 4 II 14 1411 4 40 4 171 4 M II 1140 4 46 3 104 4 t'l I .1848 4 I 1 1004 4 V tl 1147 4 46 I 1011 4 26 17 1IM 4 41 SI W ft iaj, 4 K i i7i 4 m ti mi 4 70 IS 1106 4 311 I , 1M to II 11M 4 30 10 mo 4 7 tl ton 4 I W UTT 4 7S II 1124, 4 40 1 1M1 4 II It 101T 4 40 II lttt 4 In 7 1.117 4 4(1 1 14 4 15 II ....1007 4 45 II I III 4 S 42 1UI 4 41 II Tvim m 4 1047 4 HI 14 114 I IX 1 1144 4 tW I till I On li ni4 4 to il i4M i ne I 11S4 4 10 4 14M 4 II II 1144 4 10 1 DM ft li tO lilt 4 II 17 1J4T 8 II 14 117 4 M 1 1700 ft II STEERS AND COWS. 14 141 I Ml 14 1041 4 M to 10M I 6 14 1117 Kl 1 741 4 00 il 1114 4 M II 1111 4 II 10 till 4 It 6 Hi 4 a 14 1115 I II 1 lbtlO 4 It II Itll 4 70 STEERa AND HEIFERS. 1 1044 4 II 11 1117 4 II 10 441 4 S4 COWS. 1 710 1 II 1 TM t 40 I too I OS f T0 t 40 1 130 t 14 I IM J 4ll 1... M0 I 21 1 171 I 40 1 430 III II 160 I 40 f IN I 41 1 1114 I 40 t 710 1 41 I I7T I 40 1 170 I 14 1 100 8 44 ft 10 i to i lono i it 1 141 II 1 4 ft 44 4 Ml 44 1 1(1 $ o I lit I 11 1 IM1 $ aft 1 Ill I II II lfcil ft 40 1 114 I II 11 141 ft 44 1 Ill I 11 1011 ft 44 4 ll 1 toil I aa 1 ,...100 I IS It M I 10 1 114 t 4 I lilt 40 7 7o $ o at nts i a 14 441 I 40 I lllft ft (ft 1 164 t IS ft tMO ft 41 1 110 ft 40 ft 1004 ft 4.4 T HI I 14 174 I 44 I HI I M I. 1101 ft 71 1041 ft 4 11 1004 I 71 - 1 ito I I l lies a tl 10 ft 11 14 lusl ft 71 ft IU I ft I let ft Tl 1 740 IS I 10W I Tt 11 m i a ii nt m 14 41 I tl 1 144 t 40 11 I I M 10 1M4 ft II 4 KIM I t4 I )0M ft ai 4 ion $ M tl on i at ta un a w 4 mi a m lit to i 1IM M 1 1411 I SI 1 11M I u II IM ft 14 ft Ht 4 00 nil ft 40 1 iki 4 on Ull I 40 11 1014 4 OS ' COW8 AND HEIFERS. It 711 ft 41 HEIFERS. 1 171 t 10 I ISO ft I 1 700 f 4', II 174 ft tl ft 44 f lo 1 711 $ Tt 1 4 8 4 1 161 1 1 Ill I 40 4 44 ft bo 11 4.1 I 00 1 441 4 v ft i"4 I to I Ibat 4 I 4 ,1T 1 V-lU m 440 1 14M t 40 1 1 M0 ft II 1 in I 4 i me t as 1 la t I 1 1700 ft t 3 ill ft Kl . 1 144 ft 40 1 11 ft 0 I-.... Ill I 41 a in a v i iwo a m i im i o i a ii I in a t STOCK CALVES. ii i 4 T i lo. a 7i I li I 04 I Ill 4 to I Mj ft a CALVES. t t4 II 1 140 I II I ........... I"0 4 4 1 IK. IM $ 14 4 I 4 K'l t 1ft on No. 71.... : N 4 84 1 44 41 71 I 41.... St.... II H 7 7T I II. .... 40 Tl ta 41 44 It I It 4 T4 T7 10 (1 40 7 It 41 71 77 II 70 II t4 74 M 18 II 77 II 71 Tl 71 III. ... 71 II..... TI II 74 40 7t. 41.. 70.. 74.. la., 44.. 71., paper. A. ...lis ....13 ...lit ...11 ...IN ...111 ...174 ...144 ...14 ...14 ...IM ...14 ...111 ...IM ...104 ...IKS ...111 ...1IT ...II ...IM ...11 ...X ...Til ...111 ...too ...ft ...tot ...104 ...til ...101 ...111 ...4 ...M ...1.41 ...IK ...IM ...till ..211 ...117 ...141 ...ns ...tit ...ui ...141 ...Ml ...IM ...1.14 ...III ...14 ...r?a ...110 . ..124 ...2111 ...241 ...til ...221 ...211 ...217 ...215 ..230 Sh. 10 IT. 4 40 4 tl 4 74 4 71H 4 Tl 4 71 4 74 4 71 4 71 ' 4 71 4 Tt 4 11 4 71 4 Tl 4 Tl 4 11 4 14 4 774j 4 77V, 4 TTH I 77 I T7V, 4 1714, 4 T7V 4 771 4 n 4 M 4 0 4 10 4 10 4 bo 4 40 4 b 4 10 4 10 4 in 4 M 4 10 4 80 4 II 4 bo 4 10 4 K I M 4 f 4 tm 4 I2Vi 4 Itv, 4 Hi 4 Its 4 I2 4 12V, 4 HVt 4 111. 4 : 4 US 4 it 4 m 4 i:s 4 US 4 I3S 4 I2S 4 12 S 4 Its 4 IIS N. II.. It... II M , II 71 II II..,.. 4 14 It 71 II Tl 7 71 M to 4 71 40 il II 14 SO II M II.. :t.. 31. . 48.. 1.. 74.. II.. M.. .. 44.. 74.. I.. 44. . It.. 44.. 14.. It.. 4... 1.. la.. sales: Sr. 3b. ..241 . .if 40 ..l?l ft ..21 .112 . .! in .144 ..231 ..141 ...: ...SI ...tio ...124 ...tin ...1(1 ...141 .,.144 .14 ...II ...137 ...147 ...171 ...144 ..0 .144 ..IM . tl ,..ri ..t!7 ...171 ..til ..lit ..: M... 40... 41... 71... tl... 44..., 41 .. 14... 40... 41... 71... 41... II... 130 0 40 120 0 40 80 140 40 40 I 120 10 120 111 0 44 rr 4 IIS 4 l:s 4 Its 4 I2 S 4 Its 4 US 4 l:s I lis 4 IIS 4 US 4 US 4 Us 4 US 4 US I tv, 4 II 4 I 4 U 4 IS 4 I 4 I 4 4 4 II 4 l 4 th 4 II 4 ft 4 II 4 M 4 II 4 44 4 Kl 4 It 4 II 4 IC 4 II 4 t 4 M 4 II 4 I 4 U 4 II 4 U 4 t 4 44 4 M 4 16 4 II 4 14 4 ITS 4 ITS 4 ITS 4 ITS 4 ITS I TS 4 17 S 4 I7S 4 ITS 4 17 S 4 ITS 4 I 4 M 4 bit 4 K 4 U ..145 ..2JI ..Ml ..141 ..140 ..S2I ..III ..142 ..100 ,.2M ..177 ..l .121 ..bfll ..141 ..It . .111 ..til ..111 ..IT! ..2IT ,.37 .244 . .21.1 ..21.1 ..IU ..21 ..404 ..331 SHEEP There waa a much more mod erate run of sheep and lambs here this morning than arrived yesterday, but the demand was also of limited por port Ions, so that the market was very slow, with the feeling wesk all around. Some of the kinds that Just happened to suit buyers sjld with out much trouble at what looked to be steady prices, but aside from those the market was weak, with some sales quite a little lower. Very few Iambs were offered, so that In realltv there was not much op portunity to make a fair test of the mar ket on desirable grades of lambs. A rtrlng of clipped wethers arrived and they sold for $4.80 and some fair ewes brought $5.25. Quotations ted suck. Oood -o choice yearlings. $fi.408.76; fair to good year llnga. $a.KMi.t0; good to riiolce wethers. $S.035.75: fair to good wethers, $&.0$6.b0: good to choice ewe. $5.0043.5O; fail lo good wes. $4.504t6.0; common l.t fair ewes. $4 00 434.60; good to choice lambs. $7.0037.26: fair to good lambs, $u.76)7.C0. feeder lambs, $6.00 ''' representative sales: No. 10 Mexican cull ewes 38 western clipped ewes ... 42 western ewes 119 western cull ewes 380 western clipped wethers . 810 western ewes 283 western ewes 61 Mexican ewes 123 Mexican wethers 15 South Dakota ewes.: S South Dakota ewes 9 South Dakota lambs 3 South Dakota lambs t South Dakota lambs 29 South Dakota lambs 1 western ewe 28 South Dakota lambs 45 western wethers 13 South Dakota Inmbs 1 South Dakota wether ... 1 South Dakota yearling... 57 western yesrllngs , 337 western yearlings 84 South Dakota lambs 100 South Dakota lamb 87 South Dakota lambs 57$ South Dakota Iambi 322 South Dakota lambs Av. . 70 . 110 . 37 . 78 . 114 . 114 . 114 . 83 . 7 . 87 . 1"4 . 53 . 46 . 50 . 8 . 70 . 58 . W . 86 . 80 . 110 . B9 . 95 . 64 . 88 . 88 . 71 Pr. 3 00 4 36 4 50 4 75 4 $0 5 10 6 10 5 35 6 75 4 76 4 75 6 00 6 00 6 00 5 26 I 26 6 25 6 60 6 75 6 76 6 76 A 00 00 00 8 80 8 60 8 90 6 90 CHICAGO I.I VIS STOCK MARKET Cattle aad Lambs Kteady Huajs lorr Sheep Weak. CHICAGO. March 14 CATTLE Rerelms 4.000 head: market steady; good to prime steers. $5.10it),25; poor to medium. $3.7.Vai 4.S0; ptockere and feeders, $2,754x4.6; cows, $3.0014.50; heifers, $.'l.Cu6.00; canners. $1.6utfi 2.40: bulls. $2.4004.00; calvea. $3.Quti.60. HOGS RecelDts. 18.W0 head: estimated for tomorrow, 30,000 head: market slow; mixed and butchers. 4 toY..u;U: sood to choice heavy, $5.00a3.12s; rough heavy, $4 80 64.96; light, $4.70fV0O; bulk of sales, $4.9.V3 6.06. SHEEP AND LAMRfl-Rereints. 18 000 head; sheep weak, lambs steady; good to choice wethers, $5.o.00; fair to choice mixed. $4.75$'3.40: western sheep. 16.000 00; native lambs, $5.7597.ii0; western lamb. $1.(037.65. Condition nf Trade and Qnntatlsns aa Staple and Kanry Produce. EOiiS Receipt hravy, market aeak; cndle. Mock, loc. LIVE l'iL'LTKi' Hens. 10c; young rooa ters. aicordir.g rlie. sv to lc; eld roos ters. 6Vuc, turkevs. luc; ducks, nv. Bl"T I t.n Parking stock. l1JI7c: choice to tancy ualry. inr.:; creamery, 3ltfr24r; prints, :5c. FRLSrt FROZEN FISM-Trout. c: Dirk erel, c; pike. 8Vc; perch. Sc; bluensh. 11c; wmie,, n... .i, f ji., ii.'. leiisiiapper, luc; hnllhiit M: crr'i.nie I'.e: mifY.tlo while bass, lie; herring. 6c; Spanish mackerel, lie. Frog legs, per dog., 40c. ououd ny Omaha Wholesale Hay t'ealeis' association -'hoice Ne. 1 up land. $:..; Vo. 2, ttt.6t; iiivllum. i. coarsa. $5.50. Ryu straw, $5.50. I'hese prices are for hay ui ao. it o..r -md quulity. HRAN Per ton, $17.50. OYSTERS New York counts. er can. 4.V.' extra selects, per ran. 3oci standard, rer csn. :10c. Hulk: Standard, per gal.. $1.40; extra selects, per g.-il., $!.(; New York counts, per gal., $l.8t. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGEft calir r:iia. eira laney Bed land navels, all i.xes. $2.4': fancy navels. 1.' ; choice navels, large sixes 80. 98, 11J x iff LhiMONS-Callfo'Tils fancy. $2 70: 3 an 360. 32 go; diolre. :'7(l. 3U0. 340. $3.00. DATKd-rer pox of 40-lb. rkga.. $2.00; Haliowee, In 70-lb. boxes, per lb.. 4ie. FIOS California, per l-lb. rarlor, 7r-tf 16c; imported Smyrna. 4-crown. 10c; and $-cruwn, 12c; fancy, Imported twashed), la 1 -th. pkgs.. l&aikcv. RAN ANAS Per medium-sized bunch, $1.T jumbos. t2.bij3.oa GRAPEFRUIT Per box of 61 to 64. $8.00, FRUITS. APPLES New toia Kings. MS; New York Greenings. $3 00; New Yerk Baldwin, $3.00; Colorado Winesapi, per bu. box, $l.tu; PlPPlna. $1.86. UHAltH - imported Main!, per keg, $7.ou. TANGERINES - Cl:f.-.rnl, per V box. $2.50 CRANBERRIER Wisconsin RH and Bu gle, per bin., $8.uu; Jei., ,, uU., $3.0U per box, 2.7o. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Home grown. In Backs, per bu., 46c: Colorado, per bu.. 60c. TUR.MPii-t.ild. per bu.. 40c; Canada rut abagas, per lb., l,c; new .turnips, per dog.. $1.0u. CARROTS Old, per bu.. 40c; new, per dog, 75c. PARHMPS-OW. per bu.. 40c. BEANS Navy, per bu., $1M0. ONIONS Home grown, red, in sacks, per lb.. 2c; Spanish, per cra.e. $2.50; Colorado yellow, per lb.. 2c: Bermuda onions, per crate. $2.75: new southern, per dog., 75c. CUCUMBERS Per om., l.7M2.iw. TOMATOES Florida, per bVbasket crata. $6.00. CABBAGE Holland seed, per lb., lHe SWEET POTATOES Ksnaaa kiln dried, per bbl.. $3.50. BEETS Old. per bu.. 40c: new. per doo. bunches 75c. CELERY-Callfornla. 6076c. RADISHES Hot house, per dog., 45e. LETTUCE Per box ot about fifteen heads, 60c. RHUBARB Per dox. bunches, 75cJ$1.0a PARSLEY Per dog. bunches. 75c. SPINACH Per bu., $1.00. A9PARAGI '8 Illinois, per doa. bunches. $2.00. M I SCEIUAN KOUB. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream. 13c; Wisconsin Young America, 14c; block Swiss, new, 15c; old, lirfl7c; Wisconsin brlcK. 15c; Wisconsin llinburgcr. 14c. HIDES No. 1 green, 7c; No. I green, 6c; No. 1 salted. iMio; No. 2 salted. 7 So; No. i veal calf. 9c; No, 2 veal calf. 7c: dry aelted. 814c; sheep pelts, 2sc4j$1.00; horse bldea. $lVtf8.00. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per lb 15c; herd shells, per lb.. 13e; No. 2 soft shells, per lb . 12c: No. 2 hard shells, per lb.. 12c; Pecans, large, per lb.. lie; small, per lb., 10c: peanuts, per lb.. 7c: roasted peanuts, per lb., 8c; Chill walnuts, per lb., 12iqi3m,c; almonds, soft shell, per IK. 17c; hard sell, per lb., 16c; chestnuts, per lb.. USyfjUc; new black walnuts, per bu.. 75U1)0c: shellbsrk hickory nuts, per bu., $1.75; large hickory nuts, per bu. 11.60. Kansas City Lire Stork Market. KANSAS CITY. March 14. CATTLE Re ceipts, 9.000 head, including 300 southerns. Market steady to strong: choice exriort and dressed beef steers, $6.00$.7tl: fair to good, $4.00415.00; western fed steers. tA.ih$t.2l; Mocker and feeders. 3.oOH4fi5: southern steers, $3.50(34.00: southern corns. $2.1503 7S: native cows. 82 rCu4 36: nst v heifers. M mi 494.76; bulls. $2. 600 4. 10: calves, I'UOfi fij. MOUB Kecelpts. 12.000 head. Market was to lower; top.; bulk of sales, M 7541 4.96; heavy. $4.9.W6.0O: nsekera, $4.g&fi4.9ii; pigs and lights. $4.1084 90. SHEEP AND I-AMBB-Reeelnts. $.800 head. Market for sheen steadv. for lambs loo lower; native lamhex M.lo4x7.S6: nstlve wethers, $6.2Mi6 40: nstlve fed ewes. 34.759 6 35: western fed lambs, $t.6o&7.36: western fed yearling, 14.00140; western fed sheen. $4.7Mf6.60; stockers and feeders, $3.60:!.M. Wool Market. BOSTON. March 14. WOOL Considering the season the wool market Is regarded aa strong, the only weakness being shown . tl lots hitherto held at prices above the going rates. Trade Is dull for sll grades of do mestic wool, manufacturers showing a tendency to hold off. Territory wools are quint at steady prices. Pulled wools era caster. There 'Is a better situation in for eign grades. Quotations: Territory: Idaho, fine, lSWfilde: heavy Hne, iwgl7c; fine me mium, 18i,4E19c; medium, 22tr23c; low me dlunu 23j24c. Wyoming, flue. 17W18c; heavy fine, le-lsc; fine medium. 174?18V-; medium. 2324c; low medium. 2.i(ft24c. I'tali and Nevada: Fine. 17ij'l8o: heavy fine. 164 16': fine medium, 17Hc.; medium, ZK'Ov; low medium, 23fc'-'4c. Dakota: Fine, 18ul9c; fine medium. 18iH19c: medium, 28ia'24c: low me dium, 23924c. Montana: Fine choice. 21gr 22c: line average, 19dj2oc: fine medium choice, 21'7r22c: average, lcg30c; ataple, Xcd' 23c: medium choice, a'JBc. I1NDON, March 14.-WOOL The offer ings at the wool auction sales today amounted to 13.908 bales. The quality wan good snd bidding was spirited. Scoured were In good demand and line, light condi tioned gressles were In active demand for all sections. France was a large buyer of crossbreds, which were also taken by th" home trade. America secured a quantity of superior Tasmania, New South wales and New Zealand greasles at full rates. Fol lowing are the sales In detail: New South Wales, 3,000 hales; scoured. i;.lifls lOil; greanles, t'idWls 2d. Queensland, 2,no0 bales; scoured, 9'fcd'82s d: greasy, 6Vdls. Vic toria. 2,500 balea; scoured. Is Hdftls 9!4d: greasy, bWul 3d. South Australia, 300 bales: greasy, Sdftls 'Vl. West Australia. 1.400 hales; greasy, (Jild. Tasmania. 4K bales: greasy, i;tdflln Vd. New Zealand, 2.400 bales; greasy. bdlS Id. Cape of Good Hope and Natal, 20i bales; scoured. Is 6d'a Is 9H1: Kreasy, eMamd; Fulkland, Islands, l.inn bales; greasy. SSi&lod. ST. IXCI8. March 14.-WOOI-Dull ; me dium grades combing and clothing. 24ti 26c; light, tine. 18m'J04c; heavy fine, 14lac tub washed, r.iXUiSVVoc. (offer Market. NEW YORK, March 14.-COFFEE The market for futures opened steady at un changed prices to an advance of 5 point a on falrlv steady European cables, but there wss little demand and the market shortly afterward declined to a partial loss of I points under a little selling by trade Inter fir supposed lo he against purchase In Brasll. Later demand improved somewhat and during the middle session ruled about steady to weak under a renewal of Wall street selling and closed steady at a decline of 5t 10 points. Sales were reported of 76. 750 bags, including May at; July at 6.4iU6.45c; September at (j.iXffltMOc ; De cember at 6.M4;ii.85c. Spot, quiet; No. T Rio, 7C. t. Lonls Live Stock Market. ST. LOI'IS. March 14. CATTLE Ra- reipta. 5000 head. Including 1,600 Texana. Market for natlvea atrong. Texana steady; native shipping and export steers. 14 flow 6.00: dressed betf and butcher steers $3 A 435.25; steers under 1 000 Ihe, $3.2644.0; stockers and feeders. $2.504 60: cows and heifers. $3.i15f4.iO; canners. $3OTk02.5O; bulll. $3 0044.00: calves. $4$x3.75; Texas and In dian steers. $17563.75. HOOS RecetDts. 7.000 head Market was steadv; pigs and Hants. $3.75(346: packers $4 lovqfi.l0; butchera' and besi heavy, $6 to 13 20. SHEEP AMI IaAM H9 Receipts. N00 hesd. Market stesdv: native mutton. $3.oix3 01: lambs. $6.007 60: culls and bucks, $3.5'i) 4.50; stockers, $2,004,3 26. tvrk la aiglet. Receluti of live stock at tha six urlnclnal a-estern msrseia jeoieraav: South Omaha Sioux City ... St. Iouls Kansas city ., St. Joseph .... Chicago , Totals- .. 4.100 .. 9O0 .. .000 .. 9,art .. 8.182 .. 4.00U ..24.11-2 Hon. 8heei to i3.$n 3.1SA 7.'ino SuO U0O1 I 0 8 941 4 180 18.(10 18.000 53.2. tnti t. Jasepk live atork Market. ST. JOSEPH. March 14. CATTLE Re- ceintr. 3.12 hesd. Market wask to loo lower- natives. $3.7&a.4J; slotkers and feeders, $300 4 45. in Mj Keceipt. hean. Marset weaK to 5c lower; PehU $4.75tj4 80; medium and heavy 84 r4 .97V. SHEEP AND LA M BB Re-elpts. 4 180 head. Market steadv to strong; Colorado inba, $7.46; wethers, M 0. Ileal 4 Hf Mt atark Market. SlOt X CITY. March 14.Spe. isl Trie. r m-CATTLE - Ret eli.ts. o head; mar ket strong; heees, $15,328; coas, billlf Oils and Rosin. NEW YORK. March H.-OILS-Cottiui-seed, wesk; prime crude, nominal: prime yellow. 24fy24sc. Petroleum, steady; re fined. New York. $7.26. Turpentine, B4tiac. OIL CITY. Pa.. March 14.-OII-Credlt balances. $1 39: certldca tes. no bid; ship ments. ,290 bbls.; average. 77.221 bbls.; runs. 70,341 bbls.: average, 63.316 bills. ; ship ments, IJitiR, 5S.W7 bbls. : average. 67.681 bbls.: runs, Lima, 11.983 bbls,; averag-e, 62. P60 bbls. SAVANNAH. Ga., March 14-OIIS-Tur-pontine, firm. 614je. Rosin, tlrm: A. B. C, I2.77H: D, $2.82; R. $2.87H; F. $2.924: G, $2,974; H. P 0; I. $ ; K. $4 05; M. M b0 N. $4 76; WO, $6; WW, $5.15. The Merchants National Bank of Omaha. Nob. C, . Depository, Capittl and Surfrtui, 600.000 LITOFt BtAU. free hie St. FIANI 1. HAMILTON, Vk PrMtsMl, 1. 1. Rtsrilles. AMI. Caoskr. . N. Mtas. AMf.Ceih. Roeele aaettu el bub, btakee. oer Sreilena. arm a4 Is4lrluls ea Iseontbl terno. rerelg Biehaogs bought aa4 oi4. . el cre4n Iouo4, aallbla la ll an ( th werlft latereot oel oa TIsm l'nloto el Popoelt. ( ellerileoa me!, ero-aaptlr ss4 aceBsaHesily. W request rrseneac. Edwards -Wood Co. lacorporatd 1 fialn Odlca: Ftftb aad Reborta Straati ST. PAUL, fUNN. DKALKRlf$ Stocks, Grain, Provisions Ship Your Grain to Us . f raab Offlee. lltwltl Bea ( Tt,a4Vt atldar.. Oaaki, Neb. Teltsbes Saia. 3)2 114 Kschsnge clldc.. South Omaha. Bell Pkoo lV laisaeodokBt 'faea 4.