Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 14, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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May Wheat Ooei Down Ftit tad May
Oori Up.
World's Shlaaaeate af Cera tea-
llaee te Shaw Heart Craps
Hearles tar Week.
OUA1IA, March 13. I.
1i wn quarter It la instated the Wall
etreet speculators arc not out of tha My
deal, hut this la not ire nrlly believed.
i1 May wheat laat week closed with a
t decline tor tha week of 4c, and although
some speculators prof eased to see support
'. In tha closing session, tha wheat again
, flrflppfl thla morning-, at ona time reaching
. a point 13Sc below the hlf h mark a month
So, when It was I1.12H. The close Satur
day waa II. US. and the opening today 11.11.
i'ha market fluctuated from to c on
every trade, and at one time went down to
II OB. At noon It afoot) $1.12V. The July, on
tha ether hand, waa rather atronger than
Saturday. The clone for the week waa
- lo and the opening thla morning JlVr",
which waa alao the low point. Tha high
mark reached before roon waa Kc. Tna
May waa panicky during the slump and
tradea were made at all aorta of figure e.
Armour bought a little at II.) OH. which
steadied the market. The commission
houses In Chicago and the shorts bought
tha July thin morning, which gave it Ita
atrength. The July had already suffered a
break of la and a reaction waa due. Tha
. commission houaea have been preaching
mm inn juiy waa oversold ana mat an
advance wee sure to follow the very hear
ten attitude of tha crowd, for a long
time the trade has not had a chance to
sell the July In the nineties and better.
Tha specula tors have taken Into considers
tlon the high price and the good crop
conditions reported and have sold heavily.
The selling has cost the market SVfcc In a
week and 10H from the top. The same
conditions prevailed laat year, when tfte
selling brought the market 6o lower than
lit I nor, Liverpool closed with a loee
of from 44 to 'i, Antwerp waa unchanged
and Paris ruined from 6 to 10 centimes.
The world's visible supply of wheat Is
3S.084,no bushels, against 33.SM.0no Inst year,
and decree se for the week 471,000 bushels.
Thw world's shipments follow. America,
1.104.000 bushels, against i 1.104,000 the pre
ceding week and 1,266.000 last year; Russia,,
S.KH.OdO bushels, sralnst 2.663,000 and 8.000.
("Oi Imnube, 824.000 bushels, against 720. quo
snd 444,000; Argentna, 4O7S.000 bus., against
8.7("4.O00 and 2.7HO..r India. 348.000 bushels,
gainst 840.M0 and $64,000; Australia, l,9f.2.0T0
bushels, against 1.8X0.000 ssid 1.06,0fl0
Austria, nothing, against nothing for tna
preceding week and 40,000 bushels last year.
The total Is 11.140,000 bushels this week,
igalnst 11,128.000 the preceding 'week' and
I, If J. 000 last year. . - ,
The world'' visible supply of oorn Is
smaller than a year ago, the figures being
I.3&8.OO0, against 9.87,000. .The. Increase far
the week Is 17.000 bushels. The corn olear
nees sre very large, being 1.260.0OO bushels.
Tha world's shipments of corn follow:
America. 1.713,OO0 bushels, sgalnst 1,088,000
the- preceding week and 1,388.000 last year:
Russia, 60.000 bushels, against 80,000 and
i38.000; Danube shipped nothing thla week
and Inst, against 673 bushels last year:
Argentina, 128.000 bushels, against 198,000
and 847,000. The speculative market ' was
active this morning and the Mav corn
reached a point where it haa not been for
some long time. The close last week waa
Je and the opening this morning 48'4c.
The Mali point reached before noon waa
W'ia and at noon it was 48T.C. Liverpool
Wa f ...... 1 . . li.l
" " .'.. -yM iv 5ai: niKiier.
, Omaha Cash Kale.
WHRATMn 4 hard 1 ear. MU lbs.. .ie
CORN'-No. 4, 1 car. 44C.
Omaha fash Prleea.
! WHEAT No. 2 hsrd. 11 04ftl 05! No. 3
urd. IWe$1.03: No. 4 hard. MVfrOJWv No. 3
i prlng. 11.06.
C(inN-N. t 43c; No. 3. 4SVe: No. 4.
V,c; no grade 4ta44c; No. 2 yellow, 46c:
; ft. 3 yelluw. 4tVic; No. 1 white, 4Sc. No. 8
' OATS No. S mixed, 30c: No. 3 mixed,
J 4o; No. 4 mixed. !i9e; No. 2 white, 31c;
J U Khito. 301c; No. 4 white, 29Vic; stand
a I, J04e.
' . Carlo! Hecelpts.
Wheat. Corn. Oatr.
t'hlcago El $70 469
Kansas City 77 73
.Vllnncspnlla 474 .... , ...
Iniluth .,..,.....'. -a ... . ...
fit I.iMila . Mi 1 k'l
Umaha '. 21 191 22
( Mlaaeanolla Wheat Market.
' ;. The racge eT uuld Irt Minneapolis a
ITrniirteV! ne TUP ks rdi.U aua t'nmrnv.
'110-111 Board of Trade, was: "
r fc. i ! . i i ,
r Artlulcs.l Open.; High , Low, Close. Sat'y.
: 'July...
Hi pt .,
1 09
1 OA
1 09 1 07m 1 09 1 08
lOd 1 04 II 0SVB I 05
. SSUI 7Vil S1B 7'4
'4gaotatloBS af tha Day Varieas
t omniodlt les.
NBW " TORY, March 13.-FLOUR-Re-rclpts,
21,052 bbls.; exports, 1.064 bbls.; mr
. ket quiet and easy: Minncgoa patents, 15.84
Ai.20: bakers, 4.1m64.M); winter patents,
.'i;.4(w?r:.7&; straights. 45.1W&.20; extras, il.66Cr
' 4..'t; low grades. I.1.45ift4.10. Rye flour, quiet
ffslr In good, I4.;ici4.(i); clioive to fancy,
a4.7M4.9n. Muckwhest flour inactive at
. 4 'ORNMKAI Steady; flne white, II.J0;
coarse, new, ll.104il.12; ktln-drled, U04is.l0.
H Y K Nominal ; We.
. BARLKY-Duli; fowling, 44Hc c. I. f.
, New York; malting, 4&2c c. I. f. Buffalo.
r WHEAT Reclpls, 9h0 tu.; exiwrts, tl,7Z7
bu.; spot market steady: No. 2 red, nom
inal, elevator; No. 1 red, 11.17V f. o. b.
afloat; No. 1 northern. Uuhith, U.22 f. o.
b. afloat : No. 1 hard. Manitoba, 11.10 f.
o. b. afloat. Immediately following a
'higher start, due to low temperatures west
i and covering, wheat options weakened on
mi bad break in May at Chicago, It rallied
and was Irregular for a time, eventually
turning strong on heavy covering of shorts,
-tha strength In corn and bull sup
port. The close showed tsfjHo net advance
at 11.114: July. 95V&97V. closed at 7Hc;
September. K6'6.9V closed at 89c.
CORN Receipts, 172,000 bu. ; exports, M2,
124 bu. ; spot market nrm: No. 2, 69c, ele-
' vstor, and MV f. o. b. afloat; No. I yel
low, S6c; No. 2 white, He. Option market
waa steady from start to finish, tha In
fluences being small world's shipment,
nrm cables, outalde, buying and but) senti
ment. Last prices were ln'B'V net lower:
May, MIK!tr&5c. closed at Uc; July, 64 WO
644e, closeil at 54
OATS Receipts. 71,500 hu. : exports, 186.
000 bu.; snot market unlet: mixed, 3 to XI
IKiiinus, ST'WMjc; natural white, SO to SI
pounds, 3tiiivlc; clipped, 3tt to 40 pounds,
0tj4lo. Options nominal.
HAY-Quiet: shipping. 6W76c; good to
ili.i.-eL. 8Mt2H.ri ,
lIOIsrV-gulet: paplflc coast, 1904, STittSOc:
103. olds, UK 18c.
HIDKH-gulet: Oslveston. 20 to 15 lbs.
18c: California. 21 to lo.. 19c; Texas dry.
:4 lo 30 lbs.. lirc.
I.KATHKR-rVmi acid. 24.
'ROVI8IONb-H.f. ateady; family. tUOO
flU.IO; mess. tn.UnqD.&O; bevf hums, I23.&0;
packet. 111.0 01-J t); city, extra India moss,
, HOAnrUto. t"t meats, steady; pickled bel
: lies. I7.0ntt1.60; pickled shouldera, .V4Ot.a0;
pickled hsms, li6"iWK.7r, Ird barely steady :
western stnimel, 7.20 refined quiet; com
. pound.; continent, 17.26; South
America. 17.76. . l-'ork. quiet; family, 114.60
4h.l6.Oi; abort clear, 113.0tKhyl5.3S; mess, iu.00
Mi U.Rfl. '.
nici;guiet ; domestic, fair to extra,
mtii'i'f-Japan, nominal.
TALI.QW.-Uun: rlty, 4&,C; country ift
4Te. - -
lilTTKR-rirm: street price., lra
creKinery. aani;. tirtliUl prices, oreum
ery. I'omiiion In extra, i'misc; creamery,
held, common to exirH,"20f)25c; state dairy,
"""iimn lo fxtra, I'iHc; renovated, com
mon to xtra. 18;Je; western factory, com
mon to .extra. lhfii'JJt; western Imitation
creamery, f omrnun to extra. j.4c.
CHKK81C Stiong; state full creum, small,
.colored and white fancy. J4c; stal fin.
l'c; stale lalo nunle, colored and white,
poor to choice. lOHfalSe; sute lnrge. colored
and while fancy, i$c; state Hue, 1MUci
state late mailr, colored and white, poor to
choice. 1047 Vjt: '
K.OOB - Weak, western firsts, 22c; western
aecotid". '.'li;lWr.
, I1l I.TR V-Allve. nominal: dressed,
steady; western chickens. 13Moi fowls, 18c;
turkeys. IMl Oc .
" I 1 1 1 1 k.u it I v at fl
NKW ViRK. March IS The vtslMa s
. ... n - ,w ,t , , c. , ,i, if, n v
Piled y the New York Produce exih
is r juiiovp. ,, ,4i.t4.0iO bu., t decrease of 471
........ A 4,: A A .... ... I . . .
mis, ib,i.i.wi. a iirerriiFS ui lf,ml.
Rve. I.CirlS.oCO bu.. a decrease of 6.ilnft.
Hulls) , ,4Ci,0J bu., u decrease uf 177,000.
T'KOHIA. 111.. Mnrcii 15.-CORN-Hlgher;
No. t yellow, 47c: No. I yellow, 47c; No. 4
yellow. 4ik-; no grails. 44V-.
i.VT 8toti; No. I whits. 3Hl31Vo;
No. 4 whit. hiil'4 ' .
Italatat 4.raia Market.
DirLlTll. March n WIIKAT-To sr
llce; N't) I norihern. Hot!', tin track: No.
-..'.. X - ' -
i northern, 11 W; No. a northern, II 0h'4t
H; Jav, tl-arv. Jl-. ll.S: eeplember,
OAT8 To arrive and on track, c
Peatarea at tk TraJlag trlaslag
Prices Baaral af Trade.'
CHICAOO, Marrh 18.-Kxcellent cash
demand In tha northwest caused a strong
close In the wheat market here today.
Mar being tip IHc and July. IHc May
corn Is up 1(j1V4jc Oats show a gain of
Ho. Provisions are practically unchanged.
Kxtrema nervousness marked trading In
the wheat pit at the opening. Mav was
2So lower to c higher at l.1.12- and
July waa a shade to VSc higher at lVk
Mc. Tha wide fluctuations In May were
due to a rumor that the Illinois Ware
house commission would declare No. 2
Oregon red wheat to be deliverable on
contracts here, l'neertalnty aa to tha renl
position of the Wall street crowd In the
May deal also had much to do with the
unsettled feeling. Actual trading In the
May option, however, was of small vol
ants, atop loss orders being the principal
feature. The July delivery showed con
siderable firmness, a decreased movement
in tha northwest being mainly responsible
for tha comparative strength of that
option. On the sharp break In May shorts
covered moderately and the price soon re
gained a large part of the Initial loss. The
Best demand, however, waa for July. As
trading progressed the demand became
mora urgent, resulting In decided strength.
Reports from Minneapolis of large sales
of cash wheat hsd a stimulating effect
nn apeculative trading here. Primary re
ceipts also were small. May advanced to
ll.ll4 and July to asWc. Tha market
closed almost at the highest point of the
day with May at ti ll and July at 93f04tac..
Clearances of wheat and flour were equal
to 27.100 bushels. The amount on passage
increased 2,118,000 bushels and the visible
supply decreased 471.0OO bushels. Primary
receipts were 858,600 bushels compared with
.. 000 bushels a year ago. Minneapolis.
Duiuth and Chicago reported receipts of
618 cars against 664 cars laat week and 641
cars a year ago.
From atart to finish the corn market
waa active and strong. A feature of trad
ing waa heavy purchases by the leader
of the bull crowd. Large clearances, light
acceptances from the country and higher
cablea were factors contributing to the
strength. May opened WS'Hc higher at
4x4thmS4jc, sold up to 40Hc and closed at
4SKaH9Vc. Local reoelpta were 870 cars with
t cars of contract grade.
Strength of corn waa tha main factor In
tha oats market. A heavy tone prevailed
at the start as tha result of liberal local
receipts, but with tha bulge In corn, the
market became quite strong. Shorts were
tha best buyers. Helling was aeattered.
May -opened unchanged to Hc'nlKher at
81W&31SC, sold between SlSWc and 3Pc
and nosed at S11c. Local receipts were
4N8 cars. '
Provisions were a trifle easier early, but
later regained the loss In sympathy with
strength of grains. The volume of busi
ness was small, there being scarcely
enough trading in lard and ribs to estab
lish quotations. At the close May pork
was up t4c at 112.65. ' 1-ard waa un
changed at M.V7V4. Ribs were up a shade
at Ki.wycK.S2V4.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
AO cars; corn, 408 cars; oats, 29a cars; hogs,
27,000 head.
Leading futures rangeC as follows:
Articles ! Open. I High. Low. Close. gat'y.
May July
Mar. Msy
May July
May July
May July
f.OsWl l.W'iVl.09 I 1.18 ( Ml,
4VfcH4l 49Vi 48'4!iq'49V, . 48
48UV 4(W,. 48S4mv3", H
4'if'4li!illl 48l49i,'(yJ
..I I I
31 Vt
81 'Si
12.52V41 12.66
12.87V.I 12.72W
291 29,
31 H
6.97 V,
6. 80
12.65 I 12.62
12.72HI 12.70
' 6..MV.1
'. s.7V4i
No. 2.
Cash quotations were aa follows:
FLOUR Steady; winter patetits, ts.00i95.10;
straights, A.VJa, spring patents, tn.OOO
6.40; straights. 14. 403 4.90; bakers, I2.4-KU3.7J.
WHEAT No. I spring. fl.ft Mlfe; No. 3,
$1.03ei.l0; No. 2 red, tl.11trl.lMa.
CORN-No. 2, 47Vic; No. 2 yellow, 48c.
OATS No. 2, 32$l32Vi No. 2 white, 22V46
33c; No. 8 white, 31 Vi-lfUiiViC. ., .
RYIC-No.. I, imikito. ..
BARLKY-Oood feeding, 3840c; fair to
choice malting. 43-47o.
HKEDH No. 1 flax, 81.26: No. 1 northwest
ern, I1.38H. Clover, coiitnacfc grade. 812.86.
. PROV1HIONB-Ws. pivft,per bbl 113,30
r12.66. lArd. per 100 lbs., tti.82.86. Short
ribs sides (loose),' ti.6,!6.76. Short clar
sides I boxed , tf.76f.87'4. 1
Articles. . "",' j:-, ....... Receinta, Shipments.
Flour, bbla .....ij . '20.600 ,2ii0
Wheat, bu. 21,000 13.0OO
Corn, bu.' 6A7.JOO , 19S.20O
Oats, bu. 429,200 ' H2.2O0
Rye. bu 8,100 . 29.nO0
Barley, bu 73,000 - 13,700
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market was steady; creamery, 20fF24c;
dairy. 18tfr28c. Kggs, easy, at mark, cases
Included, 17gi17Hc; firsts. 17V4c; prime firsts,
18c; extras, 19c. Cheese, firm; 12&13!4c.
t. Loafs Grain) aaar Provisions,
ST. LOCIS, March IS. WHEAT Higher;
No, 2 red cash, elevator, tl.06'4; track. 11.13;
May, tl.06'4: July, 87c; No. 2 hard, 81.08. '
CORN Higher: No. 2 cash, 47e; track,
48fi'49c; May, ,47t47'ic; July. 47Vc
OATS Easy; No. 2 cash, 31e; track,
S3c: Mav 34c: No. 2 white. 3314ift34c.
FIjOI'R Steady; red winter patents, tn.lj
4hG.40; extra fancy and straights, 84.76tiM.90;
clear, 84.26-84.60.
SEElv-Timothy, ateady, tS.OOtg.M.
cnRNMEAlz-Stearfv, 12.50.
BRAN Cm II. sacked, east track, 6.1&Roe.
HAY-Steady; lln.f,thy. 86.006 12.60; prairie,
88.00 10.00.
PROVISIONS Pork. higher; Jobbing,
112.06. Lard, unchanged: prime steam, 16.60.
I)ry salt meats, ateady; boxed, extra shorts,
8.8714: clear ribs, 18.87H; short clear, $7.12y
Bacon, ateady; boxed, extra shorts, 17.60;
clear rib. 17.60; short clear, t7.8714.
POI'LTRY chicksns. wi-iKtr; chickens
and springs. 1114c; turkeys, H5il6c; ducks,
18c; ceese, 7c
Bt'TTER Dull; creamery, 28aoc; dairy.
EGGS Ijower gt 16c. cade count.
Recelpis. Shipments.
Flour, bbla t.ono 8.000
Wheat, bu 6ft. on) 4n,ono
Corn, bit v 61.000 4S.ono
Qats, bu. ,L,.;. 84,0t , . 44,000
Kaasas CI4y brain and Provisions.
May, 86V; July. 1V: cash. No. t hard,
11.0U41.02; - No, 8 hsrd. 94crtl.AO: No. 4
hard, 85 9814c; No. 2 red. 1.n2'JW.04; No. 2
red. 96eig8101; No. 4 red. 66fi9fie.
t:ORN-May. 45Te: July, 45?tM6c: cash.
No. 2 mixed, 46Uift46c; No. 3 mixed, 45V0
46c; No. 3 white. 4fil6ic; No, 3 white.
46f4c. - -
OAT8-N0. 2 whlta. 3WJ33i4c; No. 2 mixed.
HAY Steady : choice timothy, O.SO01O.OO;
Choice prnlrte, 7.7M.V
RYrV-Steady. t;4i7e.
EOOS txwer: Missouri and Kansas, new
No. 3 whltewood cases included, 1614c; case1
count. 15ci rases returned, He less.
BUTTER Creamery, 2226o; dairy, pack
ing, 18c.
''. Receipts. Bhlpments.
Corn, bn....s..... H1.H)0 22.4110
Wheat, bu 94.01 35,Jtio
Oata, bu.. U.00O ' 1,000
Philadelphia Prndece Market.
higher; extra western' creamery, 2714
f2Rc: extra nearby prima, av,
. EUdStvtc lower; nearby fresh and west
ern fresh. 19c. at mark.
CHIpKriE Klrm J New York full creams,
fancy, 1SH!4r; New York full creams,
choice. 13Wc; New Yuri fpU creams, fslr
to good. liMrliKc..-, v . '
Mianeapolla Grata Market.
11.00; July.; September. SSV.c;
No. 1 hard. 11.13V. No. 1 northern, 11. 10';
No. I northern, tl.WH.
KLOCH Steady; ftrat patents, 16 stunt 00;
second patenta. 1&.70V.V90; first clears, 14 IdiUi
4 36; second clears, 12tfla.7o.
BRAN In bulk, ll.'5.
I.lvernool Ciala Market.
nominal; futures, steady: March, nominal;
Mnv. sHd; July. 6s 9id.
CORN Kol. steady; . American mixed,
new. 4sHSo; American mixed, old. 4s lid.
Futures, firm; Ms roll, 4s3td; May. 4s td.
Oils an4Rasisu
NEW TORK. March 13.-OIL8-Cotlnn
aeed, ateady: prime crude, nominal; prime
yellow, 24V4)Jbc, Petroleum, steady: re
fined New York, 17.26. Tnrpentlmv 64Swr.Sc.
8AVANNAII. Oa., March 13,-Tl'RPKN-TINK
Klnn: 6114c.
KOMI N-e Finn; A. B. C. tS.r.". D, 12 82:
K. IX87S4: f, t.'9214: . 11 87W: If . 13.60; I,
wi' il : M i V' 6: V'' ,6 00i
4IL t:jTT. Pa.. Marrh. . U.-OIL Credit
balaaca. 81 88; ceriineatas, no bid. Ship
meiua. 1.18. bbls.; average, 78.132 bhls.;
uns. 95.874 bbls.: average, it,, IK bhls. Hhlp
menta, Lima. 112,678 htjls. : average. s 4M
b)lH : runs, Urns, lll.7k9 bbla.; average, Ui.
SOkblav , . .
Market Optoi Higher and Hear and Profit
Taking Ernies.
laelastrlal aad Business Oatloak Csa.
tlaaes (iao4. However, mm
Heady Rise at Valaes
NEW YORK. March 13.-Tha whipping
up of the stock market on BaiUiuay
aroused abutment expectationa of a further
rme today. 1 ho opening course of prices
was in accordance with this expectation.
Too heavy sei.lng to tske pronts which
met tms rise wss strictly accoroing to
tabllsned precedent. It was the suutequeat
tendency of the market lor which expert
encea operators wstched with keen atten
tion to estimate the tone. This later ten
dency connrmed the persisting strength
whicn underlies the stock market and of
fered a tresh surprise lo the absorptive
power nf the speculation and the unlim
ited confidence with which buying follows
prices to higher flights.
The umial weekly reviews of trafflo con
ditions by railroad officials served aa
atrong corroboration of the confidence
which Is felt In business conditions. A
very free movement of all grades of trsfflo.
and especlslly of steel and iron products
and of higher grades of merchandise, were
marked features of the movement and were
died aa ground for the faith expressed by
railroad officials of very prosperous con
ditions for an Indefinite period. Improved
weather conditions are helping out the
operating departments and facilitating the
movement of freight, although the car atip
ply la still insufficient to accommodate atlof
the business offered. Large raliroad earn
ings are to be looked for In consequence
In the showing of expected Incoming re
ports. The determined ease of the money market
la the most important fostering influence
on the speculation. The heavy volume of
bank clearings, which witnessed the trade
activity In the country; continued pur
chases of Dew railroad bond Issues by
banking houses and the active demand for
money for speculation are without any Im
pression on ths money market. The coun
try's domestlo export for February showed
a growth In corn exports sufficient to over
come the falling off In wheat and flour,
leaving the low price of cotton alone re
sponsible for the decline from last year'a
level. The very large diversion of this
port traffic to gulf ports whs also a feature
of the report which was calculated to help
on the strength of the southwestern rail
roads. The speculation still reflected the
force of the supposition adopted last week
that a policy of more liberal dividend dis
bursements on subsidiary railroad storks
dominated by great systems Is In contem
plation. The buoyancy In the Vandcrbllt and
Pennsylvania groups was a direct outcome
of this conjectural development. Buying of
stocks for foreign account was a helpful
factor, although early advices were- lens
sanguine of the approach of peace than
was the case lait week. Intimations of a
more hopeful tenor on this subject Were
not generally known in the latter reac
tionary temper of the market. The confi
dence engendered by the strong elements In
the general business and financial situation
are undoubtedly the sustaining factors In
the market and the ground for the disre
gard by the speculative element of the
constant exhortation toward caution and
toward restriction of buying which cornea
from a large element of conservative com
mission houses In the Wall street district.
Warninga of thla character, based on the
groat rise which haa already occurred in
stocks and the present high level of prices,
seem to have little force In face Of the un
clouded prospect for business and Indus
trial activity. Frequent digestion of profits
by the board room operators Is the most
notable effect of the cautionary advice
plentiful In the street. The profit taking,
which was constant today, made a coiusid
erable Inroad on the market during the
afternoon and the subsequent rally did' not
recover all that was yielded, but the clos
ing was generally strong and active.
Bonds were firm: total sales, par value,
tS.106.000. Cnlted States bonds were all un
changed on call.
Following were the sales and range of
prices on the Stock exchange todsv:
available cash balance, 1141,664.211; gold.
Hew York Matter Market.
call, steadv at 7SW8 per cent: closing bid,
tvt per cent; offeredV at 2 per cent; time
loans, very easy; sixty dava, t per cent;
ninety days, per cent; sis months. IV
per cent.
actual business In ankers' bills st M.80769
4.SR80 for demand and at' 4804 4R- for
alxty-dav Wile; posted rates. I4.B6H4J4.I7H;
commercial bllla, HS.
SILVER Bar. 66c; Mexican dollars. 4Wo.
BONDS Government, steady; railroad,
C losing- prices on bonds were.'
t. a. ref. Is. n....lOt Jil to. Mrs lOi
eospos 104HU N. asl. 4a IMH
4e la. r 14 Msshsttaa . g. 4s...loH
reupon 14t4 Mm. CMtral 4s TS
4 S 4S, rag t4 ! 1st ine M
da eessee Ult "Mlris. M. I MS
4s I4 4s rae 1M M-. K. A T. 4s W"
as ol4 4a. wraven. .Vi as ta
Am. Totnece 4s, rtrs. Tt H. M. K. e M. e. 4s. 1S
is. ctfa 1I74 N. Y. C. g. 1HS 10M
AtFhUnn sm. 4s 104 N. J. C s. It
n Ms. psrin .
leiV 4 '4
PHI N. W e. 4s. V
KtiO. 8. I,, rfdf 4s.. V7S
lit Peas. rosv. 4 1M
n rtialns 4.,....ifiT
So aU.
Atlsstlo C. L 4a.
Bsl. Okls 4s...
Central ef 4s. li
te 1st lac
to M Inr.,
St at, b I. M. e. . ll
rksa. A Ohio 4t....li4 '. u a. r. f(. 4a. nv
Cklcase A. 1.... MS St. L. 8. W. 4a.....
i. B. 4). a. 4S....1W) Sssbesra A. U it..
C, It. I. A T. 4a.... U14 to. rsHSc 4s
se eel. Is WH to. gsllwajr (s..,u
rcc. st. L. t. ..mHTun av r. u ...
rhlwts Tr. 4s. n T.. at. b a W. 4s
Catenae SI4. 4i It .I'slee rtelse 4s....
Dale. s a. 4s SU1 ts cenr. 4
Cabs Is. etts. Is V. 9. 8t4 14 Is.
D. A . O, 4B 1
Dletllleni' . Is.... nit
Erie prior M.S 4s. ...11
4a ts. 4f,
r. W. A !. C. I. ...lio
UtKklni Vtl. 4S UI
Bid. OfIered..
Wabasa Is
4 4k. a
Wsalatn Mi. 4s..
W. A 1 B. 4s...
Wis Central 4s . .
Boston Iteek Market.
B08TON, March It. -Cell loans, K3l4 P'f
cent; time loans. 8Q4H per cent. Offlclal
closing on stocks and bonds
Atrkleoa ad). 4s H
to 4a t.ivt
Max. Camtal 4s Tt
do alt I'M
Rostoa A AI1tsnt....lM
Boat on A Malna 144
Koatnn Rlevated 1M
ritchburs pfd 14!t4
Meilcaa Central . ....
N. T., N. H. ft H....FT ..
Pera Marsuatla ' l -
t'nlon PaclAo .......
Itmr. Arga. Cbatn . II
do Btd M
Amar. Pnau, Tabs. in - 44
A mar. Sugar last
do Bid
Amar. T. T J44 ,
Amar. Woolan
do pfd ........... : 10614
Pnmlnlon I. aV 8 ft Parrot ...
Edison Elec. Ilia.,..,:?!
Oenaral Klar4rl IN
Mass. Blectrlo V..:. II -
do prd .....
Mass. Osa .' tH
I'nltad rrult ..Ill
United Shoe Mack....
do pfd .............. liH
V. B. Steel. ........ ...Mi,
do pfd .....,.,.. t
Bid. Asked. J. -i
Wasting common ..
Adventure .-
Aoiarlras XlBC
Atlantis .t
Cel. A Hacla...
Centennial ...
Copper Range
Dominion Coal
lala Rorala
Mees. Minleg
Moot. C. C
Old Domlnlss ......
Shannon .......
V. a. Mlnlnf..
U. 8. Oil.
Victoria .......
Winona ..4...
.. J144
-. II
... II
.. ti4
... a
.. its
... 8114
... 1
.. 7J
.. 114
.. 2
.. 1IH
.. ie4
.. 54.
.. I'!
.. ft
.. U
. m
... 1441
Colsola, sassay ....... tlV'N, Y. C antral,
do arreust ..... II M.ll Norfell
do pfd
Atlantic Const Line.
Baltimore A Ohio...
do pfd
Canadian Pacific ....
Central of N. J
Chesapeake Ohio,
Chicago & Alton..,.
no pfd
14.800 2 014 SJVi
1.400 i3?4 10H4 HKtt
4.400 144 14.1 142U
203 20; ,sm4
1 100
a 11 14-4
1'4 iioh lioit
74 74 9T
1'4 "7
An aeon da
do prd
Baltimore A Ohio
Canadian Padfla .
C'h. A Ohio I)
Chlcaso (H. W ....... 8441
C, M. e P..-..1H
PaBoari 1IS4
Denrar 8V R. Q. 1... 14 .
do prd '..V MV
Krla .................. 4K
do lat pfd..,....,. H
no Id pfd.. ....... MS
Illinois rVmral IShU
bauli. 6V Nath..r...l4l4
M., K. T... JJ14
orfolk W.
London Stack Market.'
LONDON, March 13.Cloing tjuotations
rn stocks and bonds:
... MS
... 74
..1 mn
... tn
... 47
usi ..... wi la-.airiorrois at
i ., 4 'dn pM
16 ..jOaterte A
.U4'!Rand Mlnaa ..
.UJvJ sln
ao in pre.
Be" ?d pM.
8a. Rallwar 7H
do pfd
so.- pioino ...
cnldn Pacific
o pfd ...
L'. B. Btael...
do pfd.....
do pfd , . . ,
spantih 4
.... 7it
.... 14
.... 47'a
S1LVKR Par. steady,, 27S-16d per ounce.
MUNisi-iik per cant. .
The rate or discount In the open market
for short bills Is VifrTi per cent; for three
months' bills, l452-per cent. '
New York Mining; looks.
NBW YORK. March 13.-The following
are the closing quotations on mining stocks:
Adams css
Brunswick Con ....
Cnmatouk Tunnal .
ton. (a I. A Vs.....
Horn Sllrar
Iron Bllrar
Laadrllla cos
.. 34
.. II
.. 4
.. I
Uitla Cbiaf...
Sierra Nerada
Small Hopes ..
... I
... t
... 14
... 17
... 40
... it
Chicago Ot. Western, 25.3nO
ChiCHgo c N. W
C, M. A St. P
Chi. Term. V T. pfd
C. C. C. A St. L
Colo. & Southern
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
Delaware & Hudson
D. . I & W
Denver A RioOraude
do pfd ,..
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
Hocking Valley
do pfd
Illinois Central
Iowa Central
do pfd
K. C. Southern
do pfd
Louis. A Nashville...
Manhattan L
Met. Securities
Met. St. Ry
Mexican Central ....
Minn. A St. L
M.. St. P. A 8.
do pfd
Missouri Pacific .
M., K. & T.......
do pfd
N. R. R. of Mex,
N. Y. Central
N. Y.. O. A W
Norfolk A Western
do pfd
P.. C. C. A St. L...
de 1st pfd
do id pfd .(
Rock Island Co
do pfd
St. L. A S. F. -d pfd,
St. louls S. W
do pfd
Southern Pacific
do pfd
Southern Railway .,
do pfd ,
Texas A Pacific ,
T.. St. L. A W
do pfd
I'nlon Pacific
do pfd
Wa bash
do pfd
W. A L. E
Wlaeonaln Central .,
do pfd
Adams Ex
American Ex
I'nlted States Kg...,
Wells-Fargo Ex
Amal. Copper
Am. Car A Foundry,
do pfd
Am. Cotton Oil
do pfd
Am. lee
do pfd
Am. Linseed Oil
do pfd ,
Am. Ixicomotlve ....
do pfd
l 'A
1.100 375
2.S00 ;;
4, MO
2f O , 80
400 . 8'4
ios' '.
U.JtlO 14AH 14.1 144
ii" li- lit J71
7.000 S6-H 8.1
4 Stirt 12314 12
42,400 2 . 264
i0 61 0
400 118 117K
13'4 1ti2'i
ino 1007I
S2'4 32T4
67 C8i
pfd 200 414 414 41U
,.108.700 ia unu mi
.. 87.6O0 57i M' (87,
.. SO.fiOO 8814 87 87'2
..211.500 147 144 147H
400 87V 844. 8KU.
103.100 09V 88 96V
600 84 M
400 81 81 9nil
22.S'0 38 J614 35IZ
l.tVtO 80V 801,4 80.
1.8frt 714 7K 71
1.110 3V W 2HU
47.800 7lS 70 ' 704
400 118TJ H8U J1K14
58.400 ' 8tT aU t
1.000 844 9014 '
26.700 41 ' 40
600 3fii 38 364,
1 BStJ 634 531J
117.300 13574 134 W4J
800 101) 100 88
4(4) 234 ffl'i 234
S.710 47U 4tr 46V
1.200 14 1! 19
J.fltiO 2R 34V 244
1.400 64 63V4 53V
134 132 132
57.700 US 80S t
ao aW4 :w 3d
2.OM0 8tJ 9514 W
200 3i 854
600 39', 364 3814
4 -
J I 74
44 41 43
44 44'4 44
115 114
98 vt , mi
6 ai
Am. Smelt. A Refng. 12,:kio
. do l"d 700 12?H 122U 12ii "
Am. Sugar Refng.... I4.a 14o, 14f,U i4f,i,2
Am. Ttibacco nfd ctf 1 Win
Anaconoa M. i'o.
Brooklyn It. T.
Colo. Fuel & Iron....
CoiiHOlldated Uaa ...
Corn Products
. do pfd ..
Distillers' Securities..
1 .mural Fleet ric
International Paper..
do pfd
International pump..
do ufd
National I-ead ,
j North American .....
Paiinc Mull
People's Oas
Pressed Steel Car
do pfd
Pullman Pslace Oar.
Republic Btee
do pfd
Rubtter Goods
do pfd
Tenn. Coal A Iron...
O. S. Leather ,.,
do pfd
I. 8. Realty
lT. 8. Rubber
do pfd
V. H. Bteel
do pfd
Va.-t'itmllna t'hem..
do nfd
Weatlughouse Klec.
Western I'nlon
' K
8 ino
400 244
9)10 80
78 - 744- '74
82 '
NO 4
81 U
4rt T
1. no
2. BK)
66.61 4)
19V 19V
7tiH - "'4
26H 26V
I"TI iw, Jli.
V k44 tHW
a' tw
in 11214
37V !S1'4
97 ISiU
1V 11'.
u:"t )8'i
84U 4'4
Total sales for the day, 1.633.000 shares.
41 Vi
Treaaary Mlatentrnl.
WASHINGTON. Msreh 1S.-Tody's aute
meal of the trvasur.r balances in the gen
eral fund, exclusive of Ilia tl6tljs).0u0 gold
rccsrva Ui the divinlon of redeiuptlon, itioaq
OMAHA. March 13.--Bank clearings today
were ll.6V2.900.83. The clearings for tha
corresponding day of. 1904 were 11,318,175.66,
Condition o Trade and Qnotatloaa en
Staple and Fancy Prodsre,
F.OGS Receipts increasing, candled stock.
LIVE POULTRY Hens, 10e; young rooa
ters, according ? site, 80 to 10c; old roos
ters. 6H4c; turkeys, lac; ducks, 10c.
BUTTER Packing stock, 164317c; choice
to fancy dairy, 31$T2oc; creamery,' JUHIpMc;
prints, 26c.
FRKSH FROZEN FISH Trout, 8c: pick,
erel, 64c; pike, Vtc; perch, 8c; bluensh, 11c;
whiteiisn, jc; BH..,.jl., Do. leiJsnapper, ltlc
halibut. t- cmpple. lie; miffalo. lo; whit
bass, He; herring. 6c; Spanish mackerel, 11c.
Frog lega, per dos., 40o.
HAY- Prices quoted tiy Omaha Wholesalt
Hav Dealers' association: -Choice No. I up
land, 87.00; No. 3, 86.60; medium, 6(1.00; coarse,
15.60. Ryo straw, 86.60. These prices aid
for hay of goctt inlor snd quality.
BRAN Per ton, tit. 68.
OYSTERS New York counts, per can,
45e; extra "elects, per can. 86c; standards,
per can. 80c. Bulk; Standards, per gal.,
tl 40; extra selects, per gal., $1.; New
York counts, per gal., 11.80.
ORANGES Calif rala. esira fancy Bed.
land navela, all flies. 12.40; finny navels.
1125; choice navels, large si sea 80. a, 1U
LEMONS-Callfornla. fsncy. t2.T0; 80k anil
360. 63.25; (holes, 270, tOO. 880, 3.lO.
DATKS-I'er pox of 30-lb. pkga.. IXOO;
Hallowee. In 70-lb. boxes, per lb.. 4V46c-
FIOS California, par lo-ib. cartur, a
16c: imported Smyrna. 4-crown, 10c 1 6 and
6-erown, ltc; fancy, imported (washed), 10
Mb. pkgs.. 16We.
BANANAS per msdlum-stsed buooh, tL74
02 26: jumbos. 82.6O4M.00.
GRAPKFRUIT Per box of 61 to 64. 16.00.
APPLES-Naw Vera nlnga, 112:: New
York Greenings, 83 00; New York Baldwins,
13.00; Colorado Wineaapa, per bu. box, tl.ttf;
Pippins. 11.66.
uhaplo - imported aialagaa, per kef,
TANGERINES California, par H bos,
CRANBERRIES Wlaeonaln Ball and Bu
gle, per bljl., .U0; Jeai, par obi., ItW;
per box. 42.76.
POTATOES Home grown. In Backs, per
bu., 46c; Colorado, per bu.. 60c.
TURNIPsi Old, per bu.. 40c: Canada rut
abagaa, per lb., lc; new, per dos., 11.00.
'i. , .j-uio, pr bu., 4ov, nw, par
dor , 76c.
hARsMPS-Old, per bu.. 40o.
BEANS-Navy, per bu., U IO.
ONIONS Home grown, red. Irt aacka, per
lb.. 2c; SpaniJh, par cra'.a. 82.50; Colorado
yellow, per lb., 2c; Bermuda onions, per
crate. J2.76; new southern, per dos., 46c.
i;UCl.MHKHtl-Per dos.. tl.7MtTit.0U.
TOM ATOES Florida, par 6-uasket crate.
CAULIFLOWER - California, per crala,
CABBAGE Holland seed, per lb., lUe.
8WKKT POTATOK8 Ke nsaa kiln dried,
per hbl.. r2.60.
CELERY-Callfornla, t9r76e.
RADISHES Hot house, per dos., 4Ke.
LETTUCE pfr boxv pf about fid son
heads, sue.
RHCBARB-Per dos. bunches. 7Sc4H1.08l
PARSLEY per doc bunches. 7ic
CIIEKSE Wisconsin twins, full cream,
11c; Wisconsin Young America, 14c; block
SwUs, new, 16c; old. l417c; Wisconsin
ovirk 15c; Wisconsin limourger, 14c.
HIDES No. 1 green. 7c; No. t green. 4c;
No. 1 sailed, lttc: No. 1 salted, 7t4c; No. I
veal calf. fe; No. 2 veal calf. 3c; dry saltsd,
IS 14c; sheep pelta, 26crtl.00; horse hldva,
NUTS Walnuts, No. I soft shells, new
crop, per lb., 15c; hsrd shells, psr lb., lto;
No. 2 soft shells, psr lb , 12c; No. 2 harg
shells, per lb., 12c; Pecans, large, per lb.,
)K'l small, per lb., 10c: peanuts, per lb., 7c;
roasted psanuts. per lb., tc; Chill walnuta.
per lb., 124JI3S4C; almonds, soft shall, per
lb., 17c; hsrd sell, per lb., 15c; chsstnuts,
per lb.. 12V44jUe; new black walnuts, per
bu., T5N0c; ahellbark hickory putt, per bu.,
U.75; large hickory qutg, psr lu. 11. iO.
Coffee Market.
NKW YORK, March 1t.-COrFr:K-Msr-ket
for futures waa dull at unchanged
prices to sn advsnoe of I points, galas
were reported of 46.000 bsgs. Including May
at (.loci July, 8 464?; 60c; September, I Ovi
4.70c; December, t.iiMMllOc; February, f lic.
Spot quiet;. No, 7 Rio, ic
-KlaTln atetier Market.
KIHN. III., March 13 BT'TTER Mar
ks!, lower, at 26c, a eluinp of 8 from lest
week.. Hale In the aisirtet were 40,000
pounUa. .- ' ....
Osttle ; leoaipu Qtiil xLibtrl it 'All
Poinu and Prioet Wtk. ' "'
4ansnwaaannwa '
Aodlve Dernaad for Desirable tirades
af aeep al Fnlly Stead r Frleea,
ant Lasses Were Kataer
Slew with Feeling Weak.
SOUTH OMAHA. March It. 1806.
Receipts were: Csltle. Hogs. Sheen,
Official Monday J.tW) 8 1J.6M
Same day last week 4 .608 4 " U 580
Same day week before... t.264 8.782 4.747
Same three weeks ago.... 4.138 7.810 11148
Same four weeks ago.... 688 1.198 3 Rl
Same dav laat year 4.260 4.861 7.79
Tha following table shows the recelptB of
cattle, hoga aad sheep at South Omaha for
the year to date, with comparlaon with
last yean
... MOB. 1804. Inc: tier.
fattle m& 173087 .... 14.482
...4n? 4.1107 26.876 , ....
8hP 818,371 JM.870 .... 85,583
The following table shows .m- oversew
price ef hogs at South Omaha for the last
aeveral days, with comparlaoni: .
.1 1803. 11804. Iln8. Itfajj. 11401. 11900. '148
r"b. 18 .,
EK 17..
Feb. 18..
Feb. .,
r"eb. 11..
"eh. r..
e"eb. t..
Feb. ?4..
Feb. 78..
""eh. 38..
"eb. ?7..
Feb. ..
Mnr. 1..
Mar. 2,.
Mar. 3..
Mar 4..
Mar. 6..
Mar. 8..
Mar 7...
Mar. 8..
Mar. 9..
Mar. 10..
Mar. v..
Mar. ii.
Mar. 13.
4 88141
4 78 I
4 67 I
s 1
I Vl
4 88m
4 TS.I
4 W.I
4 8M4I
4 7SVI
4 7K4
4 88!
4 0 1
4 n'.i
4 77UI
4 80441
4 88 I
4 8844'
4 87HI
4 88 I
4 87V4'
4 85S'
8 081 8 981
8 nil 7 (SI
8 04 8 871
8 Hi 6 811
I 141 8 981
I 4l
8 271 1
8 r?l 8 981
K 191 6 841
6 Jfi 6 811
8 8SI 8 1I
6 8tl 8 eat
( 22J 881
6 14' '
8 n9' 8 fM'
8 121 7 rsi
K 441 7 Oil
5 071 7 121
I J 081
8 19! f 15'
6 18
6 191 7 14'
8 10 7 '25;
5i'i: pni
6 TS! 7 18t
I 7 281
I I If
I 781 I
6 781 8 rl
8 81 6 l
I 881 I 811
I 8tl I ttl
I 6 82'
I 871 I
6 981 8 981
6 88' 881
6 811 6 271
6 90! 6 Ml
or ?. iv
111 I
8 071 6 8?'
6 971 371
8 991 6 351
101 6 371
061 S 381
1 I 411
5 971 !
c on ' tr.'
181 6 411
201 t 4CI
4 781 t 68
I I 13
4 881
4 781 t to
4 741 t 47
4 S9I 9 66
4 8W 8 64
4 t t 83
I 8 t
4 881
4 871 t
I 771
4 si 3 81
4 88' 3 M
4 61 8 67
I I 67
4 741
4 701 8 54
4 71' 3 60
4 721 t as
4 711 t 68
4 73; 3 M
I 9 9
4 78!
4 79 1
'rd'e-tea ,tneW.
The official -number - of -rara of stock
brought In by each road was:
. ' Cnttle.Hoga.Sh''ees.
C M. St. P. Ry.... 8 1 ..
Wabash 1 ..
TJ. P. System ........ 81 7 "So 1
CAN. W.' Rv 4 1 ..
C. eV N. W.. west.... 53 JJ " It
C. St.. P.. M. 8V O.. 13 3 2
i?' i west.-... 17 6 t 1
C, R. eV O., east 1 3
C, R. I. A P.. east.. 9 1
C. R. I. A P.. west.. 1
Illinois Central 6 2
Chicago Gt. Western 2
Total receipts 16? 46 56 i
The disposition of the dav'a receipts waa
aa follows, each buyer -purchasing the nilm
ber of head Indicated : 1
. Cattle. Hoga. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co........ 546 S- 040
Bwirt and .'ompany 694 848 S.J04
Cndahy acking Co 617 1.i74 1,338
Armour Co 372 72 1..HA
Vnnsnnt A Co 187
I .ohm an A Co 208 -. ,
Mccreary A Carey 6
Hill A Son 106 .... '
Huston A Co 7
Hamilton 128
I F. Hubs 3
Mike Hnggartjr 15 ..
Sol Degan 25
J. B. Root Aa Co... 187 ..
11. n. nulla .............. la i
Fery Packing o. ' '122
Hoffmen Packing Co t i38 ' ....
8. A S 66
Other buyers 300 .... 967
Total ..: .J528 iM3 7512
CATTLE There waa quite a liberal run
of cattle In sight this morning. Chicago
having 31.000 head, where the market was
quoted lower. Owing to the unfavorable re
ports from other points, together with the
fairly liberal receipts, at this point local
packers were Inclined to be rather bearish
and trading was slow.
The snow storm In this section of the
country rather delayed the arrival -of trains
this morning so that steer buyers were slots'
In starting out, and when they did go into
the yards their bids as a rule were a little
lower. Something that just happened to
suit them mav not have been much of any
lower than the same kinds brought last
week, but the general market can best be
described by calling It rather slow and weak
to a dime lower. It waa late before a clear
ance was made.
The cow market waa alao slow, with the
tendency of prices downward. The same
aa with steers, the choice bunches were
perhsps right around steady with the close
of last week, but the general run of cows
and helferi were weak to a dime lower.
Ruyera seerried to want what was on Bala,
but owing to the break In prices at other
points they felt that they should get their
supplies for less money.
The market on bulls, veal calvaa and
stags was s trifle weak.
There were quite a number of Blockers
and feeders on sale, but the demand for
anything at all good was sufficient to hold
prices fully steady. As high as 14.65 wss
paid for 0 bunch Of choice feeders. The
common and particularly the common light
weight cattle were slow and weak. Rep
resentative aales:
Ha. A. fr. Ne. At. p.
t 419 8 00 II imi 4 49
4 474 4 60 It 1D 4 44
14 HO 4 0 17 ,..IM 4 44
11 tl 4 11 14 111! 4 41 '
1 MI 4 14 41 1101 4 44
1 871 4 11 1 1114 4 is
17 1 10 4 24 14 1111 4 K)
1 Ill 4 V 11 1114 4 f0
II 1134 4 SO 14 i::ll 4 14
14 1041 4 W J4 1217 4 4
44., IftM 4 14 II 15J4 4 70
1 MS 4 la 14 1174 4 70
11 447 4 It 17 11 4 10
17 mi 4 1.1 ii not 4 10
1 1010 4 40 4 1444 4 44
I 1160 4 40 14 1..1SD7 4 M
14 1123 4 40 10 ...I21T 6 09
II 1104 4 40 11 1111 9 Ss
4 , mo 4 40 1 ;.1M0 I 14
II 11TS 4 40
4 7(1 3 U it 1114 4 41
II 464 4 18 14 11W 4 41
4 ...040 4 M II 1444 4 6T
4 44 4 40 11 1334 4 60
1 1044 4 41
11 1031 4 H 0 1544 4 11
I T14 1 N II 1174 1 46
100 I 00 1 444 40
1 44 I 14 10 1004 1 40
3 140 I !S II 1910 I 41
4 141 I Ml 7 128 10
t m I n ii i6i t is
1 no i n 4 net to .
4 Ui I 16 1 Ml I 14
4 1l I 1 1071 I 44
I .400 I 10 1 1044 I 10
I IM I 10 It l:l 1 14
1 KK I 4S 7 1171 I 40
1 440 I 71 14 Ill I U .
1 1044 I 71 1 1121 1 ir.
7 434 I 14 1. MM I M
1 W IM I UK 1 70
1 490 I 40 I UN I 1S
1 00 t 09 1 1140 71
1 1M4 I 00 4 ,.i;ai I II
1 1)10 1 00 I M I 11
1 1000 I 00 I MO 8 II
1 1029 I 44 II 104T 1 40
1 Ml 1 II II 1074 lit,
1 110 I 11 1 1214 10
1 1000 11 II ...1147 I 40
1 1041 I 44 4 1 1ON I 40
1 1129 149 1 !M 4 64
I Ill 8 40 4 741 I 4
I Ill I H 1 470 04
49 8 14 1 144 IM
104 I M 1 44 1 t
1 114 I 4ft 1 NO 74
1 , 744 I 14 4 4X0 I 16
14 441 8 TO I..., 104 1 10
1 T'iO I 45 17 441 111
... 1.14 I 40 4 Ml 4 90
I IM I 40 4 MS 4 44
1 440 I 49 1.... 109 I 41
I Ill 8 00
1 IM IU I ,.lfl I H
1 1114 1 1 1 1104 rl
I...., 710 I 44 1 1110 I W
!.... 1140 I 40 1 1W I IS
4 11U 40 1 14M I II
1 444 1 III
1 100 I II 4 417 I t
I itt I 00 8 144 4 49
1 440 I 14 1 119 I 0V
1 119 I 10 1 40 On
1 174 8 19 1 10 I 00
1 14 I 40 1 140 4 M
144 I 74 ) tOt I 14
t 140 1 19 I 1444 4 49
1 ?J4 I 49 1 144 4 4
1 44 8 44 I 14 I OS
I. ,44 I 4 4 44 49
1 410 I 40
441 I 04 7 144 I 14
1 419- 1 4 1 144 I 74
1 404 I 49 1 140 I 1
1 444 I 4S 1 M II
8 494 I 44 I4S 714 I 44
1 444 IH 41 4l 99
1 40 I n 14 74 I 14
4a4 I 14 II 44 I 40
1 47 I 4 ,1 l.t I H
t H 18 17 v m IM
41 rt I 44 6 4 4
4 M IS 1 114 I 49
1 974 I 4 1 4?4 4 04
t 84 I IS I Ine 4 14
1 174 I 44 It 47 9 19
It ri I 44 4..., 4M 4 19
1 114 I 99 84 971 4 49
8 1 14 4 471 4 74
1. ....... ..A. tt 1 44 4 44 4 4
17. ..,t 441 I 71 .11 1141 4 11
HOQS Tliaee waa a moderate run ef
hoga here toeay even for a Monday, but
Chicago waa quoted dull and 6c tower, so
that piioee eased off here also. Trading
waa rather alow et the decline, aa packers
oia not teas noia witn any lire, ani r
sldea that salesman as a rule were asking
a little more money thsn peckers would
give. The hoga, though, kepi moving to
ward the sos lee, so thst It waa not long
before tha bulk of the offerings waa dis
posed ot. There ware a goo) manv light
weights Included In the receipts and that
makes the market sppear worse on paper
aa coti pared with Saturday than It really
la. The lighter weights went largely from
84.60 down, butchers and mixed 84.80 o
14 86.' and heavies mostly from KM to tI DO.
These prices were weak to 6c lower thsn
Saturday, and the etc of the market waa
not so good as the opening, so that the
freneral market Is right around a nickel
ower. Owing to the weak close It wss
rather late before a clearance waa mad.
Representative sales:
Ks. ' AT. " 8k. If. Kb. At. 8k. r. '
11 104 .. 4 18 - lit so 4 4 .
Tl 1 44 4 71V, 44 tt 14 4 4
41 194 .1 4 TH IT. ITT 14 4 84 '
0 84 4 Tt . 41 Ill ..4 49
43 1M ... 4 T4 49 441 .. 4
41 11 . . 4 T Ml .. 4 4t
IM...... 110 18 4 Tl M 194 44 4 414 -
It hi ... 4 71 II fll .. 4 414
71 114 80 4 Tl II Ml 1J0 4 Ilk '
44 t!t tt 4 71 IT 144 190 4 Its
SI 1 4 HH 7 .! 144 4
T HI .. 4 TTH M tt .. 4 1!
I Ill 4 ns T ft IM 4 I'W
49 HI M 4 T7H 47 ITI .. 4 l4
Tl 04 .. 4 T7 41 Ml ..4 44
1 HI .. , 4 49 tl Ml M 4 41
4T 10 .. 4 M 41 IM 49 4 M
M 147 IM 4 M 14 171 14 4 M
44 MT .. 4 M 14 Ml .. 4 M
11 ..174 44 4 10 44 544 ..4 1
7t MR ,. 4 40 10 174 .. 4 47
T4 114 .. 4 19 4 I7 49 4 0
T tot .. 4 4 44 15 .. 4 M
44 141 MIS tl 4 .. 4 40
IM .. 4M II Ml .. i;4
14 IM .. 4M
SHEEP Thre waa a liberal run of sheep
and lamba reported this morning, receipts
amounting to about 12.600, Of this number,
though, quite a liberal percentage con-
aisled of lamba, which were billed through.
The demand for sheep seemed to bo
fully equal to the supply and the market
on anything at all desirable waa
fairly active and steadv. Some sale In
fact looked a little stronger. The bulk
of the desirable sheen changed hands In
good season, As high as 40 36 was paid
for pretty good ewes, 85.70 for Mexican
wethera, 86.00 for Mexican we.hers and
yearlings mixed, and 66.26 for yearlings. ,
The demand for lamba waa again rather
limited, tha same as It has been for some
time psst, snd the market could best be
described by celling It slow and weak.
Aa high aa 17.00 wss paid for fair lamba.
Quotations f..r ted stock: O00A o choirs
yearlings. 86.401J4.76; fair to good .year
lings. I8.004M.40: good to cTiolc wethers,
16.6096.76; fslr lo good wethera, $6.00960;
good to choice ewes. 85.0096.60: fair to good
we. 84.50t86.00; common t. fslr ewes. 4i00
(X4.60; good to choice lamba, I7.0ofj7.25; fair
to good lambs, Bu. 767.00. feeder lamba. t.00
6.o0. Representative sales:
No. Av. . Pr.
113 western ewes loo 4 80
72 western wethera 102 S BJ
8 western lamb OS 0 00
8 western yearlings 83 6 2S
3?6 west, yearlings and wethers R7 -6 25
66 Colorado cull ewes 82 8 00
' 18 Colorado ewes 88 4 00
4 western- cull ewes to 4 00
17 western cull ewes 81 4 00
6 western cull ewes..... 70 4 00
231 Colorado ewes , 88 4 76
191 western-ewes '.. W 4 85
western ewes 93 4 86
8 western ewes 90 4 86
376 Colorado ernes 81 6 15
iUj western ewes 87 6 26
4 western ewes 8'J . 26
SW western ewes 100 6 25 .
24i Mexican ewes 81 6 35
340 Mexlcsn wethers M 6 70
136 Mexican wethera M 6 70
17 western yearling 88 . 6 00
"433 Mexican, wethers ,enl year
lings '........'.; 84 6 00
68 Mexican .-wethera , end year.
ling .....'..: 82 6 oft
3 Colorado leant 76 7 00
2 western lambs 70 6 00
6 western lambs 40 1 00
143 western lAmbs 84 6 00
136 western lamba 14 7 00
278 western lambs 74 7 00
260 western lambs 76 7 00
25 western cull lambs 46 4 00
125 western cull lambs 68 6 Oil
221 western ewes 85 6 16
122 western ewes 9 6 1A
10 western ewes 88 6 85
17 western wethera 106 . 6 76
197 western yearlings.., 102 25
314 western lamba 62 8 76
388 western jamb 72 6 DO
298 western iambs.... 71 8 90
to lc lower' light. $4.75474.83; medium an
hsavr 84 864)8 on.
S1IEKP AND LA MRS Receipt. 2 48
head; mnrket steady to weak; Colorado
17.40; ewes. $5.35.
. , ' - - '
4. tear. Live' "lack Market,
ST. I.OI 1S. MarcT) -1l.-CATTLF.-Re
eelpte, S.ono heart. Including 1,800 bead Tex
ana; market etendv. native shipping am
export steer. $4 E64i 00. Pressed he am
butcher stoers, 83. t(4t 6.00: steers under 1
Ihs , $3 2r.4i4.80: Blockers ami feeders, I.' St4J
4.60; cows and heifers, $3.$OU4.60; canners
$2 0Oj2.50; balls. :.6t4l4.0O: steers. $3 0041-7 6rt
Tex snd Indian steers, $27646.00; cowi
and heifers. ir onefS 76
HOOH Receipts 7.yihesd: market loaer
pigs snd lights. tV7ffl4.6; psekers. BA.4i
6.16; butchers snd best heavy. $6 Inat.VJO.
SHEEP AND I.AMR Receipts. 2.IM
head: market stesrty: native muttons. $.t
6 00; lamba. $4.flntf7.0n: culls and bnrka
$3 O05 f): stockera. IZAOttiS.50.
lark la Might.
Receipts of live stock at the six pilm IpaJ
western markets yesterday:
1 sttie. itos. Mirer-
South Omaha...
Sioux Cltv
Kansas City....
St. liOUIS
St Joseph
Chicago .........
Tota la. .......
13. M
28.01 S.
.SI.) 83.400 14.851
Cattle aad Hoga Five to Tea teats
Lower Sheep Tea Ceats Lower.
CHICAOO, March 1.-CATTLE-R-celpls,
31,000 head; 6S10c lower; good to
rime - steers, $5.266.25; poor to medium,
I.75IS5.0O: stockers and feeders. $2.606 4.65;
cows. li7Mf4.60; heifers. $3.OOtft6.0O; canners.
$1.fiftj2.40; bulla, $2.60474.00; calves, $3.00$)
''HOOS Receipts. 44.O0A head; estimated
tomorrow, 30.000 head; fcJflOe lower; mixed
and butchers. $4,804)6.07; good to choice
heavy, 85.00itA.I5; rough heavy. 84.80tKl.95;
light. I4.7tfj0.00; bulk of sales, $4.Oim.0A.
SHEEP 'AND LA MRS Receipts, 38.000
head; sheep 10c lower; lamba steady; good
lo choice wethers. $5.60ib.00: fair to choice
mixed. $4.7ftj.40: western sheen. $5.0008.00;
native lambs, fi.Wiil.Vi ; western lambs,
Waal Market.
BOSTON. Mserh l.-WV!,-The Com
merclsl Rullstin says: Tha wool mar
ket Is quiet and devoid Of startling
features. In a email way a fair amount
of foreign clothing wool la -selling and the
flllhig varieties of class Ml wools moa
stesdlly. Domestic trade afa dull and
nominal, owing to email Ifyt ks snd n-
trsdlng to establish a price, "The principal
weakness Is In medium and (ow wool, fol
lowing the tTecllne In London. High prleee
rule In the west- and trertlne; In the new
clip Is curtailed by the lofty Ideas of grow
ers. The 'shipments of wool from Rostori
to date from Daoeniher2. 1904. according
to the same nnthorltv. are ..48.784.2S4 Ihs..
against 45.8,18.778 at the en hie time 1ht.
year. The receipts to date ate 64.403. 521
Ihs., agnhiKt 36.014.374 for flip same period
. r .... -
LONDON. March 13 WOOL The offer,
lugs st the wool Hict4ot salee'jlnday num
bered 13.916 ha lea, iiiHudlna a Rood stinnl
of merinos. Kidding .wss active. American
secured a fair eupplv of superior. Scoured
were Bcflvelv. benight .foe Ftwrt-e and lr
manv. Crosahrmls were steadier, ttioueh
rted'um greaser were Troiuentlv wlth
drswr.. Following are the saJes In detail:
New rtouth Wales). ft.Xin bflfsi scoured, 4rt
41 lid:' greasy, Mflls I'd. Quopniland. 2.400
hnles: scoured. Sdls gd; areaeA tiVrrttle td.
Victoria. 1.100 bales: scoured, IsfllsM:
ers. Cdtrla t1.' "South Australia. 1.WI0
he lea; scoured; lOilnitls fid; eTOHsy, id)1".
West Australia: '1.808' bales': 'greasy. 5V.M
loud. Nem- Zealand. 3.200 bifes; scoured.
1Ms Vd: sreasy, artrtU l&i.- Cape of Good
Hone and Natal. 9no bales; aeeured. Is 6d
Is 0'1; erens'-, ;v,-S)Xl, . . ... ;x - j
8T. IXIIMS. March 1.1.-WOO-Diil1: me.
tllum a-radea. combine end elntitine 24t25:
light Pne I820ia; beavj- fli4N'l15c; tub
washed,' SOtj.VVvc. . . :.
. Metal Market.'-1'
NEW TORK, March 13 -MftTAI J-Tha
Tendon tin market wss higher sgslu with
specnlsive demand rontlsii'ng flpot closed
Bt 135 10 and futures at tm 7a 6d. The
local market responded Partially to the ad
vance obrondk cloning Arm at $2.60JI29.76.
Copper waa higher lu Ixindoji lao, closing
at tor spoi and 69 7s W-for future,
locally the market Is very firm In tone.
Lake 1s quoted at $15.3fAfl 16.50:" electro! vtlc.
ir..M15.374; casting. . $H.87f15.25. Lesd
was unchsnged at 13 6s In Ivmdon at $4.45
64.60 In the local nia'rkcl. "finelter closed
nt 24 In Ixmdon and at $6.U4.30 In the
locul market. Iron closed at 64s In Glas
gow and at Sfo IHd in . WiiKHesboro. re
calls' Iron was unchanged: N04 1 foundry,
northern Is quoted at U7.laVtvll.26; Nn. I
foundry, nqrlfiern, l(.5uJflL0U: No. 2 foun
dry, southern, and No. 1 foundry, southern,
soft. $17.754U. . .
i. r. el .) .'i'
C)ttea Marker.' '
NBW TORK. March t3.-CfTTON-Snot
closed stesdy,. 10 -points hlghor; middling
uplands. ' Be; 'middling gulf. .26c. Sales,
110 bales..
in fslr demand: price 8 points higher;
American middling fair. 4 480; good mid
dling, 4.3tid; middling. 4.24d; low middling,
4.12d: good ordinary, 8.9M: ordlnan', S.Cd.
The sales of the day were 10.000 bales,- of
which 1.000 were for speculation and ex.
rort and Included 8.700 American. Receipts,
,0T0 hales. Including 4,800 American.
ST. IXJIMS. March 13. COTTON Steady?
middling. 7Hc Sales, 27 lals; receipts. 7i
bales; shipments, ncne; etoca, LT.Ka.
Kansas Cllf Live Sleek Market.
Receipts, 9,200 head. Including 1,000 south
erns: stekdy to 10c lower; choice export
and dressed beef steers, $6. 006.86: fair to
good. $4,004)5.00: western fed steers, M.254
J. 25; stockers and feeders. $3.004.7S: aouth
ern steers. $2.54i6.0O; southern cows. 13.603
S.: native- cows, 12.00714.86; native heifers,
$a.O0N.75; bulla, M.SVfM.OO; calves. $3.6v3if.2o.
HOOS-Receipts. 6,000 head; steady to 6n
lower; top, $6.06U: hulk of sales. $4 8Mj
t.K:. heavy. $6.6M.02H: packers. $4.86
.02H:'p1gs and lights. $4,1504.90.
SHEEP AND LAMBS-llecelpts, 7.80)
head; market steady; native lamb. $6.60
7.40: native wethers, $5,251)6.66; native fed
ewes. $4.7646.36; western fed lamba. $6.6049
7.40; western fed yearling, $6.00.60; west
ern fed sheen, $; stockers and feed
era, $J.50?i.60.
loax rily Live Stork Market.
SIOCX CITT. March 13-(SpaolaI Tele
gram.) CATTLE Recelpta. 8,74) head;
market steady: bve- $3.6036.25; cows,
bulls and mixed, $2.60434.00; storkera and
feeders. $2.76fi4.00: calvea and yearllnga. $2.2 1
433 60.
HOOS Recelpta, 2.800 head; market 6c
tower, selling at It.aO'rKW; bulk of salca.
Outlining Conditions wbloh
will bring about this BIO
ADVANCE, will bo mallod
FREE upon request.
Adlsr Stock & Grain Co.
aia N. Fourth Street
Edwards -Wood Go-
Oaia Office: Fifth and Roberts Streets
T. PAUL. niMN.
SI. Joseph I-Ito Sioek Market.
ceipts. 1.446 hesd; market alow to steadv;
natives, $3.8506.60; cows snd hslfers, $l.76D
HOOB-Racaipta, 3.184 head I market weak
Stocks, Grain; Provisions
SJilp Yotir Oroitt tq U
raaeh oaiee. lie-lll Bear ( Trad
Bie Uwiaata. J. Telepboae SSte.
Ii:-J14 Exchange illdc.. Bouih Omaaav
Ball Taon .1 laaeaendeal 'fheae a.
The Old Reliable Commission House
Has grown stcadilj since it was established in ISftS.
Eac h year' business being greater than the year pre
ceding. This is due to the fact that our serrice and
remittances are both PROMPT and AIXUBATE.
We are the oldest house west of Chicago, and our
V . facilities for handling business are the best money
and brains can devise. We particularly call your
attention to our reference and ask that you Investi
gate them fully, aa we want you to feel that your in
terests are aafe in our hand.
Write for free booklet on speculative investment,
and our red book of statistics.
1 . 1 . ,
D0H0VAN COMMISSION CO., 5t7 Pint St, St. Louis, Mo,