Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 14, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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. . Fa a.aa ' " " " 1 I ...
i ..-'Xl "t rut worn
J i rtf Mr""- L
... ; i
. , ,, i, . c
- -i; r j'",
If you arc writing a long, tabular statement,
if you are manifolding, .making several copies,
if your machine is tied up in any way
which makes it expensive and annoying to
disturb it
and you must write a telegram
or a letter,
or something else that is rush and urgent
you don't Have to out the work
that is in your ma
chine if you have The
Smith Premier Type
writer because the
has a removable platen. Remove the platen with tka work In it, insert another
platen with a telegrim'or whatever is rush. Then change back instantly with
no interruption. This is a fact, and it it a fact about the SMITH Premier only.
1 rili - l-rS. .1
mi mm iwriiiiaM
Bead Oamp of Jurisdiction A Holds Annual
Session in Omaha.
"ommltlees Are Taking- Delenntea In
' Charge mid , W lir-Shjuv Thpia
I ...... I tai. WLI1.
,' ' They. Stay. "'
' T" hi n.lal session of the head camp
C6 tn-' .i of Jurisdiction "A," Woodmen
,, .In- ' tVorld, consisting of the states of
uin-a. Nebraska and South' Dakota., will
in f i.t- ..I... 'T. . , . . . ...,... ( in
l.ivi-L ,11 'u,a UCQUAIJ 111110, I.
o'clock. The sessions will bo executive
nd will continue for two days. The con
vention will b held at i Fraternal hull,
f.rnai rt liVii.ftan f h and llr.itir,, Htmntfl
It la expected that there will be between
160 and 100 delegate lit -attendance with
their wives. ..(,
. The head officers of the-Jurisdiction are:
D. W. Carre, Beatrice, head consul; Karle
R. Stiles, Omaha, 'head' cleric, and 11.
Frank, Omaha, head 'banker.
Already a number of delegates are In
4 -fyi$.
Whiskey t
BBCAl'SK It I, , lpiy combination of tht
tKM qualltm o( all, without tha fault of out.
BKrAl SI-; li . aurpaawa. In inllowaaaa and
Savor varytlilnf oh tlie tnarkat.
BKCAU8K it appaala aqually to tha fancy
of tha aonnolaacur auu to tha taata of women
and lnvaHua . ; . .
BECAIEIS Ua auparlor Vju.llty, taata and
aurltr maka It a unlvaraal favurlta. u
BCCAU8K It anala all whttkava for
airtln, r hot icotrh. a hot tondy or a highball.
BECAISK It la tha only Malt Whlaksy of
farad by lla bona Ada dlatlllar; la nnn auld
t bulk.-but 'only undar tha dlaflllar'a bottllna
and labals.
HKCAi SH It ta dlatll'.ad at ana of tha laraat
dlailllartra In tha rautatry. .
BKCA18K It la lha only whlakay aold undar
a anbatautlal (uarantaa of - purity, oflarum
tl.Oud ta aayoaa who can datact In tha unit
any Iroaurttit a. .
PKCil SE It la 'properly dlatlllad ' from tha
ry rholra.t natarlala and navar aold until
fully anatyrad.
BBt-AUbkj ft la aold antlraly upon Ita mtrlu,
without tha aid of labuloua auma for advar
tlaloc, for which tha cunaumar alwaya paya m
tha and.
BECAl SU It la offarad not aa a patant noa
trum claiming la cur all Imurabla dlaeaaea.
but for what It la worth a Brat claaa tonu. a
rational atlmulant and a concauiraud Ivod ot
tha hlshcat aoaaibla valua.
BECA18B It la aold at amall latltlmata
riroSt. warraalad by. Ua maiurautura and alc
a aatraurdinary quautltlaa by a diatlllary ua-
tu arar thraa million dollara aanually fur la
' Urual ravauua tat aluua.
the city, many of them visiting the aov
erelgn camp hendquarters in the Woodmen
building yesterday. .. ,
The reception committee, of which, Earl
Stiles Is chairman, had representatives at
all the Incoming trains to meet the arriv
ing delegates and direct them to "the va
rious hotels. These committeemen, are In
uniform, In order that (hey may. be .readily
distinguished by the visitors. - The Omaha
central committee has charge of the ar
rangements for the accommodutlon and
entertainment of the delegates. The offi
cers' headquarters are at the Mlllard hotel,
which is already' thronged with the vis
itors. Theater Party for the Women.
Last evening the, wives of the visiting
delegates were entertained atr a theater
party by the wives of the Omaha mem
bers of thj order and will be generally
looked after by them, . to Insure them as
hospitable entertainment as , possible.
The purpose of the convention is for
the election of oflicers for the ensuing
two years, electing delegates to the sov
ereign camp meeting to be held' at Chat
tanooga, Tenn., on the second Tuesday in
May, 1005, and to recommend to the sov
ereign camp such laws and regulations as
may benefit the order.
The convention will assemble 'promptly
at 11 o'clock Tuesday morning at Fraternal
hall. The address of welcome, will be made
by , Phil Miller, president of the Omaha
central committee, and will be followed by
a short address by John T. Yates, sovereign
clerk of the Woodmen of the World.,, The
response will be made by Head Consul D.
W. Carre of Beatrice.
Following the addresses, a committee on
credentials will be appointed, after which
a recess taken until 2 p. ra., when
the business session will resume. At 11
o'clock a. m. two special cars will be in
waiting at Fourteenth and Douglas streets
to take the delegates on a trolley
ride about the city, South Omaha and
Council Bluffs, returning In time to partici
pate in tha afternoon business session..
Exhibition of Initiatory Work. ,
Tuesday evening the delegates will be en
tertained by Alpha camp No. 1 of Omaha
at Myrtle ball, In the Continental block, at
which time will be put on an elaborate
exemplification of the floor work of the
order, which will be followed with a mis
cellaneous program of music, recitations,
Bpeechhiaklng and light refreshments.' The
vlulting wives and women members of the
delegates', families will be entertained at
a theater party.
The business sesflon will resume Wednes
day morning, during which time the elec
tion of the head camp officers and dele
gates to the sovereign camp will take
place. Omaha will present a candidate
for the office of head consul in the person
of Karle R. Stiles, the present head clerk
of the jurisdiction. .
.Several cltjes of the jurisdiction are can
didates for the next 'biennial meeting of
the head camp, which will take place in
March, 1907. Ieavenworth seems to have
the lead Just . at present and It is quite
lllculy that city will win out. The con
vention will adjourn .Wednesday noon In
order that the delegates may return home
on the afternoon trains of that day.
man. Williams Is still under contract with
Marnhalltbwn where be will probably play
during the next season.
Oeorae Hopes Harris.
BOSTON. March J J. George Ropes Har
ris, a leading Boston banker, IS dead at his
home in Brooklyn. Mr. Harris was a
native of Brooklyn and was 67 years of
uge. He was senior partner of Bluke
Bros. & ' Co.," bankers. . and a director of
the Canadian Pacific ratlroud. '
Howbert HlUauau. -MINNEAPOLIS,
March 13.-Howbert Bill
man, managing editor of the Minneapolis
Thnes, formerly of - the Associated Press
staff in Chicago and before that news edi
tor of the New York News, died her to
day of Brlght's disease. ,
Tkt Wabaah lmprovlaa;.
In line with Its policy of improvement In
passenger service, the Wabash Line has
uniformed Ita Cafe Car Walter on ' the
"Banner Blue Limited" between St. Louts
and Chicago with white Tuxedo coats and
low-cut black vests. The new uniform la
vary, striking tmd lUr&ctlva,-
Spring Meeting- of New Orleans Jockey
. - - Club Opens with Good Card.
NMW , ORLEANS, March 13 The New
Orleans Jockey club spring meeting opened
today with a well balanced card of seven
races. Rainland, Montpelier and Presenti
ment, ttiat outclassed their respective fields,
were the winning favorjtes. Fritz Brlllar,
favorite in the first race., was cut off at
the start and could not make the lost
ground. Results:
First race, six furlongs: Charlie FlRher
won, Woodlyn; second, Miss Aubrey third.
Tlmei 1:1!).
Second race, five, and a half furlongs:
Dixie Andrews won, Prestige second, Pa
cheta third. Time: 1:11.
Third race, mile: Raluland won, Matador
second, Terns Rod third. Time: 1:45V4.
Fourth race, six furlongs: Glen Gallant
won. Rawhide second, Torlo third. Time:
Fifth race, mile: Avenger won. Max
Rose second. Safeguard third. Time: 1:49.
Sixth race, mile and an eighth: Montpe
lier won. Dixie Lad second, Extol third.
Time: 2:01.
Seventh race, five furlongs: Presentiment
won. Chippie Thorpe second. Clique third.
Time: 1:04.
Results at City Park track:
First race, six furionars: Csubeen won,
Big Bow second, St. Fury third. Time:
Second race, four furlongs: Gray Dal
won, Temple second, Tlchimlngo third.
Time: 0:60.
Third race, six furlongs: Lidwina won,
Midnight second, Fill third. Time: 1:18.
Fourth race, five furlongs: St. Tammany
won. Sid Silver second, Governor Sayers
third. Time: 1:10.
Fifth race, mile: Roundelay won, Bazil
second, Baladln third. Time: 1:46.
Sixth race, mile and a sixteenth: Juba
won, Brunswick second, Cursur third.
Time: 1:6;.
Seventh race, Ave furlongs: Orderly won, second, Shorod third. Time: 1:04.
HOT SPRINGS, Ark.. March 13. Results
at Oaklawn:
First race, four furlongs: William Mof
fitt won. Eva Jean second, Lavenla T. True
third. Time: 0:4.
Second race, six furlongs: Klldoe won,
fancreatls second, Belligerent. third. Time:
Third race, mile and seventy yards: Sid
ney C. Love won. Grenade second. Don't
Ask Me third. Time: 1:43. .
Fourth race, mile and a sixteenth: Baikal
won. Allan second, Lubln third. Time:
Fifth race, three furlongs: Osslnke won,
Pretty G4rl second, Starling third. Time:
Sixth race, mile: Fnx won, Trappist sec
ond. Tartan trilrd. Time: 1:42.
SArN FRANCISCO, March 13.-Results at
First race, five and a half furlongs: Pha
lanx won,. Neva Lee second, Morlta third.
Time: 1:09.
Second race, four furlongs: Ramona won,
Avonella second. Chief Wittman third.
Time: 0:4!H.
Third rate,- Futurity course: St. Jenrge
won. Mildred 8chult second, Ethel Abbott
tWrd. Time: 1:11V4.
Fourth race, mile and seventy yards: Red
Wald won, Hellas second, Tannhauser
third .Time: 1:4m,.
Fifth 'race, mile and seventy yards: Cin
nabar won, Frank Pearce second, Carlle
third. Time: 1:44.
Sixth race, mile: Big Beach won, Gold
Enamel second, Mograne third. Time:
LOS ANGELES, March 13.-Results at
A soot:
First race, mile: Albert Enrlnht won,
Estado second, Maggie Mackey third.
Second race, Slauson course: Forerunner
won, ' Skeotlc second, Escamado third.
T4Tte: 1:12H.
Third race, mile: Tryon won. Bronze Wing
second. Slnlcadc third. Time: 1:44.
Fourth race, five and a half furlongs!
Warte Nlcht won, Funn" Side second, Look
awsv third. Time: 1:0H.
Fifth race, four furlongs: Lady Walker
won, F1 ninero second, Silver Sue third.
Time: 0:49H.
Sixth race. Dunsrnnnon won. Dona- Dona:
second, Bandlllo third. Time: 1:46.
Bnnllnr Toarnanient at Columbus.
COLI'MBL'B. Neb.. March IS (SneclaJ
Considerable interest is being taken In the
nurinwestern isenraMta Howling tourtidmciit
which is to be held in this city next month.
j George J. Hugel, secretary of the local
oowiers. But ne aircnuy lias several Hun
dred dollars subscribed by the business men
of the city, and some good purses will bo
bung up. About forty howllnr itama am
expected to enter for the occasion and the
tournsraent will continue for nve days,
though the exact date haa not yet been
On the Association 'alleys Inst night the
Waverleys. won ttorp games from the Krug
Parks In one. otM closest contests of the
season. Every gftnie was- In' doubt until
the lant frame pad, been rolled and their
totals were but i'e pins apart. Bcrgor
was .high -for the 'flight with 643 and Grif
fiths followed'hlmolbsely with 611.
First. Second. Third. Totals.
Hodges ;U' i..Af-i ' -152 543
Griffiths a 17n V21
Willlums, 235, . 377,, lb7 679
Cochran ..1M 1S8 1K2 5Sj
Reed 137 . 181 194 532
French .
Gideon ..
Clay ....
Bengele .
!53 . 924
Firsh Second. Third. Totals
...-.liiti .
Totals .930
Williams lias Not Jaiuped.
IOWA CITY. Ia., March 13 (Special Tel-firam.l-The
reDurt that Clyde Wlllinms
former star Iowa athlete, had Jumped Mar
shalltown In the Iowa league for the outlaw
league In Spokane, U deitied by friends of
his 'here who state tnai tne Williams men
Uvusi J leader ot the ouiljtws is aiivllier
Man. I nder Indictment' for Arson
Shoots Richard Ualvln.
LEAD, S. D., March 13-(Speclal Tele
gramsRichard Galvin was ..shot and fa
tally wounded this afternoon by E. P.
Farnham,. former' postmaster at Central
City. The shooting took place at the
Queen of the Hills mine, in Whistler gulch,
a couple of miles' east of Lead. Farnham,
who is under Indictment for arson, ac
cuses Galvin with, having been unduly In
timate with his wife, his first suspicions
being aroused tfo weeks 'ago, when he in
tercepted, letters from Mrs. '. Farnham to
Galvin,. who wasworking under Farnham
when he was superintendent of the Queen
of the Hills. . Farnham, ' after beating his
wife, It is charged, set fire to the building
In which the postpfflce Was located, and It
was with difficulty that the town of Cen
tral City was saved from destruction. The
men met for the first time today at the
mine and Farnliam, after a few words,
drew his pistol and shot Galvin through
the right lung, the bullet passing through
the lung. Galvin, Is In a dying condition.
Good. Traek,, Good Trains, Good Time.
In each of these the-New York Central la
not 'surpassed, as thousands Will' attest.
Travelers between the west and east will
find It'to their advantage to use the New
York Central, which,' In' point of time,
equipment, roadbed; dining car service and
scenic attractions, is first among the rail
roads of the world. :
Send a 2-cent stamp to Oeorg H. Dan
iels, General Passenger Agciit, Grand Cen
tral Station,' Newi-York, for a-copy of the
Illustrated Catalogue1 Of ' the New York
Central's "Four-Track Series." .
High Wind and Heatj Rains from San
Francisco to Lot Angeles.
Brldare at City of tbe Anaels GKea
Way and Two Men Are Drowned
Many Waahoats Are
LOS ANGELES, Cal., March 13 -The
heaviest storm of the year, and one of the
most extensive, so far ns learned, has pre
vailed throughout southern California.
Since Saturday noon rain haa been falling
at Intervals, the precipitation yesterday
amounting to 1.01 Inches. The storm ap
pears to have come out of the east and
southeast, from which directions a gale
blew all day. On the coast considerable
damage was done by the gale and high
eas. Several launches were driven upon
the shore at Long Beach and minor damage
to' shipping occurred at San Tcrlro. At
Santa Monica and Ocean Park the wharves
were considerably damaged by the high
Interurban and city electric lines were the
worst sufferers.
In many places the water washed over the
tracks so deep that traffic was temporarily
suspended. Many cars were thrown off the
rails at switches.
All railroad traffic was delayed, but thus
far no reports have reached here of serious
washouts, i
Telegraph and telephone wires are down
In many places.
The Seventh street bridge over Tos
Angeles river fell today, carrying with it
Into the' flood-swelled river twelve to. fif
teen persons, two of whom are believed
to have been drowned.
The list Includes:
Two unidentified men. bodies thought to
have been carried down the river.
Mrs. Clara Webb, 216 East Seventh
street; rescued from the flood, but prob
ably fatally hurt by falling timbers.
li. a. Bragg. 2422 Enterprise street: right
arm crushed.
Alonzo Thomas. 2 San Julian Place: head.
left hand and both knees hurt.
Leonard Carmlchael and J. Bouchman:
both severely injured.
The high water of the river had at
tracted a number of sightseers to the
bridge. The butresses of the bridge had
been weakened by the flood, and when a
sudden swelling of the waters came the
supports were carried away and the bridge
Flood conditions In Los Angeles and
vicinity are the worst known in many
years. Los Angeles river, flooded by tribu
taries from the mountains and from the
high country where heavy floods have oc
curred, Is bank full and has reached the
highest point known In thirteen years.
Along the coast various other towns
have suffered. Ar Santa Monica two.plers
were destroyed and the damage along the
shore there Is estimated at 1100,000. At
Long Beach the damage to the wharf and
to small boats Is estimated at 20,000.
Trains Into Los Angeles on the Southern
Pacific and the Santa Fe are stalled by
washouts. Telegraph and telephone lines
have been blown down by a high wind.
The Western Union has one wire to Chi
cago and all communication between Los
Angeles and the olitslde world is carried
on over this.
Wind Hundred Miles an Hour.
SAN FRANCISCO, March 13.-The south
east gales, accompanied by rain and at
some places with thunder and lightning,
which has prevailed over the Pacific coast
since Saturday, reached their climax yes
terday when the wind at Point Reyes
reached the velocity of 100 miles an hour.
Today the gale , had abated to sixty-two
miles an Jiour and In this city there was
only a fair breeze, though heavy showers
fell. The heaviest rainfall on the coast
was at San Luis Obispo, where 4.28 Inches
fell within twenty-four hours, but there
does not remain a dry spot from San
Diego to Eureka.
Snow has fallen In northern Arizona and
a thunder storm has startled the people
of San Luis Obispo county, In southern
California Storm signals have been dis
played along the coast for forty-eight
hours, an unusual occurrence. The storm
today was fiercest from Point Conception
to Tatoosh Island. It is expected to con
tinue in a mild degree for the next day or
two. Telegraph ' and telephone wires In
all directions were prostrated and com
munication by wire was difficult today.
The rainfall, however, will greatly benefit
the state.
Xearly Five Inches of Rain.
SACRAMENTO, Cal., March 13.-Llght
rains still fell today throughout the Sac
ramento valley and In the foothills. Farm
ers and fruit growers say the heavy rain
will be of great benefit to all crops. It
is believed killing frosts will be escaped.
The heaviest rainfall the past forty-eight
hours was at Delta, In the Sierras, where
the precipitation amounted to 4.57 inches.
The, fall at Sacramento was 1.10 Inches,
making 16.61 Inches for the season. No
damage was done by the high wind.
In selecting a whiskey three quali
fications should be considered
the age, the purity and the flavor.
Possesses these qualifications in a
greater degree than any other whiskey
3 SunnerCauaaaaoiCalea. f 9Z-k aJvH Fsill. fS
mK I had a SFTOTe aomanaf J-"- i "JL- - aiT ? A t ka a aavm ..h r?
a cold which a.;ttlt..nn.y 1;, , &StT I "- ImKSSSS. M
E L'!n?".nrt f ,(fj. 1 many ranrOKa bat none L4
3 klnda of rouarli ireinediea, iM I rl 1 of thm aerrned to do me 23
Bjf none of w ink did mean luif aat 1 anr aood mnAmt-Ji t
B good until I Anally triei IL tfjfM 1 Sed'SS C fVf1r! M
F one bottlif of Dr. Rell'a JUit f if laf A Balll ptrm-'Bar.Hnn M
U) Plne-T.r.Hon.y.whlohre. k i a it r!a ftl. "vST? S
fj herfd me at once. Flmao .W 1 irapw.-fui. u,.,T TJ
jQ accept rny thank, for thl tiff . .'SJV gl V 1 rhEnanrnJ K. St. Ca" tS
Pj 6X.,UM9 Sack, ikA. 10 .... .$JV , fj'
Ah jTs ; r a-JT-KT 'iW-.1 w-i'Z?"-B,Sk E3 1
Don't quarrel with your cook. Take DI
NER'S DIGESTERS before meals. Pre
vents and cures indigestion. At Myers
Dillon Drus Co.
Honieaeraera' kicaralons.
' The Chicago Great Western railway will
on the first and third Tuesdays of each
month sell tickets at one far plus 2 for
the round trip to points in Alabama. Flor
ida, Georgia, Iowa, Kentucay, Louisiana,
Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri,
North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia and
Wisconsin. For further Information apply
to S. D. Parkhurst, general agent, 1512 Far
nam street, Omaha, Neb.
Colorado on Cruise.
PHILADELPHIA, March 13. The ar
mored cruiser Colorado, recently built at
Cramp's shipyard and turned over to the
government, today left League island navy
yard. Its destination Ih Porto Rico, where
It will pratlcipate in the maneuvers off
Culebra. Later the Colorado will coal at
Pensacola and will make a speed and en
durance run to Boston.
O VER 4,000,000 BOTTLES OF
Dr. Bell's Pine -Tar-Honey
War aula aarlnf tka year l4, oa aa ABSOLUTE 0UARANTEE. The strongest evidence of the
merit of a proprietary medicine is the opinion of the consumer. Here is the record!
Urcr I wo miiuos Domes is iw. urer lira miinaa Da oca is iw. wrcr
Feur Millioa Bottles la 104. This evidences tbe opinion of tee
consumer regarding tha merits of Dr. Bell's Plac-Tir
nasty. Deal oouga medicine on ine marxeu
tW Look tor tha Ball on the Bottle.
25c, 60a mat $1.00 BottJet.
PlcanedoalyaT the E. E. SUTHERLAND MEDIC1NB CO., Paiaosa,
-aV il XJ
las a
The Burlington's No. 12 from Omaha at 8:05 p. m.
is the Chicago train for commercial or family travel.
The schedule is ideal:
leave Omaha After Dinner at . 8:05 P. M.
Arrive Chicago After Breakfast at 9:00 A. M.
The latest models of Pullman electric lighted
standard and Buffet Observation Sleepers and Burl
ington acetylene lighted Chair Cars (seats free).
Fast Day Flyer at . . . 7:10 A. M.
A universal remedy for
women). '
For talce I" tha rrslos of tha
Mlalaaia, or far a Weak
., tha plaaur hernial ta
aii.t..-4 aa alio a fco
u harrvar there la pais epplf
iiuoa a i iMMrt
paint in tbe back Co frequent In tbe case of
Tbejr give instantaneous reuei.
berever there is
pain a Plaster
should be applied.
Cftldi, Ctufht,
Wtak Chitt,
Wiak Bick,
. Lnmbijo,
Allcock'a Plaatera
are auperlor to all
tot Rbaaaaarlaaa er Pataa
In Saiauiaara, thluawa ar ala
alMri, fr for Saralae, SlIaY
aa, mr.. aiul ..r Araiua;
IKeeil, P laetar ahaald ba Mil aiae
Sod eaapa rrttatfaa a4 applied
ta part cffwaaU aa aiiowa alwTavjf
Are you staggering- under the burrlpn of a secret weakness which Is a slow,
but sure drain on your strength and vltulity? In your prenent condition are you
fit to hold a responsible position? Ctin anybody rely on you or can you rely on
yourself? I your body almost wrecked and your brain In a whirl? It is terrible
to be In this condition, but It Is still worso to allow it to progress ami become
more aggravated, for It will then fill your whole life with failure, mixery and
woe. There are thousands of ruined and cheerless homes, filled with dlxcontent
and unhapplness, lucking In love and companionship, through the sexual weak
and physical Impairment of men whose years do not Justify such a condition.
Vve make puny, weak men strong, and every vital organ perfect. Infiltrat
ing the old feeling , of youthful fire, vim and couritge. Io you want tu b
strong, possess nerves of steel, self-confidence, strength In every muscle, ambi
tion, grit, energy and endurance, in order to make vour life complete? We have
gladdened the hearts of thotiKands of young and middle-aged men who were
plunging toward the grave, rextorlng them to perfect speciuieua of physlcul
manhood, full of vim, vigor and vitality.
Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility,
Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal,
Kidney and Urinary Diseases
and all diseases and weaknesses of men due to Inhf rllatxe, evil habits, self
al)iine, excesses, or the result of specific or private discuses.
PfUCIII TlTintl PPPC ,f y" connot call, write for symptom blank.
bUnoULI AMUR rntt omre Hours 8. a. m. tog p. m. Sundays, 10 to I pnly.
I JOS Far litem St.. Bet. 13th and 14th Sta... Omaha. It