12 THE OMAITA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY. MARCfl 12. 1905. SPECIAL NOTICES AdverUaeaneata for lkt (! will lakes til 13 . tor tke areata edition aaa aatll laf lha antiTBlas Baadar caliloa. Rate 1 1-Sa a ward drat laaertloai 1 a word thereafter. Netblaa takes for leaa thaa 2a (or tka drat laaar. tlaa. These advertlaesaeata aaaat ka roa FoaaeaatlTely. Advertisers, by reajaealls a aero. Itcred check, eaa have anstfere ad. draaaad to a aorabered letter la cava of The Aaewere ao addreaaod tII bo delivered areaeatatloa al thsek. MISCELLANEOUS TELEGRAPHY, ' Business, Bnorthand, TypewrlUng, Normal. iMigiisn and civil Service Courses. DAi BOYLES COLLEGE. MAIL LESSONS in shorthand, typewriting, bockkweping and penmanship. Bend lor catalogue today, stating whether inter ested in correspondence or residence work. H. B. Boyles, president, ttth and Harney ata., Omaha. Neb. K-2.0 WANTED MALE HELP TRY KELLY'S TOWEL. SUPPLY. Tel. 8630. K-tl EYE STRAIN relieved by expert optical treatment; glasses to tit; prices right. Beunett's. R ilia tUX RATE railway tiokets everywhere. P. 11. FhUbln. U0 Farnam. 'Phone iM. B Ii PHONE 3350 CEMENT SIDEWALKS ' CHEAPER THAN BRICK It will pny you to rail and ace K. W. McHALhi make CEMENT STONE on the MILKS MACHINE for all kin da of puiposea. Dealers In Sidewalk Material McWILLIAMS BROS. . l5lM5b BUKT ST. K 30313 COAL New kind soft coal, "Yukton" Egg. Hi. to ton. Harmon A YYeeth, 'phone ml. 11 Zi8 CITY SAVINGS BANK paya 4 per cent H 872 ANTI-Monopoly Garbage Co. 621 N. 16th. Tel. 1779. K 278 Stove and Gasoline Repairs Tel. M. lot Dcug. Oinaua Stove RepJWka. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a spe cialty ot tire escapes, shutters, doora and Bates. G. Audi ten, prop., 1U2 U. loth at. H 274 F. WM. KRELLE, Architect, 604 Bee Bid. Tel. 3090. R 279 EXPERT accountant and public auditor; prlcea reasonable. A. D. Touzalln. Tel. BIack-4432. R-6a M22x D. W. DUDGEON, expert PLUMPER; 2 phonea. R-168 A10 THIS IS NO AD. Simply letting newcomers know our age and address 211 S. 11th; 28 years; Tel. 2o4 CITY STEAM LAUNDRY lt422 M27 WHO'S your tailor T It should be Dresner. Too busy making clothes to close, upeu evenings. 1516 fcamani St. R Zao PIANOS moved by expert mechanics; also stored. Sata And reliable. Bchmoller A Mueller, laid Farnam. Tel. 1625. K 721 Marl9 THE OMAHA FOUNDRY lion and itua CttBUii.s. W2 jacitson. Tel. i43A R-MiM iUJi . IMPERIAL CLEANING CO Clatiiicts ui oil puv-t, iiescoes and paint wasnurs. Telephone inn; i-s North lutn St. A, hi. Yeixer, Mgr. R Mo41 lix CHICAGO LAUNDRY FINE WORK. TEL. 2U6. LOCKSMITH"' lif No- U-M915 CI!RFY9 LOTS AND OUIWCIO ADDITIONS. 21 yturs' experience in Omaha. Tel. B1897. 6J0 Paxton blk. R M9S8 COLLINS PIANO. CO., wnolesal and re tall musical instruments. Talking ma chines, records exchanged, tu . lah St., vmaha. H BADGES, banners, flags, buttons, robes, etc Omaha Paraphernalia House, Dept B, 415 S. 15th at. K 3o 12 LANDSCAPE gardening, orchards, vine yards and (lowering shrubs trimmed. Pete Nelson, S. Graham ave., agent for Spauld lns; Nursery Co. R 353 13 x WANTED MALE HELP MEN TO LEARN barber trade; free rail road fare upon our failure to convince you of this being the BEST and only re liable, most practical barber college In the United States. Write for catalogue today. Western Barbers' Institute, Omaha, Neb. B 290 I WANT and furnish drug clerks, drug storaa and doctors. Knits t, 62i N. Y. L. B688 GIBSON Employment Agency, In Neville Blk., are frank and open, fair and square with all wanting employment and . all heeding help Try them, 'phone Mil. ' B-.U10 WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY, able-bodied Unmarried men, between ages of 111 and 36, cltisena of United States, ot good charao ter and temperate hablta, who apeak, read and write English, For Information apply to Recruiting- officer, 13th and Douglas sU., Omaha; Lincoln. Neb., or Blouxjjity, IF YOU are In need of a position call and have a "heart-to-heart" talk with HART, THE EXPERT. 401 N. Y. Life. B-292 WANTED, men and boys to learn plumb ing trade. Coyne Bros. Co. school of practical plumbing, bend for catalogue. Address 4973-75 Eaaton ave., St. Louis, Mo. B M755 F3 Oo TAILORS. Attention! If you are first-class ai,Mhj wo vwii ubi yuu. uuuu Steady work to men that , are right. Dresner, 1516 Farnam St. B m WANTED Boy for R. R. office: high school education desirable; salary I Jo. Addreaa x is. ties. ii MKoi lix WANTED First-class coatmakera and pantamakers; vary highest prices for beat workmen; call in person or apply to Maya Bros., Lincoln, Neb. B M8oJ 11 WANTED First-class exnerienced aalea man In genta' furnishing goods depart ment; none but those having had years of experience need apply. J. L.- Brandels WANTED -Bright young man aalesman In nat aepartn-.eni. J. i uranaeia t Hons. B-MUui 11 MEN residing in outside towns; office fur nished; li salary; loans procured and property eoia quicxiy everywnere, - ta. in Cook Co.. Sioux City, la. B-M100 Us DETECTIVE Our secret service men earn gooa money; gooa men wanuu cvt-i-where; experience unneceHsary ; give nge snd references. Addrss American Detec tive Association, Indianapolis, Ind. B 234 12x WANTED, competent business producers of fraternal Insurance for Fraternal l'nin of America: best protection extant; salary and commission. F. F. Boose. Supreme President. Denver. Colorado. B MHO It ANY person to distribute our samples; 11 weekly; ateady; Mgr. "Empire," Wei str, Chicago, lit. H-Mlil 11a WANTED An experienced dry goods clerk: must come well recommended; prefer young man not over SO or 36; one who ran make himself useful In gn. mnna. store, northern Kansas. Apply til N. 41st ave., Saturday evening or Runilay or 'prions A.o. tt Miii li WANTED. draftsman. (architectural); throe good men with designing or con struction experience. P to IIW. Archi tect, Uv Monudiiock, Chicago. Winter Term or THE Omaha Commercial College, 17th and Douglas. NOW OPEN JNew classes in all departments catalogue at once. Send for BOY wanted to learn Jewelry trade; muat nvs wan pareme ana ue aieauy; -r, $!. 1611 Dodge St., room 1. B M9fc8 lx WANTED Good collection sgency solicit ors for western Iowa and rMihrasna. ao dress A. B. Adams, 1124-164 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. B-M141 12x WANTED Men, everywhere, good pay, to distribute circulars, anv. maurr, men signs, etc! no canvassing. Address Na tional Adverting Co., 10U Oakland Bank Bkig., Chicago, IiL B M148 12x FIREMEN and brakemen on Nebraska and other railroads. Young men, age 2" to 8", strong, good sight and hearing- Firemen earn 5 to I HO monthly, become epglnners and tarn S12S to 1175 monthly. Brakemen earn i) to $75 monthly, become conduc tors and earn lino to 1W monthly. Name pnsltlon preterred. Bond stump for par ticulars. Railway Association, Dept. 69, Charles Bldg., Denver, Colo. B DETECTIVE wanted; shrewd, reliable man In every locality. To act under or ders. Write Webster's Detective Agency, Des Moines, Iowa. B 27s 12x CAPABLE SALESMAN to cover Nebraska and Iowa; staple line; nign commissions; advance of $100 monthly; permanent po sition to right man. Jess 11. Smith Co., Detroit, Mich. B 24ti 12x WANTED A man over 21 to travel Ne braska, advertising and collecting; salary $80 monthly and expenses. Road Mgr., 1110 Cftxton Bldg., Chicago. B 211 12x 1 wood worker for carriage shop. 1 blacksmith helper for carriage shop. 1 hardware salesman. 1 furnltun and carpet salesman. 1 foreman for printing office. 1 dining room boy. 1 boy for glove factory. 1 shoe cobbler for the country. 1 stationary enaineer. ' 2 registered drutt clerks. 1 press feeder for Gordon press. a tailors rnr cny worn. 2 farm hamls, near lty. GIBBON EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, rooms 222 and 828 Neville Blk., cor. isth nna Harney. B-298 12 WANTED, beet workers' families for west ern Nebraska; rree rare; no rem; gooa pay. Standard Beet Sugar Co., over 215 South 13.h St., Omaha. Telephone 63. 11 Ml 92 13X WANTED Reliable persona to work for f ood pay. eoutnern Advertising ana auis rlbutlng Co., Baltimore, Md. B-188 12x WANTED Men to distribute samples, tack signs; 3 dally; no canvassing, continen tal Distributing Service, Chicago. B-181 12x CONSTANT OIL CO.-Stock will soon ad vance; buy now; have 750 acres in Cha nute oil field, enough for 250 wells, 6 al ready producing; loc n share. Constant Oil Co., 301 N. V. Life Bldg. Tel. F-2234. B WANTED, men to learn barber trade; pre pare lor spring rusn; lew weexs completes by our method of steady practice, expert instructions, lectures, etc.; $15 weekly paid graduates. We have the best opportunity ever offered. Call or write, Moler Barber College, 1118 Farnam St. B M264 17x WANTED, a competent man as foreman in a lumber yard. Address x ee. B M336 16x ONE Skirt salesman. Young man to sell stocks for large lumber comnany (rood salary). 1 Bookkeeper and cashier, $50. V Bookkeeper and stenographer out of city, oung man for wholesale house. Young man for railroad office. 2 Insurance men (salary). salesman ror leatner minings. liart, 401 ana twi in. i. litre. B 330 12 Gibson Employment Agency. HAVM A W(IHi WITH )i)U. First We wlHh to thank the cltlsens of Omaha and vicinity for their words or encouragement as well as tor their lib eral patronage. It convinces us that our efforts to establish a reputable employ ment bureau is anoreclated. Second We wish to remind those who de pend upon the labor of their hands and their brains for a living, that it you will coma to our office we will talk the matter over with you as a father would talk to his children, and will make) you realize that we ore your friend and will help you all we possibly can, and will not rob you. If we have no position in waiting for you we will tell you ao, and will secure one for you Just us soon as we possibly can. Remember the place rooms 222-223 Neville ttlock, cor. ltn ana narney sireeis. B 300 12 BIX OF OUR CLIENTS IN CALLING FOR HELP THIS WEEK INBIHI'KU OW ua FINDING THEM A MAN WHO WAS EMPLOYED AT THE PRESENT TIME. DO YOU WISH TO BETTER YOUR CONDITION t IF SO, THEN CALL OR WRITE US. Office clerk. 148. I oung man i years experience in uiuso. Salesman, clothing, retail, tM per week. Stenographer, $ti0. Al credit man, iou. Stenographer, $75, out of city. Salesman, skirts, road, commission. Manager drug store, siou. City salesman, $10, and commission. Salesman, hats, road, Nebraska. Head bookkeeper, $75. Hardware salesman, city, salary and com mission. Grocery salesman, city, good commission. THE WESTERN REF. A BOND ASS N. (INC.) S40-I41 N. Y. Life. B 328 12 TAILOR wanted. 307 S. 17th. B M312 14x MANAGER WANTED Every section to appoint agents for naw scientmc game replacing forbidden slot machines in pub lic places; evades law everywhere; played with nickels; finish beautiful, like cash register," rented or sold on easy payments; Hmnlft sent on thirty davs' free trial: proposition Will please you If we still have opening in your section. Butler Cash Register CO., department oi, vnicaa-o, in B 178 12x TniTfJrt mn. briaht. to fill railroad clerl al positions; no snortnana; eigm to ten weeKs training usually aunicieni id bp cure positions paying $60 a month or over nrmitlnna guaranteed as soon as competent the demand for men exceeda supply. Write at once for run particulars to unicago Railway and Commercial Institute, Ho Washington St., t-iucago, xu. jjx WANTED Person to call on retail trade for manufacturing house; local territory; salary $25, paid weekly: expense money advanced: previous experience unneces sary. American House, Star Bldg.. Chi cago, a-r-at iix ELEVEN Knights of Pythias In each atata riven nermanent. Dleasant. profita ble employment near home; whole or part time. Address Taiernai. rnsmes Bldg., New xora. a iu ui WANTED, W men In each state to travel, tack atans and distribute samples and cir culars of our goods. Salary, $76 ger month. $3 per day ror expenses, kuiii man Co., Dept. H 4, Atlas block. Chlcssro. B-214 lix BARBKR TRADE taught quickly and graduates put to worn, r.xpenses low. Write today. American Barber College, cor. 12th and Douglas sts. H 847 12X BRIGHT YOUNG MAN to take charge of floor and assist in the management of women's cloak and suit dept. One of the largest in th city. Steady position and good opportunity for the right man. State references. Address Y 43, Bee. B-MJ&J LAW AND COLLECTIONS JOHN M. MACFARLAND. New York Ufa Bldg., rooms sot ana si, in. 1004. O. T. VOORHEE8. bonded. Our eyetem collects Claims against corporations so llclted. 117 N. Y. Life. -IS2 ATTORNEYS everywhere. The New Snow. Churvo to-, maiu a. in. . u. r mourn in. WANTED FEMALE HELP LADIES, earn $20 per lot) wi.'tlng short letters; send stamped envelope for par ticulars. Ideal Mfg. Co., Casso polls, Mich. C MSfc WANTED 25 machine operators at once. M. B. gmitn & (.0., lactory, uth and Doug las Us. C M87K WANTED Experienced hands In cloak al teration room. j. La. urandeis et Hons. C M967 11 WANTED Experienced girl to cook and do general housework. Call Z102 Dotigl i. st. C-75 11 COMPETENT girl for general housework; WANTED, experienced second girl; good references required. Apply to Mrs. Arthur C. Smith, 1303 Park ave. C M9D1 12x GOOD strong girl for general housework; $5 per week. VJl 8. atth St. C M997 12 WANTED--A cook; references required: $6 a weea. jvirs. w. Hamilton, 2102 Leav enworth. C 128 WANTED Girl for general housework In fimlly of two. Apply southeast corner 2ftth st. and fit. Mary's ave. C M 150 WANTED Saleslady in our women's cloak and suit department; mini) but A-l ex perienced In this line need apply. Apply to II. Swanson, Nebraska Clothing Co. C M144 12 GIRL for general housework; good wages. VMS uavenpon ot. t-Min MX LADIF.S, to do piecework at their homes', we rurnisn an materials and pay rrom 17 to $12 weekly. Send stamped envelope to Royal Co., 34 E. Monroe St., Chicago. C 2S7 12X LADIES having fancy work to sell, em. riroineries, Kattennurg, drawn worn; also to do order work. Stampexl envelops. Ladies' Exchange, 34 Monroe St.. Chicago, C-2S1 12x WANTED Intelligent, well-appearing wo man In Omaha or vicinity; fine pay; all or part time; state church connections, if any. Thomson Co., 417 Dearborn, Chi cago. C 242 12x LADIE-Earn $?0 per hundred writing snort letters; send stamped envelope for particulars. Ideal Mfg. Co., CassopolISi Mich. C 247 12x WANTED, In several districts in Nebraska, an energetic lady to represent us; liberal salary and expenses paid weekly; experi ence unnecessary. Send addressed en velope. ' Manager's Dept., 52 Dearborn St., Chicago. , C 9 12x HOME WORK-W to $15: no canvassing; $5 to $8 weekly working evenings; experi ence unnecessary; Inclose stamp for In structions, sample, etc. Address. B. Wil son & Co., 603 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. C-237 12x LADIES, $7 to $10 weekly earned doing plain sewing at nome. Material sent rree everywhere prepaid. Stamped addressed envelope brings particulars. Union Com pany, 1216 Filbert Street, Philadelphia, Pa. C 236 12x 1 cook for first-class family. 6 girls for general housework. t chambermaids for hotel. 1 pastry cook. 1 pantry girl. 1 cook for country hotel. 1 cashier and bookkeeper for store. 2 dining room girls. GIBSON EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, rooms 222 and 223 Neville Blk., Cor. 16th and Harney. C 290 12 SALESLADIES WANTED. Ladles td sell goods direct to consumer; guarantee a good living to those who have push and ability. Call Thursday next at room C24 Bee building. C 1S9 13x LADIES to learn hair dressing, manicuring, facial massage, chiropody or electrolysis. We teach the Work in two to six weeks. Tools and diplomas presented. Graduates earn $12 to $20 weekly. This opportunity cannot be Improved. Call or write, Moler College, 1114 Farnam st. - C M263 17x GIRL or woman dishwasher wanted at 21U3 Douglas; colored preferred. C-M338 IS TWO dining room girls for out of city. J Housemaids, $fl. Qlrls for general housework, $5. 2 Cooks for city, $5 to $7. Hart, 4ui and vrz n. x. Lire. C-331 12 WE NEED THE FOLLOWING AT ONCE: 2 Stenographers, Insurance, $45. Stenographer, private secretary. Saleslady, retail store, $7. Cashier, able to operate typewriter, $40. Office clerk, $40. HooKKeeper, x;i&. THE WESTERN REF. St BOND ASS'N. (INC.) - 640-841 N. Y. Life. C-29 12 LADIES make $30 per thousand copying letters. Send direct to us. Stamped en velope, for particulars. Commercial Let ter Co., Dept. 2S. Chicago. C 222 12x WANTED, at oncft, g women Of good ap pearance, capRDie, renneo; permanent, address Y 40, Bee. C M348 13x WANTED Experienced cook; no washing; must have references. Mrs. J. E. Baum, 3645 Harney. C-M387 14x STENOGRAPHERS: Practice machines and competent instructors are at your disposal with Out charge. The Oliver Typewriter Company, 116 South 15th Street C-198-12 WANTED SITUATIONS GOOD housekeeper. Canadian office, 16th nH W-wl crab a. n. .n OITTT A T1 1HM ,iU iib.a . telephone exchange as insiae or outside mun- ovnarlcrtnuH AW.1s.Aoa. V in y saaaaa 'VllbVU. AUtil COS X J V, XJffJ. A MW8 14x WANTED, situation as bookkeeper or as sistant; references if required. Address Y 21, Bee. A M990 lix WH want situations for the following list of applicants, towlt: 2 stenographers, 3 bookkeepers, 2 office. ". i uijr boous ciera, a grocers clerks, 1 shipping clerk. 1 hotel clerk, 8 collectors, 1 office girl. 1 real estate salesman, 2 traveling salesmen, 1 solicitor, 1 porter, 1 butcher and meat cutter. All the above have good recommendations from former employers and are ready for engagement on one hour's notice. Gibson Employment Agency, Rooms 222 and 223 Neville Blk., corner 16th and Harney. A-27 12 NEW YORK MILLINER, has had large experience In designing and- managing departments, would accept desirable po. slUon In Omaha for summer. Address L. A. C, Bta. B, Omaha. A 312 12x SITUATION WANTED by salesman with tan years' experience with the general merchandise trade In Neb. and Iowa, Ad dress Y 33, Bee. A 174 12x BITUATION wanted by refined, experienced young lady as walttreas in good hotel. Ad dress Y 27, Bee. - A 194 12x STUDENT wants a Place to work at meal hours to earn his board. Address "Stu dent," 1124 Douglas st. . A-346 12x A YOUNG man of executive ability, good addresa. 10 years experience wholesale business, wants to change his position; best of references; might buy stock In business. Address Y 63, Bee. , A 480 12x PRINTING PRINTING HIGH-GRADE WORK. iviirCTiri Crounsa Block, Corner of LYNGbTAO itith St. and Capitol Ave. ut KRAMER A CHANDLER. QUICK PRINTERS. 1108-us Douglas St. To de liver walk when promised is our hobby. 34 THE Nebraska Printing Co.; everything new and up-to-date; prompt attention given to an. orders, ut m. 11 in, m noor. 'Phone m. $36 LOST AND FOUND FOUND The right place to have your syes tested and nttvd right Bennett's. Found-264 LOST March 10, between 28th and 24th on Leavenworth St., lady's gun metal watch snd gold monogram fob. Reward If re turned to 1U4 Farnam St. Lost 161 U 14T Upper bag. at Win and Farnam. 'l'Uoua 67U. Row&rtL. Lcit-lW U SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN wanted to sell Fox typewrit- Tib i Bni.ir aiiu twill miJ.r'nun .. .m.-.- ing expenses paid in advance. We are looking for men capable of making not less than $150 per month and expenses. Good territory still open In Nebraska, Iowa. Kansas, Wyoming and Dakota. Ivin't write, apply at once In person. Irving Franks, Manager Fox Typewriter Co., 103 South 15th street, Omaha. NEW edition of "Eugene Sue." Burton's "Arabian Nights," l-rogress 01 win, etc.; ovei 2u good sellers tor experienced Da Lux men. Hlxenbaugh, 500 Wars Blk. M294 WANTED Salesman exnerienced In deal ing with the manufacturers 10 cover states of Kansas and Nebraska and part of state of Missouri; state line last car ried, average sales; must furnish gilt edge reference. Address P. O. Hox 140, Station C, Cleveland. O. -M142 12x SALESMAN'S side line. Small sample. Liberal commission. Standard article. Gish Novelty Co., Sta. O. South Bend. Ind. SALESMEN, less compensation than earn ing capacity is injustice to yoursen. e want successful men who can earn $3010 to $S,nno according to ability with our specialty line sold to general trade. Barton-Parker Mfg. Co., Cedar Rapids, la. LS2 12X SALE8MAN Aggressive, persistent, ener getic worker, a rue to interest oesi retail trade in exceptionally strong proposition. Don't want cheap men. Address P. Box 155, Rock Island, 111. 292 12x TRAVELING salesman by large wholesale house for Nebraska, splendid opening; year's contract with right man. Drawer ''S," Chicago, 272 12x SIDE LINE traveling men can make $28 to $60 per week carrying side line of the most up-to-date advertising fans of our exclusive and special designs; season now opening. Apply at once. The Kemper-Thomas Company, Fan Dept., Sta. H. Cincinnati, O. 200 12x WANTED Specialty salesmen for deslr aole territory on attractive proposition to dealers; salesmen who are business getters can make from $5,000 to $K,000 an nually. AA, Box 674, Chicago, III. 249 12x WANTED Salesmen with well established trade, to sell harmonicas as a Bide llnet we have bought the largest store In America at 40 cents oil the dollar; won derful baits to offer: name references in first letter Or send $2 security for sam ples. Fabrlclus Toy A Notion Company, St. Louis, Mo. 251 12x WANTED First-class hustling salesman able to Interest retail merchants and close contracts on strong proposition; $.1,no and expenses. Address T, Box 155, Rock Island, 111. 250 12x WANTED Traveling salesmen In every state to sell our line of butchers', bar bers', bar and waiters' garments, from factory to consumer; 20 per cent commis sion paid: our goods are well advertised and are the beBt yet produced; they are excellent sellers and are made according to measurements; $50 weekly easily earned. Address The Welssfeld Bros. Mfg. Co., 23 Duane street, New York City. WE have a good opening for a high class business man and will make liberal offer to ono who has Influence and can Interest f;ood people In a strictly first-class and ro lable investment proposition endorsed by good local parties. Address Y 29. Bee. 498 12x . SALESMEN wanted. We have some open territory for which we desire a capable, energetic, honest man. Grocery experi ence Is not necessary, but must be a good salesman. Permanent employment and liberal compensation for the right man. Reply stating occupation and giving ref erences. John Sexton A Co., Wholesale Grocers, Chicago. WANTED, representntlvs every locality; straight salary; good, permanent; ad vancement. Write today. American Mfgs. Jobbing Co., 263 Dearborn St., Chicago. 265 12x THREE salesmen wanted by Rand. Mc Nally St Co. to handle their reversible map of United States and world. Men already In the field matoing $18.00 to $40.00 per week. No experience necessary; an unusual opportunity. Our house and our goods known the world over. Address, Band, McNally A Co., Chicago, 111. SALESMEN Attractive line patent medi cine; extraordinary advertising induce ments; fine future for a hustler who can make good. Bond. Box 665, Chicago. 206 12X CHOICE opportunity for an enterprising man in UmHTia Or FUI I UUUUmB '"' J I best pay. Thomson Co., 417 Dearborn, Chicago. 206 12x mnnrtprTWri Ml.imin mrnnteA to work country grocer trade. Salary and ex penses. LiOM Angeiee trun uun v .. e.. Louis. Mo. 213 "x SALESMEN WANTED-High-grade spe cialty salesmen to make a killing hext . m i .u.,rthahl. alatlla Wt.1 1 It H VPT- iril v 1-, nvccui.nu.u ........ , .. - tised. with all attractive features of splendid specialty, which It really is. Pig side line opportunity. Manager Boyd. so4 Equitable, St. 1.0U1S. 1 r rauvv WATJrrErv l.vcellent onnortu- nlty; season Just opening; exclusive or side line. "aint experience unnecessary If vou are a salesman: we school you. Klriloch Paint Co., St. Louis. 221 12x EXPERIENCED traveling salesman, by 1 -rlovAl.nil tnhhlnar hoilM. to fill VA- concy for 1905: hlsrh commissions with $35 weekly. W. 8. Klniey (.0., w r-rosneci St., Cleveland, t. isx tu avri.INO salesman for Nebraska ter rltory; staple line with entirely new and unusual inducements 10 ine irai; mirn commissions wltn expenses anvnncea Mnfr.. Bot 24, Tetrolt. Mtch. 2?7 12x AGENTS WANTED SALESMAN wanted to handle our sweat Dad Una on commission, cor particulars -M503 11 AGENTS Write for free sample of work and terms, Star Harness Mender, best 25o seller out; we mane otner quick sell ing necessities. Columbia Nov. Mfg. Co., bl. ivouis, mo. j WE pay $36 a week and expenses to men with rigs to Introduce poultry compound. Year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept. 64, Parsons, Kan. J WANTED Agents sell out $J bottle sarsa parllla for 3&c; best seller; 200 per cent firotlt; write today for terms and terrl ory. F. R. Greene, 115 Lake St., Chicago. AGENTS make $3 to $10 dni'v fitting glasses; big profits; our 24-phge free eye 00k tells now; -writs today. Jacksonlan Optical College, College Place, Jackson, Mich. J AGENTS wanted to sell Squeezle easy floor and -carpet cleaner; greatest labor saver ever Invented; can be sold to every home; 2w) per cent protlt; our agents are averaging $6 daily. E. Htlker, 371 W. Grand ave., Chicago. J WANTED, representatives In every locality to sell our teas, coffees, spices, extracts, baking powder, etc., direct to the consum ers. Liberal Inducements. A chance to establish a business of your own. We as sist you In every way. Address Royal Tea Co., 2801-3-5 Cottage Grove Ave.. Chicago. J-290 12x "I FEEL LIKE A MILLIONAIRE," writes one agent. New demand: quick sales. Farmers' Account Book Co., Newton, It. J 288 12x WANTED, soap agents, soap crew organis ers and branch office managers to handle agents: $200. Pariter Chemical Company, 237 Market St., Chicago. J 285 12x AGENTS, see our dollar proposition first; sample prepaid 85c; deal with manufac turer. Crew managers wanted. Davis 80s pa, 156 Dearborn St., Chicago. J S4 12x WE START you Selling diamonds; don't fall getting our liberal ofTer: $6 dally sure. Carbon Diamond Co., Syracuse, N. Y. Mention paper. J a04 12x LADIES Our agents are successful: make money easily and honestly: do likewise; write Immediately for terms. The Doml Sol Co., 764 lh St., Oakland, Cal. J 202 12x AGENTS wanted to sell Licensed To Butt In Badges. Greatest novelty ever offered: sample and parllculara 10c. Edward Blandish A Co., 6t4 Warner Ave., Chicago. J-240 12X WANTED, ageuta, men and womn, to can vass. Every residence, office and stoie muat use It. Big profit; quick seller; lust out. Write for particulars. Patent Nov elty Co , Lyons, la. J a5 12x NEW magaxlne; big aiicceaa; large com mission to agents: cash prises: stamp secures sample outfit. Tlis pandex of the Press, Baa. VftoclscOk i-V 12 AGENTS WANTED BI3 MONEY In squabs; they sell for $2 t to a doxen; cheaply raised In only four weeks; write for our free book alxut this rich Industry. Plymouth Bock Squab Co., Atlantlo Ave., noston, Mass. d NEW sleeve protector for office and house work; write today; get territory; quick sales; other goods, ladies' Supply Co., Forest Ave., Chicago. J-J4 12x WANTED Agents to sell a practical $5.00 typewriter; 00 per cent commission, gun man Mfg. Co., 622 Spruce St., St. I-ouls. Mo. J 310 12x F0R RENT FURNISHtD ROOMS f RUXAL UOi&L, European. 16ih as Chicago K 6i D&WEY, European hotel. Uth 4k Farnam. E av4 SOUTH front parlor, 2024 St. Mary s ave. VIENNA hotel. Private dining rms. cfe. E 3oI 100 warm rooms, Ogden hotel, Co. Bluffs, la. E 128 ArltfVTSI WANTED. Responsible agents to sell retail stores latent iod ipe; nines, scner, miso profits, permanent business, exclusive ter ritory. Van Wynen Novelty Co., 728 Broadway, New York. - J-1R5 12x AGENTS make big money selling our lat est popular music, witn peauurui an pre mium supplements free; new scheme that catches on quickly. Address T. R. IN GRAM MUSIC CO.i Denver, Colo J 1S3 12x CANVASSERS WANTED In every city, town and village throughout the United States to rail on clubs, saloons, hotels, barber shops, cafes, restaurants, pool and billiard parlors; big offer to hustlers; write for particulars. Subscription de fartment, Richard K. Fox Publishing louse, Franklin Square, New York City. aJ181 12X PORTRAIT AGENTS Get our hew cata- Idellty -ago. J 262 Lix logue. We wont to Intereat you give us your address. ree sampiea r men Portrait Co., 120 S. Paulina St., Chicago, AGENT8 Men and women. We have the brightest and best proposition in m mini. The work is very pleasant and exceedingly profitable. You will be delighted. .Send for terms. R. M. Co., 604 Matthews Bldg., Milwaukee. Wis. J- 12x WANTED, a representative to handle vend ing machines. Must be a hustler, good standing snd furnish bond. Can make $26 a ti a -r,r,lr VniAmH.A Vending- Co.. 28-30 N. Desplalnes at., Chicago. J 255 12X LADY agents making less than $6 weekly should write for catalogue and terms; ws start you In business and make you in dependent; outfit prepaid. Women's Ap pare! Supply Co., Chicago. J 216 12x AGENTS mnks $ dally selling the) cheap est and most perfect water filter ever In vented. Retails at $2.00. Big profit. Ex clusive territory. Seneca Filter Co., Sen eca, Mo. J-216 12 AGENTS wanted In local option towns to sell our Kentucky whisky direct to con sumers. Big commissions. Write for par ticulars. W atson A Co., LoulsvHleKy. AGENTS Automatic Washers sell them selves; sells on sight, for It does a wash ing In 30 minutes; -furnishes Its own power; requires no labor and coats less than any other machine; fres sample and exclusive territory given. Automatic Washer Co., Station U, Chlcag $500 per month and expenses may seem big to you, but it can be made selling my patent for making smokeless gun and blasting powder at 8c per pound. Be ware of fakes adverUslng a worthless and dangerous article. I am the Inventor and have the patent. General agents wanted In each state to travel and ap point sub-agents. J. A. Stransky, Box 600, Pukwana, 8. D. J-208 12x SKILLED women agents to handle an ar ticle used by every woman; strictly high grade monev maker; great talking points; exclusive territory; write aulck. Man ager Dept T, Puritan Bldg., 10 Gratiot Ave., Detroit. Mich. . J-419 12x AGENTS niske, 600 per cent profit selling "Novelty Sign Cards;" merchants buy 10 to 100 on sight; SOO varieties; catalogue free. Sullivan Co.. 406 W. Van Buren St., Chicago. III. J-229 12x MEDICAL $1,000 REWARD-LADIES-$1,000 REWARD LADIES, I positively guarantee my .Never Falling ERGO-1COLO REGULATING COMPOUND. Safely relieves the longest, most obstinate, discouraging cases of sup pressed or delayed monthly periods within THREE to FIVE days without harm, pain, disappointment pr .Interference with the regular routine of life.- ERGO-KOLO COMPOUND is also a sovereign remedy in painful, Irregular or profuse periods. A remedy of which no woman can do Jus tice to herself and be without. Saves you time, money, worry, embarrassing exami nations and useless experiments. Secure this remedy at once, that never falls to bring you SPEEDY RELIEF' By mat In plain, sealed wrapper. Price, 1.60. double strength, $2. "SPECIAL FOLDER FOR LADIES" FREE. Writ today. Dr. Southlngton Remedy Co.. Offices C. C. 615 Miln St., Kansas City, Mo. LADIES treated successfully by mall. rite today, stating how long suppressed. Dr. Brlney, 182 Btate street. Chicago. LADIES When In need send for free trial of our never-falling remedy; relief quick and safe. Paris Chemical Co., Mllaukee, Wis. DR W. HUTCHINSON, specialist of women and children; 30 .years' practice. Office, 2305 Cuming. Residence telephone, 3666; office, 3667. LADIEB-Chtchester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the best; safe, reliable; take 110 other. Bond 4c stamps for particulars. "Relief for Ladles," In letter by return mall Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia, Pa. FOR WOMEN ONLY DR. RAYMOND'S Monthly Regulator has brought happiness " hundreds of anxious women. No pain, no danger, no nterference with work, relief in 1 to 6 days. We have never known'ofi Blngle f.Hure -Price $2 by mail. DR. R. G. RAYMOND REMEDY CO" Room 35, 84 Adams St.. Chicago PEN-TAN-GOT - Prompt regulator Jot ladies, never falls. $2, POStP1 Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. &5 LADIES Dr. Martinet will advise you free. The T. A P. Chemical Co.. Dept. 28, Bridgeport. Conn. 8 MEN, if you are small, weak or undevel oped, have lost strength, our Acme Vac uum Developer wll restore you without drugs or electricity; urethral obstruc tion and varicocele permanently cured In one to four weeks ; '76,000 in use; not one faiture; write for free book, sent sealed In plain envelope. Acme Mfg. Co., 7-8 Barclay blk., Denver, Colo WHAT alls you sexually. Don t send for some fake remedy, but see one who has had 25 years experience. Adress P. O. Box 754, city. 258 12x LADIES, use our reliable monthly regu lator Send for free trial. Paris Chemical CO., Milwaukee, Wls. . CLAIRVOYANTS 'only. 210 N. 17th CENTER HOTEL-210 N. 17th Wonderful Gifts $5.00 readings reduced to $1.00, this week Mm, hover's extraordinary clairvoyant power, combined with superior knowledge of occult forces, enables her to read human life with uner ring accuracy from Infancy tp old age. Her powers are wonderful and advice re liable on all affairs of life. Call at Once Get terms for lessons. Will positively teach you how to make your enemies your friends, cause a speedy marriage with the one of your choice, remove evil Influence of enemies, locate earth's burled treasures, oil wells or mines, lost friends or sto'" goods; tell you if you will be successful In speculations, law suits or Journeys, also tell you your lucky and unlucky days. READINGS BY MAIL JUST AS SATIS FACTORY AS IF YOU WERE AT MY OFFICE. . To further Introduce my work ahd con vince people of my ability, I will give my $6.00 reading for $1.00, this week only. All communications strictly confidential. No business transact, on Sunday. Busi ness hours, I a. m. to :o p. ra. MME. BOYElt, Center Hotel, V Block N. W. P. O. FREE TEST f OSIOHROW-FREE TEST TOMORROW FOR ALL WHO BRING THIS AD TO MY OFFICE. YOUR fortune told by the most reliable claiivoyants: send birth date, dime and ataanp. Pro. Carl A Rollln. 490 N. Clark St., Chicago. S 231 12x GYLMER, sclentiflo palmist, 716 N. d. Br 363 MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. 1521 Leaven worth. B-8M MRS. FAIRFIELD. 17J4 California St. B 365 MME. BOYER, Canter hotel. 210 N. 17th. H Mock northwest P. O. 8-M180 M4 MME. FRANCIKCO. the California lady clairvoyant and palmlMt. Office 17H4 Cap itol eve. 'Phone froltk. Heeding, FURNISHED room. 24 S. 27th. L M9'.S 14 NICE clean rooms; gentlemen preferred. 116 a Hh st. K-ikW )U NICELY furnished front parlor, with or without board; modern house. C15 Cali fornia. E Mioi U THREE housekeeping rooms, furnished; also sleeping rooms. The Inknta, 1613 Howard. K Mlu 12x FURNISHED rooms, modern conveniences, walking distance, lis No. Xth. E 115 12x FURNISHED room for gentleman, private home, Farnam district, walking distance; best references given and required. t&, t , . L- Hi K 114 12X CENTER EUROPEAN HOTEL. 210 N. 17th st.; rooms 50c, 75o and $1 per day; rates to parties. Tel. B-2547. E 119 12x ONE furnished room, complete, for light housekeeping. Call evenings, K8 S. lel St. E 123 12x NICE clean rooms; gentlemen. 115 So 20th street. E 419 14X FURNISHED rooms for sleeping or house keeping. 1811 Cass St. E 4U4 lix SLEEPING rooms from $1 to $2 per week. 1712 Jackson. E 425 14x ELEGANTLY furnished room In new mod ern house, telephone, close In, close to car, reasonable. 623 Bo. 17th ave. E-117 lix NICELY furnished front room, private family; heat and gas; $8.00 a month. 1.17 Webster. E Maso 14x FOR RENT In strictly private family, nice furnished front parlor, south room, and one small room; meals if desired. Apply 1712 Charles st. E 379 13 DESIRABLE front room and alcove, fac ing Hanscom park; private family; refer ences. Address Y 45, care Bee. E M369 13x TWO excellent rooms, 1 single, 1 double, with or without board; all modern. 1714 Douglas St. E 426 14 x WELL furnished south front room; steam heat, gas, bath. 2234 Farnam; flat 6. E M293 13x THREE rooms, modern, second floor, gas stove In kitchen; references required; adults only. 27ul Woolworth ave. E--M137 13x FRONT PARLOR, neatly furnished; lower floor. 'Phone 2784. 407 North 19th. E M139 13x ROOMS furnished complete. Latest atyles at popular prices; 26 per cent cheaper than at Instalment stores; the largest stock in Omaha. Terms: $26.00 worth, $1.00 week. Omaha Furniture A Carpet Co., Betweea 12th and 13th, on Farnam street. E-326 12 ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, excellent location, modern. 2310 Webster; 'phone 6390. E M146 12x TO COUPLE furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 1819 Davenport. E-M147 12x NICELY furnished room, modern. 330 N. 17th St. &-161 13x VERY desirable room downstairs; house keeping allowed; modern; $7 per month. 2606 Davenport. B M337 13x ROOM In private family, modern house. References required. 'Phone 13278 morn ings. E M341 13 FOR furnished rooms, board and room, housekeeping rooms or rooming houses, see OMAHA ROOM EXCHANGE, 432 Paxton Block. Information Free. E 376 12x SOUTH front alcove rooms, partly fur nished or unfurnished; modern. 25m) Har ney. E M359 14x SLEEPING rooms at $2.00 per week and less. 1712 Jackson st. K MS77 14x FOR RENT, nicely furnlBhed front room, with board; modern; easy walking dis tance; reasonable. 620 S. 19th st. E 410 14x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD O. M. E., TEL. 611. MESSENGERS AND BAGGAGE. F-308 GOOD room for two; gentlemen preferred. 213 S. 26th St. F 310 PERSONAL FREE! . $400 Steger Piano. You May Win It. Anyone without an upright piano has a chance to win this ttcauliful, first-class In strument by registering their name and ad dress at our office, 1.113 Farnam street, Omaha, and informing us of their friends who need a piano, that wc may send a coupon to them also. Out-of-town patrons may register hy mall, enclosing stamp for return of coupon. Address Schmoller & Mueller The Only One-price Tlano House In Neb., 1313 Fur nam St., Omaha. U-416 12 FRENCH. Spanish, German lesaons. F. Peltier, 116 ti. Sv tit. U-M A4x OMAHA Stammerers' Institute. Ramge blk. U 341 PP7PU A absolutely cured. B. J. Bcaa-CV-C UA avll M Ware block. U 441 81 DR. ROY, Chiropody, It. 1 A 3, 1506 Farnam. J-337 CHRONIC and nervous diseases success fully treated. Dr. Jackson. 311 Ramge .blk. U 838 PIANO CLUB Just forming; 60c nd $1 weekly! piano de livered immediately; plant, lessons free. Call for particular. 16U Farnam st. U 3oJ 'PHONE 701 end a man will call and tune your piano; $3. Perlleld Piano Co., lu Farnam. U-339 THEATRICAL, masq. costumes. Lleben, HtO-13 Howard. U4U. PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies boarded and adopted. Mrs. Gardell. 2iU6 Charles. Tel. A-2418. U W6 WE RENT sewing machines, 75o week. We repair all makes of machines; second hand machines, $5 to $10. Neb. Cycle Co. Tel. 1663. Cor. Uth and Harney. U 34 DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and Irregularities of women from any cause; experienced and reliable. Address, with pimp. Dr. Pries, ISllVi Dodge st., Omaha. U 8 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani tarium, 28 First, ave., Council Bluffs, la Tel. 774. U-688 TRY KELLEY'S LAUNDRY. 'PHONBJ530. Mme. M A MPTiriMfltm,fit Xr hatha. M mnjiv c 1 tBm-1Yh"u8 n. 15. 2d n.. r. t. u- HELP FOR THE DEAF. FREE TESTS. Massacon cures middle - ear trouble. Acousticon aids the hearing as glasses dp the eye. Hutchinson Acoustlo Co.. N. Y. Life building. 'Phone 1999. U 360 LARSON A JOHNSON Cut rates to all points. 14(6 Farnam. Tel. B-211S. Mem ber American Ticket Brokers, association. U 351 THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off cloth Ing; In fact, anything you do not need; we collect, repair and sell at 114 N. 11 St.. for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phone 4135 and wagon will call. U Jll PRIVATE home during confinement; ha bles adopted. Mrs Dr. King. 606 N. 18th. Tul. SE59. U-M506 ACCORDION and SUNBURST PLEATING, RUCH1NG BUTTONS Send for price list and samples. THE GOLDMAN PLEATING CO.. 200 DOUGLAS BLOCK. TEL. 193S. ; U 342 TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 720 S. 1.1th. .. U 843 H.HENKER, eye specIalist.307-8 Neville blk. U-8S0 WASHING and Ironing to take home; best of references. Telephone 3777. U-M996 12x OMAHA STEAM PASTE CO Manufacturers of paste for all purposes. Tel. 4521. 2210 Cuming. Established U- THE ROSE, 2020 Harney St., large room, suitable for two; good board; warm room; reasonable rates. F 787 1-x ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished, with or without board; private family. 2223 Burt. F 417 14x ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished, with or without board; private family. ''IK. Hu.t. F-M979 !)x LARGE front room; modern, with board. 2223 Dodge. F M105 12x BOARD and rooms. 614 N. 19th St. F M103 12x CAPITOL HOTEL, 18th and Capitol ave.; rooms with or without board, 5oc and up ward; special rates to parties. F 118 12X ROOM and board for gentleman; private family; house modern, close In; 'M per month. Reduction made for two. Address Y 44, Bee. F-376 12x FOR RENT Nicely furnished east front room, with good board; everything mod ern; rates reasonable; close in. 618. 8. 19th St. F-120 12x BOOM AND BOARD 2323 Harney, front room suitable, for two gentlemen; strictly first-class accommodations. F 180 FURNISHED rooms, with or without board; also day board. 1811 Capitol ave. F M138 13X FURNISHED room, with board. The Hill side, cor. 18th and Dodge sts. F-M143 17x STOP and see me. Best board In the city, $3.50 per week. Good home cooking. Give us a trial. 619 Pacitlo st 'Phone 2IK3. F M340 14 x BOARD nnd room In private family; 'phone and bath; $4.00 per week. 28 Ohio st. - F-M3H7 14X UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT 2 LARGE parlors and kitchen, $20. 3 ground tloer rooms wun rungr, m. n do. -jiu st. See Janitor in basement. G M968 lix THREE housekeeping rooms,' modern ex cent heat, sreond noor, no children, $10. 2914 North 25th St. G-116 12x S ROOMS for light housekeeping, gas and mraten 1 biocK irom car line; orirraic mm- llv-7. 8818 S. JiHh Btt G M14J 13X TWO large parlors and kitchen, $20.00, with heat; 3 ground floor rooms with range, $16.00. Tel. 53o. (-16013x THREE rooms for light housekeeping in a cottage. 1120 N. 17th. 0-155 13x 4 FURNISHED and 1 unfurnished rooms. 242U Dodge. G M197 14 X TWO lnrge parlors and kitchen, $20; three ground floor rooms, with range, $15. 118 So. 26th st. Bee Janltof In basement. . OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institule, 615 N.Y. Life bldg. Tel.l6l Hue MRS. JOHN R. MUSICK. Osteopathy Phy sician; office, Neville block. Tel. 2823. 370 Huntington A Stratum. 832 N. Y. L. Te. F-S.. 7" FLORISTS HESS A SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam. -868 L. HENDERSON, 151$ Farnam. Tel. 1K8 37 ALFRFD DONAOUUB, JR., 1607 Farnam. TeL $331 ROYALTY paid on song-poems and musi cal compositions. We arrange and popu larize. Pioneer Music Pub. Co., Inc., 6t0 Manhattan Bldg., Chicago. U 279 12x MARRY wealth and beauty; marriage di rectory free; pay when married; entirely new plan; send no money. Address H. A. Horton, Dept. 297, TekonMha, Mich. U-4J74 12x JEFJ-POAL-R. 1392. Indies' regulator; n failure; safe, powerful; no nausea; prlcn, $1.00. What women, young or old, should know; free. Jeo-Poal Remedy Co., 619 Main St., Cincinnati, O. U 203 12x A WONDERFUL French clairvoyant; what he tells comes true; send 10c and birth date. Prof. E. Garuot, Box 2179, Boston. Muss. U 244 12x GENTLEMAN wealth, kindness and Integ rity, seeks congenial wife. Address Mrs. Cole, 606 Walnut, Room 7, Philadelphia. Fa, U 238 12 c yew HANDSOME business man middle age, worth $50,(100, pleasant home, desires nt once true, affectionate wife, maiden lady or widow; no objection t6 widow with chil dren; money no object. Address Bel Monte, 173, 14 State St., Chicago. U-23S 12 HANDSOME, intelligent young lady, $20,000 In her own name, will marry Immediately and will furnish husband with capital to start buslncss; no objection to honorable poor man. Address Mrs. Belmont, 173 Hampden Bldg., Chicago. U 230 12x SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, warts and moles pernmneutlv removed by electricity ; con sultation free nnd confidential; all work guaranteed. MIsb Allender, 423 N. Y. Ufe. U-302 12x WE MAKE1 banners and flags of all kinds. Omaha Paraphernalia House, Dept. C. 415 S. 151 h st. U-306 12 WANTED Young lady correspondent for amusement. Address T. H. L.. Hox aid. Council Bluffs, la. U 187 12x YOU don't have to pay ' Installment prices If you furnish your home or flat here. We carry the largest stock In Omaha. New spring styUs are ready. Terms! $5.00 worth, $1.00 per week; $100.00 Worth, $2.W week. Omaha Furniture & Carpet Co., Between 12th and 13th, on Farnam street. U-326 12 WHAT ails you sexually? Don't send for some fake remedy, but see one who has had 25 years experience. Address P. O. Box 764, Omaha. U 267 12x MUSIC LESSONS FREE Piano, violin, mandolin, etc. to advertise system of teaching by correspondence. Write for free tuition. American School of Muslo, Manhattan Bldg., Chicago. U 261 12x VERY wealthy young woman will corre apond. Object, matrimony. No objection to poor man. If honest. Lock Box B, Blue Island. III. U 207 12x Piano tuning. Tel. 6604. Dalbey, 2207 Mason, U M368 allx VIOLA Can't act on your augajestlon, but would like your address. Jack. U 40B 14x YOUNG man. stranger In city, desires the acquaintance of refined, stylish blonde. Address V 61. Bee. U 414 14x WANTED, by working man, acquaintance of a working srlrl: object business, matri mony If sulled: no objections to widow. Y 49, enre llee. U-411 14x WILL the young lady who noticed young man wearing llirht top coat Saturday about 8 p. in. at entnance to New York Life bldar. address Y 50, care BeeT Men tion Incident. U 411 15x E. L. t-OVEJOY will repair your aewln macnine and warrant It. .'Address and Spruce at. 1T-413 12x TREES. SHRUBS ETC. A COMPLETE line of fruit, shade, omit. mental trees, vines, shrubs, roses, etc. Address; Omaha Nursery, Pupllllon, Neb, " . a 671