TIIE OMAIIA DAILY BEE SATURDAY, MARCT1 11, 1905. SALE BEGINS SATURDAY, MARCH 1 tir n (i? rn fr?i rjip JVyULAJD cJo LED LEb UVJ Vy UVJ fJ Formerly Y. Vi. A Sale of High Grade Seasonable, Up-to-Date Goods That Has Never Had a Precedent Nor an Equal. C. A. Building hh3 l j. iMZi "3 3!3 J lLOigfiNiTiKliB . .. "if"""" '" 111 ' "ll I i i By in, ,. DUDS' !F A il M I L f LIU Everything in this Entire Stock Will Be Sold at the Prices That have won a Reputation for Brandeis Throughout the Mercantile World. Bfo) A rr .2) Inl ill The reputation that Mrs. Benson so faithfully earned for carrying high grade goods, the excellent taste and fine judg ment in the selection of styles and mate rials are shown in every article in this stock. You can't go wrong in anything you buy in this sale. You are bound to save money. MILS. J. BENSON Carried the Finest Line of LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S FURNISHING GOODS, Including Ladies' Huslin Undorwoar, Lacos and Embroideries, Waists, Skirts, Underskirts, Knit Hosiery, Corsets, Dressing Sacques, In fant's Outfits, Gloves, Children's Jackets, Dresses and Caps, Neckwear, Veil ings, Toilet Articles, Perfumes, Ribbons, Art Needlework, Yarns of all kinds, Linings, Buttons, Jewelry Novelties, Notions. The purchase includes not only the en tire stock that was in the Y. M. C. A. building, but also all the goods selected by Mrs. Benson for the spring trade, part of which had not yet been unpacked, and the bulk of which had been shipped when Mrs. Benson's stock was sold to us. I J. L. BIIANDEIS & SONS, Omahai C '-lrZS UZM ' SL LJ iS "Ll av - nmmm J, L, Brandeis & Sons Omaha. J. L BRANDEIS & SONS, Omaha. . HOSPITAL AT HOT SPRINGS GoTernment Makes Farther Appropriation! , to Complete Fine Institution. BIG BATTLE MOUNTAIN SANITARIUM Institution, that Will Accommodate Crippled a Dlicucd Vetetui and May la Tim Become Rational la Scop. Through the energies of Captain Henry E. Palmer, member of the board of trus tees of the National Homea for Disabled Volunteers, an additional appropriation of $32,600 has Just been secured for the Battle Mountain sanitarium at Hot Springs, S. D. Of this sum 12,000 Is for officers' quarters and $7,600 for a conservatory. Captain Palmer took up this matter only In Decem ber last and Is more than gratified that the appropriation has been granted. In referring to the progress of construction at the sanitarium, Captain Palmer says: "The main ward buildings are now nearly all under roof, the roofs being of tile. The plumbing and steam heating plants are now being put In. The buildings will be ready for occupancy by January 1, 1906. The total eoat of the sanitarium up to the pres ent time, or the appropriations therefor, amount to 1700,000. When completed the establishment will have a capclty of 460 beds, and It will require about 150 em ployes to run the concern. Youngr Met Come First. The first patients to be sent there will probably be the disabled Spanish-American war volunteers, many of whom are now In the soldiers' homes, under treatment for ailments originating In the Philippines, Cuba and Porto Rico. These are largely young men under SO years of age. After these are accommodated civil war veterans now In the hospitals of the various homes will be oared for there. Many of these are now being oared for at the soldiers' homes throughout the country, and only uch as are suffering from ourable ail ments will be given a course of treatment at the sanitarium. These are largely men yet under CO years of age. ' ; "The sanitarium is not to be regarded klost people began drink ing Ghirardelli's Ground Chocolate because of Its digestible deliciousness; but its food value made it a fixed choice. AJwaye fresh ha patented hermeti caUy sealed cans. as a 'home' In the sense that the national soldiers' homes for disabled volunteers are. These homes are sufficiently equipped with hospital accommodations for the old vet erans who are disabled through age and senility and unable to take care of them selves. I think in time that the Battle Mountain sanitarium will become a na tional hospital for soldiers of the regular army as well, as for the volunteers, thus assuring! Its permanency as a national institution. Of course, it is relatively na tional In character now, but the govern ment has already a hospital and home for disabled regular army soldiers at Washing' ton, which Is one of the most completely equipped institutions of its kind in the world." RUNAWAY GIRL ROUNDED UP 'A Police Overhaul Lueylle B. Hicks of Sheldon, Iowa, Shortly After Her Arrival. . , Lucylle B. Hick, a runaway girl, is stay ing with the police matron at the station until Captain Haze can get word from her father in Sheldon, la. She does not look a day over 16, but she says she is 19 years of age and mistress of her own destinies. The (irl was first seen by Officer Madsen as she got off a Northwestern train at the Union station at 10:30 Thursday night. She seemed to be expecting some one. but as she stayed about fifteen minutes and no friend appeared, the officer began to ques tion her. She caid that she was expecting her brother and that he would take her to a rooming house on South Thirteenth street, the place shu mentioned being known to the police. Officer Madsen told her It was not a suitable place for a young girl to stay and suggested that she go to a hotel. She then went to the Union hotel and regis tered at M:s. O. Evans. Captain iiostyn thought there ought to be an investigation, and he had Officer Baldwin go to the hotel and bring the girl to the station. There she confessed that her name was Lucylle Hicks and that her home was In Sheldon, la. She had been visiting In another town and her relatives thought she had left for home, but she came to Omaha Instead. In her suit case were found a number of letWrs from an Omaha man signing himself Ouy Alnsworth, and from the contents the police were assured that she had come to meet the writer. Police Matron Anderson took charge of the girl and a telegram was sent to her father. PEACE IN DEATH HER QUEST Mrs, Ines Brewster Takes Morphine, bet the Police liricos Re stores Her to Life. Mrs. Ines Brewer, the wife of Ed Brewer, who lives at 60S North Sixteenth street, at tempted to commit suicide last evening by taking morphine. Yesterday afternoon Brewer sent his wife out after a package of "makings," and after being gone what Brewer thought was a longer time than was necessary, she came back with the wrong brand of to bacco. Brewer was willing to forgive the fact that he was kept waiting an unusually long time, but to bring back the wrong sort of tobacco well, that was an unpard onable sin. And so the quarrel began. After things had quieted down Mrs, Brewer began brooding over the troubles that she had to undergo In this world and over the quarrel she had Just had with her husband. She Anally ceme to the conclusion that her husband no longer loved her. She then went to him and told him that as he did not care for her anymore. It would be better for her to kill herself. Soon sfterward she left the house and nothing more waa eeen of her until aiiout e.iU o'clock, when lis. Mc Laughlin, .a '.neighboring woman, went to call her and found her lying in a stupor on a cot. She at once notified the police, who sent Police Surgeon Kennedy to attend tho woman. By prompt use of the stomach pump the woman's life was saved. OMAHA VIEVTSMANY WANTS Improvement Club -Hears from Coun cllmen and Others on Various Matters. The Omaha View Improvement club held another big meeting last night, to which special Interest was attached by the pres ence of Councllmen Edward Evans and C. S. Huntington, and J. W. VanGllder, each of whom addressed the club at length. Mr. Evans stated to the club that he was anxious to extend the property owners of the 'Omaha View section every possible as sistance as a councilman and citizen, in the matter of securing deserved and needed light, sidewalks and other Improvements. Many of these he had secured In the past and assured the club that he would do all he could in the future. Mr. Huntington spoke in general terms. of city Improvement's, and, the need of fur ther improvements, not only in Omaha View, but elsewhere throughout ,the city. He would gladly aid Mr. Evans in secur ing to this part of town every improve ment possible, but the council is handi capped by the shortage of funds. He said that while It Is charged that the council annually appropriated nearly $1,600,000 for various purposes, yet as a matter of fact there Is but about $90,000 that the council can appropriate, as the great bulk of the city funds are appropriated by law to vari ous departments over which the council has no actual control. He stated that for every dollar expended by the council there could be shown the equivalent dollar'sJ worth of work. Mr. VanGllder spoke of the boulevard and park improvements, and said that the Prospect Hill Improvement club, of which he Is a member, Is In hearty accord with the Omaha .View club in the matter of the boulevard route and that It also stands ready to help Omaha View secure the street railway extension on Thirty-third street, from Parker to Maple. He spoke of the burial of the terminal tax law by the sift ing committee of the present legislature, and the mutilation of the city charter bill at the Instance of the railway and other cornorate Influences. Chairman Fofbes announced the follow ing permanent committees for the ensuing year: Street railway, A. N. Tost, Simon Robinson, O. W. Carr; school, F. H. Mon roe, Richard Robinson? N. Burrell; streets and alleys, A. F. Wilson, W. C. Gregory, William Butts; sidewalks and crossings, C. H. Oleson. J. Q. A. Fleharty, D. J. Maher; fire and police, A. J. Storey, Charles Grotmsck, W.' Green; lights and lighting, John Davis, W. Schneckenburger, P. J. Haas, sewers, H. J. Peterson, Fred Paul sen, John Claussen; taxation, P. C. Oleson, T. J. Craven; membership, Mrs. Mary Lyon, Ed Foster; parks, O. W. Sancha, John Davis, Joseph Houghton. Thanks were extended to Messrs. Evans, Huntington and VanGllder for their ad dresses. The secretary was directed to extend an invitation to City Engineer An drew Ronewater and Street Commissioner Joseph Htimmell to visit the club at Its next meeting. It waa announced that at the meeting of the club to be held March 24 that Prof. Ritchie, elocutionist, would probably give a reading or two for the entertainment of the club. DilHIis Permits. The rlty has Inmied permits to btittrt to ?RO0 frame dwe'llre st SIS South Thlrtv seventh street; Pharlrs Kunrl. three tl.iww) frswt dwHtlnr. at S1tenth end fVn'er street; V. V Knnrl. two II ( frame dwellings at Fifteenth, and Center street. NO NEED 0FJE1NC HOMELY Madame Tale Tells Omaha Women How to Be and Bemain Beautiful. HERSELF AIMIRAL EXAMPLE OF THEORY Passing; Years Have Lett None of the Marks Usually Noticed Upon Her Face and Figure, Beautiful and Girlish Yet. "I can promise you everything In the way of beauty If you will only live and act in the way I tell you," was the mes sage of Madame Yale to the women of Omaha at Boyd's theater yesterday. Then she told how women could make themselves beautiful, and remain young as the years creep on, even though the half century mark be reached and passed. She herself Is the living example of her art, the living personification of beauty, health and grace. And the wonderful woman Is 63 years of age. At least she says she Is, and It must be so, for who ever heard of a woman makirtg it more than it really Is? Madame Yale looks as fresh uid young as a woman of 28, and one could almost swear that she is not above 30. Yet looks are de ceiving. "People cannot understand it," she said. "There Is not a gray hair In my head, not a wrinkle in my cheek or brow, not a Blgn of stiffness in my joints, and my voice Is the voice of a girl. There are those who accuse me of being my own daughter, but I assure you that I am the same Madame Yale wHo came before the public twenty years ago. I am not a bit changed from then, do not look a bit dif ferent, except perhaps that I am younger. The secret of it all Is beauty culture. No Ezcue for Valine... "There Is no excuse for ugliness; It Is the result of Improper living. With proper breathing and diet, the correct method of walking and careful attention to cleanli ness and exercise, beauty can be attained. "If we all made ourselves beautiful, our children would be born perfect. If we were altogether beautiful we would be perfectly healthy ourselves and our offspring could not help but be likewise. By caring for our own bodies 'we teach them to care for theirs. If we care nothing for beauty in ourselves, how ran we expect the children to become beautiful T "Because you are a middle-aged woman, do not think there is no hope for you. Age has fastened on you habits of improper living, but If you can command yourself to begin living, to outardly express the beauty which la within, .you will be sur prised to see how good looking you will become. If one ' begins In time, there is absolutely no reason why a woman of 40 or 60 should not be as young as-one of 20, Just as I am now." Here are some of Madame Yale's Instruc tions: "Open the eyes when you laugh, do not shut them and draw wrinkles about the corners. "Breathe deeply. It has a wonderful ef fect on the development of the bust. Chief of all, It purifies the blood and no woman can be healthy without rich, red blood. "Take exercise. Get the muscles Into ac- as. viuslow's SOOTKIh'Q SYRUP as beea aed by at lllion. of Mother, for tbalr eUlra llW teetliluf fur orar rlftr Yr ra it ihhii oniiii, w 11 M1. our wluA iwuadr fgr dlkrrtKmt, 'too. ruiiift. elUra our. wtu4 oulkt aud u Hie bt miKTt.HVS CENT A XOTTLK. tlon and build them up. Exercise Is one of the secrets of beauty. "Drink plenty of water. It serves to elim inate the waste of the system." Illustrates Her Lecture. Madame Yale's costumes were stunning. Her first appearance was in a white decol lete gown covered with shining spangles. In this she delivered a part of her lecture. Next she came on the stage In a short skirt and went through a set of callsthenlc exercises which she uses for her own mus cles. To show the correct and incorrect methods of walking, she appeared in black tights, which set oft to advantage her su perb figure. The lecture was concluded in a decollete gown of some dark material. Here she showed her hearers the proper methods of massage. "Beauty," said Madame Yale, "is an ex pression of the inner life. Of course one must have a healthy body in order to be beautiful, but I wish to say that no one can be truly beautiful who harbors in her heart pettiness or selfishness or any thing which Is bad. The selfishness and the pet tiness shows on the outside; It makes its Imprint on the person. To have beautiful bodies we must be beautiful Inside." CHASE LECTURES 0n7aRS1FAL Conarresalonal Church Packed to Listen to an Explanation of the Great Muala Drama. , At the First Congregational church last night a large crowd assembled to listen to the lecture by Clement Chase on "Parsi fal." The auditorium and lecture room were thrown together, and both were filled more than comfortably, and many were turned away because the church would hold no more. Mr. Chase talked for about an hour and a half, and was as sisted by Miss Paulson at the piano, and Mr. Cuscaden, who played the "Good Friday" spell on the violin. The lecturer made clear the story and the many beau ties of the great muslo drama. On Monday, night Mr. Chase will lecture before the Matinee Musical at Lincoln, and on Fri day night of next week he will appear before the Woman's Club of Fremont. In both these cities he will be assisted by local musicians. off eastward. Locally a cloudy condition prevails, and the prospect Is for light snow flurries, with cooler tonight and to morrow. GRANT, Neb., March 10. (Special Tele gram.) About six Inches of snow fell during last night. This was preceded by rain and with no wind and is rapidly dis appearing. This puts the ground In a thoroughly soaked condition and crop pros pects are the best BAD CHECK FOR GOOD CLOTHES Iowa Man Works nothing; store and Now Fights Against Coming Back. A week ago J. H. Young gave a check on the Merchants National bank for 151.76 to Berg Swans'on In payment for a suit of clothes, hat and overcoat. When the check was presented at the bank It was learned that J. H- Young had never bad an account there. In the meantime Young had left the city. He was located Thursday at Ute, la., and officers atarted to bring him to Omaha. He came as far as Council Bluffs and re fused to go farther. SOME LIGHT SNOW FLURRIES Little Ousts of Winter Come Along with a Belated Blast from Manitoba. Snow flurries prevail weat to the moiuiy tains, but they are generally of a character and do not promise to dev.l into anything svere. Cool weather la re ported up the valley. At Winnipeg, 1$ below aero waa the mark yesterday, wlille at Dulutb they ware worrying along under a below temperature. Westward of Dulutb it is not so cool. The cool ness prevails In the upper Mississippi val ley and lake region and Is alwaly niwvlug NEWS FOR THE ARMY. Corporal F. J. Kotlar, Company M; Pri vate Carl Anderson. Company D, Thirtieth United States Infantry, Fort Crook, and Musician John F. Monday, Nineteenth Bat tery, held artillery. Fort Riley, have been honorably discharged from the army in conformity with directions from the War department. The following general court-martial sen tences have been promulgated iron, head quarters, Department of me Missouri: Pri vate L. G. Singer, Company K, Sixteenth infantry, Jefferson barracks; desertion; dis honorable discharge and two years im prisonment. Private Frank T. Hobsvn, Company I, Thirtieth Infantry, Fort Crook; burglary; dishonorable discharge and two and a half years' imprisonment, frlvate Harry L. In man, Thirtieth company, coast artillery, Fort Leavenworth; desertion; d.s bonorable discharge and eighteen months' Imprisonment. Private Oscar Hue, Com pany M. Twenty-ninth infantry. Fort Leav enworth; desertion; dishonorable dlMcharve and one year's impilsonment. Private John 11. Whalen, Company K, Thirtieth infantry, Fort Crook; desertion; dishonorable dis charge and one year's imprisonment. Pri vate G. W. Cobb, Twenty-ninth battery, field artillery, Fort Leavenworth; larceny; dishonorable discharge and one year's im prisonment. Private Charley Maasey, Com pany K, Twenty-ninth Infantry, Fort Leavenworth; desertion; dishonorable dis charge and eighteen months' imprison ment. Lieutenant Albert Mohn, who was re cently tried by a general court-martial at St. Louis for writing letters to the presi dent charging certain of his superior of ficers with various misdemeanors, which were regarded as captious, frivolous, un true and Insubordinate, has again appealed to the president for a new trial on the ground that he waa not permitted to sum mon witnesses from points outside the De partment of the Missouri. Lieutenant Mohn refused to make any defense at all on this ground. This is his third trial on the same -charges and specifications. His last trial was somewhat sensational, in the fact that he protested against the creation of the court by order of Brigadier General Wlnt, commanding the department, on the ground that General Wlnt was prejudiced against him and could not in futrnesa desig nate the trial of the court-martial because of prejudice, w liliu ihei e was nu ground for this charge of unfairness, the deportment commander acceded to the request of Lieutenant Mohn, and the court was there upon named by the president st the request of the accused lieutenant. Among the wit nesses summoned by Lieutenant Mohn waa one officer now In Rome, Italy, and several others In remote sections. Who could not attend the trial without impairment of tho efficiency of the service. For this reason Lieutenant Mohn claims that he has not had a fair trial, and made no effort at a defense, and consequently asks for a new trial, the hearing having been brought In the first Instance at his own request. Lleu tenant Mohn is an officer of the Fourth cavalry, stationed at Jefferson Barracks. Mo. Diet of Apples and Milk. In their instructive experimental work the agricultural stations have issued a bul letin on the food advantages of milk and apples, not only for children but for grown up people- Though no one would think so from looking at a fluid glass of milk and a solid apple, the percentages of solids and water in apples and In milk Is almost the same, apples being 86 per cent water and milk 80 per cent. There is more sugar in spples and more add in milk, A diet of both apples and milk Is one of the most wholesome and well balanced. The potash contents of both are high. They are the best food for brain, bone and muscle nourishment and In their effect upon the nerves they are soothing. In skimming milk the cream removed lessens the fat percentage, and for older persons or fat children the skim milk Is equally desirable, in some cases better. In rating spples, the skin, too, should be eaten. Pared apples are not so nutritious, as the ash contents of the apple skin are valuable to the human system. 1 -ft Sixty years of experience with Ayer's Sarsa pirilla! Think of that! . Think of the millions of people who have been cured by this medicine! If despondent, down-hearted, discouraged, and almost ready to give up, this splendid old family medicine will prove the silver lining to your dark and dismal cloud. Ask your doctor. UU th. . O. Ar O... L.w.11, s. aim suuMutsi ml ATtK't Bin YIGO,y.r tea asir. ATIK'S PIU S-For ee.ltlp.tloa. ATkk't CaCktT faCTUaAlr-rw oonc as. AlaK'i AGU Cuss-for malarlA sag ara.