1t THE OMATIA' DAILY fiEE: BATTJKD'AY. MAKCTT 11, 1905. v- i j!I i.j I H 1 'i h 1 j i' 1 1 NEW CHARTER FULL OF HOLES Document as Printed for Inspection Looks Like Harry Deuel'i Skimmer. DENVER JOKER CAUSES MUCH UPROAR Clause that Pats ths Cltr at the Merer of the Coatractors Is Oh Jeeted to by City Attorney and Clfy Enlaeer. Receipt of printed copies of the latest revised charter Introduced In the legisla ture at the city hall has called forth unmitigated criticism 'of the following sec tion: "In all specifications to be used In public Improvements ot every kind the mayor and council shall establish a stan dard of purity, strength and quality, to be demonstrated by physical and chemical tests within the limits of reasonable varia tion such as rattler, crushing, absorption, chemical and other tests, and in every In stance the material shall be described In the specifications either by standard 01 quality, as will admit of genuine compe tition between contractors, so that there can be at least two or more bids by Individuals or companies in no manner con nected with each other, and no material shall be specified which shall not be sub ject to such competition." City Attorney lireen says: "This section Is known as the 'Denver section,' and was not In the draft of the proposed charter when It left the charter revision commit tee's hands It Is not. In my opinion, at all desirjble. After directing In a pre ceding section that the city engineer shall make all specifications for work coming under his supervision subject to changes at the order of the mayor and council, this latter provision in reality would nullify the powers placed In the engineer. It .would mean that the mayor and council and not the engineer would Initiate and legalize the moat essential parts of all specifications. i Loophole for Poor Material. "I- find great objection to this" latter section because It Is Indefinite. It says that the mayor and council shall establish a standard of purity, strength and quality to be demonstrated by tests, but It leaves open the question whether this standard shall apply to the material as taken from its original sources or which used In paving, sewer or other work. For Instance a i certain quality or percentage of bitumen might be made the standard and the provision so worded that It would refer to the raw material and not as It Is mixed and compounded in pavements to be laid In Omaha at nil. In my opinion the section would enable various kinds of evasions and loopholes and deprive the engineer of rights which he should exercise by reason of the special knowledge and experience he Is sup posed to have. . "The section is necessary. Even though the engineering department should show favoritism, contractors and the public alike would be protected by another provision which makes It Imperative In the specif Hcations to allow the widest possible lati tude In competitions. This would enable a chance to hold up and destroy objectionable peclflcatlons by legal methods." City at Mercy of Whims. City Engineer Kosewate:- is more bitter than Mr. Breen In denouncing the "Denver Joker." He declares It would make hl office simply that of an engineering clerk find would commit the city to a policy of sacrificing expert and scientific knowledge In the creation of public works to the views and whims of other officers not trained or educated1 In technical matters of the kind. Further than this, he says that the objectlonnble section was Inserted through the manipulations of Interested contractors, who think they can prey more enBlly upon the Inexpert knowledge and In formation of the council, as regards paving Mian they can Influence the engineering department to gain concessions thut would toe unfair to other bidders,'' "The law might Just as well authorize the council to alter the briefs which the city attorney, files In court or the pre scriptions written bv the health commis sioners," says Mr. Rosewater. "Not con tent with content with giving the mayor nnd council the right o amnd specifica tions made by this department, the con tractors desiring unfulr advantages have attempted to make It Incumbent upon the mayor and council to fix vital elements In ,.Ahese specifications elements that might render ineffective any specifications that : may be made In the engineering depart- ( ment to safeguard the interests of the City. Hunting- the weak Spots. - City Attorney Breen and AHnmtnnt At. torney Herdman are going over the proposed' i Charter carefully In search or confilctlons and incongruities. Already a number have been discovered one of which would give v the members of the Fire and Police com minion an annual salary of $1,200 each In stead of JSOO as now contemplated. An ) other section which has been modified woultt fine each councilman 10 for falling to V attend a special meeting unless detained by sickness, no other good 'reason sufficing. J -J An amendment proposing to direct the pay t ment of city laborers by the week Instead y. of month In order to prevent the acalping U of warrants In advance, and many others 1 have been fourid defective and the attorneys ' aro trying to patch them up and make them , harmonize with laws on the statute books j which It Is not proposed to change. HIGH SCHOOL HEATING PLANT : Campaign of Investigation Does Not i Suit Critics of the Ap. paratns at All. , Chairman Lower of the Board of Educa tion committee on heat and ventilation ays that he has directed Superintendent of Buildings Flnlayson to make a thorough Inspection of the High school heating and ventilating plant. "When this report Is. made," says Mr. Lower, "I shall call a meeting of the com mittee and take up the report and the matter generally. The subject la intricate nd much Involved. I am doing something meanwhile to ascertain the facts, but hav ing nothing at hand now of particular In terest." . Men familiar with school board affairs ay that the course pursued by Lower Is exactly what they feared and that un!ens something else is done there is little hope "tor bettering the condition of the heating TOO MUDDY TO DRINK. Omaha water looks pretty THICK just now for drinking purposes. Better try a course of ' MINERAL WATER. ' We sell 1(10 kinds and Just now are mak . Ing some attractive price WHEN PUK. : CHASED IN QUANTITY. "" rL"" Case W otikrti WAUKESHA HYQEIA, carbonated, 16.00 Allowance for return of bottles, $1.00. This makes the above cost a net price of ElOHT CUNTS per quart bottle. V ' 'There Is no finer water than the Wauke sha llygi-la, Ill-gallon can plain WAUKESHA HY GKI A. fc'.fO; allowance for return of can SI. bUKO I.ITHIA WATFR It's carbonated loo quart, 12.50 dosen, ts.W for cuse of 60 .quarts. . - .1V.,),VU'. I-ITHIA-H gallon (no gas), cass Of 12 bottles, $5.00. DISTILLED WATER-Case of 1! H-gal-In bottles for $iS6; allowance for return of empties, 76c Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. Dealers In Rare Drugs and Chemicals, Phy , sUIuiim' and Hospital Supplies. Corner loin and DoUs. 1 mm IB JO ton Charming Spring Styles in Brandeis Millinery Visit our great millinery section Saturday and you will get more Idea of genuine spring styles In millinery than you could receive by a week's study of fashion notes or small displays. Brandeis shows this year more pattern hats, more exclusive models, more absolutely new designs than any house In the west.' Our millinery supremacy Is more firmly established than ever before. Brandeis Millinery Stands on 20 Years of Millinery Success It Is always the Prandels hats that set trie fashion In Omaha. We hare been fortunate' In securing the service of Miss Margaret Daverne, one of New York's cleaverest designers for fashionable millinery trade. Her services are this year for Brandeis patrons. Newest Trimmed and Street Hats at $5 A splendid assortment of new designs for the spring season graceful new shapes, polo tur bans, small turbans, toques, etc. new shades of reseda, brown, raspberry, reds, navies, etc. trimmed with new small and large spring flow ers, distinguished styles, at.. TRIMMED AND STREET ITATS Very stylishly fashioned smartest trimming the widest CA variety of the moderate- Ir J ly pricetl hats, at csd READY TO WEAR SriUXO HATS Made of the new soft braids stylish small turbans, deftly trimmed with ribbons, velvets and ornaments, etc., C A specials, at IU THE NEW SPRING FLOWERS The widest variety, at, a bunch. 15c and 25c IN DRUG DEPT. ALL OF MRS. BENSON'S TOILET AR TICLES AT HALF PRICE OR LESS. 1,000 Jars of talcum powder, regular fi price 60c; Saturday at...., IVfc. 10 gross Albatross cream, regular 1lr price 25c; Saturday IVFW (This Is the best cold cream made). 75c, Two-quart fountain syringe, 85c Three-quart fountain syringe, 100 pair rubber gloves, new stock, Or all sizes, at UVW 60c perfume white rose, violet, heliotrope, n Jocliy club, crab apple blossom, lilly of the valley (bring your perfume . Or bottle to be Ailed); -Staurday, os....sW Soap, worth 60c a box at, 4fr box IUC Cucumber soap, regular price lOo a 1fc cake; Saturday, i cakes for IVIW All the 20c, 2fc, 30c, 35c and 60c -4 Sf, tooth brushes at, each IJS $1.00 bottle rye whisky, 5QC We are serving ice cream soda. Ice cream Bundaes and Ice cream by the Cn dlfh-at, dish ol- Equal to any '10c Ice cream in the city. Sheet Music Specials All mall orders filled. Add lc for postage. VOCAL I'm Trying So Hard to For get You (by Charles K. Harris), Alex ander, Blue Bell, Coax . Me, Come Home Soldier Boy (answer to Blue Bell), Little Boy from Lonesome Street, Bessie, Always In the Way, I Was Only Fooling, Let's All go Up to Maude's, Teasing, I Would If I Could, but I Can't, In a Sleigh With the Girl You Love, She Still Believes In You, When the Sunset Turns the Ocean's Blue to Gold, Back to Baltimore. INSTRUMENTAL The Bugler Karama, Moon Winks (3-step). -Trobadour. One- onta, St. Louis Tickle, Palf Leaf Rag, Josephine and others at EACH Two for 25c All the latest opera hits at 21c each De Luxe Edition at 6e each. Mandolin Follos Harrls No. 485. Von Tilzer No. 3. 20c each. Dance Folios Star No. 3, Von Tilzer No. 2, at 25c each. Uf Leaf Rag, !3c 100 Calling Cards Any of the latest styles of type, printed while Clr you wait, at. ...... . JJF IN THE ARCADE Klelnert's Double Oem Driss Shlild If you are In doubt as to the best shield for you to use, get Klelnert's Double Gem Dress Shield. Have It large enough and proper ly fastened to your garment and we will be responsible for the result. 21 Largest Exclusive Retail Millinery House in Omaha MEW SPRING MILLINERY First important display of smart tailored, ready-to-wear and individual suit hats. SATURDAY Popular Prices Always. 1508 Douglas St. In the new High school building. They declare that the superintendent of build ings, while a good enough artisan In his way, la not In the least fitted or com petent to report on so difficult and technical a matter as the High school heating plant. They fear that If the committee goes no further than this and the Individual knowl edge and Judgment of the members that expensive alterations will be made on the plant that will merelw botch the Job some more without doing Anything in the way of getting better results. What these critics want Is for the committee to con sult with the architect who designed the plant and to follow his advice Implicitly until It has been given a thorough test and demonstrated good or bad. ' LAST TO PHOTO MRS. STANFORD Gould Diets of Omaiia Catches Famous Millionairess with Ills Camera at Honolulu. The last photograph of Mrs. Stanford, whose sudden death has had so much pub licity, was taken by Oould Diets of Omaha, who happened to be In Honolulu when the famous millionairess arrived, and who caught her with, his camera as she was leaving the steame at the dock. The Diets party . has reached San Francisco, on Its return, and Mr. Dlets's photograph ot Mrs Stanford was printed In the San Francisco Chronicle of last Sunday. Mrs. O. P. Diets, who, with her son, was a guest at the St. Francis, Is quoted as expressing herself shocked beyond measure to learn on arriving here of the traglo death of Mra Stanford. Continuing, she Lsald: "Mrs. Stanford arrived In Honolulu en the Corea, and was at first assigned to apartments adjoining mine at the Moana hotel. Knowing that she was Intimate with Mrs. Bishop Newman, who la per sonal friend of mine, I took the liberty to Inquire of her as to Mrs. Newman's wel fare. Further than that I had no con versation with her, although we met in ths dining room every day. Two weeks ago I saw her leave the hotel in company with her maid to attend church. When I left Honolulu last Sunday she waa apparently In the very best of health." DEMOCRATS HAVE A CANDIDATE Frank Weaver's Name Is Iprsng as m Possible .accessor to Dyball. The dozen or so republicans, who are pressing their claims for councilmanlc honors from the Seventh ward to All the place vacated by the death of R. W. Dyball are threatened with other complications. Although there are seven republicans to one democrat in the council, patriots in the latter party have been urging that at least one candidate is due them. They have been prevailing upon Frank Weaver, president of ths Jackaonlan club to stand up and demand the place as a well behaved and popular resident of ths Seventh ward, and Mr. Weaver has agreed to permit the use of bis name. Buy Your Go-Carts aJ Baby Carriages direct from your borne manufac turer and nave the retailer's pro tits. W promise you a better ar ticle for less money. We carry the largest stock of Iteed Folding and Itecliulug Go-Carts, with a guarantee to be the best made from (2.00 up. Call or send for catalogue. Omaha Re8d& Rattan Works Tel. 20 43. 151t Howard at. guarantee clothing COMPANY 15(9-21 DOUGLAS STREET lien's Pan!, $1.25 We received CKX) additional pants which we put In to strengthen this line. Rale price, fl.23. Sell other places at $2.00. Pants, 'I 90 Actually worth up to $3.00. They look well, wear well, fit well and there is nothing cheap about them except the price. Men's Suits, $7 90 LAST CHANCE. We have put Into the $7.00 line all lightweight odds and ends suits from last season starting today. Lots of them worth up to $15.00. They won't last long. Spring Overcoats, $4 85 There is a limited amount of these Spring Overcoats nnd Craven ette Coats left at $4.85; some of them worth as high at $12.50. Men's Hose, 10c Fancy Men's Hose, worth up to 25c; your choice, 10c. Dollar Shirts, 48c There is a fresh supply of these great shirts that others get a big Iron dollar for, but cost you here only. 48c. White Fancy Vests, 95c Worth up to $2.00. Don't fail to look them over if a vest of this kind is needed. Hats and Caps Our new spring line is now ready. Prices on this line, as on every thing else, will always be found lower than elsewhere. I I Even Well Behaved Children Wi Awfully fihJiZ2 shoe fel leather, lwg&ir' which yif' remind M le you that ( 4lL v the shoes mmjmimmmm we sell for 0u- $1.50 Wear J ah and Others $2.00 DO IT NOW Spring Clothing of Quality of Character For Men Women and Children Buy your Spring Cloth inn Now on Credit; why wait till later when you can come here Now, and se cure all the Stylish Spring Wearing Apparel you de sire on the very easiest terms of payment at prices fully as low as at any Cash Store Ladies' Suits Ladies' Jackets Raincoats Men's and Boys' Spring Suits Use Your Credit V-s 1508 DODGE ST., a HE 3 FRY ShMFm 16th and Douglas. I R 10c 20c , 19c 25c The Japs Win So Do Our Boys' $1.50 Shoes The staying; qualities of our famous boys' shoes are due to the fact that we use nothing- but the best leather In both soles and uppers. Parents who have tried these shoes testify to their extra vatue and wearing qualities. Saturday Is boys' day at our store, and we are always prepared to take food care of them. fevery pair guarantee to be satisfactory. Droxel Shoe, Co., 1419 FAnNAM Sin EE I, Omaha's Ui-ti-l.t) Shi) Hom A6K FOR OUR TREE CATALOGUE DELIGHTFUL, PUBX, HEALTHFUL ."ilk' cares co CHAMfWCNC .SERVED EVERYWHERE DEPUTY 8TATK VETERINARIAN. H. L RAMACCIOTTI. D. V. S. - . CITY VKTERIJIARIAW. Office snd Infirmary. 28tD and Mason Bts. OMAHA, ti&li. Isi'.pbuns i3. PERFEC TI0N IN MAj THE ESSENTIAL IfJ itWUJHilt-a W THIS fKU- DUCT OF THE CHURN FOR 28c PER POUND. AN OPPORTUNITY. TO PUR CHASE THE CHOICEST SANITARY COUNTRY BUTTEtt THAT SCIENCE IS CAPABLE OF PRODUCING. Strictly Fresh Eggs 47- per., dozen I A Shredded Biscuits jn per package .....lvlW Knox's Gelatine . per package 25c Van Houten's Cocoa per can 26e Pure Fruit Jams per bottle Three Packages Quaker Oats QUALITY AND PRICES THAT INVITE COMPARISON. Young Heris (our own lOr dressing) per pound.... lW Young Turkeys TTp per pound Ham for Boiling fHr per pound (JW Pork Chops 7Xr per pound TW Spare Ribs per pound Pork Loins per pound Fresh Green Vegetables OF EVERY DESCRIPTION TO PLAN WITH. So miner Bros. Exponents of Good Living. jJ 28th and Farnam Sts. Telephones 736, 1329. Great Bargain Opportunities Saturday. See Large Ad on Page 8 Mi mm w mmMM ft.j!s!Jte3-J ipi-S'J Wl ' mmmm THR RELIABLE STORE. Great Sale of Men's Shirts Saturday See Large Ad on Page 8 A CORRECT , CLOTHES CONVENTION A showing of the very finest and best In men u rendv-to-wcor garments to be found In the weiit. Correct In fit, fabric and fnwhlon nnd the best values ever produced at the price. Men's Cravenette Rain Coats ' The greatest line of this season' styl shown In Omaha all the new est shudes and patterns at $.'0, J1K, 16, Jl.'.bo and n s siyira 7.50 Swell Top Coats Copyright I 904 by Hart Schaffner & Marx For spring wear all hand tailored and pos scsslng a snappy Individuality of style sel dom seen except In the best 1 ft f ( quality of custom-marie gar- III II II nients-prices, $J0, $1S, $15, 12.50.,v' v Men's Suit Special Handsome Spring Suits, In the new metal grays, browns, tans, etc. single or double breasted styles In great variety of best fabrics have haircloth fronts and hand padded shoulders regular 1 f A A tU.bO and $16 values special lUtUU Special in Boys' Knee Pants Suits Double or single-breasted, Norfolk. Russian Blouse, Sailor Blouse and three-piec stvies In the best patterns and colors splendidly made neatly trimmed many of the pants have double seats and knees extra special value for Saturday at $160 and Boys' Knee Pants A lot of odd Knee Pants In splendid stylsa and fabrics about fifty dozen r in this lot actually worth from JfJ 6oe to tisc choice w 1.95 Linen Hemstitched Lunch Cloths 49c Dresser Scarfs, Shams, etc. worth up to one dollar a ad a quarter special In the Domestic Room for Saturday at HAYDEPJ BROS. THE LANGE GROCERY CO. THE CUT PRICE STORE We may' often cut the price, but never cut the quality. A guarantee with every article you buy of us. SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY'S TRADE Kerosene Oil.tHe best, by the gallon (no delivery) lOo Jersey Cream Flour, 48-lb. sack, 98c Extra Fancy Tomatoes, can 6o Muscatel Raisins, lb 6o Quail Oatmeal, 2-lb. pkg Bo Best Corn Starch, pkg 4o 8-lb. can Peaches, can 10c 3-lb. can Bartlett Pears, can.... lOo Tea Siftlngs, lb 10c Teas, high grade, all kinds. Regular 60c seUer, our price, lb. 35o Fresh Country Butter, received dally, lb S5o Creamery Butter, lb 26c Apple Butter, In stone Jars, regular 20c seller, our price... lOo Blueberries, In gallon can, extra heavy packed, can 40o Home made Mincemeat, lb 8c Pancake Flour, any and all brands, pkg 7o THE LANGE GROCERY CO. IMPORTERS OF FANCY CROCERIES TELEPHONE 1459. 606 S. I3TH ST. 5ic 6c 59e For a quart ' bottle of Mar aschino Cher rles, worth SI. Saturday only. $1 Green Trad ing Stamps. Miller Liquor Co. 1309 Fa mam Street Telephone 1241. To Many Points In California, Oregon, Washington FROM MISSOURI RIVER TERMINALS (Kansas City to Council Bluffs, Inclusive) UNION PACIFIC EVERY DAY" .J.,..7 - TO MAY 18, 190S. 9fl rtrtj to Ogden and Salt Lake City. VfaUsUU j to Butte, Anaconda and Helena. AAA Jf to Pendleton and Walla Walla. V fa V U to' Spokane and Wenatchee, Wash. I to San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego and many other California points, to Ererett, Fairhaven, Whatcom, Van couver, Victoria and Astoria, to Ashland, Roseburg, Eugene, Albany and Salem, via Portland, to Portland, or to Tacoma- and Seattle, AND TO MANY OTHER POINT. City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam St. 'Phone 818. .V -3 ktaaaa ss.ssiaiiHsiai SrV wssjay sjBrsjrsB-ssfw PARKER'3 Hair Balsam fruiuule ths growth of the balr and fives ULbe lustrs sod tlUdoess Of youth. When tbe kalr la ftrar or laded It BRING BACK THE YOUTHFUL COLOR. It prevents Dandruff and batr fallisg and keeps the scalp clean and healthy. ILILU "111111 WALL POCKET s- MIRROR FREE ONLY FREE Saturday and Monday we will give to each purchaser of T" ONE POUND BAKING POWDER a full Blze Wall Pocket and Mirror, finished In Golden Oak, beautifully , ornamented and has a fine Mirror of good size, worth four times the price of the Baking Towder. POSITIVELY the greatest bargain in Omaha. Bee them In our window. Prompt delivery nlade to all parts of the city. x '.. 'Phone B-1775. GRAND UNION TEA CO. 113 SO. SIXTEENTH STREET. mai J MADE IN OUR KITCHEN JO SAVE WORK IN 7oURS "J 'None Such Mince Meat ! Id 2-Pla 10c Packages with List of Valuable Premium!. KT.1 " Li ss mm wm mm mm am mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm r- . J BEE WANT ADS PRODUCE i 1 ! t