u TITE OMATTA DAILY BEE: PATTTKDAT, MATJCTT 11. lftnX SPECIAL NOTICES Auverttse-aents tor ikrio i-ultnu till be takes aaUl 1 at. far the areata adlilua aal aatll a) p. m. far Ike uuialiii and Bandar edition. Rates 1 a word first Insertloai la word thereafter. .Notblnat takea for leaa tbaa 20 for the Brat Inaer. tloa. Then adrertlaeaaeate moat be raa eoaaeeatlrelr . Advertisers, br reqaealloa a " bered ebeek, ena fcaro ' nd. dressed to a numbered letter In rare f The Answers ae addressed mil be dellrerad oa preaeatatloa el heek. MISCELLANEOUS TELEGRAPHY, fctualnus, biivi.no.iw - j:iiiig. Normal, nguali and Civu beivice Couiaea. UAl .u NiUHT. BOYLE3 COLLEGE. MAIL LESSONS In shorthand, typewriting, uookkeeping una penmanship, bend lur catalogue ioaa, alaing wnether inter ested m correspondence or resilience work, li. B. Boy:es, piesiue.nl, Jui una Harney aU., Omaha, Net). R 2iU TRY KELLY'S TOWEL SUPPLY. Tel. 3oJ0. R ll EYE STRAIN relieved by expert optical treatment.; glasses to lit, puces rigtit, Bennett a. R 6 CUT KATE railway tickets everywhere, p. H. Phil-in, ioue Fariuuu. 'Phone JM. K 217 COAL New kind soft coal, "Yukton" Egg, Jb.ii ton. Haiuion & Weeth, phone .tn. R 2i8 CITY SAVINGS BANK pays 4 per cent. R 272 ANTI-Monopoly Garbage Co. 621 N. ltith. Tsi. m. Stove and Gasoline Repairs 'iui. . iMi Doug, oiuauu, faluve Rep. Whs. R o,3 OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a spe cially of tire escapee, shutters, doors an sa tea. li. Andictn, prop., 1U2 b. loth si. it 275 V. WM. KKELLE. Architect, 604 Bee Bldg. Tel. 3090. R-2.9 EXPERT accountant and public auditor; pikes reasonable. A. U. Tousallii. Tel. Black-4432. H-bS M22x THIS IS NO AD. Simply letting newcomers know our age and address 211 S. lHh; 28 years; Tel. 24. CITY STEAM LAUNDRY It i i-7 WHO'S your tailor? It should be Dresner. Too busy making clothes to close. open evenings, lblo i amain felt. R 2o0 PIANOS moved by expert mechanics; also stored, bate and reliable, Sehnioller Mueller, 1313 Farnam. Tel. lu. it ill Marll THE OMAHA FOUNDRY 'lion and iiaaa cun. bt; jutaon. Tel. Mil lt-Al.oi Ai.U IMPfcRlAL CLEAN1NU CO Cleans ui Man pv-i, uuacuus anu paint wasnei's. 'le.epiiuiie iti AU North luia I. . A. . Yemer, -ugr. H ivu l,x CHICAGO LAUNDRY; FINE WORK. TEL. 205. R-i0 LOCKSMITH No- t ' iv-M915 OUIWCIQ ADDITIONS. 21 years' experience In Omaha. Tel. B1897. 620 Paxton blk. K M988 BUSINESS CHANCES'- WhKN you want to buy, sell or exchange . your property or business u.uick see J. tl. Johnson, Mi N. Y. ii.e. 'vue 1. au. Y-aoi ABBOTT-COWAN CO., 1st Nat. Bk. bldg., tun gel you m or out of business. ' ' Y-i IF YOU wish to buy or sell a business or real estate, consult U. d. bales Bureau, "' M ana Mo Bee Biug. Y Ir YOU want to buy, sell, rent or exchange real estate or business gUICK, see Cuuip 1 ton-Watts Co., dm i-axion block. Y Constant oU. 10c share. 901 N. Y. Lite. F-.Za Y-074 Aj - FOR SALE OU and gas leases In the In dian Territory; .i paying investment tor an Indivlduul or stock company. For lull particulars addruus Frunk i Stet son, Chunute, Kan. Y M517 11! x ft f i FOR SALE Stock general merchandise and new building; stock Invoices Jlouu; good . reasons lor selling. F. b. Benser. iioa , kins. -Neb. Y M513 tix tONSTANT oil, 10c share now, soon, higher, , worth 60c year hence. Buy at once. 3ji 1 N. Y. Life Llug. Tel. F-3. (S Y 873 12 fOR SALE or exchange. 13.000 stock of general merchandise at Princeton, Neb. Only store in town. For particulars ad- dress V. J. Crandall, Firth, Neb. 1 - Y-M899 13 !W ANTED An active partner with capital ;2 to take half Interest In an established cold tj storage and wholesale butter, egg and i poultry business. Annual prottui are ., large and certain. Address Box 4T2, Sioux Ol'NO man of large ideas, resourceful and agreeable, good business and social standing und of good habits, would like interest In some business In which an active man might Increase business; man ufacturing preferred, but anything con sidered. For my Interest I would want to put In either all or part of seven thou sand acres of wild land In western Kan sas and eastern Colorado at Its real value. The land Is desirable and will stand in spection Address Wm. lie II, 3M H a r nam. Y M'JJ9 12 u IF VoU want to get In or out of business quick go to SH1MER & CHASE CO., iwj rurnam bi. Y-97 10 12.300 STOCK of general merchandise for sale Marrn ll, for cash. U. F. Rose, . trustee In bankruntcv. Genoa. Xch 'i . Y MM 11 jLOOK HERE! I will sell you my stock of - clean, up-to-date groceries, shelving and 1 fixtures on account of hpnlth- utnr t cated on main street of Omaha; rent - cheap; stock will Invoice about 11.800; ' 'l sales average 11,200 monthly. Address t : x zj, nee. v M104 lix FOR SALE, one-third Interest In bnly pfac ;i urn grain car aoor yet in vented; opens .. out when car Is loaded by turning small lever; absolutely grain tight when closed and will last ns long as enr; cheap In ,) construction: Investigate. Address W. S I EtfHkell, Qretna, Neb. Y Mill llx WANTED TO BUY BHONFELD, the ANTIQUARIAN, 822 N. .-. Y Life, pays highest price tor books. .- Tel. iOJti. N-iSj BQLARE PIANO In good condition. 1611 ' Fainam. N sts WANTED A beavy horse. A, B. Alplm, JvE WANT twenty properties ranging In SHIM ER & ' CHASE CO., auu carnuin oi, . N 345 10 "WANTED, to buy a Bice, gentle buggy " horse; must be one a lady can drive. Ad ' dress 238, Bee oldg. ' N-M973 12x f- !WK HAVE many calls for houses and 'building sites. If you have anything to sell, call on i a or telephone N. P. Dodge S Co.. 1614 Fsrnam St. N li WANTED MALE HELP Winter Term OF THE Omaha Commercial Coliege, 17th and Douglas. NOW OPEN. cauuogue at ouco. Mtu TO LEARN barber trade; free rall roud tare uu our tallure to convince ou oi ims being me bi and only re nuoie, moat pr-ctiual Uaruer coi.ege in me cm lea biaies. Write lur catalogue louay. Woaieiu Baruers inaiuuie, Ouiaa, NeD. ui t WAAi and turnlsh drug clerks, drug lorea and doctors. Kniest, N. Y. . B 6Sg GIBSON Employment Agency, In Neville are traua ana open, laar and square witn il wanting employment ana ail ueeuuig celp . i tlieiu. fuone t4il. U iii0 POSITIONS. If you axe In neea oi a mgn-grade position anu cuinol Una one call or wine ior par- ucuiais. e tun place you. 'ih. tuiblu REF. & BOND ASS'N, tt-u A. i'. Lue. (incorporated. ) B 1AO 10 WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY, able-bodied uuiiiarned men, between ages ot 21 and ia, citizens oi L luted Stales, oi good charac ter ana temperate bauiis, who apeak, read and wrlie ngnan. For intuimauou appiy to RecruiUng Urticer, Urn and Douglas sij., uiuuua; iucoin, Neu., or eloux City, la. B-U IF YOU are In need of a position call and have a ' neuri-tu-hu rt" lulK with liAKi, THE -XfbkT, tol N. Y. ile. a- W AN TED, men and boys to learn plhmb lng trade. Coyne Bros. Co. school of practical plunioiug. bend tor catalogue. vuuies iXii-rf) aston ave., bl. Louis, Mo. B Mi66 Fa ut TAILORS, Attention! If you are nrst-clasa coal maiiers we can use you. Uood prices, bieady work to men that are right. Dresher, lola Farnam St. B U)i WANTED Boy lor R. R. ofllce; high school euucation desirable; salary x. 'Aauress Y 13, Bee. B M9t2 Ux WANTED First-class coatmakers and panlsinakers; very highest prices tor best woiKnien; call in person or apply to Maye Bios., Lincoln, Neb. B M9-1 U WANTED First-class experienced sales man In gents' lurnishlng goods depart ment; none but those having had years ot experience need apply. J. L. Brandels buns. B M9M 11 WANTED Bright young man salesman In hat department. J. L. Brandels bona. B M9tx 11 MEN residing In outside towns; office fur nished; luu salary; lans procured and property sold quickly everywhere. E. N. Cook Co., Sioux City, la. B M100 13x BOY wanted to learn Jewelry trade; must live with parents and be steady; wages, 1511 Dodge St., room 1. B M9&9 Ux WANTED, competent business producers of fraternal Insurance for Fraternal Union of America; best protection extant; salary and commission. F. F. Boose, Supreme President, Denver, Colorado. B MHO 16 MARRIED man, no children, for coach man and klichen nouse for self. Inquire A. Hospe, 1613 Douglas St. B M124 10 ANY person to distribute our samples; $H weekly; steady; Mgr. empire, wens St., Chicago, 111. B M149 llx WANTED An experienced dry goods clerk; must come well recommended; preier young man not over 30 or 36; one who can make himself useful In gen. mdso. store, northern Kansas. Apply 621 N. 41st ave., Saturday evening or Sunday or 'phone A2K70. B Ml 51 11 WANTED Good collection agency solicit ors for western lowa and nu-DrasKa, Ad dress A. B. Adams, 1121-164 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. B M141 lix WANTED Men, everywhere, good pay, to distribute clrcumrs, adv. matter, tack signs, etc.; no canvassing. Address Na tional Advertising Co., 100 Oakland Bank Bldg., Chicago, 111. B Ml43 12x WANTED FEMALE HELP LADIES, earn )20 per 100 wilting short letters; send stamped envelope for par ticulars, ideal Mfg. Co., Cassopollb, Mich. . C MSMt WANTED 2S machine operators at once. M. K. Smith & Co., factory, 11th and Doug las Ms. C M878 WANTED Competent girl or middle-aged lady for general housework; no washing. Apply 2763 Farnam. C 935 10 WANTED Experienced hands In cloak al teration room. J. L. Brandels & Sons. C M967 11 WANTED Experienced girl to cook and do general housework. Call 2102 Dougl i.v st. C-75 11 COMPETENT girl for general housework; good pay. 110 S. 34th St. C M101 12 WANTED, experienced second girl; good references required. Apply to Mrs. Arthur C. Smith, 1303 Park ave. C M991 12x GOOD strong girl for general housework; $5 per week. 9:2 S. 20th St. C M997 J2 WANTED A cook; references required; 46 a week. Mrs. C. W. Hamilton, 2102 Leav enworth. C 128 WANTED Girl for general housework In family of two. Apply southeast corner 26th st. and St. Mary's ave. C M 160 WANTED Saleslady In our women's cloak and suit department; none but A-l ex perienced In this line need apply. Apply to H. Swanson, Nebraska Clothing Co. C-M144 12 WANTED SITUATIONS GOOD housekeeper. Canadian office, IRth and Dodge A 298 SITUATION wanted with light plant or telephone exchange as inside or outside man; experienced. -Address Y 19, Bee. A-M998 14X WANTED, situation as bookkeeper or as sistant; references If required. Address Y 21, Bee. A M990 12x AGENTS WANTED SALESMAN wanted to handle our sweat pad line on commission. For particulars address Tom Padgltt Co., Waco. Tex. M503 11 SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN wanted to sell Fox typewrit ers; salary and commission, with travel ing expenses paid in advance. We are looking for men capable of making not less than 1160 per month and expenses. Good territory still open In Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, ' Wyoming and Dakota. Don't write, upply at once In person. Irving Franks, Manager Fox Typewriter Co., Iu3 South 15t 1) street, Omaha. -113 12 i NEW edition of "Eugene Pue," Burton's "Arabian Nlgnta," Progress of Man," etc.; over 2uu good sellers ior experienced De Luxe men. Hlxenbaugh, 600 War Blk. - M294 WANTED--A small 2d hund safe. Address Y IS. Bee office. . N-131 U t COUNTERS and square-top counter show cases. Address Y 84. Bee. N-M140 13x FLORISTS . HESS SWpBODA. 1415 Farnam. -366 ' L,- HENDERbON. 161 Farnam. Tel. 13 AirllFD DON AG HUE, JR., 1607 Farnsra. WANTED Salesman experienced In deal ing with the manufacturers to cover states of Kansas and Nebraska and part of state of Missouri; state line iHSt car ried, average sales; must furnish gilt edge reference. Address P. O. Box 140, Station C, Cleveland, O. MHZ 12x MONEYTO LO A N- R E A L ESTATE WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters & Co. W-S FARM and city loans; lowest rates. W. H. Thomas. First Nat l Bank Bldg. Tel. 1048. W-3i, PRIVATE money, F. D. Wead. 1620 Douglas W vwa WANTED City loans and warrants. V. F amain Smith as Co., 13-0 Farnam Bt. W-36S MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W-SbO In Weighing Advertising Values Results Are What Count. Bee want ads bring the best results. Bear this in mind. A trial will convince. No ad taken for less than 20c. FOrt RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ItUl'Ab ilOi, urupeun, loin ot Cbicuao E idw DEWEY, European hotel. 13th t Farnam. SOUTH front parlor, 2U;4 St. Mary r ave. Jl 306 VIENNA hotel. 1'rivate dining rms. & cafe. E 30 1 100 warm rooms, Ogden hotel. Co. HI u Its, la. FURNISHED room. 824 8. 27th. M9!8 14 FURNISHED room, modern, heat and light, . 2-S2 Harney. Tel. 6iS'j. E 934 10x NEATLY furnished room, strictly modern, rent reasonable. 'Phone 3o. - 0 N. 19th St. i 933 lux ROOMS for light housekeeping at Uu6, Flat A, Fad tic st.; very reasonable. E 961 10X NICE clean rooms; gentlemen preferred. 116 S. 20th st. E 9o0 ix NICELY furnished front parlor, with or without board; modern hoiuse. 221o Cali fornia, E M108 li THREE housekeeping rooms, furnished; also sleeping rooms. The Lakota, 1613 Howard. E MluW 12x FURNISHED rooms, modern conveniences, walking distance. 116 No. 26th. E 115 12X FURNISHED room for gentleman, private home, Fainam district, walking distance; best references given and required. Y i'i, care Bee. E 114 12x CENTER EUROPEAN HOTEL.,210 N. 17th St.; rooms 60c, 75c and U per day; rates to parties. Tel. B-2547. E 119 Llx ONE furnished room, complete, for light housekeeping. Call evenings, 80 S. ist Bt. E 123 12x ELEGANTLY furnished room In new mod ern house, telephone, close In, close to car, reasonable. 623 So. 17lh ave. , 117 12x WELL furnished south front room; steam heat, gas, bath. 2234 Farnam: flat 6. i-M.'93 13x THREE rooms, modern, second floor, gas siove In kitchen; references required; adults only. 27ol Woolworth ave. E-M137 13x FRONT PARLOR, neatly furnlphed; lower floor. 'Phone 27M. 407 North 19th. l E M139 13x ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, excellent location, modern. 2310 Webster; 'phone 6390. E M140 12x TO COUPLE 2 furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 1819 Davenport. E-M147 12x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD O. M. E., TEL. 61i. MESSENGERS AND B AUG AGE. F 308 4 GOOD room for two; gentlemen preferred. 213 S. 26th st. F 310 THE ROSE, 2020 Harney St., large room, suitable for two; good board; warm room; reasonable rates. F 787 12x ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished, with or without board; private family. "'i2.l Hurt. F--M979 !Jx LARGE1 front room; modern, with board. 2223 Dodge. F-M10S 12x BOARD and rooms. 514 N. 19th st. F-M103 12x CAPITOL HOTEL, 18th and Capitol ave.; rooms with or without board, due and up ward; special rates to parties. F-118 12x FOR RENT Nicely furnished east front room, with good board; everything mod ern; rates reasonable; close In. 618 S. 19th St. F 120 12x ROOM AND BOA RD 2323 Harney, front room suUablo for two gentlemen; strictly first-class accommodations. K 130 FURNISHED rooms, with or without board; also day board. 1811 Capitol ave. F-M13S 13x FURNISHED room, with board. The Hill side, cor. 18th and Dodge sts. F-M143 17x UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Four rooms in Wlthnell bldg., with private bath, second boor, steam heat, choice location, 15th and Harney. See janitor. N. P. Dodge & Co., No. W14 Farnum St. 0-938 10 2 LARGE parlors and kitchen, J20. 3 ground lloor rooms with range, 15. 118 So. 2illl st. See janitor In basement. THREE housekeeping rooms, modern ex cept heat, second floor, no children, 10. 2914 North 25th St. G 116 12x 3 ROOM8 for light housekeeping, gas and water; 1 block trom car line; private fam ily 7. 3318 S. 20th St. O-MHi 13x FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES GARVIN BROS.. 164 Farnam City loana at lowest raloa; no delay; get our terms. W 361 I1WE8T rates c!tv property: farms in eastern Neb. Be in I a, Pax ton blk. ( v. c. on W 862 tl S0 on city property. ti. Y. Life Bids. L. P. Holmes, TU WHOLESALE OR RET AIL DISTRICT - & STON1S Furniture Co. 1115-17 amain St.. 44X1-U Ila lour uuur mu uttocmcua, ' i .. A no u-n -- aIovu tnr Pricfl irtrlKlll ouu utioDviiov. . 30,WO.0O or will rent for 1300.00 per month. GEORGE&CO., 1601 FARNAM bt M eoo 13 WE have vacant a particularly desjrablo siimll office, which rents lor Jlu.uo per month. Price includes heat, light, water ami Janitor set vice, it Is located on the fourth floor of The Bee building and is Just the thing for anyone wanting a nice little office In the best office building In town. R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agents, Ground Floor, Bee Building. 1 771 8-STORY and basement brick building, 1003 Farnam, 22x100, hydraulic elevator, suit able for wholesale or manufacturing. 314 First National bank building. 1319 IF you pply at once we can give any one deairing a large office space almost any arrangement they desire. This space is on the sixth floor of The Bee building, with north light. R. C. Peters oc Co., Rental Agents, Ground Floor, Bee Bldg. 1772 ROOM fronting on 16th street, main floor Board of Trade Bldg.; $75.00 per month. GEORGE & CO., lool FARNAM ST. I M772 11 I-ROOM office, 201 8. 13th St., always been a successful doctor's office. 1 M152 13 WANTED TO RENT YOUNG man wants place to work fpr board while attending school. Boyles col lege. Tel. 1984. K 446 WANTED To rent modern 10 or 11-room hnusa with barn; must lie In good condi tion; West Fnrnam district preferred. Address Y IT. Bee. K-962 10 WANTED to lease modern house, eight or nine rooms; Farnam street district pre ferred. A. P. Gulou. 'Phone 2l. K-M995 12x WE ARB turning away people who wish to rent house ana nan. it you nave anything to rent list It with us. N. P. Dodge & Co., tun r an am at. K-126 FURNISHED rooms for light houstkeep ng for man and wife within live blocks of Bee Bldg. Address Y26, Bee K Ml;i3 12x FARMS FOR RENT 70 ACRES, 1 mile east of Irvlngton, all un der cultivation. No improvements; fJ.vu per acre. QbOttAilS CO.. IMA raxo-D. gt.. Omaha. . whim U FOR SALE REAL ESTATE On Davenport, near 27th, lot 60x132, south front; fine neighborhood; house ha nine large rooms, gas, bath, furnace, etc. If you want something close In, close to Creighton college or church, you had bet ter investigate this proposition right away. Price, 3,500. Payne Investment Company, Tel. 1781. RE 13o 12 First Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. HAVE YOU LOOKED AT IT? Finest building corner for the least money in the city of Omaha; lOu-tt. east front, on ueorgia ave. by iM-tt- south front on Shiriey at.; graded uown reauy to ou.la on; permanent walks around properly; Georgia ave. paved, all paid for. Go look at this coner and come and see us. If you oon't pay our price is right It wont cost you a cent. Payne, Bostwick & Co., Sixth Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. RE 134 11 GOOD LOTS CHEAP $700 Coiner itfl anu Arbor. 7uo Near 4i ana Bancroft. 9uo-i9tii and capuoi. out utn una Maiiuerson.' oou iu ana l.li a. XiiE B.RON REED CO. HE 4i3 10 $1,000.00. 2912 Grant at., e-ioom house, newly pa pered, goou barn, nice shade; will tent uu joining iota lor garuening. is. f. DODGi. oc CO., 1614 Farimrn St, RE--a.a WE HAVE a big demand for rental prop erties, list them with us at once. We sell, buy or exchange real estate. Come ana see us. blxiMER & CHASE CO., lovD Farnaui til. RE 946 10 ANOTHER CUT. We are lnslruclea by nonresident owner to sell the (4-fool west trout lot on 20th ave.. Just south of Dewey ave., ior $2,2ou. Kignt on gmue, paving paid lur, alley in rear. This lot is worm fuo.00 a front loot. If anything. Best close In bargain ior brick iiats we know of. Look for our sign. W. P. DODGE & CO.. 1614 Farnam St. RE 939 10 13 SECTIONS, 7,60 acres, owned by an eastern estate, located In same range as Beatrice, Neb., price $126,0u0. Considera tion must be all cash. F. D. WEAD. 1624 Douglas St. RE 956 10 WHEN buying or spying real estate be sure to have your abstract of title made or continued by the Midland Guarantee and Trust Co., 1614 Farnam St. RK 127 POULTRY AND FRUIT FARM. 10 acres near Center st. road, well Im proved, all kinds of fruit; Immediate pos session. 10 acres near Council Bluffs, well Improved, lots of fruit. Council Bluffs man will ex change for Omaha property. PAYNJE, BOSTWICK & CO., Sixth Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. RE 133 11 PASTURE LAND CHEAP.' For 200 head cattle; plenty good water; 640 acres under fence. Price $i,ow cash and 6 . per cent per annum on $1,280. W. S. Liv ingston, Mahaska. Kas. RE M398 19x Farm and Kanch Lands Nebraska, Kansas, Coloiado and Wyoming; low prices; ten years' time. Land Dept. U. P. R. R. Co., o in. ha, iMeo., Dept. RK 617 FOR SALE One note of $l,8i0, due in on year, secured by first mortgage on good nnpioved Omaha property, bearing 6 per cent interest, payable &emi-annuauy ; also one note lor i.wjo, due on or before three years, interest at 6 per cent, payable seinl-anuuaily, secured by first mortgage on good property. Both are absolutely safe and given by respectable parlies. Address the owner, S 26, Bee office. RE M453 WEST FARNAM district; eight-room mod ern house, 100 feet front, stone walks, truit; -.ou0. A snap. Come quick. bHlMER & CHASE CO., 16 J Farnam St, RE 948 10 Williamson Co.. u- RE 320 FOR SALE Fruit farm, 20 acres, 3V. miles southeat-l ot city. For price and uescrlp tion address H. C. Raymond, Council Bluffs, Ia. 814 HlxUt Ave. RE M932 17 $3,000 WILL buy a modern house and barn on Poppleton avenue; cost $7,000 to build. South front; street paved; all taxes paid. Thomas Brennan, No. L N. Y. Life Bldg. RE M106 THh TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This agricultural weekly goes 'to 80,000 homes of farmers and stock raisers, se if you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price you will And a buyer among them. The cost of an advertisement Is small 3 cents per word In small type or $2.8u per inch If set In large type. FARMS FOR SALE 40 ACRES $1,500 for 40 acres, ij miles' S. W. of South Omaha, near Papililon; good 8-room house, barn and other buildings, H acre strawberries, good orchard and all kinds of small f .-nit. Immediate possession. GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam St. MH93 12 FOR EXCHANGE IF, YOU do not find what you want In this column put an ad In and you will soon get It. . 8&3 160-ACRE fine laying farm, fine creek water lii unurr jiiuw. n. o. a. u. Will exchange for general merchandise or a good business. Price, $30 per acre. Ad dress Y 13, Bee. Z M880 12x WE HAVE 240 acres of good grazing or farming land In Chase county to trade foj Omaha property or acreage or an equity In either one worth $l,6u0. N. P. Dodae & Co., No. 1614 Farnam St. 937 10 A WELL improved 220-acre farm close In for good Omaha property. SHIM ER & CHASE CO., 1609 Farnam St. Z 944 10 HORSE to exchange for typewriter; must be good machine. Phone Slol. Runnel 4k Hadlock, 24th and Belt line. Z M904 PATENTS H. A. STURGEb, registered attorney; pat ents, trade marks, copyrights, no fee un less successful. 617 N. Y. Life, Omaha. 300 PATFNT SECURED OR NO FEB r f I C.n 1 ADVICE FREE. American Engineering Co., registered at torneys, 609 Bee Bldg., Omaha. 896-M24 INVENTORS Before you spend money for a patent, have an examination made to discover If your Invention la new. These examinations cost $2. Sues & Co., att'ys, Washington. D. C or Bee Bldg., Omaha. Neb. -157 PRINTING PRINTING HIGH-GRADE WORK. 'Ci- Crounse Block, Corner ot LYNGblAL) 16th St- and Capitol Ave. 334 KRAMER A CHANDLER. QUICK PRINTERS. 110B-OS Douglas St. To de liver work when promised Is our hobby. &J5 THE Nebraska Printing Co.; everything new and up-to-date; prompt attention given to nil orders 118 S. 14th. 2d floor. Phone 3.H DRESSMAKING IN FAMlUEg. JOlM Sturdy. 'Phone A-ma. PERSONAL FRENCH, Spanish, German lessons. F. Peltier. 116 . Jth. U-M AU OMAHA Stammerers' Institute, Rum Re blk. U-341 FP7FWA absolutely cured. B. J. Scan ,l. .. tt Dell M ware block. U 449 81 DR. ROY, Chiropody, R. 2 & 3, 1506 Farnum. J 337 CHRONIC and nervous diseases succesi fully treated. Dr. Juckson, 311 Ramge blk. . L 333 PIANO CLUB Just forming; noc and $1 v.e.ki; pianos de livered immediately; piuno lessons free. Call lor particulars. 16U Farnam 'PHONE 701 and a man will call and tune your piano; $2. Perlield Piano Co., 161. Farnam, U 339 THEATRICAL, masq. costumes. Lleben, 1410-13 Howard. U-340 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies boarded and adopted. Mrs. Garden, 246 Charles. Tel. A-2618. U 346 WE RENT sewing machines. 75c week. repair alt makes ot machines: second hand machines, $b to $10. Neb. Cycle Co. Tel. 1663. Cor. 16th and Harney. U 346 DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and Irregularities of women from any cause; experienced and reliable. Address, with mump, Dr. Pries, 16114 Douge St., Omaha. U-318 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani tarium, 728 Flrsf. ave., Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 774. U?i- TRT KELLEY S LAUNDRY. 'PHONE .V39. U-349 MAriMFTIP treatment baths. Mme. IV1UII, 1 H. smith. 118 N. 15. 2d fl.. r. J. U-3J0 HELP FOR THE DEAF. FREE TESTS Mnssacon cure middle - ear trouble. Acoustlcon aids the hearing as glasses do thp eye. Hutchinson Acoustic Co.. N. Y. Life building. 'Phone 1999. U 360 LARSON & JOHNSON Cut rates to all points. 14(6 Farnam. Tel. B-211S. Mem ber American Ticket Brokers, association. U-331 THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off cloth ing; In fact, anything you do not need; we collect, repnlr nnd sell at 114 N. 11 St., for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phone' 4135 and wagon will-call. U-511 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. Mrs Dr. King, 60S N. ifith. T. K69. TJ M506 ACCORDION and SUNBURST PLEATING, RUCH1NG BUTTONS Send for price list and samples. 1HE GOLDMAN PL-AUNG CO.. 200 DOUGLAS BLOCK. TEL. 1938. u 34a YOUNG man wants to meet shorthand students uvenlngs. Mutual Improvement the object. Address Y 20, Bee. U-987 lOx TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 720 S. 1.1th. U-343 H.HENKER, eye speclallst.307-8 Neville blk. U-380 WASHING and Ironing to take home; best of references. Telephone 3777. . U M996 12x MEDICAL FOR WOMEN ONLY DR. RAYMOND'S Monthly Regulator has brought happiness to hundreds of anxious women. No pain, no danger, no interference with work; relief in 3 to 6 days. We have never known of a single failure, price $2, by mail. DR. R. G. RAYMOND REMEDY CO.. Room 35, 84 Adams St., Chicago. M789 PEN-TAN-GOT Prompt regulator for ladles, never falls, $2, postpaid Sherman Sl McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. 3a5 LADIES Dr. Martinet will advise you free. The T. & P. Chemical Co., Dept. 28, Bridgeport, Cofin. 882 A6x MONEY TO LOANCHATTELS QUICK MONEY Is sui..cuines a necessity. uur facilities are unsurpassed for ijuiok and confiden tial service. We loan on Furniture, Pianos, Warehouso Receipt, Live Block, etc. We alto loan to SALARIED PEOPLE On their own agreement to repay; no other Security required. With us you pay for what you get and only lor wnat tinio you keep It. It Is our motto to try to please. If you have dealt with us and are pieaaud, tell others; if displeased, tell us. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., US Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2295. (.Established 1892.) 3uo bo. 16th Bt. X 322 LOANS made on all kinds of chattel se curities, also on SALARIES. Low Rates. Eusy Terms. Quick and confidential service. Call on us if In need of MONEY, PHOENIX CREDIT CO., 633 Paxton Blocjt. . X-323 MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, horses, etc.; half usunl rates. Dr. Piebbe now, room 214, at 2u9 S. 15th st. Tel. B i'joi. X-3J4 MONEY loaned oalarled people and others without security; easy payments. Offices In 63 principal cities, 'i'olman, room 714 New York Life building. X 325 BOWEN'S MONEY: easy to get on furni ture, pianos, horses, cows. Plain note If steadily emplqyed. 703 N. Y. Life. X 326 MONEY loaned on salary, furni.ure. Jew elry, horses. Duff Green Loan Co., 8 Barker block. X 327 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed. 319 B. 13. X-3JS MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. STAR LOAN CO., 614 PAXTON BLOCK. X-329 SEE FULLER, 425 Paxton block, for loans on watches, diamonds and Jewelry. X-330 EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglns, X-33J CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., 1504 Fnrnam st. X 33i SALARY nnd chattel loans. Templetoo. 212 Bee Bldg. X-033 OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute. 616 N.Y. Life bldg. Tel.1661 ' aiii MRS. JOHN R. MUSICK. Osteopathy Phy sician; ofllce, Neville block. Tel. 28-3. 370 Huntington 4 Stratton. 832 N. Y. L. Tel. F-.. too LAW AND COLLECTIONS JOHN M. MACFARLAND, New York Life Bldg., rooms 3()4 nd 319. Tel. 1552. 372 O. T. VOOHHEES, bonded. Our system collects Claims against corporation so licited. 117 N. Y. Life. -M.26 ATTORNEYS everywhere. The New Snow. Church Co., main fl. N. Y. L. 'Phone 112. 106 TYPEWRITERS OMAHA TYPEWRITER EXCHANOE Itensmores. Buy and sell any typewriter. Your prices. Expert lepalriug. 101- N. Y. Life. Tel. 4916. M-871 WE RENT typewriters. $2.60 per month, tillck Mfg. Co., Uli N. Y. Life Bid. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE, new and second-hand billiard and pool tables, bar fixtures of all kinus; eusy imi) iiienia. Send lor catalogue. Brunswlck-Balke-Collender, 407 8. loth st, Omaha. g fc COMPLETE line new and Id-hand furni ture. Chicago Furniture Co., ltlu Dodge. Tel. 3)20. Q 296 2ND-HAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Far nam. Q 297 MOTOR FOR SALE We have tor saie a lu il. p., ilo-voli, direct current, Northern motor. This motor Is In perfect condition In every way Ad dress Bee Building Co., or see W. H. Bridges, engineer. Bee building. Q 774 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. BEST MIXED PAINT. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Q 298 BLOWER FOR SALE 1 No. , ., uneven luk.,, id ,eiitct con dition, wul be sold cneap. Auress Bee iiunuing (jo., or see V. 11. Bnuges, en gineer. Bee bulluuig. vt 716 PULLEYS AND COUNTERSHAFTS AT A BARUA1N. 30 pulleys, from 6 In. to 48 in. In diameter, 3 cuuiuershaits, complete. These ate ail In first-class condition. W. li. Bnuges, engineer, Bee buliulug. Vl-lU SECOND-HAND STEAM M l 1 liNUb rOR SALE 1( uu want a buitfuil in steam luting uail ana look over tne loliowing suppliea; l.b-iuch Austins hurisontai oepaiaiur. 1.4-inch Austin vertical separator. These have been taken out on account ot changes In our steam plant ana are III good condition. Aouiess ee Bunding Co., or see W. H. Briugea, augiueer. Bee bulluing, Omaha. (j 62 FOR SALE, several scholarships In a'tlrst class standard school In ouialia, compris ing complete course in business, snort hand and typewriting. inquire at ee oflice. t4 6o4 CORN cribbing, tel. poles, long fir timbers, cypress lence lain, 3-piy whlie bauwood. 9ul Douglas. 4 299 ENGINE FOR SALE 1 4x1 u.uiiiiiil vettii. eiitei-i, au.omiUc eutflne, cneap. AUdress nee Buiiuing Co., or see vV . n. Brluges, engineer, ee uuuu ing. Q i',a RUNABOUT, buggy and wagon cheap. Johnson & Daniuiih, b. VV. Cor. lOln and Jones. W 7 IRON FENCE ZkITr? U-M 48a FOR SALE Private, oak dining room table, 6 chairs, 2 china closets, hall rack and sideboard. Apply tout Davenport st. Ui 864 TWO good black Jacks, 3 and 7 years old, for sale. Write !,. w. Miller, Granger, Mo., tor price, etc. y M917 1.x YOUNG maple trees for sale. 3715 8. 16th st. Q 953 12x FORD AUTOMOBILE 1904, with tonneau, used but three months, at a reasonable price. In quire or ivL H. Ollhouse, 1917 Cass street. QM981 13 HAND-POWKR elevator, good working order. Uu7 Howard St. F. D. WEAD. 1624 Douglas St. Q-956 10 SOFT MAPLE GROVE, or any part of it; call at 2423 Dodge after 2 p. m. y Miua l6x A SNAP In gas fixtures; call at once. A Wlnegard. Foreman, 17lh and Douglas. Q M112 U FOR SALE A good, sound, gentle driving horse. O'Keeie, room 5, N. Y. Life bldg. Q 121 12x FOR SALE Horse and wagon. Call at 2224Cuming st. Q 132 llx FOR RENT HOUSES H n I I S m In all parts of the city. The "UU,,LJ o. F. Davis Co., ous Bee bldg. D 314 THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack. move and store H. n. gooaa. Storehouse lo-24 N. 19th. Olflce. loliV. Farnam. Tel. 1659. D 313 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van St Stor age Co. Tel. 1496. uthce 1713 Webster st. D 313 HDIISF ln aU P-rU t the city. R. UUUJL1 c.. -eler Be, Blig D 3 2666 DOUGLAS. 8 ROOMS, $27.50. D-416 CHRIS BOY-R, 22d & Cuming. Tel. 204a D-117 HOUSE and barn and 10 lota, fronting on North 16th St.; price, llOO.uu per year. 6-room house and about 6 acres near Coun try club. F. D. WEAD. 1524 Douglas St. D-964 10 HOUSES, insurance. Rlngwait, Barker blk. D 318 HOUSES FOR RENT. The Byron Reed Co.. 212 S. 14th. D-6 FINE HOME TO LET. North 24th St., 1 block from Park ave. and Sherman ave. street car lines, 9 rooms, strictly modern, fine lawn, all kinds of shade and fruit trees and shrubbery S30. W. FARNAM SMITH CO., 1320 Farnam Street, D 821 7-ROOM house, N. 24th. Tel. S84. D MS30 CENTRAL 8-room cottage. 217 N. 24th, D 259 NEW brick house, finest of the kind In the city, 2!Hh ave., between Farnam and Harney. William. K. Potter, 301 Brown blk. D M520 COUNTRY PLACE. Handsome country house, one mile from Omaha car line. In Co. Bluffs. New 11-room house, all-modern with 10 acres of orchard ground, ln full bearing, and stable. High, sightly location, overlook ing Lake Manawa. Will rent furnished fur the summer months. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1614 Farnam St., Omaha. D M608 $22.50 for 1111 N. 18th St., 7-room cottage modern except furnace, In good condition $40.to for 2048 Chicago st., lu-room modern liouso in fine condition. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 Farnam St D-M859 11 FOR RENT 8 room modern brick house. 1144 So 32nd St .'$30 7 room modern house. 822 No. 19th St 25 8 room modern house. 2029 No. 2i)iri Kt.. 20 6 room modern house. 2613 Davenport St JO THOMAS BRENNAN, No 1 New York Life Bldg. D M779 13 FOR SALE Entire household, In lump or single pieces; furniture, rugs, beds, etc. C. Goldsmith, 410 North 23d. D 330 14x HOUSE and dairy barn for 40 head and 70 acres adjacent city limits on the north, near car and paved street. F. D. WEAD. 1624 Douglas St. D 857 10 FOR RENT Excellent 7-room, all modern house, 2123 California St., $32.60. Apply at 6u7 N. 19th St. D-M961 1101 SOUTH S0TH ST., ten-room, thor rnighly modern house, oak finish, $15. A. 0 . Klllck , i3 city hsl r TJ 19 DANCING ACADEMY CHAMBERS, society and tags: new classes now forming. 'Phone t -1871. MORAND'S spring term will open for udu.lt beginners on Tuesday, February i. at 8 p. in. Two dollars lees than regular price If you Join on opening night. Chil dren, Saturday, S p. in. This term. $8. Private lewsons dally. Tel. 1041 3K 10 LOST AND FOUND FOUND The right place to have your eyes tested and lilted right Benpett's. Found 2R HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE HORSES clipped. . 417 Bo. Ulb. Tey p. r i6 A, CLAIRVOYANTS GTLMER, scientific palmist, 71fi N. 34. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, worth. I, 716 I. T3d. . J 8 363 jC 1521 Ieaven- 1 8-364 I j MRS. FAIRFIELD, 1714 California St. S o MME. BOTER. Center hotel, 210 N. l?h, H block northwest P. O. S M1S0 M4 TREES, SHRUBS ETC. A COMPLETE line of fruit, shade, orna mental trees, vines, shrubs, roses, Address: Omaha Nursery, I'apllll ion, Neo, u POSTOFFICE NOTICE (Should be read DA1LJ by all Interested, s changes may occur at any time). Foreign malls for the week ending March. 11, Iflu. lu i iose d'Ki .il i Ij1 in "'I cases) at the General Post tulle as fol lows; RrXilSTr.KED AND PAR-CEL8-POST MAILS close one hour earlier than closing time shown be low. Parceis-Post mans for Germany close at 6 p. ni. Marvh ht s. s. Kaiser v II helm der Gros.-ie; Mascll 8. per s. s. Grosser Kuiturst; March 10, per s. a. Penn Ivaniaj aiKt March 13, per s. s. Brandenburg. Regular and supplementary malls c1o t Foreign Station t corner of West anil Morton street) half hour later than clos ing time shown below, texcept that sup plementary malls for Europe and Central America, via Colon, close one hour later at foreign station.) Trsmsatlantle Mall. SATURDAY 111) At 5:30 a. m. for IRE LAND, per s. s. Caronla, via Queens town (mail for other jwrta of Euroie miut be directed "per s. s. Caronla"); at 6 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. s. St. Paul, via Plymouth and Cherbourg; at 8:30 a. m. for BELGIUM PARCEI3-F08T MAII-H. per s. s. Zeeland ( regular mall for Belgium must be directed "per a ZoelaniV ); at t:3 n. m. for ITALY di rect per s. s. Koenlgln Lul.e (mall must be directed ""per s. s. Koenlgln Lulso"); at 9:30 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct, per s. s. Astoria (ball must be directed "per s. s. Astoria"). Malls for South and Central America, West Indies, Etc. SATURDAY OD At 8:80 a. m. (supplemen tary 9:30 a. m.) for CURACAO and VEN EZUELA, per . s. Zulla (mail for Colom bia, via Cunicoa, must bo directed "per s. s. Zulla"); at 8:30 a. m. (supplementary 9 30 a. m.) for PORTO RICO, ST. THOMAS, BT. CROIX, LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS, per s. s. Conmo, via San Juan (mall for Gicnadn, Trini dad and St. Vincent must be directed "per s. . Coamo ); at v..v a. ni. tsuppiemen tary 10:30 a. m ) for FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA nnd COLOMBIA, except Cauca and Magdalena Departments, per B a. Altai (mall for Costa Rica. vU Llmon, must be directed "per s. s. Altai"); at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per s. n. Mexico, via Havana; at 10 a. m.for GRENADA, ST VINCENT, TRINIDAD, CIUDAD BOLIVAR and GUIANA, per a. a. Gren ada, via Trinidad. NOTICE Five cents per half ounce IN AD DITION TO THE REGULAR l'OSTAGU must be prepaid on nil letters forwarded v., .k. BITPPLEMENTARY MAILS, nn.l letters deposited ln the drops marked "LETTERS run ruiir,io,n uui- TnlE-op aiiei wio i.iA'oi.iu w4- inn REGULAR MAIL for despatch by a par ticular vessel, will NOT be so forwarded unless such ADDITIONAL POSTAGE IB FULLY PREPAID thereon by stamps. Supplementary Transatlantic Malls are are also opened on the pters of tha AMERICAN. ENGLISH and FRENCH steamers, whenever the sailings occur at 9 a. m. or later; and late mall may be deposited In the mall boxes on the piers Of the GERMAN LINES sailing from Hoboken. The malls on the piers open one hour and a half before sailing time and close ten minute" before sailing time. Only regular postage (letters 6 cents a half ounce) Is required on articles mailed nn the piers of the AMERICAN. WHITF1 STAR and GERMAN (sea poi steamers: double postape (letters 10 centa a bait ounce) on other lines. Halls Forwarded Overland, Ete, cept Transpacific. CUBA Via Port Tampa. Florida, closes at this office dally, except Thursday, at 4:3J a. m. (the connect!- mat Ik close here oa Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays). MEXICO CITY Overland, unless specially addressed for despatch by steamer, loses at this office dally, except ejundav. at J 40 p. m. and 10:31) p. in. Sundays a p. m. and 10:30 p. n.. NEWFOUNDLAND (except Parcels-Poi Malls) By rail to North Sydney, and thence by steamer, closes at thi; office dally, except Sunday, at 7 p. in.; Sunday at 6:30 p. rr.. (connecting malls close -ere every Slonday, Wednesday and hatur dav. JAMAICA By rail to Boston, and thenrs by steamer, closes at this office at 7 p. m. Tuesday. By rail to Philadelphia, and thence by steamer, closes at this olBce a 1V30- p. lr. Wesnesda. MIQUELON By rail to Buiton. and thence, by steamer, closes at this offloe daily ex cept Sunday, st 7 p. in.; Sunday at 6:3 BAHAMAS (except Parcels-Post Malls) By rail to Miami Via . and thenc ny al earner, close at tms orTice at 4:3u a. m. Monday, Wednesday and Saturday BRITISH HONDURAS. HO!.'oi HAS (East Coast) and GUATEMALA By rail to New Orleans, nnd tlience by steumer, closes at this twice daily, except Sunday, at 11:30 p. m. and ti0:30 p. m. ; Sundays at 1 p. m. and 110:30 p. m. (connecting mail closes here Mondays at !!0:30 p. m.) COSTA RICA Ey rail m New Orleansand thence bv steumer, closes at this ofllctt dally, except Sundays at 11:30 p. m. and 10:3O p. m.; Sundays at fl p. in. and )0;M p. m. (connecting man ciosob nere rues nnva nt iu:au u. ju.s NICARAGUA (East CToast) By rail to New Orleans, and thence by steamer, closes st this ofllce aaiiy, except Bunaay, at i: p. m. and iu:su p. m. ; ounnays aw j; p. rr.. and (10:30 p. m. (connecting mall closes here Wedneays at 810:30 p. in.) PANAMA and CANAL ZONE By rail to Kw Orleans. La., and thence bv steamer closes at this efflce dally, except Sundays and Mondays, at (1:30 p. mi. and 10:30 p. m. ; Sundays at 61 p. tn sr.d iio:w p. m. (connecting mail Closes here every Sunday at 1110:80 p. m.) Reglstered mall closes at 6:00 p. m. pre vious day. Transpacific Mails Forwarded Over- luad Dally. The schedule uf Closing or transpaclfle mans is urraiigeu ou 'ut piTcou.v.noi ot their uninterrupted overland iran-ii ii port of sailing, ine nnai coiiuee-uny inai-.s tex cept registered transpacific mails des patched via Vancouver, Victoria, Tacoma or Seattle, whit ft close 6 p. m. previous day) close at the general poslortlce, New York, us follows: TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close at 6 p. m. March 10 lor deHiuticti tier s. s. Mariposa. NEW ZEA-AND. AUSTRALIA (except West), KVv CALEimumA, hAMOA. HA WA1I and FIJI ISLANDS, via Han Kyun clsco, close at 6 p. m. March 11 for de spatch per s. s. Sierra. (If the Ctinarri steamer carrying the British mail for New Zealand does not arrive in time tu connect with this despatch, extra mulls closing at 6:30 a. m., 9:30 a. m. and 6 p. in.; Sun days at 4:30 a. m., 9 a. m and 6 p. in." will be made up and forwarded until iM arrival of the Cunard steamer. JAPAN, KOREA, CHINA and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via Tacoma., close at I p. m. Murcli 10 for despatch per a. a, Tydcus. HAWAII. JAPAN, KOREA. CHINA and PHILIPPINE ISLANi'rt via Wan Fran--laco, close at 6 p. in. March 13 for des patch pr s. s. Mongolia. JAPAN (except Parcels-Tost Mails), KO REA. CHINA and PHILIPPINE ISL ANDS, via Vancouver and Vlctor.a. B. C , close at 6 p. m. March 14 for despatch per s. s. Euipre-s of India. JAPAN, KOIiKA, t'Hl.SA and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via Seattle, close at 6 F. in. March 14 for drsputch per s. s. .yra. HAWAII, via Ban Francisco, close at p. m. March 20 for ilnspatch per a. s. Alninedo. HAWAII. JAPAN, KOREA. CHINA and specially addressed n..:i for PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via San Francli co, close at 6 p. m. March 23 for despatch per a. . China. HAWAII, via Ran Franoisco, close at I p in. March 25 for despatch per s. s. Ne braska n FIJI ISLANDS AUSTRALIA (except West) and NEW CALEDONIA, vis Van couver snd Vletoila, II. C, close at 6 p. m. March 25 for desputch per s. s. Aorsni:! PHILIPPINE ISLANDS snd GUAM, vlt San Fisnclsco, closu at 6 p. ni. March 26 for despatch per If. ri. Transport. MANCHURIA (except Nrwchwung and Port Arthur) and EASTERN SIBERIA Is at present forwarded via Russia. NOTE Unless otherwise addressed. West Australia is forwarded via Eutopa; New Zealand via San Francisco und cert i! i place In the Chinese Province of Yunnan, via British India-the quickest routes. Philippines specially addressed "via In ro must be fully prepaid at the forelun rates. Hawaii Is forwarded via Sun Frail Cisco exclusively WILLIAM R. WILLCOX. Postmaster, rnalumusk New York, . N. Y JbUuu- I v0Qs U - -