TITE OMAITA DAILY HEE: SATURDAY, MAKCII 11, 1903. IS GRAIN AND VRODUCE MARKET July Wheat Ureal. Badly and Doei Not Bail? on Bnying. OREGON. HARD REJ WHEAT CONTROVERSY Ce?4 Market taprctlif with Many . (or Yellav Cora Argentina Shlasant Coatlnne Llikt. OMAHA. March 10. 1908. The future, of the wueat satiation today -was the break in July vnrtc. The May opened at $1.14 and declined by noon same tiling over W making it about as It waa ,'J'nutaiJay. Th Juiy Thursday lor high point reached -rtc and tor low point 9oc, iouajr u reucbej Mo at one time, out toll away at once and de .-lined aladily to lfc)e. 'ine livombiu crop reports received on every slue, which did not flee I the. May, Lear ulrectly on the Juiy. which may be a new crop future. '1 he Michigan Mai oh. lcport will suow i-enruaiy unmade In on.y a lew email spots, wneicas the rfpott a ear ago shod dttmaet in one-half the districts. Argentina weather Is reported aa improving, though wheat haa n sotnewnaO Injured in the stack. The weather has oeett seasonably favoraJ jle In moat sections lor the winter wheat. It aaa .Improved nearly everywhere oer the early winter condition. No danyxge haa yet heen reported from districts .here Ice mother was antiripated. Wb'at clear ances were the largest la a Ions; , time, being 40.0UO bushels. Tne primary IV -eel pis were 4Wt,600 bushels, against H,utj bushels . last year, and the shipments wefi, 23O.0U) bush els, against Si,uuu bushels. , j-he Argentina visible la M.wuu hushes. , against ,11:',UK) last week and l.WtO.uuo e,sl year. The Argentina shipment ar j 4.o72,t8 bushels, against ,i04.W last and 2,760,fco0 last yer. The Kansas Ctjty wheat stocks de creased ii.sM buuiels, ,tn total amount be ing l,M bunhc.a. , The great qtu-mion -'before the speculators and miller is whet..r Oregon Red Kusslan hard wheat will ra admitted to grade with tha regular soft g-ed wheat. The matter wa tnreshed o er In Chic ago Thursday afternoon and ,Vi great deal of pressure brotght to be.,- ngalnat It. The commis sion, however., naving admitted It to grajie. in Knst St. .ouls, may do so in Chicago. It would ha a marked en en on the mar ket 1C H w ire done. The millers say H is worth fro ft c to Sc less than the soft red wheat aty) can he used only to the extent of 36 pcy'cent In flour. In October It sold at i yrider the regular and is now 7c under. If t were admitted the holders of the Legon would make from 6c to 8c profit. The , are in Chicago and St. Louis about KM.M bushels or tills wheat. "Tit commission houses continue to boom 'm speculation. They have been advising nelr customers for two weeks at letist to vuj win ntiu in iuq wni'ii aione. ii tne government report Is to be bearish It hns Owen discounted in both wheat and corn already and can havr Utile effect now In that direction. The May corn was slightly weaker today, the hl;h point being iibout He down from Thuiaday. The cables how ver were 4 higher. There seems to be a atronger demand and lighter country move ment, Chicago has been selling No. 3 yellow corn c. i. f. buffalo at 2o over the May. Chi cago shipped 815.000 bushela Thursday. The Argentina shipments are very light. Peoria report demands active and market there up.lPeorla la getting Inquiries from nil ver the south and east. Philadelphia was -declined. New Orleans In reported from Peoria aa without yellow corn nnd having a strong demand. Nwhvllle has a good demand at advanced prices. ILoulsvllle is Buying ireeiy mere enia tfurraio is suld to bo bidding strongly in (hat maiket for yellow eorn. The pVImary recelpta are 603, 4Xi0 against 482.000 trjshels and the shipments are 69,000 against 341,000 bushels. The Argentina shlpnrnts of corn are lls.OO) bushels again'. 198,000 last week nnd S47fln0 bushel last yeur. The Argentina visible supply of torn Is 712.9O0 bushels against '789,006 la,t week and 394,000 last year. The Xanana City stock of corn Is 189,100 an In crease of 13,000 bushels. The corn clear, arvea are 288,882 bushels'. Omaha lash Prices. WIIEAT-No. 2 hard, $1.064il.08; No. a hard, cio$l.4j No. 4 hard, u49oc: No. 3 spring,, 11.06. COKtf-No. 2. 46c; No. I. 44c No. 4. 43l4)&44c; no grade, 40&43c; No. 8 yellow, 46c; No. 8 yellow, 44c; No. 3 white, 46tic; lNo. 8 white, 4&C. OATB-No. 2 mixed. 30c; No, 8 mixed, 2He; No. 4 mixed, 2Sc; No. white, Jlc; No. S white, tOoi No. 4 white, 2HWo, standard. ,0c. Carlot Receipts. - : . .. Wheat Corn, Oatc ni1ca4ct)--..l..i....s..'...:... '23 897 19 Kanea City 64 38 10 Minneapolis 349 Dulu.h 3 St. Iuis 8 41 68 Oroiha : 84 2a Ulnneapolla Wheat Market. Tha rauge ot prices paid in Minnsapolls a reported by the Edwards-Wood (.winpany. Uv-Ul Hoard ol Trade, was: Articles, Open. H.gh.l Voir Close. Tes y. Whe,t I I I May., 110 111 109ti 1 10 1 10T4 July.. 1 07 1 08 1 06 1 O'.Hl I 07;n Bept... 88 89 88 t&; WKW . YORK OK.ERAIi MARKET 4e4atUBs of the Day oa Varloos Commodities. NH3W YORK. March lO.-FLOUR-Re-velpts, 16.000 bbls.; exports. 18,6)16 bbisi the market was dull and barely steady; winter patents, (6.606.80; winter straights, to.2iK(j Slat; Minnesota patents, 86.860.30; winter oatraa, H Bo(U'-.J0; Minnesota takers. $4.tf'd - 4.601 winter uw grades, 3 4 4.10. Kye ilom, dull; fair to good. Koou-t. .0; choice, to fancy. 81.764.96 buckwheat flour, dull; per loo lbs., :.0i'u'2.10. wuniAiLAu oieauy ; nne wnue si.su; .enajrse- new. ll.llKil iai lclln-drle1. 12 IliY.rt In , mu nominal; auc. BAJiLKY Dull ; feeding. 444c, c. I. f. Mew Vurk: maltlna. itimltic a. I. f. Buffalo. WHEAT No receipts. Spot market easy; Do. S red, nominal, eievntor, II. Wi. f. o. b. .float; No. 1 northern, Duluth, Jl.H, f. o. b. atloat; No. 1 hard, Manitoba, 11.10, i. a. b. afloat. Options opened higher on cables aad bullish Argentina news; eased oft, ral- HmI Hartttn nn hull euttnurt o nil enM a.iIIiap In the northwest, but in the afternoon turned very weak. This break was caused by a bearish Modern Miller report, heavi ness In the southwest and prospects for bearish government figures, which left the market Anally weak at VilUc net decline; May. 11.11(1)1. 13',, cloned Uu!i) July. 9-iVil . 84 li-Kic. closed tic; Beptember, 89 7-10-WHi closed 89c. CUHN Receipts, 96.750 bu.; exports, 46.. til bu. Bput market barely ateady; No. 2, sUrC, elevator, and 63', f. o. b. arloat; No. 2 ytTlow, 64Vto; No. 2 white, 64V(o. The option market was neglected all day and closed easy with wheat at HS'Hc net decline; May. 63'if&3Ho, olosed S4c; July closed 63 0. OATsV Iteceipts, i9,600 bu.; exports, 12 506 bu. Spot market quiet; mixed. 2ti to 32 lbs., STH&JfcVe: natural white. 30 to 32 lbs.. 8tH 4f$dc; cApped white, 36 to 40 lbs., 39b41o. HAY Dull; shipping, 66370c; good to Choice, 8'.'mi90c. HOPS Quiet; state, commm to choice, 1904, 27tfaic; 1J3, &4$c, olds. lU13c; Pa cltlo couet, 1904. 2;&30c; 1903, 24Di7c; Olds, Uu 13o. HIDED Quiet: Galveston, 20 to 26 lbs., Isc; California, 21 to 26 lbs., lc; Texas, dry, 24 to 80 lbs., 140. I.rATHKR Steady; acid, 24260. PROVI810N8-Beef. steady; family, 112.00 SVf.'Jv; mesa, t9.0O'n9.60: beef hams, 22.(hi(J .60;-packet. Hl.Onu 12.00; city extra India mess. l.oj18.0. Cut meata, ateady; pick led belli js, ti.0(ti7.6O; pickled shoulders, 86.00; pickled hams, 88.6049.00. Iard, quiet; west ern steame.t. 7.tf; refined, barely Htetuly; continent, 8T.30; South American, 17.75; com- ound, 34.7!b.oo. rora. quiet: ismiiy, i4.oo i6.00; ahort clear, 813. iXkS 16.26; mesa. 113.00 fl260. TALLOWw-flisudy: city. 4Hc; country, 4 1Hc. RICE nrra; domestic, fair to extra, I! T6Hc; Jspnn. ncminal. POULTRY Alive: Nominal. Dressed: Quiet; western turkeys, 1420c; chickens, 13tfJ4o; western fowls. 12V60. 11 UTTER Market weak. Street prices; extra creamery, Jofiiic; ortlclal prices, creamery, common to extra, 2iKfij6e; cream, err, held, common to extra, 20m J6c; alate, dairy, common to extra. 19i23c; renovated, common to extra, 18a-3c; western factory, common to extra. Ho 22c; western. Imita tion creamery, common to extra. 20ftsic. CHH.BK r irm; state run cream, email, colored and hlte. fancy. 13Ve; state tine, iSc; stale late made colored and white, poor to choice. 10igi34: stats large. Col ored and white, fancy. 13c; state tine, 12 t)Uo lata made, colored and while, poor, to choice. Mk'612c EOG& 8iesdv; wester firsts, Mc; west rn seconds. 3636c. Mlaaeaoells Oral a Market. MINNEAPOLIS. March 10.-WHEAT May, ll.loH; July. Il.uS; Beptember, 88c; No. 1 hard. 3M31: No. 1 northern, II ll1; No. t northern ILOg'. PbOl'R Hhlunlng directions came better tnd demands from brokers showed some Improvement. The general tone of the market seems Improved. Gold Medal Penn sylvania. Is . In: straights, lo.tiHu 9o; first clears, i;y l X ; second dears, fcs toauu. Dalatk Grata Market. Dl'LUTH. March 10 W H EAT To arrive. No 1 northern, 81 07; on track, Nn. 1 hurtstera, 61.02 S; Nu. 1. northern, tl.01ti 1.04; May. I1.08S; July, 81.08; September, 8. So. OATS To arrive and on track, 30V CHICAGO GRAIS AID PROVISIONS FeatsrVes ( tke Tradiaa- aad tloslag Prices oa Board of Trade. CHICAGO, March 10. Reports of favora ble condition of fall-sown wheat rauaed a decline ot 2ln'aic her tothty in the price of the July optiun. Part ot the loss was regained on covering by shortn. The close, however, was weak, with July down isc; Msy Is off c- Corn shows a loss of MImc. Oats are unchanged and provisions iWt I2c lower. Kxtreme dullnees prevailed In the wheat nit during the first half of the session. Local operators seemed disposed to await publication of estimates made by govern ment officials on the amount of wheat in farmers hands. At the start the feeling was rather nervous. Initial quotations on May being VS'fcC lower to Wic higher at I1.1.I'V(j1.H"4, July was a shade higher to WSc lower at 934j94Vc. As trading progressed, however, a steadier tone de veloped, short becoming fair buyera. Sell ing was scattered; May advanced to tl.1414 ana juiy to SHV'.11io. Toward tne miaoie of the day sentiment suddenly became nearisn. largely as a result or tne snowing of a crop report by a 8t. louls trade Jour nal. According to this report weather con ditions the past week have been seasonably ravoraoie lor tne advancement of winter wheat crop. The claim was made that In localities where It was reared a covering or Ire had sjimothered the growlna- plant no evidence of damage haw yet appeared. Ex treme weakness In southwestern markets emphnsfzed the selling pressure here on the July delivery. With very l'ght demand the price of that option declined t 92c; May sold off to 11.13. On the break shorts cov ered moderately, causing a partial raPy. The close, however, was weak, with May at I1.13W1.13S: July closed at 92Vf925c. Clearances of wheet and flour were equal to 141,900 bnhel$ Export for the weeik. as shown by Uradstreeta, were equal to 1,286. 00O bushels. Primary receipts were 4u8.)0) bushels, against 646.100 bushels a year ago. Minneapolis. Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 296 cars, against 282 cars last week and 340 earn a year ago. Light acceptances from the country gave a firm tone to the corn market earlv in thj day. Later the market became easier, along wnn tne siumn in wheat, tears or a bear iKh government report also contributed to the wenker tone. May opened a shade to KfAie higher at 4SV, 'a ISHc, sold off to 47' and closed at 4Sc. Local receipts were 397 cars, with 4 of contract grade. Weakness of wheat, and corn caused a sllahtly lower trend In the oats values. Smaller receipts than exnected prtlv ffs" the Influence of the decline In other grains. Pit traders sold mode-rntely, on a rumor that the government report would he btar U'h. May opened Vie hlKher nt 32c, sold between 31c and 32i832'nC and closed at Sl74c. Iyocal receipts were 189 cars. Provisions were weak, on pelM. c of nork nd ribs by pit traders. The break in wnent nan some errect on tnis market. A report that local storks were Increasing also created pome bearlshncss. Packers were moderate buvers. At the close May pork was off lOflKHc at 812.524. Lard and ribs were ench down 7Hc at 16.95 and 86 77V4, respectively. Ks'lmated rece'pts for tomorrow: Wheat, 29 cars; corn, 469 cars; oats, 232 cars; hogs, 13,000 head. landing futures ringed as follows: Artlclcs.l Open. High. I Low. I Closo.l Yes'y. Wheat I May 1 13H 1 nv July 93V4' Sept. 87VflV4 Co n- May 48itjrs July 48Vn:)it Sept. 49 ( Mar May 32 July 31 Sept, 30 Pork May 12 65 July 12 80 Lard May 7 00 July 7 124 Ul a- May 6 82Vj July 7 00 1 14H 1 13 8. ft 92 86 48 48 I 49 "827V, 31 -S 30 12 65 12 SO 7 00 7 12H 6 85 7 00 1 wvyni i37v 1 13Hi 1 14 9:viHT,94tor8 M I 47) 48 48 H 48 48Va!48MtS i 31J . 31S I 814 311 29S 29SI 29; 12 624 12 65 12 67Vii 12 80 12 62 11 sITLi.1 6 96 7 10 6 77V4, 6 96 6 95 7 10 6 77 6 96 7 0214 717 6 85 7 00 No. 2.' Cash quotations were aa follows: l'Lul H Kh ; winiL-r puieiiis, to.loifj 6.20; winter straights, 84.90ig5.00; spring pat ents. 35.10WS.6 i; spring- stralKhts. I4.5w&6.o0: bakers, 2.60ig3,80. WHEAT No ? snrlng. J1.10W1 No. 3 spring, H.06'31.14; No. 2 red, 81.14gi.l7. LOU N No. 2. 4tiHc; NO. 2 yellow, 47C OATS No. 2. 3lkf?sic: No. 2 white. 32c; No. 3 White 3l320. It IK AO. Z, IKOIK'C HARLKY Good feeding. 38fi40cs fair to choice malting, 44647c. SEED No. 1 flax. il. Z7: No. l northwest ern. 11.89; clover, contract grade. 112.85. PKUVJSiursa iwess porK, per nni.. iz.t 12.55. I.ftrd. per 100 lbs., ii.8o8rt.82. Short ribs sides (loose, 6.ii4f.75. Short clear sides (boxed), 86.766.87. following were ,m receipts ana snip- ments of flour and grain: Receipt. 30.900 60.000 SW.OfW eeeeeee s aS3 f&O 1.000 12.550 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady; creameries. 20U24c: dairies, IH'gZic. Eggs, easier; at mark, cases Included, 18c; nrsts. ic; prime nrsts, 2c; extras, 21c. Cheese, firm, !2iji3Ve. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Day'i Market ia Notable for Its Breadth and Etrength. TRUNK ' LINES AND PACIFICS HIGHER Low Rate for Moaey Makes Speeala. tloa AcIItc Peace Prospects Form Elemeat of Strength la For. elga Eickaiget. NEW YORK. March 10. The breadth a Weil as the strength of today's market was very notable. While many low grade and obscure stocks were numbered amongst tne gainers, the standard dividend railroad pay ing stocks showed revived activity and strength and gave tone to the whole mar ket The trunk lines and Pacifies particularly came Into prominence and great activity. The absorption of Pennsylvania was on a very large scale. So widespread was the advancing tendency that the heavy shorts I are more easily noted as the exceptions to I the rule. Home of these were affected by , realizing following advances yesterday, which was especially the case with Read I Ing. Others were held by a torpor which I they have been unable to throw off In spite of the active advances elsewhere. jne United States Steel stocks are conspicuous examples. The buying was somewhat Inter mittent and shifted constantly from one point to another of the market. Individual commission houses executed a large propor tion of the orders In special stocks. Such operations give a market a high profes p onal appearance and suggest tne activity of pools and combinations embarked on a speculative campaign. The , market was comparatively ftee, however, from rumors concerning special stoeks, such as are usually used by speculative pools to help on the advance In their favorites. In a few cases there were reports of special applica tion, such aa that the dividend on Chesu- nenkn A Ohio was to he raised to 4 per 1 cent, that the preferred stock of Hocking I Valley was to be retired and that Amalga 1 mated Copper was to begin the Issuance of , periodical reports of earnings and financial conditions. The day's movement was plainly due for the most part, however, to general consld I eratiohs. The extraordinary ease of money 1 Is given most Importance In the geneial ; field, but is effectively supplemented by : fhe reports of the prosperous conditions In trade and Industry. Yesterday's reduction 1 In the official rate of discount by the Bank I of England continued to exercise an In- fluence In keening up confidence in the fu ture ease of tne money market. The fore I casts of the curiency movement for the last week Indicate a shift In the Interior movemfnt In favor of this center, promls 1 Ing a moderate addition to the cash Item on tomorrow's bank statement In spite of the absorption on subtreasury operations. The figures of the production of gold on the Rand for February called renewed at tention to the steady expansion In the rate of gold production, to which the other great gold fields are aiso contributing their shilie. This Is a subject that receives nttemlon from time to time a a possible factor In the great rise of prices of securltlfs. The piesent heavy accumulations of mony re serves In the world's great centers give point to the discussion. But up to the ptes ni time there has been no evidence of the . discrimination ngalnst fixed interest bearing ! securities' on the pait of capital, which Is a i natural accompaniment of a fall in the I value of the money medium. Peace pros pects continue to torm an element in the strength of markets. The buying of chesa-pi-HKi at Ohio became much excited In the i late deadngs on the rise to a record level I at 68. 'ihlM served to check the rather Ir ' tegular tendency which has developed on ; account of selling to realize, and made the close firm. bonds were firm. Total sales, par vaiue, 64,4Tu,u). United States bonds were all un changed on cad. The quotations on the New York Stock exchange ranged as follows: blues, xiigh. Low. Cose. Atchison ,oOj t Mi do preferred 1 luu? AU.UU10 Coast Line.. 0..00 H-? xaiiiiiioie a. un.u.... M.oM ill ao uieierrtd itM ui reserve In the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balance, 8142,106,874; gold, 857.9S6.144. BISISES8) Or ASSOCIATED BASKS Clearlnga of the Ore: commercial Centers of Conntry. NEW TORK, March 10-The following table, complied by Rradstreet, shows the bank clearings at the principal cities for the week ended March 9. with the per centage of Increase and decrease, aa com pared with the corresponding week last year: CITIES. Clearings. line. Dec. Uo pieientUj w oi iv Canalun I'aifflo .... 62,ouO lu( In Ull 11 ai Ol IN. J oW U1 4UV LUia, oi oh.o i9U,j 06 Flour, bbls.. Wheat, bu.. Corn. bu.... Oats, bu..... Rye. bu Barley, bu... Shlpmei 12.900 38. 3' JO 315,400 lH.noo 4.800 42,600 St. Lonls Grain liner Previsions. ST. LOUIS, March 10. WHEAT Lower; No. 2 red, cash, elevator, ll.Orti; track, 11.13(81.13: May, 21.C7Ti; July, 87c; No. 2 huro. ii.usfli.i'i. CORN Lower; No. 2 cah, 47c; track, 48c; May. 46c; July, 46-c. OATS Lower; No 2 cash, 32c; track, 33 3lc; May, 31c; No. 2 white, 3334c. KLOL'K Moderate; red winter patents, 85.2006.40; soeelnl brand.', 35.75tf6.90; extra fancy and straight. 3.75'54.90; clear, 84.25 &4.60. PEKD Timet hv. steady. 82.00S'2.60. CORNMEAL Steady, f2.50. BRAN Dull; sacked, east track, 86W60. HAY Firm for best; timothy, 86.004jl2.50; prir'e orvffiio on. IRON COTTONTIES 93c. HAOO'NO 7.c. PROVISIONS Pork, lower: jobblnar. 811.87. Ijrd, lower; prime steam, 36.45. Bacon fboxed). steady; extra shorts, 17.50; pimr ! ".5ft- short ele-r. 87.R7U. POULTRY Firm: chickens and springs, 12c: turVevs. HtfM6e; ducks 13c: geese, 7c. PUTTER Lower: dalrv. 19WWO. F.GG3 Firm. 16c, case count. 1 Receipts. Shipments. ionr. bbls 7 .000 9.000 Wheat, bu 37 ono firt rtv) Corn, bu 41. ono 45.000 Oats, bu 6WK10 , 44,000 Kansas fllr Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. March 10. WHEAT Mav. 9ic: July. 8IS0. Cssh: No. 3 hard. 1 OS1.05: No. 8. Sl.n1n.03; 11.00; No. t red, Il.04i91.07; No. No. 4. 5crl.01. CORN May, 4S(,iff-15e: July, 45He. Cash: No. 2 mixed. 4546c: No. t. 4oo; No. 2 white. 46Uc: No. 3. 40c. OATS Market firm: No. 3 mixed. 33Q 83Sc: No. 2 white. 83fr33l4c. HAY Steady: choice timothy, t9.50iffl0.00; choice prairie. I7.75fi8.26. TJVT.Jne?... 7-!W8IV BUTTER Ms rket lower; creamery, 23 27c: packing,' T60. 10OOS Lower: Missouri and Kansas, new No. 2 whltewood esses included. 16c; case count, 15c; cases returned. c less. Recelnts. Shipments Wheat, bu 44 sno 40 ) Corn, hu 82,000 Jv Out a, bu - 2,000 Cu.cagj t Alton .... uo weie.itU ....... ClliClli i. vv.. L.lllCul Ol lV vv..... C, ill. ut du i4. ....... tiiiiago 1. l 1 uo pieierreu C, C, I. u ot. Cotu. Suutiiuii uu Im pieici'reu..., uo 2u pie.ei . t-u Lttsi, ec iiuuauu ici., lm... ot tvea-i., uuuvw ot Ik U ui pieieried uu lfei pie.oneU.... uu plblll'tfU Lliuckiiig vuiey uu pieiei ruu 1 ilaiu.s cbuiiai ; luvvat ceuliUi- I UU pltlU4l'tiU ! iv. c. Buuine.n iAiulaviue u tiosn..'. luaunauan L luui. securities uet. isirui. ivy.. , Alex, cenirai 1., at. f. dt a. H. M. . uo vi eiei'ieu Miusuuri rauiilc aio., ivan. ec lex..., au pruierred N. Jti. K. uf Mex. ptd 1. v-entrui is. Y., uiu. ec West.. Norfolk At Western. do preierred 400 4 J & 81 4,A 2,iA Tt WtOJ ioi7S MAi lu4 6,VvU Ilk. H, ie Ws tvO 9 ZmO a,, l,uut liv voo-n 39.1U0 1.JU0 1U0 lk4 HI IM lwS No. 4. 90cff S. 31.0231.06; Phllartelplilsi Prodnee Market. PHILADELPHIA. March 10. RnTTFR Firmer: extra western creamery, 26SJ7c; ers nesrhv prints, 29e, EOOS Firm, good demand: nearby fresh an"1 western fresh, ?4c at mark. CHEFfV Firm: New York full creams, fsnev. ISHc; choice, 13; fair to good, 12tT13HO. Mllivnnke Grnln Market. MILWAUKEE. March 10-WHEAT-Weak: No. 1 northern. 81-18; No. 2 north ern. 1.1"tH.1"; May. 31 13. RTF Ptedv: No. 1. 85c. BARLEY Dull; No. 2, 61c; sample, 88 60e. CORN Firm; No. 8. 47H8c; May, 48o bid. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL March 10 WHEAT-Spot nominal; futures steady: March, nominal; Mav 6s 9',d: July. As 10d. CORN Spot steady; American mixed new. 4s. 3d; American mixed old. 4c lid: future quiet; March, 4a 2SJ: May 4a 4d. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. March 10. SEED Clover, cash. 17.75; March. 37.75; April. 17.47; October. 3590. Prime timothy. 81.40; March. 81.40. Prime alslke, 87 70. Co alee Market. NEW YORK. March 10.-COFFEE Mar. ket for futures opened at a decline of 6iul0 points and duriiTO. the early trading In creased the loss to a matter of ltql5 points The close was steady at unchanged prices to a decline ot points. Bales were re ported of 72.500 bags. Including March at I .(ti6.10c; May, 6 3uu Sue: June, 6 4nc; July, C "u 6V; Hptemler, ( 6Eh6.70c; Iecembr, 6 7l.o6.9tv-; January, (.96c; February, (.IsW 1.(70. Spot, quiet; No. 7 Rio, 3o. a liAJ a,lft iitu 2o,aaJ fcttsi lt,lW i,M 1.IUU lu.iuu 4V0 2v) luO 6i,tmo 81.11M 111 itM 107 Hi 6j lt7 .'Ilk M ii i til 04 01 11 du w "4 tW,4 1SS II u J lti -1U 80 Ui to IK) IM U9 60 vi lUu'Kt ItUft LI ve i.8 2jV Si d9 2. a At !- tUn. Ii 11 Hui 1 64 '17 So - 11 04 ws at.- 1-0 ft '40 L iw- lOuVs lt7 OO 4 00 4 6tM Peniuyivunia 234, )0 14o 14 J liotk P., C C. ec tit. L w 8014 611 88) iceading tn,M tw4 uo lav preferred au id preierred 400 93 92 Ruck ismnd Co 22,3uO i iu, ao preierred 2,utW 81 8u St. L. At ti. til pid. 2,000 7ii 7iVt ot. lxmis o. vv... euo .. 21,3uu 20 .. 10,6jO (00 .. 6,100 8UM .. 4,800 ..10U.-HM .. 2,100 JuO 1,700 600 o0 u0 63 7u llBH iuti 99 ' 63 100 23 ? '24 ?- 7u 1181 Han kovs 89 63 2i4 46 2 itirt 81 & 96 80 94 luO 4t4 8U0 200 8.3UO 6 69 18 44 43 113 9. do Pieieried Suuim-in pauitlu .. ao preierred Suutuern luuiway do preferred Texua Ac PaclltC .. X., bt. L. Ac VV... do preferred Union Paciho du preferred Wabash do preferred VV heeling & L. VVlacons.n Central... uo preierred , Adams txyrms .... American n-xprcsa V. ti. Kxpiess Weli-Fuigo Exp Amul. Couuer 107,(00 Am. Cur 61 Foun.... 2,4oO Uo preferred Am. Cotton Oil uu preierred American Ice do preferred Am. Linseed Oil .... do preferred Am. Locomotive ... do preferred Am. isrm-lt. & R i g. do preierred Am. Hugar H't'g... Am. Tobac. pfd. ctf. Anaconda Mln. Co.. Brooklyn Rapid T... Culu. Fuel & Iron.. Consolidated Oas ... Corn Products do preierred Distillers' Secur General Electrlo . .. International Papei. do preferred International Pump. do preferred National Lead North American .... Pacific Mail People'a Oas Pressed Steel Car... do preferred Pullman Pal. Car... Republic Steel do preferred Rubber Goods do preferred Tenn. Coal A Iron... U. 8. Leather do preferred IT. S. Realtv U. 8. Rubber do preferred U. 8. Steel do preferred Va.-Car. Chemical... do preferred Westlnghouse Klec. Western Union Total sales for the day, 1.631,900 share. 9 91 kl lki 80 7i- 20 62 0)4 Us X7 19 3D 86 63 l4j 19 2- 46 lk 2l u2 245 230 1-8 160 81 36 9 29 18 44 48 113 98 6 89 Ik 44 44 400 113 4 loo fin. 2.100' 123 122 122 ll.d-O 144 143 144 9(1 122 67 63 21j lih, 74 88 188 24 (6 89 900 8. no J 12,200 21.600 8,400 9-10 2-10 1,000 600 8,200 6,20 100 97 120 (6 61 212 1 74 38 187 23 st RU Z 97 L0 66 62 2U ls 74 167 23 i tvl 88 16 87 . 11.900 89 34 fi ltn lir.-v io2u . 6"0 46 46 46 . 8.700 111 ll' 111 . 1.000 87 87 87 . 1,600 90 88 19 843 . 4.000 10 19 20 . 8.600 77 76 77 . 200 25 25 16 '. 17.3o6 '93 '96'" 93 ..4.400 13 12 13 . 6.7U0 106 105 106 . t.SoO 9X 96 97 . 1,300 43 42 4'- . I) 113 112 lit . 36 36 36 . 96 9A 96 6-W 86 :5 200 MS 106 107 100 182 12 182 . 1,600 94 93 93 New York Mtalna- Sleeks. NEW YORK. March 10,-The following are the closing quotations on mining stocks; A4am cos to Alice It B r-s U Hrumwkk Con 4 t'oroatot-k Tuniisl .... 8 Cos. rl. A Vt IM Hors Silver n Iran Siivar t0 LMdvllls COS I Cut le rhlel. Ontsrle ....... en-Mr Phacnlt Patcwl Savaf Slarra Mavads Small Hopaa .. ;lndar4 ...m ...IM ... ... 14 ... to ... 40 .... a) ...m Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, March 10 -Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the 8160,000,00 gold New York Chicago Boston Philadelphia St. Lotifs Pittsburg R.n Francisco Cincinnati Baltimore Kansas City New Orleans Minneapolis Cleveland Ioulsville Detroit Milwaukee OMAHA Providence Los Angeles' Buffalo Indianapolis 8L Paul Memphis St. Joseph Richmond Denver Columbus Seattle Washington Savannah Albany Portland. Ore Fort Worth Toledo, O Atlanta Salt Lake City Rochester .' Peoria Hartford Nashville Spokane. Wash Des Moines Tacoma New Hnvcn Grand Rapids Norfolk Dayton Portland, Me Springfield, Mass... Augusta, Ga F-vansvllle Sioux City Birmingham Syracuse Worcester Knoxvllle Charleston, S. C Wilmington, Del Wichita Wllkesbarre Davenport Little Rock ., Tnpeka Chattanooga Jacksonville. Fla..... Kalam-asoo, Mich Snrlracfleld. HI Fall River Wheeling, W. Va.... Macon , Helena Lexington Akron Canton. O Fnrgo, N. D Youngs-town New Bedford RockTord, 111 Lowell Chester. Pa Blnghamton Bloomlnaton. Ill Springfield. O Greensburg, Pa Quincy, III Decatur. Ill Sioux Falls. 8. D Jacksonville. Ill Mansfield, O Fremont, Neb Cedar Rapids (Houston juaivesion Total TT. R Outside New York... 81.826.7S.3: 109.48ft.24T 137.667.961 123.416.47 69.21 1.362 46.296,644 S7,nf,,onn 24.662.Onn 23.674.01 23.982, 96S 17,861. 41 15.RS3.4N 13.071, 6S8 12.128.333 10.462,8 7.634.476 10.479.876 (.670.4OW S.746.767 6.298.796 6.637.382 6.848.624 6.140.456 6,601. S1SI 5.280.726 .086.6( 4.967,100 4.746.468 4.990.327 2.RS3.016! 4.249.016 6,226.015, 6.417.787 8.701,9861 3.472.061 2.466,283 8.018.122 3.692,2421 4.020,2461 8,162,6831 2.7K8.262 3.50S.308 2.057. 6M 1,892,260 1.9u5.4l9 1,843.921; 1,631.104 1.519.ST.9 1,661,862! 1.282.411 1.193.2W 1,947.91; 1.306.0791 1.176.376 1,355.2101 1,348.6841 1.122.W1 1.016,671 1.158,617' 862,6791 1.664.446 944.612 1.158.7841 983.624 1,244.9901 797.818; 922.461 678,238! 266,868! 493,421! 621,730 939.7:fl 481,0001 746.0001 470.638' 666.9821 500,793 676.472 453,348 447.981 460.5o0 800.434 400. log 431.631 409.614 886.888 864.8A9 422.97! 340,519 326,786 1.626.716 11,661,4811 11,060.000! 88.41 11.7 26.5 41.1 4.2 3.3 81.91 14 1 14 4 11.4 ?0.8I 9 3 21.2 19.9 "29!6 13 8 24 9 12.9 (.(X 8.4 18.4! 38.1 4 2 18.1 23.6 '39!8 60.9 77.1 "i!8 16.4 46.71 16.21 38.6' 9 71 28.1 23.6 38.61 16.8. 15.81 17.0 "i'.i 6.8 66.1 '4.'3 36.3; 12.1 8.0 1 n 154 11.7 'ti'.i 23.1 48.2 17.2 14.2 20.0 "i.T 33.8 20.4 13.81 7.6 6.1 21.2, "i'.b 6.71 2I 26.0! 43.61 72. 6i 36.91 26.4 '2L6 11.0 'ik.i .8 9.4 26.8 '6.i 24.8 id 'v'.il 26.2 'io.i 7.8 44.1 "i'.i 6.6 "28;6S4;9S4T 191 CANADA. Montreal Toronto Winnipeg Ottawa Halifax Vancouver, B. C Quebec . .-. Hamilton St. John, N. B London, Ont Victoria. B. C Total, Canada 26.315.313 20.170.684 6.475,598 2,003,796! 1,596,088 1,478,9141 1,470,4081 1.227.6X1 1.023.286 1.042.24! 621,617 ,t 62,426,726 63.6 44.2 26.0 10.1 'solt 0.7 18.41 10.0 83.6 4-0 89.1 Balances paid in cash. ram included In' totals because containing- other Items than clearings. New York Money Market. NEW YORK. March 10. MONEY On call, 23 per cent; closing bid, 2 per cent; buered at 8 per cent. Time loans, steady; sixty days, 8 per cent; ninety days, 841-3 per cent; Blx months, 3 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPlLR-3V4 per cent. 1 hnstness In bankers' bills at 84.&67S tx4.80 for demand and at M.667&S4.8480 for 60-day bills; posted rates, 84 .8otj4.87 ; commercial nins. k m SILVER-Bar, 69c; 46c. BONDS Government, Irregular. Closing prices on bonds were: U. S. rel. ts, !... .14H Japan a, ctfs 102 do coupon L. uni. aa i rto la, rn ..1IMV4 Manhattan 0. g. 4a...l06 do coupon 10444 Max. ( antral 4a. 76 H do nan 4a, rag o lat lno H do coupon mVi "Minn. A Bt. L. 4a.. 4 o old 4a rag 1044 M.. K. A T. 4a 100 do old 4a. coupon.. 106 H do la W Am. Tobacco 4a. ctfs. 76 "4 N. R. R. of M. t. 4s. MSt Mexican dollars, steady; railroad, do 0a. otta Atchlaon gan. 4s.. do adj. 4k , Atlantic C. L. 4s. Hal. A Ohio 4s.... do la Cantral of Oa. ts lit 117 N. T. C. S. SVtS 10044 ..10414 N. 1. C. f. 6a. .. 7 No. Paclflo 4s.. ..101 do Sa ..10t N. A W. o. 4a U o. 8. 1 rfd(. do lat lno. do id lno Chea. A Ohio 4Sia.. Chicago A A. Ia.. C, B. A Q. o. 4a.. C, R. I. A P. 4a... do col. 6s CCG. A St. L. g. 4a Chicago Tar. 4a..... Colo. Mid. 4a Colo. A So. 4s Cuba 6a, ctfa D. R. O. 4s Dlatlllcra' Sao. (a... Eii prior Han 4s.. do gan. 4a P. -W. A D. C. is. Hocking Val. 44.. Bid.-Offered. Penn. conv. IVia. , Reading gan. 4s.. St. L. A I. M. I .. t ,.10 . 13 St. L. S. W. . .100 Sraboard A. L ,. l!i So. Paclflo 4a... . 4 So. Railway ta. .1011 'Taiaa A P. la. . 7 ,T.. St. U A W. . 71 Union Paclnc 4.. . UW do conv. 4 .106 V. S. Slaal Id I. ..lift '4 .. 7'4 ..102 .. 97 ..10 ..101 lis 101 H . 71 '4 .101 " . M .1M Bt. L. I P. fa. 4s. M 4a.... a2H 4.... 1 S5'4 119S Ill 4s... M 10 IMt .J. 4'4 ...U4 ... 70"4 ... H ... It ... 14 Wabaah la do dab. B W aatarn M. 4a.. w. 4 u t. 4a... Wis. Cantral 4a.. Boston Stock Market. BOSTON, March 10. Call loans, 8' cent; time loans, 34 per cent. closing on stocks ana nonas: Ml .10144 . 7 IH Atrhlaon adj. 4s., An 4s Max. Central 4s.. Atchlaon do pld Boataa A Albany. Boston Elavatad . Vitchburg pfd ........144H Mailcsn (.antral .., N. T., N. H. A H. P.ra Maraaatta . Union Paclflo Amr. Arg. Cham do pld Amer. Pnau. Tub. Imir. Sugar do pld Araar. T. AT Amir. Woolen .... do pfd Dominion I. A S. AdTtntur ... Alloues Amalgamated American Zlne Edlaon Elac. Ilia US .109 Atlantic .164 IBIngham ,.1M Cat. A Hacla... C'antannlal 1444 Coppar Ranaa .. ..t0 "Daly Weat ., ..101 Dominion Coal ..mFranklln ., II Orancy , .. l(lale Royal .... ,. t Man. Mining . ..144 Michigan ..18'4'MohawH , ..144 Mont. C. A C. .. nOld Dominion , ..101 Oacaol u Parrot Ganaral Elactrto Maaa. Elactrto .... do pfd Mas. Uaa t'nltad Prult to I tad Sho Mach. do ptd V. S. Stl do pfd Waatlng. oommon Bid. Aked. Quincy Shannon Tamarack Trinity V. 8. Mining.. V. B. Oil rtnh Victoria 14 Winona 4WoWrln 1 Ex -dividend. ..1M .. 1 .. 44 .. 44 ..111 .. M .. 18 fSH per Official is o 11 14 t0 1 15 U4 II 11 6 ffiVa 1'4 ::::: '!3 17 4 104 1 111 U 4 4 14 117 London Stoek Market. LONDON, March 10, Closing quotation m stock and bond: Conaola,- monay 11 iN. Y. Central 149 do nccount 1 U-lt Norfolk A W 17 Anarond W 4o pld M Atchlaon M Ontario A W T do pfd 107 Pannaylranla Ti'4 BalUmor A Ohl....U4 Rand Mlna 10 Canadian Paclao 1IH Reading il Che. A Ohio 13 do lat pfd 17 Chicago Ot. W 14 do id ptd 47 C. M. A St. P 144 Southarn Railway ... M PaBaar . 1 da pfd 101 Dnrt A R. O 4 Soul barn PaclBo 11 4a pfd 1111'nloa Paeit lit Erl 4s'4 do pfd mi do lat pfd t4iV. S. Btal )7 do Id pfd 7144 So pfd llllaol Cantral im,,W.ha4b 1944 Louie. A Naah 14 do ptd 47 M , K. A T tt ISpantaa 4 II '4, SILVER Bar, Arm, 27 6-16d per ounce. MONET 2'o4 per cent. The rate of dlnoont in the open market for short bills Is 2'to2 per rent; for three months' bills, 2id2 per cent. , OMAHA LIVE STOCR MARKET Cattle Beceipts Quite Liberal and Frice Baled Steady to Trifle Lower. HOGS OPENED STEADY, CLOSED WEAK Good Sapply of Sheep and Lambs on Sale, bnt While Trading; Was Slow No Qaotable thaage In Prices Took risce. SOLTH OMAHA. March W. Receiots were: Official Monday .... Olllciaf Tuesday uflicial v eun-.-dny (.ifrlclal Thursday . Official Friday .... Hog. Sheep. 4." U.X 12.246 lu.oiU S3b3 ,4 ,7 . I'-. t.642 6.WU Five days this week.... 1S.S3 46.668 .H Pame days last week... 16.716 4.wa 1W.81H Bame days week before.. 16.4ill 64.1.S3 44. !W; Same three weeks ago.. S.l 21.273 2.ii. (Same four weeks ago... 15.614 43.791 20.56-' Same days last year....l.llt4 31.US1 30.. 53 RECEIPTS FOR THE TEAR TO DATE. The following table ahowa the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, with comparison with last year; 1206. 1904. Inc. Da Cattle I&aosO 17 . w l.lw Hogs 478,444 462.4H8 W.14B ..... Sheep 304,5tu 851.070 8.5R- The following table shows iM arerag' price cf hogs at South Oman, ror th last several days, with comparison!: I 1906.-11904. 11903. 1W2. 11901. 1900.llt Feb. 16... Feb. 17.. Feb. 13.. Feb. 1.. Feb. 20.. Feb. 21... t-eb. 22.. Feb. 23.. Feb. 24... Feb. 26.. Keb. 26... Feb. 27.. Feb. 28... Mar. 1.. Mar. 2.. Mar. I.. Mar 4.. Mar. 6.. Mar. ... Mar 7... Mar. .. i41j.r. 9.. Mar. 10.. 4 85 4 71 4 HI a I 66 4 8 4 Ii 4 fit 4 66i 4 734, 4 T5 l 4 ou 1 4 n 4 77 I 4 80 '4 66 I 4 S8 4 87 4 60 I I H 6 02 6 04 b i: 24i 6 2 6 221 I 191 6 6.11 6 39 ' 6 32 6 m 6 14, 6 09 6 12 6 14 6 0, a t 11 6 19 0 J 6 10! S SOI 7 03 t c (n 981 Ml a 6 93 6 84 61 e i 6 89J 1 6 P' 7 03 7 vii 7 12 ; w 751 7 14 7 26 I I 28 t 7l 6 7k 6 22 6 66 6 23 6 86 16 31 6 88 6 3 6 i 4 St 4 76 6 7 6 93 6 881 6 81 6 90 t Ui 6 11 6 07 6 97 6 99 10 6 06 6 39, I 6 411 6 97 S 60 a 4, 3 - S 6 t 63 V t tJ 4 S3! 4 78 4 .4 6 u 4 Mi 6 Hi 4 tw I 4 69 6 38 6 331 4 fio 6 27i 4 67 6 281 S 77 d. 4 00 1 i 6 2! 4 6 3 S- 4 69 1 57 6 32' I 2 62 6 37j 4 741 6 451 4 701 t ol I 37 4 71 S 00 4 72 3 S3 4 ill 3 68 4 73 2 63 I M I 64 I 12 Indiciifes Sutidnr. N The official number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was: Cattlo.Hogs Sh'p.H'ses. C M. & St. P. Ry 1 9 Missouri Pacific Hy 3 1 I nton Pacific system.... 15 26 16 1 t . N. W. Ry., east.... 7 6 t . At N. W. Ry., west.. 31 35 C, St. P., M. Ac O. Ry.. 13 9 1 C, H. & y. Ry., west.... 19 21 S C, B. i W- R'-, east.... 4 8 C, R. 1. & P. Ky., east.. S 6 C, R. I. & P. Ry.. west.. 1 Illinois Central 1 6 Chicago Qt. Western.... 1 6 137 2o9 l.JU 1 4U 2.230 2,372 6o9 3.IM 1 395 2,138 2,307 63 43 41 98 20 73 76 28 2 114 146 237 221 Bank Clearing;. OMAHA, March IOl Bank clearing to day were tl.4Ml.2U 93. Tha clearing for th corresponding day of UAH wer 11,217,962.01. Total receipts 98 The disposition of the day's receipt was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co.... Armour & Co Vansant & Co Carey & Carey U.hman 6 Rothschild .. Hill & Son H. F. Hamilton L. F. Hubs . Hike Haggerty . J. B. Root & Co J. H. Bulla Rothschild & Sulsberger Other buyers Totals 2,378 9,045 ' 4.902 CATTLE There was quite a liberal run of cattle here this morning for a Friday, but the demand seemed to be In good shape, so that prices on desirable graues held up In quite a satisfactory manner. Trading was not quite as active as It has been for the last few days, but still a good clear ance was made at a reasonably early hour. The market on beef steers did not show a great deal of change. Anything that suited buyers sold at right around steady prices as compared with yesterday, but the kinds that did not Just strike their fancy were a trifle neglected and In some cases tad to sell a little lower than the same Inds brought yesterday. As compared with a week ago the market Is about 16 26c higher, and as compared with the low time the market Is about 76c higher. The cow market was a little lacking In activity this morning; and, the same as usual under such circumstances, the ten dency waa to pound the market a little. The more desirable grades, though, sold at Just about steady prices, but some of the commoner kinds had to go at a reduction of 5c to 10c. The market for the week, though, shows an advance of right around 15c to 26c, or of 76o as compared with the low time. The market on bulls, veal calves and stags was Just about steady today, the de mand being about equal to the supply. In spit of the fact that It was Friday, the market on stockera and feeders ruled active, with prices steady. Speculators all seemed to be anxious for supplies, and as a result It was not long before everything at all decent was disposed of. Some of the commoner kinds were neglected, but still even those sold at right around steady irtoes. For tne wmb tne mantel is ruuy fie to 26a hlrrher. and. In fact, the market Is at the high point of the year to dat. Representative sales: N At. Pr. Mo. At. Pr. 1 840 I 16 4 1107 4 to 1 170 I M - 31 7I 4 10 1 100 I 86 14 1126 4 to 1 1140 4 00 It 106 4 60 1 M 4 00 10 1167 4 60 1 1030 4 00 i 11W 4 40 I 1044 4 it 4 1846 4 40 Mf 4 it 10 1MI 4 M 16...... Ml 4 10 4t 123 4 46 U 1004 4 0 10 1171 4 70 6 1021 4 K ll 4 Tt I Ml lit 10 U01 4 76 M 711 4 16 II lHOI 4 10 II 1177 4 40 7 Hot 4 80 1 1144 4 40 II 118 4 86 il 1086 4 40 BTBEK3 AND COWB. tl 0t i 06 II 114! 4 to 11 171 4 96 1 1191 4 76 7 UU 4 60 14 1807 4 76 BiKiCRa AND HElFEKd. M 164 4 16 14 144 4 IS 12 Ull 4 16 It Ml 4 40' COW B. 1 124 1 71 6 1WI t 16 I 780 8 10 6 101 I 4i I 7M t 16 7 767 I -46 14 180 16 I 41 60 1 680 I IS 1 160 1 60 1 777 I 40 t 1011 I 60 1 110 I 40 1 11M 60 8 H3 1 40 1 1124 I 60 4 180 I 60 II Ill I 84 1 11M I 60 1 124 I 61 4 177 I 60 I Ii0 I 60 1 l)0 8 60 1 1011 I to 1 I0 I 60 I llii I M H 894 I 60 1 150 8 6 1 710 t 64 11 ....1121 t 16 t lit 1 10 1 1360 I 45 1 060 8 40 ' T 11M I It 1 1180 I 76 11 181 I M 1 1160 t II 10 t I 46 t 781 I II 4 10-11 I 70 t 711 I 71 17 1081 8 70 1 1000 t 76 10 12p0 8 70 1 Ill 111 1 11 TO 70 4 117 I to t 1110 I 70 II 831 I 00 17..., 1IW5 8 70 1 1IMA 8 00 i 1100 8 70 8 Ml I M T 107 8 71 1 641 8 0 1 1U0 3 71 1 160 I 00 1 1180 t 76 1 880 I 00 1 1844 t 76 1 1840 I 00 1 1110 8 71 1 1U6 8 00 II 840 I It I 1081 8 00 I ,...1000 lit 1 1040 t 00 8 164 t 10 6 7t I 10 1 1104 I 10 6 1071 8 10 II Il i9 3 M 1 1046 8 It 4 1107 4 00 1 1240 8 It 1 640 4 to .1 640 8 If 1 1140 4 00 4 1011 I N 4 122t 4 00 1 1034 I M It 7 4 00 i no a tt i in 4 oo 1 1110 t 16 T 11(4 4 10 t loot I tt 1 1170 4 It 4. 1034 8 H 1 1410 4 ti COW'S AND HEIFERS. II .'. lilt I It HEIFERS. 8 IO0 8 tO t 4 I 71 I.... 431 I 40 1 UlO 8 II 1 404 I tt 1 1010 I II I too t 00 4 181 I 80 1 1170 8 1 14 tot 4 0t t loto a to it mi 4 io BULLti. 1 lilt I 0t 1 .. .1880 I 10 t uio l oo l u; 60 1 1100 I U0 1 1810 8 tt i 1014 a io i into a it 1 1400 I 61 1 1760 8 t 1 1740 I It 1 1480 I W 134 I 40 1 llf0 8 M 1 lto 1 4 1 143 I 6 8 Ul I 4 1 11(H) a 1 ! 146 I 40 1 144 I 71 I UU I to CALVES. 1 110 8 60 i lit I H 1 160 I 00 1 IH III 1 186 8 0 1 160 I IS 1 0 t 0 t tit t 34 1 Il 4 M 8 14 I It 1 1M 4 tt) 1 lo I to 1 to 4 M I too I t 1 10 t 36 1 17 I 64 II 171 10 1 13 IM STOtTC CALVES. . U.. M IH I 164 I 6 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS 8 fit I tt 1 4t I tt i ta a i6 i lot a it i i;t i 6 STOCK Ei AND FEEDERS. I tot 06 I W IN I IM III t. 44 I Mi 1 I IM II Ill I t 1 4f 8 6 I IM IH 1 Tt 8 1 MO I II 1 P0 I SO 1 W I TI t ?1 I tt I Tt I Tt 1 441 I 80 It Ml I Tt I Ml IK t 0 I Tt I j. M IN I Ml I S HOOS There was not an excessive supply of hogs here this morning, but reports from other points were rather unfavorable to th selling Interest, which mad local packer rather bearish. Th market, though, opened Just bout steady on th average, the heavy hogs. If anything, being a trifle stronger, while the light weights were a trifle weaker. Only prt of th packer took bold, so that by th time half of th hogs had changed hands the market began to weaken and some buyers wer bidding as much as 24-(J6e lower than yesterday. Salesmen, though, were not disposed to take off to that extent, so that It was some little time before much business was transacted. The lighter weights went largely from $4 82H down, butchers and mixed, 14 86 to I4.87H. and the heavies from $4.90 to 16.02. There was no Improvement In the situa tion ss the morning advanced, so that, salesmen finally bed to take the prices of fered, which ranged from weak to 6c lower than the early sales. Most everything was disposed of before noon. Representative sales: No. AT. k. Pr. Na. At. Ik. Pr. it in ... 4 oo ii ni to t ts 61 Ill ... 4 76 47 11 tO 4 6 74 181 ... 4 80 II 101 ... 4 It TO J ... 4 0 l 140 40 4 fit tO Ill ... 4 14 6 131 40 4 17 II 107 100 4 80 41 1 44 4 ITH 7t Ill ... 4 0 86 HI t 4 rrv "4 ... 4 fl 0 141 ... 4 61H IT 144 M 4 0 II Ill 40 4 17 Tl 110 ... IN TI 174 ... 4 17 .,0 40 4 lit 14 170 ... 4 17 71 140 M 4 12 17 141 40 4 17 74 14S ... 4 J ft WO ... 4 17 (t .OX-... 4 13 16 174 ... 4 17 "137 40 4 I1S4 II 117 ... t 17 17 101 40 4 81 Tl lf-1 ... 4 17 I t6 44 4 17 131 ... 4 17 141 84 I tl n ... 4 17 I 147 ... 4 11 11 Mt 44 4 17 IT 104 10 4 Mv, tl Ml 40 4 r It 1IT 10 4 11 41 141 ... 4 17 14 lit ... 4 12 14 .131 110 4 17 18 110 ... 4 11 46 lit 110 4 67 74 lit 120 4 II (7 146 140 4 M II 13 ... 4 82 tt 171 10 4 tl 100 ... 4 II 246 10 4 14 41 111 ... 4 12 S 210 ... 4 tO 41 Ill ... 4 82 14 141 ... 4 80 41 Ill ... 4 12 81 IM ... 44 76 140 ... 4 It 62 360 M 4 10 It Ill 110 4 IS It 171 ... 4 0 14 Ul ... 4 It 61 IM 44 4 N 76 161 ... 4 16 47 184 It 4 XI 84 116 ... 4 It 17 14 44 4 0 II Ill It 4 66 tl Ill ... 4 10 44 143 40 4 86 40 164 ... 4 to 40 181 ... 4 - 67 2S4 140 4 t 71 233 ... 4 US 71 131 ... 4 10 83 208 40 4 88 17 170 ... 4 10 77 12t ... 18 7 141 ... 4 K 7 110 10 4 16 18 Ml ... 4 10 47 104 ... I 81 41 187 ... 4 10 10 140 14 4 if 40 tl ... 4 ti 71 1!t ... 4 86 41 18 ... 4 13 71 221 40 4 8t 67 284 10 4 12 81 131 10 4 AS 62 28 ... 4 13 7 124 ... 4 SI 74 188 ... 4 II 74 224 ... 4 II 12 166 ... 4 12 77 231 ... 4 86 It 20 ... 4 91 tl ITS ... 4 16 14 28 140 4 IS 0 130 ... 4 It tl 177 ... 4 IS 147 ... 4 85 71 lit 120 4 IS 41 246 19 IM 63..; 171 40 4 17 15 141 ... 4 16 41 IS4 ...'100 74 20 44 4 86 17 11 ... I 40 14 131 ... 4 86 28 301 ... 100 9 ISO ... 4 SB tO Ill ... I 00 II 241 ... 4 86 64 404 144 I 00 17 246 ... 4 86 SO 388 ... I 01 SHEEP Receipts of sheep were. If any thing, larger than expected this morning, and with no particular Improvement In the demand the market ruled rather slow. The prices pnld. though, were Just about steady with yesterday, or 15c to 26c lower than a week ago. As compared with the high time the decline amounts to About 26c to 60c. Some fair ewes sold this monllng for 16 and Mexican wethers for $5.66. The lamb market also showed but little ch -iiKe from esterday. Trading was slow, but prices held about steady. Some prettv good lambs brought $7.16. The decline for the week and from the high unit is about the same as noted above for sheep. Onr.i-on f -r" r-d stork, flood n cholc yearlings, $6.40tJ6.75; fair to good year l' , I".--., 4u, good to cnolct- wethers, $5.06.76: fair to good wethers. $8.0ffJ6.60: good to choice ewes, to. 00-35. 60;' fair to good wm $4 rivffR Ofl; common t.i fair ewes, $4.00 Jf4.60; good to choice lambs, $7.0fKtf7 !6: fair to good lambs, $6.75?T7.00; feeder lambs, $6 00 66.60. Representative sales: tin. Av. Pr. 1 goat 130 I 75 127 western ewes 93 4 86 307 western ewes 92 4 86 4 western ewes 87 6 10 1 western wether 90 6 26 244 western wethers 96 6 66 132 western wethers 96 6 66 1 western lamb 140 6 26 637 weatern lambs 78 7 16 233 wesiern ews 109 6 00 271 western ewes 109 6 00 206 western ewes 107 t 00 212 western ewes Ill 6 40 101 western ewes 110 6 40 120 western ewes 116 6 40 300 western ewes 116 6 40 111 western ewes 116 6 40 CHICAGO LIVES STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady, Hogs Weaker, Sheep Strong: and Lamb Steady. CHICAGO, Mirch 10. CATTLE Re ceipts, 2,000 head; market steady; good to prime steers. $6.15)11126: poor to mdhim, W.ToiSSO; stockers and feeders, $2.SOiS4.6d; cows, $2.8O4.60; heifers, $3.006.00; canners, 81. G02.40; bulls, $2.E0o4.2&; calves, $3.009 7.00. HOOS Receipts. ,19.000 head; estimated for tomorrow, 6.000; market weaker; mixed and butchers, $4.8606.10; good to choice heavy, $5.0rt?i6.10; rough heavy, $4.8054.96; tight, $4.7O6.07; bulk of sales, $5.0OC'j.l0. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 7.000 head; market for sheep strong; lambs, steady; good to choice wethers, ,0006.10; fair to choice mixed, $4.76r6.40; western sheep, $5.0oti.00; native lambs, $6.00i37.)0; weatern lambs, $6.00Q7.70. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Mirrh 10 CATTLE Receipts, 2.2O0 head, including 300 southerns; market for killing steer steady; Blockers and feeders strong to lower; choice export and dressed beef steors, $5,250)6.75; fair to good, $4.004(6. 2S; western fed steers, 64.2C4? 6.26; stockers and feeders, $3.004.60; south ern steers, $3.60fr;'4.76; southern cows, $2.26 $.65; native cows, $3.00(34.26; native heifers, $3.00474.66; bulls. $2.60H.OO; calves, $3.0nt3.2S. HOQS Receipts, 4,600 head; market steady; closed weak; top, $8.06; bulk of sales, $4.85(j6.05; heavy, to. 00-36. 06; packers, $4.90(96.00; pigs and lights, 841594.95. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8.700 head; market strong; native lamb, $6.608 7.40; native wethers, $5.23T(6.66; native fed ewes, $4.76ffl6.35; western fed lambs, $4.50; 7.40; western fed yearlings, $6.00(3. 66; west ern fed sheep, $4. 75416. 65; stockera and feed ers, $3.5Oi6.50. St. Lonis Live Stock Market. ST. IX5UI8, March 10 CATTLE Re ceipts, 800 head, Including 600 head Texans; market strong; native shipping and export steers, $4.50&8.00; dressed beef and butch ers' steers, $3.76(83.46; steer under 1,000 lb., $3.26(30.66; stockers and feeder, $16047X60; cow and heifer. $2.46i34 0; canners, $1.78 f2.85: bulls, $2.50.60; calves, $4.003)7.26; exa and Indian steer, 13.O0tQ6.O0; cow and heifers. $2.00($3.76. HOGS Receipts, 4.000 head. Market strong; pigs and lights. $4.00&4.90; packers, r.004j5.15; butchers and best heavy, $6.1062 20. SHEEP AND LA M B 8 None on sal. St. Joseph LIto Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH. March 10 C ATT L1T Re ceipts. 1.131 head: market steady to weak; natives. $3.S6(&6.60; cows and heifers, $1.75 it4.60; stockers and feeders, $3.00gH.60. HOOS Receipts, .S67 head; market teady; light, $4.8'4j4.96; medium and heavy, $4,854(6.00. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelpta, 1,683 head; steady, light; Colorado lambs, $7.10. Slonz City Lira Stock Market. SIOUX CITY, la., March 10.-(Srclal Telegram.) CATTLE Receipts, 400 head; market steady; beeves, $8.50tf6.26, cows, bulls and mixed, I2.5o4l4.00; stockera, $2.7tVa 4.00; calves and yearlings, M.Uxal.bO. HOQS Receipts, 4,2uo head; market weak to 6o lower; selling, f4.60tf4.92Vi; bulk, of ale. $4.764.16. Stock in Sight. I Receipts of live stock at th lx prlnolpal westerp market yesterday were: came, j togs, sneep 3,-A 400 t24) 800 1.131 2,000 t.uu 4,200 4. ft") 4.000 1117 19,000 6,U0 l',7j6 L6S3 7,0uo ,831 47,417 18.063 South Omaha. Sioux City Kansas City.., St. Louis Bt. Joseph Chicago Total Metal Market. NEW TORK. March 10. META LS Th London tin market was firm and higher again, with a good siteculatlve demand re ported. Spot closed at 184 12 6d and fu ture at 133 7 6d. Locally, the market was higher. In sympathy, closing at $2126 fi29.66. The Ivmdon copper market was higher at 68 12s 61 for spot and 69 for future. Locally, prlcr wer unchanged, but th tone w reported firmer. Lake is quoted St $16.371915 60; electrolytlo. $16.26J 15 174; casting, $14.87'tf 15.26. Lead was un changed at 12 6s In London and at $4 46 C4.6u In th local market. Spelter was steady, but unchanged, at 24 In the Lon don market, while locally price) wer a shad higher on the outside at $4 NxjT 80. Iron closed t 64 In Olasgow and l"m M in Mlrtdlesborough. locally, the market I unchanged at generally firm: No. I northern foundry is quoted at $17 "toll. 26- No. 1 northern foundry. r7.6M18.00; .No. 1 south ern foundrv and No. 1 louthern foundry, oft. $17 S.V ! 26. . . . ST. LO I IS, March 10.-METAI.8 Lead, teady at $I.17H- Spelter, steady at $6.16. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Condition of Trad and 4aotatlon on Staple and Fancy Prodaee. EQOS Receipts increasing, candled stock, 16il7o. LIVE POULTRY Hen. 10c; young roo ter, according to site, 8c to lOc: old roo ters, 6't)tte; turkevs. 15c: ducks. lOe. BUTTER Packing stock, lc: cholc to fancy dairy, 21-4ic; creamery, imtfitc; prints, 26c. . , . KKI'.SH FROZEN FISH Trout. tV; pick erel, tc; Pike. 8c; perch, 8c; biueflsh, 11c; nvniie, .mi, .t, .,... .nil, tic. i-oiiaL-.ei. lwc; h-illbi t o ,r, ,.... i r; rnrTalo. n; whit bass, lie; herring, 6c; Spanish mackerel, llo. Krog legs, per dos., 40c. HAY-ft ice ouoitd ty Oman Whole! Hay Dealers' association. Choice No. I up land, $7.00; No. 2, $6.60; medium, $6.00: coarse, $5.60. Rye straw, $6.60. These price ar for hay oi so. o . I- r nd quality. BRAN Per ton, $17.50. OYBTERS-New York counts, per can, 46c; extra selects, per can. 36c; tandards, rr ran 80e Hulk: Standard, per gal.. 1140; extra select!, per gal., $1.65; New York counts, per gal., $1 80. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANOES Callfral. extr Jancjr Bed land navel, all tiles. $2.60: fanry navel. $2 26; choice navel, large alse 60. 96. 113 $2.10. LKMONB California, fancy. $1.70; lot? and 160. i-lii; choice. 270. 800. St, $3.00. DATES ter oog of 30-ib. pkg.. 12.00! Hallow, in 70-lb. boxe, per lb.i H'a6c. FIGS California. rr lv-ib- cartor. 7fI $6c; Imported Smyrna. 4-cr0wn. 10c; $ and 6-croT.n. 12c: fncy. Imported (waahad), 1 l it), pkgs., ittiriaa. BANANA 8 Per medlum-slstd bunch. $L71 it? iiimhi tS M iH.rno ORArEFRUlT I'er box of 64 to 64. $6.00. FRUITS. APPLES-New lorn Kings. $1.25; 'New Tork Greenings. $3 00; New York Baldwins, $s.r0: Colorado Wlnesaps, per bu. box, $1.65; Pippins, $1.66. uitAila - Imported Malagas, per krf, $7.00. TANGERINES California, per H box, $2 F0 CRANBERRIES-Wlsconsln Bell nd Pu gle, per bin., $3.00; Jeiatys. pep bui.. $S-0u; per box, V2.75. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Home grown, In sack. pr bu., 46c: Colorado, per bu.. 60o. TrRNirn-uld. prr bu.. 40c; Cenada rut abagas, per lb., lc; now, per dos,, $1.00. i a oia, per uu., tuc, uew. per dos., 76c. , . . i P40)(.i er J)U,( oe. BEETS Old, per bu., 40c; new, per dos., ' uF-ANS Navy, per bu., W.10. ONIONS Home grown, red. In sacks, per lb., tc; Snanl.ih, per craL. $160: Colorado yellow, per lb., 2o; Bermuda onions, per crate, $2.75; new southern, per dos., 46c. Lt- . MHEud Per do., $1.7643.o0. TOMATOES Florida, per 6-bakt crat, 5.0l'fi6.60. CAULIFLOWER California, pr crate, $3.00. CABBAGE Holland eed, pr lb lie. SWEET POTATOES Kansa kiln oiled, per hhl t!.6 CELERY-Californla, 6O07SO. RADIsiriEb not house, per do., 4Ko. LETTUCE Pr box of about fifteen besds, 60c. RHUBARB Per do, bunches. T5e$1.00i PARSLEY Per dos. bunches. 75c. MISCELLANEOUS. SAUERKRAUT Wisconsin, pr keg., $2.26. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream. He; Wisconsin Young America, 14c; block Swiss, new, 15c; old, 164 17c; Wisconsin brk. 1V-; Wisconsin limburger, 14c. HIDES No. 1 green, 7c; No. 2 green, 6c: No. 1 salted, 8V4c; No. i salted. 7Mo; No. 1 veal calf, 9c; No. 2 veal calf, 7c: dry salted, 8$ 14c; sheep pelts, 2ac4u.0O; hors bids. Il.604j-3.OD. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per lb., 16c; hard shells, per lb., 13c: No. 1 soft shells, per lb., 12c; No. 1 hard shells, per lb., 12c; Pecans, large, pr lb., ltc; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 7c; roasted peanut, per lb., 8o; Chill walnut, fier lb., 12Ql3c: almonds, soft shell, per b., 17c; hard sell, per lb., 16c; chestnuts, per lb., UViffWc; new black walnuts, pr bu., 76890c; shellbark hickory nut, per bu., $16; laffe hickory nuts, per bu., $1.60. Wool Market. BOSTON, March 10. WOOL The Com mercial Bulletin will say tomorrow: The wool market Is quiet and devoid of start ling features. In a small way a fair amount of foreign clothing wool la selling and th filling varieties of class III wools movo steadily. Domestic trades are dull and nominal, owing to small stocks and no trading to establish a price. The principal weakness Is In medium and low wool, fol lowing the decline' In London. High price rule In the west and trndlng In the new clip Is curtailed by the lofty ideas of grow ers. The shipment of wool from Boston to date from December 29, 1904, according; to the same authority, are 49,784,2S4 lbs., against 45,838.778 ot the same time last year. The receipts' to date ar 64.408.521 lb., against 86,014.374 for the same period last ;-ear. LONDON, March 10. WOOL Th offer ings At the wool auction sales today num bered 14.690 bales. Continental buyer and the home trade competed strongly for well grown grav and scoured merinos at full rates. Faulty sorts were easier to buy. Cfoss-breds were firm and unehangeJpsjr'llh American buying A few fine sorts. 'Ch.tV of Good Hope greasy was In spirited de mand. Following are the sales In detail: New South Wales, 4.200 bsles; scoured, lotdOMs ftd; greasy, 4M-dlTls 64d. Queens land. 1.300 hnlee: scoured. Ilditfls 10d: grensv,1 4irt!?ris. Victoria. 900 bsles; scourwt. Is ldjp Is !Hd: greasy, 6t4difils 6d. South Australia, l.fino bales; scotired. Is; greasy, 6flrllHd. West Australia .100 bales; greasy. BMTltd. New 7ealand. 8.600 bales; grenny. 6V.dtris. Cape of Good Hope and Natal, 600 bales; scenred. 1 'd; greasv, BotloVrd. ST. LOUIS. March 10. WOOT-flteadr : medlnm grades, combing ami clothlnr tl19 26c; light fne """OHc; heavy tin, 14lfci tub washed. 30p-37He. Cotton Market, NFJW TORK V"rrh 10 -rrVTTOV "notj closed quiet: middling nr-lands 7 90c; mitt duns' "ilf. 1So; sales, 1.50. hstes. LTVPTRPOOl! Mnrch lO.-fYiTTON Root, moderate b'islness dene: prices 2 point) lower; American middling ftr 4.3d: gont rnlddllnr. 4.81d: middling. 4 lid: low mhr dl'rig, 4"7d: rood ordlne.ry, 9Sd; ordlnsrv. 8 T7d. The sales of th day were) 8 O09 bales, of which 1.001) were for srenlntlon end exnort. snd telded- 7.800 Amerlc-n, Receipts were 2,000 bales, Including 109 rleon. I T. TT'7B. MsrrV 1ft COTTON Stead v ' snd iinchsnp-ed- mMrttlng. Hie: sales. 175 bfta rer Oft pjf, 1et t Srilnme vrt. vrff OTtLFAVft. Mnreh 10. T OTTO V FHrro; sale, t.tsn hle: ordlnsrv. 4lS-1e; v4 ordln""v mc low '"MAlIng" to; mM-4'fnr.. T8-l; rood reWllns- TM-te: mld-VlP- ( Ue; receipts, 6,868 bales? stock, ?7.6!8 bales. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS, Deeds filed for record March 10, 1906, as fur nished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Farnam street, for The Bee. United Real Estate and Trust com pany to W. H. Slabaugh, lots 8, 9 and 10, block 2, Maxwell 2d $ 250 W. H. MoCluskey and wife to J. Vltchrowsky. lots 6 and 6, block 1, Patterson's 1st 126 Susan Paxson to C. P. Swarm, lot 12, block 1, Vandercook Terrace 600 Elizabeth Roth and husband to J. Rupsxlankls, lot 78. Sullivan's add.. 180 W. A. Saunders to ti. H. Winther, lot 26, Cunningham A Brennan's 123 Bertha Peterson and husband to J. Swanson, lots 1, 2 and 1, block 10, Burnham Place 200 A. Torsberg and C. Olma to C. W. Lundstrom, wV4 lot 4, block 11, Bhlnn's add 1,400 F. Koutsky and wife to J. Maly, sr., lot 8, block It. 1st add to South Omaha 1,100 J. Hempleman and wife to J. Swan son, lota 1 and 2, block 1, Patrick add 8,600 F. W. Wessells and wife to Frederlcka M. Wessells, undivided half lot 6. block 19, Poppleton Park 100 Laura Erlckaon et al. to B. C. Pixton, part lot 79, Nelson's add 860 Louisa A. 'Porter to S. D. Bangs, lots 1 and 2, block 6. Solomon's add 1,100 A. L. Reed and wife to O. Teucsar, lot 7, block 69, South Omaha $00 Edwards -Wood Co- (Incorporated riala OI71C4M Fifth aad Robtrt. 8trta 3T. PAUL, lUNN. . DEALERS IN Stocks, Grain, Provisions ship Your Grain to Us 0nnk OB, 1141-111 Board of Tfada VI4g, Omaha, . Telephone SSI. ' ri 114 Exehsng Dldg.. South Omaha, Ball 't?aa tiA laJsoeotUn 'thosa t,