TI1E OMAIIA DAILY REE: FMIUY. MAIUII 10. l!or. ? GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET My Wheat Act! Like Will Street Still Backi It HESSIAN FLV MAY BE NEBRASKA SEE1 torn Ball Look for Advance, hat It Cornea 'lonlr Aaaerlra Supplies Alark Pen porta Hrmf ttlr at s-eaboard. Berlin declined 7 and Bud Peath weak ened In Chicago the pit in the only OMAHA. March , 105. The May wheat seem to hav some sup porf. while the Julv iVipi not. The May went off onlv lc yesterday, while the July went off jr. . Tnevspeculators sro In a puttie, ever the situation He to whether or not the Wall street null are out of the market. It wan generally conceded at the close of Wednesday that thev were ou but ths fact that Mny dll not break aft did the July, shows tin ro la something hark of It. Boron peoplo believe the long In terest la yet una fleeted. . The May opened at I1.1SH today, and the high point. reartieti lie-fore noon wae 11.14, or ,c helow tho beat of Wednesday. .The low mark, hew evtr. was ft. I:", or Ho better than Wed nesday. . The 4lv opened at Me. or a better than the ii.w point of Wednesday. The high point readied before noon waa Wc. or 2c: below the high point of tht Preceding day. The lowefi today waa V' lower .ttan Wednesday Liverpool closed with an advance of from 'tje lo V. Ant werp aaciinao . vi,- perls went up is, buyer of JuLV. Rarrett' took 6Yt1 yshels The market continue very erratic and any small ordrs cauae It tt move up Or down. Hessian fly talk from Ncraeka l bti tisetl m Chicago. It la reported Investi gation jnade lit tha sections of central Ne braska, which, last fall made poor returns mow th Seed badly Infected by the fly. The Insect experts are reported as llndlng the wheat full of Hessian fly eggs, which will develop In thirty .daya. There Is to be a meeting In .Chicago this afternoon between the men' who are trying to net Oregon. red wheot Inspected and those who are opposed to the change. A fight Is predicted. The Minneapolis output of flour for tha week la 2&5,H'i5 barrels against ;Wi, 706 last year, a decrease cf 87,& barrels. None of the mllla reported good export demand. Trie large mills were lacking In orders willo the small mill seerm-d to have aold more, than thev made. The Trice Cur rent finds the general condition favorahlo to the wheat, but the weather not settled enough to have caused much development. The primary rerttpts ere 415.0O0 against 6.16.O00 bushels laat year and the shipment are 270.OJ agntnar SM.rttO bushels. The May eorn waa fairly lively thla morn ing too low point for the morning reached before noon waa 4o, i-above- the low point Wednesday. Llvernnol advanced ...Chi cago aft cara, where 371 were expected. TheJ country la exporting corn to H.acK Hea piria which are iibually supplied. from the Danube and from Argentina. These countries have a shortage In their exportable surplus and thin must be made up from America. The milder weather has decreased the feeding demand as that corn la available for the market, but atlll the country will be called on to supply about l.OOO.OOO bushels n month until the middle of June. The corn clear ances today are only 65.000 bushels. Chicago sold S25.000 bushels Wednesday In Its cash market at an advance, of 4c. Of thla amount 225,000 waa for export. New York worked 40.000 bushels for export In April and Muv to Venice; The seaboard sold 96.000 bushels. The small pit traders are bears on com. but It In said the big men are long big lines of the May and expect to e-the market work up to 6Sc or Kc. The primary receipts are 744.000 against 458, ooo last year and the shipments are 439,000 against 87.000 bushels. Omaha Caah Prices. WHEAT No. Z hard. $1.051.06; No. t hard, Wo4i$1.04; No. 4 hard. eofc-Voc; No. i apring. tLOL , CORN-No? 2. 45c; No. 3. 44yc; No. 4. 4SV4l4Ci:no grade, 4(K4.1o; No, 2 yellow, 46c; No. 3 yellow, 44c; No. 2 white, 46V4c; No. t white. 5o. OATS No. 2 mixed, 30c; No. S -mixed, 2Vio: No. 4 mixed, 2c No. 2 white, 31c; No. 3 white, 3vHo; No. 4 white, 2Vic; standard, aofce. Carlot Reoelpta. ... , Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 10 298 151 Kansas City 81 - 1 Minneapolis , 244 Dululh 12 St. lMuia f.. 44 a i fP-rvi'M'r'wv-.2 3 : 7i .. f . T Uoaeolla Wheat Market. ' The range of prices paid In Minneapolis as reported by the Edwards-Wood company, 110-Ul Board of Trade, was: Articles. Open. ( High.l Low Close. Tes'y. . i "Wheat f '" May 1 10H 1 11 I 10 1 lOTfci I WH July.. 10 1 I OKV 1071,1 17- Sept .. 88Vsl 8Tta 883,1 kVt .''' ' 1 t NEW :- YORK GENERAL MARKET Unotatloaa of the Day on Varloaa Coaamodltlea. ' ' NEW 'YORK. March S. FLO tR Re ceipts, 122.742 bbls.: exports, 1.1 bbls.; the market "was dull and baroly steady; winter patents. J6.60u5.H0; winter straights, I5.2IX& 626; Minnesota patents. $5.Hfi'ni,.3o; winter extras, 3.rt64i4.30; Minnesota bakers. $4.1( 4.W1 winter l w grades, a.4. t(4.10. Rye flour, steady; fair to good, I4.jMi4.70; choice to fancy. $4.754.86 Buckwheat flour, dull; per If) lbs., 10. COUNMEAfy Steady; fine white, 11.30; coarse, new, tliotfl .12; klln-drled, 12,903. 10. M YE Nominal; SOc. BARLEY Quiet; feeding, 444c c. I. f. Mew York; malting, 44i()ic C. I. f. buffalo. WHEAT Receipts. 1.9fi0 bu. Soot market gteady: No. 2 fed, nominal, elevator; No. 2 red. $1.18, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Iiiiliith. $1.Z), f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, 11.10. f. o. b. afloat. There waa plenty of fluctuation to wheat prices today h im active covering at nines ny recent short sellers. Demand for new crop months was onsen on. tears or a coia wave, open ing fir In the market suatalned a bad break under liquidation, followed by a recovery, the elose- being o lower to c net higher. May. 11. 11X41. 131. Hosed at 11.13: Julv D7T4 T.7ic, closed at 88V4c; September, SO&SoHc, cioseo at wuvc. CORN Receipts, 122,250 bu. Hpot market barely steady; No. 2, 58Hc, elevator, and WSc, o. b. afloat: No, 2 yellow, 64c: No. 2 while. Mtyc. Option market tulet hut firm, eloalng at He net higher. May cloaed at HHic; July cloned ut 64c. x . OATS Receipts, 98.0U0 bu. Spot market steady; mixed, 26 to 12 lbs.. 3714 HRc; natural white. 3i to 32 lbs., 38Vu3c; clipped, M to 40 I lis.. 3U41c. HAY Quiet; shipping. Sti70c; good to choice, 8i4rSiWc. ttOHS b.eauv; sti.te. common to choice, 1H04, 2731c; 19i, XftXo; olds. llfclSo; Ps title coast, 104. 2730o; 10U3, 24Q27c; olds. IJWlte. ' HIDES Quiet; Galveston. 20 to 26 lbs., lute; California. XX to 28 lbs,, 19c; Texas, dry, 24 to 30 lbs.. UMC I.KA'I'hKrt-Kw acid. MfTSsc. VRO VISIONS Beef, steady; family, $12.00 mesa, rMiou o; Deer nama. f2ZAX? ckci. piLoifri ii.oo: city extra India 1009718 00. Cut meata. steady: Dick. )ed bailies, 17.00 fi 7.60; pickled nhnuldera, $.U0; pickled hiror, 3.6xit9 00. Iard, aleidy; west ern atearaiMl. $7.30; refined, quiet: conti nent. $7.35; South American. $7 '.5 ; com pound, $4 'iSfiVoe. Pork, steady; family, $14. M tl l6.oo; shv' t clear. 813 ofio.rf; mesa, $12 00 13 ja. . TAI4.0V-teady; crty. 4So; couulry, 4H C4V RICK Firm; domestic, fair to extra. IT, d5ac: Japiui. nominal. Hl'TTliK Market easy, street price. POIXTHY-Allves Market weak: west ern chickens. 12c; fowls. 14c; turkeys. 15c. ltreeserf: Market irregular; western chick ens, l.vnler: fowls, l.'Hc; turkeys. 15ac. HVTTP:R Market weak. Street prices: extra creumiry. 25I254C: ofneial prices, crcamerj-. rominon to rxtvi. 20ti;'5c; cream ery, held, common to extra. .Utli6c; state, dulrv. common to extra. 19a23c; renovated, common td extra, ls'iic; western factory, common in xtra, HWi-'Jc; western. . lmlta tit n creamery, common to extra, 20tfc3c. CHEEBE-Flrra; state full cream, email, colored and whit, fomy, 13o; state tin.-, I3'c; atate late made coloied and white, poor to choices 10v,V12Vov state large, col ored and white, (ant)'. )3Hc: state line, V til3c; late made, co ored and -.t-.lte, roor ij choice. DlrKWc. K1G8-S eav. wastarnv firsts. 28c; west en ictonds, 2iQ26c. Mllwaakeo tin la Market. MILWAl'KEK, March .-Wll EAT-Msr-ket aak; No 1 northern. 11. J3; So. t nortn rin fl o.xiil.loV May, fl.UV RYr! Firm; No. I. sue. HAKLK1" Qulra; No. 3, 61c; sample. 3ftf) 6uc. . . . i'ORX-iw lilghej; No. 1, 4iV47c; May, 4S'c sellem. No. 1 northern, $1 "H's; No. 2 northern, fl 02 41'6H: May. fli1; July. $1.0fH: Septem ber. X4e. OATS To arrive and on track. 3fK,c. CHICAGO (iHAII 111) rROVIIOS Featores of the Tra4ln aad (1oil( rrleea oa Board of Trae'e. CHICAOO. March Predictions Of colder leather thiouirhnot th west ard south west Imparted nrmness to the wheat market here today. At the do., Julv wheat Wiis "P 'Sc May Is up He. Corn and oats show a gain of Vic. Provlsfons are piactlcally unchanged. i luring tne nrst part or tne oay wheat market was extremely nervous. The opening was ;rong. with May up a.tjH'" ,0 i'aic. at I.I4. juiy was up at M'c. Shorts and commission house were active buvera of May. Small receipts In the northwest had considerable Influence on initial tradine. The nit In general, how ever Was l-eerl-li. Shortly after the open ing buying orders iurldniy awtnniea, ana a severe break In prices occurred. May dropped to $I.I2S. while July sold off to W.c. Lower price at St. Louis and Kan sas City were largely responsible for the decline here. Weakness of southwestern markets was Considered ample proot mat the prospect for an excellent wheat crop thla vear will be fully realised. Late an oftVisI forecast of colder weather for to morrow, however, rreated Some uncertainty on thin noint. on the theory that the new crop may yet be teroualy damaged by ir ate. commission nouses turneti at live uujtm, causing a quick rslly to MHO. Shorts bought freely of May. forcing the price of that option up to $L14. For a time the prjee of Mar fluctuated nervously, changes of ,'&c being recorded between trades. Late In the day the fear of damage by cold weather seemed to be the dominating Influence. The market became quite Arm. with Mav showing the greatest strength. Final quotations oh May were at $U;ivt'r 1.14. July closed at MMu. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 13.0U0 bush- ls. Primary receipts, 414.700 DUSDei com pared with bW.ano bushels a year ago. Mln idanniia Tiuinth an A rhfruvn renorted re ceipts of 'M cars, against 34 cars last week aha 371 cars a year ago. Trading in the corn pit was quite active and the market had a firm undertone. Com mission houses were the principal nuyers. two or three of the most Important ones being active supporters of the market. Small local receipts and higher prices at Liverpool had a strengthening Influence. May opened mre higher, ai 4mi4tt,c, sold between 4Hc and 4vc- and closed at 48','&4H'iO. Local receipts were 2 cars. none of contract grade. Mainly In sympathy with-corn tne oats market was firm. The volume of trading was light, there being little disposition to sell. Mav opened a shade to i'nc higher, at Sllii&Siic. sold up to $2Hc and closed at 31T4c. Iocal receipts were 151 cars. Provision were quiet and prices showed little change. At the close May was off ZVdnr.' at $12.24'312.65: Lard and ribs were each unchanged, at $7.02 and $6.1 re spectively. Estimated receipts for. tomorrow: Wheat, 17 cars; corn, 379 cars; oats, 179 cars; hoga, U.0 head. Leading futures ranged as follows: I rvtv jn ft 13.00: m 2S.60- lacl mesa, $11 LlriMl firala Market. LIVKRPOOU March l.-WHEAT-Spot. nominal; future.- sternly. March, nominal; Mav, Vd, July. ts VI. , CORN-Spot. steady: American mixed new, 4; ;d: Anurit.in mixed old. 4s lid; ftiture,' steady, March, 4s 2'd; May, 4s, 4,d. . UaMitk (irala Market. IM'LCTH. nnn.. March ' 8.-WH KAT-To aiuve. N. I uoillicni, tl.os1,. On track: Artlcles.l Open. I Hlgh.f Low. Close. Yes y. Wheat I I Ploy il 184 I l'i M Julv (94 (rt Sept. i87 4j Corn- I may 4Slfr'i July 4'li: Sept. 4h',i Outs ... Mnr May !X1Mi32i July SlVftS! Sept. !, Pork May 12 70 Julv 12 80 Lard May 7 0 July, 7 15 Ribs May 8 82H , July 7 00 1 14 f 112H1 IS', ,1 13 , ill 14,1(3 1 13V, 8 7,1 SOS1 bViBWi 4K'J UntyJ 48 4'.148,''flH'4K'U,7,VaH .' ! 3l.l1HfrVi 32Si . 81V S1V31' 2-4f3i,29iwti fc 12 70 12 62V,! U WW 12 80 I I 7 16 7 17V,! 6 PK I 7 02H1 7 00 7 15 I 8 M1,! 7 00 r 12 tio I 12 7H 12 DO 12 82V, I 7 0ivi 7 17H! 8 85 I 7 00 I 7 02, 7 17 6 85 : 7 02V, No. i. Cash quotations were as follows: KHliH Ehav; winter patents. $5.10 B.20; winter straights, $4.WVSfa.00; spring pat ents, $6.10r.A0: spring straights, $4.5ix3o.00; bakers, $2.oift3.80. WHEAT No. 8 spring, 1.103l.ir.H: No. $ spring, Il.tHei.MH; No. 2 red. $1.18V1.1B. CORN No. 2, 4fte; No. 2 yellow. 4.Hf- OATS No. 2. !r?ic; No. 2 white, 33c; No. 3 white. 31;l32,c. RYE No. 2, 7S78Ho. , BARLEY Qood feeding, 3S41c; fair to choice malting, 44&47c. SEEDS No. 1 flax, $1.WH; No. 1 north-; western, $189: prime timothy, $3.05; cloved contract grade. $12.85. ., ,. .. PROVttslONi Mess port, jer bhl., $12.kv 12.80. Ird. per M lbs., t6.SrVitfft.90. Short ribs, side (loose!. $6.7580.8TH. Short clear s4de (boxed), fd. 87,737.00. Following were the receipts and ship ment of flour and grain: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbla.. 34,500 42.400 Wheat, bu 5fl,0o0 ' 38,0"0 Corn, bu 593,100 3R8.WM Oats, bu 269,200 134.400 Rye, bu 2.0"W 1.100 Barley, bu.. .118,200 31.400 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was weak; .creameries. iftxQ'.'tc; dairies, 18i?C3c. Eggs; firm; at mark, cases Included, WW. firsts, 20c; prime llrsts, 21c; extras. 22c. Cheese, firm. 12(&n3V,c. St. Loala Grata saw Provl.loas. 8T. LOUIB, March' . WHEAT lA)wer; No. t red, cash, elevator, 81.09V,; track, $1.1.1 1.14; May. $1.0Jl.uH; J'y. 9c; No. 2 hard, tl.OtcW1 ln- CORN Firm; No. 2 cash, 47Hc; track, 48V4c; May. 4o1ic; July. 47V4C OATS Firm; No. 2 cash, 32c; track. Sc; No. 2 white, 83ih4c; track, May. 31c FLOl'R Ixiwer; red winter patenta. $5.20 6 40; extra fancy and straight, $4.7,VS4.90. SEED Timothy, steady. $2.00ff3.75. CORN MKAL iSteady at 2.5y. BRAN Dull; aacked, enst. track, 8571S6C. HAY Steady; timothy, $0.00(512.60; prairie, $f. 001 10.00. IRON COTTONTIES 93c. . . . UAO31N(l 7,.c HFMP TWINE Ho. PROVISIONS-Pork. lower: Jobbing, $12.00. Lard. Arm; prime steam. 8U.64H. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts. $ti.87H; clear rlba. $6.87H: short clears. $7.12H: bacon, steady: boxed extra shorts, $7.50; clear ribs, $7.ao; snort clear, ji b.',. POULTRY Higher; chickens and springs, lHc; turkeys, 14'oiec; aucas, io; geese, ic. BUTTER Dragging; creamery, 24i31c; dalrv. IM 27c, EdOS-Firm, lHc. esse count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 5.000 14.000 Wheat, bu 46.000 73.100 Corn, bu 22.000 43.000 Oats, bu 30.000 K,000 Kansas City Ural and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, March . -f WHEAT Lower; May. MHc: July. 83V,c; cash, No. I hard. $1.0301.06; No. J. $l.o4jl0o. No. 3, tl.Olttl.OS; No. 4, 90c$1.00; No. 2 red. $1.04 ffll.of; No. 8. $1.02(61 04; No. 4. JctTtl.02. CORN-Steady; May, 45Hc; July. 45V; cash. No. t mixed. 4c; No. 3, 45kju46c; No. t white, 47c; No. 3, 4Hc, OATS Steady; No. 2 white, 33c; Tn'o. 2 mixed. 33Hc HAY Steady: choice timothy, $9.6010.OO; Choice prairie, $7.758.26. RYE-Steady, 78c. BUTTER-Creamery, 23if27i?; dairy, pack ing, 17Vc. EGOS Steady; Miaanurl and Kanaas, new No. t whltewood cases Included, 15c; cases returned, Vc less. ' Receipts. Shipments Wheat, bu 44.SOO Corn, bu 42.000 38.40-) Oats, bu 18.000 12.1D0 Mlaaeaaolls Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS, March . WHEAT -Closed at $1.10',; July, $1.07; September, KXTatjswr: No. hard. $1.13.: jio, 1 northern. tl llW: No. 2 northern. fl.OTV. FLOTR Flrat patents. $x.ii0a.10: second patents, KkNU-qnisi; nrst clears, $4.1uf4.35 second clears, f2."ti2.70. BHAN-In bulk, $14.26. Toledo Set-rf Market. TOLEDO, O., March 8.-SEED8-Cash, 17.8"; March, tT.au; April. $7 56; Octobor, $5.90. Prime al-ise. $7.76. Prime timothy, IT.37H: March, $l.rH- reorla Market. PEORIA. 111.. March .-CORN-6trong; No. 3. 46Uc; No. 4. 46Vc; no grade, 43u. Waal Market. LONDON. Msrch $ -WOOL A superior selection of 11,123 bales was offered at the wool salea today. Some chuioe Oeelong greaey waa taken by France and America. A good grade of acoureds sold readily to France and Belgium. The offerings of crosa-breda were heavy, but competition Was good and they aolj well. America se curtd good parcels of medium greasy at very full rates. Following are the sales In detail: New South Wales, 1.400 bales; scoured, 7Hd.91s tHd; greasy, 6dftl Quaeiis land, 1,300 bales; acourvd. Kdiji la Hd ; graaay, 5tid. Victoria. J.foO bales: acoured. HH'li U Id; gruasy, Mult 3H1. South Australia, 700 bales; . greasy, 85JUVd. West Aus tralia. 100 bales, greasy, Tasmania. 1 bales: groasy, laUWd New Zealand. 1W0 lialea. greasy. b,d0H Id. Cupc of Ootid Hope and Natal. lu bales; greasy, 7'5J. BT. LOriS. Mrch -WOOI-lwer; me. dlum and combing. JHrfU&c; light Hue, is-ii M'W heavy tine, IKQloc; liib-waahod, ' SoQ ST',o. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Speculative EnthuBiam . fieTirei and Market Expands in Volume. WESTERN RAILWAY ISSUES ARE HIGHER ftroap Affected fcy Xorthera Seearltlea Deeislea (tie F.sperlal Utreaarth Rank of F.naland Loatrt Rate of Dlacoaat. NEW YORK. March ".-There was a dis tinct revival of speculative enthusiasm In stocks today and a considerable expansion In the volume of the market was an ac companiment. The most effective factor upon sentiment was the awakened strength in the group of railroad stocks whltti have figured In the most Industriously circulated of the rumors In regard to combinations and mer gers. The entire quiescence of this group ever since the announcement of the North ern Securities decision has been a damper uion the speculative spirit, as the plans concerning these properties were supposed to be waiting for that decision to be pro mulgated. There was no authoritative news regarding the plans today, but the de mand (ir the stocks relieved the market from some of the repressive Influence due to their lethargy. Yesterday's active spec ulative movement In Reading was also car ried over Into today s dealings and that stock was run up to within a shade or par. The only motive assigned for the rise was a rumor that the dividend rate would be advanced to 4 per cent. Beyond this It was alleged that the floating supply or the stock has been so far reduced as to make It readily responsive to market operations, as has been demonstrated by the repeated success of parties formed to operate In It within the last few months. The present movement Is ascribed to the some sources. There was a very striking movement also In a group of the metal stocks, led by Smelting. Amalgamated Copper was a con spicuous figure In the same group. Divi dend rumors played their part In this movement also, and were supplemented with merger rumors affecting the lead In dustry. The spurt In Anaconda, Amalga mated Copper controlled stock, pointed to the source from which the parent stock Is to benefit by supposed dividend Increase. Reports from the copper trade were bright and copper stocks were strong In all the world's great markets. The I'nlted States Steel stocks were again conspicuously lag gard, although reports from that trade continued brilliant. Canadian raclflc wa supposed to be benefiting from large earn ings by itself and its controlled properties, all of which moved up in company. The apeclal demand for Atchison in the loan crowd pointed to an outstanding short In terest as the source of some of the demand for It. The favorable groundwork to which the various operations owed their success had as the principal element the reduction In he official discount rate of the Bank of England from 8 per cent to 2H per cent, a rate lower than has been touched since be fore the Roer war. This aetlnn had been so long deferred thnt some fears had ob tained that the extraordinary demands upon capital had made the reduction not feasible. The lowering of the rate Is equivalent to a proclamation that urgent requirements upon capital have been met ana that re laxlng money conditions In the world's mat ket are to be looked for. An encourag ing view of the fall planted wheat crop wa n factor In the market. News from the seat of war wus accepted as promising an early peace and was of strengthening effect, on stock markets. London bought stocks here at the opening, but sold on the rise. The realizing on the advance made some alteration In the day's best prices and, Reading especially met such heavy pr.es-; sure just below par that It fell back to below last night. The closing dealings were In consequence slightly Irregular. Bonds were firm. Total sales, par value, fS.lSO.tm United States 2s advanced per cent on call. The following were the opening and clos ing prices on the New York Stock ex change: ' Pales High. Low. Close. Atchison 41, TOO 93, 924 934 do prd 7.SH0 Atlantic Coast Line.. i.O Baltimore at Ohio.... 12.SXI0 1.300 40.400 tr cm. -2,5W 1.200 J.ino 200 1.700 ioo 1.0K0 do pfd.. Canadian Pacific Can. of N. J..... Cheaa. & Ohio... Chicago-. Alton. do iifd,..-v. .,-.-. Chi. Orekt Wesile Chi. North western -lifltm Chi.,' Mil. & Bt. r-aul 14,1) ei.i i' 1 vwi V.OI. &- at .auo.... do pfd V....i C. C. C. A St. L.... Colo. & Southern....; do 1st pfd...i. do 2d pfd Delaware & Hudson. Del.. .Lack. & West. D. & R. O do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Hocking Valley do pfd... , Illinois Cr 1 Iowa Central do pfd Kansas City South.. do pfd T-ouls. Nash Manhattan I, Met. Securitits Met. St. Ry Mexican Central Minn. St. Louis M . St. P. at 8. 8 do pfd Missouri Pacific. M.. K. T do ofd Nat. R. R. of M . pfd 1 - 100 501 lt.ion VV, 200 39H 104ii 103 104 142V4 141V 141', 110-1 ' lfS1 110V W 90 44 96 144V4 140W 23U 243 TO 34 H 99 26 61 H 201 '20OW 50V, 50V4 'fcsoV 28t 241 Hi '242 178H 178 1TI ' 900 1924 191H'191v5 3Z 99 25 H 3t 18 34 97 25H Bl tSOO 809 500 35.400 8.100 5.000 4.100 2.800 1,800 400 88i 48 82H 70 98 95H 159VJ 28 400 304 fiOO M. 2.800 1.000 7.200 7.900 28.1110 V.KOO 900 fi.900 3t8 'S8 82-t Kft 9SvJ 159 28V4.. 8i 142H 117 71 H i'l 171 85H 12S'4 25 V lift 11 ' 84S 122H 24 118 3?i S3 . n 82V, 70'i .95 -95V4 15R 18 53 V 30 . M. 1 142 171 Vfc 84v 122 i'5H 5.8 118 159; Jo 11-874 108V 1.400--32,- 31H S2H tki', tin 1.800 200 41' 41', 65V, lP.l.ono francs; treasury accounta current, decreased so. 125. 'too francs; ftold in hand, decreased 12.xn.00t francs; bills discounted, derreascd 129.i25.10 francs, silver In hand, decreased l.HW.onO francs. Kew York Moaey Market. NEW YORK, March MONEY On call, pteadv. 2,,,j"-,',c. closing bid at ic. ofTered at 3 "per cent. Time loans, easy; days. per .cent; 90 days, . u.K, tr cent; 8 month. 3V, per cent PRIME MERCANTILE PATER-SVIjlH per cent. STERLING EXCHANOE-Flrm. opening weak, with actual business in bankers," hills at $4 HS7M14 sowl for demand and at 14 8470 4 8475 for 80-dav bills; lasted rates, ll.'SH; commercial hlfl. $4 MVya 4. MS SILVER Bar. 59Vc; Mexican dollars. 45c. 1 BONDS Government, firm; railroad, firm. Closing prices on bends were: 1. 8. nt. is, r .. WS Jipin . rtfs . ..im i,. a n. unt. " . . .1044 HmMttin r. . 4t ...lMt ...KMW Mes. Ontrtl 4s ...l:ie So lit Inc fH ...13!S "Minn, fc St. L. 4S... ...1041 at., H. A T. 4a H" do old 4s. eouDon..lii6w do M Am Tnbacro 4s, ctfs. 7t, N. R. R. of M. t. 4a. M do t. ctfs Ill N. T. r. . ' lns4 Atchison s-n. 4s lMi N. J. C. (. ts n . rr ."to. PsclBc 41 net .lot I do 77 .1 'N. A W. r. 4s IMS . tSV. O. 8. L. rfdg 4t 7i .111 Penn. eosv. , 1HH . K Rssdlni tso. 4 lot St. L. a I. M r. !. .lls do coupon do ts, ref...i,. do coupon ..... do nsw 4s. rg. do roupon do old 4s re. do sdj. ii Allsntlr T. U. 4... Bsl. at Ohio 4s do 111 Ontral of OS. Ss.. do 1st tno do 2d Inc Dies. A Ohio 44s... Cntosso A A. IVt . r , r. 4. a. 4s... C, R. I. A P. 4s... do col. H cciv at. L t. 4s rnlisso Tsr. ts. rolnrsdo Mid. 4S ... Colo. A So. 4a. . ruha Is. ctfi... Dsnrsr A R. O. 4s... 101 tilrtlllsrs' Sec. Sa.... 7 Erl prior lien 4s. ...lots, do sn. 4s 93 r W. A P. C. Is 11014 Horsing Vsl. 44s....llV Offered. 10414 St. L. A 8. r. ft 4s. !, M St. U 8. W..C 4t ... 41 1001, Scsbnsrd A. U 4s St 43 w, 80. PsrIBc 4s tt, K So. Rallies? ts Tss A P. Is m4 .. t. ,t., st. L. a w. 4S.. is .. 77 tnlon Psrldi- 4s 10S ..Ml do conr. 4s 135"4i ..HUH 1. 8. "teel id tl K, Wabash is UH do deb. R 71 Wsstern Md. 4s I4 W. A L. tl. 4s .1 Wis. Central 4s 4 Boatoa stock Market. BOSTON, March' . Call loans. 3 cent: time loans, 8V04V per cent. closing on stocks nnd oonus: Atrhtson sd, 4s MS do 4s loiv, Moi. Csntrsl 4s 7t Atchison tt do prd , 104 Boston A Albsnr l. Boston A Main l Boston Elersted INI Fltchburf pfd 1)4 Meilcsn Central 24V N V., N. H. A H...MSS tnlon Psclflc :.W Amsr. Arse. I hcm... 30 14 Amer. Pneu. Tubs S Amsr. Sugsr 143S do pfd ltt4 Amer. T. A T 14M Amer. Woolen 2T do prd 1M Dominion I. A 8 14 14 Edison Else. Illu 354 tlcnersl Electric In Mass. Electric ....... 1SU dn pfd H Msss. Oa UH t nltsd Fruit 1114 t'nttsd Shos MS'h M tlo pfd 3A V. S. Steel.... sr.v, dn pfd SoTi, Westing, common ... s0'4 BicT "Asked. Advsnturs Allouos Amslssmstsd ... Atlsntlc Rlnsham ('sl. A Heels.. t'sntennlsl Copper Rsnge . .. Laiy wast "Dominion Cosl Franklin Orsncy Isle Rorsls Mass. Mining ... Michigan Mohawk Mont. r. A C... old Dominion .. Otceola Parrot QuIntT lihannon Tamarsck Trinity V. ft. Mining ... V. ft. Otl t'tah Vlntorts Wlnons Wolvorlns Official 4 22V SOU ..... U4 31 47S ! 7S 1"4 .... s:1, t', 25 1-H 14H r.4 .t't 27V 4 J4 107 1 ISO 10, 25 v 4T 4V 13V m London Stork Market. IXINDON. March 9. Closing quotations en stocks and bonds: Consols, mosey . ..ll lV Y. Csntrsl 162 do sccount SIS Norfolk A W 8ttf& Ansconds 41, do pfd 94 Atchison M Onlarln A W 5i do prd IMNilPcnnivlrsnla T. Baltlmnr & Ohio llat.Rsnd Mlnsa 10, Canadian Pacific uuSiKcsdlng tl t'hss. A Ohio 62V do 1st pfd 47 Chicago Ot. W do id pfd 47 C. M. A Bt. P 1MV, Southern Railway ... MS DeReers 1IH do pfd 100i Dsnrer A R. 0 34 "4 Rout hern Pacific 71', do pfd 14 t nlon PaclB,- 1.114 Erls 4 do pfd in: do 1st pfd 14 S V. 8. Stesl XJ'i ds td pfd 71 do pfd 3KV Illinois Central lUlWsbaah 24 xiuls. A Nash 14 ' do pfd 47', M., K. A T 32V Spanish 4s (144 New York Central.. 27.500 158V 157V 15X, Si. Y.. Out. at West. 7.10O MV 00 65 t.w 62,100 , 200 1S4.600 1.3(10 L300 61. 00 Norfolk & Western do pfd Pennsylvania ...'.. P.. C. C. V St. L Reading ....... do 1st pfd. . do id Pfd.i. ...... Rock Island- Co.... do Dfd - St. U sV S. F.. 2d pfd . 1.5O0 St. U 8. W.. ..... .1.100 do pfd tKiO Southertt Pacific 72.500 da pfd 1.500 Southern Railway.... 500 do pfd t. .100 Texas A Pacific ,. 4.900 T.. St. L. & Wet. do pfd... Vnlon Pacific do pfd -yVabaah do pfd W. A Lake Erie... Wlsconaln Central do pfd Adams Express .. American Express. T". 8. Express Wells-Fargo Express Amal. copper Am. Car & Fdry dn pfd Am. Cotton Oil... do pfd Am. Ice do nfd Am. Unseed Oil.. do pfd.. Am. Locomotive . do pfd MV 84V, 84V, 144 80 994 92 91V. 1434 14SV4 ISO so 84 91', 91 .3iS' 81 i7IVi, 26, 62V4 70 V4 118V 98" 3914 85 Vl 52V4. s. 118.100 134T, )SS 13.T, 100 90V 99V 99 ?3 :a 47i 7 200 .- I,s1 . 200 81V 71V, .26 62V 71V 118V 35V 9 .. -8.t ' 36V, 98 V4 92 91 ..84 80 71 V4 2 2Vi 69V lisv 3f.V, . 99 ' .3H 3014 S00 !44 52 24 B2, 100 130 . 130 138.100 1,1100 Its) "st'si 100 200 ioo 8.000 300 76.800 804 35V 94. R9V1 -18 17 43V 43V 43 434, 113 112 99V 944 78V 35 14 94S "i 39V 23V 46V 184 24 52V4 245 230 128 250 ROV 85V 94 V, 44 43 V, 113 98'4 Am. Sm. A Ref., pfd 10 9"0 123V 1304 m Am. Suaar Ref....... 2Ri.14RiJ 14R 143 Am. Toh. pfd. c-'tir. 2.000 Anacon Mlnlna; Co... 29.3"0 Brook. Rapid Transit 4o0 Colo. Fuel Iron... Consolidated Oas ... Corn Products do nfd DlstllUrV Securities. . Oenrral Electric T.m 3 7i 2. 80O ) r.9fi 400 1 200 2' 10O 13.400 il 8 iWI 1.800 1.100 400 ;v4 121 664 52 S1H4 1 . 754 38V 187 V 2?V 8014 394 86', 38 1V 474 1104 37V 884 964 1154 66 814 2134 174 74 38 1874 794 394 86', 35 1024 46 1104 3S 88 '184 76 264 'it 1044 4V 424 liav SK "V 3..V ;4 121 664 614 211V I8V4 74 3K7, 187 V 804 39 86 38 1024 464 110 874 884 242 19 Int. Pamr do nfd Int. Pump do pfd National Lead North American Pacific Mall People' Oa Pressed Steel Car.., do pfd TMillmttii Palace Car Republic Steel 1.70 191J do pfd ll.fcW 77 Rubber Goods 800 254 do pfd Tern. Cosl A Iron.... 8.800 1. 8. l-ther 4.1m 124 do pfd 3 300 1054 T. 8. Realty.. 2.100 87 V. 8. Rubber t.8 434 do pfd l.twn WK V. 8. Steel 54 6"0 Si'.V do pfd 270 -i4 Vs. -Car. Chemical.... 1.2H) 37 do pfd West. Electric j0 182 I804 Western I'nlon Kx-dlv. Total sules for Hie day. 1,320.600 shares; 764 f64 924 89V 124 105 64 4-V va s4 967, 354 474 182 93V Tressary Statement. WAUHINOTON. March . Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclualve of the $160,000,0110 gold reserve In the division of redemotion. shows: Available cssh balance, $142,274,307; gold, $56.850. 24. . , statement Bank of Friar. PARItt. March 9.-The weekly statement of the Bank of France shows the following changes; Notes In circulation, decreased 4,- SILVER Bar. firm,. 6-16(1 per ounce. MONEV 24(0'2V per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 24 'per cent; for three months' bills, 24&24 per cent. . . New York MlaUaar Stoeka. NEW YORK, March 9 The following are the closing quotation wn mining-stocks: Adams con.. W itMiU Cblsf A I Irs 76 (Ontario ,.S7S Brseca 2 Ophl K '. ., .460 Rruaswlckj Con t IfasijaHiTaw.. '.-.. Csmatock Vunnsl .... I Sra.SiO It cn. Cel. " v, lat '.lB44ai 22 Hnra Sllrsr , f Utorri Ksrsda 46 Iron SIlTer ,..U0 BsH Hopes , 200 Lsadrills con....A... 1 j standard 1.76 ' "Jt Foreign Ffaaoclal. L6KDON. March .i-Money was In in creased supply In the market today, sales were easier on account of the retirement of $12,500,000 in treasury Mils, although a con siderable amount Is still owing to the Bank of England. Discounts were weakened by the! continued Influx ,of gold. It was said that nearly $1500.000 (eaves India March 11 for London. The tone on the Stock ex change mostly waa cheerful. The reduc tion of the Bank of England's rate of dis count today from 8 to 24 per cent Improved the tone and stimulated business. Consols hardened considerably, Home rails mostly were firm. Americans opened steady, Im proved and became : moderately active. Philadelphia. Reading, Atchison. Topeka a Santa Fe were the features. The market closed firm with Canadians sympathizing. Foreigners had an Improving tendency on continental advices. Japanese were bene fited bv the Russian retreat. Imperial Jup anese government 6s of 1904 were quoted at 1044. ....... BERLIN. March 9. The trading on the Bourse today was light, but quotation were firm. t PARIS. March 9 Prices on the Bourse today were very firm, but at the closing the tone waft quiet. The events In the far east were regarded as a factor for early Seace:- Russian Imperial-4s were quoted at I and Russluti bonds Of 1904 at 6.03. Bank of England Statement. LONDON. March 9. The"weekly state ment of the Bank of England shows the following changes' Total. reserve, increased 1.004,000: circulation.1' decreased 49,0(j bullion, increased 7B4,r799; other securities, decreased 8,206,000; other, deposits, de creased 8,677,000; public deposits. Increased 1,428,000; notes reseryer Increased 986.10. government securities unchanged. The pro portion of the bank's reserve to liability this week i 66.47, it. cent. , Last week it was 62.61 per cent. Statement Baalc of Otrmasy, BERLIN, March 9 The weekly state ment of the- Imperial bank of Germany shows the following changes: Cash In hand, decreased 12.420.000 marks: treasury: notes. Increased 800 000 marks; other securities, incressed 16,640.000 marks; notes In circulation, decreased 10,440,000 marks. - Bank Clearing. OMAHA. March fc Bank clearings today were $1. 741,761. Ut For the corresponding day of 1904 the clearings were $1,286,944.64. Metal Market. NEW YORK. March METALS The TiOndon- tin market waa firmer again to day, closing at 183 17 8d for spot and 132 16 for futures. The renewal of strength abroad had it Influence on the local market whloh ' Waa firm, with spot quoted at $2t.O0r29.28, Copper also wa higher In the English market, closing at bS 7s Sd for spot and 68 15 for futures. Ically. the market waa unchanged, with lake quoted at $l6.J7U?f15 50; electrolytic, $15.2Ti5.374: casting, $14 47 16.25. Lead waa unchanged at 12 5a In London and $4,461? 460 In the local market. Spelter waa un charged In both markets, also closing at 24 In Ixndon and at $6.106.26 In New York. Iron cloned at 64a In Glasgow and 50a 7d In Middles bom ugh. Locally, Iron waa firm and unchanged: No. 1 northern foun dry Is quoted at $l7.fsVa1$.2ft; No. 2 northern foundry. $17.75'&'18 (it; No. 1 southern foun dry and No.'l southern foundry, soft. $17.75 tj 18.26. ST. LOI'lS, March . METALS Lead, firm at $4,374. Spelter, large sales at $6.15. Evaporated Apple anal Dried Frntts. NEW YORK. March $. EVAPORATED APPLES Market shows no material cluuige. Common ara quoted at 4464c; prime, 5Vifi64o; choice. 841640; fancy. 7c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Prunea continue to improve in point of activity, but ahow no material change in price, ao far aa the local spot altuatton la concerned. Quotations range from 2c to 64c according to Arade. Apricots are firmly held at re cent flgurea. Choice are quoted at 104(f) 11c; extra choloe, 114Q124c: fancy, 12iil5c. peachea also rule Ann; choice are quoted at Hftlo4c; extra choice, 104loVc; fancy, H4Dil2'. Ralalna remain quiet aa a rule, without change In prices. l.ooe Muscatel are quoted at 44''"'Vc: locdon layers, $1.06 Q1.26; seeded, raisins, 64Vc. Ulla anal Heila, , OIL CITY. March $ OILS Credit bal ancea. $1 SO; certificates, no Md; shipment. V 9.371 bbls.: average. $4,018 bbls.; shipments, Lima, 83.637 bbls.; average. 72.497: runs, Lima. 69.32 bbls.: average, 63.840 bbls. SAVANNAH. Ga.. March 1-Tl RPEN TINE Firm: 514c. ROSIN Firm; A. B. C. $2,774; D. 82 V4; E. $2,874; F. $2?4: G. $3.7V: H. $130; I. $.150; K. $4 06; M, $4.50; N, $4 75; W. G., fc.Oo; W. W., $5 16. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle ReooipU Fairlj Liberal, but Prices Held Full Steady. HOGS SHOWED BUT LITTLE CHANGE Moderate Rerelnta of Sheep and Lambs, bat Qaallty Was Inferior aad with Limited Demand Mar ket Rated Hot nnd Weak. SOUTH OMAHA. March 9. 195. Receipts were: Official Monday .... Orilclal Tucadav Official Wednesday Official Thursday .. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. ... 4.5"9 4.!Wj U,b ... 4.;ih U.:4 Ki ... 3t) 10.663 '.v.s; . .. S.&iO 9,300 S.4UJ 37.195 39.41s 46.4 8.134 40.753 24.914) Four days this week. ...16,218 Same days last week 13.699 Same daa week before. .14.161 fame three weeks ago... 5.2:44 Same four weeks 8go....l4.H26 Same days last year 14.169 RECEIPT8 FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for tne year to date, with comparison with met year: ions Cattle 150.515 " 469..81 8hep 293.518 Ihe ;oiuvlnit imo.m price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several aays. with comparisons 1904. 166.826 445,P2t 344.603 sliuwa Inc. 22,35$ ?0 752 28.296 39.816 19.PS2 26.C52 28.94 Dec. 16.313 46,06 aveiage I 1905. H904.l03. 1902. 1901. 19O0.ll9 Feb. 16.., Feb. 17.. Feb. 18 Feb. 19.. Feb. 20.'. Feb. 21.. Feb. 22.. Feb. 23.. Feb. 24.., Feb. 26.. Feb. 26... Feb. 27.. Feb. 28.. Mar. 1.. Mar. 2. Mar. 3. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar Mar. Mar. 4 6.. 6.. 7.. 8.. 9.. 4 8541 478 4 i a I 65V 4I 4 (o 4 6!4 4 664i 4 731 4 7641 4 Ufel . 4 Ml , I 4 71V, I 4 774 I 4 laHkl j 1 4 tos' I 4 8741 I I 6 031 6 93, Oil 1 OS 6 04 6 K.I i 12 6 91 8 24 8 98 I 6 96 6 27i 1 5 22 8 Ml 6 19 84 6 32 811 6 391 6 91 6 82 $ 861 6 iUt 6 Wj 141 I 6 09 6 981 6 12 7 03) 6 14 7 Oil 6 07 7 12 I 7 06 6 131 7 l&l J 191 I i 19, 7 14 6 7 6 i8 6 22 6 8ni K ill 6 Nli 6 311 0 50j B 04) 0 " 6 32 4 83 4 76 8 6$ 8 M $ 62 I 88 1 I Si. 6 9u a 6 97 0 93 6 88 6 81 6 27 1 6 tJ 6 2b a uii e m .'ill b- 6 071 S 32; t 97 i r. 6 99, 6 36 6 10 6 37 6 3l 5 39, 15 41, $-50 8 4i 3 03 2 6s 4 S3 4 78 4 74 4 69 1 (Wi 4 691 8 63 1 8 68 4 86 4 671 $ tl 8 77 4 ti 3 51 4 66 3 52 4 691 8 67 8 6! 4 74 4 70 1 64 4 71 S 60 4 72; 3 63 4 71 3 08 4 1 2 26 4 1 9 32 12 4 .. 1 26 11 u 9 6 i lot 15 8 "Indlcutes tiunduj-. The official number or cars of stock brought In today by each road was:. v.uuie P.. M x, Kt r t a Wabash .'. 1 Missouri Pacific Ry.. .. I'nlon Pacific system. 10 C. Hl N. W. Itv.. east C. A- N. W. My., west 47 C, St. P., M. O.... 31 C, H. & Q., east 4 C, B. Q., west 23 C, K. 1. c P., east.. 9 . ' i) 1 a, r, 1 liii'iols Central Uy... 1 6 Chicago Ut. W 2 2 Total receipts 142 The disposition of tht day's receipts was as lollnw., each buyer purchUHltig tne num ber of head Indicated: Buyer. Cattle. Hogs. Sheet). omana fucking to... Swll't and Company... cuduhy 1'acKitig lo... Armour oi Co V ansant at t o Carey & Hcnton Lobman & Rothschild. McCreary At Carey . I. Stephen Hill Son Huston ci Co Al. Wolf J. II. Bulla J. B. Root & Co . 8 liagerty A- Co Other buyers 363 1.4V9 442 8i4 2,I2 82 1 2,628 422 554 3,.32 1.42a . ."5 51 62 81 1 104 4 !!!!! -'8 2 71 188 loit 126 1.69S Totals. .3,436 9,467 3,88; CATTLE There was quite a liberal run here this morning tor a Thursduy, but the demand seemed to be fully equal I) the supply, and as a result trailing ruied actlvo. witn prices fully as goou as iho.io paid yesterday. A good many beef steers were Included in -the 'offerings, but there"wer9 none es good as the ones that brought $54i5 yetler oay. Trading, though, ruled active, with prices steady to strong on anything at all desirable, and it waa not long Letore 1 lie bulk of the offerings waa dlspuued of- liven the common and warmed-up kinds sold without a great deal of trouble at good, steady prices. Feeder buyers are com petitors on the warmed-up kinds of t;ood quality, which helps out the murket on mat class to quite an extent. The cow murket was also active and fully steady this morning. The kinds that suited buyers' were undoubtedly a little stronger, while .others were just about steady. Trading, though, ruled active on all kinds, so that It was not long before most everything m sight was disposed of at very satisfactory prices. Bulls, veal calves and stags worj also in good demand, with prices lolly aj good hs those in force yesterday. The demand for blockers and feeders was fully equal to the supply at..1 .n hili an 84.16 wus paid tor western hn J feeucrx, which ts the high aolnl of the cua.i:i 'o date. The gener.il market cojiJ saft.ly be quoted active and Mronrf cn nnythir.g nt all desirable. Common cattle are not us brisk as the better trades, but xt ill even that class is selling at good, strong prices. Representative saloe: BEEF STEERS. No. IS.'.'. It... 10!!! 1. At. Pr. 1100 3 to 484 lit I 70 UO IK lOlit) 4 00 771) 4 Otl SM 4 0(1 12S0 4 on S2S 4 It lOttt 4 26 1040 4 SO 10H1 4 an tlO 4 5 1000 4 jr urn 4 m 7 104t 4 95 11 s 4 4t) II 10211 4 40 I 4 40 I 78 4 40 I s2 4 411 0 1047 4 46 II 10U 4 46 H 6 4 41 No in 20 14 4 t 4 7 ?6 !t 67 li :i 40 20 14 29 Ar. Pr. . . . . 1070 4 46 ....1167 4 60 1002 4 60 1266 4 HI 1061 4 46 1232 4 (6 ....1322 4 70 .'..1.110 4 70 ...1277 4 70 ....1160 4 76 ....1441 4 tl) ,...1260 4 10 ,...11I 4 10 ....1242 4 $6 ....1221 4 86 1234 4 40 ....1.174 6 00 lttl 6 00 1341 I 00 .1411 6 OS 60 186E 6 10 It 1217 6 10 16 1211 4 14 l MM 6 30 HTEEKS AND COWS. s Ml 4 40 II Hot 4 64 I til 4 60 1 1302 4 70 is ' 1046 4 60 14 Hi! 4 76 1 Ml 4 40 II 1241 I II .3 715 4 10 HTKEK8 AND HEIFERS, n in 4 si 11 1111 4 to ,,,,MCOW8. in 421 1 60 12 M7 .3 M t' 810 I 25 14 1011 I U ", 1W I 26 1 10l 1 16 1 ' 820 1 46 4 1160 I 4fi 1' 114 I 46 . 11 1021 I 46 4 1032 I 10 II 10(6 t 46 1 ' 170 2 bt) 1004 I 46 Ill I in 1 1100 I 46 1 60 1 16 12 1042 I 70 4' 1st I 46 1 110 t TO 1 720 $46 I SKI I 70 1 1040 I 76 77 S 71 I 1010 i 16 4 160 3 U 1 i0 I 00 Ml VII I 10 1 170 I 00 1 1230 I 15 1 860 8 00 4. 1301 i 86 4 Ill 8 00 1 1100 t 81 1 1040 I 00 3 1083 Hi I 870 1 00 1 1011 86 I 670 I 00 16 lot 8 86 1 1270 2 10 ) 110 I 16 1 1(100 3 10 1 1V0 I 10 4 1.10 I 20 1 1162 I lo 1 1066 I 26 II 1211 I ft t( 847 I 86 1 1024 I SO I 810 I 40 2 1086 4 00 1 870 I 60 10 11V) 4 110 l' 1240 I 60 14 lot 4 O0 H 861 40 17 1024 4 06 I Ill I 10 1 18.10 4 13 1 ltao I 40 1 1260 4 26 1 1170 I 40 CUWzJ AND HEIFERS. II 131 8 46 tl Ill It IS is till ID 11 UK)7 t 86 HEIFERS. H 641 I 40 10 IM $ IS 761 3 61 . z van 1 ?i . . . 8 ID ... 740 I II ... M I 10 ...120 I 26 ... 720 I 26 ... 116 I II 7 (.... Ml I 16 20 Sll I so 11 (22 I 10 1 1100 4 00 II 101 4 00 ISO I 16 BCLL8. 1 Ill I 71 1 1420 S 10 1, llkO I 16 1 14M) I 40 J 1410 I 16 . 1 1664 I 44 1 14S0 I 16 1 14IW I 16 1 1440 8 86 1 1740 I II 1 1H)0 I 86 1 1T70 I m 1 1640 I 40 I....'. UN I SO 1 1644 I 40 1 16M I 6 CALVES. I 160 4 60 1 150 10 1 170 4 16 1 130 I 40 1 US) I 0 1 lie 6 76 1 160 6 Vl ( Ill I IS 1 80 6 00 1 : (0 4 147 I 86 STOCK CALVES. 1 940 I 64) 83 I 44 170 t 6 1 M I 7 1 ro a on a 410 1 4 473 a si 8TOCK fWVI AND HEIFERS. a no a 40 t Mo 1 71 a 412 I 60 t 426 3 M 1 1070 t 60 Mil 8 I a 84 1 n 1 27o a 00 I HI t 4ii 1 M IM i s:t 1 to 1 io a is I se ; STOCKEUs AND FEEDERS. I 670 IM J -. I 1" 4 7 I 4o ' 4 MJ 111 71 4.V1 I 4o I tl n 1 S0 8 Mi t .'. 8 IS 1 TOO t ' I S. M I o 1 10 J 60 10 S4 4 00 1 no 1 st : si J 4 00 . 1 V4H 4 6 7 84 4 00 1 720 I 45 i M0 4 Oil 1 511 2 46 4 71 4 00 4 , mo I K 61 4 lo 4 : 144 I To I IOOS 4 W II siA 1 70 II : 4 7i 14 4-1 I TS HotlS There was just a fair run of hogs in slRht this morning, and with a lalny g . 1 J demand the market at this point did not show a great deal of change. The prices paid, tnotttrli, were a trifle uneven. As a accural thing the kinds that Milted buyers sold a little strong.!'. wf'!e those of undesirable quality, and especially com mon light weights, were a llt'.le tlotv, T lth prices a trifle wak In spots. On the whole, though, there was not much chnnge from ycetrrdsy's average. The hogs la gan to change bands nt an eirly 'lour, and while the market did rot show any great amount of activity, still m 1st ever) -thing was disposed of In good seiat.n. The light weights went largely from l 2 down, butchers and mixed 14 S6 to I4.JX) and heavies $1.90 to l&.OiH. Rcpresn.itU-t.' s.iifs: No. Ac. h. rr. No. Ar. 8h Pr. 107 :8 id 4 30 2 Ml ... 4 S7' SS 10 M 4 77'4, 4 214 80 4 87', 81 141 . . ' 4 80 Tl 257 80 4 87', 77 201 40 4 sa 74 207 . . 4 87", 24 Ji'l ... 4 80 SI 271 40 4 17 41 321 ... 4 10 47 241 40 4 ST 'a 44 23 ... 4 80 44 240 40 4 871, 82 l4 ... 4 6'i 70 238 ... 4 17', 21. 221 40 4 IT 244 121) 4 IT', l 112 40 4 1: 4 TO 261 SO 4 I7S, 71 1 10 4 64 252 l 4 87, 78 201 80 4 S2t 61 J.W 4V 4 IT', 71 113 40 ttlS Tl 311 ... 4 IT" 71 218 80 4 121 71 341 ... 4 11, 14 22 ... 4 It, 73 22il ... I 17 1, 41 123 ... 4 ! Ml ... 4 71 104 ... 4 821 40 241 ... 4 lo 74 200 to 4 82', 64 261 ... 4 0 27 2UI ... 4 lt4 18 324 ... I XI 14 Ill ... 4 16 44 :i ... 4 SO 78 213 ... 4 1 64 SOU 120 4 K, 44 2S8 40 4 16 II 2l 10 IM 42 221 ... I la 12 263 ... 4 n 17 211 40 4 86 T6 2o3 ... 4 so 74 243 ... 4 IS 71 261 10 4 so II 241 4 16 62 2.M) ... 4 10 IS 234 M III II 247 ... 4 10 72 241 200 4 16 17 261 ... 4 10 71 230 ... 4 Id ' 263 ... 4 10 42 Hit 140 4 86 61 261 ... 4 (0 71 211 ... 4 16 CI 241 80 4 80 41 Ill 10 4 66 18 271 ... 4 o 11 223 ... 4 86 33 247 ... 4 so 71 212 40 4 16 76 20 ... 4 X) 2 211 ... 4 SS 4 267 ... 4 HI 74 211 ... 4 16 247 ... 4 0 44 151 ... 4 16 70 266 ... 4 0 11 240 40 4 16 Tl 231 ... 4 90 211 ... IS 4 26 1(0 4 0 72 224 40 4 89 16 21 40 4 IT' 74 264 ... 4 16 SO 277 40 4 82 12... 227 0 4 II 41 2741 . . 4 IS 221 ... 4 86 40 211 40 4 12V 73 241 M IK 11 291 HI 4 t', 44 201 II III 44 272 ... 4 12' 72 tit ... 46 4 260 ... 4 12', 73 21 ... 4 66 40 340 ... 4 12 40 211 ... 4 86 241 ... 4 17, 69. ...v.. .21 ... 4 86 80 261 ... 4 U", 78. 221 SO 4 86 , 61 304 ... 4 86 ft. 222 80 4 86 44 Mi ... 4 IS 161... ....211 ... 4 16 20 342 40 4 S 43. ...... .263 120 4 874 14 .131 R0 4 6 44 240 40 4 I7 63 818 ... 4 7V 141 140 40 4 I7t 14 Ill 40 I 00 60 .238 ... 4 17' 40 116 ... 100 74 140 ... 4 ITt 43 Ul ... 100 61 211 120 4 I7H 44 31 ... 100 3 270 40 4 87 II 172 ... 100 41 244 ... 4 17'. 12 374 80 6 02V, SHEEP There was a moderate supply of sherp In sight thla morning and the quality of what uid arrive was common. Tnere were a few bunches that showed con siderable quality, but the general run could not be classed better than medium. Buyers did not soem to be at all anxious for the class of stock offered and as a leeult the niarktt was slow with the feeling weak. I'p to rather a late hour comparatively little business had been transacted. The lamb market was also slow and weak. The quality was common and the demand limited. As compared with a week ago, the generul market on both sheep and lamb. Is right around 16c to 25c lower and as compared with the high time both sheep and lambs are 25c to 60c lower, but the greatest decline is on the lambs. Quotations tor ted stock; Good o choice yearlings. I6.404j4.li0; fair to good year lings, tti.0OJj6.4o; good to choloe wethers, 15. 60436. 00; fair to good wethers. 15.0006.50; good to choice ewes, $6,0005.60: fair to good ewes, (4.60435.00; common to fair ewes, (4.00 &4.60; good to choice lambs, t7.l'a7.60; fair to good iambs, I7.004i7.26; feeder lambs, 16.6V 43 6. (6. Represents tlva eaiea: No. Av. Pr. 15 western cull ewes 80 3 25 373. western ewes K2 5 10 6 western wethers s3 6 60 56 western yearlings 76 tt 25 169 western ewes , 16 4 Vo 1 western ewe..'. 0 4 Is) 181 western ewes f i 4 SO 104 Colorado ewes... '. 94 6 16 212 Colorado ewes 91 5 15 612 Colorado ewes 95 6 16 110 Colorado ewes 96 6 16 26 western wethers 91 5 60 39 western wethers 94 5 50 241 w Hern ewes. 63 4 76 3ul iwalern lamtft , 62 6 25 steadv; selling. 14 '': f0, bulk tit sal-s .7."4 S6. IIMIH t A IIUl.Ka M.K 1HIIKKT, onriltloa of Trade and qialallsai an Ktaple aad Fancy Pros! nee. EOOS Receipts increasing, candled stock l a 17c. LIVE POULTRY Hens, 10c; young ros tcrs, net until. g rlxs, sc to lot ; old roof ters, i.'i'i'ic. turkevs, lic; dutkii. lv ' Hl.'TTER-Pnrklng stock. 16c: choice t fancy rtiilty, JIvjc; creamery, 21VB-1c prints. 25c. , FMI1.S14 FROZEN FISH Trout. c: pick erei, 'r; pike, c; perm, ic; luticnsn, !; ishitetish, 9c; sail. .on. lie: ledsnnfjper. 10c; halibut. 9; crnpples. lie; nuffalo. it': whits bass, lie; herring. 5c; blurllsli, 11c; Spanish nis' ltercl 11c. h rog lcs. per do . 4"c. HAY Prices nuoted by Omaha Wholesale I flnv Healers association: '.'hotce No. 1 UP land, 67. HO; No. 2. a6..i; medium, 6.li: coarse $.".50. Rye straw, 15.50. l'lxse pricra a'n for hav of aoitl color it J iuniit. BRAN Per ion. $17.60. OYSTERS New York counts, per on, 45c; extra selects, per can S5c; alandarda. per can, 3oc. Bulk: Standards, per gal., $1.10; extra selects, per gal., fl.ii; New Yoik counts, per gnl $! !.. TRoriCAI. FRI.ITS. ORANC5ES Calif rnla. extra fancy Bel la ud navels, all rites. $2.50: fancy navels. $2 25; choice navels, large sites SO, $6. 11.' t-'. 10. LEMON8-Calif."i1s fsnrw. M.iO; and $60. $3. so; choice. 270, 3t". 300. $3.l DATES Fer D..X of HO-lb pkga., tlOO; Hallowee. Ui "0-1 b. boxes, per lb.. 4Vi1i6c. FIGS California, per lo-ib. cartnr, 7;. 85c ; imported Smyrna. 4-crown. It; sad -crown, 13c; fancy. Imported (washed), l 1-lb. pka., lGfilkc. BANANAS Per medium-sited bunch. Jl.Ti 02:5; lumtnis. 2.(ntfi.00. GRAPEFRUIT Per box of 51 to 64. 16 00. FRUITS ' APrLKS New i ora Kings. 13 3: New York Greenings. $3 00; New York Baldwins. $3.00; Colorado Wlncsaps, per bu. box, $1.65; lJtpplns, $1.60. GRAPES Imuorted iriaial. per kef, I7.00. TANGERINES - California, per 4 box. $2.50 CRANBERRIES Wisconsin Bell and Bu gle, per bbl., $8.00; Jcisj i, uui , $3 00; per box, 2.75 VEGETABLES. POTATOES Home grown, In tacks, pef bu.. 46c; Colorado, per bu., 60c. TURNIPS old. per bu.. 4oc: Canada rut abagas, per lb., lc; new. per dot.. 45c. CAR MOTS Old, per bu., 40c; new. per dot , 45c. PARSNIPS Old, per bu.. 40c. , BEETS Old, per bu.. 60c; new, per dot., 46c. BEANS Navy, per bu.. $2.10. ONIONS Home grown, red. In sacks, per lb., lc; Speol.tli. per craie. $2.50; Colorado vellow, per lb., 2c; new, southern, per do, 46c. CUCUMRERS-Per dot.. $l.7oy0t. TOM ATOES Florida, per 6-basket crate, $5.011116.60. CAULIFLOWER - California, per crate, $3.00. C ARB AGE Holland seed, per lh H.C SWEET POTATOES Kansas kiln orled. per bbl., $2.60. CELERY-Callfornla, 46tt79e. RADISHES Hot house, per dot., 45e. LETTUCE Per box of about fifteen heads, 60c. RHUBARB Per dos. bunches. TJctrjIl.OA PARSLEY Per dot. bunches. 75c. MISCELLANEOUS. SAUERKRAUT Wisconsin, per keg., $2.26. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, fntl rteain. 13c: Wisconsin Young America, 14c; block Swiss, new, 15c; old, 16fl7c; -Wisconsin brick. 15c; Wisconsin llmburger, 14c. HIDES No. 1 green, 7c; No. 2 green, 6c: No. 1 salted, 8Vc; No. 2 salted,. 7Hc; No. t veal calf, 9c; No. 2 veal calf. 7c; dry salted, Sitfllc; sheep pelts, 26cj$l.UO; hoise hides, $l..V'o3 00. NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per lb., 15c; hard shells, per lb., lJo; No. 2 soft shells, per lb., 12c; No. t hard shells, per lb., 12c; Pecans, large, per lb , lie; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb. 7c; roasted peanuts, per lb., sc; Chili walnuts, fer lb., 12gpi3Vtc; almonds, soft shell, per b.. 17c; hard sell, per lb.. 15c; chestnuts, per lb., 12H3'l'lc; new black walnut, per bu., 75frf)Oc; shellbark hickory nuts, per bu., $1.75; large hickory nuts, per bu., $1.50. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle, Sheep and I.amba Are Steady Hoars Strong;. CHICAGO. March 9. CATTLE Receipts, 8,000 hesd; market steady; good to prime steers, $5. 156. 26; poor to medium, i3.8isp 4.80; stockera and feeders. $2.6oit4.60; cows, $3.CO4.50; canners, $1.60(2.40; heifers, $3.00 4j6.oO; bulls, t2.504.-: calves, 13.0OTf7.00. HOGS Receipts, 27,000 head; tomorrow. 20,000 head; market strong; mixed and butchers, $4.8O)j6.10; good to choice heavy, $5.(K'ri6.r,H; rough heavy, $4.k5'((6.0C; light, $4.70-1)6.06; bulk of sales, $4.96it6.uO. SHEEP AND LA M BS Receipts, 18,000 head; sheep and lambs steady; goon tu choice wethers, $5.6M3.10; fair to choice mixed, $1.75116.40; western sheep. $4.75'o6.00; native lambs, $5.oo7.65; western lambs, $6.50tj7.65. , Kanaaa City Live stock Market. KANSAS CITY; March 9. CATTLE Re ceipts, 4.5uO head, including 300 southerns; market steady to 15c lower; choice expor and dressed beef steers. J.OOiuSl. u good, $3. SOOT. 00; western it-ti .ters. $3.7S 8(5.26; stockers and feeders, $3.00rg4.80: south ern steers, $3,504(4.75; southern fed cows, $2.2503.61; native cows, $4.0084.25; native heifers, $2.75424.60; bulls, $J.7594.25; culves. $3.0O4i6.25. HOGS-Recelpts, 7.500 hesd; market 5c lower; top, $5.06; bulk of sales, Rfc5&S.05; heavy, $6 .WW. OS; packers, K906.00; pigs and lights, $4.16fi4.2H. SHEEP AND IAMBS Receipts. 2.400 head: market steady to 10c lower; native lambs, $6.6057.40; native wethers. IS.OOijJ 6.65; native fed ewes, $4 75(!r6.75; western fed lambs, $rt.50a1.40; western fed yearlings, I6.00ittti.25; western fed sheep, $1.75446.65; stockers nnd feeders, $3.75$ 6.60. St. Lonla Lira Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. Msrch . -CATTLE Receipts. (.000 head, Including 8.000 Texans; market atsady; native whipping and export ateera, $4.006.00; dressed beer and butcher steers, $3. 50&6. 25; steers under 1.000 lbs., $3.261.36: stockers and feeders, $2.604.66: cows and heifers. $2.764. 10; canners. 2 On-flfl.OO; bulls, $2.76-3.66; calves. $4,004.50; Texas and In dian steers, $3.0of4.75; cows and heifers, $2.003.86. Ht HIS Receipts, 6.4K10 head: market steady; pigs and lights, $4 OtV7j4.no ; packers, $5.05'rA.15; biitrhera and best heavy, $6.113- e.ao. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 800 head: market steady; native muttons, $3.00 6.00; lambs. $6.004i'7.26; culls and bucks, $t.0o 6.00; atockers, fi.HXUS.W. Hew York Live "tock Market. NEW YORK. March 9 BEEVES Re ceipts, 870 head; 22 cars for sale, 'but alt held for Friday's market; feeling weak; exports. 620 cattle. CALVES Receipts, 35" head; market about steady: very few prime veals here; veals. $6.004lS 60; tops, $8 75; fed calves, $4.00. No barnyard stock offered: dressed calves Sulct; city dressed veals, 7Vi'ifl3o; country ressed, 7(3-1 l'c. HOGS Receipts. 6,119 head; less than a car for sale. Steady; good to prime state nogs, s.ootjn.; choice light pi trade, stum, prln fgs, outside SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelnts. LSM head; market dull but steady; sheep, $5.00 T6.12H: lambs. $7.0(6 40. St. Joseph I ST. JOSEPH, eel pi. 2.161 head: natives, $4.00U5.ii0; 4.60; atockers and HOGS Receipt a. to 6c lower: llgln heavv. $4 90r6 i2H SHEElf AND head; market stea wes, $5.50, ,lve Rtoek Market. March 9. CATTLE Re market steady to strong; cows and heifers, 11.75'rf fenders, $.1.2604 66. .wl bead: market weak $4 B04J-4.95; medium snd LAMBS Receipts. 3.209 dy; Colorado lambs, $7.40; Stock la Sight. Receipt pf!lve stock at tha six principal western maj-kots yesterday were: . Cattle. Hoga South On-ialiti 3o 9.300 Hloux City '. 400 3 X Kanaaa City 4 1 7.6ou 8L Ixjuia t.OuO . t.tmt) St. Joseph 3,1"1. 9,Hnl Chlciigo , . . A.iasO k 27,000 Sheep. 3,400 400 t"0 8.209 . 18.000 TotaTs 23,551 ' 62,861 t7,k09 Hloas Cliy Live- tts( Market. BIQIX CITY, la .March -(BpeciaJ Tele- Ctain.l-ATTLV-Reeiliis. 400 head; mar si steady; breve. $J.ffjuS 25; os. bulla and inlxrd,' $2.Mfi4.uO: stotkera and fedsra, $i76ti4iio; calves and yearling. ti.Wgt.lA. HOGS-Rccelpui, 33 iu head; market Coffee Market. NEW YORK. March 9 COFFEE Market for futurea opened steady at unchanged prices to a decline of 6, points on rather disappointing cables and' full primary re ceipts. Later cables for Santos reported large Sao Paulo receipts for the day and with demand very limited, prices increased Final quotations were steady at a net loss of - lOtfrlS points. Sales were reported of 86.500 bags, including Mny at 6. 30(86. 40c; July, 6.4ftC(i6.60c; September. 8.70(fr6.80c: De cember, 6.Kft7.00c; January, 6.96c. Spot, quiet; No. 7, Rio, ic. .near aad Molasses. NEW TORK. March 9.-SUGA R-Ra,w, quiet; fair refilling, 4 9-16c; centrifugal, 96 test, 6 l-16c; molasses sugar, 4 6-16c; re fined, quiet; crushed, 6.75c; powdered, 6.15c; granulated, 6.06c. 1 NEW ORLEANS. March 9. SUGAR Strong: open kettle, 3a44c: open kettle, centrifugal. 4HtJ6c; centrifugal whites, 6 9-liic; vellows, 4l4j'5Hc; seconds, 341Vic. MOLASSES Quiet : open kettle, Waite; centrifugal, 6l6c. Syrup, steady, 204j-i5c. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK, March 9.-DRY GOODS A slight increase In the volume of dry goods business secured at flrat hands is reported and with this Increase cornea further re luctance on the port of sellers to accept certain of the offers recently considered fairly satisfactory. Buying of certain lines has indicated that Jobbers have received more active demand from their customers. This Is particularly true of the south. Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA.' March 9 BUTTER 2'V63c lower; western creamery, ,.264c; ex tra nearhv prints. 29c. . EGGS Firm' ami lc higher; nearby fresh and western fresh, 24c nt marlf. . CHEESE Firm and higher: full creams, fancy, 14c; fair to good, ,1340 13V&C. CITY PAVING REPAiF PLANT Work on Ha Construction Will He Gotten Under Way This , Month. Work on the construction of the-munlclpsl asphalt repair plant is expected . to lie started before the month la out. . The con tract and hijnd. properly executed have been received from the Star Machine works of Indianapolis, which will build the plant. The documents are in the form prescribed by the city engineering and legal depari ments nnd merely await the formality of approval by the Board of Public Worlts and council. As soon ss this Is done noti fication will be forwarded to the contractors to begin operations. Ninety days Will he given In which to complete the Job, which Is to cost $7,500. nEAL EHTATK THAMKEItt. DEEDS filed for record March 9, a fui nlshed by the Midland Guurantee sc.! Trust company, bonded abstracter, 16H Farnam street, for The Her: A. H. Vandernool and wife to J. W. Anderson, part of lot 16, block 10, Patrick a 2d add ....$ 75u E. Jonee and wife to Lilly W. .lackaon, undH 11 H or lot 9, block 60. -South ' Omaha .: Oxi W. R. Dudley and wife to Lilly W. Jackson, same 1 II.' K. Smith and wife to W. T. Graham, part of lot Wi, Mlllurd A Caldwell add 5" Plotter Townalte company to A. 'F. Snyder, lot 6, block 4. Bennington... K. Sweet to Louisa CowgUl, lot -7, block 2, Bmltltfleld uful Matilda H. Reed to C. Cook, wVi lot 2, block 45, Omaha l.om E. Sweet to Cordelia A. 8. Wltske. lot 6, Ernest Sweet's add 2xi William K. Potter, receiver, to Jo sephine Nelson, lot 6, block 1, Mor rison's add '. . . V 4 10 Rattle Furuqulst and husband to Mary H. Bonnevler, part lot 4, Nelson ' add i 1 2.4i Carrie Noll to W. II Vlcker. lot 16. and part lot 26, Luka t Teniplaton'a add ' f' Edwards -Wood Go. (Incorporated) -ftalB Office: Fiftji and Robert strti ST. PAUL, niNN. v. , DIAkKftS IN Stocks, Grain, Provisions Ship Your Groin to U liai., Osaaka, Hot. Telea,es $. ail-tH lCxohang tlldg.. South Omsiia. atU 'Paoa tit laloaat 'fao ,