Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 09, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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TleptJOB f4.
There la bo grief
without mdii treat
.provision to.
often oa :
BevMaira 8, 1905.
pNew Shirts and Shirt
Waiss for Women
Also New Mohair
Shirt Waist Suits
Uialr moral training la not bjr any mans
neglected. Tha foud furnished Inmate is
01 the beat quality and is abundant, with
out extravagance; the men are aaalgned
work' that ia not too irks.ime and yet la
sumrienlly exacting to keep tnem com
tortably busy; the la the iieni,
flrmnea inmead of force being the ruling1
power. tHarbaroua methoda of puniahmeot
are not employed and are declared not to
be even apparently required.
The warden of toe penitentiary, Mr. A. D.
Beemer, haa brought the penitentiary to
a high plane of general excellence-, and
. . A , , , . , . it.. t 1. I j I your committee pel levee mat he is entitled
ew etjle shirts for women; the latest is a monair Bnirt m I to the greatest connaence and that he de-
plain white plain tan and plain light blue made with long four- ITr. " hf. In EWt&?iZ
in hand necktie turnover soft collar, shirt' sleeves;, a new and haT.ur
corpa 01 assistants who are wen aruiea
tn their duties.
New Cnnmbrar Waists In medium blue-made with tucks. down the front; Au" 2M
' (Just the thing fof present use, being dark color, price 1.00. I recommend aome improvements In the in-
'Newiiairt DSInty Waists made or pure linen nana emnroiaerea wuu lus uiuiran mil are consioerea imperative to
,1. ,. t,,.ri.n.. q v h I the best Interests of the state, 'i he warden
snowed your committee through the entire
prison, ana we are convinced that there
Should be a new roof on the east cell house;
that a new water works system fhould be
Installed; that new boilers should be pur
chased and additions made to the onwer
plant, and that farm lands necr the t rl.-on
be purchased. A bill looking to the til ing
yi me last named want la now pending in
the senate.
warden Beemer la very anxious that
beautiful handwork of the Manchurlans: nrlce. $9.00 each
New Shirt Waist Suits In navy and plain blue mohair Yery desirable
styles; price 17.85.
New Washnble Petticoats we are now showing; all our cbarabray, glng
bam and other wash fabric petticoats at $1.00, $1.00, $1.75.
Great Special Sale of Colored Mohair Dress Goods Thursday,
Thursday to be a great day in the colored dress roods. Of first Import'
ani-n them la not a vard of old or trashy roods in the lot. every yard bright, new
and crisp. Not all colors to show you, only two shades of brown, two of blue. I entory law be enacted permitting
We are going to glre you the finest value for the money In the history of this theyT. rH fun Vlrn a"nd &
Regular $1.50 Quality 50 Inch Colored MohsJr Thursday 89c Yd
i Note the extra wide width, the beautiful silk luster. Meets every require
ment of fashion for a "beautiful spring dress. On account of the new soft silk
nnlsh it will plalir and tuck perfectly. No one within reach of this store can
afford to miss this sale If you can use any of these colors. Come early,
rpiQ11P50N.RELDEH &f fl
V. EiC A. Buildiar Comer Sixteenth sod DougUs Streets.
hows statlstlca from state where such
a law Is In force, said statistics and the ar-
fuments In favor of the proposed change In
he parole law being convincing to a de
gree. We would recommend that the proceeds
of labor bv convicts at the penitentiary be
used for the Improvements suggested here
in and for any other additional Improve
ments suggested by the warden. We be
lieve that the .. appropriations heretofore
maae for the penitentiary have been used
hy Warden Beemer with economy and with
the best results rnnsthle and we renntnTienrl
that the warden be unhampered by lack of
lunus wun wnicn to carry on the good
work that is so manifestly being done by
The report was received and placed on
behalf and la anxious for a full and com
plete hearing. In his letter addressed to
the committee, dated Sidney, March S, he
says, among other things:
I have seen the article In The Bee con
cerning the claim made by me aa attorney
for the heirs of Albert Ooedde for land
escheated to the state. This land has
been regularly taken by regular proceed
ings in court for more than four yeare.
It la my duty as attorney for these peo
ple to urge their claim without apprehen
sion. Their property Is taken and the state
ought to pay what It la worth. It you do
not cre to do this then It will be but
fair for the house to pass h resolution
giving them authority to sue the state,
and then any evidence given for or against
the state will be in a court which can
punish for false testimony.
Captain Fisher . disclaims any Irregular
conduct with reference to this claim. He
does not In his letter her did he to the
committee In his statement tonight, 'set
forth exactly how this- discrepancy be
tween the reputed valuation of the land,
11.600, and that contained In his claim,
$11,500. or between his first claim, 18,000 and
the last one oome about.
(Continued from First Page )
Nebraskans Told the Bute Bat Too Many
Consular Positions Now.
lloai Iudlaas Come to See Frealdeat,
bet Are Told to Call oa Commis
sioner Leapa Baxter Cob
fere with. Moody.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, March l.-(Speclal Teh
gram.) Senators Millard and Burkett made
every effort today to Induce the State de
partment to appoint Max Baehr to serve
at some consulate other than Clenfuegos,
Cuba, If It could not consistently withdraw
the nomination of Mr. Thompson of Illi
nois for that place. The senators called on
the president and stated they were greatly
surprised at the action taken by the State
department In removing Mr. Baehr without
even so much as permitting him to re
The president said that Nebraska had
more than Its quota of consular officers,
save her from the consequences of her
rash act.
"If he is a friend at all, he ought most
of all, to be one when I am In trouble,"
she said. "I shall never marry hlra
Wyoming? Man Badly Braised ae Re
salt ot aa Accident oa the
:- J. 1 Becker, a stockman from Kearney;
was knocked down by a runaway horse at
the corner of Twelfth and Farnam streets at
5:45 last evening. Becker received bruises
about the head and right side, but was not
seriously Injured.
! The horse belonged to Dr. Walker and
was being taken to the doctor's office by
Willie Gerhard, a lS-y ear-old lad, from the
stable where the horse is kept. On the way
to the doctor's office the horse became
scared at something and got beyond the
boy's .control. Becker went to cross Far
nam atrect at Twelfth, not seeing the fast
coming horse, and Just after stepping oft
the curb was struck by the horse and
thrown to the pavement. At the same time
the boy was thrown from the buggy and
the horse broke loose from the buggy and
continued on its way down Farnam street
'ting the worst of the fight and In order
to even mat tors up picked up an empty beer
bottle which was nnndv and struck An
derson over the hesd with If, ending the
fight. Both men were brought te .the Ma
tlon, where Anderson's wotin,1a wore dressed
by iPollce Surgeon Kennedy. He had a
large. Jagged cut upon the top of his head
where the bottle had broken when it struck
hla head.
Nebraska tftrla Accept nalleaar.
MINNEAPOLIS. March The girls' bns-
ket ball team of the University of Ne.
braska baa accepted the challenge or tne
Minnesota university alris to dIbv for the
championship of the west, here on March IT.
these men regard the "straining at the
gnat and swallowing the camel" policy as
'very detrimental to thalr cause. They go
further and charge that i this is but the
manifestation of the general scheme of
the railroads to seek to divert attention
of the .legislators and their constituents
from the main Issue and fix it on some sub
ject of leas magnitude and importance,
even though It may be the bridge matters,
which of course are recognised as deserv
ing of serious consideration.
Those members who really want to ful
fill their pledges to the people and enact
salutary railroad ' laws are provoked at
the delay of oertaln hills contemplating this
..purpose. .. They have not yet beard any
outcry from Lancaster county against th s
artful system of procrastination.
. Engineers Bill Vetoed.
After having run the gauntlet of both
houses, been defeated once and resurrected,
S. F. S, the county ,-. engineer bill, has
Anally been declared invalid and Governor
Mickey . has refused to sign It. The bill
did not contain a repealing clause and for
that reasons It was Vetoed by the governor.
Tomorrow,, however, he will make a per
sonal request of the legislature to permit
the introduction of a similar measure. The
bill makes the county surveyors of Doug
las and Lancaster counties ex-offlcio en
gineers to these two counties.
Railroad Comntlssiea Bill Passea,
The senate this afternoon passed the Cady
bill, providing tor a constitutional amend
ment for the election of a railroad corn
emission of three members, to be paid $3,000
a year each. . Thirty members voted for the
bill and none against
' The Cady bill, providing that. state offi
cers shall., constitute .a .railroad commis
sion to be in force until the adoption of the
sonstltutlonal amendment, came up for dis
cussion, but was laid, over to be discussed
with the Sheldon blll. These measures
.differ slightly in detail.
The following report and resolution were
adopted in the house:
Mr. speaker: Your committee on public
innas and buildings having visited the
Girls' industrial school at Geneva best to
Whether the house will agree to this dis
tribution of man's estate Is a question,
while it is not Improbable the house would
have concurred on a distribution on the
one-third plan.
In his fight for S. F. 98, which has been
pending tor many weeks and which had
been threshed out time and again before
committees; Glffln made the only speech in I One new bollor and toiler' pump".'
favor of the bill, while Fries and Mocaett
each oDcosed it.
The senate overruled the recommendation
of the committee, which was to indefinitely
postpone S. F. 221 by Sheldon, a proposed
constitutional amendment to allow the
legislature to designate more securities in
count for this year as follows:
which the permanent school fund could be I Sew hose
invested, oneiaon maae an a Die argument
to have the bill placed on general Ale and
he carried the day.
The committee on rules, which was au
thorised to confer with the house commit
tee regarding 'the discussion of bills by
either body, reported that the two commit
tees had agreed that the house rolls should
be given preference In the house and the
senate Ales in the senate until March 17.
The report waa adopted.
At the afternoon session the decedent
bills were amended so that the widow
should receive one-half instead of one-
third of the real estate of her husband.
Cady, Meserve, Wllsey and Williams each
made strong talks at the afternoon ses
sion, the laat three opposing It
The senate passed these bills:
8. F. . 226. limiting the number of proxies compllshed through kindness rather than
I report as follows:
we recommend the following appropria
tions; For repairs and Improvements $2,400
Furniture, etc 760
Total $4,250
i lie superintendent or institution haa
been changed since the estimate of the re
quirements for the coming blennlum was
sent in, the retiring superintendent making
the estimate, and evidently there are a
number jf things he did not take into con
sideration. We figure up the repair ac-
l am
neavy screens, nrst. second ana third
floors , 125
General repairs. Including kitchen.
laundrv. laundrv stove, etc 1 900
Plumbing 200
Total $1,725
This may not be enough and we have al
lowed $750 for the second year, which
amount can be available for any additions
or repaira not covered by the above estlr
mate for this year's requirements.
The affairs of the institution under the
present management seem to be well and
economically conducted, but they are badly
handicapped by the failure of the state
to make necessary repairs. There are
fifty-four Inmates there now and aa far as
conditions will admit everything ia being
done for their comfort and education along
practical lines. The two teachers or family
managera are evidently very capable and
painstaking in their work. They havo a
good system oi instruction ana supervision,
have an excellent discipline, which is ac-
Senator Cadiy's Decedents Bills Bee
V. olameaded for Passage, .
. .. , (From a Staff CorrespQndent.) ,.
' LINCOLN,-, March 8.-r-(Specla).)-Seator
Glffln of Pawson county scored a great vjc-
. tory today In the senate over the persistent
work of a powerful lobby: In getting his
bill, S. F. 88, giving to Irrigation districts 1
the right of eminent; domain recommended
for third reading, and Senator Cady of
Howard county, after one of the hardest
fights of ihp entire sesslqn, had the pleas
ure of seeing hie decedents bills, four of
them, recommenced for passage. In these
bills, however, it is feared by the intro
ducer the senate waa too liberal in that
at the last minute Jones of Otoe moved
an amendment, which was carried, that
the widow be given one-half of the real
estate of her husband when the latter shall
have died Without having made a will.
,The Poor Stomach's Tale of Woe.
r Jast Now Ml-o-aa Is Needed.
At this season of the year thousands of
people arev already showing the 111 symp
toms that are sure to result from the usual
winter, diet. Indoor life, meat-eating,
hearty food, lack of exercise, overwork,
and poor ventilation spell "sickness," and
poor health.
If the stomach cannot do its work prop
erly, ill healtl) Is sure to follow, Ml-o-na la
the one medicine that assures' 4 natural
digestion, that strengthens the stomach,
that sooths and heals alt irritation, conges
tion and inflammation In the stomach or
bowels.'' It is this that makes It a certain
and . guaranteed cure for all stomach
troubles. : ' !. -,V,
If the digestion, Is Impaired, the blood is
Impoverished .. and . becomes filled with
poisonous Impurities, deranging the whole
system and, causing sickness and Buffering.
Mi-o-na, .acting, upon the stomach and
digestive organs cures sleeplessness, nerv
ous troubles, headaches, backaches, and
general weakness and debility.
If you. are weak and ailing the chances
ate that it la due to a diseased stomach,
but you; can be cured by using Ml-o-na.
Aak Sherman A McConnell, the reliable
drug firm, to show you the strong guar
antee under which Ml-o-na Is sold. Ml-o-na
costs but 60a a box. If It does not
help you. the price Is absolutely nothing.
voted by members of building associations
to the number of shares actually owned by
wiv fmny viMlllg.
S. F. 19B. an amendment to thA onnH
tutlon providing for the creation of a state
raiiroaa commission.
S. F. 17. provldln
llnquent children, was Indefinitely post
poned. .
The bill by Gibson to prohibit the sale of
liquor wnnin ow icet or any house of Ill
fame was Indefinitely postponed.
S. F. 157, the Tucker drainage bill, was
H. R. 172. transferring t2f.0fio from the
Norfolk to the Hastings asylum, fund'was
passea. . .. .
S. F. 83, the prosecution attorney bill.
waa niiieu in me coramiuee oi me wnoie.
force, and they seem to have the confidence
and esteem of the Inmates, which greatly
assists them In accomplishing the purpose
for which the Institution was established.
Tour committee has visited each of the
state Institutions except Mllford, which we
understand is under quarantine, and having
made a report to the house as to the con
dition and needs of said Institutions we beg
to Include and make a part ot this report
and request that the same be made a part
of the records, the expense accounts of the
members of the committee, for cash ac
tually paid out for hotel bills and trans
portation, wnicn are aa iouowa:
'aldwell ($4.48 railway fare) ,...$10.2
McElhlnney , ..,
Peabody t
SclUey .
Fltle ....
Effort to Get Bill Up Out of Its Order
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, March 8. (Special Telegram.)
Convening at 10 a. m. the' house passed
these bills: ' ' '
H. R. 1S8, by Douglas of Rock Cutting
out the assessor and county clerk as mem
bers of the county board of equalisation
H. R. 214, by Andersen of Douglas To
protect labels, trademarks snd forms of
advertising of union labor organisations.
H. R. 229, by Parker of Otoe Prohibiting
ok. ut.ll .ol n limisis aaHt KIh JV m
lilt) ICinil "aio vi. Hiuwi w i win itw loci ui . . v. i ......
any publlo school or country school house, dent pro tem. and therefore the speaker of
At 10:30 the house went Into committee of the hoyse were not eniuiea to mis money,
the whole with Jackson of Antelope in the the entire state capital is wrougnt to
Total $S5 08
Since W. H. Harrison, president pro tem.
ot the senate two years ago, turned back
Into the State treasury $219, representing
the amount he drew for the $3 a day extra
pay. pursuant to the decision of Lieu
tenant Governor McGllton that the presi-
chair. ,
At the afternoon session Dodge of Doug
las moved that the house go into committee
of the whole and first take up H. R. 297, by
himself, a proposed constitutional amend
ment for a railroad commlseion.
pitch of great excitement lest all the for
mer presidents pro tem. and speakers come
pouring the extra emoluments of their
office Into Mr. Mortensen s strong box
On an average the extra sum for each
man would come to about $200. Going back
peror Nicholas and high ministers were
informed in General Kouropatkin's tele
gram ot Tuesday, which stated tersely that
Mukden must be abandoned, and they re- if the ambassadorship which will come to an(l was stopped by a policeman a few
ocuu.. ol me Deginning oi me wun- Nebraska In September by the nomination 'cks lariner on.
urawaj as iney appeared in excised portions 0f D. E. Thompson to succeed Mr. Con- Gerhard waa not Injured at all. The
or the official dispatches given out yester- ger, )g taken nt0 congderatlon and which b"S(ry was badly scratched and the harness
I he Instated l( ,hni,M h. I Wm,
Last evening a newspaper contained a The senators said at that rate Nebraska
vague report oi aoubtrui origin, credited to
Ghirardelli's Ground Choco
late is the richest nerve and
muscle builder.
Chinese sources, but the first positive state
ment was derived from the Associated
Press dispatch from General Kurokl'a
headquarters, the contents of which were
quickly telegraphed to many liberals from
friends abroad. , Ths report probably will
not be printed In this morning's papers, the
government, true to its policy of breaking
Dad news gently preparing the way by au
thorizing a number of premonitory tele
grams. The news, however, is only what
waa expected. Ultimate retirement had
been discounted from the moment Oyama
inaugurated his brilliant move westward.
Koaropatkln Will Be Retired.
After this action General Kouropatkln'i
deposition may be regarded as certain. War
would lose all Its consular officers, but the
president would not go that far. After
their talk with Roosevelt the senators
called on Assistant Secretary Loomls, who
stated ' that in the event Mr. Thompson
refused to accept the Clenfuegos consulate
Mr. Baehr would be permitted to remain,
but Mr. Thompsons' nomination was con
firmed today, from which It would appear
that he Intends to accept the place.
The senators asked about Church Howe,
and were told that he was one of the
finest officers in the diplomatic service.
. "If you can give him even something
better than he now has, we want it done,
said Millard and Burkett in unison. While
the senators showed they resented the
manner in which Max Baehr waa removed,
SINGHAUS SUCCEEDS SLOAN But it is the most dehcioua
Jade Manser Names New Cmlted
States Commissioner foe
John A. Blnghaus of Tekamah, Burt
county, Nebraska, has been appointed
united states commissioner by Judge Mun-
ger, to nil the vacancy caused by the
resignation of Thomas L. Sloan of Pender.
To Care a Cold In One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund the money If It falls to
cure. E. W. Grove's signature Is on each
box. 25c..
drink as well.
Made Instantly with boiling milk.
Minister Sakharoff Is picked as his prob- they did not feel like quarreling with the
RAVrt'C Woodward A Burgess,
- ,. Managers.--
able successor, though Grand Duke Nich
olas Nicholaevich, of the board of strate
gists, may be entrusted with the direction
of affairs. As a strong faction of the army,
those high in influence about the emperor
opposed General Kouropatkln from the first
and though his early defeats were condoned
president. In view Of his statement that
Nebraska had more than Its share of con
sular officers, although they frankly
Shepherd Guilty of Manslaughter.
FAIRFIELD. Tn March II n.nui ,...
herd, charged with murder, waa today
found guiltv of mnrmlaiichtor nfi iri.. i
of three weeks. Shepherd was accused of
stated they could not see it in that light, having murdered an aged German by the
Roth .enntor. nre In recelnt of letters "J" "l . wno waa rouna
and telegrams from the Nebraska leglsla
Inr. frnm rbivernnr f1nlf AV . And State
because It was realised that General Kou- ofB" from ex-Chairman Llndsey and
dead on December 14, 1904.
oy a diow crom an axe.
He was killed
ropatkln waa doing all that man could with
the tools at his command, it is now felt
that after twice having had the oppor
tunity to show what he could do with a
powerful army, and having failed to ac
compllsh victory either time, his removal
is advisable. A high military official said
last night that the emperor had had enough
of a general whoae interpretation of a vie
tory was a successful retreat. The retreat
on Tie pass is bound to renew the attack
for peace, though Field Marshal Oyama has
failed to crush General Kouropatkln peace
is no more imperative now than it was last
month. Peace advocates point as a signlfi
cant fact the departure of Vice Admiral
Beer Bottle Settles Ararament.
Peter Anderson and Joe Rmlth,
of North Omaha, were arrested last even
ing in the snlonn of Mrs. Cummins at Six
teenth and 'Manderson streets on a charge
ui ngniing ana aisturDing tne peace. An-
aerson got into an argument which ended
other well known people urging that
George Anthus, deputy auditor, be given
a consular position somewhere. As Ne
braska, haa Just lost two places, there Is
small chance for Mr. Anthes, unless John in a fight over the merits of a barber who
Jenkins should resign from the consul gen
eralship at San Salvador, which has been
rumored for some time past.
A member of the delegation from Doug-
Ins county Is also a candidate for a diplo
matic place, and aa he voted for Burkett
Rojestvensky's squadron from Madagascar the White House all day long and some
had cut Anderson's hair. ' Smith was get-
the latter Is Inclined to do what he can I Is not to be trifled with. It may develop
to bring nis appointment bdoui. into a caa case oi lb urippe or even a
i.di.i.. in DiaanDolated. serious case . of Pneumonia. Keep the
There was a steady stream of callers at tomach strong and the blood pure and
Tonight, Friday and Saturday
The Romantic Drama .
I, ,i
Sunday and Monday Mat. Sunday
In the Great Comedy Opera
100 People. Big Cast of Principals.
and Jlbutll simultaneously' with the loss
ot the battle of Mukden, and intimate that
perhaps the recall' qt the fleet may have
been adopted in view ef the latter event.
Foster of Douglas expressed the view ten years into the history of the state this
would bring rorwara tweive men, six presi
dents pro tem. and six speakers, and If
they all followed Senator Harrison's prece
dent it would, therefore, net to the state
$2,400 not enough, of course, to obliterate
the state debt, but It would help aome.
that It was unfair to himself and the in
troducers of other bills to place Dodge'a
bill ahead on general file.
Peabody of Nemaha moved to table
Dodge's motion and then Changed it to
amend Dodge'a motion to . strike, out the
part taking tip the Dodge bill. Peabody'a
motion was carried.
Adna Dobson, secretary to the State
house adjourned at t:30 to rive time for the
extensive committee work.
on 94at
The house" then went into committee ot Board of Irrigation, is Just now trying to
the whole with Dodge ha tlie chair. Bev- 1 figure out how he will be able to devote
eral measures were dealt, with and the any time ana attention io irrigaiioc mat,
ters should all tne Dins now pending wnicn
affect hla office be passed by the legisla
ture. Besides the Irrigation bills others
are now up for consideration, making the
secretary of the Board of Irrigation county
engineer for every county in the state, su
perlntendent of highways and a few other
things. In the meantime tne omce has not
had a single dollar Increase In, appropria
tion since it was established. To carry out
the provisions of H. R. 265, should t be.
come a law, $3,000 will be appropriated
This bill makes the secretary draw plans
for the bridges to be erected In the various
counties of the state and to make, out the
specifications. To do the work, of course,
Mr. Dobson must have assistants, and this
Files Reports
, Institution.' :
' (From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, March 8. (Special.) The com,'
mittee on state prisons made the following
report to the senate of the conditions of
the state penitentiary:
Almost the last telle of the disastrous
fire of four years ago has disappeared and
the penitentiary aa -It stands wui, we be
lieve, compare favorably with the most
modern and up-to-date Institutions of Its
kind in the country. Certainly no penal
I I., h In .Via lTnltl QtSlAM . W i ., V.
we have received reports 'has- a better $3,000 Is supposed to pay the salary of the
assistants and at tne same time pay lor tne
blue prints. Mr. Dobson asked the com
mittee for $5,ooo appropriation, but the sum
was cut to $3,000.
eoulpped cell house than occupies the west
wing of the Nebraska penitentiary, and
the entire prison has a decided air of com-'
fort and sanitary excellence which. Is most
Every effort Seems to be made for the
physical welfare of tne unfortunates and
, 1 tf.'A v
Is the one - which you
hide away; which
earns , you nothing ana
which ia liable to "turn
up missing" just when it is most needeiil
ia the one which you place in this associ
ation, where k is absolutely safe and where
it is earning you 6 per cent. Start the year
right with an account in
&Ae Conservative Savings
; atd Loan Association,
205 Bouth 16th Street, Omaha. ; .
Lieutenant Governor McGllton left for
Chicago, where he waa called on important
legal business which he had to attend to
personally. He will be gone the remainder
of the week and during his absence Presi
dent Pro Tem. Jennings will preside over
the destinies of the senate.
Captain Allen G. Fisher appeared before
the claims committee tonight in sn ex
ecutive meeting at the Llndell hotel and
gave aome explanation of his claim of
IU.&O0 In the escheated land case. The
committee, however, did not obtain what
11 considered a final er adequate explana
tion and will hold further. conferences with
Mr. Fisher.
The land of Albert Ooedde, Fisher's cli
ent, was, so certain records show, ap
praised at fl.tOO and Fisher asks ths leg
islature to appropriate $11,600 to cover the
appraisal, which he certifies came to that
amount. For two sessions previous he
submitted claims of $4000 and tonight he
told the committee that waa "the amount
agreed on between me and certain par
ties" as the appraised valuation of the
land. The land la In Sioux county and was
left by Ooedde, his only heirs being In
Germany, hence the necessity under Ne
braska laws of taking the matter through
the channels of appraisement' and legis
lative appropriation. Fisher aa attorney
was to get all over $1,000 of the appraised
value. ' '
Captain Fisher stated tonight he wrote
to Ihe claims, committee ssklng for the
opportunity ut buiug kxU la hi wn
School of Acting Pupils Pat on Four
Short Plays to Please
' , Friends.
.... r . ...... ., .
Pupils of the Boyd' School , of Acting,, un
der the direction," of ; Miss LUllan Fitch,
gave four one-act plays last night before
an ' audience ' of ' friends that ; filled the
theater, and . encouraged ' the aotors by
kindly applause. The plays and the players
werefj .
"My College Chum."
Ned Burleigh Graydon Fox
Steve Hudson Max Kehfeldt
Jack Randolph George Liggett
prof. Sh reedy (unattached to the uni
versity) , Clifford Hlne
Mrs. Hudson Miss Anderson
Miss Hudson Kathleen Gerke
"The Swofd of Remembrance." by Alice
xates urant.
Scene Drawlns: room of the Dravton
nome, new lorn. .
Colonel W ashlngton ' FitshuKh .
George B. Phe'.ps
Biuyvesanr xompains .,
Nancy Drayton
Amy Drayton
"A Bachelor's Wives.'
Sofia Lee (Architect)...
Helen Curtis (Artist)...
Margaret Armstrong (Writer),
...Enid Valentine
Archibald Vernon (The Bachelor)....;...
George Liggett
A Scene from "Mercedes," by Thomaa
uauey amncn:
Luvolr (A Captain in French Army)..
Clifford Hlne
Labolssiere (A Lieutenant)
v... George B. Phelps
A Soldier Graydon Fox
Aierceaes (A tspanisn uiri;
Fanny Dietrich
.Clifford Hlne
Mary Wallace
... Helen Empten
.Hasel Livingston
Katnieen uerke
Take Plea's Cure for, Consumption,
Coughs and Colds. AJI druggists, $5c.
Who Soaa-nt 'to Commit atalclda
Didn't Drink Eaouarh of Car-
J. G. Dofflemeyer made an unsuccessful
attempt to commit suicide Wednesday
afternoon by taking carbolic acid In his
room at 1124 Jaokson street. He did not
swallow much of the poison, and prompt
action by Police Surgeons Kennedy and
WIgton saved hla life.
Dofflemeyer came to Omaha about three
months ago with his wife and aged father.
Ho had been out of work for 'some time
and is said to have become despondent.
His wife is a oook at the Union hotel.
Wednesday . afternoon he went Into his
room to lie' down and about fifteen minutes
afterwards was discovered by bis. father,
lying on the bed with a partly filled bot
tle of acid by bis side. On a chair was
a note which read:
Cora and Pa: I have longed to live for
what I believed might be something to
me. I paid interest on all the goods and
am not wormy or you ana ra, so lei my
old body go to the medics. I have about
three ounces of carbolic acid. I will take
some; so farewell; and If in heaven I can
see you, ail is well. Lovingly your hus
band. Joe.'
Lower down was a line, evidently written RRACE SPENCER S NOW FREE I
alter ne naa swanowea tne acm. ,
'I am so sick. Just wait, Cora." I Relative of Woman Cornea to Front
k .1 AM . .
TP. E3. Goodwin, an exoert roller- skater I iteieaso.
and nolo player, has been appointed floor
manottA m V. il,Ml,im rv, M.v vl n ir I
to succeed J. P. Pitt, resigned. ' I Mrs. Grace Spencer walks the streets of
C. V. Hlgby of the Auditorium roller rink I Omaha today a free woman after having
rii'm'i 1? thnffLJtL rM thJ' r pros-
w a an tavis aw viii
relative whom snc naa not seen for a
lone time was attracted to her aid by
means of newspaper articles and has ad
vanced to Sunderland Bros. $25, the amount
which she secured from the firm by sign
ing the name of Helen D. Wormersley.
The case was dismissed by Judge Berks
Wednesday for want ot prosecution.
Mrs. Spencer has been offered a position
by a drug firm of the city and this ahe
says she will accept.
Police Matron Anderson Is much pleased
with the disposition of the caae. She
of the president's callers were compelled
to go away without seeing him. Among
these was a delegation of Sioux Indians,
who came to Washington to attend the
inauguration, but who were refused per
mission to parade by Commissioner Leupp,
on the ground that the inauguration was
not a wild west show. Throwing a few
guttural chunks of conversation at the
biggest chief In the party the Interpreter
received from the big brave a much-soiled
letter, which was solemnly handed to the
president's doorkeeper. Finally the answer
earn back that they must first see Com-
miaaioner,.Leupp -before they would be al
lowed to -enter the- presidential presence,
and back the , noble red men started for
the Indian office. The leading chiefs in
the delegatlonwere Shooting Hawk Eagle,
Track Yellow Thunder, Hollow Horn and
Charging Bear.
New Barracks at Niobrara.
Representative Klnkald called on Gen
eral Humphrey today relative to the new
barracks at Fort Niobrara and to ascer
tain if the old foundations could be util
ised for the new buildings. General
Humphrey, stated that plans for the bar
racks had been sent to the quartermaster
at the fort and that the question of the
use of the old foundations would also
have to be determined by him. Judge Kln
kald left tonight for the west.
' " Cowboys at White Hoase.
Captain Seth Bullock and his company
of cowboys, whose picturesque appearance
was a featuro of the Inauguration day pa
rade, were given a reception tonight by
President Roosevelt. They walked to the
White House In the rain, having sold their
ponies which they brought with them from
the west. Captain Bullock and his men
remained at the White House for an hour,
having an informal chat and a smoke with
the president, who gave them a cordial
greeting. They leave for home tomorrow.
The reception was the outcome of the
presentation today by the cowboys to
young Theodore Roosevelt of one of the
ponies they brought with them, a strong,
gray animal, . fourteen or fifteen hands
high,, which the young man admired very
much. With the pony also went a com
plete outfit, including a bridle, saddle,
"chaps and a slicker or raincoat.
Cattlemen in Washing-ton.
A delegation of cattlemen, Including W.
Ck. Comstock of Nebraska, will have a con
ference with Secretary Wilson tomorrow,
aa well as with D. Salmon of the Bureau
of Animal Industry, regadlng modifications
of existing orders for dipping feeders.
These cattlemen say that If the orders
are carried out it will mean a great loss
to them in addition to needless expense.
Baxter Bees Moody.
Judge Baxter had a further talk today
with Attorney General Moody regarding
forthcoming actions against cattlemen for
illegal fencing of the public domain, and
more than ever is it Judge Baxter's in
tention to begin suits the moment he gets
back to Omaha. He will go to New York
tomorrow and then home.
Senator and MIbs Millard left tonight for
New York, on their way to Nebraska.
Senator Millard will return to Washing.
ton to attend a hearing of the Interstate
commerce committee, of which he ia a
you are well fortified against attacks of I
Chills and Colds. .To ao thie you need
March 14 and IB
Parsifal Matinee Wednesday 11 o'clock
Evenings gt 6:30 o'clockv. .;' .
Henry W. Savage's Production of
Richard Wagner'a Music-Drama.
300 People. Orchestra of 60.
Prices-13, $2.50, $2, $1.50, $1, 75o,' 50c.
A few doses at the
TTtTdVU first sign of taking
kJig$ cold will eave you
a lot of unneces
sary " sufferlnK.
Tlien It Also cures
Sick Headache,
General Debility,
Dyspepsia or
Malaria Fever.
Try a bottle today.
The genuine has
our Private Stamp
over the neck.
The Food That Does Good
OF .
. Prof. Franks and Daughter.
Afternoon and Evening. .
Admission 10 Cents
1 I HIiS. Sll I
IN lltT$l
IR AVlna.R. a
PHONE 404.
The Cod Liver Oil Emulsion "Par Excellence" for
Coughs, Colds, InflaeaMt Bronchitis, La Grip,
5ore Throat and Lungs, Catarrh, Pneumonia,
Consumption and all Pulmonary Diseases. 'All
Druggists, two sites, 60c. and $1.
to sll sanding name and address to
OIOMULSION CO., 98 Pint Street. New York.
R & " fit' A?
Madame Yale
TODAY risj&e
CHILDREN,. 10c. . '
TONIGHT, :15 Prices. 10c. 28c, Mo.
Prices, 05c. 28c, BOct 75o.
The Great Sensational Comedy,
Is Delmonlco
Broadway and A3 Sfrstt
Empire Square.
For less money than It costs
to stop at other hotels,
we offer you: ' " "
Splfsdld Room
Excellent Cuisine
Efficient Servlca
Central Location
No tired
food la used. -
"trial prove.
At Doyd'a Opera House.
All tickets now on band can be ob-
has become very Interested In Mrs. Bpencer talned any tlmo tomorrow morning at
All Improvement!
Automatic Llrhtlnr Devices, Electric
Clock and Telephone la (very room.
hat Just been
(pent In
and has worked hard la her twhalf.
(According to the woman's own statement.
she will have nothing further to do with
Ed Bryan, the South Omaha man to whom
she was ei ftifed, and who did nolblog to
the drug department of the Huston
Grand Musical Programme.
V, Johnson Qulnn. Prop.
St-nd for guide of New York-Free.
.!'' ' sjU. A i J.i'..n " "n hi.'"'.' jiiDi in. .twatBwrwCy
""1 f